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Full text of "An Astrologers Day"

AN ASTROLOGER'S DAY and other stories

Most of these stories were fast published in the Hindu of Madras ! a" #rateful to its Editor for per"ission to

reprint the" in this $olu"e


3ONTENTS (AGE * 6 8 An Astrolo#er's Da5 i The Missin# Mail 7 The Do9tor's .ord *-

, 1 : 7 + *< * * *6 *8 *, *1 *: ** 7 *+ 6< 6*

Gate"an's Gift 6, The Ro"an !"a#e 81 The %lind Do# ,1 'ellow;'eelin# 16 The .at9h"an :* The Ti#er's 3law :The (erfor"in# 3hild -1 !swaran 76 The E$enin# Gift +6 A Sna=e in the Grass *<< An A99ident *<, Su9h (erfe9tion *<+ A 3areer **1 'ather's Help *61 The Sna=e;Son# *8, 'ort5;fi$e a Month *,< Dasi the %ride#roo" *,7 Old Man of the Te"ple *1:

3ONTENTS (AOE 66 68 6, 61 6: 667 Out of %usiness *:, Old %ones *-* Attila *-7 The A>e *71 En#ine Trouble *+8 All A$oidable Tal= 6<8 'ruition at 'ort5 6**

6+ 8<

Gri"e and (unish"ent 6*: )nder the %an5an Tree 666

AN ASTROLOGER'S DAY ()N3T)ALLY at "idda5 he opened his ba# and spread out his professional e?uip"ent2 whi9h 9on; sisted of a do@en 9owrie shells2 a s?uare pie9e of 9loth with obs9ure "5sti9 9harts on it2 a noteboo=2 and a bundle of pal"5ra writin# His forehead was re; splendent with sa9red ash and $er"ilion2 and his e5es spar=led with a sharp abnor"al #lea" whi9h was reall5 an out9o"e of a 9ontinual sear9hin# loo= for 9usto"ers2 but whi9h his si"ple 9lients too= to be a propheti9 li#ht and felt 9o"forted The power of his e5es was 9onsiderabl5 enhan9ed b5 their position pla9ed as the5 were between the painted forehead and the dar= whis=ers whi9h strea"ed down his 9hee=s A e$en a half;wit's e5es would spar=le in su9h a settin# To 9rown the effe9t he wound a saffron;9oloured turban around his head This 9olour s9he"e ne$er failed (eople were attra9ted to hi" as bees are attra9ted to 9os"os or dahlia stal=s He sat under the bou#hs of a spreadin# ta"arind tree whi9h flan=ed a path runnin# throu#h the Town Hall (ar= !t was a re"ar=able pla9e in "an5 wa5s A a sur#in# 9rowd was alwa5s "o$in# up and down this narrow road "ornin# till ni#htB A $ariet5 of trades and o99upations was represented all alon# its wa5 A "edi9ine sellers2 sellers

6 AN ASTROLOGER'S DAY of stolen hardware and Cun=2 "a#i9ians2 and2 abo$e all2 an au9tioneer of 9heap doth2 who 9reated enou#h din all da5 to attra9t the whole town Ne>t to hi" in $o9iferousness 9a"e a $endor of fried #roundnut2 who #a$e his ware a fan95 na"e ea9h da52 9allin# it D %o"ba5 !9e;3rea" D one da52 and on the ne>t D Delhi Al"ond2D and on the third D RaCa's Deli9a952D and so on and so forth2 and people flo9=ed to hi" A 9onsiderable portion of this 9rowd dallied before the astrolo#er too The astrolo#er transa9ted his business b5 the li#ht of a flare whi9h 9ra9=led and s"o=ed up abo$e the #roundnut heap nearb5 Half the en9hantB "ent of the pla9e was due to the fa9t that it did not ha$e the benefit of "uni9ipal li#htin# The pla9e was lit up b5 shop li#hts One or two had hissin# #asli#hts2 so"e had na=ed flares stu9= on poles2 so"e were lit up b5 old 959le la"ps2 and one or two2 li=e the astrolo#er's2 "ana#ed without li#hts of their own !t was a be; wilderin# 9riss;9ross of li#ht ra5s and "o$in# shadows This suited the astrolo#er $er5 well2 for the si"ple

reason that he had not in the least intended to be an astrolo#er when he be#an life E and he =new no "ore of what was #oin# to happen to others than he =new what was #oin# to happen to hi"self ne>t "inute He was as "u9h a stran#er to the stars as were his inno9ent 9usto"ers Yet he said thin#s whi9h pleased and astonished e$er5one A that was "ore a "atter of stud52 pra9ti9e2 and shrewd #uesswor= All the sa"e2 it was as "u9h an honest "an's labour as an5 other2 and he deser$ed the wa#es he 9arried ho"e at the end of a da5 He had left his $illa#e without an5 pre$ious thou#ht or plan !f he had 9ontinued there he would ha$e 9arried on the wor= of his forefathers na"el52 tillin# the land2 li$in#2 "arr5in#2 and ripenin# in his 9ornfield

AN ASTROLOGERS DAY 8 and an9estral ho"e %ut that was not to be He had to lea$e ho"e without tellin# an5one2 and he 9ould not rest till he left it behind a 9ouple of hundred "iles To a $illa#er it is a #reat deal2 as if an o9ean flowed between He had a wor=in# anal5sis of "an=ind's troubles A "arria#e2 "one52 and the tan#les of hu"an ties Lon# pra9ti9e had sharpened his per9eption .ithin fi$e "inutes he understood what was wron# He 9har#ed three pies per ?uestion2 ne$er opened his "outh till the other had spo=en for at least ten "inutes2 whi9h pro$ided hi" enou#h stuff for a do@en answers and ad$i9es .hen he told the person before hi"2 #a@in# at his pal"2 D !n "an5 wa5s 5ou are not #ettin# the fullest results for 5our efforts2D nine out of ten were disposed to a#ree with hi" Or he ?uestioned A D !s there an5 wo"an in 5our fa"il52 "a5be e$en a distant relati$e2 who is not well disposed towards 5ou F D Or he #a$e an anal5sis of 9hara9ter A D Most of 5our troubles are due to 5our nature How 9an 5ou be otherwise with Saturn where he is F You ha$e an i"petuous nature and a rou#h e>terior D This en; deared hi" to their hearts i""ediatel52 forE e$en the "ildest of us lo$es to thin= that he has a forbiddin# e>terior The nuts $endor blew out his flare and rose to #o ho"e This was a si#nal for the astrolo#er to bundle up too2 sin9e it left hi" in dar=ness e>9ept for a little shaft of #reen li#ht whi9h stra5ed in fro" so"ewhere and tou9hed the #round before hi" He pi9=ed up his 9owrie shells and paraphernalia and was puttin# the" ba9= into his ba# when the #reen shaft of li#ht was blotted out E he loo=ed up and saw a "an standin# before hi" He sensed a possible 9lient and said A

, AN ASTROLOGER'S DAY D You loo= so 9areworn !t will do 5ou #ood to sit down for a while and 9hat with "e D The other #ru"bled so"e repl5 $a#uel5 The astrolo#er pressed his in$itation E whereupon the other thrust his pal" under his nose2 sa5in# A D You 9all 5ourself an astrolo#er F D The astrolo#er felt 9hallen#ed and said2 tiltin# the other's pal" towards the #reen shaft of li#ht A D Yours is a nature D D Oh2 stop that2D the other said D Tell "e so"ethin# worth while D Our friend felt pi?ued D ! 9har#e onl5 three pies per ?uestion2 and what 5ou #et ou#ht to be #ood enou#h for 5our "one5 D At this the other withdrew his ar"2 too= out an anna2 and flun# it out to hi"2 sa5in# A D ! ha$e so"e ?uestions to as= !f ! pro$e 5ou are bluffin#2 5ou "ust return that anna to "e with interest D D !f 5ou find "5 answers satisfa9tor52 will 5ou #i$e "e fi$e rupees F D D No D D Or will 5ou #i$e "e ei#ht annas F D D All ri#ht2 pro$ided 5ou #i$e "e twi9e as "u9h if 5ou are wron#2D said the stran#er This pa9t was a99epted after a little further ar#u"ent The astrolo#er sent up a pra5er to hea$en as the other lit a 9heroot The astrolo#er 9au#ht a #li"pse of his fa9e b5 the "at9hli#ht There was a pause as 9ars hooted on the roGdCut=a dri$ers swore at their horses2 and the babble of the 9rowd a#itated the se"i;dar=ness of the par= The other sat down2 su9=in# his 9heroot2 puffin# out2 sat there ruthlessl5 The astrolo#er felt $er5 un9o"; fortable D Here2 ta=e 5our anna ba9= ! a" not used to su9h 9hallen#es !t is late for "e toda5 D He "ade preparations to bundle up The other held his wrist and said A D You 9an't #et out of it now You

AN ASTROLOGER'S DAY 1 dra##ed "e in while ! was passin# D The astrolo#er shi$ered in his #rip E and his $oi9e shoo= and be9a"e faint D Lea$e "e toda5 ! will spea= to 5ou to; "orrow D The other thrust his pal" in his fa9e and said A D 3hallen#e is 9hallen#e Go on D The as; trolo#er pro9eeded with his throat dr5in# up A D There is a wo"an D D Stop2D said the other D ! don't want all that Shall ! su99eed in "5 present sear9h or not F Answer

this and #o Otherwise ! will not let 5ou #o till 5ou dis#or#e all 5our 9oins D The astrolo#er "uttered a few in9antations and replied A D All ri#ht ! will spea= %ut will 5ou #i$e "e a rupee if what ! sa5 is 9on$in9in# F Otherwise ! will not open "5 "outh2 and 5ou "a5 do what 5ou li=e D After a #ood deal of ha##lin# the other a#reed The astrolo#er said A D You were left for dead A" ! ri#ht F D D Ah2 tell "e "ore D D A =nife has passed throu#h 5ou on9e F D said the astrolo#er D Good fellow H D He bared his 9hest to show the s9ar D.hat elseFD D And then 5ou were pushed into a well nearb5 in the field You were left for dead D D ! should ha$e been dead if so"e passer;b5 had not 9han9ed to peep into the well2D e>9lai"ed the other2 o$erwhel"ed b5 enthusias" D .hen shall ! #et at hi" F D he as=ed2 9len9hin# his fist D !n the ne>t world2D answered the astrolo#er D He died four "onths a#o in a far;off town You will ne$er see an5 "ore of hi" D The other #roaned on hearin# it The astrolo#er pro9eeded A D Guru Na5a= D D You =now "5 na"e H D the other said2 ta=en aba9=

: AN ASTROLOGER'S DAY D As ! =now all other thin#s Guru Na5a=2 listen 9arefull5 to what ! ha$e to sa5 Your $illa#e is two da5's Courne5 due north of this town Ta=e the ne>t train and be #one ! see on9e a#ain #reat dan#er to 5our life if 5ou #o fro" ho"e D He too= out a pin9h of sa9red ash and held it to hi" D Rub it on 5our forehead and #o ho"e Ne$er tra$el southward a#ain2 and 5ou will li$e to be a hundred D D .h5 should ! lea$e ho"e a#ain F D the other said refle9ti$el5 D ! was onl5 #oin# awa5 now and then to loo= for hi" and to 9ho=e out his life if ! "et hi" D He shoo= his head re#retfull5 D He has es9aped "5 hands ! hope at least he died as he deser$ed D D Yes2D said the astrolo#er D He was 9rushed under a lorr5 D The other loo=ed #ratified to hear it The pla9e was deserted b5 the ti"e the astrolo#er pi9=ed up his arti9les and put the" into his ba# The

#reen shaft was also #one2 lea$in# the pla9e in dar=ness and silen9e The stran#er had #one off into the ni#ht2 after #i$in# the astrolo#er a handful of 9oins !t was nearl5 "idni#ht when the astrolo#er rea9hed ho"e His wife was waitin# for hi" at the door and de"anded an e>planation He flun# the 9oins at her and said A D 3ount the" One "an #a$e all that D DTwel$e and a half annas2D she said2 9ountin# She was o$erCo5ed D ! 9an bu5 so"e Ca##er5 and 9o9onut to"orrow The 9hild has been as=in# for sweets for so "an5 da5s now ! will prepare so"e ni9e stuff for her D D The swine has 9heated "e H He pro"ised "e a rupee2D said the astrolo#er She loo=ed up at hi" D You loo= worried .hat is wron# F D D Nothin# D After dinner2 sittin# on the p5ol2 he told her A D Do 5ou =now a #reat load is #one fro" "e toda5F !

AN ASTROLOGER'S DAY thou#ht ! had the blood of a "an on "5 hands all these 5ears That was the reason wh5 ! ran awa5 fro" ho"e2 settled here2 and "arried 5ou He is ali$e D She #asped D You tried to =ill H D

D Yes2 in our $illa#e2 when ! was a sill5 5oun#ster .e dran=2 #a"bled2 and ?uarrelled badl5 one da5 wh5 thin= of it now F Ti"e to sleep2D he said2 5awnin#2 and stret9hed hi"self on the p5ol

6 THE M!SS!NG MA!L THO)GH his beat 9o$ered 4ina5a= Mudali Street and its four parallel roads2 it too= hi" nearl5 si> hours before he finished his round and returned to the head offi9e in Mar=et Road to deli$er a99ounts He allowed hi"self to #et "i>ed up with the fortunes of the persons to who" he was 9arr5in# letters At No *82 &abir Street2 li$ed the "an who had 9o"e half;wa5 up the road to as= for a letter for so "an5 5ears now Thanappa had seen hi" as a 5oun#ster2 and had wat9hed hi" da5 b5 da5 #re5in# on the pial2 sittin# there and hopin# for a bi# pri@e to 9o"e his wa5 throu#h sol$in# 9rossword pu@@les D No pri@e 5et2D he announ9ed to hi" e$er5 da5 D %ut don't be dis; heartened D D Your interest has been dela5ed this

"onth so"ehow2D he said to another D Your son at H5derabad has written a#ain2 "ada" How "an5 9hildren has he now F D D! did not =now that 5ou had applied for this Madras Cob E 5ou ha$en't 9ared to tell "e H !t doesn't "atter .hen ! brin# 5ou 5our appoint"ent order 5ou "ust feed "e with 9o9onut pa5asa"D And at ea9h of these pla9es he stopped for nearl5 half an hour Espe9iall5 if an5one re9ei$ed "one5 orders2 he Cust settled down ?uite ni9el52 with his ba#s and bundles spread about hi"2 and would not rise till he #athered an idea of how and where e$er5 rupee was #oin# !f it was a hot da5 he so"eti"es 7

THE M!SS!NG MA!L + as=ed for a tu"bler of butter"il= and sat down to enCo5 it E$er5bod5 li=ed hi" on his beat He was a part and par9el of their e>isten9e2 their hopes2 aspirations2 and a9ti$ities Of all his 9onta9ts2 the one with whi9h he was "ost inti"atel5 bound up was No *<2 4ina5a= Mudali Street Ru"anuCa" was a senior 9ler= in the Re$enue Di$ision Offi9e2 and Thanappa had 9arried letters to that address for o$er a #eneration now His earliest asso9iation with Ra"anuCa" was 5ears and 5ears a#o Ra"anuCa"'s wife was awa5 in the $illa#e A 9ard arri$ed for Ra"anuCa" Thanappa2 as was his 9usto"2 #lan9ed throu#h it at the sortin# table itself E and2 the "o"ent the5 were read5 to start out2 went strai#ht to 4ina5a= Mudali Street2 thou#h in the ordinar5 9ourse o$er *1< addresses pre9eded it He went strai#ht to Ra"anuCa"'s house2 =no9=ed on the door and shouted A D (ost"an2 sir2 post"an D .hen Ra"anuCa" opened it2 he said A D Gi$e "e a handful of su#ar before ! #i$e 5ou this 9ard Happ5 father H After all these 5ears of pra5ers H Don't 9o"plain that it is a dau#hter Dau#hters are God's #ift2 5ou =now &a"a=shi lo$el5 na"e H D D &a"a=shi2D he addressed the tall2 bashful #irl2 5ears later2 D #et 5our photo read5 Ah2 so sh5 H Here is 5our #randfather's 9ard as=in# for 5our photo .h5 should he want it2 unless it be D D The old #entle"an writes rather fre?uentl5 now2 doesn't he2 sir F D he as=ed Ra"anuCa"2 as he handed hi" his letter and waited for hi" to open the en$elope and #o throu#h its 9ontents Ra"anuCa" loo=ed worried after readin# it The post"an as=ed A D ! hope it's #ood news F D He leaned a#ainst the $eranda

io THE M!SS!NG MA!L pillar2 with a sta9= of undeli$ered letters still under his ar" Ra"anuCa" said A D M5 father;in;law thin=s ! a" not suffi9ientl5 a9ti$e in findin# a husband for "5 dau#hter He has tried one or two pla9es and failed He thin=s ! a" $er5 indifferent D D Elderl5 people ha$e their own an>iet52D the post"an replied D The trouble is2D said Ra"anuCa"2 D that he has set apart fi$e thousand rupees for this #irl's "arria#e and is worr5in# "e to find a husband for her i""ediatel5 %ut "one5 is not e$er5thin# D D No2 no2D e9hoed the post"an E D unless the destined hour is at hand2 nothin# 9an help D Da5 after da5 for "onths Thanappa deli$ered the letters and waited to be told the news A D Sa"e old news2 Thanappa Horos9opes do not a#ree The5 are de"andin# too "u9h E$identl5 the52 do not appro$e of her appearan9e D D Appearan9e H She loo=s li=e a ?ueen )nless one is totall5 blind D the post"an retorted an#ril5 The season would be 9losin#2 with onl5 three "ore auspi9ious dates2 the last bein# Ma5 6Oth The #irl would be se$enteen in a few da5s The re"inders fro" her #randfather were be9o"in# fier9er Ra"anuCa" had e>hausted all the possibilities and had drawn a blan= e$er5where He loo=ed helpless and "iserable D (ost"an2D he said2 D ! don't thin= there is a son;in;law for "e an5where D D Oh2 don't utter inauspi9ious "an said D .hen God wills it for a while and said A D There two hundred rupees Ma=unda of after hi" Ma=unda and 5ou are 9aste2 ! belie$e D words2 sir2D the post; D He refle9ted is a bo5 in Delhi earnin# Te"ple Street was of the sa"e sub;

THE M!SS!NG MA!L ** D The5 ha$e been ne#otiatin# for "onths now O$er a hundred letters ha$e passed between the" alread5 %ut ! =now the5 are definitel5 brea=in# off !t is o$er so"e "one5 ?uestion The5 ha$e written their last "essa#e on a post9ard and it has infuriated these people all the "ore As if post; 9ards were an instru"ent of insult H ! ha$e =nown "ost i"portant 9o""uni9ations bein# written e$en on pi9ture post9ards E when RaCappa went to A"eri9a two 5ears a#o he used to write to his sons e$er5 wee= on pi9ture post9ards D After this di#ression he 9a"e ba9= to the point D ! will as= Ma=unda to #i$e "e the horos9ope Let us see D Ne>t da5 he brou#ht the horos9ope with hi" D The bo5's parents

are also in Delhi2 so 5ou 9an write to the" i""ediatel5 No ti"e to waste now D A ra5 of hope tou9hed Ra"anuCa"'s fa"il5 D ! ha$e still a hundred letters to deli$er2 but ! 9a"e here first be9ause ! saw this Delhi post"ar= Open it and tell "e what the5 ha$e written2D said Thanappa He tre"bled with suspense D How pro"pt these people are H So the5 appro$e of the photo H .ho wouldn't F D DA letter e$er5 da5 H ! "i#ht as well appl5 for lea$e till &a"a=shi's "arria#e is o$er D he said another da5 D You are alread5 tal=in# as if it were 9o"in# off to"orrow H God =nows how "an5 hurdles we ha$e to 9ross now Li=in# a photo does not pro$e an5thin# D The fa"il5 9oun9il was dis9ussin# an i"portant ?uestion A whether Ra"anuCa" should #o to Madras2 ta=in# the #irl with hi"2 and "eet the part52 who 9ould 9o"e down for a da5 fro" Delhi The fa"il5 was di$ided o$er the ?uestion Ra"anuCa"2 his "other2 and his wife none of the" had defined $iews on the

*6 THE M!SS!NG MA!L ?uestion2 but 5et the5 opposed ea9h other $ehe"entl5 D .e shall be the lau#hin#;sto9= of the town2D said Ra"anuCa"'s wife2 D if we ta=e the #irl out to be shown round D D .hat ?ueer notions H !f 5ou stand on all these absurd anti?uated for"alities2 we shall ne$er #et an5; where near a "arria#e !t is our dut5 to ta=e the #irl o$er e$en to Delhi if ne9essar5 D D !t is 5our pleasure2 then E 5ou 9an do what 5ou please E wh5 9onsult "e F D Te"pers were at their worst2 and no pro#ress see"ed possible Ti"e was "ar9hin# The post"an had #ot into the habit of droppin# in at the end of his da5's wor=2 and Coinin# in the 9oun9il D ! a" a third part5 Listen to "e2D he said D Sir2 please ta=e the train to Madras i""ediatel5 .hat 5ou 9annot a9hie$e b5 a 5ear's 9orresponden9e 5ou 9an do in an hour's "eetin# D D Here is a letter fro" Madras2 "ada" ! a" sure it is fro" 5our husband .hat is the news F D He handed the 9o$er to Ra"anuCa"'s wife2 and she too= it in to read He said A D ! ha$e so"e re#istered letters for those last houses ! will finish "5 round2 and 9o"e ba9= D He returned as pro"ised D Ha$e the5 "et2 "ada" F D

D Yes2 &a"a=shi's father has written that the5 ha$e "et the #irl2 and fro" their tal= &a"a=shi's father infers the5 are ?uite willin# D D Grand news H ! will offer a 9o9onut to our 4ina5a=a toni#ht D D%ut2D the lad5 added2 half o$erwhel"ed with happiness and half worried2 D there is this diffi9ult5 .e had an idea of doin# it durin# ne>t Thai "onth !t will be so diffi9ult to hurr5 throu#h the arran#e"ents now %ut the5 sa5 that if the "arria#e

THE M!SS!NG MA!L *8 is done it "ust be done on the twentieth of Ma5 !f it is postponed the bo5 9an't "an5 for three 5ears He is bein# sent awa5 for so"e trainin# D D The old #entle"an is as #ood as his wordI' the post"an said2 deli$erin# an insuran9e 9o$er to Ra"a; nuCa" D He has #i$en the entire a"ount You 9an't 9o"plain of la9= of funds now Go ahead !'" so happ5 5ou ha$e his appro$al More than their "one52 we need their blessin#s2 sir ! hope he has sent his heartiest blessin#s D D Oh 5es2 oh 5es2D replied Ra"anuCa"2 D M5 father;in;law see"s to be $er5 happ5 at this proposal D A fi$e;thousand;rupee "arria#e was a bi# affair for Mal#udi Ra"anuCa"2 with so short a ti"e before hi"2 and none to share the tas= of arran#e"ents2 be9a"e distrau#ht As far as it 9ould #o2 Thanappa pla9ed hi"self at his ser$i9e durin# all his off hours He 9ut short his elo?uen9e2 ad$i9es2 and e>9han#es in other houses He ne$er waited for an5one to 9o"e up and re9ei$e the letters He Cust tossed the" throu#h a window or an open door with a stentorian D Letter2 sir D !f the5 stopped hi" and as=ed A D .hat is the "atter with 5ou F !n su9h a hurr5 H D 2 D Yes2 lea$e "e alone till the twentieth of Ma5 ! will 9o"e and s?uat in 5our house after that D and he was off Ra"anuCa" was in #reat tension He tre"bled with an>iet5 as the da5 approa9hed nearer D !t "ust #o on s"oothl5 Nothin# should pro$e a hindran9e D D Do not worr52 sir E it will #o throu#h happil52 b5 God's #ra9e You ha$e #i$en the" e$er5thin# the5 wanted in 9ash2 presents2 and st5le The5 are #ood people D D !t is not about that !t is the $er5 last date for the 5ear !f for so"e reason so"e obstru9tion 9o"es up2

i , THE M!SS!NG MA!L it is all finished for e$er The bo5 #oes awa5 for three 5ears ! don't thin= either of us would be prepared to bind oursel$es to wait for three 5ears D !t was four hours past the Muhurta" on the da5 of the weddin# A ?uiet had des9ended on the #atherin# The 5oun# s"art bride#roo" fro" Delhi was seated in a 9hair under the pandal 'ra#ran9e of sandal2 and flowers2 and hol5 s"o=e2 hun# about the air (eople were sittin# around the bride#roo" tal=in# Thanappa appeared at the #ate loaded with letters So"e 5oun# "en ran up to hi" de"andin# A D (ost"an H Letters F D He held the" off D Get ba9= ! =now to who" to deli$er D He wal=ed up to the bride#roo" and held up to hi" a bundle of letters $er5 respe9tfull5 D These are all #reetin#s and blessin#s fro" well; wishers2 ! belie$e2 sir2 and "5 own #o with e$er5 one of the" D He see"ed $er5 proud of perfor"in# this tas=2 and loo=ed $er5 serious The bride#roo" loo=ed up at hi" with an a"used s"ile and "uttered A D Than=s D D .e are all $er5 proud to ha$e 5our distin#uished self as a son;in;law of this house ! ha$e =nown that 9hild2 &a"a=shi2 e$er sin9e she was a da5 old2 and ! =new she would alwa5s #et a distin#uished husband2D added the post"an2 and brou#ht his pal"s to#ether in a salute2 and "o$ed into the house to deli$er other letters and to refresh hi"self in the =it9hen with tiffin and 9offee Ten da5s later he =no9=ed on the door and2 with a #rin2 handed &a"a=shi her first letter A D Ah2 s9ented en$elope H ! =new it was 9o"in# when the "ail $an was three stations awa5 ! ha$e seen hundreds li=e this Ta=e it fro" "e %efore he has written the tenth letter he will 9o""and 5ou to pa9= up and Coin hi"2 and 5ou will #row a 9ouple of win#s and fl5 awa5

THE M!SS!NG MA!L *1 that $er5 da52 and for#et for e$er Thanappa and this street2 isn't it so F D &a"a=shi blushed2 snat9hed the letter fro" his hands2 and ran in to read it He said2 turnin# awa5 A D ! don't thin= there is an5 use waitin# for 5ou to finish the letter and tell "e its 9ontents D On a holida52 when he was sure Ra"anuCa" would be at ho"e2 Thanappa =no9=ed on the door and handed hi" a 9ard D Ah H D 9ried Ra"anuCa" D %ad news2 Thanappa M5 un9le2 "5 father's brother2 is $er5 ill in Sale"2 and the5 want "e to start i"; "ediatel5 D D !'" $er5 sorr5 to hear it2 sir2D said Thanappa2 and

handed hi" a tele#ra"

D Here's another

Ra"anuCa" 9ried A D A tele#ra" H D He #lan9ed at it and s9rea"ed A D Oh2 he is dead H D He sat down on the pial2 unable to stand the sho9= Thanappa loo=ed e?uall5 "iserable Ra"anuCa" rallied2 #athered hi"self up2 and turned to #o in Thanappa said A D One "o"ent2 sir ! ha$e a 9onfession to "a=e See the date on the 9ard D D Ma5 the nineteenth2 nearl5 fifteen da5s a#o H D D Yes2 sir2 and the tele#ra" followed ne>t da5 that is2 on the da5 of the "arria#e ! was unhapp5 to see it 9 %ut what has happened has happened2' ! said to "5self2 and =ept it awa52 fearin# that it "i#ht interfere with the weddin# D Ra"anuCa" #lared at the post"an and said A D ! would not ha$e 9ared to #o throu#h the "arria#e when he was d5in# D The post"an stood with bowed head and "u"bled A D You 9an 9o"plain if 5ou li=e2 sir The5 will dis"iss "e !t is a serious offen9e D He turned and des9ended the steps and went down the street on his rounds Ra"anuCa" wat9hed hi" dull5 for a while and shouted A D (ost"an H D Thanappa

i: THE M!SS!NG MA!L turned round E Ra"anuCa" 9ried A D Don't thin= that ! intend to 9o"plain ! a" onl5 sorr5 5ou ha$e done this 2D D ! understand 5our feelin#s2 sir2D replied the post; "an2 disappearin# around a bend

8 THE DO3TOR'S .ORD (EO(LE 9a"e to hi" when the patient was on his last le#s Dr Ra"an often burst out2 D .h5 9ouldn't 5ou ha$e 9o"e a da5 earlier F D The reason was ob$ious $isitin# fee twent5;fi$e rupees2 and "ore than that people li=ed to shir= the fa9t that the ti"e had 9o"e to 9all in Dr Ra"an E for the" there was so"ethin# o"inous in the $er5 asso9iation As a result when the bi# "an 9a"e on the s9ene it was alwa5s a ?ui9= de9ision one wa5 or another There was no s9ope or ti"e for an5 =ind of wa$erin# or whitewashin# Lon# 5ears of pra9ti9e of this =ind had bred in the do9tor a 9ertain 9urt truthfulness E for that $er5 reason his opinion was $alued E he was not a "ere do9tor e>pressin# an opinion but a Cud#e pronoun9in# a

$erdi9t The patient's life hun# on his words This ne$er undul5 worried Dr Ra"an He ne$er belie$ed that a#reeable words e$er sa$ed li$es He did not thin= it was an5 of his business to pro$ide unne9essar5 dope when as a "atter of 9ourse Nature would te) the" the truth in a few hours Howe$er2 when he #li"psed the faintest si#n of hope2 he rolled up his slee$e and stepped into the arena A it "i#ht be hours or da5s2 but he ne$er withdrew till he wrested the pri@e fro" Ta"a's hands Toda52 standin# o$er a bed2 the do9tor felt that he hi"self needed so"eone to tell hi" soothin# lies He "opped his brow with his =er9hief and sat down in

i7 THE DO3TOR'S .ORD the 9hair beside the bed On the bed la5 his dearest friend in the world A Gopal The5 had =nown ea9h other for fort5 5ears now2 startin# with their &inder; #arten da5s The5 9ould not2 of 9ourse2 "eet as "u9h as the5 wanted2 ea9h bein# wrapped in his own fa"il5 and profession O99asionall52 on a Sunda52 Gopal would wal= into the 9onsultin# roo"2 and wait patientl5 in a 9orner till the do9tor was free And then the5 would dine to#ether2 see a pi9ture2 and tal= of ea9h other's life and a9ti$ities !t was a 9lassi9 friendship standin# o$er2 untou9hed b5 9han#in# ti"es2 9ir9u"stan9es2 and a9ti$ities !n his bus5 round of wor=2 Dr Ra"an had not noti9ed that Gopal had not 9alled in for o$er three "onths now He Cust re"e"bered it when he saw Gopa(s son sittin# on a ben9h in the 9onsultin# hall2 one 9rowded "ornin# Dr Ra"an 9ould not tal= to hi" for o$er an hour .hen he #ot up and was about to pass on to the operation roo"2 he 9alled up the 5oun# "an and as=ed2 D .hat brin#s 5ou here2 sir F D The 5outh was ner$ous and sh5 D Mother sent "e here D D .hat 9an ! do for 5ou F D D 'ather is i) D

!t was an operation da5 and he was not free till three in the afternoon He rushed off strai#ht fro" the 9lini9 to his friend's house2 in Lawle5 E>tension Gopal la5 in bed as if in sleep The do9tor stood o$er hi" and as=ed Gopal's wife2 D How lon# has he been in bed F D D A "onth and a half2 do9tor D

D .ho is attendin# hi" F D D A do9tor in the ne>t street He 9o"es down on9e in three da5s and #i$es hi" "edi9ine D

THE DO3TOR'S .ORD *+ D .hat is his na"e F D He had ne$er heard of hi" D So"eone ! don't =now2 but ! wish he had had the #oodness to tell "e about it .h52 wh52 9ouldn't 5ou ha$e sent "e word earlier F D D .e thou#ht 5ou would be bus5 and did not wish to trouble 5ou unne9essaril5 D The5 were apolo#eti9 and "iserable There was hardl5 an5 ti"e to be lost He too= off his 9oat and opened his ba# He too= out an inCe9tion tube2 the needle si@@led o$er the sto$e The si9= "an's wife whi"pered in a 9orner and essa5ed to as= ?uestions D (lease don't as= ?uestions2D snapped the do9tor He loo=ed at the 9hildren who were wat9hin# the sterili@er2 and said2 D Send the" all awa5 so"ewhere2 e>9ept the eldest D He shot in the dru#2 sat ba9= in his 9hair2 and #a@ed on the patient's fa9e for o$er an hour The patient still re"ained "otionless The do9tor's fa9e #lea"ed with perspiration2 and his e5elids drooped with fati#ue The si9= "an's wife stood in a 9orner and wat9hed silentl5 She as=ed ti"idl52 D Do9tor2 shall ! "a=e so"e 9offee for 5ou F D D No2D he replied2 althou#h he felt fa"ished2 ha$in# "issed his "idda5 "eal He #ot up and said2 D ! will be ba9= in a few "inutes Don't disturb hi" on an5 a99ount D He pi9=ed up his ba# and went to his 9ar !n a ?uarter of an hour he was ba9=2 followed b5 an assistant and a nurse The do9tor told the lad5 of the house2 D ! ha$e to perfor" an operation D D .h52 wh5 F .h5 F D she as=ed faintl5 D ! will tell 5ou all that soon .ill 5ou lea$e 5our son here to help us2 and #o o$er to the ne>t house and sta5 there till ! 9all 5ou F D The lad5 felt #idd5 and san= down on the floor2

ao THE DO3TOR'S .ORD unable to bear the strain and led her out The nurse attended to her

At about ei#ht in the e$enin# the patient opened his e5es and stirred sli#htl5 in bed The assistant was o$erCo5ed He e>9lai"ed enthusiasti9all52 D Sir2 he will pull throu#h D The do9tor loo=ed at hi" 9oldl5 and whispered A D ! would #i$e an5thin# to see hi" throu#h but2 but the heart D D The pulse has i"pro$ed2 Sir D D .ell2 well2D replied the do9tor D Don't trust it !t is onl5 a false flash;up2 $er5 9o""on in these 9ases D He ru"inated for a while and added2 D !f the pulse will =eep up till ei#ht in the "ornin#2 it will #o on for the ne>t fort5 5ears2 but ! doubt $er5 "u9h if we shall see an5thin# of it at all after two toni#ht D He sent awa5 the assistant and sat beside the patient At about ele$en the patient opened his e5es and s"iled at his friend He showed a sli#ht i"pro$e"ent2 he was able to ta=e in a little food A #reat feelin# of relief and Co5 went throu#h the household The5 swar"ed around the do9tor and poured out their #ratitude He sat in his seat beside the bed2 #a@in# sternl5 at the patient's fa9e2 hardl5 showin# an5 si#ns of hearin# what the5 were sa5in# to hi" The si9= "an's wife as=ed2 D !s he now out of dan#er F D .ithout turnin# his head the do9tor said2 D Gi$e #lu9ose and brand5 e$er5 fort5 "inutes E Cust a 9ouple of spoons will do D The lad5 went awa5 to the =it9hen She felt restless She felt she "ust =now the truth whate$er it was .h5 was the #reat "an so e$asi$e F The suspense was unbearable (erhaps he 9ould not spea= so near the patient's bed She be9=oned to hi" fro" the =it9hen doorwa5 The do9tor rose and went

THE DO3TOR'S .ORD 6* o$er She as=ed2 D .hat about hi" now F How is he F D The do9tor bit his lips and replied2 loo=in# at the floor2 D Don't #et e>9ited )nless 5ou "ust =now about it2 don't as= now D Her e5es opened wide in terror She 9lasped her hands to#ether and i"plored A D Tell "e the truth D The do9tor replied2 D ! would rather not tal= to 5ou now D He turned round and went ba9= to his 9hair A terrible wailin# shot throu#h the still house E the patient stirred and loo=ed about in bewilder"ent The do9tor #ot up a#ain2 went o$er to the =it9hen door2 drew it in se9urel5 and shut off the wail .hen the do9tor resu"ed his seat the patient as=ed in the faintest whisper possible2 D !s that so"eone 9r5in# F D The do9tor ad$ised2 D Don't e>ert 5ourB self You "ustn't tal= D He felt the pulse !t was

alread5 a#itated b5 the e>ertion The patient as=ed2 D A" ! #oin# F Don't hide it fro" "e D The do9tor "ade a depre9atin# noise and sat ba9= in his 9hair He had ne$er fa9ed a situation li=e this !t was not in his nature to whitewash (eople atta9hed #reat $alue to his word be9ause of that He stole a loo= at the other The patient "otioned a fin#er to draw hi" nearer and whispered2 D ! "ust =now how lon# ! a" #oin# to last ! "ust si#n the will !t is all read5 As= "5 wife for the despat9h bo> You "ust si#n as a witness D D Oh H D the do9tor e>9lai"ed D You are e>ertin# 5ourself too "u9h You "ust be ?uieter D He felt idioti9 to be repeatin# it D How fine it would be2D he refle9ted2 D to drop the whole business and run awa5 so"ewhere without answerin# an5bod5 an5 ?uestion H D The patient 9lut9hed the do9tor's wrist with his wea= fin#ers and said2 D Ra"u2 it is "5 #ood

M THE DO3TOR'S .ORD fortune that 5ou are here at this "o"ent ! 9an trust 5our word ! 9an't lea$e "5 propert5 unsettled That will "ean endless "iser5 for "5 wife and 9hildren You =now all about Subbiah and his #an# Let "e si#n before it is too late Tell "e D D Yes2 presentl52D replied the do9tor He wal=ed off to his 9ar2 sat in the ba9= seat and refle9ted He loo=ed at his wat9h Midni#ht !f the will was to be si#ned2 it "ust be done within the ne>t two hours2 or ne$er He 9ould not be responsible for a "ess there E he =new too well the fa"il5 affairs and about those wol$es2 Subbiah and his #an# %ut what 9ould he do F !f he as=ed hi" to si#n the .ill2 it would $irtuall5 "ean a death senten9e and destro5 the thousandth part of a 9han9e that the patient had of sur$i$al He #ot down fro" the 9ar and went in He resu"ed his seat in the 9hair The patient was starin# at hi" appealin#l5 The do9tor said to hi"; self2 D !f "5 word 9an sa$e his life2 he shall not die The will be da"ned D He 9alled2 D Gopal2 listen D This was the first ti"e he was #oin# to do a pie9e of a9tin# before a patient2 si"ulate a feelin#2 and 9on9eal his Cud#"ent He stooped o$er the patient and said with deliberate e"phasis2 D Don't worr5 about the will now You are #oin# to li$e Your heart is absolutel5 sound D A new #low suffused the patient's fa9e as he heard it He as=ed in a tone of relief2 D Do 5ou sa5 so F !f it 9o"es fro" 5our lips it "ust be true D The do9tor said2 D JCuite ri#ht You are i"pro$in# e$er5 se9ond Sleep in pea9e You "ust not e>ert

5ourself on an5 a99ount You "ust sleep $er5 soundl5 ! will se9 5ou in the "ornin# D The patient loo=ed at hi" #ratefull5 for a "o"ent and then dosed his e5es

THE DO3TOR'S .ORD 68 The do9tor pi9=ed up his ba# and went out shuttin# the door softl5 behind hi" On his wa5 ho"e he stopped for a "o"ent at his hospital2 9alled out his assistant2 and said2 D That Lawle5 E>tension 9ase You "i#ht e>pe9t the 9ollapse an5 se9ond now Go there with a tube of in hand2 and #i$e it in 9ase the stru##le is too hard at the end Hurr5 upI' Ne>t "ornin# he was ba9= at Lawle5 E>tension at ten 'ro" his 9ar he "ade a dash for the si9= bed The patient was awa=e and loo=ed $er5 well The assistant reported satisfa9tor5 pulse The do9tor put his tube at his heart2 listened for a while2 and told the si9= "an's wife2 D Don't loo= so unhapp52 lad5 Your husband will li$e to be ninet5 D .hen the5 were #oin# ba9= to the hospital2 the assistant sittin# beside hi" in the 9ar as=ed2 D !s he #oin# to li$e2 sir F D D ! will bet on it He will li$e to be ninet5 He has turned the 9orner How he has sur$i$ed this atta9= will be a pu@@le to "e all "5 life2D replied the do9tor

, GATEMAN'S G!'T * !A-HEN a do@en persons ?uestion openl5 or sl5l5 44 a "an's sanit52 he be#ins to entertain serious doubts hi"self This is what happened to e>;#ate"an Go$ind Sin#h And 5ou 9ould not bla"e the publi9 either .hat 9ould 5ou do with a "an who 9arried about in his hand a re#istered postal 9o$er and as=ed A D (lease tell "e what there is inside F D The ob$ious answer was A D Open it and see D He see"ed horrified at this su##estion D Oh2 no2 no2 9an't do it2D he de9lared and "o$ed off to another friend and a9?uaintan9e E$er5where the su##estion was the sa"e till he thou#ht e$er5one had turned "ad And then so"ebod5 said A D !f 5ou don't li=e to open it and 5et want to =now what is inside 5ou "ust ta=e it to the K;ra5 !nstitute D This was su##ested b5 an e>;9o"pounder who li$ed in the ne>t street D.hat is itFD as=ed Go$ind Sin#h !t was e>plained to hi" D .here is it F D He was dire9ted

to the 3it5 K;ra5 !nstitute %ut before sa5in# an5thin# further about his pro; #ress2 it would be usefiil to #o ba9= to an earlier 9hapter in his histor5 After war ser$i9e in *+*,;*72 he 9a"e to be re9o""ended for a #ate=eeper's post at En#ladia's He li=ed the Cob $er5 "u9h He was #i$en a =ha=i unifor"2 a resplendent band a9ross his shoulder and a short sti9= He #ripped the sti9= and 6,

GATEMAN'S G!'T 61 sat down on a stool at the entran9e to the offi9e And when his 9hief's 9ar pulled up at the #ate he stood at attention and #a$e a "ilitar5 salute The offi9e 9onsisted of a staff nu"berin# o$er a hundred and as the5 trooped in and out e$er5 da5 he =ept an e5e on the" At the end of the da5 he awaited the footsteps of the General Mana#er 9oinin# down the stairs and rose stiffl5 and stood at attention2 and after he left the hundreds of staff poured out The doors were shut E Sin#h 9arried his stool in2 pla9ed it under the stair9ase2 and pla9ed his sti9= a9ross it Then he 9a"e out and the "ain door was lo9=ed and sealed !n this wa5 he had spent twent5;fi$e 5ears of ser$i9e2 and then he be##ed to be pensioned off He would not ha$e thou#ht of retire"ent 5et2 but for the fa9t that he found his si#ht and hearin# pla5in# tri9=s on hi" E he 9ould not 9at9h the Mana#er's footsteps on the stairs2 and it was hard to re9o#ni@e hi" e$en at ten 5ards He was ushered into the presen9e of the 9hief2 who loo=ed up for a "o"ent fro" his papers and "uttered A D .e are $er5 pleased with 5our wor= for us2 and the 9o"pan5 will #i$e 5ou a pension of twel$e rupees for 5our life D Sin#h 9li9=ed his heels2 saluted2 turned on his heel and went out of the roo"2 with his heart bri""in# with #ratitude and pride This was the se9ond o99asion when the #reat "an had spo=en to hi"2 the first bein# on the first da5 of his ser$i9e As he had stood at his post2 the 9hief2 enterin# the offi9e Cust then2 loo=ed up for a "o"ent and as=ed D .ho are 5ou F D D !'" the new #ate=eeper2 "aster2D he had answered And he spo=e a#ain onl5 on this da5 Thou#h so little was said2 Sin#h felt ele9trified on both o99asions b5 the words of his "aster !n Sin#h's e5es

6: GATEMAN'S G!'T the 9hief had a9?uired a sort of Godhood2 and it would

be ?uite ade?uate if a #od spo=e to one onl5 on9e or twi9e in a lifeti"e !n "o"ents of 9onte"plation Sin#h's "ind dwelt on the words of his "aster2 and on his personalit5 His life "o$ed on s"oothl5 The pension to#ether with what his wife earned b5 washin# and sweepin# in a 9ouple of houses was ?uite suffi9ient for hi" He ate his food2 went out and "et a few friends2 slept2 and spent so"e e$enin#s sittin# at a 9i#arette shop whi9h his 9ousin owned This tenor of life was disturbed on the first of e$er5 "onth when he donned his old =ha=i suit2 wal=ed to his old offi9e2 and salaa"ed the A99ountant at the 9ounter and re9ei$ed his pension So"eti"es if it was 9losin# he waited on the roadside for the General Mana#er to 9o"e down2 and saluted hi" as he #ot into his 9ar There was a lot of ti"e all around hi"2 an i""ense sea of leisure !n this state he "ade a new dis9o$er5 about hi"self2 that he 9ould "a=e fas9inatin# "odels out of 9la5 and wood dust The dis9o$er5 9a"e suddenl52 when one da5 a 9hild in the nei#hbourhood brou#ht to hi" its little doll for repair He not onl5 repaired it but "ade a new thin# of it This dis9o$er5 pleased hi" so "u9h that he $er5 soon be9a"e absorbed in it His ba9=5ard #a$e hi" a plentiful suppl5 of pliant 9la52 and the 9arpenter's shop ne>t to his 9ousin's 9i#arette shop sawdust He pur9hased paint for a few annas And lo H he found his hours #lidin# He sat there in the front part of his ho"e2 bent o$er his 9la52 and brou#ht into e>isten9e a "iniature uni$erse E all the 9olours of life were there2 all the for"s and 9reatures2 but of the si@e of his "iddle fin#er E whole $illa#es and towns were there2

GATEMAN'S G!'T 6all the persons he had seen passin# before his offi9e when he was sentr5 there that be##ar wo"an 9o"in# at "idda52 and that 9u9u"ber $endor E he had the e5e of a 9artoonist for hu"an fa9es E$er5thin# went down into 9la5 !t was a wonderful "iniature re; fle9tion of the world E and he "ounted the" neatl5 on thin wooden sli9es2 whi9h enhan9ed their attra9ti$e; ness He =ept these in his 9ousin's shop and the5 attra9ted hu#e 9rowds e$er5 da5 and sold $er5 bris=l5 More than the sales Sin#h felt an e9stas5 when he saw ad"irin# 9rowds 9lusterin# around his handiwor= On his ne>t pension da5 he 9arried to his offi9e a street s9ene /whi9h he ran=ed as his best02 and handed it o$er the 9ounter to the A99ountant with the re?uest A D Gi$e this to the Sahib2 please H D

D All ri#ht2B' said the A99ountant with a s"ile !t 9reated a sensation in the offi9e and disturbed the routine of offi9e wor=in# for nearl5 half an hour On the ne>t pension da5 he 9arried another "odel /9hildren at pla50 and handed it o$er the 9ounter D Did Sahib li=e the last one F D DYes2 he li=ed it D D (lease #i$e this one to hi" D and he passed it o$er the 9ounter He "ade it a 9on$ention to 9arr5 on e$er5 pension da5 an offerin# for his "aster2 and ea9h ti"e his #reatest reward was the A99ountant's sto9= repl5 to his ?uestion A D .hat did the Sahib sa5 F D D He said it was $er5 #ood D At last he "ade his "asterpie9e A "odel of his offi9e fronta#e with hi"self at his post2 a 9ar at the entran9e2 and the 9hief #ettin# down A this 9o"posite "odel was so realisti9 that while he sat loo=in# at it2 he see"ed to be 9arried ba9= to his offi9e da5s He

67 GATEMAN'S G!'T passed it o$er the 9ounter on his pension da5 and it 9reated a $er5 #reat sensation in the offi9e D 'ellow2 5ou ha$e not left 5ourself out2 either H D people 9ried and loo=ed ad"irin#l5 at Sin#h A sudden fear sei@ed Sin#h and he as=ed A D The "aster won't be an#r52 ! hopeFD D No2 no2 wh5 should he be F D said the A99ountant2 and Sin#h re9ei$ed his pension and went ho"e A wee= later when he was sittin# on the f5ol =neadin# 9la52 the post"an 9a"e and said A D A re#istered letter for 5ou D D 'or "e H D An5 letter would ha$e upset Sin#h E he had re9ei$ed less than three letters in his lifeti"e2 and ea9h ti"e it was a torture for hi" till the 9ontents were read out Now a re#istered letter H This was his first re#istered letter D Onl5 law5ers send re#istered letters2 isn't it so F D D )suall52D said the post"an (lease ta=e it ba9= ! don't want it2D said Sin#h Shall ! sa5 'Refused'FD as=ed the post"an DNo2 no2D said Sin#h DLust ta=e it ba9= and sa5 5ou ha$e not found "e D D That ! 9an't do D said the post"an loo=in#

serious Sin#h see"ed to ha$e no option but to s9rawl his si#nature and re9ei$e the pa9=et He sat #loo"il5 #a@in# at the floor His wife who had #one out and Cust returned saw hi" in this 9ondition and as=ed A D.hat is itFD His $oi9e 9ho=ed as he replied A D!t has 9o"e D He flun# at her the re#istered letter D.hat is itF Dshe as=ed He saidA DHow should ! =now (erhaps our ruin D He bro=e down His wife wat9hed hi" for a "o"ent2 went in to attend to so"e do"esti9 dut5 and returned2 still found hi"

9M a

GATEMAN'S G!'T 6+ in the sa"e 9ondition2 and as=ed A D .h5 not open it and see2 as= so"eone to read it F D He threw up his ar"s in horror A D .o"an2 5ou don't =now what 5ou are sa5in# !t 9annot be opened The5 ha$e perhaps written that "5 pension is stopped2 and God =nows what else the Sahib has said D D .h5 not #o to the offi9e and find out fro" the" F D D Not ! H ! will ne$er show "5 fa9e there a#ain D replied Sin#h D ! ha$e li$ed without a sin#le re"ar= bein# "ade a#ainst "e2 all "5 life Now H D He shuddered at the thou#ht of it D ! =new ! was #ettin# into trouble when ! "ade that offi9e "odel D After deeper refle9tion he said A D E$er5 ti"e ! too= so"ethin# there2 people 9rowded round2 stopped all wor= for nearl5 an hour That "ust also ha$e rea9hed the Sahib's ears D He wandered about sa5in# the sa"e thin#2 with the letter in his po9=et He lost taste for food2 wandered about un=e"pt2 with his hair standin# up li=e a halo an una99usto"ed si#ht2 his 5ears in "ilitar5 ser$i9e ha$in# #i$en hi" a habitual tidiness His wife lost all pea9e of "ind and be9a"e "iserable about hi" He stood at the 9ross;roads2 9lut9hin# the letter in his hand He =ept as=in# e$er5one he 9a"e a9ross A D Tell "e2 what there is in this F D but he would not broo= the su##estion to open it and see its 9ontents So forthwith Sin#h found his wa5 to the 3it5 K;ra5 !nstitute at Ra9e 3ourse Road As he entered the #ate he obser$ed do@ens of 9ars par=ed alon# the dri$e2 and a Gur=ha wat9h"an at the #ate So"e people were sittin# on sofas readin# boo=s and Cournals

The5 turned and threw a brief loo= at hi" and resu"ed their studies As Sin#h stood un9ertainl5 at the doorwa52 an assistant 9a"e up and as=ed A

SO GATEMAN'S G!'T D .hat do 5ou want F D Sin#h #a$e a salute2 held up the letter un9ertainl5 and "uttered A D 3an ! =now what is inside this F D The assistant "ade the ob$ious su##estion %ut Sin#h replied A D The5 said 5ou 9ould tell "e what's inside without openin# it D The assistant as=ed A D .here do 5ou 9o"e fro" F D Sin#h e>plained his life2 wor= and outloo= and 9on; 9luded A D !'$e li$ed without re"ar= all "5 life ! =new trouble was 9o"in# D There were tears on his 9hee=s The assistant loo=ed at hi" 9uriousl5 as s9ores of others had done before2 s"iled2 and said A D Go ho"e and rest You are not all ri#ht Go2 #o ho"e D D 3an't 5ou sa5 what is in this F D Sin#h as=ed patheti9all5 The assistant too= it in his hand2 e>a"ined it and said A D Shall ! open it F D D No2 no2 no2D Sin#h 9ried and snat9hed it ba9= There was a loo= of terror in his e5es The asse"bl5 loo=ed up fro" their pa#es and wat9hed hi" with "ild a"use; "ent in their e5es The assistant =indl5 put his ar"s on his shoulder and led hi" out D You #et well first2 and then 9o"e ba9= ! tell 5ou 5ou are not all ri#ht D .al=in# ba9= ho"e2 he pondered o$er it D .h5 are the5 all beha$in# li=e this2 as if ! were a "ad "an F D .hen this word 9a"e to his "ind2 he stopped abruptl5 in the "iddle of the road2 and 9ried A DOhH That's it2 is that itF MadH MadHD He shoo= his head #leefull5 as if the full truth had Cust dawned upon hi" He now understood the loo=s that people threw at hi" D Oh H oh H D he 9ried aloud He lau#hed He felt a 9urious relief at this reali@ation D ! ha$e been "ad and didn't =now it D He 9ast his "ind ba9= E$er5 little a9tion of his for the last

GATEMAN'S G!'T 8* so "an5 da5s see"ed "ad E parti9ularl5 the doll; "a=in# D .hat sane "an would "a=e 9la5 dolls after 61 5ears of respe9table ser$i9e in an offi9e F D He felt a tre"endous freedo" of li"bs2 and didn't feel it possible to wal= at an ordinar5 pa9e He wanted to fl5 He swun# his ar"s up and down and ran on with a whoop He ran throu#h the Mar=et Road .hen people stood about and wat9hed he 9ried A D He52

don't lau#h at a "ad "an2 for who =nows2 5ou will also be "ad when 5ou 9o"e to "a=e 9la5 dolls2D and 9har#ed into their "idst with a war 9r5 .hen he saw 9hildren 9o"in# out of a s9hool2 he felt it would be ni9e to a"use their 5oun# hearts b5 beha$in# li=e a ti#er So he fell on his hands and =neels and 9rawled up to the" with a #rowl He went ho"e in a terrif5in# 9ondition His wife who was #rindin# 9hill5 in the ba9=5ard loo=ed up and as=ed A D .hat is this F D His hair was 9o$ered with street dust E his bod5 was splashed with "ud He 9ould not answer be9ause he 9ho=ed with "irth as he said A D 'an95 what has happened H D D.hat is itFD D !'" "ad2 "ad D He loo=ed at his wor=;bas=et in a 9orner2 s9ooped out the 9la5 and "ade a hel"et of it and put it on his head Ran#ed on the floor was his latest handiwor= After his last $isit to the offi9e he had been en#a#ed in "a=in# a "odel $illa#e !t was a resplendent #roup E a dun road2 red tiles2 #reen 9o9onut trees swa5in#2 and the 9olour of the sarees of the $illa#e wo"en 9arr5in# water pots He deri$ed the inspiration for it fro" a "e"or5 of his own $illa#e da5s !t was the "ost enCo5able pie9e of wor= that he had so far underta=en He li$ed in a =ind of e9stas5 while doin# it D ! a" #oin# to =eep

86 GATEMAN'S G!'T this for "5self A "e"ento of "5 father's $illa#e2D he de9lared D ! will show it at an e>hibition2 where the5 will #i$e "e a "edal ' + He #uarded it li=e a treasure A when it was wet he ne$er allowed his wife to wal= within ten 5ards of it A D &eep off2 we don't want 5our foot dust for this $illa#e D Now in his "adness2 he loo=ed down on it He raised his foot and sta"ped e$er5thin# down into a "ulti;9oloured Ca" The5 were still half wet He saw a don=e5 #ra@in# in the street He #athered up the Ca" and flun# it at the don=e5 with the re"ar= A D Eat this if 5ou li=e !t is a ni9e $illa#e D And he went out on a se9ond round This was a ?uieter outin# He strode on at an e$en pa9e2 breathin# deepl52 with the 9la5 hel"et on2 out of whi9h peeped his #re5 hair2 his ar"s lo9=ed behind2 his fin#ers 9lut9hin# the fateful letter2 his fa9e tilted towards the s=5 He wal=ed down the Mar=et Road2 with a feelin# that he was the sole o99upant of this #lobe A his "adness had #i$en hi" a sense of li"itless freedo"2 stren#th and buo5an95 The re"ar=s and Ceers of the 9rowds #apin# at hi" did not in the least tou9h

hi" .hile he wal=ed thus2 his e5e fell on the bulb of a tall street la"p A D %ulb of the si@e of a (apa5a fruit H D he "uttered and 9hu9=led !t had been a lon# 9herished desire in hi" to flin# a stone at it E now he felt2 in his Co5ous and free 9ondition2 that he was free fro" the tra""els of 9on$ention and need not push ba9= an5 in9lination He pi9=ed up a pebble and threw it with #ood ai" The shatterin# noise of #lass was as "usi9 to his ears A poli9e"an put his hand on his shoulder A D .h5 did 5ou do it F D Sin#h loo=ed indi#nant A D ! li=e to 9ra9= #lass (apa5a fruit2

GATEMAN'S G!'T 88 that is allI * was the repl5 D 3o"e to the station D The 9onstable said A

D Oh2 5es2 when ! was in Mesopota"ia the5 put "e on half ration on9e2D he said2 and wal=ed on to the station He paused2 tilted his head to the side and re"ar=ed A D This road is not strai#ht D A few 9arria#es and 959les were 9o"in# up to hi" He found that e$er5thin# was wron# about the" The5 see"ed to need so"e ad$i9e in the "atter He stopped in the "iddle of the road2 stret9hed out his ar"s and shouted A D Halt H D The 9arria#es stopped2 the 959lists Cu"ped off and Sin#h be#an a le9ture A D .hen ! was in Mesopota"ia ! will tell 5ou fellows who don't =now an5thin# about an5thin# D The poli9e; "an dra##ed hi" awa5 to the side2 and wa$ed to the traffi9 to resu"e One of the 959lists who resu"ed2 Cu"ped off the saddle a#ain and 9a"e towards hi" with A D .h5 H !t is Sin#h2 Sin#h2 what fan95 dress is this F .hat is the "atter F D E$en throu#h the ha@e of his insane $ision Sin#h 9ould re9o#ni@e the $oi9e and the person the A99ountant at the offi9e Sin#h 9li9=ed his heels and #a$e a salute A D E>9use "e sir2 didn't intend to stop 5ou You "a5 pass D He pointed the wa5 #enerousl52 and the A99ountant saw the letter in his hand He re9o#ni@ed it althou#h it was "ud;stained and 9ru"pled D Sin#h2 5ou #ot our letter F D D Yes2 sir2 (ass Do not spea= of it 2 D D .hat is the "atter F D He snat9hed it fro" his hand D .h5 ha$en't 5ou opened it H D He tore open the en$elope and too= out of it a letter and read aloud A D The General Mana#er #reatl5 appre9; iates the $er5 artisti9 "odels 5ou ha$e sent2 and he is pleased to san9tion a reward of Rs *<< and hopes


it will be an en9oura#e"ent for 5ou to =eep up this interestin# hobb5 D !t was translated to hi" word for word2 and the en9losure2 a 9he?ue for one hundred rupees2 was handed to hi" A bi# 9rowd #athered to wat9h this s9ene Sin#h pressed the letter to his e5es He beat his brow2 and wailed A D Tell "e2 sir2 a" ! "ad or not F D D You loo= ?uite well2 5ou aren't "ad2D said the A99ountant Sin#h fell at his feet and said with tears 9ho=in# his $oi9e A D You are a #od2 sir2 to sa5 that ! a" not "ad ! a" so happ5 to hear it D On the ne>t pension da5 he turned up spru9e as e$er at the offi9e 9ounter As the5 handed hi" the en$elope the5 as=ed A D .hat to5s are 5ou "a=in# now F D D Nothin# sir Ne$er a#ain !t is no o99upation for a sane "an D he said2 re9ei$ed his pension2 and stiffl5 wal=ed out of the offi9e

1 THE ROMAN !MAGE THE Tal=ati$e Man said A On9e ! was an ar9haeolo#ist's assistant ! wandered up and down the 9ountr5 probin#2 e>plor; in#2 and di##in#2 in sear9h of anti?uities2 a "ost interestin# o99upation2 althou#h 95ni9s so"eti"es 9alled us D #ra$e;di##ers D ! enCo5ed the wor= i""ensel5 ! had a "aster who was a fa"ous ar9haeolo#ist 9alled Do9tor so"ethin# or other He was a superb2 ti"eless bein#2 who li$ed a thousand 5ears behind the ti"es2 and who wanted neither food nor roof nor ri9hes if onl5 he was allowed to #a@e on undisturbed at an old 9oin or 9hip of a burial urn He had torn up the earth in al"ost all parts of !ndia and had brou#ht to li#ht $er5 $aluable infor"ation 9on9ernin# the histor5 and outloo= of people of re"ote 9enturies His "ono#raphs on ea9h of his e>9a$ations filled se$eral shel$es in all the i"portant libraries And then2 as our #ood fortune would ha$e it2 he re9ei$ed an inspiration that Mal#udi distri9t was e"inentl5 di##able ! a" not 9o"petent to e>plain how he #ot this idea2 but there it was .ord was brou#ht to "e that the #reat "an was sta5in# in the da= bun#alow and was in need of an assistant .ithin an hour of hearin# it ! stood before the #reat "an He was sittin# on the floor with the "ost 9ra@5 9olle9tion of arti9les in front of hi" pots and 81

8: THE ROMAN !MAGE beads and useless 9oins and pal" lea$es2 all of the" rust5 and de9a5in# He had a lens b5 his side2 throu#h whi9h he loo=ed at these arti9les and "ade notes He as=ed "e A D .hat do 5ou =now of the ar9haeolo#i9al fa9tors of 5our distri9t F D ! blin=ed Honestl5 ! didn't =now there was an5 ar9haeolo#5 in our pla9e He loo=ed at "e throu#h his old spe9ta9les2 and ! reali@ed that "5 li$in# depended upon "5 answer ! "ustered up all the =nowled#e of ele"entar5 histor5 ! had a9?uired in "5 bo5hood2 and replied A D .ell2 nothin# has so far been done in an5 "ethodi9al "anner2 althou#h now and then we 9o"e a9ross so"e i#norant $illa#ers plou#hin# up old unusual bits of potter5 and "etal D D Reall52D he as=ed2 pri9=in# up his ears what do the5 do with the" F D D And

D The5 si"pl5 throw the" awa5 or #i$e the" to 9hildren to pla5 with2D ! replied D Oh2 too bad2D he "uttered D .h5 9ouldn't 5ou ha$e 9olle9ted these thin#s in one pla9e F D D ! will ta=e 9are to do that hereafter2 sir2D ! said E and that settled it He en#a#ed "e on the spot at fift5 rupees a "onth2 and "5 "ain business was to follow hi" about and help hi" ! had "5 wits ali$e2 and within a "onth ! was in a position to lead hi" b5 the hand Not the sli#htest obCe9t es9aped "5 noti9e ! pi9=ed up e$er5thin# ! saw2 9leaned and polished it2 and held it up for his opinion Most ti"es2 ! a" sorr5 to 9onfess2 the5 were useless bits of stuff of =nown ori#in na"el52 our own ti"es %ut ! a" #lad to sa5 that on9e ! s9ored a hit .e 9a"ped one wee=;end at Siral a $illa#e si>t5 "iles fro" the town !t is a lo$el5 an9ient pla9e2

THE ROMAN !MAGE 89onsistin# of a hundred houses Sara5u Ri$er winds its wa5 alon# the northern boundar5 of the $illa#e The ri$er here is broader than it is an5where else in the distri9t On the other ban= of the ri$er we ha$e the be#innin#s of a "a#nifi9ent Cun#le of ba"boo and tea= The "ost "odern stru9ture in the pla9e was a s"all two;roo"ed inspe9tion lod#e The

do9tor o99upied one roo" and ! the other .e were s9outin# the surroundin#s for a "ound under whi9h was supposed to be a buried 9it5 This dis9o$er5 was #oin# to push the earliest =nown 9i$ili@ation three 9enturies farther ba9= and ri$al MohenCadaro in anti?uit5 .e "i#ht be pardoned if we set about our business with so"e intensit5 Our do9tor so"e; how see"ed to possess an ine>pli9able feelin# of ri$alr5 with the dis9o$erers of MohenCadaro and su9h other pla9es His #reatest desire was to ha$e a "onopol5 of the earliest =nown 9i$ili@ation and pla9e it where he 9hose This see"ed to "e a sli#ht wea=; ness in his nature2 but pardonable in a #reat "an2 who had done so "u9h else in life This is all beside the point Let "e #et on with the stor5 One da5 ! had #one to the ri$er for a bathe !t was an e>hilar; atin# e$enin# E ! had done a #ood da5's wor=2 assistin# the do9tor to 9lean up and stud5 a pie9e of stained #lass pi9=ed up in a field outside the $illa#e The do9tor =ept #a@in# at this #lass all da5 He 9onstantl5 shoo= his head and said A D This is easil5 the "ost i"portant pie9e of wor= whi9h has 9o"e under "5 noti9e This bit of #lass 5ou see is not ordinar5 ar9haeolo#i9al stuff2 but a $er5 i"portant lin= This pie9e of #lass is reall5 'lorentian2 whi9h went out of $o#ue in A D 1 How did this 9o"e here F !t is not found an5where else in the world !f the identit5 of

8 7 THE ROMAN !MAGE this is established properl5 we "a5 ulti"atel5 ha$e a #reat deal to sa5 about the earl5 Ro"an E"pire and this part of !ndia This will re$olutioni@e our whole =nowled#e of histor5 D He tal=ed of nothin# but that the whole da5 He tre"bled with e>9ite"ent and lost all taste for food He =ept on "utterin# A D .e "ust tread waril5 and not o$erloo= the sli#htest e$iden9e &eep 5our e5es open .e are on the e$e of #reat dis9o$eries D And ! 9au#ht this e>9ite; "ent and a9?uired a per"anentl5 sear9hin# loo= ! was in this state when ! plun#ed into the waters of Sara5u that e$enin# ! a" a #ood di$er As ! went down "5 hand stru9= a#ainst a hard obCe9t in the sand5 bed 'eelin# with "5 fin#ers2 ! found it to be a stone i"a#e .hen ! 9a"e to the surfa9e a#ain ! 9a"e up bearin# that i"a#e with "e Drippin# with water2 ! sat on the ri$er step2 without e$en dr5in# "5self2 and e>a"ined the i"a#e D This ta=es us on to an entirel5 new set of possi; bilities H D e>9lai"ed the do9tor in #reat Co5 He =eenl5 e>a"ined it b5 our tin lantern !t was a stone i"a#e a foot hi#h2 whi9h had a9?uired a #lass; li=e s"oothness2 ha$in# been under water for 5ears !t had an ar"2 an e5e2 the nose2 and the "outh

"issin# There were a few details of orna"ent and draper5 whi9h the do9tor e>a"ined with spe9ial 9are !t was 8 a " when he went to bed An hour later the do9tor peeped in at "5 doorwa5 and announ9ed A D This is a Ro"an statue How it 9a"e to be found in these parts is an histori9al fa9t we ha$e to wrest fro" e$iden9e !t is #oin# to #i$e an entirel5 new turn to !ndian histor5 D .ithin the ne>t two "onths all the i"portant papers and periodi9als in the world published details

THE ROMAN !MAGE 8+ of this dis9o$er5 (apers were read before histori9al asso9iations and 9onferen9es ! 9a"e to be loo=ed upon as a sort of sa$iour of !ndian histor5 'or the do9tor insisted upon #i$in# "e "5 due share of fa"e )ni$ersit5 honours 9a"e "5 wa5 ! was offered lu9rati$e positions here and there !t was finall5 de9ided that the i"a#e was that of a Ro"an E"peror 9alled Tiberius !! !t would be out' of pla9e to #o into the details that led to this 9on9lusion A but 5ou need ha$e no doubt that the do9tor had e>9ellent reasons for it %esides the stud5 of the i"a#e itself he went throu#h so"e Ro"an te>ts whi9h "entioned South !ndia 'or the ne>t few "onths we toured about a #reat deal le9turin# on this subCe9t and de"onstratin# ! went with "5 do9tor to Madras and started wor= on a "ono#raph on the subCe9t !t was to be a "onu; "ental wor= 9o$erin# o$er a thousand pa#es of de"5 si@e2 full of photo#raphs and s=et9hes You 9an understand wh5 it should be so bi# when ! tell 5ou that it was #oin# to be a 9o"bined wor= on earl5 Ro"an histor52 !ndian histor52 ar9haeolo#52 and epi#raph5 M5 na"e was #oin# to appear as the Coint author of the wor= ! reali@ed that here was "5 future fa"e2 position2 and perhaps so"e "one5 too The do9tor left "e in entire 9har#e of this wor= and went awa5 to )pper !ndia to 9ontinue a pie9e of wor= whi9h he had alread5 been doin# ! sat in a lar#e librar5 the whole da52 e>a"inin#2 in$esti#atin#2 stud5in#2 and writin# ! be9a"e a fairl5 i"portant person in learned so9ieties ! wor=ed fro" se$en in the "ornin# to ele$en in the e$enin# al"ost with; out a brea=2 and throu#hout the da5 ! had $isits fro" people interested in the dis9o$er5 (apers and Cournals

,< THE ROMAN !MAGE 9ontained para#raphs now and then DAr9haeolo#ist

assistant wor=in# on "ono#raph D and its pro#ress was dul5 reported to the publi9 And then there 9a"e a ti"e when the press 9ould announ9e A D Mono#raph on whi9h has been wor=in# for "onths now will be read5 for publi9ation in ten da5s !t is e>pe9ted that this is #oin# to "a=e the ri9hest 9ontribution to !ndian histor5 D M5 fin#ers were worn out with writin# M5 e5es were nearl5 #one ! loo=ed forward to the end of the wor= E and then as "5 do9tor wrote A D You 9an ha$e a holida5 for three "onths in an5 hill station 5ou li=e and for#et the whole business D The "anus9ripts piled a 5ard hi#h on "5 table !t was at this sta#e that ! had to $isit Siral on9e a#ain ! had to obtain "easure"ents of the spot where the i"a#e was found ! left "5 wor= at that and hurried to the $illa#e ! plun#ed into the ri$er and 9a"e up ! sat on the ri$er step2 still drippin# with water2 notin# down fi#ures2 when a stran#er 9a"e and sat near "e .e fell to tal=in#2 and ! told hi" about "5 wor=2 in the hope of drawin# out further fa9ts He was a rusti92 and he listened to "e without e"otion At the end of "5 narration he re"ained pe9uliarl5 "ood5 and as=ed "e to repeat fa9ts about the i"a#e He 9o"; pressed his lips and as=ed A D .here do 5ou sa5 it 9a"e fro" F D Ro"e D D .here is that F D D !n Europe2D ! said He stood still2 pu@@led2 and ! a"plified A D .here the European people li$e D D ! don't =now about that but if it is the i"a#e whi9h 5ou found in these parts ! 9an tell 5ou so"ethin# about it !t is without nose and ar"2 isn't it F D

THE ROMAN !MAGE ,* ! assented2 not =nowin# what was 9o"in# He said A D 'ollow "e2 if 5ou want to =now an5thin# "ore about this i"a#e D He led "e up the ban=2 alon# a foot tra9= whi9h wound throu#h the Cun#le .e rea9hed a ha"let a "ile off He stopped in front of a little shrine and said A D That i"a#e belon#ed to this te"ple D He led "e into the shrine .e had to #o stoopin# into it be9ause of its narrow doorwa5 and low roof At the inner san9tu" there was an i"a#e of Mari with a #arland of 5ellow 9hr5santhe"u"s around her ne9=2 lit b5 a faint wi9= la"p On one side of the san9tu" doorwa5 stood a dwarapala=a /door=eeper0 a win#ed 9reature a foot hi#h M5

friend pointed at the i"a#e and said A D This for"ed a pair with the one 5ou pi9=ed up2 and it used to adorn that side of the doorwa5 D ! loo=ed up where he pointed ! noti9ed a pedestal without an5thin# on it A doubt sei@ed "e D ! want to e>a"ine the fi#ure2D ! said He brou#ht down the wi9= la"p E ! e>a"ined b5 its fli9=erin# li#ht the dwarapala=a D !s this e>a9tl5 li=e the one whi9h was on that side F D !t was a superfluous ?uestion This i"a#e was e>a9tl5 li=e the i"a#e ! had found2 but without its inCuries D .here was this "ade F D D ! had it done b5 a stone;i"a#e "a=er2 a fellow in another $illa#e You see that hillo9= F !ts stone is "ade into i"a#es all o$er the world2 and at its foot is a $illa#e where the5 "a=e i"a#es D D Are 5ou sure when it was "ade F D D Yes2 ! #a$e an ad$an9e of twent5 rupees for it2 and how that fellow dela5ed H ! went o$er to the $illa#e and sat up ni#ht and da5 for two "onths and 2 #ot the pair done ! wat9hed the" ta=e shape before

,6 THE ROMAN !MAGE "5 e5es And then we 9olle9ted about fift5 rupees and #a$e it to hi" .e wanted to i"pro$e this te"ple D ! put ba9= the la"p and wal=ed out ! sat down on the te"ple step D .h5 do 5ou loo= so sadF ! thou#ht 5ou'd be pleased to =now these thin#s2D he said2 wat9hin# "e D ! a"2 ! a" onl5 !'$e been rather unwell2D ! assured hi" D 3an't 5ou tell "e so"ethin# "ore about it A how it 9a"e to be found in the ri$er F D D Yes2 5es2D said "5 friend D !t was 9arried and thrown into the ri$er E it didn't wal= down there D D Oh H D ! e>9lai"ed D That is a stor5 'or this we went to the 9ourt and had the priest dis"issed and fined He 9annot 9o"e near the te"ple now .e spent one thousand rupees in law5er fees alone E we were prepared to spend all our fortune if onl5 to see that priest re"o$ed !t went up to Mal#udi 9ourt we #ot a $a=il fro" Madras D

D .hat was wron# with 5our priest F D D No doubt he had a hereditar5 9lai" and too= up the wor= when his father died2 but the fellow was a de$il for drin=2 if e$er there was one Mornin# till ni#ht he was drin=in#2 and he perfor"ed all the puCa in that 9ondition .e did not =now what to do with hi" .e Cust tolerated hi"2 hopin# that so"e da5 the #oddess would tea9h hi" a lesson .e did not li=e to be too harsh2 sin9e he was a poor fellow2 and he went about his duties ?uietl5 %ut when we added these two dwarapala=as at the doorwa5 he #ot a ?ueer notion in his head He used to sa5 that the two door=eepers 9onstantl5 harried hi" b5 starin# at hi" where$er he went He said that their loo= pri9=ed hi" in the ne9= So"eti"es he would peep in fro"

THE ROMAN !MAGE ,8 within to see if the i"a#es were loo=in# awa52 and he'd s9rea"2 B Ah2 still the5 are wat9hin# "e2' and shout at the" This went on for "onths !n 9ourse of ti"e he be#an to shudder whene$er he had to pass these door=eepers !t was an a9ute "o"ent of suspense for hi" when he had to 9ross that pair and #et into the san9tu" Graduall5 he 9o"plained that if he e$er too= his e5es off these fi#ures the5 butted hi" fro" behind2 =i9=ed hi"2 and pulled his hair2 and so forth He was afraid to loo= an5where else and wal=ed on 9autiousl5 with his e5es on the i"a#es %ut if he had his e5es on one2 the other =no9=ed hi" fro" behind He showed us bruises and s9rat9hes so"eti"es .e de9lared we "i#ht treat his 9o"plaints seriousl5 if he e$er went into the shrine without a drop of drin= in hi" !n 9ourse of ti"e he started to see= his own re"ed5 He 9arried a s"all "allet with hi"2 and whene$er he #ot a =no9= he returned the blow E it fell on a nose toda52 on an ar" to"orrow2 and on an ear another da5 .e didn't noti9e his handiwor= for "onths Lud#in# fro" the "allet blows2 the i"a#e on the left side see"s to ha$e been the #reater offender D The 9ul"ination 9a"e when he =no9=ed it off its pedestal and 9arried it to the ri$er Ne>t "ornin# he de9lared he saw it wal= off and plun#e into the ri$er He "ust ha$e felt that this would ser$e as a lesson to the other i"a#e if it should be thin=in# of an5 tri9= %ut the other i"a#e ne$er #ot its 9han9e 'or we dra##ed the priest before a law 9ourt and had hi" sent awa5 D Thus ended the $illa#er's tale !t too= ti"e for "e to re9o$er ! as=ed A D Didn't 5ou ha$e to pi9= up the i"a#e fro" the water and show it to the Cud#e F D

,, THE ROMAN !MAGE D No2 be9ause the fellow would not tell us where he had flun# it ! did not =now till this "o"ent where e>a9tl5 it 9ould be found D .hen ! went ba9= to Madras ! was a different "an The do9tor had Cust returned for a short sta5 ! told hi" e$er5thin# He was furious D .e ha$e "ade oursel$es "i#ht5 fools before the whole world2D he 9ried ! didn't =now what to sa5 ! "u"bled A D! a" so sorr52 sir D He pointed at the pile of "anus9ripts on the table and 9ried A D Throw all that rubbish into the fire2 before we are de9lared "ad D ! pushed the whole pile off the table and applied a "at9h;sti9= .e stood frownin# at the roarin# fire for a "o"ent2 and then he as=ed2 pointin# at the i"a#e A D And what will 5ou do with it F D D ! don't =now2D ! said D Drown it After all2 5ou pi9=ed it up fro" the water that pie9e of nonsense H D he 9ried ! had ne$er seen hi" in su9h a ra#e before ! wrapped the i"a#e in a pie9e of brown paper2 9arried it to the seashore2 and flun# it far into the sea ! hope it is still rollin# about at the botto" of the %a5 of %en#al ! onl5 hope it won't #et into so"e lar#e fish and 9o"e ba9= to the stud5 table H Later a brief "essa#e appeared in all the i"portant papers A D The "anus9ript on whi9h Do9tor and assistant were en#a#ed has been destro5ed2 and the wor= will be suspended D The do9tor #a$e "e two "onths' salar5 and bade "e #ood;b5e

: THE %L!ND DOG !T was not a $er5 i"pressi$e or hi#h;9lass do# E it was one of those 9o""onpla9e do#s one sees e$er5where 9olour of white and dust2 tail "utilated at a 5oun# a#e b5 God =nows who"2 born in the street2 and bred on the lea$in#s and #arba#e of the "ar=et;pla9e He had spott5 e5es and undistin#uished 9arria#e and needless pu#na9it5 %efore he was two

5ears old he had earned the s9ars of a hundred fi#hts on his bod5 .hen he needed rest on hot afternoons he la5 9urled up under the 9ul$ert at the eastern #ate of the "ar=et !n the e$enin#s he set out on his dail5 rounds2 loafed in the surroundin# streets and lanes2 en#a#ed hi"self in s=ir"ishes2 pi9=ed up edibles on the roadside2 and was ba9= at the "ar=et #ate b5 ni#htfall This life went on for three 5ears And then o99urred a 9han#e in his life A be##ar2 blind of both e5es2 appeared at the "ar=et #ate An old wo"an led hi" up there earl5 in the "ornin#2 seated hi" at the #ate2 and 9a"e up a#ain at "idda5 with so"e food2 #athered his 9oins2 and too= hi" ho"e at ni#ht The do# was sleepin# near b5 He was stirred b5 the s"ell of food He #ot up2 9a"e out of his shelter2 and stood before the blind "an2 wa##in# his tail and #a@in# e>pe9tantl5 at the bowl2 as he was eatin# his sparse "eal The blind "an swept his ar"s about and as=ed A D .ho is there F D At whi9h the do# went up and li9=ed his hand The blind "an stro=ed ,1

,: THE %L!ND DOG its 9oat #entl5 tail to ear and said A D .hat a beaut5 5ou are 3o"e with "e D He threw a handful

of food whi9h the do# ate #ratefull5 !t was perhaps an auspi9ious "o"ent for startin# a friendship The5 "et e$er5 da5 there2 and the do# 9ut off "u9h of its ra"blin# to sit up beside the blind "an and wat9h hi" Nre9ei$e al"s "ornin# to e$enin# !n 9ourse of ti"e obser$in# hi"2 the do# understood that the passers;b5 "ust #i$e a 9oin2 and whoe$er went awa5 without droppin# a 9oin was 9hased b5 the do# E he tu##ed the ed#e of their 9lothes b5 his teeth and pulled the" ba9= to the old "an at the #ate and let #o onl5 after so"ethin# was dropped in his bowl A"on# those who fre?uented this pla9e was a $illa#e ur9hin2 who had the "is9hief of a de$il in hi" He li=ed to tease the blind "an b5 9allin# hi" na"es and b5 tr5in# to pi9= up the 9oins in his bowl The blind "an helplessl5 shouted and 9ried and whirled his staff On Thursda5s this bo5 appeared at the #ate2 9arr5in# on his head a bas=et loaded with 9u9u"ber or plantain E$er5 Thursda5 afternoon it was a 9risis in the blind "an's life A seller of bri#ht 9oloured but doubtful perfu"es with his wares "ounted on a wheeled platfor"2 a "an who spread out 9heap stor5;boo=s on a #unn5 sa9=2 another "an who 9arried 9oloured ribbons on an elaborate fra"e these were

the people who usuall5 #athered under the sa"e ar9h2 On a Thursda5 when the 5oun# "an appeared at the Eastern #ate one of the" re"ar=ed2 D %lind fellow H Here 9o"es 5our s9our#e D DOh2 God2 is this Thursda5FD he wailed He swept his ar"s about and 9alled A D Do#2 do#2 9o"e here2 where are 5ou F D He "ade the pe9uliar noise whi9h brou#ht the do# to his side He stro=ed his

THE %L!ND DOG ,head and "uttered A D Don't let that little ras9al D At this $er5 "o"ent the bo5 9a"e up with a leer on his fa9e D %lind "an H Still pretendin# 5ou ha$e no e5es !f 5ou are reall5 blind2 5ou should not =now this either D He stopped2 his hand "o$in# towards the bowl The do# spran# on hi" and snapped his Caws on wrist The bo5 e>tri9ated his hand and ran for his life The do# bounded up behind hi" and 9hased hi" out of the "ar=et D See the "on#rel's affe9tion for this old fellowI' "ar$elled the perfu"e;$endor One e$enin# at the usual ti"e the old wo"an failed to turn up2 and the blind "an waited at the #ate2 worr5in# as the e$enin# #rew into ni#ht As he sat frettin# there2 a nei#hbour 9a"e up and said A D Sa"i2 don't wait for the old wo"an She will not 9o"e a#ain She died this afternoon D The blind "an lost the onl5 ho"e he had2 and the onl5 person who 9ared for hi" in this world The ribbon;$endor su##ested A D Here2 ta=e this white tape D He held a len#th of the white 9ord whi9h he had been sellin# D ! will #i$e this to 5ou free of 9ost Tie it to the do# and let hi" lead 5ou about if he is reall5 so fond of 5ou D Life for the do# too= a new turn now He 9a"e to ta=e the pla9e of the old wo"an He lost his freedo" 9o"pletel5 His world 9a"e to be 9ir9u"s9ribed b5 the li"its of the white 9ord whi9h the ribbon;$endor had spared He had to for#et wholesale all his old life all his old haunts He si"pl5 had to sta5 on

for e$er at the end of that strin# .hen he saw other do#s2 friends or foes2 instin9ti$el5 he spran# up2 tu##in# the strin#2 and this in$ariabl5 earned hi" a

,7 THE %L!ND DOG =i9= fro" his "aster D Ras9al2 want to tu"ble "e

down ha$e sense D !n a few da5s the do# learnt to dis9ipline his instin9t and i"pulse He 9eased to ta=e noti9e of other do#s2 e$en if the5 9a"e up and #rowled at his side He lost his own orbit of "o$e; "ent and 9onta9t with his fellow;9reatures To the e>tent of this loss his "aster #ained He "o$ed about as he had ne$er "o$ed in his life All da5 he was on his le#s2 led b5 the do# .ith the staff in one hand and the do#;lead in the other he "o$ed out of his ho"e a 9orner in a 9houltr5 $eranda a few 5ards off the "ar=et A he had "o$ed in there after the old wo"an's death He started out earl5 in the da5 He found that he 9ould treble his in9o"e b5 "o$in# about instead of sta5in# in one pla9e He "o$ed down the 9houltr5 street2 and where$er he heard people's $oi9es he stopped and held out his hands for al"s Shops2 s9hools2 hospitals2 hotels he left nothin# out He #a$e a tu# when he wanted the do# to stop2 and shouted li=e a bullo9=;dri$er when he wanted hi" to "o$e on The do# prote9ted his feet fro" #oin# into pits2 or stu"pin# a#ainst steps or stones2 and too= hi" up in9h b5 in9h on safe #round and steps 'or this si#ht people #a$e 9oins and helped hi" 3hildren #athered round hi" and #a$e hi" thin#s to eat A do# is essentiall5 an a9ti$e 9reature who pun9tuates his he9ti9 rounds with well;defined periods of rest %ut now this do# /hen9eforth to be =nown as Ti#er0 had lost all rest He had rest onl5 when the old "an sat down so"ewhere At ni#ht the old "an slept with the 9ord turned around his fin#er D ! 9an't ta=e 9han9es with 5ou D he said A

#reat desire to earn "ore "one5 than e$er before sei@ed his "aster2 so that he felt an5 restin# a waste

THE %L!ND DOG ,+ of opportunit52 and the do# had to be 9ontinuousl5 on his feet So"eti"es his le#s refused to "o$e %ut if he slowed down e$en sli#htl5 his "aster #oaded hi" on fier9el5 with his staff The do# whined and #roaned under this thrust D Don't whine2 5ou

ras9al Don't ! #i$e 5ou 5our food F You want to loaf2 do 5ou F D swore the blind "an The do# lu"bered up and down and round and round the "ar=et;pla9e on slow steps2 tied down to the blind t5rant Lon# after the traffi9 at the "ar=et 9eased2 5ou 9ould hear the ni#ht stabbed b5 the far;off wail of the tired do# !t lost its ori#inal appearan9e As "onths rolled on2 bones stu9= up at his haun9hes and ribs were reliefed throu#h his fadin# 9oat The ribbon;seller2 the no$el;$endor and the perfu"er obser$ed it one e$enin#2 when business was sla9=2 and held a 9onferen9e a"on# the"sel$es A D!t rends "5 heart to see that poor do# sla$in# 3an't we do so"ethin# F D The ribbon;seller re"ar=ed A D That ras9al has started lendin# "one5 for interest ! heard it fro" that fruit;seller He is earnin# "ore than he needs He has be9o"e a $er5 de$il for "one5 D

At this point the perfu"er's e5es 9au#ht the s9issors dan#lin# fro" the ribbon;ra9= D Gi$e it here2D he said and "o$ed on with the s9issors in hand The blind "an was passin# in front of the Eastern #ate The do# was strainin# the lead There was a pie9e of bone l5in# on the wa5 and the do# was strainin# to pi9= it up The lead be9a"e taut and hurt the blind "an's hand2 and he tu##ed the strin# and =i9=ed till the do# howled !t howled2 but 9ould not pass the bone li#htl5 E it tried to "a=e another dash for it The blind "an was heapin# 9urses on it The perfu"er stepped up2 applied the s9issors and

1< THE %L!ND DOG snipped the 9ord The do# boun9ed off and pi9=ed up the bone The blind "an stopped dead where he stood2 with the other half of the strin# dan#lin# in his hand D Ti#er H Ti#er H .here are 5ou F D he 9ried The perfu"er "o$ed awa5 ?uietl52 "utterin# A D You heartless de$il H You will ne$er #et at hi" a#ain H He has his freedo" H D The do# went off at top speed He nosed about the dit9hes happil52 hurled hi"self on other do#s2 and ran round and round the fountain in the "ar=et;s?uare bar=in#2 his e5es spar=lin# with Co5 He returned to his fa$ourite haunts and hun# about the but9her's shop2 tea;stall2 and the ba=er5 The ribbon;$endor and his two friends stood at the "ar=et #ate and enCo5ed the si#ht i""ensel5 as the blind "an stru##led to find his wa5 about He stood rooted to the spot wa$in# his sti9= E he felt as if he

were han#in# in "id;air He was wailin# D Oh2 where is "5 do#F .here is "5 do#F .on't so"eone #i$e hi" ba9= to "eF ! will "urder it when ! #et at it a#ain H D He #roped about2 tried to 9ross the road2 9a"e near bein# run o$er b5 a do@en $ehi9les at different points2 tu"bled and stru##led and #asped D He'd deser$e it if he was run o$er2 this heartless bla9=#uard D the5 said2 obser$in# hi" Howe$er2 with the help 9orner in the his #unn5sa9= his Courne5 the old "an stru##led throu#h and of so"eone found his wa5 ba9= to his 9houltr5 $eranda and san= down on bed2 half faint with the strain of

He was not seen for ten da5s2 fifteen da5s and twent5 da5s Nor was the do# seen an5where The5 9o""ented a"on# the"sel$es D The do# "ust be loafin# o$er the whole earth2 free and happ5 The

THE %L!ND DOG 1* be##ar is perhaps #one for e$er D Hardl5 was this senten9e uttered when the5 heard the fa"iliar tap;tap of the blind "an's staff The5 saw hi" a#ain 9o"in# up the pa$e"ent led b5 the do# D Loo= H Loo= H D the5 9ried D He has a#ain #ot at it and tied it up D The ribbon;seller 9ould not 9ontain hi"self He ran up and said A D .here ha$e 5ou been all these da5s F D D &now what happened H D 9ried the blind "an D This do# ran awa5 ! should ha$e died in a da5 or two2 9onfined to "5 9orner2 no food2 not an anna to earn i"prisoned in "5 9orner ! should ha$e perished if it 9ontinued for another da5 %ut this thin# returned D D .hen F .hen F D D Last ni#ht At "idni#ht as ! slept in bed2 he 9a"e and li9=ed "5 fa9e ! felt li=e "urderin# hi" ! #a$e hi" a blow whi9h he will ne$er for#et a#ain2D said the blind "an D ! for#a$e hi"2 after all a do# H He loafed as lon# as he 9ould pi9= up so"e rubbish to eat on the road2 but real hun#er has dri$en hi" ba9= to Cne2 but he will not lea$e "e a#ain See H ! ha$e #ot this D and he shoo= the lead A it was

a steel 9hain this ti"e On9e a#ain there was the dead2 despairin# loo= in the do#'s e5es D Go on2 5ou fool2D 9ried the blind "an2 shoutin# li=e an o>;dri$er He tu##ed the 9hain2 po=ed with the sti9=2 and the do# "o$ed awa5 on slow steps The5 stood listenin# to the tap;tap #oin# awa5 D Death alone 9an help that do#2D 9ried the ribbon; seller2 loo=in# after it with a si#h D .hat 9an we do with a 9reature who returns to his doo" with su9h a free heart F D

'ELLO.;'EEL!NG THE Madras;%an#alore E>press was due to start in a few "inutes Trolle5s and barrows piled with trun=s and beds rattled their wa5 throu#h the bustle 'ruit;sellers and beedi;and;betel sellers 9ried the"sel$es hoarse Late9o"ers pushed2 shouted and perspired The en#ine added to the #eneral noise with the low "onotonous hu" of its boiler E the first bell ran#2 the #uard loo=ed at his wat9h Mr RaCa" !5er arri$ed on the platfor" at a terrifi9 pa9e2 with a s"all roll of beddin# under one ar" and an absurd 5ellow trun= under the other He ran to the first third;9lass 9o"part"ent that 9au#ht his e5e2 peered in and2 sin9e the door 9ould not be opened on a99ount of the 9on#estion inside2 flun# hi"self in throu#h the window 'ifteen "inutes later Madras flashed past the train in window;fra"ed pat9hes of sun;s9or9hed roofs and fields At the ne>t halt2 Mandha=a"2 "ost of the passen#ers #ot down The 9o"part"ent built to D seat 7 passen#ers E , %ritish Troops2 or : !ndian Troops2D now 9arried onl5 nine RaCa" !5er found a seat and "ade hi"self 9o"fortable opposite a sallow2 "ee= passen#er2 who suddenl5 re"o$ed his 9oat2 folded it and pla9ed it under his head and la5 down2 shrin=in# hi"self to the area he had o99upied while he was sittin# .ith his =nees drawn up al"ost to 16

'ELLO.;'EEL!NG 18 his 9hin2 he rolled hi"self into a ball RaCa" !5er threw at hi" an indul#ent2 9o"passionate loo= He then fu"bled for his #lasses and pulled out of his

po9=et a s"all boo=2 whi9h set forth in 9lear Ta"il the si#nifi9an9e of the obs9ure Sandhi rites that e$er5 %rah"in worth the na"e perfor"s thri9e dail5 He was startled out of this pleasant lan#uor b5 a series of #rowls 9o"in# fro" a passen#er who had #ot in at &atpadi The new9o"er2 loo=in# for a seat2 had been irritated b5 the spe9ta9le of the "ee= passen#er asleep and had enfor9ed the law of the Third;9lass He then en9roa9hed on "ost of the "ee= passen#er's le#iti"ate spa9e and be#an to deli$er ho"e;truths whi9h passed b5 eas5 sta#es fro" i"; puden9e to i"pertinen9e and finall5 to ribaldr5 RaCa" !5er peered o$er his spe9ta9les There was a dan#erous loo= in his e5es He tried to return to the boo=2 but 9ould not The bull5's spee9h was #atherin# "o"entu" D .hat is all this F D RaCa" !5er as=ed suddenl52 in a hard tone D .hat is what F D #rowled ba9= the new9o"er2 turnin# sharpl5 on RaCa" !5er D Moderate 5our st5le a bit2D RaCa" !5er said fir"l5 D You "oderate 5ours first2' * replied the other A pause D M5 "an2D RaCa" !5er be#an endearin#l52 D this sort of thin# will ne$er do D The new9o"er re9ei$ed this in silen9e RaCa" !5er felt en9oura#ed and dro$e ho"e his "oral A DLust tr5 and be "ore 9ourteous2 it is 5our dut5 D D You "ind 5our business2D replied the new9o"er RaCa" !5er shoo= his head disappro$in#l5 and

1, 'ELLO.;'EEL!NG drawled out a D No D The new9o"er stood loo=in# out for so"e ti"e and2 as if e>pressin# a brilliant truth that had Cust dawned on hi"2 said2 D You ar9 a %rah"in2 ! see Learn2 sir2 that 5our da5s are o$er Don't thin= 5ou 9an bull5 us as 5ou ha$e been bull5in# us all these 5ears D RaCa" !5er #a$e a short lau#h and said A D .hat has it to do with 5our beastl5 9ondu9t to this #entle; "an F D

The new9o"er assu"ed a tone of "o9= hu"ilit5 and said A D Shall ! ta=e the dust fro" 5our feet2 O Hol5 %rah"in F Oh2 %rah"in2 %rah"in D He 9on; tinued in a sin#;son# fashion A D Your da5s are o$er2 "5 dear sir2 learn that ! should li=e to see 5ou tr5in# a bit of bossin# on us D D .hose "aster is who F D as=ed RaCa" !5er philosophi9all5 The new9o"er went on with no ob$ious rele$an9e A D The 9ost of "utton has #one up out of all proportion !t is nearl5 double what it used to be D D !s it F D as=ed RaCa" !5er D Yes2 and wh5 F D 9ontinued the other D %e9ause %rah"ins ha$e be#un to eat "eat and the5 pa5 hi#h pri9es to #et it se9retl5 D He then turned to the other passen#ers and added A D And we non;%rah"ins ha$e to pa5 the sa"e pri9e2 thou#h we don't 9are for the se9re95 D RaCa" !5er leaned ba9= in his seat2 re"indin# hi"self of a pro$erb whi9h said that if 5ou threw a stone into a #utter it would onl5 spurt filth in 5our fa9e D And2D said the new9o"er2 D the pri9e of "eat used to be fi$e annas per pound ! re"e"ber the da5s ?uite well !t is nearl5 twel$e annas now .h5F %e9ause the %rah"in is prepared to pa5 so

'ELLO.;'EEL!NG 11 "u9h2 if onl5 he 9an ha$e it in se9retB ! ha$e with "5 own e5es seen %rah"ins2 pu==ah %rah"ins with sa9red threads on their bodies2 9arr5in# fish under their ar"s2 of 9ourse all wrapped up in a towel As= the" what it is2 and the5 will tell 5ou that it is plantain (lantain that has life2 ! suppose H ! on9e ti9=led a fellow under the ar" and out 9a"e the bi##est fish in the "ar=et He52 %rah"in2D he said2 turnin# to RaCa" !5er2 D what did 5ou ha$e for 5our "eal this "ornin#FD D.hoF ! F D as=ed RaCa" !5er D.h5 do 5ou want to =now F D D Loo=2 sirs2D said the new9o"er to the other passen#ers2 D wh5 is he afraid to tell us what he ate this "ornin# F D And turnin# to RaCa" !5er2 D Ma5n't a "an as= another what he had for his "ornin# "eal F D D Oh2 b5 all "eans ! had ri9e2 #hee2 9urds2 brinCal soup2 fried beans D D Oh2 is that all F D as=ed the new9o"er2 with an

inno9ent loo= D Yes2D replied RaCa" !5er D !s that all F D D Yes2 how "an5 ti"es do 5ou want "e to repeat itFD D No offen9e2 no offen9e2D replied the new9o"er D Do 5ou "ean to sa5 ! a" l5in# F D as=ed RaCa" !5er D Yes2D replied the other2 D 5ou ha$e o"itted fro" 5our list a few thin#s Didn't ! see 5ou this "ornin# #oin# ho"e fro" the "ar=et with a banana2 a water banana2 wrapped up in a towel2 under 5our ar"F (ossibl5 it was so"ebod5 $er5 "u9h li=e 5ou (ossibl5 ! "istoo= the person M5 wife prepares e>9ellent soup with fish You won't be able to find the differen9e between dholl soup and fish soup Send 5our wife2

1 : 'ELLO.;'EEL!NG or the wife of the person that was e>a9tl5 li=e 5ou to "5 wife to learn soup "a=in# Hundreds of %rah"ins ha$e s"a9=ed their lips o$er the dholl soup prepared in "5 house ! a" a leper if there is a lie in an5thin# ! sa5 D D You are2D replied RaCa" !5er2 #rindin# his teeth D You are a rabid leper D D .ho" do 5ou 9all a leper H D D You H D D ! F You 9all "e a leper F D D No ! 9all 5ou a rabid leper D

D You 9all "e rabid F D the new9o"er as=ed2 stri=in# his 9hest to e"phasi@e D Me D D You are a filth5 brute2D said RaCa" !5er "ust be handed o$er to the poli9e D D %ah H D e>9lai"ed the new9o"er =now what these poli9e were D D You

D As if ! didn't

D Yes2 5ou "ust ha$e had 9ountless o99asions to =now the poli9e And 5ou will see "ore of the" 5et in 5our "iserable life2 if 5ou don't #et beaten to death li=e the street "on#rel 5ou are2D said RaCa" !5er in

#reat passion D .ith 5our foul "outh 5ou are bound to 9o"e to that end D D .hat do 5ou sa5 F D shouted the new9o"er "ena9in#l5 D .hat do 5ou sa52 5ou $ile hu"bu# F D D Shut up2D RaCa" !5er 9ried D You shut up D D Do 5ou =now to who" 5ou are tal=in# F D D .hat do ! 9are who the son of a "on#rel is F D D ! will thrash 5ou with "5 slippers2D said RaCa" !5er D ! will pulp 5ou down with an old rotten sandal2D 9a"e the repl5 D ! will =i9= 5ou2D said RaCa" !5er

'ELLO.;'EEL!NG 1D .ill 5ou F D howled the new9o"er D 3o"e on2 let us see D %oth rose to their feet si"ultaneousl5 There the5 stood fa9in# ea9h other on the floor of the 9o"part"ent RaCa" !5er was sei@ed b5 a sense of inferiorit5 The new9o"er stood nine 9lean in9hes o$er hi" He be#an to feel ridi9ulous2 short and fat2 wearin# a loose dhot and a #reen 9oat2 while the new9o"er towered abo$e hi" in his #rease;spotted =ha=i suit Out of the 9orner of his e5e he noted that the other passen#ers were waitin# ea#erl5 to see how the issue would be settled and were not in the least disposed to inter$ene D .h5 do 5ou stand as if 5our "outh was stopped with "ud F D as=ed the new9o"er D Shut up2D RaCa" !5er snapped2 tr5in# not to be i"pressed b5 the si@e of the ad$ersar5 D Your honour said that 5ou would =i9= "e2D said the new9o"er2 pretendin# to offer hi"self D .on't ! =i9= 5ou F D as=ed RaCa" !5er D Tr5 D D No2D said RaCa" !5er2 D ! will do so"ethin#

worse D

D Do it2D said the other2 throwin# forward his 9hest and pushin# up the slee$es of his 9oat RaCa" !5er re"o$ed his 9oat and rolled up his slee$es He rubbed his hands and 9o""anded suddenl5 D Stand still H D The new9o"er was ta=en aba9= He stood for a se9ond baffled RaCa" !5er #a$e hi" no ti"e to thin= .ith #reat for9e he swun# his ri#ht ar" and brou#ht it near the other's 9hee=2 but stopped it short without hittin# hi" D .ait a "inute2 ! thin= ! had better #i$e 5ou a 9han9e2D said RaCa" !5er

1 7 'ELLO.;'EEL!NG D .hat 9han9e F D as=ed the new9o"er D !t would be unfair if ! did it without #i$in# 5ou a 9han9e D D Did what F D D You stand there and it will be o$er in a fra9tion of a se9ond D D 'ra9tion of a se9ond F .hat will 5ou do F D D Oh2 nothin# $er5 9o"pli9ated2D replied RaC a" !5er non9halantl52 D nothin# $er5 9o"pli9ated ! will slap 5our ri#ht 9hee= and at the sa"e ti"e tu# 5our left ear and 5our "outh2 whi9h is now under 5our nose2 will suddenl5 find itself under 5our left ear2 and2 what is "ore2 sta5 there ! assure 5ou2 5ou won't feel an5 pain D D .hat do 5ou sa5 F D D And it will all be o$er before 5ou sa5 ' Sri Ra"a 4 D ! don't belie$e it2D said the new9o"er D .ell and #ood !5er 9arelessl5 pro$o9ation D Don't belie$e it2D said RaCa" D ! ne$er do it e>9ept under e>tre"e

D Do 5ou thin= ! a" an infant F D

D ! i"plore 5ou2 "5 "an2 not to belie$e "e Ha$e 5ou heard of a thin# 9alled Cu;Citsu F .ell2 this is a si"ple tri9= in Cu;Citsu perhaps =nown to half a do@en persons in the whole of South !ndia D D You said 5ou would =i9= "e2D said the new9o"er D .ell2 isn't this worse F D as=ed RaCa" !5er He drew a line on the new9o"er's fa9e between his left ear and "outh2 "utterin# D ! "ust ad"it 5ou ha$e a tolerabl5 #ood fa9e and round fi#ure %ut i"a#ine 5ourself #oin# about the streets with 5our "outh under 5our left ear D He 9hu9=led at the $ision D ! e>pe9t at Lalarpet station there will be a hu#e 9rowd outside our 9o"part"ent to see 5ouI + The new9o"er

'ELLO.;'EEL!NG 1+ stro=ed his 9hin thou#htfull5 RaCa" !5er 9ontinued A D ! felt it "5 dut5 to e>plain the whole thin# to 5ou beforehand ! a" not as hot headed as 5ou are ! ha$e so"e 9onsideration for 5our wife and 9hildren !t will ta=e so"e ti"e for the =ids to re9o#ni@e papa when he returns ho"e with his "outh under How "an5 9hildren ha$e 5ou F D D 'our D D And then thin= of it2D said RaCa" !5er A D You will ha$e to ta=e 5our food under 5our left ear2 and 5ou will need the assistan9e of 5our wife to drin= water She will ha$e to pour it in D D ! will #o to a do9tor2D said the new9o"er D Do #o2D replied RaCa" !5er2 D and ! will #i$e 5ou a thousand rupees if 5ou find a do9tor You "a5 tr5 e$en European do9tors D The new9o"er stood ru"inatin# with =nitted brow D Now prepare2D shouted RaCa" !5er2 D one blow on the ri#ht 9hee= ! will Cer= 5our left ear2 and 5our "outh D The new9o"er suddenl5 ran to the window and leaned far out of it RaCa" de9ided to lea$e the 9o"part"ent at Lalarpet %ut the "o"ent the train stopped at Lalarpet station2 the new9o"er #rabbed his ba# and Cu"ped out He "o$ed awa5 at a furious pa9e and al"ost =no9=ed down a 9o9onut;seller and a person 9arr5in# a tra5; load of 9oloured to5s RaCa" !5er felt it would not be ne9essar5 for hi" to #et out now He leaned throu#h the window and 9ried2 D Loo= here H D The

new9o"er turned D Shall ! =eep a seat for 5ou F D as=ed RaCa" !5er DNo2 "5 ti9=et is for Lalaipet2D the new9o"er answered and ?ui9=ened his pa9e

:< 'ELLO.;'EEL!NG The train had left Lalarpet at least a "ile behind The "ee= passen#er still sat shrun= in a 9orner of the seat RaCa" !5er loo=ed o$er his spe9ta9les and said A D Lie down if 5ou li=e 18 The "ee= passen#er pro9eeded to roll hi"self into a ball RaCa" !5er added2 D Did 5ou hear that bull5 sa5 that his ti9=et was for Lalarpet F D D Yes D D .ell2D he lied2 u he is in the fourth 9o"part"ent fro" here ! saw hi" #et into it Cust as the train started D Thou#h the "ee= passen#er was too #rateful to doubt this state"ent2 one or two other passen#ers loo=ed at RaCa" !5er s9epti9all5

7 THE .AT3HMAN THERE was still a faint splash of red on the western hori@on The wat9h"an stood on the tan= bund and too= a final sur$e5 All the people who had 9o"e for e$enin# wal=s had returned to their ho"es Not a soul an5where e>9ept that obstinate an#ler2 at the northern end2 who sat with his feet in water2 sadl5 #a@in# on his rod !t was no use botherin# about hi" A he would sit there till "idni#ht2 hopin# for a 9at9h The Talu= offi9e #on# stru9= nine The wat9h"an was satisfied that no trespassin# 9attle had snea=ed in throu#h the wire fen9in# As he turned to #o2 he saw2 about a hundred 5ards awa52 a shadow5 fi#ure "o$in# down the narrow stone steps that led to the water's ed#e He thou#ht for a se9ond that it "i#ht be a #host He dis"issed the idea2 and went up to in$esti#ate !f it was an5one 9o"e to bathe at this hour 'ro" the top step he obser$ed that it was a wo"an's for" She stooped o$er the last step and pla9ed so"ethin# on it possibl5 a letter She then stepped into =nee;deep water2 and stood there2

her hands pressed to#ether in pra5er )n"ista=able si#ns alwa5s to be followed b5 the poli9e and #rueso"e details2 brin#in# the $er5 worst possible reputation to a tan= He shouted2 D Go"e out2 there2 9o"e out of i=D The for" loo=ed up fro" the water D Don't stand :*

:6 THE .AT3HMAN there and #a@e You'll 9at9h a 9old2 9o"e up whoe$er 5ou are D He ra9ed down the steps and pi9=ed up the letter He hurriedl5 lit his la"p2 and turned its wi9=2 till it burnt bri#htl52 and held it up2 "ur; "urin# A D ! don't li=e this .h5 is e$er5one 9o"in# to the sa"e tan= F !f 5ou want to be dead2 throw 5ourself under an en#ine2D he said The li#ht fell upon the other's fa9e !t was a 5oun# #irl's2 wet with tears He felt a sudden pit5 He said2 D Sit down2 sit down and rest no2 no #o up two "ore steps and sit down Don't sit so near the water D She obe5ed He sat down on the last step between her and the water2 pla9ed the lantern on the step2 too= out a pie9e of toba99o and put it in his "outh She buried her fa9e in her hands2 and be#an to sob He felt troubled and as=ed A D .h5 don't 5ou rise and #o ho"e2 lad5 F D She sputtered throu#h her sob A D ! ha$e no ho"e in this world H D D Don't tell "e H Surel52 5ou didn't #row up with; out a ho"e all these 5ears H D said the wat9h"an D ! lost "5 "other when ! was fi$e 5ears old D she said D ! thou#ht so D replied the wat9h"an2 and added2 D and 5our father "arried a#ain and 5ou #rew up under the 9are of 5our step;"other F D D Yes2 5es2 how do 5ou =now F D she as=ed D ! a" si>t5;fi$e 5ears old2D he said and as=ed A D Did 5our step;"other trouble 5ou F D D No2 there 5ou are wron#2D is $er5 =ind to "e She has e$er sin9e "5 father died a Cust a little "one5 on hand spends it on us D the #irl said D She been loo=in# after "e few 5ears a#o She has left b5 "5 father2 and she

THE .AT3HMAN :8 The wat9h"an loo=ed at the stars2 si#hed for the dinner that he was "issin# D !t's $er5 late2 "ada"2 #o ho"e D D ! tell 5ou !'$e no ho"e D she retorted an#ril5 D Your step;"other's house is all ri#ht fro" what 5ou sa5 She is #ood to 5ou D D %ut wh5 should ! be a burden to her F .ho a" ! F D DYou are her husband's dau#hter D the wat9h; "an said2 and added2 D that is enou#h 9lai" D D No no ! won't li$e on an5bod5's 9harit5 D

D Then 5ou will ha$e to wait till the5 find 5ou a husband D She #lared at hi" in the dar= D That's what ! do not want to do ! want to stud5 and be9o"e a do9tor and earn "5 li$elihood ! don't want to "arr5 ! often 9at9h "5 "other tal=in# far into the ni#ht to her eldest son2 worr5in# about "5 future2 about "5 "arria#e ! =now the5 9annot afford to =eep "e in 9olle#e $er5 lon# now E it 9osts about twent5 rupees a "onth D D Twent5 rupees H D The wat9h"an e>9lai"ed !t was his "onth's salar5 D How 9an an5bod5 spend so "u9h for boo=s H D D Till toda52D she said2 D ! was hopin# that ! would #et a s9holarship That would ha$e sa$ed "e %ut this e$enin# the5 announ9ed E others ha$e #ot it2 not ! M5 na"e is not there D and she bro=e down

a#ain The wat9h"an loo=ed at her in surprise He 9o"prehended $er5 little of all this situation She added A D And when the5 9o"e to =now of this2 the5 will tr5 to arran#e "5 "arria#e So"eone is 9o"in# to ha$e a loo= at "e to"orrow D

:, THE .AT3HMAN D Marr5 hi" and "a5 God bless 5ou with ten

9hildren D D No2 no2D she 9ried h5steri9all5 to "arr5 ! want to stud5 D D ! don't want

The silent ni#ht was stabbed b5 her sobbin# and so"e ni#ht bird rustled the water2 and wa$elets beat upon the shore Seein# her suffer2 he found his own sorrows in life 9a"e to his "ind E how in those far;off ti"es2 in his little $illa#e ho"e an epide"i9 of 9holera laid out his father and "other and brothers on the sa"e da52 and he was the sole sur$i$or E how he was turned out of his an9estral ho"e throu#h the tri9=er5 of his father's =ins"en2 and he wandered as an orphan2 sufferin# indes9ribable hun#er and pri$ation D E$er5one has his own "iseries2D he said D !f people tried to =ill the"sel$es for ea9h one of the"2 ! don't =now how often the5 would ha$e to drown D He re"e"bered further in9idents and his $oi9e shoo= with sorrow D You are 5oun# and 5ou don't =now what sorrow is D He re"ained silent and a sob bro=e out of hi" as he said A D ! pra5ed to all the #ods in the world for a son M5 wife bore "e ei#ht 9hildren Onl5 one dau#hter li$es now2 and none of the others saw the ele$enth 5ear 2 2 D The #irl loo=ed at hi" in bewilder"ent The Talu= offi9e #on# stru9= a#ain D !t is late2 5ou had better #et up and #o ho"e D he said She replied A D ! ha$e no ho"e D He felt irritated D You are "a=in# too "u9h of nothin# You should not be obstinate D D You don't =now "5 trouble2D she said He pi9=ed up his lantern and staff and #ot up put her letter down where he found it He

D !f 5ou are #oin# to be so obstinate !'ll lea$e 5ou

THE .AT3HMAN :1 alone No one 9an bla"e "e D He paused for a "o"ent2 loo=ed at her2 and went up the steps E not a word passed between the" a#ain The "o"ent he 9a"e ba9= to dut5 ne>t "ornin#2 he hurried down the stone steps The letter la5 where he had dropped it on the pre$ious ni#ht He pi9=ed it up and #a@ed on it2 helplessl52 wishin# that it 9ould tell hi" about the fate of the #irl after he had left her He tore it up and flun# it on the water As he wat9hed

the bits float off on ripples2 he bla"ed hi"self for lea$in# her and #oin# awa5 on the pre$ious ni#ht D ! a" responsible for at least one sui9ide in this tan=2D he often re"ar=ed to hi"self He 9ould ne$er loo= at the blue e>panse of water a#ain with an eas5 "ind E$en "an5 "onths later he 9ould not be 9ertain that the re"ains of a bod5 would not 9o"e up all of a sudden D .ho =nows2 it so"eti"es happens that the bod5 #ets stu9= deep down2D he refle9ted

Years later2 one e$enin# as he stood on the bund and too= a final sur$e5 before #oin# ho"e2 he saw a 9ar draw up on the road below A "an2 a wo"an2 and three 9hildren e"er#ed fro" the 9ar and 9li"bed the bund .hen the5 approa9hed2 the wat9h"an felt a start at his heart E the fi#ure and fa9e of the wo"an see"ed fa"iliar to hi" Thou#h altered b5 5ears2 and orna"ents2 and dress2 he thou#ht that he had now re9o#ni@ed the fa9e he had on9e seen b5 the lantern li#ht He felt e>9ited at this dis9o$er5 He had nu"erous ?uestions to as= He brou#ht to#ether his pal"s and saluted her respe9tfull5 He e>pe9ted she would stop and spea= to hi" %ut she "erel5 threw

:: THE .AT3HMAN at hi" an indifferent #lan9e and passed on He stood starin# after her for a "o"ent2 baffled D (robabl5 this is so"eone elseI' he "uttered and turned to #o ho"e2 resol$in# to dis"iss the whole episode fro" his "ind

+ THE T!GER'S 3LA. THE "an;eater's dar= 9areer was ended The "en who had laid it low were the heroes of the da5 The5 were #arlanded with 9hr5santhe"u" flowers and seated on the ar9h of the hi#hest bullo9= 9art and were paraded in the streets2 i""ediatel5 followed b5 another bullo9=;drawn open 9art2 on whi9h their troph5 la5 with #la@ed e5es o$erflowin# the 9art on e$er5 side2 his tail trailin# the dust The $illa#e suspended all the nor"al a9ti$it5 for the da5 A "en2 wo"en2 and 9hildren thron#ed the hi#hwa5s2 pressin# on with the pro9ession2 e>9itedl5 tal=in# about the ti#er The ti#er had held a rei#n of terror for nearl5 fi$e 5ears2 in the $illa#es that #irt Me"pi forests .e wat9hed fas9inated this s9ene2 driftin# alon#

with the 9rowd till the Tal=ati$e Man patted us fro" behind and 9ried A D Lost in wonder H !f 5ou4e had 5our e5efull of that 9ar9ass2 9o"e aside and listen to "e D After the 9rowd sur#ed past us2 he sat us on a ro9= "ount2 under a "ar#osa tree and be#an his tale D ! was on9e 9a"pin# in &oppal2 the "ost obs9ure of all the $illa#es that lie s9attered about the Me"pi re#ion You "i#ht wonder what ! was doin# in that desolate 9orner of the Earth !'ll tell 5ou You re"e"ber !'$e often spo=en to 5ou about "5 wor= as a#ent of a soil fertili@er 9o"pan5 !t was the :-

:7 THE T!GER'S 3LA. "ost "iserable period of "5 life Twent5;fi$e da5s in the "onth2 ! had to be on the road2 $isitin# noo=s and 9orners of the 9ountr5 and populari@in# the stuff One su9h Courne5 brou#ht "e on to the $illa#e &oppal !t was not reall5 a ' $illa#e ' but Cust a 9learin# with about fort5 houses and two streets2 he""ed in b5 the Cun#le on all sides The pla9e was din#5 and depressin# .h5 our 9o"pan5 should ha$e sou#ht to rea9h a pla9e li=e this for their stuff2 ! 9an't understand The5 would not ha$e =nown of its e>isten9e but for the fa9t that it was on the railwa5 Yes2 a9tuall5 on the railwa52 so"e obs9ure bran9h;line passed throu#h this $illa#e2 thou#h "ost trains did not stop there !ts 9entre of 9i$ili@ation was its railwa5 station presided o$er b5 a porter in blue2 and an old station;"aster2 a wi@ened "an wearin# a #reen turban2 and with red and #reen fla#s alwa5s tu9=ed under his ar"s Let "e tell 5ou about the B station ' !t was not a buildin#2 but an old railwa5 9arria#e2 whi9h2 ha$in# ser$ed its ter" of life2 was depri$ed of its wheels and planted beside the railwa5 lines !t had one or two windows throu#h whi9h the station;"aster issued ti9=ets2 and spo=e to those o99asional passen#ers who turned up in this wilderness A 9on$ol$ulus 9reeper was trained o$er its entran9e A no better use 9ould be found for an e>;9arria#e D One No$e"ber "ornin# a "i>ed train put "e down at this station and puffed awa5 into the forest The station;"aster2 with the fla#s under his ar"2 be9a"e e>9ited on seein# "e He had seen so few tra$ellers arri$in# that it #a$e hi" no end of pleasure to see a new fa9e He appointed hi"self "5 host i""ediatel52 and too= "e into the e>;9o"part"ent and seated "e on a stool He said A ' E>9use "e !'ll #et off these


papers in a "inute ' He s9rawled o$er so"e brown sheets2 put the" awa5 and rose He lo9=ed up the station2 and too= "e to his ho"e a $er5 tin5 stone buildin# 9onsistin# of Cust one roo"2 a =it9hen2 and a ba9=5ard The station;"aster li$ed here with his wife and se$en 9hildren He fed "e ! 9han#ed He sent the porter alon# with "e to the $illa#e2 whi9h was nearl5 a "ile off in the interior ! #athered about "e the peasants of those fort5 houses and le9tured to the" fro" the p5ol of the head"an's house The5 listened to "e patientl52 re9ei$ed the sa"ples and "5 elaborate dire9tions for their use2 and went awa5 to their respe9ti$e o99upations2 with 95ni9al 9o""ents a"on# the"sel$es re#ardin# "5 ideas of "anurin# ! pa9=ed up and started ba9= for the station;"aster's house at dus=2 "5 throat s"artin# and "5 own words rin#in# in "5 ears Thou#h a 9ouple of trains were now passin#2 the onl5 stoppin# train would be at 1 8< on the followin# "ornin# After dinner at the station;"aster's house2 ! felt the ti"e had 9o"e for "e to lea$e A it would be indeli9ate to sta5 on2 when the entire fa"il5 was waitin# to spread their beds in the hall ! said ! would sleep on the platfor" till "5 train arri$ed 'No2 no2 these are $er5 bad parts Not li=e 5our town 'ull of ti#ers ' the station;"aster said He let "e2 as a spe9ial 9on9ession2 sleep in the ' station ' A hea$5 table2 a 9hair and a stool o99upied "ost of the spa9e in the 9o"part"ent ! pushed the" aside and "ade a little spa9e for "5self in a 9orner !'d at least ei#ht hours before "e ! laid "5self down A all =inds of hu""in# and rustlin# sounds 9a"e throu#h the still ni#ht2 and tele#raph poles and ni#ht inse9ts hu""ed2 and ba"boo bushes 9rea=ed ! #ot up2

-< THE T!GER'S 3LA. bolted the little station door and la5 down2 feelin# forlorn !t be9a"e $er5 war"2 and ! 9ouldn't sleep ! #ot up a#ain2 opened the door sli#htl5 to let in a little air2 pla9ed the 9hair a9ross the door and went ba9= to "5 bed D ! fell asleep and drea"t ! was standin# on the 9rest of a hill and wat9hin# the $alle5 below2 under a pale "oonli#ht 'ar off a line of 9at;li=e 9reatures was "o$in# a9ross the slope2 half shadows2 and ! stood loo=in# at the" ad"irin#l52 for the5 "ar9hed on with #reat ele#an9e ! was so "u9h lost in this $ision that ! hadn't noti9ed that the5 had "o$ed up2 and 9o"e b5 a windin# path ri#ht behind "e ! turned and saw that the5 were not 9at;li=e in si@e but full;#rown ti#ers ! "ade a dash to the onl5 a$ailable shelter the station roo"

DAt this point the drea" ended as the 9hair barri; 9adin# the door 9a"e hurtlin# throu#h and fell on "e ! opened "5 e5es and saw at the door a ti#er pushin# hi"self in !t was a "uddled "o"ent for "e A not bein# sure whether the drea" was 9ontinuin# or whether ! was awa=e ! at first thou#ht it was "5 friend the station;"aster who was 9o"in# in2 but "5 drea" had full5 prepared "5 "ind ! saw the thin# dearl5 a#ainst the star;lit s=52 tail wa##in#2 #rowlin#2 and abo$e all2 his terrible e5es #lea"in# throu#h the dar= ! understood that the 'ertili@er 3o"pan5 would ha$e to "ana#e without "5 le9tures fro" the followin# da5 The ti#er hi"self was rather startled b5 the noise of the 9hair2 and stood hesitatin# He saw "e ?uite 9learl5 in "5 9orner2 and he see"ed to be tellin# hi"self A ' M5 dinner is there read52 but let "e first =now what this 9latterin# noise is about + So"ehow wild ani"als are less afraid of hu"an bein#s

THE T!GER'S 3LA. -* than the5 are of pie9es of furniture li=e 9hairs and tables ! ha$e seen 9ir9us "en "ana#in# a whole "ena#erie with nothin# "ore than a 9hair God #i$es us su9h re9olle9tions in order to sa$e us at 9riti9al "o"ents E and as the ti#er stood obser$in# "e and wat9hin# the 9hair2 ! put out "5 hands and with desperate stren#th drew the table towards "e2 and also the stool ! sat with "5 ba9= to the 9orner E the table wed#ed in ni9el5 with the 9orner ! sat under it2 and the stool walled up another side .hile ! dra##ed the table down2 a lot of thin#s fell off it2 a table la"p2 a lon# =nife and pins 'ro" "5 shelter ! peeped at the ti#er2 who was also wat9hin# "e with interest E$identl5 he didn't li=e his "eal to be so 9o"pletel5 shut out of si#ht So he 9autiousl5 ad; $an9ed a step or two2 "a=in# a sort of ru"blin# noise at his throat whi9h see"ed to sha=e up the little station house M5 end was nearin# ! reall5 pitied the wo"an whose lot it was to ha$e be9o"e "5 wife D ! held up the 9hair li=e a shield2 and flourished it2 and the ti#er hesitated and fell ba9= a step or two Now on9e a#ain we spent so"e ti"e wat9hin# for ea9h other's "o$e"ents ! held "5 breath and waited The ti#er stood there fier9el5 wa$in# its tail2 whi9h so"eti"es stru9= the side walls and sent forth a thud He suddenl5 9rou9hed down without ta=in# his e5es off "e2 and s9rat9hed the floor with his daws 9 He is sharpenin# it for "e2' ! told "5self The little sha9= had alread5 a9?uired the s"ell of a @oo !t "ade "e si9= The ti#er =ept s9rat9hin# the floor with his fore;paws !t was the "ost hideous sound 5ou 9ould thin= of

DAll of a sudden he spran# up and flun# his entire wei#ht on this lot of furniture ! thou#ht it'd be

-6 THE T!GER'S 3LA. redu9ed to "at9hwood2 but fortunatel52 our railwa5s ha$e a lot of foresi#ht and 9hoose the hea$iest ti"ber for their furniture That sa$ed "e The ti#er 9ould do nothin# "ore than per9h hi"self on the roof of the table and han# down his paws A he tried to stri=e "e down2 but ! parried with the 9hair and stool The table ro9=ed under hi" ! felt s"othered A ! 9ould feel his breath on "e He sat 9o"pletel5 9o$erin# the top2 and went on shootin# his paws in "5 dire9tion He would ha$e s9ooped portions of "e out for his use2 but fortunatel5 ! sat ri#ht in the 9entre2 a hair's;breadth out of his rea9h on an5 side He "ade $i9ious sounds and wri##led o$er "5 head He 9ould ha$e =no9=ed the 9hair to one side and dra##ed "e out2 if he had 9o"e down2 but so"ehow the si#ht of the 9hair see"ed to worr5 hi" for a ti"e He preferred to be out of its rea9h This battle went on for a while2 ! 9annot sa5 how lon# A ti"e had 9o"e to a dead stop in "5 world He Cu"ped down and wal=ed about the table2 loo=in# for a #ap E ! rattled the 9hair a 9ouple of ti"es2 but $er5 soon it lost all its terror for hi" E he patted the 9hair and found that it was inoffensi$e At this dis9o$er5 he tried to hurl it aside %ut ! was too ?ui9= for hi" ! swiftl5 drew it towards "e and wed#ed it ti#ht into the ar9h of the table2 and the stool prote9ted "e on another side ! was "ore or less in a sto9=ade "ade of the le#s of furniture He sat up on his haun9h in front of "e2 wonderin# how best to #et at "e Now the 9hair2 table2 and stool had for"ed a solid blo9= with "e at their heart2 and the5 9ould withstand all his tri9=s He s9rutini@ed "5 arran#e"ent with #reat interest2 espied a #ap2 and thrust his paw in !t dan#led in "5 e5es with the 9ur$ed 9laws openin# out

THE T!GER'S 3LA. -8 towards "e ! felt $er5 an#r5 at the si#ht of it .h5 should ! allow the offensi$e to be de$eloped all in his own wa5F ! felt $er5 indi#nant The lon# =nife fro" the station;"aster's table was l5in# nearb5 ! pi9=ed it up and dro$e it in He withdrew his paw2 "addened b5 pain He Cu"ped up and nearl5 brou#ht down the roo"2 and then tried to 9ra9= to bits the entire sto9=ade He did not su99eed He on9e a#ain thrust his paw in ! e"plo5ed the lon# =nife to #ood purpose and 9ut off a di#it with the 9law on it !t

was a fi#ht to a finish between hi" and "e He returned a#ain and a#ain to the 9har#e And ! 9ut out2 let "e 9onfess2 three 9laws2 before ! had done with hi" ! had be9o"e as blood;thirst5 as he /Those 9laws2 "ounted on #old2 are han#in# around the ne9=s of "5 three dau#hters You 9an 9o"e and see the" if 5ou li=e so"eti"e 0 DAt about fi$e in the "ornin# the station;"aster and the porter arri$ed2 and inno9entl5 wal=ed in The "o"ent the5 stepped in the ti#er left "e and turned on the" The5 both ran at top speed The station;"aster flew ba9= to his house and shut the door The porter on fleet foot went up a tree2 with the ti#er halfwa5 up behind hi" Thus the5 stopped2 starin# at ea9h other till the #oods train lu"bered in after 1 8< !t hissed and whistled and bel9hed fire2 till the ti#er too= hi"self down and bolted a9ross the lines into the Cun#le DHe did not $isit these parts a#ain2 thou#h one was 9onstantl5 hearin# of his ra$a#es ! did not "eet hi" a#ain till a few "o"ents a#o when ! saw hi" ridin# in that bullo9= 9art ! instantl5 re9o#ni@ed hi" b5 his ri#ht forepaw2 where three toes and 9laws are "issin# You see"ed to be so "u9h lost in

-, THE T!GER'S 3LA. ad"iration for those people who "et the ti#er at their own 9on$enien9e2 with #un and 9o"pan52 thfrt ! thou#ht 5ou "i#ht #i$e a little 9redit to a fellow who has fa9ed the sa"e ani"al2 alone2 barehanded Hen9e this narration D .hen the Tal=ati$e Man left us we "o$ed on to the s?uare where the5 were =eepin# the troph5 in $iew and hero;worshippin# and fetin# the hunters2 who were awaitin# a lorr5 fro" the town .e pushed throu#h the 9rowd2 and be##ed to be shown the ri#ht forepaw of the ti#er So"ebod5 lowered a #as la"p Yes2 three toes were "issin#2 and a bla9= deep s9ar "ar=ed the spot The "an who 9ut it off "ust ha$e dri$en his =nife with the power of a ha""er To a ?uestion2 the hunters replied A D 3an't sa5 how it happens .e'$e "et a few instan9es li=e this !t's said that so"e forest tribes2 if the5 9at9h a ti#er 9ub2 9ut off its 9laws for so"e talis"an2 and let it #o The5 do not usuall5 =ill 9ubs D


THE 9hild was still in bed drea"in# A she was #i$en a #reen railwa5 en#ine Cust lar#e enou#h to a99o""odate her She #ot into it and dro$e it all o$er the #arden Near the Cas"ine plant she stopped it for a while2 and put her hand out of the window to plu9= flowers2 and then the en#ine too= her under the red flowers of a 9reeper han#in# o$er a wall at the end of the street And then she dro$e all b5 herself to the @oo and all the "on=e5s there wanted to ride Of 9ourse there was no roo" for all of the" She had Cust enou#h spa9e for herself and the bald doll She applied so"e hair oil and the doll be#an to ha$e su9h lon# tresses that she braided the" and put Cas"ine into the" E and she 9lothed the doll in a #reen fro9= and the doll said how ni9e it was Of 9ourse there were ba#s and ba#s of sweets s9attered all o$er the floor of the en#ine She was Cust stoopin# to pi9= up a handful of 9ho9olates when "other's $oi9e 9alled A D &utti H &utti H #et up D And &utti 9a"e out of the drea" D Get up2 it is ei#ht o'9lo9= 'B D Oh2 "other2 wh5 did 5ou disturb "e now F !t was su9h a beautiful en#ine Lust let "e sleep a#ain The doll wants to #o ho"e D D The5 will be 9o"in# now2 and 5ou "ust be read52 "5 dear And if the5 li=e 5our dan9in# the5 will #i$e 5ou so "u9h "one5 E 5ou 9an bu5 ten dolls and en#ines D B -1

-: THE (ER'ORM!NG 3H!LD D !s it true2 "other F D D 3ertainl52 dear lot of "one5 D Get up The5 will #i$e 5ou a

D %ut ! thin= 5ou will ta=e awa5 all the "one5 E and ! won't be able to bu5 what ! want D D ! pro"ise2 5ou shall ha$e all the "one52 but onl5 on 9ondition that 5ou dan9e and sin# as 5ou did in 5our s9hool the other da5 D Two people who were 9onne9ted with the fil"s had seen &utti dan9e and sin# in her s9hool and the5 were now 9o"in# to see her This was a sudden burst of #ood fortune for the fa"il5 E &utti's father was a s9hool "aster earnin# fift5 rupees a "onth and with it he had to pa5 for &utti's edu9ation2 pa5 off instal; "ents of a 9o;operati$e debt in9urred for his sister's "arria#e2 and also run the household 'or two 5ears this had been a "aCor worr5 for the fa"il52 and it

had #i$en &utti's father a per"anent loo= of harass; "ent And now in a "ost une>pe9ted "anner relief see"ed to be 9o"in# A the debt 9ould be ti9=ed off E the pie9es of Ceweller5 pled#ed with a ban=er 9ould be released and &utti's "other 9ould on9e a#ain hold up her head before her friends D How "u9h are 5ou #oin# to de"and F D she often as=ed her husband and was told A D At least ten thousand rupees2 not an annas less D At nine o'9lo9= the fil" people arri$ed One of the" was elderl5 and wore dia"ond rin#s on his fin#ers2 and the other was s"art2 and wore a tweed suit and ri"less #lasses E the5 too= the two ri9=ett5 9hairs offered to the" b5 &utti's father The5 loo=ed too i"posin# in this hu"ble ho"e E the roof see"ed to be 9oinin# down and tou9hin# their heads the5 #a$e su9h an i"pression of bein# hi#h and stoopin#

THE (ER'ORM!NG 3H!LD -The5 spent a few "inutes in inanities and then the s"art "an said2 loo=in# at his wat9h A D .e'$e not "u9h ti"e to spare .ill 5ou 9all up the 9hild F D &utti 9a"e into the hall2 dressed for the o99asion b5 her "other A her hair was plaited ti#ht and had flowers E she wore a 9he?uered sil= s=irt2 and a #reen Ca9=et2 and had a $er"ilion dot on her forehead Her father loo=ed at her with pride The elderl5 "an held out a pa9=et of 9ho9olates &utti hesitated2 loo=in# at her father for per"ission The elderl5 "an #ot up and thrust it in her hand and as=ed2 D Do 5ou li=e 9ine"as2 9hild F D D No2D &utti replied pro"ptl52 leanin# on her father's =nees D.h5 notFD D %e9ause the5 are so dar=2D replied &utti The s"art "an was $iewin# her #estures and "o$e"ents 9riti9all5 He said as if tal=in# in a drea" A D !'d li=e to see her in a fro9= E and her hair to be untied This old;fashioned dressin# "a=es her loo= older than she reall5 is 3an't 5ou put her into a fro9= nowFD D Now F D as=ed father in 9onsternation2 and told his dau#hter A D Get into a fro9=2 &utti2 and undo 5our hair D D Let it fall down on 5our ne9=2D said the s"art "an &utti loo=ed sullen

D And where will the flowers be F D she as=ed "ust =eep the flowers D D All ri#ht2 let 5our hair alone2 a fro9= D D ! li=e this s=irt2D said &utti D 4er5 well E don't worr5 no$ it later2D said the s"art "an

D !

-7 THE (ER'ORM!NG 3H!LD D .ill 5ou sin# the pie9e 5ou san# in 5our s9hool the other da52 and dan9e F D DNo2D said &utti D!'$e for#otten elderl5 "an fu"bled in his po9=et another pie9e of 9ho9olate D And that son# and 5ou 9an ha$e this D her father it D The and brou#ht out now bab52 #i$e us &utti loo=ed at

D Go on2 sin#2D he said2 whi9h "eant to her b5 i"pli9ation D Yes2 5ou "a5 a99ept the 9ho9olate D Her "other's $oi9e said fro" an inner roo" A D Go on2 &utti2 be a #ood #irl D And &utti opened her "outh and her shrill $oi9e san# an in$itation to Lord &rishna Her e5es dan9ed as if the5 beheld &rishna before the" E her ar"s be9=oned hi"2 and her feet were tre"ulous E with e$er5 "us9le in her bod5 she enri9hed the son# She was a born dan9er2 a born a9tress She 9ould 9onCure up with her $oi9e2 e>pression2 and "o$e"ent2 a $ision for others 'or a "o"ent that hu"ble roo"2 with its ri9=ett5 9hairs2 and fadin# prints of #ods in fra"es2 and dust5 floor2 a9?uired the at"osphere of a fair5;land for the #ods to 9o"e and #o A &rishna2 an en9hantin# bab52 toddled up and re$ealed the uni$erse in his "outh when his "other loo=ed in to see if he had put an5thin# in his "outh E and then when #rown up2 the leader of a #an# of disreputable 5oun#sters =eepin# the nei#hbourhood in tantru"s E and then the di$ine lo$er wrin#in# the heart of#opis and he $anished abruptl52 the fair5 hall $anished2 and the fadin# prints in fra"es2 and the ri9=ett5 9hairs 9a"e into $iew a#ain when &utti's $oi9e 9eased She too= breath and loo=ed around at her audien9e The s"art "an spran# forward2 too= her in his ar"s2 =issed her2 hu##ed her and would not put her downB


He said to his 9o"panion A D This is a "ar$ellous 9hild2 Cust the =id for the pi9ture ! shall refuse to #o on with 5our pi9ture unless 5ou ta=e in this =id2 understand F D D 3ertainl52 9ertainl5 D D .e are #oin# now2 and 9o"in# ba9= at about four in the afternoon2 and if 5ou don't "ind ! would li=e to ta=e the =id to the studio and test her before a 9a"era and "i=e D As the5 were lea$in#2 the elderl5 "an said to &utti's father A D .e li=e 5our 9hild $er5 "u9h ! hope she will be fa"ous $er5 soon !f 5ou are free2 ! would li=e to ha$e a word with 5ou in the e$enin# D The whole da5 the husband and wife 9ould thin= and tal= of nothin# but their 9hild E>isten9e had a9?uired a sudden s"oothness and ri9hness D ! suppose this is how the ri9h people feel2D said &utti's father D No "ort#a#es2 no debts2 "one5 for e$er5thin# See here2 "5 #irl2 ! "a5 e$en throw up this dirt5 wor= and do so"ethin# else After this pi9ture the bab5 will be in de"and e$er5where ! will bu5 a house for her in the e>tension D D Don't fail to #i$e her the en#ine she is as=in# for2 and the doll the bald doll A #irl has one in her s9hool and &utti has been 9r5in# for it ni#ht and da5 !t see"s that it 9osts about si> rupees D D Let it 9ost si>t5 rupees The 9hild 9an ha$e it D .h5 should we 9are F

&utti was dressed and read5 at three o'9lo9= Her "other had ta=en 9are to lea$e her hair free E and put her into a fro9= &utti was furious D ! hate this fro9=2 "other E wh5 do 5ou put "e into this dirt5 fro9= F D She said tu##in# her hair A D ! want to

7o THE (ER'ORM!NG 3H!LD ha$e this tied up You understand F ! don't 9are2 ! don't 9are D Her "other 9al"ed her2 and she went out to pla5 in the ba9=5ard D Ta=e 9are that 5ou don't "a=e 5ourself dirt52D said her "other At four o'9lo9= when the fil" people arri$ed &utti's father went to the ba9=5ard to fet9h her She was not to be seen He as=ed his wife A D .here is &utti F D

D She was in the ba9=5ard She "a5 be in the ne>t house ! will see D She returned a few "inutes later D She is not in that house2 nor in the ne>t one .here 9ould she ha$e #one F D The s"art "an waited for fifteen "inutes and then said A D .e will be in the studio As soon as 5ou find the 9hild2 will 5ou brin# her o$er F D D Yes2D said &utti's father Then be#an a sear9h for &utti Her "other wandered up and down the street E her father went to her s9hool An hour later the5 be9a"e desperate The5 had loo=ed into e$er5 9orner of the house2 9alled D &utti2 &utti2D a s9ore of ti"es and had #one and en?uired in e$er5 possible pla9e Mother be9a"e h5steri9al2 threw herself on the floor and be#an to 9r5 E father stood in the doorwa5 9o"pletel5 beaten b5 the "5ster5 His wife's despair affe9ted hi" He hi"self wondered if an5bod5 had =idnapped the 9hild Su9h thin#s were 9o""on (eople were =nown to #i$e dru##ed sweets to 9hildren and 9arr5 the" awa5 He told his wife2 D !'ll be ba9= in a "o"ent2D and went out to ha$e a tal= with his friends in the poli9e station Lon# after he was #one2 his wife after a spas" of weepin# #ot up She loo=ed a#ain into e$er5 9orner of e$er5 roo" At last she noti9ed a sli#ht stirrin# in a linen bas=et =ept in an ante;roo" She opened the lid and loo=ed in &utti was 9urled up

THE (ER'ORM!NG 3H!LD 7* at its dar= botto" with her unbraided hair 9o$erin# her fa9e D &utti H &utti H D the "other s9rea"ed2 and ro9=ed the bas=et The 9hild didn't stir The "other di$ed into it and brou#ht out the 9hild She 9arried her in her ar"s and ran out of the house2 down the street D M5 9hild is dead2 ta=e "e to a do9tor2D she wailed So"eone too= pit5 on her2 and put her into a Cut=a and too= her to the hospital The do9tor felt her pulse and heart2 and said2 D She has onl5 swooned E 5ou'$e not been a "inute too soon E don't #et e>9ited She will be all ri#ht D He laid the 9hild on a table !n an hour &utti sat up and lo9=ed her ar"s around her "other's ne9= Mother 9ried with Co5 E and too= her in her ar"s On the .a5 ho"e "other as=ed A D .hat "ade 5ou #et into the bas=et2 9hild F D &utti paused for a while2 and as=ed with pu9=ered brow A D Are those people #one F D D .ho F D

D The 9ine"a "en D D Yes D D Mother2 if the5 e$er 9o"e to our house a#ain2 ! will #et into the bas=et on9e "ore and ne$er 9o"e out of it D Mother hu##ed her 9lose and said2 D Don't fear ! will see that the5 don't trouble 5ou e$er an5 "ore D

** !S.ARAN .HEN the whole of the student world in Mal#udi was 9on$ulsed with e>9ite"ent2 on a 9ertain e$enin# in Lune when the !nter"ediate E>a"ina; tion results were bein# e>pe9ted2 !swaran went about his business2 loo=in# $er5 un9on9erned and deta9hed ' He had earned the reputation of ha$in# a#ed in the !nter"ediate 3lass He entered the !nter"ediate 3lass in Albert Mission 3olle#e as a 5oun#ster2 with faint down on his upper lip Now he was still there2 his fi#ure had #rown brawn5 and athleti92 and his 9hin had be9o"e tanned and leather5 So"e people e$en said that 5ou 9ould see #re5 hairs on his head The first ti"e when he failed2 his parents s5"pathi@ed with hi"2 the se9ond ti"e also he "ana#ed to #et their s5"pathies2 and subse?uentl5 the5 #rew "ore 9riti9al and unsparin#2 and after repeated failures the5 lost all interest in his e>a"ination He was often told b5 his parents2 D .h5 don't 5ou dis9ontinue 5our studies2 and tr5 to do so"ethin# useful F D He alwa5s pleaded2 D Let "e ha$e this one last 9han9eI' He 9lun# to uni$ersit5 edu9ation with a fero9ious de$otion And now the whole town was a#o# with the e>pe9tation of the results in the e$enin# %o5s "o$ed about the street in #roups E and on the sands of 7B

!S.ARAN 78 Sara5u the5 sat in 9lusters2 ner$ousl5 s"ilin# and bitin# their fin#er nails Others hun# about the #ates of the senate hall starin# an>iousl5 at the walls behind whi9h a "eetin# was #oin# on

As "u9h as the bo5s2 if not "ore2 the parents were a#itated2 e>9ept !swaran's2 who2 when the5 heard their nei#hbours dis9ussin# their son's possible future results2 re"ar=ed with a si#h A D No su9h worr5 for !swaran His results are fa"ous and =nown to e$er5one in ad$an9e D !swaran said fa9etiousl52 D ! ha$e2 perhaps2 passed this ti"e2 father2 who =nows F ! did stud5 ?uite hard D DYou are the #reatest opti"ist in !ndia at the "o"ent E but for this obstinate hope 5ou would ne$er ha$e appeared for the sa"e e>a"ination e$er5 5ear D D ! failed onl5 in Lo#i92 $er5 narrowl52 last 5ear2D he defended hi"self At whi9h the whole fa"il5 lau#hed D !n an5 9ase2 wh5 don't 5ou #o and wait alon# with the other bo5s2 and loo= up 5our results F D his "other as=ed D Not at all ne9essar52D !swaran replied D !f ! pass the5 will brin# ho"e the news Do 5ou thin= ! saw "5 results last 5ear F ! spent "5 ti"e in a 9ine"a ! sat throu#h two shows 9onse9uti$el5 D He hu""ed as he went in for a wash before dressin# to #o out He 9o"bed his hair with deliberate 9are2 the "ore so be9ause he =new e$er5bod5 loo=ed on hi" as a sort of an out9ast for failin# so often He =new that behind hi" the whole fa"il5 and the town were lau#hin# He felt that the5 re"ar=ed a"on# the"sel$es that washin#2 9o"bin# his hair2 and puttin# on a well;ironed 9oat2 were lu>uries too far abo$e his state He was a failure and had no ri#ht to su9h

7, !S.ARAN lu>uries He was treated as a sort of thi9=;s=inned idiot %ut he did not 9are He answered their attitude b5 beha$in# li=e a desperado He swun# his ar"s2 strode up and down2 bra##ed and shouted2 and went to a 9ine"a %ut all this was onl5 a "as= )nder it was a 9reature hopelessl5 seared b5 failure2 desperatel5 lon#in# and pra5in# for su99ess On the da5 of the results he was2 inwardl52 in a tre"blin# suspense D Mother2D he said as he went out2 D don't e>pe9t "e for dinner toni#ht ! will eat so"ethin# in a hotel and sit throu#h both the shows at the (ala9e Tal=ies D E"er#in# fro" 4ina5a= Street2 he saw a #roup of bo5s "o$in# up the Mar=et Road towards the 3olle#e So"eone as=ed A D !swaran2 9o"in# up to see the results FD

D Yes2 5es2 presentl5 %ut now ! ha$e to be #oin# on an ur#ent business D D .here F D D(ala9e Tal=ies D At this all the bo5s lau#hed D You see" to =now 5our result alread5 Do 5ou F D D ! do Otherwise do 5ou thin= ! would be 9elebratin# it with a pi9ture F D D .hat is 5our nu"ber F D D Se$en Ei#ht 'i$e2D he said2 #i$in# the first set of nu"bers that 9a"e to his head The #roup passed on Co=in# A D .e =now 5ou are #oin# to #et a first;9lass this ti"e D He sat in a far;off 9orner in the four;anna 9lass He loo=ed about A not a sin#le student in the whole theatre All the students of the town were near the Senate House2 waitin# for their results !swaran felt $er5 unhapp5 to be the onl5 student in the whole theatre So"ehow fate see"ed to ha$e isolated hi"

!S.ARAN 71 fro" his fellow;bein#s in e$er5 respe9t He felt $er5 depressed and unhapp5 He felt an utter distaste for hi"self Soon the li#hts went out and the show started a Ta"il fil" with all the =nown #ods in it He soon lost hi"self in the politi9s and stru##les of #ods and #oddesses E he sat rapt in the $ision of a hea$enl5 world whi9h so"e fil" dire9tor had 9hosen to present This feli9it5 of for#etfulness lasted but half an hour Soon the heroine of the stor5 sat on a low bran9h of a tree in paradise and wouldn't "o$e out of the pla9e She sat there sin#in# a son# for o$er half an hour This portion tired !swaran2 and now there returned all the old pains and #loo" D Oh2 lad52D !swaran appealed D Don't add to "5 troubles2 please "o$e on D As if she heard this appeal the lad5 "o$ed off2 and bri#hter thin#s followed A battle2 a delu#e2 so"ebod5 droppin# headlon# fro" 9loudland2 and so"ebod5 9o"in# up fro" the bed of an o9ean2 a rain of fire2 a rain of flowers2 people d5in#2 people risin# fro" #ra$es2 and so on All =inds of thrills o99urred on that white s9reen be5ond the pall of toba99o s"o=e The 9ontinuous babble on and off the s9reen2 "usi9 and shoutin#2 the 9r5 of pedlars sellin# soda2 the unrestrained 9o""ents of the spe9tators all this din and 9o""otion helped !swaran to for#et the senate house and student life for a few hours The show ended at ten o'9lo9= in the ni#ht A

9rowd was waitin# at the #ate for the ni#ht show !swaran wal=ed a9ross to DAnanda %ha$anD a restaurant opposite to the (ala9e Tal=ies The proprietor2 a #enial %o"ba5 "an2 was a friend of his and 9ried A D !shwar Sab2 the results were announ9ed toda5 .hat about 5ours F D

7: !S.ARAN D ! did not write an5 e>a"ination this 5ear2D !swaran said D .h52 wh52 ! thou#ht 5ou did pa5 5our e>a"ination fees H D !swaran lau#hed D You are ri#ht ! ha$e passed "5 !nter"ediate Cust this e$enin# D D Ah2 how $er5 #ood How 9le$er 5ou "ust be H !f 5ou pra5 to Hanu"an he will alwa5s brin# 5ou su99ess .hat are 5ou #oin# to do ne>t F D D ! will #o to a hi#her 9lass2 that is all2D !swaran said He ordered a few titbits and 9offee and rose to #o As he paid his bill and wal=ed out2 the hotel proprietor said2 D Don't lea$e "e out when 5ou are #i$in# a dinner to 9elebrate 5our su99ess D !swaran a#ain pur9hased a ti9=et and went ba9= to the pi9ture On9e "ore all the strifes and stru##les and intri#ues of #ods were repeated before hi" He was on9e a#ain lost in it .hen he saw on the s9reen so"e 5oun# "en of his a#e sin#in# as the5 sported in the waters of so"e distant hea$en2 he said D .ell "i#ht 5ou do it2 bo5s ! suppose2 5ou ha$e no e>a"; ination where 5ou are D And he was sei@ed with a lon#in# to belon# to that world Now the leadin# lad5 sat on the low bran9h of a tree and started sin#in# and !swaran lost interest in the pi9ture He loo=ed about for the first ti"e He noti9ed2 in the se"i;dar=ness2 se$eral #roups of bo5s in the hall happ5 #roups He =new that the5 "ust all ha$e seen their results2 and 9o"e now to 9elebrate their su99ess There were at least fift5 He =new that the5 "ust be a happ5 and #a5 lot2 with their lips red with 9hewin# betel lea$es He =new that all of the" would fo9us their attention on hi" the "o"ent li#hts went up The5 would all ra# hi" about his

!S.ARAN 7results all the old tedious Co=in# o$er a#ain2 and all

the tireso"e pose of a desperado He felt thorou#hl5 si9= of the whole business He would not stand an5 "ore of it the "irthful fa9es of these "en of su99ess and their leer He was 9ertain the5 would all loo= on hi" with the feelin# that he had no business to see= the pleasure of a pi9ture on that da5 He "o$ed on to a "ore obs9ure 9orner of the hall He loo=ed at the s9reen2 nothin# there to 9heer hi" A the leadin# lad5 was still there2 and he =new she would 9ertainl5 sta5 there for the ne>t twent5 "inutes sin#in# her "asterpie9e He was o$er9o"e with deCe9tion He rose2 silentl5 ed#ed towards the e>it2 and was out of the theatre in a "o"ent He felt a loathin# for hi"self after seein# those su99essful bo5s D ! a" not fit to li$e A fellow who 9annot pass an e>a"ination D This idea de$eloped in his "ind a #lorious solution to all diffi9ulties Die and #o to a world where there were 5oun# "en free fro" e>a"ination who sported in lotus pools in paradise No bothers2 no dis#ustin# Senate House wall to #a@e on hopelessl52 5ear after 5ear This solution suddenl5 brou#ht hi" a feelin# of relief He felt li#hter He wal=ed a9ross to the hotel The hotel "an was about to rise and #o to bed D SaitCi2D !swaran said D (lease for#i$e "5 troublin# 5ou now Gi$e "e a pie9e of paper and pen9il ! ha$e to note down so"ethin# ur#entl5 D D So late as this2D said the hotel "an and #a$e hi" a slip of paper and a pen9il stub !swaran wrote down a "essa#e for his father2 folded the slip2 and pla9ed it 9arefull5 in the inner po9=et of his 9oat He returned the pen9il and stepped out of the hotel He had onl5 the stret9h of the Ra9e 3ourse Road2

77 !S.ARAN and turnin# to his ri#ht2 half the Mar=et Road to tra$erse2 and then Ella"an Street2 and then Sara5u !ts dar= swirlin# waters would 9lose on hi" and end all his "iseries D ! "ust lea$e this letter in "5 9oat po9=et and re"e"ber to lea$e "5 9oat on the ri$er step2D he told hi"self He was soon out of Ella"an Street His feet plou#hed throu#h the sands of the ri$er ban= He 9a"e to the ri$er steps2 re"o$ed his 9oat bris=l52 and went down the steps D Oh2 God2D he "uttered with folded hands2 loo=in# up at his stars D !f ! 9an't pass an e>a"ination e$en with a tenth atte"pt2 what is the use of "5 li$in# and dis#ra9in# the world F D His feet were in water He loo=ed o$er his shoulder at the 9luster of uni$ersit5 buildin#s There was a li#ht burnin# in the por9h of the Senate House !t was

nearin# "idni#ht !t was a ?uarter of an hour's wal= .h5 not wal= a9ross and ta=e a last Loo= at the results board F !n an5 9ase he was #oin# to die2 and wh5 should he shir= and tre"ble before the board He 9a"e out of the water and went up the steps2 lea$in# his 9oat behind2 and he wal=ed a9ross the sand So"ewhere a ti"e #on# stru9= twel$e2 stars spar=led o$erhead2 the ri$er flowed on with a "ur"ur E and "is9ellaneous ni#ht sounds e"anated fro" the bushes on the ban= A 9old wind blew on his wet2 sand;9o$ered feet He entered the Senate por9h with a defiant heart D ! a" in no fear of an5thin# here2D he "uttered The Senate House was deserted2 not a sound an5where The whole buildin# was in dar=ness2 e>9ept the stair9ase landin# where a lar#e bulb was burnin# And noti9e;boards hun# on the wall His heart palpitated as he stood tiptoe to s9an the results %5 the li#ht of the bulb he s9rutini@ed the

!S.ARAN 7+ nu"bers His throat went dr5 He loo=ed throu#h the nu"bers of people who had passed in Third; Glass His own nu"ber was 1<* The su99essful nu"ber before hi" was ,+72 and after that -<8 DSo ! ha$e a few friends on either side2D he said with a for9ed "irth He had a wild hope as he approa9hed the senate hall that so"ehow his nu"ber would ha$e found a pla9e in the list of su99essful 9andidates He had spe9ulated how he should feel after that He would rush ho"e2 and de"and that the5 ta=e ba9= all their 9o""ents with apolo#ies %ut now after #a@in# at the noti9e;board for ?uite a while the #ri" realit5 of his failure dawned on hi"2 his nu"ber was nowhere D The ri$er D he said He felt desolate li=e a 9onde"ned "an who had a sudden but false pro"ise of reprie$e D The ri$er2D !swaran "uttered D ! a" #oin#2D he told the noti9e; board2 and "o$ed a few steps D ! ha$en't seen how "an5 ha$e obtained honours D He loo=ed at the noti9e;board on9e a#ain He #a@ed at the top 9olu"ns of the results 'irst 9lasses 9uriousl5 enou#h a fellow with nu"ber one se9ured a first;9lass2 and si> others D Good fellows2 wonder how the5 "ana#e it H D he said with ad"iration His e5es tra$elled down to se9ond 9lasses it was in two lines startin# with +7 There were about fifteen He loo=ed fi>edl5 at ea9h nu"ber before #oin# on to the ne>t He 9a"e to 81<2 after that ,<<2 and after that 1<* and then :<< D 'i$e Nou#ht One in Se9ond;Glass H 3an it be true F D he shrie=ed He loo=ed at the nu"ber a#ain and a#ain Yes2 there it was He had obtained a se9ond;9lass D !f this is true ! shall sit in the % A

9lass ne>t "onth2D he shouted His $oi9e ran# throu#h the silent buildin# D ! will fla5 ali$e an5one who

+< !S.ARAN 9alls "e a fool hereafter D he pro9lai"ed He felt sli#htl5 #idd5 He leant a#ainst the wall Years of strain and suspense were suddenl5 rela>ed E and he 9ould hardl5 bear the for9e of this release %lood ra9ed alon# his $eins and hea$ed and =no9=ed under his s=ull He steadied hi"self with an effort He softl5 hu""ed a tune to hi"self He felt he was the sole o99upant of the world and its o$erlord He thu"ped his 9hest and addressed the noti9e;board A D &now who ! a" F D He stro=ed an i"a#inar5 "ousta9he arro#antl52 lau#hed to hi"self2 and as=ed2 D !s the horse read52 #roo" F D He threw a super9ilious side #lan9e at the noti9e;board and strutted out li=e a =in# He stood on the last step of the por9h and loo=ed for his steed He waited for a "inute and 9o""anded2 D 'ool2 brin# the horse nearer Do 5ou hear F D The horse was brou#ht nearer He "ade a "o$e"ent as if "ountin# and whipped his horse into a fur5 His $oi9e ran# throu#h the dar= ri$er side2 ur#in# the horse on He swun# his ar"s and ran alon# the sands He shouted at the top of his $oi9e E D &eep off E the =in# is 9o"in# E whoe$er 9o"es his wa5 will be tra"pled D D ! ha$e fi$e hundred and one horses2D he spo=e to the ni#ht The nu"ber stu9= in his "ind and =ept 9o"in# up a#ain and a#ain He ran the whole len#th of the ri$er ban= up and down So"ehow this did not satisf5 hi" D (ri"e Minister2D he said D This horse is no #ood %rin# "e the other fi$e hundred and one horses2 the5 are all in se9ond;9lasses D He #a$e a =i9= to the horsft whi9h he and dro$e it off 4er5 soon the (ri"e brou#ht hi" another horse He "ounted di#nit52 and said2 D This is better D had been ridin# Minister it with Now he #alloped

!S.ARAN +* about on his horse !t was a stran#e si#ht !n the di" star li#ht2 alone at that hour2 "a=in# a tap;tap with his ton#ue to i"itate #allopin# hoofs .ith one hand swin#in# and tu##in# the reins2 and with the other stro=in# his "ousta9he defiantl5 he ur#ed the horse on and on until it attained the speed of a stor" He felt li=e a 9on?ueror as the air rushed about hi" Soon he 9rossed the whole stret9h of sand He 9a"e

to the water's ed#e2 hesitated for a "o"ent and whispered to his horse A D Are 5ou afraid of water F You "ust swi" a9ross2 otherwise ! will ne$er pa5 fi$e nou#ht one rupees for 5ou D He felt the horse "a=e a leap Ne>t afternoon his bod5 9a"e up at a spot about a ?uarter of a "ile down the 9ourse of the ri$er Mean; while so"e persons had alread5 pi9=ed up the 9oat left on the step2 and dis9o$ered in the inner po9=et the slip of paper with the ins9ription A D M5 dear father A %5 the ti"e 5ou see this letter ! shall be at the botto" of Sara5u ! don't want to li$e Don't worr5 about "e You ha$e other sons who are not su9h dun9es as ! a" D

*6 THE E4EN!NG G!'T HE had a "ost 9urious o99upation in life Ha$in# failed in e$er5 effort he had to a99ept it with #ratitude and enthusias" E he re9ei$ed thirt5 rupees a "onth for it He li$ed on fifteen rupees in a 9heap hotel2 where he was #i$en a sort of bun= on the loft2 with rafters tou9hin# his head He sa$ed fifteen rupees for pa5in# off the fa"il5 loan in the $illa#e in9urred o$er his sister's "arria#e He added a rupee or two to his in9o"e b5 fillin# "one5 order for"s and post;9ards for unlettered $illa#ers2 who" he "et on the post offi9e $eranda %ut his "ain wor= was $er5 odd His business 9onsisted in =eepin# a wealth5 drun=ard 9o"pan5 This wealth5 "an wanted so"e one to 9he9= his drin= after nine in the e$enin#2 and ta=e hi" ho"e San=ar's ph5si?ue ?ualified hi" for this tas= D Don't hesitate to use for9e on "e if ne9essar52D his e"plo5er had told hi" %ut it was ne$er done San=ar did all that he 9ould b5 persuasion and it was a ?uite fa"iliar si#ht at the Oriental 3afe %ar the wran#lin# #oin# on between the e"plo5er and his ser$ant %ut San=ar with a "ar#in of fi$e "inutes alwa5s su99eeded in wrestin# the #entle"an fro" his 9ups and pushin# hi" into his 9ar On the followin# "ornin# he was as=ed A D .hat ti"e did we rea9h ho"e last ni#ht F D D Nine fifteen2 sir D D Did 5ou ha$e "u9h trouble F D +B


DNo2 D Nine fifteen H $er5 #ood2 $er5 #ood !'" #lad On no a99ount should 5ou let "e sta5 on be5ond nine2 e$en if ! a" in 9o"pan5 D D Yes2 sir D D You "a5 #o now2 and be sure to be ba9= in the e$enin# in ti"e D That finished his "ornin# dut5 He went ba9= to his #arret2 slept part of the da52 loitered about post offi9es2 9ourts2 et9 2 and returned to wor= at si> o'9lo9= D 3o"e on2D said his e"plo5er who waited for hi" on the $eranda2 and San=ar #ot into the front seat of the 9ar and the5 dro$e off to the Oriental 3afe Toda5 he was in a depressed state2 he felt si9= of his profession2 the perpetual 9aColin# and bull5in#2 the 9o"pan5 of a drun=ard He nearl5 "ade up his "ind to throw up this wor= and #o ba9= to the $illa#e A nostal#ia for his ho"e and people sei@ed hi" D ! don't 9are what happens2 ! will #et ba9= ho"e and do so"ethin# else to earn this "one5 D On top of this "ood a letter fro" ho"e A D Send a hundred rupees i""ediatel5 Last date for "ort#a#e instal; "ent Otherwise we shall lose our house D He was appalled H .here 9ould he find the "one5 F .hat was the wa5 out F He 9ursed his lot "ore than e$er He sat for a lon# ti"e thin=in# of a wa5 out D Our #ood old ho"e H Let it #o if it is to #o D !t was their last possession in this world !f it went2 his "other2 brothers2 and his little sister would ha$e to wander about without a roof o$er their heads %ut 9ould he find a hundred rupees F .hat did the5 "ean b5 puttin# it off till the last "o"entF He 9ursed his lot for bein# the eldest son of a troubled fa"il5

+, THE E4EN!NG G!'T He swun# into dut5 as usual He held the 9urtain apart for his "aster as he entered the 9ubi9le He pressed a bell He "i#ht be a "a9hine2 doin# this thin# for thirt5 da5s in the "onth for nearl5 twel$e "onths now The waiter appeared No tal= was ne9essar5 San=ar nodded The waiter went awa5

and returned a few "inutes later with an unopened flat bottle2 a soda2 and a #lass tu"bler E pla9ed these on the table and withdrew D %rin# this "aster a le"on s?uash2D the #entle"an said D No2 sir D San=ar would repl5 E this ritual was repeated e$er5 da5 Now San=ar's business would be to pour out a "easure of drin= into the tu"bler2 push it up2 and pla9e the soda near at hand2 #o out on to the $eranda2 and read a newspaper there /with the flat bottle in his po9=et02 and sta5 there till he was 9alled in a#ain to fill the #lass %5 about ten to nine the last oun9e of drin= would be poured out2 and San=ar would sit down opposite to his "aster instead of #oin# out to the $eranda This was a sort of warnin# bell D .h5 do 5ou sit here F Go to the $eranda D D ! li=e this pla9e2 sir2 and ! will sit here D D !t is not ti"e for 5ou to 9o"e in 5et D DLust ten "inutes "ore2 sir D D Nonsense !t is Cust se$en o'9lo9= D

D About two hours a#o D D You people see" to turn up the 9lo9= Cust as 5ou li=e let "e see how "u9h is left in the bottle D DNothin#2D San=ar said2 holdin# up the bottle D The last drop was poured out D He held up the bottle and the other be9a"e furious at the si#ht of it D ! thin=2D he said with deep suspi9ion2 D there is

THE E4EN!NG G!'T +1 so"e underhand transa9tion #oin# on ! don't =now what 5ou ha$e been doin# in the $eranda with the bottle D San=ar learnt not to answer these 9har#es As the 9lo9= stru9= nine2 he tapped the other's shoulder and said2 D (lease finish 5our drin= and #et up2 sir D D.hat do 5ou "ean b5 it F !'" not #ettin# up .ho are 5ou to order "e F D

San=ar had to be fir"

D Loo= here2 don't 5ou be a fool and i"a#ine ! a" tal=in# in drin= ! a" dead sober lea$e "e alone D San=ar persisted D ! dis"iss 5ou toda52 5ou are no lon#er in "5 ser$i9e ! don't want a disobedient fool for a 9o"; panion2 #et out D )suall5 San=ar sat throu#h it without repl5in#2 and when the drin= was finished he #entl5 pulled the other up and led the wa5 to the 9ar2 and the other followed2 s9owlin# at hi" with red e5es and abusin# hi" wildl5 Toda5 when his e"plo5er said2 D ! dis"iss 5ou2 #et out this "inute D San=ar replied2 D How 9an 5ou dis"iss "e all of a sudden H Must ! star$e F D D No ! will #i$e 5ou four "onths' salar5 if 5ou #et out this "o"ent D San=ar thou#ht o$er it D Don't sit there Ma=e up 5our "ind ?ui9=l5 D

said his "aster One hundred and twent5 rupees H twent5 rupees "ore than the debt He 9ould lea$e for his $illa#e and #i$e the 9ash personall5 to his "other2 and lea$e his future to God He brushed aside this $ision2 shoo= his head and said A D No2 sir You ha$e #ot to #et up now2 sir D D Get out of "5 ser$i9e D shouted his "aster He ran# the be)

and shouted for the waiter2 D Get "e another D San=ar protested to the waiter 9ried his "aster D Get out of here D

D You thin= !'" spea=in# in drin=

+: THE E4EN!NG G!'T ! don't want 5ou ! 9an loo= after "5self !f 5ou don't lea$e "e2 ! will tell the waiter to ne9= 5ou out D San=ar stood baffled D Now2 5oun# "an

D He too= out his wallet A D .hat is 5our salar5 F D D Thirt5 rupees2 sir D D Here's 5our four;"onths' Ta=e it and be off ! ha$e so"e business "eetin# here2 and ! will #o ho"e

Cust when ! li=e2 there is the 9ar D He held out a hundred;rupee note and two tens Mort#a#e instal; "ent How 9an ! ta=e itF A 9onfli9t ra#ed in San=ar's "ind2 and he finall5 too= the "one5 and said A D Than= 5ou $er5 "u9h2 sir D D Don't "ention it D D You are $er5 =ind D DLust ordinar5 dut52 that is all M5 prin9iple is B Do unto others as 5ou would be done b5 others ' is "5 prin9iple is do You need not 9o"e in the "ornin# !'$e no need for 5ou ! had 5ou onl5 as a te"porar5 arran#e"ent !'ll put in a word for 5ou if an5 friend wants a 9ler= or so"ethin# of the sort D D Good;b5e2 sir D D Good;b5e D He was #one The #entle"an loo=ed after hi" with satisfa9tion2 "utterin# A D M5 prin9iple is unto other D Ne>t "ornin# San=ar went out shoppin#2 pur9hased bits of sil= for his 5oun#er sister2 a pair of spe9ta9les for his "other and a few painted tin to5s for the 9hild at ho"e He went to the hotel2 loo=ed into the a99ounts2 and settled his "onth's bill D!'" lea$in# toda52D he said D ! a" returnin# to "5 $illa#e D His heart was all afla"e with Co5 He paid a rupee to the ser$ant as tip He pa9=ed up his

THE E4EN!NG G!'T +trun= and bed2 too= a last loo= round his #arret E had an una99ountable feelin# of sadness at lea$in# the fa"iliar s"o=e;stained 9ell He was at the bus stand at about ele$en in the da5 The bus was read5 to start He too= his seat He would be at ho"e at si> in the e$enin# .hat a surprise for his "other H He would 9hat all ni#ht and tell the" about the drun=ard He was sha=en out of this re$erie A poli9e inspe9tor standin# at the foot;board of the bus tou9hed his shoulder and as=ed A D Are 5ou San=ar F D D Yes D D Get down and follow "e D D ! a" #oin# to "5 $illa#e D

D You 9an't #o now D The inspe9tor pla9ed the trun= and bed on a 9oolie's head and the5 "ar9hed to the poli9e station There San=ar was subCe9ted to "u9h ?uestionin#2 and his po9=ets were sear9hed and all his "one5 was ta=en awa5 b5 the inspe9tor The inspe9tor s9rutini@ed the hundred;rupee note and re"ar=ed A D Sa"e nu"ber How did 5ou #et this F %e truthful D (resentl5 the inspe9tor #ot up and said A D 'ollow "e to the #entle"an's house D San=ar found his e"plo5er sittin# in a 9hair in the $eranda2 with a $er5 tired loo= on his fa9e He "otioned the inspe9tor to a 9hair and addressed San=ar in a $oi9e full of sorrow D ! ne$er =new 5ou were this sort2 San=ar You robbed "e when ! was not aware of it !f 5ou'd as=ed "e !'d ha$e #i$en 5ou an5 a"ount 5ou wanted Did 5ou ha$e to tie "e up and throw "e down F D he showed the bruises on his ar" D !n addition to robbin# F D San=ar stood a#hast He 9ould hardl5

*8 A SNA&E !N THE GRASS ON a sunn5 afternoon2 when the in"ates of the bun#alow were at their siesta a 959list ran# his bell at the #ate franti9all5 and announ9ed A DA bi# 9obra has #ot into 5our 9o"pound !t 9rossed "5 wheel D He pointed to its tra9= under the #ate2 and resu"ed his Courne5 The fa"il5 9onsistin# of the "other and her four sons asse"bled at the #ate in #reat a#itation The old ser$ant Dasa was sleepin# in the shed The5 shoo= hi" out of his sleep and announ9ed to hi" the arri$al of the 9obra D There is no 9obra2D he replied and tried to dis"iss the "atter The5 swore at hi" and for9ed hi" to ta=e an interest in the 9obra D The thin# is so"ewhere here !f it is not found before the e$enin#2 we will dis"iss 5ou Your ne#le9t of the #arden and the lawns is responsible for all these dreadful thin#s 9o"in# in D So"e nei#hbours dropped in The5 loo=ed a99usin#l5 at Dasa A D You ha$e the la@iest ser$ant on earth2D the5 said D He ou#ht to =eep the surroundin#s tid5 D D ! ha$e been as=in# for a #rass;9utter for "onths2D Dasa said !n one $oi9e the5 ordered hi" to "ana#e with the a$ailable thin#s and learn not to "a=e de"ands He persisted The5 be#an to spe9ulate how "u9h it would 9ost to bu5 a #rass;9utter A nei#hbour de9lared that 5ou 9ould not thin= of bu5in# an5 arti9le "ade of iron *<<

A SNA&E !N THE GRASS *<* till after the war He 9hanted banalities of warti"e pri9es The se9ond son of the house asserted that he 9ould #et an5thin# he wanted at 9ontrolled pri9es The nei#hbour be9a"e elo?uent on bla9=;"ar=et A heated debate followed The rest wat9hed in apath5 At this point the 9olle#e;bo5 of the house butted in with A D ! read in an A"eri9an paper that 8<2<<< people die of sna=e;bite e$er5 5ear D Mother threw up her ar"s in horror and arrai#ned Dasa The bo5 elaborated the statisti9s D ! ha$e wor=ed it out2 78 a da5 That "eans e$er5 twent5 "inutes so"eone is d5in# of 9obra;bite As we ha$e been tal=in# here2 one person has lost his life so"ewhere D Mother nearl5 s9rea"ed on hearin# it The 9o"pound loo=ed sinister The bo5s brou#ht in ba"boo;sti9=s and pressed one into the hands of the ser$ant also He =ept desultoril5 po=in# it into the folia#e with a 95ni9al air D The fellow is beatin# about the bush2D so"eone 9ried aptl5 The5 tu9=ed up their dhoties2 sei@ed e$er5 a$ailable =nife and 9row;bar and be#an to ha9= the #arden 3reepers2 bushes2 and lawns2 were laid low .hat 9ould not be tri""ed was 9ut to the root The inner walls of the house bri#htened with the un; obstru9ted #lare strea"in# in .hen there was nothin# "ore to be done Dasa as=ed triu"phantl52 D .here is the sna=e F D An old be##ar 9ried for al"s at the #ate The5 told her not to pester when the5 were en#a#ed in a sna=e;hunt On hearin# it the old wo"an be9a"e happ5 D You are fortunate !t is God Subra"an5a who has 9o"e to $isit 5ou Don't =ill the sna=eI' Mother was in heart5 a#ree"ent A D You are ri#ht ! for#ot all about the pro"ised Abhish9=a" This is a re"inder D She #a$e a 9oin to the be##ar2 who

*<6 A SNA&E !N THE GRASS pro"ised to send down a sna=e;9har"er as she went (resentl5 an old "an appeared at the #ate and announ9ed hi"self as a sna=e;9har"er The5 #athered around hi" He spo=e to the" of his life and a9ti$ities and his power o$er sna=es The5 as=ed ad"irin#l5 A D How do 5ou 9at9h the"FD DThus2D he said2 poun9in# upon a h5potheti9al sna=e on the #round The5 pointed the dire9tion in whi9h the 9obra had #one and as=ed hi" to #o ahead He loo=ed helplessl5 about and said A D !f 5ou show "e the sna=e2 !'ll at on9e 9at9h it Otherwise what 9an ! do F The "o"ent 5ou see it a#ain2 send for "e ! li$e nearb5 D He #a$e his na"e and address and departed

At fi$e in the e$enin#2 the5 threw awa5 their sti9=s and i"ple"ents and repaired to the $eranda to rest The5 had turned up e$er5 stone in the #arden and 9ut down e$er5 #rass;blade and shrub2 so that the tiniest inse9t 9o"in# into the #arden should ha$e no 9o$er The5 were loudl5 dis9ussin# the $arious "easures the5 would ta=e to prote9t the"sel$es a#ainst reptiles in the future2 when Dasa appeared before the" 9arr5in# a water;pot whose "outh was sealed with a slab of stone He put the pot down and said A D ! ha$e 9au#ht hi" in this ! saw hi" peepin# out of it ! saw hi" before he 9ould see "e D He e>plained at len#th the strate#5 he had e"plo5ed to 9at9h and seal up the sna=e in the pot The5 stood at a safe distan9e and #a@ed on the pot Dasa had the #low of a 9ha"pion on his fa9e D Don't 9all "e an idler hereafter2D he said Mother 9o"pli"ented hi" on his sharpness and wished she had pla9ed so"e "il= in the pot as a sort of reli#ious dut5 Dasa pi9=ed up the pot 9autiousl5 and wal=ed off sa5in# that he would lea$e the pot with its 9ontents with the sna=e;9har"er

A SNA&E !N THE GRASS *<8 li$in# nearb5 He be9a"e the hero of the da5 The5 wat9hed hi" in #reat ad"iration and de9ided to reward hi" ade?uatel5 !t was fi$e "inutes sin9e Dasa was #one when the 5oun#est son 9ried A D See there H D Out of a hole in the 9o"pound wall a 9obra e"er#ed !t #lided alon# towards the #ate2 paused for a "o"ent to loo= at the #atherin# in the $eranda with its hood half; open !t 9rawled under the #ate and disappeared alon# a drain .hen the5 re9o$ered fro" the sho9= the5 as=ed2 D Does it "ean that there are two sna=es here F D The 9olle#e;bo5 "ur"ured A D ! wish ! had ta=en the ris= and =no9=ed the water;pot fro" Dasa's hand E we "i#ht ha$e =nown what it 9on; tained D

*, AN A33!DENT ! .AS returnin# fro" the hill te"ple where ! had been held up till nearl5 nine o'9lo9= ! had dri$en the 9ar down the hill2 turned to "5 left2 and #one a few 5ards further s=irtin# the base of the hill when the en#ine si#hed and spluttered2 the whole 9ar Cer=ed and ro9=ed and then 9a"e to a dead stop The hill loo"ed o$er "e2 Ca9=als wailed in the dar= ! faithfull5 #ot down2 went round the 9ar2 opened the bonnet2 and #a@ed in .hat was

the use F ! =new nothin# about a 9ar's inside M5 9ar was usuall5 well;beha$ed E and o99asionall5 when it had so"e trouble ! had it pushed to the nearest wor=shop Now ! went round and round2 opened and 9losed the bonnet2 and "ade futile efforts to start the 9ar ! soon reali@ed that ! should be a fool to be #oin# round2 proddin# here and there2 hopin# that it 9ould be started so"ehow ! sat down on the runnin# board2 blin=in#2 and hopin# that so"e "otorist would 9o"e alon# and help "e The ti"e passed2 and not a si#n of a hu"an bein# The wind rattled the side s9reen2 and unseen inse9ts hu""ed and whirred about ! had a feelin# that ! was on so"e stran#e planet with "5self as the onl5 hu"an bein# on it (resentl5 ! said to "5self2 D ! will 9ount ten and if *<,

AN A33!DENT *<1 the 9ar does not start b5 then ! will abandon her and wal= ho"e D ! loo=ed at the #round and 9ounted2 D One2 two2 three D ! belie$e after ! rea9hed ei#ht or nine ! went ba9= to one and 9ounted up E ba9= and forth untirin#l5 li=e an au9tioneer After 9ountin# half a do@en ti"es thus ! turned and saw a shadow5 fi#ure at "5 side ! was startled D .hen did 5ou 9o"e here F .ho are 5ou F D D ! 9a"e here a "o"ent a#o2 sir D D ! didn't hear 5ou 9o"in# .ho are 5ou F D

D M5 na"e is Anil Doss2 and ! a" a dri$er2 sir D D Motor dri$er F D D Yes D !t see"ed in9redible that the Gods should ha$e ta=en so seriousl5 "5 threat to abandon the 9ar2 and sent a "e9hani9 alon# D .here are 5ou 9o"in# fro" F D D ! a" usuall5 here2 sir D D You said 5ou were a dri$er D D The 9ar was s"ashed and ! ha$e been without a

9ar sin9e D D %ut what do 5ou do for a li$in# F D D Oh H There is no diffi9ult5 about that D ! thou#ht he was "ad or sli#htl5 drun=2 and did not seriousl5 bother to 9ross;e>a"ine hi" D Loo= here2 A"i Doss2 "5 9ar has suddenl5 bro=en down ! don't =now what is wron# 3an 5ou help "e start itFD He opened the bonnet and e>a"ined the en#ine He put his head into the 9ar and uns9rewed the swit9hboard D Ar9 5ou able to see an5thin# F D ! as=ed D Oh2 ?uite well2D he said

io: AN A33!DENT D !t is so dar= H D ! said2 the onl5 li#ht we had bein# the #lare of 9loud ed#es 9at9hin# the 9it5 li#hts He 9a"e out and de9lared his dia#nosis A D Loose 9onta9t2 Cet trouble D D ! had it o$erhauled onl5 a few "onths a#o !t 9an't be The 9ar 9a"e down so far all ri#ht E all this 9an't ha$e happened Cust on this spot F D D Oh2 5es .orse thin#s ha$e happened here is a bad pla9e2 sir D D .hat do 5ou "ean b5 bad F D D .ell2 thin#s happen here to a 9ar whi9h we 9an't understand !t is a bad pla9e2 sir D D Do 5ou tell "e that as soon as a 9ar passes this spot its wires snap2 its Cet is 9ho=ed2 and the batter5 is run down F D D Yes2 sir D D !t is a"a@in# H D ! said D !t is terrible2 sir 'or instan9e2 at this $er5 spot "5 9ar was s"ashed2 an Austin sedan2 hardl5 a "onth old D ! re"e"bered the a99ident A few "onths a#o an Austin 9o"in# down the hill after ni#htfall dashed a#ainst a boulder and was s"ashed to bits !t

D .ere 5ou the dri$er of the 9ar F D ! as=ed D Yes2 sir D D %ut wasn't he =illed in the a99ident F D D No2D he said !t see"ed to "e another instan9e of the drun=en 9ondition of this "an He see"ed to be posin# for so"eone else D .ill 5ou "a=e "5 9ar "o$e on the road a#ain F D D Yes2 sir ! will do "5 best D

D ! will #i$e 5ou two rupees for the ser$i9e D He lifted the front seat2 pi9=ed up the tools2 and #ot under the 9ar for a "o"ent E 9a"e out and

AN A33!DENT *<buried his head into the bonnet The onl5 noise for a while was the noise he "ade with the tools2 and his hea$5 breathin# E and of 9ourse the wind rattled the side s9reen A ?uarter of an hour later he started the en#ine2 dro$e the 9ar a few 5ards forward2 and re$ersed D You will ha$e no "ore trouble2 sir Onl52 as soon as possible2 please 9han#e the piston rin#s2D he said He opened the door and 9a"e out of the 9ar "utterin# D ! ha$e been a dri$er for twent5;fi$e 5ears2 and it pains "e when ! see a 9ar suffer 'or all the twent5;fi$e 5ears ! ha$e ser$ed onl5 two "asters .ith the first ! sta5ed for onl5 four 5ears2 and with the other for o$er twent5 5ears The Austin was the fourth 9ar that "5 "aster bou#ht in the twent5 5ears ! was with hi" sin9e the da5 he 9han#ed fro" a horse 9arria#e to an O$erland of those da5s ! ha$e lo$ed "otor;9ars2 whate$er the "a=e2 as no one else 9an e$er lo$e the" !f ! saw an5one "a=e the sli#htest s9rat9h on a "ud#uard ! slapped his 9hee= thou#h he "i#ht be an e"peror's son And do 5ou thin= ! would ha$e wilfull5 dashed and s"ashed an Austin2 whi9h was onl5 a "onth old F The5 sa5 ! was drun= ! swear ! was not ! ha$e o99asionall5 ta=en a drin=2 but ! swear ! was not drun= that da5 .ill 5ou =indl5 #o to "5 "aster D he #a$e "e an address D and tell hi" that ! wasn't drun= and that the a99ident happened be9ause of the e$il nature of the pla9e D D Su9h a bad a99ident F D ! as=ed D You =now what this spot 9an do2 but 5our lu9= was better than that of the Austin D

! held up two rupees to hi" He refused the "one5 D !t is no use to "e2 sir2D he said D ! ha$e #reater use for 5our #ood;will !f 5ou will ha$e the

io7 AN A33!DENT =indness to see "5 "aster and tell hi" that ! wasn't drun=2 ! shall be $er5 #rateful to 5ou2 sir D ! offered hi" a lift He de9lined it ! pressed the self;starter The en#ine hu""ed ! swit9hed on the li#hts The 9ar beha$ed so well that ! was filled with #reat ad"iration for the "e9hani92 and ! de9ided to see his so;9alled "aster ne>t da5 ! tra9ed the owner of the wre9=ed Austin 9on$e5ed to hi" the dri$er's "essa#e D Are 5ou sure it was he F D he as=ed D ! don't =now He see"ed to be sli#htl5 drun= and "i#ht be an i"postor %ut after all2 it "i#ht be the sa"e fellow He #a$e "e 5our address2 and it see"s he had been with 5ou for twent5 5ears and that 5ou had an O$erland on9e D D All that is true2 no doubt2 but ! a" pu@@led Anil's s=ull was Ca""ed when we pi9=ed hi" up2 and we 9arried his re"ains in a bas=et and buried hi" /.hat re"ained of the 9ar 9ould also ha$e been put in a bas=et 0 Don't 9ontradi9t "e E the fellow was drun= ! had 9au#ht hi" se$eral ti"es and warned hi" ! =new all alon# that he would 9o"e to a bad end D !

*1 S)3H (ER'E3T!ON A SENSE of #reat relief filled So"a as he reali@ed that his fi$e 5ears of labour were 9o"in# to an end He had turned out s9ores of i"a#es in his life; ti"e2 but he had ne$er done an5 wor= to e?ual this He often said to hi"self that lon# after the Delu#e had swept the earth this NataraCa would still be standin# on His pedestal No other hu"an bein# had seen the i"a#e 5et So"a shut hi"self in and bolted all the doors and windows and plied his 9hisel b5 the still fla"e of a "ud la"p2 e$en when there was a bri#ht sun outside

!t "ade hi" perspire unbearabl52 but he did not "ind it so lon# as it helped hi" to =eep out pr5in# e5es He wor=ed with a fier9e 9on9entration and ne$er en9oura#ed an5one to tal= about it After all2 his labours had 9o"e to an end He sat ba9=2 wiped the perspiration off his fa9e2 and sur$e5ed his handiwor= with #reat satisfa9tion As he loo=ed on he was o$erwhel"ed b5 the "aCest5 of this i"a#e He fell prostrate before it2 pra5in#2 D ! ha$e ta=en fi$e 5ears to "a=e 5ou Ma5 5ou reside in our te"ple and bless all hu"an bein#s H D The di" "ud fla"e 9ast subtle shadows on the i"a#e2 and #a$e it an undertone of ripplin# life The s9ulptor stood lost in this $ision A $oi9e said2 D M5 friend2 ne$er ta=e this i"a#e out of this roo" !t is too perfe9t D *<+

no S)3H (ER'E3T!ON So"a tre"bled with fear He loo=ed round He saw a fi#ure 9rou9hin# in a dar= 9orner of the roo" it was a "an So"a dashed forward and 9lut9hed hi" b5 the throat A D .h5 did 5ou 9o"e here F D The other writhed under the #rip and replied A D Out of ad"iration for 5ou ! ha$e alwa5s lo$ed 5our wor= ! ha$e waited for fi$e 5ears D D How did 5ou 9o"e in F D D .ith another =e5 while 5ou were eatin# inside D So"a #nashed his teeth D Shall ! stran#le 5ou before this God and offer 5ou as sa9rifi9e F D D %5 all "eansI 1 replied the other2 D if it will help 5ou in an5 wa5 but ! doubt it E$en with a sa9rifi9e 5ou 9annot ta=e it out !t is too perfe9t Su9h perfe9tion is not for "ortals D The s9ulptor wept A D Oh2 do not sa5 that ! wor=ed in se9re95 onl5 for this perfe9tion !t is for our people !t is a God 9o"in# into their "idst Don't den5 the" that D The other prostrated before the i"a#e and pra5ed aloud2 D God #i$e us the stren#th to bear 5our presen9e D This "an spo=e to people and the #reat se9ret was out A =ind of dread sei@ed the people of the $illa#e On an auspi9ious da52 So"a went to the te"ple priest and as=ed2 D At the 9o"in# 'ull Moon "5 NataraCa "ust be 9onse9rated Ha$e 5ou "ade a pla9e for hi" in the te"ple F D The priest answered2 D Let "e see the i"a#e first He went o$er to the s9ulptor's house2 #a@ed on the

i"a#e2 and said2 D This perfe9tion2 this God2 is not for "ortal e5es He will blind us At the first 9hant of pra5er before hi"2 he will dan9e and we shall be wiped out D The s9ulptor loo=ed so

S)3H (ER'E3T!ON in unhapp5 that the priest added2 DTa=e 5our 9hisel and brea= a little toe or so"e other part of the i"a#e2 and it will be safe D The s9ulptor replied that he would sooner 9ra9= the s=ull of his $isitor The leadin# 9iti@ens of the $illa#e 9a"e o$er and said2 D Don't "ista=e us .e 9annot #i$e 5our i"a#e a pla9e in our te"ple Don't be an#r5 with us .e ha$e to thin= of the safet5 of all the people in the $illa#e E$en now if 5ou are prepared to brea= a s"all fin#er D D Get out2 all of 5ou2D So"a shouted D ! don't 9are to brin# this NataraCa to 5our te"ple ! will "a=e a te"ple for hi" where he is You will see that it be9o"es the #reatest te"ple on earth D Ne>t da5 he pulled down a portion of the wall of the roo" and 9onstru9ted a lar#e doorwa5 openin# on the street He 9alled Ra"a2 the to";to" beater2 and said2 D ! will #i$e 5ou a sil$er 9oin for 5our trouble Go and pro9lai" in all nearb5 $illa#es that this NataraCa will be 9onse9rated at the 'ull Moon !f a lar#e 9rowd turns up2 ! will present 5ou with a la9e shawl D At the 'ull Moon2 "en2 wo"en and 9hildren poured in fro" the surroundin# $illa#es There was hardl5 an in9h of spa9e $a9ant an5where The streets were 9ra""ed with people 4endors of sweets and to5s and flowers shouted their wares2 "o$in# about in the 9rowd (ipers and dru""ers2 #roups of persons 9hantin# h5"ns2 9hildren shoutin# in Co52 "en #reetin# ea9h other all this 9reated a "i#ht5 din 'ra#ran9e of flowers and in9ense hun# o$er the pla9e (residin# o$er all this there was the bri#htest "oon that e$er shone on earth The s9reen whi9h had 9o$ered the i"a#e parted

S)3H (ER'E3T!ON A #reat fla"e of 9a"phor was wa$ed in front of the i"a#e2 and bron@e bells ran# A silen9e fell upon the 9rowd E$er5 e5e was fi>ed upon the i"a#e !n the fla"e of the 9ir9lin# 9a"phor NataraCa's e5es lit up His li"bs "o$ed2 his an=lets Cin#led The 9rowd was awe;stri9=en The God pressed one foot

on Earth and raised the other in dan9e He destro5ed the )ni$erse under his heel2 and s"eared the ashes o$er his bod52 and the sa"e God rattled the dru" in his hand and b5 its rh5th" set life in "otion a#ain 3reation2 Dissolution2 and God2 attained a "eanin# now E this i"a#e brou#ht it out the bells ran# louder e$er5 se9ond The 9rowd stood stunned b5 this $ision $ou9hsafed to the" At this "o"ent a wind blew fro" the east The Moon's dis9 #raduall5 di""ed The wind #athered for9e2 9louds blotted out the "oon E people loo=ed up and saw onl5 pit9h;li=e dar=ness abo$e Li#htnin# flashed2 thunder roared2 and fire poured down fro" the s=5 !t was a thunderbolt stri=in# a ha5sta9= and settin# it abla@e !ts #lare illu"inated the whole $illa#e (eople ran about in pani92 sear9hin# for shelter The population of ten $illa#es 9ra""ed in that $illa#e Another thunderbolt hit a house .o"en and 9hildren shrie=ed and wailed The fires des9ended with a tre"endous hiss as a "i#ht5 rain 9a"e down !t rained as it had ne$er rained before The two la=es2 o$er whi9h the $illa#e road ran2 filled2 swelled2 and Coined o$er the road .ater flowed alon# the streets The wind s9rea"ed and shoo= the trees and the ho"es D This is the end of the world H D wailed the people throu#h the stor" The whole of the ne>t da5 it was still dri@@lin# So>na sat before the i"a#e2 with his head bowed in

S)3H (ER'E3T!ON **8 thou#ht Tra5s and flowers and offerin#s la5 s9attered under the i"a#e2 da"ped b5 rain So"e of his friends 9a"e wadin# in water2 stood before hi"2 and as=ed2 D Are 5ou satisfied F D The5 stood o$er hi" li=e e>e9utioners and repeated the ?uestion and added2 D Do 5ou want to =now how "an5 li$es ha$e been lost2 how "an5 ho"es washed out2 and how "an5 were 9rushed b5 stor" F D D No2 no2 ! don't want to =now an5thin#2D So"a replied D Go awa5 Don't stand here and tal= D D God has shown us onl5 a sli#ht si#n of his power Don't te"pt Hi" a#ain Do so"ethin# Our li$es are in 5our hands Sa$e us2 the i"a#e is too perfe9t D After the5 were #one he sat for hours in the sa"e position2 ru"inatin# Their words still troubled hi" D Our li$es are in 5our hands D He =new what the5 "eant Tears #athered in his e5es D How 9an ! "utilate this i"a#eF Let the whole world burn2 ! don't 9are ! 9an't tou9h this i"a#e D He lit a

la"p before the God and sat wat9hin# 'ar off the s=5 ru"bled D !t is startin# a#ain (oor hu"an bein#s2 the5 will all perish this ti"e D He loo=ed at the toe of the i"a#e DLust one neat stro=e with the 9hisel2 and all troubles will end D He wat9hed the toe2 his hands tre"bled D How 9an ! F D Outside the wind be#an to howl (eople were #atherin# in front of his house and were appealin# to hi" for help So"a prostrated before the God and went out He stood loo=in# at the road o$er whi9h the two la=es had Coined O$er the eastern hori@on a dar= "ass of 9loud was rollin# up D .hen that 9loud 9o"es o$er2 it will wash out the world NataraCa H ! 9annot "utilate 5our fi#ure2 but ! 9an offer "5self as a sa9rifi9e if it will be an5 use D He shut

ii, S)3H (ER'E3T!ON his e5es and de9ided to Cu"p into the la=e He 9he9=ed hi"self D ! "ust ta=e a last loo= at the God before ! die D He battled his wa5 throu#h the on9o"in# stor" The wind shrie=ed Trees shoo= and tre"bled Men and 9attle ran about in pani9 He was ba9= Cust in ti"e to see a tree 9rash on the roof of his house D M5 ho"e2D he 9ried2 and ran in He pi9=ed up his NataraCa fro" a"idst splintered tiles and rafters The i"a#e was unhurt e>9ept for a little toe whi9h was found a 9ouple of 5ards off2 se$ered b5 a fallin# splinter D God hi"self has done this to sa$e us H D people 9ried The i"a#e was installed with due 9ere"onies at the te"ple on the ne>t 'ull Moon .ealth and honours were showered on So"a He li$ed to be ninet5;fi$e2 but he ne$er tou9hed his "allet and 9hisel a#ain

*: A 3AREER THE Tal=ati$e Man said A Years and 5ears a#o ! had a shop !t was in those da5s when Lawle5 E>tension was not what it is now !t 9onsisted of less than a hundred houses Mar=et Road bein# at least a "ile off2 the people li$in# in the E>tension loo=ed on "e as a sa$iour when ! too= up a little buildin#2 and on an auspi9ious da5 hun# up a lar#e board with the ins9ription A The National (ro$ision Stores ! went fro" house to

house and se9ured orders ! literall5 e>a"ined e$er5 pantr5 in the E>tension and filled up the #aps .hen the bell ran# for the "idda5 inter$al at the E>tension Ele"entar5 S9hool2 9hildren swar"ed into "5 shop and 9arried off whate$er sweets2 ribbons and fan95 stationer5 ! happened to =eep ! did about twent5; fi$e rupees 9redit and ten rupees 9ash sales e$er5 da5 This #a$e us at least fift5 rupees a "onth to li$e on .e paid a rent of fi$e rupees and too= a s"all house in &abir Street2 whi9h was o$er a "ile fro" "5 shop ! left at se$en in the "ornin# and returned ho"e onl5 at nine in the e$enin#2 after 9learin# the dail5 a99ounts A 5ear and a half passed thus One da5 a 5oun# fellow presented hi"self at "5 shop He loo=ed about twent52 $er5 fair and bri#ht He wore a spotless dhoti and shirt D1

ii: A 3AREER D .hat 9an ! do for 5ou F D ! as=ed2 ta=in# hi" to be a 5oun# 9usto"er !n answer he brou#ht his pal"s to#ether in salute and said2 D ! need 5our help2 sir ! will do whate$er wor= 5ou "a5 #i$e "e in return for a little food and shelter and =indness D There was so"ethin# in the 5oun# fellow's personalit5 whi9h appealed to "e Moreo$er2 he had on his forehead three;fin#er width of sa9red ash and a dot of $er"ilion between his e5ebrows He loo=ed as if he had Cust 9o"e fro" a te"ple D ! a" $er5 God;fearin#2 sir2 and sus9eptible to reli#ious influen9es D ! spo=e to hi" for about an hour He said he belon#ed to a fa"il5 of wealth5 land; holders in a $illa#e near Tri9hinopol5 His "other died so"e 5ears before His father too= a "istress who ill;treated the bo5 and 9onse?uentl5 he ran awa5 fro" ho"e A tou9hin# stor5 ! felt ! dire9ted hi" to "5 house .hen ! went ho"e in the e$enin# ! found that he had alread5 "ade hi"self a #reat fa$ourite there His life stor5 had deepl5 "o$ed "5 wife D So 5oun# H D she whispered to "e2 D and to thin= that he should be left at this a#e without a father or

a "other H D she si#hed He had "ade hi"self lo$able in a do@en wa5s alread5 He had ta=en "5 little son out for a wal= The 5oun#ster 9ried as aoon as he 9a"e ho"e2 D Let Ra"u sta5 in our house He is #reat He =nows "a#i9 and 9an ta"e ti#ers and elephants D Ra"u wal=ed into the =it9hen and offered assistan9e At first "5 wife protested2 D .h5 won't 5ou allow "e to #o near the o$en2

A 3AREER **Mother F D he as=ed D !s it be9ause 5ou thin= ! 9an't 9oo= F Gi$e "e a 9han9e and see D He "ade a dash for the bathroo"2 turned the tap on hi"self2 and 9a"e out drippin# He too= a handful of sa9red ash and s"eared it on his forehead M5 wife was tre"endousl5 i"pressed She let hi" do the 9oo=in# He prepared deli9ious food for us .e were all $er5 pleased After that he helped "5 wife with all the 9leanin# and s9rubbin# He slept at ni#ht on the bare floor2 refusin# the "at and the pillow we offered He was the first to be up ne>t "ornin# He lit the sto$e and wo=e up "5 wife At "idda5 he brou#ht "e "5 food .hile ! ate he attended to the s9hool 9hildren2 who 9a"e into the shop He handed the" their =ni9=;=na9=s with an e>pert hand He 9har"ed and a"used the" He "ade the" lau#h He be#uiled the" with an alternati$e when he had not on hand what the5 wanted !t was ine$itable that in a "onth he should be sharin# with "e the shop wor= He had attra9ti$e wa5s about hi" 3usto"ers li=ed to tal= to hi" .ithin a short ti"e there was not a sin#le ho"e in the E>tension where he was not treated as a "e"ber of the fa"il5 He =new the inside stor5 of e$er5 fa"il5 He ser$ed e$er5 one to the best of his 9apa9it5 Here he helped a "an with his #arden2 and there he pleaded with a house;buildin# 9ontra9tor and had an esti"ate re$ised He pat9hed up ?uarrels He ta"ed truants and sent the" to s9hool He too= part in all the e>tra;9urri9ular a9ti$ities of the E>tension Ele"entar5 S9hool He too= an interest in the 3lub Mo$e"ent He dressed hi"self up for the o99asion when the inspe9tor $isited the s9hool2 and arran#ed


for the suppl5 of #arlands and flowers And all this in addition to assistin# "e in the shop He went e$er5 da5 to the "ar=et and pur9hased pro$isions fro" the wholesale "er9hants2 sat down for hours on end in the shop and handed out thin#s to 9usto"ers2 pored o$er the a99ounts till late at ni#ht2 and 9olle9ted all the bills As a result of Ra"u's presen9e "5 business in9reased nearl5 tenfold ! had abundant rest now2 ! left the shop entirel5 in his hands ! went ho"e for food at "idda5 After that ! slept till three in the afternoon And then ! went to the shop2 but sta5ed there onl5 till fi$e o'9lo9=2 when ! went to an open spa9e near b5 and pla5ed bad"inton with so"e friends ! 9a"e to the shop a#ain onl5 at se$en in the e$enin# On9e or twi9e ! and "5 wife tal=ed o$er the "atter and tried to fi> up a "onthl5 pa5 for Ra"u .e felt we ou#ht not to be e>ploitin# Ra"u's friendliness %ut when the subCe9t was "entioned Ra"u #rew red in the fa9e and said2 D !f 5ou don't want "e to sta5 with 5ou an5 "ore2 5ou "a5 tal= of salar5 a#ain D 'i$e 5ears passed thus He a#ed with us He li$ed with us throu#h all our Co5s and sorrows ! had four 9hildren now M5 business had prospered enor"ousl5 .e were now li$in# in a bi##er house in the sa"e street ! too= the shop buildin# on a lon# lease ! had an i""ense sto9= of all =inds of pro$isions and #oods ! e>tended "5 business ! pur9hased lar#e ?uan; tities of butter in all the nearb5 $illa#es and sold the" to butter and #hee "er9hants in Madras This business #a$e "e lar#e profits !t =ept "e runnin# between the $illa#es and Madras The shop was entirel5 in Ra"u's hands

A 3AREER **+ At Madras ! used to stop with a "er9hant in Geor#e Town On9e wor= =ept "e on there a little lon#er than ! had anti9ipated One e$enin# Cust as ! was startin# out to post a letter for Ra"u2 a tele#raph "essen#er stepped off his 959le and #a$e "e an en$elope ! tore open the 9o$er and read A D 'ather d5in# of 9holera Must #o at on9e Return i"; "ediatel5 Ra"u D The ne>t "ornin# at fi$e o'9lo9= ! #ot down at Mal#udi Ra"u was at the station He was #oin# to Tri9hinopol5 b5 the sa"e train The train halted onl5 for a few "inutes Red;e5ed and sobbin# Ra"u said2 D M5 father2 father2 9holera Ne$er thou#ht he

would #et it D ! 9onsoled hi" ! had ne$er seen hi" so bro=en ! said feebl52 D He will be all ri#ht2 don't worr5 D ! had hardl5 the heart to as= hi" about the shop He hi"self said2 D ! ha$e handed the =e5s to "other2 and all the a99ounts and 9ash also D D All ri#ht2 all ri#ht2 ! will loo= to all that worr52D ! said Don't

The #uard blew his whistle Ra"u Cu"ped into a third 9lass 9o"part"ent The train Cer=ed forward He put his head out of the window and said2 D ! will be ba9= to"orrow b5 the ni#ht train2 if "5 father #ets better .hate$er happens2 ! won't be awa5 for "ore than fifteen da5s &ittu has as=ed "e to brin# hi" D his $oi9e and fa9e re9eded D a wooden elephant on wheels (lease tell hi" that ! will surel5 brin# it M5 na"as=ara"s to "other D Tears rolled down his 9hee=s E$en lon# after the train had left the platfor" he was still loo=in# out of the window and #esti9ulatin# to indi9ate D ! will surel5 be ba9= soon D

*6< A 3AREER Ha$in# so"e unfinished Madras business on hand2 ! 9ould hardl5 #o near the shop for a wee= .hen ! reopened2 the first thin# that ! noti9ed was that the shop was e"pt5 E>9ept for a ba# of 9oarse ri9e and a few bars of 9heap soap2 all the ra9=s and 9ontainers were e"pt5 ! pi9=ed up the boo=s and e>a"ined the" The entries were all in a "ess ! put the" awa5 Replenishin# the sto9= was "ore ur#ent ! "ade out a list and went to the "ar=et Sadi= Sait2 "5 wholesale supplier2 s?uatted a"idst his 9ushions and wel9o"ed "e war"l5 ! owed "5 start in life to the unli"ited 9redit he allowed "e After so"e preli"inar52 in9onse?uential tal=2 ! put before hi" the list He s9rutini@ed it #loo"il5 and shoo= his head He said2 D You want #oods for about three hundred rupees ! wouldn't ad$ise 5ou to put up 5our dues .h5 don't 5ou ta=e fift5;rupees worth nowF ! a" su##estin# this onl5 for 5our own 9on$enien9e D This was the first ti"e in "5 life that he had spo=en to "e in this "anner And he e>plained2 D Don't "ista=e "e2 friend You are a business "an2 so a" ! No use tal=in# indire9tl5 and $a#uel5 ! will tell 5ou what the "atter is Your a99ount with us stands at Rs 821<< and if 5ou had paid at least a sin#le instal"ent for these three "onths2 we should ha$e felt happier D D%ut2 Sait2 last "onth ! sent four;hundred to be

#i$en to 5ou2 and the "onth before three;hundred and fift52 and the "onth before There "ust be onl5 a balan9e of D He too= out his led#er There was onl5 one pa5"ent "ade for four "onths when the bill stood at about a thousand After that there had been pur9hases al"ost e$er5 da5 for about fort5 rupees

A 3AREER *6* D The 5oun# fellow said that business was $er5 bris= and that 5ou would 9lear the a99ounts when 5ou returned fro" Madras D M5 head swa" D ! will see 5ou a#ain2 81 ! said2 and went ba9= to the shop ! on9e a#ain e>a"ined the boo=s The pa#es showed a lot of arrears to be 9olle9ted Ne>t da5 ! went round to 9olle9t all "5 bills (eople loo=ed surprised2 D There "ust be so"e "ista=e .e paid our bills 9o"pletel5 a fortni#ht a#o Otherwise Ra"u wouldn't lea$e us in pea9e D M5 wife said2 D !n 5our absen9e he was 9o"in# ho"e nearl5 at twel$e e$er5 ni#ht He used to tell "e that the a99ounts =ept hi" late ' How was business toda5 F ' ! unfailin#l5 as=ed e$er5 da5 He replied2 : %usiness is #ood2 bad2 #ood and bad Don't worr5 Lea$e it all to "e ! will "ana#e ' D An old "an of Lawle5 E>tension as=ed "e2 D .here is that bo5 5ou had F D ! told hi" D Loo= here2D the old "an said D &eep this to 5ourself You re"e"ber there li$ed ne>t door to us those people fro" H5derabad F D D Yes2 5es D

D Your bo5 was #addin# about with the" a little too "u9h You =now there was a tall2 prett5 #irl with the" Your fellow was ta=in# her out e$er5 e$enin# in a ta>i He 9losed the shop pro"ptl5 at si> in the e$enin# Those people went ba9= to H5derabad a few da5s a#o D Later on ! "ade en?uiries in Mar=et Road and learnt that Ra"u had had stit9hed four tweed suits2 ei#hteen sil= shirts and other 9lothes worth about a hundred rupees2 pur9hased leather suit9ases2 four pairs

*66 A 3AREER of pu"p shoes2 two pairs of $el$et slippers2 a wrist wat9h2 two rin#s2 a broo9h2 sil= sarees2 blouse pie9es2 and so on ! #ot in tou9h with a near relati$e of Ra"u's e"plo5ed in a ban= in Madras ! learnt that his old father was hale and heart52 and there was no "ention of 9holera Abo$e all2 Ra"u was ne$er =nown to ha$e $isited Tri9hinopol5 His whereabouts were un=nown The letter 9on9luded A D So"eone re9entl5 returned fro" a tour "entioned that he thou#ht he 9au#ht a #li"pse of Ra"u in a lar#e #atherin# durin# so"e "usi9 festi$al in H5dera; bad He was2 howe$er2 not $er5 9ertain about it D ! sold "5 shop and e$er5thin#2 paid off "5 9reditors2 and left Mal#udi ! was a ban=rupt2 with a wife and four 9hildren to support .e "o$ed fro" pla9eB to pla9e2 li$in# on the 9harit5 of friends2 relati$es2 and un=nown people So"eti"es nobod5 would feed us and we threw oursel$es down in a dar= 9orner of so"e rest;house2 and "5 ra##ed 9hildren 9ried till sleep o$er9a"e the" ! needn't wear5 5ou with an a99ount of "5 stru##les !t is another stor5 ! "ust tell 5ou about Ra"u ! ha$e to add onl5 this about "5 own 9areer 'our 5ears later ! 9a"e a9ross a 9offee;estate owner in Me"pi Hills2 and he #a$e "e a fresh start E and ! "ust sa52 than=s to hi"2 ! ha$e done $er5 well indeed in the 9offee trade Now about Ra"u A 5ear a#o ! was pantin# up the steps of Thirupathi Hills ! had a $ow to fulfil at the te"ple ! had passed two thousand steps when a fa"iliar $oi9e assailed "5 ears fro" a"on# the #roup of "endi9ants linin# the steps ! stopped and turned And there he was2 ! 9ould hardl5 re9o#ni@e hi" now ! had seen hi" off at Mal#udi station ten 5ears before His fa9e was now dar=2 s9arred and

A 3AREER *88 pitted His e5es were fi>ed in a #a@e ! should ha$e passed hi" without noti9in# if he hadn't 9alled out for al"s His $oi9e was still un9han#ed ! stopped and said2 D Loo= here D D ! 9an't see2 ! a" blind D D .ho are 5ou F .here do 5ou 9o"e fro" F D ! as=ed in a $oi9e whi9h ! tried to dis#uise with a little #ruffness D Go2 #o 5our wa5 that F D he said .h5 do 5ou want to =now all

! had often boasted that if ! "et hi" ! would brea= his bones first E but this was not at all how ! had hoped to see hi" a#ain ! felt $er5 9onfused and unhapp5 ! dropped a 9oin on his upraised pal" and passed on %ut after "o$in# up a few steps ! stopped and be9=oned to another be##ar sittin# b5 his side He 9a"e up ! held up an anna 9oin before hi" and said2 D You "a5 ha$e this if 5ou will tell "e so"ethin# about that blind "an D D ! =now hi"2D said this be##ar2 who had no ar"s D .e =eep to#ether He has ar"s2 but no e5es E ! ha$e e5es2 but no ar"s2 and so we find ea9h other helpful .e "o$e about to#ether He is not a be##ar li=e "e2 but a san5asi He 9a"e here two 5ears a#o He had on9e "u9h "one5 in H5derabad2 Delhi2 %enares or so"ewhere S"allpo> too= awa5 his si#ht His wife2 a bad sort2 deserted hi" He is $e>ed with the world So"e pil#ri"s 9o"in# fro" the North brou#ht hi" here %ut2 surel5 5ou won't tell hi" ! ha$e spo=en all this F He be9o"es wild if those da5s are "entioned D ! went ba9= to Ra"u2 stood before hi" and wat9hed hi" for a "o"ent ! felt li=e shoutin# D Ra"u2 God has punished 5ou enou#h Now 9o"e with "e i

*6, A 3AREER .here is 5our sweetheartF .here is "5 "one5F .hat de$il sei@ed 5ou F D %ut ! 9he9=ed "5self ! felt that the #reatest =indness ! 9ould do hi" was to lea$e hi" alone ! silentl5 pla9ed a rupee on his outstret9hed pal"2 and ra9ed up the steps At the bend ! turned "5 head and had another loo= at hi" And that was the last ! saw of hi" 'or when ! returned that wa5 four da5s later2 he was not to be seen (erhaps he had "o$ed on to another pla9e with his ar"less 9o"panion

*'ATHER'S HEL( LY!NG in bed2 Swa"i reali@ed with a shudder that it was Monda5 "ornin# !t loo=ed as thou#h onl5 a "o"ent a#o it had been the last period on 'rida5 E alread5 Monda5 was there He hoped that an earth?ua=e would redu9e the s9hool buildin# to dust2 but that #ood buildin# Albert Mission S9hool had withstood si"ilar pra5ers for o$er a hundred 5ears now At nine o'9lo9= Swa"inathan wailed A

D ! ha$e a heada9he D His "other said A D .h5 don't 5ou #o to s9hool in aCut=a F D D So that ! "a5 be 9o"pletel5 dead at the other end F Ha$e 5ou an5 idea what it "eans to be Colted in siCut=a F D D Ha$e 5ou "an5 i"portant lessons toda5 F D D !"portant H %ah H That #eo#raph5 tea9her has been tea9hin# the sa"e lesson for o$er a 5ear now And we ha$e arith"eti92 whi9h "eans for a whole period we are #oin# to be beaten b5 the tea9her !"portant lesson H D And "other #enerousl5 su##ested that Swa"i "i#ht sta5 at ho"e At nine;thirt52 when he ou#ht to ha$e been shoutin# in the s9hool pra5er hall2 Swa"i was l5in# on the ben9h in "other's roo" 'ather as=ed hi" A D Ha$e 5ou no s9hool toda5 F D D Heada9he2D Swa"i replied D Nonsense H Dress up and #o D

*6: 'ATHER'S HEL( D Heada9he D D Loaf about less on Sunda5s and 5ou will be without a heada9he on Monda5 D Swa"i =new how stubborn his father 9ould be2 and 9han#ed his ta9ti9s D ! 9an't #o so late to the 9lass D D ! a#ree2 but 5ou'll ha$e to E it is 5our own fault You should ha$e as=ed "e before de9idin# to sta5 awa5 D D .hat will the tea9her thin= if ! #o so late F D D Tell hi" 5ou had a heada9he and so are late D D He will beat "e if ! sa5 so D D .ill he F Let us see D Sa"uel D D Does he beat the bo5s F D D He is $er5 $iolent2 espe9iall5 with bo5s who #o late So"e da5s a#o a bo5 was "ade to sta5 on his .hat is his na"e F D

=nees for a whole period in a 9orner of the 9lass be9ause he 9a"e late2 and that after #ettin# si> 9uts fro" the 9ane and ha$in# his ears twisted ! wouldn't li=e to #o late to Sa"uel's 9lass D D !f he is so $iolent2 wh5 not tell 5our head"aster about itFD D The5 sa5 that e$en the head"aster is afraid of hi" He is su9h a $iolent "an D And then Swa"i #a$e a lurid a99ount of Sa"uel's '$iolen9e E how when he started 9anin# he would not stop till he saw blood on the bo5's hand2 whi9h he "ade the bo5 press to his forehead li=e a $er"ilion "ar=in# Swa"i hoped that with this his father would be "ade to see that he 9ouldn't #o to his 9lass late %ut father's beha$iour too= an une>pe9ted turn He be9a"e e>9ited D .hat do these swine "ean b5 beatin# our 9hildren F The5 "ust be dri$en out of ser$i9e ! will see D

'ATHER'S HEL( *6The result was he proposed to send Swa"i late to his 9lass as a =ind of 9hallen#e He was also #oin# to send a letter with Swa"i to the head"aster No a"ount of protest fro" Swa"i was of an5 a$ail A Swa"i had to #o to s9hool %5 the ti"e he was read5 father had 9o"posed a lon# letter to the head"aster2 put it in an en$elope2 and sealed it D .hat ha$e 5ou written2 father F D Swa"inathan as=ed apprehensi$el5 D Nothin# for 5ou Gi$e it to 5our head"aster and #o to 5our 9lass D D Ha$e 5ou written an5thin# about our tea9her Sa"uelFE' D (lent5 of thin#s about hi" .hen 5our head; "aster reads it he will probabl5 dis"iss Sa"uel fro" the s9hool and hand hi" o$er to the poli9e D D .hat has he done2 father F D D .ell2 there is a full a99ount of e$er5thin# he has done in the letter Gi$e it to 5our head"aster and #o to 5our 9lass You "ust brin# an a9=nowled#"ent fro" hi" in the e$enin# D Swa"i went to s9hool2 feelin# that he was the worst

perCurer on earth His 9ons9ien9e bothered hi" A he wasn't at all sure if he had been a99urate in his des9ription of Sa"uel He 9ould not de9ide how "u9h of what he had said was i"a#ined and how "u9h of it real He stopped for a "o"ent on the roadside to "a=e up his "ind about Sa"uel A he was not su9h a bad "an after all (ersonall5 he was "u9h "ore #enial than the rest E often he 9ra9=ed a Co=e or two 9entrin# around Swa"i's ina9tions2 and Swa"i too= it as a "ar= of Sa"uel's personal re#ard for hi" %ut there was no doubt that he treated people badl5

*67 'ATHER'S HEL( His 9ane s=inned people's hands Swa"i 9ast his "ind about for an instan9e of this There was none within his =nowled#e Years and 5ears a#o he was reputed to ha$e s=inned the =nu9=les of a bo5 in 'irst Standard and "ade hi" s"ear the blood on his fa9e No one had seen it a9tuall5 %ut 5ear after 5ear the stor5 persisted a"on# the bo5s Swa"i's head was di@@5 with 9onfusion in re#ard to Sa"uel's 9hara9ter whether he was #ood or bad2 whether he deser$ed the alle#ations in the letter or not Swa"i felt an i"pulse to run ho"e and be# his father to ta=e ba9= the letter %ut father was an obstinate "an As he approa9hed the 5ellow buildin# he reali@ed that he was perCurin# hi"self and was ruinin# his tea9her (robabl5 the head"aster would dis"iss Sa"uel and then the poli9e would 9hain hi" and put hi" in Cail 'or all this dis#ra9e2 hu"iliation2 and sufferin# who would be responsibleF Swa"i shuddered The "ore he thou#ht of Sa"uel2 the "ore he #rie$ed for hi" the dar= fa9e2 his s"all red;strea=ed e5es2 his thin line of "ousta9he2 his unsha$en 9hee= and 9hin2 his 5ellow 9oat E e$er5thin# filled Swa"i with sorrow As he felt the bul#e of the letter in his po9=et2 he felt li=e an e>e9utioner 'or a "o"ent he was an#r5 with his father2 and wondered wh5 he should not flin# into the #utter the letter of a "an so unreasonable and stubborn As he entered the s9hool #ate an idea o99urred to hi"2 a sort of solution He wouldn't deli$er the letter to the head"aster i""ediatel52 but at the end of the da5 to that e>tent he would disobe5 his father and e>er9ise his independen9e There was nothin# wron# in it2 and father would not =now it an5wa5


!f the letter were #i$en at the end of the da5 there was a 9han9e that Sa"uel "i#ht do so"ethin# to Custif5 the letter Swa"i stood at the entran9e to his 9lass Sa"uel was tea9hin# arith"eti9 He loo=ed at Swa"i for a "o"ent Swa"i stood hopin# that Sa"uel would fall on hi" and tear his s=in off %ut Sa"uel "erel5 as=ed A D Are 5ou Cust 9o"in# to the 9lass F D D Yes2 sir D D You are half an hour late D D ! =now it D Swa"i hoped that he would be atta9=ed now He al"ost pra5ed A D God of Thirupathi2 please "a=e Sa"uel beat "e D D.h5 are 5ou lateFD Swa"i wanted to repl5 A D Lust to see what 5ou 9an do D %ut he "erel5 said A D ! ha$e a heada9he2

sir D

D Then wh5 did 5ou 9o"e to the s9hool at all F D A "ost une>pe9ted ?uestion fro" Sa"uel D M5 father said that ! shouldn't "iss the 9lass2 sir2D said Swa"i This see"ed to i"press Sa"uel D Your father is ?uite ri#ht E a $er5 sensible "an .e want "ore parents li=e hi" D D Oh2 5ou poor wor" H D Swa"i thou#ht D You don't =now what "5 father has done for 5ou D He was "ore pu@@led than e$er about Sa"uel's 9hara9ter DAll ri#ht2 #o to 5our seat heada9he F D ** Sli#htl52 sir D Swa"i went to his seat with a bleedin# heart He had ne$er "et a "an so #ood as Sa"uel The tea9her was inspe9tin# the ho"e lessons2 whi9h usuall5 produ9ed /at least2 a99ordin# to Swa"i's i"pression0 Ha$e 5ou still a


s9enes of #reat $iolen9e Noteboo=s would be flun# at fa9es2 bo5s would be abused2 9aned2 and "ade to stand up on ben9hes %ut toda5 Sa"uel appeared to ha$e de$eloped "ore toleran9e and #entleness He pushed awa5 the bad boo=s2 Cust tou9hed people with the 9ane2 ne$er "ade an5one stand up for "ore than a few "inutes Swa"i's turn 9a"e He al"ost than=ed God for the 9han9e D Swa"inathan2 where is 5our ho"ewor= F D D ! ha$e not done an5 ho"ewor=2 sir2D he said blandl5 There was a pause .h5 heada9he F D as=ed Sa"uel D Yes2 sir D D All ri#ht2 sit down D Swa"i sat down2 wonderin# what had 9o"e o$er Sa"uel The period 9a"e to an end2 and Swa"i felt desolate The last period for the da5 was a#ain ta=en b5 Sa"uel He 9a"e this ti"e to tea9h the" !ndian histor5 The period be#an at 8 ,1 and ended at , 8< Swa"inathan had sat throu#h the pre$ious periods thin=in# a9utel5 He 9ould not de$ise an5 "eans of pro$o=in# Sa"uel .hen the 9lo9= stru9= four Swa"i felt desperate Half an hour "ore Sa"uel was readin# the red te>t2 the portion des9ribin# 4as9o da Ga"a's arri$al in !ndia The bo5s listened in half lan#uor Swa"i suddenl5 as=ed at the top of his $oi9e A D .h5 did not 3olu"bus 9o"e to !ndia2 sir F D D He lost his wa5 D D ! 9an't belie$e it E it is unbelie$able2 sir D D.h5FD D Su9h a #reat '"an the wa5 F D D Don't shout .ould he ha$e not =nown

! 9an hear 5ou ?uite well D

'ATHER'S HEL( *8* D ! a" not shoutin#2 sir E this is "5 ordinar5 $oi9e2 whi9h God has #i$en "e How 9an ! help it F D D Shut up and sit down D Swa"inathan sat down2 feelin# sli#htl5 happ5 at his su99ess The tea9her threw a pu@@led2 suspi9ious

#lan9e at hi" and resu"ed his lessons His ne>t 9han9e o99urred when San=ar of the first ben9h #ot up and as=ed A D Sir2 was 4as9o da Ga"a the $er5 first person to 9o"e to !ndia F D %efore the tea9her 9ould answer2 Swa"i shouted fro" the ba9= ben9h A D That's what the5 sa5 D The tea9her and all the bo5s loo=ed at Swa"i The tea9her was pu@@led b5 Swa"i's obtrusi$e beha$iour toda5 D Swa"inathan2 5ou are shoutin# a#ain D D ! a" not shoutin#2 sir How 9an ! help "5 $oi9e2 #i$en b5 God F D The s9hool 9lo9= stru9= a ?uarter;hour A ?uarter "ore Swa"i felt he "ust do so"ethin# drasti9 in fifteen "inutes Sa"uel had no doubt s9owled at hi" and snubbed hi"2 but it was hardl5 ade?uate Swa"i felt that with a little "ore effort Sa"uel 9ould be "ade to deser$e dis"issal and i"prison"ent The tea9her 9a"e to the end of a se9tion in the te>tboo= and stopped He proposed to spend the re"ainin# few "inutes puttin# ?uestions to the bo5s He ordered the whole 9lass to put awa5 boo=s2 and as=ed so"eone in the se9ond row A D .hat is the date of 4as9o da Ga"a's arri$al in !ndia F D Swa"inathan shot up and s9ree9hed A D Si>t9en; fort5;ei#ht2 De9e"ber twentieth D D You needn't shout2D said the tea9her D Has 5our heada9he "ade 5ou "ad F D He as=ed A

D ! ha$e no heada9he now2 sir2D replied the thunderer

i8 'ATHER'S HEL( bri#htl5 D Sit down2 5ou idiot D Swa"i thrilled at bein# 9alled an idiot D !f 5ou #et up a#ain ! will 9ane 5ouI' said the tea9her Swa"i sat down2 feelin# happ5 at the pro"ise The tea9her then as=ed A D ! a" #oin# to put a few ?uestions on the Mu#hal period A"on# the Mu#hal e"perors2 who" would 5ou 9all the #reatest2 who" the stron#est2 and who" the "ost reli#ious e"peror F D Swa"i #ot up As soon as he was seen2 the tea9her said e"phati9all5 A D Sit down D D ! want to answer2 sir D D Sit down D

D No2 sir E ! want to answer D D .hat did ! sa5 !'d do if 5ou #ot up a#ain F D D You said 5ou would 9ane "e and peel the s=in off "5 =nu9=les and "a=e "e press it on "5 forehead D D All ri#ht E 9o"e here D Swa"inathan left his seat Co5full5 and hopped on the platfor" The tea9her too= out his 9ane fro" the drawer and shouted an#ril5 A D Open 5our hand2 5ou little de$il D He wha9=ed three wholeso"e 9uts on ea9h pal" Swa"i re9ei$ed the" without blen9hin# After half a do@en the tea9her as=ed A D .ill these do2 or do 5ou want so"e "ore F D Swa"i "erel5 held out his hand a#ain2 and re9ei$ed two "ore E and the bell ran# Swa"i Cu"ped down fro" the platfor" with a li#ht heart2 thou#h his hands were s"artin# He pi9=ed up his boo=s2 too= out the letter l5in# in his po9=et2 and ran to the head; "aster's roo" He found the roo" lo9=ed He as=ed the peon A D .here is the head"aster F D D .h5 do 5ou want hi" F D D M5 father has sent a letter for hi" D

'ATHER'S HEL( *88 D He has ta=en the afternoon off2 and won't 9o"e for a wee= You 9an #i$e the letter to the assistant head"aster He will be here now D D .ho is he F D D Your tea9her2 Sa"uel se9ond D He will be here in a

Swa"inathan fled fro" the pla9e As soon as Swa"i went ho"e with the letter2 father re"ar=ed A D ! =new 5ou wouldn't deli$er it2 5ou 9oward D D ! swear our head"aster is on lea$e2D Swa"inathan be#an 'ather replied A D Don't lie in addition to bein# a 9oward D Swa"i held up the en$elope and said A D ! will #i$e this to the head"aster as soon as he is ba9= D

'ather snat9hed it fro" his hand2 tore it up2 and thrust it into the wastepaper bas=et under his table He "uttered A D Don't 9o"e to "e for help e$en if Sa"uel throttles 5ou You deser$e 5our Sa"uel D

*7 THE SNA&ENSONG .E were 9o"in# out of the "usi9 hall ?uite pleased with the 9on9ert .e thou#ht it a $er5 fine perfor"an9e .e thou#ht so till we noti9ed the Tal=ati$e Man in our "idst He loo=ed as thou#h he had been in a torture 9ha"ber .e loo=ed at hi" sourl5 and re"ar=ed A D .e suppose 5ou are one of those #reat "en who belie$e that South !ndian "usi9 died one hundred 5ears a#o Or were 5ou at an5 ti"e hobnobbin# with all our an9ient "usi9ians and 9o"posers2 the onl5 reason "an5 persons li=e 5ou ha$e for thin=in# that all "odern sin#in# is 9hildish and inane F Or are 5ou one of those restless theorists who 9an ne$er hear a son# without splittin# it into ato"s F D D None of these2D answered the Tal=ati$e Man D ! a" Cust a si"ple 9reature who =nows what he is tal=in# about ! =now so"ethin# of "usi92 perhaps Cust a little "ore than an5one else here2 and that is wh5 ! a" horrified to see the le$el to whi9h taste has sun= D .e tried to snub hi" b5 re9ei$in# his re"ar=s in 9old silen9e and tal=in# a"on# oursel$es %ut he followed us all the wa5 9hattin#2 and we had to listen to hi" Seein# "e now /said the Tal=ati$e Man0 perhaps 5ou thin= ! a" 9apable of doin# nothin# "ore artisti9 than sellin# 9he"i9al fertili@ers to peasants %ut !

THE SNA&E SONG *81 tell 5ou ! was at one ti"e a"bitious of be9o"in# a "usi9ian ! 9a"e near bein# one !t was 5ears and 5ears a#o ! was li$in# at the ti"e in &u"bu"2 a s"all $illa#e ei#ht5 "iles fro" Mal#udi A "aster "usi9ian li$ed there .hen he pla5ed on the flute2 it was said2 the 9attle of the $illa#e followed hi" about He was perhaps the #reatest artist of the 9entur52 but ?uite 9ontent to li$e in obs9urit52 hardl5 =nown to an5one outside the $illa#e2 #i$in# 9on9erts onl5 in the $illa#e te"ple2 and absolutel5 satisfied with the s"all in9o"e he deri$ed fro" his an9estral lands ! washed his 9lothes2 swept his house2 ran

errands for hi"2 wrote his a99ounts2 and when he felt li=e it he tau#ht "e "usi9 His personalit5 and presen9e had a $alue all their own2 so that e$en if he tau#ht onl5 for an hour it was worth a 5ear's tuition under an5one else The $er5 at"osphere around hi" edu9ated one After three 5ears of 9hippin# and planin# "5 "aster felt that "5 "usi9 was after all ta=in# so"e shape He said2 D !n another 5ear2 perhaps2 5ou "a5 #o to the town and pla5 before a publi92 that is2 if 5ou 9are for su9h thin#s D You "a5 be sure ! 9ared Not for "e the #reatness of obs9urit5 ! wanted wealth and renown ! drea"t of #oin# to Madras and attendin# the "usi9 festi$al ne>t 5ear2 and then all the distri9ts would rin# with "5 na"e ! loo=ed on "5 ba"boo flute as a sort of "a#i9 wand whi9h was #oin# to open out a new world to "e ! li$ed in a s"all 9otta#e at the end of the street2 !t was "5 habit to sit up and pra9tise far into the ni#ht One ni#ht as ! Bwas Cust losin# "5self in bhaira$i ra#a2 there 9a"e a =no9= on the door ! felt irritated at the interruptionB

*8: THE SNA&E SONG D .ho is there F D ! as=ed D A sadhu E he wants a "outhful of food D D At this hour H Go2 #o people at all hours D Don't 9o"e and pester

D %ut hun#er =nows no ti"e D D Go awa5 ! ha$e nothin# here "5 "aster's 9harit5 D ! "5self li$e on

D %ut 9an't 5ou #i$e a s"all 9oin or at least a =ind word to a sadhu F He has seen &asi2 Ra"eswara" D D Shut up2D ! 9ried2 #lared at the door2 and resu"ed "5 bhaira$i 'ifteen "inutes later the =no9=s were repeated ! lost "5 te"per D Ha$e 5ou no sense F .h5 do 5ou disturb "e F D D You pla5 di$inel5 .on't 5ou let "e in F You "a5 not #i$e "e food for "5 sto"a9h but don't den5 "e 5our "usi9 D ! didn't li=e an5one to be present when ! pra9tised2 and this 9onstant interruption was e>asperatin#

D Don't stand there and ar#ue !f 5ou don't #o at on9e2 ! will open the door and push 5ou out D D Ah2 bad words You needn't push "e out ! a" #oin# %ut re"e"ber2 this is 5our last da5 of "usi9 To"orrow 5ou "a5 e>9han#e 5our flute for a handful of dried dates D ! heard his wooden 9lo#s #oin# down the house stepsB ! felt relie$ed and pla5ed for about ten "inutes %ut "5 "ind was troubled His partin# words what did he "ean b5 the"F ! #ot up2 too= the lantern fro" its nail on the wall2 and went out ! stood on the last step of "5 9otta#e and loo=ed up and down the dar= street2 holdin# up the lantern ! turned in 4a#uel5 hopin# that he "i#ht 9all a#ain2 ! left the door half open ! hun# up the lantern and sat down

THE SNA&E SONG *8! loo=ed at the pi9tures of #ods on the wall and pra5ed to be prote9ted fro" the threat of the unseen "en; di9ant And then ! was lost in "usi9 on9e a#ain Son# after son# flowed fro" that tin5 ba"boo and transfor"ed "5 lonel5 9otta#e ! was no lon#er a pett5 "ortal blowin# throu#h a pie9e of ba"boo ! was a"on# the #ods The lantern on the wall be9a"e a brilliant star illu"inatin# a 9elestian hall And ! 9a"e to the sna=e;son# in punna#a $arali ! saw the serpent in all its "aCest5 A the $er5 $eno" in its pou9h had a tou9h of #lor5 A now ! saw its di$init5 as it 9rowned Shi$a's head A (ar$athi wore it as a wristlet A Subra"an5a pla5ed with it A and it was 4ishnu's 9ou9h The whole 9o"position i"; parted to the serpent a ?ualit5 whi9h inspired awe and re$eren9e And now what should ! see between the door and "e but a bla9= 9obra H !t had opened its i""ense hood and was swa5in# e9stati9all5 ! stopped "5 son# and rubbed "5 e5es to see if ! was full5 awa=e %ut the "o"ent the son# 9eased2 the 9obra turned and threw a #lan9e at "e2 and "o$ed forward ! ha$e ne$er seen su9h a bla9= 9obra and su9h a lon# one in "5 life So"e sa$in# instin9t told "e A D (la5 on H (la5 on H Don't stop D ! hurriedl5 too= the flute to "5 lips and 9ontinued the son# The sna=e2 whi9h was now less than three 5ards fro" "e2 lifted a ?uarter of its bod52 with a #entle flourish reared its head2 fi>ed its round e5es on "e2 and listened to the "usi9 without "a=in# the sli#htest "o$e"ent !t "i#ht ha$e been a 9ar$en sna=e in bla9= stone2 so still it was

And as ! pla5ed with "5 e5es fi>ed on the sna=e ! was so "u9h i"pressed with its di#nit5 and authorit5

*87 THE SNA&E SONG that ! said to "5self2 D .hi9h God would fore#o the pri$ile#e of wearin# this in His hair F D After pla5in# the son# thri9e o$er2 ! 9o""en9ed a new son# The 9obra sharpl5 turned its head and loo=ed at "e as if to sa52 D Now what is all this F D and let out a terrible hiss2 and "ade a sli#ht "o$e"ent ! ?ui9=l5 resu"ed the sna=e;son#2 and it assu"ed on9e a#ain its 9ar$en posture So ! pla5ed the son# a#ain and a#ain And howe$er #reat a 9o"position "i#ht be2 a do@en repetitions of it was bound to pro$e tireso"e ! atte"pted to 9han#e the son# on9e or twi9e2 but ! saw the sna=e stir "ena9in#l5 ! $ainl5 tried to #et up and dash out2 but the sna=e nearl5 stood up on its tail and pro"ised to finish "e And so ! pla5ed the sa"e son# all ni#ht M5 distin#uished audien9e showed no si#n of lea$in# %5 and b5 ! felt e>hausted M5 head swa"2 "5 9hee=s a9hed throu#h 9ontinuous blowin#2 and "5 9hest see"ed to be e"ptied of the last wisp of breath ! =new ! was #oin# to drop dead in a few se9onds !t didn't see" to "atter $er5 "u9h if the sna=e was #oin# to 9rush "e in its 9oils and fill "e with all the $eno" in its sa9 ! flun# down the flute2 #ot up2 and prostrated before it 9r5in#2 D Oh2 Na#a RaCa2 5ou are a #od E 5ou 9an =ill "e if 5ou li=e2 but ! 9an pla5 no "ore D .hen ! opened "5 e5es a#ain the sna=e was #one The lantern on the wall had turned pale in the "ornin# li#ht M5 flute la5 near the doorwa5 + Ne>t da5 ! narrated "5 e>perien9es to "5 "aster He said2 D Don't 5ou =now 5ou ou#ht not to pla5 punna#a $arali at ni#htF That apart2 now 5ou 9an ne$er be sure 5ou will not #et the sna=e in a#ain if 5ou pla5 And when he 9o"es he won't spare 5ou unless

THE SNA&E SONG *8+ 5ou sin# his son# o$er a#ain do it F D Are 5ou prepared to

D No2 no2 a thousand ti"es no2D ! 9ried The "e"or5 of that son# was #allin# ! had repeated it enou#h to last "e a lifeti"e D !f it is so2 throw awa5 5our flute and for#et 5our

"usi9 You 9an't pla5 with a serpent !t is a pla5; thin# of Gods Throw awa5 5our ba"boo !t is of no use to 5ou an5 "ore D ! wept at the thou#ht of this renun9iation M5 "aster pitied "e and said2 D (erhaps all will be well a#ain if 5ou see= 5our $isitor of that ni#ht and be# his for#i$eness 3an 5ou find hi" F D ! put awa5 "5 flute ! ha$e e$er sin9e been sear9hin# for an un=nown2 unseen "endi9ant2 in this world E$en toda5 if2 b5 God's #ra9e2 ! "eet hi"2 ! will fall at his feet2 be# his for#i$eness2 and ta=e up "5 flute a#ain

*+ 'ORTY;'!4E A MONTH O HANTA 9ould not sta5 in her 9lass an5 lon#er BN She had done 9la5;"odellin#2 "usi92 drill2 a bit of alphabets and nu"bers2 and was now 9uttin# 9oloured paper She would ha$e to 9ut till the bell ran# and the tea9her said2 D Now2 5ou "a5 all #o ho"e2D or D (ut awa5 the s9issors and ta=e up 5our alpha; bets D Shanta was i"patient to =now the ti"e She as=ed her friend sittin# ne>t2 D !s it fi$e now F D D Ma5be2D she replied D Or is it si> F D D ! don't thin= so2D her friend replied2 D be9ause ni#ht 9o"es at si> D D Do 5ou thin= it is fi$e F D D Yes D D Oh2 ! "ust #o M5 father will be ba9= at ho"e now He has as=ed "e to be read5 at fi$e He is ta=in# "e to the 9ine"a this e$enin# ! "ust #o ho"e D She threw down her s9issors and ran up to the tea9her D Mada"2 ! "ust #o ho"e D D .h52 Shanta %ai F D D %e9ause it is fi$e o'9lo9= now D D .ho told 5ou it was fi$e F D D &a"ala D D !t is not fi$e now !t is do 5ou see the 9lo9= thereF Tell "e what the ti"e is ! tau#ht 5ou to read the 9lo9= the other da5 D Shanta stood #a@in#


'ORTY;'!4E A MONTH *,* at the 9lo9= in the hall2 9ounted the fi#ures laboriousl5 and de9lared2 D !t is nine o'9lo9= D The tea9her 9alled the other #irls and said2 D .ho will tell "e the ti"e fro" that 9lo9= F D Se$eral of the" 9on9urred with Shanta and said it was nine o'9lo9=2 till the tea9her said2 D You are onl5 seein# the lon# hand See the short one2 where is it F D D Two and a half D D So what is the ti"e F D D Two and a half D D !t is two fort5;fi$e2 understand F Now 5ou "a5 all #o to 5our seats D Shanta returned to the tea9her in about ten "inutes and as=ed2 D !s it fi$e2 Mada"2 be9ause ! ha$e to be read5 at fi$e F Other; wise "5 father will be $er5 an#r5 with "e He as=ed "e to return ho"e earl5 D D At what ti"e F D D Now D The tea9her #a$e her per"ission to lea$e2 and Shanta pi9=ed up her boo=s and dashed out of the 9lass with a 9r5 of Co5 She ran ho"e2 threw her boo=s on the floor2 and shouted2 D Mother2 Mother2D and Mother 9a"e runnin# fro" the ne>t house where she had #one to 9hat with her friends Mother as=ed2 D .h5 are 5ou ba9= so earl5 F D D Has father 9o"e ho"e F D Shanta as=ed She would not ta=e her 9offee or tiffin2 but insisted on bein# dressed first She opened the trun= and insisted on wearin# the thinnest fro9= and =ni9=ers2 while her "other wanted to dress her in a lon# s=irt and thi9= 9oat for the e$enin# Shanta pi9=ed out a #or#eous ribbon fro" a 9ardboard soap bo> in whi9h she =ept pen9ils2 ribbons and 9hal= bits There was a heated ar#u"ent between "other and dau#hter o$er the dress2 and finall5 "other had to #i$e in Shanta

*,6 'ORTY;'!4E A MONTH put on her fa$ourite pin= fro9=2 braided her hair2

and flaunted a #reen ribbon on her pi#tail She powdered her fa9e and pressed a $er"ilion "ar= on her forehead She said2 D Now father will sa5 what a ni9e #irl ! a" be9ause !'" read5 Aren't 5ou also 9o"in#2 "other F D D Not toda5 D Shanta stood at the little #ate loo=in# down the street Mother said A D 'ather will 9o"e onl5 after fi$e E don't stand in the sun !t is onl5 four o'9lo9= D The sun was disappearin# behind the house on the opposite row2 and Shanta =new that presentl5 it would be dar= She ran in to her "other and as=ed2 D .h5 hasn't father 9o"e ho"e 5et2 "other F D D How 9an ! =now F He is perhaps held up in the offi9e D Shanta "ade a wr5 fa9e A D ! don't li=e these people in the offi9e The5 are bad people D She went ba9= to the #ate and stood loo=in# out Her "other shouted fro" inside A D Go"e in2 Shanta !t is #ettin# dar=2 don't stand there D %ut Shanta would not #o in She stood at the #ate and a wild idea 9a"e to her head .h5 should she not #o to the offi9e and 9all out father and then #o to the 9ine"aF She wondered where his offi9e "i#ht be She had no notion She had seen her father ta=e the turn at the end of the street e$er5 da5 !f one went there2 one perhaps went auto"ati9all5 to father's offi9e She threw a #lan9e about to see if "other was an5where and "o$ed down the street !t was twili#ht E$er5one #oin# about loo=ed #i#anti92 walls of houses appeared $er5 hi#h2 and 959les and 9arria#es loo=ed as thou#h the5 would bear

'ORTY;'!4E A MONTH *,8 down on her She wal=ed on the $er5 ed#e of the road Soon the la"ps were twin=lin# A and the passers;b5 loo=ed li=e shadows She had ta=en two turns and did not =now where she was She sat down on the ed#e of the road bitin# her nails She wondered how she was to rea9h ho"e A ser$ant e"plo5ed in the ne>t house was passin# alon#2 and she pi9=ed herself up and stood before hi" D Oh2 what are 5ou doin# here all alone F D he as=ed She replied2 D ! don't =now ! 9a"e here

.ill 5ou ta=e "e to our house F D She followed hi" and was soon ba9= in her house

4en=at Rao2 Shanta's father2 was about to start for his offi9e that "ornin# when a Cut=a passed alon# the street distributin# 9ine"a handbills Shanta dashed to the street and pi9=ed up a handbill She held it up and as=ed A D 'ather2 will 5:u ta=e "e to the 9ine"a toda5 F D He felt unhapp5 at the ?uestion Here was the 9hild #rowin# up without ha$in# an5 of the a"enities and the si"ple pleasures of life He had hardl5 ta=en her twi9e to the 9ine"a He had no ti"e for the 9hild .hile 9hildren of her a#e in other houses had all the dolls2 dresses2 and outin#s that the5 wanted2 this 9hild was #rowin# up all alone and li=e a barbarian "ore or less He felt furious with his offi9e 'or fort5 rupees a "onth the5 see"ed to ha$e pur9hased hi" outri#ht He reproa9hed hi"self for ne#le9tin# his wife and 9hild e$en the wife 9ould ha$e her own 9ir9le of friends and so on A she was after all a #rown;up2 but what about the 9hild F .hat a drab2 9olourless e>isten9e was hers H E$er5 da5 the5 =ept hi" at the

*,, 'ORTY;'!4E A MONTH offi9e till se$en or ei#ht in the e$enin# and when he 9a"e ho"e the 9hild was asleep E$en on Sunda5s the5 wanted hi" at the offi9e .h5 did the5 thin= he had no personal life2 a life of his own F The5 #a$e hi" hardl5 an5 ti"e to ta=e the 9hild to the par= or the pi9tures He was #oin# to show the" that the5 weren't to to5 with hi" Yes2 he was prepared e$en to ?uarrel with his "ana#er if ne9essar5 He said with resol$e A D ! will ta=e 5ou to the 9ine"a this e$enin# %e read5 at fi$e D D Reall5 H Mother H D Shanta shouted 9a"e out of the =it9hen Mother

D 'ather is ta=in# "e to a 9ine"a in the e$enin# D Shanta's "other s"iled 95ni9all5 D Don't "a=e

false pro"ises to the 9hild D 4en=at Rao #lared at her D Don't tal= nonsense You thin= 5ou are the onl5 person who =eeps pro"ises D He told Shanta A D %e read5 at fi$e2 and ! will 9o"e and ta=e 5ou positi$el5 !f 5ou are not read52

! will be $er5 an#r5 with 5ou D He wal=ed to his offi9e full of resol$e He would do his nor"al wor= and #et out at fi$e !f the5 started an5 old tri9=s of theirs2 he was #oin# to te) the boss A D Here is "5 resi#nation M5 9hild's happiness is "ore i"portant to "e than these horrible papers of 5ours D All da5 the usual strea" of papers flowed on to his table and out of it He s9rutini@ed2 si#ned2 and drafted He was 9orre9ted2 ad"onished2 and insulted He had a brea= of onl5 fi$e "inutes in the afternoon for his 9offee .hen the offi9e 9lo9= stru9= fi$e and the other 9ler=s were lea$in#2 he went up to the "ana#er and said A D Ma5 ! #o2 sir F D The "ana#er loo=ed up

'ORTY;'!4E A MONTH *,1 fro" his paper A D You H D !t was unthin=able that the 9ash and a99ount se9tion should be 9losin# at fi$e D How 9an 5ou #o F D D ! ha$e so"e ur#ent2 pri$ate business2 sir2D he said2 s"otherin# the lines he had been rehearsin# sin9e the "ornin# A D Herewith "5 resi#nation D He $isuali@ed Shanta standin# at the door2 dressed2 and palpitatin# with ea#erness D There shouldn't be an5thin# "ore ur#ent than the offi9e wor= E #o ba9= to 5our seat You =now how "an5 hours ! wor= F D as=ed the "ana#er The "ana#er 9a"e to the offi9e three hours before the openin# ti"e and sta5ed nearl5 three hours after 9losin#2 e$en on Sunda5s The 9ler=s 9o""ented a"on# the"sel$es A D His wife "ust be whippin# hi" whene$er he is seen at ho"e E that is wh5 the old owl see"s so fond of his offi9e D D Did 5ou tra9e the sour9e of that Ten;Ei#ht differen9e F D as=ed the "ana#er D ! shall ha$e to e>a"ine two hundred $ou9hers ! thou#ht we "i#ht do it to"orrow D D No2 no2 this won't do You "ust re9tif5 it i""ediatel5 D 4en=at Rao "u"bled2 D Yes2 sir2D and slun= ba9= to his seat The 9lo9= showed fi$e;thirt5 Now it "eant two hours of e>9ru9iatin# sear9h a"on# $ou9hers All the rest of the offi9e had #one Onl5 he and another 9ler= in his se9tion were wor=in#2 and2 of 9ourse2 the

"ana#er was there 4en=at Rao was furious His "ind was "ade up He wasn't a sla$e who had sold hi"self for fort5 rupees outri#ht He 9ould "a=e that "one5 easil5 E and if he 9ouldn't it would be "ore honourable to die of star$ation He too= a sheet of paper and wrote A D Herewith

*,: 'ORTY;'!4E A MONTH "5 resi#nation !f 5ou people thin= 5ou ha$e bou#ht "e bod5 and soul for fort5 rupees2 5ou ar9 "ista=en ! thin= it would be far better for "e and "5 fa"il5 to die of star$ation than sla$e for this pett5 fort5 rupees on whi9h 5ou ha$e =ept "e for 5ears and 5ears ! suppose 5ou ha$e not the sli#htest notion of #i$in# "e an in9re"ent You #i$e 5oursel$es hea$5 sli9es fre?uentl52 and ! don't see wh5 5ou shouldn't thin= of us o99asionall5 !n an5 9ase it doesn't interest "e now2 sin9e this is "5 resi#nation !f ! and "5 fa"il5 perish of star$ation2 "a5 our #hosts 9o"e and haunt 5ou all 5our life D He folded the letter2 put it in an en$elope2 sealed the flap and addressed it to the "ana#er He left his seat and stood before the "ana#er The "ana#er "e9hani9all5 re9ei$ed the letter and put it on his pad D 4en=at Rao2D said the "ana#er D !'" sure 5ou will be #lad to hear this news Our offi9er dis9ussed the ?uestion of in9re"ents toda52 and !'$e re9o""ended 5ou for an in9re"ent of fi$e rupees Orders are not 5et passed and so =eep this to 5ourself for the present D 4en=at Rao put out his hand2 snat9hed the en$elope fro" the pad and hastil5 slipped it in his po9=et D.hat is that letterFD D ! ha$e applied for a little 9asual lea$e2 sir2 bu ! thin= D D You 9an't #et an5 lea$e at least for a fortni#ht to 9o"e D D Yes2 sir ! reali@e that That is wh5 ! a" withdrawin# "5 appli9ation2 sir D D 4er5 well Ha$e 5ou tra9ed that "ista=e F D ! will find it

D !'" s9rutini@in# the $ou9hers2 sir out within an hour D

'ORTY;'!4E A MONTH *,!t was nine o'9lo9= when he went ho"e Shanta had alread5 slept Her "other said2 D She wouldn't e$en 9han#e her fro9=2 thin=in# that an5 "o"ent 5ou "i#ht be 9o"in# and ta=in# her out She hardl5 ate an5 food E and wouldn't lie down for fear of 9ru"plin# her dress D 4en=at Rao's heart bled when he saw his 9hild sleepin# in her pin= fro9=2 hair 9o"bed2 and fa9e powdered2 dressed and read5 to be ta=en out D .h5 should ! not ta=e her to the ni#ht show F D He shoo= her #entl5 and 9alled2 D Shanta2 Shanta D Shanta =i9=ed her le#s and 9ried2 irritated at bein# disturbed Mother whispered2 D Don't wa=e her2D and patted her ba9= to sleep 4en=at Rao wat9hed the 9hild for a "o"ent D ! don't =now if it is #oin# to be possible for "e to ta=e her out at all 5ou see the5 are #i$in# "e an in; 9re"ent D he wailed

6< DAS! THE %R!DEGROOM H!S na"e was Dasi !n all the E>tension there was none li=e hi" an un9outh fellow with a narrow taperin# head2 bul#in# e5es2 and fat ne9= E below the ne9= he had an i""ense bod52 all "us9le God had not endowed hi" with $er5 fluent spee9h He #ur#led and lisped li=e an infant His a#e was a "5ster5 !t "i#ht be an5thin# between twent5 and fift5 He li$ed in a house in the last street !t was a "atter of perpetual spe9ulation how he was related to the "aster of the house So"e persons said he was a 5oun#er brother2 and so"e said he had been a foundlin# brou#ht up b5 the #entle"an .hate$er it was it was not a "atter whi9h 9ould be 9leared b5 (asi hi"self for2 as ! ha$e alread5 said2 he 9ould not e$en sa5 how old he was !f 5ou as=ed2 he said a hundred one da5 and fi$e on the ne>t !n return for the food and prote9tion he re9ei$ed2 he ser$ed the fa"il5 in his own wa5 E he drew water fro" the well fro" dawn till "idda52 9hopped wood2 and du# the #arden Dasi went out in the afternoon .hen he stepped out s9ores of 9hildren followed hi" about shoutin# and Ceerin# Haw=ers and passers;b5 stopped to 9ra9= a Co=e at his e>pense There was parti9ularl5 a #roup in a house ni9=na"ed Mantapa" !n the front por9h of the house were #athered all da5 a #ood


DAS! THE %R!DEGROOM *,+ 9o"pan5 of old "en E persons who had done useful wor= in their ti"e but who now found absolutel5 nothin# to do at an5 part of the da5 The5 were e$er on the loo= out for so"e e>9ite"ent or #ossip To the" Dasi was a sour9e of #reat Co5 The "o"ent Dasi was si#hted the5 would shout2 D He52 fellow2 ha$e 5ou fi>ed up a bride F D This ?uestion ne$er failed to draw Dasi in2 for he thou#ht $er5 deepl5 and earnestl5 of his "arria#e .hen he 9a"e and s?uatted in their "idst on the floor the5 would sa52 D The "arria#e season is 9losin#2 5ou "ust hurr5 up2 "5 dear fellow D D Yes2 5es2D Dasi would repl5 D ! a" #oin# to the priest He has pro"ised to settle it toda5 D D Toda5 F D D Yes2 toni#ht ! a" #oin# to be "arried said so D D .ho F D D M5 un9le D The5

D .ho is 5our un9le F D D M5 elder brother is "5 un9le ! a" in his house and draw water fro" his well See how "5 hand is all the s=in is #one D He would spread out his fin#ers and show his pal"s The5 would feel his pal"s and sa52 D Hardened li=e wood H (oor fellow H This won't do2 "5 dear fellow2 5ou "ust ?ui9=l5 "arr5 and put an end to all this D Dasi's e5es would bri#hten at this su##estion2 and his lips would part in a happ5 s"ile showin# an enor"ous front tooth E$er5one would lau#h at it2 and he2 too2 would swa5 and ro9= with lau#hter And then the ?uestion2 D .here is 5our bride F D D She is there in Madras in Madras D

D .hat is she li=e F D

i 1 o DAS! THE %R!DEGROOM D She has e5es li=e this2D said Dasi2 and drew a lar#e 9ir9le in the air with his fin#er

D .hat is the 9olour of her s=in F D D 4er52 $er5 white D D Has she lon# hair F D Dasi indi9ated an i""ense flow of tresses with his hand D !s she $er5 #ood loo=in# F D D She is 5es2 5es D

Dasi hid his fa9e in his hand2 loo=ed at the #roup throu#h a 9orner of his e5e and said sh5l52 D Yes2 5es2 ! also li=e her D D .here ha$e 5ou the "one5 to "arr5 F D D The5 ha$e to #i$e "e three thousand rupees2D replied Dasi D He "eans that his wa#es ha$e a99u"ulated2D so"e one e>plained obli#in#l5 .hen he went ho"e he was as=ed where he had been and he said2 D M5 "arria#e D And then he went and sat down in the shed on his "at2 his onl5 possession in the world He re"ained there broodin# o$er his "arria#e till he was 9alled in to dine2 late in the ni#ht He was the last to eat be9ause he 9onsu"ed an i""ense ?uantit5 of ri9e2 and the5 thou#ht it a ris= to 9all hi" in before the others had eaten After food he 9arried hu#e 9auldrons of water and washed the =it9hen and dinin#;hall floor And then he went to his "at and slept till dawn2 when he wo=e up and drew water fro" the well 'or 5ears out of 9ount this had been #oin# on E$en his life had a tone and rh5th" of its own He ne$er see"ed to lon# for an5thin# or interfere in an5bod5's business E ne$er spo=e to others e>9ept when spo=en to E ne$er so "u9h as thou#ht he was bein#

DAS! THE %R!DEGROOM *1* Co=ed at E he treated e$er5one seriousl5 E when the E>tension S9hool 9hildren ran behind hi" Ceerin# he ne$er e$en showed he was aware of their presen9e E he had no doubt the stren#th of an o>2 but he had also the forbearan9e of Mother Earth E nothin# e$er see"ed to irritate hi" The little 9otta#e in the third street whi9h had

re"ained $a9ant fro" ti"e i""e"orial suddenl5 shed its D To Let D noti9e Alon# with the newspaper and the letters2 the train one "ornin# brou#ht a fil" star fro" Madras2 9alled %a"ini %ai a 5oun# person all s"iles2 sil= and powder She too= up her abode in the little 9otta#e 4er5 soon the E>tension fol= =new all about her She was #oin# to sta5 in Mal#udi a 9onsiderable ti"e trainin# herself under a fa"ous "usi9ian of the town She had her old "other sta5in# with her The E>tension fol= had also a 9o"plete =nowled#e of her "o$e"ents She left ho"e earl5 in the "ornin#2 returned at "idda52 slept till three o'9lo9=2 went out on a wal= alon# the Trun= Road at fi$e o'9lo9=2 and so on At the Mantapa" the5 told Dasi one da52 D Dasi2 5our wife has arri$ed D D .here F D as=ed Dasi He be9a"e a#itated2 and swallowed and stru##led to e>press all the an>iet5 and happiness he felt The 9o"pan5 assu"ed a $er5 serious e>pression and said2 D Do 5ou =now the house in the ne>t street2 the little house F D D Yes2 5es D D She is there Ha$e 5ou not seen her F D

Dasi hid his fa9e in his hands and went awa5 He went to the ne>t street !t was about one o'9lo9= in the afternoon The fil" star was not to be seen

i 1 a DAS! THE %R!DEGROOM Dasi stood on the road loo=in# at the house for so"e ti"e He returned to the Mantapa" The5 #reeted hi" $o9iferousl5 D How do 5ou li=e her F D Dasi replied2 D M5 e5es did not see her2 the door would not open D D Tr5 to loo= in throu#h the window see her D You will

D ! will see throu#h the window2D said Dasi2 and started out a#ain D No2 no2 stop !t is no #ood .ill 5ou do as ! sa5 F D D Yes2 5es D D You see2 she #oes out e$er5 da5 at fi$e o'9lo9= You will see her if 5ou #o to Tri9h5 Road and Listen to "e

wait D Dasi's head was bowed in sh5ness The5 #oaded hi" on2 and he went alon# to the Trun= Road and waited He sat under a tree on the roadside !t was not e$en two o'9lo9=2 and he had to wait till nearl5 si> The sun beat down full5 on his fa9e He sat leanin# a#ainst a tree trun= and brooded A few 9ars passed raisin# dust2 bullo9= 9arts with Cin#lin# bells2 and $illa#ers were "o$in# about the hi#hwa5E but Dasi saw nothin# and noti9ed nothin# He sat loo=in# down the road And after all she 9a"e alon# Dasi's throat went dr5 at the si#ht of her His te"ples throbbed2 and sweat stood out on his brow He had ne$er seen an5thin# li=e her in all his life The $ision of beaut5 and 5outh da@@led hi" He was 9onfused and bewildered He spran# on to his feet and ran ho"e at full speed He la5 down on his "at in the shed He was so "u9h absorbed in his thou#hts that he wouldn't #et up when the5 9alled hi" in to dinner His "aster wal=ed to the shed

DAS! THE %R!DEGROOM *18 and shoo= hi" up he as=ed D M5 "arria#e ri#ht D D .hat is the "atter with 5ou F D She is there She is all

D .ell2 well Go and eat and do 5our wor=2 5ou fool2D said his "aster Ne>t afternoon Dasi was a#ain at the Trun= Road This be9a"e his dail5 habit E$er5 da5 his 9oura#e in9reased At last 9a"e a da5 when he 9ould stare at her His fa9e rela>ed and his lips parted in a s"ile when she passed hi"2 but that 5oun# lad5 had other thou#hts to o99up5 her "ind and did not noti9e hi" He waited till she returned that wa5 and tried to s"ile at her a#ain2 thou#h it was nearl5 dar= and she was loo=in# awa5 He followed her2 his fa9e lit up with Co5 She opened the #ate of her 9otta#e and wal=ed in He hesitated a "o"ent2 and followed her in He stood under the ele9tri9 la"p in the hall The "other 9a"e out of the =it9hen and as=ed Dasi2 D .ho are 5ou F D Dasi loo=ed at her and s"iled E at that the old lad5 was fri#htened She 9ried2 D %a"a2 who is this "an in the hall F D %a"ini %ai 9a"e out of her roo" D .ho are 5ou F D she as=ed Dasi "elted at the si#ht of her E$en the little e>pression he was 9apable of left hi" He blin=ed and #ulped and loo=ed suffo9ated His e5es bla@ed forth lo$e His lips

stru##led to s"ile .ith #reat diffi9ult5 he said2 D .ife wife2 5ou are the wife D D .hat are 5ou sa5in# F D D You are "5 wife2D he repeated2 and "o$ed nearer She re9oiled with horror2 and stru9= hi" in the fa9e And then she and her "other set up su9h a 9r5 that all the nei#hbours and passers;b5 rushed in So"ebod5

i 1 , DAS! THE %R!DEGROOM brou#ht in a poli9e Sub;!nspe9tor Dasi was "ar9hed off to the poli9e station The "e"bers of the Mantapa" used their influen9e and had hi" released late in the ni#ht He went ho"e and la5 on his "at His bod5 had re9ei$ed nu"erous blows fro" all sorts of people in the e$enin# E but he hardl5 felt or re"e"bered an5 of the" %ut his soul re$olted a#ainst the "e"or5 of the slap he had re9ei$ed in the fa9e .hen the5 9alled hi" in to eat2 he refused to #et up His "aster went to hi" and 9o""anded2 D Go and eat2 Dasi You are brin#in# "e dis#ra9e2 5ou fool Don't #o out of the house hereafter D Dasi refused to #et up He rolled hi"self in the "at and said2 D Go2 ! don't eat D He turned and fa9ed the wall On the followin# da5 Dasi had the "isfortune to step out of his house Cust when the 9hildren of the Ele"entar5 S9hool were strea"in# out at "idda5 inter$al The5 had heard all about the in9ident of the pre$ious e$enin# The5 now surrounded hi" and 9ried2 D He52 bride#roo" D He turned and loo=ed at the" E there were tears in his e5es He "ade a #esture of despair and appealed to the" A D Go2 #o2 don't trouble "e Go D D Oh2 the bride#roo" is still 9r5in# E his wife beat hi" 5esterda52D said a bo5 On hearin# this Dasi let out a roar2 lifted the bo5 b5 his 9ollar and hurled hi" into the 9rowd He swun# his ar"s about and =no9=ed down people who tried to #et near hi" He rushed into the s9hool and bro=e 9hairs and tables He =no9=ed down four tea9hers who tried to restrain hi" He rushed out of the s9hool and assaulted e$er5one he "et He 9rashed into the shops and threw thin#s about He leapt about li=e a panther

DAS! THE %R!DEGROOM *11 fro" pla9e to pla9e E he passed throu#h the streets of the E>tension li=e a tornado

Gates were hurriedl5 shut and bolted A #roup of persons tried to run behind Dasi2 while a "aCorit5 preferred to ta=e 9o$er Soon the poli9e were on the s9ene2 and Dasi was finall5 o$erpowered He was =ept that ni#ht in a poli9e lo9=;up2 and sent to the Mental Hospital ne>t da5 He was not $er5 eas5 to "ana#e at first He was =ept in a 9ell for so"e wee=s He be##ed the do9tor one da5 to allow hi" to stand at the "ain #ate and loo= down the road The do9tor pro"ised this as a reward for #ood beha$iour Dasi $alued the reward so "u9h that he did e$er5thin# e$er5one su##ested for a whole wee= He was then sent /with a warder0 to the "ain #ate where he stood for a whole hour loo=in# down the road for the 9o"in# of his bride

6* OLD MAN O' THE TEM(LE THE Tal=ati$e Man said A !t was so"e 5ears a#o that this happened ! don't =now if 5ou 9an "a=e an5thin# of it !f 5ou do2 ! shall be #lad to hear what 5ou ha$e to sa5 E but personall5 ! don't understand it at all !t has alwa5s "5stified "e (erhaps the dri$er was drun= E perhaps he wasn't ! had en#a#ed a ta>i for #oin# to &u"bu"2 whi9h as 5ou "a5 alread5 =now2 is fift5 "iles fro" Mal#udi ! went there one "ornin# and it was past nine in the e$enin# when ! finished "5 business and started ba9= for the town Doss2 the dri$er2 was a 5oun# fellow of about twent5;fi$e He had often brou#ht his 9ar for "e and ! li=ed hi" He was a well;beha$ed2 obedient fellow2 with a 9apa9it5 to sit down and wait at the wheel2 whi9h is reall5 a rare ?ualit5 in a ta>i dri$er He dro$e the 9ar s"oothl52 seldo" swore at passers;b52 and e>hibited perfe9t Cud#"ent2 #ood sense2 and sobriet5 E and so ! preferred hi" to an5 other dri$er whene$er ! had to #o out on business !t was about ele$en when we passed the $illa#e &oopal2 whi9h is on the wa5 down !t was the dar= half of the "onth and the surroundin# 9ountr5 was swallowed up in the ni#ht The $illa#e street was deserted E$er5one had #one to sleep E hardl5 an5 li#ht was to be seen The stars o$erhead spar=led

OLD MAN O' THE TEM(LE *1bri#htl5 Sittin# in the ba9= seat and listenin# to the

9ontinuous noise of the runnin# wheels2 ! was half lulled into a drowse All of a sudden Doss swer$ed the 9ar and shouted A D You old fool H Do 5ou want to =ill 5ourselfF D ! was sha=en out of "5 drowse and as=ed A D .hat is the "atter F D Doss stopped the 9ar and said2 DYou see that old fellow2 sir He is tr5in# to =ill hi"self ! 9an't understand what he is up to D ! loo=ed in the dire9tion he pointed and as=ed2 D .hi9h old "an F D D There2 there He is 9o"in# towards us a#ain As soon as ! saw hi" open that te"ple door and 9o"e out ! had a feelin#2 so"ehow2 that ! "ust =eep an e5e on hi" D ! too= out "5 tor9h2 #ot down2 and wal=ed about2 but 9ould see no one There was an old te"ple on the roadside E it was utterl5 in ruins E "ost portions of it were "ere "ounds of old bri9= E the walls were awr5 E and there was a "ain doorwa5 with doors shut2 and bra"bles and thi9=ets #rew o$er and 9o$ered the" !t was diffi9ult to #uess with the aid of the tor9h alone what te"ple it was and to what period it belon#ed D The doors are shut and sealed and don't loo= as if the5 had been opened for 9enturies now2D ! 9ried D No2 sir2D Doss said 9o"in# nearer D ! saw the old "an open the doors and 9o"e out He is standin# there E shall we as= hi" to open the" a#ain if 5ou want to #o in and see F D ! said to Doss2 D Let us be #oin# our ti"e here D .e are wastin#

.e went ba9= to the 9ar Doss sat in his seat2 pressed the self;starter2 and as=ed without turnin# his head2 D Are 5ou per"ittin# this fellow to 9o"e with

*17 OLD MAN O' THE TEM(LE us2 sirF He sa5s he will #et down at the ne>t "ilestone D D.hi9h fellowF D! as=ed Doss indi9ated the spa9e on his left D .hat is the "atter with 5ou2 Doss F Ha$e 5ou had a drop of drin= or so"ethin# F D D ! ha$e ne$er tasted an5 drin= in "5 life2 sir2D he

said2 and added2 D Get down2 old bo5 he 9an't ta=e 5ou D D Are 5ou tal=in# to 5ourselfF D

Master sa5s

D After all ! thin= we needn't 9are for these un=nown fellows on the road2D he said D Doss2D ! pleaded D Do 5ou feel 9onfident 5ou 9an dri$e F !f 5ou feel di@@5 don't $enture to start the 9ar D D Than= 5ou2 sir2D said Doss D ! would rather not start the 9ar now ! a" feelin# a little out of sorts D ! loo=ed at hi" an>iousl5 He 9losed his e5es2 his breathin# be9a"e hea$5 and nois52 and #raduall5 his head san= D Doss2 Doss2D ! 9ried desperatel5 ! #ot down2 wal=ed to the front seat2 opened the door2 and shoo= hi" $i#orousl5 He opened his e5es2 assu"ed a hun9hed;up position2 and rubbed his e5es with his hands2 whi9h tre"bled li=e an old "an's D Do 5ou feel better F D ! as=ed D %etter H %etter H Hi H Hi H D he said in a thin2 pipin# $oi9e D .hat has happened to 5our $oi9e F You sound li=e so"eone else2D ! said D Nothin# M5 $oi9e is as #ood as it was .hen a "an is ei#ht5 he is bound to feel a few 9han#es 9o"in# on D D You aren't ei#ht52 surel52D ! said

OLD MAN O' THE TEM(LE *1+ D Not a da5 less2D he said D !s nobod5 #oin# to "o$e this $ehi9le F !f not there is no sense in sittin# here all da5 ! will #et down and #o ba9= to "5 te"ple D D ! don't =now dri$in#2D ! said D And unless 5ou 9are to do it ! don't see how the $ehi9le 9an "o$e D D Me H D e>9lai"ed Doss D These new 9arria#es H God =nows what the5 are drawn b52 ! ne$er under; stand2 thou#h ! 9ould handle a pair of bullo9=s ?uite well in "5 ti"e Ma5 ! as= a ?uestion F D D Go on2D ! said

D .here is e$er5bod5 F D D .ho F D D Lots of people ! =new are not to be seen at all All sorts of new fellows e$er5where2 and nobod5 see"s to 9are Not a soul 9o"es near the te"ple All sorts of people #o about but not one who 9ares to stop and tal= to "e .h5 doesn't the =in# e$er 9o"e this wa5 F He used to #o this wa5 at least on9e a 5ear before D D .hi9h =in# F D ! as=ed D Let "e #o2 5ou idiot2D said Doss2 ed#in# towards the door on whi9h ! was leanin# D You don't see" to =now an5thin# D He pushed "e aside2 and #ot down fro" the 9ar He stopped as if he had a bi# hu"p on his ba9=2 and hobbled alon# towards the te"ple ! followed hi"2 hardl5 =nowin# what to do He turned and snarled at "e A D Go awa52 lea$e "e alone ! ha$e had enou#h of 5ou D D .hat has 9o"e o$er 5ou2 Doss F D ! as=ed D .ho is Doss2 an5wa5 F Doss2 Doss2 Doss .hat an absurd na"e H Gall "e b5 "5 na"e or lea$e "e alone Don't follow "e 9allin# B Doss2 Doss ' D D .hat is 5our na"e F D ! as=ed

*:< OLD MAN O' THE TEM(LE D &rishna %attar E and if 5ou #o and "ention "5 na"e people will =now who it is for a hundred "iles around ! built a te"ple where there was onl5 a 9a9tus field before ! du# the earth2 "ade e$er5 bri9= with "5 own hands and put the" one upon another2 all sin#le;handed And on the da5 the te"ple held up its tower o$er the surroundin# 9ountr52 what a 9rowd #athered H The =in# sent his 9hief "inister D .ho was the =in# F D D .here do 5ou 9o"e fro" F D he as=ed D ! belon# to these parts 9ertainl52 but as far as ! =now there has been onl5 a 3olle9tor at the head of the distri9t ! ha$e ne$er heard of an5 =in# D D Hi H Hi H Hi H D he 9a9=led2 and his $oi9e ran# throu#h the #loo"5 silent $illa#e D 'an95 ne$er =nowin# the =in# H He will behead 5ou if he hears it D D .hat is his na"e F D ! as=ed

This ti9=led hi" so "u9h that he sat down on the #round2 unable to stand /literall50 the Co=e an5 "ore He lau#hed and 9ou#hed un9ontrollabl5 D ! a" unhapp5 to ad"it2D ! said2 D that "5 parents ha$e brou#ht "e up in su9h utter i#noran9e of worldl5 affairs that ! don't =now e$en "5 =in# %ut won't 5ou enli#hten "e F .hat is his na"e F D D4ishnu 4ar"a2 the E"peror of e"perors D

! 9ast "5 "ind up and down the ran#e of "5 histori9al =nowled#e but there was no one of that na"e (erhaps a lo9al 9hief of pre;%ritish da5s2 ! thou#ht D .hat a =in# H He often $isited "5 te"ple or sent his "inister for the Annual 'esti$al of the te"ple %ut now nobod5 9ares D D (eople are be9o"in# less #odl5 nowada5s2D ! said There was silen9e for a "o"ent An idea o99urred

OLD MAN O' THE TEM(LE *:* to "e2 ! 9an't sa5 wh5 DListen to "e2D ! said D You ou#ht not to be here an5 "ore D D .hat do 5ou "ean F D he as=ed2 drawin# hi"self up proudl5 D Don't feel hurt E ! sa5 5ou shouldn't be here an5 "ore be9ause 5ou are dead D D Dead H Dead H D he said D Don't tal= nonsense How 9an ! be dead when 5ou see "e before 5ou now F !f ! a" dead how 9an ! be sa5in# this and that F D D ! don't =now all that2D ! said ! ar#ued and pointed out that a99ordin# to his own stor5 he was "ore than three hundred 5ears old2 and didn't he =now that "an's lon#e$it5 was onl5 a hundred F He 9onstantl5 interrupted "e2 but 9onsidered deepl5 what ! said He said A D !t is li=e this ! was 9o"in# throu#h the Cun#le one ni#ht after $isitin# "5 sister in the ne>t $illa#e ! had on "e so"e "one5 and #old orna"ents So"e robbers set upon "e ! #a$e the" as #ood a fi#ht as an5 "an 9ould2 but the5 were too "an5 for "e The5 beat "e down and =nifed "e E the5 too= awa5 all that ! had on "e and left thin=in# the5 had =illed "e %ut soon ! was up and tried to follow the" The5 were #one And !

returned to the te"ple and ha$e been here sin9e ! told hi"2 D &rishna %atta2 5ou are dead2 absolutel5 dead You "ust tr5 and #o awa5 fro" here D D .hat is to happen to the te"ple F D he as=ed D Others will loo= after it D D .here a" ! to #o F .here a" ! to #o F D D Ha$e 5ou no one who 9ares for 5ou F D ! as=ed D None e>9ept "5 wife D You 9an #o to her D D Oh2 no She died four 5ears a#o D ! lo$ed her $er5 "u9h D

*:6 OLD MAN O' THE TEM(LE 'our 5ears H !t was $er5 pu@@lin# D Do 5ou sa5 four 5ears ba9= fro" now F D ! as=ed D Yes2 four 5ears a#o fro" now ' 1 He was 9learl5 without an5 sense of ti"e So ! as=ed2 D .as she ali$e when 5ou were atta9=ed b5 thie$es F D D 3ertainl5 not !f she had been ali$e she would ne$er ha$e allowed "e to #o throu#h the Cun#le after ni#htfall She too= $er5 #ood 9are of "e D D See here2D ! said D !t is i"perati$e 5ou should #o awa5 fro" here !f she 9o"es and 9alls 5ou2 will 5ou #o F D D How 9an she when ! tell 5ou that she is dead F D ! thou#ht for a "o"ent (resentl5 ! found "5self sa5in#2 D Thin= of her2 and onl5 of her2 for a while and see what happens .hat was her na"e F D D Seetha2 a wonderful #irl D

D 3o"e on2 thin= of her D He re"ained in deep thou#ht for a while He suddenl5 s9rea"ed2 D Seetha is 9o"in# H A" ! drea"in# or what F ! will #o with her D He stood up2 $er5 ere9t E he appeared to ha$e lost all the hu"ps and twists he had on his bod5 He drew hi"self up2 "ade a dash forward2 and fell down in a heap Doss la5 on the rou#h #round The onl5 si#n of life in hi" was his faint breathin# ! shoo= hi" and 9alled hi" He would not open his e5es ! wal=ed

a9ross and =no9=ed on the door of the first 9otta#e ! ban#ed on the door $iolentl5 So"eone "oaned inside2 D Ah2 it is 9o"e H D So"eone else whispered2 D You Cust 9o$er 5our ears and sleep !t will =no9= for a while and #o awa5 D ! ban#ed on the door and shouted who ! was and where ! 9a"e fro" ! sounded the horn of the 9ar in the street The door was opened2 and a whole

OLD MAN O' THE TEM(LE *:8 fa"il5 9rowded out with la"ps D .e thou#ht it was the usual =no9=in# and we wouldn't ha$e opened if 5ou hadn't spo=en D D .hen was this =no9=in# first heard F D ! as=ed D .e 9an't sa52D an old "an replied D The first ti"e ! heard it was when "5 #randfather was li$in# E he used to sa5 he had e$en seen it on9e or twi9e !t doesn't har" an5one2 as far as ! =now The onl5 thin# it does is to bother the bullo9= 9arts passin# the te"ple and to =no9= on the doors at ni#ht D ! said as a $enture2 D !t is unli=el5 5ou will be troubled an5 "ore D !t pro$ed 9orre9t .hen ! passed that wa5 a#ain "onths later ! was told that the bullo9=s passin# the te"ple after dus= ne$er shied now and no =no9=in# on doors was heard at ni#hts So ! felt that the old fellow had reall5 #one awa5 with his #ood wife

66 O)T O' %)S!NESS L!TTLE o$er a 5ear a#o Ra"a Rao went out of wor= when a #ra"ophone 9o"pan52 of whi9h he was the Mal#udi a#ent2 went out of e>isten9e He had put into that a#en95 the little "one5 he had inherited2 as se9urit5 'or fi$e 5ears his business brou#ht hi" enou#h "one52 Cust enou#h2 to help hi" =eep his wife and 9hildren in #ood 9o"fort He built a s"all bun#alow in the E>tension and was thin=in# of bu5in# an old %ab5 9ar for his use And one da52 it was a bolt fro" the blue2 the 9rash 9a"e A series of 9ir9u"stan9es in the world of trade2 9o""er9e2 ban=in# and politi9s was responsible for it The #ra"ophone 9o"pan52 whi9h had its fa9tor5 so"ewhere in Northern !ndia2 auto"ati9all5

9ollapsed when a ban= in Lahore 9rashed2 whi9h was itself the result of a %o"ba5 finan9ier's death The finan9ier was dri$in# downhill when his 9ar flew off sidewa5s and 9a"e to rest three hundred feet below the road !t was thou#ht that he had 9o""itted sui9ide be9ause the pre$ious ni#ht his wife eloped with his 9ashier Ra"a Rao suddenl5 found hi"self in the streets At first he 9ould hardl5 understand the full si#nifi9an9e of this 9ollapse There was a little "one5 in the ban= and he had so"e sto9= on hand %ut the sto9= "o$ed out slowl5 E the pri9es were #oin# down2 and *:,

O)T O' %)S!NESS *:1 he 9ould hardl5 reali@e a few hundred rupees .hen he applied for the refund of his se9urit52 there was hardl5 an5one at the other end to re9ei$e his appli9ation The "one5 in the ban= was fast "eltin# Ra"a Rao's wife now tried so"e "easures of e9ono"5 She sent awa5 the 9oo= and the ser$ant E withdrew the 9hildren fro" a fashionable nurser5 s9hool and sent the" to a free pri"ar5 s9hool And then the5 let out their bun#alow and "o$ed to a $er5 s"all house behind the Mar=et Ra"a Rao sent out a do@en appli9ations a da52 and wore his feet out loo=in# for e"plo5"ent 'or a "an approa9hin# fort52 loo=in# for e"plo5"ent does not 9o"e $er5 easil52 espe9iall5 when he has Cust lost an independent2 lu9rati$e business Ra"a Rao was $er5 businessli=e in statin# his re?uest He sent his 9ard in and as=ed2 D ! wonder2 sir2 if 5ou 9ould do so"ethin# for "e M5 business is all #one throu#h no fault of "5 own ! shall be $er5 #rateful if 5ou 9an #i$e "e so"ethin# to do in 5our offi9e D .hat a pit52 Ra"a Rao H ! a" awfull5 sorr52 there is nothin# at present !f there is an opportunit5 ! will 9ertainl5 re"e"ber 5ou B' !t was the sa"e stor5 e$er5where He returned ho"e in the e$enin# E his heart san= as he turned into his street behind the Mar=et His wife would in; $ariabl5 be standin# at the door with the 9hildren behind her2 loo=in# down the street .hat an>ious2 ea#er fa9es the5 had H So "u9h of tre"blin#2 hesi; tatin# hope in their fa9es The5 see"ed alwa5s to hope that he would 9o"e ba9= ho"e with so"e "a#i9 fulfil"ent As he re"e"bered the futile wa5 in

whi9h he sear9hed for a Cob2 and the finalit5 with

*:: O)T O' %)S!NESS whi9h people dis"issed hi"2 he wished that his wife and 9hildren had less trust in hi" His wife loo=ed at his fa9e2 understood2 and turned in without utterin# a word E the 9hildren too= the 9ue and filed in silentl5 Ra"a Rao tried to i"pro$e "atters with a for9ed heartiness D .ell2 well How are we all toda5 F D To whi9h he re9ei$ed "u"blin#2 feeble responses fro" his wife and 9hildren !t rent his heart to see the" in this 9ondition There at the E>tension how this #irl would spar=le with flowers and a bri#ht dress E she had friendl5 nei#hbours2 a wo"en's 9lub2 and e$er5; thin# to =eep her happ5 there %ut now she hardl5 had the heart or the need to 9han#e in the e$enin#s2 for she spent all her ti"e 9ooped up in the =it9hen And then the 9hildren The house in the E>tension had a 9o"pound and the5 ro"ped about with a do@en other 9hildren A it was possible to ha$e nu"erous friends in the fashionable nurser5 s9hool %ut here the 9hildren had no friends2 and 9ould pla5 onl5 in the ba9=5ard of the house Their shirts were be#innin# to show tears and fra5s 'or"erl5 the5 were #i$en new 9lothes on9e in three "onths Ra"a Rao la5 in bed and spent sleepless ni#hts o$er it All the 9ash in hand was now #one Their onl5 sour9e of in9o"e was the s"all rent the5 were #ettin# for their house in the E>tension The5 shuddered to thin= what would happen to the" if their tenant should suddenl5 lea$e !t was in this 9ondition that Ra"a Rao 9a"e a9ross a Cournal in the Lubilee Readin# Roo" !t was 9alled The 3aptain !t 9onsisted of four pa#es and all of the" were de$oted to 9rossword pu@@les !t offered e$er5 wee= a first pri@e of four thousand rupeesB 'or the ne>t few da5s his head was free fro" fa"il5

O)T O' %)S!NESS *:9ares He was intensel5 thin=in# of his answers A whether it should be TALLO. or 'OLLO. .hether %AD or MAD or SAD would be "ost apt for a 9lue whi9h said D Men who are this had better be a$oided D He hardl5 stopped to loo= at his wife and 9hildren standin# in the doorwa52 when he returned ho"e in the e$enin#s .ee= after wee= he in$ested a little "one5 and sent down his solutions2 and e$er5 wee= he awaited the results with a palpitatin# heart On

the da5 a solution was due he hun# about the news; a#ent's shop2 wor"in# hi"self into his fa$our in order to ha$e a loo= into the latest issue of The 3aptain without pa5in# for it He was too i"patient to wait till the Cournal 9a"e on the table in the Lubilee Readin# Roo" So"eti"es the newsa#ent would #ru"ble2 and Ra"a Rao would pa9if5 hi" with an aw=ward2 affe9ted opti"is" D (lease wait .hen ! #et a pri@e ! will #i$e 5ou three 5ears' subs9ription in ad$an9e D His heart ?uailed as he opened the pa#e announ9in# the pri@e;winners So"eone in %alu9histan2 so"eone in Da99a2 and so"eone in 3e5lon had hit upon the ri#ht set of words E not Ra"a Rao !t too= three hours for Ra"a Rao to re9o$er fro" this sho9= The onl5 wa5 to e>ist see"ed to be to plun#e into the ne>t wee='s pu@@le E that would =eep hi" buo5ed up with hope for a few da5s "ore This $iolent alternatin# between hope and despair soon wre9=ed his ner$es and balan9e At ho"e he hardl5 spo=e to an5one His head was alwa5s bowed in thou#ht He ?uarrelled with his wife if she refused to #i$e hi" his rupee a wee= for the pu@@les She was of a "ild disposition and was in9apable of a sustained ?uarrel2 with the result that he alwa5s #ot

i:7 O)T O' %)S!NESS what he wanted2 thou#h it "eant a sli#ht sa9rifi9e in household e>penses One da5 the #ood Cournal announ9ed a spe9ial offer of ei#ht thousand rupees !t e>9ited Ra"a Rao's $ision of a future tenfold He studied the pu@@le There were onl5 four doubtful 9orners in it2 and he "i#ht ha$e to send in at least four entries A lar#er outla5 was indi9ated D You "ust #i$e "e fi$e rupees this ti"e2D he said to his wife2 at whi9h that #ood lad5 be9a"e spee9hless He had be9o"e rather insensiti$e to su9h thin#s these da5s2 but e$en he 9ould not help feelin# the atro9ious nature of his de"and 'i$e rupees were nearl5 a wee='s food for the fa"il5 He felt disturbed for a "o"ent E but he had onl5 to turn his attention to spe9ulate whether HO(E or DO(E or RO(E "ade "ost sense /for D So"e (eople (refer This to Despair D02 and his "ind was at on9e at rest After sendin# awa5 the solutions b5 re#istered post he built elaborate 9astles in the air E$en if it was onl5 a share he would #et a substantial a"ount of "one5 He would send awa5 his tenants2 ta=e his wife and 9hildren ba9= to the bun#alow in the E>; tension2 and lea$e all the "one5 in his wife's hands

for her to "ana#e for a 9ouple of 5ears or so E he hi"self would ta=e a hundred and #o awa5 to Madras and see= his fortune there %5 the ti"e the "one5 in his wife's hands was spent he would ha$e found so"e profitable wor= in Madras On the fateful da5 of results Ra"a Rao opened The 3aptain2 and the 9orre9t solution stared hi" in the fa9e His blunders were nu"erous There was no 9han9e of #ettin# ba9= e$en a few annas now He "oped about till the e$enin# The "ore he

O)T O' %)S!NESS *:+ brooded o$er this the "ore intolerable life see"ed All the losses2 disappoint"ents and frustrations of his life 9a"e down on hi" with renewed for9e !n the e$enin# instead of turnin# ho"eward he "o$ed alon# the Railwa5 Station Road He slipped in at the le$el 9rossin# and wal=ed down the line a 9ouple of "iles !t was dar= 'ar awa5 the li#hts of the town twin=led2 and the red and #reen li#ht of a si#nal post loo"ed o$er the surroundin#s a 9ouple of furlon#s behind hi" He had 9o"e to the 9on9lusion that life was not worth li$in# !f one had the "isfortune to be born in the world the best re"ed5 was to end "atters on a railwa5 line or with a rope /D Dope F HopeFD his "ind as=ed in$oluntaril50 He pulled it ba9= D None of that2D he said to it and set it ri#idl5 to 9onte"plate the business of d5in# .ife2 9hildren nothin# see"ed to "atter The onl5 i"portant thin# now was total e>tin9tion He la5 a9ross the lines The iron was still war" The da5 had been hot Ra"a Rao felt $er5 happ5 as he refle9ted that in less than ten "inutes the train fro" Tri9hinopol5 would be arri$in# He la5 there he did not =now how lon# He strained his ears to 9at9h the sound of the train2 but he heard nothin# "ore than a $a#ue rattlin# and bu@@in# far off (resentl5 he #rew tired of l5in# down there He rose and wal=ed ba9= to the station There was a #ood 9rowd on the platfor" He as=ed so"eone2 D .hat has happened to the train F D D A #oods train has derailed three stations off2 and the wa5 is blo9=ed The5 ha$e sent up a relief All the trains will be at least three hours late toda5 D God2 5ou ha$e shown "e "er95 H D Ra"a Rao 9ried and ran ho"e

* -< O)T O' %)S!NESS

His wife was waitin# at the door loo=in# down the street She bri#htened up and si#hed with relief on seein# Ra"a Rao She wel9o"ed hi" with a war"th he had ne$er =nown for o$er a 5ear now D Oh2 wh5 are 5ou so late toda5 F D she as=ed D ! was so"ehow feelin# $er5 restless the whole e$enin# E$en the 9hildren were worried (oor 9reatures H The5 ha$e Cust #one to sleep D .hen he sat down to eat she said2 D Our tenants in the E>tension bun#alow 9a"e in the e$enin# to as= if 5ou would sell the house The5 are read5 to offer #ood 9ash for it i""ediatel5 D She added ?uietl522 D ! thin= we "a5 sell the house D D E>9ellent idea2D Ra"a Rao replied Cubilantl5 D This "inute we 9an #et four and a half thousand for it Gi$e "e the half thousand and ! will #o awa5 to Madras and see if ! 9an do an5thin# useful there You =eep the balan9e with 5ou and run the house Let us first "o$e to a better lo9alit5 D D Are 5ou #oin# to e"plo5 5our fi$e hundred to #et "ore "one5 out of 9rossword pu@@les F D she as=ed ?uietl5 At this Ra"a Rao felt depressed for a "o"ent and then swore with #reat e"phasis2 D No2 no Ne$er a#ain D

68 OLD %ONES THE Tal=ati$e Man said A ! was 9an$assin# a#ent for a 9o"pan5 "anu; fa9turin# 9he"i9al fertili@ers2 and "5 wor= too= "e into the 9ountr5 for o$er twent5 da5s in the "onth One ni#ht ! was held up in a da= bun#alow2 a "ile outside the $illa#e Ta5ur !f e$er there was a deserted da= bun#alow it was this !t was o$er a hundred 5ears old2 built in the 9o"pan5 da5s2 a "assi$e rounded stru9ture2 with a fine 9ir9ular $eranda2 heft5 pillars2 and plaster standin# out in fla=es E the whole thin# was tu9=ed awa5 in a 9asuarina #ro$e ! had to spend a ni#ht in it2 and a little fellow2 a nephew of "ine2 happened to be with "e The 9areta=er2 a par9hed old "an2 who loo=ed li=e a lost soul2 opened the door for "e2 pla9ed a rust5 oil la"p on the table in the hall2 pushed up and down so"e hea$5 furniture2 ho$ered about till we had had our dinner2 and then said that he "ust #o awa5 for the ni#ht M5 nephew so"ehow see"ed to disli=e the idea A

D )n9le2 wh5 should he #o F D D (erhaps he has a ho"e in the $illa#e E whate$er it is2 wh5 do 5ou want hi" F D ! as=ed He 9ould not e>plain He "erel5 "u"bled2 D ! thou#ht it "i#ht be interestin# D D ! hope 5ou are not afraid D D No2 not at all2D said the bo5 L *-*

*-6 OLD %ONES %ut ! 9ould see that he was sli#htl5 ner$ous He was brou#ht up in Madras2 a99usto"ed to 9rowds and ele9tri9 li#hts E this loneliness in an an9ient bun#alow with a shadow;throwin# rust5 la"p #a$e hi" a feelin# of dis9o"fort So ! tried to persuade the old "an A D .h5 won't 5ou sleep here F D D No2 no2 ! 9an't2D whee@ed the old "an D ! ha$e been a 9areta=er for o$er fort5 5ears now2 and ! won't sleep here You "a5 write a 9o"plaint if 5ou li=e ! don't 9are if ! lose this Cob Su9h a riddan9e it will be for "e and the5 won't #et another e$en if the5 offer a thousand so$erei#ns D Lin#lin# his =e5 bun9h he hobbled awa5 ! "ade a bed for the bo52 drew it 9lose to "ine2 and as=ed hi" to lie down ! shut the front door2 opened a window or two2 sat down at the table2 and opened "5 portfolio ! had "5 Cournal to write and 9he9= a99ounts ! drew the la"p 9lose to "5 papers2 and was soon absorbed in wor= The bo5 snored Outside the 9asuarina "ur"ured 'or a while noises fro" the $illa#e bar=in# of do#s2 snat9hes of son#s and ar#u"ents 9a"e floatin# in the air2 and then the5 9eased E$en the bo5 9eased to snore !t was past ele$en when ! finished "5 wor= ! put awa5 "5 papers2 blew out the la"p2 and la5 down ! a" not a $er5 sound sleeper ! usuall5 lie blin=in# in the dar= for a lon# ti"e !t "ust ha$e been past "idni#ht ! was Cust fallin# asleep when ! heard the ban#in# of a window shutter ! #ot up2 turned up the sta5s of the shutter2 and returned to bed As ! was do@in# off it ban#ed a#ain D Da"n2D ! said There was not the sli#htest bree@e .h5 did these thin#s rattleF ! fu"bled about in the dar= and shut the windows ti#ht ! returned to bed and


la5 awa=e Shutters in another part of the buildin# ru"bled !t was irritatin# ! too= out "5 tor9h to see if the bo5 had been disturbed He was fast asleep ! went o$er to e$er5 9orner of the buildin# and hoo=ed up the shutters and doors .hen ! la5 down a#ain2 a new =ind of disturban9e be#an There was a noise as if the front door was bein# $iolentl5 =i9=ed and fisted ! started up D .ho is there F D ! bellowed The noise "o$ed awa52 and now another door was =i9=ed and fisted2 and then the 9losed windows This was a tra$ellin# pro9ess A so"eone see"ed to be fl5in# round2 batterin# all the doors and shutters The din was 9ontinuous D.ho is thereF .ho is thereFD ! 9ried2 al"ost runnin# round and round as the noise passed on fro" pla9e to pla9e ! #rew an>ious about the bo5 .hat a fri#ht he would #et if he wo=e up H ! pi9=ed up the bo> of "at9hes and stru9= a sti9= As ! too= it near the wi9= of the la"p2 it was blown off ! stru9= another with no better su99ess ! wasted half the bo> And then the #lass 9hi"ne5 flew off the table and splintered on the floor ! flashed the tor9hli#ht on the bo52 fer$entl5 hopin# that he still slept E but he was sittin# up in bed D RaCu2 lie down2 it is nothin#2D ! be#an D You lie down if 5ou li=e2D replied the bo5 His $oi9e was 9han#ed !t was #ruff li=e an adult's There was no ban#in# on the doors now2 and so ! said to hi" A D So"e loose shutters rattled2 so it has stopped now2 5ou see D D Shut up2 will 5ou F D he said in answer D You are a whole set of selfish brutes E won't trouble to =now what a "an wants D D .hat are 5ou sa5in# F D ! as=ed

*-, OLD %ONES D You =now where "5 bones are F D D )nder 5our s=in2 ! a" sure D D You will learn not to Co=e with "e2D said the #ruff $oi9e And then the bo5 left his bed2 too= "e b5 the ne9=2 and pushed "e out ! was nearl5 ten stone2 and that was a 5oun# fellow of twel$e How 9ould he handle "e in this "anner F ! felt indi#nant and tried to resist %ut it was no use He displa5ed

enor"ous stren#th He wheeled "e about2 al"ost tore open the front door2 and flun# "e out ! flew a9ross the $eranda and 9a"e down on the lawn2 bruised and sha=en The door shut behind "e ! sat there ! don't =now how lon#2 fri#htened out of "5 wits (resentl5 "5 sense of responsibilit5 returned How 9ould ! let that 5oun#ster shut hi"self in F !t was "5 dut5 to return hi" inta9t to his parents ! felt trul5 sorr5 for ha$in# brou#ht hi" down with "e ! #ot up with diffi9ult52 li"ped up the steps2 =no9=ed on the door D Go awa52D s9rea"ed the bo52 D or ! will rip 5ou up D D RaCu2 RaCu2D ! pleaded door for 5our2 un9le F D D .on't 5ou open the

D See here2 ! a" not RaCu So don't 9all "e RaCu hereafter2 do 5ou understand F D D .ho are 5ou F D D Do 5ou want to =now F D D 3ertainl5 D D Ah2 ! a" so happ5 5ou are prepared to hear about "e H %ut what is the use F You won't help

"e D

D Oh2 ! will do an5thin# for 5ou 5ou are D

%ut tell "e who

OLD %ONES *-1 ! a" Muru#esan; D Oh2 Muru#esan2 what are 5ou doin# here F D D Good "an2D said the bo5 happil52 #reatl5 pleased at bein# 9alled Muru#esan D .hat are 5ou doin# here F D ! persisted D .here 9an ! #o F These s9oundrels are defilin# "5 bones ! won't "o$e till that is stopped D

D Do 5ou want "e to do an5thin# F D ! as=ed2 "5 $oi9e tre"blin# in$oluntaril5 A the prospe9t of pi9=in# un=nown bones at "idni#ht shoo= "e D Yes2D said the bo5 D Go to the ba9=5ard and di# out the roots of the bi# ta"arind tree You will find "5 bones Ta=e the" and throw the" into the well2 and ! pro"ise ! will #o awa5 and ne$er 9o"e a#ain D D !f ! don't do it F D D ! will ne$er lea$e this pla9e2 nor open the door D D Muru#esan2D ! said a few "inutes later2 D won't 5ou tell "e so"ethin# about 5our #ood selfF D D ! sta5ed here for a ni#ht on "5 wa5 to Mal#udi That "an suffo9ated "e while ! slept and stole "5 purse He pressed a pillow on "5 fa9e and ! thin= he sat on it D D .ho did it F D D The old "an who has the =e5s of this bun#alow D D !sn't he too old to do su9h a thin# F D D Oh2 no He is $er5 deft with the pillow And then he buried "e under the ta"arind tree Now e$er5 pi# whi9h noses about for filth sta"ps o$er "5 head all da5 E and e$er5 don=e5 and e$er5 passer;b5 defiles "5 bones2 and the5 heap all =inds of rubbish there How 9an ! rest F D D !f ! throw the bones into the well2 will 5ou open the door and ?uit the buildin# for e$er F D

*-: OLD %ONES D ! pro"ise2D said the nephew ! went down2 9lut9hin# "5 tor9h2 and sear9hed for so"ethin# to di# with ! pulled out a 9ouple of ba"boo palin#s fro" a fen9e2 went to the ba9=5ard2 and set to wor= ! a" not a 9oward2 but the whole situation shoo= "5 ner$es The ba9=5ard was a "ost desolate pla9e2 an endless $ista of trees and shrubs and a ro9=5 hillo9= loo"in# o$er it all La9=als howled far off2 and ni#ht inse9ts whirred about and hu""ed And this stran#e tas= of di##in# up an un=nown #ra$e at ni#ht H ! pla9ed the lit tor9h on the #round and 9leared a

part of the rubbish du"ped under the tree After throwin# up earth for half an hour ! pi9=ed up a s=ull and a few le# bones ! felt si9= ! 9ould not find "ore than si> or se$en pie9es ! pi9=ed the" up A few 5ards off there was the well2 weed;9o$ered2 with all its "asonr5 9ru"blin# in ! flun# the bones into the well2 and as the5 splashed into the water ! heard the bo5 shout fro" within the house A D Man5 than=s Good;b5e D ! ran in The door was open2 and the bo5 la5 a9ross the threshold ! 9arried hi" to his bed Ne>t "ornin# ! as=ed hi"2 D Did 5ou sleep well F D D Yes %ut ! had all sorts of wild drea"s D His $oi9e was soft and bo5ish ! as=ed2 D 3an 5ou lift "e and throw "e out F D The bo5 lau#hed D .hat a ?uestion2 un9le H How 9an ! F D The old 9areta=er 9a"e up at about si> ! was read5 to start ! had to wal= a 9ouple of "iles to the 9ross;roads and 9at9h an earl5 bus for Mal#udi ! settled a99ounts with the old "an A the bro=en 9hi"ne5 had to be paid for2 and then the rent for the ni#ht

OLD %ONES *-As ! was about to lea$e ! 9ouldn't resist it ! 9alled the old "an aside and as=ed A D You =now of a person 9alled Muru#esan who spent a ni#ht in this bun#alow F D The old "an's fa9e turned pale He replied A D ! =now nothin# Go about 5our business D D M5 business will be to tell the poli9e what ! =now D D The poli9e H D He fell down at "5 feet and 9rin#ed A D ! =now nothin# (lease don't ruin an old "an D ! went awa5 and Coined "5 nephew He as=ed2 D .h5 did the old "an fall on the #round2 un9le F D D ! don't =now2D ! replied Till ! rea9hed the bus road ! debated within "5self whether to tell the poli9e2 but ulti"atel5 de9ided a#ainst it ! a" a bus5 "an2 and #ettin# "i>ed up in a poli9e 9ase is a whole;ti"e Cob So"e da5 when ! don't ha$e "u9h wor= ! will ta=e it up

6, ATT!LA !N a "ood .hat the5 ableness2 D S9our#e of opti"is" the5 na"ed hi" D Attila D wanted of a do# was stren#th2 for"id; and fi#ht2 and hen9e he was na"ed after the of Europe D

The pupp5 was onl5 a 9ouple of "onths old A he had s?uare Caws2 red e5es2 pu# nose and a "assi$e head2 and there was e$er5 reason to hope that he would do 9redit to his na"e The i""ediate reason for bu5in# hi" was a series of house;brea=in#s and thefts in the nei#hbourhood2 and our householders de9ided to put "ore trust in a do# than in the poli9e The5 sear9hed far and wide and "et a do# fan9ier He held up a "onth;old bla9=;and;white pupp5 and said2 D 3o"e and fet9h hi" a "onth hen9e !n si> "onths he will be so"ethin# to be feared and respe9ted D He spread out before the" a pedi#ree sheet whi9h was stunnin# The pupp5 had2 runnin# in his $eins2 the 9hoi9est and the "ost fero9ious blood The5 were satisfied2 paid an ad$an9e2 returned a "onth later2 paid down se$ent5;fi$e rupees2 and too= the pupp5 ho"e The pupp52 as ! ha$e alread5 indi9ated2 did not ha$e a $er5 prepossessin# appearan9e and was none too pla5ful2 but this did not pre$ent his owners fro" sittin# in a 9ir9le around hi" and ad"irin# hi" There was a prolon#ed debate as to what he should be na"ed The 5oun#est su##ested2 D .h5 not 9all hi" Ti#er F D *-7

ATT!LA *-+ D E$er5 other street;"on#rel is na"ed Ti#er2D 9a"e the repl5 D .h5 not 3aesar F D D 3aesar H !f a 9ensus were ta=en of do#s 5ou would find at least fifteen thousand 3aesars in South !ndia alone .h5 not 'ire F D D !t is fantasti9 D D.h5 not ThunderFD D !t is too ob$ious D D Grip F D D Still ob$ious2 and 9hildish D

There was a deadlo9= So"eone su##ested DAttila2D and a shout of Co5 went up to the s=ies No "ore satisf5in# na"e was thou#ht of for "an or ani"al %ut as ti"e passed our Attila e>hibited a lo$e of hu"anit5 whi9h was dis9on9ertin# so"eti"es The S9our#e of Europe 9ould he e$er ha$e been li=e this F The5 put it down to his a#e .hat 9hild 9ould help lo$in# all 9reatures F !n their @eal to establish this fa9t2 the5 went to the e>tent of del$in# into an9ient histor5 to find out what D The S9our#e of Europe D was li=e when he was a 9hild !t was ru"oured that as a 9hild he 9lun# to his friends and to his parents' friends so fast that often he had to be beaten and separated %ut when he was fourteen he showed the first si#n of his future A he =no9=ed down and plun#ed his =nife into a fellow who tried to tou9h his "arbles Ah2 this was en9oura#in# Let our do# rea9h the parallel of fourteen 5ears and people would #et to =now his real nature %ut this was a $ain pro"ise He stood up twent5 in9hes hi#h2 had a lar#e fra"e2 and a forbiddin# appearan9e on the whole but that was all A $ariet5 of people entered the #ates of the house e$er5 da5 A "endi9ants2 bill;9olle9tors2 post"en2 trades"en2 and

i7o ATT!LA fa"il5 friends All of the" were war"l5 re9ei$ed b5 Attila The "o"ent the #ate 9li9=ed he be9a"e alert and stood up loo=in# towards the #ate %5 the ti"e an5one entered the #ate Attila went blindl5 9har#in# forward %ut that was all The person had onl5 to stop and s"ile2 and Attila would "elt He would beha$e as if he apolo#i@ed for e$en #i$in# an i"pression of $iolen9e He would lower his head2 9ur$e his bod52 tu9= his tail between his le#s2 roll his e5es2 and "oan as if to sa5 A D How sad that 5ou should ha$e "ista=en "5 #esture H ! onl5 hurried down to #reet 5ou D Till he was patted on the head2 stro=ed2 and told that he was for#i$en2 he would be in e>tre"e "iser5 Graduall5 he reali@ed that his boun9in# ad$an9es 9aused "u9h unhapp5 "isunderstandin# And so when he heard the #ate 9li9= he hardl5 stirred He "erel5 loo=ed in that dire9tion and wa##ed his tail The people at ho"e did not $er5 "u9h li=e this attitude The5 thou#ht it rather a sha"e D .h5 not 9han#e his na"e to %lind .or" F D so"ebod5 as=ed D He eats li=e an elephant2D said the "other of the fa"il5 DYou 9an e"plo5 two wat9h"en for the

pri9e of the ri9e and "eat he 9onsu"es So"ebod5 9o"es e$er5 "ornin# and steals all the flowers in the #arden and Attila won't do an5thin# about it D D He has better business to do than 9at9h flower thie$es2D replied the 5oun#est2 alwa5s the defender of the do# D .hat is the better business F D D .ell2 if so"ebod5 9o"es in at dawn and ta=es awa5 the flowers do 5ou e>pe9t Attila to be loo=in# out for hi" e$en at that hour F D D .h5 not F !t's what a well;fed do# ou#ht to be

ATT!LA *7* doin# instead of sleepin# of 5our do# D You ou#ht to be asha"ed

D He does not sleep all ni#ht2 "other ! ha$e often seen hi" #oin# round the house and wat9hin# all ni#ht D D Reall5 H Does he prowl about all ni#ht F D D Of 9ourse he does2D said the defender D ! a" ?uite alar"ed to hear it2D said the "other D (lease lo9= hi" up in a roo" at ni#ht2 otherwise he "a5 9all in a bur#lar and show hi" round Left alone a bur#lar "i#ht after all be less su99essful !t wouldn't be so bad if he at least bar=ed He is the "ost noiseless do# ! ha$e e$er seen in "5 life D The 5oun# "an was e>tre"el5 irritated at this He 9onsidered it to be the "ost un9haritable 95ni9is"2 but the do# Custified it that $er5 ni#ht Ran#a li$ed in a hut three "iles fro" the town He was a D #an# 9ool5 D often e"plo5ed in road; "endin# O99asionall5 at ni#hts he enCo5ed the thrill and profit of brea=in# into houses At one o'9lo9= that ni#ht Ran#a re"o$ed the bars of a window on the eastern side of the house and slipped in He ed#ed alon# the wall2 sear9hed all the trun=s and al"irahs in the house2 and "ade a neat bundle of all the Ceweller5 and other $aluables he 9ould pi9= up He was Cust startin# to #o out He had Cust put one foot out of the #ap he had "ade in the window when he saw Attila standin# below2 loo=in# up e>pe9tantl5 Ran#a thou#ht his end had 9o"e He e>pe9ted the do# to bar= %ut not Attila He waited

for a "o"ent2 #rew tired of waitin#2 stood up and put his forepaws on the lap of the bur#lar He put ba9= his ears2 li9=ed Ran#a's hands2 and rolled his e5es Ran#a whispered2 D ! hope 5ou aren't #oin# to bar= D

i7B ATT!LA D Don't 5ou worr5 tried to sa5 ! a" not the sort2D the do#

DLust a "o"ent Let "e #et down fro" here2D said the bur#lar The do# obli#in#l5 too= awa5 his paws and lowered hi"self D See there2D said Ran#a pointin# to the ba9=5ard2 D there is a 9at D Attila put up his ears at the "ention of the 9at2 and dashed in the dire9tion indi9ated One "i#ht easil5 ha$e thou#ht he was #oin# to tear up a 9at2 but a9tuall5 he didn't want to "iss the pleasure of the 9o"pan5 of a 9at if there was one As soon as the do# left hi" Ran#a "ade a dash for the #ate Gi$en a se9ond "ore he would ha$e hopped o$er it %ut the do# turned and saw what was about to happen and in one sprin# was at the #ate He loo=ed hurt D !s this proper F D he see"ed to as= D Do 5ou want to sha=e "e offF D He hun# his hea$5 tail down so loosel5 and loo=ed so "iserable that the bur#lar stro=ed his head2 at whi9h he re$i$ed The bur#lar opened the #ate and went out2 and the do# followed hi" Attila's #reatest a"bition in life was to wander in the streets freel5 Now thin#s see"ed to be shapin# out ideall5 Attila li=ed his new friend so "u9h that he wouldn't lea$e hi" alone e$en for a "o"ent He sat before Ran#a when he sat down to eat2 sat on the ed#e of his "at when he slept in his hut2 waited patientl5 on the ed#e of the pond when Ran#a went there now and then for a wash2 slept on the roadside when Ran#a was at wor= This sort of 9o"panionship #ot on Ran#a's ner$es He i"plored2 DOh do# Lea$e "e alone for a

ATT!LA *78 "o"ent .on't 5ou F D )n"o$ed Attila sat before hi" with his e5es #lued on his friend

Attila's disappearan9e 9reated a sensation in the bun#alow D Didn't ! tell 5ou2D the "other said2 D to lo9= hi" up F Now so"e bur#lar has #one awa5 with hi" .hat a sha"e H .e 9an hardl5 "ention it to an5one D D You are "ista=en2D replied the defender D !t is Cust a 9oin9iden9e He "ust ha$e #one off on his own a99ount !f he had been here no thief would ha$e dared to 9o"e in D D .hate$er it is2 ! don't =now if we should after all than= the thief for ta=in# awa5 that do# He "a5 =eep the Cewels as a reward for ta=in# hi" awa5 Shall we withdraw the poli9e 9o"plaint F D This fa9etiousness 9eased a wee= later2 and Attila rose to the ran=s of a hero The eldest son of the house was #oin# towards the "ar=et one da5 He saw Attila trottin# behind so"eone on the road D He52D shouted the 5oun# "an E at whi9h Ran#a turned and bro=e into a run Attila2 who alwa5s suspe9ted that his new friend was waitin# for the sli#htest 9han9e to throw hi"2 #alloped behind Ran#a D He52 Attila H D shouted the 5oun# "an2 and he also started runnin# Attila wanted to answer the 9all after "a=in# sure of his friend E and so he turned his head for a se9ond and #alloped faster Ran#a desperatel5 doubled his pa9e Attila deter"ined to sti9= to hi" at an5 9ost As a result of it he ran so fast that he o$ertoo= Ran#a and 9lu"sil5 blo9=ed his wa52 and Ran#a stu"bled o$er hi" and fell As he rolled on the #round a pie9e of Ceweller5 /whi9h he was ta=in# to a re9ei$er of stolen propert50 flew fro" his hand The 5oun# "an re9o#ni@ed it as

*7, ATT!LA belon#in# to his sister2 and sat down on Ran#a A 9rowd 9olle9ted and the poli9e appeared on the s9ene Attila was the hero of the da5 E$en the lad5 of the house softened towards hi" She said2 D .hate$er one "i#ht sa5 of Attila2 one has to ad"it that he is a $er5 9unnin# dete9ti$e He is too deep for words D !t was as well that Attila had no powers of spee9h Otherwise he would ha$e burst into a la"entation whi9h would ha$e shattered the pedestal under his feet

61 THE AKE AN astrolo#er passin# throu#h the $illa#e foretold that 4elan would li$e in a three;storied house surrounded b5 "an5 a9res of #arden At this e$er5; bod5 #athered round 5oun# 4elan and "ade fun of hi" 'or &oopal did not ha$e a "ore ra##ed and God;forsa=en fa"il5 than 4elan's His father had "ort#a#ed e$er5 bit of propert5 he had2 and wor=ed2 with his whole fa"il52 on other people's lands in return for a few annas a wee= A three;storied house for 4elan indeed H %ut the s9offers would ha$e 9on#ratulated the astrolo#er if the5 had seen 4elan about thirt5 or fort5 5ears later He be9a"e the sole o99upant ofD &u"ar %au#h D that palatial house on the outs=irts of Mal#udi town .hen he was ei#hteen 4elan left ho"e His father slapped his fa9e one da5 for 9o"in# late with the "idda5 "eal2 and he did that in the presen9e of others in the field 4elan put down the bas=et2 #lared at his father2 and left the pla9e He Cust wal=ed out of the $illa#e and wal=ed on and on till he 9a"e to the town He star$ed for a 9ouple of da5s2 be##ed where$er he 9ould2 and arri$ed in Mal#udi2 where after "u9h =no9=in# about an old "an too= hi" on to assist hi" in la5in# out a #arden The #arden 5et e>isted onl5 in the "ind of the #ardener .hat the5 9ould see now was a9re upon a9re of

i7: THE AKE weed;9o$ered land 4elan's "ain business 9onsisted in destro5in# all the $e#etation he saw Da5 after da5 he sat in the sun and tore up b5 hand the unwanted plants And all the Cun#le #raduall5 disappeared and the land stood as bare as a football field Three sides of the land were "ar=ed off for an e>tensi$e #arden and on the rest was to be built a house %5 the ti"e the "an#oes had sprouted the5 were la5in# the foundation of the house About the ti"e the "ar#osa saplin# had shot up a 9ouple of 5ards the walls were also 9o"in# up The flowers hibis9us2 9hr5santhe"u"2 Cas"ine2 roses2 and 9annae in the front par= suddenl5 9reated a wonderland one earl5 su""er 4elan had to ra9e with the bri9=la5ers He was now the 9hief #ardener2 the old "an he had 9o"e to assist ha$in# suddenl5 fallen ill 4elan was proud of his position and responsibilit5 He =eenl5 wat9hed the pro#ress of the bri9=la5ers and whispered to the plants as he watered the"2 D Now loo= sharp2 5oun# fellows The buildin# is #oin# up and up e$er5 da5 !f it is read5 and we

aren't we shall be the lau#hin#;sto9= of the town D He heaped "anure2 aired the roots2 tri""ed the bran9hes2 and watered the plants twi9e a da52 and on the whole #a$e an i"pression of hustlin# Nature E and Nature see"ed to respond 'or he did present a #ood;si@ed #arden to his "aster and his fa"il5 when the5 9a"e to o99up5 the house The house proudl5 held up a do"e %al9onies with intri9atel5 9ar$ed wood;wor= hun# down fro" the sides of the house E s"ooth2 rounded pillars2 deep $erandas2 9he?uered "arble floors2 and spa9ious halls ran#ed one behind another2 #a$e the house su9h an i"posin# appearan9e that 4elan as=ed hi"self2 D 3an

THE AKE *7an5 "ortal li$e in thisF ! thou#ht su9h "ansions e>isted onl5 in Swar#a Lo=aD .hen he saw the =it9hen and the dinin# roo" he said2 D .h52 our whole $illa#e 9ould be a99o""odated in this eatin# pla9e alone H D The housebuilder's assistant told hi"2 D .e ha$e built bi##er houses2 thin#s 9ostin# nearl5 two la=hs .hat is this house F !t has hardl5 9ost 5our "aster a la=h of rupees !t is Cust a little "ore than an ordinar5 house2 that is all D After returnin# to his hut 4elan sat a lon# ti"e tr5in# to #rasp the $ision2 s9ope and 9al9ulations of the builders of the house2 but he felt di@@5 He went to the "ar#osa plant2 #ripped its ste" with his fin#ers and said2 D !s this all2 5ou s9ra##5 one F .hat if 5ou wa$e 5our head so hi#h abo$e "ine F ! 9an put "5 fin#ers around 5ou and sha=e 5ou up li=e this Grow up2 little one2 #row up Grow fat Ha$e a trun= whi9h two pairs of ar"s 9an't hu#2 and #o up and spread %e fit to stand beside this pala9e E otherwise ! will pull 5ou out D .hen the "ar#osa tree appro>i"atel5 9a"e up to this $ision the house had a9?uired a "ellowness in its appearan9e Su99essi$e su""ers and "onsoons had robbed the paint on the doors and windows and woodwor= of their bri#htness and the walls of their ori#inal 9olour2 and had put in their pla9e tints and shades of their own 9hoi9e And thou#h the house had lost its resplenden9e it had now a "ore hu"an loo= Hundreds of parrots and "5nas and unna"ed birds li$ed in the bran9hes of the "ar#osa2 and under its shade the "aster's #reat;#rand;9hildren and the /5oun#er0 #rand;9hildren pla5ed and ?uarrelled The "aster wal=ed about leanin# on a staff The lad5 of the house2 who had loo=ed su9h a bloo"in# 9reature

i77 THE AKE on the inau#uration da52 was shrun=en and #re5 and spent "ost her ti"e in an in$alid's 9hair in the $eranda2 #a@in# at the #arden with dull e5es 4elan hi"self was "u9h 9han#ed Now he had to depend "ore and "ore upon his assistants to =eep the #arden in shape He had lost his parents2 his wife2 and ei#ht 9hildren out of fourteen He had "ana#ed to re9lai" his an9estral propert5 whi9h was now bein# loo=ed after b5 his sons;in;law and sons He went to the $illa#e for (on#ed2 New Year2 and De9pa$ali2 and brou#ht ba9= with hi" one or the other of his #rand; 9hildren of who" he was e>tre"el5 fond 4elan was perfe9tl5 9ontented and happ5 He de"anded nothin# "ore of life As far as he 9ould see2 the people in the bi# house too see"ed to be e?uall5 at pea9e with life One saw no reason wh5 these #oods thin#s should not #o on and on for e$er %ut Death peeped around the 9orner 'ro" the ser$ant's ?uarters whispers rea9hed the #ardener in his hut that the "aster was $er5 ill and la5 in his roo" downstairs /the bedroo" upstairs so laboriousl5 planned had to be abandoned with ad$an9in# a#e0 Do9tors and $isitors were 9onstantl5 9o"in# and #oin#2 and 4elan had to be "ore than e$er on #uard a#ainst D flower;plu9=ers D One "idni#ht he was awa=ened and told that the "aster was dead D .hat is to happen to the #arden and to "e F The sons are no #ood2D he thou#ht at on9e And his fears pro$ed to be not entirel5 #roundless The sons were no #ood2 reall5 The5 sta5ed for a 5ear "ore2 ?uarrelled a"on# the"sel$es2 and went awa5 to li$e in another house A 5ear later so"e other fa"il5 9a"e in as tenants The "o"ent the5 saw 4dan the5 said2 D Old #ardener F Don't be up to

THE AKE *7+ an5 tri9=s .e =now the sort 5ou are .e will sa9= 5ou if 5ou don't beha$e 5ourself D 4elan found life intolerable These people had no re#ard for a #arden The5 wal=ed on flower beds2 9hildren 9li"bed the fruit trees and plu9=ed unripe fruits2 and the5 du# pits on the #arden paths 4elan had no 9oura#e to protest The5 ordered hi" about2 sent hi" on errands2 "ade hi" wash the 9ow2 and le9tured to hi" on how to #row a #arden He detested the whole business and often thou#ht of throwin# up his wor= and returnin# to his $illa#e %ut the idea was unbearable A he 9ouldn't li$e awa5 fro" his plants 'ortune howe$er2 soon fa$oured hi" The tenants left The house was lo9=ed up for a few 5ears O99asionall5

one of the sons of the late owner 9a"e round and inspe9ted the #arden Graduall5 e$en this 9eased The5 left Dthe =e5s of the house with 4elan O99asionall5 a prospe9ti$e tenant 9a"e down2 had the house opened2 and went awa5 after re"ar=in# that it was in ruins plaster was fallin# off in fla=es2 paint on doors and windows re"ained onl5 in a few s"all pat9hes2 and white ants were eatin# awa5 all the 9upboards and shel$es A 5ear later another tenant 9a"e2 and then another2 and then a third No one re"ained for "ore than a few "onths And then the house a9?uired the reputation of bein# haunted E$en the owners dropped the pra9ti9e of 9o"in# and seein# the house 4elan was $er5 nearl5 the "aster of the house now The =e5s were with hi" He was also #rowin# old .ith the best he 9ould do2 #rass #rew on the paths2 weeds and 9reepers stran#led the flowerin# plants in the front #arden The fruit trees 5ielded their load pun9tuall5 The owners leased out the whole of the fruit #arden for three 5ears

i#o THE AKE 4elan was too old His hut was lea=5 and he had no ener#5 to put up new that9h So he shifted his residen9e to the front $eranda of the house !t was a deep $eranda runnin# on three sides2 pa$ed with 9he?uered "arble The old "an saw no reason wh5 he should not li$e there He had as #ood a ri#ht as the bats and the rats .hen the "ood sei@ed hi" /about on9e a 5ear0 he opened the house and had the floor swept and s9rubbed %ut #raduall5 he #a$e up this pra9ti9e He was too old to bother about these thin#s Years and 5ears passed without an5 9han#e !t 9a"e to be =nown as the D Ghost House2D and people a$oided it 4elan found nothin# to #ru"ble in this state of affairs !t suited hi" e>9ellentl5 On9e a ?uarter he sent his son to the old fa"il5 in the town to fet9h his wa#es There was no reason wh5 this should not ha$e #one on indefinitel5 %ut one da5 a 9ar sounded its horn an#ril5 at the #ate 4elan hobbled up with the =e5s D Ha$e 5ou the =e5s F Open the #ate2D 9o""anded so"eone in the 9ar D There is a s"all side;#ate2D said 4elan "ee=l5 D Open the bi# #ate for the 9ar H D 4elan had to fet9h a spade and 9lear the $e#etation

whi9h had blo9=ed the entran9e The #ates opened on rust5 hin#es2 9rea=in# and #roanin# The5 threw open all the doors and windows2 went throu#h the house =eenl5 e>a"inin# e$er5 portion2 and re"ar=ed A D Did 5ou noti9e the 9ra9= on the do"e F The walls too are 9ra9=ed There is no other wa5 !f we pull down the old ra"sha9=le 9arefull5 we "a5 still be able to use so"e of the "aterials2 thou#h ! a" not at all 9ertain that the

THE AKE *+* wooden portions are not hollow inside Hea$en alone =nows what "adness is responsible for people buildin# houses li=e this D The5 went round the #arden and said2 D .e ha$e to 9lear e$er5 bit of this Cun#le All this will ha$e to #o D So"e "i#ht5 person loo=ed 4elan up and down and said2 D You are the #ardener ! suppose F .e ha$e not "u9h use for a #arden now All the trees2 e>9ept half a do@en on the $er5 boundar5 of the propert52 will ha$e to #o .e 9an't afford to waste spa9e This flower #arden H'" it is old fashioned and 9rude2 and apart fro" it the front portion of the site is too $aluable to be wasted A wee= later one of the sons of his old "aster 9a"e and told 4elan2 D You will ha$e to #o ba9= to 5our $illa#e2 old fellow The house is sold to a 9o"pan5 The5 are not #oin# to ha$e a #arden The5 are 9uttin# down e$en the fruit trees A the5 are offerin# 9o"pensation to the leaseholder E the5 are wipin# out the #arden2 and pullin# down e$en the buildin# The5 are #oin# to build s"all houses b5 the s9ore without lea$in# spa9e e$en for a blade of #rass D There was "u9h bustle and a9ti$it52 "u9h 9o"in# and #oin#2 and 4elan retired to his old hut .hen he felt tired he la5 down and slept E at other ti"es he went round the #arden and stood #a@in# at his plants He was #i$en a fortni#ht's noti9e E$er5 "o"ent of it see"ed to hi" pre9ious and he would ha$e sta5ed till the last se9ond with his plants but for the sound of an a>e whi9h stirred hi" out of his afternoon nap two da5s after he was #i$en noti9e The dull noise of a blade "eetin# a tou#h surfa9e rea9hed his ears He #ot up and rushed out He saw four "en ha9=in# the "assi$e trun= of the old


"ar#osa tree He let out a s9rea" A D Stop that H D He too= his staff and rushed at those who were ha9=in# The5 easil5 a$oided the blow he ai"ed D .hat is the "atter F D the5 as=ed 4elan wept A D This is "5 9hild ! planted it ! saw it #row ! lo$ed it Don't 9ut it down D %ut it is the 9o"pan5's orders .hat 9an we do F .e shall be dis"issed if we don't obe52 and so"eone else will do it D 4elan stood thin=in# for a while and said2 D .ill 5ou at least do "e this #ood turn F Gi$e "e a little ti"e ! will bundle up "5 9lothes and #o awa5 After ! a" #one do what 5ou li=e D The5 laid down their a>es and waited (resentl5 4elan 9a"e out of his hut with a bundle on his head He loo=ed at the tree;9utters and said2 D You are $er5 =ind to an old "an You are $er5 =ind to wait D He loo=ed at the "ar#osa and wiped his e5es2 D %rother2 don't start 9uttin# till ! a" reall5 #one far2 far awa5 D The tree;9utters s?uatted on the #round and wat9hed the old "an #o Nearl5 half an hour later his $oi9e 9a"e fro" a distan9e2 half indistin9tl52 D Don't 9ut 5et ! a" still within hearin# (lease wait till ! a" #one farther2D D

6: ENG!NE TRO)%LE THERE 9a"e down to our town so"e 5ears a#o /said the Tal=ati$e Man0 a show"an ownin# an institution 9alled the Gaiet5 Land O$erni#ht our G5"=hana Grounds be9a"e resplendent with banners and strea"ers and 9oloured la"ps 'ro" all o$er the distri9t 9rowds poured into the show .ithin a wee= of openin#2 in #ate "one5 alone the5 9olle9ted nearl5 fi$e hundred rupees a da5 Gaiet5 Land pro$ided us with all sorts of fun and #a"blin# and side;shows 'or a 9ouple of annas in ea9h booth we 9ould wat9h an5thin# fro" perfor"in# parrots to 9ra9= "otor 959lists loopin# the loop in the Do"e of Death !n addition to this there were lotteries and shootin# #alleries where for an anna 5ou alwa5s stood a 9han9e of winnin# a hundred rupees There was a parti9ular 9orner of the show whi9h was in #reat fa$our Here for a ti9=et 9ostin# ei#ht annas 5ou stood a 9han9e of a9?uirin# a $ariet5 of arti9les pin9ushions2 sewin# "a9hines2 9a"eras or e$en a road en#ine On one e$enin# the5 drew a

ti9=et nu"ber *<<12 and ! happened to own the other half of the ti9=et Glan9in# down the list of arti9les the5 de9lared that ! be9a"e the owner of the road en#ine H Don't as= "e how a road en#ine 9a"e to be in9luded a"on# the pri@es !t is "ore than ! 9an tell 5ou *+8

*+, ENG!NE TRO)%LE ! loo=ed stunned (eople #athered around and #a@ed at "e as if ! were so"e 9urious ani"al D 'an95 an5one be9o"in# the owner of a road en#ine H D so"e persons "uttered and #i##led !t was not the sort of pri@e one 9ould 9arr5 ho"e at short noti9e ! as=ed the show"an if he would help "e to transport it He "erel5 pointed at a noti9e whi9h de9reed that all winners should re"o$e the pri@es i""ediatel5 on drawin# and b5 their own effort Howe$er the5 had to "a=e an e>9eption in "5 9ase The5 a#reed to =eep the en#ine on the G5"=hana Grounds till the end of their season and then ! would ha$e to "a=e "5 own arran#e"ents to ta=e it out .hen ! as=ed the show"an if he 9ould find "e a dri$er he Cust s"iled A D The fellow who brou#ht it here had to be paid a hundred rupees for the Cob and fi$e rupees a da5 ! sent hi" awa5 and "ade up "5 "ind that if no one was #oin# to draw it2 ! would Cust lea$e it to its fate ! #ot it down Cust as a no$elt5 for the show God H .hat a bother it has pro$ed H D D 3an't ! sell it to so"e "uni9ipalit5 F D ! as=ed inno9entl5 He burst into a lau#h D As a show"an ! ha$e enou#h troubles with "uni9ipal people ! would rather =eep out of their wa5 D M5 friends and well;wishers poured in to 9on; #ratulate "e on "5 latest a9?uisition No one =new pre9isel5 how "u9h a road en#ine would fet9hE all the sa"e the5 felt that there was a lot of "one5 in it D E$en if 5ou sell it as s9rap iron 5ou 9an "a=e a few thousands2D so"e of "5 friends de9lared E$er5 da5 ! "ade a trip to the G5"=hana Grounds to ha$e a loo= at "5 en#ine ! #rew $er5 fond of it ! lo$ed its shinin# brass parts ! stood near it and patted it

ENG!NE TRO)%LE *+1 affe9tionatel52 ho$ered about it2 and returned ho"e e$er5 da5 onl5 at the 9lose of the show ! was a poor

"an ! thou#ht that after all "5 troubles were 9o"in# to an end How i#norant we are H How little did ! #uess that "5 troubles had Cust be#un .hen the show"an too= down his booths and pa9=ed up2 ! re9ei$ed a noti9e fro" the "uni9ipalit5 to attend to "5 road en#ine .hen ! went there ne>t da5 it loo=ed forlorn with no one about The #round was littered with torn strea"ers and paper de9orations The show"an had "o$ed on2 lea$in# the en#ine where it stood !t was perfe9tl5 safe an5where H ! left it alone for a few da5s2 not =nowin# what to do with it ! re9ei$ed a noti9e fro" the "uni9ipalit5 orderin# that the en#ine should at on9e be re"o$ed fro" the #round as otherwise the5 would 9har#e rent for the o99upation of the G5"=hana Grounds After deep thou#ht ! 9onsented to pa5 the rent2 and ! paid ten rupees a "onth for the ne>t three "onths Dear sirs2 ! was a poor "an E$en the house whi9h ! and "5 wife o99upied 9ost "e onl5 four rupees a "onth And fan95 "5 pa5in# ten rupees a "onth for the road en#ine !t 9ut into "5 slender bud#et2 and ! had to pled#e a Cewel or two belon#in# to "5 wife H And e$er5 da5 "5 wife was as=in# "e what ! proposed to do with this terrible propert5 of "ine and ! had no answer to #i$e her ! went up and down the town offerin# it for sale to all and sundr5 So"eone su##ested that the Se9retar5 of the lo9al 3os"opolitan 3lub "i#ht be interested in it .hen ! approa9hed hi" he lau#hed and as=ed what he should do with a road en#ine D !'ll dispose of it at a 9on9ession for 5ou You ha$e a tennis 9ourt to be rolled e$er5 "ornin#I' ! be#an2 and e$en before ! saw hi" s"ile

*+: ENG!NE TRO)%LE ! =new it was a stupid thin# to sa5 Ne>t so"eone su##ested2 D See the Muni9ipal 3hair"an He "a5 bu5 it for the "uni9ipalit5 D .ith #reat trepidation ! went to the "uni9ipal offi9e one da5 ! buttoned up "5 9oat as ! entered the 3hair"an's roo" and "entioned "5 business ! was prepared to #i$e awa5 the en#ine at a #reat 9on9ession ! started a #reat haran#ue on "uni9ipal duties2 the re#i"e of this 9hair"an2 and the i"portan9e of ownin# a road roller but before ! was done with hi" ! =new there was #reater 9han9e of "5 sellin# it to so"e 9hild on the roadside for pla5in# with ! was "a=in# "5self a ban=rupt "aintainin# this en#ine in the G5"=hana Grounds ! reall5 hoped so"e da5 there would 9o"e "5 wa5 a lu"p su" and "a=e a"ends for all this defi9it and sufferin# 'resh 9o"pli9ations arose when a 9attle show 9a"e in the

offin# !t was to be held on the #rounds ! was #i$en twent5;four hours for #ettin# the thin# out of the #round The show was openin# in a wee= and the ad$an9e part5 was arri$in# and insisted upon ha$in# the en#ine out of the wa5 ! be9a"e desperate E there was not a sin#le person for fift5 "iles around who =new an5thin# about a road en#ine ! be##ed and 9rin#ed e$er5 passin# bus dri$er to help "e E but without use ! e$en approa9hed the station "aster to put in a word with the "ail en#ine dri$er %ut the en#ine dri$er pointed out that he had his own lo9o"oti$e to "ind and 9ouldn't thin= of Cu"pin# off at a wa5side station for an5bod5's sa=e Meanwhile the "uni9ipalit5 was pressin# "e to 9lear out ! thou#ht it o$er ! saw the priest of the lo9al te"ple and "ana#ed to #ain his s5"path5 He offered "e the ser$i9es of his te"ple elephant ! also en#a#ed

ENG!NE TRO)%LE *+fift5 9oolies to push the en#ine fro" behind You "a5 be sure this drained all "5 resour9es The 9oolies wanted ei#ht annas per head and the te"ple elephant 9ost "e se$en rupees a da5 and ! had to #i$e it one feed M5 plan was to ta=e the en#ine out of the #5"=hana and then down the road to a field half a furlon# off The field was owned b5 a friend He would not "ind if ! =ept the en#ine there for a 9ouple of "onths2 when ! 9ould #o to Madras and find a 9usto"er for it ! also too= into ser$i9e one Loseph2 a dis"issed bus;dri$er who said that althou#h he =new nothin# of road rollers he 9ould ne$ertheless steer one if it was so"ehow =ept in "otion !t was a fine si#ht A the te"ple elephant 5o=ed to the en#ine b5 "eans of stout ropes2 with fift5 deter"ined "en pushin# it fro" behind2 and "5 friend Loseph sittin# in the dri$in# seat A hu#e 9rowd stood around and wa2t9hed in #reat #lee The en#ine be#an to "o$e !t see"ed to "e the #reatest "o"ent in "5 life .hen it 9a"e out of the #5"; =hana and rea9hed the road it be#an to beha$e in a stran#e "anner !nstead of #oin# strai#ht down the road it showed a tenden95 to wobble and "o$e @i#;@a# The elephant dra##ed it one Dwa52 Loseph turned the wheel for all he was worth without an5 idea of where he was #oin#2 and fift5 "en behind it 9lun# to it in e$er5 possible "anner and pushed it Cust where the5 li=ed As a result of all this 9onfused dra##in# the en#ine ran strai#ht into the opposite 9o"pound wall and redu9ed a #ood len#th of it to powder At this the 9rowd let out a Co5ous 5ell The elephant2 disli=in# the beha$iour of the

9rowd2 tru"peted loudl52 strained and snapped its

i#7 ENG!NE TRO)%LE ropes and =i9=ed down a further len#th of the wall The fift5 "en fled in pani92 the 9rowd 9reated a pande"oniu" So"eone slapped "e in the fa9e it was the owner of the 9o"pound wall The poli9e 9a"e on the s9ene and "ar9hed "e off .hen ! was released fro" the lo9=;up ! found the followin# 9onse?uen9es awaitin# "e A /i0 Se$eral 5ards of 9o"pound wall to be built b5 "e /60 .a#es of fift5 "en who ran awa5 The5 would not e>plain how the5 were entitled to the wa#es when the5 had not done their Cob /80 Loseph's fee for steerin# the en#ine o$er the wall /,0 3ost of "edi9ine for treatin# the =nee of the te"ple elephant whi9h had re9ei$ed so"e inCuries while =i9=in# down the wall Here a#ain the te"ple authorities would not listen when ! pointed out that ! didn't en#a#e an elephant to brea= a wall /10 Last2 but not the least2 the de"and to "o$e the en#ine out of its present station Sirs2 ! was a poor "an ! reall5 9ould not find an5 "eans of pa5in# these bills .hen ! went ho"e "5 wife as=ed A D .hat is this ! hear about 5ou e$er5where F D ! too= the opportunit5 to e>plain "5 diffi9ulties She too= it as a hint that ! was a#ain as=in# for her Cewels2 and she lost her te"per and 9ried that she would write to her father to 9o"e and ta=e her awa5 ! was at "5 wit's end (eople s"iled at "e when the5 "et "e in the streets ! was seriousl5 wonderin# wh5 ! should not run awa5 to "5 $illa#e ! de9ided to en9oura#e "5 wife to write to her father and arran#e for her e>it Not a soul was #oin# to =now what "5 plans were ! was #oin# to put off "5 9reditors and disappear one fine ni#ht At this point 9a"e an une>pe9ted relief in the shape

ENG!NE TRO)%LE *++ of a Swa"iCi One fine e$enin# under the distin#uished patrona#e of our Muni9ipal 3hair"an a show was held in our s"all town hall !t was a free perfor"an9e and the hall was pa9=ed with people ! sat in the #aller5 Spellbound we witnessed the Swa"iCi's 5o#i9 feats He bit off #lass tu"blers and ate the" with 9ontent"ent E he la5 on spi=e boards E #ar#led and dran= all =inds of a9ids E li9=ed white;hot iron rods E

9hewed and swallowed sharp nails E stopped his heart;beat2 and buried hi"self under#round .e sat there and wat9hed hi" in stupefa9tion At the end of it all he #ot up and deli$ered a spee9h in whi9h he de9lared that he was 9arr5in# on his "aster's "essa#e to the people in this "anner His per; for"an9e was the "ore re"ar=able be9ause he had nothin# to #ain b5 all this e>traordinar5 "eal e>9ept the satisfa9tion of ser$in# hu"anit52 and now he said he was 9o"in# to the $er5 "asterpie9e and the last a9t He loo=ed at the Muni9ipal 3hair"an and as=ed A D Ha$e 5ou a road en#ine F ! would li=e to ha$e it dri$en o$er "5 9hest D The 9hair"an loo=ed abashed and felt asha"ed to a9=nowled#e that he had none The Swa"iCi insisted2 D ! "ust ha$e a road en#ine D The Muni9ipal 3hair"an tried to put hi" off b5 sa5in#2 D There is no dri$er D The Swa"iCi replied2 D Don't O$orr5 about it M5 assistant has been trained to handle an5 =ind of road en#ine D At this point ! stood up in the #aller5 and shouted2 D Don't as= hi" for an en#ine As= "e D !n a "o"ent ! .s on the sta#e and be9a"e as i"portant a person as the fire;eater hi"self ! was pleased with the re9o#nition ! now re9ei$ed fro" all ?uarters The Muni9ipal 3hair"an went into Cthe ba9=#round

6<< ENG!NE TRO)%LE !n return for lendin# hi" the en#ine he would dri$e it where ! wanted Thou#h ! felt in9lined to as= for a "one5 9ontribution ! =new it would be useless to e>pe9t it fro" one who was on a "issionar5 wor= Soon the whole #atherin# was at the 9o"pound wall opposite to the G5"=hana Swa"iCi's assistant was an e>pert in handlin# en#ines !n a short while "5 en#ine stood stea"in# up proudl5 !t was a #ratif5in# si#ht The Swa"iCi 9alled for two pillows2 pla9ed one near his head and the other at his feet He #a$e detailed instru9tions as to how the en#ine should be run o$er hi" He "ade a 9hal= "ar= on his 9hest and said2 D !t "ust #o e>a9tl5 on this E not an in9h this wa5 or that D The en#ine hissed and waited The 9rowd wat9hin# the show be9a"e suddenl5 unhapp5 and "orose This see"ed to be a terrible thin# to be doin# The Swa"i la5 down on the pillows and said2 D .hen ! sa5 O"2 dri$e it on D He 9losed his e5es The 9rowd wat9hed tensel5 ! loo=ed at the whole show in absolute rapture after all2 the road en#ine was #oin# to #et on the "o$e At this point a poli9e inspe9tor 9a"e into the 9rowd with a brown en$elope in his hand He held up his

hand2 be9=oned to the Swa"iCi's assistant2 and said A D ! a" sorr5 ! ha$e to tell 5ou that 5ou 9an't #o on with this The "a#istrate has issued an order pro; hibitin# the en#ine fro" runnin# o$er hi" D The Swa"iCi pi9=ed hi"self up There was a lot of 9o""otion The Swa"iCi be9a"e indi#nant D ! ha$e done it in hundreds of pla9es alread5 and nobod5 ?uestioned "e about it Nobod5 9an stop "e fro" doin# what ! li=e it's "5 "aster's order to de"on; strate the power of the Yo#a to the people of this 9ountr52 and who 9an ?uestion "e F D

ENG!NE TRO)%LE 6<* D A "a#istrate 9anIB said the poli9e inspe9tor2 and held up the order D .hat business is it of 5ours or his to interfere in this "anner F D D! don't =now all that E this is his order He per"its 5ou to do e$er5; thin# e>9ept swallow potassiu" 95anide and run this en#ine o$er 5our 9hest You are free to do whate$er 5ou li=e outside our Curisdi9tion D D ! a" lea$in# this 9ursed pla9e this $er5 "inuteI' the Swa"iCi said in #reat ra#e2 and started to #o2 followed b5 his assistant ! #ripped his assistant's ar" and said2 D You ha$e stea"ed it up .h5 not ta=e it o$er to that field and then #o D He #lared at "e2 shoo= off "5 hand and "uttered2 D .ith "5 Guru so unhapp52 how dare 5ou as= "e to dri$e F D He went awa5 ! "uttered2 D You 9an't dri$e it e>9ept o$er his 9hest2 ! suppose F D ! "ade preparations to lea$e the town in a 9ouple of da5s2 lea$in# the en#ine to its fate2 with all its 9o""it"ents Howe$er2 Nature 9a"e to "5 res9ue in an une>pe9ted "anner You "a5 ha$e heard of the earth?ua=e of that 5ear whi9h destro5ed whole towns in Northern !ndia There was a re$erberation of it in our town2 too .e were thrown out of our beds that ni#ht2 and doors and windows rattled Ne>t "ornin# ! went o$er to ta=e a last loo= at "5 en#ine before lea$in# the town ! 9ould hardl5 belie$e "5 e5es The en#ine was not there ! loo=ed about and raised a hue and 9r5 Sear9h parties went round And the en#ine was found in a disused well near b52 with its ba9= up ! pra5ed to hea$en to sa$e "e fro" fresh 9o"pli9ations %ut the owner of the house when he 9a"e round and saw what had happened2 lau#hed heartil5 and bea"ed at "e A D You ha$e done "e a ser$i9e !t was the


dirtiest water on earth in that well and the "uni9ipalit5 was sendin# noti9e to 9lose it2 wee= after wee= ! was dreadin# the 9ost of 9losin#2 but 5our en#ine fits it li=e a 9or= Lust lea$e it there D D %ut2 but D

D There are no buts ! will withdraw all 9o"plaints and 9har#es a#ainst 5ou2 and build that bro=en wall "5self2 but onl5 lea$e the thin# there D D That's hardl5 enou#h D ! "entioned a few other e>penses that this en#ine had brou#ht on "e He a#reed to pa5 for all that .hen ! a#ain passed that wa5 so"e "onths later ! peeped o$er the wall ! found the "outh of the well neatl5 9e"ented up ! hea$ed a si#h of #reat relief

6ALL A4O!DA%LE TAL& HE was told to a$oid all ?uarrels that da5 The stars were out to trouble hi"2 and e$en the "ildest of his re"ar=s li=el5 to offend and lead to a ?uarrel The planets were set a#ainst hi"2 and this terrified hi" be5ond des9ription Man5 thin#s that were prophesied for hi" latel5 were 9o"in# true He sat in a 9orner of a bi# Ceweller's shop and added up nu"bers all da5 He left it at the end of a da52 and on his wa5 ho"e2 dropped in for a "o"ent to e>9han#e tit;bits with a friend near his house2 who affe9ted #reat =nowled#e of the stars O99asionall5 the friend #a$e out free prophe9ies Man5 thin#s that he said 9a"e true D You will ha$e bother about "one5 "atters for a fortni#ht E$en 5our le#iti"ate dues will not rea9h 5our hand in ti"e Too true The usual rent he re9ei$ed fro" his $illa#e b5 "one5 order went all o$er !ndia before 9o"in# to hi" be9ause of a sli#ht error in the addressin# And then his friend told hi" A D Saturn will 9ause "inor anno5an9es in the shape of "inor ail"ents at ho"e D And the followin# wee= e$er5one2 fro" his old "other down to the four;"onth;old2 went down with 9old and fe$er He hi"self felt &=e ta=in# to bed2 but his Ceweller 9hief would not let hi" #o And now his friend had told hi" on the pte$iotiB e$enin#2 D Now2 ! see 5our worst period is +<8

6<, ALL A4O!DA%LE TAL& 9o"in# to an end2 but a$oid all a$oidable tal= to; "orrow the whole of Monda5 There is alwa5s the dan#er of 5our irritatin# others and findin# others irritatin# D The "o"ent he opened his e5es and la5 in bed2 he told hi"self A D Must not tal= to an5one toda5 who 9an see where a word will lead F D He pin9hed the 9hee= of the 5oun#est2 patted the ba9= of another2 found the bo5 of se$en unwillin# to start for s9hool A was about to shout at hi"2 but de9ided not to interfere2 a happ5 #odsend for the bo5 His wife appealed A D .h5 do 5ou allow hi" to ha$e his own wa5 F D He "erel5 shoo= his head and went off to the bathroo" His dau#hter had lo9=ed herself in that "eant she would not 9o"e out for an hour E she had on9e a#ain bro=en the spe9ifi9 order not to #o in to bathe at offi9e ti"e He tapped the door twi9e or thri9e2 #lared at it2 and went awa5 and put hi"self under the tap in the front #arden All throu#h his dinner he sat with bowed head2 "aintainin# a deter"ined silen9e2 answerin# his wife's ?uestions with a 9urt D Yes D or D NoIB .hile startin# for his offi9e it was his usual pra9ti9e to stand in the passa#e and as= for a little betel;nut and lea$es2 with a 95ni9al re"ar= that the5 "i#ht ha$e 9onsideration for a "an who had to 9at9h an earl5 tra" Toda5 he stood on the threshold waitin# to see if an5one would ser$e hi" and stepped out into the street2 with the refle9tion A D !f the5 ha$e not the sense to do a pie9e of re#ular dut5 without re"inder ! won't 9hew betel2 that is all D The tra" was 9rowded as usual So"ebod5 stood on his toe He bore it patientl5 The tra" 9ondu9tor pushed hi" aside and uttered rude re"ar=s for standin# in the wa5 He =ept ?uiet The inspe9tor who

ALL A4O!DA%LE TAL& 6<1 hopped into the tra" for 9he9=in# would not bud#e at the rCia#i9 word D (ass D but insisted on seein# it2 and fretted and swore while Sastri fu"bled with his buttons and inner po9=et Sastri ne$er uttered a word2 and bore it li=e a "art5r At the offi9e he was onl5 two "inutes late2 but his e"plo5er2 alread5 seated on his 9ushion2 #lared at hi" and beha$ed as if he had been two hours late Sastri stood before hi" du"b2 listenin# patientl5 to all the 9har#es D You stand there li=e a statue2 sa5in# nothin#2 it "ust be $er5 9on$enient2 ! suppose D said his e"plo5er2 loo=in# hi" up D .hat has 9o"e o$er 5ou F D nearl5 es9aped Sastri's

lips2 but he 9he9=ed hi"self as he 9a"e to D .hat has D D Eh F D de"anded his e"plo5er D .hat is as=ed .hat is the ti"e now2 sir F D he

D You as= "e the ti"e H Go2 #o to 5our seat2 Sastri2 before ! a" $er5 an#r5 with 5ou D Sastri slun= ba9= to his pla9e The routine of offi9e life started The attendant wiped and rearran#ed the show9ases A 9usto"ers started 9o"in# in to bu5 and sell #old trin=ets and Cewels2 the s"all fan whirred and #5rated2 waftin# 9ool air on his 9hiefs fa9e2 the other partner 9a"e in at about "idda5 and too= his seat The 5oun#er son of the "aster 9a"e in de"and; in# so"e 9ash for so"e e>tra$a#an9e2 and went awa52 and Sastri sat in his 9orner surrounded b5 hea$5 re#isters Loo=in# at the fi#ures in the pa#es2 he refle9ted2 D Nearl5 two o'9lo9= E another ei#ht hours of this pla9e2 and the da5 will be o$er D A 9usto"er stopped before hi"2 held up a trin=et and as=ed A D Loo= here2 9an this dia"ond be ta=en out and reset

ad: ALL A4O!DA%LE TALG in platinu"FD Sastri loo=ed dull5 at the trin=et and said A D You "ust as= o$er there D D !t's all ri#ht2 * =now that2D replied the 9usto"er hau#htil5 DAnswer "5 ?uestion first D Sastri shoo= his head D E$identl5 5ou =now nothin# about these "atters D D ! =now nothin#2D Sastri said D Then #et out of a shop li=e this2D answered the other2 and "o$ed on and sat before the proprietor The proprietor presentl5 9alled2 D Sastri2 9o"e here D D Yes2 sir2D Sastri said2 without liftin# up his head There were three "ore lines to be added to 9o"plete the pa#e !f he was interrupted2 he would ha$e to start fro" the top of the #i#anti9 folio all o$er a#ain So there was so"e dela5 before he 9ould respond to his "aster's 9all %efore that his "aster lost his te"per and shouted A D Drop the pen and 9o"e here when ! 9all2 will 5ou F D There was still one "ore line to #o in !f this lin= was "issed2 there was the #hastl5 prospe9t of ha$in# to spend the whole e$enin# in the 9o"pan5 of fi#ures The "aster's 9all be9a"e insistent Sastri loo=ed up for a "o"ent fro" his led#er E he 9au#ht a #li"pse of the other's fa9e a red pat9h2 flushed with an#er He 9o"pressed his Hps and resol$ed "ore than e$er not to rise without

9o"pletin# the totallin# He sat as if deaf2 9al"l5 #oin# throu#h the wor= %5 the ti"e he stood before his "aster2 the latter had #ripped in his hand a leaden paperwei#ht D (erhaps he wanted to flin# it at "e2D Sastri refle9ted2 and was o$erwhel"ed for a "o"ent Nrith resent"ent The troubleso"e 9usto"er sat there 9o"fortabl5 and wat9hed the s9ene with a self;satisfied #rin Loo=in# at hi" Sastri felt it was an added indi#nit5 D He pa5s "e fift5 rupees not for nothin# E

ALL A4O!DA%LE TAL& 6<! sla$e for hi" %ut what ri#ht has he to insult "e 2 F D He felt desperate His brow pu9=ered E he as=ed2 loo=in# at the paperwei#ht in his "aster's handA D .hat's that for FD 9M !diot H .hat has 9o"e o$er 5ou F Mind 5our own business2D said his boss D .h5 9an't 5ou 9o"e up when 5ou are 9alled F D Sastri had "eanti"e re9o$ered his te"per2 reali@in# how near an e>plosion he had been D ! was totallin# up2 sir2D he said2 dis9iplinin# hi"self resolutel5 D Learn to 9o"e up when 9alled .h5 were 5ou rude to this #entle"an F ' ' D ! wasn't2D replied Sastri briefl5 D Do 5ou thin= !'" l5in# F D shouted the 9usto"er2 and s9owled Sastri #ulped down his repl52 Cust re"e"berin# in ti"e the inCun9tion2 D A$oid all a$oidable tal=2D thou#h he felt li=e hittin# his ad$ersar5 now His boss loo=ed up at hi" and said A D Sastri2 ! "ust warn 5ou for the last ti"e You "ust be 9ourteous to all "5 9usto"ers A otherwise 5ou "a5 #et out of this shop D D ! "erel5 said ! didn't =now about platinu" D D ! don't want all that E$er5one in this shop "ust be able to answer about an5 depart"ent Other; wise ! don't want hi" in "5 ser$i9e Do 5ou under; stand F D Sastri turned ba9= to #o The 9usto"er added A D ! onl5 wanted to =now if this 9ould be set in platinu" 3an't he answer that si"ple ?uestion F D D Oh2 is that all H E$en a 9hild should be able to answer that2D e9hoed his "aster D Sastri2 9o"e here D Sastri a#ain stood before hi" A D .hat do 5ou =now of platinu" settin# F D D ! don't =now an5thin#2 sir D D You sf95 that to "e H All ri#ht2 #o ba9= to 5our seat ! wiJ deal with 5ou presentl5 Get out of "5

ao7 ALL A4O!DA%LE TAL& si#ht now D Sastri si#hed and turned ba9= .hile he was #oin# ba9= to his seat2 he o$erheard the 9usto"er sa5in# A D These fellows ha$e be9o"e $er5 arro#ant nowada5s D Sastri2 sittin# in his 9orner2 tried to drown his thou#hts in fi#ures He partl5 su99eeded2 one part of his "ind =ept s"artin# A D So"e fool 9o"es in2 and be9ause of hi"2 ! "ust stand e$er5 insult H !'$e ser$ed here for twent5 5ears D The 9usto"er had finished his wor= and was #oin# past hi"2 throwin# at hi" a triu"phant and 9onte"ptuous loo= Sastri ?ui9=l5 turned awa5 and #a@ed at the folio D !s this "an born to tor"ent "e F ! don't =now who he is H D A blue bea" of sunli#ht stra5ed in throu#h a 9oloured window pane and "o$ed up to the 9eilin# A that "eant it was nearin# dus= His boss #ot up and passed out A as the "otor;9ar started down below2 the others in the offi9e also rose to #o2 and filed past the door2 all but Sastri and the wat9h"an The inter; ruption fro" his boss had 9ut in so badl5 that nu"bers Cu"ped at ea9h other's throats2 and =notted the"sel$es into hopeless tan#les E whi9h "eant he would ha$e to #o o$er i""ense areas of the led#ers E he swit9hed on the li#ht and wor=ed till nine Stret9hin# his 9ra"ped fin#ers2 he des9ended the stair9ase and was on the road D ! ha$e been 9alled na"es ! ha$e been insulted b5 stran#ers and b5 "5 offi9er2 before e$er5one (latinu" H (latinu" H !'$e ser$ed for twent5 5ears for less than fift5 rupees a "onth D He wondered wh5 he had be9o"e so de#enerate as not to be able to earn this an5where else D Toni#ht ! will not dine without e>tra9tin# an apolo#5 fro" "5 boss Otherwise ! shall throw off this wor= ! don't 9are what happens D He had in a flash

ALL A4O!DA%LE TAL& 6<+ a $ision of his wife and 9hildren star$in# !t see"ed insi#nifi9ant to hi" now D ! will so"ehow "ana#e Open a s"all shop2 with a loan or so"ethin#2 and "ana#e so"ehow ! don't 9are D Nothin# see"ed to hi" i"portant now e>9ept redee"in# his di#nit5 as an ordinar5 hu"an bein# without an5 referen9e to his position as an a99ountant or the head of a fa"il5 He re"e"bered the lead paperwei#ht A that hurt his "ind "ore than an5thin# else He wal=ed down the tra"line2 sun= in thou#ht A tra" for Ro5apetta stopped near hi" He 9he9=ed his i"pulse to 9li"b into it and #o ho"e He let it #o He sou#ht out the bus for &ilpau= and #ot into it

!t was nearl5 ten when he rea9hed the #ates of his "aster's bun#alow D A"ber Gardens D The wat9h; "an said A D So late2 Sir H D D Yes2 !'$e to see the "aster2D he replied D !s he awa=e F D D Yes2 he has Cust had his dinner and is sittin# in the front roo" Half wa5 up2 Sastri felt uneas5 as he re9olle9ted the ad$i9e of his friend2 D A$oid all a$oidable tal= %ut he 9ould not turn ba9= now 'ate see"ed to be holdin# hi" b5 the s9ruff and propellin# hi" forward He stood in the hall His boss had spread hi"self on a sofa with a sheet of newspaper before hi" Sastri stood hesitatin# A D A$oid all a$oidable D his friend's words2 dru""in# the"sel$es throu#h his brain D Nothin# "ore a$oidable than this D he told hi"self He wished he 9ould turn ba9= and #o awa5 %etter to ta9=le hi" in the offi9e !t


is diffi9ult to tal= to a boss in his ho"e %efore he 9ould "a=e up his "ind about it2 his boss2 turnin# o$er a pa#e2 obser$ed hi" standin# "ee=l5 E he stared at hi" for a while and then said A D Sastri H H'" ! see now that 5ou ha$e enou#h sense to fed

6io ALL A4O!DA%LE TAL& sorr5 for 5our own 9ondu9t ! was thin=in# of 5ou !f ! find 5ou a#ain tal=in# ba9= to "e ! will dis"iss 5ou on the spot2 re"e"ber And a#ain2 ! find 5ou are rude to others too That "an 9o"es as=in# about platinu" settin# D D Yes2 sir2 platinu" settin#2D e9hoed Sastri D That was a "ad"an You saw "e with a paper; wei#ht in "5 hand2 while he sat before "e D Yes2 sir2 ! noti9ed it D D %ut it is none of 5our 9on9ern .hether "ad or sane2 whoe$er it "a5 be2 it is 5our business to answer politel5 whether it be about platinu"2 sil$er2 9la52 or ra# E$er5one in "5 offi9e should =now about e$er5 other depart"ent ! would ha$e dis"issed 5ou for 5our spee9h and 9ondu9t toda5 %ut 5ou ha$e sa$ed 5ourself now !t is "5 prin9iple to for#i$e a fellow who sin9erel5 repents !t is late You "a5 #o now D D ! a" $er5 #rateful to 5ou Good ni#ht2 sir2D Sastri said2 puttin# e>tre"e politeness in his tone .hile #oin# ho"e he did not feel the tediousness of the wa5 or the hour2 for he was ?uietl5 #loatin# o$er D

the fa9t that he had triu"phed o$er his stars that da5

67 'R)!T!ON AT 'ORTY RAMA Rao obtained his offi9er's per"ission to absent hi"self on the followin# da5 D Happ5 returns2D e>9lai"ed his offi9er D Honestl52 ! did not thin= 5ou were fort5 H D .al=in# down the road to the bus stand2 Ra"a Rao paused for a "inute to $iew hi"self in a lar#e "irror that blo9=ed the entran9e to a hair;9uttin# establish; "ent D ! don't loo= fort52D he told hi"self and passed on .hen he left ho"e he had not =nown that it was the e$e of his birthda5 !t was while draftin# an offi9e note that he reali@ed that the i,th of April was ahead As a rule the5 ne$er fussed o$er birthda5s at ho"e2 but this was a spe9ial e$ent A 9rossin# the fortieth "ilestone see"ed to be an e>tre"el5 si#nifi9ant affair2 whi9h deser$ed to be "ar=ed down with feastin# and holida5 At (arr5's 3orner he stru##led into a bus and hun# on to a strap D Good thin# we were "on=e5s on9e2D he refle9ted D Otherwise how 9ould we perfor" our din#in#2 and han#in# down E e>a9tl5 the operations of a "on=e52 the onl5 differen9e bein# that the5 #et on s"oothl5 in a herd while we D The 9ondu9tor had tried to push hi" out2 so"ebod5 s?uee@ed his sides and s9owled at hi"2 and so"eone was repeatedl5 tr5in# to stand on his toes2 and the dri$er was an

6*6 'R)!T!ON AT 'ORTY to rattle the passen#ers to their bones b5 stoppin# and startin# with fier9e Cer=s Ra"a Rao wri##led throu#h and fou#ht his wa5 out when the bus stopped at 3entral Station He wal=ed down to Moore Mar=et for a little shoppin# Nobod5 at ho"e =new of his birthda5 He would surprise the" with #ifts E printed sil= pie9es2 9oloured ribbons2 buildin# blo9=s2 and sweets !t would be su9h a no$elt52 #i$in# #ifts instead of re9ei$in# He "ust also bu5 $e#etables and pro$isions for a "odest feast !t was #oin# to be a ?uiet fa"il5 part5 and if the 9hildren were dis; in9lined to #o to s9hool he would not for9e the"

He went round the Moore Mar=et 9orridor2 for a preli"inar5 sur$e5 D Shall bu5 $e#etables last2D he told hi"self He went into a 9loth shop and de"anded to be shown printed sil= and sele9ted three or four bits The bill was "ade up As he s9rutini@ed the ite"s his hand went into his po9=et to brin# out the purse !t was not in its pla9e He returned the pa9=a#e He wal=ed out of Moore Mar=et2 ra"bled ai"lessl52 his "ind all in a boil He sou#ht a par= ben9h and sat down2 tr5in# to re9olle9t when he had last ta=en out his purse D Must ha$e brushed a#ainst a pi9=;po9=et in the bus2D he told hi"self He felt depressed He loo=ed about A a "endi9ant was sleepin# on another ben9h2 so"e 9hildren were #leefull5 destro5in# a flower bed D So"e pi9=;po9=et to depri$e "e of "5 fortieth birthda5 H D He felt an#r5 with the per$erse fates whi9h "essed up and destro5ed all one's plans (eople said fort5 was a "an's best a#e E$er5 one attained "aturit5 of "ind and bod5 A "an's habits were fi>ed2 his preCudi9es and fa$ours were solidified on9e for all A and his hu"an relationships were well

'R)!T!ON AT 'ORTY 6*8 defined and would be free fro" sho9=s and surprises Ra"a Rao dwelt on all these fruitions of fort5 and was filled with "is#i$in#s D .hat ha$e ! a9hie$ed at fort5 F ! ha$e li$ed si>teen 5ears be5ond the point "ar=ed b5 the statisti9ian as the e>pe9tation of life for an !ndian ! ha$e 9o"pleted three ?uarters of the lon#e$it5 of "5 elders .hat ha$e ! a9hie$ed F D He brooded o$er it and answered D ! ha$e four 9hildren2 the eldest reads in a 9olle#e The wife has all the Ceweller5 she had as=ed for ! ha$e risen to be the head of "5 se9tion in the offi9e 5et ! li$e onl5 in a rented house The "arria#e of "5 dau#hter and the 9areer of "5 son will ha$e to be ta9=led b5 "e within fi$e 5ears A" ! #ood for it F D He was filled with 9onsternation at bein# fort52 at the duties that were definitel5 e>pe9ted of hi" be9ause he was supposed to ha$e rea9hed "aturit5 He beat his brow at this thou#ht He wondered if he had reall5 9han#ed He 9ast his "ind ba9= The earliest birthda5 he 9ould re"e"ber was the one when his father had presented hi" with a #litterin# la9e 9ap E then there was his twentieth birthda5 soon after his % A 2 when he resol$ed he would not be this or that E it was a 9atalo#ue of D ! won't this or that D a"on# the" he 9ould onl5 re9olle9t that he had resol$ed ne$er to "arr5 and ne$er to ta=e up an5 e"plo5"ent unless the5 offered hi" three hundred rupees for a start2 so"e Cob whi9h would put hi" on a swi$el 9hair

behind a #lass door And then his thirtieth birthda5 when he was sei@ed with pani9 as he reali@ed that he was a father of three He then belie$ed that thin#s would so"ehow be 9lear;9ut and settled at fort5 And now here he was .hat was it #oin# to be li=e at fift5 or si>t5 F Thin#s would re"ain Cust the sa"e

7*, 'R)!T!ON AT 'ORTY !f one did not worr5 about oneself one started worr5in# o$er 9hildren and #rand;9hildren Thin#s did not 9han#e Ra"a Rao did not feel that the person who was pleased with the #ift of a la9e 9ap was in an5 wa5 different fro" the one who felt a thrill when the offi9e 9o""uni9ated an in9re"ent The bein# who felt the ho"e;tutor's "ali9ious #rip now felt the sa"e e"otion when the Offi9er 9alled hi" up in a bad te"per Deep within he felt the sa"e an>iet5 and ti"idit5 and he wondered how his wife and 9hildren 9ould e$er loo= up to hi" for support at all He suddenl5 felt that he had not been #rowin# and 9han#in# !t was an illusion of his appearan9e 9aused b5 a 9han#e of 9url5 hair into #re5 hair2 and b5 the wearin# of lon#er 9lothes This reali@ation brou#ht to his "ind a profound relief2 and destro5ed all notions of 5ears E at the "o"ent a birthda5 had no "ore si#nifi9an9e and fi>it5 than lines "ar=ed in the air with one's fin#ers He de9ided not to "ention to an5one at ho"e that it was his birthda5 As he wal=ed ba9= ho"e his "ind was still worried about the purse After all onl5 twent5 rupees and an old purse 9ontainin# re9eipts2 but his wife would positi$el5 #et distra9ted if she heard of the loss Last ti"e when he 9ould not a99ount for fi$e rupees after a shoppin# e>pedition she 9o"pletel5 bro=e down She "ust on no a99ount be told of the present loss He would =eep her "ind free and happ5 that would be the birthda5 #ift for her =eepin# awa5 fro" her the theft of the purse Cust as the purse itself was a #ift to an un=nown pi9=;po9=et He went ho"e late2 sin9e he had to wal= all the wa5 D Held up b5 une>pe9ted business on the wa52D he e>plained Ne>t "ornin# he went P+ bis pffi99 f#

'R)!T!ON AT 'ORTY 6*1 usual D Your birthda5 o$er F D as=ed his 9hief D Yes2 sir2 o$er earlier than ! e>pe9ted2D he e>plained D 4er5 #ood2D said his offi9er D ! was hopin# 5ou would turn up for at least half;a;da52 a lot of thin#s to do D D ! =new that2 sir2D Ra"a Rao said2 #oin#

to his des=

6+ 3R!ME AND ()N!SHMENT D T A THAT is si>teen and three "ultipliedF D%as=ed 5 4 the tea9her The bo5 blin=ed The tea9her persisted2 and the bo5 pro"ptl5 answered A D Twent5; four2D with2 as it see"ed to the tea9her2 a wi9=ed s"ile on his lips The bo5 e$identl5 was tr5in# to fool hi" and was #oin# 9ontrar5 on purpose He had 9orre9ted this error repeatedl52 and now the bo5 persisted in sa5in# D Twent5;four D How 9ould this fellow be "ade to obtain fift5 in the 9lass test and #o up b5 double;pro"otion to the first for"2 as his parents fondl5 hoped F At the "ention of D Twent5;four D the tea9her felt all his blood rushin# to his head He 9ontrolled hi"self2 and as=ed a#ain A D How "u9h F D as a last 9han9e .hen the bo5 said the sa"e thin# obstinatel52 he felt as if his fin#er was releasin# the tri##er A he rea9hed a9ross the table2 and deli$ered a wholeso"e slap on the 5oun#ster's 9hee= The bo5 #a@ed at hi" for a "o"ent and then burst into tears The tea9her now re#ained his nor"al $ision2 felt appalled b5 his own a9tion2 and be##ed franti9all5 A D Don't 9r52 little fellow2 5ou "ustn't D D ! will tell the"2D sobbed the bo5 D Oh2 no2 no2 no2D appealed the tea9her He loo=ed about 9autiousl5 'ortunatel5 this nurser5 was at a little distan9e fro" the "ain buildin# D !'ll tell "5 "other2D said the bo5 6*:

3R!ME AND ()N!SHMENT 6*A99ordin# to the parents2 the bo5 wasNa little an#el2 all di"ples2 s"iles2 and sweetness onl5 win#s la9=in# He was their onl5 9hild2 the5 had abundant affe9tion and a"ple "one5 The5 built up a nurser52 bou#ht hi" e>pensi$e to5s2 fitted up "iniature furniture sets2 #a$e hi" a s"all pedal "otor;9ar to #o about in all o$er the #arden The5 filled up his 9upboard with all =inds of sweets and bis9uits2 and left it to his #ood sense to de$our the" "oderatel5 The5 belie$ed a #reat deal in lea$in# thin#s that wa5 D You "ust ne$er set up an5 sort of 9ontrariness or repression in the 9hild's "ind2D de9lared the parents D You'll da"a#e hi" for life !t no doubt re?uires a

lot of dis9ipline on our part2 but it is worth it2D the5 de9lared pri"l5 D .e shall be brin#in# up a health5 9iti@en D D Yes2 5es2D the tea9her a#reed outwardl52 feelin# "ore and "ore 9on$in9ed e$er5 da5 that what the little fellow needed to "a=e hi" a nor"al 9iti@en was not 9aColin# but an anna worth of 9ane2 for whi9h he was prepared to ad$an9e the outla5 To the tea9her it was a life of utter tra$ail the onl5 relie$in# feature in the whole business was the thirt5 rupees the5 paid hi" on e$er5 first da5 !t too= hi" in all three hours e$er5 e$enin# of whi9h the first half an hour he had to listen to the 9hild;ps59holo#5 theories of the parents The father had written a thesis on infant; ps59holo#5 for his M A 2 and the lad5 had studied a #reat deal of it for her % A The5 le9tured to hi" e$er5 da5 on their theories2 and he #ot "ore and "ore the feelin# that the5 wanted hi" to deal with the bo5 as if he were "ade of thin #lass He had to pretend that he a#reed with the"2 while his own pri$ate $iew was that he was in 9har#e of a little #orilla

6i7 3R!ME AND ()N!SHMENT Now the tea9her did not =now how to ?uieten the bo52 who =ept sobbin# He felt desperate He told the 5oun#ster2 D You "ust not 9r5 for these triflin# "atters2 5ou "ust be li=e a soldier D D A soldier will shoot with a #un if he is hit2D said the bo5 in repl5 The tea9her treated it as a Co=e and lau#hed artifi9iall5 The bo5 9au#ht the infe9tion and lau#hed too This eased the situation so"ewhat D Go and wash 5our fa9e2D su##ested the tea9her a fine blue por9elain 9loset was atta9hed to the nurser5 The bo5 disobe5ed and 9o""anded A D 3lose the lessons toda5 D The tea9her was a#hast D No2 no2D he 9ried D Then2 ! will #o and tell "5 "other2D threatened the bo5 He pushed the 9hair ba9= and #ot up The tea9her rushed up to hi" and held hi" down D M5 dear fellow2 !'$e to be here for another hour D The bo5 said A DAll ri#ht2 wat9h "e put the en#ine on its rails D D !f 5our father 9o"es in2D said the tea9her D Tell hi" it is an en#ine lesson2D said the bo5 and s"iled "ali9iousl5 He went o$er to his 9upboard2 opened it2 and too= out his train set2 and started asse"blin# the tra9= He wound the en#ine and put it down2 and it went round and round D You are the Station Master2D pro9lai"ed the bo5 D No2 no2D

9ried the tea9her D You ha$e 5our tests the da5 after to"orrow D The bo5 "erel5 s"iled in a superior wa5 and repeated D .ill 5ou be a Station Master or not F D The tea9her was anno5ed D ! won't be a Station Master2D he said defiantl52 whereupon the 5oun# fellow said A D Oh2 oh2 is that what 5ou sa5 F D He #entl5 tou9hed his 9hee=2 and "ur"ured A D !t is painin# "e here awfull52 ! "ust see "5 "other D He

3R!ME AND ()N!SHMENT 6*+ "ade a "o$e"ent towards wat9hed hi" with a dull 9hee= was still red So want "e to be a Station ha$e to do F D the door The tea9her desperation The bo5's he said A D Don't bo5 You MasterF .hat shall !

The bo5 dire9ted2 D .hen the train 9o"es to 5our station2 5ou "ust blow the whistle and 9r5 9 En#ine Dri$er2 stop the train There are a lot of people toda5 who ha$e bou#ht ti9=ets ' D The tea9her hun9hed up in a 9orner and obe5ed He #rew tired of the position and the #a"e in thirt5 "inutes2 and #ot up2 "u9h to the displeasure of his pupil Lu9=il5 for hi" the en#ine also suddenl5 refused to "o$e The bo5 handed it to hi"2 as he went ba9= to his seat and said A D Repair it2 sir D He turned it about in his hand and said A D ! 9an't ! =now nothin# about it D D !t "ust #o2D said the bo5 fir"l5 The tea9her felt desperate He was absolutel5 non;"e9hani9al He 9ould not turn the si"plest s9rew if it was to sa$e his life The bo5 sta"ped his foot i"patientl5 and waited li=e a t5rant The tea9her put it awa5 definitel5 with A D ! 9an't and ! won't D The bo5 i""ediatel5 swit9hed on to another de"and D Tell "e a stor5 D D You ha$en't done a su" !t is 7 8< D

D ! don't 9are for su"s2D said the bo52 D Tell "e a stor5 D D No D

The bo5 9alled2 D Appa H Appa H D D .h5 are 5ou shoutin# li=e that for 5our father F D D ! ha$e so"ethin# to tell hi"2 so"ethin# i"; portant D The tea9her waa obli#ed to be#in the stor5 of a

66< 3R!ME AND ()N!SHMENT bison and a ti#er2 and then he passed on and the 'ort5 Thie$es2 and Aladin's La"p listened rapt2 and ordered A D ! want to stor5 of the bison a#ain !t is #ood tea9her was short of breath He had done the da5 si> hours of tea9hin# at s9hool !'$e lost all "5 breath D to All %aba The bo5 hear the D The durin# D To"orrow

D Oh H All ri#ht !'ll #o and tell D e>9lai"ed the bo5 E he #ot up and started runnin# all of a sudden towards the house2 and the tea9her started after hi" The bo5 was too fast for hi"2 wheeled about "adl52 and "ade the tea9her run round the #arden thri9e The tea9her loo=ed beaten The bo5 too= pit5 on hi" and stopped near the rose bush %ut the "o"ent he went up and tried to put his hand on hi"2 the bo5 darted throu#h and ran off !t was a hopeless pursuit E the bo5 enCo5ed it i""ensel52 lau#hin# fiendishl5 The tea9her's fa9e was flushed and he #asped un9o"fortabl5 He felt a dar=ness swellin# up around hi" He san= down on the porti9o step At this "o"ent father and "other e"er#ed fro" the house D .hat is the "atter F D The tea9her stru##led up to his feet aw=wardl5 He was still pantin# badl5 and 9ould not tal= He had alread5 "ade up his "ind that he would 9onfess and ta=e the 9onse?uen9e2 rather than stand the bla9="ail b5 this bo5 !t see"ed less forbiddin# to throw hi"self at the "er95 of the 9iders The5 loo=ed en?uirin#l5 at the bo5 and as=ed A D .h5 ha$e 5ou been runnin# in the #arden at this hour F D The bo5 loo=ed "is9hie$ousl5 at the tea9her The tea9her 9leared his throat and said A D ! will e>plain D He was tr5in# to find the words for his senten9e The father

3R!ME AND ()N!SHMENT 66* as=ed A D How's he preparin# for his test in arith"eti9 F D On hearin# the word D test D the bo5's fa9e fell E he unobtrusi$el5 slun= behind his parents and b5 loo= and #estures appealed to the tea9her not to betra5 hi" He loo=ed so patheti9 and desperate that the tea9her replied D Onl5 please let hi" "u# up the * :th table a little "ore He is all ri#ht He will pull throu#h D The bo5 loo=ed relie$ed The tea9her saw his #rateful fa9e2 felt 9onfident that the bo5 would not #i$e hi" up now2 and said A D Good;ni#ht2 sir E we finished our lessons earl52 and

! was Cust pla5in# about with the 9hild to =eep up his spirits 5ou =now D


8< )NDER THE %ANYAN TREE r Q TrfE $illa#e So"al2 nestlin# awa5 in the forest LL tra9ts of Me"pi2 had a population of less than three hundred !t was in e$er5 wa5 a $illa#e to "a=e the heart of a rural refor"er sin= !ts tan=2 a s"all e>panse of water2 ri#ht in the "iddle of the $illa#e2 ser$ed for drin=in#2 bathin#2 and washin# the 9attle2 and it bred "alaria2 t5phoid2 and hea$en =new what else The 9otta#es sprawled an5how and the lanes twisted and wri##led up and down and stran#led ea9h other The population used the hi#hwa5 as the refuse #round and in the ba9=5ard of e$er5 house drain water sta#nated in #reen puddles Su9h was the $illa#e !t is li=el5 that the people of the $illa#e were insensiti$e A but it is "ore than li=el5 that the5 ne$er noti9ed their surroundin#s be9ause the5 li$ed in a =ind of perpetual en9hant"ent The en9hanter was Na"bi2 the stor5;teller He was a "an of about si>t5 or se$ent5 Or was he ei#ht5 or one hundred and ei#ht5 F .ho 9ould sa5 F !n a pla9e so "u9h 9ut off as So"al /the nearest bus;stop was ten "iles awa50 re9=onin# 9ould hardl5 be in the fa"iliar "easures of ti"e !f an5one as=ed Na"bi what his a#e was he referred to an an9ient fa"ine or an in$asion or the buildin# of a brid#e and indi9ated how hi#h he haML stood fro" the #round at the ti"e 666

)NDER THE %ANYAN TREE 6B8 He was illiterate2 in the sense that the written word was a "5ster5 to hi" E but he 9ould "a=e up a stor52 in his head2 at the rate of one a "onth E ea9h stor5 too= nearl5 ten da5s to narrate His ho"e was die little te"ple whi9h was at the $er5 end of the $illa#e No one 9ould sa5 how he had 9o"e to re#ard hi"self as the owner of the te"ple The te"ple was a $er5 s"all stru9ture with red;striped walls2 with a stone i"a#e of the Goddess2 Sha=ti2 in the san9tu" The front portion of the te"ple was Na"bi's ho"e 'or au#ht it "attered an5 pla9e "i#ht be his ho"e E for he was without possessions All that he possessed was a broo" with whi9h he swept the te"ple E and he had also a 9ouple ofdhotits

and upper 9loth He spent "ost part of the da5 in the shade of the ban5an whi9h spread out its bran9hes in front of the te"ple .hen he felt hun#r5 he wal=ed into an5 house that 9au#ht his fan95 and Coined the fa"il5 at dinner .hen he needed new 9lothes the5 were brou#ht to hi" b5 the $illa#ers He hardl5 e$er had to #o out in sear9h of 9o"pan5E for the ban5an shade ser$ed as a 9lub house for the $illa#e fol= All throu#h the da5 people 9a"e see=in# Na"bi's 9o"pan5 and s?uatted under the tree !f he was in a "ood for it he listened to their tal= and entertained the" with his own obser$ations and ane9dotes .hen he was in no "ood he loo=ed at the $isitors sourl5 and as=ed2 D .hat do 5ou thin= ! a" F Don't bla"e "e if 5ou #et no stor5 at the ne>t "oon )nless ! "editate how 9an the Goddess #i$e "e a stor5F Do 5ou thin= stories float in the air F D E and "o$ed out to the ed#e of the forest and s?uatted there 9onte"platin# the trees Oa 'rida5 e$enin#s the $illa#e turned up at the

66, )NDER THE %ANYAN TREE te"ple for worship2 when Na"bi lit a s9ore of "ud la"ps and arran#ed the" around the threshold of the san9tuar5 He de9orated the i"a#e with flowers2 whi9h #rew wildl5 in the ba9=5ard of the te"ple He a9ted as the priest and offered to the Goddess fruits and flowers brou#ht in b5 the $illa#ers On the ni#hts he had a stor5 to tell he lit a s"all la"p and pla9ed it in a ni9he in the trun= of the ban5an tree 4illa#ers as the5 returned ho"e in the e$enin#s saw this2 went ho"e2 and said to their wi$es2 D Now2 now2 hurr5 up with the dinner2 the stor5;teller is 9allin# us D As the "oon 9rept up behind the hillo9=2 "en2 wo"en and 9hildren2 #athered under the ban5an tree The stor5;teller would not appear 5et He would be sittin# in the san9tu"2 before the Goddess2 with his e5es shut2 in deep "editation He sat thus as lon# as he li=ed and when he 9a"e out2 with his forehead abla@e with ash and $er"ilion2 he too= his seat on a stone platfor" in front of the te"ple He opened the stor5 with a ?uestion Ler=in# his fin#er towards a $a#ue2 far;awa5 destination2 he as=ed2 D A thousand 5ears a#o2 a stone's throw in that dire9tion2 what do 5ou thin= there was F !t was not the weed;9o$ered waste it is now2 R for don=e5s to roll in !t was not the ash;pit it is now !t was the 9apital of the =in# 2 D The =in# would be Dasaratha2 4i=ra"adit5a2 Aso=a2 or an5one that 9a"e into the old "an's head E the 9apital was 9alled &apila2 &ridapura2 or an5thin# Openin# thus the old "an went on without a pause for three hours

%5 then bri9= b5 bri9= the pala9e of the =in# was raised The old "an des9ribed the da@@lin# durbar hall where sat a hundred $assal =in#s2 "inisters2 and subCe9ts E in another part of the pala9e all the "usi9ians

)NDER THE %ANYAN TREE 661 in the world asse"bled and san# E and "ost of the son#s were sun# o$er a#ain b5 Na"bi to his audien9e E and he des9ribed in detail the pi9tures and trophies that hun# on the walls of the pala9e !t was stor5;buildin# on an epi9 s9ale The first da5 barel5 9on$e5ed the settin# of the tale2 and Na"bi's audien9e as 5et had no idea who were all 9o"in# into the stor5 As the "oon slipped behind the trees of Me"pi 'orest Na"bi said2 D Now friends2 Mother sa5s this will do for the da5 D He abruptl5 rose2 went in2 la5 down2 and fell asleep lon# before the babble of the 9rowd 9eased The li#ht in the ni9he would a#ain be seen two or three da5s later2 and a#ain and a#ain throu#hout the bri#ht half of the "onth &in#s and heroes2 $illains and fair5;li=e wo"en2 #ods in hu"an for"2 saints and assassins2 Costled ea9h other in that world whi9h was 9reated under the ban5an tree Na"bi's $oi9e rose and fell in an e>?uisite rh5th"2 and the "oonli#ht and the hour 9o"pleted the "a#i9 The $illa#ers lau#hed with Na"bi2 the5 wept with hi"2 the5 adored the heroes2 9ursed the $illains2 #roaned when the 9onspirator had his initial su99ess2 and the5 sent up to the #ods a heartfelt pra5er for a happ5 endin# On the last da5 when the stor5 ended2 the whole #atherin# went into the san9tu" and prostrated before the Goddess %5 the ti"e the ne>t "oon peeped o$er the hillo9= Na"bi was read5 with another stor5 He ne$er repeated the sa"e =ind of stor5 or brou#ht in the sa"e set of persons2 and the $illa#e fol= 9onsidered Na"bi a sort of "ira9le2 ?uoted his words of wisdo"2 and li$ed on the whole in an e>alted plane of their own2 thou#h their life in all other respe9ts was hard and drab

66: )NDER THE %ANYAN TREE And 5et it had #one on for 5ears and 5earsB And one "oon he lit the la"p in the tree The audien9e 9a"e The old "an too= his seat and be#an the stor5 D .hen &in# 4i=ra"adit5a li$ed2 his "inister was D He paused He 9ould not #et

be5ond it He "ade a fresh be#innin# D There was the =in# D he said2 repeated it2 and then his words trailed off into a $a#ue "u"blin# D .hat has 9o"e o$er "e F D he as=ed patheti9all5 D Oh2 Mother2 #reat Mother2 wh5 do ! stu"ble and falter F ! =now the stor5 ! had the whole of it a "o"ent a#o .hat was it about F ! 9an't understand what has happened F D He faltered and loo=ed so "iserable that his audien9e said2 D Ta=e 5our own ti"e You are perhaps tired D D Shut up H D he 9ried D A" ! tired F .ait a "o"ent E ! will tell 5ou the stor5 presentl5 D 'ollowin# this there was utter silen9e Ea#er fa9es loo=ed up at hi" D Don't loo= at "e H D he flared up So"ebod5 #a$e hi" a tu"bler of "il= The audien9e waited patientl5 This was a new e>perien9e So"e persons e>pressed their s5"path5 aloud So"e persons be#an to tal= a"on# the"sel$es Those who sat in the outer ed#e of the 9rowd silentl5 slipped awa5 Graduall52 as it neared "idni#ht2 others followed this e>a"ple Na"bi sat starin# at the #round2 his head bowed in thou#ht 'or the first ti"e he reali@ed that he was old He felt he would ne$er "ore be able to 9ontrol his thou#ht or e>press the" 9o#entl5 He loo=ed up E$er5one had #one e>9ept his friend Man the bla9=s"ith D Man2 wh5 aren't 5ou also #oneFD Mari apolo#i@ed for the rest A D The5 didn't want to tire 5ou E so the5 ha$e #one awa5 D

)NDER THE %ANYAN TREE P6Na"bi #ot up D You ar9 ri#ht To"orrow ! will "a=e it up A#e2 a#e .hat is "5 a#eF !t has 9o"e on suddenl5 D He pointed at his head and said2 D This sa5s ' Old fool2 don't thin= ! shall be 5our ser$ant an5 "ore You will be "5 ser$ant hereafter B !t is disobedient and trea9herous D He lit the la"p in the ni9he ne>t da5 The 9rowd asse"bled under the ban5an faithfull5 Na"bi had spent the whole da5 in "editation He had been fer$entl5 pra5in# to the Goddess not to desert hi" He be#an the stor5 He went on for an hour without a stop He felt #reatl5 relie$ed2 so "u9h so that he interrupted his narration to re"ar=2 D Oh2 friends The Mother is alwa5s =ind ! was sei@ed with a foolish fear D and 9ontinued the stor5 !n a few "inutes he felt dried up He stru##led hard A D And then and then what happened F D He sta""ered There followed a pause lastin# an hour The audien9e rose without a word and went ho"e The old "an sat on the stone broodin# till the 9o9=

9rew D ! 9an't bla"e the" for it2D he "uttered to hi"self D 3an the5 sit down here and "ope all ni#ht F D Two da5s later he #a$e another instal"ent of the stor52 and that2 too2 lasted onl5 a few "inutes The #atherin# dwindled 'ewer persons be#an to ta=e noti9e of the la"p in the ni9he E$en these 9a"e onl5 out of a sense of dut5 Na"bi reali@ed that there was no use in prolon#in# the stru##le He brou#ht the stor5 to a speed5 and pre"ature end He reali@ed what was happenin# He was harrowed b5 the thou#hts of his failure D ! should ha$e been happier if ! had dropped dead 5ears a#oI + he said to hi"self D Mother2 wh5 ha$e 5ou stru9= "e du"bA F D He shut hi"self up in the san9tu"2

)NDER THE %ANYAN TREE hardl5 ate an5 food2 and spent the #reater part of the da5 sittin# "otionless in "editation The ne>t "oon peeped o$er the hillo9=2 Na"bi lit the la"p in the ni9he The $illa#ers as the5 returned ho"e saw the la"p2 but onl5 a handful turned up at ni#ht D .here are the others F D the old "an as=ed D Let us wait D He waited The "oon 9a"e up His handful of audien9e waited patientl5 And then the old "an said2 D ! won't tell the stor5 toda52 nor to"orrow unless the whole $illa#e 9o"es here ! insist upon it !t is a "i#ht5 stor5 E$er5one "ust hear it D Ne>t da5 he went up and down the $illa#e street shoutin#2 D ! ha$e a "ost wonderful tale to tell toni#ht Go"e one and all E don't "iss it D This personal appeal had a #reat effe9t At ni#ht a lar#e 9rowd #athered under the ban5an The5 were happ5 that the stor5;teller had re#ained his powers Na"bi 9a"e out of the te"ple when e$er5one had settled and said A D !t is the Mother who #i$es the #ifts E and it is SheBwho ta=es awa5 the #ifts Na"bi is a dotard He spea=s when the Mother has an5thin# to sa5 He is stru9= du"b when She has nothin# to sa5 %ut what is the use of the Cas"ine when it has lost its s9ent F .hat is the la"p for when all the oil is #one F Goddess be than=ed These are "5 last words on this earth E and this is "5 #reatest stor5 D sHe rose and went into the san9tu" His audien9e , hardl5 understood what he "eant The5 sat there till the5 be9a"e wear5 And then so"e of the" #ot up and stepped into the san9tu" There the stor5;teller sat with his e5es shut D Aren't 5ou #oin# to tell us a stor5 F D the5 as=ed He opened his e5es2 loo=ed at the"2 and shoo= his head He indi9ated b5 #esture that he had spo=en his last words



.hen he felt hun#r5 he wal=ed into an5 9otta#e and silentl5 sat down for food2 and wal=ed awa5 the "o"ent he had eaten %e5ond this he had hardl5 an5thin# to de"and of his fellow;bein#s The rest of his life /he li$ed for a few "ore 5ears0 was one #reat 9onsu""ate silen9e

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Full text of "An Astrologers Day"

AN ASTROLOGER'S DAY and other stories

Most of these stories were fast published in the Hindu of Madras ! a" #rateful to its Editor for per"ission to

reprint the" in this $olu"e

TH!S %OO& '!RST ()%L!SHED Of *+,- !S (R!NTED !N GREAT %R!TA!N


3ONTENTS (AGE * 6 8 , 1 : 7 + *< * * *6 *8 *, *1 *: ** 7 *+ 6< 6* An Astrolo#er's Da5 i The Missin# Mail 7 The Do9tor's .ord *Gate"an's Gift 6, The Ro"an !"a#e 81 The %lind Do# ,1 'ellow;'eelin# 16 The .at9h"an :* The Ti#er's 3law :The (erfor"in# 3hild -1 !swaran 76 The E$enin# Gift +6 A Sna=e in the Grass *<< An A99ident *<, Su9h (erfe9tion *<+ A 3areer **1 'ather's Help *61 The Sna=e;Son# *8, 'ort5;fi$e a Month *,< Dasi the %ride#roo" *,7 Old Man of the Te"ple *1:

3ONTENTS (AOE 66 68 6, 61 6: 667 6+ 8< Out of %usiness *:, Old %ones *-* Attila *-7 The A>e *71 En#ine Trouble *+8 All A$oidable Tal= 6<8 'ruition at 'ort5 6** Gri"e and (unish"ent 6*: )nder the %an5an Tree 666

AN ASTROLOGER'S DAY ()N3T)ALLY at "idda5 he opened his ba# and spread out his professional e?uip"ent2 whi9h 9on; sisted of a do@en 9owrie shells2 a s?uare pie9e of 9loth with obs9ure "5sti9 9harts on it2 a noteboo=2 and a bundle of pal"5ra writin# His forehead was re; splendent with sa9red ash and $er"ilion2 and his e5es spar=led with a sharp abnor"al #lea" whi9h was reall5 an out9o"e of a 9ontinual sear9hin# loo= for 9usto"ers2 but whi9h his si"ple 9lients too= to be a propheti9 li#ht and felt 9o"forted The power of his e5es was 9onsiderabl5 enhan9ed b5 their position pla9ed as the5 were between the painted forehead and the dar= whis=ers whi9h strea"ed down his 9hee=s A e$en a half;wit's e5es would spar=le in su9h a settin# To 9rown the effe9t he wound a saffron;9oloured turban around his head This 9olour s9he"e ne$er failed (eople were attra9ted to hi" as bees are attra9ted to 9os"os or dahlia stal=s He sat under the bou#hs of a spreadin# ta"arind tree whi9h flan=ed a path runnin# throu#h the Town Hall (ar= !t was a re"ar=able pla9e in "an5 wa5s A a sur#in# 9rowd was alwa5s "o$in# up and down this narrow road "ornin# till ni#htB A $ariet5 of trades and o99upations was represented all alon# its wa5 A "edi9ine sellers2 sellers

6 AN ASTROLOGER'S DAY of stolen hardware and Cun=2 "a#i9ians2 and2 abo$e all2

an au9tioneer of 9heap doth2 who 9reated enou#h din all da5 to attra9t the whole town Ne>t to hi" in $o9iferousness 9a"e a $endor of fried #roundnut2 who #a$e his ware a fan95 na"e ea9h da52 9allin# it D %o"ba5 !9e;3rea" D one da52 and on the ne>t D Delhi Al"ond2D and on the third D RaCa's Deli9a952D and so on and so forth2 and people flo9=ed to hi" A 9onsiderable portion of this 9rowd dallied before the astrolo#er too The astrolo#er transa9ted his business b5 the li#ht of a flare whi9h 9ra9=led and s"o=ed up abo$e the #roundnut heap nearb5 Half the en9hantB "ent of the pla9e was due to the fa9t that it did not ha$e the benefit of "uni9ipal li#htin# The pla9e was lit up b5 shop li#hts One or two had hissin# #asli#hts2 so"e had na=ed flares stu9= on poles2 so"e were lit up b5 old 959le la"ps2 and one or two2 li=e the astrolo#er's2 "ana#ed without li#hts of their own !t was a be; wilderin# 9riss;9ross of li#ht ra5s and "o$in# shadows This suited the astrolo#er $er5 well2 for the si"ple reason that he had not in the least intended to be an astrolo#er when he be#an life E and he =new no "ore of what was #oin# to happen to others than he =new what was #oin# to happen to hi"self ne>t "inute He was as "u9h a stran#er to the stars as were his inno9ent 9usto"ers Yet he said thin#s whi9h pleased and astonished e$er5one A that was "ore a "atter of stud52 pra9ti9e2 and shrewd #uesswor= All the sa"e2 it was as "u9h an honest "an's labour as an5 other2 and he deser$ed the wa#es he 9arried ho"e at the end of a da5 He had left his $illa#e without an5 pre$ious thou#ht or plan !f he had 9ontinued there he would ha$e 9arried on the wor= of his forefathers na"el52 tillin# the land2 li$in#2 "arr5in#2 and ripenin# in his 9ornfield

AN ASTROLOGERS DAY 8 and an9estral ho"e %ut that was not to be He had to lea$e ho"e without tellin# an5one2 and he 9ould not rest till he left it behind a 9ouple of hundred "iles To a $illa#er it is a #reat deal2 as if an o9ean flowed between He had a wor=in# anal5sis of "an=ind's troubles A "arria#e2 "one52 and the tan#les of hu"an ties Lon# pra9ti9e had sharpened his per9eption .ithin fi$e "inutes he understood what was wron# He 9har#ed three pies per ?uestion2 ne$er opened his "outh till the other had spo=en for at least ten "inutes2 whi9h pro$ided hi" enou#h stuff for a do@en answers and ad$i9es .hen he told the person before hi"2 #a@in# at his pal"2 D !n "an5 wa5s 5ou are not #ettin# the fullest results for 5our efforts2D nine out of ten were disposed to a#ree with hi" Or he ?uestioned A D !s there an5 wo"an in 5our fa"il52 "a5be e$en a distant relati$e2 who is not well disposed towards 5ou F D Or

he #a$e an anal5sis of 9hara9ter A D Most of 5our troubles are due to 5our nature How 9an 5ou be otherwise with Saturn where he is F You ha$e an i"petuous nature and a rou#h e>terior D This en; deared hi" to their hearts i""ediatel52 forE e$en the "ildest of us lo$es to thin= that he has a forbiddin# e>terior The nuts $endor blew out his flare and rose to #o ho"e This was a si#nal for the astrolo#er to bundle up too2 sin9e it left hi" in dar=ness e>9ept for a little shaft of #reen li#ht whi9h stra5ed in fro" so"ewhere and tou9hed the #round before hi" He pi9=ed up his 9owrie shells and paraphernalia and was puttin# the" ba9= into his ba# when the #reen shaft of li#ht was blotted out E he loo=ed up and saw a "an standin# before hi" He sensed a possible 9lient and said A

, AN ASTROLOGER'S DAY D You loo= so 9areworn !t will do 5ou #ood to sit down for a while and 9hat with "e D The other #ru"bled so"e repl5 $a#uel5 The astrolo#er pressed his in$itation E whereupon the other thrust his pal" under his nose2 sa5in# A D You 9all 5ourself an astrolo#er F D The astrolo#er felt 9hallen#ed and said2 tiltin# the other's pal" towards the #reen shaft of li#ht A D Yours is a nature D D Oh2 stop that2D the other said D Tell "e so"ethin# worth while D Our friend felt pi?ued D ! 9har#e onl5 three pies per ?uestion2 and what 5ou #et ou#ht to be #ood enou#h for 5our "one5 D At this the other withdrew his ar"2 too= out an anna2 and flun# it out to hi"2 sa5in# A D ! ha$e so"e ?uestions to as= !f ! pro$e 5ou are bluffin#2 5ou "ust return that anna to "e with interest D D !f 5ou find "5 answers satisfa9tor52 will 5ou #i$e "e fi$e rupees F D D No D D Or will 5ou #i$e "e ei#ht annas F D D All ri#ht2 pro$ided 5ou #i$e "e twi9e as "u9h if 5ou are wron#2D said the stran#er This pa9t was a99epted after a little further ar#u"ent The astrolo#er sent up a pra5er to hea$en as the other lit a 9heroot The astrolo#er 9au#ht a #li"pse of his fa9e b5 the "at9hli#ht There was a pause as 9ars hooted on the roGdCut=a dri$ers swore at their horses2 and the babble of the 9rowd a#itated the se"i;dar=ness of the par= The other sat down2 su9=in# his 9heroot2 puffin# out2 sat there ruthlessl5 The astrolo#er felt $er5 un9o";

fortable D Here2 ta=e 5our anna ba9= ! a" not used to su9h 9hallen#es !t is late for "e toda5 He "ade preparations to bundle up The other held his wrist and said A D You 9an't #et out of it now

D You

AN ASTROLOGER'S DAY 1 dra##ed "e in while ! was passin# D The astrolo#er shi$ered in his #rip E and his $oi9e shoo= and be9a"e faint D Lea$e "e toda5 ! will spea= to 5ou to; "orrow D The other thrust his pal" in his fa9e and said A D 3hallen#e is 9hallen#e Go on D The as; trolo#er pro9eeded with his throat dr5in# up A D There is a wo"an D D Stop2D said the other D ! don't want all that Shall ! su99eed in "5 present sear9h or not F Answer this and #o Otherwise ! will not let 5ou #o till 5ou dis#or#e all 5our 9oins D The astrolo#er "uttered a few in9antations and replied A D All ri#ht ! will spea= %ut will 5ou #i$e "e a rupee if what ! sa5 is 9on$in9in# F Otherwise ! will not open "5 "outh2 and 5ou "a5 do what 5ou li=e D After a #ood deal of ha##lin# the other a#reed The astrolo#er said A D You were left for dead A" ! ri#ht F D D Ah2 tell "e "ore D D A =nife has passed throu#h 5ou on9e F D said the astrolo#er D Good fellow H D He bared his 9hest to show the s9ar D.hat elseFD D And then 5ou were pushed into a well nearb5 in the field You were left for dead D D ! should ha$e been dead if so"e passer;b5 had not 9han9ed to peep into the well2D e>9lai"ed the other2 o$erwhel"ed b5 enthusias" D .hen shall ! #et at hi" F D he as=ed2 9len9hin# his fist D !n the ne>t world2D answered the astrolo#er D He died four "onths a#o in a far;off town You will ne$er see an5 "ore of hi" D The other #roaned on hearin# it The astrolo#er pro9eeded A D Guru Na5a= D D You =now "5 na"e H D the other said2 ta=en aba9=


D As ! =now all other thin#s Guru Na5a=2 listen 9arefull5 to what ! ha$e to sa5 Your $illa#e is two da5's Courne5 due north of this town Ta=e the ne>t train and be #one ! see on9e a#ain #reat dan#er to 5our life if 5ou #o fro" ho"e D He too= out a pin9h of sa9red ash and held it to hi" D Rub it on 5our forehead and #o ho"e Ne$er tra$el southward a#ain2 and 5ou will li$e to be a hundred D D .h5 should ! lea$e ho"e a#ain F D the other said refle9ti$el5 D ! was onl5 #oin# awa5 now and then to loo= for hi" and to 9ho=e out his life if ! "et hi" D He shoo= his head re#retfull5 D He has es9aped "5 hands ! hope at least he died as he deser$ed D D Yes2D said the astrolo#er D He was 9rushed under a lorr5 D The other loo=ed #ratified to hear it The pla9e was deserted b5 the ti"e the astrolo#er pi9=ed up his arti9les and put the" into his ba# The #reen shaft was also #one2 lea$in# the pla9e in dar=ness and silen9e The stran#er had #one off into the ni#ht2 after #i$in# the astrolo#er a handful of 9oins !t was nearl5 "idni#ht when the astrolo#er rea9hed ho"e His wife was waitin# for hi" at the door and de"anded an e>planation He flun# the 9oins at her and said A D 3ount the" One "an #a$e all that D DTwel$e and a half annas2D she said2 9ountin# She was o$erCo5ed D ! 9an bu5 so"e Ca##er5 and 9o9onut to"orrow The 9hild has been as=in# for sweets for so "an5 da5s now ! will prepare so"e ni9e stuff for her D D The swine has 9heated "e H He pro"ised "e a rupee2D said the astrolo#er She loo=ed up at hi" D You loo= worried .hat is wron# F D D Nothin# D After dinner2 sittin# on the p5ol2 he told her A D Do 5ou =now a #reat load is #one fro" "e toda5F !

AN ASTROLOGER'S DAY thou#ht ! had the blood of a "an on "5 hands all these 5ears That was the reason wh5 ! ran awa5 fro" ho"e2 settled here2 and "arried 5ou He is ali$e D She #asped D You tried to =ill H D

D Yes2 in our $illa#e2 when ! was a sill5 5oun#ster .e dran=2 #a"bled2 and ?uarrelled badl5 one da5 wh5 thin= of it now F Ti"e to sleep2D he said2 5awnin#2 and stret9hed hi"self on the p5ol

6 THE M!SS!NG MA!L THO)GH his beat 9o$ered 4ina5a= Mudali Street and its four parallel roads2 it too= hi" nearl5 si> hours before he finished his round and returned to the head offi9e in Mar=et Road to deli$er a99ounts He allowed hi"self to #et "i>ed up with the fortunes of the persons to who" he was 9arr5in# letters At No *82 &abir Street2 li$ed the "an who had 9o"e half;wa5 up the road to as= for a letter for so "an5 5ears now Thanappa had seen hi" as a 5oun#ster2 and had wat9hed hi" da5 b5 da5 #re5in# on the pial2 sittin# there and hopin# for a bi# pri@e to 9o"e his wa5 throu#h sol$in# 9rossword pu@@les D No pri@e 5et2D he announ9ed to hi" e$er5 da5 D %ut don't be dis; heartened D D Your interest has been dela5ed this "onth so"ehow2D he said to another D Your son at H5derabad has written a#ain2 "ada" How "an5 9hildren has he now F D D! did not =now that 5ou had applied for this Madras Cob E 5ou ha$en't 9ared to tell "e H !t doesn't "atter .hen ! brin# 5ou 5our appoint"ent order 5ou "ust feed "e with 9o9onut pa5asa"D And at ea9h of these pla9es he stopped for nearl5 half an hour Espe9iall5 if an5one re9ei$ed "one5 orders2 he Cust settled down ?uite ni9el52 with his ba#s and bundles spread about hi"2 and would not rise till he #athered an idea of how and where e$er5 rupee was #oin# !f it was a hot da5 he so"eti"es 7

THE M!SS!NG MA!L + as=ed for a tu"bler of butter"il= and sat down to enCo5 it E$er5bod5 li=ed hi" on his beat He was a part and par9el of their e>isten9e2 their hopes2 aspirations2 and a9ti$ities Of all his 9onta9ts2 the one with whi9h he was "ost inti"atel5 bound up was No *<2 4ina5a= Mudali Street Ru"anuCa" was a senior 9ler= in the Re$enue Di$ision Offi9e2 and Thanappa had 9arried letters to that address for o$er a #eneration now His earliest asso9iation with Ra"anuCa" was 5ears and 5ears a#o Ra"anuCa"'s wife was awa5 in the $illa#e A 9ard arri$ed for Ra"anuCa" Thanappa2 as was his 9usto"2 #lan9ed throu#h it at the sortin# table itself E and2 the "o"ent the5 were read5 to start out2 went strai#ht to 4ina5a= Mudali Street2 thou#h in the ordinar5 9ourse o$er *1< addresses pre9eded it He went strai#ht to Ra"anuCa"'s house2 =no9=ed on the door and shouted A D (ost"an2 sir2 post"an D .hen

Ra"anuCa" opened it2 he said A D Gi$e "e a handful of su#ar before ! #i$e 5ou this 9ard Happ5 father H After all these 5ears of pra5ers H Don't 9o"plain that it is a dau#hter Dau#hters are God's #ift2 5ou =now &a"a=shi lo$el5 na"e H D D &a"a=shi2D he addressed the tall2 bashful #irl2 5ears later2 D #et 5our photo read5 Ah2 so sh5 H Here is 5our #randfather's 9ard as=in# for 5our photo .h5 should he want it2 unless it be D D The old #entle"an writes rather fre?uentl5 now2 doesn't he2 sir F D he as=ed Ra"anuCa"2 as he handed hi" his letter and waited for hi" to open the en$elope and #o throu#h its 9ontents Ra"anuCa" loo=ed worried after readin# it The post"an as=ed A D ! hope it's #ood news F D He leaned a#ainst the $eranda

io THE M!SS!NG MA!L pillar2 with a sta9= of undeli$ered letters still under his ar" Ra"anuCa" said A D M5 father;in;law thin=s ! a" not suffi9ientl5 a9ti$e in findin# a husband for "5 dau#hter He has tried one or two pla9es and failed He thin=s ! a" $er5 indifferent D D Elderl5 people ha$e their own an>iet52D the post"an replied D The trouble is2D said Ra"anuCa"2 D that he has set apart fi$e thousand rupees for this #irl's "arria#e and is worr5in# "e to find a husband for her i""ediatel5 %ut "one5 is not e$er5thin# D D No2 no2D e9hoed the post"an E D unless the destined hour is at hand2 nothin# 9an help D Da5 after da5 for "onths Thanappa deli$ered the letters and waited to be told the news A D Sa"e old news2 Thanappa Horos9opes do not a#ree The5 are de"andin# too "u9h E$identl5 the52 do not appro$e of her appearan9e D D Appearan9e H She loo=s li=e a ?ueen )nless one is totall5 blind D the post"an retorted an#ril5 The season would be 9losin#2 with onl5 three "ore auspi9ious dates2 the last bein# Ma5 6Oth The #irl would be se$enteen in a few da5s The re"inders fro" her #randfather were be9o"in# fier9er Ra"anuCa" had e>hausted all the possibilities and had drawn a blan= e$er5where He loo=ed helpless and "iserable D (ost"an2D he said2 D ! don't thin= there is a son;in;law for "e an5where D D Oh2 don't utter inauspi9ious "an said D .hen God wills it for a while and said A D There two hundred rupees Ma=unda of after hi" Ma=unda and 5ou are 9aste2 ! belie$e D words2 sir2D the post; D He refle9ted is a bo5 in Delhi earnin# Te"ple Street was of the sa"e sub;

THE M!SS!NG MA!L ** D The5 ha$e been ne#otiatin# for "onths now O$er a hundred letters ha$e passed between the" alread5 %ut ! =now the5 are definitel5 brea=in# off !t is o$er so"e "one5 ?uestion The5 ha$e written their last "essa#e on a post9ard and it has infuriated these people all the "ore As if post; 9ards were an instru"ent of insult H ! ha$e =nown "ost i"portant 9o""uni9ations bein# written e$en on pi9ture post9ards E when RaCappa went to A"eri9a two 5ears a#o he used to write to his sons e$er5 wee= on pi9ture post9ards D After this di#ression he 9a"e ba9= to the point D ! will as= Ma=unda to #i$e "e the horos9ope Let us see D Ne>t da5 he brou#ht the horos9ope with hi" D The bo5's parents are also in Delhi2 so 5ou 9an write to the" i""ediatel5 No ti"e to waste now D A ra5 of hope tou9hed Ra"anuCa"'s fa"il5 D ! ha$e still a hundred letters to deli$er2 but ! 9a"e here first be9ause ! saw this Delhi post"ar= Open it and tell "e what the5 ha$e written2D said Thanappa He tre"bled with suspense D How pro"pt these people are H So the5 appro$e of the photo H .ho wouldn't F D DA letter e$er5 da5 H ! "i#ht as well appl5 for lea$e till &a"a=shi's "arria#e is o$er D he said another da5 D You are alread5 tal=in# as if it were 9o"in# off to"orrow H God =nows how "an5 hurdles we ha$e to 9ross now Li=in# a photo does not pro$e an5thin# D The fa"il5 9oun9il was dis9ussin# an i"portant ?uestion A whether Ra"anuCa" should #o to Madras2 ta=in# the #irl with hi"2 and "eet the part52 who 9ould 9o"e down for a da5 fro" Delhi The fa"il5 was di$ided o$er the ?uestion Ra"anuCa"2 his "other2 and his wife none of the" had defined $iews on the

*6 THE M!SS!NG MA!L ?uestion2 but 5et the5 opposed ea9h other $ehe"entl5 D .e shall be the lau#hin#;sto9= of the town2D said Ra"anuCa"'s wife2 D if we ta=e the #irl out to be shown round D D .hat ?ueer notions H !f 5ou stand on all these absurd anti?uated for"alities2 we shall ne$er #et an5; where near a "arria#e !t is our dut5 to ta=e the #irl o$er e$en to Delhi if ne9essar5 D D !t is 5our

pleasure2 then E 5ou 9an do what 5ou please E wh5 9onsult "e F D Te"pers were at their worst2 and no pro#ress see"ed possible Ti"e was "ar9hin# The post"an had #ot into the habit of droppin# in at the end of his da5's wor=2 and Coinin# in the 9oun9il D ! a" a third part5 Listen to "e2D he said D Sir2 please ta=e the train to Madras i""ediatel5 .hat 5ou 9annot a9hie$e b5 a 5ear's 9orresponden9e 5ou 9an do in an hour's "eetin# D D Here is a letter fro" Madras2 "ada" ! a" sure it is fro" 5our husband .hat is the news F D He handed the 9o$er to Ra"anuCa"'s wife2 and she too= it in to read He said A D ! ha$e so"e re#istered letters for those last houses ! will finish "5 round2 and 9o"e ba9= D He returned as pro"ised D Ha$e the5 "et2 "ada" F D D Yes2 &a"a=shi's father has written that the5 ha$e "et the #irl2 and fro" their tal= &a"a=shi's father infers the5 are ?uite willin# D D Grand news H ! will offer a 9o9onut to our 4ina5a=a toni#ht D D%ut2D the lad5 added2 half o$erwhel"ed with happiness and half worried2 D there is this diffi9ult5 .e had an idea of doin# it durin# ne>t Thai "onth !t will be so diffi9ult to hurr5 throu#h the arran#e"ents now %ut the5 sa5 that if the "arria#e

THE M!SS!NG MA!L *8 is done it "ust be done on the twentieth of Ma5 !f it is postponed the bo5 9an't "an5 for three 5ears He is bein# sent awa5 for so"e trainin# D D The old #entle"an is as #ood as his wordI' the post"an said2 deli$erin# an insuran9e 9o$er to Ra"a; nuCa" D He has #i$en the entire a"ount You 9an't 9o"plain of la9= of funds now Go ahead !'" so happ5 5ou ha$e his appro$al More than their "one52 we need their blessin#s2 sir ! hope he has sent his heartiest blessin#s D D Oh 5es2 oh 5es2D replied Ra"anuCa"2 D M5 father;in;law see"s to be $er5 happ5 at this proposal D A fi$e;thousand;rupee "arria#e was a bi# affair for Mal#udi Ra"anuCa"2 with so short a ti"e before hi"2 and none to share the tas= of arran#e"ents2 be9a"e distrau#ht As far as it 9ould #o2 Thanappa pla9ed hi"self at his ser$i9e durin# all his off hours He 9ut short his elo?uen9e2 ad$i9es2 and e>9han#es in other houses He ne$er waited for an5one to 9o"e up and

re9ei$e the letters He Cust tossed the" throu#h a window or an open door with a stentorian D Letter2 sir D !f the5 stopped hi" and as=ed A D .hat is the "atter with 5ou F !n su9h a hurr5 H D 2 D Yes2 lea$e "e alone till the twentieth of Ma5 ! will 9o"e and s?uat in 5our house after that D and he was off Ra"anuCa" was in #reat tension He tre"bled with an>iet5 as the da5 approa9hed nearer D !t "ust #o on s"oothl5 Nothin# should pro$e a hindran9e D D Do not worr52 sir E it will #o throu#h happil52 b5 God's #ra9e You ha$e #i$en the" e$er5thin# the5 wanted in 9ash2 presents2 and st5le The5 are #ood people D D !t is not about that !t is the $er5 last date for the 5ear !f for so"e reason so"e obstru9tion 9o"es up2

i , THE M!SS!NG MA!L it is all finished for e$er The bo5 #oes awa5 for three 5ears ! don't thin= either of us would be prepared to bind oursel$es to wait for three 5ears D !t was four hours past the Muhurta" on the da5 of the weddin# A ?uiet had des9ended on the #atherin# The 5oun# s"art bride#roo" fro" Delhi was seated in a 9hair under the pandal 'ra#ran9e of sandal2 and flowers2 and hol5 s"o=e2 hun# about the air (eople were sittin# around the bride#roo" tal=in# Thanappa appeared at the #ate loaded with letters So"e 5oun# "en ran up to hi" de"andin# A D (ost"an H Letters F D He held the" off D Get ba9= ! =now to who" to deli$er D He wal=ed up to the bride#roo" and held up to hi" a bundle of letters $er5 respe9tfull5 D These are all #reetin#s and blessin#s fro" well; wishers2 ! belie$e2 sir2 and "5 own #o with e$er5 one of the" D He see"ed $er5 proud of perfor"in# this tas=2 and loo=ed $er5 serious The bride#roo" loo=ed up at hi" with an a"used s"ile and "uttered A D Than=s D D .e are all $er5 proud to ha$e 5our distin#uished self as a son;in;law of this house ! ha$e =nown that 9hild2 &a"a=shi2 e$er sin9e she was a da5 old2 and ! =new she would alwa5s #et a distin#uished husband2D added the post"an2 and brou#ht his pal"s to#ether in a salute2 and "o$ed into the house to deli$er other letters and to refresh hi"self in the =it9hen with tiffin and 9offee Ten da5s later he =no9=ed on the door and2 with a #rin2 handed &a"a=shi her first letter A D Ah2 s9ented en$elope H ! =new it was 9o"in# when the "ail $an was three stations awa5 ! ha$e seen hundreds li=e this Ta=e it fro" "e %efore he has written the tenth letter he will 9o""and 5ou to pa9= up and Coin hi"2 and 5ou will #row a 9ouple of win#s and fl5 awa5

THE M!SS!NG MA!L *1 that $er5 da52 and for#et for e$er Thanappa and this street2 isn't it so F D &a"a=shi blushed2 snat9hed the letter fro" his hands2 and ran in to read it He said2 turnin# awa5 A D ! don't thin= there is an5 use waitin# for 5ou to finish the letter and tell "e its 9ontents D On a holida52 when he was sure Ra"anuCa" would be at ho"e2 Thanappa =no9=ed on the door and handed hi" a 9ard D Ah H D 9ried Ra"anuCa" D %ad news2 Thanappa M5 un9le2 "5 father's brother2 is $er5 ill in Sale"2 and the5 want "e to start i"; "ediatel5 D D !'" $er5 sorr5 to hear it2 sir2D said Thanappa2 and handed hi" a tele#ra" D Here's another D Ra"anuCa" 9ried A D A tele#ra" H D He #lan9ed at it and s9rea"ed A D Oh2 he is dead H D He sat down on the pial2 unable to stand the sho9= Thanappa loo=ed e?uall5 "iserable Ra"anuCa" rallied2 #athered hi"self up2 and turned to #o in Thanappa said A D One "o"ent2 sir ! ha$e a 9onfession to "a=e See the date on the 9ard D D Ma5 the nineteenth2 nearl5 fifteen da5s a#o H D D Yes2 sir2 and the tele#ra" followed ne>t da5 that is2 on the da5 of the "arria#e ! was unhapp5 to see it 9 %ut what has happened has happened2' ! said to "5self2 and =ept it awa52 fearin# that it "i#ht interfere with the weddin# D Ra"anuCa" #lared at the post"an and said A D ! would not ha$e 9ared to #o throu#h the "arria#e when he was d5in# D The post"an stood with bowed head and "u"bled A D You 9an 9o"plain if 5ou li=e2 sir The5 will dis"iss "e !t is a serious offen9e D He turned and des9ended the steps and went down the street on his rounds Ra"anuCa" wat9hed hi" dull5 for a while and shouted A D (ost"an H D Thanappa

i: THE M!SS!NG MA!L turned round E Ra"anuCa" 9ried A D Don't thin= that ! intend to 9o"plain ! a" onl5 sorr5 5ou ha$e done this 2D D ! understand 5our feelin#s2 sir2D replied the post; "an2 disappearin# around a bend

8 THE DO3TOR'S .ORD (EO(LE 9a"e to hi" when the patient was on his last le#s Dr Ra"an often burst out2 D .h5 9ouldn't 5ou ha$e 9o"e a da5 earlier F D The reason was ob$ious $isitin# fee twent5;fi$e rupees2 and "ore than that people li=ed to shir= the fa9t that the ti"e had 9o"e to 9all in Dr Ra"an E for the" there was so"ethin# o"inous in the $er5 asso9iation As a result when the bi# "an 9a"e on the s9ene it was alwa5s a ?ui9= de9ision one wa5 or another There was no s9ope or ti"e for an5 =ind of wa$erin# or whitewashin# Lon# 5ears of pra9ti9e of this =ind had bred in the do9tor a 9ertain 9urt truthfulness E for that $er5 reason his opinion was $alued E he was not a "ere do9tor e>pressin# an opinion but a Cud#e pronoun9in# a $erdi9t The patient's life hun# on his words This ne$er undul5 worried Dr Ra"an He ne$er belie$ed that a#reeable words e$er sa$ed li$es He did not thin= it was an5 of his business to pro$ide unne9essar5 dope when as a "atter of 9ourse Nature would te) the" the truth in a few hours Howe$er2 when he #li"psed the faintest si#n of hope2 he rolled up his slee$e and stepped into the arena A it "i#ht be hours or da5s2 but he ne$er withdrew till he wrested the pri@e fro" Ta"a's hands Toda52 standin# o$er a bed2 the do9tor felt that he hi"self needed so"eone to tell hi" soothin# lies He "opped his brow with his =er9hief and sat down in

i7 THE DO3TOR'S .ORD the 9hair beside the bed On the bed la5 his dearest friend in the world A Gopal The5 had =nown ea9h other for fort5 5ears now2 startin# with their &inder; #arten da5s The5 9ould not2 of 9ourse2 "eet as "u9h as the5 wanted2 ea9h bein# wrapped in his own fa"il5 and profession O99asionall52 on a Sunda52 Gopal would wal= into the 9onsultin# roo"2 and wait patientl5 in a 9orner till the do9tor was free And then the5 would dine to#ether2 see a pi9ture2 and tal= of ea9h other's life and a9ti$ities !t was a 9lassi9 friendship standin# o$er2 untou9hed b5 9han#in# ti"es2 9ir9u"stan9es2 and a9ti$ities !n his bus5 round of wor=2 Dr Ra"an had not noti9ed that Gopal had not 9alled in for o$er three "onths now He Cust re"e"bered it when he saw Gopa(s son sittin# on a ben9h in the 9onsultin# hall2 one 9rowded "ornin# Dr Ra"an 9ould not tal= to hi" for o$er an hour .hen he #ot up and was about

to pass on to the operation roo"2 he 9alled up the 5oun# "an and as=ed2 D .hat brin#s 5ou here2 sir F D The 5outh was ner$ous and sh5 D Mother sent "e here D D .hat 9an ! do for 5ou F D D 'ather is i) D

!t was an operation da5 and he was not free till three in the afternoon He rushed off strai#ht fro" the 9lini9 to his friend's house2 in Lawle5 E>tension Gopal la5 in bed as if in sleep The do9tor stood o$er hi" and as=ed Gopal's wife2 D How lon# has he been in bed F D D A "onth and a half2 do9tor D D .ho is attendin# hi" F D D A do9tor in the ne>t street He 9o"es down on9e in three da5s and #i$es hi" "edi9ine D

THE DO3TOR'S .ORD *+ D .hat is his na"e F D He had ne$er heard of hi" D So"eone ! don't =now2 but ! wish he had had the #oodness to tell "e about it .h52 wh52 9ouldn't 5ou ha$e sent "e word earlier F D D .e thou#ht 5ou would be bus5 and did not wish to trouble 5ou unne9essaril5 D The5 were apolo#eti9 and "iserable There was hardl5 an5 ti"e to be lost He too= off his 9oat and opened his ba# He too= out an inCe9tion tube2 the needle si@@led o$er the sto$e The si9= "an's wife whi"pered in a 9orner and essa5ed to as= ?uestions D (lease don't as= ?uestions2D snapped the do9tor He loo=ed at the 9hildren who were wat9hin# the sterili@er2 and said2 D Send the" all awa5 so"ewhere2 e>9ept the eldest D He shot in the dru#2 sat ba9= in his 9hair2 and #a@ed on the patient's fa9e for o$er an hour The patient still re"ained "otionless The do9tor's fa9e #lea"ed with perspiration2 and his e5elids drooped with fati#ue The si9= "an's wife stood in a 9orner and wat9hed silentl5 She as=ed ti"idl52 D Do9tor2 shall ! "a=e so"e 9offee for 5ou F D D No2D he replied2 althou#h he felt fa"ished2 ha$in# "issed his "idda5 "eal He #ot up and said2 D ! will be ba9= in a few "inutes Don't disturb hi" on an5 a99ount D He pi9=ed up his ba# and went to his 9ar !n a

?uarter of an hour he was ba9=2 followed b5 an assistant and a nurse The do9tor told the lad5 of the house2 D ! ha$e to perfor" an operation D D .h52 wh5 F .h5 F D she as=ed faintl5 D ! will tell 5ou all that soon .ill 5ou lea$e 5our son here to help us2 and #o o$er to the ne>t house and sta5 there till ! 9all 5ou F D The lad5 felt #idd5 and san= down on the floor2

ao THE DO3TOR'S .ORD unable to bear the strain and led her out The nurse attended to her

At about ei#ht in the e$enin# the patient opened his e5es and stirred sli#htl5 in bed The assistant was o$erCo5ed He e>9lai"ed enthusiasti9all52 D Sir2 he will pull throu#h D The do9tor loo=ed at hi" 9oldl5 and whispered A D ! would #i$e an5thin# to see hi" throu#h but2 but the heart D D The pulse has i"pro$ed2 Sir D D .ell2 well2D replied the do9tor D Don't trust it !t is onl5 a false flash;up2 $er5 9o""on in these 9ases D He ru"inated for a while and added2 D !f the pulse will =eep up till ei#ht in the "ornin#2 it will #o on for the ne>t fort5 5ears2 but ! doubt $er5 "u9h if we shall see an5thin# of it at all after two toni#ht D He sent awa5 the assistant and sat beside the patient At about ele$en the patient opened his e5es and s"iled at his friend He showed a sli#ht i"pro$e"ent2 he was able to ta=e in a little food A #reat feelin# of relief and Co5 went throu#h the household The5 swar"ed around the do9tor and poured out their #ratitude He sat in his seat beside the bed2 #a@in# sternl5 at the patient's fa9e2 hardl5 showin# an5 si#ns of hearin# what the5 were sa5in# to hi" The si9= "an's wife as=ed2 D !s he now out of dan#er F D .ithout turnin# his head the do9tor said2 D Gi$e #lu9ose and brand5 e$er5 fort5 "inutes E Cust a 9ouple of spoons will do D The lad5 went awa5 to the =it9hen She felt restless She felt she "ust =now the truth whate$er it was .h5 was the #reat "an so e$asi$e F The suspense was unbearable (erhaps he 9ould not spea= so near the patient's bed She be9=oned to hi" fro" the =it9hen doorwa5 The do9tor rose and went

THE DO3TOR'S .ORD 6* o$er She as=ed2 D .hat about hi" now F How is he F D The do9tor bit his lips and replied2 loo=in# at the floor2 D Don't #et e>9ited )nless 5ou "ust =now about it2 don't as= now D Her e5es opened wide in terror She 9lasped her hands to#ether and i"plored A D Tell "e the truth D The do9tor replied2 D ! would rather not tal= to 5ou now D He turned round and went ba9= to his 9hair A terrible wailin# shot throu#h the still house E the patient stirred and loo=ed about in bewilder"ent The do9tor #ot up a#ain2 went o$er to the =it9hen door2 drew it in se9urel5 and shut off the wail .hen the do9tor resu"ed his seat the patient as=ed in the faintest whisper possible2 D !s that so"eone 9r5in# F D The do9tor ad$ised2 D Don't e>ert 5ourB self You "ustn't tal= D He felt the pulse !t was alread5 a#itated b5 the e>ertion The patient as=ed2 D A" ! #oin# F Don't hide it fro" "e D The do9tor "ade a depre9atin# noise and sat ba9= in his 9hair He had ne$er fa9ed a situation li=e this !t was not in his nature to whitewash (eople atta9hed #reat $alue to his word be9ause of that He stole a loo= at the other The patient "otioned a fin#er to draw hi" nearer and whispered2 D ! "ust =now how lon# ! a" #oin# to last ! "ust si#n the will !t is all read5 As= "5 wife for the despat9h bo> You "ust si#n as a witness D D Oh H D the do9tor e>9lai"ed D You are e>ertin# 5ourself too "u9h You "ust be ?uieter D He felt idioti9 to be repeatin# it D How fine it would be2D he refle9ted2 D to drop the whole business and run awa5 so"ewhere without answerin# an5bod5 an5 ?uestion H D The patient 9lut9hed the do9tor's wrist with his wea= fin#ers and said2 D Ra"u2 it is "5 #ood

M THE DO3TOR'S .ORD fortune that 5ou are here at this "o"ent ! 9an trust 5our word ! 9an't lea$e "5 propert5 unsettled That will "ean endless "iser5 for "5 wife and 9hildren You =now all about Subbiah and his #an# Let "e si#n before it is too late Tell "e D D Yes2 presentl52D replied the do9tor He wal=ed off to his 9ar2 sat in the ba9= seat and refle9ted He loo=ed at his wat9h Midni#ht !f the will was to be si#ned2 it "ust be done within the ne>t two hours2 or ne$er He 9ould not be responsible for a "ess there E he =new too well the fa"il5 affairs and about those wol$es2 Subbiah and his #an# %ut what 9ould he do F !f he as=ed hi" to si#n the .ill2 it

would $irtuall5 "ean a death senten9e and destro5 the thousandth part of a 9han9e that the patient had of sur$i$al He #ot down fro" the 9ar and went in He resu"ed his seat in the 9hair The patient was starin# at hi" appealin#l5 The do9tor said to hi"; self2 D !f "5 word 9an sa$e his life2 he shall not die The will be da"ned D He 9alled2 D Gopal2 listen D This was the first ti"e he was #oin# to do a pie9e of a9tin# before a patient2 si"ulate a feelin#2 and 9on9eal his Cud#"ent He stooped o$er the patient and said with deliberate e"phasis2 D Don't worr5 about the will now You are #oin# to li$e Your heart is absolutel5 sound D A new #low suffused the patient's fa9e as he heard it He as=ed in a tone of relief2 D Do 5ou sa5 so F !f it 9o"es fro" 5our lips it "ust be true D The do9tor said2 D JCuite ri#ht You are i"pro$in# e$er5 se9ond Sleep in pea9e You "ust not e>ert 5ourself on an5 a99ount You "ust sleep $er5 soundl5 ! will se9 5ou in the "ornin# D The patient loo=ed at hi" #ratefull5 for a "o"ent and then dosed his e5es

THE DO3TOR'S .ORD 68 The do9tor pi9=ed up his ba# and went out shuttin# the door softl5 behind hi" On his wa5 ho"e he stopped for a "o"ent at his hospital2 9alled out his assistant2 and said2 D That Lawle5 E>tension 9ase You "i#ht e>pe9t the 9ollapse an5 se9ond now Go there with a tube of in hand2 and #i$e it in 9ase the stru##le is too hard at the end Hurr5 upI' Ne>t "ornin# he was ba9= at Lawle5 E>tension at ten 'ro" his 9ar he "ade a dash for the si9= bed The patient was awa=e and loo=ed $er5 well The assistant reported satisfa9tor5 pulse The do9tor put his tube at his heart2 listened for a while2 and told the si9= "an's wife2 D Don't loo= so unhapp52 lad5 Your husband will li$e to be ninet5 D .hen the5 were #oin# ba9= to the hospital2 the assistant sittin# beside hi" in the 9ar as=ed2 D !s he #oin# to li$e2 sir F D D ! will bet on it He will li$e to be ninet5 He has turned the 9orner How he has sur$i$ed this atta9= will be a pu@@le to "e all "5 life2D replied the do9tor


* !A-HEN a do@en persons ?uestion openl5 or sl5l5 44 a "an's sanit52 he be#ins to entertain serious doubts hi"self This is what happened to e>;#ate"an Go$ind Sin#h And 5ou 9ould not bla"e the publi9 either .hat 9ould 5ou do with a "an who 9arried about in his hand a re#istered postal 9o$er and as=ed A D (lease tell "e what there is inside F D The ob$ious answer was A D Open it and see D He see"ed horrified at this su##estion D Oh2 no2 no2 9an't do it2D he de9lared and "o$ed off to another friend and a9?uaintan9e E$er5where the su##estion was the sa"e till he thou#ht e$er5one had turned "ad And then so"ebod5 said A D !f 5ou don't li=e to open it and 5et want to =now what is inside 5ou "ust ta=e it to the K;ra5 !nstitute D This was su##ested b5 an e>;9o"pounder who li$ed in the ne>t street D.hat is itFD as=ed Go$ind Sin#h !t was e>plained to hi" D .here is it F D He was dire9ted to the 3it5 K;ra5 !nstitute %ut before sa5in# an5thin# further about his pro; #ress2 it would be usefiil to #o ba9= to an earlier 9hapter in his histor5 After war ser$i9e in *+*,;*72 he 9a"e to be re9o""ended for a #ate=eeper's post at En#ladia's He li=ed the Cob $er5 "u9h He was #i$en a =ha=i unifor"2 a resplendent band a9ross his shoulder and a short sti9= He #ripped the sti9= and 6,

GATEMAN'S G!'T 61 sat down on a stool at the entran9e to the offi9e And when his 9hief's 9ar pulled up at the #ate he stood at attention and #a$e a "ilitar5 salute The offi9e 9onsisted of a staff nu"berin# o$er a hundred and as the5 trooped in and out e$er5 da5 he =ept an e5e on the" At the end of the da5 he awaited the footsteps of the General Mana#er 9oinin# down the stairs and rose stiffl5 and stood at attention2 and after he left the hundreds of staff poured out The doors were shut E Sin#h 9arried his stool in2 pla9ed it under the stair9ase2 and pla9ed his sti9= a9ross it Then he 9a"e out and the "ain door was lo9=ed and sealed !n this wa5 he had spent twent5;fi$e 5ears of ser$i9e2 and then he be##ed to be pensioned off He would not ha$e thou#ht of retire"ent 5et2 but for the fa9t that he found his si#ht and hearin# pla5in# tri9=s on hi" E he 9ould not 9at9h the Mana#er's footsteps on the stairs2 and it was hard to re9o#ni@e hi" e$en at ten 5ards He was ushered into the presen9e of the 9hief2 who loo=ed up for a "o"ent fro" his papers and "uttered A D .e are $er5 pleased with 5our wor= for us2 and the 9o"pan5 will #i$e 5ou a pension of twel$e

rupees for 5our life D Sin#h 9li9=ed his heels2 saluted2 turned on his heel and went out of the roo"2 with his heart bri""in# with #ratitude and pride This was the se9ond o99asion when the #reat "an had spo=en to hi"2 the first bein# on the first da5 of his ser$i9e As he had stood at his post2 the 9hief2 enterin# the offi9e Cust then2 loo=ed up for a "o"ent and as=ed D .ho are 5ou F D D !'" the new #ate=eeper2 "aster2D he had answered And he spo=e a#ain onl5 on this da5 Thou#h so little was said2 Sin#h felt ele9trified on both o99asions b5 the words of his "aster !n Sin#h's e5es

6: GATEMAN'S G!'T the 9hief had a9?uired a sort of Godhood2 and it would be ?uite ade?uate if a #od spo=e to one onl5 on9e or twi9e in a lifeti"e !n "o"ents of 9onte"plation Sin#h's "ind dwelt on the words of his "aster2 and on his personalit5 His life "o$ed on s"oothl5 The pension to#ether with what his wife earned b5 washin# and sweepin# in a 9ouple of houses was ?uite suffi9ient for hi" He ate his food2 went out and "et a few friends2 slept2 and spent so"e e$enin#s sittin# at a 9i#arette shop whi9h his 9ousin owned This tenor of life was disturbed on the first of e$er5 "onth when he donned his old =ha=i suit2 wal=ed to his old offi9e2 and salaa"ed the A99ountant at the 9ounter and re9ei$ed his pension So"eti"es if it was 9losin# he waited on the roadside for the General Mana#er to 9o"e down2 and saluted hi" as he #ot into his 9ar There was a lot of ti"e all around hi"2 an i""ense sea of leisure !n this state he "ade a new dis9o$er5 about hi"self2 that he 9ould "a=e fas9inatin# "odels out of 9la5 and wood dust The dis9o$er5 9a"e suddenl52 when one da5 a 9hild in the nei#hbourhood brou#ht to hi" its little doll for repair He not onl5 repaired it but "ade a new thin# of it This dis9o$er5 pleased hi" so "u9h that he $er5 soon be9a"e absorbed in it His ba9=5ard #a$e hi" a plentiful suppl5 of pliant 9la52 and the 9arpenter's shop ne>t to his 9ousin's 9i#arette shop sawdust He pur9hased paint for a few annas And lo H he found his hours #lidin# He sat there in the front part of his ho"e2 bent o$er his 9la52 and brou#ht into e>isten9e a "iniature uni$erse E all the 9olours of life were there2 all the for"s and 9reatures2 but of the si@e of his "iddle fin#er E whole $illa#es and towns were there2

GATEMAN'S G!'T 6all the persons he had seen passin# before his offi9e when he was sentr5 there that be##ar wo"an 9o"in# at "idda52 and that 9u9u"ber $endor E he had the e5e of a 9artoonist for hu"an fa9es E$er5thin# went down into 9la5 !t was a wonderful "iniature re; fle9tion of the world E and he "ounted the" neatl5 on thin wooden sli9es2 whi9h enhan9ed their attra9ti$e; ness He =ept these in his 9ousin's shop and the5 attra9ted hu#e 9rowds e$er5 da5 and sold $er5 bris=l5 More than the sales Sin#h felt an e9stas5 when he saw ad"irin# 9rowds 9lusterin# around his handiwor= On his ne>t pension da5 he 9arried to his offi9e a street s9ene /whi9h he ran=ed as his best02 and handed it o$er the 9ounter to the A99ountant with the re?uest A D Gi$e this to the Sahib2 please H D D All ri#ht2B' said the A99ountant with a s"ile !t 9reated a sensation in the offi9e and disturbed the routine of offi9e wor=in# for nearl5 half an hour On the ne>t pension da5 he 9arried another "odel /9hildren at pla50 and handed it o$er the 9ounter D Did Sahib li=e the last one F D DYes2 he li=ed it D D (lease #i$e this one to hi" D and he passed it o$er the 9ounter He "ade it a 9on$ention to 9arr5 on e$er5 pension da5 an offerin# for his "aster2 and ea9h ti"e his #reatest reward was the A99ountant's sto9= repl5 to his ?uestion A D .hat did the Sahib sa5 F D D He said it was $er5 #ood D At last he "ade his "asterpie9e A "odel of his offi9e fronta#e with hi"self at his post2 a 9ar at the entran9e2 and the 9hief #ettin# down A this 9o"posite "odel was so realisti9 that while he sat loo=in# at it2 he see"ed to be 9arried ba9= to his offi9e da5s He

67 GATEMAN'S G!'T passed it o$er the 9ounter on his pension da5 and it 9reated a $er5 #reat sensation in the offi9e D 'ellow2 5ou ha$e not left 5ourself out2 either H D people 9ried and loo=ed ad"irin#l5 at Sin#h A sudden fear sei@ed Sin#h and he as=ed A D The "aster won't be an#r52 ! hopeFD D No2 no2 wh5 should he be F D said the A99ountant2 and Sin#h re9ei$ed his pension and went ho"e

A wee= later when he was sittin# on the f5ol =neadin# 9la52 the post"an 9a"e and said A D A re#istered letter for 5ou D D 'or "e H D An5 letter would ha$e upset Sin#h E he had re9ei$ed less than three letters in his lifeti"e2 and ea9h ti"e it was a torture for hi" till the 9ontents were read out Now a re#istered letter H This was his first re#istered letter D Onl5 law5ers send re#istered letters2 isn't it so F D D )suall52D said the post"an (lease ta=e it ba9= ! don't want it2D said Sin#h Shall ! sa5 'Refused'FD as=ed the post"an DNo2 no2D said Sin#h DLust ta=e it ba9= and sa5 5ou ha$e not found "e D D That ! 9an't do serious D said the post"an loo=in#

Sin#h see"ed to ha$e no option but to s9rawl his si#nature and re9ei$e the pa9=et He sat #loo"il5 #a@in# at the floor His wife who had #one out and Cust returned saw hi" in this 9ondition and as=ed A D.hat is itFD His $oi9e 9ho=ed as he replied A D!t has 9o"e D He flun# at her the re#istered letter D.hat is itF Dshe as=ed He saidA DHow should ! =now (erhaps our ruin D He bro=e down His wife wat9hed hi" for a "o"ent2 went in to attend to so"e do"esti9 dut5 and returned2 still found hi"

9M a

GATEMAN'S G!'T 6+ in the sa"e 9ondition2 and as=ed A D .h5 not open it and see2 as= so"eone to read it F D He threw up his ar"s in horror A D .o"an2 5ou don't =now what 5ou are sa5in# !t 9annot be opened The5 ha$e perhaps written that "5 pension is stopped2 and God =nows what else the Sahib has said D D .h5 not #o to the offi9e and find out fro" the" F D D Not ! H ! will ne$er show "5 fa9e there a#ain D replied Sin#h D ! ha$e li$ed without a sin#le re"ar= bein# "ade a#ainst "e2 all "5 life Now H D He shuddered at the thou#ht of it D ! =new ! was #ettin# into trouble when ! "ade that offi9e "odel D After deeper refle9tion he said A D E$er5 ti"e ! too= so"ethin# there2 people 9rowded round2 stopped

all wor= for nearl5 an hour rea9hed the Sahib's ears D

That "ust also ha$e

He wandered about sa5in# the sa"e thin#2 with the letter in his po9=et He lost taste for food2 wandered about un=e"pt2 with his hair standin# up li=e a halo an una99usto"ed si#ht2 his 5ears in "ilitar5 ser$i9e ha$in# #i$en hi" a habitual tidiness His wife lost all pea9e of "ind and be9a"e "iserable about hi" He stood at the 9ross;roads2 9lut9hin# the letter in his hand He =ept as=in# e$er5one he 9a"e a9ross A D Tell "e2 what there is in this F D but he would not broo= the su##estion to open it and see its 9ontents So forthwith Sin#h found his wa5 to the 3it5 K;ra5 !nstitute at Ra9e 3ourse Road As he entered the #ate he obser$ed do@ens of 9ars par=ed alon# the dri$e2 and a Gur=ha wat9h"an at the #ate So"e people were sittin# on sofas readin# boo=s and Cournals The5 turned and threw a brief loo= at hi" and resu"ed their studies As Sin#h stood un9ertainl5 at the doorwa52 an assistant 9a"e up and as=ed A

SO GATEMAN'S G!'T D .hat do 5ou want F D Sin#h #a$e a salute2 held up the letter un9ertainl5 and "uttered A D 3an ! =now what is inside this F D The assistant "ade the ob$ious su##estion %ut Sin#h replied A D The5 said 5ou 9ould tell "e what's inside without openin# it D The assistant as=ed A D .here do 5ou 9o"e fro" F D Sin#h e>plained his life2 wor= and outloo= and 9on; 9luded A D !'$e li$ed without re"ar= all "5 life ! =new trouble was 9o"in# D There were tears on his 9hee=s The assistant loo=ed at hi" 9uriousl5 as s9ores of others had done before2 s"iled2 and said A D Go ho"e and rest You are not all ri#ht Go2 #o ho"e D D 3an't 5ou sa5 what is in this F D Sin#h as=ed patheti9all5 The assistant too= it in his hand2 e>a"ined it and said A D Shall ! open it F D D No2 no2 no2D Sin#h 9ried and snat9hed it ba9= There was a loo= of terror in his e5es The asse"bl5 loo=ed up fro" their pa#es and wat9hed hi" with "ild a"use; "ent in their e5es The assistant =indl5 put his ar"s on his shoulder and led hi" out D You #et well first2 and then 9o"e ba9= ! tell 5ou 5ou are not all ri#ht D .al=in# ba9= ho"e2 he pondered o$er it D .h5 are the5 all beha$in# li=e this2 as if ! were a "ad "an F D .hen this word 9a"e to his "ind2 he stopped abruptl5 in the "iddle of the road2 and 9ried A DOhH That's it2 is that itF MadH MadHD He

shoo= his head #leefull5 as if the full truth had Cust dawned upon hi" He now understood the loo=s that people threw at hi" D Oh H oh H D he 9ried aloud He lau#hed He felt a 9urious relief at this reali@ation D ! ha$e been "ad and didn't =now it D He 9ast his "ind ba9= E$er5 little a9tion of his for the last

GATEMAN'S G!'T 8* so "an5 da5s see"ed "ad E parti9ularl5 the doll; "a=in# D .hat sane "an would "a=e 9la5 dolls after 61 5ears of respe9table ser$i9e in an offi9e F D He felt a tre"endous freedo" of li"bs2 and didn't feel it possible to wal= at an ordinar5 pa9e He wanted to fl5 He swun# his ar"s up and down and ran on with a whoop He ran throu#h the Mar=et Road .hen people stood about and wat9hed he 9ried A D He52 don't lau#h at a "ad "an2 for who =nows2 5ou will also be "ad when 5ou 9o"e to "a=e 9la5 dolls2D and 9har#ed into their "idst with a war 9r5 .hen he saw 9hildren 9o"in# out of a s9hool2 he felt it would be ni9e to a"use their 5oun# hearts b5 beha$in# li=e a ti#er So he fell on his hands and =neels and 9rawled up to the" with a #rowl He went ho"e in a terrif5in# 9ondition His wife who was #rindin# 9hill5 in the ba9=5ard loo=ed up and as=ed A D .hat is this F D His hair was 9o$ered with street dust E his bod5 was splashed with "ud He 9ould not answer be9ause he 9ho=ed with "irth as he said A D 'an95 what has happened H D D.hat is itFD D !'" "ad2 "ad D He loo=ed at his wor=;bas=et in a 9orner2 s9ooped out the 9la5 and "ade a hel"et of it and put it on his head Ran#ed on the floor was his latest handiwor= After his last $isit to the offi9e he had been en#a#ed in "a=in# a "odel $illa#e !t was a resplendent #roup E a dun road2 red tiles2 #reen 9o9onut trees swa5in#2 and the 9olour of the sarees of the $illa#e wo"en 9arr5in# water pots He deri$ed the inspiration for it fro" a "e"or5 of his own $illa#e da5s !t was the "ost enCo5able pie9e of wor= that he had so far underta=en He li$ed in a =ind of e9stas5 while doin# it D ! a" #oin# to =eep

86 GATEMAN'S G!'T this for "5self A "e"ento of he de9lared D ! will show it the5 will #i$e "e a "edal ' + treasure A when it was wet he "5 father's $illa#e2D at an e>hibition2 where He #uarded it li=e a ne$er allowed his wife

to wal= within ten 5ards of it A D &eep off2 we don't want 5our foot dust for this $illa#e D Now in his "adness2 he loo=ed down on it He raised his foot and sta"ped e$er5thin# down into a "ulti;9oloured Ca" The5 were still half wet He saw a don=e5 #ra@in# in the street He #athered up the Ca" and flun# it at the don=e5 with the re"ar= A D Eat this if 5ou li=e !t is a ni9e $illa#e D And he went out on a se9ond round This was a ?uieter outin# He strode on at an e$en pa9e2 breathin# deepl52 with the 9la5 hel"et on2 out of whi9h peeped his #re5 hair2 his ar"s lo9=ed behind2 his fin#ers 9lut9hin# the fateful letter2 his fa9e tilted towards the s=5 He wal=ed down the Mar=et Road2 with a feelin# that he was the sole o99upant of this #lobe A his "adness had #i$en hi" a sense of li"itless freedo"2 stren#th and buo5an95 The re"ar=s and Ceers of the 9rowds #apin# at hi" did not in the least tou9h hi" .hile he wal=ed thus2 his e5e fell on the bulb of a tall street la"p A D %ulb of the si@e of a (apa5a fruit H D he "uttered and 9hu9=led !t had been a lon# 9herished desire in hi" to flin# a stone at it E now he felt2 in his Co5ous and free 9ondition2 that he was free fro" the tra""els of 9on$ention and need not push ba9= an5 in9lination He pi9=ed up a pebble and threw it with #ood ai" The shatterin# noise of #lass was as "usi9 to his ears A poli9e"an put his hand on his shoulder A D .h5 did 5ou do it F D Sin#h loo=ed indi#nant A D ! li=e to 9ra9= #lass (apa5a fruit2

GATEMAN'S G!'T 88 that is allI * was the repl5 D 3o"e to the station D The 9onstable said A

D Oh2 5es2 when ! was in Mesopota"ia the5 put "e on half ration on9e2D he said2 and wal=ed on to the station He paused2 tilted his head to the side and re"ar=ed A D This road is not strai#ht D A few 9arria#es and 959les were 9o"in# up to hi" He found that e$er5thin# was wron# about the" The5 see"ed to need so"e ad$i9e in the "atter He stopped in the "iddle of the road2 stret9hed out his ar"s and shouted A D Halt H D The 9arria#es stopped2 the 959lists Cu"ped off and Sin#h be#an a le9ture A D .hen ! was in Mesopota"ia ! will tell 5ou fellows who don't =now an5thin# about an5thin# D The poli9e; "an dra##ed hi" awa5 to the side2 and wa$ed to the traffi9 to resu"e One of the 959lists who resu"ed2 Cu"ped off the saddle a#ain and 9a"e towards hi" with A D .h5 H !t is Sin#h2 Sin#h2 what fan95 dress is this F .hat is the "atter F D E$en throu#h the

ha@e of his insane $ision Sin#h 9ould re9o#ni@e the $oi9e and the person the A99ountant at the offi9e Sin#h 9li9=ed his heels and #a$e a salute A D E>9use "e sir2 didn't intend to stop 5ou You "a5 pass D He pointed the wa5 #enerousl52 and the A99ountant saw the letter in his hand He re9o#ni@ed it althou#h it was "ud;stained and 9ru"pled D Sin#h2 5ou #ot our letter F D D Yes2 sir2 (ass Do not spea= of it 2 D D .hat is the "atter F D He snat9hed it fro" his hand D .h5 ha$en't 5ou opened it H D He tore open the en$elope and too= out of it a letter and read aloud A D The General Mana#er #reatl5 appre9; iates the $er5 artisti9 "odels 5ou ha$e sent2 and he is pleased to san9tion a reward of Rs *<< and hopes

8, GATEMAN'S G!'T it will be an en9oura#e"ent for 5ou to =eep up this interestin# hobb5 D !t was translated to hi" word for word2 and the en9losure2 a 9he?ue for one hundred rupees2 was handed to hi" A bi# 9rowd #athered to wat9h this s9ene Sin#h pressed the letter to his e5es He beat his brow2 and wailed A D Tell "e2 sir2 a" ! "ad or not F D D You loo= ?uite well2 5ou aren't "ad2D said the A99ountant Sin#h fell at his feet and said with tears 9ho=in# his $oi9e A D You are a #od2 sir2 to sa5 that ! a" not "ad ! a" so happ5 to hear it D On the ne>t pension da5 he turned up spru9e as e$er at the offi9e 9ounter As the5 handed hi" the en$elope the5 as=ed A D .hat to5s are 5ou "a=in# now F D D Nothin# sir Ne$er a#ain !t is no o99upation for a sane "an D he said2 re9ei$ed his pension2 and stiffl5 wal=ed out of the offi9e

1 THE ROMAN !MAGE THE Tal=ati$e Man said A On9e ! was an ar9haeolo#ist's assistant ! wandered up and down the 9ountr5 probin#2 e>plor; in#2 and di##in#2 in sear9h of anti?uities2 a "ost interestin# o99upation2 althou#h 95ni9s so"eti"es 9alled us D #ra$e;di##ers D ! enCo5ed the wor= i""ensel5 ! had a "aster who was a fa"ous ar9haeolo#ist 9alled Do9tor so"ethin# or other He was a superb2 ti"eless bein#2 who li$ed a thousand

5ears behind the ti"es2 and who wanted neither food nor roof nor ri9hes if onl5 he was allowed to #a@e on undisturbed at an old 9oin or 9hip of a burial urn He had torn up the earth in al"ost all parts of !ndia and had brou#ht to li#ht $er5 $aluable infor"ation 9on9ernin# the histor5 and outloo= of people of re"ote 9enturies His "ono#raphs on ea9h of his e>9a$ations filled se$eral shel$es in all the i"portant libraries And then2 as our #ood fortune would ha$e it2 he re9ei$ed an inspiration that Mal#udi distri9t was e"inentl5 di##able ! a" not 9o"petent to e>plain how he #ot this idea2 but there it was .ord was brou#ht to "e that the #reat "an was sta5in# in the da= bun#alow and was in need of an assistant .ithin an hour of hearin# it ! stood before the #reat "an He was sittin# on the floor with the "ost 9ra@5 9olle9tion of arti9les in front of hi" pots and 81

8: THE ROMAN !MAGE beads and useless 9oins and pal" lea$es2 all of the" rust5 and de9a5in# He had a lens b5 his side2 throu#h whi9h he loo=ed at these arti9les and "ade notes He as=ed "e A D .hat do 5ou =now of the ar9haeolo#i9al fa9tors of 5our distri9t F D ! blin=ed Honestl5 ! didn't =now there was an5 ar9haeolo#5 in our pla9e He loo=ed at "e throu#h his old spe9ta9les2 and ! reali@ed that "5 li$in# depended upon "5 answer ! "ustered up all the =nowled#e of ele"entar5 histor5 ! had a9?uired in "5 bo5hood2 and replied A D .ell2 nothin# has so far been done in an5 "ethodi9al "anner2 althou#h now and then we 9o"e a9ross so"e i#norant $illa#ers plou#hin# up old unusual bits of potter5 and "etal D D Reall52D he as=ed2 pri9=in# up his ears what do the5 do with the" F D D And

D The5 si"pl5 throw the" awa5 or #i$e the" to 9hildren to pla5 with2D ! replied D Oh2 too bad2D he "uttered D .h5 9ouldn't 5ou ha$e 9olle9ted these thin#s in one pla9e F D D ! will ta=e 9are to do that hereafter2 sir2D ! said E and that settled it He en#a#ed "e on the spot at fift5 rupees a "onth2 and "5 "ain business was to follow hi" about and help hi" ! had "5 wits ali$e2 and within a "onth ! was in a position to lead hi" b5 the hand Not the sli#htest obCe9t es9aped "5 noti9e ! pi9=ed up e$er5thin# ! saw2 9leaned and polished it2 and held it up for his

opinion Most ti"es2 ! a" sorr5 to 9onfess2 the5 were useless bits of stuff of =nown ori#in na"el52 our own ti"es %ut ! a" #lad to sa5 that on9e ! s9ored a hit .e 9a"ped one wee=;end at Siral a $illa#e si>t5 "iles fro" the town !t is a lo$el5 an9ient pla9e2

THE ROMAN !MAGE 89onsistin# of a hundred houses Sara5u Ri$er winds its wa5 alon# the northern boundar5 of the $illa#e The ri$er here is broader than it is an5where else in the distri9t On the other ban= of the ri$er we ha$e the be#innin#s of a "a#nifi9ent Cun#le of ba"boo and tea= The "ost "odern stru9ture in the pla9e was a s"all two;roo"ed inspe9tion lod#e The do9tor o99upied one roo" and ! the other .e were s9outin# the surroundin#s for a "ound under whi9h was supposed to be a buried 9it5 This dis9o$er5 was #oin# to push the earliest =nown 9i$ili@ation three 9enturies farther ba9= and ri$al MohenCadaro in anti?uit5 .e "i#ht be pardoned if we set about our business with so"e intensit5 Our do9tor so"e; how see"ed to possess an ine>pli9able feelin# of ri$alr5 with the dis9o$erers of MohenCadaro and su9h other pla9es His #reatest desire was to ha$e a "onopol5 of the earliest =nown 9i$ili@ation and pla9e it where he 9hose This see"ed to "e a sli#ht wea=; ness in his nature2 but pardonable in a #reat "an2 who had done so "u9h else in life This is all beside the point Let "e #et on with the stor5 One da5 ! had #one to the ri$er for a bathe !t was an e>hilar; atin# e$enin# E ! had done a #ood da5's wor=2 assistin# the do9tor to 9lean up and stud5 a pie9e of stained #lass pi9=ed up in a field outside the $illa#e The do9tor =ept #a@in# at this #lass all da5 He 9onstantl5 shoo= his head and said A D This is easil5 the "ost i"portant pie9e of wor= whi9h has 9o"e under "5 noti9e This bit of #lass 5ou see is not ordinar5 ar9haeolo#i9al stuff2 but a $er5 i"portant lin= This pie9e of #lass is reall5 'lorentian2 whi9h went out of $o#ue in A D 1 How did this 9o"e here F !t is not found an5where else in the world !f the identit5 of

8 7 THE ROMAN !MAGE this is established properl5 we "a5 ulti"atel5 ha$e a #reat deal to sa5 about the earl5 Ro"an E"pire and this part of !ndia This will re$olutioni@e our whole =nowled#e of histor5 D He tal=ed of nothin# but that the whole da5 He tre"bled with e>9ite"ent and lost all taste for food He =ept on "utterin# A

D .e "ust tread waril5 and not o$erloo= the sli#htest e$iden9e &eep 5our e5es open .e are on the e$e of #reat dis9o$eries D And ! 9au#ht this e>9ite; "ent and a9?uired a per"anentl5 sear9hin# loo= ! was in this state when ! plun#ed into the waters of Sara5u that e$enin# ! a" a #ood di$er As ! went down "5 hand stru9= a#ainst a hard obCe9t in the sand5 bed 'eelin# with "5 fin#ers2 ! found it to be a stone i"a#e .hen ! 9a"e to the surfa9e a#ain ! 9a"e up bearin# that i"a#e with "e Drippin# with water2 ! sat on the ri$er step2 without e$en dr5in# "5self2 and e>a"ined the i"a#e D This ta=es us on to an entirel5 new set of possi; bilities H D e>9lai"ed the do9tor in #reat Co5 He =eenl5 e>a"ined it b5 our tin lantern !t was a stone i"a#e a foot hi#h2 whi9h had a9?uired a #lass; li=e s"oothness2 ha$in# been under water for 5ears !t had an ar"2 an e5e2 the nose2 and the "outh "issin# There were a few details of orna"ent and draper5 whi9h the do9tor e>a"ined with spe9ial 9are !t was 8 a " when he went to bed An hour later the do9tor peeped in at "5 doorwa5 and announ9ed A D This is a Ro"an statue How it 9a"e to be found in these parts is an histori9al fa9t we ha$e to wrest fro" e$iden9e !t is #oin# to #i$e an entirel5 new turn to !ndian histor5 D .ithin the ne>t two "onths all the i"portant papers and periodi9als in the world published details

THE ROMAN !MAGE 8+ of this dis9o$er5 (apers were read before histori9al asso9iations and 9onferen9es ! 9a"e to be loo=ed upon as a sort of sa$iour of !ndian histor5 'or the do9tor insisted upon #i$in# "e "5 due share of fa"e )ni$ersit5 honours 9a"e "5 wa5 ! was offered lu9rati$e positions here and there !t was finall5 de9ided that the i"a#e was that of a Ro"an E"peror 9alled Tiberius !! !t would be out' of pla9e to #o into the details that led to this 9on9lusion A but 5ou need ha$e no doubt that the do9tor had e>9ellent reasons for it %esides the stud5 of the i"a#e itself he went throu#h so"e Ro"an te>ts whi9h "entioned South !ndia 'or the ne>t few "onths we toured about a #reat deal le9turin# on this subCe9t and de"onstratin# ! went with "5 do9tor to Madras and started wor= on a "ono#raph on the subCe9t !t was to be a "onu; "ental wor= 9o$erin# o$er a thousand pa#es of de"5 si@e2 full of photo#raphs and s=et9hes You 9an understand wh5 it should be so bi# when ! tell 5ou that it was #oin# to be a 9o"bined wor= on earl5

Ro"an histor52 !ndian histor52 ar9haeolo#52 and epi#raph5 M5 na"e was #oin# to appear as the Coint author of the wor= ! reali@ed that here was "5 future fa"e2 position2 and perhaps so"e "one5 too The do9tor left "e in entire 9har#e of this wor= and went awa5 to )pper !ndia to 9ontinue a pie9e of wor= whi9h he had alread5 been doin# ! sat in a lar#e librar5 the whole da52 e>a"inin#2 in$esti#atin#2 stud5in#2 and writin# ! be9a"e a fairl5 i"portant person in learned so9ieties ! wor=ed fro" se$en in the "ornin# to ele$en in the e$enin# al"ost with; out a brea=2 and throu#hout the da5 ! had $isits fro" people interested in the dis9o$er5 (apers and Cournals

,< THE ROMAN !MAGE 9ontained para#raphs now and then DAr9haeolo#ist assistant wor=in# on "ono#raph D and its pro#ress was dul5 reported to the publi9 And then there 9a"e a ti"e when the press 9ould announ9e A D Mono#raph on whi9h has been wor=in# for "onths now will be read5 for publi9ation in ten da5s !t is e>pe9ted that this is #oin# to "a=e the ri9hest 9ontribution to !ndian histor5 D M5 fin#ers were worn out with writin# M5 e5es were nearl5 #one ! loo=ed forward to the end of the wor= E and then as "5 do9tor wrote A D You 9an ha$e a holida5 for three "onths in an5 hill station 5ou li=e and for#et the whole business D The "anus9ripts piled a 5ard hi#h on "5 table !t was at this sta#e that ! had to $isit Siral on9e a#ain ! had to obtain "easure"ents of the spot where the i"a#e was found ! left "5 wor= at that and hurried to the $illa#e ! plun#ed into the ri$er and 9a"e up ! sat on the ri$er step2 still drippin# with water2 notin# down fi#ures2 when a stran#er 9a"e and sat near "e .e fell to tal=in#2 and ! told hi" about "5 wor=2 in the hope of drawin# out further fa9ts He was a rusti92 and he listened to "e without e"otion At the end of "5 narration he re"ained pe9uliarl5 "ood5 and as=ed "e to repeat fa9ts about the i"a#e He 9o"; pressed his lips and as=ed A D .here do 5ou sa5 it 9a"e fro" F D Ro"e D D .here is that F D D !n Europe2D ! said He stood still2 pu@@led2 and ! a"plified A D .here the European people li$e D D ! don't =now about that but if it is the i"a#e whi9h 5ou found in these parts ! 9an tell 5ou so"ethin#

about it

!t is without nose and ar"2 isn't it F D

THE ROMAN !MAGE ,* ! assented2 not =nowin# what was 9o"in# He said A D 'ollow "e2 if 5ou want to =now an5thin# "ore about this i"a#e D He led "e up the ban=2 alon# a foot tra9= whi9h wound throu#h the Cun#le .e rea9hed a ha"let a "ile off He stopped in front of a little shrine and said A D That i"a#e belon#ed to this te"ple D He led "e into the shrine .e had to #o stoopin# into it be9ause of its narrow doorwa5 and low roof At the inner san9tu" there was an i"a#e of Mari with a #arland of 5ellow 9hr5santhe"u"s around her ne9=2 lit b5 a faint wi9= la"p On one side of the san9tu" doorwa5 stood a dwarapala=a /door=eeper0 a win#ed 9reature a foot hi#h M5 friend pointed at the i"a#e and said A D This for"ed a pair with the one 5ou pi9=ed up2 and it used to adorn that side of the doorwa5 D ! loo=ed up where he pointed ! noti9ed a pedestal without an5thin# on it A doubt sei@ed "e D ! want to e>a"ine the fi#ure2D ! said He brou#ht down the wi9= la"p E ! e>a"ined b5 its fli9=erin# li#ht the dwarapala=a D !s this e>a9tl5 li=e the one whi9h was on that side F D !t was a superfluous ?uestion This i"a#e was e>a9tl5 li=e the i"a#e ! had found2 but without its inCuries D .here was this "ade F D D ! had it done b5 a stone;i"a#e "a=er2 a fellow in another $illa#e You see that hillo9= F !ts stone is "ade into i"a#es all o$er the world2 and at its foot is a $illa#e where the5 "a=e i"a#es D D Are 5ou sure when it was "ade F D D Yes2 ! #a$e an ad$an9e of twent5 rupees for it2 and how that fellow dela5ed H ! went o$er to the $illa#e and sat up ni#ht and da5 for two "onths and 2 #ot the pair done ! wat9hed the" ta=e shape before

,6 THE ROMAN !MAGE "5 e5es And then we 9olle9ted about fift5 rupees and #a$e it to hi" .e wanted to i"pro$e this te"ple D ! put ba9= the la"p and wal=ed out ! sat down on the te"ple step D .h5 do 5ou loo= so sadF ! thou#ht 5ou'd be pleased to =now these

thin#s2D he said2 wat9hin# "e D ! a"2 ! a" onl5 !'$e been rather unwell2D ! assured hi" D 3an't 5ou tell "e so"ethin# "ore about it A how it 9a"e to be found in the ri$er F D D Yes2 5es2D said "5 friend D !t was 9arried and thrown into the ri$er E it didn't wal= down there D D Oh H D ! e>9lai"ed D That is a stor5 'or this we went to the 9ourt and had the priest dis"issed and fined He 9annot 9o"e near the te"ple now .e spent one thousand rupees in law5er fees alone E we were prepared to spend all our fortune if onl5 to see that priest re"o$ed !t went up to Mal#udi 9ourt we #ot a $a=il fro" Madras D D .hat was wron# with 5our priest F D D No doubt he had a hereditar5 9lai" and too= up the wor= when his father died2 but the fellow was a de$il for drin=2 if e$er there was one Mornin# till ni#ht he was drin=in#2 and he perfor"ed all the puCa in that 9ondition .e did not =now what to do with hi" .e Cust tolerated hi"2 hopin# that so"e da5 the #oddess would tea9h hi" a lesson .e did not li=e to be too harsh2 sin9e he was a poor fellow2 and he went about his duties ?uietl5 %ut when we added these two dwarapala=as at the doorwa5 he #ot a ?ueer notion in his head He used to sa5 that the two door=eepers 9onstantl5 harried hi" b5 starin# at hi" where$er he went He said that their loo= pri9=ed hi" in the ne9= So"eti"es he would peep in fro"

THE ROMAN !MAGE ,8 within to see if the i"a#es were loo=in# awa52 and he'd s9rea"2 B Ah2 still the5 are wat9hin# "e2' and shout at the" This went on for "onths !n 9ourse of ti"e he be#an to shudder whene$er he had to pass these door=eepers !t was an a9ute "o"ent of suspense for hi" when he had to 9ross that pair and #et into the san9tu" Graduall5 he 9o"plained that if he e$er too= his e5es off these fi#ures the5 butted hi" fro" behind2 =i9=ed hi"2 and pulled his hair2 and so forth He was afraid to loo= an5where else and wal=ed on 9autiousl5 with his e5es on the i"a#es %ut if he had his e5es on one2 the other =no9=ed hi" fro" behind He showed us bruises and s9rat9hes so"eti"es .e de9lared we "i#ht treat his 9o"plaints seriousl5 if he e$er went into the shrine without a drop of drin= in hi" !n 9ourse of ti"e he started to see= his own re"ed5 He 9arried a s"all "allet with hi"2

and whene$er he #ot a =no9= he returned the blow E it fell on a nose toda52 on an ar" to"orrow2 and on an ear another da5 .e didn't noti9e his handiwor= for "onths Lud#in# fro" the "allet blows2 the i"a#e on the left side see"s to ha$e been the #reater offender D The 9ul"ination 9a"e when he =no9=ed it off its pedestal and 9arried it to the ri$er Ne>t "ornin# he de9lared he saw it wal= off and plun#e into the ri$er He "ust ha$e felt that this would ser$e as a lesson to the other i"a#e if it should be thin=in# of an5 tri9= %ut the other i"a#e ne$er #ot its 9han9e 'or we dra##ed the priest before a law 9ourt and had hi" sent awa5 D Thus ended the $illa#er's tale !t too= ti"e for "e to re9o$er ! as=ed A D Didn't 5ou ha$e to pi9= up the i"a#e fro" the water and show it to the Cud#e F D

,, THE ROMAN !MAGE D No2 be9ause the fellow would not tell us where he had flun# it ! did not =now till this "o"ent where e>a9tl5 it 9ould be found D .hen ! went ba9= to Madras ! was a different "an The do9tor had Cust returned for a short sta5 ! told hi" e$er5thin# He was furious D .e ha$e "ade oursel$es "i#ht5 fools before the whole world2D he 9ried ! didn't =now what to sa5 ! "u"bled A D! a" so sorr52 sir D He pointed at the pile of "anus9ripts on the table and 9ried A D Throw all that rubbish into the fire2 before we are de9lared "ad D ! pushed the whole pile off the table and applied a "at9h;sti9= .e stood frownin# at the roarin# fire for a "o"ent2 and then he as=ed2 pointin# at the i"a#e A D And what will 5ou do with it F D D ! don't =now2D ! said D Drown it After all2 5ou pi9=ed it up fro" the water that pie9e of nonsense H D he 9ried ! had ne$er seen hi" in su9h a ra#e before ! wrapped the i"a#e in a pie9e of brown paper2 9arried it to the seashore2 and flun# it far into the sea ! hope it is still rollin# about at the botto" of the %a5 of %en#al ! onl5 hope it won't #et into so"e lar#e fish and 9o"e ba9= to the stud5 table H Later a brief "essa#e appeared in all the i"portant papers A D The "anus9ript on whi9h Do9tor and assistant were

en#a#ed has been destro5ed2 and the wor= will be suspended D The do9tor #a$e "e two "onths' salar5 and bade "e #ood;b5e

: THE %L!ND DOG !T was not a $er5 i"pressi$e or hi#h;9lass do# E it was one of those 9o""onpla9e do#s one sees e$er5where 9olour of white and dust2 tail "utilated at a 5oun# a#e b5 God =nows who"2 born in the street2 and bred on the lea$in#s and #arba#e of the "ar=et;pla9e He had spott5 e5es and undistin#uished 9arria#e and needless pu#na9it5 %efore he was two 5ears old he had earned the s9ars of a hundred fi#hts on his bod5 .hen he needed rest on hot afternoons he la5 9urled up under the 9ul$ert at the eastern #ate of the "ar=et !n the e$enin#s he set out on his dail5 rounds2 loafed in the surroundin# streets and lanes2 en#a#ed hi"self in s=ir"ishes2 pi9=ed up edibles on the roadside2 and was ba9= at the "ar=et #ate b5 ni#htfall This life went on for three 5ears And then o99urred a 9han#e in his life A be##ar2 blind of both e5es2 appeared at the "ar=et #ate An old wo"an led hi" up there earl5 in the "ornin#2 seated hi" at the #ate2 and 9a"e up a#ain at "idda5 with so"e food2 #athered his 9oins2 and too= hi" ho"e at ni#ht The do# was sleepin# near b5 He was stirred b5 the s"ell of food He #ot up2 9a"e out of his shelter2 and stood before the blind "an2 wa##in# his tail and #a@in# e>pe9tantl5 at the bowl2 as he was eatin# his sparse "eal The blind "an swept his ar"s about and as=ed A D .ho is there F D At whi9h the do# went up and li9=ed his hand The blind "an stro=ed ,1

,: THE %L!ND DOG its 9oat #entl5 tail to ear and said A D .hat a beaut5 5ou are 3o"e with "e D He threw a handful

of food whi9h the do# ate #ratefull5 !t was perhaps an auspi9ious "o"ent for startin# a friendship The5 "et e$er5 da5 there2 and the do# 9ut off "u9h of its ra"blin# to sit up beside the blind "an and wat9h hi" Nre9ei$e al"s "ornin# to e$enin# !n 9ourse of

ti"e obser$in# hi"2 the do# understood that the passers;b5 "ust #i$e a 9oin2 and whoe$er went awa5 without droppin# a 9oin was 9hased b5 the do# E he tu##ed the ed#e of their 9lothes b5 his teeth and pulled the" ba9= to the old "an at the #ate and let #o onl5 after so"ethin# was dropped in his bowl A"on# those who fre?uented this pla9e was a $illa#e ur9hin2 who had the "is9hief of a de$il in hi" He li=ed to tease the blind "an b5 9allin# hi" na"es and b5 tr5in# to pi9= up the 9oins in his bowl The blind "an helplessl5 shouted and 9ried and whirled his staff On Thursda5s this bo5 appeared at the #ate2 9arr5in# on his head a bas=et loaded with 9u9u"ber or plantain E$er5 Thursda5 afternoon it was a 9risis in the blind "an's life A seller of bri#ht 9oloured but doubtful perfu"es with his wares "ounted on a wheeled platfor"2 a "an who spread out 9heap stor5;boo=s on a #unn5 sa9=2 another "an who 9arried 9oloured ribbons on an elaborate fra"e these were the people who usuall5 #athered under the sa"e ar9h2 On a Thursda5 when the 5oun# "an appeared at the Eastern #ate one of the" re"ar=ed2 D %lind fellow H Here 9o"es 5our s9our#e D DOh2 God2 is this Thursda5FD he wailed He swept his ar"s about and 9alled A D Do#2 do#2 9o"e here2 where are 5ou F D He "ade the pe9uliar noise whi9h brou#ht the do# to his side He stro=ed his

THE %L!ND DOG ,head and "uttered A D Don't let that little ras9al D At this $er5 "o"ent the bo5 9a"e up with a leer on his fa9e D %lind "an H Still pretendin# 5ou ha$e no e5es !f 5ou are reall5 blind2 5ou should not =now this either D He stopped2 his hand "o$in# towards the bowl The do# spran# on hi" and snapped his Caws on wrist The bo5 e>tri9ated his hand and ran for his life The do# bounded up behind hi" and 9hased hi" out of the "ar=et D See the "on#rel's affe9tion for this old fellowI' "ar$elled the perfu"e;$endor One e$enin# at the usual ti"e the old wo"an failed to turn up2 and the blind "an waited at the #ate2 worr5in# as the e$enin# #rew into ni#ht As he sat frettin# there2 a nei#hbour 9a"e up and said A D Sa"i2 don't wait for the old wo"an She will not 9o"e


She died this afternoon D

The blind "an lost the onl5 ho"e he had2 and the onl5 person who 9ared for hi" in this world The ribbon;$endor su##ested A D Here2 ta=e this white tape D He held a len#th of the white 9ord whi9h he had been sellin# D ! will #i$e this to 5ou free of 9ost Tie it to the do# and let hi" lead 5ou about if he is reall5 so fond of 5ou D Life for the do# too= a new turn now He 9a"e to ta=e the pla9e of the old wo"an He lost his freedo" 9o"pletel5 His world 9a"e to be 9ir9u"s9ribed b5 the li"its of the white 9ord whi9h the ribbon;$endor had spared He had to for#et wholesale all his old life all his old haunts He si"pl5 had to sta5 on for e$er at the end of that strin# .hen he saw other do#s2 friends or foes2 instin9ti$el5 he spran# up2 tu##in# the strin#2 and this in$ariabl5 earned hi" a

,7 THE %L!ND DOG =i9= fro" his "aster D Ras9al2 want to tu"ble "e

down ha$e sense D !n a few da5s the do# learnt to dis9ipline his instin9t and i"pulse He 9eased to ta=e noti9e of other do#s2 e$en if the5 9a"e up and #rowled at his side He lost his own orbit of "o$e; "ent and 9onta9t with his fellow;9reatures To the e>tent of this loss his "aster #ained He "o$ed about as he had ne$er "o$ed in his life All da5 he was on his le#s2 led b5 the do# .ith the staff in one hand and the do#;lead in the other he "o$ed out of his ho"e a 9orner in a 9houltr5 $eranda a few 5ards off the "ar=et A he had "o$ed in there after the old wo"an's death He started out earl5 in the da5 He found that he 9ould treble his in9o"e b5 "o$in# about instead of sta5in# in one pla9e He "o$ed down the 9houltr5 street2 and where$er he heard people's $oi9es he stopped and held out his hands for al"s Shops2 s9hools2 hospitals2 hotels he left nothin# out He #a$e a tu# when he wanted the do# to stop2 and shouted li=e a bullo9=;dri$er when he wanted hi" to "o$e on The do# prote9ted his feet fro" #oin# into pits2 or stu"pin# a#ainst steps or stones2 and too= hi" up in9h b5 in9h on safe #round and steps 'or this si#ht people #a$e 9oins and helped hi" 3hildren #athered round hi" and #a$e hi" thin#s to eat A do# is essentiall5 an a9ti$e 9reature who pun9tuates his he9ti9 rounds with well;defined

periods of rest %ut now this do# /hen9eforth to be =nown as Ti#er0 had lost all rest He had rest onl5 when the old "an sat down so"ewhere At ni#ht the old "an slept with the 9ord turned around his fin#er D ! 9an't ta=e 9han9es with 5ou D he said A

#reat desire to earn "ore "one5 than e$er before sei@ed his "aster2 so that he felt an5 restin# a waste

THE %L!ND DOG ,+ of opportunit52 and the do# had to be 9ontinuousl5 on his feet So"eti"es his le#s refused to "o$e %ut if he slowed down e$en sli#htl5 his "aster #oaded hi" on fier9el5 with his staff The do# whined and #roaned under this thrust D Don't whine2 5ou ras9al Don't ! #i$e 5ou 5our food F You want to loaf2 do 5ou F D swore the blind "an The do# lu"bered up and down and round and round the "ar=et;pla9e on slow steps2 tied down to the blind t5rant Lon# after the traffi9 at the "ar=et 9eased2 5ou 9ould hear the ni#ht stabbed b5 the far;off wail of the tired do# !t lost its ori#inal appearan9e As "onths rolled on2 bones stu9= up at his haun9hes and ribs were reliefed throu#h his fadin# 9oat The ribbon;seller2 the no$el;$endor and the perfu"er obser$ed it one e$enin#2 when business was sla9=2 and held a 9onferen9e a"on# the"sel$es A D!t rends "5 heart to see that poor do# sla$in# 3an't we do so"ethin# F D The ribbon;seller re"ar=ed A D That ras9al has started lendin# "one5 for interest ! heard it fro" that fruit;seller He is earnin# "ore than he needs He has be9o"e a $er5 de$il for "one5 D

At this point the perfu"er's e5es 9au#ht the s9issors dan#lin# fro" the ribbon;ra9= D Gi$e it here2D he said and "o$ed on with the s9issors in hand The blind "an was passin# in front of the Eastern #ate The do# was strainin# the lead There was a pie9e of bone l5in# on the wa5 and the do# was strainin# to pi9= it up The lead be9a"e taut and hurt the blind "an's hand2 and he tu##ed the strin# and =i9=ed till the do# howled !t howled2 but 9ould not pass the bone li#htl5 E it tried to "a=e another dash for it The blind "an was heapin# 9urses on it The perfu"er stepped up2 applied the s9issors and


snipped the 9ord The do# boun9ed off and pi9=ed up the bone The blind "an stopped dead where he stood2 with the other half of the strin# dan#lin# in his hand D Ti#er H Ti#er H .here are 5ou F D he 9ried The perfu"er "o$ed awa5 ?uietl52 "utterin# A D You heartless de$il H You will ne$er #et at hi" a#ain H He has his freedo" H D The do# went off at top speed He nosed about the dit9hes happil52 hurled hi"self on other do#s2 and ran round and round the fountain in the "ar=et;s?uare bar=in#2 his e5es spar=lin# with Co5 He returned to his fa$ourite haunts and hun# about the but9her's shop2 tea;stall2 and the ba=er5 The ribbon;$endor and his two friends stood at the "ar=et #ate and enCo5ed the si#ht i""ensel5 as the blind "an stru##led to find his wa5 about He stood rooted to the spot wa$in# his sti9= E he felt as if he were han#in# in "id;air He was wailin# D Oh2 where is "5 do#F .here is "5 do#F .on't so"eone #i$e hi" ba9= to "eF ! will "urder it when ! #et at it a#ain H D He #roped about2 tried to 9ross the road2 9a"e near bein# run o$er b5 a do@en $ehi9les at different points2 tu"bled and stru##led and #asped D He'd deser$e it if he was run o$er2 this heartless bla9=#uard D the5 said2 obser$in# hi" Howe$er2 with the help 9orner in the his #unn5sa9= his Courne5 the old "an stru##led throu#h and of so"eone found his wa5 ba9= to his 9houltr5 $eranda and san= down on bed2 half faint with the strain of

He was not seen for ten da5s2 fifteen da5s and twent5 da5s Nor was the do# seen an5where The5 9o""ented a"on# the"sel$es D The do# "ust be loafin# o$er the whole earth2 free and happ5 The

THE %L!ND DOG 1* be##ar is perhaps #one for e$er D Hardl5 was this senten9e uttered when the5 heard the fa"iliar tap;tap of the blind "an's staff The5 saw hi" a#ain 9o"in# up the pa$e"ent led b5 the do# D Loo= H Loo= H D the5 9ried D He has a#ain #ot at it and tied it up D The ribbon;seller 9ould not 9ontain hi"self He ran up and said A D .here ha$e 5ou been all these da5s F D D &now what happened H D 9ried the blind "an

D This do# ran awa5 ! should ha$e died in a da5 or two2 9onfined to "5 9orner2 no food2 not an anna to earn i"prisoned in "5 9orner ! should ha$e perished if it 9ontinued for another da5 %ut this thin# returned D D .hen F .hen F D D Last ni#ht At "idni#ht as ! slept in bed2 he 9a"e and li9=ed "5 fa9e ! felt li=e "urderin# hi" ! #a$e hi" a blow whi9h he will ne$er for#et a#ain2D said the blind "an D ! for#a$e hi"2 after all a do# H He loafed as lon# as he 9ould pi9= up so"e rubbish to eat on the road2 but real hun#er has dri$en hi" ba9= to Cne2 but he will not lea$e "e a#ain See H ! ha$e #ot this D and he shoo= the lead A it was a steel 9hain this ti"e On9e a#ain there was the dead2 despairin# loo= in the do#'s e5es D Go on2 5ou fool2D 9ried the blind "an2 shoutin# li=e an o>;dri$er He tu##ed the 9hain2 po=ed with the sti9=2 and the do# "o$ed awa5 on slow steps The5 stood listenin# to the tap;tap #oin# awa5 D Death alone 9an help that do#2D 9ried the ribbon; seller2 loo=in# after it with a si#h D .hat 9an we do with a 9reature who returns to his doo" with su9h a free heart F D

'ELLO.;'EEL!NG THE Madras;%an#alore E>press was due to start in a few "inutes Trolle5s and barrows piled with trun=s and beds rattled their wa5 throu#h the bustle 'ruit;sellers and beedi;and;betel sellers 9ried the"sel$es hoarse Late9o"ers pushed2 shouted and perspired The en#ine added to the #eneral noise with the low "onotonous hu" of its boiler E the first bell ran#2 the #uard loo=ed at his wat9h Mr RaCa" !5er arri$ed on the platfor" at a terrifi9 pa9e2 with a s"all roll of beddin# under one ar" and an absurd 5ellow trun= under the other He ran to the first third;9lass 9o"part"ent that 9au#ht his e5e2 peered in and2 sin9e the door 9ould not be opened on a99ount of the 9on#estion inside2 flun# hi"self in throu#h the window 'ifteen "inutes later Madras flashed past the train in window;fra"ed pat9hes of sun;s9or9hed roofs and

fields At the ne>t halt2 Mandha=a"2 "ost of the passen#ers #ot down The 9o"part"ent built to D seat 7 passen#ers E , %ritish Troops2 or : !ndian Troops2D now 9arried onl5 nine RaCa" !5er found a seat and "ade hi"self 9o"fortable opposite a sallow2 "ee= passen#er2 who suddenl5 re"o$ed his 9oat2 folded it and pla9ed it under his head and la5 down2 shrin=in# hi"self to the area he had o99upied while he was sittin# .ith his =nees drawn up al"ost to 16

'ELLO.;'EEL!NG 18 his 9hin2 he rolled hi"self into a ball RaCa" !5er threw at hi" an indul#ent2 9o"passionate loo= He then fu"bled for his #lasses and pulled out of his po9=et a s"all boo=2 whi9h set forth in 9lear Ta"il the si#nifi9an9e of the obs9ure Sandhi rites that e$er5 %rah"in worth the na"e perfor"s thri9e dail5 He was startled out of this pleasant lan#uor b5 a series of #rowls 9o"in# fro" a passen#er who had #ot in at &atpadi The new9o"er2 loo=in# for a seat2 had been irritated b5 the spe9ta9le of the "ee= passen#er asleep and had enfor9ed the law of the Third;9lass He then en9roa9hed on "ost of the "ee= passen#er's le#iti"ate spa9e and be#an to deli$er ho"e;truths whi9h passed b5 eas5 sta#es fro" i"; puden9e to i"pertinen9e and finall5 to ribaldr5 RaCa" !5er peered o$er his spe9ta9les There was a dan#erous loo= in his e5es He tried to return to the boo=2 but 9ould not The bull5's spee9h was #atherin# "o"entu" D .hat is all this F D RaCa" !5er as=ed suddenl52 in a hard tone D .hat is what F D #rowled ba9= the new9o"er2 turnin# sharpl5 on RaCa" !5er D Moderate 5our st5le a bit2D RaCa" !5er said fir"l5 D You "oderate 5ours first2' * replied the other A pause D M5 "an2D RaCa" !5er be#an endearin#l52 D this sort of thin# will ne$er do D The new9o"er re9ei$ed this in silen9e RaCa" !5er felt en9oura#ed and dro$e ho"e his "oral A DLust tr5 and be "ore 9ourteous2 it is 5our dut5 D

D You "ind 5our business2D replied the new9o"er RaCa" !5er shoo= his head disappro$in#l5 and

1, 'ELLO.;'EEL!NG drawled out a D No D The new9o"er stood loo=in# out for so"e ti"e and2 as if e>pressin# a brilliant truth that had Cust dawned on hi"2 said2 D You ar9 a %rah"in2 ! see Learn2 sir2 that 5our da5s are o$er Don't thin= 5ou 9an bull5 us as 5ou ha$e been bull5in# us all these 5ears D RaCa" !5er #a$e a short lau#h and said A D .hat has it to do with 5our beastl5 9ondu9t to this #entle; "an F D The new9o"er assu"ed a tone of "o9= hu"ilit5 and said A D Shall ! ta=e the dust fro" 5our feet2 O Hol5 %rah"in F Oh2 %rah"in2 %rah"in D He 9on; tinued in a sin#;son# fashion A D Your da5s are o$er2 "5 dear sir2 learn that ! should li=e to see 5ou tr5in# a bit of bossin# on us D D .hose "aster is who F D as=ed RaCa" !5er philosophi9all5 The new9o"er went on with no ob$ious rele$an9e A D The 9ost of "utton has #one up out of all proportion !t is nearl5 double what it used to be D D !s it F D as=ed RaCa" !5er D Yes2 and wh5 F D 9ontinued the other D %e9ause %rah"ins ha$e be#un to eat "eat and the5 pa5 hi#h pri9es to #et it se9retl5 D He then turned to the other passen#ers and added A D And we non;%rah"ins ha$e to pa5 the sa"e pri9e2 thou#h we don't 9are for the se9re95 D RaCa" !5er leaned ba9= in his seat2 re"indin# hi"self of a pro$erb whi9h said that if 5ou threw a stone into a #utter it would onl5 spurt filth in 5our fa9e D And2D said the new9o"er2 D the pri9e of "eat used to be fi$e annas per pound ! re"e"ber the da5s ?uite well !t is nearl5 twel$e annas now .h5F %e9ause the %rah"in is prepared to pa5 so

'ELLO.;'EEL!NG 11 "u9h2 if onl5 he 9an ha$e it in se9retB ! ha$e with

"5 own e5es seen %rah"ins2 pu==ah %rah"ins with sa9red threads on their bodies2 9arr5in# fish under their ar"s2 of 9ourse all wrapped up in a towel As= the" what it is2 and the5 will tell 5ou that it is plantain (lantain that has life2 ! suppose H ! on9e ti9=led a fellow under the ar" and out 9a"e the bi##est fish in the "ar=et He52 %rah"in2D he said2 turnin# to RaCa" !5er2 D what did 5ou ha$e for 5our "eal this "ornin#FD D.hoF ! F D as=ed RaCa" !5er D.h5 do 5ou want to =now F D D Loo=2 sirs2D said the new9o"er to the other passen#ers2 D wh5 is he afraid to tell us what he ate this "ornin# F D And turnin# to RaCa" !5er2 D Ma5n't a "an as= another what he had for his "ornin# "eal F D D Oh2 b5 all "eans ! had ri9e2 #hee2 9urds2 brinCal soup2 fried beans D D Oh2 is that all F D as=ed the new9o"er2 with an inno9ent loo= D Yes2D replied RaCa" !5er D !s that all F D D Yes2 how "an5 ti"es do 5ou want "e to repeat itFD D No offen9e2 no offen9e2D replied the new9o"er D Do 5ou "ean to sa5 ! a" l5in# F D as=ed RaCa" !5er D Yes2D replied the other2 D 5ou ha$e o"itted fro" 5our list a few thin#s Didn't ! see 5ou this "ornin# #oin# ho"e fro" the "ar=et with a banana2 a water banana2 wrapped up in a towel2 under 5our ar"F (ossibl5 it was so"ebod5 $er5 "u9h li=e 5ou (ossibl5 ! "istoo= the person M5 wife prepares e>9ellent soup with fish You won't be able to find the differen9e between dholl soup and fish soup Send 5our wife2

1 : 'ELLO.;'EEL!NG or the wife of the person that was e>a9tl5 li=e 5ou to "5 wife to learn soup "a=in# Hundreds of %rah"ins ha$e s"a9=ed their lips o$er the dholl soup prepared in "5 house ! a" a leper if there is a lie in an5thin# ! sa5 D D You are2D replied RaCa" !5er2 #rindin# his teeth D You are a rabid leper D D .ho" do 5ou 9all a leper H D

D You H D D ! F You 9all "e a leper F D D No ! 9all 5ou a rabid leper D

D You 9all "e rabid F D the new9o"er as=ed2 stri=in# his 9hest to e"phasi@e D Me D D You are a filth5 brute2D said RaCa" !5er "ust be handed o$er to the poli9e D D %ah H D e>9lai"ed the new9o"er =now what these poli9e were D D You

D As if ! didn't

D Yes2 5ou "ust ha$e had 9ountless o99asions to =now the poli9e And 5ou will see "ore of the" 5et in 5our "iserable life2 if 5ou don't #et beaten to death li=e the street "on#rel 5ou are2D said RaCa" !5er in #reat passion D .ith 5our foul "outh 5ou are bound to 9o"e to that end D D .hat do 5ou sa5 F D shouted the new9o"er "ena9in#l5 D .hat do 5ou sa52 5ou $ile hu"bu# F D D Shut up2D RaCa" !5er 9ried D You shut up D D Do 5ou =now to who" 5ou are tal=in# F D D .hat do ! 9are who the son of a "on#rel is F D D ! will thrash 5ou with "5 slippers2D said RaCa" !5er D ! will pulp 5ou down with an old rotten sandal2D 9a"e the repl5 D ! will =i9= 5ou2D said RaCa" !5er

'ELLO.;'EEL!NG 1D .ill 5ou F D howled the new9o"er D 3o"e on2 let us see D %oth rose to their feet si"ultaneousl5 There the5 stood fa9in# ea9h other on the floor of the 9o"part"ent RaCa" !5er was sei@ed b5 a sense of inferiorit5 The new9o"er stood nine 9lean in9hes o$er hi" He be#an to feel ridi9ulous2 short and fat2 wearin# a loose dhot and a #reen 9oat2 while the new9o"er towered abo$e hi" in his #rease;spotted

=ha=i suit Out of the 9orner of his e5e he noted that the other passen#ers were waitin# ea#erl5 to see how the issue would be settled and were not in the least disposed to inter$ene D .h5 do 5ou stand as if 5our "outh was stopped with "ud F D as=ed the new9o"er D Shut up2D RaCa" !5er snapped2 tr5in# not to be i"pressed b5 the si@e of the ad$ersar5 D Your honour said that 5ou would =i9= "e2D said the new9o"er2 pretendin# to offer hi"self D .on't ! =i9= 5ou F D as=ed RaCa" !5er D Tr5 D D No2D said RaCa" !5er2 D ! will do so"ethin#

worse D

D Do it2D said the other2 throwin# forward his 9hest and pushin# up the slee$es of his 9oat RaCa" !5er re"o$ed his 9oat and rolled up his slee$es He rubbed his hands and 9o""anded suddenl5 D Stand still H D The new9o"er was ta=en aba9= He stood for a se9ond baffled RaCa" !5er #a$e hi" no ti"e to thin= .ith #reat for9e he swun# his ri#ht ar" and brou#ht it near the other's 9hee=2 but stopped it short without hittin# hi" D .ait a "inute2 ! thin= ! had better #i$e 5ou a 9han9e2D said RaCa" !5er

1 7 'ELLO.;'EEL!NG D .hat 9han9e F D as=ed the new9o"er D !t would be unfair if ! did it without #i$in# 5ou a 9han9e D D Did what F D D You stand there and it will be o$er in a fra9tion of a se9ond D D 'ra9tion of a se9ond F .hat will 5ou do F D D Oh2 nothin# $er5 9o"pli9ated2D replied RaC a"

!5er will 5our 5our and2 feel

non9halantl52 D nothin# $er5 9o"pli9ated ! slap 5our ri#ht 9hee= and at the sa"e ti"e tu# left ear and 5our "outh2 whi9h is now under nose2 will suddenl5 find itself under 5our left ear2 what is "ore2 sta5 there ! assure 5ou2 5ou won't an5 pain D

D .hat do 5ou sa5 F D D And it will all be o$er before 5ou sa5 ' Sri Ra"a 4 D ! don't belie$e it2D said the new9o"er D .ell and #ood !5er 9arelessl5 pro$o9ation D Don't belie$e it2D said RaCa" D ! ne$er do it e>9ept under e>tre"e

D Do 5ou thin= ! a" an infant F D D ! i"plore 5ou2 "5 "an2 not to belie$e "e Ha$e 5ou heard of a thin# 9alled Cu;Citsu F .ell2 this is a si"ple tri9= in Cu;Citsu perhaps =nown to half a do@en persons in the whole of South !ndia D D You said 5ou would =i9= "e2D said the new9o"er D .ell2 isn't this worse F D as=ed RaCa" !5er He drew a line on the new9o"er's fa9e between his left ear and "outh2 "utterin# D ! "ust ad"it 5ou ha$e a tolerabl5 #ood fa9e and round fi#ure %ut i"a#ine 5ourself #oin# about the streets with 5our "outh under 5our left ear D He 9hu9=led at the $ision D ! e>pe9t at Lalarpet station there will be a hu#e 9rowd outside our 9o"part"ent to see 5ouI + The new9o"er

'ELLO.;'EEL!NG 1+ stro=ed his 9hin thou#htfull5 RaCa" !5er 9ontinued A D ! felt it "5 dut5 to e>plain the whole thin# to 5ou beforehand ! a" not as hot headed as 5ou are ! ha$e so"e 9onsideration for 5our wife and 9hildren !t will ta=e so"e ti"e for the =ids to re9o#ni@e papa when he returns ho"e with his "outh under How "an5 9hildren ha$e 5ou F D D 'our D D And then thin= of it2D said RaCa" !5er A D You will ha$e to ta=e 5our food under 5our left ear2 and 5ou will need the assistan9e of 5our wife to drin= water She will ha$e to pour it in D D ! will #o to a do9tor2D said the new9o"er D Do #o2D replied RaCa" !5er2 D and ! will #i$e 5ou a

thousand rupees if 5ou find a do9tor e$en European do9tors D

You "a5 tr5

The new9o"er stood ru"inatin# with =nitted brow D Now prepare2D shouted RaCa" !5er2 D one blow on the ri#ht 9hee= ! will Cer= 5our left ear2 and 5our "outh D The new9o"er suddenl5 ran to the window and leaned far out of it RaCa" de9ided to lea$e the 9o"part"ent at Lalarpet %ut the "o"ent the train stopped at Lalarpet station2 the new9o"er #rabbed his ba# and Cu"ped out He "o$ed awa5 at a furious pa9e and al"ost =no9=ed down a 9o9onut;seller and a person 9arr5in# a tra5; load of 9oloured to5s RaCa" !5er felt it would not be ne9essar5 for hi" to #et out now He leaned throu#h the window and 9ried2 D Loo= here H D The new9o"er turned D Shall ! =eep a seat for 5ou F D as=ed RaCa" !5er DNo2 "5 ti9=et is for Lalaipet2D the new9o"er answered and ?ui9=ened his pa9e

:< 'ELLO.;'EEL!NG The train had left Lalarpet at least a "ile behind The "ee= passen#er still sat shrun= in a 9orner of the seat RaCa" !5er loo=ed o$er his spe9ta9les and said A D Lie down if 5ou li=e 18 The "ee= passen#er pro9eeded to roll hi"self into a ball RaCa" !5er added2 D Did 5ou hear that bull5 sa5 that his ti9=et was for Lalarpet F D D Yes D D .ell2D he lied2 u he is in the fourth 9o"part"ent fro" here ! saw hi" #et into it Cust as the train started D Thou#h the "ee= passen#er was too #rateful to doubt this state"ent2 one or two other passen#ers loo=ed at RaCa" !5er s9epti9all5

7 THE .AT3HMAN THERE was still a faint splash of red on the western hori@on The wat9h"an stood on the tan= bund and too= a final sur$e5 All the people

who had 9o"e for e$enin# wal=s had returned to their ho"es Not a soul an5where e>9ept that obstinate an#ler2 at the northern end2 who sat with his feet in water2 sadl5 #a@in# on his rod !t was no use botherin# about hi" A he would sit there till "idni#ht2 hopin# for a 9at9h The Talu= offi9e #on# stru9= nine The wat9h"an was satisfied that no trespassin# 9attle had snea=ed in throu#h the wire fen9in# As he turned to #o2 he saw2 about a hundred 5ards awa52 a shadow5 fi#ure "o$in# down the narrow stone steps that led to the water's ed#e He thou#ht for a se9ond that it "i#ht be a #host He dis"issed the idea2 and went up to in$esti#ate !f it was an5one 9o"e to bathe at this hour 'ro" the top step he obser$ed that it was a wo"an's for" She stooped o$er the last step and pla9ed so"ethin# on it possibl5 a letter She then stepped into =nee;deep water2 and stood there2 her hands pressed to#ether in pra5er )n"ista=able si#ns alwa5s to be followed b5 the poli9e and #rueso"e details2 brin#in# the $er5 worst possible reputation to a tan= He shouted2 D Go"e out2 there2 9o"e out of i=D The for" loo=ed up fro" the water D Don't stand :*

:6 THE .AT3HMAN there and #a@e You'll 9at9h a 9old2 9o"e up whoe$er 5ou are D He ra9ed down the steps and pi9=ed up the letter He hurriedl5 lit his la"p2 and turned its wi9=2 till it burnt bri#htl52 and held it up2 "ur; "urin# A D ! don't li=e this .h5 is e$er5one 9o"in# to the sa"e tan= F !f 5ou want to be dead2 throw 5ourself under an en#ine2D he said The li#ht fell upon the other's fa9e !t was a 5oun# #irl's2 wet with tears He felt a sudden pit5 He said2 D Sit down2 sit down and rest no2 no #o up two "ore steps and sit down Don't sit so near the water D She obe5ed He sat down on the last step between her and the water2 pla9ed the lantern on the step2 too= out a pie9e of toba99o and put it in his "outh She buried her fa9e in her hands2 and be#an to sob He felt troubled and as=ed A D .h5 don't 5ou rise and #o ho"e2 lad5 F D She sputtered throu#h her sob A D ! ha$e no ho"e in this world H D D Don't tell "e H Surel52 5ou didn't #row up with; out a ho"e all these 5ears H D said the wat9h"an

D ! lost "5 "other when ! was fi$e 5ears old D she said D ! thou#ht so D replied the wat9h"an2 and added2 D and 5our father "arried a#ain and 5ou #rew up under the 9are of 5our step;"other F D D Yes2 5es2 how do 5ou =now F D she as=ed D ! a" si>t5;fi$e 5ears old2D he said and as=ed A D Did 5our step;"other trouble 5ou F D D No2 there 5ou are wron#2D is $er5 =ind to "e She has e$er sin9e "5 father died a Cust a little "one5 on hand spends it on us D the #irl said D She been loo=in# after "e few 5ears a#o She has left b5 "5 father2 and she

THE .AT3HMAN :8 The wat9h"an loo=ed at the stars2 si#hed for the dinner that he was "issin# D !t's $er5 late2 "ada"2 #o ho"e D D ! tell 5ou !'$e no ho"e D she retorted an#ril5 D Your step;"other's house is all ri#ht fro" what 5ou sa5 She is #ood to 5ou D D %ut wh5 should ! be a burden to her F .ho a" ! F D DYou are her husband's dau#hter D the wat9h; "an said2 and added2 D that is enou#h 9lai" D D No no ! won't li$e on an5bod5's 9harit5 D

D Then 5ou will ha$e to wait till the5 find 5ou a husband D She #lared at hi" in the dar= D That's what ! do not want to do ! want to stud5 and be9o"e a do9tor and earn "5 li$elihood ! don't want to "arr5 ! often 9at9h "5 "other tal=in# far into the ni#ht to her eldest son2 worr5in# about "5 future2 about "5 "arria#e ! =now the5 9annot afford to =eep "e in 9olle#e $er5 lon# now E it 9osts about twent5 rupees a "onth D D Twent5 rupees H D The wat9h"an e>9lai"ed !t was his "onth's salar5 D How 9an an5bod5 spend

so "u9h for boo=s H D D Till toda52D she said2 D ! was hopin# that ! would #et a s9holarship That would ha$e sa$ed "e %ut this e$enin# the5 announ9ed E others ha$e #ot it2 not ! M5 na"e is not there D and she bro=e down

a#ain The wat9h"an loo=ed at her in surprise He 9o"prehended $er5 little of all this situation She added A D And when the5 9o"e to =now of this2 the5 will tr5 to arran#e "5 "arria#e So"eone is 9o"in# to ha$e a loo= at "e to"orrow D

:, THE .AT3HMAN D Marr5 hi" and "a5 God bless 5ou with ten 9hildren D D No2 no2D she 9ried h5steri9all5 to "arr5 ! want to stud5 D D ! don't want

The silent ni#ht was stabbed b5 her sobbin# and so"e ni#ht bird rustled the water2 and wa$elets beat upon the shore Seein# her suffer2 he found his own sorrows in life 9a"e to his "ind E how in those far;off ti"es2 in his little $illa#e ho"e an epide"i9 of 9holera laid out his father and "other and brothers on the sa"e da52 and he was the sole sur$i$or E how he was turned out of his an9estral ho"e throu#h the tri9=er5 of his father's =ins"en2 and he wandered as an orphan2 sufferin# indes9ribable hun#er and pri$ation D E$er5one has his own "iseries2D he said D !f people tried to =ill the"sel$es for ea9h one of the"2 ! don't =now how often the5 would ha$e to drown D He re"e"bered further in9idents and his $oi9e shoo= with sorrow D You are 5oun# and 5ou don't =now what sorrow is D He re"ained silent and a sob bro=e out of hi" as he said A D ! pra5ed to all the #ods in the world for a son M5 wife bore "e ei#ht 9hildren Onl5 one dau#hter li$es now2 and none of the others saw the ele$enth 5ear 2 2 D The #irl loo=ed at hi" in bewilder"ent The Talu= offi9e #on# stru9= a#ain D !t is late2 5ou had better #et up and #o ho"e D he said She replied A D ! ha$e no ho"e D He felt irritated D You are "a=in# too "u9h of nothin# You should not be obstinate D D You don't =now "5 trouble2D she said

He pi9=ed up his lantern and staff and #ot up put her letter down where he found it


D !f 5ou are #oin# to be so obstinate !'ll lea$e 5ou

THE .AT3HMAN :1 alone No one 9an bla"e "e D He paused for a "o"ent2 loo=ed at her2 and went up the steps E not a word passed between the" a#ain The "o"ent he 9a"e ba9= to dut5 ne>t "ornin#2 he hurried down the stone steps The letter la5 where he had dropped it on the pre$ious ni#ht He pi9=ed it up and #a@ed on it2 helplessl52 wishin# that it 9ould tell hi" about the fate of the #irl after he had left her He tore it up and flun# it on the water As he wat9hed the bits float off on ripples2 he bla"ed hi"self for lea$in# her and #oin# awa5 on the pre$ious ni#ht D ! a" responsible for at least one sui9ide in this tan=2D he often re"ar=ed to hi"self He 9ould ne$er loo= at the blue e>panse of water a#ain with an eas5 "ind E$en "an5 "onths later he 9ould not be 9ertain that the re"ains of a bod5 would not 9o"e up all of a sudden D .ho =nows2 it so"eti"es happens that the bod5 #ets stu9= deep down2D he refle9ted

Years later2 one e$enin# as he stood on the bund and too= a final sur$e5 before #oin# ho"e2 he saw a 9ar draw up on the road below A "an2 a wo"an2 and three 9hildren e"er#ed fro" the 9ar and 9li"bed the bund .hen the5 approa9hed2 the wat9h"an felt a start at his heart E the fi#ure and fa9e of the wo"an see"ed fa"iliar to hi" Thou#h altered b5 5ears2 and orna"ents2 and dress2 he thou#ht that he had now re9o#ni@ed the fa9e he had on9e seen b5 the lantern li#ht He felt e>9ited at this dis9o$er5 He had nu"erous ?uestions to as= He brou#ht to#ether his pal"s and saluted her respe9tfull5 He e>pe9ted she would stop and spea= to hi" %ut she "erel5 threw

:: THE .AT3HMAN at hi" an indifferent #lan9e and passed on He stood starin# after her for a "o"ent2 baffled D (robabl5 this is so"eone elseI' he "uttered and turned to #o ho"e2 resol$in# to dis"iss the whole episode fro" his "ind

+ THE T!GER'S 3LA. THE "an;eater's dar= 9areer was ended The "en who had laid it low were the heroes of the da5 The5 were #arlanded with 9hr5santhe"u" flowers and seated on the ar9h of the hi#hest bullo9= 9art and were paraded in the streets2 i""ediatel5 followed b5 another bullo9=;drawn open 9art2 on whi9h their troph5 la5 with #la@ed e5es o$erflowin# the 9art on e$er5 side2 his tail trailin# the dust The $illa#e suspended all the nor"al a9ti$it5 for the da5 A "en2 wo"en2 and 9hildren thron#ed the hi#hwa5s2 pressin# on with the pro9ession2 e>9itedl5 tal=in# about the ti#er The ti#er had held a rei#n of terror for nearl5 fi$e 5ears2 in the $illa#es that #irt Me"pi forests .e wat9hed fas9inated this s9ene2 driftin# alon# with the 9rowd till the Tal=ati$e Man patted us fro" behind and 9ried A D Lost in wonder H !f 5ou4e had 5our e5efull of that 9ar9ass2 9o"e aside and listen to "e D After the 9rowd sur#ed past us2 he sat us on a ro9= "ount2 under a "ar#osa tree and be#an his tale D ! was on9e 9a"pin# in &oppal2 the "ost obs9ure of all the $illa#es that lie s9attered about the Me"pi re#ion You "i#ht wonder what ! was doin# in that desolate 9orner of the Earth !'ll tell 5ou You re"e"ber !'$e often spo=en to 5ou about "5 wor= as a#ent of a soil fertili@er 9o"pan5 !t was the :-

:7 THE T!GER'S 3LA. "ost "iserable period of "5 life Twent5;fi$e da5s in the "onth2 ! had to be on the road2 $isitin# noo=s and 9orners of the 9ountr5 and populari@in# the stuff One su9h Courne5 brou#ht "e on to the $illa#e &oppal !t was not reall5 a ' $illa#e ' but Cust a 9learin# with about fort5 houses and two streets2 he""ed in b5 the Cun#le on all sides The pla9e was din#5 and depressin# .h5 our 9o"pan5 should ha$e sou#ht to rea9h a pla9e li=e this for their stuff2 ! 9an't understand The5 would not ha$e =nown of its e>isten9e but for the fa9t that it was on the railwa5 Yes2 a9tuall5 on the railwa52 so"e obs9ure bran9h;line passed throu#h this $illa#e2 thou#h "ost trains did not stop there !ts 9entre of 9i$ili@ation was its railwa5 station presided o$er b5 a porter in blue2 and an old station;"aster2 a wi@ened "an wearin# a #reen turban2 and with red and #reen fla#s alwa5s tu9=ed under his ar"s Let "e tell 5ou about the B station ' !t was not a buildin#2 but an old railwa5 9arria#e2 whi9h2 ha$in# ser$ed its ter" of life2 was depri$ed of its

wheels and planted beside the railwa5 lines !t had one or two windows throu#h whi9h the station;"aster issued ti9=ets2 and spo=e to those o99asional passen#ers who turned up in this wilderness A 9on$ol$ulus 9reeper was trained o$er its entran9e A no better use 9ould be found for an e>;9arria#e D One No$e"ber "ornin# a "i>ed train put "e down at this station and puffed awa5 into the forest The station;"aster2 with the fla#s under his ar"2 be9a"e e>9ited on seein# "e He had seen so few tra$ellers arri$in# that it #a$e hi" no end of pleasure to see a new fa9e He appointed hi"self "5 host i""ediatel52 and too= "e into the e>;9o"part"ent and seated "e on a stool He said A ' E>9use "e !'ll #et off these

THE T!GER'S 3LA. :+ papers in a "inute ' He s9rawled o$er so"e brown sheets2 put the" awa5 and rose He lo9=ed up the station2 and too= "e to his ho"e a $er5 tin5 stone buildin# 9onsistin# of Cust one roo"2 a =it9hen2 and a ba9=5ard The station;"aster li$ed here with his wife and se$en 9hildren He fed "e ! 9han#ed He sent the porter alon# with "e to the $illa#e2 whi9h was nearl5 a "ile off in the interior ! #athered about "e the peasants of those fort5 houses and le9tured to the" fro" the p5ol of the head"an's house The5 listened to "e patientl52 re9ei$ed the sa"ples and "5 elaborate dire9tions for their use2 and went awa5 to their respe9ti$e o99upations2 with 95ni9al 9o""ents a"on# the"sel$es re#ardin# "5 ideas of "anurin# ! pa9=ed up and started ba9= for the station;"aster's house at dus=2 "5 throat s"artin# and "5 own words rin#in# in "5 ears Thou#h a 9ouple of trains were now passin#2 the onl5 stoppin# train would be at 1 8< on the followin# "ornin# After dinner at the station;"aster's house2 ! felt the ti"e had 9o"e for "e to lea$e A it would be indeli9ate to sta5 on2 when the entire fa"il5 was waitin# to spread their beds in the hall ! said ! would sleep on the platfor" till "5 train arri$ed 'No2 no2 these are $er5 bad parts Not li=e 5our town 'ull of ti#ers ' the station;"aster said He let "e2 as a spe9ial 9on9ession2 sleep in the ' station ' A hea$5 table2 a 9hair and a stool o99upied "ost of the spa9e in the 9o"part"ent ! pushed the" aside and "ade a little spa9e for "5self in a 9orner !'d at least ei#ht hours before "e ! laid "5self down A all =inds of hu""in# and rustlin# sounds 9a"e throu#h the still ni#ht2 and tele#raph poles and ni#ht inse9ts hu""ed2 and ba"boo bushes 9rea=ed ! #ot up2

-< THE T!GER'S 3LA. bolted the little station door and la5 down2 feelin# forlorn !t be9a"e $er5 war"2 and ! 9ouldn't sleep ! #ot up a#ain2 opened the door sli#htl5 to let in a little air2 pla9ed the 9hair a9ross the door and went ba9= to "5 bed D ! fell asleep and drea"t ! was standin# on the 9rest of a hill and wat9hin# the $alle5 below2 under a pale "oonli#ht 'ar off a line of 9at;li=e 9reatures was "o$in# a9ross the slope2 half shadows2 and ! stood loo=in# at the" ad"irin#l52 for the5 "ar9hed on with #reat ele#an9e ! was so "u9h lost in this $ision that ! hadn't noti9ed that the5 had "o$ed up2 and 9o"e b5 a windin# path ri#ht behind "e ! turned and saw that the5 were not 9at;li=e in si@e but full;#rown ti#ers ! "ade a dash to the onl5 a$ailable shelter the station roo" DAt this point the drea" ended as the 9hair barri; 9adin# the door 9a"e hurtlin# throu#h and fell on "e ! opened "5 e5es and saw at the door a ti#er pushin# hi"self in !t was a "uddled "o"ent for "e A not bein# sure whether the drea" was 9ontinuin# or whether ! was awa=e ! at first thou#ht it was "5 friend the station;"aster who was 9o"in# in2 but "5 drea" had full5 prepared "5 "ind ! saw the thin# dearl5 a#ainst the star;lit s=52 tail wa##in#2 #rowlin#2 and abo$e all2 his terrible e5es #lea"in# throu#h the dar= ! understood that the 'ertili@er 3o"pan5 would ha$e to "ana#e without "5 le9tures fro" the followin# da5 The ti#er hi"self was rather startled b5 the noise of the 9hair2 and stood hesitatin# He saw "e ?uite 9learl5 in "5 9orner2 and he see"ed to be tellin# hi"self A ' M5 dinner is there read52 but let "e first =now what this 9latterin# noise is about + So"ehow wild ani"als are less afraid of hu"an bein#s

THE T!GER'S 3LA. -* than the5 are of pie9es of furniture li=e 9hairs and tables ! ha$e seen 9ir9us "en "ana#in# a whole "ena#erie with nothin# "ore than a 9hair God #i$es us su9h re9olle9tions in order to sa$e us at 9riti9al "o"ents E and as the ti#er stood obser$in# "e and wat9hin# the 9hair2 ! put out "5 hands and with desperate stren#th drew the table towards "e2 and also the stool ! sat with "5 ba9= to the 9orner E the table wed#ed in ni9el5 with the 9orner ! sat under it2 and the stool walled up another side .hile ! dra##ed the table down2 a lot of thin#s fell off it2 a table la"p2 a lon# =nife and pins 'ro" "5 shelter ! peeped at the ti#er2 who was also wat9hin# "e with interest E$identl5 he didn't li=e his "eal to be so

9o"pletel5 shut out of si#ht So he 9autiousl5 ad; $an9ed a step or two2 "a=in# a sort of ru"blin# noise at his throat whi9h see"ed to sha=e up the little station house M5 end was nearin# ! reall5 pitied the wo"an whose lot it was to ha$e be9o"e "5 wife D ! held up the 9hair li=e a shield2 and flourished it2 and the ti#er hesitated and fell ba9= a step or two Now on9e a#ain we spent so"e ti"e wat9hin# for ea9h other's "o$e"ents ! held "5 breath and waited The ti#er stood there fier9el5 wa$in# its tail2 whi9h so"eti"es stru9= the side walls and sent forth a thud He suddenl5 9rou9hed down without ta=in# his e5es off "e2 and s9rat9hed the floor with his daws 9 He is sharpenin# it for "e2' ! told "5self The little sha9= had alread5 a9?uired the s"ell of a @oo !t "ade "e si9= The ti#er =ept s9rat9hin# the floor with his fore;paws !t was the "ost hideous sound 5ou 9ould thin= of DAll of a sudden he spran# up and flun# his entire wei#ht on this lot of furniture ! thou#ht it'd be

-6 THE T!GER'S 3LA. redu9ed to "at9hwood2 but fortunatel52 our railwa5s ha$e a lot of foresi#ht and 9hoose the hea$iest ti"ber for their furniture That sa$ed "e The ti#er 9ould do nothin# "ore than per9h hi"self on the roof of the table and han# down his paws A he tried to stri=e "e down2 but ! parried with the 9hair and stool The table ro9=ed under hi" ! felt s"othered A ! 9ould feel his breath on "e He sat 9o"pletel5 9o$erin# the top2 and went on shootin# his paws in "5 dire9tion He would ha$e s9ooped portions of "e out for his use2 but fortunatel5 ! sat ri#ht in the 9entre2 a hair's;breadth out of his rea9h on an5 side He "ade $i9ious sounds and wri##led o$er "5 head He 9ould ha$e =no9=ed the 9hair to one side and dra##ed "e out2 if he had 9o"e down2 but so"ehow the si#ht of the 9hair see"ed to worr5 hi" for a ti"e He preferred to be out of its rea9h This battle went on for a while2 ! 9annot sa5 how lon# A ti"e had 9o"e to a dead stop in "5 world He Cu"ped down and wal=ed about the table2 loo=in# for a #ap E ! rattled the 9hair a 9ouple of ti"es2 but $er5 soon it lost all its terror for hi" E he patted the 9hair and found that it was inoffensi$e At this dis9o$er5 he tried to hurl it aside %ut ! was too ?ui9= for hi" ! swiftl5 drew it towards "e and wed#ed it ti#ht into the ar9h of the table2 and the stool prote9ted "e on another side ! was "ore or less in a sto9=ade "ade of the le#s of furniture He sat up on his haun9h in front of "e2 wonderin# how best to #et at "e Now the 9hair2 table2 and stool had for"ed a solid blo9= with

"e at their heart2 and the5 9ould withstand all his tri9=s He s9rutini@ed "5 arran#e"ent with #reat interest2 espied a #ap2 and thrust his paw in !t dan#led in "5 e5es with the 9ur$ed 9laws openin# out

THE T!GER'S 3LA. -8 towards "e ! felt $er5 an#r5 at the si#ht of it .h5 should ! allow the offensi$e to be de$eloped all in his own wa5F ! felt $er5 indi#nant The lon# =nife fro" the station;"aster's table was l5in# nearb5 ! pi9=ed it up and dro$e it in He withdrew his paw2 "addened b5 pain He Cu"ped up and nearl5 brou#ht down the roo"2 and then tried to 9ra9= to bits the entire sto9=ade He did not su99eed He on9e a#ain thrust his paw in ! e"plo5ed the lon# =nife to #ood purpose and 9ut off a di#it with the 9law on it !t was a fi#ht to a finish between hi" and "e He returned a#ain and a#ain to the 9har#e And ! 9ut out2 let "e 9onfess2 three 9laws2 before ! had done with hi" ! had be9o"e as blood;thirst5 as he /Those 9laws2 "ounted on #old2 are han#in# around the ne9=s of "5 three dau#hters You 9an 9o"e and see the" if 5ou li=e so"eti"e 0 DAt about fi$e in the "ornin# the station;"aster and the porter arri$ed2 and inno9entl5 wal=ed in The "o"ent the5 stepped in the ti#er left "e and turned on the" The5 both ran at top speed The station;"aster flew ba9= to his house and shut the door The porter on fleet foot went up a tree2 with the ti#er halfwa5 up behind hi" Thus the5 stopped2 starin# at ea9h other till the #oods train lu"bered in after 1 8< !t hissed and whistled and bel9hed fire2 till the ti#er too= hi"self down and bolted a9ross the lines into the Cun#le DHe did not $isit these parts a#ain2 thou#h one was 9onstantl5 hearin# of his ra$a#es ! did not "eet hi" a#ain till a few "o"ents a#o when ! saw hi" ridin# in that bullo9= 9art ! instantl5 re9o#ni@ed hi" b5 his ri#ht forepaw2 where three toes and 9laws are "issin# You see"ed to be so "u9h lost in

-, THE T!GER'S 3LA. ad"iration for those people who "et the ti#er at their own 9on$enien9e2 with #un and 9o"pan52 thfrt ! thou#ht 5ou "i#ht #i$e a little 9redit to a fellow who has fa9ed the sa"e ani"al2 alone2 barehanded Hen9e this narration D .hen the Tal=ati$e Man left us we "o$ed on to

the s?uare where the5 were =eepin# the troph5 in $iew and hero;worshippin# and fetin# the hunters2 who were awaitin# a lorr5 fro" the town .e pushed throu#h the 9rowd2 and be##ed to be shown the ri#ht forepaw of the ti#er So"ebod5 lowered a #as la"p Yes2 three toes were "issin#2 and a bla9= deep s9ar "ar=ed the spot The "an who 9ut it off "ust ha$e dri$en his =nife with the power of a ha""er To a ?uestion2 the hunters replied A D 3an't sa5 how it happens .e'$e "et a few instan9es li=e this !t's said that so"e forest tribes2 if the5 9at9h a ti#er 9ub2 9ut off its 9laws for so"e talis"an2 and let it #o The5 do not usuall5 =ill 9ubs D

*< THE (ER'ORM!NG 3H!LD THE 9hild was still in bed drea"in# A she was #i$en a #reen railwa5 en#ine Cust lar#e enou#h to a99o""odate her She #ot into it and dro$e it all o$er the #arden Near the Cas"ine plant she stopped it for a while2 and put her hand out of the window to plu9= flowers2 and then the en#ine too= her under the red flowers of a 9reeper han#in# o$er a wall at the end of the street And then she dro$e all b5 herself to the @oo and all the "on=e5s there wanted to ride Of 9ourse there was no roo" for all of the" She had Cust enou#h spa9e for herself and the bald doll She applied so"e hair oil and the doll be#an to ha$e su9h lon# tresses that she braided the" and put Cas"ine into the" E and she 9lothed the doll in a #reen fro9= and the doll said how ni9e it was Of 9ourse there were ba#s and ba#s of sweets s9attered all o$er the floor of the en#ine She was Cust stoopin# to pi9= up a handful of 9ho9olates when "other's $oi9e 9alled A D &utti H &utti H #et up D And &utti 9a"e out of the drea" D Get up2 it is ei#ht o'9lo9= 'B D Oh2 "other2 wh5 did 5ou disturb "e now F !t was su9h a beautiful en#ine Lust let "e sleep a#ain The doll wants to #o ho"e D D The5 will be 9o"in# now2 and 5ou "ust be read52 "5 dear And if the5 li=e 5our dan9in# the5 will #i$e 5ou so "u9h "one5 E 5ou 9an bu5 ten dolls and en#ines D B -1

-: THE (ER'ORM!NG 3H!LD D !s it true2 "other F D

D 3ertainl52 dear lot of "one5 D

Get up

The5 will #i$e 5ou a

D %ut ! thin= 5ou will ta=e awa5 all the "one5 E and ! won't be able to bu5 what ! want D D ! pro"ise2 5ou shall ha$e all the "one52 but onl5 on 9ondition that 5ou dan9e and sin# as 5ou did in 5our s9hool the other da5 D Two people who were 9onne9ted with the fil"s had seen &utti dan9e and sin# in her s9hool and the5 were now 9o"in# to see her This was a sudden burst of #ood fortune for the fa"il5 E &utti's father was a s9hool "aster earnin# fift5 rupees a "onth and with it he had to pa5 for &utti's edu9ation2 pa5 off instal; "ents of a 9o;operati$e debt in9urred for his sister's "arria#e2 and also run the household 'or two 5ears this had been a "aCor worr5 for the fa"il52 and it had #i$en &utti's father a per"anent loo= of harass; "ent And now in a "ost une>pe9ted "anner relief see"ed to be 9o"in# A the debt 9ould be ti9=ed off E the pie9es of Ceweller5 pled#ed with a ban=er 9ould be released and &utti's "other 9ould on9e a#ain hold up her head before her friends D How "u9h are 5ou #oin# to de"and F D she often as=ed her husband and was told A D At least ten thousand rupees2 not an annas less D At nine o'9lo9= the fil" people arri$ed One of the" was elderl5 and wore dia"ond rin#s on his fin#ers2 and the other was s"art2 and wore a tweed suit and ri"less #lasses E the5 too= the two ri9=ett5 9hairs offered to the" b5 &utti's father The5 loo=ed too i"posin# in this hu"ble ho"e E the roof see"ed to be 9oinin# down and tou9hin# their heads the5 #a$e su9h an i"pression of bein# hi#h and stoopin#

THE (ER'ORM!NG 3H!LD -The5 spent a few "inutes in inanities and then the s"art "an said2 loo=in# at his wat9h A D .e'$e not "u9h ti"e to spare .ill 5ou 9all up the 9hild F D &utti 9a"e into the hall2 dressed for the o99asion b5 her "other A her hair was plaited ti#ht and had flowers E she wore a 9he?uered sil= s=irt2 and a #reen Ca9=et2 and had a $er"ilion dot on her forehead Her father loo=ed at her with pride The elderl5 "an held out a pa9=et of 9ho9olates &utti hesitated2 loo=in# at her father for per"ission The elderl5 "an #ot up and thrust it in her hand and as=ed2 D Do 5ou li=e 9ine"as2 9hild F D

D No2D &utti replied pro"ptl52 leanin# on her father's =nees D.h5 notFD D %e9ause the5 are so dar=2D replied &utti The s"art "an was $iewin# her #estures and "o$e"ents 9riti9all5 He said as if tal=in# in a drea" A D !'d li=e to see her in a fro9= E and her hair to be untied This old;fashioned dressin# "a=es her loo= older than she reall5 is 3an't 5ou put her into a fro9= nowFD D Now F D as=ed father in 9onsternation2 and told his dau#hter A D Get into a fro9=2 &utti2 and undo 5our hair D D Let it fall down on 5our ne9=2D said the s"art "an &utti loo=ed sullen D And where will the flowers be F D she as=ed "ust =eep the flowers D D All ri#ht2 let 5our hair alone2 a fro9= D D ! li=e this s=irt2D said &utti D 4er5 well E don't worr5 no$ it later2D said the s"art "an D !

-7 THE (ER'ORM!NG 3H!LD D .ill 5ou sin# the pie9e 5ou san# in 5our s9hool the other da52 and dan9e F D DNo2D said &utti D!'$e for#otten elderl5 "an fu"bled in his po9=et another pie9e of 9ho9olate D And that son# and 5ou 9an ha$e this D her father it D The and brou#ht out now bab52 #i$e us &utti loo=ed at

D Go on2 sin#2D he said2 whi9h "eant to her b5 i"pli9ation D Yes2 5ou "a5 a99ept the 9ho9olate D Her "other's $oi9e said fro" an inner roo" A D Go on2 &utti2 be a #ood #irl D And &utti opened her "outh and her shrill $oi9e san# an in$itation to Lord &rishna Her e5es dan9ed as if the5 beheld &rishna before the" E her ar"s be9=oned hi"2 and her feet were tre"ulous E with e$er5 "us9le in her bod5 she enri9hed the son# She was a born dan9er2 a born a9tress She 9ould 9onCure up with her $oi9e2 e>pression2 and "o$e"ent2 a $ision for others 'or a "o"ent that hu"ble roo"2 with its ri9=ett5 9hairs2

and fadin# prints of #ods in fra"es2 and dust5 floor2 a9?uired the at"osphere of a fair5;land for the #ods to 9o"e and #o A &rishna2 an en9hantin# bab52 toddled up and re$ealed the uni$erse in his "outh when his "other loo=ed in to see if he had put an5thin# in his "outh E and then when #rown up2 the leader of a #an# of disreputable 5oun#sters =eepin# the nei#hbourhood in tantru"s E and then the di$ine lo$er wrin#in# the heart of#opis and he $anished abruptl52 the fair5 hall $anished2 and the fadin# prints in fra"es2 and the ri9=ett5 9hairs 9a"e into $iew a#ain when &utti's $oi9e 9eased She too= breath and loo=ed around at her audien9e The s"art "an spran# forward2 too= her in his ar"s2 =issed her2 hu##ed her and would not put her downB

THE (ER'ORM!NG 3H!LD -+ He said to his 9o"panion A D This is a "ar$ellous 9hild2 Cust the =id for the pi9ture ! shall refuse to #o on with 5our pi9ture unless 5ou ta=e in this =id2 understand F D D 3ertainl52 9ertainl5 D D .e are #oin# now2 and 9o"in# ba9= at about four in the afternoon2 and if 5ou don't "ind ! would li=e to ta=e the =id to the studio and test her before a 9a"era and "i=e D As the5 were lea$in#2 the elderl5 "an said to &utti's father A D .e li=e 5our 9hild $er5 "u9h ! hope she will be fa"ous $er5 soon !f 5ou are free2 ! would li=e to ha$e a word with 5ou in the e$enin# D The whole da5 the husband and wife 9ould thin= and tal= of nothin# but their 9hild E>isten9e had a9?uired a sudden s"oothness and ri9hness D ! suppose this is how the ri9h people feel2D said &utti's father D No "ort#a#es2 no debts2 "one5 for e$er5thin# See here2 "5 #irl2 ! "a5 e$en throw up this dirt5 wor= and do so"ethin# else After this pi9ture the bab5 will be in de"and e$er5where ! will bu5 a house for her in the e>tension D D Don't fail to #i$e her the en#ine she is as=in# for2 and the doll the bald doll A #irl has one in her s9hool and &utti has been 9r5in# for it ni#ht and da5 !t see"s that it 9osts about si> rupees D D Let it 9ost si>t5 rupees The 9hild 9an ha$e it D .h5 should we 9are F

&utti was dressed and read5 at three o'9lo9= Her "other had ta=en 9are to lea$e her hair free E and put her into a fro9= &utti was furious D ! hate this fro9=2 "other E wh5 do 5ou put "e into this dirt5 fro9= F D She said tu##in# her hair A D ! want to

7o THE (ER'ORM!NG 3H!LD ha$e this tied up You understand F ! don't 9are2 ! don't 9are D Her "other 9al"ed her2 and she went out to pla5 in the ba9=5ard D Ta=e 9are that 5ou don't "a=e 5ourself dirt52D said her "other At four o'9lo9= when the fil" people arri$ed &utti's father went to the ba9=5ard to fet9h her She was not to be seen He as=ed his wife A D .here is &utti F D D She was in the ba9=5ard She "a5 be in the ne>t house ! will see D She returned a few "inutes later D She is not in that house2 nor in the ne>t one .here 9ould she ha$e #one F D The s"art "an waited for fifteen "inutes and then said A D .e will be in the studio As soon as 5ou find the 9hild2 will 5ou brin# her o$er F D D Yes2D said &utti's father Then be#an a sear9h for &utti Her "other wandered up and down the street E her father went to her s9hool An hour later the5 be9a"e desperate The5 had loo=ed into e$er5 9orner of the house2 9alled D &utti2 &utti2D a s9ore of ti"es and had #one and en?uired in e$er5 possible pla9e Mother be9a"e h5steri9al2 threw herself on the floor and be#an to 9r5 E father stood in the doorwa5 9o"pletel5 beaten b5 the "5ster5 His wife's despair affe9ted hi" He hi"self wondered if an5bod5 had =idnapped the 9hild Su9h thin#s were 9o""on (eople were =nown to #i$e dru##ed sweets to 9hildren and 9arr5 the" awa5 He told his wife2 D !'ll be ba9= in a "o"ent2D and went out to ha$e a tal= with his friends in the poli9e station Lon# after he was #one2 his wife after a spas" of weepin# #ot up She loo=ed a#ain into e$er5 9orner of e$er5 roo" At last she noti9ed a sli#ht stirrin# in a linen bas=et =ept in an ante;roo" She opened the lid and loo=ed in &utti was 9urled up

THE (ER'ORM!NG 3H!LD 7* at its dar= botto" with her unbraided hair 9o$erin# her fa9e D &utti H &utti H D the "other s9rea"ed2

and ro9=ed the bas=et The 9hild didn't stir The "other di$ed into it and brou#ht out the 9hild She 9arried her in her ar"s and ran out of the house2 down the street D M5 9hild is dead2 ta=e "e to a do9tor2D she wailed So"eone too= pit5 on her2 and put her into a Cut=a and too= her to the hospital The do9tor felt her pulse and heart2 and said2 D She has onl5 swooned E 5ou'$e not been a "inute too soon E don't #et e>9ited She will be all ri#ht D He laid the 9hild on a table !n an hour &utti sat up and lo9=ed her ar"s around her "other's ne9= Mother 9ried with Co5 E and too= her in her ar"s On the .a5 ho"e "other as=ed A D .hat "ade 5ou #et into the bas=et2 9hild F D &utti paused for a while2 and as=ed with pu9=ered brow A D Are those people #one F D D .ho F D D The 9ine"a "en D D Yes D D Mother2 if the5 e$er 9o"e to our house a#ain2 ! will #et into the bas=et on9e "ore and ne$er 9o"e out of it D Mother hu##ed her 9lose and said2 D Don't fear ! will see that the5 don't trouble 5ou e$er an5 "ore D

** !S.ARAN .HEN the whole of the student world in Mal#udi was 9on$ulsed with e>9ite"ent2 on a 9ertain e$enin# in Lune when the !nter"ediate E>a"ina; tion results were bein# e>pe9ted2 !swaran went about his business2 loo=in# $er5 un9on9erned and deta9hed ' He had earned the reputation of ha$in# a#ed in the !nter"ediate 3lass He entered the !nter"ediate 3lass in Albert Mission 3olle#e as a 5oun#ster2 with faint down on his upper lip Now he was still there2 his fi#ure had #rown brawn5 and athleti92 and his 9hin had be9o"e tanned and leather5 So"e people e$en said that 5ou 9ould see #re5 hairs on his head The first ti"e when he failed2 his parents s5"pathi@ed with hi"2 the se9ond ti"e also he "ana#ed to #et their s5"pathies2 and subse?uentl5 the5 #rew "ore 9riti9al and unsparin#2 and after repeated failures the5 lost all interest in his e>a"ination He was often told b5 his parents2 D .h5 don't 5ou dis9ontinue 5our

studies2 and tr5 to do so"ethin# useful F D He alwa5s pleaded2 D Let "e ha$e this one last 9han9eI' He 9lun# to uni$ersit5 edu9ation with a fero9ious de$otion And now the whole town was a#o# with the e>pe9tation of the results in the e$enin# %o5s "o$ed about the street in #roups E and on the sands of 7B

!S.ARAN 78 Sara5u the5 sat in 9lusters2 ner$ousl5 s"ilin# and bitin# their fin#er nails Others hun# about the #ates of the senate hall starin# an>iousl5 at the walls behind whi9h a "eetin# was #oin# on As "u9h as the bo5s2 if not "ore2 the parents were a#itated2 e>9ept !swaran's2 who2 when the5 heard their nei#hbours dis9ussin# their son's possible future results2 re"ar=ed with a si#h A D No su9h worr5 for !swaran His results are fa"ous and =nown to e$er5one in ad$an9e D !swaran said fa9etiousl52 D ! ha$e2 perhaps2 passed this ti"e2 father2 who =nows F ! did stud5 ?uite hard D DYou are the #reatest opti"ist in !ndia at the "o"ent E but for this obstinate hope 5ou would ne$er ha$e appeared for the sa"e e>a"ination e$er5 5ear D D ! failed onl5 in Lo#i92 $er5 narrowl52 last 5ear2D he defended hi"self At whi9h the whole fa"il5 lau#hed D !n an5 9ase2 wh5 don't 5ou #o and wait alon# with the other bo5s2 and loo= up 5our results F D his "other as=ed D Not at all ne9essar52D !swaran replied D !f ! pass the5 will brin# ho"e the news Do 5ou thin= ! saw "5 results last 5ear F ! spent "5 ti"e in a 9ine"a ! sat throu#h two shows 9onse9uti$el5 D He hu""ed as he went in for a wash before dressin# to #o out He 9o"bed his hair with deliberate 9are2 the "ore so be9ause he =new e$er5bod5 loo=ed on hi" as a sort of an out9ast for failin# so often He =new that behind hi" the whole fa"il5 and the town were lau#hin# He felt that the5 re"ar=ed a"on# the"sel$es that washin#2 9o"bin# his hair2 and puttin# on a well;ironed 9oat2 were lu>uries too far abo$e his state He was a failure and had no ri#ht to su9h

7, !S.ARAN

lu>uries He was treated as a sort of thi9=;s=inned idiot %ut he did not 9are He answered their attitude b5 beha$in# li=e a desperado He swun# his ar"s2 strode up and down2 bra##ed and shouted2 and went to a 9ine"a %ut all this was onl5 a "as= )nder it was a 9reature hopelessl5 seared b5 failure2 desperatel5 lon#in# and pra5in# for su99ess On the da5 of the results he was2 inwardl52 in a tre"blin# suspense D Mother2D he said as he went out2 D don't e>pe9t "e for dinner toni#ht ! will eat so"ethin# in a hotel and sit throu#h both the shows at the (ala9e Tal=ies D E"er#in# fro" 4ina5a= Street2 he saw a #roup of bo5s "o$in# up the Mar=et Road towards the 3olle#e So"eone as=ed A D !swaran2 9o"in# up to see the results FD D Yes2 5es2 presentl5 %ut now ! ha$e to be #oin# on an ur#ent business D D .here F D D(ala9e Tal=ies D At this all the bo5s lau#hed D You see" to =now 5our result alread5 Do 5ou F D D ! do Otherwise do 5ou thin= ! would be 9elebratin# it with a pi9ture F D D .hat is 5our nu"ber F D D Se$en Ei#ht 'i$e2D he said2 #i$in# the first set of nu"bers that 9a"e to his head The #roup passed on Co=in# A D .e =now 5ou are #oin# to #et a first;9lass this ti"e D He sat in a far;off 9orner in the four;anna 9lass He loo=ed about A not a sin#le student in the whole theatre All the students of the town were near the Senate House2 waitin# for their results !swaran felt $er5 unhapp5 to be the onl5 student in the whole theatre So"ehow fate see"ed to ha$e isolated hi"

!S.ARAN 71 fro" his fellow;bein#s in e$er5 respe9t He felt $er5 depressed and unhapp5 He felt an utter distaste for hi"self Soon the li#hts went out and the show started a Ta"il fil" with all the =nown #ods in it He soon lost hi"self in the politi9s and stru##les of #ods and #oddesses E he sat rapt in the $ision of a hea$enl5 world whi9h so"e fil" dire9tor had 9hosen to present This feli9it5 of for#etfulness lasted but half an hour Soon the heroine of the stor5 sat on a low bran9h of

a tree in paradise and wouldn't "o$e out of the pla9e She sat there sin#in# a son# for o$er half an hour This portion tired !swaran2 and now there returned all the old pains and #loo" D Oh2 lad52D !swaran appealed D Don't add to "5 troubles2 please "o$e on D As if she heard this appeal the lad5 "o$ed off2 and bri#hter thin#s followed A battle2 a delu#e2 so"ebod5 droppin# headlon# fro" 9loudland2 and so"ebod5 9o"in# up fro" the bed of an o9ean2 a rain of fire2 a rain of flowers2 people d5in#2 people risin# fro" #ra$es2 and so on All =inds of thrills o99urred on that white s9reen be5ond the pall of toba99o s"o=e The 9ontinuous babble on and off the s9reen2 "usi9 and shoutin#2 the 9r5 of pedlars sellin# soda2 the unrestrained 9o""ents of the spe9tators all this din and 9o""otion helped !swaran to for#et the senate house and student life for a few hours The show ended at ten o'9lo9= in the ni#ht A 9rowd was waitin# at the #ate for the ni#ht show !swaran wal=ed a9ross to DAnanda %ha$anD a restaurant opposite to the (ala9e Tal=ies The proprietor2 a #enial %o"ba5 "an2 was a friend of his and 9ried A D !shwar Sab2 the results were announ9ed toda5 .hat about 5ours F D

7: !S.ARAN D ! did not write an5 e>a"ination this 5ear2D !swaran said D .h52 wh52 ! thou#ht 5ou did pa5 5our e>a"ination fees H D !swaran lau#hed D You are ri#ht ! ha$e passed "5 !nter"ediate Cust this e$enin# D D Ah2 how $er5 #ood How 9le$er 5ou "ust be H !f 5ou pra5 to Hanu"an he will alwa5s brin# 5ou su99ess .hat are 5ou #oin# to do ne>t F D D ! will #o to a hi#her 9lass2 that is all2D !swaran said He ordered a few titbits and 9offee and rose to #o As he paid his bill and wal=ed out2 the hotel proprietor said2 D Don't lea$e "e out when 5ou are #i$in# a dinner to 9elebrate 5our su99ess D !swaran a#ain pur9hased a ti9=et and went ba9= to the pi9ture On9e "ore all the strifes and stru##les and intri#ues of #ods were repeated before hi" He was on9e a#ain lost in it .hen he saw on the s9reen so"e 5oun# "en of his a#e sin#in# as the5 sported in the waters of so"e distant hea$en2 he said D .ell "i#ht 5ou do it2 bo5s ! suppose2 5ou ha$e no e>a"; ination where 5ou are D And he was sei@ed with

a lon#in# to belon# to that world Now the leadin# lad5 sat on the low bran9h of a tree and started sin#in# and !swaran lost interest in the pi9ture He loo=ed about for the first ti"e He noti9ed2 in the se"i;dar=ness2 se$eral #roups of bo5s in the hall happ5 #roups He =new that the5 "ust all ha$e seen their results2 and 9o"e now to 9elebrate their su99ess There were at least fift5 He =new that the5 "ust be a happ5 and #a5 lot2 with their lips red with 9hewin# betel lea$es He =new that all of the" would fo9us their attention on hi" the "o"ent li#hts went up The5 would all ra# hi" about his

!S.ARAN 7results all the old tedious Co=in# o$er a#ain2 and all the tireso"e pose of a desperado He felt thorou#hl5 si9= of the whole business He would not stand an5 "ore of it the "irthful fa9es of these "en of su99ess and their leer He was 9ertain the5 would all loo= on hi" with the feelin# that he had no business to see= the pleasure of a pi9ture on that da5 He "o$ed on to a "ore obs9ure 9orner of the hall He loo=ed at the s9reen2 nothin# there to 9heer hi" A the leadin# lad5 was still there2 and he =new she would 9ertainl5 sta5 there for the ne>t twent5 "inutes sin#in# her "asterpie9e He was o$er9o"e with deCe9tion He rose2 silentl5 ed#ed towards the e>it2 and was out of the theatre in a "o"ent He felt a loathin# for hi"self after seein# those su99essful bo5s D ! a" not fit to li$e A fellow who 9annot pass an e>a"ination D This idea de$eloped in his "ind a #lorious solution to all diffi9ulties Die and #o to a world where there were 5oun# "en free fro" e>a"ination who sported in lotus pools in paradise No bothers2 no dis#ustin# Senate House wall to #a@e on hopelessl52 5ear after 5ear This solution suddenl5 brou#ht hi" a feelin# of relief He felt li#hter He wal=ed a9ross to the hotel The hotel "an was about to rise and #o to bed D SaitCi2D !swaran said D (lease for#i$e "5 troublin# 5ou now Gi$e "e a pie9e of paper and pen9il ! ha$e to note down so"ethin# ur#entl5 D D So late as this2D said the hotel "an and #a$e hi" a slip of paper and a pen9il stub !swaran wrote down a "essa#e for his father2 folded the slip2 and pla9ed it 9arefull5 in the inner po9=et of his 9oat He returned the pen9il and stepped out of the hotel He had onl5 the stret9h of the Ra9e 3ourse Road2

77 !S.ARAN and turnin# to his ri#ht2 half the Mar=et Road to tra$erse2 and then Ella"an Street2 and then Sara5u !ts dar= swirlin# waters would 9lose on hi" and end all his "iseries D ! "ust lea$e this letter in "5 9oat po9=et and re"e"ber to lea$e "5 9oat on the ri$er step2D he told hi"self He was soon out of Ella"an Street His feet plou#hed throu#h the sands of the ri$er ban= He 9a"e to the ri$er steps2 re"o$ed his 9oat bris=l52 and went down the steps D Oh2 God2D he "uttered with folded hands2 loo=in# up at his stars D !f ! 9an't pass an e>a"ination e$en with a tenth atte"pt2 what is the use of "5 li$in# and dis#ra9in# the world F D His feet were in water He loo=ed o$er his shoulder at the 9luster of uni$ersit5 buildin#s There was a li#ht burnin# in the por9h of the Senate House !t was nearin# "idni#ht !t was a ?uarter of an hour's wal= .h5 not wal= a9ross and ta=e a last Loo= at the results board F !n an5 9ase he was #oin# to die2 and wh5 should he shir= and tre"ble before the board He 9a"e out of the water and went up the steps2 lea$in# his 9oat behind2 and he wal=ed a9ross the sand So"ewhere a ti"e #on# stru9= twel$e2 stars spar=led o$erhead2 the ri$er flowed on with a "ur"ur E and "is9ellaneous ni#ht sounds e"anated fro" the bushes on the ban= A 9old wind blew on his wet2 sand;9o$ered feet He entered the Senate por9h with a defiant heart D ! a" in no fear of an5thin# here2D he "uttered The Senate House was deserted2 not a sound an5where The whole buildin# was in dar=ness2 e>9ept the stair9ase landin# where a lar#e bulb was burnin# And noti9e;boards hun# on the wall His heart palpitated as he stood tiptoe to s9an the results %5 the li#ht of the bulb he s9rutini@ed the

!S.ARAN 7+ nu"bers His throat went dr5 He loo=ed throu#h the nu"bers of people who had passed in Third; Glass His own nu"ber was 1<* The su99essful nu"ber before hi" was ,+72 and after that -<8 DSo ! ha$e a few friends on either side2D he said with a for9ed "irth He had a wild hope as he approa9hed the senate hall that so"ehow his nu"ber would ha$e found a pla9e in the list of su99essful 9andidates He had spe9ulated how he should feel after that He would rush ho"e2 and de"and that the5 ta=e ba9= all their 9o""ents with apolo#ies %ut now after #a@in# at the noti9e;board for ?uite a while the #ri" realit5 of his failure dawned on hi"2

his nu"ber was nowhere D The ri$er D he said He felt desolate li=e a 9onde"ned "an who had a sudden but false pro"ise of reprie$e D The ri$er2D !swaran "uttered D ! a" #oin#2D he told the noti9e; board2 and "o$ed a few steps D ! ha$en't seen how "an5 ha$e obtained honours D He loo=ed at the noti9e;board on9e a#ain He #a@ed at the top 9olu"ns of the results 'irst 9lasses 9uriousl5 enou#h a fellow with nu"ber one se9ured a first;9lass2 and si> others D Good fellows2 wonder how the5 "ana#e it H D he said with ad"iration His e5es tra$elled down to se9ond 9lasses it was in two lines startin# with +7 There were about fifteen He loo=ed fi>edl5 at ea9h nu"ber before #oin# on to the ne>t He 9a"e to 81<2 after that ,<<2 and after that 1<* and then :<< D 'i$e Nou#ht One in Se9ond;Glass H 3an it be true F D he shrie=ed He loo=ed at the nu"ber a#ain and a#ain Yes2 there it was He had obtained a se9ond;9lass D !f this is true ! shall sit in the % A 9lass ne>t "onth2D he shouted His $oi9e ran# throu#h the silent buildin# D ! will fla5 ali$e an5one who

+< !S.ARAN 9alls "e a fool hereafter D he pro9lai"ed He felt sli#htl5 #idd5 He leant a#ainst the wall Years of strain and suspense were suddenl5 rela>ed E and he 9ould hardl5 bear the for9e of this release %lood ra9ed alon# his $eins and hea$ed and =no9=ed under his s=ull He steadied hi"self with an effort He softl5 hu""ed a tune to hi"self He felt he was the sole o99upant of the world and its o$erlord He thu"ped his 9hest and addressed the noti9e;board A D &now who ! a" F D He stro=ed an i"a#inar5 "ousta9he arro#antl52 lau#hed to hi"self2 and as=ed2 D !s the horse read52 #roo" F D He threw a super9ilious side #lan9e at the noti9e;board and strutted out li=e a =in# He stood on the last step of the por9h and loo=ed for his steed He waited for a "inute and 9o""anded2 D 'ool2 brin# the horse nearer Do 5ou hear F D The horse was brou#ht nearer He "ade a "o$e"ent as if "ountin# and whipped his horse into a fur5 His $oi9e ran# throu#h the dar= ri$er side2 ur#in# the horse on He swun# his ar"s and ran alon# the sands He shouted at the top of his $oi9e E D &eep off E the =in# is 9o"in# E whoe$er 9o"es his wa5 will be tra"pled D D ! ha$e fi$e hundred and one horses2D he spo=e to the ni#ht The nu"ber stu9= in his "ind and =ept 9o"in# up a#ain and a#ain He ran the whole len#th of the ri$er ban= up and down So"ehow this did not satisf5 hi" D (ri"e Minister2D he said D This horse is no #ood %rin# "e the other fi$e hundred

and one horses2 the5 are all in se9ond;9lasses D He #a$e a =i9= to the horsft whi9h he and dro$e it off 4er5 soon the (ri"e brou#ht hi" another horse He "ounted di#nit52 and said2 D This is better D had been ridin# Minister it with Now he #alloped

!S.ARAN +* about on his horse !t was a stran#e si#ht !n the di" star li#ht2 alone at that hour2 "a=in# a tap;tap with his ton#ue to i"itate #allopin# hoofs .ith one hand swin#in# and tu##in# the reins2 and with the other stro=in# his "ousta9he defiantl5 he ur#ed the horse on and on until it attained the speed of a stor" He felt li=e a 9on?ueror as the air rushed about hi" Soon he 9rossed the whole stret9h of sand He 9a"e to the water's ed#e2 hesitated for a "o"ent and whispered to his horse A D Are 5ou afraid of water F You "ust swi" a9ross2 otherwise ! will ne$er pa5 fi$e nou#ht one rupees for 5ou D He felt the horse "a=e a leap Ne>t afternoon his bod5 9a"e up at a spot about a ?uarter of a "ile down the 9ourse of the ri$er Mean; while so"e persons had alread5 pi9=ed up the 9oat left on the step2 and dis9o$ered in the inner po9=et the slip of paper with the ins9ription A D M5 dear father A %5 the ti"e 5ou see this letter ! shall be at the botto" of Sara5u ! don't want to li$e Don't worr5 about "e You ha$e other sons who are not su9h dun9es as ! a" D

*6 THE E4EN!NG G!'T HE had a "ost 9urious o99upation in life Ha$in# failed in e$er5 effort he had to a99ept it with #ratitude and enthusias" E he re9ei$ed thirt5 rupees a "onth for it He li$ed on fifteen rupees in a 9heap hotel2 where he was #i$en a sort of bun= on the loft2 with rafters tou9hin# his head He sa$ed fifteen rupees for pa5in# off the fa"il5 loan in the $illa#e in9urred o$er his sister's "arria#e He added a rupee or two to his in9o"e b5 fillin# "one5 order for"s and post;9ards for unlettered $illa#ers2 who" he "et on the post offi9e $eranda %ut his "ain wor= was $er5 odd His business 9onsisted in =eepin# a wealth5 drun=ard 9o"pan5 This wealth5 "an wanted so"e one to 9he9= his drin= after nine in the e$enin#2 and ta=e hi" ho"e San=ar's ph5si?ue ?ualified hi" for this tas= D Don't hesitate to use for9e on "e if

ne9essar52D his e"plo5er had told hi" %ut it was ne$er done San=ar did all that he 9ould b5 persuasion and it was a ?uite fa"iliar si#ht at the Oriental 3afe %ar the wran#lin# #oin# on between the e"plo5er and his ser$ant %ut San=ar with a "ar#in of fi$e "inutes alwa5s su99eeded in wrestin# the #entle"an fro" his 9ups and pushin# hi" into his 9ar On the followin# "ornin# he was as=ed A D .hat ti"e did we rea9h ho"e last ni#ht F D D Nine fifteen2 sir D D Did 5ou ha$e "u9h trouble F D +B


DNo2 D Nine fifteen H $er5 #ood2 $er5 #ood !'" #lad On no a99ount should 5ou let "e sta5 on be5ond nine2 e$en if ! a" in 9o"pan5 D D Yes2 sir D D You "a5 #o now2 and be sure to be ba9= in the e$enin# in ti"e D That finished his "ornin# dut5 He went ba9= to his #arret2 slept part of the da52 loitered about post offi9es2 9ourts2 et9 2 and returned to wor= at si> o'9lo9= D 3o"e on2D said his e"plo5er who waited for hi" on the $eranda2 and San=ar #ot into the front seat of the 9ar and the5 dro$e off to the Oriental 3afe Toda5 he was in a depressed state2 he felt si9= of his profession2 the perpetual 9aColin# and bull5in#2 the 9o"pan5 of a drun=ard He nearl5 "ade up his "ind to throw up this wor= and #o ba9= to the $illa#e A nostal#ia for his ho"e and people sei@ed hi" D ! don't 9are what happens2 ! will #et ba9= ho"e and do so"ethin# else to earn this "one5 D On top of this "ood a letter fro" ho"e A D Send a hundred rupees i""ediatel5 Last date for "ort#a#e instal; "ent Otherwise we shall lose our house D He was appalled H .here 9ould he find the "one5 F .hat was the wa5 out F He 9ursed his lot "ore than e$er He sat for a lon# ti"e thin=in# of a wa5 out D Our #ood old ho"e H Let it #o if it is to #o D

!t was their last possession in this world !f it went2 his "other2 brothers2 and his little sister would ha$e to wander about without a roof o$er their heads %ut 9ould he find a hundred rupees F .hat did the5 "ean b5 puttin# it off till the last "o"entF He 9ursed his lot for bein# the eldest son of a troubled fa"il5

+, THE E4EN!NG G!'T He swun# into dut5 as usual He held the 9urtain apart for his "aster as he entered the 9ubi9le He pressed a bell He "i#ht be a "a9hine2 doin# this thin# for thirt5 da5s in the "onth for nearl5 twel$e "onths now The waiter appeared No tal= was ne9essar5 San=ar nodded The waiter went awa5 and returned a few "inutes later with an unopened flat bottle2 a soda2 and a #lass tu"bler E pla9ed these on the table and withdrew D %rin# this "aster a le"on s?uash2D the #entle"an said D No2 sir D San=ar would repl5 E this ritual was repeated e$er5 da5 Now San=ar's business would be to pour out a "easure of drin= into the tu"bler2 push it up2 and pla9e the soda near at hand2 #o out on to the $eranda2 and read a newspaper there /with the flat bottle in his po9=et02 and sta5 there till he was 9alled in a#ain to fill the #lass %5 about ten to nine the last oun9e of drin= would be poured out2 and San=ar would sit down opposite to his "aster instead of #oin# out to the $eranda This was a sort of warnin# bell D .h5 do 5ou sit here F Go to the $eranda D D ! li=e this pla9e2 sir2 and ! will sit here D D !t is not ti"e for 5ou to 9o"e in 5et D DLust ten "inutes "ore2 sir D D Nonsense !t is Cust se$en o'9lo9= D

D About two hours a#o D D You people see" to turn up the 9lo9= Cust as 5ou li=e let "e see how "u9h is left in the bottle D DNothin#2D San=ar said2 holdin# up the bottle D The last drop was poured out D He held up the bottle and the other be9a"e furious at the si#ht of it

D ! thin=2D he said with deep suspi9ion2 D there is

THE E4EN!NG G!'T +1 so"e underhand transa9tion #oin# on ! don't =now what 5ou ha$e been doin# in the $eranda with the bottle D San=ar learnt not to answer these 9har#es As the 9lo9= stru9= nine2 he tapped the other's shoulder and said2 D (lease finish 5our drin= and #et up2 sir D D.hat do 5ou "ean b5 it F !'" not #ettin# up .ho are 5ou to order "e F D

San=ar had to be fir" D Loo= here2 don't 5ou be a fool and i"a#ine ! a" tal=in# in drin= ! a" dead sober lea$e "e alone D San=ar persisted D ! dis"iss 5ou toda52 5ou are no lon#er in "5 ser$i9e ! don't want a disobedient fool for a 9o"; panion2 #et out D )suall5 San=ar sat throu#h it without repl5in#2 and when the drin= was finished he #entl5 pulled the other up and led the wa5 to the 9ar2 and the other followed2 s9owlin# at hi" with red e5es and abusin# hi" wildl5 Toda5 when his e"plo5er said2 D ! dis"iss 5ou2 #et out this "inute D San=ar replied2 D How 9an 5ou dis"iss "e all of a sudden H Must ! star$e F D D No ! will #i$e 5ou four "onths' salar5 if 5ou #et out this "o"ent D San=ar thou#ht o$er it D Don't sit there Ma=e up 5our "ind ?ui9=l5 D

said his "aster One hundred and twent5 rupees H twent5 rupees "ore than the debt He 9ould lea$e for his $illa#e and #i$e the 9ash personall5 to his "other2 and lea$e his future to God He brushed aside this $ision2 shoo= his head and said A D No2 sir You ha$e #ot to #et up now2 sir D D Get out of "5 ser$i9e D shouted his "aster He ran# the be)

and shouted for the waiter2 D Get "e another D San=ar protested to the waiter D Get out of here D

9ried his "aster

D You thin= !'" spea=in# in drin=

+: THE E4EN!NG G!'T ! don't want 5ou ! 9an loo= after "5self !f 5ou don't lea$e "e2 ! will tell the waiter to ne9= 5ou out D San=ar stood baffled D Now2 5oun# "an

D He too= out his wallet A D .hat is 5our salar5 F D D Thirt5 rupees2 sir D D Here's 5our four;"onths' Ta=e it and be off ! ha$e so"e business "eetin# here2 and ! will #o ho"e Cust when ! li=e2 there is the 9ar D He held out a hundred;rupee note and two tens Mort#a#e instal; "ent How 9an ! ta=e itF A 9onfli9t ra#ed in San=ar's "ind2 and he finall5 too= the "one5 and said A D Than= 5ou $er5 "u9h2 sir D D Don't "ention it D D You are $er5 =ind D DLust ordinar5 dut52 that is all M5 prin9iple is B Do unto others as 5ou would be done b5 others ' is "5 prin9iple is do You need not 9o"e in the "ornin# !'$e no need for 5ou ! had 5ou onl5 as a te"porar5 arran#e"ent !'ll put in a word for 5ou if an5 friend wants a 9ler= or so"ethin# of the sort D D Good;b5e2 sir D D Good;b5e D He was #one The #entle"an loo=ed after hi" with satisfa9tion2 "utterin# A D M5 prin9iple is unto other D Ne>t "ornin# San=ar went out shoppin#2 pur9hased bits of sil= for his 5oun#er sister2 a pair of spe9ta9les for his "other and a few painted tin to5s for the 9hild at ho"e He went to the hotel2 loo=ed into the a99ounts2 and settled his "onth's bill D!'" lea$in# toda52D he said D ! a" returnin# to "5 $illa#e D His heart was all afla"e with Co5 He paid a rupee to the ser$ant as tip He pa9=ed up his

THE E4EN!NG G!'T +trun= and bed2 too= a last loo= round his #arret E

had an una99ountable feelin# of sadness at lea$in# the fa"iliar s"o=e;stained 9ell He was at the bus stand at about ele$en in the da5 The bus was read5 to start He too= his seat He would be at ho"e at si> in the e$enin# .hat a surprise for his "other H He would 9hat all ni#ht and tell the" about the drun=ard He was sha=en out of this re$erie A poli9e inspe9tor standin# at the foot;board of the bus tou9hed his shoulder and as=ed A D Are 5ou San=ar F D D Yes D D Get down and follow "e D D ! a" #oin# to "5 $illa#e D

D You 9an't #o now D The inspe9tor pla9ed the trun= and bed on a 9oolie's head and the5 "ar9hed to the poli9e station There San=ar was subCe9ted to "u9h ?uestionin#2 and his po9=ets were sear9hed and all his "one5 was ta=en awa5 b5 the inspe9tor The inspe9tor s9rutini@ed the hundred;rupee note and re"ar=ed A D Sa"e nu"ber How did 5ou #et this F %e truthful D (resentl5 the inspe9tor #ot up and said A D 'ollow "e to the #entle"an's house D San=ar found his e"plo5er sittin# in a 9hair in the $eranda2 with a $er5 tired loo= on his fa9e He "otioned the inspe9tor to a 9hair and addressed San=ar in a $oi9e full of sorrow D ! ne$er =new 5ou were this sort2 San=ar You robbed "e when ! was not aware of it !f 5ou'd as=ed "e !'d ha$e #i$en 5ou an5 a"ount 5ou wanted Did 5ou ha$e to tie "e up and throw "e down F D he showed the bruises on his ar" D !n addition to robbin# F D San=ar stood a#hast He 9ould hardl5

*8 A SNA&E !N THE GRASS ON a sunn5 afternoon2 when the in"ates of the bun#alow were at their siesta a 959list ran# his bell at the #ate franti9all5 and announ9ed A DA bi# 9obra has #ot into 5our 9o"pound !t 9rossed "5 wheel D He pointed to its tra9= under the #ate2 and resu"ed his Courne5 The fa"il5 9onsistin# of the "other and her four sons asse"bled at the #ate in #reat a#itation The old ser$ant Dasa was sleepin# in the shed The5 shoo= hi" out of his sleep and announ9ed to hi" the arri$al

of the 9obra D There is no 9obra2D he replied and tried to dis"iss the "atter The5 swore at hi" and for9ed hi" to ta=e an interest in the 9obra D The thin# is so"ewhere here !f it is not found before the e$enin#2 we will dis"iss 5ou Your ne#le9t of the #arden and the lawns is responsible for all these dreadful thin#s 9o"in# in D So"e nei#hbours dropped in The5 loo=ed a99usin#l5 at Dasa A D You ha$e the la@iest ser$ant on earth2D the5 said D He ou#ht to =eep the surroundin#s tid5 D D ! ha$e been as=in# for a #rass;9utter for "onths2D Dasa said !n one $oi9e the5 ordered hi" to "ana#e with the a$ailable thin#s and learn not to "a=e de"ands He persisted The5 be#an to spe9ulate how "u9h it would 9ost to bu5 a #rass;9utter A nei#hbour de9lared that 5ou 9ould not thin= of bu5in# an5 arti9le "ade of iron *<<

A SNA&E !N THE GRASS *<* till after the war He 9hanted banalities of warti"e pri9es The se9ond son of the house asserted that he 9ould #et an5thin# he wanted at 9ontrolled pri9es The nei#hbour be9a"e elo?uent on bla9=;"ar=et A heated debate followed The rest wat9hed in apath5 At this point the 9olle#e;bo5 of the house butted in with A D ! read in an A"eri9an paper that 8<2<<< people die of sna=e;bite e$er5 5ear D Mother threw up her ar"s in horror and arrai#ned Dasa The bo5 elaborated the statisti9s D ! ha$e wor=ed it out2 78 a da5 That "eans e$er5 twent5 "inutes so"eone is d5in# of 9obra;bite As we ha$e been tal=in# here2 one person has lost his life so"ewhere D Mother nearl5 s9rea"ed on hearin# it The 9o"pound loo=ed sinister The bo5s brou#ht in ba"boo;sti9=s and pressed one into the hands of the ser$ant also He =ept desultoril5 po=in# it into the folia#e with a 95ni9al air D The fellow is beatin# about the bush2D so"eone 9ried aptl5 The5 tu9=ed up their dhoties2 sei@ed e$er5 a$ailable =nife and 9row;bar and be#an to ha9= the #arden 3reepers2 bushes2 and lawns2 were laid low .hat 9ould not be tri""ed was 9ut to the root The inner walls of the house bri#htened with the un; obstru9ted #lare strea"in# in .hen there was nothin# "ore to be done Dasa as=ed triu"phantl52 D .here is the sna=e F D An old be##ar 9ried for al"s at the #ate The5 told her not to pester when the5 were en#a#ed in a sna=e;hunt On hearin# it the old wo"an be9a"e happ5 D You are fortunate !t is God Subra"an5a who has 9o"e to $isit 5ou Don't =ill the sna=eI' Mother was in heart5 a#ree"ent A D You are ri#ht ! for#ot all about the pro"ised Abhish9=a" This is a

re"inder D She #a$e a 9oin to the be##ar2 who

*<6 A SNA&E !N THE GRASS pro"ised to send down a sna=e;9har"er as she went (resentl5 an old "an appeared at the #ate and announ9ed hi"self as a sna=e;9har"er The5 #athered around hi" He spo=e to the" of his life and a9ti$ities and his power o$er sna=es The5 as=ed ad"irin#l5 A D How do 5ou 9at9h the"FD DThus2D he said2 poun9in# upon a h5potheti9al sna=e on the #round The5 pointed the dire9tion in whi9h the 9obra had #one and as=ed hi" to #o ahead He loo=ed helplessl5 about and said A D !f 5ou show "e the sna=e2 !'ll at on9e 9at9h it Otherwise what 9an ! do F The "o"ent 5ou see it a#ain2 send for "e ! li$e nearb5 D He #a$e his na"e and address and departed At fi$e in the e$enin#2 the5 threw awa5 their sti9=s and i"ple"ents and repaired to the $eranda to rest The5 had turned up e$er5 stone in the #arden and 9ut down e$er5 #rass;blade and shrub2 so that the tiniest inse9t 9o"in# into the #arden should ha$e no 9o$er The5 were loudl5 dis9ussin# the $arious "easures the5 would ta=e to prote9t the"sel$es a#ainst reptiles in the future2 when Dasa appeared before the" 9arr5in# a water;pot whose "outh was sealed with a slab of stone He put the pot down and said A D ! ha$e 9au#ht hi" in this ! saw hi" peepin# out of it ! saw hi" before he 9ould see "e D He e>plained at len#th the strate#5 he had e"plo5ed to 9at9h and seal up the sna=e in the pot The5 stood at a safe distan9e and #a@ed on the pot Dasa had the #low of a 9ha"pion on his fa9e D Don't 9all "e an idler hereafter2D he said Mother 9o"pli"ented hi" on his sharpness and wished she had pla9ed so"e "il= in the pot as a sort of reli#ious dut5 Dasa pi9=ed up the pot 9autiousl5 and wal=ed off sa5in# that he would lea$e the pot with its 9ontents with the sna=e;9har"er

A SNA&E !N THE GRASS *<8 li$in# nearb5 He be9a"e the hero of the da5 The5 wat9hed hi" in #reat ad"iration and de9ided to reward hi" ade?uatel5 !t was fi$e "inutes sin9e Dasa was #one when the 5oun#est son 9ried A D See there H D Out of a hole in the 9o"pound wall a 9obra e"er#ed !t #lided alon# towards the #ate2 paused for a "o"ent to loo= at the #atherin# in the $eranda with its hood half; open !t 9rawled under the #ate and disappeared alon# a drain .hen the5 re9o$ered fro" the sho9= the5 as=ed2 D Does it "ean that there are two sna=es

here F D The 9olle#e;bo5 "ur"ured A D ! wish ! had ta=en the ris= and =no9=ed the water;pot fro" Dasa's hand E we "i#ht ha$e =nown what it 9on; tained D

*, AN A33!DENT ! .AS returnin# fro" the hill te"ple where ! had been held up till nearl5 nine o'9lo9= ! had dri$en the 9ar down the hill2 turned to "5 left2 and #one a few 5ards further s=irtin# the base of the hill when the en#ine si#hed and spluttered2 the whole 9ar Cer=ed and ro9=ed and then 9a"e to a dead stop The hill loo"ed o$er "e2 Ca9=als wailed in the dar= ! faithfull5 #ot down2 went round the 9ar2 opened the bonnet2 and #a@ed in .hat was the use F ! =new nothin# about a 9ar's inside M5 9ar was usuall5 well;beha$ed E and o99asionall5 when it had so"e trouble ! had it pushed to the nearest wor=shop Now ! went round and round2 opened and 9losed the bonnet2 and "ade futile efforts to start the 9ar ! soon reali@ed that ! should be a fool to be #oin# round2 proddin# here and there2 hopin# that it 9ould be started so"ehow ! sat down on the runnin# board2 blin=in#2 and hopin# that so"e "otorist would 9o"e alon# and help "e The ti"e passed2 and not a si#n of a hu"an bein# The wind rattled the side s9reen2 and unseen inse9ts hu""ed and whirred about ! had a feelin# that ! was on so"e stran#e planet with "5self as the onl5 hu"an bein# on it (resentl5 ! said to "5self2 D ! will 9ount ten and if *<,

AN A33!DENT *<1 the 9ar does not start b5 then ! will abandon her and wal= ho"e D ! loo=ed at the #round and 9ounted2 D One2 two2 three D ! belie$e after ! rea9hed ei#ht or nine ! went ba9= to one and 9ounted up E ba9= and forth untirin#l5 li=e an au9tioneer After 9ountin# half a do@en ti"es thus ! turned and saw a shadow5 fi#ure at "5 side ! was startled D .hen did 5ou 9o"e here F .ho are 5ou F D D ! 9a"e here a "o"ent a#o2 sir D

D ! didn't hear 5ou 9o"in#

.ho are 5ou F D

D M5 na"e is Anil Doss2 and ! a" a dri$er2 sir D D Motor dri$er F D D Yes D !t see"ed in9redible that the Gods should ha$e ta=en so seriousl5 "5 threat to abandon the 9ar2 and sent a "e9hani9 alon# D .here are 5ou 9o"in# fro" F D D ! a" usuall5 here2 sir D D You said 5ou were a dri$er D D The 9ar was s"ashed and ! ha$e been without a 9ar sin9e D D %ut what do 5ou do for a li$in# F D D Oh H There is no diffi9ult5 about that D ! thou#ht he was "ad or sli#htl5 drun=2 and did not seriousl5 bother to 9ross;e>a"ine hi" D Loo= here2 A"i Doss2 "5 9ar has suddenl5 bro=en down ! don't =now what is wron# 3an 5ou help "e start itFD He opened the bonnet and e>a"ined the en#ine He put his head into the 9ar and uns9rewed the swit9hboard D Ar9 5ou able to see an5thin# F D ! as=ed D Oh2 ?uite well2D he said

io: AN A33!DENT D !t is so dar= H D ! said2 the onl5 li#ht we had bein# the #lare of 9loud ed#es 9at9hin# the 9it5 li#hts He 9a"e out and de9lared his dia#nosis A D Loose 9onta9t2 Cet trouble D D ! had it o$erhauled onl5 a few "onths a#o !t 9an't be The 9ar 9a"e down so far all ri#ht E all this 9an't ha$e happened Cust on this spot F D D Oh2 5es .orse thin#s ha$e happened here is a bad pla9e2 sir D D .hat do 5ou "ean b5 bad F D !t

D .ell2 thin#s happen here to a 9ar whi9h we 9an't understand !t is a bad pla9e2 sir D D Do 5ou tell "e that as soon as a 9ar passes this spot its wires snap2 its Cet is 9ho=ed2 and the batter5 is run down F D D Yes2 sir D D !t is a"a@in# H D ! said D !t is terrible2 sir 'or instan9e2 at this $er5 spot "5 9ar was s"ashed2 an Austin sedan2 hardl5 a "onth old D ! re"e"bered the a99ident A few "onths a#o an Austin 9o"in# down the hill after ni#htfall dashed a#ainst a boulder and was s"ashed to bits D .ere 5ou the dri$er of the 9ar F D ! as=ed D Yes2 sir D D %ut wasn't he =illed in the a99ident F D D No2D he said !t see"ed to "e another instan9e of the drun=en 9ondition of this "an He see"ed to be posin# for so"eone else D .ill 5ou "a=e "5 9ar "o$e on the road a#ain F D D Yes2 sir ! will do "5 best D

D ! will #i$e 5ou two rupees for the ser$i9e D He lifted the front seat2 pi9=ed up the tools2 and #ot under the 9ar for a "o"ent E 9a"e out and

AN A33!DENT *<buried his head into the bonnet The onl5 noise for a while was the noise he "ade with the tools2 and his hea$5 breathin# E and of 9ourse the wind rattled the side s9reen A ?uarter of an hour later he started the en#ine2 dro$e the 9ar a few 5ards forward2 and re$ersed D You will ha$e no "ore trouble2 sir Onl52 as soon as possible2 please 9han#e the piston rin#s2D he said He opened the door and 9a"e out of the 9ar "utterin# D ! ha$e been a dri$er for twent5;fi$e 5ears2 and it pains "e when ! see a 9ar suffer 'or all the twent5;fi$e 5ears ! ha$e ser$ed onl5 two "asters .ith the first ! sta5ed for onl5 four 5ears2 and with the other for o$er twent5 5ears The Austin was the fourth 9ar that "5 "aster bou#ht

in the twent5 5ears ! was with hi" sin9e the da5 he 9han#ed fro" a horse 9arria#e to an O$erland of those da5s ! ha$e lo$ed "otor;9ars2 whate$er the "a=e2 as no one else 9an e$er lo$e the" !f ! saw an5one "a=e the sli#htest s9rat9h on a "ud#uard ! slapped his 9hee= thou#h he "i#ht be an e"peror's son And do 5ou thin= ! would ha$e wilfull5 dashed and s"ashed an Austin2 whi9h was onl5 a "onth old F The5 sa5 ! was drun= ! swear ! was not ! ha$e o99asionall5 ta=en a drin=2 but ! swear ! was not drun= that da5 .ill 5ou =indl5 #o to "5 "aster D he #a$e "e an address D and tell hi" that ! wasn't drun= and that the a99ident happened be9ause of the e$il nature of the pla9e D D Su9h a bad a99ident F D ! as=ed D You =now what this spot 9an do2 but 5our lu9= was better than that of the Austin D ! held up two rupees to hi" He refused the "one5 D !t is no use to "e2 sir2D he said D ! ha$e #reater use for 5our #ood;will !f 5ou will ha$e the

io7 AN A33!DENT =indness to see "5 "aster and tell hi" that ! wasn't drun=2 ! shall be $er5 #rateful to 5ou2 sir D ! offered hi" a lift He de9lined it ! pressed the self;starter The en#ine hu""ed ! swit9hed on the li#hts The 9ar beha$ed so well that ! was filled with #reat ad"iration for the "e9hani92 and ! de9ided to see his so;9alled "aster ne>t da5 ! tra9ed the owner of the wre9=ed Austin 9on$e5ed to hi" the dri$er's "essa#e D Are 5ou sure it was he F D he as=ed D ! don't =now He see"ed to be sli#htl5 drun= and "i#ht be an i"postor %ut after all2 it "i#ht be the sa"e fellow He #a$e "e 5our address2 and it see"s he had been with 5ou for twent5 5ears and that 5ou had an O$erland on9e D D All that is true2 no doubt2 but ! a" pu@@led Anil's s=ull was Ca""ed when we pi9=ed hi" up2 and we 9arried his re"ains in a bas=et and buried hi" /.hat re"ained of the 9ar 9ould also ha$e been put in a bas=et 0 Don't 9ontradi9t "e E the fellow was drun= ! had 9au#ht hi" se$eral ti"es and warned hi" ! =new all alon# that he would 9o"e to a !

bad end D

*1 S)3H (ER'E3T!ON A SENSE of #reat relief filled So"a as he reali@ed that his fi$e 5ears of labour were 9o"in# to an end He had turned out s9ores of i"a#es in his life; ti"e2 but he had ne$er done an5 wor= to e?ual this He often said to hi"self that lon# after the Delu#e had swept the earth this NataraCa would still be standin# on His pedestal No other hu"an bein# had seen the i"a#e 5et So"a shut hi"self in and bolted all the doors and windows and plied his 9hisel b5 the still fla"e of a "ud la"p2 e$en when there was a bri#ht sun outside !t "ade hi" perspire unbearabl52 but he did not "ind it so lon# as it helped hi" to =eep out pr5in# e5es He wor=ed with a fier9e 9on9entration and ne$er en9oura#ed an5one to tal= about it After all2 his labours had 9o"e to an end He sat ba9=2 wiped the perspiration off his fa9e2 and sur$e5ed his handiwor= with #reat satisfa9tion As he loo=ed on he was o$erwhel"ed b5 the "aCest5 of this i"a#e He fell prostrate before it2 pra5in#2 D ! ha$e ta=en fi$e 5ears to "a=e 5ou Ma5 5ou reside in our te"ple and bless all hu"an bein#s H D The di" "ud fla"e 9ast subtle shadows on the i"a#e2 and #a$e it an undertone of ripplin# life The s9ulptor stood lost in this $ision A $oi9e said2 D M5 friend2 ne$er ta=e this i"a#e out of this roo" !t is too perfe9t D *<+

no S)3H (ER'E3T!ON So"a tre"bled with fear He loo=ed round He saw a fi#ure 9rou9hin# in a dar= 9orner of the roo" it was a "an So"a dashed forward and 9lut9hed hi" b5 the throat A D .h5 did 5ou 9o"e here F D The other writhed under the #rip and replied A D Out of ad"iration for 5ou ! ha$e alwa5s lo$ed 5our wor= ! ha$e waited for fi$e 5ears D D How did 5ou 9o"e in F D D .ith another =e5 while 5ou were eatin# inside D So"a #nashed his teeth D Shall ! stran#le 5ou before this God and offer 5ou as sa9rifi9e F D D %5

all "eansI 1 replied the other2 D if it will help 5ou in an5 wa5 but ! doubt it E$en with a sa9rifi9e 5ou 9annot ta=e it out !t is too perfe9t Su9h perfe9tion is not for "ortals D The s9ulptor wept A D Oh2 do not sa5 that ! wor=ed in se9re95 onl5 for this perfe9tion !t is for our people !t is a God 9o"in# into their "idst Don't den5 the" that D The other prostrated before the i"a#e and pra5ed aloud2 D God #i$e us the stren#th to bear 5our presen9e D This "an spo=e to people and the #reat se9ret was out A =ind of dread sei@ed the people of the $illa#e On an auspi9ious da52 So"a went to the te"ple priest and as=ed2 D At the 9o"in# 'ull Moon "5 NataraCa "ust be 9onse9rated Ha$e 5ou "ade a pla9e for hi" in the te"ple F D The priest answered2 D Let "e see the i"a#e first D He went o$er to the s9ulptor's house2 #a@ed on the i"a#e2 and said2 D This perfe9tion2 this God2 is not for "ortal e5es He will blind us At the first 9hant of pra5er before hi"2 he will dan9e and we shall be wiped out D The s9ulptor loo=ed so

S)3H (ER'E3T!ON in unhapp5 that the priest added2 DTa=e 5our 9hisel and brea= a little toe or so"e other part of the i"a#e2 and it will be safe D The s9ulptor replied that he would sooner 9ra9= the s=ull of his $isitor The leadin# 9iti@ens of the $illa#e 9a"e o$er and said2 D Don't "ista=e us .e 9annot #i$e 5our i"a#e a pla9e in our te"ple Don't be an#r5 with us .e ha$e to thin= of the safet5 of all the people in the $illa#e E$en now if 5ou are prepared to brea= a s"all fin#er D D Get out2 all of 5ou2D So"a shouted D ! don't 9are to brin# this NataraCa to 5our te"ple ! will "a=e a te"ple for hi" where he is You will see that it be9o"es the #reatest te"ple on earth D Ne>t da5 he pulled down a portion of the wall of the roo" and 9onstru9ted a lar#e doorwa5 openin# on the street He 9alled Ra"a2 the to";to" beater2 and said2 D ! will #i$e 5ou a sil$er 9oin for 5our trouble Go and pro9lai" in all nearb5 $illa#es that this NataraCa will be 9onse9rated at the 'ull Moon !f a lar#e 9rowd turns up2 ! will present 5ou with a la9e shawl D At the 'ull Moon2 "en2 wo"en and 9hildren poured in fro" the surroundin# $illa#es There was hardl5 an in9h of spa9e $a9ant an5where The streets were 9ra""ed with people 4endors of sweets and to5s and flowers shouted their wares2 "o$in# about in

the 9rowd (ipers and dru""ers2 #roups of persons 9hantin# h5"ns2 9hildren shoutin# in Co52 "en #reetin# ea9h other all this 9reated a "i#ht5 din 'ra#ran9e of flowers and in9ense hun# o$er the pla9e (residin# o$er all this there was the bri#htest "oon that e$er shone on earth The s9reen whi9h had 9o$ered the i"a#e parted

S)3H (ER'E3T!ON A #reat fla"e of 9a"phor was wa$ed in front of the i"a#e2 and bron@e bells ran# A silen9e fell upon the 9rowd E$er5 e5e was fi>ed upon the i"a#e !n the fla"e of the 9ir9lin# 9a"phor NataraCa's e5es lit up His li"bs "o$ed2 his an=lets Cin#led The 9rowd was awe;stri9=en The God pressed one foot on Earth and raised the other in dan9e He destro5ed the )ni$erse under his heel2 and s"eared the ashes o$er his bod52 and the sa"e God rattled the dru" in his hand and b5 its rh5th" set life in "otion a#ain 3reation2 Dissolution2 and God2 attained a "eanin# now E this i"a#e brou#ht it out the bells ran# louder e$er5 se9ond The 9rowd stood stunned b5 this $ision $ou9hsafed to the" At this "o"ent a wind blew fro" the east The Moon's dis9 #raduall5 di""ed The wind #athered for9e2 9louds blotted out the "oon E people loo=ed up and saw onl5 pit9h;li=e dar=ness abo$e Li#htnin# flashed2 thunder roared2 and fire poured down fro" the s=5 !t was a thunderbolt stri=in# a ha5sta9= and settin# it abla@e !ts #lare illu"inated the whole $illa#e (eople ran about in pani92 sear9hin# for shelter The population of ten $illa#es 9ra""ed in that $illa#e Another thunderbolt hit a house .o"en and 9hildren shrie=ed and wailed The fires des9ended with a tre"endous hiss as a "i#ht5 rain 9a"e down !t rained as it had ne$er rained before The two la=es2 o$er whi9h the $illa#e road ran2 filled2 swelled2 and Coined o$er the road .ater flowed alon# the streets The wind s9rea"ed and shoo= the trees and the ho"es D This is the end of the world H D wailed the people throu#h the stor" The whole of the ne>t da5 it was still dri@@lin# So>na sat before the i"a#e2 with his head bowed in

S)3H (ER'E3T!ON **8 thou#ht Tra5s and flowers and offerin#s la5 s9attered under the i"a#e2 da"ped b5 rain So"e of his friends 9a"e wadin# in water2 stood before hi"2 and

as=ed2 D Are 5ou satisfied F D The5 stood o$er hi" li=e e>e9utioners and repeated the ?uestion and added2 D Do 5ou want to =now how "an5 li$es ha$e been lost2 how "an5 ho"es washed out2 and how "an5 were 9rushed b5 stor" F D D No2 no2 ! don't want to =now an5thin#2D So"a replied D Go awa5 Don't stand here and tal= D D God has shown us onl5 a sli#ht si#n of his power Don't te"pt Hi" a#ain Do so"ethin# Our li$es are in 5our hands Sa$e us2 the i"a#e is too perfe9t D After the5 were #one he sat for hours in the sa"e position2 ru"inatin# Their words still troubled hi" D Our li$es are in 5our hands D He =new what the5 "eant Tears #athered in his e5es D How 9an ! "utilate this i"a#eF Let the whole world burn2 ! don't 9are ! 9an't tou9h this i"a#e D He lit a la"p before the God and sat wat9hin# 'ar off the s=5 ru"bled D !t is startin# a#ain (oor hu"an bein#s2 the5 will all perish this ti"e D He loo=ed at the toe of the i"a#e DLust one neat stro=e with the 9hisel2 and all troubles will end D He wat9hed the toe2 his hands tre"bled D How 9an ! F D Outside the wind be#an to howl (eople were #atherin# in front of his house and were appealin# to hi" for help So"a prostrated before the God and went out He stood loo=in# at the road o$er whi9h the two la=es had Coined O$er the eastern hori@on a dar= "ass of 9loud was rollin# up D .hen that 9loud 9o"es o$er2 it will wash out the world NataraCa H ! 9annot "utilate 5our fi#ure2 but ! 9an offer "5self as a sa9rifi9e if it will be an5 use D He shut

ii, S)3H (ER'E3T!ON his e5es and de9ided to Cu"p into the la=e He 9he9=ed hi"self D ! "ust ta=e a last loo= at the God before ! die D He battled his wa5 throu#h the on9o"in# stor" The wind shrie=ed Trees shoo= and tre"bled Men and 9attle ran about in pani9 He was ba9= Cust in ti"e to see a tree 9rash on the roof of his house D M5 ho"e2D he 9ried2 and ran in He pi9=ed up his NataraCa fro" a"idst splintered tiles and rafters The i"a#e was unhurt e>9ept for a little toe whi9h was found a 9ouple of 5ards off2 se$ered b5 a fallin# splinter D God hi"self has done this to sa$e us H D people 9ried The i"a#e was installed with due 9ere"onies at

the te"ple on the ne>t 'ull Moon .ealth and honours were showered on So"a He li$ed to be ninet5;fi$e2 but he ne$er tou9hed his "allet and 9hisel a#ain

*: A 3AREER THE Tal=ati$e Man said A Years and 5ears a#o ! had a shop !t was in those da5s when Lawle5 E>tension was not what it is now !t 9onsisted of less than a hundred houses Mar=et Road bein# at least a "ile off2 the people li$in# in the E>tension loo=ed on "e as a sa$iour when ! too= up a little buildin#2 and on an auspi9ious da5 hun# up a lar#e board with the ins9ription A The National (ro$ision Stores ! went fro" house to house and se9ured orders ! literall5 e>a"ined e$er5 pantr5 in the E>tension and filled up the #aps .hen the bell ran# for the "idda5 inter$al at the E>tension Ele"entar5 S9hool2 9hildren swar"ed into "5 shop and 9arried off whate$er sweets2 ribbons and fan95 stationer5 ! happened to =eep ! did about twent5; fi$e rupees 9redit and ten rupees 9ash sales e$er5 da5 This #a$e us at least fift5 rupees a "onth to li$e on .e paid a rent of fi$e rupees and too= a s"all house in &abir Street2 whi9h was o$er a "ile fro" "5 shop ! left at se$en in the "ornin# and returned ho"e onl5 at nine in the e$enin#2 after 9learin# the dail5 a99ounts A 5ear and a half passed thus One da5 a 5oun# fellow presented hi"self at "5 shop He loo=ed about twent52 $er5 fair and bri#ht He wore a spotless dhoti and shirt D1

ii: A 3AREER D .hat 9an ! do for 5ou F D ! as=ed2 ta=in# hi" to be a 5oun# 9usto"er !n answer he brou#ht his pal"s to#ether in salute and said2 D ! need 5our help2 sir ! will do whate$er wor= 5ou "a5 #i$e "e in return for a little food and shelter and =indness D There was so"ethin# in the 5oun# fellow's personalit5 whi9h appealed to "e Moreo$er2 he had on his forehead three;fin#er width of sa9red ash and a dot of $er"ilion between his e5ebrows He loo=ed as if he had Cust 9o"e fro" a te"ple D ! a" $er5 God;fearin#2 sir2 and sus9eptible to

reli#ious influen9es D ! spo=e to hi" for about an hour He said he belon#ed to a fa"il5 of wealth5 land; holders in a $illa#e near Tri9hinopol5 His "other died so"e 5ears before His father too= a "istress who ill;treated the bo5 and 9onse?uentl5 he ran awa5 fro" ho"e A tou9hin# stor5 ! felt ! dire9ted hi" to "5 house .hen ! went ho"e in the e$enin# ! found that he had alread5 "ade hi"self a #reat fa$ourite there His life stor5 had deepl5 "o$ed "5 wife D So 5oun# H D she whispered to "e2 D and to thin= that he should be left at this a#e without a father or a "other H D she si#hed He had "ade hi"self lo$able in a do@en wa5s alread5 He had ta=en "5 little son out for a wal= The 5oun#ster 9ried as aoon as he 9a"e ho"e2 D Let Ra"u sta5 in our house He is #reat He =nows "a#i9 and 9an ta"e ti#ers and elephants D Ra"u wal=ed into the =it9hen and offered assistan9e At first "5 wife protested2 D .h5 won't 5ou allow "e to #o near the o$en2

A 3AREER **Mother F D he as=ed D !s it be9ause 5ou thin= ! 9an't 9oo= F Gi$e "e a 9han9e and see D He "ade a dash for the bathroo"2 turned the tap on hi"self2 and 9a"e out drippin# He too= a handful of sa9red ash and s"eared it on his forehead M5 wife was tre"endousl5 i"pressed She let hi" do the 9oo=in# He prepared deli9ious food for us .e were all $er5 pleased After that he helped "5 wife with all the 9leanin# and s9rubbin# He slept at ni#ht on the bare floor2 refusin# the "at and the pillow we offered He was the first to be up ne>t "ornin# He lit the sto$e and wo=e up "5 wife At "idda5 he brou#ht "e "5 food .hile ! ate he attended to the s9hool 9hildren2 who 9a"e into the shop He handed the" their =ni9=;=na9=s with an e>pert hand He 9har"ed and a"used the" He "ade the" lau#h He be#uiled the" with an alternati$e when he had not on hand what the5 wanted !t was ine$itable that in a "onth he should be

sharin# with "e the shop wor= He had attra9ti$e wa5s about hi" 3usto"ers li=ed to tal= to hi" .ithin a short ti"e there was not a sin#le ho"e in the E>tension where he was not treated as a "e"ber of the fa"il5 He =new the inside stor5 of e$er5 fa"il5 He ser$ed e$er5 one to the best of his 9apa9it5 Here he helped a "an with his #arden2 and there he pleaded with a house;buildin# 9ontra9tor and had an esti"ate re$ised He pat9hed up ?uarrels He ta"ed truants and sent the" to s9hool He too= part in all the e>tra;9urri9ular a9ti$ities of the E>tension Ele"entar5 S9hool He too= an interest in the 3lub Mo$e"ent He dressed hi"self up for the o99asion when the inspe9tor $isited the s9hool2 and arran#ed

u7 A 3AREER for the suppl5 of #arlands and flowers And all this in addition to assistin# "e in the shop He went e$er5 da5 to the "ar=et and pur9hased pro$isions fro" the wholesale "er9hants2 sat down for hours on end in the shop and handed out thin#s to 9usto"ers2 pored o$er the a99ounts till late at ni#ht2 and 9olle9ted all the bills As a result of Ra"u's presen9e "5 business in9reased nearl5 tenfold ! had abundant rest now2 ! left the shop entirel5 in his hands ! went ho"e for food at "idda5 After that ! slept till three in the afternoon And then ! went to the shop2 but sta5ed there onl5 till fi$e o'9lo9=2 when ! went to an open spa9e near b5 and pla5ed bad"inton with so"e friends ! 9a"e to the shop a#ain onl5 at se$en in the e$enin# On9e or twi9e ! and "5 wife tal=ed o$er the "atter and tried to fi> up a "onthl5 pa5 for Ra"u .e felt we ou#ht not to be e>ploitin# Ra"u's friendliness %ut when the subCe9t was "entioned Ra"u #rew red in the fa9e and said2 D !f 5ou don't want "e to sta5 with 5ou an5 "ore2 5ou "a5 tal= of salar5 a#ain D 'i$e 5ears passed thus He a#ed with us He li$ed with us throu#h all our Co5s and sorrows ! had four 9hildren now M5 business had prospered enor"ousl5 .e were now li$in# in a bi##er house in the sa"e street ! too= the shop buildin# on a lon# lease ! had an i""ense sto9= of all =inds of pro$isions and #oods ! e>tended "5 business ! pur9hased lar#e ?uan; tities of butter in all the nearb5 $illa#es and sold the" to butter and #hee "er9hants in Madras This business #a$e "e lar#e profits !t =ept "e runnin# between the $illa#es and Madras The shop was entirel5 in Ra"u's hands

A 3AREER **+ At Madras ! used to stop with a "er9hant in Geor#e Town On9e wor= =ept "e on there a little lon#er than ! had anti9ipated One e$enin# Cust as ! was startin# out to post a letter for Ra"u2 a tele#raph "essen#er stepped off his 959le and #a$e "e an en$elope ! tore open the 9o$er and read A D 'ather d5in# of 9holera Must #o at on9e Return i"; "ediatel5 Ra"u D The ne>t "ornin# at fi$e o'9lo9= ! #ot down at Mal#udi Ra"u was at the station He was #oin# to Tri9hinopol5 b5 the sa"e train The train halted onl5 for a few "inutes Red;e5ed and sobbin# Ra"u said2 D M5 father2 father2 9holera Ne$er thou#ht he would #et it D ! 9onsoled hi" ! had ne$er seen hi" so bro=en ! said feebl52 D He will be all ri#ht2 don't worr5 D ! had hardl5 the heart to as= hi" about the shop He hi"self said2 D ! ha$e handed the =e5s to "other2 and all the a99ounts and 9ash also D D All ri#ht2 all ri#ht2 ! will loo= to all that worr52D ! said Don't

The #uard blew his whistle Ra"u Cu"ped into a third 9lass 9o"part"ent The train Cer=ed forward He put his head out of the window and said2 D ! will be ba9= to"orrow b5 the ni#ht train2 if "5 father #ets better .hate$er happens2 ! won't be awa5 for "ore than fifteen da5s &ittu has as=ed "e to brin# hi" D his $oi9e and fa9e re9eded D a wooden elephant on wheels (lease tell hi" that ! will surel5 brin# it M5 na"as=ara"s to "other D Tears rolled down his 9hee=s E$en lon# after the train had left the platfor" he was still loo=in# out of the window and #esti9ulatin# to indi9ate D ! will surel5 be ba9= soon D

*6< A 3AREER Ha$in# so"e unfinished Madras business on hand2 ! 9ould hardl5 #o near the shop for a wee= .hen ! reopened2 the first thin# that ! noti9ed was that the shop was e"pt5 E>9ept for a ba# of 9oarse ri9e and a few bars of 9heap soap2 all the ra9=s and 9ontainers were e"pt5 ! pi9=ed up the boo=s and e>a"ined the" The entries were all in a "ess ! put the" awa5 Replenishin# the sto9= was "ore ur#ent ! "ade out a list and went to the "ar=et

Sadi= Sait2 "5 wholesale supplier2 s?uatted a"idst his 9ushions and wel9o"ed "e war"l5 ! owed "5 start in life to the unli"ited 9redit he allowed "e After so"e preli"inar52 in9onse?uential tal=2 ! put before hi" the list He s9rutini@ed it #loo"il5 and shoo= his head He said2 D You want #oods for about three hundred rupees ! wouldn't ad$ise 5ou to put up 5our dues .h5 don't 5ou ta=e fift5;rupees worth nowF ! a" su##estin# this onl5 for 5our own 9on$enien9e D This was the first ti"e in "5 life that he had spo=en to "e in this "anner And he e>plained2 D Don't "ista=e "e2 friend You are a business "an2 so a" ! No use tal=in# indire9tl5 and $a#uel5 ! will tell 5ou what the "atter is Your a99ount with us stands at Rs 821<< and if 5ou had paid at least a sin#le instal"ent for these three "onths2 we should ha$e felt happier D D%ut2 Sait2 last "onth ! sent four;hundred to be #i$en to 5ou2 and the "onth before three;hundred and fift52 and the "onth before There "ust be onl5 a balan9e of D He too= out his led#er There was onl5 one pa5"ent "ade for four "onths when the bill stood at about a thousand After that there had been pur9hases al"ost e$er5 da5 for about fort5 rupees

A 3AREER *6* D The 5oun# fellow said that business was $er5 bris= and that 5ou would 9lear the a99ounts when 5ou returned fro" Madras D M5 head swa" D ! will see 5ou a#ain2 81 ! said2 and went ba9= to the shop ! on9e a#ain e>a"ined the boo=s The pa#es showed a lot of arrears to be 9olle9ted Ne>t da5 ! went round to 9olle9t all "5 bills (eople loo=ed surprised2 D There "ust be so"e "ista=e .e paid our bills 9o"pletel5 a fortni#ht a#o Otherwise Ra"u wouldn't lea$e us in pea9e D M5 wife said2 D !n 5our absen9e he was 9o"in# ho"e nearl5 at twel$e e$er5 ni#ht He used to tell "e that the a99ounts =ept hi" late ' How was business toda5 F ' ! unfailin#l5 as=ed e$er5 da5 He replied2 : %usiness is #ood2 bad2 #ood and bad Don't worr5 Lea$e it all to "e ! will "ana#e ' D An old "an of Lawle5 E>tension as=ed "e2 D .here is that bo5 5ou had F D ! told hi"

D Loo= here2D the old "an said D &eep this to 5ourself You re"e"ber there li$ed ne>t door to us those people fro" H5derabad F D D Yes2 5es D

D Your bo5 was #addin# about with the" a little too "u9h You =now there was a tall2 prett5 #irl with the" Your fellow was ta=in# her out e$er5 e$enin# in a ta>i He 9losed the shop pro"ptl5 at si> in the e$enin# Those people went ba9= to H5derabad a few da5s a#o D Later on ! "ade en?uiries in Mar=et Road and learnt that Ra"u had had stit9hed four tweed suits2 ei#hteen sil= shirts and other 9lothes worth about a hundred rupees2 pur9hased leather suit9ases2 four pairs

*66 A 3AREER of pu"p shoes2 two pairs of $el$et slippers2 a wrist wat9h2 two rin#s2 a broo9h2 sil= sarees2 blouse pie9es2 and so on ! #ot in tou9h with a near relati$e of Ra"u's e"plo5ed in a ban= in Madras ! learnt that his old father was hale and heart52 and there was no "ention of 9holera Abo$e all2 Ra"u was ne$er =nown to ha$e $isited Tri9hinopol5 His whereabouts were un=nown The letter 9on9luded A D So"eone re9entl5 returned fro" a tour "entioned that he thou#ht he 9au#ht a #li"pse of Ra"u in a lar#e #atherin# durin# so"e "usi9 festi$al in H5dera; bad He was2 howe$er2 not $er5 9ertain about it D ! sold "5 shop and e$er5thin#2 paid off "5 9reditors2 and left Mal#udi ! was a ban=rupt2 with a wife and four 9hildren to support .e "o$ed fro" pla9eB to pla9e2 li$in# on the 9harit5 of friends2 relati$es2 and un=nown people So"eti"es nobod5 would feed us and we threw oursel$es down in a dar= 9orner of so"e rest;house2 and "5 ra##ed 9hildren 9ried till sleep o$er9a"e the" ! needn't wear5 5ou with an a99ount of "5 stru##les !t is another stor5 ! "ust tell 5ou about Ra"u ! ha$e to add onl5 this about "5 own 9areer 'our 5ears later ! 9a"e a9ross a 9offee;estate owner in Me"pi Hills2 and he #a$e "e a fresh start E and ! "ust sa52 than=s to hi"2 ! ha$e done $er5 well indeed in the 9offee trade Now about Ra"u A 5ear a#o ! was pantin# up the steps of Thirupathi Hills ! had a $ow to fulfil at the te"ple ! had passed two thousand steps when a fa"iliar $oi9e assailed "5 ears fro" a"on# the #roup of "endi9ants linin# the steps ! stopped and turned And there he was2 ! 9ould hardl5 re9o#ni@e hi" now ! had seen hi" off at Mal#udi station ten

5ears before

His fa9e was now dar=2 s9arred and

A 3AREER *88 pitted His e5es were fi>ed in a #a@e ! should ha$e passed hi" without noti9in# if he hadn't 9alled out for al"s His $oi9e was still un9han#ed ! stopped and said2 D Loo= here D D ! 9an't see2 ! a" blind D D .ho are 5ou F .here do 5ou 9o"e fro" F D ! as=ed in a $oi9e whi9h ! tried to dis#uise with a little #ruffness D Go2 #o 5our wa5 that F D he said .h5 do 5ou want to =now all

! had often boasted that if ! "et hi" ! would brea= his bones first E but this was not at all how ! had hoped to see hi" a#ain ! felt $er5 9onfused and unhapp5 ! dropped a 9oin on his upraised pal" and passed on %ut after "o$in# up a few steps ! stopped and be9=oned to another be##ar sittin# b5 his side He 9a"e up ! held up an anna 9oin before hi" and said2 D You "a5 ha$e this if 5ou will tell "e so"ethin# about that blind "an D D ! =now hi"2D said this be##ar2 who had no ar"s D .e =eep to#ether He has ar"s2 but no e5es E ! ha$e e5es2 but no ar"s2 and so we find ea9h other helpful .e "o$e about to#ether He is not a be##ar li=e "e2 but a san5asi He 9a"e here two 5ears a#o He had on9e "u9h "one5 in H5derabad2 Delhi2 %enares or so"ewhere S"allpo> too= awa5 his si#ht His wife2 a bad sort2 deserted hi" He is $e>ed with the world So"e pil#ri"s 9o"in# fro" the North brou#ht hi" here %ut2 surel5 5ou won't tell hi" ! ha$e spo=en all this F He be9o"es wild if those da5s are "entioned D ! went ba9= to Ra"u2 stood before hi" and wat9hed hi" for a "o"ent ! felt li=e shoutin# D Ra"u2 God has punished 5ou enou#h Now 9o"e with "e i

*6, A 3AREER .here is 5our sweetheartF .here is "5 "one5F .hat de$il sei@ed 5ou F D %ut ! 9he9=ed "5self ! felt that the #reatest =indness ! 9ould do hi" was to lea$e hi" alone ! silentl5 pla9ed a rupee on his outstret9hed pal"2 and ra9ed up the steps At the

bend ! turned "5 head and had another loo= at hi" And that was the last ! saw of hi" 'or when ! returned that wa5 four da5s later2 he was not to be seen (erhaps he had "o$ed on to another pla9e with his ar"less 9o"panion

*'ATHER'S HEL( LY!NG in bed2 Swa"i reali@ed with a shudder that it was Monda5 "ornin# !t loo=ed as thou#h onl5 a "o"ent a#o it had been the last period on 'rida5 E alread5 Monda5 was there He hoped that an earth?ua=e would redu9e the s9hool buildin# to dust2 but that #ood buildin# Albert Mission S9hool had withstood si"ilar pra5ers for o$er a hundred 5ears now At nine o'9lo9= Swa"inathan wailed A D ! ha$e a heada9he D His "other said A D .h5 don't 5ou #o to s9hool in aCut=a F D D So that ! "a5 be 9o"pletel5 dead at the other end F Ha$e 5ou an5 idea what it "eans to be Colted in siCut=a F D D Ha$e 5ou "an5 i"portant lessons toda5 F D D !"portant H %ah H That #eo#raph5 tea9her has been tea9hin# the sa"e lesson for o$er a 5ear now And we ha$e arith"eti92 whi9h "eans for a whole period we are #oin# to be beaten b5 the tea9her !"portant lesson H D And "other #enerousl5 su##ested that Swa"i "i#ht sta5 at ho"e At nine;thirt52 when he ou#ht to ha$e been shoutin# in the s9hool pra5er hall2 Swa"i was l5in# on the ben9h in "other's roo" 'ather as=ed hi" A D Ha$e 5ou no s9hool toda5 F D D Heada9he2D Swa"i replied D Nonsense H Dress up and #o D

*6: 'ATHER'S HEL( D Heada9he D D Loaf about less on Sunda5s and 5ou will be without a heada9he on Monda5 D Swa"i =new how stubborn his father 9ould be2 and 9han#ed his ta9ti9s D ! 9an't #o so late to the 9lass D

D ! a#ree2 but 5ou'll ha$e to E it is 5our own fault You should ha$e as=ed "e before de9idin# to sta5 awa5 D D .hat will the tea9her thin= if ! #o so late F D D Tell hi" 5ou had a heada9he and so are late D D He will beat "e if ! sa5 so D D .ill he F Let us see D Sa"uel D D Does he beat the bo5s F D D He is $er5 $iolent2 espe9iall5 with bo5s who #o late So"e da5s a#o a bo5 was "ade to sta5 on his =nees for a whole period in a 9orner of the 9lass be9ause he 9a"e late2 and that after #ettin# si> 9uts fro" the 9ane and ha$in# his ears twisted ! wouldn't li=e to #o late to Sa"uel's 9lass D D !f he is so $iolent2 wh5 not tell 5our head"aster about itFD D The5 sa5 that e$en the head"aster is afraid of hi" He is su9h a $iolent "an D And then Swa"i #a$e a lurid a99ount of Sa"uel's '$iolen9e E how when he started 9anin# he would not stop till he saw blood on the bo5's hand2 whi9h he "ade the bo5 press to his forehead li=e a $er"ilion "ar=in# Swa"i hoped that with this his father would be "ade to see that he 9ouldn't #o to his 9lass late %ut father's beha$iour too= an une>pe9ted turn He be9a"e e>9ited D .hat do these swine "ean b5 beatin# our 9hildren F The5 "ust be dri$en out of ser$i9e ! will see D .hat is his na"e F D

'ATHER'S HEL( *6The result was he proposed to send Swa"i late to his 9lass as a =ind of 9hallen#e He was also #oin# to send a letter with Swa"i to the head"aster No a"ount of protest fro" Swa"i was of an5 a$ail A Swa"i had to #o to s9hool %5 the ti"e he was read5 father had 9o"posed a lon# letter to the head"aster2 put it in an en$elope2 and sealed it D .hat ha$e 5ou written2 father F D Swa"inathan as=ed apprehensi$el5

D Nothin# for 5ou Gi$e it to 5our head"aster and #o to 5our 9lass D D Ha$e 5ou written an5thin# about our tea9her Sa"uelFE' D (lent5 of thin#s about hi" .hen 5our head; "aster reads it he will probabl5 dis"iss Sa"uel fro" the s9hool and hand hi" o$er to the poli9e D D .hat has he done2 father F D D .ell2 there is a full a99ount of e$er5thin# he has done in the letter Gi$e it to 5our head"aster and #o to 5our 9lass You "ust brin# an a9=nowled#"ent fro" hi" in the e$enin# D Swa"i went to s9hool2 feelin# that he was the worst perCurer on earth His 9ons9ien9e bothered hi" A he wasn't at all sure if he had been a99urate in his des9ription of Sa"uel He 9ould not de9ide how "u9h of what he had said was i"a#ined and how "u9h of it real He stopped for a "o"ent on the roadside to "a=e up his "ind about Sa"uel A he was not su9h a bad "an after all (ersonall5 he was "u9h "ore #enial than the rest E often he 9ra9=ed a Co=e or two 9entrin# around Swa"i's ina9tions2 and Swa"i too= it as a "ar= of Sa"uel's personal re#ard for hi" %ut there was no doubt that he treated people badl5

*67 'ATHER'S HEL( His 9ane s=inned people's hands Swa"i 9ast his "ind about for an instan9e of this There was none within his =nowled#e Years and 5ears a#o he was reputed to ha$e s=inned the =nu9=les of a bo5 in 'irst Standard and "ade hi" s"ear the blood on his fa9e No one had seen it a9tuall5 %ut 5ear after 5ear the stor5 persisted a"on# the bo5s Swa"i's head was di@@5 with 9onfusion in re#ard to Sa"uel's 9hara9ter whether he was #ood or bad2 whether he deser$ed the alle#ations in the letter or not Swa"i felt an i"pulse to run ho"e and be# his father to ta=e ba9= the letter %ut father was an obstinate "an As he approa9hed the 5ellow buildin# he reali@ed that he was perCurin# hi"self and was ruinin# his tea9her (robabl5 the head"aster would dis"iss Sa"uel and then the poli9e would 9hain hi" and put hi" in Cail 'or all this dis#ra9e2 hu"iliation2 and sufferin# who would be responsibleF Swa"i shuddered The "ore he thou#ht of Sa"uel2 the "ore he #rie$ed for hi" the dar= fa9e2 his s"all

red;strea=ed e5es2 his thin line of "ousta9he2 his unsha$en 9hee= and 9hin2 his 5ellow 9oat E e$er5thin# filled Swa"i with sorrow As he felt the bul#e of the letter in his po9=et2 he felt li=e an e>e9utioner 'or a "o"ent he was an#r5 with his father2 and wondered wh5 he should not flin# into the #utter the letter of a "an so unreasonable and stubborn As he entered the s9hool #ate an idea o99urred to hi"2 a sort of solution He wouldn't deli$er the letter to the head"aster i""ediatel52 but at the end of the da5 to that e>tent he would disobe5 his father and e>er9ise his independen9e There was nothin# wron# in it2 and father would not =now it an5wa5

'ATHER'S HEL( *6+ !f the letter were #i$en at the end of the da5 there was a 9han9e that Sa"uel "i#ht do so"ethin# to Custif5 the letter Swa"i stood at the entran9e to his 9lass Sa"uel was tea9hin# arith"eti9 He loo=ed at Swa"i for a "o"ent Swa"i stood hopin# that Sa"uel would fall on hi" and tear his s=in off %ut Sa"uel "erel5 as=ed A D Are 5ou Cust 9o"in# to the 9lass F D D Yes2 sir D D You are half an hour late D D ! =now it D Swa"i hoped that he would be atta9=ed now He al"ost pra5ed A D God of Thirupathi2 please "a=e Sa"uel beat "e D D.h5 are 5ou lateFD Swa"i wanted to repl5 A D Lust to see what 5ou 9an do D %ut he "erel5 said A D ! ha$e a heada9he2

sir D

D Then wh5 did 5ou 9o"e to the s9hool at all F D A "ost une>pe9ted ?uestion fro" Sa"uel D M5 father said that ! shouldn't "iss the 9lass2 sir2D said Swa"i This see"ed to i"press Sa"uel D Your father is ?uite ri#ht E a $er5 sensible "an .e want "ore parents li=e hi" D

D Oh2 5ou poor wor" H D Swa"i thou#ht D You don't =now what "5 father has done for 5ou D He was "ore pu@@led than e$er about Sa"uel's 9hara9ter DAll ri#ht2 #o to 5our seat heada9he F D ** Sli#htl52 sir D Swa"i went to his seat with a bleedin# heart He had ne$er "et a "an so #ood as Sa"uel The tea9her was inspe9tin# the ho"e lessons2 whi9h usuall5 produ9ed /at least2 a99ordin# to Swa"i's i"pression0 Ha$e 5ou still a

*8< 'ATHER'S HEL( s9enes of #reat $iolen9e Noteboo=s would be flun# at fa9es2 bo5s would be abused2 9aned2 and "ade to stand up on ben9hes %ut toda5 Sa"uel appeared to ha$e de$eloped "ore toleran9e and #entleness He pushed awa5 the bad boo=s2 Cust tou9hed people with the 9ane2 ne$er "ade an5one stand up for "ore than a few "inutes Swa"i's turn 9a"e He al"ost than=ed God for the 9han9e D Swa"inathan2 where is 5our ho"ewor= F D D ! ha$e not done an5 ho"ewor=2 sir2D he said blandl5 There was a pause .h5 heada9he F D as=ed Sa"uel D Yes2 sir D D All ri#ht2 sit down D Swa"i sat down2 wonderin# what had 9o"e o$er Sa"uel The period 9a"e to an end2 and Swa"i felt desolate The last period for the da5 was a#ain ta=en b5 Sa"uel He 9a"e this ti"e to tea9h the" !ndian histor5 The period be#an at 8 ,1 and ended at , 8< Swa"inathan had sat throu#h the pre$ious periods thin=in# a9utel5 He 9ould not de$ise an5 "eans of pro$o=in# Sa"uel .hen the 9lo9= stru9= four Swa"i felt desperate Half an hour "ore Sa"uel was readin# the red te>t2 the portion des9ribin# 4as9o da Ga"a's arri$al in !ndia The bo5s listened in half lan#uor Swa"i suddenl5 as=ed at the top of his $oi9e A D .h5 did not 3olu"bus 9o"e to !ndia2 sir F D D He lost his wa5 D D ! 9an't belie$e it E it is unbelie$able2 sir D

D.h5FD D Su9h a #reat '"an the wa5 F D D Don't shout .ould he ha$e not =nown

! 9an hear 5ou ?uite well D

'ATHER'S HEL( *8* D ! a" not shoutin#2 sir E this is "5 ordinar5 $oi9e2 whi9h God has #i$en "e How 9an ! help it F D D Shut up and sit down D Swa"inathan sat down2 feelin# sli#htl5 happ5 at his su99ess The tea9her threw a pu@@led2 suspi9ious #lan9e at hi" and resu"ed his lessons His ne>t 9han9e o99urred when San=ar of the first ben9h #ot up and as=ed A D Sir2 was 4as9o da Ga"a the $er5 first person to 9o"e to !ndia F D %efore the tea9her 9ould answer2 Swa"i shouted fro" the ba9= ben9h A D That's what the5 sa5 D The tea9her and all the bo5s loo=ed at Swa"i The tea9her was pu@@led b5 Swa"i's obtrusi$e beha$iour toda5 D Swa"inathan2 5ou are shoutin# a#ain D D ! a" not shoutin#2 sir How 9an ! help "5 $oi9e2 #i$en b5 God F D The s9hool 9lo9= stru9= a ?uarter;hour A ?uarter "ore Swa"i felt he "ust do so"ethin# drasti9 in fifteen "inutes Sa"uel had no doubt s9owled at hi" and snubbed hi"2 but it was hardl5 ade?uate Swa"i felt that with a little "ore effort Sa"uel 9ould be "ade to deser$e dis"issal and i"prison"ent The tea9her 9a"e to the end of a se9tion in the te>tboo= and stopped He proposed to spend the re"ainin# few "inutes puttin# ?uestions to the bo5s He ordered the whole 9lass to put awa5 boo=s2 and as=ed so"eone in the se9ond row A D .hat is the date of 4as9o da Ga"a's arri$al in !ndia F D Swa"inathan shot up and s9ree9hed A D Si>t9en; fort5;ei#ht2 De9e"ber twentieth D D You needn't shout2D said the tea9her D Has 5our heada9he "ade 5ou "ad F D He as=ed A

D ! ha$e no heada9he now2 sir2D replied the thunderer

i8 'ATHER'S HEL( bri#htl5 D Sit down2 5ou idiot D Swa"i thrilled at bein# 9alled an idiot D !f 5ou #et up a#ain ! will 9ane 5ouI' said the tea9her Swa"i sat down2 feelin# happ5 at the pro"ise The tea9her then as=ed A D ! a" #oin# to put a few ?uestions on the Mu#hal period A"on# the Mu#hal e"perors2 who" would 5ou 9all the #reatest2 who" the stron#est2 and who" the "ost reli#ious e"peror F D Swa"i #ot up As soon as he was seen2 the tea9her said e"phati9all5 A D Sit down D D ! want to answer2 sir D D Sit down D D No2 sir E ! want to answer D D .hat did ! sa5 !'d do if 5ou #ot up a#ain F D D You said 5ou would 9ane "e and peel the s=in off "5 =nu9=les and "a=e "e press it on "5 forehead D D All ri#ht E 9o"e here D Swa"inathan left his seat Co5full5 and hopped on the platfor" The tea9her too= out his 9ane fro" the drawer and shouted an#ril5 A D Open 5our hand2 5ou little de$il D He wha9=ed three wholeso"e 9uts on ea9h pal" Swa"i re9ei$ed the" without blen9hin# After half a do@en the tea9her as=ed A D .ill these do2 or do 5ou want so"e "ore F D Swa"i "erel5 held out his hand a#ain2 and re9ei$ed two "ore E and the bell ran# Swa"i Cu"ped down fro" the platfor" with a li#ht heart2 thou#h his hands were s"artin# He pi9=ed up his boo=s2 too= out the letter l5in# in his po9=et2 and ran to the head; "aster's roo" He found the roo" lo9=ed He as=ed the peon A D .here is the head"aster F D D .h5 do 5ou want hi" F D D M5 father has sent a letter for hi" D

'ATHER'S HEL( *88 D He has ta=en the afternoon off2 and won't 9o"e for a wee= You 9an #i$e the letter to the assistant


He will be here now D

D .ho is he F D D Your tea9her2 Sa"uel se9ond D He will be here in a

Swa"inathan fled fro" the pla9e As soon as Swa"i went ho"e with the letter2 father re"ar=ed A D ! =new 5ou wouldn't deli$er it2 5ou 9oward D D ! swear our head"aster is on lea$e2D Swa"inathan be#an 'ather replied A D Don't lie in addition to bein# a 9oward D Swa"i held up the en$elope and said A D ! will #i$e this to the head"aster as soon as he is ba9= D 'ather snat9hed it fro" his hand2 tore it up2 and thrust it into the wastepaper bas=et under his table He "uttered A D Don't 9o"e to "e for help e$en if Sa"uel throttles 5ou You deser$e 5our Sa"uel D

*7 THE SNA&ENSONG .E were 9o"in# out of the "usi9 hall ?uite pleased with the 9on9ert .e thou#ht it a $er5 fine perfor"an9e .e thou#ht so till we noti9ed the Tal=ati$e Man in our "idst He loo=ed as thou#h he had been in a torture 9ha"ber .e loo=ed at hi" sourl5 and re"ar=ed A D .e suppose 5ou are one of those #reat "en who belie$e that South !ndian "usi9 died one hundred 5ears a#o Or were 5ou at an5 ti"e hobnobbin# with all our an9ient "usi9ians and 9o"posers2 the onl5 reason "an5 persons li=e 5ou ha$e for thin=in# that all "odern sin#in# is 9hildish and inane F Or are 5ou one of those restless theorists who 9an ne$er hear a son# without splittin# it into ato"s F D D None of these2D answered the Tal=ati$e Man D ! a" Cust a si"ple 9reature who =nows what he is tal=in# about ! =now so"ethin# of "usi92 perhaps Cust a little "ore than an5one else here2 and that is wh5 ! a" horrified to see the le$el to whi9h taste has sun= D .e tried to snub hi" b5 re9ei$in# his re"ar=s in 9old silen9e and tal=in# a"on# oursel$es %ut he followed us all the wa5 9hattin#2 and we had to listen to hi" Seein# "e now /said the Tal=ati$e Man0 perhaps

5ou thin= ! a" 9apable of doin# nothin# "ore artisti9 than sellin# 9he"i9al fertili@ers to peasants %ut !

THE SNA&E SONG *81 tell 5ou ! was at one ti"e a"bitious of be9o"in# a "usi9ian ! 9a"e near bein# one !t was 5ears and 5ears a#o ! was li$in# at the ti"e in &u"bu"2 a s"all $illa#e ei#ht5 "iles fro" Mal#udi A "aster "usi9ian li$ed there .hen he pla5ed on the flute2 it was said2 the 9attle of the $illa#e followed hi" about He was perhaps the #reatest artist of the 9entur52 but ?uite 9ontent to li$e in obs9urit52 hardl5 =nown to an5one outside the $illa#e2 #i$in# 9on9erts onl5 in the $illa#e te"ple2 and absolutel5 satisfied with the s"all in9o"e he deri$ed fro" his an9estral lands ! washed his 9lothes2 swept his house2 ran errands for hi"2 wrote his a99ounts2 and when he felt li=e it he tau#ht "e "usi9 His personalit5 and presen9e had a $alue all their own2 so that e$en if he tau#ht onl5 for an hour it was worth a 5ear's tuition under an5one else The $er5 at"osphere around hi" edu9ated one After three 5ears of 9hippin# and planin# "5 "aster felt that "5 "usi9 was after all ta=in# so"e shape He said2 D !n another 5ear2 perhaps2 5ou "a5 #o to the town and pla5 before a publi92 that is2 if 5ou 9are for su9h thin#s D You "a5 be sure ! 9ared Not for "e the #reatness of obs9urit5 ! wanted wealth and renown ! drea"t of #oin# to Madras and attendin# the "usi9 festi$al ne>t 5ear2 and then all the distri9ts would rin# with "5 na"e ! loo=ed on "5 ba"boo flute as a sort of "a#i9 wand whi9h was #oin# to open out a new world to "e ! li$ed in a s"all 9otta#e at the end of the street2 !t was "5 habit to sit up and pra9tise far into the ni#ht One ni#ht as ! Bwas Cust losin# "5self in bhaira$i ra#a2 there 9a"e a =no9= on the door ! felt irritated at the interruptionB

*8: THE SNA&E SONG D .ho is there F D ! as=ed D A sadhu E he wants a "outhful of food D D At this hour H Go2 #o people at all hours D Don't 9o"e and pester

D %ut hun#er =nows no ti"e D

D Go awa5 ! ha$e nothin# here "5 "aster's 9harit5 D

! "5self li$e on

D %ut 9an't 5ou #i$e a s"all 9oin or at least a =ind word to a sadhu F He has seen &asi2 Ra"eswara" D D Shut up2D ! 9ried2 #lared at the door2 and resu"ed "5 bhaira$i 'ifteen "inutes later the =no9=s were repeated ! lost "5 te"per D Ha$e 5ou no sense F .h5 do 5ou disturb "e F D D You pla5 di$inel5 .on't 5ou let "e in F You "a5 not #i$e "e food for "5 sto"a9h but don't den5 "e 5our "usi9 D ! didn't li=e an5one to be present when ! pra9tised2 and this 9onstant interruption was e>asperatin# D Don't stand there and ar#ue !f 5ou don't #o at on9e2 ! will open the door and push 5ou out D D Ah2 bad words You needn't push "e out ! a" #oin# %ut re"e"ber2 this is 5our last da5 of "usi9 To"orrow 5ou "a5 e>9han#e 5our flute for a handful of dried dates D ! heard his wooden 9lo#s #oin# down the house stepsB ! felt relie$ed and pla5ed for about ten "inutes %ut "5 "ind was troubled His partin# words what did he "ean b5 the"F ! #ot up2 too= the lantern fro" its nail on the wall2 and went out ! stood on the last step of "5 9otta#e and loo=ed up and down the dar= street2 holdin# up the lantern ! turned in 4a#uel5 hopin# that he "i#ht 9all a#ain2 ! left the door half open ! hun# up the lantern and sat down

THE SNA&E SONG *8! loo=ed at the pi9tures of #ods on the wall and pra5ed to be prote9ted fro" the threat of the unseen "en; di9ant And then ! was lost in "usi9 on9e a#ain Son# after son# flowed fro" that tin5 ba"boo and transfor"ed "5 lonel5 9otta#e ! was no lon#er a pett5 "ortal blowin# throu#h a pie9e of ba"boo ! was a"on# the #ods The lantern on the wall be9a"e a brilliant star illu"inatin# a 9elestian hall And ! 9a"e to the sna=e;son# in punna#a $arali ! saw the serpent in all its "aCest5 A the $er5 $eno" in its pou9h had a tou9h of #lor5 A now ! saw its di$init5 as it 9rowned Shi$a's head A (ar$athi wore it as a wristlet A Subra"an5a pla5ed with it A and it was 4ishnu's 9ou9h The whole 9o"position i"; parted to the serpent a ?ualit5 whi9h inspired awe

and re$eren9e And now what should ! see between the door and "e but a bla9= 9obra H !t had opened its i""ense hood and was swa5in# e9stati9all5 ! stopped "5 son# and rubbed "5 e5es to see if ! was full5 awa=e %ut the "o"ent the son# 9eased2 the 9obra turned and threw a #lan9e at "e2 and "o$ed forward ! ha$e ne$er seen su9h a bla9= 9obra and su9h a lon# one in "5 life So"e sa$in# instin9t told "e A D (la5 on H (la5 on H Don't stop D ! hurriedl5 too= the flute to "5 lips and 9ontinued the son# The sna=e2 whi9h was now less than three 5ards fro" "e2 lifted a ?uarter of its bod52 with a #entle flourish reared its head2 fi>ed its round e5es on "e2 and listened to the "usi9 without "a=in# the sli#htest "o$e"ent !t "i#ht ha$e been a 9ar$en sna=e in bla9= stone2 so still it was And as ! pla5ed with "5 e5es fi>ed on the sna=e ! was so "u9h i"pressed with its di#nit5 and authorit5

*87 THE SNA&E SONG that ! said to "5self2 D .hi9h God would fore#o the pri$ile#e of wearin# this in His hair F D After pla5in# the son# thri9e o$er2 ! 9o""en9ed a new son# The 9obra sharpl5 turned its head and loo=ed at "e as if to sa52 D Now what is all this F D and let out a terrible hiss2 and "ade a sli#ht "o$e"ent ! ?ui9=l5 resu"ed the sna=e;son#2 and it assu"ed on9e a#ain its 9ar$en posture So ! pla5ed the son# a#ain and a#ain And howe$er #reat a 9o"position "i#ht be2 a do@en repetitions of it was bound to pro$e tireso"e ! atte"pted to 9han#e the son# on9e or twi9e2 but ! saw the sna=e stir "ena9in#l5 ! $ainl5 tried to #et up and dash out2 but the sna=e nearl5 stood up on its tail and pro"ised to finish "e And so ! pla5ed the sa"e son# all ni#ht M5 distin#uished audien9e showed no si#n of lea$in# %5 and b5 ! felt e>hausted M5 head swa"2 "5 9hee=s a9hed throu#h 9ontinuous blowin#2 and "5 9hest see"ed to be e"ptied of the last wisp of breath ! =new ! was #oin# to drop dead in a few se9onds !t didn't see" to "atter $er5 "u9h if the sna=e was #oin# to 9rush "e in its 9oils and fill "e with all the $eno" in its sa9 ! flun# down the flute2 #ot up2 and prostrated before it 9r5in#2 D Oh2 Na#a RaCa2 5ou are a #od E 5ou 9an =ill "e if 5ou li=e2 but ! 9an pla5 no "ore D .hen ! opened "5 e5es a#ain the sna=e was #one The lantern on the wall had turned pale in the "ornin# li#ht M5 flute la5 near the doorwa5 +

Ne>t da5 ! narrated "5 e>perien9es to "5 "aster He said2 D Don't 5ou =now 5ou ou#ht not to pla5 punna#a $arali at ni#htF That apart2 now 5ou 9an ne$er be sure 5ou will not #et the sna=e in a#ain if 5ou pla5 And when he 9o"es he won't spare 5ou unless

THE SNA&E SONG *8+ 5ou sin# his son# o$er a#ain do it F D Are 5ou prepared to

D No2 no2 a thousand ti"es no2D ! 9ried The "e"or5 of that son# was #allin# ! had repeated it enou#h to last "e a lifeti"e D !f it is so2 throw awa5 5our flute and for#et 5our "usi9 You 9an't pla5 with a serpent !t is a pla5; thin# of Gods Throw awa5 5our ba"boo !t is of no use to 5ou an5 "ore D ! wept at the thou#ht of this renun9iation M5 "aster pitied "e and said2 D (erhaps all will be well a#ain if 5ou see= 5our $isitor of that ni#ht and be# his for#i$eness 3an 5ou find hi" F D ! put awa5 "5 flute ! ha$e e$er sin9e been sear9hin# for an un=nown2 unseen "endi9ant2 in this world E$en toda5 if2 b5 God's #ra9e2 ! "eet hi"2 ! will fall at his feet2 be# his for#i$eness2 and ta=e up "5 flute a#ain

*+ 'ORTY;'!4E A MONTH O HANTA 9ould not sta5 in her 9lass an5 lon#er BN She had done 9la5;"odellin#2 "usi92 drill2 a bit of alphabets and nu"bers2 and was now 9uttin# 9oloured paper She would ha$e to 9ut till the bell ran# and the tea9her said2 D Now2 5ou "a5 all #o ho"e2D or D (ut awa5 the s9issors and ta=e up 5our alpha; bets D Shanta was i"patient to =now the ti"e She as=ed her friend sittin# ne>t2 D !s it fi$e now F D D Ma5be2D she replied D Or is it si> F D D ! don't thin= so2D her friend replied2 D be9ause ni#ht 9o"es at si> D D Do 5ou thin= it is fi$e F D D Yes D

D Oh2 ! "ust #o M5 father will be ba9= at ho"e now He has as=ed "e to be read5 at fi$e He is ta=in# "e to the 9ine"a this e$enin# ! "ust #o ho"e D She threw down her s9issors and ran up to the tea9her D Mada"2 ! "ust #o ho"e D D .h52 Shanta %ai F D D %e9ause it is fi$e o'9lo9= now D D .ho told 5ou it was fi$e F D D &a"ala D D !t is not fi$e now !t is do 5ou see the 9lo9= thereF Tell "e what the ti"e is ! tau#ht 5ou to read the 9lo9= the other da5 D Shanta stood #a@in# *,<

'ORTY;'!4E A MONTH *,* at the 9lo9= in the hall2 9ounted the fi#ures laboriousl5 and de9lared2 D !t is nine o'9lo9= D The tea9her 9alled the other #irls and said2 D .ho will tell "e the ti"e fro" that 9lo9= F D Se$eral of the" 9on9urred with Shanta and said it was nine o'9lo9=2 till the tea9her said2 D You are onl5 seein# the lon# hand See the short one2 where is it F D D Two and a half D D So what is the ti"e F D D Two and a half D D !t is two fort5;fi$e2 understand F Now 5ou "a5 all #o to 5our seats D Shanta returned to the tea9her in about ten "inutes and as=ed2 D !s it fi$e2 Mada"2 be9ause ! ha$e to be read5 at fi$e F Other; wise "5 father will be $er5 an#r5 with "e He as=ed "e to return ho"e earl5 D D At what ti"e F D D Now D The tea9her #a$e her per"ission to lea$e2 and Shanta pi9=ed up her boo=s and dashed out of the 9lass with a 9r5 of Co5 She ran ho"e2 threw her boo=s on the floor2 and shouted2 D Mother2 Mother2D and Mother 9a"e runnin# fro" the ne>t house where she had #one to 9hat with her friends

Mother as=ed2 D .h5 are 5ou ba9= so earl5 F D D Has father 9o"e ho"e F D Shanta as=ed She would not ta=e her 9offee or tiffin2 but insisted on bein# dressed first She opened the trun= and insisted on wearin# the thinnest fro9= and =ni9=ers2 while her "other wanted to dress her in a lon# s=irt and thi9= 9oat for the e$enin# Shanta pi9=ed out a #or#eous ribbon fro" a 9ardboard soap bo> in whi9h she =ept pen9ils2 ribbons and 9hal= bits There was a heated ar#u"ent between "other and dau#hter o$er the dress2 and finall5 "other had to #i$e in Shanta

*,6 'ORTY;'!4E A MONTH put on her fa$ourite pin= fro9=2 braided her hair2 and flaunted a #reen ribbon on her pi#tail She powdered her fa9e and pressed a $er"ilion "ar= on her forehead She said2 D Now father will sa5 what a ni9e #irl ! a" be9ause !'" read5 Aren't 5ou also 9o"in#2 "other F D D Not toda5 D Shanta stood at the little #ate loo=in# down the street Mother said A D 'ather will 9o"e onl5 after fi$e E don't stand in the sun !t is onl5 four o'9lo9= D The sun was disappearin# behind the house on the opposite row2 and Shanta =new that presentl5 it would be dar= She ran in to her "other and as=ed2 D .h5 hasn't father 9o"e ho"e 5et2 "other F D D How 9an ! =now F He is perhaps held up in the offi9e D Shanta "ade a wr5 fa9e A D ! don't li=e these people in the offi9e The5 are bad people D She went ba9= to the #ate and stood loo=in# out Her "other shouted fro" inside A D Go"e in2 Shanta !t is #ettin# dar=2 don't stand there D %ut Shanta would not #o in She stood at the #ate and a wild idea 9a"e to her head .h5 should she not #o to the offi9e and 9all out father and then #o to the 9ine"aF She wondered where his offi9e "i#ht be She had no notion She had seen her father ta=e the turn at the end of the street e$er5 da5 !f one went there2 one perhaps went auto"ati9all5 to father's offi9e She threw a #lan9e about to see if "other was an5where and "o$ed down the street

!t was twili#ht E$er5one #oin# about loo=ed #i#anti92 walls of houses appeared $er5 hi#h2 and 959les and 9arria#es loo=ed as thou#h the5 would bear

'ORTY;'!4E A MONTH *,8 down on her She wal=ed on the $er5 ed#e of the road Soon the la"ps were twin=lin# A and the passers;b5 loo=ed li=e shadows She had ta=en two turns and did not =now where she was She sat down on the ed#e of the road bitin# her nails She wondered how she was to rea9h ho"e A ser$ant e"plo5ed in the ne>t house was passin# alon#2 and she pi9=ed herself up and stood before hi" D Oh2 what are 5ou doin# here all alone F D he as=ed She replied2 D ! don't =now ! 9a"e here .ill 5ou ta=e "e to our house F D She followed hi" and was soon ba9= in her house

4en=at Rao2 Shanta's father2 was about to start for his offi9e that "ornin# when a Cut=a passed alon# the street distributin# 9ine"a handbills Shanta dashed to the street and pi9=ed up a handbill She held it up and as=ed A D 'ather2 will 5:u ta=e "e to the 9ine"a toda5 F D He felt unhapp5 at the ?uestion Here was the 9hild #rowin# up without ha$in# an5 of the a"enities and the si"ple pleasures of life He had hardl5 ta=en her twi9e to the 9ine"a He had no ti"e for the 9hild .hile 9hildren of her a#e in other houses had all the dolls2 dresses2 and outin#s that the5 wanted2 this 9hild was #rowin# up all alone and li=e a barbarian "ore or less He felt furious with his offi9e 'or fort5 rupees a "onth the5 see"ed to ha$e pur9hased hi" outri#ht He reproa9hed hi"self for ne#le9tin# his wife and 9hild e$en the wife 9ould ha$e her own 9ir9le of friends and so on A she was after all a #rown;up2 but what about the 9hild F .hat a drab2 9olourless e>isten9e was hers H E$er5 da5 the5 =ept hi" at the

*,, 'ORTY;'!4E A MONTH offi9e till se$en or ei#ht in the e$enin# and when he 9a"e ho"e the 9hild was asleep E$en on Sunda5s the5 wanted hi" at the offi9e .h5 did the5 thin= he had no personal life2 a life of his own F The5 #a$e hi" hardl5 an5 ti"e to ta=e the 9hild to the par= or the pi9tures He was #oin# to show the" that the5 weren't to to5 with hi" Yes2 he was

prepared e$en to ?uarrel with his "ana#er if ne9essar5 He said with resol$e A D ! will ta=e 5ou to the 9ine"a this e$enin# %e read5 at fi$e D D Reall5 H Mother H D Shanta shouted 9a"e out of the =it9hen Mother

D 'ather is ta=in# "e to a 9ine"a in the e$enin# D Shanta's "other s"iled 95ni9all5 D Don't "a=e

false pro"ises to the 9hild D 4en=at Rao #lared at her D Don't tal= nonsense You thin= 5ou are the onl5 person who =eeps pro"ises D He told Shanta A D %e read5 at fi$e2 and ! will 9o"e and ta=e 5ou positi$el5 !f 5ou are not read52 ! will be $er5 an#r5 with 5ou D He wal=ed to his offi9e full of resol$e He would do his nor"al wor= and #et out at fi$e !f the5 started an5 old tri9=s of theirs2 he was #oin# to te) the boss A D Here is "5 resi#nation M5 9hild's happiness is "ore i"portant to "e than these horrible papers of 5ours D All da5 the usual strea" of papers flowed on to his table and out of it He s9rutini@ed2 si#ned2 and drafted He was 9orre9ted2 ad"onished2 and insulted He had a brea= of onl5 fi$e "inutes in the afternoon for his 9offee .hen the offi9e 9lo9= stru9= fi$e and the other 9ler=s were lea$in#2 he went up to the "ana#er and said A D Ma5 ! #o2 sir F D The "ana#er loo=ed up

'ORTY;'!4E A MONTH *,1 fro" his paper A D You H D !t was unthin=able that the 9ash and a99ount se9tion should be 9losin# at fi$e D How 9an 5ou #o F D D ! ha$e so"e ur#ent2 pri$ate business2 sir2D he said2 s"otherin# the lines he had been rehearsin# sin9e the "ornin# A D Herewith "5 resi#nation D He $isuali@ed Shanta standin# at the door2 dressed2 and palpitatin# with ea#erness D There shouldn't be an5thin# "ore ur#ent than the offi9e wor= E #o ba9= to 5our seat You =now how "an5 hours ! wor= F D as=ed the "ana#er The "ana#er 9a"e to the offi9e three hours before the openin# ti"e and sta5ed nearl5 three hours after

9losin#2 e$en on Sunda5s The 9ler=s 9o""ented a"on# the"sel$es A D His wife "ust be whippin# hi" whene$er he is seen at ho"e E that is wh5 the old owl see"s so fond of his offi9e D D Did 5ou tra9e the sour9e of that Ten;Ei#ht differen9e F D as=ed the "ana#er D ! shall ha$e to e>a"ine two hundred $ou9hers ! thou#ht we "i#ht do it to"orrow D D No2 no2 this won't do You "ust re9tif5 it i""ediatel5 D 4en=at Rao "u"bled2 D Yes2 sir2D and slun= ba9= to his seat The 9lo9= showed fi$e;thirt5 Now it "eant two hours of e>9ru9iatin# sear9h a"on# $ou9hers All the rest of the offi9e had #one Onl5 he and another 9ler= in his se9tion were wor=in#2 and2 of 9ourse2 the "ana#er was there 4en=at Rao was furious His "ind was "ade up He wasn't a sla$e who had sold hi"self for fort5 rupees outri#ht He 9ould "a=e that "one5 easil5 E and if he 9ouldn't it would be "ore honourable to die of star$ation He too= a sheet of paper and wrote A D Herewith

*,: 'ORTY;'!4E A MONTH "5 resi#nation !f 5ou people thin= 5ou ha$e bou#ht "e bod5 and soul for fort5 rupees2 5ou ar9 "ista=en ! thin= it would be far better for "e and "5 fa"il5 to die of star$ation than sla$e for this pett5 fort5 rupees on whi9h 5ou ha$e =ept "e for 5ears and 5ears ! suppose 5ou ha$e not the sli#htest notion of #i$in# "e an in9re"ent You #i$e 5oursel$es hea$5 sli9es fre?uentl52 and ! don't see wh5 5ou shouldn't thin= of us o99asionall5 !n an5 9ase it doesn't interest "e now2 sin9e this is "5 resi#nation !f ! and "5 fa"il5 perish of star$ation2 "a5 our #hosts 9o"e and haunt 5ou all 5our life D He folded the letter2 put it in an en$elope2 sealed the flap and addressed it to the "ana#er He left his seat and stood before the "ana#er The "ana#er "e9hani9all5 re9ei$ed the letter and put it on his pad D 4en=at Rao2D said the "ana#er D !'" sure 5ou will be #lad to hear this news Our offi9er dis9ussed the ?uestion of in9re"ents toda52 and !'$e re9o""ended 5ou for an in9re"ent of fi$e rupees Orders are not 5et passed and so =eep this to 5ourself for the present D 4en=at Rao put out his hand2 snat9hed the en$elope fro" the pad and hastil5 slipped

it in his po9=et D.hat is that letterFD D ! ha$e applied for a little 9asual lea$e2 sir2 bu ! thin= D D You 9an't #et an5 lea$e at least for a fortni#ht to 9o"e D D Yes2 sir ! reali@e that That is wh5 ! a" withdrawin# "5 appli9ation2 sir D D 4er5 well Ha$e 5ou tra9ed that "ista=e F D ! will find it

D !'" s9rutini@in# the $ou9hers2 sir out within an hour D

'ORTY;'!4E A MONTH *,!t was nine o'9lo9= when he went ho"e Shanta had alread5 slept Her "other said2 D She wouldn't e$en 9han#e her fro9=2 thin=in# that an5 "o"ent 5ou "i#ht be 9o"in# and ta=in# her out She hardl5 ate an5 food E and wouldn't lie down for fear of 9ru"plin# her dress D 4en=at Rao's heart bled when he saw his 9hild sleepin# in her pin= fro9=2 hair 9o"bed2 and fa9e powdered2 dressed and read5 to be ta=en out D .h5 should ! not ta=e her to the ni#ht show F D He shoo= her #entl5 and 9alled2 D Shanta2 Shanta D Shanta =i9=ed her le#s and 9ried2 irritated at bein# disturbed Mother whispered2 D Don't wa=e her2D and patted her ba9= to sleep 4en=at Rao wat9hed the 9hild for a "o"ent D ! don't =now if it is #oin# to be possible for "e to ta=e her out at all 5ou see the5 are #i$in# "e an in; 9re"ent D he wailed

6< DAS! THE %R!DEGROOM H!S na"e was Dasi !n all the E>tension there was none li=e hi" an un9outh fellow with a narrow taperin# head2 bul#in# e5es2 and fat ne9= E below the ne9= he had an i""ense bod52 all "us9le God had not endowed hi" with $er5 fluent spee9h He #ur#led and lisped li=e an infant His a#e was a "5ster5 !t "i#ht be an5thin# between twent5 and fift5 He li$ed in a house in the last street !t was a "atter of perpetual spe9ulation how he was related to

the "aster of the house So"e persons said he was a 5oun#er brother2 and so"e said he had been a foundlin# brou#ht up b5 the #entle"an .hate$er it was it was not a "atter whi9h 9ould be 9leared b5 (asi hi"self for2 as ! ha$e alread5 said2 he 9ould not e$en sa5 how old he was !f 5ou as=ed2 he said a hundred one da5 and fi$e on the ne>t !n return for the food and prote9tion he re9ei$ed2 he ser$ed the fa"il5 in his own wa5 E he drew water fro" the well fro" dawn till "idda52 9hopped wood2 and du# the #arden Dasi went out in the afternoon .hen he stepped out s9ores of 9hildren followed hi" about shoutin# and Ceerin# Haw=ers and passers;b5 stopped to 9ra9= a Co=e at his e>pense There was parti9ularl5 a #roup in a house ni9=na"ed Mantapa" !n the front por9h of the house were #athered all da5 a #ood *,7

DAS! THE %R!DEGROOM *,+ 9o"pan5 of old "en E persons who had done useful wor= in their ti"e but who now found absolutel5 nothin# to do at an5 part of the da5 The5 were e$er on the loo= out for so"e e>9ite"ent or #ossip To the" Dasi was a sour9e of #reat Co5 The "o"ent Dasi was si#hted the5 would shout2 D He52 fellow2 ha$e 5ou fi>ed up a bride F D This ?uestion ne$er failed to draw Dasi in2 for he thou#ht $er5 deepl5 and earnestl5 of his "arria#e .hen he 9a"e and s?uatted in their "idst on the floor the5 would sa52 D The "arria#e season is 9losin#2 5ou "ust hurr5 up2 "5 dear fellow D D Yes2 5es2D Dasi would repl5 D ! a" #oin# to the priest He has pro"ised to settle it toda5 D D Toda5 F D D Yes2 toni#ht ! a" #oin# to be "arried said so D D .ho F D D M5 un9le D The5

D .ho is 5our un9le F D D M5 elder brother is "5 un9le ! a" in his house and draw water fro" his well See how "5 hand is all the s=in is #one D He would spread out his fin#ers and show his pal"s The5 would feel his pal"s and sa52 D Hardened li=e wood H (oor

fellow H This won't do2 "5 dear fellow2 5ou "ust ?ui9=l5 "arr5 and put an end to all this D Dasi's e5es would bri#hten at this su##estion2 and his lips would part in a happ5 s"ile showin# an enor"ous front tooth E$er5one would lau#h at it2 and he2 too2 would swa5 and ro9= with lau#hter And then the ?uestion2 D .here is 5our bride F D D She is there in Madras in Madras D

D .hat is she li=e F D

i 1 o DAS! THE %R!DEGROOM D She has e5es li=e this2D said Dasi2 and drew a lar#e 9ir9le in the air with his fin#er D .hat is the 9olour of her s=in F D D 4er52 $er5 white D D Has she lon# hair F D Dasi indi9ated an i""ense flow of tresses with his hand D !s she $er5 #ood loo=in# F D D She is 5es2 5es D

Dasi hid his fa9e in his hand2 loo=ed at the #roup throu#h a 9orner of his e5e and said sh5l52 D Yes2 5es2 ! also li=e her D D .here ha$e 5ou the "one5 to "arr5 F D D The5 ha$e to #i$e "e three thousand rupees2D replied Dasi D He "eans that his wa#es ha$e a99u"ulated2D so"e one e>plained obli#in#l5 .hen he went ho"e he was as=ed where he had been and he said2 D M5 "arria#e D And then he went and sat down in the shed on his "at2 his onl5 possession in the world He re"ained there broodin# o$er his "arria#e till he was 9alled in to dine2 late in the ni#ht He was the last to eat be9ause he 9onsu"ed an i""ense ?uantit5 of ri9e2 and the5 thou#ht it a ris= to 9all hi" in before the others had eaten After food he 9arried hu#e 9auldrons of water and washed the =it9hen and dinin#;hall floor And then he went to his "at and slept till dawn2 when he wo=e up and drew water fro" the well

'or 5ears out of 9ount this had been #oin# on E$en his life had a tone and rh5th" of its own He ne$er see"ed to lon# for an5thin# or interfere in an5bod5's business E ne$er spo=e to others e>9ept when spo=en to E ne$er so "u9h as thou#ht he was bein#

DAS! THE %R!DEGROOM *1* Co=ed at E he treated e$er5one seriousl5 E when the E>tension S9hool 9hildren ran behind hi" Ceerin# he ne$er e$en showed he was aware of their presen9e E he had no doubt the stren#th of an o>2 but he had also the forbearan9e of Mother Earth E nothin# e$er see"ed to irritate hi" The little 9otta#e in the third street whi9h had re"ained $a9ant fro" ti"e i""e"orial suddenl5 shed its D To Let D noti9e Alon# with the newspaper and the letters2 the train one "ornin# brou#ht a fil" star fro" Madras2 9alled %a"ini %ai a 5oun# person all s"iles2 sil= and powder She too= up her abode in the little 9otta#e 4er5 soon the E>tension fol= =new all about her She was #oin# to sta5 in Mal#udi a 9onsiderable ti"e trainin# herself under a fa"ous "usi9ian of the town She had her old "other sta5in# with her The E>tension fol= had also a 9o"plete =nowled#e of her "o$e"ents She left ho"e earl5 in the "ornin#2 returned at "idda52 slept till three o'9lo9=2 went out on a wal= alon# the Trun= Road at fi$e o'9lo9=2 and so on At the Mantapa" the5 told Dasi one da52 D Dasi2 5our wife has arri$ed D D .here F D as=ed Dasi He be9a"e a#itated2 and swallowed and stru##led to e>press all the an>iet5 and happiness he felt The 9o"pan5 assu"ed a $er5 serious e>pression and said2 D Do 5ou =now the house in the ne>t street2 the little house F D D Yes2 5es D D She is there Ha$e 5ou not seen her F D

Dasi hid his fa9e in his hands and went awa5 He went to the ne>t street !t was about one o'9lo9= in the afternoon The fil" star was not to be seen


Dasi stood on the road loo=in# at the house for so"e ti"e He returned to the Mantapa" The5 #reeted hi" $o9iferousl5 D How do 5ou li=e her F D Dasi replied2 D M5 e5es did not see her2 the door would not open D D Tr5 to loo= in throu#h the window see her D You will

D ! will see throu#h the window2D said Dasi2 and started out a#ain D No2 no2 stop !t is no #ood .ill 5ou do as ! sa5 F D D Yes2 5es D D You see2 she #oes out e$er5 da5 at fi$e o'9lo9= You will see her if 5ou #o to Tri9h5 Road and wait D Dasi's head was bowed in sh5ness The5 #oaded hi" on2 and he went alon# to the Trun= Road and waited He sat under a tree on the roadside !t was not e$en two o'9lo9=2 and he had to wait till nearl5 si> The sun beat down full5 on his fa9e He sat leanin# a#ainst a tree trun= and brooded A few 9ars passed raisin# dust2 bullo9= 9arts with Cin#lin# bells2 and $illa#ers were "o$in# about the hi#hwa5E but Dasi saw nothin# and noti9ed nothin# He sat loo=in# down the road And after all she 9a"e alon# Dasi's throat went dr5 at the si#ht of her His te"ples throbbed2 and sweat stood out on his brow He had ne$er seen an5thin# li=e her in all his life The $ision of beaut5 and 5outh da@@led hi" He was 9onfused and bewildered He spran# on to his feet and ran ho"e at full speed He la5 down on his "at in the shed He was so "u9h absorbed in his thou#hts that he wouldn't #et up when the5 9alled hi" in to dinner His "aster wal=ed to the shed Listen to "e

DAS! THE %R!DEGROOM *18 and shoo= hi" up he as=ed D M5 "arria#e ri#ht D D .hat is the "atter with 5ou F D She is there She is all

D .ell2 well Go and eat and do 5our wor=2 5ou fool2D said his "aster Ne>t afternoon Dasi was a#ain at the Trun= Road This be9a"e his dail5 habit E$er5 da5 his 9oura#e in9reased At last 9a"e a da5 when he 9ould stare

at her His fa9e rela>ed and his lips parted in a s"ile when she passed hi"2 but that 5oun# lad5 had other thou#hts to o99up5 her "ind and did not noti9e hi" He waited till she returned that wa5 and tried to s"ile at her a#ain2 thou#h it was nearl5 dar= and she was loo=in# awa5 He followed her2 his fa9e lit up with Co5 She opened the #ate of her 9otta#e and wal=ed in He hesitated a "o"ent2 and followed her in He stood under the ele9tri9 la"p in the hall The "other 9a"e out of the =it9hen and as=ed Dasi2 D .ho are 5ou F D Dasi loo=ed at her and s"iled E at that the old lad5 was fri#htened She 9ried2 D %a"a2 who is this "an in the hall F D %a"ini %ai 9a"e out of her roo" D .ho are 5ou F D she as=ed Dasi "elted at the si#ht of her E$en the little e>pression he was 9apable of left hi" He blin=ed and #ulped and loo=ed suffo9ated His e5es bla@ed forth lo$e His lips stru##led to s"ile .ith #reat diffi9ult5 he said2 D .ife wife2 5ou are the wife D D .hat are 5ou sa5in# F D D You are "5 wife2D he repeated2 and "o$ed nearer She re9oiled with horror2 and stru9= hi" in the fa9e And then she and her "other set up su9h a 9r5 that all the nei#hbours and passers;b5 rushed in So"ebod5

i 1 , DAS! THE %R!DEGROOM brou#ht in a poli9e Sub;!nspe9tor Dasi was "ar9hed off to the poli9e station The "e"bers of the Mantapa" used their influen9e and had hi" released late in the ni#ht He went ho"e and la5 on his "at His bod5 had re9ei$ed nu"erous blows fro" all sorts of people in the e$enin# E but he hardl5 felt or re"e"bered an5 of the" %ut his soul re$olted a#ainst the "e"or5 of the slap he had re9ei$ed in the fa9e .hen the5 9alled hi" in to eat2 he refused to #et up His "aster went to hi" and 9o""anded2 D Go and eat2 Dasi You are brin#in# "e dis#ra9e2 5ou fool Don't #o out of the house hereafter D Dasi refused to #et up He rolled hi"self in the "at and said2 D Go2 ! don't eat D He turned and fa9ed the wall On the followin# da5 Dasi had the "isfortune to step out of his house Cust when the 9hildren of the Ele"entar5 S9hool were strea"in# out at "idda5 inter$al The5 had heard all about the in9ident of the pre$ious e$enin# The5 now surrounded hi" and 9ried2 D He52 bride#roo" D He turned and loo=ed at the" E there were tears in his e5es He "ade a #esture of despair and appealed to the" A D Go2 #o2

don't trouble "e

Go D

D Oh2 the bride#roo" is still 9r5in# E his wife beat hi" 5esterda52D said a bo5 On hearin# this Dasi let out a roar2 lifted the bo5 b5 his 9ollar and hurled hi" into the 9rowd He swun# his ar"s about and =no9=ed down people who tried to #et near hi" He rushed into the s9hool and bro=e 9hairs and tables He =no9=ed down four tea9hers who tried to restrain hi" He rushed out of the s9hool and assaulted e$er5one he "et He 9rashed into the shops and threw thin#s about He leapt about li=e a panther

DAS! THE %R!DEGROOM *11 fro" pla9e to pla9e E he passed throu#h the streets of the E>tension li=e a tornado Gates were hurriedl5 shut and bolted A #roup of persons tried to run behind Dasi2 while a "aCorit5 preferred to ta=e 9o$er Soon the poli9e were on the s9ene2 and Dasi was finall5 o$erpowered He was =ept that ni#ht in a poli9e lo9=;up2 and sent to the Mental Hospital ne>t da5 He was not $er5 eas5 to "ana#e at first He was =ept in a 9ell for so"e wee=s He be##ed the do9tor one da5 to allow hi" to stand at the "ain #ate and loo= down the road The do9tor pro"ised this as a reward for #ood beha$iour Dasi $alued the reward so "u9h that he did e$er5thin# e$er5one su##ested for a whole wee= He was then sent /with a warder0 to the "ain #ate where he stood for a whole hour loo=in# down the road for the 9o"in# of his bride

6* OLD MAN O' THE TEM(LE THE Tal=ati$e Man said A !t was so"e 5ears a#o that this happened ! don't =now if 5ou 9an "a=e an5thin# of it !f 5ou do2 ! shall be #lad to hear what 5ou ha$e to sa5 E but personall5 ! don't understand it at all !t has alwa5s "5stified "e (erhaps the dri$er was drun= E perhaps he wasn't ! had en#a#ed a ta>i for #oin# to &u"bu"2 whi9h as 5ou "a5 alread5 =now2 is fift5 "iles fro" Mal#udi ! went there one "ornin# and it was past nine in the e$enin# when ! finished "5 business and started ba9= for the town Doss2 the dri$er2 was a 5oun# fellow of about twent5;fi$e He had often brou#ht his 9ar for "e and ! li=ed hi" He was a well;beha$ed2 obedient

fellow2 with a 9apa9it5 to sit down and wait at the wheel2 whi9h is reall5 a rare ?ualit5 in a ta>i dri$er He dro$e the 9ar s"oothl52 seldo" swore at passers;b52 and e>hibited perfe9t Cud#"ent2 #ood sense2 and sobriet5 E and so ! preferred hi" to an5 other dri$er whene$er ! had to #o out on business !t was about ele$en when we passed the $illa#e &oopal2 whi9h is on the wa5 down !t was the dar= half of the "onth and the surroundin# 9ountr5 was swallowed up in the ni#ht The $illa#e street was deserted E$er5one had #one to sleep E hardl5 an5 li#ht was to be seen The stars o$erhead spar=led

OLD MAN O' THE TEM(LE *1bri#htl5 Sittin# in the ba9= seat and listenin# to the 9ontinuous noise of the runnin# wheels2 ! was half lulled into a drowse All of a sudden Doss swer$ed the 9ar and shouted A D You old fool H Do 5ou want to =ill 5ourselfF D ! was sha=en out of "5 drowse and as=ed A D .hat is the "atter F D Doss stopped the 9ar and said2 DYou see that old fellow2 sir He is tr5in# to =ill hi"self ! 9an't understand what he is up to D ! loo=ed in the dire9tion he pointed and as=ed2 D .hi9h old "an F D D There2 there He is 9o"in# towards us a#ain As soon as ! saw hi" open that te"ple door and 9o"e out ! had a feelin#2 so"ehow2 that ! "ust =eep an e5e on hi" D ! too= out "5 tor9h2 #ot down2 and wal=ed about2 but 9ould see no one There was an old te"ple on the roadside E it was utterl5 in ruins E "ost portions of it were "ere "ounds of old bri9= E the walls were awr5 E and there was a "ain doorwa5 with doors shut2 and bra"bles and thi9=ets #rew o$er and 9o$ered the" !t was diffi9ult to #uess with the aid of the tor9h alone what te"ple it was and to what period it belon#ed D The doors are shut and sealed and don't loo= as if the5 had been opened for 9enturies now2D ! 9ried D No2 sir2D Doss said 9o"in# nearer D ! saw the old "an open the doors and 9o"e out He is standin# there E shall we as= hi" to open the" a#ain if 5ou want to #o in and see F D ! said to Doss2 D Let us be #oin# our ti"e here D .e are wastin#

.e went ba9= to the 9ar Doss sat in his seat2 pressed the self;starter2 and as=ed without turnin# his head2 D Are 5ou per"ittin# this fellow to 9o"e with

*17 OLD MAN O' THE TEM(LE us2 sirF He sa5s he will #et down at the ne>t "ilestone D D.hi9h fellowF D! as=ed Doss indi9ated the spa9e on his left D .hat is the "atter with 5ou2 Doss F Ha$e 5ou had a drop of drin= or so"ethin# F D D ! ha$e ne$er tasted an5 drin= in "5 life2 sir2D he said2 and added2 D Get down2 old bo5 Master sa5s he 9an't ta=e 5ou D D Are 5ou tal=in# to 5ourselfF D D After all ! thin= we needn't 9are for these un=nown fellows on the road2D he said D Doss2D ! pleaded D Do 5ou feel 9onfident 5ou 9an dri$e F !f 5ou feel di@@5 don't $enture to start the 9ar D D Than= 5ou2 sir2D said Doss D ! would rather not start the 9ar now ! a" feelin# a little out of sorts D ! loo=ed at hi" an>iousl5 He 9losed his e5es2 his breathin# be9a"e hea$5 and nois52 and #raduall5 his head san= D Doss2 Doss2D ! 9ried desperatel5 ! #ot down2 wal=ed to the front seat2 opened the door2 and shoo= hi" $i#orousl5 He opened his e5es2 assu"ed a hun9hed;up position2 and rubbed his e5es with his hands2 whi9h tre"bled li=e an old "an's D Do 5ou feel better F D ! as=ed D %etter H %etter H Hi H Hi H D he said in a thin2 pipin# $oi9e D .hat has happened to 5our $oi9e F You sound li=e so"eone else2D ! said D Nothin# M5 $oi9e is as #ood as it was .hen a "an is ei#ht5 he is bound to feel a few 9han#es 9o"in# on D D You aren't ei#ht52 surel52D ! said

OLD MAN O' THE TEM(LE *1+ D Not a da5 less2D he said D !s nobod5 #oin# to "o$e this $ehi9le F !f not there is no sense in sittin# here all da5 ! will #et down and #o ba9= to "5 te"ple D D ! don't =now dri$in#2D ! said D And unless 5ou 9are to do it ! don't see how the $ehi9le 9an "o$e D D Me H D e>9lai"ed Doss D These new 9arria#es H God =nows what the5 are drawn b52 ! ne$er under; stand2 thou#h ! 9ould handle a pair of bullo9=s ?uite well in "5 ti"e Ma5 ! as= a ?uestion F D D Go on2D ! said D .here is e$er5bod5 F D D .ho F D D Lots of people ! =new are not to be seen at all All sorts of new fellows e$er5where2 and nobod5 see"s to 9are Not a soul 9o"es near the te"ple All sorts of people #o about but not one who 9ares to stop and tal= to "e .h5 doesn't the =in# e$er 9o"e this wa5 F He used to #o this wa5 at least on9e a 5ear before D D .hi9h =in# F D ! as=ed D Let "e #o2 5ou idiot2D said Doss2 ed#in# towards the door on whi9h ! was leanin# D You don't see" to =now an5thin# D He pushed "e aside2 and #ot down fro" the 9ar He stopped as if he had a bi# hu"p on his ba9=2 and hobbled alon# towards the te"ple ! followed hi"2 hardl5 =nowin# what to do He turned and snarled at "e A D Go awa52 lea$e "e alone ! ha$e had enou#h of 5ou D D .hat has 9o"e o$er 5ou2 Doss F D ! as=ed D .ho is Doss2 an5wa5 F Doss2 Doss2 Doss .hat an absurd na"e H Gall "e b5 "5 na"e or lea$e "e alone Don't follow "e 9allin# B Doss2 Doss ' D D .hat is 5our na"e F D ! as=ed

*:< OLD MAN O' THE TEM(LE D &rishna %attar E and if 5ou #o and "ention "5 na"e people will =now who it is for a hundred "iles around ! built a te"ple where there was onl5 a

9a9tus field before ! du# the earth2 "ade e$er5 bri9= with "5 own hands and put the" one upon another2 all sin#le;handed And on the da5 the te"ple held up its tower o$er the surroundin# 9ountr52 what a 9rowd #athered H The =in# sent his 9hief "inister D .ho was the =in# F D D .here do 5ou 9o"e fro" F D he as=ed D ! belon# to these parts 9ertainl52 but as far as ! =now there has been onl5 a 3olle9tor at the head of the distri9t ! ha$e ne$er heard of an5 =in# D D Hi H Hi H Hi H D he 9a9=led2 and his $oi9e ran# throu#h the #loo"5 silent $illa#e D 'an95 ne$er =nowin# the =in# H He will behead 5ou if he hears it D D .hat is his na"e F D ! as=ed This ti9=led hi" so "u9h that he sat down on the #round2 unable to stand /literall50 the Co=e an5 "ore He lau#hed and 9ou#hed un9ontrollabl5 D ! a" unhapp5 to ad"it2D ! said2 D that "5 parents ha$e brou#ht "e up in su9h utter i#noran9e of worldl5 affairs that ! don't =now e$en "5 =in# %ut won't 5ou enli#hten "e F .hat is his na"e F D D4ishnu 4ar"a2 the E"peror of e"perors D

! 9ast "5 "ind up and down the ran#e of "5 histori9al =nowled#e but there was no one of that na"e (erhaps a lo9al 9hief of pre;%ritish da5s2 ! thou#ht D .hat a =in# H He often $isited "5 te"ple or sent his "inister for the Annual 'esti$al of the te"ple %ut now nobod5 9ares D D (eople are be9o"in# less #odl5 nowada5s2D ! said There was silen9e for a "o"ent An idea o99urred

OLD MAN O' THE TEM(LE *:* to "e2 ! 9an't sa5 wh5 DListen to "e2D ! said D You ou#ht not to be here an5 "ore D D .hat do 5ou "ean F D he as=ed2 drawin# hi"self up proudl5 D Don't feel hurt E ! sa5 5ou shouldn't be here an5 "ore be9ause 5ou are dead D D Dead H Dead H D he said D Don't tal= nonsense

How 9an ! be dead when 5ou see "e before 5ou now F !f ! a" dead how 9an ! be sa5in# this and that F D D ! don't =now all that2D ! said ! ar#ued and pointed out that a99ordin# to his own stor5 he was "ore than three hundred 5ears old2 and didn't he =now that "an's lon#e$it5 was onl5 a hundred F He 9onstantl5 interrupted "e2 but 9onsidered deepl5 what ! said He said A D !t is li=e this ! was 9o"in# throu#h the Cun#le one ni#ht after $isitin# "5 sister in the ne>t $illa#e ! had on "e so"e "one5 and #old orna"ents So"e robbers set upon "e ! #a$e the" as #ood a fi#ht as an5 "an 9ould2 but the5 were too "an5 for "e The5 beat "e down and =nifed "e E the5 too= awa5 all that ! had on "e and left thin=in# the5 had =illed "e %ut soon ! was up and tried to follow the" The5 were #one And ! returned to the te"ple and ha$e been here sin9e D ! told hi"2 D &rishna %atta2 5ou are dead2 absolutel5 dead You "ust tr5 and #o awa5 fro" here D D .hat is to happen to the te"ple F D he as=ed D Others will loo= after it D D .here a" ! to #o F .here a" ! to #o F D D Ha$e 5ou no one who 9ares for 5ou F D ! as=ed D None e>9ept "5 wife D You 9an #o to her D D Oh2 no She died four 5ears a#o D ! lo$ed her $er5 "u9h D

*:6 OLD MAN O' THE TEM(LE 'our 5ears H !t was $er5 pu@@lin# D Do 5ou sa5 four 5ears ba9= fro" now F D ! as=ed D Yes2 four 5ears a#o fro" now ' 1 He was 9learl5 without an5 sense of ti"e So ! as=ed2 D .as she ali$e when 5ou were atta9=ed b5 thie$es F D D 3ertainl5 not !f she had been ali$e she would ne$er ha$e allowed "e to #o throu#h the Cun#le after ni#htfall She too= $er5 #ood 9are of "e D D See here2D ! said D !t is i"perati$e 5ou should #o awa5 fro" here !f she 9o"es and 9alls 5ou2 will 5ou #o F D

D How 9an she when ! tell 5ou that she is dead F D ! thou#ht for a "o"ent (resentl5 ! found "5self sa5in#2 D Thin= of her2 and onl5 of her2 for a while and see what happens .hat was her na"e F D D Seetha2 a wonderful #irl D

D 3o"e on2 thin= of her D He re"ained in deep thou#ht for a while He suddenl5 s9rea"ed2 D Seetha is 9o"in# H A" ! drea"in# or what F ! will #o with her D He stood up2 $er5 ere9t E he appeared to ha$e lost all the hu"ps and twists he had on his bod5 He drew hi"self up2 "ade a dash forward2 and fell down in a heap Doss la5 on the rou#h #round The onl5 si#n of life in hi" was his faint breathin# ! shoo= hi" and 9alled hi" He would not open his e5es ! wal=ed a9ross and =no9=ed on the door of the first 9otta#e ! ban#ed on the door $iolentl5 So"eone "oaned inside2 D Ah2 it is 9o"e H D So"eone else whispered2 D You Cust 9o$er 5our ears and sleep !t will =no9= for a while and #o awa5 D ! ban#ed on the door and shouted who ! was and where ! 9a"e fro" ! sounded the horn of the 9ar in the street The door was opened2 and a whole

OLD MAN O' THE TEM(LE *:8 fa"il5 9rowded out with la"ps D .e thou#ht it was the usual =no9=in# and we wouldn't ha$e opened if 5ou hadn't spo=en D D .hen was this =no9=in# first heard F D ! as=ed D .e 9an't sa52D an old "an replied D The first ti"e ! heard it was when "5 #randfather was li$in# E he used to sa5 he had e$en seen it on9e or twi9e !t doesn't har" an5one2 as far as ! =now The onl5 thin# it does is to bother the bullo9= 9arts passin# the te"ple and to =no9= on the doors at ni#ht D ! said as a $enture2 D !t is unli=el5 5ou will be troubled an5 "ore D !t pro$ed 9orre9t .hen ! passed that wa5 a#ain "onths later ! was told that the bullo9=s passin# the te"ple after dus= ne$er shied now and no =no9=in# on doors was heard at ni#hts So ! felt that the old fellow had reall5 #one awa5 with his #ood wife

66 O)T O' %)S!NESS L!TTLE o$er a 5ear a#o Ra"a Rao went out of wor= when a #ra"ophone 9o"pan52 of whi9h he was the Mal#udi a#ent2 went out of e>isten9e He had put into that a#en95 the little "one5 he had inherited2 as se9urit5 'or fi$e 5ears his business brou#ht hi" enou#h "one52 Cust enou#h2 to help hi" =eep his wife and 9hildren in #ood 9o"fort He built a s"all bun#alow in the E>tension and was thin=in# of bu5in# an old %ab5 9ar for his use And one da52 it was a bolt fro" the blue2 the 9rash 9a"e A series of 9ir9u"stan9es in the world of trade2 9o""er9e2 ban=in# and politi9s was responsible for it The #ra"ophone 9o"pan52 whi9h had its fa9tor5 so"ewhere in Northern !ndia2 auto"ati9all5 9ollapsed when a ban= in Lahore 9rashed2 whi9h was itself the result of a %o"ba5 finan9ier's death The finan9ier was dri$in# downhill when his 9ar flew off sidewa5s and 9a"e to rest three hundred feet below the road !t was thou#ht that he had 9o""itted sui9ide be9ause the pre$ious ni#ht his wife eloped with his 9ashier Ra"a Rao suddenl5 found hi"self in the streets At first he 9ould hardl5 understand the full si#nifi9an9e of this 9ollapse There was a little "one5 in the ban= and he had so"e sto9= on hand %ut the sto9= "o$ed out slowl5 E the pri9es were #oin# down2 and *:,

O)T O' %)S!NESS *:1 he 9ould hardl5 reali@e a few hundred rupees .hen he applied for the refund of his se9urit52 there was hardl5 an5one at the other end to re9ei$e his appli9ation The "one5 in the ban= was fast "eltin# Ra"a Rao's wife now tried so"e "easures of e9ono"5 She sent awa5 the 9oo= and the ser$ant E withdrew the 9hildren fro" a fashionable nurser5 s9hool and sent the" to a free pri"ar5 s9hool And then the5 let out their bun#alow and "o$ed to a $er5 s"all house behind the Mar=et Ra"a Rao sent out a do@en appli9ations a da52 and wore his feet out loo=in# for e"plo5"ent 'or a "an approa9hin# fort52 loo=in# for e"plo5"ent does not 9o"e $er5 easil52 espe9iall5 when he has Cust lost an independent2 lu9rati$e business Ra"a

Rao was $er5 businessli=e in statin# his re?uest He sent his 9ard in and as=ed2 D ! wonder2 sir2 if 5ou 9ould do so"ethin# for "e M5 business is all #one throu#h no fault of "5 own ! shall be $er5 #rateful if 5ou 9an #i$e "e so"ethin# to do in 5our offi9e D .hat a pit52 Ra"a Rao H ! a" awfull5 sorr52 there is nothin# at present !f there is an opportunit5 ! will 9ertainl5 re"e"ber 5ou B' !t was the sa"e stor5 e$er5where He returned ho"e in the e$enin# E his heart san= as he turned into his street behind the Mar=et His wife would in; $ariabl5 be standin# at the door with the 9hildren behind her2 loo=in# down the street .hat an>ious2 ea#er fa9es the5 had H So "u9h of tre"blin#2 hesi; tatin# hope in their fa9es The5 see"ed alwa5s to hope that he would 9o"e ba9= ho"e with so"e "a#i9 fulfil"ent As he re"e"bered the futile wa5 in whi9h he sear9hed for a Cob2 and the finalit5 with

*:: O)T O' %)S!NESS whi9h people dis"issed hi"2 he wished that his wife and 9hildren had less trust in hi" His wife loo=ed at his fa9e2 understood2 and turned in without utterin# a word E the 9hildren too= the 9ue and filed in silentl5 Ra"a Rao tried to i"pro$e "atters with a for9ed heartiness D .ell2 well How are we all toda5 F D To whi9h he re9ei$ed "u"blin#2 feeble responses fro" his wife and 9hildren !t rent his heart to see the" in this 9ondition There at the E>tension how this #irl would spar=le with flowers and a bri#ht dress E she had friendl5 nei#hbours2 a wo"en's 9lub2 and e$er5; thin# to =eep her happ5 there %ut now she hardl5 had the heart or the need to 9han#e in the e$enin#s2 for she spent all her ti"e 9ooped up in the =it9hen And then the 9hildren The house in the E>tension had a 9o"pound and the5 ro"ped about with a do@en other 9hildren A it was possible to ha$e nu"erous friends in the fashionable nurser5 s9hool %ut here the 9hildren had no friends2 and 9ould pla5 onl5 in the ba9=5ard of the house Their shirts were be#innin# to show tears and fra5s 'or"erl5 the5 were #i$en new 9lothes on9e in three "onths Ra"a Rao la5 in bed and spent sleepless ni#hts o$er it All the 9ash in hand was now #one Their onl5 sour9e of in9o"e was the s"all rent the5 were #ettin# for their house in the E>tension The5 shuddered to thin= what would happen to the" if their tenant should suddenl5 lea$e !t was in this 9ondition that Ra"a Rao 9a"e a9ross a Cournal in the Lubilee Readin# Roo" !t was 9alled

The 3aptain !t 9onsisted of four pa#es and all of the" were de$oted to 9rossword pu@@les !t offered e$er5 wee= a first pri@e of four thousand rupeesB 'or the ne>t few da5s his head was free fro" fa"il5

O)T O' %)S!NESS *:9ares He was intensel5 thin=in# of his answers A whether it should be TALLO. or 'OLLO. .hether %AD or MAD or SAD would be "ost apt for a 9lue whi9h said D Men who are this had better be a$oided D He hardl5 stopped to loo= at his wife and 9hildren standin# in the doorwa52 when he returned ho"e in the e$enin#s .ee= after wee= he in$ested a little "one5 and sent down his solutions2 and e$er5 wee= he awaited the results with a palpitatin# heart On the da5 a solution was due he hun# about the news; a#ent's shop2 wor"in# hi"self into his fa$our in order to ha$e a loo= into the latest issue of The 3aptain without pa5in# for it He was too i"patient to wait till the Cournal 9a"e on the table in the Lubilee Readin# Roo" So"eti"es the newsa#ent would #ru"ble2 and Ra"a Rao would pa9if5 hi" with an aw=ward2 affe9ted opti"is" D (lease wait .hen ! #et a pri@e ! will #i$e 5ou three 5ears' subs9ription in ad$an9e D His heart ?uailed as he opened the pa#e announ9in# the pri@e;winners So"eone in %alu9histan2 so"eone in Da99a2 and so"eone in 3e5lon had hit upon the ri#ht set of words E not Ra"a Rao !t too= three hours for Ra"a Rao to re9o$er fro" this sho9= The onl5 wa5 to e>ist see"ed to be to plun#e into the ne>t wee='s pu@@le E that would =eep hi" buo5ed up with hope for a few da5s "ore This $iolent alternatin# between hope and despair soon wre9=ed his ner$es and balan9e At ho"e he hardl5 spo=e to an5one His head was alwa5s bowed in thou#ht He ?uarrelled with his wife if she refused to #i$e hi" his rupee a wee= for the pu@@les She was of a "ild disposition and was in9apable of a sustained ?uarrel2 with the result that he alwa5s #ot

i:7 O)T O' %)S!NESS what he wanted2 thou#h it "eant a sli#ht sa9rifi9e in household e>penses One da5 the #ood Cournal announ9ed a spe9ial offer of ei#ht thousand rupees !t e>9ited Ra"a Rao's $ision of a future tenfold He studied the pu@@le There were onl5 four doubtful 9orners in it2 and he

"i#ht ha$e to send in at least four entries A lar#er outla5 was indi9ated D You "ust #i$e "e fi$e rupees this ti"e2D he said to his wife2 at whi9h that #ood lad5 be9a"e spee9hless He had be9o"e rather insensiti$e to su9h thin#s these da5s2 but e$en he 9ould not help feelin# the atro9ious nature of his de"and 'i$e rupees were nearl5 a wee='s food for the fa"il5 He felt disturbed for a "o"ent E but he had onl5 to turn his attention to spe9ulate whether HO(E or DO(E or RO(E "ade "ost sense /for D So"e (eople (refer This to Despair D02 and his "ind was at on9e at rest After sendin# awa5 the solutions b5 re#istered post he built elaborate 9astles in the air E$en if it was onl5 a share he would #et a substantial a"ount of "one5 He would send awa5 his tenants2 ta=e his wife and 9hildren ba9= to the bun#alow in the E>; tension2 and lea$e all the "one5 in his wife's hands for her to "ana#e for a 9ouple of 5ears or so E he hi"self would ta=e a hundred and #o awa5 to Madras and see= his fortune there %5 the ti"e the "one5 in his wife's hands was spent he would ha$e found so"e profitable wor= in Madras On the fateful da5 of results Ra"a Rao opened The 3aptain2 and the 9orre9t solution stared hi" in the fa9e His blunders were nu"erous There was no 9han9e of #ettin# ba9= e$en a few annas now He "oped about till the e$enin# The "ore he

O)T O' %)S!NESS *:+ brooded o$er this the "ore intolerable life see"ed All the losses2 disappoint"ents and frustrations of his life 9a"e down on hi" with renewed for9e !n the e$enin# instead of turnin# ho"eward he "o$ed alon# the Railwa5 Station Road He slipped in at the le$el 9rossin# and wal=ed down the line a 9ouple of "iles !t was dar= 'ar awa5 the li#hts of the town twin=led2 and the red and #reen li#ht of a si#nal post loo"ed o$er the surroundin#s a 9ouple of furlon#s behind hi" He had 9o"e to the 9on9lusion that life was not worth li$in# !f one had the "isfortune to be born in the world the best re"ed5 was to end "atters on a railwa5 line or with a rope /D Dope F HopeFD his "ind as=ed in$oluntaril50 He pulled it ba9= D None of that2D he said to it and set it ri#idl5 to 9onte"plate the business of d5in# .ife2 9hildren nothin# see"ed to "atter The onl5 i"portant thin# now was total e>tin9tion He la5 a9ross the lines The iron was still war" The da5 had been hot Ra"a Rao felt $er5 happ5 as he refle9ted that in less than ten "inutes the train fro" Tri9hinopol5 would be arri$in#

He la5 there he did not =now how lon# He strained his ears to 9at9h the sound of the train2 but he heard nothin# "ore than a $a#ue rattlin# and bu@@in# far off (resentl5 he #rew tired of l5in# down there He rose and wal=ed ba9= to the station There was a #ood 9rowd on the platfor" He as=ed so"eone2 D .hat has happened to the train F D D A #oods train has derailed three stations off2 and the wa5 is blo9=ed The5 ha$e sent up a relief All the trains will be at least three hours late toda5 D God2 5ou ha$e shown "e "er95 H D Ra"a Rao 9ried and ran ho"e

* -< O)T O' %)S!NESS His wife was waitin# at the door loo=in# down the street She bri#htened up and si#hed with relief on seein# Ra"a Rao She wel9o"ed hi" with a war"th he had ne$er =nown for o$er a 5ear now D Oh2 wh5 are 5ou so late toda5 F D she as=ed D ! was so"ehow feelin# $er5 restless the whole e$enin# E$en the 9hildren were worried (oor 9reatures H The5 ha$e Cust #one to sleep D .hen he sat down to eat she said2 D Our tenants in the E>tension bun#alow 9a"e in the e$enin# to as= if 5ou would sell the house The5 are read5 to offer #ood 9ash for it i""ediatel5 D She added ?uietl522 D ! thin= we "a5 sell the house D D E>9ellent idea2D Ra"a Rao replied Cubilantl5 D This "inute we 9an #et four and a half thousand for it Gi$e "e the half thousand and ! will #o awa5 to Madras and see if ! 9an do an5thin# useful there You =eep the balan9e with 5ou and run the house Let us first "o$e to a better lo9alit5 D D Are 5ou #oin# to e"plo5 5our fi$e hundred to #et "ore "one5 out of 9rossword pu@@les F D she as=ed ?uietl5 At this Ra"a Rao felt depressed for a "o"ent and then swore with #reat e"phasis2 D No2 no Ne$er a#ain D

68 OLD %ONES THE Tal=ati$e Man said A ! was 9an$assin# a#ent for a 9o"pan5 "anu; fa9turin# 9he"i9al fertili@ers2 and "5 wor= too= "e into the 9ountr5 for o$er twent5 da5s in the "onth

One ni#ht ! was held up in a da= bun#alow2 a "ile outside the $illa#e Ta5ur !f e$er there was a deserted da= bun#alow it was this !t was o$er a hundred 5ears old2 built in the 9o"pan5 da5s2 a "assi$e rounded stru9ture2 with a fine 9ir9ular $eranda2 heft5 pillars2 and plaster standin# out in fla=es E the whole thin# was tu9=ed awa5 in a 9asuarina #ro$e ! had to spend a ni#ht in it2 and a little fellow2 a nephew of "ine2 happened to be with "e The 9areta=er2 a par9hed old "an2 who loo=ed li=e a lost soul2 opened the door for "e2 pla9ed a rust5 oil la"p on the table in the hall2 pushed up and down so"e hea$5 furniture2 ho$ered about till we had had our dinner2 and then said that he "ust #o awa5 for the ni#ht M5 nephew so"ehow see"ed to disli=e the idea A D )n9le2 wh5 should he #o F D D (erhaps he has a ho"e in the $illa#e E whate$er it is2 wh5 do 5ou want hi" F D ! as=ed He 9ould not e>plain He "erel5 "u"bled2 D ! thou#ht it "i#ht be interestin# D D ! hope 5ou are not afraid D D No2 not at all2D said the bo5 L *-*

*-6 OLD %ONES %ut ! 9ould see that he was sli#htl5 ner$ous He was brou#ht up in Madras2 a99usto"ed to 9rowds and ele9tri9 li#hts E this loneliness in an an9ient bun#alow with a shadow;throwin# rust5 la"p #a$e hi" a feelin# of dis9o"fort So ! tried to persuade the old "an A D .h5 won't 5ou sleep here F D D No2 no2 ! 9an't2D whee@ed the old "an D ! ha$e been a 9areta=er for o$er fort5 5ears now2 and ! won't sleep here You "a5 write a 9o"plaint if 5ou li=e ! don't 9are if ! lose this Cob Su9h a riddan9e it will be for "e and the5 won't #et another e$en if the5 offer a thousand so$erei#ns D Lin#lin# his =e5 bun9h he hobbled awa5 ! "ade a bed for the bo52 drew it 9lose to "ine2 and as=ed hi" to lie down ! shut the front door2 opened a window or two2 sat down at the table2 and opened "5 portfolio ! had "5 Cournal to write and 9he9= a99ounts ! drew the la"p 9lose to "5 papers2 and was soon absorbed in wor= The bo5 snored Outside the 9asuarina "ur"ured 'or a while noises fro" the $illa#e bar=in# of do#s2

snat9hes of son#s and ar#u"ents 9a"e floatin# in the air2 and then the5 9eased E$en the bo5 9eased to snore !t was past ele$en when ! finished "5 wor= ! put awa5 "5 papers2 blew out the la"p2 and la5 down ! a" not a $er5 sound sleeper ! usuall5 lie blin=in# in the dar= for a lon# ti"e !t "ust ha$e been past "idni#ht ! was Cust fallin# asleep when ! heard the ban#in# of a window shutter ! #ot up2 turned up the sta5s of the shutter2 and returned to bed As ! was do@in# off it ban#ed a#ain D Da"n2D ! said There was not the sli#htest bree@e .h5 did these thin#s rattleF ! fu"bled about in the dar= and shut the windows ti#ht ! returned to bed and

OLD %ONES *-8 la5 awa=e Shutters in another part of the buildin# ru"bled !t was irritatin# ! too= out "5 tor9h to see if the bo5 had been disturbed He was fast asleep ! went o$er to e$er5 9orner of the buildin# and hoo=ed up the shutters and doors .hen ! la5 down a#ain2 a new =ind of disturban9e be#an There was a noise as if the front door was bein# $iolentl5 =i9=ed and fisted ! started up D .ho is there F D ! bellowed The noise "o$ed awa52 and now another door was =i9=ed and fisted2 and then the 9losed windows This was a tra$ellin# pro9ess A so"eone see"ed to be fl5in# round2 batterin# all the doors and shutters The din was 9ontinuous D.ho is thereF .ho is thereFD ! 9ried2 al"ost runnin# round and round as the noise passed on fro" pla9e to pla9e ! #rew an>ious about the bo5 .hat a fri#ht he would #et if he wo=e up H ! pi9=ed up the bo> of "at9hes and stru9= a sti9= As ! too= it near the wi9= of the la"p2 it was blown off ! stru9= another with no better su99ess ! wasted half the bo> And then the #lass 9hi"ne5 flew off the table and splintered on the floor ! flashed the tor9hli#ht on the bo52 fer$entl5 hopin# that he still slept E but he was sittin# up in bed D RaCu2 lie down2 it is nothin#2D ! be#an D You lie down if 5ou li=e2D replied the bo5 His $oi9e was 9han#ed !t was #ruff li=e an adult's There was no ban#in# on the doors now2 and so ! said to hi" A D So"e loose shutters rattled2 so it has stopped now2 5ou see D D Shut up2 will 5ou F D he said in answer D You

are a whole set of selfish brutes E won't trouble to =now what a "an wants D D .hat are 5ou sa5in# F D ! as=ed

*-, OLD %ONES D You =now where "5 bones are F D D )nder 5our s=in2 ! a" sure D D You will learn not to Co=e with "e2D said the #ruff $oi9e And then the bo5 left his bed2 too= "e b5 the ne9=2 and pushed "e out ! was nearl5 ten stone2 and that was a 5oun# fellow of twel$e How 9ould he handle "e in this "anner F ! felt indi#nant and tried to resist %ut it was no use He displa5ed enor"ous stren#th He wheeled "e about2 al"ost tore open the front door2 and flun# "e out ! flew a9ross the $eranda and 9a"e down on the lawn2 bruised and sha=en The door shut behind "e ! sat there ! don't =now how lon#2 fri#htened out of "5 wits (resentl5 "5 sense of responsibilit5 returned How 9ould ! let that 5oun#ster shut hi"self in F !t was "5 dut5 to return hi" inta9t to his parents ! felt trul5 sorr5 for ha$in# brou#ht hi" down with "e ! #ot up with diffi9ult52 li"ped up the steps2 =no9=ed on the door D Go awa52D s9rea"ed the bo52 D or ! will rip 5ou up D D RaCu2 RaCu2D ! pleaded door for 5our2 un9le F D D .on't 5ou open the

D See here2 ! a" not RaCu So don't 9all "e RaCu hereafter2 do 5ou understand F D D .ho are 5ou F D D Do 5ou want to =now F D D 3ertainl5 D D Ah2 ! a" so happ5 5ou are prepared to hear about "e H %ut what is the use F You won't help

"e D

D Oh2 ! will do an5thin# for 5ou 5ou are D

%ut tell "e who

OLD %ONES *-1 ! a" Muru#esan; D Oh2 Muru#esan2 what are 5ou doin# here F D D Good "an2D said the bo5 happil52 #reatl5 pleased at bein# 9alled Muru#esan D .hat are 5ou doin# here F D ! persisted D .here 9an ! #o F These s9oundrels are defilin# "5 bones ! won't "o$e till that is stopped D D Do 5ou want "e to do an5thin# F D ! as=ed2 "5 $oi9e tre"blin# in$oluntaril5 A the prospe9t of pi9=in# un=nown bones at "idni#ht shoo= "e D Yes2D said the bo5 D Go to the ba9=5ard and di# out the roots of the bi# ta"arind tree You will find "5 bones Ta=e the" and throw the" into the well2 and ! pro"ise ! will #o awa5 and ne$er 9o"e a#ain D D !f ! don't do it F D D ! will ne$er lea$e this pla9e2 nor open the door D D Muru#esan2D ! said a few "inutes later2 D won't 5ou tell "e so"ethin# about 5our #ood selfF D D ! sta5ed here for a ni#ht on "5 wa5 to Mal#udi That "an suffo9ated "e while ! slept and stole "5 purse He pressed a pillow on "5 fa9e and ! thin= he sat on it D D .ho did it F D D The old "an who has the =e5s of this bun#alow D D !sn't he too old to do su9h a thin# F D D Oh2 no He is $er5 deft with the pillow And then he buried "e under the ta"arind tree Now e$er5 pi# whi9h noses about for filth sta"ps o$er "5 head all da5 E and e$er5 don=e5 and e$er5 passer;b5 defiles "5 bones2 and the5 heap all =inds of rubbish there How 9an ! rest F D D !f ! throw the bones into the well2 will 5ou open the door and ?uit the buildin# for e$er F D

*-: OLD %ONES D ! pro"ise2D said the nephew ! went down2 9lut9hin# "5 tor9h2 and sear9hed for so"ethin# to di# with ! pulled out a 9ouple of ba"boo palin#s fro" a fen9e2 went to the ba9=5ard2 and set to wor= ! a" not a 9oward2 but the whole situation shoo= "5 ner$es The ba9=5ard was a "ost desolate pla9e2 an endless $ista of trees and shrubs and a ro9=5 hillo9= loo"in# o$er it all La9=als howled far off2 and ni#ht inse9ts whirred about and hu""ed And this stran#e tas= of di##in# up an un=nown #ra$e at ni#ht H ! pla9ed the lit tor9h on the #round and 9leared a part of the rubbish du"ped under the tree After throwin# up earth for half an hour ! pi9=ed up a s=ull and a few le# bones ! felt si9= ! 9ould not find "ore than si> or se$en pie9es ! pi9=ed the" up A few 5ards off there was the well2 weed;9o$ered2 with all its "asonr5 9ru"blin# in ! flun# the bones into the well2 and as the5 splashed into the water ! heard the bo5 shout fro" within the house A D Man5 than=s Good;b5e D ! ran in The door was open2 and the bo5 la5 a9ross the threshold ! 9arried hi" to his bed Ne>t "ornin# ! as=ed hi"2 D Did 5ou sleep well F D D Yes %ut ! had all sorts of wild drea"s D His $oi9e was soft and bo5ish ! as=ed2 D 3an 5ou lift "e and throw "e out F D The bo5 lau#hed D .hat a ?uestion2 un9le H How 9an ! F D The old 9areta=er 9a"e up at about si> ! was read5 to start ! had to wal= a 9ouple of "iles to the 9ross;roads and 9at9h an earl5 bus for Mal#udi ! settled a99ounts with the old "an A the bro=en 9hi"ne5 had to be paid for2 and then the rent for the ni#ht

OLD %ONES *-As ! was about to lea$e ! 9ouldn't resist it ! 9alled the old "an aside and as=ed A D You =now of a person 9alled Muru#esan who spent a ni#ht in this bun#alow F D The old "an's fa9e turned pale He replied A D ! =now nothin# Go about 5our business D

D M5 business will be to tell the poli9e what ! =now D D The poli9e H D He fell down at "5 feet and 9rin#ed A D ! =now nothin# (lease don't ruin an old "an D ! went awa5 and Coined "5 nephew He as=ed2 D .h5 did the old "an fall on the #round2 un9le F D D ! don't =now2D ! replied Till ! rea9hed the bus road ! debated within "5self whether to tell the poli9e2 but ulti"atel5 de9ided a#ainst it ! a" a bus5 "an2 and #ettin# "i>ed up in a poli9e 9ase is a whole;ti"e Cob So"e da5 when ! don't ha$e "u9h wor= ! will ta=e it up

6, ATT!LA !N a "ood .hat the5 ableness2 D S9our#e of opti"is" the5 na"ed hi" D Attila D wanted of a do# was stren#th2 for"id; and fi#ht2 and hen9e he was na"ed after the of Europe D

The pupp5 was onl5 a 9ouple of "onths old A he had s?uare Caws2 red e5es2 pu# nose and a "assi$e head2 and there was e$er5 reason to hope that he would do 9redit to his na"e The i""ediate reason for bu5in# hi" was a series of house;brea=in#s and thefts in the nei#hbourhood2 and our householders de9ided to put "ore trust in a do# than in the poli9e The5 sear9hed far and wide and "et a do# fan9ier He held up a "onth;old bla9=;and;white pupp5 and said2 D 3o"e and fet9h hi" a "onth hen9e !n si> "onths he will be so"ethin# to be feared and respe9ted D He spread out before the" a pedi#ree sheet whi9h was stunnin# The pupp5 had2 runnin# in his $eins2 the 9hoi9est and the "ost fero9ious blood The5 were satisfied2 paid an ad$an9e2 returned a "onth later2 paid down se$ent5;fi$e rupees2 and too= the pupp5 ho"e The pupp52 as ! ha$e alread5 indi9ated2 did not ha$e a $er5 prepossessin# appearan9e and was none too pla5ful2 but this did not pre$ent his owners fro" sittin# in a 9ir9le around hi" and ad"irin# hi" There was a prolon#ed debate as to what he should be na"ed The 5oun#est su##ested2 D .h5 not 9all hi" Ti#er F D *-7

ATT!LA *-+ D E$er5 other street;"on#rel is na"ed Ti#er2D 9a"e the repl5 D .h5 not 3aesar F D D 3aesar H !f a 9ensus were ta=en of do#s 5ou would find at least fifteen thousand 3aesars in South !ndia alone .h5 not 'ire F D D !t is fantasti9 D D.h5 not ThunderFD D !t is too ob$ious D D Grip F D D Still ob$ious2 and 9hildish D There was a deadlo9= So"eone su##ested DAttila2D and a shout of Co5 went up to the s=ies No "ore satisf5in# na"e was thou#ht of for "an or ani"al %ut as ti"e passed our Attila e>hibited a lo$e of hu"anit5 whi9h was dis9on9ertin# so"eti"es The S9our#e of Europe 9ould he e$er ha$e been li=e this F The5 put it down to his a#e .hat 9hild 9ould help lo$in# all 9reatures F !n their @eal to establish this fa9t2 the5 went to the e>tent of del$in# into an9ient histor5 to find out what D The S9our#e of Europe D was li=e when he was a 9hild !t was ru"oured that as a 9hild he 9lun# to his friends and to his parents' friends so fast that often he had to be beaten and separated %ut when he was fourteen he showed the first si#n of his future A he =no9=ed down and plun#ed his =nife into a fellow who tried to tou9h his "arbles Ah2 this was en9oura#in# Let our do# rea9h the parallel of fourteen 5ears and people would #et to =now his real nature %ut this was a $ain pro"ise He stood up twent5 in9hes hi#h2 had a lar#e fra"e2 and a forbiddin# appearan9e on the whole but that was all A $ariet5 of people entered the #ates of the house e$er5 da5 A "endi9ants2 bill;9olle9tors2 post"en2 trades"en2 and

i7o ATT!LA fa"il5 friends All of the" were war"l5 re9ei$ed b5 Attila The "o"ent the #ate 9li9=ed he be9a"e alert and stood up loo=in# towards the #ate %5 the ti"e an5one entered the #ate Attila went blindl5 9har#in# forward %ut that was all The person had onl5 to stop and s"ile2 and Attila would "elt He would beha$e as if he apolo#i@ed for e$en #i$in# an i"pression

of $iolen9e He would lower his head2 9ur$e his bod52 tu9= his tail between his le#s2 roll his e5es2 and "oan as if to sa5 A D How sad that 5ou should ha$e "ista=en "5 #esture H ! onl5 hurried down to #reet 5ou D Till he was patted on the head2 stro=ed2 and told that he was for#i$en2 he would be in e>tre"e "iser5 Graduall5 he reali@ed that his boun9in# ad$an9es 9aused "u9h unhapp5 "isunderstandin# And so when he heard the #ate 9li9= he hardl5 stirred He "erel5 loo=ed in that dire9tion and wa##ed his tail The people at ho"e did not $er5 "u9h li=e this attitude The5 thou#ht it rather a sha"e D .h5 not 9han#e his na"e to %lind .or" F D so"ebod5 as=ed D He eats li=e an elephant2D said the "other of the fa"il5 DYou 9an e"plo5 two wat9h"en for the pri9e of the ri9e and "eat he 9onsu"es So"ebod5 9o"es e$er5 "ornin# and steals all the flowers in the #arden and Attila won't do an5thin# about it D D He has better business to do than 9at9h flower thie$es2D replied the 5oun#est2 alwa5s the defender of the do# D .hat is the better business F D D .ell2 if so"ebod5 9o"es in at dawn and ta=es awa5 the flowers do 5ou e>pe9t Attila to be loo=in# out for hi" e$en at that hour F D D .h5 not F !t's what a well;fed do# ou#ht to be

ATT!LA *7* doin# instead of sleepin# of 5our do# D You ou#ht to be asha"ed

D He does not sleep all ni#ht2 "other ! ha$e often seen hi" #oin# round the house and wat9hin# all ni#ht D D Reall5 H Does he prowl about all ni#ht F D D Of 9ourse he does2D said the defender D ! a" ?uite alar"ed to hear it2D said the "other D (lease lo9= hi" up in a roo" at ni#ht2 otherwise he "a5 9all in a bur#lar and show hi" round Left alone a bur#lar "i#ht after all be less su99essful !t wouldn't be so bad if he at least bar=ed He is the "ost noiseless do# ! ha$e e$er seen in "5 life D

The 5oun# "an was e>tre"el5 irritated at this He 9onsidered it to be the "ost un9haritable 95ni9is"2 but the do# Custified it that $er5 ni#ht Ran#a li$ed in a hut three "iles fro" the town He was a D #an# 9ool5 D often e"plo5ed in road; "endin# O99asionall5 at ni#hts he enCo5ed the thrill and profit of brea=in# into houses At one o'9lo9= that ni#ht Ran#a re"o$ed the bars of a window on the eastern side of the house and slipped in He ed#ed alon# the wall2 sear9hed all the trun=s and al"irahs in the house2 and "ade a neat bundle of all the Ceweller5 and other $aluables he 9ould pi9= up He was Cust startin# to #o out He had Cust put one foot out of the #ap he had "ade in the window when he saw Attila standin# below2 loo=in# up e>pe9tantl5 Ran#a thou#ht his end had 9o"e He e>pe9ted the do# to bar= %ut not Attila He waited for a "o"ent2 #rew tired of waitin#2 stood up and put his forepaws on the lap of the bur#lar He put ba9= his ears2 li9=ed Ran#a's hands2 and rolled his e5es Ran#a whispered2 D ! hope 5ou aren't #oin# to bar= D

i7B ATT!LA D Don't 5ou worr5 tried to sa5 ! a" not the sort2D the do#

DLust a "o"ent Let "e #et down fro" here2D said the bur#lar The do# obli#in#l5 too= awa5 his paws and lowered hi"self D See there2D said Ran#a pointin# to the ba9=5ard2 D there is a 9at D Attila put up his ears at the "ention of the 9at2 and dashed in the dire9tion indi9ated One "i#ht easil5 ha$e thou#ht he was #oin# to tear up a 9at2 but a9tuall5 he didn't want to "iss the pleasure of the 9o"pan5 of a 9at if there was one As soon as the do# left hi" Ran#a "ade a dash for the #ate Gi$en a se9ond "ore he would ha$e hopped o$er it %ut the do# turned and saw what was about to happen and in one sprin# was at the #ate He loo=ed hurt D !s this proper F D he see"ed to as= D Do 5ou want to sha=e "e offF D He hun# his hea$5 tail down so loosel5 and loo=ed so "iserable that the bur#lar stro=ed his head2 at whi9h he re$i$ed The bur#lar opened the #ate and went out2 and the do# followed hi" Attila's #reatest a"bition in life was to wander in the streets freel5

Now thin#s see"ed to be shapin# out ideall5 Attila li=ed his new friend so "u9h that he wouldn't lea$e hi" alone e$en for a "o"ent He sat before Ran#a when he sat down to eat2 sat on the ed#e of his "at when he slept in his hut2 waited patientl5 on the ed#e of the pond when Ran#a went there now and then for a wash2 slept on the roadside when Ran#a was at wor= This sort of 9o"panionship #ot on Ran#a's ner$es He i"plored2 DOh do# Lea$e "e alone for a

ATT!LA *78 "o"ent .on't 5ou F D )n"o$ed Attila sat before hi" with his e5es #lued on his friend Attila's disappearan9e 9reated a sensation in the bun#alow D Didn't ! tell 5ou2D the "other said2 D to lo9= hi" up F Now so"e bur#lar has #one awa5 with hi" .hat a sha"e H .e 9an hardl5 "ention it to an5one D D You are "ista=en2D replied the defender D !t is Cust a 9oin9iden9e He "ust ha$e #one off on his own a99ount !f he had been here no thief would ha$e dared to 9o"e in D D .hate$er it is2 ! don't =now if we should after all than= the thief for ta=in# awa5 that do# He "a5 =eep the Cewels as a reward for ta=in# hi" awa5 Shall we withdraw the poli9e 9o"plaint F D This fa9etiousness 9eased a wee= later2 and Attila rose to the ran=s of a hero The eldest son of the house was #oin# towards the "ar=et one da5 He saw Attila trottin# behind so"eone on the road D He52D shouted the 5oun# "an E at whi9h Ran#a turned and bro=e into a run Attila2 who alwa5s suspe9ted that his new friend was waitin# for the sli#htest 9han9e to throw hi"2 #alloped behind Ran#a D He52 Attila H D shouted the 5oun# "an2 and he also started runnin# Attila wanted to answer the 9all after "a=in# sure of his friend E and so he turned his head for a se9ond and #alloped faster Ran#a desperatel5 doubled his pa9e Attila deter"ined to sti9= to hi" at an5 9ost As a result of it he ran so fast that he o$ertoo= Ran#a and 9lu"sil5 blo9=ed his wa52 and Ran#a stu"bled o$er hi" and fell As he rolled on the #round a pie9e of Ceweller5 /whi9h he was ta=in# to a re9ei$er of stolen propert50 flew fro" his hand The 5oun# "an re9o#ni@ed it as

*7, ATT!LA belon#in# to his sister2 and sat down on Ran#a A 9rowd 9olle9ted and the poli9e appeared on the s9ene Attila was the hero of the da5 E$en the lad5 of the house softened towards hi" She said2 D .hate$er one "i#ht sa5 of Attila2 one has to ad"it that he is a $er5 9unnin# dete9ti$e He is too deep for words D !t was as well that Attila had no powers of spee9h Otherwise he would ha$e burst into a la"entation whi9h would ha$e shattered the pedestal under his feet

61 THE AKE AN astrolo#er passin# throu#h the $illa#e foretold that 4elan would li$e in a three;storied house surrounded b5 "an5 a9res of #arden At this e$er5; bod5 #athered round 5oun# 4elan and "ade fun of hi" 'or &oopal did not ha$e a "ore ra##ed and God;forsa=en fa"il5 than 4elan's His father had "ort#a#ed e$er5 bit of propert5 he had2 and wor=ed2 with his whole fa"il52 on other people's lands in return for a few annas a wee= A three;storied house for 4elan indeed H %ut the s9offers would ha$e 9on#ratulated the astrolo#er if the5 had seen 4elan about thirt5 or fort5 5ears later He be9a"e the sole o99upant ofD &u"ar %au#h D that palatial house on the outs=irts of Mal#udi town .hen he was ei#hteen 4elan left ho"e His father slapped his fa9e one da5 for 9o"in# late with the "idda5 "eal2 and he did that in the presen9e of others in the field 4elan put down the bas=et2 #lared at his father2 and left the pla9e He Cust wal=ed out of the $illa#e and wal=ed on and on till he 9a"e to the town He star$ed for a 9ouple of da5s2 be##ed where$er he 9ould2 and arri$ed in Mal#udi2 where after "u9h =no9=in# about an old "an too= hi" on to assist hi" in la5in# out a #arden The #arden 5et e>isted onl5 in the "ind of the #ardener .hat the5 9ould see now was a9re upon a9re of

i7: THE AKE weed;9o$ered land 4elan's "ain business 9onsisted in destro5in# all the $e#etation he saw Da5 after da5 he sat in the sun and tore up b5 hand the unwanted

plants And all the Cun#le #raduall5 disappeared and the land stood as bare as a football field Three sides of the land were "ar=ed off for an e>tensi$e #arden and on the rest was to be built a house %5 the ti"e the "an#oes had sprouted the5 were la5in# the foundation of the house About the ti"e the "ar#osa saplin# had shot up a 9ouple of 5ards the walls were also 9o"in# up The flowers hibis9us2 9hr5santhe"u"2 Cas"ine2 roses2 and 9annae in the front par= suddenl5 9reated a wonderland one earl5 su""er 4elan had to ra9e with the bri9=la5ers He was now the 9hief #ardener2 the old "an he had 9o"e to assist ha$in# suddenl5 fallen ill 4elan was proud of his position and responsibilit5 He =eenl5 wat9hed the pro#ress of the bri9=la5ers and whispered to the plants as he watered the"2 D Now loo= sharp2 5oun# fellows The buildin# is #oin# up and up e$er5 da5 !f it is read5 and we aren't we shall be the lau#hin#;sto9= of the town D He heaped "anure2 aired the roots2 tri""ed the bran9hes2 and watered the plants twi9e a da52 and on the whole #a$e an i"pression of hustlin# Nature E and Nature see"ed to respond 'or he did present a #ood;si@ed #arden to his "aster and his fa"il5 when the5 9a"e to o99up5 the house The house proudl5 held up a do"e %al9onies with intri9atel5 9ar$ed wood;wor= hun# down fro" the sides of the house E s"ooth2 rounded pillars2 deep $erandas2 9he?uered "arble floors2 and spa9ious halls ran#ed one behind another2 #a$e the house su9h an i"posin# appearan9e that 4elan as=ed hi"self2 D 3an

THE AKE *7an5 "ortal li$e in thisF ! thou#ht su9h "ansions e>isted onl5 in Swar#a Lo=aD .hen he saw the =it9hen and the dinin# roo" he said2 D .h52 our whole $illa#e 9ould be a99o""odated in this eatin# pla9e alone H D The housebuilder's assistant told hi"2 D .e ha$e built bi##er houses2 thin#s 9ostin# nearl5 two la=hs .hat is this house F !t has hardl5 9ost 5our "aster a la=h of rupees !t is Cust a little "ore than an ordinar5 house2 that is all D After returnin# to his hut 4elan sat a lon# ti"e tr5in# to #rasp the $ision2 s9ope and 9al9ulations of the builders of the house2 but he felt di@@5 He went to the "ar#osa plant2 #ripped its ste" with his fin#ers and said2 D !s this all2 5ou s9ra##5 one F .hat if 5ou wa$e 5our head so hi#h abo$e "ine F ! 9an put "5 fin#ers around 5ou and sha=e 5ou up li=e this Grow up2 little one2 #row up Grow fat Ha$e a trun= whi9h two pairs of ar"s 9an't hu#2 and #o up and spread %e fit to stand beside this pala9e E otherwise ! will

pull 5ou out D .hen the "ar#osa tree appro>i"atel5 9a"e up to this $ision the house had a9?uired a "ellowness in its appearan9e Su99essi$e su""ers and "onsoons had robbed the paint on the doors and windows and woodwor= of their bri#htness and the walls of their ori#inal 9olour2 and had put in their pla9e tints and shades of their own 9hoi9e And thou#h the house had lost its resplenden9e it had now a "ore hu"an loo= Hundreds of parrots and "5nas and unna"ed birds li$ed in the bran9hes of the "ar#osa2 and under its shade the "aster's #reat;#rand;9hildren and the /5oun#er0 #rand;9hildren pla5ed and ?uarrelled The "aster wal=ed about leanin# on a staff The lad5 of the house2 who had loo=ed su9h a bloo"in# 9reature

i77 THE AKE on the inau#uration da52 was shrun=en and #re5 and spent "ost her ti"e in an in$alid's 9hair in the $eranda2 #a@in# at the #arden with dull e5es 4elan hi"self was "u9h 9han#ed Now he had to depend "ore and "ore upon his assistants to =eep the #arden in shape He had lost his parents2 his wife2 and ei#ht 9hildren out of fourteen He had "ana#ed to re9lai" his an9estral propert5 whi9h was now bein# loo=ed after b5 his sons;in;law and sons He went to the $illa#e for (on#ed2 New Year2 and De9pa$ali2 and brou#ht ba9= with hi" one or the other of his #rand; 9hildren of who" he was e>tre"el5 fond 4elan was perfe9tl5 9ontented and happ5 He de"anded nothin# "ore of life As far as he 9ould see2 the people in the bi# house too see"ed to be e?uall5 at pea9e with life One saw no reason wh5 these #oods thin#s should not #o on and on for e$er %ut Death peeped around the 9orner 'ro" the ser$ant's ?uarters whispers rea9hed the #ardener in his hut that the "aster was $er5 ill and la5 in his roo" downstairs /the bedroo" upstairs so laboriousl5 planned had to be abandoned with ad$an9in# a#e0 Do9tors and $isitors were 9onstantl5 9o"in# and #oin#2 and 4elan had to be "ore than e$er on #uard a#ainst D flower;plu9=ers D One "idni#ht he was awa=ened and told that the "aster was dead D .hat is to happen to the #arden and to "e F The sons are no #ood2D he thou#ht at on9e And his fears pro$ed to be not entirel5 #roundless The sons were no #ood2 reall5 The5 sta5ed for a 5ear "ore2 ?uarrelled a"on# the"sel$es2 and went awa5 to li$e in another house A 5ear later so"e other fa"il5 9a"e in as tenants The "o"ent the5 saw 4dan the5 said2 D Old #ardener F Don't be up to

THE AKE *7+ an5 tri9=s .e =now the sort 5ou are .e will sa9= 5ou if 5ou don't beha$e 5ourself D 4elan found life intolerable These people had no re#ard for a #arden The5 wal=ed on flower beds2 9hildren 9li"bed the fruit trees and plu9=ed unripe fruits2 and the5 du# pits on the #arden paths 4elan had no 9oura#e to protest The5 ordered hi" about2 sent hi" on errands2 "ade hi" wash the 9ow2 and le9tured to hi" on how to #row a #arden He detested the whole business and often thou#ht of throwin# up his wor= and returnin# to his $illa#e %ut the idea was unbearable A he 9ouldn't li$e awa5 fro" his plants 'ortune howe$er2 soon fa$oured hi" The tenants left The house was lo9=ed up for a few 5ears O99asionall5 one of the sons of the late owner 9a"e round and inspe9ted the #arden Graduall5 e$en this 9eased The5 left Dthe =e5s of the house with 4elan O99asionall5 a prospe9ti$e tenant 9a"e down2 had the house opened2 and went awa5 after re"ar=in# that it was in ruins plaster was fallin# off in fla=es2 paint on doors and windows re"ained onl5 in a few s"all pat9hes2 and white ants were eatin# awa5 all the 9upboards and shel$es A 5ear later another tenant 9a"e2 and then another2 and then a third No one re"ained for "ore than a few "onths And then the house a9?uired the reputation of bein# haunted E$en the owners dropped the pra9ti9e of 9o"in# and seein# the house 4elan was $er5 nearl5 the "aster of the house now The =e5s were with hi" He was also #rowin# old .ith the best he 9ould do2 #rass #rew on the paths2 weeds and 9reepers stran#led the flowerin# plants in the front #arden The fruit trees 5ielded their load pun9tuall5 The owners leased out the whole of the fruit #arden for three 5ears

i#o THE AKE 4elan was too old His hut was lea=5 and he had no ener#5 to put up new that9h So he shifted his residen9e to the front $eranda of the house !t was a deep $eranda runnin# on three sides2 pa$ed with 9he?uered "arble The old "an saw no reason wh5 he should not li$e there He had as #ood a ri#ht as the bats and the rats .hen the "ood sei@ed hi" /about on9e a 5ear0 he opened the house and had the floor swept and s9rubbed %ut #raduall5 he #a$e up this pra9ti9e He was too old to bother about these thin#s

Years and 5ears passed without an5 9han#e !t 9a"e to be =nown as the D Ghost House2D and people a$oided it 4elan found nothin# to #ru"ble in this state of affairs !t suited hi" e>9ellentl5 On9e a ?uarter he sent his son to the old fa"il5 in the town to fet9h his wa#es There was no reason wh5 this should not ha$e #one on indefinitel5 %ut one da5 a 9ar sounded its horn an#ril5 at the #ate 4elan hobbled up with the =e5s D Ha$e 5ou the =e5s F Open the #ate2D 9o""anded so"eone in the 9ar D There is a s"all side;#ate2D said 4elan "ee=l5 D Open the bi# #ate for the 9ar H D 4elan had to fet9h a spade and 9lear the $e#etation whi9h had blo9=ed the entran9e The #ates opened on rust5 hin#es2 9rea=in# and #roanin# The5 threw open all the doors and windows2 went throu#h the house =eenl5 e>a"inin# e$er5 portion2 and re"ar=ed A D Did 5ou noti9e the 9ra9= on the do"e F The walls too are 9ra9=ed There is no other wa5 !f we pull down the old ra"sha9=le 9arefull5 we "a5 still be able to use so"e of the "aterials2 thou#h ! a" not at all 9ertain that the

THE AKE *+* wooden portions are not hollow inside Hea$en alone =nows what "adness is responsible for people buildin# houses li=e this D The5 went round the #arden and said2 D .e ha$e to 9lear e$er5 bit of this Cun#le All this will ha$e to #o D So"e "i#ht5 person loo=ed 4elan up and down and said2 D You are the #ardener ! suppose F .e ha$e not "u9h use for a #arden now All the trees2 e>9ept half a do@en on the $er5 boundar5 of the propert52 will ha$e to #o .e 9an't afford to waste spa9e This flower #arden H'" it is old fashioned and 9rude2 and apart fro" it the front portion of the site is too $aluable to be wasted A wee= later one of the sons of his old "aster 9a"e and told 4elan2 D You will ha$e to #o ba9= to 5our $illa#e2 old fellow The house is sold to a 9o"pan5 The5 are not #oin# to ha$e a #arden The5 are 9uttin# down e$en the fruit trees A the5 are offerin# 9o"pensation to the leaseholder E the5 are wipin# out the #arden2 and pullin# down e$en the buildin# The5 are #oin# to build s"all houses b5 the s9ore

without lea$in# spa9e e$en for a blade of #rass

There was "u9h bustle and a9ti$it52 "u9h 9o"in# and #oin#2 and 4elan retired to his old hut .hen he felt tired he la5 down and slept E at other ti"es he went round the #arden and stood #a@in# at his plants He was #i$en a fortni#ht's noti9e E$er5 "o"ent of it see"ed to hi" pre9ious and he would ha$e sta5ed till the last se9ond with his plants but for the sound of an a>e whi9h stirred hi" out of his afternoon nap two da5s after he was #i$en noti9e The dull noise of a blade "eetin# a tou#h surfa9e rea9hed his ears He #ot up and rushed out He saw four "en ha9=in# the "assi$e trun= of the old

*+6 THE AKE "ar#osa tree He let out a s9rea" A D Stop that H D He too= his staff and rushed at those who were ha9=in# The5 easil5 a$oided the blow he ai"ed D .hat is the "atter F D the5 as=ed 4elan wept A D This is "5 9hild ! planted it ! saw it #row ! lo$ed it Don't 9ut it down D %ut it is the 9o"pan5's orders .hat 9an we do F .e shall be dis"issed if we don't obe52 and so"eone else will do it D 4elan stood thin=in# for a while and said2 D .ill 5ou at least do "e this #ood turn F Gi$e "e a little ti"e ! will bundle up "5 9lothes and #o awa5 After ! a" #one do what 5ou li=e D The5 laid down their a>es and waited (resentl5 4elan 9a"e out of his hut with a bundle on his head He loo=ed at the tree;9utters and said2 D You are $er5 =ind to an old "an You are $er5 =ind to wait D He loo=ed at the "ar#osa and wiped his e5es2 D %rother2 don't start 9uttin# till ! a" reall5 #one far2 far awa5 D The tree;9utters s?uatted on the #round and wat9hed the old "an #o Nearl5 half an hour later his $oi9e 9a"e fro" a distan9e2 half indistin9tl52 D Don't 9ut 5et ! a" still within hearin# (lease wait till ! a" #one farther2D D

6: ENG!NE TRO)%LE THERE 9a"e down to our town so"e 5ears a#o /said the Tal=ati$e Man0 a show"an ownin# an

institution 9alled the Gaiet5 Land O$erni#ht our G5"=hana Grounds be9a"e resplendent with banners and strea"ers and 9oloured la"ps 'ro" all o$er the distri9t 9rowds poured into the show .ithin a wee= of openin#2 in #ate "one5 alone the5 9olle9ted nearl5 fi$e hundred rupees a da5 Gaiet5 Land pro$ided us with all sorts of fun and #a"blin# and side;shows 'or a 9ouple of annas in ea9h booth we 9ould wat9h an5thin# fro" perfor"in# parrots to 9ra9= "otor 959lists loopin# the loop in the Do"e of Death !n addition to this there were lotteries and shootin# #alleries where for an anna 5ou alwa5s stood a 9han9e of winnin# a hundred rupees There was a parti9ular 9orner of the show whi9h was in #reat fa$our Here for a ti9=et 9ostin# ei#ht annas 5ou stood a 9han9e of a9?uirin# a $ariet5 of arti9les pin9ushions2 sewin# "a9hines2 9a"eras or e$en a road en#ine On one e$enin# the5 drew a ti9=et nu"ber *<<12 and ! happened to own the other half of the ti9=et Glan9in# down the list of arti9les the5 de9lared that ! be9a"e the owner of the road en#ine H Don't as= "e how a road en#ine 9a"e to be in9luded a"on# the pri@es !t is "ore than ! 9an tell 5ou *+8

*+, ENG!NE TRO)%LE ! loo=ed stunned (eople #athered around and #a@ed at "e as if ! were so"e 9urious ani"al D 'an95 an5one be9o"in# the owner of a road en#ine H D so"e persons "uttered and #i##led !t was not the sort of pri@e one 9ould 9arr5 ho"e at short noti9e ! as=ed the show"an if he would help "e to transport it He "erel5 pointed at a noti9e whi9h de9reed that all winners should re"o$e the pri@es i""ediatel5 on drawin# and b5 their own effort Howe$er the5 had to "a=e an e>9eption in "5 9ase The5 a#reed to =eep the en#ine on the G5"=hana Grounds till the end of their season and then ! would ha$e to "a=e "5 own arran#e"ents to ta=e it out .hen ! as=ed the show"an if he 9ould find "e a dri$er he Cust s"iled A D The fellow who brou#ht it here had to be paid a hundred rupees for the Cob and fi$e rupees a da5 ! sent hi" awa5 and "ade up "5 "ind that if no one was #oin# to draw it2 ! would Cust lea$e it to its fate ! #ot it down Cust as a no$elt5 for the show God H .hat a bother it has pro$ed H D D 3an't ! sell it to so"e "uni9ipalit5 F D ! as=ed inno9entl5 He burst into a lau#h D As a show"an

! ha$e enou#h troubles with "uni9ipal people would rather =eep out of their wa5 D

M5 friends and well;wishers poured in to 9on; #ratulate "e on "5 latest a9?uisition No one =new pre9isel5 how "u9h a road en#ine would fet9hE all the sa"e the5 felt that there was a lot of "one5 in it D E$en if 5ou sell it as s9rap iron 5ou 9an "a=e a few thousands2D so"e of "5 friends de9lared E$er5 da5 ! "ade a trip to the G5"=hana Grounds to ha$e a loo= at "5 en#ine ! #rew $er5 fond of it ! lo$ed its shinin# brass parts ! stood near it and patted it

ENG!NE TRO)%LE *+1 affe9tionatel52 ho$ered about it2 and returned ho"e e$er5 da5 onl5 at the 9lose of the show ! was a poor "an ! thou#ht that after all "5 troubles were 9o"in# to an end How i#norant we are H How little did ! #uess that "5 troubles had Cust be#un .hen the show"an too= down his booths and pa9=ed up2 ! re9ei$ed a noti9e fro" the "uni9ipalit5 to attend to "5 road en#ine .hen ! went there ne>t da5 it loo=ed forlorn with no one about The #round was littered with torn strea"ers and paper de9orations The show"an had "o$ed on2 lea$in# the en#ine where it stood !t was perfe9tl5 safe an5where H ! left it alone for a few da5s2 not =nowin# what to do with it ! re9ei$ed a noti9e fro" the "uni9ipalit5 orderin# that the en#ine should at on9e be re"o$ed fro" the #round as otherwise the5 would 9har#e rent for the o99upation of the G5"=hana Grounds After deep thou#ht ! 9onsented to pa5 the rent2 and ! paid ten rupees a "onth for the ne>t three "onths Dear sirs2 ! was a poor "an E$en the house whi9h ! and "5 wife o99upied 9ost "e onl5 four rupees a "onth And fan95 "5 pa5in# ten rupees a "onth for the road en#ine !t 9ut into "5 slender bud#et2 and ! had to pled#e a Cewel or two belon#in# to "5 wife H And e$er5 da5 "5 wife was as=in# "e what ! proposed to do with this terrible propert5 of "ine and ! had no answer to #i$e her ! went up and down the town offerin# it for sale to all and sundr5 So"eone su##ested that the Se9retar5 of the lo9al 3os"opolitan 3lub "i#ht be interested in it .hen ! approa9hed hi" he lau#hed and as=ed what he should do with a road en#ine D !'ll dispose of it at a 9on9ession for 5ou You ha$e a tennis 9ourt to be rolled e$er5 "ornin#I' ! be#an2 and e$en before ! saw hi" s"ile


! =new it was a stupid thin# to sa5 Ne>t so"eone su##ested2 D See the Muni9ipal 3hair"an He "a5 bu5 it for the "uni9ipalit5 D .ith #reat trepidation ! went to the "uni9ipal offi9e one da5 ! buttoned up "5 9oat as ! entered the 3hair"an's roo" and "entioned "5 business ! was prepared to #i$e awa5 the en#ine at a #reat 9on9ession ! started a #reat haran#ue on "uni9ipal duties2 the re#i"e of this 9hair"an2 and the i"portan9e of ownin# a road roller but before ! was done with hi" ! =new there was #reater 9han9e of "5 sellin# it to so"e 9hild on the roadside for pla5in# with ! was "a=in# "5self a ban=rupt "aintainin# this en#ine in the G5"=hana Grounds ! reall5 hoped so"e da5 there would 9o"e "5 wa5 a lu"p su" and "a=e a"ends for all this defi9it and sufferin# 'resh 9o"pli9ations arose when a 9attle show 9a"e in the offin# !t was to be held on the #rounds ! was #i$en twent5;four hours for #ettin# the thin# out of the #round The show was openin# in a wee= and the ad$an9e part5 was arri$in# and insisted upon ha$in# the en#ine out of the wa5 ! be9a"e desperate E there was not a sin#le person for fift5 "iles around who =new an5thin# about a road en#ine ! be##ed and 9rin#ed e$er5 passin# bus dri$er to help "e E but without use ! e$en approa9hed the station "aster to put in a word with the "ail en#ine dri$er %ut the en#ine dri$er pointed out that he had his own lo9o"oti$e to "ind and 9ouldn't thin= of Cu"pin# off at a wa5side station for an5bod5's sa=e Meanwhile the "uni9ipalit5 was pressin# "e to 9lear out ! thou#ht it o$er ! saw the priest of the lo9al te"ple and "ana#ed to #ain his s5"path5 He offered "e the ser$i9es of his te"ple elephant ! also en#a#ed

ENG!NE TRO)%LE *+fift5 9oolies to push the en#ine fro" behind You "a5 be sure this drained all "5 resour9es The 9oolies wanted ei#ht annas per head and the te"ple elephant 9ost "e se$en rupees a da5 and ! had to #i$e it one feed M5 plan was to ta=e the en#ine out of the #5"=hana and then down the road to a field half a furlon# off The field was owned b5 a friend He would not "ind if ! =ept the en#ine there for a 9ouple of "onths2 when ! 9ould #o to Madras and find a 9usto"er for it ! also too= into ser$i9e one Loseph2 a dis"issed bus;dri$er who said that althou#h he =new nothin# of road rollers he 9ould ne$ertheless steer one if it was so"ehow =ept in "otion

!t was a fine si#ht A the te"ple elephant 5o=ed to the en#ine b5 "eans of stout ropes2 with fift5 deter"ined "en pushin# it fro" behind2 and "5 friend Loseph sittin# in the dri$in# seat A hu#e 9rowd stood around and wa2t9hed in #reat #lee The en#ine be#an to "o$e !t see"ed to "e the #reatest "o"ent in "5 life .hen it 9a"e out of the #5"; =hana and rea9hed the road it be#an to beha$e in a stran#e "anner !nstead of #oin# strai#ht down the road it showed a tenden95 to wobble and "o$e @i#;@a# The elephant dra##ed it one Dwa52 Loseph turned the wheel for all he was worth without an5 idea of where he was #oin#2 and fift5 "en behind it 9lun# to it in e$er5 possible "anner and pushed it Cust where the5 li=ed As a result of all this 9onfused dra##in# the en#ine ran strai#ht into the opposite 9o"pound wall and redu9ed a #ood len#th of it to powder At this the 9rowd let out a Co5ous 5ell The elephant2 disli=in# the beha$iour of the 9rowd2 tru"peted loudl52 strained and snapped its

i#7 ENG!NE TRO)%LE ropes and =i9=ed down a further len#th of the wall The fift5 "en fled in pani92 the 9rowd 9reated a pande"oniu" So"eone slapped "e in the fa9e it was the owner of the 9o"pound wall The poli9e 9a"e on the s9ene and "ar9hed "e off .hen ! was released fro" the lo9=;up ! found the followin# 9onse?uen9es awaitin# "e A /i0 Se$eral 5ards of 9o"pound wall to be built b5 "e /60 .a#es of fift5 "en who ran awa5 The5 would not e>plain how the5 were entitled to the wa#es when the5 had not done their Cob /80 Loseph's fee for steerin# the en#ine o$er the wall /,0 3ost of "edi9ine for treatin# the =nee of the te"ple elephant whi9h had re9ei$ed so"e inCuries while =i9=in# down the wall Here a#ain the te"ple authorities would not listen when ! pointed out that ! didn't en#a#e an elephant to brea= a wall /10 Last2 but not the least2 the de"and to "o$e the en#ine out of its present station Sirs2 ! was a poor "an ! reall5 9ould not find an5 "eans of pa5in# these bills .hen ! went ho"e "5 wife as=ed A D .hat is this ! hear about 5ou e$er5where F D ! too= the opportunit5 to e>plain "5 diffi9ulties She too= it as a hint that ! was a#ain as=in# for her Cewels2 and she lost her te"per and 9ried that she would write to her father to 9o"e and ta=e her awa5 ! was at "5 wit's end (eople s"iled at "e when the5 "et "e in the streets ! was seriousl5 wonderin# wh5 ! should not run awa5 to "5 $illa#e ! de9ided

to en9oura#e "5 wife to write to her father and arran#e for her e>it Not a soul was #oin# to =now what "5 plans were ! was #oin# to put off "5 9reditors and disappear one fine ni#ht At this point 9a"e an une>pe9ted relief in the shape

ENG!NE TRO)%LE *++ of a Swa"iCi One fine e$enin# under the distin#uished patrona#e of our Muni9ipal 3hair"an a show was held in our s"all town hall !t was a free perfor"an9e and the hall was pa9=ed with people ! sat in the #aller5 Spellbound we witnessed the Swa"iCi's 5o#i9 feats He bit off #lass tu"blers and ate the" with 9ontent"ent E he la5 on spi=e boards E #ar#led and dran= all =inds of a9ids E li9=ed white;hot iron rods E 9hewed and swallowed sharp nails E stopped his heart;beat2 and buried hi"self under#round .e sat there and wat9hed hi" in stupefa9tion At the end of it all he #ot up and deli$ered a spee9h in whi9h he de9lared that he was 9arr5in# on his "aster's "essa#e to the people in this "anner His per; for"an9e was the "ore re"ar=able be9ause he had nothin# to #ain b5 all this e>traordinar5 "eal e>9ept the satisfa9tion of ser$in# hu"anit52 and now he said he was 9o"in# to the $er5 "asterpie9e and the last a9t He loo=ed at the Muni9ipal 3hair"an and as=ed A D Ha$e 5ou a road en#ine F ! would li=e to ha$e it dri$en o$er "5 9hest D The 9hair"an loo=ed abashed and felt asha"ed to a9=nowled#e that he had none The Swa"iCi insisted2 D ! "ust ha$e a road en#ine D The Muni9ipal 3hair"an tried to put hi" off b5 sa5in#2 D There is no dri$er D The Swa"iCi replied2 D Don't O$orr5 about it M5 assistant has been trained to handle an5 =ind of road en#ine D At this point ! stood up in the #aller5 and shouted2 D Don't as= hi" for an en#ine As= "e D !n a "o"ent ! .s on the sta#e and be9a"e as i"portant a person as the fire;eater hi"self ! was pleased with the re9o#nition ! now re9ei$ed fro" all ?uarters The Muni9ipal 3hair"an went into Cthe ba9=#round

6<< ENG!NE TRO)%LE !n return for lendin# hi" the en#ine he would dri$e it where ! wanted Thou#h ! felt in9lined to as= for a "one5 9ontribution ! =new it would be useless to e>pe9t it fro" one who was on a "issionar5 wor= Soon the whole #atherin# was at the 9o"pound

wall opposite to the G5"=hana Swa"iCi's assistant was an e>pert in handlin# en#ines !n a short while "5 en#ine stood stea"in# up proudl5 !t was a #ratif5in# si#ht The Swa"iCi 9alled for two pillows2 pla9ed one near his head and the other at his feet He #a$e detailed instru9tions as to how the en#ine should be run o$er hi" He "ade a 9hal= "ar= on his 9hest and said2 D !t "ust #o e>a9tl5 on this E not an in9h this wa5 or that D The en#ine hissed and waited The 9rowd wat9hin# the show be9a"e suddenl5 unhapp5 and "orose This see"ed to be a terrible thin# to be doin# The Swa"i la5 down on the pillows and said2 D .hen ! sa5 O"2 dri$e it on D He 9losed his e5es The 9rowd wat9hed tensel5 ! loo=ed at the whole show in absolute rapture after all2 the road en#ine was #oin# to #et on the "o$e At this point a poli9e inspe9tor 9a"e into the 9rowd with a brown en$elope in his hand He held up his hand2 be9=oned to the Swa"iCi's assistant2 and said A D ! a" sorr5 ! ha$e to tell 5ou that 5ou 9an't #o on with this The "a#istrate has issued an order pro; hibitin# the en#ine fro" runnin# o$er hi" D The Swa"iCi pi9=ed hi"self up There was a lot of 9o""otion The Swa"iCi be9a"e indi#nant D ! ha$e done it in hundreds of pla9es alread5 and nobod5 ?uestioned "e about it Nobod5 9an stop "e fro" doin# what ! li=e it's "5 "aster's order to de"on; strate the power of the Yo#a to the people of this 9ountr52 and who 9an ?uestion "e F D

ENG!NE TRO)%LE 6<* D A "a#istrate 9anIB said the poli9e inspe9tor2 and held up the order D .hat business is it of 5ours or his to interfere in this "anner F D D! don't =now all that E this is his order He per"its 5ou to do e$er5; thin# e>9ept swallow potassiu" 95anide and run this en#ine o$er 5our 9hest You are free to do whate$er 5ou li=e outside our Curisdi9tion D D ! a" lea$in# this 9ursed pla9e this $er5 "inuteI' the Swa"iCi said in #reat ra#e2 and started to #o2 followed b5 his assistant ! #ripped his assistant's ar" and said2 D You ha$e stea"ed it up .h5 not ta=e it o$er to that field and then #o D He #lared at "e2 shoo= off "5 hand and "uttered2 D .ith "5 Guru so unhapp52 how dare 5ou as= "e to dri$e F D He went awa5 ! "uttered2 D You 9an't dri$e it e>9ept o$er his 9hest2 ! suppose F D ! "ade preparations to lea$e the town in a 9ouple of da5s2 lea$in# the en#ine to its fate2 with all its 9o""it"ents Howe$er2 Nature 9a"e to "5 res9ue in an une>pe9ted "anner You "a5 ha$e heard of

the earth?ua=e of that 5ear whi9h destro5ed whole towns in Northern !ndia There was a re$erberation of it in our town2 too .e were thrown out of our beds that ni#ht2 and doors and windows rattled Ne>t "ornin# ! went o$er to ta=e a last loo= at "5 en#ine before lea$in# the town ! 9ould hardl5 belie$e "5 e5es The en#ine was not there ! loo=ed about and raised a hue and 9r5 Sear9h parties went round And the en#ine was found in a disused well near b52 with its ba9= up ! pra5ed to hea$en to sa$e "e fro" fresh 9o"pli9ations %ut the owner of the house when he 9a"e round and saw what had happened2 lau#hed heartil5 and bea"ed at "e A D You ha$e done "e a ser$i9e !t was the

ENG!NE TRO)%LE dirtiest water on earth in that well and the "uni9ipalit5 was sendin# noti9e to 9lose it2 wee= after wee= ! was dreadin# the 9ost of 9losin#2 but 5our en#ine fits it li=e a 9or= Lust lea$e it there D D %ut2 but D

D There are no buts ! will withdraw all 9o"plaints and 9har#es a#ainst 5ou2 and build that bro=en wall "5self2 but onl5 lea$e the thin# there D D That's hardl5 enou#h D ! "entioned a few other e>penses that this en#ine had brou#ht on "e He a#reed to pa5 for all that .hen ! a#ain passed that wa5 so"e "onths later ! peeped o$er the wall ! found the "outh of the well neatl5 9e"ented up ! hea$ed a si#h of #reat relief

6ALL A4O!DA%LE TAL& HE was told to a$oid all ?uarrels that da5 The stars were out to trouble hi"2 and e$en the "ildest of his re"ar=s li=el5 to offend and lead to a ?uarrel The planets were set a#ainst hi"2 and this terrified hi" be5ond des9ription Man5 thin#s that were prophesied for hi" latel5 were 9o"in# true He sat in a 9orner of a bi# Ceweller's shop and added up nu"bers all da5 He left it at the end of a da52 and on his wa5 ho"e2 dropped in for a "o"ent to e>9han#e tit;bits with a friend near his house2 who affe9ted #reat =nowled#e of the stars O99asionall5 the friend #a$e out free prophe9ies Man5 thin#s

that he said 9a"e true D You will ha$e bother about "one5 "atters for a fortni#ht E$en 5our le#iti"ate dues will not rea9h 5our hand in ti"e Too true The usual rent he re9ei$ed fro" his $illa#e b5 "one5 order went all o$er !ndia before 9o"in# to hi" be9ause of a sli#ht error in the addressin# And then his friend told hi" A D Saturn will 9ause "inor anno5an9es in the shape of "inor ail"ents at ho"e D And the followin# wee= e$er5one2 fro" his old "other down to the four;"onth;old2 went down with 9old and fe$er He hi"self felt &=e ta=in# to bed2 but his Ceweller 9hief would not let hi" #o And now his friend had told hi" on the pte$iotiB e$enin#2 D Now2 ! see 5our worst period is +<8

6<, ALL A4O!DA%LE TAL& 9o"in# to an end2 but a$oid all a$oidable tal= to; "orrow the whole of Monda5 There is alwa5s the dan#er of 5our irritatin# others and findin# others irritatin# D The "o"ent he opened his e5es and la5 in bed2 he told hi"self A D Must not tal= to an5one toda5 who 9an see where a word will lead F D He pin9hed the 9hee= of the 5oun#est2 patted the ba9= of another2 found the bo5 of se$en unwillin# to start for s9hool A was about to shout at hi"2 but de9ided not to interfere2 a happ5 #odsend for the bo5 His wife appealed A D .h5 do 5ou allow hi" to ha$e his own wa5 F D He "erel5 shoo= his head and went off to the bathroo" His dau#hter had lo9=ed herself in that "eant she would not 9o"e out for an hour E she had on9e a#ain bro=en the spe9ifi9 order not to #o in to bathe at offi9e ti"e He tapped the door twi9e or thri9e2 #lared at it2 and went awa5 and put hi"self under the tap in the front #arden All throu#h his dinner he sat with bowed head2 "aintainin# a deter"ined silen9e2 answerin# his wife's ?uestions with a 9urt D Yes D or D NoIB .hile startin# for his offi9e it was his usual pra9ti9e to stand in the passa#e and as= for a little betel;nut and lea$es2 with a 95ni9al re"ar= that the5 "i#ht ha$e 9onsideration for a "an who had to 9at9h an earl5 tra" Toda5 he stood on the threshold waitin# to see if an5one would ser$e hi" and stepped out into the street2 with the refle9tion A D !f the5 ha$e not the sense to do a pie9e of re#ular dut5 without re"inder ! won't 9hew betel2 that is all D The tra" was 9rowded as usual So"ebod5 stood on his toe He bore it patientl5 The tra" 9ondu9tor pushed hi" aside and uttered rude re"ar=s for standin# in the wa5 He =ept ?uiet The inspe9tor who

ALL A4O!DA%LE TAL& 6<1 hopped into the tra" for 9he9=in# would not bud#e at the rCia#i9 word D (ass D but insisted on seein# it2 and fretted and swore while Sastri fu"bled with his buttons and inner po9=et Sastri ne$er uttered a word2 and bore it li=e a "art5r At the offi9e he was onl5 two "inutes late2 but his e"plo5er2 alread5 seated on his 9ushion2 #lared at hi" and beha$ed as if he had been two hours late Sastri stood before hi" du"b2 listenin# patientl5 to all the 9har#es D You stand there li=e a statue2 sa5in# nothin#2 it "ust be $er5 9on$enient2 ! suppose D said his e"plo5er2 loo=in# hi" up D .hat has 9o"e o$er 5ou F D nearl5 es9aped Sastri's lips2 but he 9he9=ed hi"self as he 9a"e to D .hat has D D Eh F D de"anded his e"plo5er D .hat is as=ed .hat is the ti"e now2 sir F D he

D You as= "e the ti"e H Go2 #o to 5our seat2 Sastri2 before ! a" $er5 an#r5 with 5ou D Sastri slun= ba9= to his pla9e The routine of offi9e life started The attendant wiped and rearran#ed the show9ases A 9usto"ers started 9o"in# in to bu5 and sell #old trin=ets and Cewels2 the s"all fan whirred and #5rated2 waftin# 9ool air on his 9hiefs fa9e2 the other partner 9a"e in at about "idda5 and too= his seat The 5oun#er son of the "aster 9a"e in de"and; in# so"e 9ash for so"e e>tra$a#an9e2 and went awa52 and Sastri sat in his 9orner surrounded b5 hea$5 re#isters Loo=in# at the fi#ures in the pa#es2 he refle9ted2 D Nearl5 two o'9lo9= E another ei#ht hours of this pla9e2 and the da5 will be o$er D A 9usto"er stopped before hi"2 held up a trin=et and as=ed A D Loo= here2 9an this dia"ond be ta=en out and reset

ad: ALL A4O!DA%LE TALG in platinu"FD Sastri loo=ed dull5 at the trin=et and said A D You "ust as= o$er there D D !t's all ri#ht2 * =now that2D replied the 9usto"er hau#htil5 DAnswer "5 ?uestion first D Sastri shoo= his head D E$identl5 5ou =now nothin# about these "atters D D ! =now nothin#2D Sastri said

D Then #et out of a shop li=e this2D answered the other2 and "o$ed on and sat before the proprietor The proprietor presentl5 9alled2 D Sastri2 9o"e here D D Yes2 sir2D Sastri said2 without liftin# up his head There were three "ore lines to be added to 9o"plete the pa#e !f he was interrupted2 he would ha$e to start fro" the top of the #i#anti9 folio all o$er a#ain So there was so"e dela5 before he 9ould respond to his "aster's 9all %efore that his "aster lost his te"per and shouted A D Drop the pen and 9o"e here when ! 9all2 will 5ou F D There was still one "ore line to #o in !f this lin= was "issed2 there was the #hastl5 prospe9t of ha$in# to spend the whole e$enin# in the 9o"pan5 of fi#ures The "aster's 9all be9a"e insistent Sastri loo=ed up for a "o"ent fro" his led#er E he 9au#ht a #li"pse of the other's fa9e a red pat9h2 flushed with an#er He 9o"pressed his Hps and resol$ed "ore than e$er not to rise without 9o"pletin# the totallin# He sat as if deaf2 9al"l5 #oin# throu#h the wor= %5 the ti"e he stood before his "aster2 the latter had #ripped in his hand a leaden paperwei#ht D (erhaps he wanted to flin# it at "e2D Sastri refle9ted2 and was o$erwhel"ed for a "o"ent Nrith resent"ent The troubleso"e 9usto"er sat there 9o"fortabl5 and wat9hed the s9ene with a self;satisfied #rin Loo=in# at hi" Sastri felt it was an added indi#nit5 D He pa5s "e fift5 rupees not for nothin# E

ALL A4O!DA%LE TAL& 6<! sla$e for hi" %ut what ri#ht has he to insult "e 2 F D He felt desperate His brow pu9=ered E he as=ed2 loo=in# at the paperwei#ht in his "aster's handA D .hat's that for FD 9M !diot H .hat has 9o"e o$er 5ou F Mind 5our own business2D said his boss D .h5 9an't 5ou 9o"e up when 5ou are 9alled F D Sastri had "eanti"e re9o$ered his te"per2 reali@in# how near an e>plosion he had been D ! was totallin# up2 sir2D he said2 dis9iplinin# hi"self resolutel5 D Learn to 9o"e up when 9alled .h5 were 5ou rude to this #entle"an F ' ' D ! wasn't2D replied Sastri briefl5 D Do 5ou thin= !'" l5in# F D shouted the 9usto"er2 and s9owled Sastri #ulped down his repl52 Cust re"e"berin# in ti"e the inCun9tion2 D A$oid all a$oidable tal=2D thou#h he felt li=e hittin# his ad$ersar5 now His boss loo=ed up at hi" and said A D Sastri2 ! "ust warn 5ou for the last ti"e You "ust be 9ourteous to all "5 9usto"ers A otherwise 5ou "a5 #et out of this shop D D ! "erel5 said ! didn't =now about platinu" D

D ! don't want all that E$er5one in this shop "ust be able to answer about an5 depart"ent Other; wise ! don't want hi" in "5 ser$i9e Do 5ou under; stand F D Sastri turned ba9= to #o The 9usto"er added A D ! onl5 wanted to =now if this 9ould be set in platinu" 3an't he answer that si"ple ?uestion F D D Oh2 is that all H E$en a 9hild should be able to answer that2D e9hoed his "aster D Sastri2 9o"e here D Sastri a#ain stood before hi" A D .hat do 5ou =now of platinu" settin# F D D ! don't =now an5thin#2 sir D D You sf95 that to "e H All ri#ht2 #o ba9= to 5our seat ! wiJ deal with 5ou presentl5 Get out of "5

ao7 ALL A4O!DA%LE TAL& si#ht now D Sastri si#hed and turned ba9= .hile he was #oin# ba9= to his seat2 he o$erheard the 9usto"er sa5in# A D These fellows ha$e be9o"e $er5 arro#ant nowada5s D Sastri2 sittin# in his 9orner2 tried to drown his thou#hts in fi#ures He partl5 su99eeded2 one part of his "ind =ept s"artin# A D So"e fool 9o"es in2 and be9ause of hi"2 ! "ust stand e$er5 insult H !'$e ser$ed here for twent5 5ears D The 9usto"er had finished his wor= and was #oin# past hi"2 throwin# at hi" a triu"phant and 9onte"ptuous loo= Sastri ?ui9=l5 turned awa5 and #a@ed at the folio D !s this "an born to tor"ent "e F ! don't =now who he is H D A blue bea" of sunli#ht stra5ed in throu#h a 9oloured window pane and "o$ed up to the 9eilin# A that "eant it was nearin# dus= His boss #ot up and passed out A as the "otor;9ar started down below2 the others in the offi9e also rose to #o2 and filed past the door2 all but Sastri and the wat9h"an The inter; ruption fro" his boss had 9ut in so badl5 that nu"bers Cu"ped at ea9h other's throats2 and =notted the"sel$es into hopeless tan#les E whi9h "eant he would ha$e to #o o$er i""ense areas of the led#ers E he swit9hed on the li#ht and wor=ed till nine Stret9hin# his 9ra"ped fin#ers2 he des9ended the stair9ase and was on the road D ! ha$e been 9alled na"es ! ha$e been insulted b5 stran#ers and b5 "5 offi9er2 before e$er5one (latinu" H (latinu" H !'$e ser$ed for twent5 5ears for less than fift5 rupees a "onth D He wondered wh5 he had be9o"e so de#enerate as not to be able to earn this an5where else D Toni#ht ! will not dine without e>tra9tin# an apolo#5 fro" "5 boss Otherwise ! shall throw off this wor= ! don't 9are what happens D He had in a flash

ALL A4O!DA%LE TAL& 6<+ a $ision of his wife and 9hildren star$in# !t see"ed insi#nifi9ant to hi" now D ! will so"ehow "ana#e Open a s"all shop2 with a loan or so"ethin#2 and "ana#e so"ehow ! don't 9are D Nothin# see"ed to hi" i"portant now e>9ept redee"in# his di#nit5 as an ordinar5 hu"an bein# without an5 referen9e to his position as an a99ountant or the head of a fa"il5 He re"e"bered the lead paperwei#ht A that hurt his "ind "ore than an5thin# else He wal=ed down the tra"line2 sun= in thou#ht A tra" for Ro5apetta stopped near hi" He 9he9=ed his i"pulse to 9li"b into it and #o ho"e He let it #o He sou#ht out the bus for &ilpau= and #ot into it !t was nearl5 ten when he rea9hed the #ates of his "aster's bun#alow D A"ber Gardens D The wat9h; "an said A D So late2 Sir H D D Yes2 !'$e to see the "aster2D he replied D !s he awa=e F D D Yes2 he has Cust had his dinner and is sittin# in the front roo" Half wa5 up2 Sastri felt uneas5 as he re9olle9ted the ad$i9e of his friend2 D A$oid all a$oidable tal= %ut he 9ould not turn ba9= now 'ate see"ed to be holdin# hi" b5 the s9ruff and propellin# hi" forward He stood in the hall His boss had spread hi"self on a sofa with a sheet of newspaper before hi" Sastri stood hesitatin# A D A$oid all a$oidable D his friend's words2 dru""in# the"sel$es throu#h his brain D Nothin# "ore a$oidable than this D he told hi"self He wished he 9ould turn ba9= and #o awa5 %etter to ta9=le hi" in the offi9e !t


is diffi9ult to tal= to a boss in his ho"e %efore he 9ould "a=e up his "ind about it2 his boss2 turnin# o$er a pa#e2 obser$ed hi" standin# "ee=l5 E he stared at hi" for a while and then said A D Sastri H H'" ! see now that 5ou ha$e enou#h sense to fed

6io ALL A4O!DA%LE TAL& sorr5 for 5our own 9ondu9t ! was thin=in# of 5ou !f ! find 5ou a#ain tal=in# ba9= to "e ! will dis"iss 5ou on the spot2 re"e"ber And a#ain2 ! find 5ou are rude to others too That "an 9o"es as=in# about platinu" settin# D D Yes2 sir2 platinu" settin#2D e9hoed Sastri

D That was a "ad"an You saw "e with a paper; wei#ht in "5 hand2 while he sat before "e D Yes2 sir2 ! noti9ed it D

D %ut it is none of 5our 9on9ern .hether "ad or sane2 whoe$er it "a5 be2 it is 5our business to answer politel5 whether it be about platinu"2 sil$er2 9la52 or ra# E$er5one in "5 offi9e should =now about e$er5 other depart"ent ! would ha$e dis"issed 5ou for 5our spee9h and 9ondu9t toda5 %ut 5ou ha$e sa$ed 5ourself now !t is "5 prin9iple to for#i$e a fellow who sin9erel5 repents !t is late You "a5 #o now D D ! a" $er5 #rateful to 5ou Good ni#ht2 sir2D Sastri said2 puttin# e>tre"e politeness in his tone .hile #oin# ho"e he did not feel the tediousness of the wa5 or the hour2 for he was ?uietl5 #loatin# o$er the fa9t that he had triu"phed o$er his stars that da5

67 'R)!T!ON AT 'ORTY RAMA Rao obtained his offi9er's per"ission to absent hi"self on the followin# da5 D Happ5 returns2D e>9lai"ed his offi9er D Honestl52 ! did not thin= 5ou were fort5 H D .al=in# down the road to the bus stand2 Ra"a Rao paused for a "inute to $iew hi"self in a lar#e "irror that blo9=ed the entran9e to a hair;9uttin# establish; "ent D ! don't loo= fort52D he told hi"self and passed on .hen he left ho"e he had not =nown that it was the e$e of his birthda5 !t was while draftin# an offi9e note that he reali@ed that the i,th of April was ahead As a rule the5 ne$er fussed o$er birthda5s at ho"e2 but this was a spe9ial e$ent A 9rossin# the fortieth "ilestone see"ed to be an e>tre"el5 si#nifi9ant affair2 whi9h deser$ed to be "ar=ed down with feastin# and holida5 At (arr5's 3orner he stru##led into a bus and hun# on to a strap D Good thin# we were "on=e5s on9e2D he refle9ted D Otherwise how 9ould we perfor" our din#in#2 and han#in# down E e>a9tl5 the operations of a "on=e52 the onl5 differen9e bein# that the5 #et on s"oothl5 in a herd while we D The 9ondu9tor had tried to push hi" out2 so"ebod5 s?uee@ed his sides and s9owled at hi"2 and so"eone was repeatedl5 tr5in# to stand on his toes2 and the dri$er was


6*6 'R)!T!ON AT 'ORTY to rattle the passen#ers to their bones b5 stoppin# and startin# with fier9e Cer=s Ra"a Rao wri##led throu#h and fou#ht his wa5 out when the bus stopped at 3entral Station He wal=ed down to Moore Mar=et for a little shoppin# Nobod5 at ho"e =new of his birthda5 He would surprise the" with #ifts E printed sil= pie9es2 9oloured ribbons2 buildin# blo9=s2 and sweets !t would be su9h a no$elt52 #i$in# #ifts instead of re9ei$in# He "ust also bu5 $e#etables and pro$isions for a "odest feast !t was #oin# to be a ?uiet fa"il5 part5 and if the 9hildren were dis; in9lined to #o to s9hool he would not for9e the" He went round the Moore Mar=et 9orridor2 for a preli"inar5 sur$e5 D Shall bu5 $e#etables last2D he told hi"self He went into a 9loth shop and de"anded to be shown printed sil= and sele9ted three or four bits The bill was "ade up As he s9rutini@ed the ite"s his hand went into his po9=et to brin# out the purse !t was not in its pla9e He returned the pa9=a#e He wal=ed out of Moore Mar=et2 ra"bled ai"lessl52 his "ind all in a boil He sou#ht a par= ben9h and sat down2 tr5in# to re9olle9t when he had last ta=en out his purse D Must ha$e brushed a#ainst a pi9=;po9=et in the bus2D he told hi"self He felt depressed He loo=ed about A a "endi9ant was sleepin# on another ben9h2 so"e 9hildren were #leefull5 destro5in# a flower bed D So"e pi9=;po9=et to depri$e "e of "5 fortieth birthda5 H D He felt an#r5 with the per$erse fates whi9h "essed up and destro5ed all one's plans (eople said fort5 was a "an's best a#e E$er5 one attained "aturit5 of "ind and bod5 A "an's habits were fi>ed2 his preCudi9es and fa$ours were solidified on9e for all A and his hu"an relationships were well

'R)!T!ON AT 'ORTY 6*8 defined and would be free fro" sho9=s and surprises Ra"a Rao dwelt on all these fruitions of fort5 and was filled with "is#i$in#s D .hat ha$e ! a9hie$ed at fort5 F ! ha$e li$ed si>teen 5ears be5ond the point "ar=ed b5 the statisti9ian as the e>pe9tation of life for an !ndian ! ha$e 9o"pleted three ?uarters of the lon#e$it5 of "5 elders .hat ha$e ! a9hie$ed F D He brooded o$er it and answered D ! ha$e four 9hildren2 the eldest reads in a 9olle#e The wife has

all the Ceweller5 she had as=ed for ! ha$e risen to be the head of "5 se9tion in the offi9e 5et ! li$e onl5 in a rented house The "arria#e of "5 dau#hter and the 9areer of "5 son will ha$e to be ta9=led b5 "e within fi$e 5ears A" ! #ood for it F D He was filled with 9onsternation at bein# fort52 at the duties that were definitel5 e>pe9ted of hi" be9ause he was supposed to ha$e rea9hed "aturit5 He beat his brow at this thou#ht He wondered if he had reall5 9han#ed He 9ast his "ind ba9= The earliest birthda5 he 9ould re"e"ber was the one when his father had presented hi" with a #litterin# la9e 9ap E then there was his twentieth birthda5 soon after his % A 2 when he resol$ed he would not be this or that E it was a 9atalo#ue of D ! won't this or that D a"on# the" he 9ould onl5 re9olle9t that he had resol$ed ne$er to "arr5 and ne$er to ta=e up an5 e"plo5"ent unless the5 offered hi" three hundred rupees for a start2 so"e Cob whi9h would put hi" on a swi$el 9hair behind a #lass door And then his thirtieth birthda5 when he was sei@ed with pani9 as he reali@ed that he was a father of three He then belie$ed that thin#s would so"ehow be 9lear;9ut and settled at fort5 And now here he was .hat was it #oin# to be li=e at fift5 or si>t5 F Thin#s would re"ain Cust the sa"e

7*, 'R)!T!ON AT 'ORTY !f one did not worr5 about oneself one started worr5in# o$er 9hildren and #rand;9hildren Thin#s did not 9han#e Ra"a Rao did not feel that the person who was pleased with the #ift of a la9e 9ap was in an5 wa5 different fro" the one who felt a thrill when the offi9e 9o""uni9ated an in9re"ent The bein# who felt the ho"e;tutor's "ali9ious #rip now felt the sa"e e"otion when the Offi9er 9alled hi" up in a bad te"per Deep within he felt the sa"e an>iet5 and ti"idit5 and he wondered how his wife and 9hildren 9ould e$er loo= up to hi" for support at all He suddenl5 felt that he had not been #rowin# and 9han#in# !t was an illusion of his appearan9e 9aused b5 a 9han#e of 9url5 hair into #re5 hair2 and b5 the wearin# of lon#er 9lothes This reali@ation brou#ht to his "ind a profound relief2 and destro5ed all notions of 5ears E at the "o"ent a birthda5 had no "ore si#nifi9an9e and fi>it5 than lines "ar=ed in the air with one's fin#ers He de9ided not to "ention to an5one at ho"e that it was his birthda5 As he wal=ed ba9= ho"e his "ind was still worried about the purse After all onl5 twent5 rupees and an old purse 9ontainin# re9eipts2 but his wife would positi$el5 #et distra9ted if she heard of the loss Last ti"e when he 9ould not a99ount for fi$e rupees after a shoppin# e>pedition she 9o"pletel5 bro=e down

She "ust on no a99ount be told of the present loss He would =eep her "ind free and happ5 that would be the birthda5 #ift for her =eepin# awa5 fro" her the theft of the purse Cust as the purse itself was a #ift to an un=nown pi9=;po9=et He went ho"e late2 sin9e he had to wal= all the wa5 D Held up b5 une>pe9ted business on the wa52D he e>plained Ne>t "ornin# he went P+ bis pffi99 f#

'R)!T!ON AT 'ORTY 6*1 usual D Your birthda5 o$er F D as=ed his 9hief D Yes2 sir2 o$er earlier than ! e>pe9ted2D he e>plained D 4er5 #ood2D said his offi9er D ! was hopin# 5ou would turn up for at least half;a;da52 a lot of thin#s to do D D ! =new that2 sir2D Ra"a Rao said2 #oin# to his des=

6+ 3R!ME AND ()N!SHMENT D T A THAT is si>teen and three "ultipliedF D%as=ed 5 4 the tea9her The bo5 blin=ed The tea9her persisted2 and the bo5 pro"ptl5 answered A D Twent5; four2D with2 as it see"ed to the tea9her2 a wi9=ed s"ile on his lips The bo5 e$identl5 was tr5in# to fool hi" and was #oin# 9ontrar5 on purpose He had 9orre9ted this error repeatedl52 and now the bo5 persisted in sa5in# D Twent5;four D How 9ould this fellow be "ade to obtain fift5 in the 9lass test and #o up b5 double;pro"otion to the first for"2 as his parents fondl5 hoped F At the "ention of D Twent5;four D the tea9her felt all his blood rushin# to his head He 9ontrolled hi"self2 and as=ed a#ain A D How "u9h F D as a last 9han9e .hen the bo5 said the sa"e thin# obstinatel52 he felt as if his fin#er was releasin# the tri##er A he rea9hed a9ross the table2 and deli$ered a wholeso"e slap on the 5oun#ster's 9hee= The bo5 #a@ed at hi" for a "o"ent and then burst into tears The tea9her now re#ained his nor"al $ision2 felt appalled b5 his own a9tion2 and be##ed franti9all5 A D Don't 9r52 little fellow2 5ou "ustn't D D ! will tell the"2D sobbed the bo5 D Oh2 no2 no2 no2D appealed the tea9her He loo=ed about 9autiousl5 'ortunatel5 this nurser5 was at a little distan9e fro" the "ain buildin# D !'ll tell "5 "other2D said the bo5 6*:

3R!ME AND ()N!SHMENT 6*A99ordin# to the parents2 the bo5 wasNa little an#el2 all di"ples2 s"iles2 and sweetness onl5 win#s la9=in# He was their onl5 9hild2 the5 had abundant affe9tion and a"ple "one5 The5 built up a nurser52 bou#ht hi" e>pensi$e to5s2 fitted up "iniature furniture sets2 #a$e hi" a s"all pedal "otor;9ar to #o about in all o$er the #arden The5 filled up his 9upboard with all =inds of sweets and bis9uits2 and left it to his #ood sense to de$our the" "oderatel5 The5 belie$ed a #reat deal in lea$in# thin#s that wa5 D You "ust ne$er set up an5 sort of 9ontrariness or repression in the 9hild's "ind2D de9lared the parents D You'll da"a#e hi" for life !t no doubt re?uires a lot of dis9ipline on our part2 but it is worth it2D the5 de9lared pri"l5 D .e shall be brin#in# up a health5 9iti@en D D Yes2 5es2D the tea9her a#reed outwardl52 feelin# "ore and "ore 9on$in9ed e$er5 da5 that what the little fellow needed to "a=e hi" a nor"al 9iti@en was not 9aColin# but an anna worth of 9ane2 for whi9h he was prepared to ad$an9e the outla5 To the tea9her it was a life of utter tra$ail the onl5 relie$in# feature in the whole business was the thirt5 rupees the5 paid hi" on e$er5 first da5 !t too= hi" in all three hours e$er5 e$enin# of whi9h the first half an hour he had to listen to the 9hild;ps59holo#5 theories of the parents The father had written a thesis on infant; ps59holo#5 for his M A 2 and the lad5 had studied a #reat deal of it for her % A The5 le9tured to hi" e$er5 da5 on their theories2 and he #ot "ore and "ore the feelin# that the5 wanted hi" to deal with the bo5 as if he were "ade of thin #lass He had to pretend that he a#reed with the"2 while his own pri$ate $iew was that he was in 9har#e of a little #orilla

6i7 3R!ME AND ()N!SHMENT Now the tea9her did not =now how to ?uieten the bo52 who =ept sobbin# He felt desperate He told the 5oun#ster2 D You "ust not 9r5 for these triflin# "atters2 5ou "ust be li=e a soldier D D A soldier will shoot with a #un if he is hit2D said the bo5 in repl5 The tea9her treated it as a Co=e and lau#hed artifi9iall5 The bo5 9au#ht the infe9tion and lau#hed too This eased the situation so"ewhat D Go and wash 5our fa9e2D su##ested the tea9her a fine blue por9elain 9loset was atta9hed to the nurser5

The bo5 disobe5ed and 9o""anded A D 3lose the lessons toda5 D The tea9her was a#hast D No2 no2D he 9ried D Then2 ! will #o and tell "5 "other2D threatened the bo5 He pushed the 9hair ba9= and #ot up The tea9her rushed up to hi" and held hi" down D M5 dear fellow2 !'$e to be here for another hour D The bo5 said A DAll ri#ht2 wat9h "e put the en#ine on its rails D D !f 5our father 9o"es in2D said the tea9her D Tell hi" it is an en#ine lesson2D said the bo5 and s"iled "ali9iousl5 He went o$er to his 9upboard2 opened it2 and too= out his train set2 and started asse"blin# the tra9= He wound the en#ine and put it down2 and it went round and round D You are the Station Master2D pro9lai"ed the bo5 D No2 no2D 9ried the tea9her D You ha$e 5our tests the da5 after to"orrow D The bo5 "erel5 s"iled in a superior wa5 and repeated D .ill 5ou be a Station Master or not F D The tea9her was anno5ed D ! won't be a Station Master2D he said defiantl52 whereupon the 5oun# fellow said A D Oh2 oh2 is that what 5ou sa5 F D He #entl5 tou9hed his 9hee=2 and "ur"ured A D !t is painin# "e here awfull52 ! "ust see "5 "other D He

3R!ME AND ()N!SHMENT 6*+ "ade a "o$e"ent towards wat9hed hi" with a dull 9hee= was still red So want "e to be a Station ha$e to do F D the door The tea9her desperation The bo5's he said A D Don't bo5 You MasterF .hat shall !

The bo5 dire9ted2 D .hen the train 9o"es to 5our station2 5ou "ust blow the whistle and 9r5 9 En#ine Dri$er2 stop the train There are a lot of people toda5 who ha$e bou#ht ti9=ets ' D The tea9her hun9hed up in a 9orner and obe5ed He #rew tired of the position and the #a"e in thirt5 "inutes2 and #ot up2 "u9h to the displeasure of his pupil Lu9=il5 for hi" the en#ine also suddenl5 refused to "o$e The bo5 handed it to hi"2 as he went ba9= to his seat and said A D Repair it2 sir D He turned it about in his hand and said A D ! 9an't ! =now nothin# about it D D !t "ust #o2D said the bo5 fir"l5 The tea9her felt desperate He was absolutel5 non;"e9hani9al He 9ould not turn the si"plest s9rew if it was to sa$e his life The bo5 sta"ped his foot i"patientl5 and waited li=e a t5rant The tea9her put it awa5

definitel5 with A D ! 9an't and ! won't D The bo5 i""ediatel5 swit9hed on to another de"and D Tell "e a stor5 D D You ha$en't done a su" !t is 7 8< D

D ! don't 9are for su"s2D said the bo52 D Tell "e a stor5 D D No D

The bo5 9alled2 D Appa H Appa H D D .h5 are 5ou shoutin# li=e that for 5our father F D D ! ha$e so"ethin# to tell hi"2 so"ethin# i"; portant D The tea9her waa obli#ed to be#in the stor5 of a

66< 3R!ME AND ()N!SHMENT bison and a ti#er2 and then he passed on and the 'ort5 Thie$es2 and Aladin's La"p listened rapt2 and ordered A D ! want to stor5 of the bison a#ain !t is #ood tea9her was short of breath He had done the da5 si> hours of tea9hin# at s9hool !'$e lost all "5 breath D to All %aba The bo5 hear the D The durin# D To"orrow

D Oh H All ri#ht !'ll #o and tell D e>9lai"ed the bo5 E he #ot up and started runnin# all of a sudden towards the house2 and the tea9her started after hi" The bo5 was too fast for hi"2 wheeled about "adl52 and "ade the tea9her run round the #arden thri9e The tea9her loo=ed beaten The bo5 too= pit5 on hi" and stopped near the rose bush %ut the "o"ent he went up and tried to put his hand on hi"2 the bo5 darted throu#h and ran off !t was a hopeless pursuit E the bo5 enCo5ed it i""ensel52 lau#hin# fiendishl5 The tea9her's fa9e was flushed and he #asped un9o"fortabl5 He felt a dar=ness swellin# up around hi" He san= down on the porti9o step At this "o"ent father and "other e"er#ed fro" the house D .hat is the "atter F D The tea9her stru##led up to his feet aw=wardl5 He was still pantin# badl5 and 9ould not tal= He had alread5 "ade up his "ind that he would 9onfess and ta=e the 9onse?uen9e2 rather than stand the bla9="ail b5 this bo5 !t see"ed less forbiddin# to throw hi"self at the "er95 of the 9iders The5 loo=ed en?uirin#l5 at the bo5 and as=ed A D .h5 ha$e 5ou been runnin# in the #arden at this hour F D The bo5 loo=ed

"is9hie$ousl5 at the tea9her The tea9her 9leared his throat and said A D ! will e>plain D He was tr5in# to find the words for his senten9e The father

3R!ME AND ()N!SHMENT 66* as=ed A D How's he preparin# for his test in arith"eti9 F D On hearin# the word D test D the bo5's fa9e fell E he unobtrusi$el5 slun= behind his parents and b5 loo= and #estures appealed to the tea9her not to betra5 hi" He loo=ed so patheti9 and desperate that the tea9her replied D Onl5 please let hi" "u# up the * :th table a little "ore He is all ri#ht He will pull throu#h D The bo5 loo=ed relie$ed The tea9her saw his #rateful fa9e2 felt 9onfident that the bo5 would not #i$e hi" up now2 and said A D Good;ni#ht2 sir E we finished our lessons earl52 and ! was Cust pla5in# about with the 9hild so"ethin# to =eep up his spirits 5ou =now D

8< )NDER THE %ANYAN TREE r Q TrfE $illa#e So"al2 nestlin# awa5 in the forest LL tra9ts of Me"pi2 had a population of less than three hundred !t was in e$er5 wa5 a $illa#e to "a=e the heart of a rural refor"er sin= !ts tan=2 a s"all e>panse of water2 ri#ht in the "iddle of the $illa#e2 ser$ed for drin=in#2 bathin#2 and washin# the 9attle2 and it bred "alaria2 t5phoid2 and hea$en =new what else The 9otta#es sprawled an5how and the lanes twisted and wri##led up and down and stran#led ea9h other The population used the hi#hwa5 as the refuse #round and in the ba9=5ard of e$er5 house drain water sta#nated in #reen puddles Su9h was the $illa#e !t is li=el5 that the people of the $illa#e were insensiti$e A but it is "ore than li=el5 that the5 ne$er noti9ed their surroundin#s be9ause the5 li$ed in a =ind of perpetual en9hant"ent The en9hanter was Na"bi2 the stor5;teller He was a "an of about si>t5 or se$ent5 Or was he ei#ht5 or one hundred and ei#ht5 F .ho 9ould sa5 F !n a pla9e so "u9h 9ut off as So"al /the nearest bus;stop was ten "iles awa50 re9=onin# 9ould hardl5 be in the fa"iliar "easures of ti"e !f an5one as=ed Na"bi what his a#e was he referred to an an9ient fa"ine or an in$asion or the buildin# of a brid#e and indi9ated how hi#h he haML stood fro" the #round at the ti"e 666

)NDER THE %ANYAN TREE 6B8 He was illiterate2 in the sense that the written word was a "5ster5 to hi" E but he 9ould "a=e up a stor52 in his head2 at the rate of one a "onth E ea9h stor5 too= nearl5 ten da5s to narrate His ho"e was die little te"ple whi9h was at the $er5 end of the $illa#e No one 9ould sa5 how he had 9o"e to re#ard hi"self as the owner of the te"ple The te"ple was a $er5 s"all stru9ture with red;striped walls2 with a stone i"a#e of the Goddess2 Sha=ti2 in the san9tu" The front portion of the te"ple was Na"bi's ho"e 'or au#ht it "attered an5 pla9e "i#ht be his ho"e E for he was without possessions All that he possessed was a broo" with whi9h he swept the te"ple E and he had also a 9ouple ofdhotits and upper 9loth He spent "ost part of the da5 in the shade of the ban5an whi9h spread out its bran9hes in front of the te"ple .hen he felt hun#r5 he wal=ed into an5 house that 9au#ht his fan95 and Coined the fa"il5 at dinner .hen he needed new 9lothes the5 were brou#ht to hi" b5 the $illa#ers He hardl5 e$er had to #o out in sear9h of 9o"pan5E for the ban5an shade ser$ed as a 9lub house for the $illa#e fol= All throu#h the da5 people 9a"e see=in# Na"bi's 9o"pan5 and s?uatted under the tree !f he was in a "ood for it he listened to their tal= and entertained the" with his own obser$ations and ane9dotes .hen he was in no "ood he loo=ed at the $isitors sourl5 and as=ed2 D .hat do 5ou thin= ! a" F Don't bla"e "e if 5ou #et no stor5 at the ne>t "oon )nless ! "editate how 9an the Goddess #i$e "e a stor5F Do 5ou thin= stories float in the air F D E and "o$ed out to the ed#e of the forest and s?uatted there 9onte"platin# the trees Oa 'rida5 e$enin#s the $illa#e turned up at the

66, )NDER THE %ANYAN TREE te"ple for worship2 when Na"bi lit a s9ore of "ud la"ps and arran#ed the" around the threshold of the san9tuar5 He de9orated the i"a#e with flowers2 whi9h #rew wildl5 in the ba9=5ard of the te"ple He a9ted as the priest and offered to the Goddess fruits and flowers brou#ht in b5 the $illa#ers On the ni#hts he had a stor5 to tell he lit a s"all la"p and pla9ed it in a ni9he in the trun= of the ban5an tree 4illa#ers as the5 returned ho"e in the e$enin#s saw this2 went ho"e2 and said to their wi$es2 D Now2 now2 hurr5 up with the dinner2 the stor5;teller

is 9allin# us D As the "oon 9rept up behind the hillo9=2 "en2 wo"en and 9hildren2 #athered under the ban5an tree The stor5;teller would not appear 5et He would be sittin# in the san9tu"2 before the Goddess2 with his e5es shut2 in deep "editation He sat thus as lon# as he li=ed and when he 9a"e out2 with his forehead abla@e with ash and $er"ilion2 he too= his seat on a stone platfor" in front of the te"ple He opened the stor5 with a ?uestion Ler=in# his fin#er towards a $a#ue2 far;awa5 destination2 he as=ed2 D A thousand 5ears a#o2 a stone's throw in that dire9tion2 what do 5ou thin= there was F !t was not the weed;9o$ered waste it is now2 R for don=e5s to roll in !t was not the ash;pit it is now !t was the 9apital of the =in# 2 D The =in# would be Dasaratha2 4i=ra"adit5a2 Aso=a2 or an5one that 9a"e into the old "an's head E the 9apital was 9alled &apila2 &ridapura2 or an5thin# Openin# thus the old "an went on without a pause for three hours %5 then bri9= b5 bri9= the pala9e of the =in# was raised The old "an des9ribed the da@@lin# durbar hall where sat a hundred $assal =in#s2 "inisters2 and subCe9ts E in another part of the pala9e all the "usi9ians

)NDER THE %ANYAN TREE 661 in the world asse"bled and san# E and "ost of the son#s were sun# o$er a#ain b5 Na"bi to his audien9e E and he des9ribed in detail the pi9tures and trophies that hun# on the walls of the pala9e !t was stor5;buildin# on an epi9 s9ale The first da5 barel5 9on$e5ed the settin# of the tale2 and Na"bi's audien9e as 5et had no idea who were all 9o"in# into the stor5 As the "oon slipped behind the trees of Me"pi 'orest Na"bi said2 D Now friends2 Mother sa5s this will do for the da5 D He abruptl5 rose2 went in2 la5 down2 and fell asleep lon# before the babble of the 9rowd 9eased The li#ht in the ni9he would a#ain be seen two or three da5s later2 and a#ain and a#ain throu#hout the bri#ht half of the "onth &in#s and heroes2 $illains and fair5;li=e wo"en2 #ods in hu"an for"2 saints and assassins2 Costled ea9h other in that world whi9h was 9reated under the ban5an tree Na"bi's $oi9e rose and fell in an e>?uisite rh5th"2 and the "oonli#ht and the hour 9o"pleted the "a#i9 The $illa#ers lau#hed with Na"bi2 the5 wept with hi"2 the5 adored the heroes2 9ursed the $illains2 #roaned when the 9onspirator had his initial su99ess2 and the5 sent up to the #ods a heartfelt pra5er for a happ5 endin# On the last da5 when the stor5 ended2 the whole #atherin# went into the san9tu" and prostrated before

the Goddess %5 the ti"e the ne>t "oon peeped o$er the hillo9= Na"bi was read5 with another stor5 He ne$er repeated the sa"e =ind of stor5 or brou#ht in the sa"e set of persons2 and the $illa#e fol= 9onsidered Na"bi a sort of "ira9le2 ?uoted his words of wisdo"2 and li$ed on the whole in an e>alted plane of their own2 thou#h their life in all other respe9ts was hard and drab

66: )NDER THE %ANYAN TREE And 5et it had #one on for 5ears and 5earsB And one "oon he lit the la"p in the tree The audien9e 9a"e The old "an too= his seat and be#an the stor5 D .hen &in# 4i=ra"adit5a li$ed2 his "inister was D He paused He 9ould not #et be5ond it He "ade a fresh be#innin# D There was the =in# D he said2 repeated it2 and then his words trailed off into a $a#ue "u"blin# D .hat has 9o"e o$er "e F D he as=ed patheti9all5 D Oh2 Mother2 #reat Mother2 wh5 do ! stu"ble and falter F ! =now the stor5 ! had the whole of it a "o"ent a#o .hat was it about F ! 9an't understand what has happened F D He faltered and loo=ed so "iserable that his audien9e said2 D Ta=e 5our own ti"e You are perhaps tired D D Shut up H D he 9ried D A" ! tired F .ait a "o"ent E ! will tell 5ou the stor5 presentl5 D 'ollowin# this there was utter silen9e Ea#er fa9es loo=ed up at hi" D Don't loo= at "e H D he flared up So"ebod5 #a$e hi" a tu"bler of "il= The audien9e waited patientl5 This was a new e>perien9e So"e persons e>pressed their s5"path5 aloud So"e persons be#an to tal= a"on# the"sel$es Those who sat in the outer ed#e of the 9rowd silentl5 slipped awa5 Graduall52 as it neared "idni#ht2 others followed this e>a"ple Na"bi sat starin# at the #round2 his head bowed in thou#ht 'or the first ti"e he reali@ed that he was old He felt he would ne$er "ore be able to 9ontrol his thou#ht or e>press the" 9o#entl5 He loo=ed up E$er5one had #one e>9ept his friend Man the bla9=s"ith D Man2 wh5 aren't 5ou also #oneFD Mari apolo#i@ed for the rest A D The5 didn't want to tire 5ou E so the5 ha$e #one awa5 D

)NDER THE %ANYAN TREE P6Na"bi #ot up D You ar9 ri#ht To"orrow ! will "a=e it up A#e2 a#e .hat is "5 a#eF !t

has 9o"e on suddenl5 D He pointed at his head and said2 D This sa5s ' Old fool2 don't thin= ! shall be 5our ser$ant an5 "ore You will be "5 ser$ant hereafter B !t is disobedient and trea9herous D He lit the la"p in the ni9he ne>t da5 The 9rowd asse"bled under the ban5an faithfull5 Na"bi had spent the whole da5 in "editation He had been fer$entl5 pra5in# to the Goddess not to desert hi" He be#an the stor5 He went on for an hour without a stop He felt #reatl5 relie$ed2 so "u9h so that he interrupted his narration to re"ar=2 D Oh2 friends The Mother is alwa5s =ind ! was sei@ed with a foolish fear D and 9ontinued the stor5 !n a few "inutes he felt dried up He stru##led hard A D And then and then what happened F D He sta""ered There followed a pause lastin# an hour The audien9e rose without a word and went ho"e The old "an sat on the stone broodin# till the 9o9= 9rew D ! 9an't bla"e the" for it2D he "uttered to hi"self D 3an the5 sit down here and "ope all ni#ht F D Two da5s later he #a$e another instal"ent of the stor52 and that2 too2 lasted onl5 a few "inutes The #atherin# dwindled 'ewer persons be#an to ta=e noti9e of the la"p in the ni9he E$en these 9a"e onl5 out of a sense of dut5 Na"bi reali@ed that there was no use in prolon#in# the stru##le He brou#ht the stor5 to a speed5 and pre"ature end He reali@ed what was happenin# He was harrowed b5 the thou#hts of his failure D ! should ha$e been happier if ! had dropped dead 5ears a#oI + he said to hi"self D Mother2 wh5 ha$e 5ou stru9= "e du"bA F D He shut hi"self up in the san9tu"2

)NDER THE %ANYAN TREE hardl5 ate an5 food2 and spent the #reater part of the da5 sittin# "otionless in "editation The ne>t "oon peeped o$er the hillo9=2 Na"bi lit the la"p in the ni9he The $illa#ers as the5 returned ho"e saw the la"p2 but onl5 a handful turned up at ni#ht D .here are the others F D the old "an as=ed D Let us wait D He waited The "oon 9a"e up His handful of audien9e waited patientl5 And then the old "an said2 D ! won't tell the stor5 toda52 nor to"orrow unless the whole $illa#e 9o"es here ! insist upon it !t is a "i#ht5 stor5 E$er5one "ust hear it D Ne>t da5 he went up and down the $illa#e street shoutin#2 D ! ha$e a "ost wonderful tale to tell toni#ht Go"e one and all E don't "iss it D This personal appeal had a #reat effe9t At ni#ht a lar#e 9rowd #athered under the ban5an The5 were happ5 that the stor5;teller had re#ained his powers

Na"bi 9a"e out of the te"ple when e$er5one had settled and said A D !t is the Mother who #i$es the #ifts E and it is SheBwho ta=es awa5 the #ifts Na"bi is a dotard He spea=s when the Mother has an5thin# to sa5 He is stru9= du"b when She has nothin# to sa5 %ut what is the use of the Cas"ine when it has lost its s9ent F .hat is the la"p for when all the oil is #one F Goddess be than=ed These are "5 last words on this earth E and this is "5 #reatest stor5 D sHe rose and went into the san9tu" His audien9e , hardl5 understood what he "eant The5 sat there till the5 be9a"e wear5 And then so"e of the" #ot up and stepped into the san9tu" There the stor5;teller sat with his e5es shut D Aren't 5ou #oin# to tell us a stor5 F D the5 as=ed He opened his e5es2 loo=ed at the"2 and shoo= his head He indi9ated b5 #esture that he had spo=en his last words



.hen he felt hun#r5 he wal=ed into an5 9otta#e and silentl5 sat down for food2 and wal=ed awa5 the "o"ent he had eaten %e5ond this he had hardl5 an5thin# to de"and of his fellow;bein#s The rest of his life /he li$ed for a few "ore 5ears0 was one #reat 9onsu""ate silen9e

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Full text of "An Astrologers Day"

AN ASTROLOGER'S DAY and other stories

Most of these stories were fast published in the Hindu of Madras ! a" #rateful to its Editor for per"ission to

reprint the" in this $olu"e


3ONTENTS (AGE * 6 8 , 1 : 7 + *< * * *6 An Astrolo#er's Da5 i The Missin# Mail 7 The Do9tor's .ord *Gate"an's Gift 6, The Ro"an !"a#e 81 The %lind Do# ,1 'ellow;'eelin# 16 The .at9h"an :* The Ti#er's 3law :The (erfor"in# 3hild -1 !swaran 76 The E$enin# Gift +6

*8 *, *1 *: ** 7 *+ 6< 6*

A Sna=e in the Grass *<< An A99ident *<, Su9h (erfe9tion *<+ A 3areer **1 'ather's Help *61 The Sna=e;Son# *8, 'ort5;fi$e a Month *,< Dasi the %ride#roo" *,7 Old Man of the Te"ple *1:

3ONTENTS (AOE 66 68 6, 61 6: 667 6+ 8< Out of %usiness *:, Old %ones *-* Attila *-7 The A>e *71 En#ine Trouble *+8 All A$oidable Tal= 6<8 'ruition at 'ort5 6** Gri"e and (unish"ent 6*: )nder the %an5an Tree 666

AN ASTROLOGER'S DAY ()N3T)ALLY at "idda5 he opened his ba# and spread out his professional e?uip"ent2 whi9h 9on; sisted of a do@en 9owrie shells2 a s?uare pie9e of 9loth with obs9ure "5sti9 9harts on it2 a noteboo=2 and a bundle of pal"5ra writin# His forehead was re; splendent with sa9red ash and $er"ilion2 and his e5es spar=led with a sharp abnor"al #lea" whi9h was reall5 an out9o"e of a 9ontinual sear9hin# loo= for 9usto"ers2 but whi9h his si"ple 9lients too= to be a propheti9 li#ht and felt 9o"forted The power of his e5es was 9onsiderabl5 enhan9ed b5 their position pla9ed as

the5 were between the painted forehead and the dar= whis=ers whi9h strea"ed down his 9hee=s A e$en a half;wit's e5es would spar=le in su9h a settin# To 9rown the effe9t he wound a saffron;9oloured turban around his head This 9olour s9he"e ne$er failed (eople were attra9ted to hi" as bees are attra9ted to 9os"os or dahlia stal=s He sat under the bou#hs of a spreadin# ta"arind tree whi9h flan=ed a path runnin# throu#h the Town Hall (ar= !t was a re"ar=able pla9e in "an5 wa5s A a sur#in# 9rowd was alwa5s "o$in# up and down this narrow road "ornin# till ni#htB A $ariet5 of trades and o99upations was represented all alon# its wa5 A "edi9ine sellers2 sellers

6 AN ASTROLOGER'S DAY of stolen hardware and Cun=2 "a#i9ians2 and2 abo$e all2 an au9tioneer of 9heap doth2 who 9reated enou#h din all da5 to attra9t the whole town Ne>t to hi" in $o9iferousness 9a"e a $endor of fried #roundnut2 who #a$e his ware a fan95 na"e ea9h da52 9allin# it D %o"ba5 !9e;3rea" D one da52 and on the ne>t D Delhi Al"ond2D and on the third D RaCa's Deli9a952D and so on and so forth2 and people flo9=ed to hi" A 9onsiderable portion of this 9rowd dallied before the astrolo#er too The astrolo#er transa9ted his business b5 the li#ht of a flare whi9h 9ra9=led and s"o=ed up abo$e the #roundnut heap nearb5 Half the en9hantB "ent of the pla9e was due to the fa9t that it did not ha$e the benefit of "uni9ipal li#htin# The pla9e was lit up b5 shop li#hts One or two had hissin# #asli#hts2 so"e had na=ed flares stu9= on poles2 so"e were lit up b5 old 959le la"ps2 and one or two2 li=e the astrolo#er's2 "ana#ed without li#hts of their own !t was a be; wilderin# 9riss;9ross of li#ht ra5s and "o$in# shadows This suited the astrolo#er $er5 well2 for the si"ple reason that he had not in the least intended to be an astrolo#er when he be#an life E and he =new no "ore of what was #oin# to happen to others than he =new what was #oin# to happen to hi"self ne>t "inute He was as "u9h a stran#er to the stars as were his inno9ent 9usto"ers Yet he said thin#s whi9h pleased and astonished e$er5one A that was "ore a "atter of stud52 pra9ti9e2 and shrewd #uesswor= All the sa"e2 it was as "u9h an honest "an's labour as an5 other2 and he deser$ed the wa#es he 9arried ho"e at the end of a da5 He had left his $illa#e without an5 pre$ious thou#ht or plan !f he had 9ontinued there he would ha$e 9arried on the wor= of his forefathers na"el52 tillin# the land2 li$in#2 "arr5in#2 and ripenin# in his 9ornfield


and an9estral ho"e %ut that was not to be He had to lea$e ho"e without tellin# an5one2 and he 9ould not rest till he left it behind a 9ouple of hundred "iles To a $illa#er it is a #reat deal2 as if an o9ean flowed between He had a wor=in# anal5sis of "an=ind's troubles A "arria#e2 "one52 and the tan#les of hu"an ties Lon# pra9ti9e had sharpened his per9eption .ithin fi$e "inutes he understood what was wron# He 9har#ed three pies per ?uestion2 ne$er opened his "outh till the other had spo=en for at least ten "inutes2 whi9h pro$ided hi" enou#h stuff for a do@en answers and ad$i9es .hen he told the person before hi"2 #a@in# at his pal"2 D !n "an5 wa5s 5ou are not #ettin# the fullest results for 5our efforts2D nine out of ten were disposed to a#ree with hi" Or he ?uestioned A D !s there an5 wo"an in 5our fa"il52 "a5be e$en a distant relati$e2 who is not well disposed towards 5ou F D Or he #a$e an anal5sis of 9hara9ter A D Most of 5our troubles are due to 5our nature How 9an 5ou be otherwise with Saturn where he is F You ha$e an i"petuous nature and a rou#h e>terior D This en; deared hi" to their hearts i""ediatel52 forE e$en the "ildest of us lo$es to thin= that he has a forbiddin# e>terior The nuts $endor blew out his flare and rose to #o ho"e This was a si#nal for the astrolo#er to bundle up too2 sin9e it left hi" in dar=ness e>9ept for a little shaft of #reen li#ht whi9h stra5ed in fro" so"ewhere and tou9hed the #round before hi" He pi9=ed up his 9owrie shells and paraphernalia and was puttin# the" ba9= into his ba# when the #reen shaft of li#ht was blotted out E he loo=ed up and saw a "an standin# before hi" He sensed a possible 9lient and said A

, AN ASTROLOGER'S DAY D You loo= so 9areworn !t will do 5ou #ood to sit down for a while and 9hat with "e D The other #ru"bled so"e repl5 $a#uel5 The astrolo#er pressed his in$itation E whereupon the other thrust his pal" under his nose2 sa5in# A D You 9all 5ourself an astrolo#er F D The astrolo#er felt 9hallen#ed and said2 tiltin# the other's pal" towards the #reen shaft of li#ht A D Yours is a nature D D Oh2 stop that2D the other said D Tell "e so"ethin# worth while D Our friend felt pi?ued D ! 9har#e onl5 three pies per ?uestion2 and what 5ou #et ou#ht to be #ood enou#h for 5our "one5 D At this the other withdrew his ar"2 too= out an anna2 and flun# it out to hi"2 sa5in# A D ! ha$e so"e ?uestions to as= !f ! pro$e 5ou are bluffin#2 5ou "ust return that anna to "e with

interest D D !f 5ou find "5 answers satisfa9tor52 will 5ou #i$e "e fi$e rupees F D D No D D Or will 5ou #i$e "e ei#ht annas F D D All ri#ht2 pro$ided 5ou #i$e "e twi9e as "u9h if 5ou are wron#2D said the stran#er This pa9t was a99epted after a little further ar#u"ent The astrolo#er sent up a pra5er to hea$en as the other lit a 9heroot The astrolo#er 9au#ht a #li"pse of his fa9e b5 the "at9hli#ht There was a pause as 9ars hooted on the roGdCut=a dri$ers swore at their horses2 and the babble of the 9rowd a#itated the se"i;dar=ness of the par= The other sat down2 su9=in# his 9heroot2 puffin# out2 sat there ruthlessl5 The astrolo#er felt $er5 un9o"; fortable D Here2 ta=e 5our anna ba9= ! a" not used to su9h 9hallen#es !t is late for "e toda5 D He "ade preparations to bundle up The other held his wrist and said A D You 9an't #et out of it now You

AN ASTROLOGER'S DAY 1 dra##ed "e in while ! was passin# D The astrolo#er shi$ered in his #rip E and his $oi9e shoo= and be9a"e faint D Lea$e "e toda5 ! will spea= to 5ou to; "orrow D The other thrust his pal" in his fa9e and said A D 3hallen#e is 9hallen#e Go on D The as; trolo#er pro9eeded with his throat dr5in# up A D There is a wo"an D D Stop2D said the other D ! don't want all that Shall ! su99eed in "5 present sear9h or not F Answer this and #o Otherwise ! will not let 5ou #o till 5ou dis#or#e all 5our 9oins D The astrolo#er "uttered a few in9antations and replied A D All ri#ht ! will spea= %ut will 5ou #i$e "e a rupee if what ! sa5 is 9on$in9in# F Otherwise ! will not open "5 "outh2 and 5ou "a5 do what 5ou li=e D After a #ood deal of ha##lin# the other a#reed The astrolo#er said A D You were left for dead A" ! ri#ht F D D Ah2 tell "e "ore D D A =nife has passed throu#h 5ou on9e F D said the astrolo#er D Good fellow H D He bared his 9hest to show the s9ar D.hat elseFD D And then 5ou were pushed into a well nearb5 in the field You were left for dead D

D ! should ha$e been dead if so"e passer;b5 had not 9han9ed to peep into the well2D e>9lai"ed the other2 o$erwhel"ed b5 enthusias" D .hen shall ! #et at hi" F D he as=ed2 9len9hin# his fist D !n the ne>t world2D answered the astrolo#er D He died four "onths a#o in a far;off town You will ne$er see an5 "ore of hi" D The other #roaned on hearin# it The astrolo#er pro9eeded A D Guru Na5a= D D You =now "5 na"e H D the other said2 ta=en aba9=

: AN ASTROLOGER'S DAY D As ! =now all other thin#s Guru Na5a=2 listen 9arefull5 to what ! ha$e to sa5 Your $illa#e is two da5's Courne5 due north of this town Ta=e the ne>t train and be #one ! see on9e a#ain #reat dan#er to 5our life if 5ou #o fro" ho"e D He too= out a pin9h of sa9red ash and held it to hi" D Rub it on 5our forehead and #o ho"e Ne$er tra$el southward a#ain2 and 5ou will li$e to be a hundred D D .h5 should ! lea$e ho"e a#ain F D the other said refle9ti$el5 D ! was onl5 #oin# awa5 now and then to loo= for hi" and to 9ho=e out his life if ! "et hi" D He shoo= his head re#retfull5 D He has es9aped "5 hands ! hope at least he died as he deser$ed D D Yes2D said the astrolo#er D He was 9rushed under a lorr5 D The other loo=ed #ratified to hear it The pla9e was deserted b5 the ti"e the astrolo#er pi9=ed up his arti9les and put the" into his ba# The #reen shaft was also #one2 lea$in# the pla9e in dar=ness and silen9e The stran#er had #one off into the ni#ht2 after #i$in# the astrolo#er a handful of 9oins !t was nearl5 "idni#ht when the astrolo#er rea9hed ho"e His wife was waitin# for hi" at the door and de"anded an e>planation He flun# the 9oins at her and said A D 3ount the" One "an #a$e all that D DTwel$e and a half annas2D she said2 9ountin# She was o$erCo5ed D ! 9an bu5 so"e Ca##er5 and 9o9onut to"orrow The 9hild has been as=in# for sweets for so "an5 da5s now ! will prepare so"e ni9e stuff for her D D The swine has 9heated "e H He pro"ised "e a rupee2D said the astrolo#er She loo=ed up at hi" D You loo= worried .hat is wron# F D D Nothin# D

After dinner2 sittin# on the p5ol2 he told her A D Do 5ou =now a #reat load is #one fro" "e toda5F !

AN ASTROLOGER'S DAY thou#ht ! had the blood of a "an on "5 hands all these 5ears That was the reason wh5 ! ran awa5 fro" ho"e2 settled here2 and "arried 5ou He is ali$e D She #asped D You tried to =ill H D

D Yes2 in our $illa#e2 when ! was a sill5 5oun#ster .e dran=2 #a"bled2 and ?uarrelled badl5 one da5 wh5 thin= of it now F Ti"e to sleep2D he said2 5awnin#2 and stret9hed hi"self on the p5ol

6 THE M!SS!NG MA!L THO)GH his beat 9o$ered 4ina5a= Mudali Street and its four parallel roads2 it too= hi" nearl5 si> hours before he finished his round and returned to the head offi9e in Mar=et Road to deli$er a99ounts He allowed hi"self to #et "i>ed up with the fortunes of the persons to who" he was 9arr5in# letters At No *82 &abir Street2 li$ed the "an who had 9o"e half;wa5 up the road to as= for a letter for so "an5 5ears now Thanappa had seen hi" as a 5oun#ster2 and had wat9hed hi" da5 b5 da5 #re5in# on the pial2 sittin# there and hopin# for a bi# pri@e to 9o"e his wa5 throu#h sol$in# 9rossword pu@@les D No pri@e 5et2D he announ9ed to hi" e$er5 da5 D %ut don't be dis; heartened D D Your interest has been dela5ed this "onth so"ehow2D he said to another D Your son at H5derabad has written a#ain2 "ada" How "an5 9hildren has he now F D D! did not =now that 5ou had applied for this Madras Cob E 5ou ha$en't 9ared to tell "e H !t doesn't "atter .hen ! brin# 5ou 5our appoint"ent order 5ou "ust feed "e with 9o9onut pa5asa"D And at ea9h of these pla9es he stopped for nearl5 half an hour Espe9iall5 if an5one re9ei$ed "one5 orders2 he Cust settled down ?uite ni9el52 with his ba#s and bundles spread about hi"2 and would not rise till he #athered an idea of how and where e$er5 rupee was #oin# !f it was a hot da5 he so"eti"es 7


as=ed for a tu"bler of butter"il= and sat down to enCo5 it E$er5bod5 li=ed hi" on his beat He was a part and par9el of their e>isten9e2 their hopes2 aspirations2 and a9ti$ities Of all his 9onta9ts2 the one with whi9h he was "ost inti"atel5 bound up was No *<2 4ina5a= Mudali Street Ru"anuCa" was a senior 9ler= in the Re$enue Di$ision Offi9e2 and Thanappa had 9arried letters to that address for o$er a #eneration now His earliest asso9iation with Ra"anuCa" was 5ears and 5ears a#o Ra"anuCa"'s wife was awa5 in the $illa#e A 9ard arri$ed for Ra"anuCa" Thanappa2 as was his 9usto"2 #lan9ed throu#h it at the sortin# table itself E and2 the "o"ent the5 were read5 to start out2 went strai#ht to 4ina5a= Mudali Street2 thou#h in the ordinar5 9ourse o$er *1< addresses pre9eded it He went strai#ht to Ra"anuCa"'s house2 =no9=ed on the door and shouted A D (ost"an2 sir2 post"an D .hen Ra"anuCa" opened it2 he said A D Gi$e "e a handful of su#ar before ! #i$e 5ou this 9ard Happ5 father H After all these 5ears of pra5ers H Don't 9o"plain that it is a dau#hter Dau#hters are God's #ift2 5ou =now &a"a=shi lo$el5 na"e H D D &a"a=shi2D he addressed the tall2 bashful #irl2 5ears later2 D #et 5our photo read5 Ah2 so sh5 H Here is 5our #randfather's 9ard as=in# for 5our photo .h5 should he want it2 unless it be D D The old #entle"an writes rather fre?uentl5 now2 doesn't he2 sir F D he as=ed Ra"anuCa"2 as he handed hi" his letter and waited for hi" to open the en$elope and #o throu#h its 9ontents Ra"anuCa" loo=ed worried after readin# it The post"an as=ed A D ! hope it's #ood news F D He leaned a#ainst the $eranda

io THE M!SS!NG MA!L pillar2 with a sta9= of undeli$ered letters still under his ar" Ra"anuCa" said A D M5 father;in;law thin=s ! a" not suffi9ientl5 a9ti$e in findin# a husband for "5 dau#hter He has tried one or two pla9es and failed He thin=s ! a" $er5 indifferent D D Elderl5 people ha$e their own an>iet52D the post"an replied D The trouble is2D said Ra"anuCa"2 D that he has set apart fi$e thousand rupees for this #irl's "arria#e and is worr5in# "e to find a husband for her i""ediatel5 %ut "one5 is not e$er5thin# D D No2 no2D e9hoed the post"an E D unless the destined hour is at hand2 nothin# 9an help D Da5 after da5 for "onths Thanappa deli$ered the letters and waited to be told the news A D Sa"e old news2 Thanappa Horos9opes do not a#ree

The5 are de"andin# too "u9h E$identl5 the52 do not appro$e of her appearan9e D D Appearan9e H She loo=s li=e a ?ueen )nless one is totall5 blind D the post"an retorted an#ril5 The season would be 9losin#2 with onl5 three "ore auspi9ious dates2 the last bein# Ma5 6Oth The #irl would be se$enteen in a few da5s The re"inders fro" her #randfather were be9o"in# fier9er Ra"anuCa" had e>hausted all the possibilities and had drawn a blan= e$er5where He loo=ed helpless and "iserable D (ost"an2D he said2 D ! don't thin= there is a son;in;law for "e an5where D D Oh2 don't utter inauspi9ious "an said D .hen God wills it for a while and said A D There two hundred rupees Ma=unda of after hi" Ma=unda and 5ou are 9aste2 ! belie$e D words2 sir2D the post; D He refle9ted is a bo5 in Delhi earnin# Te"ple Street was of the sa"e sub;

THE M!SS!NG MA!L ** D The5 ha$e been ne#otiatin# for "onths now O$er a hundred letters ha$e passed between the" alread5 %ut ! =now the5 are definitel5 brea=in# off !t is o$er so"e "one5 ?uestion The5 ha$e written their last "essa#e on a post9ard and it has infuriated these people all the "ore As if post; 9ards were an instru"ent of insult H ! ha$e =nown "ost i"portant 9o""uni9ations bein# written e$en on pi9ture post9ards E when RaCappa went to A"eri9a two 5ears a#o he used to write to his sons e$er5 wee= on pi9ture post9ards D After this di#ression he 9a"e ba9= to the point D ! will as= Ma=unda to #i$e "e the horos9ope Let us see D Ne>t da5 he brou#ht the horos9ope with hi" D The bo5's parents are also in Delhi2 so 5ou 9an write to the" i""ediatel5 No ti"e to waste now D A ra5 of hope tou9hed Ra"anuCa"'s fa"il5 D ! ha$e still a hundred letters to deli$er2 but ! 9a"e here first be9ause ! saw this Delhi post"ar= Open it and tell "e what the5 ha$e written2D said Thanappa He tre"bled with suspense D How pro"pt these people are H So the5 appro$e of the photo H .ho wouldn't F D DA letter e$er5 da5 H ! "i#ht as well appl5 for lea$e till &a"a=shi's "arria#e is o$er D he said another da5 D You are alread5 tal=in# as if it were 9o"in# off to"orrow H God =nows how "an5 hurdles we ha$e to 9ross now Li=in# a photo does not pro$e an5thin# D The fa"il5 9oun9il was dis9ussin# an i"portant ?uestion A whether Ra"anuCa" should #o to Madras2

ta=in# the #irl with hi"2 and "eet the part52 who 9ould 9o"e down for a da5 fro" Delhi The fa"il5 was di$ided o$er the ?uestion Ra"anuCa"2 his "other2 and his wife none of the" had defined $iews on the

*6 THE M!SS!NG MA!L ?uestion2 but 5et the5 opposed ea9h other $ehe"entl5 D .e shall be the lau#hin#;sto9= of the town2D said Ra"anuCa"'s wife2 D if we ta=e the #irl out to be shown round D D .hat ?ueer notions H !f 5ou stand on all these absurd anti?uated for"alities2 we shall ne$er #et an5; where near a "arria#e !t is our dut5 to ta=e the #irl o$er e$en to Delhi if ne9essar5 D D !t is 5our pleasure2 then E 5ou 9an do what 5ou please E wh5 9onsult "e F D Te"pers were at their worst2 and no pro#ress see"ed possible Ti"e was "ar9hin# The post"an had #ot into the habit of droppin# in at the end of his da5's wor=2 and Coinin# in the 9oun9il D ! a" a third part5 Listen to "e2D he said D Sir2 please ta=e the train to Madras i""ediatel5 .hat 5ou 9annot a9hie$e b5 a 5ear's 9orresponden9e 5ou 9an do in an hour's "eetin# D D Here is a letter fro" Madras2 "ada" ! a" sure it is fro" 5our husband .hat is the news F D He handed the 9o$er to Ra"anuCa"'s wife2 and she too= it in to read He said A D ! ha$e so"e re#istered letters for those last houses ! will finish "5 round2 and 9o"e ba9= D He returned as pro"ised D Ha$e the5 "et2 "ada" F D D Yes2 &a"a=shi's father has written that the5 ha$e "et the #irl2 and fro" their tal= &a"a=shi's father infers the5 are ?uite willin# D D Grand news H ! will offer a 9o9onut to our 4ina5a=a toni#ht D D%ut2D the lad5 added2 half o$erwhel"ed with happiness and half worried2 D there is this diffi9ult5 .e had an idea of doin# it durin# ne>t Thai "onth !t will be so diffi9ult to hurr5 throu#h the arran#e"ents now %ut the5 sa5 that if the "arria#e

THE M!SS!NG MA!L *8 is done it "ust be done on the twentieth of Ma5 !f it is postponed the bo5 9an't "an5 for three 5ears

He is bein# sent awa5 for so"e trainin#

D The old #entle"an is as #ood as his wordI' the post"an said2 deli$erin# an insuran9e 9o$er to Ra"a; nuCa" D He has #i$en the entire a"ount You 9an't 9o"plain of la9= of funds now Go ahead !'" so happ5 5ou ha$e his appro$al More than their "one52 we need their blessin#s2 sir ! hope he has sent his heartiest blessin#s D D Oh 5es2 oh 5es2D replied Ra"anuCa"2 D M5 father;in;law see"s to be $er5 happ5 at this proposal D A fi$e;thousand;rupee "arria#e was a bi# affair for Mal#udi Ra"anuCa"2 with so short a ti"e before hi"2 and none to share the tas= of arran#e"ents2 be9a"e distrau#ht As far as it 9ould #o2 Thanappa pla9ed hi"self at his ser$i9e durin# all his off hours He 9ut short his elo?uen9e2 ad$i9es2 and e>9han#es in other houses He ne$er waited for an5one to 9o"e up and re9ei$e the letters He Cust tossed the" throu#h a window or an open door with a stentorian D Letter2 sir D !f the5 stopped hi" and as=ed A D .hat is the "atter with 5ou F !n su9h a hurr5 H D 2 D Yes2 lea$e "e alone till the twentieth of Ma5 ! will 9o"e and s?uat in 5our house after that D and he was off Ra"anuCa" was in #reat tension He tre"bled with an>iet5 as the da5 approa9hed nearer D !t "ust #o on s"oothl5 Nothin# should pro$e a hindran9e D D Do not worr52 sir E it will #o throu#h happil52 b5 God's #ra9e You ha$e #i$en the" e$er5thin# the5 wanted in 9ash2 presents2 and st5le The5 are #ood people D D !t is not about that !t is the $er5 last date for the 5ear !f for so"e reason so"e obstru9tion 9o"es up2

i , THE M!SS!NG MA!L it is all finished for e$er The bo5 #oes awa5 for three 5ears ! don't thin= either of us would be prepared to bind oursel$es to wait for three 5ears D !t was four hours past the Muhurta" on the da5 of the weddin# A ?uiet had des9ended on the #atherin# The 5oun# s"art bride#roo" fro" Delhi was seated in a 9hair under the pandal 'ra#ran9e of sandal2 and flowers2 and hol5 s"o=e2 hun# about the air (eople were sittin# around the bride#roo" tal=in# Thanappa appeared at the #ate loaded with letters So"e 5oun# "en ran up to hi" de"andin# A D (ost"an H Letters F D He held the" off D Get ba9= ! =now to who" to deli$er D He wal=ed up to the bride#roo" and held up to hi" a bundle of letters $er5 respe9tfull5 D These are all #reetin#s and blessin#s fro" well; wishers2 ! belie$e2 sir2 and "5 own #o with e$er5 one

of the" D He see"ed $er5 proud of perfor"in# this tas=2 and loo=ed $er5 serious The bride#roo" loo=ed up at hi" with an a"used s"ile and "uttered A D Than=s D D .e are all $er5 proud to ha$e 5our distin#uished self as a son;in;law of this house ! ha$e =nown that 9hild2 &a"a=shi2 e$er sin9e she was a da5 old2 and ! =new she would alwa5s #et a distin#uished husband2D added the post"an2 and brou#ht his pal"s to#ether in a salute2 and "o$ed into the house to deli$er other letters and to refresh hi"self in the =it9hen with tiffin and 9offee Ten da5s later he =no9=ed on the door and2 with a #rin2 handed &a"a=shi her first letter A D Ah2 s9ented en$elope H ! =new it was 9o"in# when the "ail $an was three stations awa5 ! ha$e seen hundreds li=e this Ta=e it fro" "e %efore he has written the tenth letter he will 9o""and 5ou to pa9= up and Coin hi"2 and 5ou will #row a 9ouple of win#s and fl5 awa5

THE M!SS!NG MA!L *1 that $er5 da52 and for#et for e$er Thanappa and this street2 isn't it so F D &a"a=shi blushed2 snat9hed the letter fro" his hands2 and ran in to read it He said2 turnin# awa5 A D ! don't thin= there is an5 use waitin# for 5ou to finish the letter and tell "e its 9ontents D On a holida52 when he was sure Ra"anuCa" would be at ho"e2 Thanappa =no9=ed on the door and handed hi" a 9ard D Ah H D 9ried Ra"anuCa" D %ad news2 Thanappa M5 un9le2 "5 father's brother2 is $er5 ill in Sale"2 and the5 want "e to start i"; "ediatel5 D D !'" $er5 sorr5 to hear it2 sir2D said Thanappa2 and handed hi" a tele#ra" D Here's another D Ra"anuCa" 9ried A D A tele#ra" H D He #lan9ed at it and s9rea"ed A D Oh2 he is dead H D He sat down on the pial2 unable to stand the sho9= Thanappa loo=ed e?uall5 "iserable Ra"anuCa" rallied2 #athered hi"self up2 and turned to #o in Thanappa said A D One "o"ent2 sir ! ha$e a 9onfession to "a=e See the date on the 9ard D D Ma5 the nineteenth2 nearl5 fifteen da5s a#o H D D Yes2 sir2 and the tele#ra" followed ne>t da5 that is2 on the da5 of the "arria#e ! was unhapp5 to see it 9 %ut what has happened has happened2' ! said to "5self2 and =ept it awa52 fearin# that it "i#ht interfere with the weddin# D Ra"anuCa" #lared at the post"an and said A D !

would not ha$e 9ared to #o throu#h the "arria#e when he was d5in# D The post"an stood with bowed head and "u"bled A D You 9an 9o"plain if 5ou li=e2 sir The5 will dis"iss "e !t is a serious offen9e D He turned and des9ended the steps and went down the street on his rounds Ra"anuCa" wat9hed hi" dull5 for a while and shouted A D (ost"an H D Thanappa

i: THE M!SS!NG MA!L turned round E Ra"anuCa" 9ried A D Don't thin= that ! intend to 9o"plain ! a" onl5 sorr5 5ou ha$e done this 2D D ! understand 5our feelin#s2 sir2D replied the post; "an2 disappearin# around a bend

8 THE DO3TOR'S .ORD (EO(LE 9a"e to hi" when the patient was on his last le#s Dr Ra"an often burst out2 D .h5 9ouldn't 5ou ha$e 9o"e a da5 earlier F D The reason was ob$ious $isitin# fee twent5;fi$e rupees2 and "ore than that people li=ed to shir= the fa9t that the ti"e had 9o"e to 9all in Dr Ra"an E for the" there was so"ethin# o"inous in the $er5 asso9iation As a result when the bi# "an 9a"e on the s9ene it was alwa5s a ?ui9= de9ision one wa5 or another There was no s9ope or ti"e for an5 =ind of wa$erin# or whitewashin# Lon# 5ears of pra9ti9e of this =ind had bred in the do9tor a 9ertain 9urt truthfulness E for that $er5 reason his opinion was $alued E he was not a "ere do9tor e>pressin# an opinion but a Cud#e pronoun9in# a $erdi9t The patient's life hun# on his words This ne$er undul5 worried Dr Ra"an He ne$er belie$ed that a#reeable words e$er sa$ed li$es He did not thin= it was an5 of his business to pro$ide unne9essar5 dope when as a "atter of 9ourse Nature would te) the" the truth in a few hours Howe$er2 when he #li"psed the faintest si#n of hope2 he rolled up his slee$e and stepped into the arena A it "i#ht be hours or da5s2 but he ne$er withdrew till he wrested the pri@e fro" Ta"a's hands Toda52 standin# o$er a bed2 the do9tor felt that he hi"self needed so"eone to tell hi" soothin# lies He "opped his brow with his =er9hief and sat down in


the 9hair beside the bed On the bed la5 his dearest friend in the world A Gopal The5 had =nown ea9h other for fort5 5ears now2 startin# with their &inder; #arten da5s The5 9ould not2 of 9ourse2 "eet as "u9h as the5 wanted2 ea9h bein# wrapped in his own fa"il5 and profession O99asionall52 on a Sunda52 Gopal would wal= into the 9onsultin# roo"2 and wait patientl5 in a 9orner till the do9tor was free And then the5 would dine to#ether2 see a pi9ture2 and tal= of ea9h other's life and a9ti$ities !t was a 9lassi9 friendship standin# o$er2 untou9hed b5 9han#in# ti"es2 9ir9u"stan9es2 and a9ti$ities !n his bus5 round of wor=2 Dr Ra"an had not noti9ed that Gopal had not 9alled in for o$er three "onths now He Cust re"e"bered it when he saw Gopa(s son sittin# on a ben9h in the 9onsultin# hall2 one 9rowded "ornin# Dr Ra"an 9ould not tal= to hi" for o$er an hour .hen he #ot up and was about to pass on to the operation roo"2 he 9alled up the 5oun# "an and as=ed2 D .hat brin#s 5ou here2 sir F D The 5outh was ner$ous and sh5 D Mother sent "e here D D .hat 9an ! do for 5ou F D D 'ather is i) D

!t was an operation da5 and he was not free till three in the afternoon He rushed off strai#ht fro" the 9lini9 to his friend's house2 in Lawle5 E>tension Gopal la5 in bed as if in sleep The do9tor stood o$er hi" and as=ed Gopal's wife2 D How lon# has he been in bed F D D A "onth and a half2 do9tor D D .ho is attendin# hi" F D D A do9tor in the ne>t street He 9o"es down on9e in three da5s and #i$es hi" "edi9ine D

THE DO3TOR'S .ORD *+ D .hat is his na"e F D He had ne$er heard of hi" D So"eone ! don't =now2 but ! wish he had had the #oodness to tell "e about it .h52 wh52 9ouldn't 5ou ha$e sent "e word earlier F D D .e thou#ht 5ou would be bus5 and did not wish to trouble 5ou unne9essaril5 D The5 were apolo#eti9 and "iserable There was hardl5 an5 ti"e to be lost He too= off his 9oat and opened his ba# He too= out an inCe9tion tube2 the needle si@@led o$er the sto$e

The si9= "an's wife whi"pered in a 9orner and essa5ed to as= ?uestions D (lease don't as= ?uestions2D snapped the do9tor He loo=ed at the 9hildren who were wat9hin# the sterili@er2 and said2 D Send the" all awa5 so"ewhere2 e>9ept the eldest D He shot in the dru#2 sat ba9= in his 9hair2 and #a@ed on the patient's fa9e for o$er an hour The patient still re"ained "otionless The do9tor's fa9e #lea"ed with perspiration2 and his e5elids drooped with fati#ue The si9= "an's wife stood in a 9orner and wat9hed silentl5 She as=ed ti"idl52 D Do9tor2 shall ! "a=e so"e 9offee for 5ou F D D No2D he replied2 althou#h he felt fa"ished2 ha$in# "issed his "idda5 "eal He #ot up and said2 D ! will be ba9= in a few "inutes Don't disturb hi" on an5 a99ount D He pi9=ed up his ba# and went to his 9ar !n a ?uarter of an hour he was ba9=2 followed b5 an assistant and a nurse The do9tor told the lad5 of the house2 D ! ha$e to perfor" an operation D D .h52 wh5 F .h5 F D she as=ed faintl5 D ! will tell 5ou all that soon .ill 5ou lea$e 5our son here to help us2 and #o o$er to the ne>t house and sta5 there till ! 9all 5ou F D The lad5 felt #idd5 and san= down on the floor2

ao THE DO3TOR'S .ORD unable to bear the strain and led her out The nurse attended to her

At about ei#ht in the e$enin# the patient opened his e5es and stirred sli#htl5 in bed The assistant was o$erCo5ed He e>9lai"ed enthusiasti9all52 D Sir2 he will pull throu#h D The do9tor loo=ed at hi" 9oldl5 and whispered A D ! would #i$e an5thin# to see hi" throu#h but2 but the heart D D The pulse has i"pro$ed2 Sir D D .ell2 well2D replied the do9tor D Don't trust it !t is onl5 a false flash;up2 $er5 9o""on in these 9ases D He ru"inated for a while and added2 D !f the pulse will =eep up till ei#ht in the "ornin#2 it will #o on for the ne>t fort5 5ears2 but ! doubt $er5 "u9h if we shall see an5thin# of it at all after two toni#ht D He sent awa5 the assistant and sat beside the patient At about ele$en the patient opened his e5es and

s"iled at his friend He showed a sli#ht i"pro$e"ent2 he was able to ta=e in a little food A #reat feelin# of relief and Co5 went throu#h the household The5 swar"ed around the do9tor and poured out their #ratitude He sat in his seat beside the bed2 #a@in# sternl5 at the patient's fa9e2 hardl5 showin# an5 si#ns of hearin# what the5 were sa5in# to hi" The si9= "an's wife as=ed2 D !s he now out of dan#er F D .ithout turnin# his head the do9tor said2 D Gi$e #lu9ose and brand5 e$er5 fort5 "inutes E Cust a 9ouple of spoons will do D The lad5 went awa5 to the =it9hen She felt restless She felt she "ust =now the truth whate$er it was .h5 was the #reat "an so e$asi$e F The suspense was unbearable (erhaps he 9ould not spea= so near the patient's bed She be9=oned to hi" fro" the =it9hen doorwa5 The do9tor rose and went

THE DO3TOR'S .ORD 6* o$er She as=ed2 D .hat about hi" now F How is he F D The do9tor bit his lips and replied2 loo=in# at the floor2 D Don't #et e>9ited )nless 5ou "ust =now about it2 don't as= now D Her e5es opened wide in terror She 9lasped her hands to#ether and i"plored A D Tell "e the truth D The do9tor replied2 D ! would rather not tal= to 5ou now D He turned round and went ba9= to his 9hair A terrible wailin# shot throu#h the still house E the patient stirred and loo=ed about in bewilder"ent The do9tor #ot up a#ain2 went o$er to the =it9hen door2 drew it in se9urel5 and shut off the wail .hen the do9tor resu"ed his seat the patient as=ed in the faintest whisper possible2 D !s that so"eone 9r5in# F D The do9tor ad$ised2 D Don't e>ert 5ourB self You "ustn't tal= D He felt the pulse !t was alread5 a#itated b5 the e>ertion The patient as=ed2 D A" ! #oin# F Don't hide it fro" "e D The do9tor "ade a depre9atin# noise and sat ba9= in his 9hair He had ne$er fa9ed a situation li=e this !t was not in his nature to whitewash (eople atta9hed #reat $alue to his word be9ause of that He stole a loo= at the other The patient "otioned a fin#er to draw hi" nearer and whispered2 D ! "ust =now how lon# ! a" #oin# to last ! "ust si#n the will !t is all read5 As= "5 wife for the despat9h bo> You "ust si#n as a witness D D Oh H D the do9tor e>9lai"ed D You are e>ertin# 5ourself too "u9h You "ust be ?uieter D He felt idioti9 to be repeatin# it D How fine it would be2D he refle9ted2 D to drop the whole business and run awa5 so"ewhere without answerin# an5bod5 an5 ?uestion H D The patient 9lut9hed the do9tor's wrist with his wea= fin#ers and said2 D Ra"u2 it is "5 #ood

M THE DO3TOR'S .ORD fortune that 5ou are here at this "o"ent ! 9an trust 5our word ! 9an't lea$e "5 propert5 unsettled That will "ean endless "iser5 for "5 wife and 9hildren You =now all about Subbiah and his #an# Let "e si#n before it is too late Tell "e D D Yes2 presentl52D replied the do9tor He wal=ed off to his 9ar2 sat in the ba9= seat and refle9ted He loo=ed at his wat9h Midni#ht !f the will was to be si#ned2 it "ust be done within the ne>t two hours2 or ne$er He 9ould not be responsible for a "ess there E he =new too well the fa"il5 affairs and about those wol$es2 Subbiah and his #an# %ut what 9ould he do F !f he as=ed hi" to si#n the .ill2 it would $irtuall5 "ean a death senten9e and destro5 the thousandth part of a 9han9e that the patient had of sur$i$al He #ot down fro" the 9ar and went in He resu"ed his seat in the 9hair The patient was starin# at hi" appealin#l5 The do9tor said to hi"; self2 D !f "5 word 9an sa$e his life2 he shall not die The will be da"ned D He 9alled2 D Gopal2 listen D This was the first ti"e he was #oin# to do a pie9e of a9tin# before a patient2 si"ulate a feelin#2 and 9on9eal his Cud#"ent He stooped o$er the patient and said with deliberate e"phasis2 D Don't worr5 about the will now You are #oin# to li$e Your heart is absolutel5 sound D A new #low suffused the patient's fa9e as he heard it He as=ed in a tone of relief2 D Do 5ou sa5 so F !f it 9o"es fro" 5our lips it "ust be true D The do9tor said2 D JCuite ri#ht You are i"pro$in# e$er5 se9ond Sleep in pea9e You "ust not e>ert 5ourself on an5 a99ount You "ust sleep $er5 soundl5 ! will se9 5ou in the "ornin# D The patient loo=ed at hi" #ratefull5 for a "o"ent and then dosed his e5es

THE DO3TOR'S .ORD 68 The do9tor pi9=ed up his ba# and went out shuttin# the door softl5 behind hi" On his wa5 ho"e he stopped for a "o"ent at his hospital2 9alled out his assistant2 and said2 D That Lawle5 E>tension 9ase You "i#ht e>pe9t the 9ollapse an5 se9ond now Go there with a tube of in hand2 and #i$e it in 9ase the stru##le is too hard at the end Hurr5 upI' Ne>t "ornin# he was ba9= at Lawle5 E>tension at

ten 'ro" his 9ar he "ade a dash for the si9= bed The patient was awa=e and loo=ed $er5 well The assistant reported satisfa9tor5 pulse The do9tor put his tube at his heart2 listened for a while2 and told the si9= "an's wife2 D Don't loo= so unhapp52 lad5 Your husband will li$e to be ninet5 D .hen the5 were #oin# ba9= to the hospital2 the assistant sittin# beside hi" in the 9ar as=ed2 D !s he #oin# to li$e2 sir F D D ! will bet on it He will li$e to be ninet5 He has turned the 9orner How he has sur$i$ed this atta9= will be a pu@@le to "e all "5 life2D replied the do9tor

, GATEMAN'S G!'T * !A-HEN a do@en persons ?uestion openl5 or sl5l5 44 a "an's sanit52 he be#ins to entertain serious doubts hi"self This is what happened to e>;#ate"an Go$ind Sin#h And 5ou 9ould not bla"e the publi9 either .hat 9ould 5ou do with a "an who 9arried about in his hand a re#istered postal 9o$er and as=ed A D (lease tell "e what there is inside F D The ob$ious answer was A D Open it and see D He see"ed horrified at this su##estion D Oh2 no2 no2 9an't do it2D he de9lared and "o$ed off to another friend and a9?uaintan9e E$er5where the su##estion was the sa"e till he thou#ht e$er5one had turned "ad And then so"ebod5 said A D !f 5ou don't li=e to open it and 5et want to =now what is inside 5ou "ust ta=e it to the K;ra5 !nstitute D This was su##ested b5 an e>;9o"pounder who li$ed in the ne>t street D.hat is itFD as=ed Go$ind Sin#h !t was e>plained to hi" D .here is it F D He was dire9ted to the 3it5 K;ra5 !nstitute %ut before sa5in# an5thin# further about his pro; #ress2 it would be usefiil to #o ba9= to an earlier 9hapter in his histor5 After war ser$i9e in *+*,;*72 he 9a"e to be re9o""ended for a #ate=eeper's post at En#ladia's He li=ed the Cob $er5 "u9h He was #i$en a =ha=i unifor"2 a resplendent band a9ross his shoulder and a short sti9= He #ripped the sti9= and 6,

GATEMAN'S G!'T 61 sat down on a stool at the entran9e to the offi9e And when his 9hief's 9ar pulled up at the #ate he stood at attention and #a$e a "ilitar5 salute The offi9e

9onsisted of a staff nu"berin# o$er a hundred and as the5 trooped in and out e$er5 da5 he =ept an e5e on the" At the end of the da5 he awaited the footsteps of the General Mana#er 9oinin# down the stairs and rose stiffl5 and stood at attention2 and after he left the hundreds of staff poured out The doors were shut E Sin#h 9arried his stool in2 pla9ed it under the stair9ase2 and pla9ed his sti9= a9ross it Then he 9a"e out and the "ain door was lo9=ed and sealed !n this wa5 he had spent twent5;fi$e 5ears of ser$i9e2 and then he be##ed to be pensioned off He would not ha$e thou#ht of retire"ent 5et2 but for the fa9t that he found his si#ht and hearin# pla5in# tri9=s on hi" E he 9ould not 9at9h the Mana#er's footsteps on the stairs2 and it was hard to re9o#ni@e hi" e$en at ten 5ards He was ushered into the presen9e of the 9hief2 who loo=ed up for a "o"ent fro" his papers and "uttered A D .e are $er5 pleased with 5our wor= for us2 and the 9o"pan5 will #i$e 5ou a pension of twel$e rupees for 5our life D Sin#h 9li9=ed his heels2 saluted2 turned on his heel and went out of the roo"2 with his heart bri""in# with #ratitude and pride This was the se9ond o99asion when the #reat "an had spo=en to hi"2 the first bein# on the first da5 of his ser$i9e As he had stood at his post2 the 9hief2 enterin# the offi9e Cust then2 loo=ed up for a "o"ent and as=ed D .ho are 5ou F D D !'" the new #ate=eeper2 "aster2D he had answered And he spo=e a#ain onl5 on this da5 Thou#h so little was said2 Sin#h felt ele9trified on both o99asions b5 the words of his "aster !n Sin#h's e5es

6: GATEMAN'S G!'T the 9hief had a9?uired a sort of Godhood2 and it would be ?uite ade?uate if a #od spo=e to one onl5 on9e or twi9e in a lifeti"e !n "o"ents of 9onte"plation Sin#h's "ind dwelt on the words of his "aster2 and on his personalit5 His life "o$ed on s"oothl5 The pension to#ether with what his wife earned b5 washin# and sweepin# in a 9ouple of houses was ?uite suffi9ient for hi" He ate his food2 went out and "et a few friends2 slept2 and spent so"e e$enin#s sittin# at a 9i#arette shop whi9h his 9ousin owned This tenor of life was disturbed on the first of e$er5 "onth when he donned his old =ha=i suit2 wal=ed to his old offi9e2 and salaa"ed the A99ountant at the 9ounter and re9ei$ed his pension So"eti"es if it was 9losin# he waited on the roadside for the General Mana#er to 9o"e down2 and saluted hi" as he #ot into his 9ar There was a lot of ti"e all around hi"2 an i""ense

sea of leisure !n this state he "ade a new dis9o$er5 about hi"self2 that he 9ould "a=e fas9inatin# "odels out of 9la5 and wood dust The dis9o$er5 9a"e suddenl52 when one da5 a 9hild in the nei#hbourhood brou#ht to hi" its little doll for repair He not onl5 repaired it but "ade a new thin# of it This dis9o$er5 pleased hi" so "u9h that he $er5 soon be9a"e absorbed in it His ba9=5ard #a$e hi" a plentiful suppl5 of pliant 9la52 and the 9arpenter's shop ne>t to his 9ousin's 9i#arette shop sawdust He pur9hased paint for a few annas And lo H he found his hours #lidin# He sat there in the front part of his ho"e2 bent o$er his 9la52 and brou#ht into e>isten9e a "iniature uni$erse E all the 9olours of life were there2 all the for"s and 9reatures2 but of the si@e of his "iddle fin#er E whole $illa#es and towns were there2

GATEMAN'S G!'T 6all the persons he had seen passin# before his offi9e when he was sentr5 there that be##ar wo"an 9o"in# at "idda52 and that 9u9u"ber $endor E he had the e5e of a 9artoonist for hu"an fa9es E$er5thin# went down into 9la5 !t was a wonderful "iniature re; fle9tion of the world E and he "ounted the" neatl5 on thin wooden sli9es2 whi9h enhan9ed their attra9ti$e; ness He =ept these in his 9ousin's shop and the5 attra9ted hu#e 9rowds e$er5 da5 and sold $er5 bris=l5 More than the sales Sin#h felt an e9stas5 when he saw ad"irin# 9rowds 9lusterin# around his handiwor= On his ne>t pension da5 he 9arried to his offi9e a street s9ene /whi9h he ran=ed as his best02 and handed it o$er the 9ounter to the A99ountant with the re?uest A D Gi$e this to the Sahib2 please H D D All ri#ht2B' said the A99ountant with a s"ile !t 9reated a sensation in the offi9e and disturbed the routine of offi9e wor=in# for nearl5 half an hour On the ne>t pension da5 he 9arried another "odel /9hildren at pla50 and handed it o$er the 9ounter D Did Sahib li=e the last one F D DYes2 he li=ed it D D (lease #i$e this one to hi" D and he passed it o$er the 9ounter He "ade it a 9on$ention to 9arr5 on e$er5 pension da5 an offerin# for his "aster2 and ea9h ti"e his #reatest reward was the A99ountant's sto9= repl5 to his ?uestion A D .hat did the Sahib sa5 F D D He said it was $er5 #ood D

At last he "ade his "asterpie9e A "odel of his offi9e fronta#e with hi"self at his post2 a 9ar at the entran9e2 and the 9hief #ettin# down A this 9o"posite "odel was so realisti9 that while he sat loo=in# at it2 he see"ed to be 9arried ba9= to his offi9e da5s He

67 GATEMAN'S G!'T passed it o$er the 9ounter on his pension da5 and it 9reated a $er5 #reat sensation in the offi9e D 'ellow2 5ou ha$e not left 5ourself out2 either H D people 9ried and loo=ed ad"irin#l5 at Sin#h A sudden fear sei@ed Sin#h and he as=ed A D The "aster won't be an#r52 ! hopeFD D No2 no2 wh5 should he be F D said the A99ountant2 and Sin#h re9ei$ed his pension and went ho"e A wee= later when he was sittin# on the f5ol =neadin# 9la52 the post"an 9a"e and said A D A re#istered letter for 5ou D D 'or "e H D An5 letter would ha$e upset Sin#h E he had re9ei$ed less than three letters in his lifeti"e2 and ea9h ti"e it was a torture for hi" till the 9ontents were read out Now a re#istered letter H This was his first re#istered letter D Onl5 law5ers send re#istered letters2 isn't it so F D D )suall52D said the post"an (lease ta=e it ba9= ! don't want it2D said Sin#h Shall ! sa5 'Refused'FD as=ed the post"an DNo2 no2D said Sin#h DLust ta=e it ba9= and sa5 5ou ha$e not found "e D D That ! 9an't do serious D said the post"an loo=in#

Sin#h see"ed to ha$e no option but to s9rawl his si#nature and re9ei$e the pa9=et He sat #loo"il5 #a@in# at the floor His wife who had #one out and Cust returned saw hi" in this 9ondition and as=ed A D.hat is itFD His $oi9e 9ho=ed as he replied A D!t has 9o"e D He flun# at her the re#istered letter D.hat is itF Dshe as=ed He saidA DHow should ! =now (erhaps our ruin D He bro=e down His wife wat9hed hi" for a "o"ent2 went in to attend to so"e do"esti9 dut5 and returned2 still found hi"

9M a

GATEMAN'S G!'T 6+ in the sa"e 9ondition2 and as=ed A D .h5 not open it and see2 as= so"eone to read it F D He threw up his ar"s in horror A D .o"an2 5ou don't =now what 5ou are sa5in# !t 9annot be opened The5 ha$e perhaps written that "5 pension is stopped2 and God =nows what else the Sahib has said D D .h5 not #o to the offi9e and find out fro" the" F D D Not ! H ! will ne$er show "5 fa9e there a#ain D replied Sin#h D ! ha$e li$ed without a sin#le re"ar= bein# "ade a#ainst "e2 all "5 life Now H D He shuddered at the thou#ht of it D ! =new ! was #ettin# into trouble when ! "ade that offi9e "odel D After deeper refle9tion he said A D E$er5 ti"e ! too= so"ethin# there2 people 9rowded round2 stopped all wor= for nearl5 an hour That "ust also ha$e rea9hed the Sahib's ears D He wandered about sa5in# the sa"e thin#2 with the letter in his po9=et He lost taste for food2 wandered about un=e"pt2 with his hair standin# up li=e a halo an una99usto"ed si#ht2 his 5ears in "ilitar5 ser$i9e ha$in# #i$en hi" a habitual tidiness His wife lost all pea9e of "ind and be9a"e "iserable about hi" He stood at the 9ross;roads2 9lut9hin# the letter in his hand He =ept as=in# e$er5one he 9a"e a9ross A D Tell "e2 what there is in this F D but he would not broo= the su##estion to open it and see its 9ontents So forthwith Sin#h found his wa5 to the 3it5 K;ra5 !nstitute at Ra9e 3ourse Road As he entered the #ate he obser$ed do@ens of 9ars par=ed alon# the dri$e2 and a Gur=ha wat9h"an at the #ate So"e people were sittin# on sofas readin# boo=s and Cournals The5 turned and threw a brief loo= at hi" and resu"ed their studies As Sin#h stood un9ertainl5 at the doorwa52 an assistant 9a"e up and as=ed A

SO GATEMAN'S G!'T D .hat do 5ou want F D Sin#h #a$e a salute2 held up the letter un9ertainl5 and "uttered A D 3an ! =now what is inside this F D The assistant "ade the ob$ious su##estion %ut Sin#h replied A D The5 said 5ou 9ould tell "e what's inside without openin# it D The assistant as=ed A D .here do 5ou 9o"e fro" F D Sin#h e>plained his life2 wor= and outloo= and 9on; 9luded A D !'$e li$ed without re"ar= all "5 life ! =new trouble was 9o"in# D There were tears on his 9hee=s The assistant loo=ed at hi" 9uriousl5 as s9ores of others had done before2 s"iled2 and said A

D Go ho"e and rest #o ho"e D

You are not all ri#ht


D 3an't 5ou sa5 what is in this F D Sin#h as=ed patheti9all5 The assistant too= it in his hand2 e>a"ined it and said A D Shall ! open it F D D No2 no2 no2D Sin#h 9ried and snat9hed it ba9= There was a loo= of terror in his e5es The asse"bl5 loo=ed up fro" their pa#es and wat9hed hi" with "ild a"use; "ent in their e5es The assistant =indl5 put his ar"s on his shoulder and led hi" out D You #et well first2 and then 9o"e ba9= ! tell 5ou 5ou are not all ri#ht D .al=in# ba9= ho"e2 he pondered o$er it D .h5 are the5 all beha$in# li=e this2 as if ! were a "ad "an F D .hen this word 9a"e to his "ind2 he stopped abruptl5 in the "iddle of the road2 and 9ried A DOhH That's it2 is that itF MadH MadHD He shoo= his head #leefull5 as if the full truth had Cust dawned upon hi" He now understood the loo=s that people threw at hi" D Oh H oh H D he 9ried aloud He lau#hed He felt a 9urious relief at this reali@ation D ! ha$e been "ad and didn't =now it D He 9ast his "ind ba9= E$er5 little a9tion of his for the last

GATEMAN'S G!'T 8* so "an5 da5s see"ed "ad E parti9ularl5 the doll; "a=in# D .hat sane "an would "a=e 9la5 dolls after 61 5ears of respe9table ser$i9e in an offi9e F D He felt a tre"endous freedo" of li"bs2 and didn't feel it possible to wal= at an ordinar5 pa9e He wanted to fl5 He swun# his ar"s up and down and ran on with a whoop He ran throu#h the Mar=et Road .hen people stood about and wat9hed he 9ried A D He52 don't lau#h at a "ad "an2 for who =nows2 5ou will also be "ad when 5ou 9o"e to "a=e 9la5 dolls2D and 9har#ed into their "idst with a war 9r5 .hen he saw 9hildren 9o"in# out of a s9hool2 he felt it would be ni9e to a"use their 5oun# hearts b5 beha$in# li=e a ti#er So he fell on his hands and =neels and 9rawled up to the" with a #rowl He went ho"e in a terrif5in# 9ondition His wife who was #rindin# 9hill5 in the ba9=5ard loo=ed up and as=ed A D .hat is this F D His hair was 9o$ered with street dust E his bod5 was splashed with "ud He 9ould not answer be9ause he 9ho=ed with "irth as he said A D 'an95 what has happened H D D.hat is itFD D !'" "ad2 "ad D He loo=ed at his wor=;bas=et in a 9orner2 s9ooped out the 9la5 and "ade a hel"et

of it and put it on his head Ran#ed on the floor was his latest handiwor= After his last $isit to the offi9e he had been en#a#ed in "a=in# a "odel $illa#e !t was a resplendent #roup E a dun road2 red tiles2 #reen 9o9onut trees swa5in#2 and the 9olour of the sarees of the $illa#e wo"en 9arr5in# water pots He deri$ed the inspiration for it fro" a "e"or5 of his own $illa#e da5s !t was the "ost enCo5able pie9e of wor= that he had so far underta=en He li$ed in a =ind of e9stas5 while doin# it D ! a" #oin# to =eep

86 GATEMAN'S G!'T this for "5self A "e"ento of "5 father's $illa#e2D he de9lared D ! will show it at an e>hibition2 where the5 will #i$e "e a "edal ' + He #uarded it li=e a treasure A when it was wet he ne$er allowed his wife to wal= within ten 5ards of it A D &eep off2 we don't want 5our foot dust for this $illa#e D Now in his "adness2 he loo=ed down on it He raised his foot and sta"ped e$er5thin# down into a "ulti;9oloured Ca" The5 were still half wet He saw a don=e5 #ra@in# in the street He #athered up the Ca" and flun# it at the don=e5 with the re"ar= A D Eat this if 5ou li=e !t is a ni9e $illa#e D And he went out on a se9ond round This was a ?uieter outin# He strode on at an e$en pa9e2 breathin# deepl52 with the 9la5 hel"et on2 out of whi9h peeped his #re5 hair2 his ar"s lo9=ed behind2 his fin#ers 9lut9hin# the fateful letter2 his fa9e tilted towards the s=5 He wal=ed down the Mar=et Road2 with a feelin# that he was the sole o99upant of this #lobe A his "adness had #i$en hi" a sense of li"itless freedo"2 stren#th and buo5an95 The re"ar=s and Ceers of the 9rowds #apin# at hi" did not in the least tou9h hi" .hile he wal=ed thus2 his e5e fell on the bulb of a tall street la"p A D %ulb of the si@e of a (apa5a fruit H D he "uttered and 9hu9=led !t had been a lon# 9herished desire in hi" to flin# a stone at it E now he felt2 in his Co5ous and free 9ondition2 that he was free fro" the tra""els of 9on$ention and need not push ba9= an5 in9lination He pi9=ed up a pebble and threw it with #ood ai" The shatterin# noise of #lass was as "usi9 to his ears A poli9e"an put his hand on his shoulder A D .h5 did 5ou do it F D Sin#h loo=ed indi#nant A D ! li=e to 9ra9= #lass (apa5a fruit2

GATEMAN'S G!'T 88 that is allI * was the repl5 The 9onstable said A

D 3o"e to the station D D Oh2 5es2 when ! was in Mesopota"ia the5 put "e on half ration on9e2D he said2 and wal=ed on to the station He paused2 tilted his head to the side and re"ar=ed A D This road is not strai#ht D A few 9arria#es and 959les were 9o"in# up to hi" He found that e$er5thin# was wron# about the" The5 see"ed to need so"e ad$i9e in the "atter He stopped in the "iddle of the road2 stret9hed out his ar"s and shouted A D Halt H D The 9arria#es stopped2 the 959lists Cu"ped off and Sin#h be#an a le9ture A D .hen ! was in Mesopota"ia ! will tell 5ou fellows who don't =now an5thin# about an5thin# D The poli9e; "an dra##ed hi" awa5 to the side2 and wa$ed to the traffi9 to resu"e One of the 959lists who resu"ed2 Cu"ped off the saddle a#ain and 9a"e towards hi" with A D .h5 H !t is Sin#h2 Sin#h2 what fan95 dress is this F .hat is the "atter F D E$en throu#h the ha@e of his insane $ision Sin#h 9ould re9o#ni@e the $oi9e and the person the A99ountant at the offi9e Sin#h 9li9=ed his heels and #a$e a salute A D E>9use "e sir2 didn't intend to stop 5ou You "a5 pass D He pointed the wa5 #enerousl52 and the A99ountant saw the letter in his hand He re9o#ni@ed it althou#h it was "ud;stained and 9ru"pled D Sin#h2 5ou #ot our letter F D D Yes2 sir2 (ass Do not spea= of it 2 D D .hat is the "atter F D He snat9hed it fro" his hand D .h5 ha$en't 5ou opened it H D He tore open the en$elope and too= out of it a letter and read aloud A D The General Mana#er #reatl5 appre9; iates the $er5 artisti9 "odels 5ou ha$e sent2 and he is pleased to san9tion a reward of Rs *<< and hopes

8, GATEMAN'S G!'T it will be an en9oura#e"ent for 5ou to =eep up this interestin# hobb5 D !t was translated to hi" word for word2 and the en9losure2 a 9he?ue for one hundred rupees2 was handed to hi" A bi# 9rowd #athered to wat9h this s9ene Sin#h pressed the letter to his e5es He beat his brow2 and wailed A D Tell "e2 sir2 a" ! "ad or not F D D You loo= ?uite well2 5ou aren't "ad2D said the A99ountant Sin#h fell at his feet and said with tears 9ho=in# his $oi9e A D You are a #od2 sir2 to sa5 that ! a" not "ad ! a" so happ5 to hear it D On the ne>t pension da5 he turned up spru9e as e$er at the offi9e 9ounter As the5 handed hi" the en$elope the5 as=ed A D .hat to5s are 5ou "a=in# now F D

D Nothin# sir Ne$er a#ain !t is no o99upation for a sane "an D he said2 re9ei$ed his pension2 and stiffl5 wal=ed out of the offi9e

1 THE ROMAN !MAGE THE Tal=ati$e Man said A On9e ! was an ar9haeolo#ist's assistant ! wandered up and down the 9ountr5 probin#2 e>plor; in#2 and di##in#2 in sear9h of anti?uities2 a "ost interestin# o99upation2 althou#h 95ni9s so"eti"es 9alled us D #ra$e;di##ers D ! enCo5ed the wor= i""ensel5 ! had a "aster who was a fa"ous ar9haeolo#ist 9alled Do9tor so"ethin# or other He was a superb2 ti"eless bein#2 who li$ed a thousand 5ears behind the ti"es2 and who wanted neither food nor roof nor ri9hes if onl5 he was allowed to #a@e on undisturbed at an old 9oin or 9hip of a burial urn He had torn up the earth in al"ost all parts of !ndia and had brou#ht to li#ht $er5 $aluable infor"ation 9on9ernin# the histor5 and outloo= of people of re"ote 9enturies His "ono#raphs on ea9h of his e>9a$ations filled se$eral shel$es in all the i"portant libraries And then2 as our #ood fortune would ha$e it2 he re9ei$ed an inspiration that Mal#udi distri9t was e"inentl5 di##able ! a" not 9o"petent to e>plain how he #ot this idea2 but there it was .ord was brou#ht to "e that the #reat "an was sta5in# in the da= bun#alow and was in need of an assistant .ithin an hour of hearin# it ! stood before the #reat "an He was sittin# on the floor with the "ost 9ra@5 9olle9tion of arti9les in front of hi" pots and 81

8: THE ROMAN !MAGE beads and useless 9oins and pal" lea$es2 all of the" rust5 and de9a5in# He had a lens b5 his side2 throu#h whi9h he loo=ed at these arti9les and "ade notes He as=ed "e A D .hat do 5ou =now of the ar9haeolo#i9al fa9tors of 5our distri9t F D ! blin=ed Honestl5 ! didn't =now there was an5 ar9haeolo#5 in our pla9e He loo=ed at "e throu#h his old spe9ta9les2 and ! reali@ed that "5 li$in# depended upon "5 answer ! "ustered up all the =nowled#e of ele"entar5 histor5 ! had a9?uired in "5 bo5hood2 and replied A D .ell2 nothin# has so far been done in an5 "ethodi9al "anner2 althou#h now and then we 9o"e a9ross so"e i#norant $illa#ers plou#hin# up old unusual bits of potter5 and "etal D

D Reall52D he as=ed2 pri9=in# up his ears what do the5 do with the" F D

D And

D The5 si"pl5 throw the" awa5 or #i$e the" to 9hildren to pla5 with2D ! replied D Oh2 too bad2D he "uttered D .h5 9ouldn't 5ou ha$e 9olle9ted these thin#s in one pla9e F D D ! will ta=e 9are to do that hereafter2 sir2D ! said E and that settled it He en#a#ed "e on the spot at fift5 rupees a "onth2 and "5 "ain business was to follow hi" about and help hi" ! had "5 wits ali$e2 and within a "onth ! was in a position to lead hi" b5 the hand Not the sli#htest obCe9t es9aped "5 noti9e ! pi9=ed up e$er5thin# ! saw2 9leaned and polished it2 and held it up for his opinion Most ti"es2 ! a" sorr5 to 9onfess2 the5 were useless bits of stuff of =nown ori#in na"el52 our own ti"es %ut ! a" #lad to sa5 that on9e ! s9ored a hit .e 9a"ped one wee=;end at Siral a $illa#e si>t5 "iles fro" the town !t is a lo$el5 an9ient pla9e2

THE ROMAN !MAGE 89onsistin# of a hundred houses Sara5u Ri$er winds its wa5 alon# the northern boundar5 of the $illa#e The ri$er here is broader than it is an5where else in the distri9t On the other ban= of the ri$er we ha$e the be#innin#s of a "a#nifi9ent Cun#le of ba"boo and tea= The "ost "odern stru9ture in the pla9e was a s"all two;roo"ed inspe9tion lod#e The do9tor o99upied one roo" and ! the other .e were s9outin# the surroundin#s for a "ound under whi9h was supposed to be a buried 9it5 This dis9o$er5 was #oin# to push the earliest =nown 9i$ili@ation three 9enturies farther ba9= and ri$al MohenCadaro in anti?uit5 .e "i#ht be pardoned if we set about our business with so"e intensit5 Our do9tor so"e; how see"ed to possess an ine>pli9able feelin# of ri$alr5 with the dis9o$erers of MohenCadaro and su9h other pla9es His #reatest desire was to ha$e a "onopol5 of the earliest =nown 9i$ili@ation and pla9e it where he 9hose This see"ed to "e a sli#ht wea=; ness in his nature2 but pardonable in a #reat "an2 who had done so "u9h else in life This is all beside the point Let "e #et on with the stor5 One da5 ! had #one to the ri$er for a bathe !t was an e>hilar; atin# e$enin# E ! had done a #ood da5's wor=2 assistin# the do9tor to 9lean up and stud5 a pie9e of stained #lass pi9=ed up in a field outside the $illa#e The

do9tor =ept #a@in# at this #lass all da5 He 9onstantl5 shoo= his head and said A D This is easil5 the "ost i"portant pie9e of wor= whi9h has 9o"e under "5 noti9e This bit of #lass 5ou see is not ordinar5 ar9haeolo#i9al stuff2 but a $er5 i"portant lin= This pie9e of #lass is reall5 'lorentian2 whi9h went out of $o#ue in A D 1 How did this 9o"e here F !t is not found an5where else in the world !f the identit5 of

8 7 THE ROMAN !MAGE this is established properl5 we "a5 ulti"atel5 ha$e a #reat deal to sa5 about the earl5 Ro"an E"pire and this part of !ndia This will re$olutioni@e our whole =nowled#e of histor5 D He tal=ed of nothin# but that the whole da5 He tre"bled with e>9ite"ent and lost all taste for food He =ept on "utterin# A D .e "ust tread waril5 and not o$erloo= the sli#htest e$iden9e &eep 5our e5es open .e are on the e$e of #reat dis9o$eries D And ! 9au#ht this e>9ite; "ent and a9?uired a per"anentl5 sear9hin# loo= ! was in this state when ! plun#ed into the waters of Sara5u that e$enin# ! a" a #ood di$er As ! went down "5 hand stru9= a#ainst a hard obCe9t in the sand5 bed 'eelin# with "5 fin#ers2 ! found it to be a stone i"a#e .hen ! 9a"e to the surfa9e a#ain ! 9a"e up bearin# that i"a#e with "e Drippin# with water2 ! sat on the ri$er step2 without e$en dr5in# "5self2 and e>a"ined the i"a#e D This ta=es us on to an entirel5 new set of possi; bilities H D e>9lai"ed the do9tor in #reat Co5 He =eenl5 e>a"ined it b5 our tin lantern !t was a stone i"a#e a foot hi#h2 whi9h had a9?uired a #lass; li=e s"oothness2 ha$in# been under water for 5ears !t had an ar"2 an e5e2 the nose2 and the "outh "issin# There were a few details of orna"ent and draper5 whi9h the do9tor e>a"ined with spe9ial 9are !t was 8 a " when he went to bed An hour later the do9tor peeped in at "5 doorwa5 and announ9ed A D This is a Ro"an statue How it 9a"e to be found in these parts is an histori9al fa9t we ha$e to wrest fro" e$iden9e !t is #oin# to #i$e an entirel5 new turn to !ndian histor5 D .ithin the ne>t two "onths all the i"portant papers and periodi9als in the world published details

THE ROMAN !MAGE 8+ of this dis9o$er5 (apers were read before histori9al asso9iations and 9onferen9es ! 9a"e to be loo=ed upon as a sort of sa$iour of !ndian histor5 'or the

do9tor insisted upon #i$in# "e "5 due share of fa"e )ni$ersit5 honours 9a"e "5 wa5 ! was offered lu9rati$e positions here and there !t was finall5 de9ided that the i"a#e was that of a Ro"an E"peror 9alled Tiberius !! !t would be out' of pla9e to #o into the details that led to this 9on9lusion A but 5ou need ha$e no doubt that the do9tor had e>9ellent reasons for it %esides the stud5 of the i"a#e itself he went throu#h so"e Ro"an te>ts whi9h "entioned South !ndia 'or the ne>t few "onths we toured about a #reat deal le9turin# on this subCe9t and de"onstratin# ! went with "5 do9tor to Madras and started wor= on a "ono#raph on the subCe9t !t was to be a "onu; "ental wor= 9o$erin# o$er a thousand pa#es of de"5 si@e2 full of photo#raphs and s=et9hes You 9an understand wh5 it should be so bi# when ! tell 5ou that it was #oin# to be a 9o"bined wor= on earl5 Ro"an histor52 !ndian histor52 ar9haeolo#52 and epi#raph5 M5 na"e was #oin# to appear as the Coint author of the wor= ! reali@ed that here was "5 future fa"e2 position2 and perhaps so"e "one5 too The do9tor left "e in entire 9har#e of this wor= and went awa5 to )pper !ndia to 9ontinue a pie9e of wor= whi9h he had alread5 been doin# ! sat in a lar#e librar5 the whole da52 e>a"inin#2 in$esti#atin#2 stud5in#2 and writin# ! be9a"e a fairl5 i"portant person in learned so9ieties ! wor=ed fro" se$en in the "ornin# to ele$en in the e$enin# al"ost with; out a brea=2 and throu#hout the da5 ! had $isits fro" people interested in the dis9o$er5 (apers and Cournals

,< THE ROMAN !MAGE 9ontained para#raphs now and then DAr9haeolo#ist assistant wor=in# on "ono#raph D and its pro#ress was dul5 reported to the publi9 And then there 9a"e a ti"e when the press 9ould announ9e A D Mono#raph on whi9h has been wor=in# for "onths now will be read5 for publi9ation in ten da5s !t is e>pe9ted that this is #oin# to "a=e the ri9hest 9ontribution to !ndian histor5 D M5 fin#ers were worn out with writin# M5 e5es were nearl5 #one ! loo=ed forward to the end of the wor= E and then as "5 do9tor wrote A D You 9an ha$e a holida5 for three "onths in an5 hill station 5ou li=e and for#et the whole business D The "anus9ripts piled a 5ard hi#h on "5 table !t was at this sta#e that ! had to $isit Siral on9e a#ain ! had to obtain "easure"ents of the spot where the i"a#e was found ! left "5 wor= at that and hurried to the $illa#e ! plun#ed into the ri$er and 9a"e up ! sat on the

ri$er step2 still drippin# with water2 notin# down fi#ures2 when a stran#er 9a"e and sat near "e .e fell to tal=in#2 and ! told hi" about "5 wor=2 in the hope of drawin# out further fa9ts He was a rusti92 and he listened to "e without e"otion At the end of "5 narration he re"ained pe9uliarl5 "ood5 and as=ed "e to repeat fa9ts about the i"a#e He 9o"; pressed his lips and as=ed A D .here do 5ou sa5 it 9a"e fro" F D Ro"e D D .here is that F D D !n Europe2D ! said He stood still2 pu@@led2 and ! a"plified A D .here the European people li$e D D ! don't =now about that but if it is the i"a#e whi9h 5ou found in these parts ! 9an tell 5ou so"ethin# about it !t is without nose and ar"2 isn't it F D

THE ROMAN !MAGE ,* ! assented2 not =nowin# what was 9o"in# He said A D 'ollow "e2 if 5ou want to =now an5thin# "ore about this i"a#e D He led "e up the ban=2 alon# a foot tra9= whi9h wound throu#h the Cun#le .e rea9hed a ha"let a "ile off He stopped in front of a little shrine and said A D That i"a#e belon#ed to this te"ple D He led "e into the shrine .e had to #o stoopin# into it be9ause of its narrow doorwa5 and low roof At the inner san9tu" there was an i"a#e of Mari with a #arland of 5ellow 9hr5santhe"u"s around her ne9=2 lit b5 a faint wi9= la"p On one side of the san9tu" doorwa5 stood a dwarapala=a /door=eeper0 a win#ed 9reature a foot hi#h M5 friend pointed at the i"a#e and said A D This for"ed a pair with the one 5ou pi9=ed up2 and it used to adorn that side of the doorwa5 D ! loo=ed up where he pointed ! noti9ed a pedestal without an5thin# on it A doubt sei@ed "e D ! want to e>a"ine the fi#ure2D ! said He brou#ht down the wi9= la"p E ! e>a"ined b5 its fli9=erin# li#ht the dwarapala=a D !s this e>a9tl5 li=e the one whi9h was on that side F D !t was a superfluous ?uestion This i"a#e was e>a9tl5 li=e the i"a#e ! had found2 but without its inCuries D .here was this "ade F D D ! had it done b5 a stone;i"a#e "a=er2 a fellow in another $illa#e You see that hillo9= F !ts stone is "ade into i"a#es all o$er the world2 and at its foot is a $illa#e where the5 "a=e i"a#es D

D Are 5ou sure when it was "ade F D D Yes2 ! #a$e an ad$an9e of twent5 rupees for it2 and how that fellow dela5ed H ! went o$er to the $illa#e and sat up ni#ht and da5 for two "onths and 2 #ot the pair done ! wat9hed the" ta=e shape before

,6 THE ROMAN !MAGE "5 e5es And then we 9olle9ted about fift5 rupees and #a$e it to hi" .e wanted to i"pro$e this te"ple D ! put ba9= the la"p and wal=ed out ! sat down on the te"ple step D .h5 do 5ou loo= so sadF ! thou#ht 5ou'd be pleased to =now these thin#s2D he said2 wat9hin# "e D ! a"2 ! a" onl5 !'$e been rather unwell2D ! assured hi" D 3an't 5ou tell "e so"ethin# "ore about it A how it 9a"e to be found in the ri$er F D D Yes2 5es2D said "5 friend D !t was 9arried and thrown into the ri$er E it didn't wal= down there D D Oh H D ! e>9lai"ed D That is a stor5 'or this we went to the 9ourt and had the priest dis"issed and fined He 9annot 9o"e near the te"ple now .e spent one thousand rupees in law5er fees alone E we were prepared to spend all our fortune if onl5 to see that priest re"o$ed !t went up to Mal#udi 9ourt we #ot a $a=il fro" Madras D D .hat was wron# with 5our priest F D D No doubt he had a hereditar5 9lai" and too= up the wor= when his father died2 but the fellow was a de$il for drin=2 if e$er there was one Mornin# till ni#ht he was drin=in#2 and he perfor"ed all the puCa in that 9ondition .e did not =now what to do with hi" .e Cust tolerated hi"2 hopin# that so"e da5 the #oddess would tea9h hi" a lesson .e did not li=e to be too harsh2 sin9e he was a poor fellow2 and he went about his duties ?uietl5 %ut when we added these two dwarapala=as at the doorwa5 he #ot a ?ueer notion in his head He used to sa5 that the two door=eepers 9onstantl5 harried hi" b5 starin# at hi" where$er he went He said that their loo= pri9=ed hi" in the ne9= So"eti"es he would peep in fro"

THE ROMAN !MAGE ,8 within to see if the i"a#es were loo=in# awa52 and he'd s9rea"2 B Ah2 still the5 are wat9hin# "e2' and shout at the" This went on for "onths !n 9ourse of ti"e he be#an to shudder whene$er he had to pass these door=eepers !t was an a9ute "o"ent of suspense for hi" when he had to 9ross that pair and #et into the san9tu" Graduall5 he 9o"plained that if he e$er too= his e5es off these fi#ures the5 butted hi" fro" behind2 =i9=ed hi"2 and pulled his hair2 and so forth He was afraid to loo= an5where else and wal=ed on 9autiousl5 with his e5es on the i"a#es %ut if he had his e5es on one2 the other =no9=ed hi" fro" behind He showed us bruises and s9rat9hes so"eti"es .e de9lared we "i#ht treat his 9o"plaints seriousl5 if he e$er went into the shrine without a drop of drin= in hi" !n 9ourse of ti"e he started to see= his own re"ed5 He 9arried a s"all "allet with hi"2 and whene$er he #ot a =no9= he returned the blow E it fell on a nose toda52 on an ar" to"orrow2 and on an ear another da5 .e didn't noti9e his handiwor= for "onths Lud#in# fro" the "allet blows2 the i"a#e on the left side see"s to ha$e been the #reater offender D The 9ul"ination 9a"e when he =no9=ed it off its pedestal and 9arried it to the ri$er Ne>t "ornin# he de9lared he saw it wal= off and plun#e into the ri$er He "ust ha$e felt that this would ser$e as a lesson to the other i"a#e if it should be thin=in# of an5 tri9= %ut the other i"a#e ne$er #ot its 9han9e 'or we dra##ed the priest before a law 9ourt and had hi" sent awa5 D Thus ended the $illa#er's tale !t too= ti"e for "e to re9o$er ! as=ed A D Didn't 5ou ha$e to pi9= up the i"a#e fro" the water and show it to the Cud#e F D

,, THE ROMAN !MAGE D No2 be9ause the fellow would not tell us where he had flun# it ! did not =now till this "o"ent where e>a9tl5 it 9ould be found D .hen ! went ba9= to Madras ! was a different "an The do9tor had Cust returned for a short sta5 ! told hi" e$er5thin# He was furious D .e ha$e "ade oursel$es "i#ht5 fools before the whole world2D he 9ried ! didn't =now what to sa5 ! "u"bled A D! a" so sorr52 sir D He pointed at the pile of "anus9ripts on the table and 9ried A D Throw all that rubbish into the fire2 before we are de9lared "ad D ! pushed

the whole pile off the table and applied a "at9h;sti9= .e stood frownin# at the roarin# fire for a "o"ent2 and then he as=ed2 pointin# at the i"a#e A D And what will 5ou do with it F D D ! don't =now2D ! said D Drown it After all2 5ou pi9=ed it up fro" the water that pie9e of nonsense H D he 9ried ! had ne$er seen hi" in su9h a ra#e before ! wrapped the i"a#e in a pie9e of brown paper2 9arried it to the seashore2 and flun# it far into the sea ! hope it is still rollin# about at the botto" of the %a5 of %en#al ! onl5 hope it won't #et into so"e lar#e fish and 9o"e ba9= to the stud5 table H Later a brief "essa#e appeared in all the i"portant papers A D The "anus9ript on whi9h Do9tor and assistant were en#a#ed has been destro5ed2 and the wor= will be suspended D The do9tor #a$e "e two "onths' salar5 and bade "e #ood;b5e

: THE %L!ND DOG !T was not a $er5 i"pressi$e or hi#h;9lass do# E it was one of those 9o""onpla9e do#s one sees e$er5where 9olour of white and dust2 tail "utilated at a 5oun# a#e b5 God =nows who"2 born in the street2 and bred on the lea$in#s and #arba#e of the "ar=et;pla9e He had spott5 e5es and undistin#uished 9arria#e and needless pu#na9it5 %efore he was two 5ears old he had earned the s9ars of a hundred fi#hts on his bod5 .hen he needed rest on hot afternoons he la5 9urled up under the 9ul$ert at the eastern #ate of the "ar=et !n the e$enin#s he set out on his dail5 rounds2 loafed in the surroundin# streets and lanes2 en#a#ed hi"self in s=ir"ishes2 pi9=ed up edibles on the roadside2 and was ba9= at the "ar=et #ate b5 ni#htfall This life went on for three 5ears And then o99urred a 9han#e in his life A be##ar2 blind of both e5es2 appeared at the "ar=et #ate An old wo"an led hi" up there earl5 in the "ornin#2 seated hi" at the #ate2 and 9a"e up a#ain at "idda5 with so"e food2 #athered his 9oins2 and too= hi" ho"e at ni#ht The do# was sleepin# near b5 He was stirred b5 the s"ell of food He #ot up2 9a"e out of his shelter2 and stood before the blind "an2 wa##in# his tail and #a@in# e>pe9tantl5 at the bowl2 as he was eatin# his

sparse "eal The blind "an swept his ar"s about and as=ed A D .ho is there F D At whi9h the do# went up and li9=ed his hand The blind "an stro=ed ,1

,: THE %L!ND DOG its 9oat #entl5 tail to ear and said A D .hat a beaut5 5ou are 3o"e with "e D He threw a handful

of food whi9h the do# ate #ratefull5 !t was perhaps an auspi9ious "o"ent for startin# a friendship The5 "et e$er5 da5 there2 and the do# 9ut off "u9h of its ra"blin# to sit up beside the blind "an and wat9h hi" Nre9ei$e al"s "ornin# to e$enin# !n 9ourse of ti"e obser$in# hi"2 the do# understood that the passers;b5 "ust #i$e a 9oin2 and whoe$er went awa5 without droppin# a 9oin was 9hased b5 the do# E he tu##ed the ed#e of their 9lothes b5 his teeth and pulled the" ba9= to the old "an at the #ate and let #o onl5 after so"ethin# was dropped in his bowl A"on# those who fre?uented this pla9e was a $illa#e ur9hin2 who had the "is9hief of a de$il in hi" He li=ed to tease the blind "an b5 9allin# hi" na"es and b5 tr5in# to pi9= up the 9oins in his bowl The blind "an helplessl5 shouted and 9ried and whirled his staff On Thursda5s this bo5 appeared at the #ate2 9arr5in# on his head a bas=et loaded with 9u9u"ber or plantain E$er5 Thursda5 afternoon it was a 9risis in the blind "an's life A seller of bri#ht 9oloured but doubtful perfu"es with his wares "ounted on a wheeled platfor"2 a "an who spread out 9heap stor5;boo=s on a #unn5 sa9=2 another "an who 9arried 9oloured ribbons on an elaborate fra"e these were the people who usuall5 #athered under the sa"e ar9h2 On a Thursda5 when the 5oun# "an appeared at the Eastern #ate one of the" re"ar=ed2 D %lind fellow H Here 9o"es 5our s9our#e D DOh2 God2 is this Thursda5FD he wailed He swept his ar"s about and 9alled A D Do#2 do#2 9o"e here2 where are 5ou F D He "ade the pe9uliar noise whi9h brou#ht the do# to his side He stro=ed his

THE %L!ND DOG ,head and "uttered A D Don't let that little ras9al D At this $er5 "o"ent the bo5 9a"e up with a leer on his fa9e

D %lind "an H Still pretendin# 5ou ha$e no e5es !f 5ou are reall5 blind2 5ou should not =now this either D He stopped2 his hand "o$in# towards the bowl The do# spran# on hi" and snapped his Caws on wrist The bo5 e>tri9ated his hand and ran for his life The do# bounded up behind hi" and 9hased hi" out of the "ar=et D See the "on#rel's affe9tion for this old fellowI' "ar$elled the perfu"e;$endor One e$enin# at the usual ti"e the old wo"an failed to turn up2 and the blind "an waited at the #ate2 worr5in# as the e$enin# #rew into ni#ht As he sat frettin# there2 a nei#hbour 9a"e up and said A D Sa"i2 don't wait for the old wo"an She will not 9o"e a#ain She died this afternoon D The blind "an lost the onl5 ho"e he had2 and the onl5 person who 9ared for hi" in this world The ribbon;$endor su##ested A D Here2 ta=e this white tape D He held a len#th of the white 9ord whi9h he had been sellin# D ! will #i$e this to 5ou free of 9ost Tie it to the do# and let hi" lead 5ou about if he is reall5 so fond of 5ou D Life for the do# too= a new turn now He 9a"e to ta=e the pla9e of the old wo"an He lost his freedo" 9o"pletel5 His world 9a"e to be 9ir9u"s9ribed b5 the li"its of the white 9ord whi9h the ribbon;$endor had spared He had to for#et wholesale all his old life all his old haunts He si"pl5 had to sta5 on for e$er at the end of that strin# .hen he saw other do#s2 friends or foes2 instin9ti$el5 he spran# up2 tu##in# the strin#2 and this in$ariabl5 earned hi" a

,7 THE %L!ND DOG =i9= fro" his "aster D Ras9al2 want to tu"ble "e

down ha$e sense D !n a few da5s the do# learnt to dis9ipline his instin9t and i"pulse He 9eased to ta=e noti9e of other do#s2 e$en if the5 9a"e up and #rowled at his side He lost his own orbit of "o$e; "ent and 9onta9t with his fellow;9reatures To the e>tent of this loss his "aster #ained He "o$ed about as he had ne$er "o$ed in his life All

da5 he was on his le#s2 led b5 the do# .ith the staff in one hand and the do#;lead in the other he "o$ed out of his ho"e a 9orner in a 9houltr5 $eranda a few 5ards off the "ar=et A he had "o$ed in there after the old wo"an's death He started out earl5 in the da5 He found that he 9ould treble his in9o"e b5 "o$in# about instead of sta5in# in one pla9e He "o$ed down the 9houltr5 street2 and where$er he heard people's $oi9es he stopped and held out his hands for al"s Shops2 s9hools2 hospitals2 hotels he left nothin# out He #a$e a tu# when he wanted the do# to stop2 and shouted li=e a bullo9=;dri$er when he wanted hi" to "o$e on The do# prote9ted his feet fro" #oin# into pits2 or stu"pin# a#ainst steps or stones2 and too= hi" up in9h b5 in9h on safe #round and steps 'or this si#ht people #a$e 9oins and helped hi" 3hildren #athered round hi" and #a$e hi" thin#s to eat A do# is essentiall5 an a9ti$e 9reature who pun9tuates his he9ti9 rounds with well;defined periods of rest %ut now this do# /hen9eforth to be =nown as Ti#er0 had lost all rest He had rest onl5 when the old "an sat down so"ewhere At ni#ht the old "an slept with the 9ord turned around his fin#er D ! 9an't ta=e 9han9es with 5ou D he said A

#reat desire to earn "ore "one5 than e$er before sei@ed his "aster2 so that he felt an5 restin# a waste

THE %L!ND DOG ,+ of opportunit52 and the do# had to be 9ontinuousl5 on his feet So"eti"es his le#s refused to "o$e %ut if he slowed down e$en sli#htl5 his "aster #oaded hi" on fier9el5 with his staff The do# whined and #roaned under this thrust D Don't whine2 5ou ras9al Don't ! #i$e 5ou 5our food F You want to loaf2 do 5ou F D swore the blind "an The do# lu"bered up and down and round and round the "ar=et;pla9e on slow steps2 tied down to the blind t5rant Lon# after the traffi9 at the "ar=et 9eased2 5ou 9ould hear the ni#ht stabbed b5 the far;off wail of the tired do# !t lost its ori#inal appearan9e As "onths rolled on2 bones stu9= up at his haun9hes and ribs were reliefed throu#h his fadin# 9oat The ribbon;seller2 the no$el;$endor and the perfu"er obser$ed it one e$enin#2 when business was sla9=2 and held a 9onferen9e a"on# the"sel$es A D!t rends "5 heart to see that poor do# sla$in# 3an't we do so"ethin# F D The ribbon;seller re"ar=ed A D That ras9al has started lendin# "one5 for interest ! heard it fro" that fruit;seller He is earnin# "ore than

he needs

He has be9o"e a $er5 de$il for "one5 D

At this point the perfu"er's e5es 9au#ht the s9issors dan#lin# fro" the ribbon;ra9= D Gi$e it here2D he said and "o$ed on with the s9issors in hand The blind "an was passin# in front of the Eastern #ate The do# was strainin# the lead There was a pie9e of bone l5in# on the wa5 and the do# was strainin# to pi9= it up The lead be9a"e taut and hurt the blind "an's hand2 and he tu##ed the strin# and =i9=ed till the do# howled !t howled2 but 9ould not pass the bone li#htl5 E it tried to "a=e another dash for it The blind "an was heapin# 9urses on it The perfu"er stepped up2 applied the s9issors and

1< THE %L!ND DOG snipped the 9ord The do# boun9ed off and pi9=ed up the bone The blind "an stopped dead where he stood2 with the other half of the strin# dan#lin# in his hand D Ti#er H Ti#er H .here are 5ou F D he 9ried The perfu"er "o$ed awa5 ?uietl52 "utterin# A D You heartless de$il H You will ne$er #et at hi" a#ain H He has his freedo" H D The do# went off at top speed He nosed about the dit9hes happil52 hurled hi"self on other do#s2 and ran round and round the fountain in the "ar=et;s?uare bar=in#2 his e5es spar=lin# with Co5 He returned to his fa$ourite haunts and hun# about the but9her's shop2 tea;stall2 and the ba=er5 The ribbon;$endor and his two friends stood at the "ar=et #ate and enCo5ed the si#ht i""ensel5 as the blind "an stru##led to find his wa5 about He stood rooted to the spot wa$in# his sti9= E he felt as if he were han#in# in "id;air He was wailin# D Oh2 where is "5 do#F .here is "5 do#F .on't so"eone #i$e hi" ba9= to "eF ! will "urder it when ! #et at it a#ain H D He #roped about2 tried to 9ross the road2 9a"e near bein# run o$er b5 a do@en $ehi9les at different points2 tu"bled and stru##led and #asped D He'd deser$e it if he was run o$er2 this heartless bla9=#uard D the5 said2 obser$in# hi" Howe$er2 with the help 9orner in the his #unn5sa9= his Courne5 the old "an stru##led throu#h and of so"eone found his wa5 ba9= to his 9houltr5 $eranda and san= down on bed2 half faint with the strain of

He was not seen for ten da5s2 fifteen da5s and twent5 da5s Nor was the do# seen an5where The5 9o""ented a"on# the"sel$es D The do# "ust be

loafin# o$er the whole earth2 free and happ5


THE %L!ND DOG 1* be##ar is perhaps #one for e$er D Hardl5 was this senten9e uttered when the5 heard the fa"iliar tap;tap of the blind "an's staff The5 saw hi" a#ain 9o"in# up the pa$e"ent led b5 the do# D Loo= H Loo= H D the5 9ried D He has a#ain #ot at it and tied it up D The ribbon;seller 9ould not 9ontain hi"self He ran up and said A D .here ha$e 5ou been all these da5s F D D &now what happened H D 9ried the blind "an D This do# ran awa5 ! should ha$e died in a da5 or two2 9onfined to "5 9orner2 no food2 not an anna to earn i"prisoned in "5 9orner ! should ha$e perished if it 9ontinued for another da5 %ut this thin# returned D D .hen F .hen F D D Last ni#ht At "idni#ht as ! slept in bed2 he 9a"e and li9=ed "5 fa9e ! felt li=e "urderin# hi" ! #a$e hi" a blow whi9h he will ne$er for#et a#ain2D said the blind "an D ! for#a$e hi"2 after all a do# H He loafed as lon# as he 9ould pi9= up so"e rubbish to eat on the road2 but real hun#er has dri$en hi" ba9= to Cne2 but he will not lea$e "e a#ain See H ! ha$e #ot this D and he shoo= the lead A it was a steel 9hain this ti"e On9e a#ain there was the dead2 despairin# loo= in the do#'s e5es D Go on2 5ou fool2D 9ried the blind "an2 shoutin# li=e an o>;dri$er He tu##ed the 9hain2 po=ed with the sti9=2 and the do# "o$ed awa5 on slow steps The5 stood listenin# to the tap;tap #oin# awa5 D Death alone 9an help that do#2D 9ried the ribbon; seller2 loo=in# after it with a si#h D .hat 9an we do with a 9reature who returns to his doo" with su9h a free heart F D


THE Madras;%an#alore E>press was due to start in a few "inutes Trolle5s and barrows piled with trun=s and beds rattled their wa5 throu#h the bustle 'ruit;sellers and beedi;and;betel sellers 9ried the"sel$es hoarse Late9o"ers pushed2 shouted and perspired The en#ine added to the #eneral noise with the low "onotonous hu" of its boiler E the first bell ran#2 the #uard loo=ed at his wat9h Mr RaCa" !5er arri$ed on the platfor" at a terrifi9 pa9e2 with a s"all roll of beddin# under one ar" and an absurd 5ellow trun= under the other He ran to the first third;9lass 9o"part"ent that 9au#ht his e5e2 peered in and2 sin9e the door 9ould not be opened on a99ount of the 9on#estion inside2 flun# hi"self in throu#h the window 'ifteen "inutes later Madras flashed past the train in window;fra"ed pat9hes of sun;s9or9hed roofs and fields At the ne>t halt2 Mandha=a"2 "ost of the passen#ers #ot down The 9o"part"ent built to D seat 7 passen#ers E , %ritish Troops2 or : !ndian Troops2D now 9arried onl5 nine RaCa" !5er found a seat and "ade hi"self 9o"fortable opposite a sallow2 "ee= passen#er2 who suddenl5 re"o$ed his 9oat2 folded it and pla9ed it under his head and la5 down2 shrin=in# hi"self to the area he had o99upied while he was sittin# .ith his =nees drawn up al"ost to 16

'ELLO.;'EEL!NG 18 his 9hin2 he rolled hi"self into a ball RaCa" !5er threw at hi" an indul#ent2 9o"passionate loo= He then fu"bled for his #lasses and pulled out of his po9=et a s"all boo=2 whi9h set forth in 9lear Ta"il the si#nifi9an9e of the obs9ure Sandhi rites that e$er5 %rah"in worth the na"e perfor"s thri9e dail5 He was startled out of this pleasant lan#uor b5 a series of #rowls 9o"in# fro" a passen#er who had #ot in at &atpadi The new9o"er2 loo=in# for a seat2 had been irritated b5 the spe9ta9le of the "ee= passen#er asleep and had enfor9ed the law of the Third;9lass He then en9roa9hed on "ost of the "ee= passen#er's le#iti"ate spa9e and be#an to deli$er ho"e;truths whi9h passed b5 eas5 sta#es fro" i"; puden9e to i"pertinen9e and finall5 to ribaldr5 RaCa" !5er peered o$er his spe9ta9les There was a dan#erous loo= in his e5es He tried to return to the boo=2 but 9ould not The bull5's spee9h was #atherin# "o"entu"

D .hat is all this F D RaCa" !5er as=ed suddenl52 in a hard tone D .hat is what F D #rowled ba9= the new9o"er2 turnin# sharpl5 on RaCa" !5er D Moderate 5our st5le a bit2D RaCa" !5er said fir"l5 D You "oderate 5ours first2' * replied the other A pause D M5 "an2D RaCa" !5er be#an endearin#l52 D this sort of thin# will ne$er do D The new9o"er re9ei$ed this in silen9e RaCa" !5er felt en9oura#ed and dro$e ho"e his "oral A DLust tr5 and be "ore 9ourteous2 it is 5our dut5 D D You "ind 5our business2D replied the new9o"er RaCa" !5er shoo= his head disappro$in#l5 and

1, 'ELLO.;'EEL!NG drawled out a D No D The new9o"er stood loo=in# out for so"e ti"e and2 as if e>pressin# a brilliant truth that had Cust dawned on hi"2 said2 D You ar9 a %rah"in2 ! see Learn2 sir2 that 5our da5s are o$er Don't thin= 5ou 9an bull5 us as 5ou ha$e been bull5in# us all these 5ears D RaCa" !5er #a$e a short lau#h and said A D .hat has it to do with 5our beastl5 9ondu9t to this #entle; "an F D The new9o"er assu"ed a tone of "o9= hu"ilit5 and said A D Shall ! ta=e the dust fro" 5our feet2 O Hol5 %rah"in F Oh2 %rah"in2 %rah"in D He 9on; tinued in a sin#;son# fashion A D Your da5s are o$er2 "5 dear sir2 learn that ! should li=e to see 5ou tr5in# a bit of bossin# on us D D .hose "aster is who F D as=ed RaCa" !5er philosophi9all5 The new9o"er went on with no ob$ious rele$an9e A D The 9ost of "utton has #one up out of all proportion !t is nearl5 double what it used to be D D !s it F D as=ed RaCa" !5er D Yes2 and wh5 F D 9ontinued the other D %e9ause %rah"ins ha$e be#un to eat "eat and the5 pa5 hi#h

pri9es to #et it se9retl5 D He then turned to the other passen#ers and added A D And we non;%rah"ins ha$e to pa5 the sa"e pri9e2 thou#h we don't 9are for the se9re95 D RaCa" !5er leaned ba9= in his seat2 re"indin# hi"self of a pro$erb whi9h said that if 5ou threw a stone into a #utter it would onl5 spurt filth in 5our fa9e D And2D said the new9o"er2 D the pri9e of "eat used to be fi$e annas per pound ! re"e"ber the da5s ?uite well !t is nearl5 twel$e annas now .h5F %e9ause the %rah"in is prepared to pa5 so

'ELLO.;'EEL!NG 11 "u9h2 if onl5 he 9an ha$e it in se9retB ! ha$e with "5 own e5es seen %rah"ins2 pu==ah %rah"ins with sa9red threads on their bodies2 9arr5in# fish under their ar"s2 of 9ourse all wrapped up in a towel As= the" what it is2 and the5 will tell 5ou that it is plantain (lantain that has life2 ! suppose H ! on9e ti9=led a fellow under the ar" and out 9a"e the bi##est fish in the "ar=et He52 %rah"in2D he said2 turnin# to RaCa" !5er2 D what did 5ou ha$e for 5our "eal this "ornin#FD D.hoF ! F D as=ed RaCa" !5er D.h5 do 5ou want to =now F D D Loo=2 sirs2D said the new9o"er to the other passen#ers2 D wh5 is he afraid to tell us what he ate this "ornin# F D And turnin# to RaCa" !5er2 D Ma5n't a "an as= another what he had for his "ornin# "eal F D D Oh2 b5 all "eans ! had ri9e2 #hee2 9urds2 brinCal soup2 fried beans D D Oh2 is that all F D as=ed the new9o"er2 with an inno9ent loo= D Yes2D replied RaCa" !5er D !s that all F D D Yes2 how "an5 ti"es do 5ou want "e to repeat itFD D No offen9e2 no offen9e2D replied the new9o"er D Do 5ou "ean to sa5 ! a" l5in# F D as=ed RaCa" !5er D Yes2D replied 5our list a few #oin# ho"e fro" banana2 wrapped (ossibl5 it was the other2 D 5ou ha$e o"itted fro" thin#s Didn't ! see 5ou this "ornin# the "ar=et with a banana2 a water up in a towel2 under 5our ar"F so"ebod5 $er5 "u9h li=e 5ou (ossibl5

! "istoo= the person M5 wife prepares e>9ellent soup with fish You won't be able to find the differen9e between dholl soup and fish soup Send 5our wife2

1 : 'ELLO.;'EEL!NG or the wife of the person that was e>a9tl5 li=e 5ou to "5 wife to learn soup "a=in# Hundreds of %rah"ins ha$e s"a9=ed their lips o$er the dholl soup prepared in "5 house ! a" a leper if there is a lie in an5thin# ! sa5 D D You are2D replied RaCa" !5er2 #rindin# his teeth D You are a rabid leper D D .ho" do 5ou 9all a leper H D D You H D D ! F You 9all "e a leper F D D No ! 9all 5ou a rabid leper D

D You 9all "e rabid F D the new9o"er as=ed2 stri=in# his 9hest to e"phasi@e D Me D D You are a filth5 brute2D said RaCa" !5er "ust be handed o$er to the poli9e D D %ah H D e>9lai"ed the new9o"er =now what these poli9e were D D You

D As if ! didn't

D Yes2 5ou "ust ha$e had 9ountless o99asions to =now the poli9e And 5ou will see "ore of the" 5et in 5our "iserable life2 if 5ou don't #et beaten to death li=e the street "on#rel 5ou are2D said RaCa" !5er in #reat passion D .ith 5our foul "outh 5ou are bound to 9o"e to that end D D .hat do 5ou sa5 F D shouted the new9o"er "ena9in#l5 D .hat do 5ou sa52 5ou $ile hu"bu# F D D Shut up2D RaCa" !5er 9ried D You shut up D D Do 5ou =now to who" 5ou are tal=in# F D D .hat do ! 9are who the son of a "on#rel is F D D ! will thrash 5ou with "5 slippers2D said RaCa" !5er D ! will pulp 5ou down with an old rotten sandal2D 9a"e the repl5

D ! will =i9= 5ou2D said RaCa" !5er

'ELLO.;'EEL!NG 1D .ill 5ou F D howled the new9o"er D 3o"e on2 let us see D %oth rose to their feet si"ultaneousl5 There the5 stood fa9in# ea9h other on the floor of the 9o"part"ent RaCa" !5er was sei@ed b5 a sense of inferiorit5 The new9o"er stood nine 9lean in9hes o$er hi" He be#an to feel ridi9ulous2 short and fat2 wearin# a loose dhot and a #reen 9oat2 while the new9o"er towered abo$e hi" in his #rease;spotted =ha=i suit Out of the 9orner of his e5e he noted that the other passen#ers were waitin# ea#erl5 to see how the issue would be settled and were not in the least disposed to inter$ene D .h5 do 5ou stand as if 5our "outh was stopped with "ud F D as=ed the new9o"er D Shut up2D RaCa" !5er snapped2 tr5in# not to be i"pressed b5 the si@e of the ad$ersar5 D Your honour said that 5ou would =i9= "e2D said the new9o"er2 pretendin# to offer hi"self D .on't ! =i9= 5ou F D as=ed RaCa" !5er D Tr5 D D No2D said RaCa" !5er2 D ! will do so"ethin#

worse D

D Do it2D said the other2 throwin# forward his 9hest and pushin# up the slee$es of his 9oat RaCa" !5er re"o$ed his 9oat and rolled up his slee$es He rubbed his hands and 9o""anded suddenl5 D Stand still H D The new9o"er was ta=en aba9= He stood for a se9ond baffled RaCa" !5er #a$e hi" no ti"e to thin= .ith #reat for9e he swun# his ri#ht ar" and brou#ht it near the other's 9hee=2 but stopped it short without hittin# hi" D .ait a "inute2 ! thin= ! had better #i$e 5ou a

9han9e2D said RaCa" !5er

1 7 'ELLO.;'EEL!NG D .hat 9han9e F D as=ed the new9o"er D !t would be unfair if ! did it without #i$in# 5ou a 9han9e D D Did what F D D You stand there and it will be o$er in a fra9tion of a se9ond D D 'ra9tion of a se9ond F .hat will 5ou do F D D Oh2 nothin# $er5 9o"pli9ated2D replied RaC a" !5er non9halantl52 D nothin# $er5 9o"pli9ated ! will slap 5our ri#ht 9hee= and at the sa"e ti"e tu# 5our left ear and 5our "outh2 whi9h is now under 5our nose2 will suddenl5 find itself under 5our left ear2 and2 what is "ore2 sta5 there ! assure 5ou2 5ou won't feel an5 pain D D .hat do 5ou sa5 F D D And it will all be o$er before 5ou sa5 ' Sri Ra"a 4 D ! don't belie$e it2D said the new9o"er D .ell and #ood !5er 9arelessl5 pro$o9ation D Don't belie$e it2D said RaCa" D ! ne$er do it e>9ept under e>tre"e

D Do 5ou thin= ! a" an infant F D D ! i"plore 5ou2 "5 "an2 not to belie$e "e Ha$e 5ou heard of a thin# 9alled Cu;Citsu F .ell2 this is a si"ple tri9= in Cu;Citsu perhaps =nown to half a do@en persons in the whole of South !ndia D D You said 5ou would =i9= "e2D said the new9o"er D .ell2 isn't this worse F D as=ed RaCa" !5er He drew a line on the new9o"er's fa9e between his left ear and "outh2 "utterin# D ! "ust ad"it 5ou ha$e a tolerabl5 #ood fa9e and round fi#ure %ut i"a#ine 5ourself #oin# about the streets with 5our "outh under 5our left ear D He 9hu9=led at the $ision D ! e>pe9t at Lalarpet station there will be a hu#e 9rowd outside our 9o"part"ent to see 5ouI + The new9o"er


stro=ed his 9hin thou#htfull5 RaCa" !5er 9ontinued A D ! felt it "5 dut5 to e>plain the whole thin# to 5ou beforehand ! a" not as hot headed as 5ou are ! ha$e so"e 9onsideration for 5our wife and 9hildren !t will ta=e so"e ti"e for the =ids to re9o#ni@e papa when he returns ho"e with his "outh under How "an5 9hildren ha$e 5ou F D D 'our D D And then thin= of it2D said RaCa" !5er A D You will ha$e to ta=e 5our food under 5our left ear2 and 5ou will need the assistan9e of 5our wife to drin= water She will ha$e to pour it in D D ! will #o to a do9tor2D said the new9o"er D Do #o2D replied RaCa" !5er2 D and ! will #i$e 5ou a thousand rupees if 5ou find a do9tor You "a5 tr5 e$en European do9tors D The new9o"er stood ru"inatin# with =nitted brow D Now prepare2D shouted RaCa" !5er2 D one blow on the ri#ht 9hee= ! will Cer= 5our left ear2 and 5our "outh D The new9o"er suddenl5 ran to the window and leaned far out of it RaCa" de9ided to lea$e the 9o"part"ent at Lalarpet %ut the "o"ent the train stopped at Lalarpet station2 the new9o"er #rabbed his ba# and Cu"ped out He "o$ed awa5 at a furious pa9e and al"ost =no9=ed down a 9o9onut;seller and a person 9arr5in# a tra5; load of 9oloured to5s RaCa" !5er felt it would not be ne9essar5 for hi" to #et out now He leaned throu#h the window and 9ried2 D Loo= here H D The new9o"er turned D Shall ! =eep a seat for 5ou F D as=ed RaCa" !5er DNo2 "5 ti9=et is for Lalaipet2D the new9o"er answered and ?ui9=ened his pa9e

:< 'ELLO.;'EEL!NG The train had left Lalarpet at least a "ile behind The "ee= passen#er still sat shrun= in a 9orner of the seat RaCa" !5er loo=ed o$er his spe9ta9les and said A D Lie down if 5ou li=e 18 The "ee= passen#er pro9eeded to roll hi"self into a ball RaCa" !5er added2 D Did 5ou hear that bull5 sa5 that his ti9=et was for Lalarpet F D

D Yes D D .ell2D he lied2 u he is in the fourth 9o"part"ent fro" here ! saw hi" #et into it Cust as the train started D Thou#h the "ee= passen#er was too #rateful to doubt this state"ent2 one or two other passen#ers loo=ed at RaCa" !5er s9epti9all5

7 THE .AT3HMAN THERE was still a faint splash of red on the western hori@on The wat9h"an stood on the tan= bund and too= a final sur$e5 All the people who had 9o"e for e$enin# wal=s had returned to their ho"es Not a soul an5where e>9ept that obstinate an#ler2 at the northern end2 who sat with his feet in water2 sadl5 #a@in# on his rod !t was no use botherin# about hi" A he would sit there till "idni#ht2 hopin# for a 9at9h The Talu= offi9e #on# stru9= nine The wat9h"an was satisfied that no trespassin# 9attle had snea=ed in throu#h the wire fen9in# As he turned to #o2 he saw2 about a hundred 5ards awa52 a shadow5 fi#ure "o$in# down the narrow stone steps that led to the water's ed#e He thou#ht for a se9ond that it "i#ht be a #host He dis"issed the idea2 and went up to in$esti#ate !f it was an5one 9o"e to bathe at this hour 'ro" the top step he obser$ed that it was a wo"an's for" She stooped o$er the last step and pla9ed so"ethin# on it possibl5 a letter She then stepped into =nee;deep water2 and stood there2 her hands pressed to#ether in pra5er )n"ista=able si#ns alwa5s to be followed b5 the poli9e and #rueso"e details2 brin#in# the $er5 worst possible reputation to a tan= He shouted2 D Go"e out2 there2 9o"e out of i=D The for" loo=ed up fro" the water D Don't stand :*

:6 THE .AT3HMAN there and #a@e You'll 9at9h a 9old2 9o"e up whoe$er 5ou are D He ra9ed down the steps and pi9=ed up the letter He hurriedl5 lit his la"p2 and turned its wi9=2 till it burnt bri#htl52 and held it up2 "ur; "urin# A D ! don't li=e this .h5 is e$er5one 9o"in#

to the sa"e tan= F !f 5ou want to be dead2 throw 5ourself under an en#ine2D he said The li#ht fell upon the other's fa9e !t was a 5oun# #irl's2 wet with tears He felt a sudden pit5 He said2 D Sit down2 sit down and rest no2 no #o up two "ore steps and sit down Don't sit so near the water D She obe5ed He sat down on the last step between her and the water2 pla9ed the lantern on the step2 too= out a pie9e of toba99o and put it in his "outh She buried her fa9e in her hands2 and be#an to sob He felt troubled and as=ed A D .h5 don't 5ou rise and #o ho"e2 lad5 F D She sputtered throu#h her sob A D ! ha$e no ho"e in this world H D D Don't tell "e H Surel52 5ou didn't #row up with; out a ho"e all these 5ears H D said the wat9h"an D ! lost "5 "other when ! was fi$e 5ears old D she said D ! thou#ht so D replied the wat9h"an2 and added2 D and 5our father "arried a#ain and 5ou #rew up under the 9are of 5our step;"other F D D Yes2 5es2 how do 5ou =now F D she as=ed D ! a" si>t5;fi$e 5ears old2D he said and as=ed A D Did 5our step;"other trouble 5ou F D D No2 there 5ou are wron#2D is $er5 =ind to "e She has e$er sin9e "5 father died a Cust a little "one5 on hand spends it on us D the #irl said D She been loo=in# after "e few 5ears a#o She has left b5 "5 father2 and she

THE .AT3HMAN :8 The wat9h"an loo=ed at the stars2 si#hed for the dinner that he was "issin# D !t's $er5 late2 "ada"2 #o ho"e D D ! tell 5ou !'$e no ho"e D she retorted an#ril5 D Your step;"other's house is all ri#ht fro" what 5ou sa5 She is #ood to 5ou D D %ut wh5 should ! be a burden to her F .ho a" ! F D

DYou are her husband's dau#hter D the wat9h; "an said2 and added2 D that is enou#h 9lai" D D No no ! won't li$e on an5bod5's 9harit5 D

D Then 5ou will ha$e to wait till the5 find 5ou a husband D She #lared at hi" in the dar= D That's what ! do not want to do ! want to stud5 and be9o"e a do9tor and earn "5 li$elihood ! don't want to "arr5 ! often 9at9h "5 "other tal=in# far into the ni#ht to her eldest son2 worr5in# about "5 future2 about "5 "arria#e ! =now the5 9annot afford to =eep "e in 9olle#e $er5 lon# now E it 9osts about twent5 rupees a "onth D D Twent5 rupees H D The wat9h"an e>9lai"ed !t was his "onth's salar5 D How 9an an5bod5 spend so "u9h for boo=s H D D Till toda52D she said2 D ! was hopin# that ! would #et a s9holarship That would ha$e sa$ed "e %ut this e$enin# the5 announ9ed E others ha$e #ot it2 not ! M5 na"e is not there D and she bro=e down

a#ain The wat9h"an loo=ed at her in surprise He 9o"prehended $er5 little of all this situation She added A D And when the5 9o"e to =now of this2 the5 will tr5 to arran#e "5 "arria#e So"eone is 9o"in# to ha$e a loo= at "e to"orrow D

:, THE .AT3HMAN D Marr5 hi" and "a5 God bless 5ou with ten 9hildren D D No2 no2D she 9ried h5steri9all5 to "arr5 ! want to stud5 D D ! don't want

The silent ni#ht was stabbed b5 her sobbin# and so"e ni#ht bird rustled the water2 and wa$elets beat upon the shore Seein# her suffer2 he found his own sorrows in life 9a"e to his "ind E how in those far;off ti"es2 in his little $illa#e ho"e an epide"i9 of 9holera laid out his father and "other and brothers on the sa"e da52 and he was the sole sur$i$or E how he was turned out of his an9estral ho"e throu#h the tri9=er5 of his father's =ins"en2 and he wandered as an orphan2 sufferin# indes9ribable hun#er and pri$ation D E$er5one has his own "iseries2D he said D !f people tried to =ill the"sel$es for ea9h one of the"2 ! don't =now how often the5 would ha$e to drown D

He re"e"bered further in9idents and his $oi9e shoo= with sorrow D You are 5oun# and 5ou don't =now what sorrow is D He re"ained silent and a sob bro=e out of hi" as he said A D ! pra5ed to all the #ods in the world for a son M5 wife bore "e ei#ht 9hildren Onl5 one dau#hter li$es now2 and none of the others saw the ele$enth 5ear 2 2 D The #irl loo=ed at hi" in bewilder"ent The Talu= offi9e #on# stru9= a#ain D !t is late2 5ou had better #et up and #o ho"e D he said She replied A D ! ha$e no ho"e D He felt irritated D You are "a=in# too "u9h of nothin# You should not be obstinate D D You don't =now "5 trouble2D she said He pi9=ed up his lantern and staff and #ot up put her letter down where he found it He

D !f 5ou are #oin# to be so obstinate !'ll lea$e 5ou

THE .AT3HMAN :1 alone No one 9an bla"e "e D He paused for a "o"ent2 loo=ed at her2 and went up the steps E not a word passed between the" a#ain The "o"ent he 9a"e ba9= to dut5 ne>t "ornin#2 he hurried down the stone steps The letter la5 where he had dropped it on the pre$ious ni#ht He pi9=ed it up and #a@ed on it2 helplessl52 wishin# that it 9ould tell hi" about the fate of the #irl after he had left her He tore it up and flun# it on the water As he wat9hed the bits float off on ripples2 he bla"ed hi"self for lea$in# her and #oin# awa5 on the pre$ious ni#ht D ! a" responsible for at least one sui9ide in this tan=2D he often re"ar=ed to hi"self He 9ould ne$er loo= at the blue e>panse of water a#ain with an eas5 "ind E$en "an5 "onths later he 9ould not be 9ertain that the re"ains of a bod5 would not 9o"e up all of a sudden D .ho =nows2 it so"eti"es happens that the bod5 #ets stu9= deep down2D he refle9ted

Years later2 one e$enin# as he stood on the bund and too= a final sur$e5 before #oin# ho"e2 he saw a 9ar draw up on the road below A "an2 a wo"an2 and three 9hildren e"er#ed fro" the 9ar and 9li"bed the bund .hen the5 approa9hed2 the wat9h"an felt a start at his heart E the fi#ure and fa9e of the wo"an see"ed fa"iliar to hi" Thou#h altered b5 5ears2

and orna"ents2 and dress2 he thou#ht that he had now re9o#ni@ed the fa9e he had on9e seen b5 the lantern li#ht He felt e>9ited at this dis9o$er5 He had nu"erous ?uestions to as= He brou#ht to#ether his pal"s and saluted her respe9tfull5 He e>pe9ted she would stop and spea= to hi" %ut she "erel5 threw

:: THE .AT3HMAN at hi" an indifferent #lan9e and passed on He stood starin# after her for a "o"ent2 baffled D (robabl5 this is so"eone elseI' he "uttered and turned to #o ho"e2 resol$in# to dis"iss the whole episode fro" his "ind

+ THE T!GER'S 3LA. THE "an;eater's dar= 9areer was ended The "en who had laid it low were the heroes of the da5 The5 were #arlanded with 9hr5santhe"u" flowers and seated on the ar9h of the hi#hest bullo9= 9art and were paraded in the streets2 i""ediatel5 followed b5 another bullo9=;drawn open 9art2 on whi9h their troph5 la5 with #la@ed e5es o$erflowin# the 9art on e$er5 side2 his tail trailin# the dust The $illa#e suspended all the nor"al a9ti$it5 for the da5 A "en2 wo"en2 and 9hildren thron#ed the hi#hwa5s2 pressin# on with the pro9ession2 e>9itedl5 tal=in# about the ti#er The ti#er had held a rei#n of terror for nearl5 fi$e 5ears2 in the $illa#es that #irt Me"pi forests .e wat9hed fas9inated this s9ene2 driftin# alon# with the 9rowd till the Tal=ati$e Man patted us fro" behind and 9ried A D Lost in wonder H !f 5ou4e had 5our e5efull of that 9ar9ass2 9o"e aside and listen to "e D After the 9rowd sur#ed past us2 he sat us on a ro9= "ount2 under a "ar#osa tree and be#an his tale D ! was on9e 9a"pin# in &oppal2 the "ost obs9ure of all the $illa#es that lie s9attered about the Me"pi re#ion You "i#ht wonder what ! was doin# in that desolate 9orner of the Earth !'ll tell 5ou You re"e"ber !'$e often spo=en to 5ou about "5 wor= as a#ent of a soil fertili@er 9o"pan5 !t was the :-

:7 THE T!GER'S 3LA. "ost "iserable period of "5 life Twent5;fi$e da5s

in the "onth2 ! had to be on the road2 $isitin# noo=s and 9orners of the 9ountr5 and populari@in# the stuff One su9h Courne5 brou#ht "e on to the $illa#e &oppal !t was not reall5 a ' $illa#e ' but Cust a 9learin# with about fort5 houses and two streets2 he""ed in b5 the Cun#le on all sides The pla9e was din#5 and depressin# .h5 our 9o"pan5 should ha$e sou#ht to rea9h a pla9e li=e this for their stuff2 ! 9an't understand The5 would not ha$e =nown of its e>isten9e but for the fa9t that it was on the railwa5 Yes2 a9tuall5 on the railwa52 so"e obs9ure bran9h;line passed throu#h this $illa#e2 thou#h "ost trains did not stop there !ts 9entre of 9i$ili@ation was its railwa5 station presided o$er b5 a porter in blue2 and an old station;"aster2 a wi@ened "an wearin# a #reen turban2 and with red and #reen fla#s alwa5s tu9=ed under his ar"s Let "e tell 5ou about the B station ' !t was not a buildin#2 but an old railwa5 9arria#e2 whi9h2 ha$in# ser$ed its ter" of life2 was depri$ed of its wheels and planted beside the railwa5 lines !t had one or two windows throu#h whi9h the station;"aster issued ti9=ets2 and spo=e to those o99asional passen#ers who turned up in this wilderness A 9on$ol$ulus 9reeper was trained o$er its entran9e A no better use 9ould be found for an e>;9arria#e D One No$e"ber "ornin# a "i>ed train put "e down at this station and puffed awa5 into the forest The station;"aster2 with the fla#s under his ar"2 be9a"e e>9ited on seein# "e He had seen so few tra$ellers arri$in# that it #a$e hi" no end of pleasure to see a new fa9e He appointed hi"self "5 host i""ediatel52 and too= "e into the e>;9o"part"ent and seated "e on a stool He said A ' E>9use "e !'ll #et off these

THE T!GER'S 3LA. :+ papers in a "inute ' He s9rawled o$er so"e brown sheets2 put the" awa5 and rose He lo9=ed up the station2 and too= "e to his ho"e a $er5 tin5 stone buildin# 9onsistin# of Cust one roo"2 a =it9hen2 and a ba9=5ard The station;"aster li$ed here with his wife and se$en 9hildren He fed "e ! 9han#ed He sent the porter alon# with "e to the $illa#e2 whi9h was nearl5 a "ile off in the interior ! #athered about "e the peasants of those fort5 houses and le9tured to the" fro" the p5ol of the head"an's house The5 listened to "e patientl52 re9ei$ed the sa"ples and "5 elaborate dire9tions for their use2 and went awa5 to their respe9ti$e o99upations2 with 95ni9al 9o""ents a"on# the"sel$es re#ardin# "5 ideas of "anurin# ! pa9=ed up and started ba9= for the station;"aster's house at dus=2 "5 throat s"artin# and "5 own words rin#in# in "5 ears Thou#h a 9ouple of trains were now passin#2 the onl5

stoppin# train would be at 1 8< on the followin# "ornin# After dinner at the station;"aster's house2 ! felt the ti"e had 9o"e for "e to lea$e A it would be indeli9ate to sta5 on2 when the entire fa"il5 was waitin# to spread their beds in the hall ! said ! would sleep on the platfor" till "5 train arri$ed 'No2 no2 these are $er5 bad parts Not li=e 5our town 'ull of ti#ers ' the station;"aster said He let "e2 as a spe9ial 9on9ession2 sleep in the ' station ' A hea$5 table2 a 9hair and a stool o99upied "ost of the spa9e in the 9o"part"ent ! pushed the" aside and "ade a little spa9e for "5self in a 9orner !'d at least ei#ht hours before "e ! laid "5self down A all =inds of hu""in# and rustlin# sounds 9a"e throu#h the still ni#ht2 and tele#raph poles and ni#ht inse9ts hu""ed2 and ba"boo bushes 9rea=ed ! #ot up2

-< THE T!GER'S 3LA. bolted the little station door and la5 down2 feelin# forlorn !t be9a"e $er5 war"2 and ! 9ouldn't sleep ! #ot up a#ain2 opened the door sli#htl5 to let in a little air2 pla9ed the 9hair a9ross the door and went ba9= to "5 bed D ! fell asleep and drea"t ! was standin# on the 9rest of a hill and wat9hin# the $alle5 below2 under a pale "oonli#ht 'ar off a line of 9at;li=e 9reatures was "o$in# a9ross the slope2 half shadows2 and ! stood loo=in# at the" ad"irin#l52 for the5 "ar9hed on with #reat ele#an9e ! was so "u9h lost in this $ision that ! hadn't noti9ed that the5 had "o$ed up2 and 9o"e b5 a windin# path ri#ht behind "e ! turned and saw that the5 were not 9at;li=e in si@e but full;#rown ti#ers ! "ade a dash to the onl5 a$ailable shelter the station roo" DAt this point the drea" ended as the 9hair barri; 9adin# the door 9a"e hurtlin# throu#h and fell on "e ! opened "5 e5es and saw at the door a ti#er pushin# hi"self in !t was a "uddled "o"ent for "e A not bein# sure whether the drea" was 9ontinuin# or whether ! was awa=e ! at first thou#ht it was "5 friend the station;"aster who was 9o"in# in2 but "5 drea" had full5 prepared "5 "ind ! saw the thin# dearl5 a#ainst the star;lit s=52 tail wa##in#2 #rowlin#2 and abo$e all2 his terrible e5es #lea"in# throu#h the dar= ! understood that the 'ertili@er 3o"pan5 would ha$e to "ana#e without "5 le9tures fro" the followin# da5 The ti#er hi"self was rather startled b5 the noise of the 9hair2 and stood hesitatin# He saw "e ?uite 9learl5 in "5 9orner2 and he see"ed to be tellin# hi"self A ' M5 dinner is there read52 but let "e first =now what this 9latterin# noise is about + So"ehow wild ani"als are less afraid of hu"an bein#s

THE T!GER'S 3LA. -* than the5 are of pie9es of furniture li=e 9hairs and tables ! ha$e seen 9ir9us "en "ana#in# a whole "ena#erie with nothin# "ore than a 9hair God #i$es us su9h re9olle9tions in order to sa$e us at 9riti9al "o"ents E and as the ti#er stood obser$in# "e and wat9hin# the 9hair2 ! put out "5 hands and with desperate stren#th drew the table towards "e2 and also the stool ! sat with "5 ba9= to the 9orner E the table wed#ed in ni9el5 with the 9orner ! sat under it2 and the stool walled up another side .hile ! dra##ed the table down2 a lot of thin#s fell off it2 a table la"p2 a lon# =nife and pins 'ro" "5 shelter ! peeped at the ti#er2 who was also wat9hin# "e with interest E$identl5 he didn't li=e his "eal to be so 9o"pletel5 shut out of si#ht So he 9autiousl5 ad; $an9ed a step or two2 "a=in# a sort of ru"blin# noise at his throat whi9h see"ed to sha=e up the little station house M5 end was nearin# ! reall5 pitied the wo"an whose lot it was to ha$e be9o"e "5 wife D ! held up the 9hair li=e a shield2 and flourished it2 and the ti#er hesitated and fell ba9= a step or two Now on9e a#ain we spent so"e ti"e wat9hin# for ea9h other's "o$e"ents ! held "5 breath and waited The ti#er stood there fier9el5 wa$in# its tail2 whi9h so"eti"es stru9= the side walls and sent forth a thud He suddenl5 9rou9hed down without ta=in# his e5es off "e2 and s9rat9hed the floor with his daws 9 He is sharpenin# it for "e2' ! told "5self The little sha9= had alread5 a9?uired the s"ell of a @oo !t "ade "e si9= The ti#er =ept s9rat9hin# the floor with his fore;paws !t was the "ost hideous sound 5ou 9ould thin= of DAll of a sudden he spran# up and flun# his entire wei#ht on this lot of furniture ! thou#ht it'd be

-6 THE T!GER'S 3LA. redu9ed to "at9hwood2 but fortunatel52 our railwa5s ha$e a lot of foresi#ht and 9hoose the hea$iest ti"ber for their furniture That sa$ed "e The ti#er 9ould do nothin# "ore than per9h hi"self on the roof of the table and han# down his paws A he tried to stri=e "e down2 but ! parried with the 9hair and stool The table ro9=ed under hi" ! felt s"othered A ! 9ould feel his breath on "e He sat 9o"pletel5 9o$erin# the top2 and went on shootin# his paws in "5 dire9tion He would ha$e s9ooped portions of "e out for his use2 but fortunatel5 ! sat ri#ht in the

9entre2 a hair's;breadth out of his rea9h on an5 side He "ade $i9ious sounds and wri##led o$er "5 head He 9ould ha$e =no9=ed the 9hair to one side and dra##ed "e out2 if he had 9o"e down2 but so"ehow the si#ht of the 9hair see"ed to worr5 hi" for a ti"e He preferred to be out of its rea9h This battle went on for a while2 ! 9annot sa5 how lon# A ti"e had 9o"e to a dead stop in "5 world He Cu"ped down and wal=ed about the table2 loo=in# for a #ap E ! rattled the 9hair a 9ouple of ti"es2 but $er5 soon it lost all its terror for hi" E he patted the 9hair and found that it was inoffensi$e At this dis9o$er5 he tried to hurl it aside %ut ! was too ?ui9= for hi" ! swiftl5 drew it towards "e and wed#ed it ti#ht into the ar9h of the table2 and the stool prote9ted "e on another side ! was "ore or less in a sto9=ade "ade of the le#s of furniture He sat up on his haun9h in front of "e2 wonderin# how best to #et at "e Now the 9hair2 table2 and stool had for"ed a solid blo9= with "e at their heart2 and the5 9ould withstand all his tri9=s He s9rutini@ed "5 arran#e"ent with #reat interest2 espied a #ap2 and thrust his paw in !t dan#led in "5 e5es with the 9ur$ed 9laws openin# out

THE T!GER'S 3LA. -8 towards "e ! felt $er5 an#r5 at the si#ht of it .h5 should ! allow the offensi$e to be de$eloped all in his own wa5F ! felt $er5 indi#nant The lon# =nife fro" the station;"aster's table was l5in# nearb5 ! pi9=ed it up and dro$e it in He withdrew his paw2 "addened b5 pain He Cu"ped up and nearl5 brou#ht down the roo"2 and then tried to 9ra9= to bits the entire sto9=ade He did not su99eed He on9e a#ain thrust his paw in ! e"plo5ed the lon# =nife to #ood purpose and 9ut off a di#it with the 9law on it !t was a fi#ht to a finish between hi" and "e He returned a#ain and a#ain to the 9har#e And ! 9ut out2 let "e 9onfess2 three 9laws2 before ! had done with hi" ! had be9o"e as blood;thirst5 as he /Those 9laws2 "ounted on #old2 are han#in# around the ne9=s of "5 three dau#hters You 9an 9o"e and see the" if 5ou li=e so"eti"e 0 DAt about fi$e in the "ornin# the station;"aster and the porter arri$ed2 and inno9entl5 wal=ed in The "o"ent the5 stepped in the ti#er left "e and turned on the" The5 both ran at top speed The station;"aster flew ba9= to his house and shut the door The porter on fleet foot went up a tree2 with the ti#er halfwa5 up behind hi" Thus the5 stopped2 starin# at ea9h other till the #oods train lu"bered in after 1 8< !t hissed and whistled and bel9hed fire2 till the ti#er too= hi"self down and bolted a9ross the lines into the Cun#le

DHe did not $isit these parts a#ain2 thou#h one was 9onstantl5 hearin# of his ra$a#es ! did not "eet hi" a#ain till a few "o"ents a#o when ! saw hi" ridin# in that bullo9= 9art ! instantl5 re9o#ni@ed hi" b5 his ri#ht forepaw2 where three toes and 9laws are "issin# You see"ed to be so "u9h lost in

-, THE T!GER'S 3LA. ad"iration for those people who "et the ti#er at their own 9on$enien9e2 with #un and 9o"pan52 thfrt ! thou#ht 5ou "i#ht #i$e a little 9redit to a fellow who has fa9ed the sa"e ani"al2 alone2 barehanded Hen9e this narration D .hen the Tal=ati$e Man left us we "o$ed on to the s?uare where the5 were =eepin# the troph5 in $iew and hero;worshippin# and fetin# the hunters2 who were awaitin# a lorr5 fro" the town .e pushed throu#h the 9rowd2 and be##ed to be shown the ri#ht forepaw of the ti#er So"ebod5 lowered a #as la"p Yes2 three toes were "issin#2 and a bla9= deep s9ar "ar=ed the spot The "an who 9ut it off "ust ha$e dri$en his =nife with the power of a ha""er To a ?uestion2 the hunters replied A D 3an't sa5 how it happens .e'$e "et a few instan9es li=e this !t's said that so"e forest tribes2 if the5 9at9h a ti#er 9ub2 9ut off its 9laws for so"e talis"an2 and let it #o The5 do not usuall5 =ill 9ubs D

*< THE (ER'ORM!NG 3H!LD THE 9hild was still in bed drea"in# A she was #i$en a #reen railwa5 en#ine Cust lar#e enou#h to a99o""odate her She #ot into it and dro$e it all o$er the #arden Near the Cas"ine plant she stopped it for a while2 and put her hand out of the window to plu9= flowers2 and then the en#ine too= her under the red flowers of a 9reeper han#in# o$er a wall at the end of the street And then she dro$e all b5 herself to the @oo and all the "on=e5s there wanted to ride Of 9ourse there was no roo" for all of the" She had Cust enou#h spa9e for herself and the bald doll She applied so"e hair oil and the doll be#an to ha$e su9h lon# tresses that she braided the" and put Cas"ine into the" E and she 9lothed the doll in a #reen fro9= and the doll said how ni9e it was Of 9ourse there were ba#s and ba#s of sweets s9attered all o$er the floor of the en#ine She was Cust stoopin# to pi9= up a handful of 9ho9olates when "other's $oi9e 9alled A D &utti H &utti H #et up D And &utti 9a"e

out of the drea"

D Get up2 it is ei#ht o'9lo9= 'B

D Oh2 "other2 wh5 did 5ou disturb "e now F !t was su9h a beautiful en#ine Lust let "e sleep a#ain The doll wants to #o ho"e D D The5 will be 9o"in# now2 and 5ou "ust be read52 "5 dear And if the5 li=e 5our dan9in# the5 will #i$e 5ou so "u9h "one5 E 5ou 9an bu5 ten dolls and en#ines D B -1

-: THE (ER'ORM!NG 3H!LD D !s it true2 "other F D D 3ertainl52 dear lot of "one5 D Get up The5 will #i$e 5ou a

D %ut ! thin= 5ou will ta=e awa5 all the "one5 E and ! won't be able to bu5 what ! want D D ! pro"ise2 5ou shall ha$e all the "one52 but onl5 on 9ondition that 5ou dan9e and sin# as 5ou did in 5our s9hool the other da5 D Two people who were 9onne9ted with the fil"s had seen &utti dan9e and sin# in her s9hool and the5 were now 9o"in# to see her This was a sudden burst of #ood fortune for the fa"il5 E &utti's father was a s9hool "aster earnin# fift5 rupees a "onth and with it he had to pa5 for &utti's edu9ation2 pa5 off instal; "ents of a 9o;operati$e debt in9urred for his sister's "arria#e2 and also run the household 'or two 5ears this had been a "aCor worr5 for the fa"il52 and it had #i$en &utti's father a per"anent loo= of harass; "ent And now in a "ost une>pe9ted "anner relief see"ed to be 9o"in# A the debt 9ould be ti9=ed off E the pie9es of Ceweller5 pled#ed with a ban=er 9ould be released and &utti's "other 9ould on9e a#ain hold up her head before her friends D How "u9h are 5ou #oin# to de"and F D she often as=ed her husband and was told A D At least ten thousand rupees2 not an annas less D At nine o'9lo9= the fil" people arri$ed One of the" was elderl5 and wore dia"ond rin#s on his fin#ers2 and the other was s"art2 and wore a tweed suit and ri"less #lasses E the5 too= the two ri9=ett5 9hairs offered to the" b5 &utti's father The5 loo=ed too i"posin# in this hu"ble ho"e E the roof see"ed to be 9oinin# down and tou9hin# their heads the5 #a$e su9h an i"pression of bein# hi#h and stoopin#

THE (ER'ORM!NG 3H!LD -The5 spent a few "inutes in inanities and then the s"art "an said2 loo=in# at his wat9h A D .e'$e not "u9h ti"e to spare .ill 5ou 9all up the 9hild F D &utti 9a"e into the hall2 dressed for the o99asion b5 her "other A her hair was plaited ti#ht and had flowers E she wore a 9he?uered sil= s=irt2 and a #reen Ca9=et2 and had a $er"ilion dot on her forehead Her father loo=ed at her with pride The elderl5 "an held out a pa9=et of 9ho9olates &utti hesitated2 loo=in# at her father for per"ission The elderl5 "an #ot up and thrust it in her hand and as=ed2 D Do 5ou li=e 9ine"as2 9hild F D D No2D &utti replied pro"ptl52 leanin# on her father's =nees D.h5 notFD D %e9ause the5 are so dar=2D replied &utti The s"art "an was $iewin# her #estures and "o$e"ents 9riti9all5 He said as if tal=in# in a drea" A D !'d li=e to see her in a fro9= E and her hair to be untied This old;fashioned dressin# "a=es her loo= older than she reall5 is 3an't 5ou put her into a fro9= nowFD D Now F D as=ed father in 9onsternation2 and told his dau#hter A D Get into a fro9=2 &utti2 and undo 5our hair D D Let it fall down on 5our ne9=2D said the s"art "an &utti loo=ed sullen D And where will the flowers be F D she as=ed "ust =eep the flowers D D All ri#ht2 let 5our hair alone2 a fro9= D D ! li=e this s=irt2D said &utti D 4er5 well E don't worr5 no$ it later2D said the s"art "an D !

-7 THE (ER'ORM!NG 3H!LD D .ill 5ou sin# the pie9e 5ou san# in 5our s9hool the other da52 and dan9e F D

DNo2D said &utti D!'$e for#otten elderl5 "an fu"bled in his po9=et another pie9e of 9ho9olate D And that son# and 5ou 9an ha$e this D her father

it D The and brou#ht out now bab52 #i$e us &utti loo=ed at

D Go on2 sin#2D he said2 whi9h "eant to her b5 i"pli9ation D Yes2 5ou "a5 a99ept the 9ho9olate D Her "other's $oi9e said fro" an inner roo" A D Go on2 &utti2 be a #ood #irl D And &utti opened her "outh and her shrill $oi9e san# an in$itation to Lord &rishna Her e5es dan9ed as if the5 beheld &rishna before the" E her ar"s be9=oned hi"2 and her feet were tre"ulous E with e$er5 "us9le in her bod5 she enri9hed the son# She was a born dan9er2 a born a9tress She 9ould 9onCure up with her $oi9e2 e>pression2 and "o$e"ent2 a $ision for others 'or a "o"ent that hu"ble roo"2 with its ri9=ett5 9hairs2 and fadin# prints of #ods in fra"es2 and dust5 floor2 a9?uired the at"osphere of a fair5;land for the #ods to 9o"e and #o A &rishna2 an en9hantin# bab52 toddled up and re$ealed the uni$erse in his "outh when his "other loo=ed in to see if he had put an5thin# in his "outh E and then when #rown up2 the leader of a #an# of disreputable 5oun#sters =eepin# the nei#hbourhood in tantru"s E and then the di$ine lo$er wrin#in# the heart of#opis and he $anished abruptl52 the fair5 hall $anished2 and the fadin# prints in fra"es2 and the ri9=ett5 9hairs 9a"e into $iew a#ain when &utti's $oi9e 9eased She too= breath and loo=ed around at her audien9e The s"art "an spran# forward2 too= her in his ar"s2 =issed her2 hu##ed her and would not put her downB

THE (ER'ORM!NG 3H!LD -+ He said to his 9o"panion A D This is a "ar$ellous 9hild2 Cust the =id for the pi9ture ! shall refuse to #o on with 5our pi9ture unless 5ou ta=e in this =id2 understand F D D 3ertainl52 9ertainl5 D D .e are #oin# now2 and 9o"in# ba9= at about four in the afternoon2 and if 5ou don't "ind ! would li=e to ta=e the =id to the studio and test her before a 9a"era and "i=e D As the5 were lea$in#2 the elderl5 "an said to &utti's father A D .e li=e 5our 9hild $er5 "u9h ! hope she will be fa"ous $er5 soon !f 5ou are free2 ! would li=e to ha$e a word with 5ou in the e$enin# D The whole da5 the husband and wife 9ould thin=

and tal= of nothin# but their 9hild E>isten9e had a9?uired a sudden s"oothness and ri9hness D ! suppose this is how the ri9h people feel2D said &utti's father D No "ort#a#es2 no debts2 "one5 for e$er5thin# See here2 "5 #irl2 ! "a5 e$en throw up this dirt5 wor= and do so"ethin# else After this pi9ture the bab5 will be in de"and e$er5where ! will bu5 a house for her in the e>tension D D Don't fail to #i$e her the en#ine she is as=in# for2 and the doll the bald doll A #irl has one in her s9hool and &utti has been 9r5in# for it ni#ht and da5 !t see"s that it 9osts about si> rupees D D Let it 9ost si>t5 rupees The 9hild 9an ha$e it D .h5 should we 9are F

&utti was dressed and read5 at three o'9lo9= Her "other had ta=en 9are to lea$e her hair free E and put her into a fro9= &utti was furious D ! hate this fro9=2 "other E wh5 do 5ou put "e into this dirt5 fro9= F D She said tu##in# her hair A D ! want to

7o THE (ER'ORM!NG 3H!LD ha$e this tied up You understand F ! don't 9are2 ! don't 9are D Her "other 9al"ed her2 and she went out to pla5 in the ba9=5ard D Ta=e 9are that 5ou don't "a=e 5ourself dirt52D said her "other At four o'9lo9= when the fil" people arri$ed &utti's father went to the ba9=5ard to fet9h her She was not to be seen He as=ed his wife A D .here is &utti F D D She was in the ba9=5ard She "a5 be in the ne>t house ! will see D She returned a few "inutes later D She is not in that house2 nor in the ne>t one .here 9ould she ha$e #one F D The s"art "an waited for fifteen "inutes and then said A D .e will be in the studio As soon as 5ou find the 9hild2 will 5ou brin# her o$er F D D Yes2D said &utti's father Then be#an a sear9h for &utti Her "other wandered up and down the street E her father went to her s9hool An hour later the5 be9a"e desperate The5 had loo=ed into e$er5 9orner of the house2 9alled D &utti2 &utti2D a s9ore of ti"es and had #one and en?uired in e$er5 possible pla9e Mother be9a"e h5steri9al2 threw herself on the floor and be#an to

9r5 E father stood in the doorwa5 9o"pletel5 beaten b5 the "5ster5 His wife's despair affe9ted hi" He hi"self wondered if an5bod5 had =idnapped the 9hild Su9h thin#s were 9o""on (eople were =nown to #i$e dru##ed sweets to 9hildren and 9arr5 the" awa5 He told his wife2 D !'ll be ba9= in a "o"ent2D and went out to ha$e a tal= with his friends in the poli9e station Lon# after he was #one2 his wife after a spas" of weepin# #ot up She loo=ed a#ain into e$er5 9orner of e$er5 roo" At last she noti9ed a sli#ht stirrin# in a linen bas=et =ept in an ante;roo" She opened the lid and loo=ed in &utti was 9urled up

THE (ER'ORM!NG 3H!LD 7* at its dar= botto" with her unbraided hair 9o$erin# her fa9e D &utti H &utti H D the "other s9rea"ed2 and ro9=ed the bas=et The 9hild didn't stir The "other di$ed into it and brou#ht out the 9hild She 9arried her in her ar"s and ran out of the house2 down the street D M5 9hild is dead2 ta=e "e to a do9tor2D she wailed So"eone too= pit5 on her2 and put her into a Cut=a and too= her to the hospital The do9tor felt her pulse and heart2 and said2 D She has onl5 swooned E 5ou'$e not been a "inute too soon E don't #et e>9ited She will be all ri#ht D He laid the 9hild on a table !n an hour &utti sat up and lo9=ed her ar"s around her "other's ne9= Mother 9ried with Co5 E and too= her in her ar"s On the .a5 ho"e "other as=ed A D .hat "ade 5ou #et into the bas=et2 9hild F D &utti paused for a while2 and as=ed with pu9=ered brow A D Are those people #one F D D .ho F D D The 9ine"a "en D D Yes D D Mother2 if the5 e$er 9o"e to our house a#ain2 ! will #et into the bas=et on9e "ore and ne$er 9o"e out of it D Mother hu##ed her 9lose and said2 D Don't fear ! will see that the5 don't trouble 5ou e$er an5 "ore D

** !S.ARAN .HEN the whole of the student world in Mal#udi

was 9on$ulsed with e>9ite"ent2 on a 9ertain e$enin# in Lune when the !nter"ediate E>a"ina; tion results were bein# e>pe9ted2 !swaran went about his business2 loo=in# $er5 un9on9erned and deta9hed ' He had earned the reputation of ha$in# a#ed in the !nter"ediate 3lass He entered the !nter"ediate 3lass in Albert Mission 3olle#e as a 5oun#ster2 with faint down on his upper lip Now he was still there2 his fi#ure had #rown brawn5 and athleti92 and his 9hin had be9o"e tanned and leather5 So"e people e$en said that 5ou 9ould see #re5 hairs on his head The first ti"e when he failed2 his parents s5"pathi@ed with hi"2 the se9ond ti"e also he "ana#ed to #et their s5"pathies2 and subse?uentl5 the5 #rew "ore 9riti9al and unsparin#2 and after repeated failures the5 lost all interest in his e>a"ination He was often told b5 his parents2 D .h5 don't 5ou dis9ontinue 5our studies2 and tr5 to do so"ethin# useful F D He alwa5s pleaded2 D Let "e ha$e this one last 9han9eI' He 9lun# to uni$ersit5 edu9ation with a fero9ious de$otion And now the whole town was a#o# with the e>pe9tation of the results in the e$enin# %o5s "o$ed about the street in #roups E and on the sands of 7B

!S.ARAN 78 Sara5u the5 sat in 9lusters2 ner$ousl5 s"ilin# and bitin# their fin#er nails Others hun# about the #ates of the senate hall starin# an>iousl5 at the walls behind whi9h a "eetin# was #oin# on As "u9h as the bo5s2 if not "ore2 the parents were a#itated2 e>9ept !swaran's2 who2 when the5 heard their nei#hbours dis9ussin# their son's possible future results2 re"ar=ed with a si#h A D No su9h worr5 for !swaran His results are fa"ous and =nown to e$er5one in ad$an9e D !swaran said fa9etiousl52 D ! ha$e2 perhaps2 passed this ti"e2 father2 who =nows F ! did stud5 ?uite hard D DYou are the #reatest opti"ist in !ndia at the "o"ent E but for this obstinate hope 5ou would ne$er ha$e appeared for the sa"e e>a"ination e$er5 5ear D D ! failed onl5 in Lo#i92 $er5 narrowl52 last 5ear2D he defended hi"self At whi9h the whole fa"il5 lau#hed D !n an5 9ase2 wh5 don't 5ou #o and wait alon# with the other bo5s2 and loo= up 5our

results F D his "other as=ed D Not at all ne9essar52D !swaran replied D !f ! pass the5 will brin# ho"e the news Do 5ou thin= ! saw "5 results last 5ear F ! spent "5 ti"e in a 9ine"a ! sat throu#h two shows 9onse9uti$el5 D He hu""ed as he went in for a wash before dressin# to #o out He 9o"bed his hair with deliberate 9are2 the "ore so be9ause he =new e$er5bod5 loo=ed on hi" as a sort of an out9ast for failin# so often He =new that behind hi" the whole fa"il5 and the town were lau#hin# He felt that the5 re"ar=ed a"on# the"sel$es that washin#2 9o"bin# his hair2 and puttin# on a well;ironed 9oat2 were lu>uries too far abo$e his state He was a failure and had no ri#ht to su9h

7, !S.ARAN lu>uries He was treated as a sort of thi9=;s=inned idiot %ut he did not 9are He answered their attitude b5 beha$in# li=e a desperado He swun# his ar"s2 strode up and down2 bra##ed and shouted2 and went to a 9ine"a %ut all this was onl5 a "as= )nder it was a 9reature hopelessl5 seared b5 failure2 desperatel5 lon#in# and pra5in# for su99ess On the da5 of the results he was2 inwardl52 in a tre"blin# suspense D Mother2D he said as he went out2 D don't e>pe9t "e for dinner toni#ht ! will eat so"ethin# in a hotel and sit throu#h both the shows at the (ala9e Tal=ies D E"er#in# fro" 4ina5a= Street2 he saw a #roup of bo5s "o$in# up the Mar=et Road towards the 3olle#e So"eone as=ed A D !swaran2 9o"in# up to see the results FD D Yes2 5es2 presentl5 %ut now ! ha$e to be #oin# on an ur#ent business D D .here F D D(ala9e Tal=ies D At this all the bo5s lau#hed D You see" to =now 5our result alread5 Do 5ou F D D ! do Otherwise do 5ou thin= ! would be 9elebratin# it with a pi9ture F D D .hat is 5our nu"ber F D D Se$en Ei#ht 'i$e2D he said2 #i$in# the first set of nu"bers that 9a"e to his head The #roup passed on Co=in# A D .e =now 5ou are #oin# to #et a first;9lass this ti"e D He sat in a far;off 9orner in the four;anna 9lass He loo=ed about A not a sin#le student in the whole theatre All the students of the town were near the

Senate House2 waitin# for their results !swaran felt $er5 unhapp5 to be the onl5 student in the whole theatre So"ehow fate see"ed to ha$e isolated hi"

!S.ARAN 71 fro" his fellow;bein#s in e$er5 respe9t He felt $er5 depressed and unhapp5 He felt an utter distaste for hi"self Soon the li#hts went out and the show started a Ta"il fil" with all the =nown #ods in it He soon lost hi"self in the politi9s and stru##les of #ods and #oddesses E he sat rapt in the $ision of a hea$enl5 world whi9h so"e fil" dire9tor had 9hosen to present This feli9it5 of for#etfulness lasted but half an hour Soon the heroine of the stor5 sat on a low bran9h of a tree in paradise and wouldn't "o$e out of the pla9e She sat there sin#in# a son# for o$er half an hour This portion tired !swaran2 and now there returned all the old pains and #loo" D Oh2 lad52D !swaran appealed D Don't add to "5 troubles2 please "o$e on D As if she heard this appeal the lad5 "o$ed off2 and bri#hter thin#s followed A battle2 a delu#e2 so"ebod5 droppin# headlon# fro" 9loudland2 and so"ebod5 9o"in# up fro" the bed of an o9ean2 a rain of fire2 a rain of flowers2 people d5in#2 people risin# fro" #ra$es2 and so on All =inds of thrills o99urred on that white s9reen be5ond the pall of toba99o s"o=e The 9ontinuous babble on and off the s9reen2 "usi9 and shoutin#2 the 9r5 of pedlars sellin# soda2 the unrestrained 9o""ents of the spe9tators all this din and 9o""otion helped !swaran to for#et the senate house and student life for a few hours The show ended at ten o'9lo9= in the ni#ht A 9rowd was waitin# at the #ate for the ni#ht show !swaran wal=ed a9ross to DAnanda %ha$anD a restaurant opposite to the (ala9e Tal=ies The proprietor2 a #enial %o"ba5 "an2 was a friend of his and 9ried A D !shwar Sab2 the results were announ9ed toda5 .hat about 5ours F D

7: !S.ARAN D ! did not write an5 e>a"ination this 5ear2D !swaran said D .h52 wh52 ! thou#ht 5ou did pa5 5our e>a"ination fees H D !swaran lau#hed D You are ri#ht ! ha$e passed "5 !nter"ediate Cust this e$enin# D

D Ah2 how $er5 #ood How 9le$er 5ou "ust be H !f 5ou pra5 to Hanu"an he will alwa5s brin# 5ou su99ess .hat are 5ou #oin# to do ne>t F D D ! will #o to a hi#her 9lass2 that is all2D !swaran said He ordered a few titbits and 9offee and rose to #o As he paid his bill and wal=ed out2 the hotel proprietor said2 D Don't lea$e "e out when 5ou are #i$in# a dinner to 9elebrate 5our su99ess D !swaran a#ain pur9hased a ti9=et and went ba9= to the pi9ture On9e "ore all the strifes and stru##les and intri#ues of #ods were repeated before hi" He was on9e a#ain lost in it .hen he saw on the s9reen so"e 5oun# "en of his a#e sin#in# as the5 sported in the waters of so"e distant hea$en2 he said D .ell "i#ht 5ou do it2 bo5s ! suppose2 5ou ha$e no e>a"; ination where 5ou are D And he was sei@ed with a lon#in# to belon# to that world Now the leadin# lad5 sat on the low bran9h of a tree and started sin#in# and !swaran lost interest in the pi9ture He loo=ed about for the first ti"e He noti9ed2 in the se"i;dar=ness2 se$eral #roups of bo5s in the hall happ5 #roups He =new that the5 "ust all ha$e seen their results2 and 9o"e now to 9elebrate their su99ess There were at least fift5 He =new that the5 "ust be a happ5 and #a5 lot2 with their lips red with 9hewin# betel lea$es He =new that all of the" would fo9us their attention on hi" the "o"ent li#hts went up The5 would all ra# hi" about his

!S.ARAN 7results all the old tedious Co=in# o$er a#ain2 and all the tireso"e pose of a desperado He felt thorou#hl5 si9= of the whole business He would not stand an5 "ore of it the "irthful fa9es of these "en of su99ess and their leer He was 9ertain the5 would all loo= on hi" with the feelin# that he had no business to see= the pleasure of a pi9ture on that da5 He "o$ed on to a "ore obs9ure 9orner of the hall He loo=ed at the s9reen2 nothin# there to 9heer hi" A the leadin# lad5 was still there2 and he =new she would 9ertainl5 sta5 there for the ne>t twent5 "inutes sin#in# her "asterpie9e He was o$er9o"e with deCe9tion He rose2 silentl5 ed#ed towards the e>it2 and was out of the theatre in a "o"ent He felt a loathin# for hi"self after seein# those su99essful bo5s D ! a" not fit to li$e A fellow who 9annot pass an e>a"ination D This idea de$eloped in his "ind a #lorious solution to all diffi9ulties Die and #o to a world where there were 5oun# "en free fro"

e>a"ination who sported in lotus pools in paradise No bothers2 no dis#ustin# Senate House wall to #a@e on hopelessl52 5ear after 5ear This solution suddenl5 brou#ht hi" a feelin# of relief He felt li#hter He wal=ed a9ross to the hotel The hotel "an was about to rise and #o to bed D SaitCi2D !swaran said D (lease for#i$e "5 troublin# 5ou now Gi$e "e a pie9e of paper and pen9il ! ha$e to note down so"ethin# ur#entl5 D D So late as this2D said the hotel "an and #a$e hi" a slip of paper and a pen9il stub !swaran wrote down a "essa#e for his father2 folded the slip2 and pla9ed it 9arefull5 in the inner po9=et of his 9oat He returned the pen9il and stepped out of the hotel He had onl5 the stret9h of the Ra9e 3ourse Road2

77 !S.ARAN and turnin# to his ri#ht2 half the Mar=et Road to tra$erse2 and then Ella"an Street2 and then Sara5u !ts dar= swirlin# waters would 9lose on hi" and end all his "iseries D ! "ust lea$e this letter in "5 9oat po9=et and re"e"ber to lea$e "5 9oat on the ri$er step2D he told hi"self He was soon out of Ella"an Street His feet plou#hed throu#h the sands of the ri$er ban= He 9a"e to the ri$er steps2 re"o$ed his 9oat bris=l52 and went down the steps D Oh2 God2D he "uttered with folded hands2 loo=in# up at his stars D !f ! 9an't pass an e>a"ination e$en with a tenth atte"pt2 what is the use of "5 li$in# and dis#ra9in# the world F D His feet were in water He loo=ed o$er his shoulder at the 9luster of uni$ersit5 buildin#s There was a li#ht burnin# in the por9h of the Senate House !t was nearin# "idni#ht !t was a ?uarter of an hour's wal= .h5 not wal= a9ross and ta=e a last Loo= at the results board F !n an5 9ase he was #oin# to die2 and wh5 should he shir= and tre"ble before the board He 9a"e out of the water and went up the steps2 lea$in# his 9oat behind2 and he wal=ed a9ross the sand So"ewhere a ti"e #on# stru9= twel$e2 stars spar=led o$erhead2 the ri$er flowed on with a "ur"ur E and "is9ellaneous ni#ht sounds e"anated fro" the bushes on the ban= A 9old wind blew on his wet2 sand;9o$ered feet He entered the Senate por9h with a defiant heart D ! a" in no fear of an5thin# here2D he "uttered The Senate House was deserted2 not a sound an5where The whole buildin# was in dar=ness2 e>9ept the stair9ase landin# where a lar#e bulb was burnin# And noti9e;boards hun# on the wall His heart palpitated as he stood tiptoe to s9an the


%5 the li#ht of the bulb he s9rutini@ed the

!S.ARAN 7+ nu"bers His throat went dr5 He loo=ed throu#h the nu"bers of people who had passed in Third; Glass His own nu"ber was 1<* The su99essful nu"ber before hi" was ,+72 and after that -<8 DSo ! ha$e a few friends on either side2D he said with a for9ed "irth He had a wild hope as he approa9hed the senate hall that so"ehow his nu"ber would ha$e found a pla9e in the list of su99essful 9andidates He had spe9ulated how he should feel after that He would rush ho"e2 and de"and that the5 ta=e ba9= all their 9o""ents with apolo#ies %ut now after #a@in# at the noti9e;board for ?uite a while the #ri" realit5 of his failure dawned on hi"2 his nu"ber was nowhere D The ri$er D he said He felt desolate li=e a 9onde"ned "an who had a sudden but false pro"ise of reprie$e D The ri$er2D !swaran "uttered D ! a" #oin#2D he told the noti9e; board2 and "o$ed a few steps D ! ha$en't seen how "an5 ha$e obtained honours D He loo=ed at the noti9e;board on9e a#ain He #a@ed at the top 9olu"ns of the results 'irst 9lasses 9uriousl5 enou#h a fellow with nu"ber one se9ured a first;9lass2 and si> others D Good fellows2 wonder how the5 "ana#e it H D he said with ad"iration His e5es tra$elled down to se9ond 9lasses it was in two lines startin# with +7 There were about fifteen He loo=ed fi>edl5 at ea9h nu"ber before #oin# on to the ne>t He 9a"e to 81<2 after that ,<<2 and after that 1<* and then :<< D 'i$e Nou#ht One in Se9ond;Glass H 3an it be true F D he shrie=ed He loo=ed at the nu"ber a#ain and a#ain Yes2 there it was He had obtained a se9ond;9lass D !f this is true ! shall sit in the % A 9lass ne>t "onth2D he shouted His $oi9e ran# throu#h the silent buildin# D ! will fla5 ali$e an5one who

+< !S.ARAN 9alls "e a fool hereafter D he pro9lai"ed He felt sli#htl5 #idd5 He leant a#ainst the wall Years of strain and suspense were suddenl5 rela>ed E and he 9ould hardl5 bear the for9e of this release %lood ra9ed alon# his $eins and hea$ed and =no9=ed under his s=ull He steadied hi"self with an effort He softl5 hu""ed a tune to hi"self He felt he was the sole o99upant of the world and its o$erlord He thu"ped his 9hest and addressed the noti9e;board A D &now who ! a" F D He stro=ed an i"a#inar5 "ousta9he arro#antl52 lau#hed to hi"self2 and as=ed2 D !s the horse read52 #roo" F D He threw a super9ilious

side #lan9e at the noti9e;board and strutted out li=e a =in# He stood on the last step of the por9h and loo=ed for his steed He waited for a "inute and 9o""anded2 D 'ool2 brin# the horse nearer Do 5ou hear F D The horse was brou#ht nearer He "ade a "o$e"ent as if "ountin# and whipped his horse into a fur5 His $oi9e ran# throu#h the dar= ri$er side2 ur#in# the horse on He swun# his ar"s and ran alon# the sands He shouted at the top of his $oi9e E D &eep off E the =in# is 9o"in# E whoe$er 9o"es his wa5 will be tra"pled D D ! ha$e fi$e hundred and one horses2D he spo=e to the ni#ht The nu"ber stu9= in his "ind and =ept 9o"in# up a#ain and a#ain He ran the whole len#th of the ri$er ban= up and down So"ehow this did not satisf5 hi" D (ri"e Minister2D he said D This horse is no #ood %rin# "e the other fi$e hundred and one horses2 the5 are all in se9ond;9lasses D He #a$e a =i9= to the horsft whi9h he and dro$e it off 4er5 soon the (ri"e brou#ht hi" another horse He "ounted di#nit52 and said2 D This is better D had been ridin# Minister it with Now he #alloped

!S.ARAN +* about on his horse !t was a stran#e si#ht !n the di" star li#ht2 alone at that hour2 "a=in# a tap;tap with his ton#ue to i"itate #allopin# hoofs .ith one hand swin#in# and tu##in# the reins2 and with the other stro=in# his "ousta9he defiantl5 he ur#ed the horse on and on until it attained the speed of a stor" He felt li=e a 9on?ueror as the air rushed about hi" Soon he 9rossed the whole stret9h of sand He 9a"e to the water's ed#e2 hesitated for a "o"ent and whispered to his horse A D Are 5ou afraid of water F You "ust swi" a9ross2 otherwise ! will ne$er pa5 fi$e nou#ht one rupees for 5ou D He felt the horse "a=e a leap Ne>t afternoon his bod5 9a"e up at a spot about a ?uarter of a "ile down the 9ourse of the ri$er Mean; while so"e persons had alread5 pi9=ed up the 9oat left on the step2 and dis9o$ered in the inner po9=et the slip of paper with the ins9ription A D M5 dear father A %5 the ti"e 5ou see this letter ! shall be at the botto" of Sara5u ! don't want to li$e Don't worr5 about "e You ha$e other sons who are not su9h dun9es as ! a" D

*6 THE E4EN!NG G!'T HE had a "ost 9urious o99upation in life Ha$in# failed in e$er5 effort he had to a99ept it with #ratitude and enthusias" E he re9ei$ed thirt5 rupees a "onth for it He li$ed on fifteen rupees in a 9heap hotel2 where he was #i$en a sort of bun= on the loft2 with rafters tou9hin# his head He sa$ed fifteen rupees for pa5in# off the fa"il5 loan in the $illa#e in9urred o$er his sister's "arria#e He added a rupee or two to his in9o"e b5 fillin# "one5 order for"s and post;9ards for unlettered $illa#ers2 who" he "et on the post offi9e $eranda %ut his "ain wor= was $er5 odd His business 9onsisted in =eepin# a wealth5 drun=ard 9o"pan5 This wealth5 "an wanted so"e one to 9he9= his drin= after nine in the e$enin#2 and ta=e hi" ho"e San=ar's ph5si?ue ?ualified hi" for this tas= D Don't hesitate to use for9e on "e if ne9essar52D his e"plo5er had told hi" %ut it was ne$er done San=ar did all that he 9ould b5 persuasion and it was a ?uite fa"iliar si#ht at the Oriental 3afe %ar the wran#lin# #oin# on between the e"plo5er and his ser$ant %ut San=ar with a "ar#in of fi$e "inutes alwa5s su99eeded in wrestin# the #entle"an fro" his 9ups and pushin# hi" into his 9ar On the followin# "ornin# he was as=ed A D .hat ti"e did we rea9h ho"e last ni#ht F D D Nine fifteen2 sir D D Did 5ou ha$e "u9h trouble F D +B


DNo2 D Nine fifteen H $er5 #ood2 $er5 #ood !'" #lad On no a99ount should 5ou let "e sta5 on be5ond nine2 e$en if ! a" in 9o"pan5 D D Yes2 sir D D You "a5 #o now2 and be sure to be ba9= in the e$enin# in ti"e D That finished his "ornin# dut5 He went ba9= to his #arret2 slept part of the da52 loitered about post offi9es2 9ourts2 et9 2 and returned to wor= at si> o'9lo9= D 3o"e on2D said his e"plo5er who waited for hi"

on the $eranda2 and San=ar #ot into the front seat of the 9ar and the5 dro$e off to the Oriental 3afe Toda5 he was in a depressed state2 he felt si9= of his profession2 the perpetual 9aColin# and bull5in#2 the 9o"pan5 of a drun=ard He nearl5 "ade up his "ind to throw up this wor= and #o ba9= to the $illa#e A nostal#ia for his ho"e and people sei@ed hi" D ! don't 9are what happens2 ! will #et ba9= ho"e and do so"ethin# else to earn this "one5 D On top of this "ood a letter fro" ho"e A D Send a hundred rupees i""ediatel5 Last date for "ort#a#e instal; "ent Otherwise we shall lose our house D He was appalled H .here 9ould he find the "one5 F .hat was the wa5 out F He 9ursed his lot "ore than e$er He sat for a lon# ti"e thin=in# of a wa5 out D Our #ood old ho"e H Let it #o if it is to #o D !t was their last possession in this world !f it went2 his "other2 brothers2 and his little sister would ha$e to wander about without a roof o$er their heads %ut 9ould he find a hundred rupees F .hat did the5 "ean b5 puttin# it off till the last "o"entF He 9ursed his lot for bein# the eldest son of a troubled fa"il5

+, THE E4EN!NG G!'T He swun# into dut5 as usual He held the 9urtain apart for his "aster as he entered the 9ubi9le He pressed a bell He "i#ht be a "a9hine2 doin# this thin# for thirt5 da5s in the "onth for nearl5 twel$e "onths now The waiter appeared No tal= was ne9essar5 San=ar nodded The waiter went awa5 and returned a few "inutes later with an unopened flat bottle2 a soda2 and a #lass tu"bler E pla9ed these on the table and withdrew D %rin# this "aster a le"on s?uash2D the #entle"an said D No2 sir D San=ar would repl5 E this ritual was repeated e$er5 da5 Now San=ar's business would be to pour out a "easure of drin= into the tu"bler2 push it up2 and pla9e the soda near at hand2 #o out on to the $eranda2 and read a newspaper there /with the flat bottle in his po9=et02 and sta5 there till he was 9alled in a#ain to fill the #lass %5 about ten to nine the last oun9e of drin= would be poured out2 and San=ar would sit down opposite to his "aster instead of #oin# out to the $eranda This was a sort of warnin# bell

D .h5 do 5ou sit here F Go to the $eranda D D ! li=e this pla9e2 sir2 and ! will sit here D D !t is not ti"e for 5ou to 9o"e in 5et D DLust ten "inutes "ore2 sir D D Nonsense !t is Cust se$en o'9lo9= D

D About two hours a#o D D You people see" to turn up the 9lo9= Cust as 5ou li=e let "e see how "u9h is left in the bottle D DNothin#2D San=ar said2 holdin# up the bottle D The last drop was poured out D He held up the bottle and the other be9a"e furious at the si#ht of it D ! thin=2D he said with deep suspi9ion2 D there is

THE E4EN!NG G!'T +1 so"e underhand transa9tion #oin# on ! don't =now what 5ou ha$e been doin# in the $eranda with the bottle D San=ar learnt not to answer these 9har#es As the 9lo9= stru9= nine2 he tapped the other's shoulder and said2 D (lease finish 5our drin= and #et up2 sir D D.hat do 5ou "ean b5 it F !'" not #ettin# up .ho are 5ou to order "e F D

San=ar had to be fir" D Loo= here2 don't 5ou be a fool and i"a#ine ! a" tal=in# in drin= ! a" dead sober lea$e "e alone D San=ar persisted D ! dis"iss 5ou toda52 5ou are no lon#er in "5 ser$i9e ! don't want a disobedient fool for a 9o"; panion2 #et out D )suall5 San=ar sat throu#h it without repl5in#2 and when the drin= was finished he #entl5 pulled the other up and led the wa5 to the 9ar2 and the other followed2 s9owlin# at hi" with red e5es and abusin# hi" wildl5 Toda5 when his e"plo5er said2 D ! dis"iss 5ou2 #et out this "inute D San=ar replied2 D How 9an 5ou dis"iss "e all of a sudden H Must ! star$e F D

D No ! will #i$e 5ou four "onths' salar5 if 5ou #et out this "o"ent D San=ar thou#ht o$er it D Don't sit there Ma=e up 5our "ind ?ui9=l5 D

said his "aster One hundred and twent5 rupees H twent5 rupees "ore than the debt He 9ould lea$e for his $illa#e and #i$e the 9ash personall5 to his "other2 and lea$e his future to God He brushed aside this $ision2 shoo= his head and said A D No2 sir You ha$e #ot to #et up now2 sir D D Get out of "5 ser$i9e D shouted his "aster He ran# the be)

and shouted for the waiter2 D Get "e another D San=ar protested to the waiter 9ried his "aster D Get out of here D

D You thin= !'" spea=in# in drin=

+: THE E4EN!NG G!'T ! don't want 5ou ! 9an loo= after "5self !f 5ou don't lea$e "e2 ! will tell the waiter to ne9= 5ou out D San=ar stood baffled D Now2 5oun# "an

D He too= out his wallet A D .hat is 5our salar5 F D D Thirt5 rupees2 sir D D Here's 5our four;"onths' Ta=e it and be off ! ha$e so"e business "eetin# here2 and ! will #o ho"e Cust when ! li=e2 there is the 9ar D He held out a hundred;rupee note and two tens Mort#a#e instal; "ent How 9an ! ta=e itF A 9onfli9t ra#ed in San=ar's "ind2 and he finall5 too= the "one5 and said A D Than= 5ou $er5 "u9h2 sir D D Don't "ention it D D You are $er5 =ind D DLust ordinar5 dut52 that is all M5 prin9iple is B Do unto others as 5ou would be done b5 others ' is "5 prin9iple is do You need not 9o"e in the "ornin# !'$e no need for 5ou ! had 5ou onl5 as a te"porar5 arran#e"ent !'ll put in a word for 5ou if an5 friend wants a 9ler= or so"ethin# of the sort D D Good;b5e2 sir D

D Good;b5e D He was #one The #entle"an loo=ed after hi" with satisfa9tion2 "utterin# A D M5 prin9iple is unto other D Ne>t "ornin# San=ar went out shoppin#2 pur9hased bits of sil= for his 5oun#er sister2 a pair of spe9ta9les for his "other and a few painted tin to5s for the 9hild at ho"e He went to the hotel2 loo=ed into the a99ounts2 and settled his "onth's bill D!'" lea$in# toda52D he said D ! a" returnin# to "5 $illa#e D His heart was all afla"e with Co5 He paid a rupee to the ser$ant as tip He pa9=ed up his

THE E4EN!NG G!'T +trun= and bed2 too= a last loo= round his #arret E had an una99ountable feelin# of sadness at lea$in# the fa"iliar s"o=e;stained 9ell He was at the bus stand at about ele$en in the da5 The bus was read5 to start He too= his seat He would be at ho"e at si> in the e$enin# .hat a surprise for his "other H He would 9hat all ni#ht and tell the" about the drun=ard He was sha=en out of this re$erie A poli9e inspe9tor standin# at the foot;board of the bus tou9hed his shoulder and as=ed A D Are 5ou San=ar F D D Yes D D Get down and follow "e D D ! a" #oin# to "5 $illa#e D

D You 9an't #o now D The inspe9tor pla9ed the trun= and bed on a 9oolie's head and the5 "ar9hed to the poli9e station There San=ar was subCe9ted to "u9h ?uestionin#2 and his po9=ets were sear9hed and all his "one5 was ta=en awa5 b5 the inspe9tor The inspe9tor s9rutini@ed the hundred;rupee note and re"ar=ed A D Sa"e nu"ber How did 5ou #et this F %e truthful D (resentl5 the inspe9tor #ot up and said A D 'ollow "e to the #entle"an's house D San=ar found his e"plo5er sittin# in a 9hair in the $eranda2 with a $er5 tired loo= on his fa9e He "otioned the inspe9tor to a 9hair and addressed San=ar in a $oi9e full of sorrow D ! ne$er =new 5ou were this sort2 San=ar You robbed "e when ! was not aware of it !f 5ou'd as=ed "e !'d ha$e #i$en 5ou an5 a"ount 5ou wanted Did 5ou ha$e to tie "e up and throw "e down F D he

showed the bruises on his ar" D !n addition to robbin# F D San=ar stood a#hast He 9ould hardl5

*8 A SNA&E !N THE GRASS ON a sunn5 afternoon2 when the in"ates of the bun#alow were at their siesta a 959list ran# his bell at the #ate franti9all5 and announ9ed A DA bi# 9obra has #ot into 5our 9o"pound !t 9rossed "5 wheel D He pointed to its tra9= under the #ate2 and resu"ed his Courne5 The fa"il5 9onsistin# of the "other and her four sons asse"bled at the #ate in #reat a#itation The old ser$ant Dasa was sleepin# in the shed The5 shoo= hi" out of his sleep and announ9ed to hi" the arri$al of the 9obra D There is no 9obra2D he replied and tried to dis"iss the "atter The5 swore at hi" and for9ed hi" to ta=e an interest in the 9obra D The thin# is so"ewhere here !f it is not found before the e$enin#2 we will dis"iss 5ou Your ne#le9t of the #arden and the lawns is responsible for all these dreadful thin#s 9o"in# in D So"e nei#hbours dropped in The5 loo=ed a99usin#l5 at Dasa A D You ha$e the la@iest ser$ant on earth2D the5 said D He ou#ht to =eep the surroundin#s tid5 D D ! ha$e been as=in# for a #rass;9utter for "onths2D Dasa said !n one $oi9e the5 ordered hi" to "ana#e with the a$ailable thin#s and learn not to "a=e de"ands He persisted The5 be#an to spe9ulate how "u9h it would 9ost to bu5 a #rass;9utter A nei#hbour de9lared that 5ou 9ould not thin= of bu5in# an5 arti9le "ade of iron *<<

A SNA&E !N THE GRASS *<* till after the war He 9hanted banalities of warti"e pri9es The se9ond son of the house asserted that he 9ould #et an5thin# he wanted at 9ontrolled pri9es The nei#hbour be9a"e elo?uent on bla9=;"ar=et A heated debate followed The rest wat9hed in apath5 At this point the 9olle#e;bo5 of the house butted in with A D ! read in an A"eri9an paper that 8<2<<< people die of sna=e;bite e$er5 5ear D Mother threw up her ar"s in horror and arrai#ned Dasa The bo5 elaborated the statisti9s D ! ha$e wor=ed it out2 78 a da5 That "eans e$er5 twent5 "inutes so"eone is d5in# of 9obra;bite As we ha$e been tal=in# here2 one person has lost his life so"ewhere D Mother nearl5 s9rea"ed on hearin# it The 9o"pound loo=ed sinister The bo5s brou#ht in ba"boo;sti9=s and

pressed one into the hands of the ser$ant also He =ept desultoril5 po=in# it into the folia#e with a 95ni9al air D The fellow is beatin# about the bush2D so"eone 9ried aptl5 The5 tu9=ed up their dhoties2 sei@ed e$er5 a$ailable =nife and 9row;bar and be#an to ha9= the #arden 3reepers2 bushes2 and lawns2 were laid low .hat 9ould not be tri""ed was 9ut to the root The inner walls of the house bri#htened with the un; obstru9ted #lare strea"in# in .hen there was nothin# "ore to be done Dasa as=ed triu"phantl52 D .here is the sna=e F D An old be##ar 9ried for al"s at the #ate The5 told her not to pester when the5 were en#a#ed in a sna=e;hunt On hearin# it the old wo"an be9a"e happ5 D You are fortunate !t is God Subra"an5a who has 9o"e to $isit 5ou Don't =ill the sna=eI' Mother was in heart5 a#ree"ent A D You are ri#ht ! for#ot all about the pro"ised Abhish9=a" This is a re"inder D She #a$e a 9oin to the be##ar2 who

*<6 A SNA&E !N THE GRASS pro"ised to send down a sna=e;9har"er as she went (resentl5 an old "an appeared at the #ate and announ9ed hi"self as a sna=e;9har"er The5 #athered around hi" He spo=e to the" of his life and a9ti$ities and his power o$er sna=es The5 as=ed ad"irin#l5 A D How do 5ou 9at9h the"FD DThus2D he said2 poun9in# upon a h5potheti9al sna=e on the #round The5 pointed the dire9tion in whi9h the 9obra had #one and as=ed hi" to #o ahead He loo=ed helplessl5 about and said A D !f 5ou show "e the sna=e2 !'ll at on9e 9at9h it Otherwise what 9an ! do F The "o"ent 5ou see it a#ain2 send for "e ! li$e nearb5 D He #a$e his na"e and address and departed At fi$e in the e$enin#2 the5 threw awa5 their sti9=s and i"ple"ents and repaired to the $eranda to rest The5 had turned up e$er5 stone in the #arden and 9ut down e$er5 #rass;blade and shrub2 so that the tiniest inse9t 9o"in# into the #arden should ha$e no 9o$er The5 were loudl5 dis9ussin# the $arious "easures the5 would ta=e to prote9t the"sel$es a#ainst reptiles in the future2 when Dasa appeared before the" 9arr5in# a water;pot whose "outh was sealed with a slab of stone He put the pot down and said A D ! ha$e 9au#ht hi" in this ! saw hi" peepin# out of it ! saw hi" before he 9ould see "e D He e>plained at len#th the strate#5 he had e"plo5ed to 9at9h and seal up the sna=e in the pot The5 stood at a safe distan9e and #a@ed on the pot Dasa had the #low of a 9ha"pion on his fa9e D Don't 9all "e an idler hereafter2D he said Mother 9o"pli"ented hi" on his sharpness and wished she had pla9ed so"e "il= in the pot as a sort of reli#ious dut5 Dasa pi9=ed up

the pot 9autiousl5 and wal=ed off sa5in# that he would lea$e the pot with its 9ontents with the sna=e;9har"er

A SNA&E !N THE GRASS *<8 li$in# nearb5 He be9a"e the hero of the da5 The5 wat9hed hi" in #reat ad"iration and de9ided to reward hi" ade?uatel5 !t was fi$e "inutes sin9e Dasa was #one when the 5oun#est son 9ried A D See there H D Out of a hole in the 9o"pound wall a 9obra e"er#ed !t #lided alon# towards the #ate2 paused for a "o"ent to loo= at the #atherin# in the $eranda with its hood half; open !t 9rawled under the #ate and disappeared alon# a drain .hen the5 re9o$ered fro" the sho9= the5 as=ed2 D Does it "ean that there are two sna=es here F D The 9olle#e;bo5 "ur"ured A D ! wish ! had ta=en the ris= and =no9=ed the water;pot fro" Dasa's hand E we "i#ht ha$e =nown what it 9on; tained D

*, AN A33!DENT ! .AS returnin# fro" the hill te"ple where ! had been held up till nearl5 nine o'9lo9= ! had dri$en the 9ar down the hill2 turned to "5 left2 and #one a few 5ards further s=irtin# the base of the hill when the en#ine si#hed and spluttered2 the whole 9ar Cer=ed and ro9=ed and then 9a"e to a dead stop The hill loo"ed o$er "e2 Ca9=als wailed in the dar= ! faithfull5 #ot down2 went round the 9ar2 opened the bonnet2 and #a@ed in .hat was the use F ! =new nothin# about a 9ar's inside M5 9ar was usuall5 well;beha$ed E and o99asionall5 when it had so"e trouble ! had it pushed to the nearest wor=shop Now ! went round and round2 opened and 9losed the bonnet2 and "ade futile efforts to start the 9ar ! soon reali@ed that ! should be a fool to be #oin# round2 proddin# here and there2 hopin# that it 9ould be started so"ehow ! sat down on the runnin# board2 blin=in#2 and hopin# that so"e "otorist would 9o"e alon# and help "e The ti"e passed2 and not a si#n of a hu"an bein# The wind rattled the side s9reen2 and unseen inse9ts hu""ed and whirred about ! had a feelin# that ! was on so"e stran#e planet with "5self as the onl5 hu"an bein# on it (resentl5 ! said to "5self2 D ! will 9ount ten and if *<,

AN A33!DENT *<1 the 9ar does not start b5 then ! will abandon her and wal= ho"e D ! loo=ed at the #round and 9ounted2 D One2 two2 three D ! belie$e after ! rea9hed ei#ht or nine ! went ba9= to one and 9ounted up E ba9= and forth untirin#l5 li=e an au9tioneer After 9ountin# half a do@en ti"es thus ! turned and saw a shadow5 fi#ure at "5 side ! was startled D .hen did 5ou 9o"e here F .ho are 5ou F D D ! 9a"e here a "o"ent a#o2 sir D D ! didn't hear 5ou 9o"in# .ho are 5ou F D

D M5 na"e is Anil Doss2 and ! a" a dri$er2 sir D D Motor dri$er F D D Yes D !t see"ed in9redible that the Gods should ha$e ta=en so seriousl5 "5 threat to abandon the 9ar2 and sent a "e9hani9 alon# D .here are 5ou 9o"in# fro" F D D ! a" usuall5 here2 sir D D You said 5ou were a dri$er D D The 9ar was s"ashed and ! ha$e been without a 9ar sin9e D D %ut what do 5ou do for a li$in# F D D Oh H There is no diffi9ult5 about that D ! thou#ht he was "ad or sli#htl5 drun=2 and did not seriousl5 bother to 9ross;e>a"ine hi" D Loo= here2 A"i Doss2 "5 9ar has suddenl5 bro=en down ! don't =now what is wron# 3an 5ou help "e start itFD He opened the bonnet and e>a"ined the en#ine He put his head into the 9ar and uns9rewed the swit9hboard D Ar9 5ou able to see an5thin# F D ! as=ed D Oh2 ?uite well2D he said

io: AN A33!DENT D !t is so dar= H D ! said2 the onl5 li#ht we had bein# the #lare of 9loud ed#es 9at9hin# the 9it5 li#hts He 9a"e out and de9lared his dia#nosis A D Loose 9onta9t2 Cet trouble D D ! had it o$erhauled onl5 a few "onths a#o !t 9an't be The 9ar 9a"e down so far all ri#ht E all this 9an't ha$e happened Cust on this spot F D D Oh2 5es .orse thin#s ha$e happened here is a bad pla9e2 sir D D .hat do 5ou "ean b5 bad F D D .ell2 thin#s happen here to a 9ar whi9h we 9an't understand !t is a bad pla9e2 sir D D Do 5ou tell "e that as soon as a 9ar passes this spot its wires snap2 its Cet is 9ho=ed2 and the batter5 is run down F D D Yes2 sir D D !t is a"a@in# H D ! said D !t is terrible2 sir 'or instan9e2 at this $er5 spot "5 9ar was s"ashed2 an Austin sedan2 hardl5 a "onth old D ! re"e"bered the a99ident A few "onths a#o an Austin 9o"in# down the hill after ni#htfall dashed a#ainst a boulder and was s"ashed to bits D .ere 5ou the dri$er of the 9ar F D ! as=ed D Yes2 sir D D %ut wasn't he =illed in the a99ident F D D No2D he said !t see"ed to "e another instan9e of the drun=en 9ondition of this "an He see"ed to be posin# for so"eone else D .ill 5ou "a=e "5 9ar "o$e on the road a#ain F D D Yes2 sir ! will do "5 best D !t

D ! will #i$e 5ou two rupees for the ser$i9e D He lifted the front seat2 pi9=ed up the tools2 and #ot under the 9ar for a "o"ent E 9a"e out and

AN A33!DENT *<buried his head into the bonnet The onl5 noise for a while was the noise he "ade with the tools2 and his hea$5 breathin# E and of 9ourse the wind rattled the side s9reen A ?uarter of an hour later he started the en#ine2 dro$e the 9ar a few 5ards forward2 and re$ersed D You will ha$e no "ore trouble2 sir Onl52 as soon as possible2 please 9han#e the piston rin#s2D he said He opened the door and 9a"e out of the 9ar "utterin# D ! ha$e been a dri$er for twent5;fi$e 5ears2 and it pains "e when ! see a 9ar suffer 'or all the twent5;fi$e 5ears ! ha$e ser$ed onl5 two "asters .ith the first ! sta5ed for onl5 four 5ears2 and with the other for o$er twent5 5ears The Austin was the fourth 9ar that "5 "aster bou#ht in the twent5 5ears ! was with hi" sin9e the da5 he 9han#ed fro" a horse 9arria#e to an O$erland of those da5s ! ha$e lo$ed "otor;9ars2 whate$er the "a=e2 as no one else 9an e$er lo$e the" !f ! saw an5one "a=e the sli#htest s9rat9h on a "ud#uard ! slapped his 9hee= thou#h he "i#ht be an e"peror's son And do 5ou thin= ! would ha$e wilfull5 dashed and s"ashed an Austin2 whi9h was onl5 a "onth old F The5 sa5 ! was drun= ! swear ! was not ! ha$e o99asionall5 ta=en a drin=2 but ! swear ! was not drun= that da5 .ill 5ou =indl5 #o to "5 "aster D he #a$e "e an address D and tell hi" that ! wasn't drun= and that the a99ident happened be9ause of the e$il nature of the pla9e D D Su9h a bad a99ident F D ! as=ed D You =now what this spot 9an do2 but 5our lu9= was better than that of the Austin D ! held up two rupees to hi" He refused the "one5 D !t is no use to "e2 sir2D he said D ! ha$e #reater use for 5our #ood;will !f 5ou will ha$e the

io7 AN A33!DENT =indness to see "5 "aster and tell hi" that ! wasn't drun=2 ! shall be $er5 #rateful to 5ou2 sir D ! offered hi" a lift He de9lined it ! pressed the self;starter The en#ine hu""ed ! swit9hed on the li#hts The 9ar beha$ed so well that ! was filled with #reat ad"iration for the "e9hani92 and ! de9ided to see his so;9alled "aster ne>t da5

! tra9ed the owner of the wre9=ed Austin 9on$e5ed to hi" the dri$er's "essa#e D Are 5ou sure it was he F D he as=ed

D ! don't =now He see"ed to be sli#htl5 drun= and "i#ht be an i"postor %ut after all2 it "i#ht be the sa"e fellow He #a$e "e 5our address2 and it see"s he had been with 5ou for twent5 5ears and that 5ou had an O$erland on9e D D All that is true2 no doubt2 but ! a" pu@@led Anil's s=ull was Ca""ed when we pi9=ed hi" up2 and we 9arried his re"ains in a bas=et and buried hi" /.hat re"ained of the 9ar 9ould also ha$e been put in a bas=et 0 Don't 9ontradi9t "e E the fellow was drun= ! had 9au#ht hi" se$eral ti"es and warned hi" ! =new all alon# that he would 9o"e to a bad end D

*1 S)3H (ER'E3T!ON A SENSE of #reat relief filled So"a as he reali@ed that his fi$e 5ears of labour were 9o"in# to an end He had turned out s9ores of i"a#es in his life; ti"e2 but he had ne$er done an5 wor= to e?ual this He often said to hi"self that lon# after the Delu#e had swept the earth this NataraCa would still be standin# on His pedestal No other hu"an bein# had seen the i"a#e 5et So"a shut hi"self in and bolted all the doors and windows and plied his 9hisel b5 the still fla"e of a "ud la"p2 e$en when there was a bri#ht sun outside !t "ade hi" perspire unbearabl52 but he did not "ind it so lon# as it helped hi" to =eep out pr5in# e5es He wor=ed with a fier9e 9on9entration and ne$er en9oura#ed an5one to tal= about it After all2 his labours had 9o"e to an end He sat ba9=2 wiped the perspiration off his fa9e2 and sur$e5ed his handiwor= with #reat satisfa9tion As he loo=ed on he was o$erwhel"ed b5 the "aCest5 of this i"a#e He fell prostrate before it2 pra5in#2 D ! ha$e ta=en fi$e 5ears to "a=e 5ou Ma5 5ou reside in our te"ple and bless all hu"an bein#s H D The di" "ud fla"e 9ast subtle shadows on the i"a#e2 and #a$e it an undertone of ripplin# life The s9ulptor stood lost in this $ision A $oi9e said2 D M5 friend2 ne$er ta=e this i"a#e out of this roo" !t is too perfe9t D *<+

no S)3H (ER'E3T!ON So"a tre"bled with fear He loo=ed round He saw a fi#ure 9rou9hin# in a dar= 9orner of the roo" it was a "an So"a dashed forward and 9lut9hed hi" b5 the throat A D .h5 did 5ou 9o"e here F D The other writhed under the #rip and replied A D Out of ad"iration for 5ou ! ha$e alwa5s lo$ed 5our wor= ! ha$e waited for fi$e 5ears D D How did 5ou 9o"e in F D D .ith another =e5 while 5ou were eatin# inside D So"a #nashed his teeth D Shall ! stran#le 5ou before this God and offer 5ou as sa9rifi9e F D D %5 all "eansI 1 replied the other2 D if it will help 5ou in an5 wa5 but ! doubt it E$en with a sa9rifi9e 5ou 9annot ta=e it out !t is too perfe9t Su9h perfe9tion is not for "ortals D The s9ulptor wept A D Oh2 do not sa5 that ! wor=ed in se9re95 onl5 for this perfe9tion !t is for our people !t is a God 9o"in# into their "idst Don't den5 the" that D The other prostrated before the i"a#e and pra5ed aloud2 D God #i$e us the stren#th to bear 5our presen9e D This "an spo=e to people and the #reat se9ret was out A =ind of dread sei@ed the people of the $illa#e On an auspi9ious da52 So"a went to the te"ple priest and as=ed2 D At the 9o"in# 'ull Moon "5 NataraCa "ust be 9onse9rated Ha$e 5ou "ade a pla9e for hi" in the te"ple F D The priest answered2 D Let "e see the i"a#e first D He went o$er to the s9ulptor's house2 #a@ed on the i"a#e2 and said2 D This perfe9tion2 this God2 is not for "ortal e5es He will blind us At the first 9hant of pra5er before hi"2 he will dan9e and we shall be wiped out D The s9ulptor loo=ed so

S)3H (ER'E3T!ON in unhapp5 that the priest added2 DTa=e 5our 9hisel and brea= a little toe or so"e other part of the i"a#e2 and it will be safe D The s9ulptor replied that he would sooner 9ra9= the s=ull of his $isitor The leadin# 9iti@ens of the $illa#e 9a"e o$er and said2 D Don't "ista=e us .e 9annot #i$e 5our i"a#e a pla9e in our te"ple Don't be an#r5 with us .e ha$e to thin= of the safet5 of all the people in the $illa#e E$en now if 5ou are prepared to brea= a s"all fin#er D

D Get out2 all of 5ou2D So"a shouted D ! don't 9are to brin# this NataraCa to 5our te"ple ! will "a=e a te"ple for hi" where he is You will see that it be9o"es the #reatest te"ple on earth D Ne>t da5 he pulled down a portion of the wall of the roo" and 9onstru9ted a lar#e doorwa5 openin# on the street He 9alled Ra"a2 the to";to" beater2 and said2 D ! will #i$e 5ou a sil$er 9oin for 5our trouble Go and pro9lai" in all nearb5 $illa#es that this NataraCa will be 9onse9rated at the 'ull Moon !f a lar#e 9rowd turns up2 ! will present 5ou with a la9e shawl D At the 'ull Moon2 "en2 wo"en and 9hildren poured in fro" the surroundin# $illa#es There was hardl5 an in9h of spa9e $a9ant an5where The streets were 9ra""ed with people 4endors of sweets and to5s and flowers shouted their wares2 "o$in# about in the 9rowd (ipers and dru""ers2 #roups of persons 9hantin# h5"ns2 9hildren shoutin# in Co52 "en #reetin# ea9h other all this 9reated a "i#ht5 din 'ra#ran9e of flowers and in9ense hun# o$er the pla9e (residin# o$er all this there was the bri#htest "oon that e$er shone on earth The s9reen whi9h had 9o$ered the i"a#e parted

S)3H (ER'E3T!ON A #reat fla"e of 9a"phor was wa$ed in front of the i"a#e2 and bron@e bells ran# A silen9e fell upon the 9rowd E$er5 e5e was fi>ed upon the i"a#e !n the fla"e of the 9ir9lin# 9a"phor NataraCa's e5es lit up His li"bs "o$ed2 his an=lets Cin#led The 9rowd was awe;stri9=en The God pressed one foot on Earth and raised the other in dan9e He destro5ed the )ni$erse under his heel2 and s"eared the ashes o$er his bod52 and the sa"e God rattled the dru" in his hand and b5 its rh5th" set life in "otion a#ain 3reation2 Dissolution2 and God2 attained a "eanin# now E this i"a#e brou#ht it out the bells ran# louder e$er5 se9ond The 9rowd stood stunned b5 this $ision $ou9hsafed to the" At this "o"ent a wind blew fro" the east The Moon's dis9 #raduall5 di""ed The wind #athered for9e2 9louds blotted out the "oon E people loo=ed up and saw onl5 pit9h;li=e dar=ness abo$e Li#htnin# flashed2 thunder roared2 and fire poured down fro" the s=5 !t was a thunderbolt stri=in# a ha5sta9= and settin# it abla@e !ts #lare illu"inated the whole $illa#e (eople ran about in pani92 sear9hin# for shelter The population of ten $illa#es 9ra""ed in that $illa#e Another thunderbolt hit a house .o"en

and 9hildren shrie=ed and wailed The fires des9ended with a tre"endous hiss as a "i#ht5 rain 9a"e down !t rained as it had ne$er rained before The two la=es2 o$er whi9h the $illa#e road ran2 filled2 swelled2 and Coined o$er the road .ater flowed alon# the streets The wind s9rea"ed and shoo= the trees and the ho"es D This is the end of the world H D wailed the people throu#h the stor" The whole of the ne>t da5 it was still dri@@lin# So>na sat before the i"a#e2 with his head bowed in

S)3H (ER'E3T!ON **8 thou#ht Tra5s and flowers and offerin#s la5 s9attered under the i"a#e2 da"ped b5 rain So"e of his friends 9a"e wadin# in water2 stood before hi"2 and as=ed2 D Are 5ou satisfied F D The5 stood o$er hi" li=e e>e9utioners and repeated the ?uestion and added2 D Do 5ou want to =now how "an5 li$es ha$e been lost2 how "an5 ho"es washed out2 and how "an5 were 9rushed b5 stor" F D D No2 no2 ! don't want to =now an5thin#2D So"a replied D Go awa5 Don't stand here and tal= D D God has shown us onl5 a sli#ht si#n of his power Don't te"pt Hi" a#ain Do so"ethin# Our li$es are in 5our hands Sa$e us2 the i"a#e is too perfe9t D After the5 were #one he sat for hours in the sa"e position2 ru"inatin# Their words still troubled hi" D Our li$es are in 5our hands D He =new what the5 "eant Tears #athered in his e5es D How 9an ! "utilate this i"a#eF Let the whole world burn2 ! don't 9are ! 9an't tou9h this i"a#e D He lit a la"p before the God and sat wat9hin# 'ar off the s=5 ru"bled D !t is startin# a#ain (oor hu"an bein#s2 the5 will all perish this ti"e D He loo=ed at the toe of the i"a#e DLust one neat stro=e with the 9hisel2 and all troubles will end D He wat9hed the toe2 his hands tre"bled D How 9an ! F D Outside the wind be#an to howl (eople were #atherin# in front of his house and were appealin# to hi" for help So"a prostrated before the God and went out He stood loo=in# at the road o$er whi9h the two la=es had Coined O$er the eastern hori@on a dar= "ass of 9loud was rollin# up D .hen that 9loud 9o"es o$er2 it will wash out the world NataraCa H ! 9annot "utilate 5our fi#ure2 but ! 9an offer "5self as a sa9rifi9e if it will be an5 use D He shut

ii, S)3H (ER'E3T!ON his e5es and de9ided to Cu"p into the la=e He 9he9=ed hi"self D ! "ust ta=e a last loo= at the God before ! die D He battled his wa5 throu#h the on9o"in# stor" The wind shrie=ed Trees shoo= and tre"bled Men and 9attle ran about in pani9 He was ba9= Cust in ti"e to see a tree 9rash on the roof of his house D M5 ho"e2D he 9ried2 and ran in He pi9=ed up his NataraCa fro" a"idst splintered tiles and rafters The i"a#e was unhurt e>9ept for a little toe whi9h was found a 9ouple of 5ards off2 se$ered b5 a fallin# splinter D God hi"self has done this to sa$e us H D people 9ried The i"a#e was installed with due 9ere"onies at the te"ple on the ne>t 'ull Moon .ealth and honours were showered on So"a He li$ed to be ninet5;fi$e2 but he ne$er tou9hed his "allet and 9hisel a#ain

*: A 3AREER THE Tal=ati$e Man said A Years and 5ears a#o ! had a shop !t was in those da5s when Lawle5 E>tension was not what it is now !t 9onsisted of less than a hundred houses Mar=et Road bein# at least a "ile off2 the people li$in# in the E>tension loo=ed on "e as a sa$iour when ! too= up a little buildin#2 and on an auspi9ious da5 hun# up a lar#e board with the ins9ription A The National (ro$ision Stores ! went fro" house to house and se9ured orders ! literall5 e>a"ined e$er5 pantr5 in the E>tension and filled up the #aps .hen the bell ran# for the "idda5 inter$al at the E>tension Ele"entar5 S9hool2 9hildren swar"ed into "5 shop and 9arried off whate$er sweets2 ribbons and fan95 stationer5 ! happened to =eep ! did about twent5; fi$e rupees 9redit and ten rupees 9ash sales e$er5 da5 This #a$e us at least fift5 rupees a "onth to li$e on .e paid a rent of fi$e rupees and too= a s"all house in &abir Street2 whi9h was o$er a "ile fro" "5 shop ! left at se$en in the "ornin# and returned ho"e onl5 at nine in the e$enin#2 after 9learin# the dail5 a99ounts A 5ear and a half passed thus One da5 a 5oun# fellow presented hi"self at "5 shop He loo=ed about twent52 $er5 fair and bri#ht He wore a spotless dhoti and shirt D1

ii: A 3AREER D .hat 9an ! do for 5ou F D ! as=ed2 ta=in# hi" to be a 5oun# 9usto"er !n answer he brou#ht his pal"s to#ether in salute and said2 D ! need 5our help2 sir ! will do whate$er wor= 5ou "a5 #i$e "e in return for a little food and shelter and =indness D There was so"ethin# in the 5oun# fellow's personalit5 whi9h appealed to "e Moreo$er2 he had on his forehead three;fin#er width of sa9red ash and a dot of $er"ilion between his e5ebrows He loo=ed as if he had Cust 9o"e fro" a te"ple D ! a" $er5 God;fearin#2 sir2 and sus9eptible to reli#ious influen9es D ! spo=e to hi" for about an hour He said he belon#ed to a fa"il5 of wealth5 land; holders in a $illa#e near Tri9hinopol5 His "other died so"e 5ears before His father too= a "istress who ill;treated the bo5 and 9onse?uentl5 he ran awa5 fro" ho"e A tou9hin# stor5 ! felt ! dire9ted hi" to "5 house .hen ! went ho"e in the e$enin# ! found that he had alread5 "ade hi"self a #reat fa$ourite there His life stor5 had deepl5 "o$ed "5 wife D So 5oun# H D she whispered to "e2 D and to thin= that he should be left at this a#e without a father or a "other H D she si#hed He had "ade hi"self lo$able in a do@en wa5s alread5 He had ta=en "5 little son out for a wal= The 5oun#ster 9ried as aoon as he 9a"e ho"e2 D Let Ra"u sta5 in our house He is #reat He =nows "a#i9 and 9an ta"e ti#ers and elephants D Ra"u wal=ed into the =it9hen and offered assistan9e At first "5 wife protested2 D .h5 won't 5ou allow "e to #o near the o$en2

A 3AREER **Mother F D he as=ed D !s it be9ause 5ou thin= ! 9an't 9oo= F Gi$e "e a 9han9e and see D He "ade a dash for the bathroo"2 turned the tap on hi"self2 and 9a"e out drippin# He too= a handful

of sa9red ash and s"eared it on his forehead M5 wife was tre"endousl5 i"pressed She let hi" do the 9oo=in# He prepared deli9ious food for us .e were all $er5 pleased After that he helped "5 wife with all the 9leanin# and s9rubbin# He slept at ni#ht on the bare floor2 refusin# the "at and the pillow we offered He was the first to be up ne>t "ornin# He lit the sto$e and wo=e up "5 wife At "idda5 he brou#ht "e "5 food .hile ! ate he attended to the s9hool 9hildren2 who 9a"e into the shop He handed the" their =ni9=;=na9=s with an e>pert hand He 9har"ed and a"used the" He "ade the" lau#h He be#uiled the" with an alternati$e when he had not on hand what the5 wanted !t was ine$itable that in a "onth he should be sharin# with "e the shop wor= He had attra9ti$e wa5s about hi" 3usto"ers li=ed to tal= to hi" .ithin a short ti"e there was not a sin#le ho"e in the E>tension where he was not treated as a "e"ber of the fa"il5 He =new the inside stor5 of e$er5 fa"il5 He ser$ed e$er5 one to the best of his 9apa9it5 Here he helped a "an with his #arden2 and there he pleaded with a house;buildin# 9ontra9tor and had an esti"ate re$ised He pat9hed up ?uarrels He ta"ed truants and sent the" to s9hool He too= part in all the e>tra;9urri9ular a9ti$ities of the E>tension Ele"entar5 S9hool He too= an interest in the 3lub Mo$e"ent He dressed hi"self up for the o99asion when the inspe9tor $isited the s9hool2 and arran#ed

u7 A 3AREER for the suppl5 of #arlands and flowers And all this in addition to assistin# "e in the shop He went e$er5 da5 to the "ar=et and pur9hased pro$isions fro" the wholesale "er9hants2 sat down for hours on end in the shop and handed out thin#s to 9usto"ers2 pored o$er the a99ounts till late at ni#ht2 and 9olle9ted all the bills As a result of Ra"u's presen9e "5 business in9reased nearl5 tenfold ! had abundant rest now2 ! left the shop entirel5 in his hands ! went ho"e for food at "idda5 After that ! slept till three in the afternoon And then ! went to the shop2 but sta5ed there onl5 till fi$e o'9lo9=2 when ! went to an open spa9e near b5 and pla5ed bad"inton with so"e friends ! 9a"e to the shop a#ain onl5 at se$en in the e$enin# On9e or twi9e ! and "5 wife tal=ed o$er the "atter and tried to fi> up a "onthl5 pa5 for Ra"u .e

felt we ou#ht not to be e>ploitin# Ra"u's friendliness %ut when the subCe9t was "entioned Ra"u #rew red in the fa9e and said2 D !f 5ou don't want "e to sta5 with 5ou an5 "ore2 5ou "a5 tal= of salar5 a#ain D 'i$e 5ears passed thus He a#ed with us He li$ed with us throu#h all our Co5s and sorrows ! had four 9hildren now M5 business had prospered enor"ousl5 .e were now li$in# in a bi##er house in the sa"e street ! too= the shop buildin# on a lon# lease ! had an i""ense sto9= of all =inds of pro$isions and #oods ! e>tended "5 business ! pur9hased lar#e ?uan; tities of butter in all the nearb5 $illa#es and sold the" to butter and #hee "er9hants in Madras This business #a$e "e lar#e profits !t =ept "e runnin# between the $illa#es and Madras The shop was entirel5 in Ra"u's hands

A 3AREER **+ At Madras ! used to stop with a "er9hant in Geor#e Town On9e wor= =ept "e on there a little lon#er than ! had anti9ipated One e$enin# Cust as ! was startin# out to post a letter for Ra"u2 a tele#raph "essen#er stepped off his 959le and #a$e "e an en$elope ! tore open the 9o$er and read A D 'ather d5in# of 9holera Must #o at on9e Return i"; "ediatel5 Ra"u D The ne>t "ornin# at fi$e o'9lo9= ! #ot down at Mal#udi Ra"u was at the station He was #oin# to Tri9hinopol5 b5 the sa"e train The train halted onl5 for a few "inutes Red;e5ed and sobbin# Ra"u said2 D M5 father2 father2 9holera Ne$er thou#ht he would #et it D ! 9onsoled hi" ! had ne$er seen hi" so bro=en ! said feebl52 D He will be all ri#ht2 don't worr5 D ! had hardl5 the heart to as= hi" about the shop He hi"self said2 D ! ha$e handed the =e5s to "other2 and all the a99ounts and 9ash also D D All ri#ht2 all ri#ht2 ! will loo= to all that worr52D ! said Don't

The #uard blew his whistle Ra"u Cu"ped into a third 9lass 9o"part"ent The train Cer=ed forward He put his head out of the window and said2 D ! will be ba9= to"orrow b5 the ni#ht train2 if "5 father #ets better .hate$er happens2 ! won't be awa5 for "ore than fifteen da5s &ittu has as=ed "e to brin# hi" D his $oi9e and fa9e re9eded D a wooden elephant on wheels (lease tell hi" that ! will surel5 brin# it M5 na"as=ara"s to "other D

Tears rolled down his 9hee=s E$en lon# after the train had left the platfor" he was still loo=in# out of the window and #esti9ulatin# to indi9ate D ! will surel5 be ba9= soon D

*6< A 3AREER Ha$in# so"e unfinished Madras business on hand2 ! 9ould hardl5 #o near the shop for a wee= .hen ! reopened2 the first thin# that ! noti9ed was that the shop was e"pt5 E>9ept for a ba# of 9oarse ri9e and a few bars of 9heap soap2 all the ra9=s and 9ontainers were e"pt5 ! pi9=ed up the boo=s and e>a"ined the" The entries were all in a "ess ! put the" awa5 Replenishin# the sto9= was "ore ur#ent ! "ade out a list and went to the "ar=et Sadi= Sait2 "5 wholesale supplier2 s?uatted a"idst his 9ushions and wel9o"ed "e war"l5 ! owed "5 start in life to the unli"ited 9redit he allowed "e After so"e preli"inar52 in9onse?uential tal=2 ! put before hi" the list He s9rutini@ed it #loo"il5 and shoo= his head He said2 D You want #oods for about three hundred rupees ! wouldn't ad$ise 5ou to put up 5our dues .h5 don't 5ou ta=e fift5;rupees worth nowF ! a" su##estin# this onl5 for 5our own 9on$enien9e D This was the first ti"e in "5 life that he had spo=en to "e in this "anner And he e>plained2 D Don't "ista=e "e2 friend You are a business "an2 so a" ! No use tal=in# indire9tl5 and $a#uel5 ! will tell 5ou what the "atter is Your a99ount with us stands at Rs 821<< and if 5ou had paid at least a sin#le instal"ent for these three "onths2 we should ha$e felt happier D D%ut2 Sait2 last "onth ! sent four;hundred to be #i$en to 5ou2 and the "onth before three;hundred and fift52 and the "onth before There "ust be onl5 a balan9e of D He too= out his led#er There was onl5 one pa5"ent "ade for four "onths when the bill stood at about a thousand After that there had been pur9hases al"ost e$er5 da5 for about fort5 rupees

A 3AREER *6* D The 5oun# fellow said that business was $er5 bris= and that 5ou would 9lear the a99ounts when 5ou returned fro" Madras D M5 head swa" D ! will see 5ou a#ain2 81 ! said2 and went ba9= to the shop

! on9e a#ain e>a"ined the boo=s The pa#es showed a lot of arrears to be 9olle9ted Ne>t da5 ! went round to 9olle9t all "5 bills (eople loo=ed surprised2 D There "ust be so"e "ista=e .e paid our bills 9o"pletel5 a fortni#ht a#o Otherwise Ra"u wouldn't lea$e us in pea9e D M5 wife said2 D !n 5our absen9e he was 9o"in# ho"e nearl5 at twel$e e$er5 ni#ht He used to tell "e that the a99ounts =ept hi" late ' How was business toda5 F ' ! unfailin#l5 as=ed e$er5 da5 He replied2 : %usiness is #ood2 bad2 #ood and bad Don't worr5 Lea$e it all to "e ! will "ana#e ' D An old "an of Lawle5 E>tension as=ed "e2 D .here is that bo5 5ou had F D ! told hi" D Loo= here2D the old "an said D &eep this to 5ourself You re"e"ber there li$ed ne>t door to us those people fro" H5derabad F D D Yes2 5es D

D Your bo5 was #addin# about with the" a little too "u9h You =now there was a tall2 prett5 #irl with the" Your fellow was ta=in# her out e$er5 e$enin# in a ta>i He 9losed the shop pro"ptl5 at si> in the e$enin# Those people went ba9= to H5derabad a few da5s a#o D Later on ! "ade en?uiries in Mar=et Road and learnt that Ra"u had had stit9hed four tweed suits2 ei#hteen sil= shirts and other 9lothes worth about a hundred rupees2 pur9hased leather suit9ases2 four pairs

*66 A 3AREER of pu"p shoes2 two pairs of $el$et slippers2 a wrist wat9h2 two rin#s2 a broo9h2 sil= sarees2 blouse pie9es2 and so on ! #ot in tou9h with a near relati$e of Ra"u's e"plo5ed in a ban= in Madras ! learnt that his old father was hale and heart52 and there was no "ention of 9holera Abo$e all2 Ra"u was ne$er =nown to ha$e $isited Tri9hinopol5 His whereabouts were un=nown The letter 9on9luded A D So"eone re9entl5 returned fro" a tour "entioned that he thou#ht he 9au#ht a #li"pse of Ra"u in a lar#e #atherin# durin# so"e "usi9 festi$al in H5dera; bad He was2 howe$er2 not $er5 9ertain about it D ! sold "5 shop and e$er5thin#2 paid off "5 9reditors2 and left Mal#udi ! was a ban=rupt2 with a wife and four 9hildren to support .e "o$ed fro" pla9eB to

pla9e2 li$in# on the 9harit5 of friends2 relati$es2 and un=nown people So"eti"es nobod5 would feed us and we threw oursel$es down in a dar= 9orner of so"e rest;house2 and "5 ra##ed 9hildren 9ried till sleep o$er9a"e the" ! needn't wear5 5ou with an a99ount of "5 stru##les !t is another stor5 ! "ust tell 5ou about Ra"u ! ha$e to add onl5 this about "5 own 9areer 'our 5ears later ! 9a"e a9ross a 9offee;estate owner in Me"pi Hills2 and he #a$e "e a fresh start E and ! "ust sa52 than=s to hi"2 ! ha$e done $er5 well indeed in the 9offee trade Now about Ra"u A 5ear a#o ! was pantin# up the steps of Thirupathi Hills ! had a $ow to fulfil at the te"ple ! had passed two thousand steps when a fa"iliar $oi9e assailed "5 ears fro" a"on# the #roup of "endi9ants linin# the steps ! stopped and turned And there he was2 ! 9ould hardl5 re9o#ni@e hi" now ! had seen hi" off at Mal#udi station ten 5ears before His fa9e was now dar=2 s9arred and

A 3AREER *88 pitted His e5es were fi>ed in a #a@e ! should ha$e passed hi" without noti9in# if he hadn't 9alled out for al"s His $oi9e was still un9han#ed ! stopped and said2 D Loo= here D D ! 9an't see2 ! a" blind D D .ho are 5ou F .here do 5ou 9o"e fro" F D ! as=ed in a $oi9e whi9h ! tried to dis#uise with a little #ruffness D Go2 #o 5our wa5 that F D he said .h5 do 5ou want to =now all

! had often boasted that if ! "et hi" ! would brea= his bones first E but this was not at all how ! had hoped to see hi" a#ain ! felt $er5 9onfused and unhapp5 ! dropped a 9oin on his upraised pal" and passed on %ut after "o$in# up a few steps ! stopped and be9=oned to another be##ar sittin# b5 his side He 9a"e up ! held up an anna 9oin before hi" and said2 D You "a5 ha$e this if 5ou will tell "e so"ethin# about that blind "an D D ! =now hi"2D said this be##ar2 who had no ar"s D .e =eep to#ether He has ar"s2 but no e5es E ! ha$e e5es2 but no ar"s2 and so we find ea9h other helpful .e "o$e about to#ether He is not a be##ar li=e "e2 but a san5asi He 9a"e here two 5ears a#o He had on9e "u9h "one5 in H5derabad2 Delhi2 %enares or so"ewhere S"allpo> too= awa5 his si#ht His wife2 a bad sort2 deserted hi" He is

$e>ed with the world So"e pil#ri"s 9o"in# fro" the North brou#ht hi" here %ut2 surel5 5ou won't tell hi" ! ha$e spo=en all this F He be9o"es wild if those da5s are "entioned D ! went ba9= to Ra"u2 stood before hi" and wat9hed hi" for a "o"ent ! felt li=e shoutin# D Ra"u2 God has punished 5ou enou#h Now 9o"e with "e i

*6, A 3AREER .here is 5our sweetheartF .here is "5 "one5F .hat de$il sei@ed 5ou F D %ut ! 9he9=ed "5self ! felt that the #reatest =indness ! 9ould do hi" was to lea$e hi" alone ! silentl5 pla9ed a rupee on his outstret9hed pal"2 and ra9ed up the steps At the bend ! turned "5 head and had another loo= at hi" And that was the last ! saw of hi" 'or when ! returned that wa5 four da5s later2 he was not to be seen (erhaps he had "o$ed on to another pla9e with his ar"less 9o"panion

*'ATHER'S HEL( LY!NG in bed2 Swa"i reali@ed with a shudder that it was Monda5 "ornin# !t loo=ed as thou#h onl5 a "o"ent a#o it had been the last period on 'rida5 E alread5 Monda5 was there He hoped that an earth?ua=e would redu9e the s9hool buildin# to dust2 but that #ood buildin# Albert Mission S9hool had withstood si"ilar pra5ers for o$er a hundred 5ears now At nine o'9lo9= Swa"inathan wailed A D ! ha$e a heada9he D His "other said A D .h5 don't 5ou #o to s9hool in aCut=a F D D So that ! "a5 be 9o"pletel5 dead at the other end F Ha$e 5ou an5 idea what it "eans to be Colted in siCut=a F D D Ha$e 5ou "an5 i"portant lessons toda5 F D D !"portant H %ah H That #eo#raph5 tea9her has been tea9hin# the sa"e lesson for o$er a 5ear now And we ha$e arith"eti92 whi9h "eans for a whole period we are #oin# to be beaten b5 the tea9her !"portant lesson H D And "other #enerousl5 su##ested that Swa"i "i#ht sta5 at ho"e At nine;thirt52 when he ou#ht to ha$e been shoutin#

in the s9hool pra5er hall2 Swa"i was l5in# on the ben9h in "other's roo" 'ather as=ed hi" A D Ha$e 5ou no s9hool toda5 F D D Heada9he2D Swa"i replied D Nonsense H Dress up and #o D

*6: 'ATHER'S HEL( D Heada9he D D Loaf about less on Sunda5s and 5ou will be without a heada9he on Monda5 D Swa"i =new how stubborn his father 9ould be2 and 9han#ed his ta9ti9s D ! 9an't #o so late to the 9lass D D ! a#ree2 but 5ou'll ha$e to E it is 5our own fault You should ha$e as=ed "e before de9idin# to sta5 awa5 D D .hat will the tea9her thin= if ! #o so late F D D Tell hi" 5ou had a heada9he and so are late D D He will beat "e if ! sa5 so D D .ill he F Let us see D Sa"uel D D Does he beat the bo5s F D D He is $er5 $iolent2 espe9iall5 with bo5s who #o late So"e da5s a#o a bo5 was "ade to sta5 on his =nees for a whole period in a 9orner of the 9lass be9ause he 9a"e late2 and that after #ettin# si> 9uts fro" the 9ane and ha$in# his ears twisted ! wouldn't li=e to #o late to Sa"uel's 9lass D D !f he is so $iolent2 wh5 not tell 5our head"aster about itFD D The5 sa5 that e$en the head"aster is afraid of hi" He is su9h a $iolent "an D And then Swa"i #a$e a lurid a99ount of Sa"uel's '$iolen9e E how when he started 9anin# he would not stop till he saw blood on the bo5's hand2 whi9h he "ade the bo5 press to his forehead li=e a $er"ilion "ar=in# Swa"i hoped that with this his father would be "ade to see that he 9ouldn't #o to his 9lass late %ut father's beha$iour too= an une>pe9ted turn He be9a"e e>9ited D .hat do these swine "ean b5 .hat is his na"e F D

beatin# our 9hildren F The5 "ust be dri$en out of ser$i9e ! will see D

'ATHER'S HEL( *6The result was he proposed to send Swa"i late to his 9lass as a =ind of 9hallen#e He was also #oin# to send a letter with Swa"i to the head"aster No a"ount of protest fro" Swa"i was of an5 a$ail A Swa"i had to #o to s9hool %5 the ti"e he was read5 father had 9o"posed a lon# letter to the head"aster2 put it in an en$elope2 and sealed it D .hat ha$e 5ou written2 father F D Swa"inathan as=ed apprehensi$el5 D Nothin# for 5ou Gi$e it to 5our head"aster and #o to 5our 9lass D D Ha$e 5ou written an5thin# about our tea9her Sa"uelFE' D (lent5 of thin#s about hi" .hen 5our head; "aster reads it he will probabl5 dis"iss Sa"uel fro" the s9hool and hand hi" o$er to the poli9e D D .hat has he done2 father F D D .ell2 there is a full a99ount of e$er5thin# he has done in the letter Gi$e it to 5our head"aster and #o to 5our 9lass You "ust brin# an a9=nowled#"ent fro" hi" in the e$enin# D Swa"i went to s9hool2 feelin# that he was the worst perCurer on earth His 9ons9ien9e bothered hi" A he wasn't at all sure if he had been a99urate in his des9ription of Sa"uel He 9ould not de9ide how "u9h of what he had said was i"a#ined and how "u9h of it real He stopped for a "o"ent on the roadside to "a=e up his "ind about Sa"uel A he was not su9h a bad "an after all (ersonall5 he was "u9h "ore #enial than the rest E often he 9ra9=ed a Co=e or two 9entrin# around Swa"i's ina9tions2 and Swa"i too= it as a "ar= of Sa"uel's personal re#ard for hi" %ut there was no doubt that he treated people badl5

*67 'ATHER'S HEL( His 9ane s=inned people's hands Swa"i 9ast his "ind about for an instan9e of this There was none within his =nowled#e Years and 5ears a#o he

was reputed to ha$e s=inned the =nu9=les of a bo5 in 'irst Standard and "ade hi" s"ear the blood on his fa9e No one had seen it a9tuall5 %ut 5ear after 5ear the stor5 persisted a"on# the bo5s Swa"i's head was di@@5 with 9onfusion in re#ard to Sa"uel's 9hara9ter whether he was #ood or bad2 whether he deser$ed the alle#ations in the letter or not Swa"i felt an i"pulse to run ho"e and be# his father to ta=e ba9= the letter %ut father was an obstinate "an As he approa9hed the 5ellow buildin# he reali@ed that he was perCurin# hi"self and was ruinin# his tea9her (robabl5 the head"aster would dis"iss Sa"uel and then the poli9e would 9hain hi" and put hi" in Cail 'or all this dis#ra9e2 hu"iliation2 and sufferin# who would be responsibleF Swa"i shuddered The "ore he thou#ht of Sa"uel2 the "ore he #rie$ed for hi" the dar= fa9e2 his s"all red;strea=ed e5es2 his thin line of "ousta9he2 his unsha$en 9hee= and 9hin2 his 5ellow 9oat E e$er5thin# filled Swa"i with sorrow As he felt the bul#e of the letter in his po9=et2 he felt li=e an e>e9utioner 'or a "o"ent he was an#r5 with his father2 and wondered wh5 he should not flin# into the #utter the letter of a "an so unreasonable and stubborn As he entered the s9hool #ate an idea o99urred to hi"2 a sort of solution He wouldn't deli$er the letter to the head"aster i""ediatel52 but at the end of the da5 to that e>tent he would disobe5 his father and e>er9ise his independen9e There was nothin# wron# in it2 and father would not =now it an5wa5

'ATHER'S HEL( *6+ !f the letter were #i$en at the end of the da5 there was a 9han9e that Sa"uel "i#ht do so"ethin# to Custif5 the letter Swa"i stood at the entran9e to his 9lass Sa"uel was tea9hin# arith"eti9 He loo=ed at Swa"i for a "o"ent Swa"i stood hopin# that Sa"uel would fall on hi" and tear his s=in off %ut Sa"uel "erel5 as=ed A D Are 5ou Cust 9o"in# to the 9lass F D D Yes2 sir D D You are half an hour late D D ! =now it D Swa"i hoped that he would be atta9=ed now He al"ost pra5ed A D God of Thirupathi2 please "a=e Sa"uel beat "e D D.h5 are 5ou lateFD

Swa"i wanted to repl5 A D Lust to see what 5ou 9an do D %ut he "erel5 said A D ! ha$e a heada9he2

sir D

D Then wh5 did 5ou 9o"e to the s9hool at all F D A "ost une>pe9ted ?uestion fro" Sa"uel D M5 father said that ! shouldn't "iss the 9lass2 sir2D said Swa"i This see"ed to i"press Sa"uel D Your father is ?uite ri#ht E a $er5 sensible "an .e want "ore parents li=e hi" D D Oh2 5ou poor wor" H D Swa"i thou#ht D You don't =now what "5 father has done for 5ou D He was "ore pu@@led than e$er about Sa"uel's 9hara9ter DAll ri#ht2 #o to 5our seat heada9he F D ** Sli#htl52 sir D Swa"i went to his seat with a bleedin# heart He had ne$er "et a "an so #ood as Sa"uel The tea9her was inspe9tin# the ho"e lessons2 whi9h usuall5 produ9ed /at least2 a99ordin# to Swa"i's i"pression0 Ha$e 5ou still a

*8< 'ATHER'S HEL( s9enes of #reat $iolen9e Noteboo=s would be flun# at fa9es2 bo5s would be abused2 9aned2 and "ade to stand up on ben9hes %ut toda5 Sa"uel appeared to ha$e de$eloped "ore toleran9e and #entleness He pushed awa5 the bad boo=s2 Cust tou9hed people with the 9ane2 ne$er "ade an5one stand up for "ore than a few "inutes Swa"i's turn 9a"e He al"ost than=ed God for the 9han9e D Swa"inathan2 where is 5our ho"ewor= F D D ! ha$e not done an5 ho"ewor=2 sir2D he said blandl5 There was a pause .h5 heada9he F D as=ed Sa"uel D Yes2 sir D

D All ri#ht2 sit down D Swa"i sat down2 wonderin# what had 9o"e o$er Sa"uel The period 9a"e to an end2 and Swa"i felt desolate The last period for the da5 was a#ain ta=en b5 Sa"uel He 9a"e this ti"e to tea9h the" !ndian histor5 The period be#an at 8 ,1 and ended at , 8< Swa"inathan had sat throu#h the pre$ious periods thin=in# a9utel5 He 9ould not de$ise an5 "eans of pro$o=in# Sa"uel .hen the 9lo9= stru9= four Swa"i felt desperate Half an hour "ore Sa"uel was readin# the red te>t2 the portion des9ribin# 4as9o da Ga"a's arri$al in !ndia The bo5s listened in half lan#uor Swa"i suddenl5 as=ed at the top of his $oi9e A D .h5 did not 3olu"bus 9o"e to !ndia2 sir F D D He lost his wa5 D D ! 9an't belie$e it E it is unbelie$able2 sir D D.h5FD D Su9h a #reat '"an the wa5 F D D Don't shout .ould he ha$e not =nown

! 9an hear 5ou ?uite well D

'ATHER'S HEL( *8* D ! a" not shoutin#2 sir E this is "5 ordinar5 $oi9e2 whi9h God has #i$en "e How 9an ! help it F D D Shut up and sit down D Swa"inathan sat down2 feelin# sli#htl5 happ5 at his su99ess The tea9her threw a pu@@led2 suspi9ious #lan9e at hi" and resu"ed his lessons His ne>t 9han9e o99urred when San=ar of the first ben9h #ot up and as=ed A D Sir2 was 4as9o da Ga"a the $er5 first person to 9o"e to !ndia F D %efore the tea9her 9ould answer2 Swa"i shouted fro" the ba9= ben9h A D That's what the5 sa5 D The tea9her and all the bo5s loo=ed at Swa"i The tea9her was pu@@led b5 Swa"i's obtrusi$e beha$iour toda5 D Swa"inathan2 5ou are shoutin# a#ain D D ! a" not shoutin#2 sir How 9an ! help $oi9e2 #i$en b5 God F D The s9hool 9lo9= ?uarter;hour A ?uarter "ore Swa"i felt do so"ethin# drasti9 in fifteen "inutes no doubt s9owled at hi" and snubbed hi"2 "5 stru9= a he "ust Sa"uel had but it

was hardl5 ade?uate Swa"i felt that with a little "ore effort Sa"uel 9ould be "ade to deser$e dis"issal and i"prison"ent The tea9her 9a"e to the end of a se9tion in the te>tboo= and stopped He proposed to spend the re"ainin# few "inutes puttin# ?uestions to the bo5s He ordered the whole 9lass to put awa5 boo=s2 and as=ed so"eone in the se9ond row A D .hat is the date of 4as9o da Ga"a's arri$al in !ndia F D Swa"inathan shot up and s9ree9hed A D Si>t9en; fort5;ei#ht2 De9e"ber twentieth D D You needn't shout2D said the tea9her D Has 5our heada9he "ade 5ou "ad F D He as=ed A

D ! ha$e no heada9he now2 sir2D replied the thunderer

i8 'ATHER'S HEL( bri#htl5 D Sit down2 5ou idiot D Swa"i thrilled at bein# 9alled an idiot D !f 5ou #et up a#ain ! will 9ane 5ouI' said the tea9her Swa"i sat down2 feelin# happ5 at the pro"ise The tea9her then as=ed A D ! a" #oin# to put a few ?uestions on the Mu#hal period A"on# the Mu#hal e"perors2 who" would 5ou 9all the #reatest2 who" the stron#est2 and who" the "ost reli#ious e"peror F D Swa"i #ot up As soon as he was seen2 the tea9her said e"phati9all5 A D Sit down D D ! want to answer2 sir D D Sit down D D No2 sir E ! want to answer D D .hat did ! sa5 !'d do if 5ou #ot up a#ain F D D You said 5ou would 9ane "e and peel the s=in off "5 =nu9=les and "a=e "e press it on "5 forehead D D All ri#ht E 9o"e here D Swa"inathan left his seat Co5full5 and hopped on the platfor" The tea9her too= out his 9ane fro" the drawer and shouted an#ril5 A D Open 5our hand2 5ou little de$il D He wha9=ed three wholeso"e 9uts on ea9h pal" Swa"i re9ei$ed the" without blen9hin# After half a do@en the tea9her as=ed A D .ill these do2 or do 5ou want so"e "ore F D Swa"i "erel5 held out his hand a#ain2 and re9ei$ed

two "ore E and the bell ran# Swa"i Cu"ped down fro" the platfor" with a li#ht heart2 thou#h his hands were s"artin# He pi9=ed up his boo=s2 too= out the letter l5in# in his po9=et2 and ran to the head; "aster's roo" He found the roo" lo9=ed He as=ed the peon A D .here is the head"aster F D D .h5 do 5ou want hi" F D D M5 father has sent a letter for hi" D

'ATHER'S HEL( *88 D He has ta=en the afternoon off2 and won't 9o"e for a wee= You 9an #i$e the letter to the assistant head"aster He will be here now D D .ho is he F D D Your tea9her2 Sa"uel se9ond D He will be here in a

Swa"inathan fled fro" the pla9e As soon as Swa"i went ho"e with the letter2 father re"ar=ed A D ! =new 5ou wouldn't deli$er it2 5ou 9oward D D ! swear our head"aster is on lea$e2D Swa"inathan be#an 'ather replied A D Don't lie in addition to bein# a 9oward D Swa"i held up the en$elope and said A D ! will #i$e this to the head"aster as soon as he is ba9= D 'ather snat9hed it fro" his hand2 tore it up2 and thrust it into the wastepaper bas=et under his table He "uttered A D Don't 9o"e to "e for help e$en if Sa"uel throttles 5ou You deser$e 5our Sa"uel D

*7 THE SNA&ENSONG .E were 9o"in# out of the "usi9 hall ?uite pleased with the 9on9ert .e thou#ht it a $er5 fine perfor"an9e .e thou#ht so till we noti9ed the Tal=ati$e Man in our "idst He loo=ed as thou#h he had been in a torture 9ha"ber .e loo=ed at hi" sourl5 and re"ar=ed A D .e suppose 5ou are one of those #reat "en who belie$e that South !ndian "usi9 died one hundred 5ears a#o Or were 5ou at an5 ti"e hobnobbin# with all our an9ient "usi9ians

and 9o"posers2 the onl5 reason "an5 persons li=e 5ou ha$e for thin=in# that all "odern sin#in# is 9hildish and inane F Or are 5ou one of those restless theorists who 9an ne$er hear a son# without splittin# it into ato"s F D D None of these2D answered the Tal=ati$e Man D ! a" Cust a si"ple 9reature who =nows what he is tal=in# about ! =now so"ethin# of "usi92 perhaps Cust a little "ore than an5one else here2 and that is wh5 ! a" horrified to see the le$el to whi9h taste has sun= D .e tried to snub hi" b5 re9ei$in# his re"ar=s in 9old silen9e and tal=in# a"on# oursel$es %ut he followed us all the wa5 9hattin#2 and we had to listen to hi" Seein# "e now /said the Tal=ati$e Man0 perhaps 5ou thin= ! a" 9apable of doin# nothin# "ore artisti9 than sellin# 9he"i9al fertili@ers to peasants %ut !

THE SNA&E SONG *81 tell 5ou ! was at one ti"e a"bitious of be9o"in# a "usi9ian ! 9a"e near bein# one !t was 5ears and 5ears a#o ! was li$in# at the ti"e in &u"bu"2 a s"all $illa#e ei#ht5 "iles fro" Mal#udi A "aster "usi9ian li$ed there .hen he pla5ed on the flute2 it was said2 the 9attle of the $illa#e followed hi" about He was perhaps the #reatest artist of the 9entur52 but ?uite 9ontent to li$e in obs9urit52 hardl5 =nown to an5one outside the $illa#e2 #i$in# 9on9erts onl5 in the $illa#e te"ple2 and absolutel5 satisfied with the s"all in9o"e he deri$ed fro" his an9estral lands ! washed his 9lothes2 swept his house2 ran errands for hi"2 wrote his a99ounts2 and when he felt li=e it he tau#ht "e "usi9 His personalit5 and presen9e had a $alue all their own2 so that e$en if he tau#ht onl5 for an hour it was worth a 5ear's tuition under an5one else The $er5 at"osphere around hi" edu9ated one After three 5ears of 9hippin# and planin# "5 "aster felt that "5 "usi9 was after all ta=in# so"e shape He said2 D !n another 5ear2 perhaps2 5ou "a5 #o to the town and pla5 before a publi92 that is2 if 5ou 9are for su9h thin#s D You "a5 be sure ! 9ared Not for "e the #reatness of obs9urit5 ! wanted wealth and renown ! drea"t of #oin# to Madras and attendin# the "usi9 festi$al ne>t 5ear2 and then all the distri9ts would rin# with "5 na"e ! loo=ed on "5 ba"boo flute as a sort of "a#i9 wand whi9h was #oin# to open out a new world to "e

! li$ed in a s"all 9otta#e at the end of the street2 !t was "5 habit to sit up and pra9tise far into the ni#ht One ni#ht as ! Bwas Cust losin# "5self in bhaira$i ra#a2 there 9a"e a =no9= on the door ! felt irritated at the interruptionB

*8: THE SNA&E SONG D .ho is there F D ! as=ed D A sadhu E he wants a "outhful of food D D At this hour H Go2 #o people at all hours D Don't 9o"e and pester

D %ut hun#er =nows no ti"e D D Go awa5 ! ha$e nothin# here "5 "aster's 9harit5 D ! "5self li$e on

D %ut 9an't 5ou #i$e a s"all 9oin or at least a =ind word to a sadhu F He has seen &asi2 Ra"eswara" D D Shut up2D ! 9ried2 #lared at the door2 and resu"ed "5 bhaira$i 'ifteen "inutes later the =no9=s were repeated ! lost "5 te"per D Ha$e 5ou no sense F .h5 do 5ou disturb "e F D D You pla5 di$inel5 .on't 5ou let "e in F You "a5 not #i$e "e food for "5 sto"a9h but don't den5 "e 5our "usi9 D ! didn't li=e an5one to be present when ! pra9tised2 and this 9onstant interruption was e>asperatin# D Don't stand there and ar#ue !f 5ou don't #o at on9e2 ! will open the door and push 5ou out D D Ah2 bad words You needn't push "e out ! a" #oin# %ut re"e"ber2 this is 5our last da5 of "usi9 To"orrow 5ou "a5 e>9han#e 5our flute for a handful of dried dates D ! heard his wooden 9lo#s #oin# down the house stepsB ! felt relie$ed and pla5ed for about ten "inutes %ut "5 "ind was troubled His partin# words what did he "ean b5 the"F ! #ot up2 too= the lantern fro" its nail on the wall2 and went out ! stood on the last step of "5 9otta#e and loo=ed up and down the dar= street2 holdin# up the lantern ! turned in 4a#uel5 hopin# that he "i#ht 9all a#ain2 ! left the door half open ! hun# up the lantern and sat down

THE SNA&E SONG *8! loo=ed at the pi9tures of #ods on the wall and pra5ed to be prote9ted fro" the threat of the unseen "en; di9ant And then ! was lost in "usi9 on9e a#ain Son# after son# flowed fro" that tin5 ba"boo and transfor"ed "5 lonel5 9otta#e ! was no lon#er a pett5 "ortal blowin# throu#h a pie9e of ba"boo ! was a"on# the #ods The lantern on the wall be9a"e a brilliant star illu"inatin# a 9elestian hall And ! 9a"e to the sna=e;son# in punna#a $arali ! saw the serpent in all its "aCest5 A the $er5 $eno" in its pou9h had a tou9h of #lor5 A now ! saw its di$init5 as it 9rowned Shi$a's head A (ar$athi wore it as a wristlet A Subra"an5a pla5ed with it A and it was 4ishnu's 9ou9h The whole 9o"position i"; parted to the serpent a ?ualit5 whi9h inspired awe and re$eren9e And now what should ! see between the door and "e but a bla9= 9obra H !t had opened its i""ense hood and was swa5in# e9stati9all5 ! stopped "5 son# and rubbed "5 e5es to see if ! was full5 awa=e %ut the "o"ent the son# 9eased2 the 9obra turned and threw a #lan9e at "e2 and "o$ed forward ! ha$e ne$er seen su9h a bla9= 9obra and su9h a lon# one in "5 life So"e sa$in# instin9t told "e A D (la5 on H (la5 on H Don't stop D ! hurriedl5 too= the flute to "5 lips and 9ontinued the son# The sna=e2 whi9h was now less than three 5ards fro" "e2 lifted a ?uarter of its bod52 with a #entle flourish reared its head2 fi>ed its round e5es on "e2 and listened to the "usi9 without "a=in# the sli#htest "o$e"ent !t "i#ht ha$e been a 9ar$en sna=e in bla9= stone2 so still it was And as ! pla5ed with "5 e5es fi>ed on the sna=e ! was so "u9h i"pressed with its di#nit5 and authorit5

*87 THE SNA&E SONG that ! said to "5self2 D .hi9h God would fore#o the pri$ile#e of wearin# this in His hair F D After pla5in# the son# thri9e o$er2 ! 9o""en9ed a new son# The 9obra sharpl5 turned its head and loo=ed at "e as if to sa52 D Now what is all this F D and let out a terrible hiss2 and "ade a sli#ht "o$e"ent ! ?ui9=l5 resu"ed the sna=e;son#2 and it assu"ed on9e a#ain its 9ar$en posture So ! pla5ed the son# a#ain and a#ain And howe$er #reat a 9o"position "i#ht be2 a do@en repetitions of it was bound to pro$e tireso"e ! atte"pted to 9han#e

the son# on9e or twi9e2 but ! saw the sna=e stir "ena9in#l5 ! $ainl5 tried to #et up and dash out2 but the sna=e nearl5 stood up on its tail and pro"ised to finish "e And so ! pla5ed the sa"e son# all ni#ht M5 distin#uished audien9e showed no si#n of lea$in# %5 and b5 ! felt e>hausted M5 head swa"2 "5 9hee=s a9hed throu#h 9ontinuous blowin#2 and "5 9hest see"ed to be e"ptied of the last wisp of breath ! =new ! was #oin# to drop dead in a few se9onds !t didn't see" to "atter $er5 "u9h if the sna=e was #oin# to 9rush "e in its 9oils and fill "e with all the $eno" in its sa9 ! flun# down the flute2 #ot up2 and prostrated before it 9r5in#2 D Oh2 Na#a RaCa2 5ou are a #od E 5ou 9an =ill "e if 5ou li=e2 but ! 9an pla5 no "ore D .hen ! opened "5 e5es a#ain the sna=e was #one The lantern on the wall had turned pale in the "ornin# li#ht M5 flute la5 near the doorwa5 + Ne>t da5 ! narrated "5 e>perien9es to "5 "aster He said2 D Don't 5ou =now 5ou ou#ht not to pla5 punna#a $arali at ni#htF That apart2 now 5ou 9an ne$er be sure 5ou will not #et the sna=e in a#ain if 5ou pla5 And when he 9o"es he won't spare 5ou unless

THE SNA&E SONG *8+ 5ou sin# his son# o$er a#ain do it F D Are 5ou prepared to

D No2 no2 a thousand ti"es no2D ! 9ried The "e"or5 of that son# was #allin# ! had repeated it enou#h to last "e a lifeti"e D !f it is so2 throw awa5 5our flute and for#et 5our "usi9 You 9an't pla5 with a serpent !t is a pla5; thin# of Gods Throw awa5 5our ba"boo !t is of no use to 5ou an5 "ore D ! wept at the thou#ht of this renun9iation M5 "aster pitied "e and said2 D (erhaps all will be well a#ain if 5ou see= 5our $isitor of that ni#ht and be# his for#i$eness 3an 5ou find hi" F D ! put awa5 "5 flute ! ha$e e$er sin9e been sear9hin# for an un=nown2 unseen "endi9ant2 in this world E$en toda5 if2 b5 God's #ra9e2 ! "eet hi"2 ! will fall at his feet2 be# his for#i$eness2 and ta=e up "5 flute a#ain


O HANTA 9ould not sta5 in her 9lass an5 lon#er BN She had done 9la5;"odellin#2 "usi92 drill2 a bit of alphabets and nu"bers2 and was now 9uttin# 9oloured paper She would ha$e to 9ut till the bell ran# and the tea9her said2 D Now2 5ou "a5 all #o ho"e2D or D (ut awa5 the s9issors and ta=e up 5our alpha; bets D Shanta was i"patient to =now the ti"e She as=ed her friend sittin# ne>t2 D !s it fi$e now F D D Ma5be2D she replied D Or is it si> F D D ! don't thin= so2D her friend replied2 D be9ause ni#ht 9o"es at si> D D Do 5ou thin= it is fi$e F D D Yes D D Oh2 ! "ust #o M5 father will be ba9= at ho"e now He has as=ed "e to be read5 at fi$e He is ta=in# "e to the 9ine"a this e$enin# ! "ust #o ho"e D She threw down her s9issors and ran up to the tea9her D Mada"2 ! "ust #o ho"e D D .h52 Shanta %ai F D D %e9ause it is fi$e o'9lo9= now D D .ho told 5ou it was fi$e F D D &a"ala D D !t is not fi$e now !t is do 5ou see the 9lo9= thereF Tell "e what the ti"e is ! tau#ht 5ou to read the 9lo9= the other da5 D Shanta stood #a@in# *,<

'ORTY;'!4E A MONTH *,* at the 9lo9= in the hall2 9ounted the fi#ures laboriousl5 and de9lared2 D !t is nine o'9lo9= D The tea9her 9alled the other #irls and said2 D .ho will tell "e the ti"e fro" that 9lo9= F D Se$eral of the" 9on9urred with Shanta and said it was nine o'9lo9=2 till the tea9her said2 D You are onl5 seein# the lon# hand See the short one2 where is it F D D Two and a half D D So what is the ti"e F D

D Two and a half D D !t is two fort5;fi$e2 understand F Now 5ou "a5 all #o to 5our seats D Shanta returned to the tea9her in about ten "inutes and as=ed2 D !s it fi$e2 Mada"2 be9ause ! ha$e to be read5 at fi$e F Other; wise "5 father will be $er5 an#r5 with "e He as=ed "e to return ho"e earl5 D D At what ti"e F D D Now D The tea9her #a$e her per"ission to lea$e2 and Shanta pi9=ed up her boo=s and dashed out of the 9lass with a 9r5 of Co5 She ran ho"e2 threw her boo=s on the floor2 and shouted2 D Mother2 Mother2D and Mother 9a"e runnin# fro" the ne>t house where she had #one to 9hat with her friends Mother as=ed2 D .h5 are 5ou ba9= so earl5 F D D Has father 9o"e ho"e F D Shanta as=ed She would not ta=e her 9offee or tiffin2 but insisted on bein# dressed first She opened the trun= and insisted on wearin# the thinnest fro9= and =ni9=ers2 while her "other wanted to dress her in a lon# s=irt and thi9= 9oat for the e$enin# Shanta pi9=ed out a #or#eous ribbon fro" a 9ardboard soap bo> in whi9h she =ept pen9ils2 ribbons and 9hal= bits There was a heated ar#u"ent between "other and dau#hter o$er the dress2 and finall5 "other had to #i$e in Shanta

*,6 'ORTY;'!4E A MONTH put on her fa$ourite pin= fro9=2 braided her hair2 and flaunted a #reen ribbon on her pi#tail She powdered her fa9e and pressed a $er"ilion "ar= on her forehead She said2 D Now father will sa5 what a ni9e #irl ! a" be9ause !'" read5 Aren't 5ou also 9o"in#2 "other F D D Not toda5 D Shanta stood at the little #ate loo=in# down the street Mother said A D 'ather will 9o"e onl5 after fi$e E don't stand in the sun !t is onl5 four o'9lo9= D The sun was disappearin# behind the house on the opposite row2 and Shanta =new that presentl5 it would be dar= She ran in to her "other and as=ed2 D .h5 hasn't father 9o"e ho"e 5et2 "other F D

D How 9an ! =now F He is perhaps held up in the offi9e D Shanta "ade a wr5 fa9e A D ! don't li=e these people in the offi9e The5 are bad people D She went ba9= to the #ate and stood loo=in# out Her "other shouted fro" inside A D Go"e in2 Shanta !t is #ettin# dar=2 don't stand there D %ut Shanta would not #o in She stood at the #ate and a wild idea 9a"e to her head .h5 should she not #o to the offi9e and 9all out father and then #o to the 9ine"aF She wondered where his offi9e "i#ht be She had no notion She had seen her father ta=e the turn at the end of the street e$er5 da5 !f one went there2 one perhaps went auto"ati9all5 to father's offi9e She threw a #lan9e about to see if "other was an5where and "o$ed down the street !t was twili#ht E$er5one #oin# about loo=ed #i#anti92 walls of houses appeared $er5 hi#h2 and 959les and 9arria#es loo=ed as thou#h the5 would bear

'ORTY;'!4E A MONTH *,8 down on her She wal=ed on the $er5 ed#e of the road Soon the la"ps were twin=lin# A and the passers;b5 loo=ed li=e shadows She had ta=en two turns and did not =now where she was She sat down on the ed#e of the road bitin# her nails She wondered how she was to rea9h ho"e A ser$ant e"plo5ed in the ne>t house was passin# alon#2 and she pi9=ed herself up and stood before hi" D Oh2 what are 5ou doin# here all alone F D he as=ed She replied2 D ! don't =now ! 9a"e here .ill 5ou ta=e "e to our house F D She followed hi" and was soon ba9= in her house

4en=at Rao2 Shanta's father2 was about to start for his offi9e that "ornin# when a Cut=a passed alon# the street distributin# 9ine"a handbills Shanta dashed to the street and pi9=ed up a handbill She held it up and as=ed A D 'ather2 will 5:u ta=e "e to the 9ine"a toda5 F D He felt unhapp5 at the ?uestion Here was the 9hild #rowin# up without ha$in# an5 of the a"enities and the si"ple pleasures of life He had hardl5 ta=en her twi9e to the 9ine"a He had no ti"e for the 9hild .hile 9hildren of her a#e in other houses had all the dolls2 dresses2 and outin#s that the5 wanted2 this 9hild was #rowin# up all alone and li=e a barbarian "ore or less He felt furious with his offi9e 'or fort5 rupees a "onth the5 see"ed

to ha$e pur9hased hi" outri#ht He reproa9hed hi"self for ne#le9tin# his wife and 9hild e$en the wife 9ould ha$e her own 9ir9le of friends and so on A she was after all a #rown;up2 but what about the 9hild F .hat a drab2 9olourless e>isten9e was hers H E$er5 da5 the5 =ept hi" at the

*,, 'ORTY;'!4E A MONTH offi9e till se$en or ei#ht in the e$enin# and when he 9a"e ho"e the 9hild was asleep E$en on Sunda5s the5 wanted hi" at the offi9e .h5 did the5 thin= he had no personal life2 a life of his own F The5 #a$e hi" hardl5 an5 ti"e to ta=e the 9hild to the par= or the pi9tures He was #oin# to show the" that the5 weren't to to5 with hi" Yes2 he was prepared e$en to ?uarrel with his "ana#er if ne9essar5 He said with resol$e A D ! will ta=e 5ou to the 9ine"a this e$enin# %e read5 at fi$e D D Reall5 H Mother H D Shanta shouted 9a"e out of the =it9hen Mother

D 'ather is ta=in# "e to a 9ine"a in the e$enin# D Shanta's "other s"iled 95ni9all5 D Don't "a=e

false pro"ises to the 9hild D 4en=at Rao #lared at her D Don't tal= nonsense You thin= 5ou are the onl5 person who =eeps pro"ises D He told Shanta A D %e read5 at fi$e2 and ! will 9o"e and ta=e 5ou positi$el5 !f 5ou are not read52 ! will be $er5 an#r5 with 5ou D He wal=ed to his offi9e full of resol$e He would do his nor"al wor= and #et out at fi$e !f the5 started an5 old tri9=s of theirs2 he was #oin# to te) the boss A D Here is "5 resi#nation M5 9hild's happiness is "ore i"portant to "e than these horrible papers of 5ours D All da5 the usual strea" of papers flowed on to his table and out of it He s9rutini@ed2 si#ned2 and drafted He was 9orre9ted2 ad"onished2 and insulted He had a brea= of onl5 fi$e "inutes in the afternoon for his 9offee .hen the offi9e 9lo9= stru9= fi$e and the other 9ler=s were lea$in#2 he went up to the "ana#er and said A D Ma5 ! #o2 sir F D The "ana#er loo=ed up

'ORTY;'!4E A MONTH *,1 fro" his paper A D You H D !t was unthin=able that the 9ash and a99ount se9tion should be 9losin# at fi$e D How 9an 5ou #o F D D ! ha$e so"e ur#ent2 pri$ate business2 sir2D he said2 s"otherin# the lines he had been rehearsin# sin9e the "ornin# A D Herewith "5 resi#nation D He $isuali@ed Shanta standin# at the door2 dressed2 and palpitatin# with ea#erness D There shouldn't be an5thin# "ore ur#ent than the offi9e wor= E #o ba9= to 5our seat You =now how "an5 hours ! wor= F D as=ed the "ana#er The "ana#er 9a"e to the offi9e three hours before the openin# ti"e and sta5ed nearl5 three hours after 9losin#2 e$en on Sunda5s The 9ler=s 9o""ented a"on# the"sel$es A D His wife "ust be whippin# hi" whene$er he is seen at ho"e E that is wh5 the old owl see"s so fond of his offi9e D D Did 5ou tra9e the sour9e of that Ten;Ei#ht differen9e F D as=ed the "ana#er D ! shall ha$e to e>a"ine two hundred $ou9hers ! thou#ht we "i#ht do it to"orrow D D No2 no2 this won't do You "ust re9tif5 it i""ediatel5 D 4en=at Rao "u"bled2 D Yes2 sir2D and slun= ba9= to his seat The 9lo9= showed fi$e;thirt5 Now it "eant two hours of e>9ru9iatin# sear9h a"on# $ou9hers All the rest of the offi9e had #one Onl5 he and another 9ler= in his se9tion were wor=in#2 and2 of 9ourse2 the "ana#er was there 4en=at Rao was furious His "ind was "ade up He wasn't a sla$e who had sold hi"self for fort5 rupees outri#ht He 9ould "a=e that "one5 easil5 E and if he 9ouldn't it would be "ore honourable to die of star$ation He too= a sheet of paper and wrote A D Herewith

*,: 'ORTY;'!4E A MONTH "5 resi#nation !f 5ou people thin= 5ou ha$e bou#ht "e bod5 and soul for fort5 rupees2 5ou ar9 "ista=en ! thin= it would be far better for "e and "5 fa"il5 to die of star$ation than sla$e for this pett5 fort5 rupees on whi9h 5ou ha$e =ept "e for 5ears and 5ears ! suppose 5ou ha$e not the sli#htest notion of #i$in# "e an in9re"ent You #i$e 5oursel$es hea$5 sli9es

fre?uentl52 and ! don't see wh5 5ou shouldn't thin= of us o99asionall5 !n an5 9ase it doesn't interest "e now2 sin9e this is "5 resi#nation !f ! and "5 fa"il5 perish of star$ation2 "a5 our #hosts 9o"e and haunt 5ou all 5our life D He folded the letter2 put it in an en$elope2 sealed the flap and addressed it to the "ana#er He left his seat and stood before the "ana#er The "ana#er "e9hani9all5 re9ei$ed the letter and put it on his pad D 4en=at Rao2D said the "ana#er D !'" sure 5ou will be #lad to hear this news Our offi9er dis9ussed the ?uestion of in9re"ents toda52 and !'$e re9o""ended 5ou for an in9re"ent of fi$e rupees Orders are not 5et passed and so =eep this to 5ourself for the present D 4en=at Rao put out his hand2 snat9hed the en$elope fro" the pad and hastil5 slipped it in his po9=et D.hat is that letterFD D ! ha$e applied for a little 9asual lea$e2 sir2 bu ! thin= D D You 9an't #et an5 lea$e at least for a fortni#ht to 9o"e D D Yes2 sir ! reali@e that That is wh5 ! a" withdrawin# "5 appli9ation2 sir D D 4er5 well Ha$e 5ou tra9ed that "ista=e F D ! will find it

D !'" s9rutini@in# the $ou9hers2 sir out within an hour D

'ORTY;'!4E A MONTH *,!t was nine o'9lo9= when he went ho"e Shanta had alread5 slept Her "other said2 D She wouldn't e$en 9han#e her fro9=2 thin=in# that an5 "o"ent 5ou "i#ht be 9o"in# and ta=in# her out She hardl5 ate an5 food E and wouldn't lie down for fear of 9ru"plin# her dress D 4en=at Rao's heart bled when he saw his 9hild sleepin# in her pin= fro9=2 hair 9o"bed2 and fa9e powdered2 dressed and read5 to be ta=en out D .h5 should ! not ta=e her to the ni#ht show F D He shoo= her #entl5 and 9alled2 D Shanta2 Shanta D Shanta =i9=ed her le#s and 9ried2 irritated at bein# disturbed Mother whispered2 D Don't wa=e her2D and patted her ba9= to sleep

4en=at Rao wat9hed the 9hild for a "o"ent D ! don't =now if it is #oin# to be possible for "e to ta=e her out at all 5ou see the5 are #i$in# "e an in; 9re"ent D he wailed

6< DAS! THE %R!DEGROOM H!S na"e was Dasi !n all the E>tension there was none li=e hi" an un9outh fellow with a narrow taperin# head2 bul#in# e5es2 and fat ne9= E below the ne9= he had an i""ense bod52 all "us9le God had not endowed hi" with $er5 fluent spee9h He #ur#led and lisped li=e an infant His a#e was a "5ster5 !t "i#ht be an5thin# between twent5 and fift5 He li$ed in a house in the last street !t was a "atter of perpetual spe9ulation how he was related to the "aster of the house So"e persons said he was a 5oun#er brother2 and so"e said he had been a foundlin# brou#ht up b5 the #entle"an .hate$er it was it was not a "atter whi9h 9ould be 9leared b5 (asi hi"self for2 as ! ha$e alread5 said2 he 9ould not e$en sa5 how old he was !f 5ou as=ed2 he said a hundred one da5 and fi$e on the ne>t !n return for the food and prote9tion he re9ei$ed2 he ser$ed the fa"il5 in his own wa5 E he drew water fro" the well fro" dawn till "idda52 9hopped wood2 and du# the #arden Dasi went out in the afternoon .hen he stepped out s9ores of 9hildren followed hi" about shoutin# and Ceerin# Haw=ers and passers;b5 stopped to 9ra9= a Co=e at his e>pense There was parti9ularl5 a #roup in a house ni9=na"ed Mantapa" !n the front por9h of the house were #athered all da5 a #ood *,7

DAS! THE %R!DEGROOM *,+ 9o"pan5 of old "en E persons who had done useful wor= in their ti"e but who now found absolutel5 nothin# to do at an5 part of the da5 The5 were e$er on the loo= out for so"e e>9ite"ent or #ossip To the" Dasi was a sour9e of #reat Co5 The "o"ent Dasi was si#hted the5 would shout2 D He52 fellow2 ha$e 5ou fi>ed up a bride F D This ?uestion ne$er failed to draw Dasi in2 for he thou#ht $er5 deepl5 and earnestl5 of his "arria#e .hen he 9a"e and s?uatted in their "idst on the floor the5 would sa52 D The "arria#e season is 9losin#2 5ou "ust hurr5 up2 "5 dear fellow D

D Yes2 5es2D Dasi would repl5 D ! a" #oin# to the priest He has pro"ised to settle it toda5 D D Toda5 F D D Yes2 toni#ht ! a" #oin# to be "arried said so D D .ho F D D M5 un9le D The5

D .ho is 5our un9le F D D M5 elder brother is "5 un9le ! a" in his house and draw water fro" his well See how "5 hand is all the s=in is #one D He would spread out his fin#ers and show his pal"s The5 would feel his pal"s and sa52 D Hardened li=e wood H (oor fellow H This won't do2 "5 dear fellow2 5ou "ust ?ui9=l5 "arr5 and put an end to all this D Dasi's e5es would bri#hten at this su##estion2 and his lips would part in a happ5 s"ile showin# an enor"ous front tooth E$er5one would lau#h at it2 and he2 too2 would swa5 and ro9= with lau#hter And then the ?uestion2 D .here is 5our bride F D D She is there in Madras in Madras D

D .hat is she li=e F D

i 1 o DAS! THE %R!DEGROOM D She has e5es li=e this2D said Dasi2 and drew a lar#e 9ir9le in the air with his fin#er D .hat is the 9olour of her s=in F D D 4er52 $er5 white D D Has she lon# hair F D Dasi indi9ated an i""ense flow of tresses with his hand D !s she $er5 #ood loo=in# F D D She is 5es2 5es D

Dasi hid his fa9e in his hand2 loo=ed at the #roup throu#h a 9orner of his e5e and said sh5l52 D Yes2 5es2 ! also li=e her D D .here ha$e 5ou the "one5 to "arr5 F D

D The5 ha$e to #i$e "e three thousand rupees2D replied Dasi D He "eans that his wa#es ha$e a99u"ulated2D so"e one e>plained obli#in#l5 .hen he went ho"e he was as=ed where he had been and he said2 D M5 "arria#e D And then he went and sat down in the shed on his "at2 his onl5 possession in the world He re"ained there broodin# o$er his "arria#e till he was 9alled in to dine2 late in the ni#ht He was the last to eat be9ause he 9onsu"ed an i""ense ?uantit5 of ri9e2 and the5 thou#ht it a ris= to 9all hi" in before the others had eaten After food he 9arried hu#e 9auldrons of water and washed the =it9hen and dinin#;hall floor And then he went to his "at and slept till dawn2 when he wo=e up and drew water fro" the well 'or 5ears out of 9ount this had been #oin# on E$en his life had a tone and rh5th" of its own He ne$er see"ed to lon# for an5thin# or interfere in an5bod5's business E ne$er spo=e to others e>9ept when spo=en to E ne$er so "u9h as thou#ht he was bein#

DAS! THE %R!DEGROOM *1* Co=ed at E he treated e$er5one seriousl5 E when the E>tension S9hool 9hildren ran behind hi" Ceerin# he ne$er e$en showed he was aware of their presen9e E he had no doubt the stren#th of an o>2 but he had also the forbearan9e of Mother Earth E nothin# e$er see"ed to irritate hi" The little 9otta#e in the third street whi9h had re"ained $a9ant fro" ti"e i""e"orial suddenl5 shed its D To Let D noti9e Alon# with the newspaper and the letters2 the train one "ornin# brou#ht a fil" star fro" Madras2 9alled %a"ini %ai a 5oun# person all s"iles2 sil= and powder She too= up her abode in the little 9otta#e 4er5 soon the E>tension fol= =new all about her She was #oin# to sta5 in Mal#udi a 9onsiderable ti"e trainin# herself under a fa"ous "usi9ian of the town She had her old "other sta5in# with her The E>tension fol= had also a 9o"plete =nowled#e of her "o$e"ents She left ho"e earl5 in the "ornin#2 returned at "idda52 slept till three o'9lo9=2 went out on a wal= alon# the Trun= Road at fi$e o'9lo9=2 and so on At the Mantapa" the5 told Dasi one da52 D Dasi2 5our wife has arri$ed D

D .here F D as=ed Dasi He be9a"e a#itated2 and swallowed and stru##led to e>press all the an>iet5 and happiness he felt The 9o"pan5 assu"ed a $er5 serious e>pression and said2 D Do 5ou =now the house in the ne>t street2 the little house F D D Yes2 5es D D She is there Ha$e 5ou not seen her F D

Dasi hid his fa9e in his hands and went awa5 He went to the ne>t street !t was about one o'9lo9= in the afternoon The fil" star was not to be seen

i 1 a DAS! THE %R!DEGROOM Dasi stood on the road loo=in# at the house for so"e ti"e He returned to the Mantapa" The5 #reeted hi" $o9iferousl5 D How do 5ou li=e her F D Dasi replied2 D M5 e5es did not see her2 the door would not open D D Tr5 to loo= in throu#h the window see her D You will

D ! will see throu#h the window2D said Dasi2 and started out a#ain D No2 no2 stop !t is no #ood .ill 5ou do as ! sa5 F D D Yes2 5es D D You see2 she #oes out e$er5 da5 at fi$e o'9lo9= You will see her if 5ou #o to Tri9h5 Road and wait D Dasi's head was bowed in sh5ness The5 #oaded hi" on2 and he went alon# to the Trun= Road and waited He sat under a tree on the roadside !t was not e$en two o'9lo9=2 and he had to wait till nearl5 si> The sun beat down full5 on his fa9e He sat leanin# a#ainst a tree trun= and brooded A few 9ars passed raisin# dust2 bullo9= 9arts with Cin#lin# bells2 and $illa#ers were "o$in# about the hi#hwa5E but Dasi saw nothin# and noti9ed nothin# He sat loo=in# down the road And after all she 9a"e alon# Dasi's throat went dr5 at the si#ht of her His te"ples throbbed2 and sweat stood out on his brow He had ne$er seen an5thin# li=e her in all his life The $ision of beaut5 and 5outh da@@led hi" He was 9onfused and bewildered He spran# on to his feet and ran ho"e at full speed He la5 down on his "at in the shed He was so "u9h absorbed in Listen to "e

his thou#hts that he wouldn't #et up when the5 9alled hi" in to dinner His "aster wal=ed to the shed

DAS! THE %R!DEGROOM *18 and shoo= hi" up he as=ed D M5 "arria#e ri#ht D D .hat is the "atter with 5ou F D She is there She is all

D .ell2 well Go and eat and do 5our wor=2 5ou fool2D said his "aster Ne>t afternoon Dasi was a#ain at the Trun= Road This be9a"e his dail5 habit E$er5 da5 his 9oura#e in9reased At last 9a"e a da5 when he 9ould stare at her His fa9e rela>ed and his lips parted in a s"ile when she passed hi"2 but that 5oun# lad5 had other thou#hts to o99up5 her "ind and did not noti9e hi" He waited till she returned that wa5 and tried to s"ile at her a#ain2 thou#h it was nearl5 dar= and she was loo=in# awa5 He followed her2 his fa9e lit up with Co5 She opened the #ate of her 9otta#e and wal=ed in He hesitated a "o"ent2 and followed her in He stood under the ele9tri9 la"p in the hall The "other 9a"e out of the =it9hen and as=ed Dasi2 D .ho are 5ou F D Dasi loo=ed at her and s"iled E at that the old lad5 was fri#htened She 9ried2 D %a"a2 who is this "an in the hall F D %a"ini %ai 9a"e out of her roo" D .ho are 5ou F D she as=ed Dasi "elted at the si#ht of her E$en the little e>pression he was 9apable of left hi" He blin=ed and #ulped and loo=ed suffo9ated His e5es bla@ed forth lo$e His lips stru##led to s"ile .ith #reat diffi9ult5 he said2 D .ife wife2 5ou are the wife D D .hat are 5ou sa5in# F D D You are "5 wife2D he repeated2 and "o$ed nearer She re9oiled with horror2 and stru9= hi" in the fa9e And then she and her "other set up su9h a 9r5 that all the nei#hbours and passers;b5 rushed in So"ebod5

i 1 , DAS! THE %R!DEGROOM brou#ht in a poli9e Sub;!nspe9tor Dasi was "ar9hed off to the poli9e station The "e"bers of the Mantapa" used their influen9e and had hi" released late in the ni#ht He went ho"e and la5 on his "at His bod5 had re9ei$ed nu"erous blows fro" all

sorts of people in the e$enin# E but he hardl5 felt or re"e"bered an5 of the" %ut his soul re$olted a#ainst the "e"or5 of the slap he had re9ei$ed in the fa9e .hen the5 9alled hi" in to eat2 he refused to #et up His "aster went to hi" and 9o""anded2 D Go and eat2 Dasi You are brin#in# "e dis#ra9e2 5ou fool Don't #o out of the house hereafter D Dasi refused to #et up He rolled hi"self in the "at and said2 D Go2 ! don't eat D He turned and fa9ed the wall On the followin# da5 Dasi had the "isfortune to step out of his house Cust when the 9hildren of the Ele"entar5 S9hool were strea"in# out at "idda5 inter$al The5 had heard all about the in9ident of the pre$ious e$enin# The5 now surrounded hi" and 9ried2 D He52 bride#roo" D He turned and loo=ed at the" E there were tears in his e5es He "ade a #esture of despair and appealed to the" A D Go2 #o2 don't trouble "e Go D D Oh2 the bride#roo" is still 9r5in# E his wife beat hi" 5esterda52D said a bo5 On hearin# this Dasi let out a roar2 lifted the bo5 b5 his 9ollar and hurled hi" into the 9rowd He swun# his ar"s about and =no9=ed down people who tried to #et near hi" He rushed into the s9hool and bro=e 9hairs and tables He =no9=ed down four tea9hers who tried to restrain hi" He rushed out of the s9hool and assaulted e$er5one he "et He 9rashed into the shops and threw thin#s about He leapt about li=e a panther

DAS! THE %R!DEGROOM *11 fro" pla9e to pla9e E he passed throu#h the streets of the E>tension li=e a tornado Gates were hurriedl5 shut and bolted A #roup of persons tried to run behind Dasi2 while a "aCorit5 preferred to ta=e 9o$er Soon the poli9e were on the s9ene2 and Dasi was finall5 o$erpowered He was =ept that ni#ht in a poli9e lo9=;up2 and sent to the Mental Hospital ne>t da5 He was not $er5 eas5 to "ana#e at first He was =ept in a 9ell for so"e wee=s He be##ed the do9tor one da5 to allow hi" to stand at the "ain #ate and loo= down the road The do9tor pro"ised this as a reward for #ood beha$iour Dasi $alued the reward so "u9h that he did e$er5thin# e$er5one su##ested for a whole wee= He was then sent /with a warder0 to the "ain #ate where he stood for a whole hour loo=in# down the road for the 9o"in# of his bride

6* OLD MAN O' THE TEM(LE THE Tal=ati$e Man said A !t was so"e 5ears a#o that this happened ! don't =now if 5ou 9an "a=e an5thin# of it !f 5ou do2 ! shall be #lad to hear what 5ou ha$e to sa5 E but personall5 ! don't understand it at all !t has alwa5s "5stified "e (erhaps the dri$er was drun= E perhaps he wasn't ! had en#a#ed a ta>i for #oin# to &u"bu"2 whi9h as 5ou "a5 alread5 =now2 is fift5 "iles fro" Mal#udi ! went there one "ornin# and it was past nine in the e$enin# when ! finished "5 business and started ba9= for the town Doss2 the dri$er2 was a 5oun# fellow of about twent5;fi$e He had often brou#ht his 9ar for "e and ! li=ed hi" He was a well;beha$ed2 obedient fellow2 with a 9apa9it5 to sit down and wait at the wheel2 whi9h is reall5 a rare ?ualit5 in a ta>i dri$er He dro$e the 9ar s"oothl52 seldo" swore at passers;b52 and e>hibited perfe9t Cud#"ent2 #ood sense2 and sobriet5 E and so ! preferred hi" to an5 other dri$er whene$er ! had to #o out on business !t was about ele$en when we passed the $illa#e &oopal2 whi9h is on the wa5 down !t was the dar= half of the "onth and the surroundin# 9ountr5 was swallowed up in the ni#ht The $illa#e street was deserted E$er5one had #one to sleep E hardl5 an5 li#ht was to be seen The stars o$erhead spar=led

OLD MAN O' THE TEM(LE *1bri#htl5 Sittin# in the ba9= seat and listenin# to the 9ontinuous noise of the runnin# wheels2 ! was half lulled into a drowse All of a sudden Doss swer$ed the 9ar and shouted A D You old fool H Do 5ou want to =ill 5ourselfF D ! was sha=en out of "5 drowse and as=ed A D .hat is the "atter F D Doss stopped the 9ar and said2 DYou see that old fellow2 sir He is tr5in# to =ill hi"self ! 9an't understand what he is up to D ! loo=ed in the dire9tion he pointed and as=ed2 D .hi9h old "an F D D There2 there He is 9o"in# towards us a#ain As soon as ! saw hi" open that te"ple door and 9o"e out ! had a feelin#2 so"ehow2 that ! "ust =eep an e5e on hi" D ! too= out "5 tor9h2 #ot down2 and wal=ed about2 but 9ould see no one There was an old te"ple on

the roadside E it was utterl5 in ruins E "ost portions of it were "ere "ounds of old bri9= E the walls were awr5 E and there was a "ain doorwa5 with doors shut2 and bra"bles and thi9=ets #rew o$er and 9o$ered the" !t was diffi9ult to #uess with the aid of the tor9h alone what te"ple it was and to what period it belon#ed D The doors are shut and sealed and don't loo= as if the5 had been opened for 9enturies now2D ! 9ried D No2 sir2D Doss said 9o"in# nearer D ! saw the old "an open the doors and 9o"e out He is standin# there E shall we as= hi" to open the" a#ain if 5ou want to #o in and see F D ! said to Doss2 D Let us be #oin# our ti"e here D .e are wastin#

.e went ba9= to the 9ar Doss sat in his seat2 pressed the self;starter2 and as=ed without turnin# his head2 D Are 5ou per"ittin# this fellow to 9o"e with

*17 OLD MAN O' THE TEM(LE us2 sirF He sa5s he will #et down at the ne>t "ilestone D D.hi9h fellowF D! as=ed Doss indi9ated the spa9e on his left D .hat is the "atter with 5ou2 Doss F Ha$e 5ou had a drop of drin= or so"ethin# F D D ! ha$e ne$er tasted an5 drin= in "5 life2 sir2D he said2 and added2 D Get down2 old bo5 Master sa5s he 9an't ta=e 5ou D D Are 5ou tal=in# to 5ourselfF D D After all ! thin= we needn't 9are for these un=nown fellows on the road2D he said D Doss2D ! pleaded D Do 5ou feel 9onfident 5ou 9an dri$e F !f 5ou feel di@@5 don't $enture to start the 9ar D D Than= 5ou2 sir2D said Doss D ! would rather not start the 9ar now ! a" feelin# a little out of sorts D ! loo=ed at hi" an>iousl5 He 9losed his e5es2 his breathin# be9a"e hea$5 and nois52 and #raduall5 his head san= D Doss2 Doss2D ! 9ried desperatel5 ! #ot down2

wal=ed to the front seat2 opened the door2 and shoo= hi" $i#orousl5 He opened his e5es2 assu"ed a hun9hed;up position2 and rubbed his e5es with his hands2 whi9h tre"bled li=e an old "an's D Do 5ou feel better F D ! as=ed D %etter H %etter H Hi H Hi H D he said in a thin2 pipin# $oi9e D .hat has happened to 5our $oi9e F You sound li=e so"eone else2D ! said D Nothin# M5 $oi9e is as #ood as it was .hen a "an is ei#ht5 he is bound to feel a few 9han#es 9o"in# on D D You aren't ei#ht52 surel52D ! said

OLD MAN O' THE TEM(LE *1+ D Not a da5 less2D he said D !s nobod5 #oin# to "o$e this $ehi9le F !f not there is no sense in sittin# here all da5 ! will #et down and #o ba9= to "5 te"ple D D ! don't =now dri$in#2D ! said D And unless 5ou 9are to do it ! don't see how the $ehi9le 9an "o$e D D Me H D e>9lai"ed Doss D These new 9arria#es H God =nows what the5 are drawn b52 ! ne$er under; stand2 thou#h ! 9ould handle a pair of bullo9=s ?uite well in "5 ti"e Ma5 ! as= a ?uestion F D D Go on2D ! said D .here is e$er5bod5 F D D .ho F D D Lots of people ! =new are not to be seen at all All sorts of new fellows e$er5where2 and nobod5 see"s to 9are Not a soul 9o"es near the te"ple All sorts of people #o about but not one who 9ares to stop and tal= to "e .h5 doesn't the =in# e$er 9o"e this wa5 F He used to #o this wa5 at least on9e a 5ear before D D .hi9h =in# F D ! as=ed D Let "e #o2 5ou idiot2D said Doss2 ed#in# towards the door on whi9h ! was leanin# D You don't see" to =now an5thin# D He pushed "e aside2 and #ot down fro" the 9ar He stopped as if he had a bi# hu"p on his ba9=2 and hobbled alon# towards the

te"ple ! followed hi"2 hardl5 =nowin# what to do He turned and snarled at "e A D Go awa52 lea$e "e alone ! ha$e had enou#h of 5ou D D .hat has 9o"e o$er 5ou2 Doss F D ! as=ed D .ho is Doss2 an5wa5 F Doss2 Doss2 Doss .hat an absurd na"e H Gall "e b5 "5 na"e or lea$e "e alone Don't follow "e 9allin# B Doss2 Doss ' D D .hat is 5our na"e F D ! as=ed

*:< OLD MAN O' THE TEM(LE D &rishna %attar E and if 5ou #o and "ention "5 na"e people will =now who it is for a hundred "iles around ! built a te"ple where there was onl5 a 9a9tus field before ! du# the earth2 "ade e$er5 bri9= with "5 own hands and put the" one upon another2 all sin#le;handed And on the da5 the te"ple held up its tower o$er the surroundin# 9ountr52 what a 9rowd #athered H The =in# sent his 9hief "inister D .ho was the =in# F D D .here do 5ou 9o"e fro" F D he as=ed D ! belon# to these parts 9ertainl52 but as far as ! =now there has been onl5 a 3olle9tor at the head of the distri9t ! ha$e ne$er heard of an5 =in# D D Hi H Hi H Hi H D he 9a9=led2 and his $oi9e ran# throu#h the #loo"5 silent $illa#e D 'an95 ne$er =nowin# the =in# H He will behead 5ou if he hears it D D .hat is his na"e F D ! as=ed This ti9=led hi" so "u9h that he sat down on the #round2 unable to stand /literall50 the Co=e an5 "ore He lau#hed and 9ou#hed un9ontrollabl5 D ! a" unhapp5 to ad"it2D ! said2 D that "5 parents ha$e brou#ht "e up in su9h utter i#noran9e of worldl5 affairs that ! don't =now e$en "5 =in# %ut won't 5ou enli#hten "e F .hat is his na"e F D D4ishnu 4ar"a2 the E"peror of e"perors D

! 9ast "5 "ind up and down the ran#e of "5 histori9al =nowled#e but there was no one of that na"e (erhaps a lo9al 9hief of pre;%ritish da5s2 ! thou#ht D .hat a =in# H He often $isited "5 te"ple or sent his "inister for the Annual 'esti$al of the te"ple

%ut now nobod5 9ares D D (eople are be9o"in# less #odl5 nowada5s2D ! said There was silen9e for a "o"ent An idea o99urred

OLD MAN O' THE TEM(LE *:* to "e2 ! 9an't sa5 wh5 DListen to "e2D ! said D You ou#ht not to be here an5 "ore D D .hat do 5ou "ean F D he as=ed2 drawin# hi"self up proudl5 D Don't feel hurt E ! sa5 5ou shouldn't be here an5 "ore be9ause 5ou are dead D D Dead H Dead H D he said D Don't tal= nonsense How 9an ! be dead when 5ou see "e before 5ou now F !f ! a" dead how 9an ! be sa5in# this and that F D D ! don't =now all that2D ! said ! ar#ued and pointed out that a99ordin# to his own stor5 he was "ore than three hundred 5ears old2 and didn't he =now that "an's lon#e$it5 was onl5 a hundred F He 9onstantl5 interrupted "e2 but 9onsidered deepl5 what ! said He said A D !t is li=e this ! was 9o"in# throu#h the Cun#le one ni#ht after $isitin# "5 sister in the ne>t $illa#e ! had on "e so"e "one5 and #old orna"ents So"e robbers set upon "e ! #a$e the" as #ood a fi#ht as an5 "an 9ould2 but the5 were too "an5 for "e The5 beat "e down and =nifed "e E the5 too= awa5 all that ! had on "e and left thin=in# the5 had =illed "e %ut soon ! was up and tried to follow the" The5 were #one And ! returned to the te"ple and ha$e been here sin9e D ! told hi"2 D &rishna %atta2 5ou are dead2 absolutel5 dead You "ust tr5 and #o awa5 fro" here D D .hat is to happen to the te"ple F D he as=ed D Others will loo= after it D D .here a" ! to #o F .here a" ! to #o F D D Ha$e 5ou no one who 9ares for 5ou F D ! as=ed D None e>9ept "5 wife D You 9an #o to her D D Oh2 no She died four 5ears a#o D ! lo$ed her $er5 "u9h D

*:6 OLD MAN O' THE TEM(LE 'our 5ears H !t was $er5 pu@@lin# D Do 5ou sa5 four 5ears ba9= fro" now F D ! as=ed D Yes2 four 5ears a#o fro" now ' 1 He was 9learl5 without an5 sense of ti"e So ! as=ed2 D .as she ali$e when 5ou were atta9=ed b5 thie$es F D D 3ertainl5 not !f she had been ali$e she would ne$er ha$e allowed "e to #o throu#h the Cun#le after ni#htfall She too= $er5 #ood 9are of "e D D See here2D ! said D !t is i"perati$e 5ou should #o awa5 fro" here !f she 9o"es and 9alls 5ou2 will 5ou #o F D D How 9an she when ! tell 5ou that she is dead F D ! thou#ht for a "o"ent (resentl5 ! found "5self sa5in#2 D Thin= of her2 and onl5 of her2 for a while and see what happens .hat was her na"e F D D Seetha2 a wonderful #irl D

D 3o"e on2 thin= of her D He re"ained in deep thou#ht for a while He suddenl5 s9rea"ed2 D Seetha is 9o"in# H A" ! drea"in# or what F ! will #o with her D He stood up2 $er5 ere9t E he appeared to ha$e lost all the hu"ps and twists he had on his bod5 He drew hi"self up2 "ade a dash forward2 and fell down in a heap Doss la5 on the rou#h #round The onl5 si#n of life in hi" was his faint breathin# ! shoo= hi" and 9alled hi" He would not open his e5es ! wal=ed a9ross and =no9=ed on the door of the first 9otta#e ! ban#ed on the door $iolentl5 So"eone "oaned inside2 D Ah2 it is 9o"e H D So"eone else whispered2 D You Cust 9o$er 5our ears and sleep !t will =no9= for a while and #o awa5 D ! ban#ed on the door and shouted who ! was and where ! 9a"e fro" ! sounded the horn of the 9ar in the street The door was opened2 and a whole

OLD MAN O' THE TEM(LE *:8 fa"il5 9rowded out with la"ps D .e thou#ht it was the usual =no9=in# and we wouldn't ha$e opened if 5ou hadn't spo=en D

D .hen was this =no9=in# first heard F D ! as=ed D .e 9an't sa52D an old "an replied D The first ti"e ! heard it was when "5 #randfather was li$in# E he used to sa5 he had e$en seen it on9e or twi9e !t doesn't har" an5one2 as far as ! =now The onl5 thin# it does is to bother the bullo9= 9arts passin# the te"ple and to =no9= on the doors at ni#ht D ! said as a $enture2 D !t is unli=el5 5ou will be troubled an5 "ore D !t pro$ed 9orre9t .hen ! passed that wa5 a#ain "onths later ! was told that the bullo9=s passin# the te"ple after dus= ne$er shied now and no =no9=in# on doors was heard at ni#hts So ! felt that the old fellow had reall5 #one awa5 with his #ood wife

66 O)T O' %)S!NESS L!TTLE o$er a 5ear a#o Ra"a Rao went out of wor= when a #ra"ophone 9o"pan52 of whi9h he was the Mal#udi a#ent2 went out of e>isten9e He had put into that a#en95 the little "one5 he had inherited2 as se9urit5 'or fi$e 5ears his business brou#ht hi" enou#h "one52 Cust enou#h2 to help hi" =eep his wife and 9hildren in #ood 9o"fort He built a s"all bun#alow in the E>tension and was thin=in# of bu5in# an old %ab5 9ar for his use And one da52 it was a bolt fro" the blue2 the 9rash 9a"e A series of 9ir9u"stan9es in the world of trade2 9o""er9e2 ban=in# and politi9s was responsible for it The #ra"ophone 9o"pan52 whi9h had its fa9tor5 so"ewhere in Northern !ndia2 auto"ati9all5 9ollapsed when a ban= in Lahore 9rashed2 whi9h was itself the result of a %o"ba5 finan9ier's death The finan9ier was dri$in# downhill when his 9ar flew off sidewa5s and 9a"e to rest three hundred feet below the road !t was thou#ht that he had 9o""itted sui9ide be9ause the pre$ious ni#ht his wife eloped with his 9ashier Ra"a Rao suddenl5 found hi"self in the streets At first he 9ould hardl5 understand the full si#nifi9an9e of this 9ollapse There was a little "one5 in the ban= and he had so"e sto9= on hand %ut the sto9= "o$ed out slowl5 E the pri9es were #oin# down2 and *:,

O)T O' %)S!NESS *:1

he 9ould hardl5 reali@e a few hundred rupees .hen he applied for the refund of his se9urit52 there was hardl5 an5one at the other end to re9ei$e his appli9ation The "one5 in the ban= was fast "eltin# Ra"a Rao's wife now tried so"e "easures of e9ono"5 She sent awa5 the 9oo= and the ser$ant E withdrew the 9hildren fro" a fashionable nurser5 s9hool and sent the" to a free pri"ar5 s9hool And then the5 let out their bun#alow and "o$ed to a $er5 s"all house behind the Mar=et Ra"a Rao sent out a do@en appli9ations a da52 and wore his feet out loo=in# for e"plo5"ent 'or a "an approa9hin# fort52 loo=in# for e"plo5"ent does not 9o"e $er5 easil52 espe9iall5 when he has Cust lost an independent2 lu9rati$e business Ra"a Rao was $er5 businessli=e in statin# his re?uest He sent his 9ard in and as=ed2 D ! wonder2 sir2 if 5ou 9ould do so"ethin# for "e M5 business is all #one throu#h no fault of "5 own ! shall be $er5 #rateful if 5ou 9an #i$e "e so"ethin# to do in 5our offi9e D .hat a pit52 Ra"a Rao H ! a" awfull5 sorr52 there is nothin# at present !f there is an opportunit5 ! will 9ertainl5 re"e"ber 5ou B' !t was the sa"e stor5 e$er5where He returned ho"e in the e$enin# E his heart san= as he turned into his street behind the Mar=et His wife would in; $ariabl5 be standin# at the door with the 9hildren behind her2 loo=in# down the street .hat an>ious2 ea#er fa9es the5 had H So "u9h of tre"blin#2 hesi; tatin# hope in their fa9es The5 see"ed alwa5s to hope that he would 9o"e ba9= ho"e with so"e "a#i9 fulfil"ent As he re"e"bered the futile wa5 in whi9h he sear9hed for a Cob2 and the finalit5 with

*:: O)T O' %)S!NESS whi9h people dis"issed hi"2 he wished that his wife and 9hildren had less trust in hi" His wife loo=ed at his fa9e2 understood2 and turned in without utterin# a word E the 9hildren too= the 9ue and filed in silentl5 Ra"a Rao tried to i"pro$e "atters with a for9ed heartiness D .ell2 well How are we all toda5 F D To whi9h he re9ei$ed "u"blin#2 feeble responses fro" his wife and 9hildren !t rent his heart to see the" in this 9ondition There at the E>tension how this #irl would spar=le with flowers and a bri#ht dress E she had friendl5 nei#hbours2 a wo"en's 9lub2 and e$er5; thin# to =eep her happ5 there %ut now she hardl5 had the heart or the need to 9han#e in the e$enin#s2

for she spent all her ti"e 9ooped up in the =it9hen And then the 9hildren The house in the E>tension had a 9o"pound and the5 ro"ped about with a do@en other 9hildren A it was possible to ha$e nu"erous friends in the fashionable nurser5 s9hool %ut here the 9hildren had no friends2 and 9ould pla5 onl5 in the ba9=5ard of the house Their shirts were be#innin# to show tears and fra5s 'or"erl5 the5 were #i$en new 9lothes on9e in three "onths Ra"a Rao la5 in bed and spent sleepless ni#hts o$er it All the 9ash in hand was now #one Their onl5 sour9e of in9o"e was the s"all rent the5 were #ettin# for their house in the E>tension The5 shuddered to thin= what would happen to the" if their tenant should suddenl5 lea$e !t was in this 9ondition that Ra"a Rao 9a"e a9ross a Cournal in the Lubilee Readin# Roo" !t was 9alled The 3aptain !t 9onsisted of four pa#es and all of the" were de$oted to 9rossword pu@@les !t offered e$er5 wee= a first pri@e of four thousand rupeesB 'or the ne>t few da5s his head was free fro" fa"il5

O)T O' %)S!NESS *:9ares He was intensel5 thin=in# of his answers A whether it should be TALLO. or 'OLLO. .hether %AD or MAD or SAD would be "ost apt for a 9lue whi9h said D Men who are this had better be a$oided D He hardl5 stopped to loo= at his wife and 9hildren standin# in the doorwa52 when he returned ho"e in the e$enin#s .ee= after wee= he in$ested a little "one5 and sent down his solutions2 and e$er5 wee= he awaited the results with a palpitatin# heart On the da5 a solution was due he hun# about the news; a#ent's shop2 wor"in# hi"self into his fa$our in order to ha$e a loo= into the latest issue of The 3aptain without pa5in# for it He was too i"patient to wait till the Cournal 9a"e on the table in the Lubilee Readin# Roo" So"eti"es the newsa#ent would #ru"ble2 and Ra"a Rao would pa9if5 hi" with an aw=ward2 affe9ted opti"is" D (lease wait .hen ! #et a pri@e ! will #i$e 5ou three 5ears' subs9ription in ad$an9e D His heart ?uailed as he opened the pa#e announ9in# the pri@e;winners So"eone in %alu9histan2 so"eone in Da99a2 and so"eone in 3e5lon had hit upon the ri#ht set of words E not Ra"a Rao !t too= three hours for Ra"a Rao to re9o$er fro" this sho9= The onl5 wa5 to e>ist see"ed to be to plun#e into the ne>t wee='s pu@@le E that would =eep hi" buo5ed up with hope for a few da5s "ore

This $iolent alternatin# between hope and despair soon wre9=ed his ner$es and balan9e At ho"e he hardl5 spo=e to an5one His head was alwa5s bowed in thou#ht He ?uarrelled with his wife if she refused to #i$e hi" his rupee a wee= for the pu@@les She was of a "ild disposition and was in9apable of a sustained ?uarrel2 with the result that he alwa5s #ot

i:7 O)T O' %)S!NESS what he wanted2 thou#h it "eant a sli#ht sa9rifi9e in household e>penses One da5 the #ood Cournal announ9ed a spe9ial offer of ei#ht thousand rupees !t e>9ited Ra"a Rao's $ision of a future tenfold He studied the pu@@le There were onl5 four doubtful 9orners in it2 and he "i#ht ha$e to send in at least four entries A lar#er outla5 was indi9ated D You "ust #i$e "e fi$e rupees this ti"e2D he said to his wife2 at whi9h that #ood lad5 be9a"e spee9hless He had be9o"e rather insensiti$e to su9h thin#s these da5s2 but e$en he 9ould not help feelin# the atro9ious nature of his de"and 'i$e rupees were nearl5 a wee='s food for the fa"il5 He felt disturbed for a "o"ent E but he had onl5 to turn his attention to spe9ulate whether HO(E or DO(E or RO(E "ade "ost sense /for D So"e (eople (refer This to Despair D02 and his "ind was at on9e at rest After sendin# awa5 the solutions b5 re#istered post he built elaborate 9astles in the air E$en if it was onl5 a share he would #et a substantial a"ount of "one5 He would send awa5 his tenants2 ta=e his wife and 9hildren ba9= to the bun#alow in the E>; tension2 and lea$e all the "one5 in his wife's hands for her to "ana#e for a 9ouple of 5ears or so E he hi"self would ta=e a hundred and #o awa5 to Madras and see= his fortune there %5 the ti"e the "one5 in his wife's hands was spent he would ha$e found so"e profitable wor= in Madras On the fateful da5 of results Ra"a Rao opened The 3aptain2 and the 9orre9t solution stared hi" in the fa9e His blunders were nu"erous There was no 9han9e of #ettin# ba9= e$en a few annas now He "oped about till the e$enin# The "ore he

O)T O' %)S!NESS *:+ brooded o$er this the "ore intolerable life see"ed All the losses2 disappoint"ents and frustrations of his life 9a"e down on hi" with renewed for9e !n the

e$enin# instead of turnin# ho"eward he "o$ed alon# the Railwa5 Station Road He slipped in at the le$el 9rossin# and wal=ed down the line a 9ouple of "iles !t was dar= 'ar awa5 the li#hts of the town twin=led2 and the red and #reen li#ht of a si#nal post loo"ed o$er the surroundin#s a 9ouple of furlon#s behind hi" He had 9o"e to the 9on9lusion that life was not worth li$in# !f one had the "isfortune to be born in the world the best re"ed5 was to end "atters on a railwa5 line or with a rope /D Dope F HopeFD his "ind as=ed in$oluntaril50 He pulled it ba9= D None of that2D he said to it and set it ri#idl5 to 9onte"plate the business of d5in# .ife2 9hildren nothin# see"ed to "atter The onl5 i"portant thin# now was total e>tin9tion He la5 a9ross the lines The iron was still war" The da5 had been hot Ra"a Rao felt $er5 happ5 as he refle9ted that in less than ten "inutes the train fro" Tri9hinopol5 would be arri$in# He la5 there he did not =now how lon# He strained his ears to 9at9h the sound of the train2 but he heard nothin# "ore than a $a#ue rattlin# and bu@@in# far off (resentl5 he #rew tired of l5in# down there He rose and wal=ed ba9= to the station There was a #ood 9rowd on the platfor" He as=ed so"eone2 D .hat has happened to the train F D D A #oods train has derailed three stations off2 and the wa5 is blo9=ed The5 ha$e sent up a relief All the trains will be at least three hours late toda5 D God2 5ou ha$e shown "e "er95 H D Ra"a Rao 9ried and ran ho"e

* -< O)T O' %)S!NESS His wife was waitin# at the door loo=in# down the street She bri#htened up and si#hed with relief on seein# Ra"a Rao She wel9o"ed hi" with a war"th he had ne$er =nown for o$er a 5ear now D Oh2 wh5 are 5ou so late toda5 F D she as=ed D ! was so"ehow feelin# $er5 restless the whole e$enin# E$en the 9hildren were worried (oor 9reatures H The5 ha$e Cust #one to sleep D .hen he sat down to eat she said2 D Our tenants in the E>tension bun#alow 9a"e in the e$enin# to as= if 5ou would sell the house The5 are read5 to offer #ood 9ash for it i""ediatel5 D She added ?uietl522 D ! thin= we "a5 sell the house D D E>9ellent idea2D Ra"a Rao replied Cubilantl5 D This "inute we 9an #et four and a half thousand for it Gi$e "e the half thousand and ! will #o awa5

to Madras and see if ! 9an do an5thin# useful there You =eep the balan9e with 5ou and run the house Let us first "o$e to a better lo9alit5 D D Are 5ou #oin# to e"plo5 5our fi$e hundred to #et "ore "one5 out of 9rossword pu@@les F D she as=ed ?uietl5 At this Ra"a Rao felt depressed for a "o"ent and then swore with #reat e"phasis2 D No2 no Ne$er a#ain D

68 OLD %ONES THE Tal=ati$e Man said A ! was 9an$assin# a#ent for a 9o"pan5 "anu; fa9turin# 9he"i9al fertili@ers2 and "5 wor= too= "e into the 9ountr5 for o$er twent5 da5s in the "onth One ni#ht ! was held up in a da= bun#alow2 a "ile outside the $illa#e Ta5ur !f e$er there was a deserted da= bun#alow it was this !t was o$er a hundred 5ears old2 built in the 9o"pan5 da5s2 a "assi$e rounded stru9ture2 with a fine 9ir9ular $eranda2 heft5 pillars2 and plaster standin# out in fla=es E the whole thin# was tu9=ed awa5 in a 9asuarina #ro$e ! had to spend a ni#ht in it2 and a little fellow2 a nephew of "ine2 happened to be with "e The 9areta=er2 a par9hed old "an2 who loo=ed li=e a lost soul2 opened the door for "e2 pla9ed a rust5 oil la"p on the table in the hall2 pushed up and down so"e hea$5 furniture2 ho$ered about till we had had our dinner2 and then said that he "ust #o awa5 for the ni#ht M5 nephew so"ehow see"ed to disli=e the idea A D )n9le2 wh5 should he #o F D D (erhaps he has a ho"e in the $illa#e E whate$er it is2 wh5 do 5ou want hi" F D ! as=ed He 9ould not e>plain He "erel5 "u"bled2 D ! thou#ht it "i#ht be interestin# D D ! hope 5ou are not afraid D D No2 not at all2D said the bo5 L *-*

*-6 OLD %ONES %ut ! 9ould see that he was sli#htl5 ner$ous He was brou#ht up in Madras2 a99usto"ed to 9rowds and

ele9tri9 li#hts E this loneliness in an an9ient bun#alow with a shadow;throwin# rust5 la"p #a$e hi" a feelin# of dis9o"fort So ! tried to persuade the old "an A D .h5 won't 5ou sleep here F D D No2 no2 ! 9an't2D whee@ed the old "an D ! ha$e been a 9areta=er for o$er fort5 5ears now2 and ! won't sleep here You "a5 write a 9o"plaint if 5ou li=e ! don't 9are if ! lose this Cob Su9h a riddan9e it will be for "e and the5 won't #et another e$en if the5 offer a thousand so$erei#ns D Lin#lin# his =e5 bun9h he hobbled awa5 ! "ade a bed for the bo52 drew it 9lose to "ine2 and as=ed hi" to lie down ! shut the front door2 opened a window or two2 sat down at the table2 and opened "5 portfolio ! had "5 Cournal to write and 9he9= a99ounts ! drew the la"p 9lose to "5 papers2 and was soon absorbed in wor= The bo5 snored Outside the 9asuarina "ur"ured 'or a while noises fro" the $illa#e bar=in# of do#s2 snat9hes of son#s and ar#u"ents 9a"e floatin# in the air2 and then the5 9eased E$en the bo5 9eased to snore !t was past ele$en when ! finished "5 wor= ! put awa5 "5 papers2 blew out the la"p2 and la5 down ! a" not a $er5 sound sleeper ! usuall5 lie blin=in# in the dar= for a lon# ti"e !t "ust ha$e been past "idni#ht ! was Cust fallin# asleep when ! heard the ban#in# of a window shutter ! #ot up2 turned up the sta5s of the shutter2 and returned to bed As ! was do@in# off it ban#ed a#ain D Da"n2D ! said There was not the sli#htest bree@e .h5 did these thin#s rattleF ! fu"bled about in the dar= and shut the windows ti#ht ! returned to bed and

OLD %ONES *-8 la5 awa=e Shutters in another part of the buildin# ru"bled !t was irritatin# ! too= out "5 tor9h to see if the bo5 had been disturbed He was fast asleep ! went o$er to e$er5 9orner of the buildin# and hoo=ed up the shutters and doors .hen ! la5 down a#ain2 a new =ind of disturban9e be#an There was a noise as if the front door was bein# $iolentl5 =i9=ed and fisted ! started up D .ho is there F D ! bellowed The noise "o$ed awa52 and now another door was =i9=ed and fisted2 and then the 9losed windows This was a tra$ellin# pro9ess A so"eone see"ed to be fl5in# round2 batterin# all the doors and shutters The din was 9ontinuous D.ho is thereF .ho is thereFD ! 9ried2 al"ost runnin# round and round as the noise passed on fro" pla9e to pla9e ! #rew an>ious about the bo5 .hat

a fri#ht he would #et if he wo=e up H ! pi9=ed up the bo> of "at9hes and stru9= a sti9= As ! too= it near the wi9= of the la"p2 it was blown off ! stru9= another with no better su99ess ! wasted half the bo> And then the #lass 9hi"ne5 flew off the table and splintered on the floor ! flashed the tor9hli#ht on the bo52 fer$entl5 hopin# that he still slept E but he was sittin# up in bed D RaCu2 lie down2 it is nothin#2D ! be#an D You lie down if 5ou li=e2D replied the bo5 His $oi9e was 9han#ed !t was #ruff li=e an adult's There was no ban#in# on the doors now2 and so ! said to hi" A D So"e loose shutters rattled2 so it has stopped now2 5ou see D D Shut up2 will 5ou F D he said in answer D You are a whole set of selfish brutes E won't trouble to =now what a "an wants D D .hat are 5ou sa5in# F D ! as=ed

*-, OLD %ONES D You =now where "5 bones are F D D )nder 5our s=in2 ! a" sure D D You will learn not to Co=e with "e2D said the #ruff $oi9e And then the bo5 left his bed2 too= "e b5 the ne9=2 and pushed "e out ! was nearl5 ten stone2 and that was a 5oun# fellow of twel$e How 9ould he handle "e in this "anner F ! felt indi#nant and tried to resist %ut it was no use He displa5ed enor"ous stren#th He wheeled "e about2 al"ost tore open the front door2 and flun# "e out ! flew a9ross the $eranda and 9a"e down on the lawn2 bruised and sha=en The door shut behind "e ! sat there ! don't =now how lon#2 fri#htened out of "5 wits (resentl5 "5 sense of responsibilit5 returned How 9ould ! let that 5oun#ster shut hi"self in F !t was "5 dut5 to return hi" inta9t to his parents ! felt trul5 sorr5 for ha$in# brou#ht hi" down with "e ! #ot up with diffi9ult52 li"ped up the steps2 =no9=ed on the door D Go awa52D s9rea"ed the bo52 D or ! will rip 5ou up D D RaCu2 RaCu2D ! pleaded D .on't 5ou open the

door for 5our2 un9le F D D See here2 ! a" not RaCu So don't 9all "e RaCu hereafter2 do 5ou understand F D D .ho are 5ou F D D Do 5ou want to =now F D D 3ertainl5 D D Ah2 ! a" so happ5 5ou are prepared to hear about "e H %ut what is the use F You won't help

"e D

D Oh2 ! will do an5thin# for 5ou 5ou are D

%ut tell "e who

OLD %ONES *-1 ! a" Muru#esan; D Oh2 Muru#esan2 what are 5ou doin# here F D D Good "an2D said the bo5 happil52 #reatl5 pleased at bein# 9alled Muru#esan D .hat are 5ou doin# here F D ! persisted D .here 9an ! #o F These s9oundrels are defilin# "5 bones ! won't "o$e till that is stopped D D Do 5ou want "e to do an5thin# F D ! as=ed2 "5 $oi9e tre"blin# in$oluntaril5 A the prospe9t of pi9=in# un=nown bones at "idni#ht shoo= "e D Yes2D said the bo5 D Go to the ba9=5ard and di# out the roots of the bi# ta"arind tree You will find "5 bones Ta=e the" and throw the" into the well2 and ! pro"ise ! will #o awa5 and ne$er 9o"e a#ain D D !f ! don't do it F D D ! will ne$er lea$e this pla9e2 nor open the door D D Muru#esan2D ! said a few "inutes later2 D won't 5ou tell "e so"ethin# about 5our #ood selfF D D ! sta5ed here for a ni#ht on "5 wa5 to Mal#udi

That "an suffo9ated "e while ! slept and stole "5 purse He pressed a pillow on "5 fa9e and ! thin= he sat on it D D .ho did it F D D The old "an who has the =e5s of this bun#alow D D !sn't he too old to do su9h a thin# F D D Oh2 no He is $er5 deft with the pillow And then he buried "e under the ta"arind tree Now e$er5 pi# whi9h noses about for filth sta"ps o$er "5 head all da5 E and e$er5 don=e5 and e$er5 passer;b5 defiles "5 bones2 and the5 heap all =inds of rubbish there How 9an ! rest F D D !f ! throw the bones into the well2 will 5ou open the door and ?uit the buildin# for e$er F D

*-: OLD %ONES D ! pro"ise2D said the nephew ! went down2 9lut9hin# "5 tor9h2 and sear9hed for so"ethin# to di# with ! pulled out a 9ouple of ba"boo palin#s fro" a fen9e2 went to the ba9=5ard2 and set to wor= ! a" not a 9oward2 but the whole situation shoo= "5 ner$es The ba9=5ard was a "ost desolate pla9e2 an endless $ista of trees and shrubs and a ro9=5 hillo9= loo"in# o$er it all La9=als howled far off2 and ni#ht inse9ts whirred about and hu""ed And this stran#e tas= of di##in# up an un=nown #ra$e at ni#ht H ! pla9ed the lit tor9h on the #round and 9leared a part of the rubbish du"ped under the tree After throwin# up earth for half an hour ! pi9=ed up a s=ull and a few le# bones ! felt si9= ! 9ould not find "ore than si> or se$en pie9es ! pi9=ed the" up A few 5ards off there was the well2 weed;9o$ered2 with all its "asonr5 9ru"blin# in ! flun# the bones into the well2 and as the5 splashed into the water ! heard the bo5 shout fro" within the house A D Man5 than=s Good;b5e D ! ran in The door was open2 and the bo5 la5 a9ross the threshold ! 9arried hi" to his bed Ne>t "ornin# ! as=ed hi"2 D Did 5ou sleep well F D D Yes %ut ! had all sorts of wild drea"s D His $oi9e was soft and bo5ish ! as=ed2 D 3an 5ou lift "e and throw "e out F D The bo5 lau#hed D .hat a ?uestion2 un9le H How 9an ! F D

The old 9areta=er 9a"e up at about si> ! was read5 to start ! had to wal= a 9ouple of "iles to the 9ross;roads and 9at9h an earl5 bus for Mal#udi ! settled a99ounts with the old "an A the bro=en 9hi"ne5 had to be paid for2 and then the rent for the ni#ht

OLD %ONES *-As ! was about to lea$e ! 9ouldn't resist it ! 9alled the old "an aside and as=ed A D You =now of a person 9alled Muru#esan who spent a ni#ht in this bun#alow F D The old "an's fa9e turned pale He replied A D ! =now nothin# Go about 5our business D D M5 business will be to tell the poli9e what ! =now D D The poli9e H D He fell down at "5 feet and 9rin#ed A D ! =now nothin# (lease don't ruin an old "an D ! went awa5 and Coined "5 nephew He as=ed2 D .h5 did the old "an fall on the #round2 un9le F D D ! don't =now2D ! replied Till ! rea9hed the bus road ! debated within "5self whether to tell the poli9e2 but ulti"atel5 de9ided a#ainst it ! a" a bus5 "an2 and #ettin# "i>ed up in a poli9e 9ase is a whole;ti"e Cob So"e da5 when ! don't ha$e "u9h wor= ! will ta=e it up

6, ATT!LA !N a "ood .hat the5 ableness2 D S9our#e of opti"is" the5 na"ed hi" D Attila D wanted of a do# was stren#th2 for"id; and fi#ht2 and hen9e he was na"ed after the of Europe D

The pupp5 was onl5 a 9ouple of "onths old A he had s?uare Caws2 red e5es2 pu# nose and a "assi$e head2 and there was e$er5 reason to hope that he would do 9redit to his na"e The i""ediate reason for bu5in# hi" was a series of house;brea=in#s and thefts in the nei#hbourhood2 and our householders de9ided to put "ore trust in a do# than in the poli9e The5 sear9hed far and wide and "et a do# fan9ier He held up a "onth;old bla9=;and;white pupp5 and said2 D 3o"e and fet9h hi" a "onth hen9e !n si> "onths he

will be so"ethin# to be feared and respe9ted D He spread out before the" a pedi#ree sheet whi9h was stunnin# The pupp5 had2 runnin# in his $eins2 the 9hoi9est and the "ost fero9ious blood The5 were satisfied2 paid an ad$an9e2 returned a "onth later2 paid down se$ent5;fi$e rupees2 and too= the pupp5 ho"e The pupp52 as ! ha$e alread5 indi9ated2 did not ha$e a $er5 prepossessin# appearan9e and was none too pla5ful2 but this did not pre$ent his owners fro" sittin# in a 9ir9le around hi" and ad"irin# hi" There was a prolon#ed debate as to what he should be na"ed The 5oun#est su##ested2 D .h5 not 9all hi" Ti#er F D *-7

ATT!LA *-+ D E$er5 other street;"on#rel is na"ed Ti#er2D 9a"e the repl5 D .h5 not 3aesar F D D 3aesar H !f a 9ensus were ta=en of do#s 5ou would find at least fifteen thousand 3aesars in South !ndia alone .h5 not 'ire F D D !t is fantasti9 D D.h5 not ThunderFD D !t is too ob$ious D D Grip F D D Still ob$ious2 and 9hildish D There was a deadlo9= So"eone su##ested DAttila2D and a shout of Co5 went up to the s=ies No "ore satisf5in# na"e was thou#ht of for "an or ani"al %ut as ti"e passed our Attila e>hibited a lo$e of hu"anit5 whi9h was dis9on9ertin# so"eti"es The S9our#e of Europe 9ould he e$er ha$e been li=e this F The5 put it down to his a#e .hat 9hild 9ould help lo$in# all 9reatures F !n their @eal to establish this fa9t2 the5 went to the e>tent of del$in# into an9ient histor5 to find out what D The S9our#e of Europe D was li=e when he was a 9hild !t was ru"oured that as a 9hild he 9lun# to his friends and to his parents' friends so fast that often he had to be beaten and separated %ut when he was fourteen he showed the first si#n of his future A he =no9=ed down and plun#ed his =nife into a fellow who tried to tou9h his "arbles Ah2 this was en9oura#in# Let our do# rea9h the parallel of fourteen 5ears and people would #et to

=now his real nature %ut this was a $ain pro"ise He stood up twent5 in9hes hi#h2 had a lar#e fra"e2 and a forbiddin# appearan9e on the whole but that was all A $ariet5 of people entered the #ates of the house e$er5 da5 A "endi9ants2 bill;9olle9tors2 post"en2 trades"en2 and

i7o ATT!LA fa"il5 friends All of the" were war"l5 re9ei$ed b5 Attila The "o"ent the #ate 9li9=ed he be9a"e alert and stood up loo=in# towards the #ate %5 the ti"e an5one entered the #ate Attila went blindl5 9har#in# forward %ut that was all The person had onl5 to stop and s"ile2 and Attila would "elt He would beha$e as if he apolo#i@ed for e$en #i$in# an i"pression of $iolen9e He would lower his head2 9ur$e his bod52 tu9= his tail between his le#s2 roll his e5es2 and "oan as if to sa5 A D How sad that 5ou should ha$e "ista=en "5 #esture H ! onl5 hurried down to #reet 5ou D Till he was patted on the head2 stro=ed2 and told that he was for#i$en2 he would be in e>tre"e "iser5 Graduall5 he reali@ed that his boun9in# ad$an9es 9aused "u9h unhapp5 "isunderstandin# And so when he heard the #ate 9li9= he hardl5 stirred He "erel5 loo=ed in that dire9tion and wa##ed his tail The people at ho"e did not $er5 "u9h li=e this attitude The5 thou#ht it rather a sha"e D .h5 not 9han#e his na"e to %lind .or" F D so"ebod5 as=ed D He eats li=e an elephant2D said the "other of the fa"il5 DYou 9an e"plo5 two wat9h"en for the pri9e of the ri9e and "eat he 9onsu"es So"ebod5 9o"es e$er5 "ornin# and steals all the flowers in the #arden and Attila won't do an5thin# about it D D He has better business to do than 9at9h flower thie$es2D replied the 5oun#est2 alwa5s the defender of the do# D .hat is the better business F D D .ell2 if so"ebod5 9o"es in at dawn and ta=es awa5 the flowers do 5ou e>pe9t Attila to be loo=in# out for hi" e$en at that hour F D D .h5 not F !t's what a well;fed do# ou#ht to be

ATT!LA *7*

doin# instead of sleepin# of 5our do# D

You ou#ht to be asha"ed

D He does not sleep all ni#ht2 "other ! ha$e often seen hi" #oin# round the house and wat9hin# all ni#ht D D Reall5 H Does he prowl about all ni#ht F D D Of 9ourse he does2D said the defender D ! a" ?uite alar"ed to hear it2D said the "other D (lease lo9= hi" up in a roo" at ni#ht2 otherwise he "a5 9all in a bur#lar and show hi" round Left alone a bur#lar "i#ht after all be less su99essful !t wouldn't be so bad if he at least bar=ed He is the "ost noiseless do# ! ha$e e$er seen in "5 life D The 5oun# "an was e>tre"el5 irritated at this He 9onsidered it to be the "ost un9haritable 95ni9is"2 but the do# Custified it that $er5 ni#ht Ran#a li$ed in a hut three "iles fro" the town He was a D #an# 9ool5 D often e"plo5ed in road; "endin# O99asionall5 at ni#hts he enCo5ed the thrill and profit of brea=in# into houses At one o'9lo9= that ni#ht Ran#a re"o$ed the bars of a window on the eastern side of the house and slipped in He ed#ed alon# the wall2 sear9hed all the trun=s and al"irahs in the house2 and "ade a neat bundle of all the Ceweller5 and other $aluables he 9ould pi9= up He was Cust startin# to #o out He had Cust put one foot out of the #ap he had "ade in the window when he saw Attila standin# below2 loo=in# up e>pe9tantl5 Ran#a thou#ht his end had 9o"e He e>pe9ted the do# to bar= %ut not Attila He waited for a "o"ent2 #rew tired of waitin#2 stood up and put his forepaws on the lap of the bur#lar He put ba9= his ears2 li9=ed Ran#a's hands2 and rolled his e5es Ran#a whispered2 D ! hope 5ou aren't #oin# to bar= D

i7B ATT!LA D Don't 5ou worr5 tried to sa5 ! a" not the sort2D the do#

DLust a "o"ent Let "e #et down fro" here2D said the bur#lar The do# obli#in#l5 too= awa5 his paws and lowered hi"self D See there2D said Ran#a pointin# to the ba9=5ard2

D there is a 9at D Attila put up his ears at the "ention of the 9at2 and dashed in the dire9tion indi9ated One "i#ht easil5 ha$e thou#ht he was #oin# to tear up a 9at2 but a9tuall5 he didn't want to "iss the pleasure of the 9o"pan5 of a 9at if there was one As soon as the do# left hi" Ran#a "ade a dash for the #ate Gi$en a se9ond "ore he would ha$e hopped o$er it %ut the do# turned and saw what was about to happen and in one sprin# was at the #ate He loo=ed hurt D !s this proper F D he see"ed to as= D Do 5ou want to sha=e "e offF D He hun# his hea$5 tail down so loosel5 and loo=ed so "iserable that the bur#lar stro=ed his head2 at whi9h he re$i$ed The bur#lar opened the #ate and went out2 and the do# followed hi" Attila's #reatest a"bition in life was to wander in the streets freel5 Now thin#s see"ed to be shapin# out ideall5 Attila li=ed his new friend so "u9h that he wouldn't lea$e hi" alone e$en for a "o"ent He sat before Ran#a when he sat down to eat2 sat on the ed#e of his "at when he slept in his hut2 waited patientl5 on the ed#e of the pond when Ran#a went there now and then for a wash2 slept on the roadside when Ran#a was at wor= This sort of 9o"panionship #ot on Ran#a's ner$es He i"plored2 DOh do# Lea$e "e alone for a

ATT!LA *78 "o"ent .on't 5ou F D )n"o$ed Attila sat before hi" with his e5es #lued on his friend Attila's disappearan9e 9reated a sensation in the bun#alow D Didn't ! tell 5ou2D the "other said2 D to lo9= hi" up F Now so"e bur#lar has #one awa5 with hi" .hat a sha"e H .e 9an hardl5 "ention it to an5one D D You are "ista=en2D replied the defender D !t is Cust a 9oin9iden9e He "ust ha$e #one off on his own a99ount !f he had been here no thief would ha$e dared to 9o"e in D D .hate$er it is2 ! don't =now if we should after all than= the thief for ta=in# awa5 that do# He "a5 =eep the Cewels as a reward for ta=in# hi" awa5 Shall we withdraw the poli9e 9o"plaint F D This fa9etiousness 9eased a wee= later2 and Attila rose to the ran=s of a hero The eldest son of the

house was #oin# towards the "ar=et one da5 He saw Attila trottin# behind so"eone on the road D He52D shouted the 5oun# "an E at whi9h Ran#a turned and bro=e into a run Attila2 who alwa5s suspe9ted that his new friend was waitin# for the sli#htest 9han9e to throw hi"2 #alloped behind Ran#a D He52 Attila H D shouted the 5oun# "an2 and he also started runnin# Attila wanted to answer the 9all after "a=in# sure of his friend E and so he turned his head for a se9ond and #alloped faster Ran#a desperatel5 doubled his pa9e Attila deter"ined to sti9= to hi" at an5 9ost As a result of it he ran so fast that he o$ertoo= Ran#a and 9lu"sil5 blo9=ed his wa52 and Ran#a stu"bled o$er hi" and fell As he rolled on the #round a pie9e of Ceweller5 /whi9h he was ta=in# to a re9ei$er of stolen propert50 flew fro" his hand The 5oun# "an re9o#ni@ed it as

*7, ATT!LA belon#in# to his sister2 and sat down on Ran#a A 9rowd 9olle9ted and the poli9e appeared on the s9ene Attila was the hero of the da5 E$en the lad5 of the house softened towards hi" She said2 D .hate$er one "i#ht sa5 of Attila2 one has to ad"it that he is a $er5 9unnin# dete9ti$e He is too deep for words D !t was as well that Attila had no powers of spee9h Otherwise he would ha$e burst into a la"entation whi9h would ha$e shattered the pedestal under his feet

61 THE AKE AN astrolo#er passin# throu#h the $illa#e foretold that 4elan would li$e in a three;storied house surrounded b5 "an5 a9res of #arden At this e$er5; bod5 #athered round 5oun# 4elan and "ade fun of hi" 'or &oopal did not ha$e a "ore ra##ed and God;forsa=en fa"il5 than 4elan's His father had "ort#a#ed e$er5 bit of propert5 he had2 and wor=ed2 with his whole fa"il52 on other people's lands in return for a few annas a wee= A three;storied house for 4elan indeed H %ut the s9offers would ha$e 9on#ratulated the astrolo#er if the5 had seen 4elan about thirt5 or fort5 5ears later He be9a"e the sole o99upant ofD &u"ar %au#h D that palatial house on the outs=irts of Mal#udi town .hen he was ei#hteen 4elan left ho"e His father

slapped his fa9e one da5 for 9o"in# late with the "idda5 "eal2 and he did that in the presen9e of others in the field 4elan put down the bas=et2 #lared at his father2 and left the pla9e He Cust wal=ed out of the $illa#e and wal=ed on and on till he 9a"e to the town He star$ed for a 9ouple of da5s2 be##ed where$er he 9ould2 and arri$ed in Mal#udi2 where after "u9h =no9=in# about an old "an too= hi" on to assist hi" in la5in# out a #arden The #arden 5et e>isted onl5 in the "ind of the #ardener .hat the5 9ould see now was a9re upon a9re of

i7: THE AKE weed;9o$ered land 4elan's "ain business 9onsisted in destro5in# all the $e#etation he saw Da5 after da5 he sat in the sun and tore up b5 hand the unwanted plants And all the Cun#le #raduall5 disappeared and the land stood as bare as a football field Three sides of the land were "ar=ed off for an e>tensi$e #arden and on the rest was to be built a house %5 the ti"e the "an#oes had sprouted the5 were la5in# the foundation of the house About the ti"e the "ar#osa saplin# had shot up a 9ouple of 5ards the walls were also 9o"in# up The flowers hibis9us2 9hr5santhe"u"2 Cas"ine2 roses2 and 9annae in the front par= suddenl5 9reated a wonderland one earl5 su""er 4elan had to ra9e with the bri9=la5ers He was now the 9hief #ardener2 the old "an he had 9o"e to assist ha$in# suddenl5 fallen ill 4elan was proud of his position and responsibilit5 He =eenl5 wat9hed the pro#ress of the bri9=la5ers and whispered to the plants as he watered the"2 D Now loo= sharp2 5oun# fellows The buildin# is #oin# up and up e$er5 da5 !f it is read5 and we aren't we shall be the lau#hin#;sto9= of the town D He heaped "anure2 aired the roots2 tri""ed the bran9hes2 and watered the plants twi9e a da52 and on the whole #a$e an i"pression of hustlin# Nature E and Nature see"ed to respond 'or he did present a #ood;si@ed #arden to his "aster and his fa"il5 when the5 9a"e to o99up5 the house The house proudl5 held up a do"e %al9onies with intri9atel5 9ar$ed wood;wor= hun# down fro" the sides of the house E s"ooth2 rounded pillars2 deep $erandas2 9he?uered "arble floors2 and spa9ious halls ran#ed one behind another2 #a$e the house su9h an i"posin# appearan9e that 4elan as=ed hi"self2 D 3an


an5 "ortal li$e in thisF ! thou#ht su9h "ansions e>isted onl5 in Swar#a Lo=aD .hen he saw the =it9hen and the dinin# roo" he said2 D .h52 our whole $illa#e 9ould be a99o""odated in this eatin# pla9e alone H D The housebuilder's assistant told hi"2 D .e ha$e built bi##er houses2 thin#s 9ostin# nearl5 two la=hs .hat is this house F !t has hardl5 9ost 5our "aster a la=h of rupees !t is Cust a little "ore than an ordinar5 house2 that is all D After returnin# to his hut 4elan sat a lon# ti"e tr5in# to #rasp the $ision2 s9ope and 9al9ulations of the builders of the house2 but he felt di@@5 He went to the "ar#osa plant2 #ripped its ste" with his fin#ers and said2 D !s this all2 5ou s9ra##5 one F .hat if 5ou wa$e 5our head so hi#h abo$e "ine F ! 9an put "5 fin#ers around 5ou and sha=e 5ou up li=e this Grow up2 little one2 #row up Grow fat Ha$e a trun= whi9h two pairs of ar"s 9an't hu#2 and #o up and spread %e fit to stand beside this pala9e E otherwise ! will pull 5ou out D .hen the "ar#osa tree appro>i"atel5 9a"e up to this $ision the house had a9?uired a "ellowness in its appearan9e Su99essi$e su""ers and "onsoons had robbed the paint on the doors and windows and woodwor= of their bri#htness and the walls of their ori#inal 9olour2 and had put in their pla9e tints and shades of their own 9hoi9e And thou#h the house had lost its resplenden9e it had now a "ore hu"an loo= Hundreds of parrots and "5nas and unna"ed birds li$ed in the bran9hes of the "ar#osa2 and under its shade the "aster's #reat;#rand;9hildren and the /5oun#er0 #rand;9hildren pla5ed and ?uarrelled The "aster wal=ed about leanin# on a staff The lad5 of the house2 who had loo=ed su9h a bloo"in# 9reature

i77 THE AKE on the inau#uration da52 was shrun=en and #re5 and spent "ost her ti"e in an in$alid's 9hair in the $eranda2 #a@in# at the #arden with dull e5es 4elan hi"self was "u9h 9han#ed Now he had to depend "ore and "ore upon his assistants to =eep the #arden in shape He had lost his parents2 his wife2 and ei#ht 9hildren out of fourteen He had "ana#ed to re9lai" his an9estral propert5 whi9h was now bein# loo=ed after b5 his sons;in;law and sons He went to the $illa#e for (on#ed2 New Year2 and De9pa$ali2 and brou#ht ba9= with hi" one or the other of his #rand; 9hildren of who" he was e>tre"el5 fond 4elan was perfe9tl5 9ontented and happ5 He de"anded nothin# "ore of life As far as he 9ould see2 the people in the bi# house too see"ed to be e?uall5 at pea9e with life One saw no reason wh5

these #oods thin#s should not #o on and on for e$er %ut Death peeped around the 9orner 'ro" the ser$ant's ?uarters whispers rea9hed the #ardener in his hut that the "aster was $er5 ill and la5 in his roo" downstairs /the bedroo" upstairs so laboriousl5 planned had to be abandoned with ad$an9in# a#e0 Do9tors and $isitors were 9onstantl5 9o"in# and #oin#2 and 4elan had to be "ore than e$er on #uard a#ainst D flower;plu9=ers D One "idni#ht he was awa=ened and told that the "aster was dead D .hat is to happen to the #arden and to "e F The sons are no #ood2D he thou#ht at on9e And his fears pro$ed to be not entirel5 #roundless The sons were no #ood2 reall5 The5 sta5ed for a 5ear "ore2 ?uarrelled a"on# the"sel$es2 and went awa5 to li$e in another house A 5ear later so"e other fa"il5 9a"e in as tenants The "o"ent the5 saw 4dan the5 said2 D Old #ardener F Don't be up to

THE AKE *7+ an5 tri9=s .e =now the sort 5ou are .e will sa9= 5ou if 5ou don't beha$e 5ourself D 4elan found life intolerable These people had no re#ard for a #arden The5 wal=ed on flower beds2 9hildren 9li"bed the fruit trees and plu9=ed unripe fruits2 and the5 du# pits on the #arden paths 4elan had no 9oura#e to protest The5 ordered hi" about2 sent hi" on errands2 "ade hi" wash the 9ow2 and le9tured to hi" on how to #row a #arden He detested the whole business and often thou#ht of throwin# up his wor= and returnin# to his $illa#e %ut the idea was unbearable A he 9ouldn't li$e awa5 fro" his plants 'ortune howe$er2 soon fa$oured hi" The tenants left The house was lo9=ed up for a few 5ears O99asionall5 one of the sons of the late owner 9a"e round and inspe9ted the #arden Graduall5 e$en this 9eased The5 left Dthe =e5s of the house with 4elan O99asionall5 a prospe9ti$e tenant 9a"e down2 had the house opened2 and went awa5 after re"ar=in# that it was in ruins plaster was fallin# off in fla=es2 paint on doors and windows re"ained onl5 in a few s"all pat9hes2 and white ants were eatin# awa5 all the 9upboards and shel$es A 5ear later another tenant 9a"e2 and then another2 and then a third No one re"ained for "ore than a few "onths And then the house a9?uired the reputation of bein# haunted E$en the owners dropped the pra9ti9e of 9o"in# and seein# the house 4elan was $er5 nearl5 the "aster of the house now The =e5s were with hi" He was also #rowin# old .ith the best he 9ould do2 #rass #rew on the paths2 weeds and 9reepers stran#led the flowerin# plants in the front #arden The fruit trees

5ielded their load pun9tuall5 The owners leased out the whole of the fruit #arden for three 5ears

i#o THE AKE 4elan was too old His hut was lea=5 and he had no ener#5 to put up new that9h So he shifted his residen9e to the front $eranda of the house !t was a deep $eranda runnin# on three sides2 pa$ed with 9he?uered "arble The old "an saw no reason wh5 he should not li$e there He had as #ood a ri#ht as the bats and the rats .hen the "ood sei@ed hi" /about on9e a 5ear0 he opened the house and had the floor swept and s9rubbed %ut #raduall5 he #a$e up this pra9ti9e He was too old to bother about these thin#s Years and 5ears passed without an5 9han#e !t 9a"e to be =nown as the D Ghost House2D and people a$oided it 4elan found nothin# to #ru"ble in this state of affairs !t suited hi" e>9ellentl5 On9e a ?uarter he sent his son to the old fa"il5 in the town to fet9h his wa#es There was no reason wh5 this should not ha$e #one on indefinitel5 %ut one da5 a 9ar sounded its horn an#ril5 at the #ate 4elan hobbled up with the =e5s D Ha$e 5ou the =e5s F Open the #ate2D 9o""anded so"eone in the 9ar D There is a s"all side;#ate2D said 4elan "ee=l5 D Open the bi# #ate for the 9ar H D 4elan had to fet9h a spade and 9lear the $e#etation whi9h had blo9=ed the entran9e The #ates opened on rust5 hin#es2 9rea=in# and #roanin# The5 threw open all the doors and windows2 went throu#h the house =eenl5 e>a"inin# e$er5 portion2 and re"ar=ed A D Did 5ou noti9e the 9ra9= on the do"e F The walls too are 9ra9=ed There is no other wa5 !f we pull down the old ra"sha9=le 9arefull5 we "a5 still be able to use so"e of the "aterials2 thou#h ! a" not at all 9ertain that the

THE AKE *+* wooden portions are not hollow inside Hea$en alone =nows what "adness is responsible for people buildin# houses li=e this D

The5 went round the #arden and said2 D .e ha$e to 9lear e$er5 bit of this Cun#le All this will ha$e to #o D So"e "i#ht5 person loo=ed 4elan up and down and said2 D You are the #ardener ! suppose F .e ha$e not "u9h use for a #arden now All the trees2 e>9ept half a do@en on the $er5 boundar5 of the propert52 will ha$e to #o .e 9an't afford to waste spa9e This flower #arden H'" it is old fashioned and 9rude2 and apart fro" it the front portion of the site is too $aluable to be wasted A wee= later one of the sons of his old "aster 9a"e and told 4elan2 D You will ha$e to #o ba9= to 5our $illa#e2 old fellow The house is sold to a 9o"pan5 The5 are not #oin# to ha$e a #arden The5 are 9uttin# down e$en the fruit trees A the5 are offerin# 9o"pensation to the leaseholder E the5 are wipin# out the #arden2 and pullin# down e$en the buildin# The5 are #oin# to build s"all houses b5 the s9ore without lea$in# spa9e e$en for a blade of #rass D

There was "u9h bustle and a9ti$it52 "u9h 9o"in# and #oin#2 and 4elan retired to his old hut .hen he felt tired he la5 down and slept E at other ti"es he went round the #arden and stood #a@in# at his plants He was #i$en a fortni#ht's noti9e E$er5 "o"ent of it see"ed to hi" pre9ious and he would ha$e sta5ed till the last se9ond with his plants but for the sound of an a>e whi9h stirred hi" out of his afternoon nap two da5s after he was #i$en noti9e The dull noise of a blade "eetin# a tou#h surfa9e rea9hed his ears He #ot up and rushed out He saw four "en ha9=in# the "assi$e trun= of the old

*+6 THE AKE "ar#osa tree He let out a s9rea" A D Stop that H D He too= his staff and rushed at those who were ha9=in# The5 easil5 a$oided the blow he ai"ed D .hat is the "atter F D the5 as=ed 4elan wept A D This is "5 9hild ! planted it ! saw it #row ! lo$ed it Don't 9ut it down D %ut it is the 9o"pan5's orders .hat 9an we do F .e shall be dis"issed if we don't obe52 and so"eone else will do it D 4elan stood thin=in# for a while and said2 D .ill 5ou at least do "e this #ood turn F Gi$e "e a little ti"e ! will bundle up "5 9lothes and #o awa5 After ! a" #one do what 5ou li=e D The5 laid down their a>es and waited (resentl5 4elan 9a"e out of his hut with a bundle D

on his head He loo=ed at the tree;9utters and said2 D You are $er5 =ind to an old "an You are $er5 =ind to wait D He loo=ed at the "ar#osa and wiped his e5es2 D %rother2 don't start 9uttin# till ! a" reall5 #one far2 far awa5 D The tree;9utters s?uatted on the #round and wat9hed the old "an #o Nearl5 half an hour later his $oi9e 9a"e fro" a distan9e2 half indistin9tl52 D Don't 9ut 5et ! a" still within hearin# (lease wait till ! a" #one farther2D

6: ENG!NE TRO)%LE THERE 9a"e down to our town so"e 5ears a#o /said the Tal=ati$e Man0 a show"an ownin# an institution 9alled the Gaiet5 Land O$erni#ht our G5"=hana Grounds be9a"e resplendent with banners and strea"ers and 9oloured la"ps 'ro" all o$er the distri9t 9rowds poured into the show .ithin a wee= of openin#2 in #ate "one5 alone the5 9olle9ted nearl5 fi$e hundred rupees a da5 Gaiet5 Land pro$ided us with all sorts of fun and #a"blin# and side;shows 'or a 9ouple of annas in ea9h booth we 9ould wat9h an5thin# fro" perfor"in# parrots to 9ra9= "otor 959lists loopin# the loop in the Do"e of Death !n addition to this there were lotteries and shootin# #alleries where for an anna 5ou alwa5s stood a 9han9e of winnin# a hundred rupees There was a parti9ular 9orner of the show whi9h was in #reat fa$our Here for a ti9=et 9ostin# ei#ht annas 5ou stood a 9han9e of a9?uirin# a $ariet5 of arti9les pin9ushions2 sewin# "a9hines2 9a"eras or e$en a road en#ine On one e$enin# the5 drew a ti9=et nu"ber *<<12 and ! happened to own the other half of the ti9=et Glan9in# down the list of arti9les the5 de9lared that ! be9a"e the owner of the road en#ine H Don't as= "e how a road en#ine 9a"e to be in9luded a"on# the pri@es !t is "ore than ! 9an tell 5ou *+8

*+, ENG!NE TRO)%LE ! loo=ed stunned (eople #athered around and #a@ed at "e as if ! were so"e 9urious ani"al D 'an95 an5one be9o"in# the owner of a road en#ine H D so"e persons "uttered and #i##led !t was not the sort of pri@e one 9ould 9arr5 ho"e

at short noti9e ! as=ed the show"an if he would help "e to transport it He "erel5 pointed at a noti9e whi9h de9reed that all winners should re"o$e the pri@es i""ediatel5 on drawin# and b5 their own effort Howe$er the5 had to "a=e an e>9eption in "5 9ase The5 a#reed to =eep the en#ine on the G5"=hana Grounds till the end of their season and then ! would ha$e to "a=e "5 own arran#e"ents to ta=e it out .hen ! as=ed the show"an if he 9ould find "e a dri$er he Cust s"iled A D The fellow who brou#ht it here had to be paid a hundred rupees for the Cob and fi$e rupees a da5 ! sent hi" awa5 and "ade up "5 "ind that if no one was #oin# to draw it2 ! would Cust lea$e it to its fate ! #ot it down Cust as a no$elt5 for the show God H .hat a bother it has pro$ed H D D 3an't ! sell it to so"e "uni9ipalit5 F D ! as=ed inno9entl5 He burst into a lau#h D As a show"an ! ha$e enou#h troubles with "uni9ipal people ! would rather =eep out of their wa5 D M5 friends and well;wishers poured in to 9on; #ratulate "e on "5 latest a9?uisition No one =new pre9isel5 how "u9h a road en#ine would fet9hE all the sa"e the5 felt that there was a lot of "one5 in it D E$en if 5ou sell it as s9rap iron 5ou 9an "a=e a few thousands2D so"e of "5 friends de9lared E$er5 da5 ! "ade a trip to the G5"=hana Grounds to ha$e a loo= at "5 en#ine ! #rew $er5 fond of it ! lo$ed its shinin# brass parts ! stood near it and patted it

ENG!NE TRO)%LE *+1 affe9tionatel52 ho$ered about it2 and returned ho"e e$er5 da5 onl5 at the 9lose of the show ! was a poor "an ! thou#ht that after all "5 troubles were 9o"in# to an end How i#norant we are H How little did ! #uess that "5 troubles had Cust be#un .hen the show"an too= down his booths and pa9=ed up2 ! re9ei$ed a noti9e fro" the "uni9ipalit5 to attend to "5 road en#ine .hen ! went there ne>t da5 it loo=ed forlorn with no one about The #round was littered with torn strea"ers and paper de9orations The show"an had "o$ed on2 lea$in# the en#ine where it stood !t was perfe9tl5 safe an5where H ! left it alone for a few da5s2 not =nowin# what to do with it ! re9ei$ed a noti9e fro" the "uni9ipalit5 orderin# that the en#ine should at on9e be re"o$ed fro" the #round as otherwise the5 would 9har#e rent for the o99upation of the G5"=hana Grounds After deep thou#ht ! 9onsented to pa5 the rent2 and ! paid ten rupees a "onth for the ne>t three "onths Dear

sirs2 ! was a poor "an E$en the house whi9h ! and "5 wife o99upied 9ost "e onl5 four rupees a "onth And fan95 "5 pa5in# ten rupees a "onth for the road en#ine !t 9ut into "5 slender bud#et2 and ! had to pled#e a Cewel or two belon#in# to "5 wife H And e$er5 da5 "5 wife was as=in# "e what ! proposed to do with this terrible propert5 of "ine and ! had no answer to #i$e her ! went up and down the town offerin# it for sale to all and sundr5 So"eone su##ested that the Se9retar5 of the lo9al 3os"opolitan 3lub "i#ht be interested in it .hen ! approa9hed hi" he lau#hed and as=ed what he should do with a road en#ine D !'ll dispose of it at a 9on9ession for 5ou You ha$e a tennis 9ourt to be rolled e$er5 "ornin#I' ! be#an2 and e$en before ! saw hi" s"ile

*+: ENG!NE TRO)%LE ! =new it was a stupid thin# to sa5 Ne>t so"eone su##ested2 D See the Muni9ipal 3hair"an He "a5 bu5 it for the "uni9ipalit5 D .ith #reat trepidation ! went to the "uni9ipal offi9e one da5 ! buttoned up "5 9oat as ! entered the 3hair"an's roo" and "entioned "5 business ! was prepared to #i$e awa5 the en#ine at a #reat 9on9ession ! started a #reat haran#ue on "uni9ipal duties2 the re#i"e of this 9hair"an2 and the i"portan9e of ownin# a road roller but before ! was done with hi" ! =new there was #reater 9han9e of "5 sellin# it to so"e 9hild on the roadside for pla5in# with ! was "a=in# "5self a ban=rupt "aintainin# this en#ine in the G5"=hana Grounds ! reall5 hoped so"e da5 there would 9o"e "5 wa5 a lu"p su" and "a=e a"ends for all this defi9it and sufferin# 'resh 9o"pli9ations arose when a 9attle show 9a"e in the offin# !t was to be held on the #rounds ! was #i$en twent5;four hours for #ettin# the thin# out of the #round The show was openin# in a wee= and the ad$an9e part5 was arri$in# and insisted upon ha$in# the en#ine out of the wa5 ! be9a"e desperate E there was not a sin#le person for fift5 "iles around who =new an5thin# about a road en#ine ! be##ed and 9rin#ed e$er5 passin# bus dri$er to help "e E but without use ! e$en approa9hed the station "aster to put in a word with the "ail en#ine dri$er %ut the en#ine dri$er pointed out that he had his own lo9o"oti$e to "ind and 9ouldn't thin= of Cu"pin# off at a wa5side station for an5bod5's sa=e Meanwhile the "uni9ipalit5 was pressin# "e to 9lear out ! thou#ht it o$er ! saw the priest of the lo9al te"ple and "ana#ed to #ain his s5"path5 He offered "e the ser$i9es of his te"ple elephant ! also en#a#ed

ENG!NE TRO)%LE *+fift5 9oolies to push the en#ine fro" behind You "a5 be sure this drained all "5 resour9es The 9oolies wanted ei#ht annas per head and the te"ple elephant 9ost "e se$en rupees a da5 and ! had to #i$e it one feed M5 plan was to ta=e the en#ine out of the #5"=hana and then down the road to a field half a furlon# off The field was owned b5 a friend He would not "ind if ! =ept the en#ine there for a 9ouple of "onths2 when ! 9ould #o to Madras and find a 9usto"er for it ! also too= into ser$i9e one Loseph2 a dis"issed bus;dri$er who said that althou#h he =new nothin# of road rollers he 9ould ne$ertheless steer one if it was so"ehow =ept in "otion !t was a fine si#ht A the te"ple elephant 5o=ed to the en#ine b5 "eans of stout ropes2 with fift5 deter"ined "en pushin# it fro" behind2 and "5 friend Loseph sittin# in the dri$in# seat A hu#e 9rowd stood around and wa2t9hed in #reat #lee The en#ine be#an to "o$e !t see"ed to "e the #reatest "o"ent in "5 life .hen it 9a"e out of the #5"; =hana and rea9hed the road it be#an to beha$e in a stran#e "anner !nstead of #oin# strai#ht down the road it showed a tenden95 to wobble and "o$e @i#;@a# The elephant dra##ed it one Dwa52 Loseph turned the wheel for all he was worth without an5 idea of where he was #oin#2 and fift5 "en behind it 9lun# to it in e$er5 possible "anner and pushed it Cust where the5 li=ed As a result of all this 9onfused dra##in# the en#ine ran strai#ht into the opposite 9o"pound wall and redu9ed a #ood len#th of it to powder At this the 9rowd let out a Co5ous 5ell The elephant2 disli=in# the beha$iour of the 9rowd2 tru"peted loudl52 strained and snapped its

i#7 ENG!NE TRO)%LE ropes and =i9=ed down a further len#th of the wall The fift5 "en fled in pani92 the 9rowd 9reated a pande"oniu" So"eone slapped "e in the fa9e it was the owner of the 9o"pound wall The poli9e 9a"e on the s9ene and "ar9hed "e off .hen ! was released fro" the lo9=;up ! found the followin# 9onse?uen9es awaitin# "e A /i0 Se$eral 5ards of 9o"pound wall to be built b5 "e /60 .a#es of fift5 "en who ran awa5 The5 would not e>plain how the5 were entitled to the wa#es when the5 had not done their Cob /80 Loseph's fee for steerin# the en#ine o$er the wall /,0 3ost of "edi9ine for

treatin# the =nee of the te"ple elephant whi9h had re9ei$ed so"e inCuries while =i9=in# down the wall Here a#ain the te"ple authorities would not listen when ! pointed out that ! didn't en#a#e an elephant to brea= a wall /10 Last2 but not the least2 the de"and to "o$e the en#ine out of its present station Sirs2 ! was a poor "an ! reall5 9ould not find an5 "eans of pa5in# these bills .hen ! went ho"e "5 wife as=ed A D .hat is this ! hear about 5ou e$er5where F D ! too= the opportunit5 to e>plain "5 diffi9ulties She too= it as a hint that ! was a#ain as=in# for her Cewels2 and she lost her te"per and 9ried that she would write to her father to 9o"e and ta=e her awa5 ! was at "5 wit's end (eople s"iled at "e when the5 "et "e in the streets ! was seriousl5 wonderin# wh5 ! should not run awa5 to "5 $illa#e ! de9ided to en9oura#e "5 wife to write to her father and arran#e for her e>it Not a soul was #oin# to =now what "5 plans were ! was #oin# to put off "5 9reditors and disappear one fine ni#ht At this point 9a"e an une>pe9ted relief in the shape

ENG!NE TRO)%LE *++ of a Swa"iCi One fine e$enin# under the distin#uished patrona#e of our Muni9ipal 3hair"an a show was held in our s"all town hall !t was a free perfor"an9e and the hall was pa9=ed with people ! sat in the #aller5 Spellbound we witnessed the Swa"iCi's 5o#i9 feats He bit off #lass tu"blers and ate the" with 9ontent"ent E he la5 on spi=e boards E #ar#led and dran= all =inds of a9ids E li9=ed white;hot iron rods E 9hewed and swallowed sharp nails E stopped his heart;beat2 and buried hi"self under#round .e sat there and wat9hed hi" in stupefa9tion At the end of it all he #ot up and deli$ered a spee9h in whi9h he de9lared that he was 9arr5in# on his "aster's "essa#e to the people in this "anner His per; for"an9e was the "ore re"ar=able be9ause he had nothin# to #ain b5 all this e>traordinar5 "eal e>9ept the satisfa9tion of ser$in# hu"anit52 and now he said he was 9o"in# to the $er5 "asterpie9e and the last a9t He loo=ed at the Muni9ipal 3hair"an and as=ed A D Ha$e 5ou a road en#ine F ! would li=e to ha$e it dri$en o$er "5 9hest D The 9hair"an loo=ed abashed and felt asha"ed to a9=nowled#e that he had none The Swa"iCi insisted2 D ! "ust ha$e a road en#ine D The Muni9ipal 3hair"an tried to put hi" off b5 sa5in#2 D There is no dri$er D The Swa"iCi replied2

D Don't O$orr5 about it M5 assistant has been trained to handle an5 =ind of road en#ine D At this point ! stood up in the #aller5 and shouted2 D Don't as= hi" for an en#ine As= "e D !n a "o"ent ! .s on the sta#e and be9a"e as i"portant a person as the fire;eater hi"self ! was pleased with the re9o#nition ! now re9ei$ed fro" all ?uarters The Muni9ipal 3hair"an went into Cthe ba9=#round

6<< ENG!NE TRO)%LE !n return for lendin# hi" the en#ine he would dri$e it where ! wanted Thou#h ! felt in9lined to as= for a "one5 9ontribution ! =new it would be useless to e>pe9t it fro" one who was on a "issionar5 wor= Soon the whole #atherin# was at the 9o"pound wall opposite to the G5"=hana Swa"iCi's assistant was an e>pert in handlin# en#ines !n a short while "5 en#ine stood stea"in# up proudl5 !t was a #ratif5in# si#ht The Swa"iCi 9alled for two pillows2 pla9ed one near his head and the other at his feet He #a$e detailed instru9tions as to how the en#ine should be run o$er hi" He "ade a 9hal= "ar= on his 9hest and said2 D !t "ust #o e>a9tl5 on this E not an in9h this wa5 or that D The en#ine hissed and waited The 9rowd wat9hin# the show be9a"e suddenl5 unhapp5 and "orose This see"ed to be a terrible thin# to be doin# The Swa"i la5 down on the pillows and said2 D .hen ! sa5 O"2 dri$e it on D He 9losed his e5es The 9rowd wat9hed tensel5 ! loo=ed at the whole show in absolute rapture after all2 the road en#ine was #oin# to #et on the "o$e At this point a poli9e inspe9tor 9a"e into the 9rowd with a brown en$elope in his hand He held up his hand2 be9=oned to the Swa"iCi's assistant2 and said A D ! a" sorr5 ! ha$e to tell 5ou that 5ou 9an't #o on with this The "a#istrate has issued an order pro; hibitin# the en#ine fro" runnin# o$er hi" D The Swa"iCi pi9=ed hi"self up There was a lot of 9o""otion The Swa"iCi be9a"e indi#nant D ! ha$e done it in hundreds of pla9es alread5 and nobod5 ?uestioned "e about it Nobod5 9an stop "e fro" doin# what ! li=e it's "5 "aster's order to de"on; strate the power of the Yo#a to the people of this 9ountr52 and who 9an ?uestion "e F D

ENG!NE TRO)%LE 6<* D A "a#istrate 9anIB said the poli9e inspe9tor2 and held up the order D .hat business is it of 5ours or his to interfere in this "anner F D D! don't =now all

that E this is his order He per"its 5ou to do e$er5; thin# e>9ept swallow potassiu" 95anide and run this en#ine o$er 5our 9hest You are free to do whate$er 5ou li=e outside our Curisdi9tion D D ! a" lea$in# this 9ursed pla9e this $er5 "inuteI' the Swa"iCi said in #reat ra#e2 and started to #o2 followed b5 his assistant ! #ripped his assistant's ar" and said2 D You ha$e stea"ed it up .h5 not ta=e it o$er to that field and then #o D He #lared at "e2 shoo= off "5 hand and "uttered2 D .ith "5 Guru so unhapp52 how dare 5ou as= "e to dri$e F D He went awa5 ! "uttered2 D You 9an't dri$e it e>9ept o$er his 9hest2 ! suppose F D ! "ade preparations to lea$e the town in a 9ouple of da5s2 lea$in# the en#ine to its fate2 with all its 9o""it"ents Howe$er2 Nature 9a"e to "5 res9ue in an une>pe9ted "anner You "a5 ha$e heard of the earth?ua=e of that 5ear whi9h destro5ed whole towns in Northern !ndia There was a re$erberation of it in our town2 too .e were thrown out of our beds that ni#ht2 and doors and windows rattled Ne>t "ornin# ! went o$er to ta=e a last loo= at "5 en#ine before lea$in# the town ! 9ould hardl5 belie$e "5 e5es The en#ine was not there ! loo=ed about and raised a hue and 9r5 Sear9h parties went round And the en#ine was found in a disused well near b52 with its ba9= up ! pra5ed to hea$en to sa$e "e fro" fresh 9o"pli9ations %ut the owner of the house when he 9a"e round and saw what had happened2 lau#hed heartil5 and bea"ed at "e A D You ha$e done "e a ser$i9e !t was the

ENG!NE TRO)%LE dirtiest water on earth in that well and the "uni9ipalit5 was sendin# noti9e to 9lose it2 wee= after wee= ! was dreadin# the 9ost of 9losin#2 but 5our en#ine fits it li=e a 9or= Lust lea$e it there D D %ut2 but D

D There are no buts ! will withdraw all 9o"plaints and 9har#es a#ainst 5ou2 and build that bro=en wall "5self2 but onl5 lea$e the thin# there D D That's hardl5 enou#h D ! "entioned a few other e>penses that this en#ine had brou#ht on "e He a#reed to pa5 for all that .hen ! a#ain passed that wa5 so"e "onths later ! peeped o$er the wall ! found the "outh of the well neatl5 9e"ented up ! hea$ed a si#h of #reat


6ALL A4O!DA%LE TAL& HE was told to a$oid all ?uarrels that da5 The stars were out to trouble hi"2 and e$en the "ildest of his re"ar=s li=el5 to offend and lead to a ?uarrel The planets were set a#ainst hi"2 and this terrified hi" be5ond des9ription Man5 thin#s that were prophesied for hi" latel5 were 9o"in# true He sat in a 9orner of a bi# Ceweller's shop and added up nu"bers all da5 He left it at the end of a da52 and on his wa5 ho"e2 dropped in for a "o"ent to e>9han#e tit;bits with a friend near his house2 who affe9ted #reat =nowled#e of the stars O99asionall5 the friend #a$e out free prophe9ies Man5 thin#s that he said 9a"e true D You will ha$e bother about "one5 "atters for a fortni#ht E$en 5our le#iti"ate dues will not rea9h 5our hand in ti"e Too true The usual rent he re9ei$ed fro" his $illa#e b5 "one5 order went all o$er !ndia before 9o"in# to hi" be9ause of a sli#ht error in the addressin# And then his friend told hi" A D Saturn will 9ause "inor anno5an9es in the shape of "inor ail"ents at ho"e D And the followin# wee= e$er5one2 fro" his old "other down to the four;"onth;old2 went down with 9old and fe$er He hi"self felt &=e ta=in# to bed2 but his Ceweller 9hief would not let hi" #o And now his friend had told hi" on the pte$iotiB e$enin#2 D Now2 ! see 5our worst period is +<8

6<, ALL A4O!DA%LE TAL& 9o"in# to an end2 but a$oid all a$oidable tal= to; "orrow the whole of Monda5 There is alwa5s the dan#er of 5our irritatin# others and findin# others irritatin# D The "o"ent he opened his e5es and la5 in bed2 he told hi"self A D Must not tal= to an5one toda5 who 9an see where a word will lead F D He pin9hed the 9hee= of the 5oun#est2 patted the ba9= of another2 found the bo5 of se$en unwillin# to start for s9hool A was about to shout at hi"2 but de9ided not to interfere2 a happ5 #odsend for the bo5 His wife appealed A D .h5 do 5ou allow hi" to ha$e his own wa5 F D He "erel5 shoo= his head and went off to the bathroo" His dau#hter had lo9=ed herself in that "eant she would not 9o"e out for an hour E she had on9e a#ain bro=en the spe9ifi9 order not to #o in to bathe at offi9e

ti"e He tapped the door twi9e or thri9e2 #lared at it2 and went awa5 and put hi"self under the tap in the front #arden All throu#h his dinner he sat with bowed head2 "aintainin# a deter"ined silen9e2 answerin# his wife's ?uestions with a 9urt D Yes D or D NoIB .hile startin# for his offi9e it was his usual pra9ti9e to stand in the passa#e and as= for a little betel;nut and lea$es2 with a 95ni9al re"ar= that the5 "i#ht ha$e 9onsideration for a "an who had to 9at9h an earl5 tra" Toda5 he stood on the threshold waitin# to see if an5one would ser$e hi" and stepped out into the street2 with the refle9tion A D !f the5 ha$e not the sense to do a pie9e of re#ular dut5 without re"inder ! won't 9hew betel2 that is all D The tra" was 9rowded as usual So"ebod5 stood on his toe He bore it patientl5 The tra" 9ondu9tor pushed hi" aside and uttered rude re"ar=s for standin# in the wa5 He =ept ?uiet The inspe9tor who

ALL A4O!DA%LE TAL& 6<1 hopped into the tra" for 9he9=in# would not bud#e at the rCia#i9 word D (ass D but insisted on seein# it2 and fretted and swore while Sastri fu"bled with his buttons and inner po9=et Sastri ne$er uttered a word2 and bore it li=e a "art5r At the offi9e he was onl5 two "inutes late2 but his e"plo5er2 alread5 seated on his 9ushion2 #lared at hi" and beha$ed as if he had been two hours late Sastri stood before hi" du"b2 listenin# patientl5 to all the 9har#es D You stand there li=e a statue2 sa5in# nothin#2 it "ust be $er5 9on$enient2 ! suppose D said his e"plo5er2 loo=in# hi" up D .hat has 9o"e o$er 5ou F D nearl5 es9aped Sastri's lips2 but he 9he9=ed hi"self as he 9a"e to D .hat has D D Eh F D de"anded his e"plo5er D .hat is as=ed .hat is the ti"e now2 sir F D he

D You as= "e the ti"e H Go2 #o to 5our seat2 Sastri2 before ! a" $er5 an#r5 with 5ou D Sastri slun= ba9= to his pla9e The routine of offi9e life started The attendant wiped and rearran#ed the show9ases A 9usto"ers started 9o"in# in to bu5 and sell #old trin=ets and Cewels2 the s"all fan whirred and #5rated2 waftin# 9ool air on his 9hiefs fa9e2 the other partner 9a"e in at about "idda5 and too= his seat The 5oun#er son of the "aster 9a"e in de"and; in# so"e 9ash for so"e e>tra$a#an9e2 and went awa52 and Sastri sat in his 9orner surrounded b5 hea$5

re#isters Loo=in# at the fi#ures in the pa#es2 he refle9ted2 D Nearl5 two o'9lo9= E another ei#ht hours of this pla9e2 and the da5 will be o$er D A 9usto"er stopped before hi"2 held up a trin=et and as=ed A D Loo= here2 9an this dia"ond be ta=en out and reset

ad: ALL A4O!DA%LE TALG in platinu"FD Sastri loo=ed dull5 at the trin=et and said A D You "ust as= o$er there D D !t's all ri#ht2 * =now that2D replied the 9usto"er hau#htil5 DAnswer "5 ?uestion first D Sastri shoo= his head D E$identl5 5ou =now nothin# about these "atters D D ! =now nothin#2D Sastri said D Then #et out of a shop li=e this2D answered the other2 and "o$ed on and sat before the proprietor The proprietor presentl5 9alled2 D Sastri2 9o"e here D D Yes2 sir2D Sastri said2 without liftin# up his head There were three "ore lines to be added to 9o"plete the pa#e !f he was interrupted2 he would ha$e to start fro" the top of the #i#anti9 folio all o$er a#ain So there was so"e dela5 before he 9ould respond to his "aster's 9all %efore that his "aster lost his te"per and shouted A D Drop the pen and 9o"e here when ! 9all2 will 5ou F D There was still one "ore line to #o in !f this lin= was "issed2 there was the #hastl5 prospe9t of ha$in# to spend the whole e$enin# in the 9o"pan5 of fi#ures The "aster's 9all be9a"e insistent Sastri loo=ed up for a "o"ent fro" his led#er E he 9au#ht a #li"pse of the other's fa9e a red pat9h2 flushed with an#er He 9o"pressed his Hps and resol$ed "ore than e$er not to rise without 9o"pletin# the totallin# He sat as if deaf2 9al"l5 #oin# throu#h the wor= %5 the ti"e he stood before his "aster2 the latter had #ripped in his hand a leaden paperwei#ht D (erhaps he wanted to flin# it at "e2D Sastri refle9ted2 and was o$erwhel"ed for a "o"ent Nrith resent"ent The troubleso"e 9usto"er sat there 9o"fortabl5 and wat9hed the s9ene with a self;satisfied #rin Loo=in# at hi" Sastri felt it was an added indi#nit5 D He pa5s "e fift5 rupees not for nothin# E

ALL A4O!DA%LE TAL& 6<! sla$e for hi" %ut what ri#ht has he to insult "e 2 F D He felt desperate His brow pu9=ered E he as=ed2 loo=in# at the paperwei#ht in his "aster's handA D .hat's that for FD

9M !diot H .hat has 9o"e o$er 5ou F Mind 5our own business2D said his boss D .h5 9an't 5ou 9o"e up when 5ou are 9alled F D Sastri had "eanti"e re9o$ered his te"per2 reali@in# how near an e>plosion he had been D ! was totallin# up2 sir2D he said2 dis9iplinin# hi"self resolutel5 D Learn to 9o"e up when 9alled .h5 were 5ou rude to this #entle"an F ' ' D ! wasn't2D replied Sastri briefl5 D Do 5ou thin= !'" l5in# F D shouted the 9usto"er2 and s9owled Sastri #ulped down his repl52 Cust re"e"berin# in ti"e the inCun9tion2 D A$oid all a$oidable tal=2D thou#h he felt li=e hittin# his ad$ersar5 now His boss loo=ed up at hi" and said A D Sastri2 ! "ust warn 5ou for the last ti"e You "ust be 9ourteous to all "5 9usto"ers A otherwise 5ou "a5 #et out of this shop D D ! "erel5 said ! didn't =now about platinu" D D ! don't want all that E$er5one in this shop "ust be able to answer about an5 depart"ent Other; wise ! don't want hi" in "5 ser$i9e Do 5ou under; stand F D Sastri turned ba9= to #o The 9usto"er added A D ! onl5 wanted to =now if this 9ould be set in platinu" 3an't he answer that si"ple ?uestion F D D Oh2 is that all H E$en a 9hild should be able to answer that2D e9hoed his "aster D Sastri2 9o"e here D Sastri a#ain stood before hi" A D .hat do 5ou =now of platinu" settin# F D D ! don't =now an5thin#2 sir D D You sf95 that to "e H All ri#ht2 #o ba9= to 5our seat ! wiJ deal with 5ou presentl5 Get out of "5

ao7 ALL A4O!DA%LE TAL& si#ht now D Sastri si#hed and turned ba9= .hile he was #oin# ba9= to his seat2 he o$erheard the 9usto"er sa5in# A D These fellows ha$e be9o"e $er5 arro#ant nowada5s D Sastri2 sittin# in his 9orner2 tried to drown his thou#hts in fi#ures He partl5 su99eeded2 one part of his "ind =ept s"artin# A D So"e fool 9o"es in2 and be9ause of hi"2 ! "ust stand e$er5 insult H !'$e ser$ed here for twent5 5ears D The 9usto"er had finished his wor= and was #oin# past hi"2 throwin# at hi" a triu"phant and 9onte"ptuous loo= Sastri ?ui9=l5 turned awa5 and #a@ed at the folio D !s this "an born to tor"ent "e F ! don't =now who he is H D A blue bea" of sunli#ht stra5ed in throu#h a 9oloured window pane and "o$ed up to the 9eilin# A

that "eant it was nearin# dus= His boss #ot up and passed out A as the "otor;9ar started down below2 the others in the offi9e also rose to #o2 and filed past the door2 all but Sastri and the wat9h"an The inter; ruption fro" his boss had 9ut in so badl5 that nu"bers Cu"ped at ea9h other's throats2 and =notted the"sel$es into hopeless tan#les E whi9h "eant he would ha$e to #o o$er i""ense areas of the led#ers E he swit9hed on the li#ht and wor=ed till nine Stret9hin# his 9ra"ped fin#ers2 he des9ended the stair9ase and was on the road D ! ha$e been 9alled na"es ! ha$e been insulted b5 stran#ers and b5 "5 offi9er2 before e$er5one (latinu" H (latinu" H !'$e ser$ed for twent5 5ears for less than fift5 rupees a "onth D He wondered wh5 he had be9o"e so de#enerate as not to be able to earn this an5where else D Toni#ht ! will not dine without e>tra9tin# an apolo#5 fro" "5 boss Otherwise ! shall throw off this wor= ! don't 9are what happens D He had in a flash

ALL A4O!DA%LE TAL& 6<+ a $ision of his wife and 9hildren star$in# !t see"ed insi#nifi9ant to hi" now D ! will so"ehow "ana#e Open a s"all shop2 with a loan or so"ethin#2 and "ana#e so"ehow ! don't 9are D Nothin# see"ed to hi" i"portant now e>9ept redee"in# his di#nit5 as an ordinar5 hu"an bein# without an5 referen9e to his position as an a99ountant or the head of a fa"il5 He re"e"bered the lead paperwei#ht A that hurt his "ind "ore than an5thin# else He wal=ed down the tra"line2 sun= in thou#ht A tra" for Ro5apetta stopped near hi" He 9he9=ed his i"pulse to 9li"b into it and #o ho"e He let it #o He sou#ht out the bus for &ilpau= and #ot into it !t was nearl5 ten when he rea9hed the #ates of his "aster's bun#alow D A"ber Gardens D The wat9h; "an said A D So late2 Sir H D D Yes2 !'$e to see the "aster2D he replied D !s he awa=e F D D Yes2 he has Cust had his dinner and is sittin# in the front roo" Half wa5 up2 Sastri felt uneas5 as he re9olle9ted the ad$i9e of his friend2 D A$oid all a$oidable tal= %ut he 9ould not turn ba9= now 'ate see"ed to be holdin# hi" b5 the s9ruff and propellin# hi" forward He stood in the hall His boss had spread hi"self on a sofa with a sheet of newspaper before hi" Sastri stood hesitatin# A D A$oid all a$oidable D his friend's words2 dru""in# the"sel$es throu#h his brain D Nothin# "ore a$oidable than this D he told hi"self He wished he 9ould turn ba9= and #o awa5 %etter to ta9=le hi" in the offi9e !t


is diffi9ult to tal= to a boss in his ho"e %efore he 9ould "a=e up his "ind about it2 his boss2 turnin# o$er a pa#e2 obser$ed hi" standin# "ee=l5 E he stared at hi" for a while and then said A D Sastri H H'" ! see now that 5ou ha$e enou#h sense to fed

6io ALL A4O!DA%LE TAL& sorr5 for 5our own 9ondu9t ! was thin=in# of 5ou !f ! find 5ou a#ain tal=in# ba9= to "e ! will dis"iss 5ou on the spot2 re"e"ber And a#ain2 ! find 5ou are rude to others too That "an 9o"es as=in# about platinu" settin# D D Yes2 sir2 platinu" settin#2D e9hoed Sastri D That was a "ad"an You saw "e with a paper; wei#ht in "5 hand2 while he sat before "e D Yes2 sir2 ! noti9ed it D D %ut it is none of 5our 9on9ern .hether "ad or sane2 whoe$er it "a5 be2 it is 5our business to answer politel5 whether it be about platinu"2 sil$er2 9la52 or ra# E$er5one in "5 offi9e should =now about e$er5 other depart"ent ! would ha$e dis"issed 5ou for 5our spee9h and 9ondu9t toda5 %ut 5ou ha$e sa$ed 5ourself now !t is "5 prin9iple to for#i$e a fellow who sin9erel5 repents !t is late You "a5 #o now D D ! a" $er5 #rateful to 5ou Good ni#ht2 sir2D Sastri said2 puttin# e>tre"e politeness in his tone .hile #oin# ho"e he did not feel the tediousness of the wa5 or the hour2 for he was ?uietl5 #loatin# o$er the fa9t that he had triu"phed o$er his stars that da5 D

67 'R)!T!ON AT 'ORTY RAMA Rao obtained his offi9er's per"ission to absent hi"self on the followin# da5 D Happ5 returns2D e>9lai"ed his offi9er D Honestl52 ! did not thin= 5ou were fort5 H D .al=in# down the road to the bus stand2 Ra"a Rao paused for a "inute to $iew hi"self in a lar#e "irror that blo9=ed the entran9e to a hair;9uttin# establish; "ent D ! don't loo= fort52D he told hi"self and passed on .hen he left ho"e he had not =nown that it was

the e$e of his birthda5 !t was while draftin# an offi9e note that he reali@ed that the i,th of April was ahead As a rule the5 ne$er fussed o$er birthda5s at ho"e2 but this was a spe9ial e$ent A 9rossin# the fortieth "ilestone see"ed to be an e>tre"el5 si#nifi9ant affair2 whi9h deser$ed to be "ar=ed down with feastin# and holida5 At (arr5's 3orner he stru##led into a bus and hun# on to a strap D Good thin# we were "on=e5s on9e2D he refle9ted D Otherwise how 9ould we perfor" our din#in#2 and han#in# down E e>a9tl5 the operations of a "on=e52 the onl5 differen9e bein# that the5 #et on s"oothl5 in a herd while we D The 9ondu9tor had tried to push hi" out2 so"ebod5 s?uee@ed his sides and s9owled at hi"2 and so"eone was repeatedl5 tr5in# to stand on his toes2 and the dri$er was an

6*6 'R)!T!ON AT 'ORTY to rattle the passen#ers to their bones b5 stoppin# and startin# with fier9e Cer=s Ra"a Rao wri##led throu#h and fou#ht his wa5 out when the bus stopped at 3entral Station He wal=ed down to Moore Mar=et for a little shoppin# Nobod5 at ho"e =new of his birthda5 He would surprise the" with #ifts E printed sil= pie9es2 9oloured ribbons2 buildin# blo9=s2 and sweets !t would be su9h a no$elt52 #i$in# #ifts instead of re9ei$in# He "ust also bu5 $e#etables and pro$isions for a "odest feast !t was #oin# to be a ?uiet fa"il5 part5 and if the 9hildren were dis; in9lined to #o to s9hool he would not for9e the" He went round the Moore Mar=et 9orridor2 for a preli"inar5 sur$e5 D Shall bu5 $e#etables last2D he told hi"self He went into a 9loth shop and de"anded to be shown printed sil= and sele9ted three or four bits The bill was "ade up As he s9rutini@ed the ite"s his hand went into his po9=et to brin# out the purse !t was not in its pla9e He returned the pa9=a#e He wal=ed out of Moore Mar=et2 ra"bled ai"lessl52 his "ind all in a boil He sou#ht a par= ben9h and sat down2 tr5in# to re9olle9t when he had last ta=en out his purse D Must ha$e brushed a#ainst a pi9=;po9=et in the bus2D he told hi"self He felt depressed He loo=ed about A a "endi9ant was sleepin# on another ben9h2 so"e 9hildren were #leefull5 destro5in# a flower bed D So"e pi9=;po9=et to depri$e "e of "5 fortieth birthda5 H D He felt an#r5 with the per$erse fates whi9h "essed up and destro5ed all one's plans

(eople said fort5 was a "an's best a#e E$er5 one attained "aturit5 of "ind and bod5 A "an's habits were fi>ed2 his preCudi9es and fa$ours were solidified on9e for all A and his hu"an relationships were well

'R)!T!ON AT 'ORTY 6*8 defined and would be free fro" sho9=s and surprises Ra"a Rao dwelt on all these fruitions of fort5 and was filled with "is#i$in#s D .hat ha$e ! a9hie$ed at fort5 F ! ha$e li$ed si>teen 5ears be5ond the point "ar=ed b5 the statisti9ian as the e>pe9tation of life for an !ndian ! ha$e 9o"pleted three ?uarters of the lon#e$it5 of "5 elders .hat ha$e ! a9hie$ed F D He brooded o$er it and answered D ! ha$e four 9hildren2 the eldest reads in a 9olle#e The wife has all the Ceweller5 she had as=ed for ! ha$e risen to be the head of "5 se9tion in the offi9e 5et ! li$e onl5 in a rented house The "arria#e of "5 dau#hter and the 9areer of "5 son will ha$e to be ta9=led b5 "e within fi$e 5ears A" ! #ood for it F D He was filled with 9onsternation at bein# fort52 at the duties that were definitel5 e>pe9ted of hi" be9ause he was supposed to ha$e rea9hed "aturit5 He beat his brow at this thou#ht He wondered if he had reall5 9han#ed He 9ast his "ind ba9= The earliest birthda5 he 9ould re"e"ber was the one when his father had presented hi" with a #litterin# la9e 9ap E then there was his twentieth birthda5 soon after his % A 2 when he resol$ed he would not be this or that E it was a 9atalo#ue of D ! won't this or that D a"on# the" he 9ould onl5 re9olle9t that he had resol$ed ne$er to "arr5 and ne$er to ta=e up an5 e"plo5"ent unless the5 offered hi" three hundred rupees for a start2 so"e Cob whi9h would put hi" on a swi$el 9hair behind a #lass door And then his thirtieth birthda5 when he was sei@ed with pani9 as he reali@ed that he was a father of three He then belie$ed that thin#s would so"ehow be 9lear;9ut and settled at fort5 And now here he was .hat was it #oin# to be li=e at fift5 or si>t5 F Thin#s would re"ain Cust the sa"e

7*, 'R)!T!ON AT 'ORTY !f one did not worr5 about oneself one started worr5in# o$er 9hildren and #rand;9hildren Thin#s did not 9han#e Ra"a Rao did not feel that the person who was pleased with the #ift of a la9e 9ap was in an5 wa5 different fro" the one who felt a thrill when the offi9e 9o""uni9ated an in9re"ent The bein# who felt the ho"e;tutor's "ali9ious #rip now felt the sa"e e"otion when the Offi9er 9alled hi" up in a bad

te"per Deep within he felt the sa"e an>iet5 and ti"idit5 and he wondered how his wife and 9hildren 9ould e$er loo= up to hi" for support at all He suddenl5 felt that he had not been #rowin# and 9han#in# !t was an illusion of his appearan9e 9aused b5 a 9han#e of 9url5 hair into #re5 hair2 and b5 the wearin# of lon#er 9lothes This reali@ation brou#ht to his "ind a profound relief2 and destro5ed all notions of 5ears E at the "o"ent a birthda5 had no "ore si#nifi9an9e and fi>it5 than lines "ar=ed in the air with one's fin#ers He de9ided not to "ention to an5one at ho"e that it was his birthda5 As he wal=ed ba9= ho"e his "ind was still worried about the purse After all onl5 twent5 rupees and an old purse 9ontainin# re9eipts2 but his wife would positi$el5 #et distra9ted if she heard of the loss Last ti"e when he 9ould not a99ount for fi$e rupees after a shoppin# e>pedition she 9o"pletel5 bro=e down She "ust on no a99ount be told of the present loss He would =eep her "ind free and happ5 that would be the birthda5 #ift for her =eepin# awa5 fro" her the theft of the purse Cust as the purse itself was a #ift to an un=nown pi9=;po9=et He went ho"e late2 sin9e he had to wal= all the wa5 D Held up b5 une>pe9ted business on the wa52D he e>plained Ne>t "ornin# he went P+ bis pffi99 f#

'R)!T!ON AT 'ORTY 6*1 usual D Your birthda5 o$er F D as=ed his 9hief D Yes2 sir2 o$er earlier than ! e>pe9ted2D he e>plained D 4er5 #ood2D said his offi9er D ! was hopin# 5ou would turn up for at least half;a;da52 a lot of thin#s to do D D ! =new that2 sir2D Ra"a Rao said2 #oin# to his des=

6+ 3R!ME AND ()N!SHMENT D T A THAT is si>teen and three "ultipliedF D%as=ed 5 4 the tea9her The bo5 blin=ed The tea9her persisted2 and the bo5 pro"ptl5 answered A D Twent5; four2D with2 as it see"ed to the tea9her2 a wi9=ed s"ile on his lips The bo5 e$identl5 was tr5in# to fool hi" and was #oin# 9ontrar5 on purpose He had 9orre9ted this error repeatedl52 and now the bo5 persisted in sa5in# D Twent5;four D How 9ould this fellow be "ade to obtain fift5 in the 9lass test and #o up b5 double;pro"otion to the first for"2 as his parents fondl5 hoped F At the "ention of D Twent5;four D

the tea9her felt all his blood rushin# to his head He 9ontrolled hi"self2 and as=ed a#ain A D How "u9h F D as a last 9han9e .hen the bo5 said the sa"e thin# obstinatel52 he felt as if his fin#er was releasin# the tri##er A he rea9hed a9ross the table2 and deli$ered a wholeso"e slap on the 5oun#ster's 9hee= The bo5 #a@ed at hi" for a "o"ent and then burst into tears The tea9her now re#ained his nor"al $ision2 felt appalled b5 his own a9tion2 and be##ed franti9all5 A D Don't 9r52 little fellow2 5ou "ustn't D D ! will tell the"2D sobbed the bo5 D Oh2 no2 no2 no2D appealed the tea9her He loo=ed about 9autiousl5 'ortunatel5 this nurser5 was at a little distan9e fro" the "ain buildin# D !'ll tell "5 "other2D said the bo5 6*:

3R!ME AND ()N!SHMENT 6*A99ordin# to the parents2 the bo5 wasNa little an#el2 all di"ples2 s"iles2 and sweetness onl5 win#s la9=in# He was their onl5 9hild2 the5 had abundant affe9tion and a"ple "one5 The5 built up a nurser52 bou#ht hi" e>pensi$e to5s2 fitted up "iniature furniture sets2 #a$e hi" a s"all pedal "otor;9ar to #o about in all o$er the #arden The5 filled up his 9upboard with all =inds of sweets and bis9uits2 and left it to his #ood sense to de$our the" "oderatel5 The5 belie$ed a #reat deal in lea$in# thin#s that wa5 D You "ust ne$er set up an5 sort of 9ontrariness or repression in the 9hild's "ind2D de9lared the parents D You'll da"a#e hi" for life !t no doubt re?uires a lot of dis9ipline on our part2 but it is worth it2D the5 de9lared pri"l5 D .e shall be brin#in# up a health5 9iti@en D D Yes2 5es2D the tea9her a#reed outwardl52 feelin# "ore and "ore 9on$in9ed e$er5 da5 that what the little fellow needed to "a=e hi" a nor"al 9iti@en was not 9aColin# but an anna worth of 9ane2 for whi9h he was prepared to ad$an9e the outla5 To the tea9her it was a life of utter tra$ail the onl5 relie$in# feature in the whole business was the thirt5 rupees the5 paid hi" on e$er5 first da5 !t too= hi" in all three hours e$er5 e$enin# of whi9h the first half an hour he had to listen to the 9hild;ps59holo#5 theories of the parents The father had written a thesis on infant; ps59holo#5 for his M A 2 and the lad5 had studied a #reat deal of it for her % A The5 le9tured to hi" e$er5 da5 on their theories2 and he #ot "ore and "ore the feelin# that the5 wanted hi" to deal with the bo5

as if he were "ade of thin #lass He had to pretend that he a#reed with the"2 while his own pri$ate $iew was that he was in 9har#e of a little #orilla

6i7 3R!ME AND ()N!SHMENT Now the tea9her did not =now how to ?uieten the bo52 who =ept sobbin# He felt desperate He told the 5oun#ster2 D You "ust not 9r5 for these triflin# "atters2 5ou "ust be li=e a soldier D D A soldier will shoot with a #un if he is hit2D said the bo5 in repl5 The tea9her treated it as a Co=e and lau#hed artifi9iall5 The bo5 9au#ht the infe9tion and lau#hed too This eased the situation so"ewhat D Go and wash 5our fa9e2D su##ested the tea9her a fine blue por9elain 9loset was atta9hed to the nurser5 The bo5 disobe5ed and 9o""anded A D 3lose the lessons toda5 D The tea9her was a#hast D No2 no2D he 9ried D Then2 ! will #o and tell "5 "other2D threatened the bo5 He pushed the 9hair ba9= and #ot up The tea9her rushed up to hi" and held hi" down D M5 dear fellow2 !'$e to be here for another hour D The bo5 said A DAll ri#ht2 wat9h "e put the en#ine on its rails D D !f 5our father 9o"es in2D said the tea9her D Tell hi" it is an en#ine lesson2D said the bo5 and s"iled "ali9iousl5 He went o$er to his 9upboard2 opened it2 and too= out his train set2 and started asse"blin# the tra9= He wound the en#ine and put it down2 and it went round and round D You are the Station Master2D pro9lai"ed the bo5 D No2 no2D 9ried the tea9her D You ha$e 5our tests the da5 after to"orrow D The bo5 "erel5 s"iled in a superior wa5 and repeated D .ill 5ou be a Station Master or not F D The tea9her was anno5ed D ! won't be a Station Master2D he said defiantl52 whereupon the 5oun# fellow said A D Oh2 oh2 is that what 5ou sa5 F D He #entl5 tou9hed his 9hee=2 and "ur"ured A D !t is painin# "e here awfull52 ! "ust see "5 "other D He

3R!ME AND ()N!SHMENT 6*+ "ade a "o$e"ent towards wat9hed hi" with a dull 9hee= was still red So want "e to be a Station ha$e to do F D the door The tea9her desperation The bo5's he said A D Don't bo5 You MasterF .hat shall !

The bo5 dire9ted2 D .hen the train 9o"es to 5our station2 5ou "ust blow the whistle and 9r5 9 En#ine Dri$er2 stop the train There are a lot of people toda5 who ha$e bou#ht ti9=ets ' D The tea9her hun9hed up in a 9orner and obe5ed He #rew tired of the position and the #a"e in thirt5 "inutes2 and #ot up2 "u9h to the displeasure of his pupil Lu9=il5 for hi" the en#ine also suddenl5 refused to "o$e The bo5 handed it to hi"2 as he went ba9= to his seat and said A D Repair it2 sir D He turned it about in his hand and said A D ! 9an't ! =now nothin# about it D D !t "ust #o2D said the bo5 fir"l5 The tea9her felt desperate He was absolutel5 non;"e9hani9al He 9ould not turn the si"plest s9rew if it was to sa$e his life The bo5 sta"ped his foot i"patientl5 and waited li=e a t5rant The tea9her put it awa5 definitel5 with A D ! 9an't and ! won't D The bo5 i""ediatel5 swit9hed on to another de"and D Tell "e a stor5 D D You ha$en't done a su" !t is 7 8< D

D ! don't 9are for su"s2D said the bo52 D Tell "e a stor5 D D No D

The bo5 9alled2 D Appa H Appa H D D .h5 are 5ou shoutin# li=e that for 5our father F D D ! ha$e so"ethin# to tell hi"2 so"ethin# i"; portant D The tea9her waa obli#ed to be#in the stor5 of a

66< 3R!ME AND ()N!SHMENT bison and a ti#er2 and then he passed on and the 'ort5 Thie$es2 and Aladin's La"p listened rapt2 and ordered A D ! want to stor5 of the bison a#ain !t is #ood tea9her was short of breath He had done the da5 si> hours of tea9hin# at s9hool !'$e lost all "5 breath D to All %aba The bo5 hear the D The durin# D To"orrow

D Oh H All ri#ht !'ll #o and tell D e>9lai"ed the bo5 E he #ot up and started runnin# all of a sudden towards the house2 and the tea9her started after hi" The bo5 was too fast for hi"2 wheeled about "adl52 and "ade the tea9her run round the #arden thri9e The tea9her loo=ed beaten The bo5

too= pit5 on hi" and stopped near the rose bush %ut the "o"ent he went up and tried to put his hand on hi"2 the bo5 darted throu#h and ran off !t was a hopeless pursuit E the bo5 enCo5ed it i""ensel52 lau#hin# fiendishl5 The tea9her's fa9e was flushed and he #asped un9o"fortabl5 He felt a dar=ness swellin# up around hi" He san= down on the porti9o step At this "o"ent father and "other e"er#ed fro" the house D .hat is the "atter F D The tea9her stru##led up to his feet aw=wardl5 He was still pantin# badl5 and 9ould not tal= He had alread5 "ade up his "ind that he would 9onfess and ta=e the 9onse?uen9e2 rather than stand the bla9="ail b5 this bo5 !t see"ed less forbiddin# to throw hi"self at the "er95 of the 9iders The5 loo=ed en?uirin#l5 at the bo5 and as=ed A D .h5 ha$e 5ou been runnin# in the #arden at this hour F D The bo5 loo=ed "is9hie$ousl5 at the tea9her The tea9her 9leared his throat and said A D ! will e>plain D He was tr5in# to find the words for his senten9e The father

3R!ME AND ()N!SHMENT 66* as=ed A D How's he preparin# for his test in arith"eti9 F D On hearin# the word D test D the bo5's fa9e fell E he unobtrusi$el5 slun= behind his parents and b5 loo= and #estures appealed to the tea9her not to betra5 hi" He loo=ed so patheti9 and desperate that the tea9her replied D Onl5 please let hi" "u# up the * :th table a little "ore He is all ri#ht He will pull throu#h D The bo5 loo=ed relie$ed The tea9her saw his #rateful fa9e2 felt 9onfident that the bo5 would not #i$e hi" up now2 and said A D Good;ni#ht2 sir E we finished our lessons earl52 and ! was Cust pla5in# about with the 9hild so"ethin# to =eep up his spirits 5ou =now D

8< )NDER THE %ANYAN TREE r Q TrfE $illa#e So"al2 nestlin# awa5 in the forest LL tra9ts of Me"pi2 had a population of less than three hundred !t was in e$er5 wa5 a $illa#e to "a=e the heart of a rural refor"er sin= !ts tan=2 a s"all e>panse of water2 ri#ht in the "iddle of the $illa#e2 ser$ed for drin=in#2 bathin#2 and washin# the 9attle2 and it bred "alaria2 t5phoid2 and hea$en =new what else The 9otta#es sprawled an5how and the lanes twisted and wri##led up and down and stran#led ea9h other The population used the hi#hwa5 as the refuse #round and in the ba9=5ard of e$er5 house

drain water sta#nated in #reen puddles Su9h was the $illa#e !t is li=el5 that the people of the $illa#e were insensiti$e A but it is "ore than li=el5 that the5 ne$er noti9ed their surroundin#s be9ause the5 li$ed in a =ind of perpetual en9hant"ent The en9hanter was Na"bi2 the stor5;teller He was a "an of about si>t5 or se$ent5 Or was he ei#ht5 or one hundred and ei#ht5 F .ho 9ould sa5 F !n a pla9e so "u9h 9ut off as So"al /the nearest bus;stop was ten "iles awa50 re9=onin# 9ould hardl5 be in the fa"iliar "easures of ti"e !f an5one as=ed Na"bi what his a#e was he referred to an an9ient fa"ine or an in$asion or the buildin# of a brid#e and indi9ated how hi#h he haML stood fro" the #round at the ti"e 666

)NDER THE %ANYAN TREE 6B8 He was illiterate2 in the sense that the written word was a "5ster5 to hi" E but he 9ould "a=e up a stor52 in his head2 at the rate of one a "onth E ea9h stor5 too= nearl5 ten da5s to narrate His ho"e was die little te"ple whi9h was at the $er5 end of the $illa#e No one 9ould sa5 how he had 9o"e to re#ard hi"self as the owner of the te"ple The te"ple was a $er5 s"all stru9ture with red;striped walls2 with a stone i"a#e of the Goddess2 Sha=ti2 in the san9tu" The front portion of the te"ple was Na"bi's ho"e 'or au#ht it "attered an5 pla9e "i#ht be his ho"e E for he was without possessions All that he possessed was a broo" with whi9h he swept the te"ple E and he had also a 9ouple ofdhotits and upper 9loth He spent "ost part of the da5 in the shade of the ban5an whi9h spread out its bran9hes in front of the te"ple .hen he felt hun#r5 he wal=ed into an5 house that 9au#ht his fan95 and Coined the fa"il5 at dinner .hen he needed new 9lothes the5 were brou#ht to hi" b5 the $illa#ers He hardl5 e$er had to #o out in sear9h of 9o"pan5E for the ban5an shade ser$ed as a 9lub house for the $illa#e fol= All throu#h the da5 people 9a"e see=in# Na"bi's 9o"pan5 and s?uatted under the tree !f he was in a "ood for it he listened to their tal= and entertained the" with his own obser$ations and ane9dotes .hen he was in no "ood he loo=ed at the $isitors sourl5 and as=ed2 D .hat do 5ou thin= ! a" F Don't bla"e "e if 5ou #et no stor5 at the ne>t "oon )nless ! "editate how 9an the Goddess #i$e "e a stor5F Do 5ou thin= stories float in the air F D E and "o$ed out to the ed#e of the forest and s?uatted there 9onte"platin# the trees

Oa 'rida5 e$enin#s the $illa#e turned up at the

66, )NDER THE %ANYAN TREE te"ple for worship2 when Na"bi lit a s9ore of "ud la"ps and arran#ed the" around the threshold of the san9tuar5 He de9orated the i"a#e with flowers2 whi9h #rew wildl5 in the ba9=5ard of the te"ple He a9ted as the priest and offered to the Goddess fruits and flowers brou#ht in b5 the $illa#ers On the ni#hts he had a stor5 to tell he lit a s"all la"p and pla9ed it in a ni9he in the trun= of the ban5an tree 4illa#ers as the5 returned ho"e in the e$enin#s saw this2 went ho"e2 and said to their wi$es2 D Now2 now2 hurr5 up with the dinner2 the stor5;teller is 9allin# us D As the "oon 9rept up behind the hillo9=2 "en2 wo"en and 9hildren2 #athered under the ban5an tree The stor5;teller would not appear 5et He would be sittin# in the san9tu"2 before the Goddess2 with his e5es shut2 in deep "editation He sat thus as lon# as he li=ed and when he 9a"e out2 with his forehead abla@e with ash and $er"ilion2 he too= his seat on a stone platfor" in front of the te"ple He opened the stor5 with a ?uestion Ler=in# his fin#er towards a $a#ue2 far;awa5 destination2 he as=ed2 D A thousand 5ears a#o2 a stone's throw in that dire9tion2 what do 5ou thin= there was F !t was not the weed;9o$ered waste it is now2 R for don=e5s to roll in !t was not the ash;pit it is now !t was the 9apital of the =in# 2 D The =in# would be Dasaratha2 4i=ra"adit5a2 Aso=a2 or an5one that 9a"e into the old "an's head E the 9apital was 9alled &apila2 &ridapura2 or an5thin# Openin# thus the old "an went on without a pause for three hours %5 then bri9= b5 bri9= the pala9e of the =in# was raised The old "an des9ribed the da@@lin# durbar hall where sat a hundred $assal =in#s2 "inisters2 and subCe9ts E in another part of the pala9e all the "usi9ians

)NDER THE %ANYAN TREE 661 in the world asse"bled and san# E and "ost of the son#s were sun# o$er a#ain b5 Na"bi to his audien9e E and he des9ribed in detail the pi9tures and trophies that hun# on the walls of the pala9e !t was stor5;buildin# on an epi9 s9ale The first da5 barel5 9on$e5ed the settin# of the tale2 and Na"bi's audien9e as 5et had no idea who were all 9o"in# into the stor5 As the "oon slipped behind the trees of Me"pi 'orest Na"bi said2 D Now friends2

Mother sa5s this will do for the da5 D He abruptl5 rose2 went in2 la5 down2 and fell asleep lon# before the babble of the 9rowd 9eased The li#ht in the ni9he would a#ain be seen two or three da5s later2 and a#ain and a#ain throu#hout the bri#ht half of the "onth &in#s and heroes2 $illains and fair5;li=e wo"en2 #ods in hu"an for"2 saints and assassins2 Costled ea9h other in that world whi9h was 9reated under the ban5an tree Na"bi's $oi9e rose and fell in an e>?uisite rh5th"2 and the "oonli#ht and the hour 9o"pleted the "a#i9 The $illa#ers lau#hed with Na"bi2 the5 wept with hi"2 the5 adored the heroes2 9ursed the $illains2 #roaned when the 9onspirator had his initial su99ess2 and the5 sent up to the #ods a heartfelt pra5er for a happ5 endin# On the last da5 when the stor5 ended2 the whole #atherin# went into the san9tu" and prostrated before the Goddess %5 the ti"e the ne>t "oon peeped o$er the hillo9= Na"bi was read5 with another stor5 He ne$er repeated the sa"e =ind of stor5 or brou#ht in the sa"e set of persons2 and the $illa#e fol= 9onsidered Na"bi a sort of "ira9le2 ?uoted his words of wisdo"2 and li$ed on the whole in an e>alted plane of their own2 thou#h their life in all other respe9ts was hard and drab

66: )NDER THE %ANYAN TREE And 5et it had #one on for 5ears and 5earsB And one "oon he lit the la"p in the tree The audien9e 9a"e The old "an too= his seat and be#an the stor5 D .hen &in# 4i=ra"adit5a li$ed2 his "inister was D He paused He 9ould not #et be5ond it He "ade a fresh be#innin# D There was the =in# D he said2 repeated it2 and then his words trailed off into a $a#ue "u"blin# D .hat has 9o"e o$er "e F D he as=ed patheti9all5 D Oh2 Mother2 #reat Mother2 wh5 do ! stu"ble and falter F ! =now the stor5 ! had the whole of it a "o"ent a#o .hat was it about F ! 9an't understand what has happened F D He faltered and loo=ed so "iserable that his audien9e said2 D Ta=e 5our own ti"e You are perhaps tired D D Shut up H D he 9ried D A" ! tired F .ait a "o"ent E ! will tell 5ou the stor5 presentl5 D 'ollowin# this there was utter silen9e Ea#er fa9es loo=ed up at hi" D Don't loo= at "e H D he flared up So"ebod5 #a$e hi" a tu"bler of "il= The audien9e waited patientl5 This was a new e>perien9e So"e persons e>pressed their s5"path5 aloud So"e persons be#an to tal= a"on# the"sel$es Those who

sat in the outer ed#e of the 9rowd silentl5 slipped awa5 Graduall52 as it neared "idni#ht2 others followed this e>a"ple Na"bi sat starin# at the #round2 his head bowed in thou#ht 'or the first ti"e he reali@ed that he was old He felt he would ne$er "ore be able to 9ontrol his thou#ht or e>press the" 9o#entl5 He loo=ed up E$er5one had #one e>9ept his friend Man the bla9=s"ith D Man2 wh5 aren't 5ou also #oneFD Mari apolo#i@ed for the rest A D The5 didn't want to tire 5ou E so the5 ha$e #one awa5 D

)NDER THE %ANYAN TREE P6Na"bi #ot up D You ar9 ri#ht To"orrow ! will "a=e it up A#e2 a#e .hat is "5 a#eF !t has 9o"e on suddenl5 D He pointed at his head and said2 D This sa5s ' Old fool2 don't thin= ! shall be 5our ser$ant an5 "ore You will be "5 ser$ant hereafter B !t is disobedient and trea9herous D He lit the la"p in the ni9he ne>t da5 The 9rowd asse"bled under the ban5an faithfull5 Na"bi had spent the whole da5 in "editation He had been fer$entl5 pra5in# to the Goddess not to desert hi" He be#an the stor5 He went on for an hour without a stop He felt #reatl5 relie$ed2 so "u9h so that he interrupted his narration to re"ar=2 D Oh2 friends The Mother is alwa5s =ind ! was sei@ed with a foolish fear D and 9ontinued the stor5 !n a few "inutes he felt dried up He stru##led hard A D And then and then what happened F D He sta""ered There followed a pause lastin# an hour The audien9e rose without a word and went ho"e The old "an sat on the stone broodin# till the 9o9= 9rew D ! 9an't bla"e the" for it2D he "uttered to hi"self D 3an the5 sit down here and "ope all ni#ht F D Two da5s later he #a$e another instal"ent of the stor52 and that2 too2 lasted onl5 a few "inutes The #atherin# dwindled 'ewer persons be#an to ta=e noti9e of the la"p in the ni9he E$en these 9a"e onl5 out of a sense of dut5 Na"bi reali@ed that there was no use in prolon#in# the stru##le He brou#ht the stor5 to a speed5 and pre"ature end He reali@ed what was happenin# He was harrowed b5 the thou#hts of his failure D ! should ha$e been happier if ! had dropped dead 5ears a#oI + he said to hi"self D Mother2 wh5 ha$e 5ou stru9= "e du"bA F D He shut hi"self up in the san9tu"2


hardl5 ate an5 food2 and spent the #reater part of the da5 sittin# "otionless in "editation The ne>t "oon peeped o$er the hillo9=2 Na"bi lit the la"p in the ni9he The $illa#ers as the5 returned ho"e saw the la"p2 but onl5 a handful turned up at ni#ht D .here are the others F D the old "an as=ed D Let us wait D He waited The "oon 9a"e up His handful of audien9e waited patientl5 And then the old "an said2 D ! won't tell the stor5 toda52 nor to"orrow unless the whole $illa#e 9o"es here ! insist upon it !t is a "i#ht5 stor5 E$er5one "ust hear it D Ne>t da5 he went up and down the $illa#e street shoutin#2 D ! ha$e a "ost wonderful tale to tell toni#ht Go"e one and all E don't "iss it D This personal appeal had a #reat effe9t At ni#ht a lar#e 9rowd #athered under the ban5an The5 were happ5 that the stor5;teller had re#ained his powers Na"bi 9a"e out of the te"ple when e$er5one had settled and said A D !t is the Mother who #i$es the #ifts E and it is SheBwho ta=es awa5 the #ifts Na"bi is a dotard He spea=s when the Mother has an5thin# to sa5 He is stru9= du"b when She has nothin# to sa5 %ut what is the use of the Cas"ine when it has lost its s9ent F .hat is the la"p for when all the oil is #one F Goddess be than=ed These are "5 last words on this earth E and this is "5 #reatest stor5 D sHe rose and went into the san9tu" His audien9e , hardl5 understood what he "eant The5 sat there till the5 be9a"e wear5 And then so"e of the" #ot up and stepped into the san9tu" There the stor5;teller sat with his e5es shut D Aren't 5ou #oin# to tell us a stor5 F D the5 as=ed He opened his e5es2 loo=ed at the"2 and shoo= his head He indi9ated b5 #esture that he had spo=en his last words



.hen he felt hun#r5 he wal=ed into an5 9otta#e and silentl5 sat down for food2 and wal=ed awa5 the "o"ent he had eaten %e5ond this he had hardl5 an5thin# to de"and of his fellow;bein#s The rest of his life /he li$ed for a few "ore 5ears0 was one #reat 9onsu""ate silen9e

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Full text of "An Astrologers Day"

AN ASTROLOGER'S DAY and other stories

Most of these stories were fast published in the Hindu of Madras ! a" #rateful to its Editor for per"ission to

reprint the" in this $olu"e


3ONTENTS (AGE * 6 8 An Astrolo#er's Da5 i The Missin# Mail 7 The Do9tor's .ord *-

, 1 : 7 + *< * * *6 *8 *, *1 *: ** 7 *+ 6< 6*

Gate"an's Gift 6, The Ro"an !"a#e 81 The %lind Do# ,1 'ellow;'eelin# 16 The .at9h"an :* The Ti#er's 3law :The (erfor"in# 3hild -1 !swaran 76 The E$enin# Gift +6 A Sna=e in the Grass *<< An A99ident *<, Su9h (erfe9tion *<+ A 3areer **1 'ather's Help *61 The Sna=e;Son# *8, 'ort5;fi$e a Month *,< Dasi the %ride#roo" *,7 Old Man of the Te"ple *1:

3ONTENTS (AOE 66 68 6, 61 6: 667 Out of %usiness *:, Old %ones *-* Attila *-7 The A>e *71 En#ine Trouble *+8 All A$oidable Tal= 6<8 'ruition at 'ort5 6**

6+ 8<

Gri"e and (unish"ent 6*: )nder the %an5an Tree 666

AN ASTROLOGER'S DAY ()N3T)ALLY at "idda5 he opened his ba# and spread out his professional e?uip"ent2 whi9h 9on; sisted of a do@en 9owrie shells2 a s?uare pie9e of 9loth with obs9ure "5sti9 9harts on it2 a noteboo=2 and a bundle of pal"5ra writin# His forehead was re; splendent with sa9red ash and $er"ilion2 and his e5es spar=led with a sharp abnor"al #lea" whi9h was reall5 an out9o"e of a 9ontinual sear9hin# loo= for 9usto"ers2 but whi9h his si"ple 9lients too= to be a propheti9 li#ht and felt 9o"forted The power of his e5es was 9onsiderabl5 enhan9ed b5 their position pla9ed as the5 were between the painted forehead and the dar= whis=ers whi9h strea"ed down his 9hee=s A e$en a half;wit's e5es would spar=le in su9h a settin# To 9rown the effe9t he wound a saffron;9oloured turban around his head This 9olour s9he"e ne$er failed (eople were attra9ted to hi" as bees are attra9ted to 9os"os or dahlia stal=s He sat under the bou#hs of a spreadin# ta"arind tree whi9h flan=ed a path runnin# throu#h the Town Hall (ar= !t was a re"ar=able pla9e in "an5 wa5s A a sur#in# 9rowd was alwa5s "o$in# up and down this narrow road "ornin# till ni#htB A $ariet5 of trades and o99upations was represented all alon# its wa5 A "edi9ine sellers2 sellers

6 AN ASTROLOGER'S DAY of stolen hardware and Cun=2 "a#i9ians2 and2 abo$e all2 an au9tioneer of 9heap doth2 who 9reated enou#h din all da5 to attra9t the whole town Ne>t to hi" in $o9iferousness 9a"e a $endor of fried #roundnut2 who #a$e his ware a fan95 na"e ea9h da52 9allin# it D %o"ba5 !9e;3rea" D one da52 and on the ne>t D Delhi Al"ond2D and on the third D RaCa's Deli9a952D and so on and so forth2 and people flo9=ed to hi" A 9onsiderable portion of this 9rowd dallied before the astrolo#er too The astrolo#er transa9ted his business b5 the li#ht of a flare whi9h 9ra9=led and s"o=ed up abo$e the #roundnut heap nearb5 Half the en9hantB "ent of the pla9e was due to the fa9t that it did not ha$e the benefit of "uni9ipal li#htin# The pla9e was lit up b5 shop li#hts One or two had hissin# #asli#hts2 so"e had na=ed flares stu9= on poles2 so"e were lit up b5 old 959le la"ps2 and one or two2 li=e the astrolo#er's2 "ana#ed without li#hts of their own !t was a be; wilderin# 9riss;9ross of li#ht ra5s and "o$in# shadows This suited the astrolo#er $er5 well2 for the si"ple

reason that he had not in the least intended to be an astrolo#er when he be#an life E and he =new no "ore of what was #oin# to happen to others than he =new what was #oin# to happen to hi"self ne>t "inute He was as "u9h a stran#er to the stars as were his inno9ent 9usto"ers Yet he said thin#s whi9h pleased and astonished e$er5one A that was "ore a "atter of stud52 pra9ti9e2 and shrewd #uesswor= All the sa"e2 it was as "u9h an honest "an's labour as an5 other2 and he deser$ed the wa#es he 9arried ho"e at the end of a da5 He had left his $illa#e without an5 pre$ious thou#ht or plan !f he had 9ontinued there he would ha$e 9arried on the wor= of his forefathers na"el52 tillin# the land2 li$in#2 "arr5in#2 and ripenin# in his 9ornfield

AN ASTROLOGERS DAY 8 and an9estral ho"e %ut that was not to be He had to lea$e ho"e without tellin# an5one2 and he 9ould not rest till he left it behind a 9ouple of hundred "iles To a $illa#er it is a #reat deal2 as if an o9ean flowed between He had a wor=in# anal5sis of "an=ind's troubles A "arria#e2 "one52 and the tan#les of hu"an ties Lon# pra9ti9e had sharpened his per9eption .ithin fi$e "inutes he understood what was wron# He 9har#ed three pies per ?uestion2 ne$er opened his "outh till the other had spo=en for at least ten "inutes2 whi9h pro$ided hi" enou#h stuff for a do@en answers and ad$i9es .hen he told the person before hi"2 #a@in# at his pal"2 D !n "an5 wa5s 5ou are not #ettin# the fullest results for 5our efforts2D nine out of ten were disposed to a#ree with hi" Or he ?uestioned A D !s there an5 wo"an in 5our fa"il52 "a5be e$en a distant relati$e2 who is not well disposed towards 5ou F D Or he #a$e an anal5sis of 9hara9ter A D Most of 5our troubles are due to 5our nature How 9an 5ou be otherwise with Saturn where he is F You ha$e an i"petuous nature and a rou#h e>terior D This en; deared hi" to their hearts i""ediatel52 forE e$en the "ildest of us lo$es to thin= that he has a forbiddin# e>terior The nuts $endor blew out his flare and rose to #o ho"e This was a si#nal for the astrolo#er to bundle up too2 sin9e it left hi" in dar=ness e>9ept for a little shaft of #reen li#ht whi9h stra5ed in fro" so"ewhere and tou9hed the #round before hi" He pi9=ed up his 9owrie shells and paraphernalia and was puttin# the" ba9= into his ba# when the #reen shaft of li#ht was blotted out E he loo=ed up and saw a "an standin# before hi" He sensed a possible 9lient and said A

, AN ASTROLOGER'S DAY D You loo= so 9areworn !t will do 5ou #ood to sit down for a while and 9hat with "e D The other #ru"bled so"e repl5 $a#uel5 The astrolo#er pressed his in$itation E whereupon the other thrust his pal" under his nose2 sa5in# A D You 9all 5ourself an astrolo#er F D The astrolo#er felt 9hallen#ed and said2 tiltin# the other's pal" towards the #reen shaft of li#ht A D Yours is a nature D D Oh2 stop that2D the other said D Tell "e so"ethin# worth while D Our friend felt pi?ued D ! 9har#e onl5 three pies per ?uestion2 and what 5ou #et ou#ht to be #ood enou#h for 5our "one5 D At this the other withdrew his ar"2 too= out an anna2 and flun# it out to hi"2 sa5in# A D ! ha$e so"e ?uestions to as= !f ! pro$e 5ou are bluffin#2 5ou "ust return that anna to "e with interest D D !f 5ou find "5 answers satisfa9tor52 will 5ou #i$e "e fi$e rupees F D D No D D Or will 5ou #i$e "e ei#ht annas F D D All ri#ht2 pro$ided 5ou #i$e "e twi9e as "u9h if 5ou are wron#2D said the stran#er This pa9t was a99epted after a little further ar#u"ent The astrolo#er sent up a pra5er to hea$en as the other lit a 9heroot The astrolo#er 9au#ht a #li"pse of his fa9e b5 the "at9hli#ht There was a pause as 9ars hooted on the roGdCut=a dri$ers swore at their horses2 and the babble of the 9rowd a#itated the se"i;dar=ness of the par= The other sat down2 su9=in# his 9heroot2 puffin# out2 sat there ruthlessl5 The astrolo#er felt $er5 un9o"; fortable D Here2 ta=e 5our anna ba9= ! a" not used to su9h 9hallen#es !t is late for "e toda5 D He "ade preparations to bundle up The other held his wrist and said A D You 9an't #et out of it now You

AN ASTROLOGER'S DAY 1 dra##ed "e in while ! was passin# D The astrolo#er shi$ered in his #rip E and his $oi9e shoo= and be9a"e faint D Lea$e "e toda5 ! will spea= to 5ou to; "orrow D The other thrust his pal" in his fa9e and said A D 3hallen#e is 9hallen#e Go on D The as; trolo#er pro9eeded with his throat dr5in# up A D There is a wo"an D D Stop2D said the other D ! don't want all that Shall ! su99eed in "5 present sear9h or not F Answer

this and #o Otherwise ! will not let 5ou #o till 5ou dis#or#e all 5our 9oins D The astrolo#er "uttered a few in9antations and replied A D All ri#ht ! will spea= %ut will 5ou #i$e "e a rupee if what ! sa5 is 9on$in9in# F Otherwise ! will not open "5 "outh2 and 5ou "a5 do what 5ou li=e D After a #ood deal of ha##lin# the other a#reed The astrolo#er said A D You were left for dead A" ! ri#ht F D D Ah2 tell "e "ore D D A =nife has passed throu#h 5ou on9e F D said the astrolo#er D Good fellow H D He bared his 9hest to show the s9ar D.hat elseFD D And then 5ou were pushed into a well nearb5 in the field You were left for dead D D ! should ha$e been dead if so"e passer;b5 had not 9han9ed to peep into the well2D e>9lai"ed the other2 o$erwhel"ed b5 enthusias" D .hen shall ! #et at hi" F D he as=ed2 9len9hin# his fist D !n the ne>t world2D answered the astrolo#er D He died four "onths a#o in a far;off town You will ne$er see an5 "ore of hi" D The other #roaned on hearin# it The astrolo#er pro9eeded A D Guru Na5a= D D You =now "5 na"e H D the other said2 ta=en aba9=

: AN ASTROLOGER'S DAY D As ! =now all other thin#s Guru Na5a=2 listen 9arefull5 to what ! ha$e to sa5 Your $illa#e is two da5's Courne5 due north of this town Ta=e the ne>t train and be #one ! see on9e a#ain #reat dan#er to 5our life if 5ou #o fro" ho"e D He too= out a pin9h of sa9red ash and held it to hi" D Rub it on 5our forehead and #o ho"e Ne$er tra$el southward a#ain2 and 5ou will li$e to be a hundred D D .h5 should ! lea$e ho"e a#ain F D the other said refle9ti$el5 D ! was onl5 #oin# awa5 now and then to loo= for hi" and to 9ho=e out his life if ! "et hi" D He shoo= his head re#retfull5 D He has es9aped "5 hands ! hope at least he died as he deser$ed D D Yes2D said the astrolo#er D He was 9rushed under a lorr5 D The other loo=ed #ratified to hear it The pla9e was deserted b5 the ti"e the astrolo#er pi9=ed up his arti9les and put the" into his ba# The

#reen shaft was also #one2 lea$in# the pla9e in dar=ness and silen9e The stran#er had #one off into the ni#ht2 after #i$in# the astrolo#er a handful of 9oins !t was nearl5 "idni#ht when the astrolo#er rea9hed ho"e His wife was waitin# for hi" at the door and de"anded an e>planation He flun# the 9oins at her and said A D 3ount the" One "an #a$e all that D DTwel$e and a half annas2D she said2 9ountin# She was o$erCo5ed D ! 9an bu5 so"e Ca##er5 and 9o9onut to"orrow The 9hild has been as=in# for sweets for so "an5 da5s now ! will prepare so"e ni9e stuff for her D D The swine has 9heated "e H He pro"ised "e a rupee2D said the astrolo#er She loo=ed up at hi" D You loo= worried .hat is wron# F D D Nothin# D After dinner2 sittin# on the p5ol2 he told her A D Do 5ou =now a #reat load is #one fro" "e toda5F !

AN ASTROLOGER'S DAY thou#ht ! had the blood of a "an on "5 hands all these 5ears That was the reason wh5 ! ran awa5 fro" ho"e2 settled here2 and "arried 5ou He is ali$e D She #asped D You tried to =ill H D

D Yes2 in our $illa#e2 when ! was a sill5 5oun#ster .e dran=2 #a"bled2 and ?uarrelled badl5 one da5 wh5 thin= of it now F Ti"e to sleep2D he said2 5awnin#2 and stret9hed hi"self on the p5ol

6 THE M!SS!NG MA!L THO)GH his beat 9o$ered 4ina5a= Mudali Street and its four parallel roads2 it too= hi" nearl5 si> hours before he finished his round and returned to the head offi9e in Mar=et Road to deli$er a99ounts He allowed hi"self to #et "i>ed up with the fortunes of the persons to who" he was 9arr5in# letters At No *82 &abir Street2 li$ed the "an who had 9o"e half;wa5 up the road to as= for a letter for so "an5 5ears now Thanappa had seen hi" as a 5oun#ster2 and had wat9hed hi" da5 b5 da5 #re5in# on the pial2 sittin# there and hopin# for a bi# pri@e to 9o"e his wa5 throu#h sol$in# 9rossword pu@@les D No pri@e 5et2D he announ9ed to hi" e$er5 da5 D %ut don't be dis; heartened D D Your interest has been dela5ed this

"onth so"ehow2D he said to another D Your son at H5derabad has written a#ain2 "ada" How "an5 9hildren has he now F D D! did not =now that 5ou had applied for this Madras Cob E 5ou ha$en't 9ared to tell "e H !t doesn't "atter .hen ! brin# 5ou 5our appoint"ent order 5ou "ust feed "e with 9o9onut pa5asa"D And at ea9h of these pla9es he stopped for nearl5 half an hour Espe9iall5 if an5one re9ei$ed "one5 orders2 he Cust settled down ?uite ni9el52 with his ba#s and bundles spread about hi"2 and would not rise till he #athered an idea of how and where e$er5 rupee was #oin# !f it was a hot da5 he so"eti"es 7

THE M!SS!NG MA!L + as=ed for a tu"bler of butter"il= and sat down to enCo5 it E$er5bod5 li=ed hi" on his beat He was a part and par9el of their e>isten9e2 their hopes2 aspirations2 and a9ti$ities Of all his 9onta9ts2 the one with whi9h he was "ost inti"atel5 bound up was No *<2 4ina5a= Mudali Street Ru"anuCa" was a senior 9ler= in the Re$enue Di$ision Offi9e2 and Thanappa had 9arried letters to that address for o$er a #eneration now His earliest asso9iation with Ra"anuCa" was 5ears and 5ears a#o Ra"anuCa"'s wife was awa5 in the $illa#e A 9ard arri$ed for Ra"anuCa" Thanappa2 as was his 9usto"2 #lan9ed throu#h it at the sortin# table itself E and2 the "o"ent the5 were read5 to start out2 went strai#ht to 4ina5a= Mudali Street2 thou#h in the ordinar5 9ourse o$er *1< addresses pre9eded it He went strai#ht to Ra"anuCa"'s house2 =no9=ed on the door and shouted A D (ost"an2 sir2 post"an D .hen Ra"anuCa" opened it2 he said A D Gi$e "e a handful of su#ar before ! #i$e 5ou this 9ard Happ5 father H After all these 5ears of pra5ers H Don't 9o"plain that it is a dau#hter Dau#hters are God's #ift2 5ou =now &a"a=shi lo$el5 na"e H D D &a"a=shi2D he addressed the tall2 bashful #irl2 5ears later2 D #et 5our photo read5 Ah2 so sh5 H Here is 5our #randfather's 9ard as=in# for 5our photo .h5 should he want it2 unless it be D D The old #entle"an writes rather fre?uentl5 now2 doesn't he2 sir F D he as=ed Ra"anuCa"2 as he handed hi" his letter and waited for hi" to open the en$elope and #o throu#h its 9ontents Ra"anuCa" loo=ed worried after readin# it The post"an as=ed A D ! hope it's #ood news F D He leaned a#ainst the $eranda

io THE M!SS!NG MA!L pillar2 with a sta9= of undeli$ered letters still under his ar" Ra"anuCa" said A D M5 father;in;law thin=s ! a" not suffi9ientl5 a9ti$e in findin# a husband for "5 dau#hter He has tried one or two pla9es and failed He thin=s ! a" $er5 indifferent D D Elderl5 people ha$e their own an>iet52D the post"an replied D The trouble is2D said Ra"anuCa"2 D that he has set apart fi$e thousand rupees for this #irl's "arria#e and is worr5in# "e to find a husband for her i""ediatel5 %ut "one5 is not e$er5thin# D D No2 no2D e9hoed the post"an E D unless the destined hour is at hand2 nothin# 9an help D Da5 after da5 for "onths Thanappa deli$ered the letters and waited to be told the news A D Sa"e old news2 Thanappa Horos9opes do not a#ree The5 are de"andin# too "u9h E$identl5 the52 do not appro$e of her appearan9e D D Appearan9e H She loo=s li=e a ?ueen )nless one is totall5 blind D the post"an retorted an#ril5 The season would be 9losin#2 with onl5 three "ore auspi9ious dates2 the last bein# Ma5 6Oth The #irl would be se$enteen in a few da5s The re"inders fro" her #randfather were be9o"in# fier9er Ra"anuCa" had e>hausted all the possibilities and had drawn a blan= e$er5where He loo=ed helpless and "iserable D (ost"an2D he said2 D ! don't thin= there is a son;in;law for "e an5where D D Oh2 don't utter inauspi9ious "an said D .hen God wills it for a while and said A D There two hundred rupees Ma=unda of after hi" Ma=unda and 5ou are 9aste2 ! belie$e D words2 sir2D the post; D He refle9ted is a bo5 in Delhi earnin# Te"ple Street was of the sa"e sub;

THE M!SS!NG MA!L ** D The5 ha$e been ne#otiatin# for "onths now O$er a hundred letters ha$e passed between the" alread5 %ut ! =now the5 are definitel5 brea=in# off !t is o$er so"e "one5 ?uestion The5 ha$e written their last "essa#e on a post9ard and it has infuriated these people all the "ore As if post; 9ards were an instru"ent of insult H ! ha$e =nown "ost i"portant 9o""uni9ations bein# written e$en on pi9ture post9ards E when RaCappa went to A"eri9a two 5ears a#o he used to write to his sons e$er5 wee= on pi9ture post9ards D After this di#ression he 9a"e ba9= to the point D ! will as= Ma=unda to #i$e "e the horos9ope Let us see D Ne>t da5 he brou#ht the horos9ope with hi" D The bo5's parents

are also in Delhi2 so 5ou 9an write to the" i""ediatel5 No ti"e to waste now D A ra5 of hope tou9hed Ra"anuCa"'s fa"il5 D ! ha$e still a hundred letters to deli$er2 but ! 9a"e here first be9ause ! saw this Delhi post"ar= Open it and tell "e what the5 ha$e written2D said Thanappa He tre"bled with suspense D How pro"pt these people are H So the5 appro$e of the photo H .ho wouldn't F D DA letter e$er5 da5 H ! "i#ht as well appl5 for lea$e till &a"a=shi's "arria#e is o$er D he said another da5 D You are alread5 tal=in# as if it were 9o"in# off to"orrow H God =nows how "an5 hurdles we ha$e to 9ross now Li=in# a photo does not pro$e an5thin# D The fa"il5 9oun9il was dis9ussin# an i"portant ?uestion A whether Ra"anuCa" should #o to Madras2 ta=in# the #irl with hi"2 and "eet the part52 who 9ould 9o"e down for a da5 fro" Delhi The fa"il5 was di$ided o$er the ?uestion Ra"anuCa"2 his "other2 and his wife none of the" had defined $iews on the

*6 THE M!SS!NG MA!L ?uestion2 but 5et the5 opposed ea9h other $ehe"entl5 D .e shall be the lau#hin#;sto9= of the town2D said Ra"anuCa"'s wife2 D if we ta=e the #irl out to be shown round D D .hat ?ueer notions H !f 5ou stand on all these absurd anti?uated for"alities2 we shall ne$er #et an5; where near a "arria#e !t is our dut5 to ta=e the #irl o$er e$en to Delhi if ne9essar5 D D !t is 5our pleasure2 then E 5ou 9an do what 5ou please E wh5 9onsult "e F D Te"pers were at their worst2 and no pro#ress see"ed possible Ti"e was "ar9hin# The post"an had #ot into the habit of droppin# in at the end of his da5's wor=2 and Coinin# in the 9oun9il D ! a" a third part5 Listen to "e2D he said D Sir2 please ta=e the train to Madras i""ediatel5 .hat 5ou 9annot a9hie$e b5 a 5ear's 9orresponden9e 5ou 9an do in an hour's "eetin# D D Here is a letter fro" Madras2 "ada" ! a" sure it is fro" 5our husband .hat is the news F D He handed the 9o$er to Ra"anuCa"'s wife2 and she too= it in to read He said A D ! ha$e so"e re#istered letters for those last houses ! will finish "5 round2 and 9o"e ba9= D He returned as pro"ised D Ha$e the5 "et2 "ada" F D

D Yes2 &a"a=shi's father has written that the5 ha$e "et the #irl2 and fro" their tal= &a"a=shi's father infers the5 are ?uite willin# D D Grand news H ! will offer a 9o9onut to our 4ina5a=a toni#ht D D%ut2D the lad5 added2 half o$erwhel"ed with happiness and half worried2 D there is this diffi9ult5 .e had an idea of doin# it durin# ne>t Thai "onth !t will be so diffi9ult to hurr5 throu#h the arran#e"ents now %ut the5 sa5 that if the "arria#e

THE M!SS!NG MA!L *8 is done it "ust be done on the twentieth of Ma5 !f it is postponed the bo5 9an't "an5 for three 5ears He is bein# sent awa5 for so"e trainin# D D The old #entle"an is as #ood as his wordI' the post"an said2 deli$erin# an insuran9e 9o$er to Ra"a; nuCa" D He has #i$en the entire a"ount You 9an't 9o"plain of la9= of funds now Go ahead !'" so happ5 5ou ha$e his appro$al More than their "one52 we need their blessin#s2 sir ! hope he has sent his heartiest blessin#s D D Oh 5es2 oh 5es2D replied Ra"anuCa"2 D M5 father;in;law see"s to be $er5 happ5 at this proposal D A fi$e;thousand;rupee "arria#e was a bi# affair for Mal#udi Ra"anuCa"2 with so short a ti"e before hi"2 and none to share the tas= of arran#e"ents2 be9a"e distrau#ht As far as it 9ould #o2 Thanappa pla9ed hi"self at his ser$i9e durin# all his off hours He 9ut short his elo?uen9e2 ad$i9es2 and e>9han#es in other houses He ne$er waited for an5one to 9o"e up and re9ei$e the letters He Cust tossed the" throu#h a window or an open door with a stentorian D Letter2 sir D !f the5 stopped hi" and as=ed A D .hat is the "atter with 5ou F !n su9h a hurr5 H D 2 D Yes2 lea$e "e alone till the twentieth of Ma5 ! will 9o"e and s?uat in 5our house after that D and he was off Ra"anuCa" was in #reat tension He tre"bled with an>iet5 as the da5 approa9hed nearer D !t "ust #o on s"oothl5 Nothin# should pro$e a hindran9e D D Do not worr52 sir E it will #o throu#h happil52 b5 God's #ra9e You ha$e #i$en the" e$er5thin# the5 wanted in 9ash2 presents2 and st5le The5 are #ood people D D !t is not about that !t is the $er5 last date for the 5ear !f for so"e reason so"e obstru9tion 9o"es up2

i , THE M!SS!NG MA!L it is all finished for e$er The bo5 #oes awa5 for three 5ears ! don't thin= either of us would be prepared to bind oursel$es to wait for three 5ears D !t was four hours past the Muhurta" on the da5 of the weddin# A ?uiet had des9ended on the #atherin# The 5oun# s"art bride#roo" fro" Delhi was seated in a 9hair under the pandal 'ra#ran9e of sandal2 and flowers2 and hol5 s"o=e2 hun# about the air (eople were sittin# around the bride#roo" tal=in# Thanappa appeared at the #ate loaded with letters So"e 5oun# "en ran up to hi" de"andin# A D (ost"an H Letters F D He held the" off D Get ba9= ! =now to who" to deli$er D He wal=ed up to the bride#roo" and held up to hi" a bundle of letters $er5 respe9tfull5 D These are all #reetin#s and blessin#s fro" well; wishers2 ! belie$e2 sir2 and "5 own #o with e$er5 one of the" D He see"ed $er5 proud of perfor"in# this tas=2 and loo=ed $er5 serious The bride#roo" loo=ed up at hi" with an a"used s"ile and "uttered A D Than=s D D .e are all $er5 proud to ha$e 5our distin#uished self as a son;in;law of this house ! ha$e =nown that 9hild2 &a"a=shi2 e$er sin9e she was a da5 old2 and ! =new she would alwa5s #et a distin#uished husband2D added the post"an2 and brou#ht his pal"s to#ether in a salute2 and "o$ed into the house to deli$er other letters and to refresh hi"self in the =it9hen with tiffin and 9offee Ten da5s later he =no9=ed on the door and2 with a #rin2 handed &a"a=shi her first letter A D Ah2 s9ented en$elope H ! =new it was 9o"in# when the "ail $an was three stations awa5 ! ha$e seen hundreds li=e this Ta=e it fro" "e %efore he has written the tenth letter he will 9o""and 5ou to pa9= up and Coin hi"2 and 5ou will #row a 9ouple of win#s and fl5 awa5

THE M!SS!NG MA!L *1 that $er5 da52 and for#et for e$er Thanappa and this street2 isn't it so F D &a"a=shi blushed2 snat9hed the letter fro" his hands2 and ran in to read it He said2 turnin# awa5 A D ! don't thin= there is an5 use waitin# for 5ou to finish the letter and tell "e its 9ontents D On a holida52 when he was sure Ra"anuCa" would be at ho"e2 Thanappa =no9=ed on the door and handed hi" a 9ard D Ah H D 9ried Ra"anuCa" D %ad news2 Thanappa M5 un9le2 "5 father's brother2 is $er5 ill in Sale"2 and the5 want "e to start i"; "ediatel5 D D !'" $er5 sorr5 to hear it2 sir2D said Thanappa2 and

handed hi" a tele#ra"

D Here's another

Ra"anuCa" 9ried A D A tele#ra" H D He #lan9ed at it and s9rea"ed A D Oh2 he is dead H D He sat down on the pial2 unable to stand the sho9= Thanappa loo=ed e?uall5 "iserable Ra"anuCa" rallied2 #athered hi"self up2 and turned to #o in Thanappa said A D One "o"ent2 sir ! ha$e a 9onfession to "a=e See the date on the 9ard D D Ma5 the nineteenth2 nearl5 fifteen da5s a#o H D D Yes2 sir2 and the tele#ra" followed ne>t da5 that is2 on the da5 of the "arria#e ! was unhapp5 to see it 9 %ut what has happened has happened2' ! said to "5self2 and =ept it awa52 fearin# that it "i#ht interfere with the weddin# D Ra"anuCa" #lared at the post"an and said A D ! would not ha$e 9ared to #o throu#h the "arria#e when he was d5in# D The post"an stood with bowed head and "u"bled A D You 9an 9o"plain if 5ou li=e2 sir The5 will dis"iss "e !t is a serious offen9e D He turned and des9ended the steps and went down the street on his rounds Ra"anuCa" wat9hed hi" dull5 for a while and shouted A D (ost"an H D Thanappa

i: THE M!SS!NG MA!L turned round E Ra"anuCa" 9ried A D Don't thin= that ! intend to 9o"plain ! a" onl5 sorr5 5ou ha$e done this 2D D ! understand 5our feelin#s2 sir2D replied the post; "an2 disappearin# around a bend

8 THE DO3TOR'S .ORD (EO(LE 9a"e to hi" when the patient was on his last le#s Dr Ra"an often burst out2 D .h5 9ouldn't 5ou ha$e 9o"e a da5 earlier F D The reason was ob$ious $isitin# fee twent5;fi$e rupees2 and "ore than that people li=ed to shir= the fa9t that the ti"e had 9o"e to 9all in Dr Ra"an E for the" there was so"ethin# o"inous in the $er5 asso9iation As a result when the bi# "an 9a"e on the s9ene it was alwa5s a ?ui9= de9ision one wa5 or another There was no s9ope or ti"e for an5 =ind of wa$erin# or whitewashin# Lon# 5ears of pra9ti9e of this =ind had bred in the do9tor a 9ertain 9urt truthfulness E for that $er5 reason his opinion was $alued E he was not a "ere do9tor e>pressin# an opinion but a Cud#e pronoun9in# a

$erdi9t The patient's life hun# on his words This ne$er undul5 worried Dr Ra"an He ne$er belie$ed that a#reeable words e$er sa$ed li$es He did not thin= it was an5 of his business to pro$ide unne9essar5 dope when as a "atter of 9ourse Nature would te) the" the truth in a few hours Howe$er2 when he #li"psed the faintest si#n of hope2 he rolled up his slee$e and stepped into the arena A it "i#ht be hours or da5s2 but he ne$er withdrew till he wrested the pri@e fro" Ta"a's hands Toda52 standin# o$er a bed2 the do9tor felt that he hi"self needed so"eone to tell hi" soothin# lies He "opped his brow with his =er9hief and sat down in

i7 THE DO3TOR'S .ORD the 9hair beside the bed On the bed la5 his dearest friend in the world A Gopal The5 had =nown ea9h other for fort5 5ears now2 startin# with their &inder; #arten da5s The5 9ould not2 of 9ourse2 "eet as "u9h as the5 wanted2 ea9h bein# wrapped in his own fa"il5 and profession O99asionall52 on a Sunda52 Gopal would wal= into the 9onsultin# roo"2 and wait patientl5 in a 9orner till the do9tor was free And then the5 would dine to#ether2 see a pi9ture2 and tal= of ea9h other's life and a9ti$ities !t was a 9lassi9 friendship standin# o$er2 untou9hed b5 9han#in# ti"es2 9ir9u"stan9es2 and a9ti$ities !n his bus5 round of wor=2 Dr Ra"an had not noti9ed that Gopal had not 9alled in for o$er three "onths now He Cust re"e"bered it when he saw Gopa(s son sittin# on a ben9h in the 9onsultin# hall2 one 9rowded "ornin# Dr Ra"an 9ould not tal= to hi" for o$er an hour .hen he #ot up and was about to pass on to the operation roo"2 he 9alled up the 5oun# "an and as=ed2 D .hat brin#s 5ou here2 sir F D The 5outh was ner$ous and sh5 D Mother sent "e here D D .hat 9an ! do for 5ou F D D 'ather is i) D

!t was an operation da5 and he was not free till three in the afternoon He rushed off strai#ht fro" the 9lini9 to his friend's house2 in Lawle5 E>tension Gopal la5 in bed as if in sleep The do9tor stood o$er hi" and as=ed Gopal's wife2 D How lon# has he been in bed F D D A "onth and a half2 do9tor D

D .ho is attendin# hi" F D D A do9tor in the ne>t street He 9o"es down on9e in three da5s and #i$es hi" "edi9ine D

THE DO3TOR'S .ORD *+ D .hat is his na"e F D He had ne$er heard of hi" D So"eone ! don't =now2 but ! wish he had had the #oodness to tell "e about it .h52 wh52 9ouldn't 5ou ha$e sent "e word earlier F D D .e thou#ht 5ou would be bus5 and did not wish to trouble 5ou unne9essaril5 D The5 were apolo#eti9 and "iserable There was hardl5 an5 ti"e to be lost He too= off his 9oat and opened his ba# He too= out an inCe9tion tube2 the needle si@@led o$er the sto$e The si9= "an's wife whi"pered in a 9orner and essa5ed to as= ?uestions D (lease don't as= ?uestions2D snapped the do9tor He loo=ed at the 9hildren who were wat9hin# the sterili@er2 and said2 D Send the" all awa5 so"ewhere2 e>9ept the eldest D He shot in the dru#2 sat ba9= in his 9hair2 and #a@ed on the patient's fa9e for o$er an hour The patient still re"ained "otionless The do9tor's fa9e #lea"ed with perspiration2 and his e5elids drooped with fati#ue The si9= "an's wife stood in a 9orner and wat9hed silentl5 She as=ed ti"idl52 D Do9tor2 shall ! "a=e so"e 9offee for 5ou F D D No2D he replied2 althou#h he felt fa"ished2 ha$in# "issed his "idda5 "eal He #ot up and said2 D ! will be ba9= in a few "inutes Don't disturb hi" on an5 a99ount D He pi9=ed up his ba# and went to his 9ar !n a ?uarter of an hour he was ba9=2 followed b5 an assistant and a nurse The do9tor told the lad5 of the house2 D ! ha$e to perfor" an operation D D .h52 wh5 F .h5 F D she as=ed faintl5 D ! will tell 5ou all that soon .ill 5ou lea$e 5our son here to help us2 and #o o$er to the ne>t house and sta5 there till ! 9all 5ou F D The lad5 felt #idd5 and san= down on the floor2

ao THE DO3TOR'S .ORD unable to bear the strain and led her out The nurse attended to her

At about ei#ht in the e$enin# the patient opened his e5es and stirred sli#htl5 in bed The assistant was o$erCo5ed He e>9lai"ed enthusiasti9all52 D Sir2 he will pull throu#h D The do9tor loo=ed at hi" 9oldl5 and whispered A D ! would #i$e an5thin# to see hi" throu#h but2 but the heart D D The pulse has i"pro$ed2 Sir D D .ell2 well2D replied the do9tor D Don't trust it !t is onl5 a false flash;up2 $er5 9o""on in these 9ases D He ru"inated for a while and added2 D !f the pulse will =eep up till ei#ht in the "ornin#2 it will #o on for the ne>t fort5 5ears2 but ! doubt $er5 "u9h if we shall see an5thin# of it at all after two toni#ht D He sent awa5 the assistant and sat beside the patient At about ele$en the patient opened his e5es and s"iled at his friend He showed a sli#ht i"pro$e"ent2 he was able to ta=e in a little food A #reat feelin# of relief and Co5 went throu#h the household The5 swar"ed around the do9tor and poured out their #ratitude He sat in his seat beside the bed2 #a@in# sternl5 at the patient's fa9e2 hardl5 showin# an5 si#ns of hearin# what the5 were sa5in# to hi" The si9= "an's wife as=ed2 D !s he now out of dan#er F D .ithout turnin# his head the do9tor said2 D Gi$e #lu9ose and brand5 e$er5 fort5 "inutes E Cust a 9ouple of spoons will do D The lad5 went awa5 to the =it9hen She felt restless She felt she "ust =now the truth whate$er it was .h5 was the #reat "an so e$asi$e F The suspense was unbearable (erhaps he 9ould not spea= so near the patient's bed She be9=oned to hi" fro" the =it9hen doorwa5 The do9tor rose and went

THE DO3TOR'S .ORD 6* o$er She as=ed2 D .hat about hi" now F How is he F D The do9tor bit his lips and replied2 loo=in# at the floor2 D Don't #et e>9ited )nless 5ou "ust =now about it2 don't as= now D Her e5es opened wide in terror She 9lasped her hands to#ether and i"plored A D Tell "e the truth D The do9tor replied2 D ! would rather not tal= to 5ou now D He turned round and went ba9= to his 9hair A terrible wailin# shot throu#h the still house E the patient stirred and loo=ed about in bewilder"ent The do9tor #ot up a#ain2 went o$er to the =it9hen door2 drew it in se9urel5 and shut off the wail .hen the do9tor resu"ed his seat the patient as=ed in the faintest whisper possible2 D !s that so"eone 9r5in# F D The do9tor ad$ised2 D Don't e>ert 5ourB self You "ustn't tal= D He felt the pulse !t was

alread5 a#itated b5 the e>ertion The patient as=ed2 D A" ! #oin# F Don't hide it fro" "e D The do9tor "ade a depre9atin# noise and sat ba9= in his 9hair He had ne$er fa9ed a situation li=e this !t was not in his nature to whitewash (eople atta9hed #reat $alue to his word be9ause of that He stole a loo= at the other The patient "otioned a fin#er to draw hi" nearer and whispered2 D ! "ust =now how lon# ! a" #oin# to last ! "ust si#n the will !t is all read5 As= "5 wife for the despat9h bo> You "ust si#n as a witness D D Oh H D the do9tor e>9lai"ed D You are e>ertin# 5ourself too "u9h You "ust be ?uieter D He felt idioti9 to be repeatin# it D How fine it would be2D he refle9ted2 D to drop the whole business and run awa5 so"ewhere without answerin# an5bod5 an5 ?uestion H D The patient 9lut9hed the do9tor's wrist with his wea= fin#ers and said2 D Ra"u2 it is "5 #ood

M THE DO3TOR'S .ORD fortune that 5ou are here at this "o"ent ! 9an trust 5our word ! 9an't lea$e "5 propert5 unsettled That will "ean endless "iser5 for "5 wife and 9hildren You =now all about Subbiah and his #an# Let "e si#n before it is too late Tell "e D D Yes2 presentl52D replied the do9tor He wal=ed off to his 9ar2 sat in the ba9= seat and refle9ted He loo=ed at his wat9h Midni#ht !f the will was to be si#ned2 it "ust be done within the ne>t two hours2 or ne$er He 9ould not be responsible for a "ess there E he =new too well the fa"il5 affairs and about those wol$es2 Subbiah and his #an# %ut what 9ould he do F !f he as=ed hi" to si#n the .ill2 it would $irtuall5 "ean a death senten9e and destro5 the thousandth part of a 9han9e that the patient had of sur$i$al He #ot down fro" the 9ar and went in He resu"ed his seat in the 9hair The patient was starin# at hi" appealin#l5 The do9tor said to hi"; self2 D !f "5 word 9an sa$e his life2 he shall not die The will be da"ned D He 9alled2 D Gopal2 listen D This was the first ti"e he was #oin# to do a pie9e of a9tin# before a patient2 si"ulate a feelin#2 and 9on9eal his Cud#"ent He stooped o$er the patient and said with deliberate e"phasis2 D Don't worr5 about the will now You are #oin# to li$e Your heart is absolutel5 sound D A new #low suffused the patient's fa9e as he heard it He as=ed in a tone of relief2 D Do 5ou sa5 so F !f it 9o"es fro" 5our lips it "ust be true D The do9tor said2 D JCuite ri#ht You are i"pro$in# e$er5 se9ond Sleep in pea9e You "ust not e>ert

5ourself on an5 a99ount You "ust sleep $er5 soundl5 ! will se9 5ou in the "ornin# D The patient loo=ed at hi" #ratefull5 for a "o"ent and then dosed his e5es

THE DO3TOR'S .ORD 68 The do9tor pi9=ed up his ba# and went out shuttin# the door softl5 behind hi" On his wa5 ho"e he stopped for a "o"ent at his hospital2 9alled out his assistant2 and said2 D That Lawle5 E>tension 9ase You "i#ht e>pe9t the 9ollapse an5 se9ond now Go there with a tube of in hand2 and #i$e it in 9ase the stru##le is too hard at the end Hurr5 upI' Ne>t "ornin# he was ba9= at Lawle5 E>tension at ten 'ro" his 9ar he "ade a dash for the si9= bed The patient was awa=e and loo=ed $er5 well The assistant reported satisfa9tor5 pulse The do9tor put his tube at his heart2 listened for a while2 and told the si9= "an's wife2 D Don't loo= so unhapp52 lad5 Your husband will li$e to be ninet5 D .hen the5 were #oin# ba9= to the hospital2 the assistant sittin# beside hi" in the 9ar as=ed2 D !s he #oin# to li$e2 sir F D D ! will bet on it He will li$e to be ninet5 He has turned the 9orner How he has sur$i$ed this atta9= will be a pu@@le to "e all "5 life2D replied the do9tor

, GATEMAN'S G!'T * !A-HEN a do@en persons ?uestion openl5 or sl5l5 44 a "an's sanit52 he be#ins to entertain serious doubts hi"self This is what happened to e>;#ate"an Go$ind Sin#h And 5ou 9ould not bla"e the publi9 either .hat 9ould 5ou do with a "an who 9arried about in his hand a re#istered postal 9o$er and as=ed A D (lease tell "e what there is inside F D The ob$ious answer was A D Open it and see D He see"ed horrified at this su##estion D Oh2 no2 no2 9an't do it2D he de9lared and "o$ed off to another friend and a9?uaintan9e E$er5where the su##estion was the sa"e till he thou#ht e$er5one had turned "ad And then so"ebod5 said A D !f 5ou don't li=e to open it and 5et want to =now what is inside 5ou "ust ta=e it to the K;ra5 !nstitute D This was su##ested b5 an e>;9o"pounder who li$ed in the ne>t street D.hat is itFD as=ed Go$ind Sin#h !t was e>plained to hi" D .here is it F D He was dire9ted

to the 3it5 K;ra5 !nstitute %ut before sa5in# an5thin# further about his pro; #ress2 it would be usefiil to #o ba9= to an earlier 9hapter in his histor5 After war ser$i9e in *+*,;*72 he 9a"e to be re9o""ended for a #ate=eeper's post at En#ladia's He li=ed the Cob $er5 "u9h He was #i$en a =ha=i unifor"2 a resplendent band a9ross his shoulder and a short sti9= He #ripped the sti9= and 6,

GATEMAN'S G!'T 61 sat down on a stool at the entran9e to the offi9e And when his 9hief's 9ar pulled up at the #ate he stood at attention and #a$e a "ilitar5 salute The offi9e 9onsisted of a staff nu"berin# o$er a hundred and as the5 trooped in and out e$er5 da5 he =ept an e5e on the" At the end of the da5 he awaited the footsteps of the General Mana#er 9oinin# down the stairs and rose stiffl5 and stood at attention2 and after he left the hundreds of staff poured out The doors were shut E Sin#h 9arried his stool in2 pla9ed it under the stair9ase2 and pla9ed his sti9= a9ross it Then he 9a"e out and the "ain door was lo9=ed and sealed !n this wa5 he had spent twent5;fi$e 5ears of ser$i9e2 and then he be##ed to be pensioned off He would not ha$e thou#ht of retire"ent 5et2 but for the fa9t that he found his si#ht and hearin# pla5in# tri9=s on hi" E he 9ould not 9at9h the Mana#er's footsteps on the stairs2 and it was hard to re9o#ni@e hi" e$en at ten 5ards He was ushered into the presen9e of the 9hief2 who loo=ed up for a "o"ent fro" his papers and "uttered A D .e are $er5 pleased with 5our wor= for us2 and the 9o"pan5 will #i$e 5ou a pension of twel$e rupees for 5our life D Sin#h 9li9=ed his heels2 saluted2 turned on his heel and went out of the roo"2 with his heart bri""in# with #ratitude and pride This was the se9ond o99asion when the #reat "an had spo=en to hi"2 the first bein# on the first da5 of his ser$i9e As he had stood at his post2 the 9hief2 enterin# the offi9e Cust then2 loo=ed up for a "o"ent and as=ed D .ho are 5ou F D D !'" the new #ate=eeper2 "aster2D he had answered And he spo=e a#ain onl5 on this da5 Thou#h so little was said2 Sin#h felt ele9trified on both o99asions b5 the words of his "aster !n Sin#h's e5es

6: GATEMAN'S G!'T the 9hief had a9?uired a sort of Godhood2 and it would

be ?uite ade?uate if a #od spo=e to one onl5 on9e or twi9e in a lifeti"e !n "o"ents of 9onte"plation Sin#h's "ind dwelt on the words of his "aster2 and on his personalit5 His life "o$ed on s"oothl5 The pension to#ether with what his wife earned b5 washin# and sweepin# in a 9ouple of houses was ?uite suffi9ient for hi" He ate his food2 went out and "et a few friends2 slept2 and spent so"e e$enin#s sittin# at a 9i#arette shop whi9h his 9ousin owned This tenor of life was disturbed on the first of e$er5 "onth when he donned his old =ha=i suit2 wal=ed to his old offi9e2 and salaa"ed the A99ountant at the 9ounter and re9ei$ed his pension So"eti"es if it was 9losin# he waited on the roadside for the General Mana#er to 9o"e down2 and saluted hi" as he #ot into his 9ar There was a lot of ti"e all around hi"2 an i""ense sea of leisure !n this state he "ade a new dis9o$er5 about hi"self2 that he 9ould "a=e fas9inatin# "odels out of 9la5 and wood dust The dis9o$er5 9a"e suddenl52 when one da5 a 9hild in the nei#hbourhood brou#ht to hi" its little doll for repair He not onl5 repaired it but "ade a new thin# of it This dis9o$er5 pleased hi" so "u9h that he $er5 soon be9a"e absorbed in it His ba9=5ard #a$e hi" a plentiful suppl5 of pliant 9la52 and the 9arpenter's shop ne>t to his 9ousin's 9i#arette shop sawdust He pur9hased paint for a few annas And lo H he found his hours #lidin# He sat there in the front part of his ho"e2 bent o$er his 9la52 and brou#ht into e>isten9e a "iniature uni$erse E all the 9olours of life were there2 all the for"s and 9reatures2 but of the si@e of his "iddle fin#er E whole $illa#es and towns were there2

GATEMAN'S G!'T 6all the persons he had seen passin# before his offi9e when he was sentr5 there that be##ar wo"an 9o"in# at "idda52 and that 9u9u"ber $endor E he had the e5e of a 9artoonist for hu"an fa9es E$er5thin# went down into 9la5 !t was a wonderful "iniature re; fle9tion of the world E and he "ounted the" neatl5 on thin wooden sli9es2 whi9h enhan9ed their attra9ti$e; ness He =ept these in his 9ousin's shop and the5 attra9ted hu#e 9rowds e$er5 da5 and sold $er5 bris=l5 More than the sales Sin#h felt an e9stas5 when he saw ad"irin# 9rowds 9lusterin# around his handiwor= On his ne>t pension da5 he 9arried to his offi9e a street s9ene /whi9h he ran=ed as his best02 and handed it o$er the 9ounter to the A99ountant with the re?uest A D Gi$e this to the Sahib2 please H D

D All ri#ht2B' said the A99ountant with a s"ile !t 9reated a sensation in the offi9e and disturbed the routine of offi9e wor=in# for nearl5 half an hour On the ne>t pension da5 he 9arried another "odel /9hildren at pla50 and handed it o$er the 9ounter D Did Sahib li=e the last one F D DYes2 he li=ed it D D (lease #i$e this one to hi" D and he passed it o$er the 9ounter He "ade it a 9on$ention to 9arr5 on e$er5 pension da5 an offerin# for his "aster2 and ea9h ti"e his #reatest reward was the A99ountant's sto9= repl5 to his ?uestion A D .hat did the Sahib sa5 F D D He said it was $er5 #ood D At last he "ade his "asterpie9e A "odel of his offi9e fronta#e with hi"self at his post2 a 9ar at the entran9e2 and the 9hief #ettin# down A this 9o"posite "odel was so realisti9 that while he sat loo=in# at it2 he see"ed to be 9arried ba9= to his offi9e da5s He

67 GATEMAN'S G!'T passed it o$er the 9ounter on his pension da5 and it 9reated a $er5 #reat sensation in the offi9e D 'ellow2 5ou ha$e not left 5ourself out2 either H D people 9ried and loo=ed ad"irin#l5 at Sin#h A sudden fear sei@ed Sin#h and he as=ed A D The "aster won't be an#r52 ! hopeFD D No2 no2 wh5 should he be F D said the A99ountant2 and Sin#h re9ei$ed his pension and went ho"e A wee= later when he was sittin# on the f5ol =neadin# 9la52 the post"an 9a"e and said A D A re#istered letter for 5ou D D 'or "e H D An5 letter would ha$e upset Sin#h E he had re9ei$ed less than three letters in his lifeti"e2 and ea9h ti"e it was a torture for hi" till the 9ontents were read out Now a re#istered letter H This was his first re#istered letter D Onl5 law5ers send re#istered letters2 isn't it so F D D )suall52D said the post"an (lease ta=e it ba9= ! don't want it2D said Sin#h Shall ! sa5 'Refused'FD as=ed the post"an DNo2 no2D said Sin#h DLust ta=e it ba9= and sa5 5ou ha$e not found "e D D That ! 9an't do D said the post"an loo=in#

serious Sin#h see"ed to ha$e no option but to s9rawl his si#nature and re9ei$e the pa9=et He sat #loo"il5 #a@in# at the floor His wife who had #one out and Cust returned saw hi" in this 9ondition and as=ed A D.hat is itFD His $oi9e 9ho=ed as he replied A D!t has 9o"e D He flun# at her the re#istered letter D.hat is itF Dshe as=ed He saidA DHow should ! =now (erhaps our ruin D He bro=e down His wife wat9hed hi" for a "o"ent2 went in to attend to so"e do"esti9 dut5 and returned2 still found hi"

9M a

GATEMAN'S G!'T 6+ in the sa"e 9ondition2 and as=ed A D .h5 not open it and see2 as= so"eone to read it F D He threw up his ar"s in horror A D .o"an2 5ou don't =now what 5ou are sa5in# !t 9annot be opened The5 ha$e perhaps written that "5 pension is stopped2 and God =nows what else the Sahib has said D D .h5 not #o to the offi9e and find out fro" the" F D D Not ! H ! will ne$er show "5 fa9e there a#ain D replied Sin#h D ! ha$e li$ed without a sin#le re"ar= bein# "ade a#ainst "e2 all "5 life Now H D He shuddered at the thou#ht of it D ! =new ! was #ettin# into trouble when ! "ade that offi9e "odel D After deeper refle9tion he said A D E$er5 ti"e ! too= so"ethin# there2 people 9rowded round2 stopped all wor= for nearl5 an hour That "ust also ha$e rea9hed the Sahib's ears D He wandered about sa5in# the sa"e thin#2 with the letter in his po9=et He lost taste for food2 wandered about un=e"pt2 with his hair standin# up li=e a halo an una99usto"ed si#ht2 his 5ears in "ilitar5 ser$i9e ha$in# #i$en hi" a habitual tidiness His wife lost all pea9e of "ind and be9a"e "iserable about hi" He stood at the 9ross;roads2 9lut9hin# the letter in his hand He =ept as=in# e$er5one he 9a"e a9ross A D Tell "e2 what there is in this F D but he would not broo= the su##estion to open it and see its 9ontents So forthwith Sin#h found his wa5 to the 3it5 K;ra5 !nstitute at Ra9e 3ourse Road As he entered the #ate he obser$ed do@ens of 9ars par=ed alon# the dri$e2 and a Gur=ha wat9h"an at the #ate So"e people were sittin# on sofas readin# boo=s and Cournals

The5 turned and threw a brief loo= at hi" and resu"ed their studies As Sin#h stood un9ertainl5 at the doorwa52 an assistant 9a"e up and as=ed A

SO GATEMAN'S G!'T D .hat do 5ou want F D Sin#h #a$e a salute2 held up the letter un9ertainl5 and "uttered A D 3an ! =now what is inside this F D The assistant "ade the ob$ious su##estion %ut Sin#h replied A D The5 said 5ou 9ould tell "e what's inside without openin# it D The assistant as=ed A D .here do 5ou 9o"e fro" F D Sin#h e>plained his life2 wor= and outloo= and 9on; 9luded A D !'$e li$ed without re"ar= all "5 life ! =new trouble was 9o"in# D There were tears on his 9hee=s The assistant loo=ed at hi" 9uriousl5 as s9ores of others had done before2 s"iled2 and said A D Go ho"e and rest You are not all ri#ht Go2 #o ho"e D D 3an't 5ou sa5 what is in this F D Sin#h as=ed patheti9all5 The assistant too= it in his hand2 e>a"ined it and said A D Shall ! open it F D D No2 no2 no2D Sin#h 9ried and snat9hed it ba9= There was a loo= of terror in his e5es The asse"bl5 loo=ed up fro" their pa#es and wat9hed hi" with "ild a"use; "ent in their e5es The assistant =indl5 put his ar"s on his shoulder and led hi" out D You #et well first2 and then 9o"e ba9= ! tell 5ou 5ou are not all ri#ht D .al=in# ba9= ho"e2 he pondered o$er it D .h5 are the5 all beha$in# li=e this2 as if ! were a "ad "an F D .hen this word 9a"e to his "ind2 he stopped abruptl5 in the "iddle of the road2 and 9ried A DOhH That's it2 is that itF MadH MadHD He shoo= his head #leefull5 as if the full truth had Cust dawned upon hi" He now understood the loo=s that people threw at hi" D Oh H oh H D he 9ried aloud He lau#hed He felt a 9urious relief at this reali@ation D ! ha$e been "ad and didn't =now it D He 9ast his "ind ba9= E$er5 little a9tion of his for the last

GATEMAN'S G!'T 8* so "an5 da5s see"ed "ad E parti9ularl5 the doll; "a=in# D .hat sane "an would "a=e 9la5 dolls after 61 5ears of respe9table ser$i9e in an offi9e F D He felt a tre"endous freedo" of li"bs2 and didn't feel it possible to wal= at an ordinar5 pa9e He wanted to fl5 He swun# his ar"s up and down and ran on with a whoop He ran throu#h the Mar=et Road .hen people stood about and wat9hed he 9ried A D He52

don't lau#h at a "ad "an2 for who =nows2 5ou will also be "ad when 5ou 9o"e to "a=e 9la5 dolls2D and 9har#ed into their "idst with a war 9r5 .hen he saw 9hildren 9o"in# out of a s9hool2 he felt it would be ni9e to a"use their 5oun# hearts b5 beha$in# li=e a ti#er So he fell on his hands and =neels and 9rawled up to the" with a #rowl He went ho"e in a terrif5in# 9ondition His wife who was #rindin# 9hill5 in the ba9=5ard loo=ed up and as=ed A D .hat is this F D His hair was 9o$ered with street dust E his bod5 was splashed with "ud He 9ould not answer be9ause he 9ho=ed with "irth as he said A D 'an95 what has happened H D D.hat is itFD D !'" "ad2 "ad D He loo=ed at his wor=;bas=et in a 9orner2 s9ooped out the 9la5 and "ade a hel"et of it and put it on his head Ran#ed on the floor was his latest handiwor= After his last $isit to the offi9e he had been en#a#ed in "a=in# a "odel $illa#e !t was a resplendent #roup E a dun road2 red tiles2 #reen 9o9onut trees swa5in#2 and the 9olour of the sarees of the $illa#e wo"en 9arr5in# water pots He deri$ed the inspiration for it fro" a "e"or5 of his own $illa#e da5s !t was the "ost enCo5able pie9e of wor= that he had so far underta=en He li$ed in a =ind of e9stas5 while doin# it D ! a" #oin# to =eep

86 GATEMAN'S G!'T this for "5self A "e"ento of "5 father's $illa#e2D he de9lared D ! will show it at an e>hibition2 where the5 will #i$e "e a "edal ' + He #uarded it li=e a treasure A when it was wet he ne$er allowed his wife to wal= within ten 5ards of it A D &eep off2 we don't want 5our foot dust for this $illa#e D Now in his "adness2 he loo=ed down on it He raised his foot and sta"ped e$er5thin# down into a "ulti;9oloured Ca" The5 were still half wet He saw a don=e5 #ra@in# in the street He #athered up the Ca" and flun# it at the don=e5 with the re"ar= A D Eat this if 5ou li=e !t is a ni9e $illa#e D And he went out on a se9ond round This was a ?uieter outin# He strode on at an e$en pa9e2 breathin# deepl52 with the 9la5 hel"et on2 out of whi9h peeped his #re5 hair2 his ar"s lo9=ed behind2 his fin#ers 9lut9hin# the fateful letter2 his fa9e tilted towards the s=5 He wal=ed down the Mar=et Road2 with a feelin# that he was the sole o99upant of this #lobe A his "adness had #i$en hi" a sense of li"itless freedo"2 stren#th and buo5an95 The re"ar=s and Ceers of the 9rowds #apin# at hi" did not in the least tou9h

hi" .hile he wal=ed thus2 his e5e fell on the bulb of a tall street la"p A D %ulb of the si@e of a (apa5a fruit H D he "uttered and 9hu9=led !t had been a lon# 9herished desire in hi" to flin# a stone at it E now he felt2 in his Co5ous and free 9ondition2 that he was free fro" the tra""els of 9on$ention and need not push ba9= an5 in9lination He pi9=ed up a pebble and threw it with #ood ai" The shatterin# noise of #lass was as "usi9 to his ears A poli9e"an put his hand on his shoulder A D .h5 did 5ou do it F D Sin#h loo=ed indi#nant A D ! li=e to 9ra9= #lass (apa5a fruit2

GATEMAN'S G!'T 88 that is allI * was the repl5 D 3o"e to the station D The 9onstable said A

D Oh2 5es2 when ! was in Mesopota"ia the5 put "e on half ration on9e2D he said2 and wal=ed on to the station He paused2 tilted his head to the side and re"ar=ed A D This road is not strai#ht D A few 9arria#es and 959les were 9o"in# up to hi" He found that e$er5thin# was wron# about the" The5 see"ed to need so"e ad$i9e in the "atter He stopped in the "iddle of the road2 stret9hed out his ar"s and shouted A D Halt H D The 9arria#es stopped2 the 959lists Cu"ped off and Sin#h be#an a le9ture A D .hen ! was in Mesopota"ia ! will tell 5ou fellows who don't =now an5thin# about an5thin# D The poli9e; "an dra##ed hi" awa5 to the side2 and wa$ed to the traffi9 to resu"e One of the 959lists who resu"ed2 Cu"ped off the saddle a#ain and 9a"e towards hi" with A D .h5 H !t is Sin#h2 Sin#h2 what fan95 dress is this F .hat is the "atter F D E$en throu#h the ha@e of his insane $ision Sin#h 9ould re9o#ni@e the $oi9e and the person the A99ountant at the offi9e Sin#h 9li9=ed his heels and #a$e a salute A D E>9use "e sir2 didn't intend to stop 5ou You "a5 pass D He pointed the wa5 #enerousl52 and the A99ountant saw the letter in his hand He re9o#ni@ed it althou#h it was "ud;stained and 9ru"pled D Sin#h2 5ou #ot our letter F D D Yes2 sir2 (ass Do not spea= of it 2 D D .hat is the "atter F D He snat9hed it fro" his hand D .h5 ha$en't 5ou opened it H D He tore open the en$elope and too= out of it a letter and read aloud A D The General Mana#er #reatl5 appre9; iates the $er5 artisti9 "odels 5ou ha$e sent2 and he is pleased to san9tion a reward of Rs *<< and hopes


it will be an en9oura#e"ent for 5ou to =eep up this interestin# hobb5 D !t was translated to hi" word for word2 and the en9losure2 a 9he?ue for one hundred rupees2 was handed to hi" A bi# 9rowd #athered to wat9h this s9ene Sin#h pressed the letter to his e5es He beat his brow2 and wailed A D Tell "e2 sir2 a" ! "ad or not F D D You loo= ?uite well2 5ou aren't "ad2D said the A99ountant Sin#h fell at his feet and said with tears 9ho=in# his $oi9e A D You are a #od2 sir2 to sa5 that ! a" not "ad ! a" so happ5 to hear it D On the ne>t pension da5 he turned up spru9e as e$er at the offi9e 9ounter As the5 handed hi" the en$elope the5 as=ed A D .hat to5s are 5ou "a=in# now F D D Nothin# sir Ne$er a#ain !t is no o99upation for a sane "an D he said2 re9ei$ed his pension2 and stiffl5 wal=ed out of the offi9e

1 THE ROMAN !MAGE THE Tal=ati$e Man said A On9e ! was an ar9haeolo#ist's assistant ! wandered up and down the 9ountr5 probin#2 e>plor; in#2 and di##in#2 in sear9h of anti?uities2 a "ost interestin# o99upation2 althou#h 95ni9s so"eti"es 9alled us D #ra$e;di##ers D ! enCo5ed the wor= i""ensel5 ! had a "aster who was a fa"ous ar9haeolo#ist 9alled Do9tor so"ethin# or other He was a superb2 ti"eless bein#2 who li$ed a thousand 5ears behind the ti"es2 and who wanted neither food nor roof nor ri9hes if onl5 he was allowed to #a@e on undisturbed at an old 9oin or 9hip of a burial urn He had torn up the earth in al"ost all parts of !ndia and had brou#ht to li#ht $er5 $aluable infor"ation 9on9ernin# the histor5 and outloo= of people of re"ote 9enturies His "ono#raphs on ea9h of his e>9a$ations filled se$eral shel$es in all the i"portant libraries And then2 as our #ood fortune would ha$e it2 he re9ei$ed an inspiration that Mal#udi distri9t was e"inentl5 di##able ! a" not 9o"petent to e>plain how he #ot this idea2 but there it was .ord was brou#ht to "e that the #reat "an was sta5in# in the da= bun#alow and was in need of an assistant .ithin an hour of hearin# it ! stood before the #reat "an He was sittin# on the floor with the "ost 9ra@5 9olle9tion of arti9les in front of hi" pots and 81

8: THE ROMAN !MAGE beads and useless 9oins and pal" lea$es2 all of the" rust5 and de9a5in# He had a lens b5 his side2 throu#h whi9h he loo=ed at these arti9les and "ade notes He as=ed "e A D .hat do 5ou =now of the ar9haeolo#i9al fa9tors of 5our distri9t F D ! blin=ed Honestl5 ! didn't =now there was an5 ar9haeolo#5 in our pla9e He loo=ed at "e throu#h his old spe9ta9les2 and ! reali@ed that "5 li$in# depended upon "5 answer ! "ustered up all the =nowled#e of ele"entar5 histor5 ! had a9?uired in "5 bo5hood2 and replied A D .ell2 nothin# has so far been done in an5 "ethodi9al "anner2 althou#h now and then we 9o"e a9ross so"e i#norant $illa#ers plou#hin# up old unusual bits of potter5 and "etal D D Reall52D he as=ed2 pri9=in# up his ears what do the5 do with the" F D D And

D The5 si"pl5 throw the" awa5 or #i$e the" to 9hildren to pla5 with2D ! replied D Oh2 too bad2D he "uttered D .h5 9ouldn't 5ou ha$e 9olle9ted these thin#s in one pla9e F D D ! will ta=e 9are to do that hereafter2 sir2D ! said E and that settled it He en#a#ed "e on the spot at fift5 rupees a "onth2 and "5 "ain business was to follow hi" about and help hi" ! had "5 wits ali$e2 and within a "onth ! was in a position to lead hi" b5 the hand Not the sli#htest obCe9t es9aped "5 noti9e ! pi9=ed up e$er5thin# ! saw2 9leaned and polished it2 and held it up for his opinion Most ti"es2 ! a" sorr5 to 9onfess2 the5 were useless bits of stuff of =nown ori#in na"el52 our own ti"es %ut ! a" #lad to sa5 that on9e ! s9ored a hit .e 9a"ped one wee=;end at Siral a $illa#e si>t5 "iles fro" the town !t is a lo$el5 an9ient pla9e2

THE ROMAN !MAGE 89onsistin# of a hundred houses Sara5u Ri$er winds its wa5 alon# the northern boundar5 of the $illa#e The ri$er here is broader than it is an5where else in the distri9t On the other ban= of the ri$er we ha$e the be#innin#s of a "a#nifi9ent Cun#le of ba"boo and tea= The "ost "odern stru9ture in the pla9e was a s"all two;roo"ed inspe9tion lod#e The

do9tor o99upied one roo" and ! the other .e were s9outin# the surroundin#s for a "ound under whi9h was supposed to be a buried 9it5 This dis9o$er5 was #oin# to push the earliest =nown 9i$ili@ation three 9enturies farther ba9= and ri$al MohenCadaro in anti?uit5 .e "i#ht be pardoned if we set about our business with so"e intensit5 Our do9tor so"e; how see"ed to possess an ine>pli9able feelin# of ri$alr5 with the dis9o$erers of MohenCadaro and su9h other pla9es His #reatest desire was to ha$e a "onopol5 of the earliest =nown 9i$ili@ation and pla9e it where he 9hose This see"ed to "e a sli#ht wea=; ness in his nature2 but pardonable in a #reat "an2 who had done so "u9h else in life This is all beside the point Let "e #et on with the stor5 One da5 ! had #one to the ri$er for a bathe !t was an e>hilar; atin# e$enin# E ! had done a #ood da5's wor=2 assistin# the do9tor to 9lean up and stud5 a pie9e of stained #lass pi9=ed up in a field outside the $illa#e The do9tor =ept #a@in# at this #lass all da5 He 9onstantl5 shoo= his head and said A D This is easil5 the "ost i"portant pie9e of wor= whi9h has 9o"e under "5 noti9e This bit of #lass 5ou see is not ordinar5 ar9haeolo#i9al stuff2 but a $er5 i"portant lin= This pie9e of #lass is reall5 'lorentian2 whi9h went out of $o#ue in A D 1 How did this 9o"e here F !t is not found an5where else in the world !f the identit5 of

8 7 THE ROMAN !MAGE this is established properl5 we "a5 ulti"atel5 ha$e a #reat deal to sa5 about the earl5 Ro"an E"pire and this part of !ndia This will re$olutioni@e our whole =nowled#e of histor5 D He tal=ed of nothin# but that the whole da5 He tre"bled with e>9ite"ent and lost all taste for food He =ept on "utterin# A D .e "ust tread waril5 and not o$erloo= the sli#htest e$iden9e &eep 5our e5es open .e are on the e$e of #reat dis9o$eries D And ! 9au#ht this e>9ite; "ent and a9?uired a per"anentl5 sear9hin# loo= ! was in this state when ! plun#ed into the waters of Sara5u that e$enin# ! a" a #ood di$er As ! went down "5 hand stru9= a#ainst a hard obCe9t in the sand5 bed 'eelin# with "5 fin#ers2 ! found it to be a stone i"a#e .hen ! 9a"e to the surfa9e a#ain ! 9a"e up bearin# that i"a#e with "e Drippin# with water2 ! sat on the ri$er step2 without e$en dr5in# "5self2 and e>a"ined the i"a#e D This ta=es us on to an entirel5 new set of possi; bilities H D e>9lai"ed the do9tor in #reat Co5 He =eenl5 e>a"ined it b5 our tin lantern !t was a stone i"a#e a foot hi#h2 whi9h had a9?uired a #lass; li=e s"oothness2 ha$in# been under water for 5ears !t had an ar"2 an e5e2 the nose2 and the "outh

"issin# There were a few details of orna"ent and draper5 whi9h the do9tor e>a"ined with spe9ial 9are !t was 8 a " when he went to bed An hour later the do9tor peeped in at "5 doorwa5 and announ9ed A D This is a Ro"an statue How it 9a"e to be found in these parts is an histori9al fa9t we ha$e to wrest fro" e$iden9e !t is #oin# to #i$e an entirel5 new turn to !ndian histor5 D .ithin the ne>t two "onths all the i"portant papers and periodi9als in the world published details

THE ROMAN !MAGE 8+ of this dis9o$er5 (apers were read before histori9al asso9iations and 9onferen9es ! 9a"e to be loo=ed upon as a sort of sa$iour of !ndian histor5 'or the do9tor insisted upon #i$in# "e "5 due share of fa"e )ni$ersit5 honours 9a"e "5 wa5 ! was offered lu9rati$e positions here and there !t was finall5 de9ided that the i"a#e was that of a Ro"an E"peror 9alled Tiberius !! !t would be out' of pla9e to #o into the details that led to this 9on9lusion A but 5ou need ha$e no doubt that the do9tor had e>9ellent reasons for it %esides the stud5 of the i"a#e itself he went throu#h so"e Ro"an te>ts whi9h "entioned South !ndia 'or the ne>t few "onths we toured about a #reat deal le9turin# on this subCe9t and de"onstratin# ! went with "5 do9tor to Madras and started wor= on a "ono#raph on the subCe9t !t was to be a "onu; "ental wor= 9o$erin# o$er a thousand pa#es of de"5 si@e2 full of photo#raphs and s=et9hes You 9an understand wh5 it should be so bi# when ! tell 5ou that it was #oin# to be a 9o"bined wor= on earl5 Ro"an histor52 !ndian histor52 ar9haeolo#52 and epi#raph5 M5 na"e was #oin# to appear as the Coint author of the wor= ! reali@ed that here was "5 future fa"e2 position2 and perhaps so"e "one5 too The do9tor left "e in entire 9har#e of this wor= and went awa5 to )pper !ndia to 9ontinue a pie9e of wor= whi9h he had alread5 been doin# ! sat in a lar#e librar5 the whole da52 e>a"inin#2 in$esti#atin#2 stud5in#2 and writin# ! be9a"e a fairl5 i"portant person in learned so9ieties ! wor=ed fro" se$en in the "ornin# to ele$en in the e$enin# al"ost with; out a brea=2 and throu#hout the da5 ! had $isits fro" people interested in the dis9o$er5 (apers and Cournals

,< THE ROMAN !MAGE 9ontained para#raphs now and then DAr9haeolo#ist

assistant wor=in# on "ono#raph D and its pro#ress was dul5 reported to the publi9 And then there 9a"e a ti"e when the press 9ould announ9e A D Mono#raph on whi9h has been wor=in# for "onths now will be read5 for publi9ation in ten da5s !t is e>pe9ted that this is #oin# to "a=e the ri9hest 9ontribution to !ndian histor5 D M5 fin#ers were worn out with writin# M5 e5es were nearl5 #one ! loo=ed forward to the end of the wor= E and then as "5 do9tor wrote A D You 9an ha$e a holida5 for three "onths in an5 hill station 5ou li=e and for#et the whole business D The "anus9ripts piled a 5ard hi#h on "5 table !t was at this sta#e that ! had to $isit Siral on9e a#ain ! had to obtain "easure"ents of the spot where the i"a#e was found ! left "5 wor= at that and hurried to the $illa#e ! plun#ed into the ri$er and 9a"e up ! sat on the ri$er step2 still drippin# with water2 notin# down fi#ures2 when a stran#er 9a"e and sat near "e .e fell to tal=in#2 and ! told hi" about "5 wor=2 in the hope of drawin# out further fa9ts He was a rusti92 and he listened to "e without e"otion At the end of "5 narration he re"ained pe9uliarl5 "ood5 and as=ed "e to repeat fa9ts about the i"a#e He 9o"; pressed his lips and as=ed A D .here do 5ou sa5 it 9a"e fro" F D Ro"e D D .here is that F D D !n Europe2D ! said He stood still2 pu@@led2 and ! a"plified A D .here the European people li$e D D ! don't =now about that but if it is the i"a#e whi9h 5ou found in these parts ! 9an tell 5ou so"ethin# about it !t is without nose and ar"2 isn't it F D

THE ROMAN !MAGE ,* ! assented2 not =nowin# what was 9o"in# He said A D 'ollow "e2 if 5ou want to =now an5thin# "ore about this i"a#e D He led "e up the ban=2 alon# a foot tra9= whi9h wound throu#h the Cun#le .e rea9hed a ha"let a "ile off He stopped in front of a little shrine and said A D That i"a#e belon#ed to this te"ple D He led "e into the shrine .e had to #o stoopin# into it be9ause of its narrow doorwa5 and low roof At the inner san9tu" there was an i"a#e of Mari with a #arland of 5ellow 9hr5santhe"u"s around her ne9=2 lit b5 a faint wi9= la"p On one side of the san9tu" doorwa5 stood a dwarapala=a /door=eeper0 a win#ed 9reature a foot hi#h M5

friend pointed at the i"a#e and said A D This for"ed a pair with the one 5ou pi9=ed up2 and it used to adorn that side of the doorwa5 D ! loo=ed up where he pointed ! noti9ed a pedestal without an5thin# on it A doubt sei@ed "e D ! want to e>a"ine the fi#ure2D ! said He brou#ht down the wi9= la"p E ! e>a"ined b5 its fli9=erin# li#ht the dwarapala=a D !s this e>a9tl5 li=e the one whi9h was on that side F D !t was a superfluous ?uestion This i"a#e was e>a9tl5 li=e the i"a#e ! had found2 but without its inCuries D .here was this "ade F D D ! had it done b5 a stone;i"a#e "a=er2 a fellow in another $illa#e You see that hillo9= F !ts stone is "ade into i"a#es all o$er the world2 and at its foot is a $illa#e where the5 "a=e i"a#es D D Are 5ou sure when it was "ade F D D Yes2 ! #a$e an ad$an9e of twent5 rupees for it2 and how that fellow dela5ed H ! went o$er to the $illa#e and sat up ni#ht and da5 for two "onths and 2 #ot the pair done ! wat9hed the" ta=e shape before

,6 THE ROMAN !MAGE "5 e5es And then we 9olle9ted about fift5 rupees and #a$e it to hi" .e wanted to i"pro$e this te"ple D ! put ba9= the la"p and wal=ed out ! sat down on the te"ple step D .h5 do 5ou loo= so sadF ! thou#ht 5ou'd be pleased to =now these thin#s2D he said2 wat9hin# "e D ! a"2 ! a" onl5 !'$e been rather unwell2D ! assured hi" D 3an't 5ou tell "e so"ethin# "ore about it A how it 9a"e to be found in the ri$er F D D Yes2 5es2D said "5 friend D !t was 9arried and thrown into the ri$er E it didn't wal= down there D D Oh H D ! e>9lai"ed D That is a stor5 'or this we went to the 9ourt and had the priest dis"issed and fined He 9annot 9o"e near the te"ple now .e spent one thousand rupees in law5er fees alone E we were prepared to spend all our fortune if onl5 to see that priest re"o$ed !t went up to Mal#udi 9ourt we #ot a $a=il fro" Madras D

D .hat was wron# with 5our priest F D D No doubt he had a hereditar5 9lai" and too= up the wor= when his father died2 but the fellow was a de$il for drin=2 if e$er there was one Mornin# till ni#ht he was drin=in#2 and he perfor"ed all the puCa in that 9ondition .e did not =now what to do with hi" .e Cust tolerated hi"2 hopin# that so"e da5 the #oddess would tea9h hi" a lesson .e did not li=e to be too harsh2 sin9e he was a poor fellow2 and he went about his duties ?uietl5 %ut when we added these two dwarapala=as at the doorwa5 he #ot a ?ueer notion in his head He used to sa5 that the two door=eepers 9onstantl5 harried hi" b5 starin# at hi" where$er he went He said that their loo= pri9=ed hi" in the ne9= So"eti"es he would peep in fro"

THE ROMAN !MAGE ,8 within to see if the i"a#es were loo=in# awa52 and he'd s9rea"2 B Ah2 still the5 are wat9hin# "e2' and shout at the" This went on for "onths !n 9ourse of ti"e he be#an to shudder whene$er he had to pass these door=eepers !t was an a9ute "o"ent of suspense for hi" when he had to 9ross that pair and #et into the san9tu" Graduall5 he 9o"plained that if he e$er too= his e5es off these fi#ures the5 butted hi" fro" behind2 =i9=ed hi"2 and pulled his hair2 and so forth He was afraid to loo= an5where else and wal=ed on 9autiousl5 with his e5es on the i"a#es %ut if he had his e5es on one2 the other =no9=ed hi" fro" behind He showed us bruises and s9rat9hes so"eti"es .e de9lared we "i#ht treat his 9o"plaints seriousl5 if he e$er went into the shrine without a drop of drin= in hi" !n 9ourse of ti"e he started to see= his own re"ed5 He 9arried a s"all "allet with hi"2 and whene$er he #ot a =no9= he returned the blow E it fell on a nose toda52 on an ar" to"orrow2 and on an ear another da5 .e didn't noti9e his handiwor= for "onths Lud#in# fro" the "allet blows2 the i"a#e on the left side see"s to ha$e been the #reater offender D The 9ul"ination 9a"e when he =no9=ed it off its pedestal and 9arried it to the ri$er Ne>t "ornin# he de9lared he saw it wal= off and plun#e into the ri$er He "ust ha$e felt that this would ser$e as a lesson to the other i"a#e if it should be thin=in# of an5 tri9= %ut the other i"a#e ne$er #ot its 9han9e 'or we dra##ed the priest before a law 9ourt and had hi" sent awa5 D Thus ended the $illa#er's tale !t too= ti"e for "e to re9o$er ! as=ed A D Didn't 5ou ha$e to pi9= up the i"a#e fro" the water and show it to the Cud#e F D

,, THE ROMAN !MAGE D No2 be9ause the fellow would not tell us where he had flun# it ! did not =now till this "o"ent where e>a9tl5 it 9ould be found D .hen ! went ba9= to Madras ! was a different "an The do9tor had Cust returned for a short sta5 ! told hi" e$er5thin# He was furious D .e ha$e "ade oursel$es "i#ht5 fools before the whole world2D he 9ried ! didn't =now what to sa5 ! "u"bled A D! a" so sorr52 sir D He pointed at the pile of "anus9ripts on the table and 9ried A D Throw all that rubbish into the fire2 before we are de9lared "ad D ! pushed the whole pile off the table and applied a "at9h;sti9= .e stood frownin# at the roarin# fire for a "o"ent2 and then he as=ed2 pointin# at the i"a#e A D And what will 5ou do with it F D D ! don't =now2D ! said D Drown it After all2 5ou pi9=ed it up fro" the water that pie9e of nonsense H D he 9ried ! had ne$er seen hi" in su9h a ra#e before ! wrapped the i"a#e in a pie9e of brown paper2 9arried it to the seashore2 and flun# it far into the sea ! hope it is still rollin# about at the botto" of the %a5 of %en#al ! onl5 hope it won't #et into so"e lar#e fish and 9o"e ba9= to the stud5 table H Later a brief "essa#e appeared in all the i"portant papers A D The "anus9ript on whi9h Do9tor and assistant were en#a#ed has been destro5ed2 and the wor= will be suspended D The do9tor #a$e "e two "onths' salar5 and bade "e #ood;b5e

: THE %L!ND DOG !T was not a $er5 i"pressi$e or hi#h;9lass do# E it was one of those 9o""onpla9e do#s one sees e$er5where 9olour of white and dust2 tail "utilated at a 5oun# a#e b5 God =nows who"2 born in the street2 and bred on the lea$in#s and #arba#e of the "ar=et;pla9e He had spott5 e5es and undistin#uished 9arria#e and needless pu#na9it5 %efore he was two

5ears old he had earned the s9ars of a hundred fi#hts on his bod5 .hen he needed rest on hot afternoons he la5 9urled up under the 9ul$ert at the eastern #ate of the "ar=et !n the e$enin#s he set out on his dail5 rounds2 loafed in the surroundin# streets and lanes2 en#a#ed hi"self in s=ir"ishes2 pi9=ed up edibles on the roadside2 and was ba9= at the "ar=et #ate b5 ni#htfall This life went on for three 5ears And then o99urred a 9han#e in his life A be##ar2 blind of both e5es2 appeared at the "ar=et #ate An old wo"an led hi" up there earl5 in the "ornin#2 seated hi" at the #ate2 and 9a"e up a#ain at "idda5 with so"e food2 #athered his 9oins2 and too= hi" ho"e at ni#ht The do# was sleepin# near b5 He was stirred b5 the s"ell of food He #ot up2 9a"e out of his shelter2 and stood before the blind "an2 wa##in# his tail and #a@in# e>pe9tantl5 at the bowl2 as he was eatin# his sparse "eal The blind "an swept his ar"s about and as=ed A D .ho is there F D At whi9h the do# went up and li9=ed his hand The blind "an stro=ed ,1

,: THE %L!ND DOG its 9oat #entl5 tail to ear and said A D .hat a beaut5 5ou are 3o"e with "e D He threw a handful

of food whi9h the do# ate #ratefull5 !t was perhaps an auspi9ious "o"ent for startin# a friendship The5 "et e$er5 da5 there2 and the do# 9ut off "u9h of its ra"blin# to sit up beside the blind "an and wat9h hi" Nre9ei$e al"s "ornin# to e$enin# !n 9ourse of ti"e obser$in# hi"2 the do# understood that the passers;b5 "ust #i$e a 9oin2 and whoe$er went awa5 without droppin# a 9oin was 9hased b5 the do# E he tu##ed the ed#e of their 9lothes b5 his teeth and pulled the" ba9= to the old "an at the #ate and let #o onl5 after so"ethin# was dropped in his bowl A"on# those who fre?uented this pla9e was a $illa#e ur9hin2 who had the "is9hief of a de$il in hi" He li=ed to tease the blind "an b5 9allin# hi" na"es and b5 tr5in# to pi9= up the 9oins in his bowl The blind "an helplessl5 shouted and 9ried and whirled his staff On Thursda5s this bo5 appeared at the #ate2 9arr5in# on his head a bas=et loaded with 9u9u"ber or plantain E$er5 Thursda5 afternoon it was a 9risis in the blind "an's life A seller of bri#ht 9oloured but doubtful perfu"es with his wares "ounted on a wheeled platfor"2 a "an who spread out 9heap stor5;boo=s on a #unn5 sa9=2 another "an who 9arried 9oloured ribbons on an elaborate fra"e these were

the people who usuall5 #athered under the sa"e ar9h2 On a Thursda5 when the 5oun# "an appeared at the Eastern #ate one of the" re"ar=ed2 D %lind fellow H Here 9o"es 5our s9our#e D DOh2 God2 is this Thursda5FD he wailed He swept his ar"s about and 9alled A D Do#2 do#2 9o"e here2 where are 5ou F D He "ade the pe9uliar noise whi9h brou#ht the do# to his side He stro=ed his

THE %L!ND DOG ,head and "uttered A D Don't let that little ras9al D At this $er5 "o"ent the bo5 9a"e up with a leer on his fa9e D %lind "an H Still pretendin# 5ou ha$e no e5es !f 5ou are reall5 blind2 5ou should not =now this either D He stopped2 his hand "o$in# towards the bowl The do# spran# on hi" and snapped his Caws on wrist The bo5 e>tri9ated his hand and ran for his life The do# bounded up behind hi" and 9hased hi" out of the "ar=et D See the "on#rel's affe9tion for this old fellowI' "ar$elled the perfu"e;$endor One e$enin# at the usual ti"e the old wo"an failed to turn up2 and the blind "an waited at the #ate2 worr5in# as the e$enin# #rew into ni#ht As he sat frettin# there2 a nei#hbour 9a"e up and said A D Sa"i2 don't wait for the old wo"an She will not 9o"e a#ain She died this afternoon D The blind "an lost the onl5 ho"e he had2 and the onl5 person who 9ared for hi" in this world The ribbon;$endor su##ested A D Here2 ta=e this white tape D He held a len#th of the white 9ord whi9h he had been sellin# D ! will #i$e this to 5ou free of 9ost Tie it to the do# and let hi" lead 5ou about if he is reall5 so fond of 5ou D Life for the do# too= a new turn now He 9a"e to ta=e the pla9e of the old wo"an He lost his freedo" 9o"pletel5 His world 9a"e to be 9ir9u"s9ribed b5 the li"its of the white 9ord whi9h the ribbon;$endor had spared He had to for#et wholesale all his old life all his old haunts He si"pl5 had to sta5 on

for e$er at the end of that strin# .hen he saw other do#s2 friends or foes2 instin9ti$el5 he spran# up2 tu##in# the strin#2 and this in$ariabl5 earned hi" a

,7 THE %L!ND DOG =i9= fro" his "aster D Ras9al2 want to tu"ble "e

down ha$e sense D !n a few da5s the do# learnt to dis9ipline his instin9t and i"pulse He 9eased to ta=e noti9e of other do#s2 e$en if the5 9a"e up and #rowled at his side He lost his own orbit of "o$e; "ent and 9onta9t with his fellow;9reatures To the e>tent of this loss his "aster #ained He "o$ed about as he had ne$er "o$ed in his life All da5 he was on his le#s2 led b5 the do# .ith the staff in one hand and the do#;lead in the other he "o$ed out of his ho"e a 9orner in a 9houltr5 $eranda a few 5ards off the "ar=et A he had "o$ed in there after the old wo"an's death He started out earl5 in the da5 He found that he 9ould treble his in9o"e b5 "o$in# about instead of sta5in# in one pla9e He "o$ed down the 9houltr5 street2 and where$er he heard people's $oi9es he stopped and held out his hands for al"s Shops2 s9hools2 hospitals2 hotels he left nothin# out He #a$e a tu# when he wanted the do# to stop2 and shouted li=e a bullo9=;dri$er when he wanted hi" to "o$e on The do# prote9ted his feet fro" #oin# into pits2 or stu"pin# a#ainst steps or stones2 and too= hi" up in9h b5 in9h on safe #round and steps 'or this si#ht people #a$e 9oins and helped hi" 3hildren #athered round hi" and #a$e hi" thin#s to eat A do# is essentiall5 an a9ti$e 9reature who pun9tuates his he9ti9 rounds with well;defined periods of rest %ut now this do# /hen9eforth to be =nown as Ti#er0 had lost all rest He had rest onl5 when the old "an sat down so"ewhere At ni#ht the old "an slept with the 9ord turned around his fin#er D ! 9an't ta=e 9han9es with 5ou D he said A

#reat desire to earn "ore "one5 than e$er before sei@ed his "aster2 so that he felt an5 restin# a waste

THE %L!ND DOG ,+ of opportunit52 and the do# had to be 9ontinuousl5 on his feet So"eti"es his le#s refused to "o$e %ut if he slowed down e$en sli#htl5 his "aster #oaded hi" on fier9el5 with his staff The do# whined and #roaned under this thrust D Don't whine2 5ou

ras9al Don't ! #i$e 5ou 5our food F You want to loaf2 do 5ou F D swore the blind "an The do# lu"bered up and down and round and round the "ar=et;pla9e on slow steps2 tied down to the blind t5rant Lon# after the traffi9 at the "ar=et 9eased2 5ou 9ould hear the ni#ht stabbed b5 the far;off wail of the tired do# !t lost its ori#inal appearan9e As "onths rolled on2 bones stu9= up at his haun9hes and ribs were reliefed throu#h his fadin# 9oat The ribbon;seller2 the no$el;$endor and the perfu"er obser$ed it one e$enin#2 when business was sla9=2 and held a 9onferen9e a"on# the"sel$es A D!t rends "5 heart to see that poor do# sla$in# 3an't we do so"ethin# F D The ribbon;seller re"ar=ed A D That ras9al has started lendin# "one5 for interest ! heard it fro" that fruit;seller He is earnin# "ore than he needs He has be9o"e a $er5 de$il for "one5 D

At this point the perfu"er's e5es 9au#ht the s9issors dan#lin# fro" the ribbon;ra9= D Gi$e it here2D he said and "o$ed on with the s9issors in hand The blind "an was passin# in front of the Eastern #ate The do# was strainin# the lead There was a pie9e of bone l5in# on the wa5 and the do# was strainin# to pi9= it up The lead be9a"e taut and hurt the blind "an's hand2 and he tu##ed the strin# and =i9=ed till the do# howled !t howled2 but 9ould not pass the bone li#htl5 E it tried to "a=e another dash for it The blind "an was heapin# 9urses on it The perfu"er stepped up2 applied the s9issors and

1< THE %L!ND DOG snipped the 9ord The do# boun9ed off and pi9=ed up the bone The blind "an stopped dead where he stood2 with the other half of the strin# dan#lin# in his hand D Ti#er H Ti#er H .here are 5ou F D he 9ried The perfu"er "o$ed awa5 ?uietl52 "utterin# A D You heartless de$il H You will ne$er #et at hi" a#ain H He has his freedo" H D The do# went off at top speed He nosed about the dit9hes happil52 hurled hi"self on other do#s2 and ran round and round the fountain in the "ar=et;s?uare bar=in#2 his e5es spar=lin# with Co5 He returned to his fa$ourite haunts and hun# about the but9her's shop2 tea;stall2 and the ba=er5 The ribbon;$endor and his two friends stood at the "ar=et #ate and enCo5ed the si#ht i""ensel5 as the blind "an stru##led to find his wa5 about He stood rooted to the spot wa$in# his sti9= E he felt as if he

were han#in# in "id;air He was wailin# D Oh2 where is "5 do#F .here is "5 do#F .on't so"eone #i$e hi" ba9= to "eF ! will "urder it when ! #et at it a#ain H D He #roped about2 tried to 9ross the road2 9a"e near bein# run o$er b5 a do@en $ehi9les at different points2 tu"bled and stru##led and #asped D He'd deser$e it if he was run o$er2 this heartless bla9=#uard D the5 said2 obser$in# hi" Howe$er2 with the help 9orner in the his #unn5sa9= his Courne5 the old "an stru##led throu#h and of so"eone found his wa5 ba9= to his 9houltr5 $eranda and san= down on bed2 half faint with the strain of

He was not seen for ten da5s2 fifteen da5s and twent5 da5s Nor was the do# seen an5where The5 9o""ented a"on# the"sel$es D The do# "ust be loafin# o$er the whole earth2 free and happ5 The

THE %L!ND DOG 1* be##ar is perhaps #one for e$er D Hardl5 was this senten9e uttered when the5 heard the fa"iliar tap;tap of the blind "an's staff The5 saw hi" a#ain 9o"in# up the pa$e"ent led b5 the do# D Loo= H Loo= H D the5 9ried D He has a#ain #ot at it and tied it up D The ribbon;seller 9ould not 9ontain hi"self He ran up and said A D .here ha$e 5ou been all these da5s F D D &now what happened H D 9ried the blind "an D This do# ran awa5 ! should ha$e died in a da5 or two2 9onfined to "5 9orner2 no food2 not an anna to earn i"prisoned in "5 9orner ! should ha$e perished if it 9ontinued for another da5 %ut this thin# returned D D .hen F .hen F D D Last ni#ht At "idni#ht as ! slept in bed2 he 9a"e and li9=ed "5 fa9e ! felt li=e "urderin# hi" ! #a$e hi" a blow whi9h he will ne$er for#et a#ain2D said the blind "an D ! for#a$e hi"2 after all a do# H He loafed as lon# as he 9ould pi9= up so"e rubbish to eat on the road2 but real hun#er has dri$en hi" ba9= to Cne2 but he will not lea$e "e a#ain See H ! ha$e #ot this D and he shoo= the lead A it was

a steel 9hain this ti"e On9e a#ain there was the dead2 despairin# loo= in the do#'s e5es D Go on2 5ou fool2D 9ried the blind "an2 shoutin# li=e an o>;dri$er He tu##ed the 9hain2 po=ed with the sti9=2 and the do# "o$ed awa5 on slow steps The5 stood listenin# to the tap;tap #oin# awa5 D Death alone 9an help that do#2D 9ried the ribbon; seller2 loo=in# after it with a si#h D .hat 9an we do with a 9reature who returns to his doo" with su9h a free heart F D

'ELLO.;'EEL!NG THE Madras;%an#alore E>press was due to start in a few "inutes Trolle5s and barrows piled with trun=s and beds rattled their wa5 throu#h the bustle 'ruit;sellers and beedi;and;betel sellers 9ried the"sel$es hoarse Late9o"ers pushed2 shouted and perspired The en#ine added to the #eneral noise with the low "onotonous hu" of its boiler E the first bell ran#2 the #uard loo=ed at his wat9h Mr RaCa" !5er arri$ed on the platfor" at a terrifi9 pa9e2 with a s"all roll of beddin# under one ar" and an absurd 5ellow trun= under the other He ran to the first third;9lass 9o"part"ent that 9au#ht his e5e2 peered in and2 sin9e the door 9ould not be opened on a99ount of the 9on#estion inside2 flun# hi"self in throu#h the window 'ifteen "inutes later Madras flashed past the train in window;fra"ed pat9hes of sun;s9or9hed roofs and fields At the ne>t halt2 Mandha=a"2 "ost of the passen#ers #ot down The 9o"part"ent built to D seat 7 passen#ers E , %ritish Troops2 or : !ndian Troops2D now 9arried onl5 nine RaCa" !5er found a seat and "ade hi"self 9o"fortable opposite a sallow2 "ee= passen#er2 who suddenl5 re"o$ed his 9oat2 folded it and pla9ed it under his head and la5 down2 shrin=in# hi"self to the area he had o99upied while he was sittin# .ith his =nees drawn up al"ost to 16

'ELLO.;'EEL!NG 18 his 9hin2 he rolled hi"self into a ball RaCa" !5er threw at hi" an indul#ent2 9o"passionate loo= He then fu"bled for his #lasses and pulled out of his

po9=et a s"all boo=2 whi9h set forth in 9lear Ta"il the si#nifi9an9e of the obs9ure Sandhi rites that e$er5 %rah"in worth the na"e perfor"s thri9e dail5 He was startled out of this pleasant lan#uor b5 a series of #rowls 9o"in# fro" a passen#er who had #ot in at &atpadi The new9o"er2 loo=in# for a seat2 had been irritated b5 the spe9ta9le of the "ee= passen#er asleep and had enfor9ed the law of the Third;9lass He then en9roa9hed on "ost of the "ee= passen#er's le#iti"ate spa9e and be#an to deli$er ho"e;truths whi9h passed b5 eas5 sta#es fro" i"; puden9e to i"pertinen9e and finall5 to ribaldr5 RaCa" !5er peered o$er his spe9ta9les There was a dan#erous loo= in his e5es He tried to return to the boo=2 but 9ould not The bull5's spee9h was #atherin# "o"entu" D .hat is all this F D RaCa" !5er as=ed suddenl52 in a hard tone D .hat is what F D #rowled ba9= the new9o"er2 turnin# sharpl5 on RaCa" !5er D Moderate 5our st5le a bit2D RaCa" !5er said fir"l5 D You "oderate 5ours first2' * replied the other A pause D M5 "an2D RaCa" !5er be#an endearin#l52 D this sort of thin# will ne$er do D The new9o"er re9ei$ed this in silen9e RaCa" !5er felt en9oura#ed and dro$e ho"e his "oral A DLust tr5 and be "ore 9ourteous2 it is 5our dut5 D D You "ind 5our business2D replied the new9o"er RaCa" !5er shoo= his head disappro$in#l5 and

1, 'ELLO.;'EEL!NG drawled out a D No D The new9o"er stood loo=in# out for so"e ti"e and2 as if e>pressin# a brilliant truth that had Cust dawned on hi"2 said2 D You ar9 a %rah"in2 ! see Learn2 sir2 that 5our da5s are o$er Don't thin= 5ou 9an bull5 us as 5ou ha$e been bull5in# us all these 5ears D RaCa" !5er #a$e a short lau#h and said A D .hat has it to do with 5our beastl5 9ondu9t to this #entle; "an F D

The new9o"er assu"ed a tone of "o9= hu"ilit5 and said A D Shall ! ta=e the dust fro" 5our feet2 O Hol5 %rah"in F Oh2 %rah"in2 %rah"in D He 9on; tinued in a sin#;son# fashion A D Your da5s are o$er2 "5 dear sir2 learn that ! should li=e to see 5ou tr5in# a bit of bossin# on us D D .hose "aster is who F D as=ed RaCa" !5er philosophi9all5 The new9o"er went on with no ob$ious rele$an9e A D The 9ost of "utton has #one up out of all proportion !t is nearl5 double what it used to be D D !s it F D as=ed RaCa" !5er D Yes2 and wh5 F D 9ontinued the other D %e9ause %rah"ins ha$e be#un to eat "eat and the5 pa5 hi#h pri9es to #et it se9retl5 D He then turned to the other passen#ers and added A D And we non;%rah"ins ha$e to pa5 the sa"e pri9e2 thou#h we don't 9are for the se9re95 D RaCa" !5er leaned ba9= in his seat2 re"indin# hi"self of a pro$erb whi9h said that if 5ou threw a stone into a #utter it would onl5 spurt filth in 5our fa9e D And2D said the new9o"er2 D the pri9e of "eat used to be fi$e annas per pound ! re"e"ber the da5s ?uite well !t is nearl5 twel$e annas now .h5F %e9ause the %rah"in is prepared to pa5 so

'ELLO.;'EEL!NG 11 "u9h2 if onl5 he 9an ha$e it in se9retB ! ha$e with "5 own e5es seen %rah"ins2 pu==ah %rah"ins with sa9red threads on their bodies2 9arr5in# fish under their ar"s2 of 9ourse all wrapped up in a towel As= the" what it is2 and the5 will tell 5ou that it is plantain (lantain that has life2 ! suppose H ! on9e ti9=led a fellow under the ar" and out 9a"e the bi##est fish in the "ar=et He52 %rah"in2D he said2 turnin# to RaCa" !5er2 D what did 5ou ha$e for 5our "eal this "ornin#FD D.hoF ! F D as=ed RaCa" !5er D.h5 do 5ou want to =now F D D Loo=2 sirs2D said the new9o"er to the other passen#ers2 D wh5 is he afraid to tell us what he ate this "ornin# F D And turnin# to RaCa" !5er2 D Ma5n't a "an as= another what he had for his "ornin# "eal F D D Oh2 b5 all "eans ! had ri9e2 #hee2 9urds2 brinCal soup2 fried beans D D Oh2 is that all F D as=ed the new9o"er2 with an

inno9ent loo= D Yes2D replied RaCa" !5er D !s that all F D D Yes2 how "an5 ti"es do 5ou want "e to repeat itFD D No offen9e2 no offen9e2D replied the new9o"er D Do 5ou "ean to sa5 ! a" l5in# F D as=ed RaCa" !5er D Yes2D replied the other2 D 5ou ha$e o"itted fro" 5our list a few thin#s Didn't ! see 5ou this "ornin# #oin# ho"e fro" the "ar=et with a banana2 a water banana2 wrapped up in a towel2 under 5our ar"F (ossibl5 it was so"ebod5 $er5 "u9h li=e 5ou (ossibl5 ! "istoo= the person M5 wife prepares e>9ellent soup with fish You won't be able to find the differen9e between dholl soup and fish soup Send 5our wife2

1 : 'ELLO.;'EEL!NG or the wife of the person that was e>a9tl5 li=e 5ou to "5 wife to learn soup "a=in# Hundreds of %rah"ins ha$e s"a9=ed their lips o$er the dholl soup prepared in "5 house ! a" a leper if there is a lie in an5thin# ! sa5 D D You are2D replied RaCa" !5er2 #rindin# his teeth D You are a rabid leper D D .ho" do 5ou 9all a leper H D D You H D D ! F You 9all "e a leper F D D No ! 9all 5ou a rabid leper D

D You 9all "e rabid F D the new9o"er as=ed2 stri=in# his 9hest to e"phasi@e D Me D D You are a filth5 brute2D said RaCa" !5er "ust be handed o$er to the poli9e D D %ah H D e>9lai"ed the new9o"er =now what these poli9e were D D You

D As if ! didn't

D Yes2 5ou "ust ha$e had 9ountless o99asions to =now the poli9e And 5ou will see "ore of the" 5et in 5our "iserable life2 if 5ou don't #et beaten to death li=e the street "on#rel 5ou are2D said RaCa" !5er in

#reat passion D .ith 5our foul "outh 5ou are bound to 9o"e to that end D D .hat do 5ou sa5 F D shouted the new9o"er "ena9in#l5 D .hat do 5ou sa52 5ou $ile hu"bu# F D D Shut up2D RaCa" !5er 9ried D You shut up D D Do 5ou =now to who" 5ou are tal=in# F D D .hat do ! 9are who the son of a "on#rel is F D D ! will thrash 5ou with "5 slippers2D said RaCa" !5er D ! will pulp 5ou down with an old rotten sandal2D 9a"e the repl5 D ! will =i9= 5ou2D said RaCa" !5er

'ELLO.;'EEL!NG 1D .ill 5ou F D howled the new9o"er D 3o"e on2 let us see D %oth rose to their feet si"ultaneousl5 There the5 stood fa9in# ea9h other on the floor of the 9o"part"ent RaCa" !5er was sei@ed b5 a sense of inferiorit5 The new9o"er stood nine 9lean in9hes o$er hi" He be#an to feel ridi9ulous2 short and fat2 wearin# a loose dhot and a #reen 9oat2 while the new9o"er towered abo$e hi" in his #rease;spotted =ha=i suit Out of the 9orner of his e5e he noted that the other passen#ers were waitin# ea#erl5 to see how the issue would be settled and were not in the least disposed to inter$ene D .h5 do 5ou stand as if 5our "outh was stopped with "ud F D as=ed the new9o"er D Shut up2D RaCa" !5er snapped2 tr5in# not to be i"pressed b5 the si@e of the ad$ersar5 D Your honour said that 5ou would =i9= "e2D said the new9o"er2 pretendin# to offer hi"self D .on't ! =i9= 5ou F D as=ed RaCa" !5er D Tr5 D D No2D said RaCa" !5er2 D ! will do so"ethin#

worse D

D Do it2D said the other2 throwin# forward his 9hest and pushin# up the slee$es of his 9oat RaCa" !5er re"o$ed his 9oat and rolled up his slee$es He rubbed his hands and 9o""anded suddenl5 D Stand still H D The new9o"er was ta=en aba9= He stood for a se9ond baffled RaCa" !5er #a$e hi" no ti"e to thin= .ith #reat for9e he swun# his ri#ht ar" and brou#ht it near the other's 9hee=2 but stopped it short without hittin# hi" D .ait a "inute2 ! thin= ! had better #i$e 5ou a 9han9e2D said RaCa" !5er

1 7 'ELLO.;'EEL!NG D .hat 9han9e F D as=ed the new9o"er D !t would be unfair if ! did it without #i$in# 5ou a 9han9e D D Did what F D D You stand there and it will be o$er in a fra9tion of a se9ond D D 'ra9tion of a se9ond F .hat will 5ou do F D D Oh2 nothin# $er5 9o"pli9ated2D replied RaC a" !5er non9halantl52 D nothin# $er5 9o"pli9ated ! will slap 5our ri#ht 9hee= and at the sa"e ti"e tu# 5our left ear and 5our "outh2 whi9h is now under 5our nose2 will suddenl5 find itself under 5our left ear2 and2 what is "ore2 sta5 there ! assure 5ou2 5ou won't feel an5 pain D D .hat do 5ou sa5 F D D And it will all be o$er before 5ou sa5 ' Sri Ra"a 4 D ! don't belie$e it2D said the new9o"er D .ell and #ood !5er 9arelessl5 pro$o9ation D Don't belie$e it2D said RaCa" D ! ne$er do it e>9ept under e>tre"e

D Do 5ou thin= ! a" an infant F D

D ! i"plore 5ou2 "5 "an2 not to belie$e "e Ha$e 5ou heard of a thin# 9alled Cu;Citsu F .ell2 this is a si"ple tri9= in Cu;Citsu perhaps =nown to half a do@en persons in the whole of South !ndia D D You said 5ou would =i9= "e2D said the new9o"er D .ell2 isn't this worse F D as=ed RaCa" !5er He drew a line on the new9o"er's fa9e between his left ear and "outh2 "utterin# D ! "ust ad"it 5ou ha$e a tolerabl5 #ood fa9e and round fi#ure %ut i"a#ine 5ourself #oin# about the streets with 5our "outh under 5our left ear D He 9hu9=led at the $ision D ! e>pe9t at Lalarpet station there will be a hu#e 9rowd outside our 9o"part"ent to see 5ouI + The new9o"er

'ELLO.;'EEL!NG 1+ stro=ed his 9hin thou#htfull5 RaCa" !5er 9ontinued A D ! felt it "5 dut5 to e>plain the whole thin# to 5ou beforehand ! a" not as hot headed as 5ou are ! ha$e so"e 9onsideration for 5our wife and 9hildren !t will ta=e so"e ti"e for the =ids to re9o#ni@e papa when he returns ho"e with his "outh under How "an5 9hildren ha$e 5ou F D D 'our D D And then thin= of it2D said RaCa" !5er A D You will ha$e to ta=e 5our food under 5our left ear2 and 5ou will need the assistan9e of 5our wife to drin= water She will ha$e to pour it in D D ! will #o to a do9tor2D said the new9o"er D Do #o2D replied RaCa" !5er2 D and ! will #i$e 5ou a thousand rupees if 5ou find a do9tor You "a5 tr5 e$en European do9tors D The new9o"er stood ru"inatin# with =nitted brow D Now prepare2D shouted RaCa" !5er2 D one blow on the ri#ht 9hee= ! will Cer= 5our left ear2 and 5our "outh D The new9o"er suddenl5 ran to the window and leaned far out of it RaCa" de9ided to lea$e the 9o"part"ent at Lalarpet %ut the "o"ent the train stopped at Lalarpet station2 the new9o"er #rabbed his ba# and Cu"ped out He "o$ed awa5 at a furious pa9e and al"ost =no9=ed down a 9o9onut;seller and a person 9arr5in# a tra5; load of 9oloured to5s RaCa" !5er felt it would not be ne9essar5 for hi" to #et out now He leaned throu#h the window and 9ried2 D Loo= here H D The

new9o"er turned D Shall ! =eep a seat for 5ou F D as=ed RaCa" !5er DNo2 "5 ti9=et is for Lalaipet2D the new9o"er answered and ?ui9=ened his pa9e

:< 'ELLO.;'EEL!NG The train had left Lalarpet at least a "ile behind The "ee= passen#er still sat shrun= in a 9orner of the seat RaCa" !5er loo=ed o$er his spe9ta9les and said A D Lie down if 5ou li=e 18 The "ee= passen#er pro9eeded to roll hi"self into a ball RaCa" !5er added2 D Did 5ou hear that bull5 sa5 that his ti9=et was for Lalarpet F D D Yes D D .ell2D he lied2 u he is in the fourth 9o"part"ent fro" here ! saw hi" #et into it Cust as the train started D Thou#h the "ee= passen#er was too #rateful to doubt this state"ent2 one or two other passen#ers loo=ed at RaCa" !5er s9epti9all5

7 THE .AT3HMAN THERE was still a faint splash of red on the western hori@on The wat9h"an stood on the tan= bund and too= a final sur$e5 All the people who had 9o"e for e$enin# wal=s had returned to their ho"es Not a soul an5where e>9ept that obstinate an#ler2 at the northern end2 who sat with his feet in water2 sadl5 #a@in# on his rod !t was no use botherin# about hi" A he would sit there till "idni#ht2 hopin# for a 9at9h The Talu= offi9e #on# stru9= nine The wat9h"an was satisfied that no trespassin# 9attle had snea=ed in throu#h the wire fen9in# As he turned to #o2 he saw2 about a hundred 5ards awa52 a shadow5 fi#ure "o$in# down the narrow stone steps that led to the water's ed#e He thou#ht for a se9ond that it "i#ht be a #host He dis"issed the idea2 and went up to in$esti#ate !f it was an5one 9o"e to bathe at this hour 'ro" the top step he obser$ed that it was a wo"an's for" She stooped o$er the last step and pla9ed so"ethin# on it possibl5 a letter She then stepped into =nee;deep water2 and stood there2

her hands pressed to#ether in pra5er )n"ista=able si#ns alwa5s to be followed b5 the poli9e and #rueso"e details2 brin#in# the $er5 worst possible reputation to a tan= He shouted2 D Go"e out2 there2 9o"e out of i=D The for" loo=ed up fro" the water D Don't stand :*

:6 THE .AT3HMAN there and #a@e You'll 9at9h a 9old2 9o"e up whoe$er 5ou are D He ra9ed down the steps and pi9=ed up the letter He hurriedl5 lit his la"p2 and turned its wi9=2 till it burnt bri#htl52 and held it up2 "ur; "urin# A D ! don't li=e this .h5 is e$er5one 9o"in# to the sa"e tan= F !f 5ou want to be dead2 throw 5ourself under an en#ine2D he said The li#ht fell upon the other's fa9e !t was a 5oun# #irl's2 wet with tears He felt a sudden pit5 He said2 D Sit down2 sit down and rest no2 no #o up two "ore steps and sit down Don't sit so near the water D She obe5ed He sat down on the last step between her and the water2 pla9ed the lantern on the step2 too= out a pie9e of toba99o and put it in his "outh She buried her fa9e in her hands2 and be#an to sob He felt troubled and as=ed A D .h5 don't 5ou rise and #o ho"e2 lad5 F D She sputtered throu#h her sob A D ! ha$e no ho"e in this world H D D Don't tell "e H Surel52 5ou didn't #row up with; out a ho"e all these 5ears H D said the wat9h"an D ! lost "5 "other when ! was fi$e 5ears old D she said D ! thou#ht so D replied the wat9h"an2 and added2 D and 5our father "arried a#ain and 5ou #rew up under the 9are of 5our step;"other F D D Yes2 5es2 how do 5ou =now F D she as=ed D ! a" si>t5;fi$e 5ears old2D he said and as=ed A D Did 5our step;"other trouble 5ou F D D No2 there 5ou are wron#2D is $er5 =ind to "e She has e$er sin9e "5 father died a Cust a little "one5 on hand spends it on us D the #irl said D She been loo=in# after "e few 5ears a#o She has left b5 "5 father2 and she

THE .AT3HMAN :8 The wat9h"an loo=ed at the stars2 si#hed for the dinner that he was "issin# D !t's $er5 late2 "ada"2 #o ho"e D D ! tell 5ou !'$e no ho"e D she retorted an#ril5 D Your step;"other's house is all ri#ht fro" what 5ou sa5 She is #ood to 5ou D D %ut wh5 should ! be a burden to her F .ho a" ! F D DYou are her husband's dau#hter D the wat9h; "an said2 and added2 D that is enou#h 9lai" D D No no ! won't li$e on an5bod5's 9harit5 D

D Then 5ou will ha$e to wait till the5 find 5ou a husband D She #lared at hi" in the dar= D That's what ! do not want to do ! want to stud5 and be9o"e a do9tor and earn "5 li$elihood ! don't want to "arr5 ! often 9at9h "5 "other tal=in# far into the ni#ht to her eldest son2 worr5in# about "5 future2 about "5 "arria#e ! =now the5 9annot afford to =eep "e in 9olle#e $er5 lon# now E it 9osts about twent5 rupees a "onth D D Twent5 rupees H D The wat9h"an e>9lai"ed !t was his "onth's salar5 D How 9an an5bod5 spend so "u9h for boo=s H D D Till toda52D she said2 D ! was hopin# that ! would #et a s9holarship That would ha$e sa$ed "e %ut this e$enin# the5 announ9ed E others ha$e #ot it2 not ! M5 na"e is not there D and she bro=e down

a#ain The wat9h"an loo=ed at her in surprise He 9o"prehended $er5 little of all this situation She added A D And when the5 9o"e to =now of this2 the5 will tr5 to arran#e "5 "arria#e So"eone is 9o"in# to ha$e a loo= at "e to"orrow D

:, THE .AT3HMAN D Marr5 hi" and "a5 God bless 5ou with ten

9hildren D D No2 no2D she 9ried h5steri9all5 to "arr5 ! want to stud5 D D ! don't want

The silent ni#ht was stabbed b5 her sobbin# and so"e ni#ht bird rustled the water2 and wa$elets beat upon the shore Seein# her suffer2 he found his own sorrows in life 9a"e to his "ind E how in those far;off ti"es2 in his little $illa#e ho"e an epide"i9 of 9holera laid out his father and "other and brothers on the sa"e da52 and he was the sole sur$i$or E how he was turned out of his an9estral ho"e throu#h the tri9=er5 of his father's =ins"en2 and he wandered as an orphan2 sufferin# indes9ribable hun#er and pri$ation D E$er5one has his own "iseries2D he said D !f people tried to =ill the"sel$es for ea9h one of the"2 ! don't =now how often the5 would ha$e to drown D He re"e"bered further in9idents and his $oi9e shoo= with sorrow D You are 5oun# and 5ou don't =now what sorrow is D He re"ained silent and a sob bro=e out of hi" as he said A D ! pra5ed to all the #ods in the world for a son M5 wife bore "e ei#ht 9hildren Onl5 one dau#hter li$es now2 and none of the others saw the ele$enth 5ear 2 2 D The #irl loo=ed at hi" in bewilder"ent The Talu= offi9e #on# stru9= a#ain D !t is late2 5ou had better #et up and #o ho"e D he said She replied A D ! ha$e no ho"e D He felt irritated D You are "a=in# too "u9h of nothin# You should not be obstinate D D You don't =now "5 trouble2D she said He pi9=ed up his lantern and staff and #ot up put her letter down where he found it He

D !f 5ou are #oin# to be so obstinate !'ll lea$e 5ou

THE .AT3HMAN :1 alone No one 9an bla"e "e D He paused for a "o"ent2 loo=ed at her2 and went up the steps E not a word passed between the" a#ain The "o"ent he 9a"e ba9= to dut5 ne>t "ornin#2 he hurried down the stone steps The letter la5 where he had dropped it on the pre$ious ni#ht He pi9=ed it up and #a@ed on it2 helplessl52 wishin# that it 9ould tell hi" about the fate of the #irl after he had left her He tore it up and flun# it on the water As he wat9hed

the bits float off on ripples2 he bla"ed hi"self for lea$in# her and #oin# awa5 on the pre$ious ni#ht D ! a" responsible for at least one sui9ide in this tan=2D he often re"ar=ed to hi"self He 9ould ne$er loo= at the blue e>panse of water a#ain with an eas5 "ind E$en "an5 "onths later he 9ould not be 9ertain that the re"ains of a bod5 would not 9o"e up all of a sudden D .ho =nows2 it so"eti"es happens that the bod5 #ets stu9= deep down2D he refle9ted

Years later2 one e$enin# as he stood on the bund and too= a final sur$e5 before #oin# ho"e2 he saw a 9ar draw up on the road below A "an2 a wo"an2 and three 9hildren e"er#ed fro" the 9ar and 9li"bed the bund .hen the5 approa9hed2 the wat9h"an felt a start at his heart E the fi#ure and fa9e of the wo"an see"ed fa"iliar to hi" Thou#h altered b5 5ears2 and orna"ents2 and dress2 he thou#ht that he had now re9o#ni@ed the fa9e he had on9e seen b5 the lantern li#ht He felt e>9ited at this dis9o$er5 He had nu"erous ?uestions to as= He brou#ht to#ether his pal"s and saluted her respe9tfull5 He e>pe9ted she would stop and spea= to hi" %ut she "erel5 threw

:: THE .AT3HMAN at hi" an indifferent #lan9e and passed on He stood starin# after her for a "o"ent2 baffled D (robabl5 this is so"eone elseI' he "uttered and turned to #o ho"e2 resol$in# to dis"iss the whole episode fro" his "ind

+ THE T!GER'S 3LA. THE "an;eater's dar= 9areer was ended The "en who had laid it low were the heroes of the da5 The5 were #arlanded with 9hr5santhe"u" flowers and seated on the ar9h of the hi#hest bullo9= 9art and were paraded in the streets2 i""ediatel5 followed b5 another bullo9=;drawn open 9art2 on whi9h their troph5 la5 with #la@ed e5es o$erflowin# the 9art on e$er5 side2 his tail trailin# the dust The $illa#e suspended all the nor"al a9ti$it5 for the da5 A "en2 wo"en2 and 9hildren thron#ed the hi#hwa5s2 pressin# on with the pro9ession2 e>9itedl5 tal=in# about the ti#er The ti#er had held a rei#n of terror for nearl5 fi$e 5ears2 in the $illa#es that #irt Me"pi forests .e wat9hed fas9inated this s9ene2 driftin# alon#

with the 9rowd till the Tal=ati$e Man patted us fro" behind and 9ried A D Lost in wonder H !f 5ou4e had 5our e5efull of that 9ar9ass2 9o"e aside and listen to "e D After the 9rowd sur#ed past us2 he sat us on a ro9= "ount2 under a "ar#osa tree and be#an his tale D ! was on9e 9a"pin# in &oppal2 the "ost obs9ure of all the $illa#es that lie s9attered about the Me"pi re#ion You "i#ht wonder what ! was doin# in that desolate 9orner of the Earth !'ll tell 5ou You re"e"ber !'$e often spo=en to 5ou about "5 wor= as a#ent of a soil fertili@er 9o"pan5 !t was the :-

:7 THE T!GER'S 3LA. "ost "iserable period of "5 life Twent5;fi$e da5s in the "onth2 ! had to be on the road2 $isitin# noo=s and 9orners of the 9ountr5 and populari@in# the stuff One su9h Courne5 brou#ht "e on to the $illa#e &oppal !t was not reall5 a ' $illa#e ' but Cust a 9learin# with about fort5 houses and two streets2 he""ed in b5 the Cun#le on all sides The pla9e was din#5 and depressin# .h5 our 9o"pan5 should ha$e sou#ht to rea9h a pla9e li=e this for their stuff2 ! 9an't understand The5 would not ha$e =nown of its e>isten9e but for the fa9t that it was on the railwa5 Yes2 a9tuall5 on the railwa52 so"e obs9ure bran9h;line passed throu#h this $illa#e2 thou#h "ost trains did not stop there !ts 9entre of 9i$ili@ation was its railwa5 station presided o$er b5 a porter in blue2 and an old station;"aster2 a wi@ened "an wearin# a #reen turban2 and with red and #reen fla#s alwa5s tu9=ed under his ar"s Let "e tell 5ou about the B station ' !t was not a buildin#2 but an old railwa5 9arria#e2 whi9h2 ha$in# ser$ed its ter" of life2 was depri$ed of its wheels and planted beside the railwa5 lines !t had one or two windows throu#h whi9h the station;"aster issued ti9=ets2 and spo=e to those o99asional passen#ers who turned up in this wilderness A 9on$ol$ulus 9reeper was trained o$er its entran9e A no better use 9ould be found for an e>;9arria#e D One No$e"ber "ornin# a "i>ed train put "e down at this station and puffed awa5 into the forest The station;"aster2 with the fla#s under his ar"2 be9a"e e>9ited on seein# "e He had seen so few tra$ellers arri$in# that it #a$e hi" no end of pleasure to see a new fa9e He appointed hi"self "5 host i""ediatel52 and too= "e into the e>;9o"part"ent and seated "e on a stool He said A ' E>9use "e !'ll #et off these


papers in a "inute ' He s9rawled o$er so"e brown sheets2 put the" awa5 and rose He lo9=ed up the station2 and too= "e to his ho"e a $er5 tin5 stone buildin# 9onsistin# of Cust one roo"2 a =it9hen2 and a ba9=5ard The station;"aster li$ed here with his wife and se$en 9hildren He fed "e ! 9han#ed He sent the porter alon# with "e to the $illa#e2 whi9h was nearl5 a "ile off in the interior ! #athered about "e the peasants of those fort5 houses and le9tured to the" fro" the p5ol of the head"an's house The5 listened to "e patientl52 re9ei$ed the sa"ples and "5 elaborate dire9tions for their use2 and went awa5 to their respe9ti$e o99upations2 with 95ni9al 9o""ents a"on# the"sel$es re#ardin# "5 ideas of "anurin# ! pa9=ed up and started ba9= for the station;"aster's house at dus=2 "5 throat s"artin# and "5 own words rin#in# in "5 ears Thou#h a 9ouple of trains were now passin#2 the onl5 stoppin# train would be at 1 8< on the followin# "ornin# After dinner at the station;"aster's house2 ! felt the ti"e had 9o"e for "e to lea$e A it would be indeli9ate to sta5 on2 when the entire fa"il5 was waitin# to spread their beds in the hall ! said ! would sleep on the platfor" till "5 train arri$ed 'No2 no2 these are $er5 bad parts Not li=e 5our town 'ull of ti#ers ' the station;"aster said He let "e2 as a spe9ial 9on9ession2 sleep in the ' station ' A hea$5 table2 a 9hair and a stool o99upied "ost of the spa9e in the 9o"part"ent ! pushed the" aside and "ade a little spa9e for "5self in a 9orner !'d at least ei#ht hours before "e ! laid "5self down A all =inds of hu""in# and rustlin# sounds 9a"e throu#h the still ni#ht2 and tele#raph poles and ni#ht inse9ts hu""ed2 and ba"boo bushes 9rea=ed ! #ot up2

-< THE T!GER'S 3LA. bolted the little station door and la5 down2 feelin# forlorn !t be9a"e $er5 war"2 and ! 9ouldn't sleep ! #ot up a#ain2 opened the door sli#htl5 to let in a little air2 pla9ed the 9hair a9ross the door and went ba9= to "5 bed D ! fell asleep and drea"t ! was standin# on the 9rest of a hill and wat9hin# the $alle5 below2 under a pale "oonli#ht 'ar off a line of 9at;li=e 9reatures was "o$in# a9ross the slope2 half shadows2 and ! stood loo=in# at the" ad"irin#l52 for the5 "ar9hed on with #reat ele#an9e ! was so "u9h lost in this $ision that ! hadn't noti9ed that the5 had "o$ed up2 and 9o"e b5 a windin# path ri#ht behind "e ! turned and saw that the5 were not 9at;li=e in si@e but full;#rown ti#ers ! "ade a dash to the onl5 a$ailable shelter the station roo"

DAt this point the drea" ended as the 9hair barri; 9adin# the door 9a"e hurtlin# throu#h and fell on "e ! opened "5 e5es and saw at the door a ti#er pushin# hi"self in !t was a "uddled "o"ent for "e A not bein# sure whether the drea" was 9ontinuin# or whether ! was awa=e ! at first thou#ht it was "5 friend the station;"aster who was 9o"in# in2 but "5 drea" had full5 prepared "5 "ind ! saw the thin# dearl5 a#ainst the star;lit s=52 tail wa##in#2 #rowlin#2 and abo$e all2 his terrible e5es #lea"in# throu#h the dar= ! understood that the 'ertili@er 3o"pan5 would ha$e to "ana#e without "5 le9tures fro" the followin# da5 The ti#er hi"self was rather startled b5 the noise of the 9hair2 and stood hesitatin# He saw "e ?uite 9learl5 in "5 9orner2 and he see"ed to be tellin# hi"self A ' M5 dinner is there read52 but let "e first =now what this 9latterin# noise is about + So"ehow wild ani"als are less afraid of hu"an bein#s

THE T!GER'S 3LA. -* than the5 are of pie9es of furniture li=e 9hairs and tables ! ha$e seen 9ir9us "en "ana#in# a whole "ena#erie with nothin# "ore than a 9hair God #i$es us su9h re9olle9tions in order to sa$e us at 9riti9al "o"ents E and as the ti#er stood obser$in# "e and wat9hin# the 9hair2 ! put out "5 hands and with desperate stren#th drew the table towards "e2 and also the stool ! sat with "5 ba9= to the 9orner E the table wed#ed in ni9el5 with the 9orner ! sat under it2 and the stool walled up another side .hile ! dra##ed the table down2 a lot of thin#s fell off it2 a table la"p2 a lon# =nife and pins 'ro" "5 shelter ! peeped at the ti#er2 who was also wat9hin# "e with interest E$identl5 he didn't li=e his "eal to be so 9o"pletel5 shut out of si#ht So he 9autiousl5 ad; $an9ed a step or two2 "a=in# a sort of ru"blin# noise at his throat whi9h see"ed to sha=e up the little station house M5 end was nearin# ! reall5 pitied the wo"an whose lot it was to ha$e be9o"e "5 wife D ! held up the 9hair li=e a shield2 and flourished it2 and the ti#er hesitated and fell ba9= a step or two Now on9e a#ain we spent so"e ti"e wat9hin# for ea9h other's "o$e"ents ! held "5 breath and waited The ti#er stood there fier9el5 wa$in# its tail2 whi9h so"eti"es stru9= the side walls and sent forth a thud He suddenl5 9rou9hed down without ta=in# his e5es off "e2 and s9rat9hed the floor with his daws 9 He is sharpenin# it for "e2' ! told "5self The little sha9= had alread5 a9?uired the s"ell of a @oo !t "ade "e si9= The ti#er =ept s9rat9hin# the floor with his fore;paws !t was the "ost hideous sound 5ou 9ould thin= of

DAll of a sudden he spran# up and flun# his entire wei#ht on this lot of furniture ! thou#ht it'd be

-6 THE T!GER'S 3LA. redu9ed to "at9hwood2 but fortunatel52 our railwa5s ha$e a lot of foresi#ht and 9hoose the hea$iest ti"ber for their furniture That sa$ed "e The ti#er 9ould do nothin# "ore than per9h hi"self on the roof of the table and han# down his paws A he tried to stri=e "e down2 but ! parried with the 9hair and stool The table ro9=ed under hi" ! felt s"othered A ! 9ould feel his breath on "e He sat 9o"pletel5 9o$erin# the top2 and went on shootin# his paws in "5 dire9tion He would ha$e s9ooped portions of "e out for his use2 but fortunatel5 ! sat ri#ht in the 9entre2 a hair's;breadth out of his rea9h on an5 side He "ade $i9ious sounds and wri##led o$er "5 head He 9ould ha$e =no9=ed the 9hair to one side and dra##ed "e out2 if he had 9o"e down2 but so"ehow the si#ht of the 9hair see"ed to worr5 hi" for a ti"e He preferred to be out of its rea9h This battle went on for a while2 ! 9annot sa5 how lon# A ti"e had 9o"e to a dead stop in "5 world He Cu"ped down and wal=ed about the table2 loo=in# for a #ap E ! rattled the 9hair a 9ouple of ti"es2 but $er5 soon it lost all its terror for hi" E he patted the 9hair and found that it was inoffensi$e At this dis9o$er5 he tried to hurl it aside %ut ! was too ?ui9= for hi" ! swiftl5 drew it towards "e and wed#ed it ti#ht into the ar9h of the table2 and the stool prote9ted "e on another side ! was "ore or less in a sto9=ade "ade of the le#s of furniture He sat up on his haun9h in front of "e2 wonderin# how best to #et at "e Now the 9hair2 table2 and stool had for"ed a solid blo9= with "e at their heart2 and the5 9ould withstand all his tri9=s He s9rutini@ed "5 arran#e"ent with #reat interest2 espied a #ap2 and thrust his paw in !t dan#led in "5 e5es with the 9ur$ed 9laws openin# out

THE T!GER'S 3LA. -8 towards "e ! felt $er5 an#r5 at the si#ht of it .h5 should ! allow the offensi$e to be de$eloped all in his own wa5F ! felt $er5 indi#nant The lon# =nife fro" the station;"aster's table was l5in# nearb5 ! pi9=ed it up and dro$e it in He withdrew his paw2 "addened b5 pain He Cu"ped up and nearl5 brou#ht down the roo"2 and then tried to 9ra9= to bits the entire sto9=ade He did not su99eed He on9e a#ain thrust his paw in ! e"plo5ed the lon# =nife to #ood purpose and 9ut off a di#it with the 9law on it !t

was a fi#ht to a finish between hi" and "e He returned a#ain and a#ain to the 9har#e And ! 9ut out2 let "e 9onfess2 three 9laws2 before ! had done with hi" ! had be9o"e as blood;thirst5 as he /Those 9laws2 "ounted on #old2 are han#in# around the ne9=s of "5 three dau#hters You 9an 9o"e and see the" if 5ou li=e so"eti"e 0 DAt about fi$e in the "ornin# the station;"aster and the porter arri$ed2 and inno9entl5 wal=ed in The "o"ent the5 stepped in the ti#er left "e and turned on the" The5 both ran at top speed The station;"aster flew ba9= to his house and shut the door The porter on fleet foot went up a tree2 with the ti#er halfwa5 up behind hi" Thus the5 stopped2 starin# at ea9h other till the #oods train lu"bered in after 1 8< !t hissed and whistled and bel9hed fire2 till the ti#er too= hi"self down and bolted a9ross the lines into the Cun#le DHe did not $isit these parts a#ain2 thou#h one was 9onstantl5 hearin# of his ra$a#es ! did not "eet hi" a#ain till a few "o"ents a#o when ! saw hi" ridin# in that bullo9= 9art ! instantl5 re9o#ni@ed hi" b5 his ri#ht forepaw2 where three toes and 9laws are "issin# You see"ed to be so "u9h lost in

-, THE T!GER'S 3LA. ad"iration for those people who "et the ti#er at their own 9on$enien9e2 with #un and 9o"pan52 thfrt ! thou#ht 5ou "i#ht #i$e a little 9redit to a fellow who has fa9ed the sa"e ani"al2 alone2 barehanded Hen9e this narration D .hen the Tal=ati$e Man left us we "o$ed on to the s?uare where the5 were =eepin# the troph5 in $iew and hero;worshippin# and fetin# the hunters2 who were awaitin# a lorr5 fro" the town .e pushed throu#h the 9rowd2 and be##ed to be shown the ri#ht forepaw of the ti#er So"ebod5 lowered a #as la"p Yes2 three toes were "issin#2 and a bla9= deep s9ar "ar=ed the spot The "an who 9ut it off "ust ha$e dri$en his =nife with the power of a ha""er To a ?uestion2 the hunters replied A D 3an't sa5 how it happens .e'$e "et a few instan9es li=e this !t's said that so"e forest tribes2 if the5 9at9h a ti#er 9ub2 9ut off its 9laws for so"e talis"an2 and let it #o The5 do not usuall5 =ill 9ubs D


THE 9hild was still in bed drea"in# A she was #i$en a #reen railwa5 en#ine Cust lar#e enou#h to a99o""odate her She #ot into it and dro$e it all o$er the #arden Near the Cas"ine plant she stopped it for a while2 and put her hand out of the window to plu9= flowers2 and then the en#ine too= her under the red flowers of a 9reeper han#in# o$er a wall at the end of the street And then she dro$e all b5 herself to the @oo and all the "on=e5s there wanted to ride Of 9ourse there was no roo" for all of the" She had Cust enou#h spa9e for herself and the bald doll She applied so"e hair oil and the doll be#an to ha$e su9h lon# tresses that she braided the" and put Cas"ine into the" E and she 9lothed the doll in a #reen fro9= and the doll said how ni9e it was Of 9ourse there were ba#s and ba#s of sweets s9attered all o$er the floor of the en#ine She was Cust stoopin# to pi9= up a handful of 9ho9olates when "other's $oi9e 9alled A D &utti H &utti H #et up D And &utti 9a"e out of the drea" D Get up2 it is ei#ht o'9lo9= 'B D Oh2 "other2 wh5 did 5ou disturb "e now F !t was su9h a beautiful en#ine Lust let "e sleep a#ain The doll wants to #o ho"e D D The5 will be 9o"in# now2 and 5ou "ust be read52 "5 dear And if the5 li=e 5our dan9in# the5 will #i$e 5ou so "u9h "one5 E 5ou 9an bu5 ten dolls and en#ines D B -1

-: THE (ER'ORM!NG 3H!LD D !s it true2 "other F D D 3ertainl52 dear lot of "one5 D Get up The5 will #i$e 5ou a

D %ut ! thin= 5ou will ta=e awa5 all the "one5 E and ! won't be able to bu5 what ! want D D ! pro"ise2 5ou shall ha$e all the "one52 but onl5 on 9ondition that 5ou dan9e and sin# as 5ou did in 5our s9hool the other da5 D Two people who were 9onne9ted with the fil"s had seen &utti dan9e and sin# in her s9hool and the5 were now 9o"in# to see her This was a sudden burst of #ood fortune for the fa"il5 E &utti's father was a s9hool "aster earnin# fift5 rupees a "onth and with it he had to pa5 for &utti's edu9ation2 pa5 off instal; "ents of a 9o;operati$e debt in9urred for his sister's "arria#e2 and also run the household 'or two 5ears this had been a "aCor worr5 for the fa"il52 and it

had #i$en &utti's father a per"anent loo= of harass; "ent And now in a "ost une>pe9ted "anner relief see"ed to be 9o"in# A the debt 9ould be ti9=ed off E the pie9es of Ceweller5 pled#ed with a ban=er 9ould be released and &utti's "other 9ould on9e a#ain hold up her head before her friends D How "u9h are 5ou #oin# to de"and F D she often as=ed her husband and was told A D At least ten thousand rupees2 not an annas less D At nine o'9lo9= the fil" people arri$ed One of the" was elderl5 and wore dia"ond rin#s on his fin#ers2 and the other was s"art2 and wore a tweed suit and ri"less #lasses E the5 too= the two ri9=ett5 9hairs offered to the" b5 &utti's father The5 loo=ed too i"posin# in this hu"ble ho"e E the roof see"ed to be 9oinin# down and tou9hin# their heads the5 #a$e su9h an i"pression of bein# hi#h and stoopin#

THE (ER'ORM!NG 3H!LD -The5 spent a few "inutes in inanities and then the s"art "an said2 loo=in# at his wat9h A D .e'$e not "u9h ti"e to spare .ill 5ou 9all up the 9hild F D &utti 9a"e into the hall2 dressed for the o99asion b5 her "other A her hair was plaited ti#ht and had flowers E she wore a 9he?uered sil= s=irt2 and a #reen Ca9=et2 and had a $er"ilion dot on her forehead Her father loo=ed at her with pride The elderl5 "an held out a pa9=et of 9ho9olates &utti hesitated2 loo=in# at her father for per"ission The elderl5 "an #ot up and thrust it in her hand and as=ed2 D Do 5ou li=e 9ine"as2 9hild F D D No2D &utti replied pro"ptl52 leanin# on her father's =nees D.h5 notFD D %e9ause the5 are so dar=2D replied &utti The s"art "an was $iewin# her #estures and "o$e"ents 9riti9all5 He said as if tal=in# in a drea" A D !'d li=e to see her in a fro9= E and her hair to be untied This old;fashioned dressin# "a=es her loo= older than she reall5 is 3an't 5ou put her into a fro9= nowFD D Now F D as=ed father in 9onsternation2 and told his dau#hter A D Get into a fro9=2 &utti2 and undo 5our hair D D Let it fall down on 5our ne9=2D said the s"art "an &utti loo=ed sullen

D And where will the flowers be F D she as=ed "ust =eep the flowers D D All ri#ht2 let 5our hair alone2 a fro9= D D ! li=e this s=irt2D said &utti D 4er5 well E don't worr5 no$ it later2D said the s"art "an

D !

-7 THE (ER'ORM!NG 3H!LD D .ill 5ou sin# the pie9e 5ou san# in 5our s9hool the other da52 and dan9e F D DNo2D said &utti D!'$e for#otten elderl5 "an fu"bled in his po9=et another pie9e of 9ho9olate D And that son# and 5ou 9an ha$e this D her father it D The and brou#ht out now bab52 #i$e us &utti loo=ed at

D Go on2 sin#2D he said2 whi9h "eant to her b5 i"pli9ation D Yes2 5ou "a5 a99ept the 9ho9olate D Her "other's $oi9e said fro" an inner roo" A D Go on2 &utti2 be a #ood #irl D And &utti opened her "outh and her shrill $oi9e san# an in$itation to Lord &rishna Her e5es dan9ed as if the5 beheld &rishna before the" E her ar"s be9=oned hi"2 and her feet were tre"ulous E with e$er5 "us9le in her bod5 she enri9hed the son# She was a born dan9er2 a born a9tress She 9ould 9onCure up with her $oi9e2 e>pression2 and "o$e"ent2 a $ision for others 'or a "o"ent that hu"ble roo"2 with its ri9=ett5 9hairs2 and fadin# prints of #ods in fra"es2 and dust5 floor2 a9?uired the at"osphere of a fair5;land for the #ods to 9o"e and #o A &rishna2 an en9hantin# bab52 toddled up and re$ealed the uni$erse in his "outh when his "other loo=ed in to see if he had put an5thin# in his "outh E and then when #rown up2 the leader of a #an# of disreputable 5oun#sters =eepin# the nei#hbourhood in tantru"s E and then the di$ine lo$er wrin#in# the heart of#opis and he $anished abruptl52 the fair5 hall $anished2 and the fadin# prints in fra"es2 and the ri9=ett5 9hairs 9a"e into $iew a#ain when &utti's $oi9e 9eased She too= breath and loo=ed around at her audien9e The s"art "an spran# forward2 too= her in his ar"s2 =issed her2 hu##ed her and would not put her downB


He said to his 9o"panion A D This is a "ar$ellous 9hild2 Cust the =id for the pi9ture ! shall refuse to #o on with 5our pi9ture unless 5ou ta=e in this =id2 understand F D D 3ertainl52 9ertainl5 D D .e are #oin# now2 and 9o"in# ba9= at about four in the afternoon2 and if 5ou don't "ind ! would li=e to ta=e the =id to the studio and test her before a 9a"era and "i=e D As the5 were lea$in#2 the elderl5 "an said to &utti's father A D .e li=e 5our 9hild $er5 "u9h ! hope she will be fa"ous $er5 soon !f 5ou are free2 ! would li=e to ha$e a word with 5ou in the e$enin# D The whole da5 the husband and wife 9ould thin= and tal= of nothin# but their 9hild E>isten9e had a9?uired a sudden s"oothness and ri9hness D ! suppose this is how the ri9h people feel2D said &utti's father D No "ort#a#es2 no debts2 "one5 for e$er5thin# See here2 "5 #irl2 ! "a5 e$en throw up this dirt5 wor= and do so"ethin# else After this pi9ture the bab5 will be in de"and e$er5where ! will bu5 a house for her in the e>tension D D Don't fail to #i$e her the en#ine she is as=in# for2 and the doll the bald doll A #irl has one in her s9hool and &utti has been 9r5in# for it ni#ht and da5 !t see"s that it 9osts about si> rupees D D Let it 9ost si>t5 rupees The 9hild 9an ha$e it D .h5 should we 9are F

&utti was dressed and read5 at three o'9lo9= Her "other had ta=en 9are to lea$e her hair free E and put her into a fro9= &utti was furious D ! hate this fro9=2 "other E wh5 do 5ou put "e into this dirt5 fro9= F D She said tu##in# her hair A D ! want to

7o THE (ER'ORM!NG 3H!LD ha$e this tied up You understand F ! don't 9are2 ! don't 9are D Her "other 9al"ed her2 and she went out to pla5 in the ba9=5ard D Ta=e 9are that 5ou don't "a=e 5ourself dirt52D said her "other At four o'9lo9= when the fil" people arri$ed &utti's father went to the ba9=5ard to fet9h her She was not to be seen He as=ed his wife A D .here is &utti F D

D She was in the ba9=5ard She "a5 be in the ne>t house ! will see D She returned a few "inutes later D She is not in that house2 nor in the ne>t one .here 9ould she ha$e #one F D The s"art "an waited for fifteen "inutes and then said A D .e will be in the studio As soon as 5ou find the 9hild2 will 5ou brin# her o$er F D D Yes2D said &utti's father Then be#an a sear9h for &utti Her "other wandered up and down the street E her father went to her s9hool An hour later the5 be9a"e desperate The5 had loo=ed into e$er5 9orner of the house2 9alled D &utti2 &utti2D a s9ore of ti"es and had #one and en?uired in e$er5 possible pla9e Mother be9a"e h5steri9al2 threw herself on the floor and be#an to 9r5 E father stood in the doorwa5 9o"pletel5 beaten b5 the "5ster5 His wife's despair affe9ted hi" He hi"self wondered if an5bod5 had =idnapped the 9hild Su9h thin#s were 9o""on (eople were =nown to #i$e dru##ed sweets to 9hildren and 9arr5 the" awa5 He told his wife2 D !'ll be ba9= in a "o"ent2D and went out to ha$e a tal= with his friends in the poli9e station Lon# after he was #one2 his wife after a spas" of weepin# #ot up She loo=ed a#ain into e$er5 9orner of e$er5 roo" At last she noti9ed a sli#ht stirrin# in a linen bas=et =ept in an ante;roo" She opened the lid and loo=ed in &utti was 9urled up

THE (ER'ORM!NG 3H!LD 7* at its dar= botto" with her unbraided hair 9o$erin# her fa9e D &utti H &utti H D the "other s9rea"ed2 and ro9=ed the bas=et The 9hild didn't stir The "other di$ed into it and brou#ht out the 9hild She 9arried her in her ar"s and ran out of the house2 down the street D M5 9hild is dead2 ta=e "e to a do9tor2D she wailed So"eone too= pit5 on her2 and put her into a Cut=a and too= her to the hospital The do9tor felt her pulse and heart2 and said2 D She has onl5 swooned E 5ou'$e not been a "inute too soon E don't #et e>9ited She will be all ri#ht D He laid the 9hild on a table !n an hour &utti sat up and lo9=ed her ar"s around her "other's ne9= Mother 9ried with Co5 E and too= her in her ar"s On the .a5 ho"e "other as=ed A D .hat "ade 5ou #et into the bas=et2 9hild F D &utti paused for a while2 and as=ed with pu9=ered brow A D Are those people #one F D D .ho F D

D The 9ine"a "en D D Yes D D Mother2 if the5 e$er 9o"e to our house a#ain2 ! will #et into the bas=et on9e "ore and ne$er 9o"e out of it D Mother hu##ed her 9lose and said2 D Don't fear ! will see that the5 don't trouble 5ou e$er an5 "ore D

** !S.ARAN .HEN the whole of the student world in Mal#udi was 9on$ulsed with e>9ite"ent2 on a 9ertain e$enin# in Lune when the !nter"ediate E>a"ina; tion results were bein# e>pe9ted2 !swaran went about his business2 loo=in# $er5 un9on9erned and deta9hed ' He had earned the reputation of ha$in# a#ed in the !nter"ediate 3lass He entered the !nter"ediate 3lass in Albert Mission 3olle#e as a 5oun#ster2 with faint down on his upper lip Now he was still there2 his fi#ure had #rown brawn5 and athleti92 and his 9hin had be9o"e tanned and leather5 So"e people e$en said that 5ou 9ould see #re5 hairs on his head The first ti"e when he failed2 his parents s5"pathi@ed with hi"2 the se9ond ti"e also he "ana#ed to #et their s5"pathies2 and subse?uentl5 the5 #rew "ore 9riti9al and unsparin#2 and after repeated failures the5 lost all interest in his e>a"ination He was often told b5 his parents2 D .h5 don't 5ou dis9ontinue 5our studies2 and tr5 to do so"ethin# useful F D He alwa5s pleaded2 D Let "e ha$e this one last 9han9eI' He 9lun# to uni$ersit5 edu9ation with a fero9ious de$otion And now the whole town was a#o# with the e>pe9tation of the results in the e$enin# %o5s "o$ed about the street in #roups E and on the sands of 7B

!S.ARAN 78 Sara5u the5 sat in 9lusters2 ner$ousl5 s"ilin# and bitin# their fin#er nails Others hun# about the #ates of the senate hall starin# an>iousl5 at the walls behind whi9h a "eetin# was #oin# on

As "u9h as the bo5s2 if not "ore2 the parents were a#itated2 e>9ept !swaran's2 who2 when the5 heard their nei#hbours dis9ussin# their son's possible future results2 re"ar=ed with a si#h A D No su9h worr5 for !swaran His results are fa"ous and =nown to e$er5one in ad$an9e D !swaran said fa9etiousl52 D ! ha$e2 perhaps2 passed this ti"e2 father2 who =nows F ! did stud5 ?uite hard D DYou are the #reatest opti"ist in !ndia at the "o"ent E but for this obstinate hope 5ou would ne$er ha$e appeared for the sa"e e>a"ination e$er5 5ear D D ! failed onl5 in Lo#i92 $er5 narrowl52 last 5ear2D he defended hi"self At whi9h the whole fa"il5 lau#hed D !n an5 9ase2 wh5 don't 5ou #o and wait alon# with the other bo5s2 and loo= up 5our results F D his "other as=ed D Not at all ne9essar52D !swaran replied D !f ! pass the5 will brin# ho"e the news Do 5ou thin= ! saw "5 results last 5ear F ! spent "5 ti"e in a 9ine"a ! sat throu#h two shows 9onse9uti$el5 D He hu""ed as he went in for a wash before dressin# to #o out He 9o"bed his hair with deliberate 9are2 the "ore so be9ause he =new e$er5bod5 loo=ed on hi" as a sort of an out9ast for failin# so often He =new that behind hi" the whole fa"il5 and the town were lau#hin# He felt that the5 re"ar=ed a"on# the"sel$es that washin#2 9o"bin# his hair2 and puttin# on a well;ironed 9oat2 were lu>uries too far abo$e his state He was a failure and had no ri#ht to su9h

7, !S.ARAN lu>uries He was treated as a sort of thi9=;s=inned idiot %ut he did not 9are He answered their attitude b5 beha$in# li=e a desperado He swun# his ar"s2 strode up and down2 bra##ed and shouted2 and went to a 9ine"a %ut all this was onl5 a "as= )nder it was a 9reature hopelessl5 seared b5 failure2 desperatel5 lon#in# and pra5in# for su99ess On the da5 of the results he was2 inwardl52 in a tre"blin# suspense D Mother2D he said as he went out2 D don't e>pe9t "e for dinner toni#ht ! will eat so"ethin# in a hotel and sit throu#h both the shows at the (ala9e Tal=ies D E"er#in# fro" 4ina5a= Street2 he saw a #roup of bo5s "o$in# up the Mar=et Road towards the 3olle#e So"eone as=ed A D !swaran2 9o"in# up to see the results FD

D Yes2 5es2 presentl5 %ut now ! ha$e to be #oin# on an ur#ent business D D .here F D D(ala9e Tal=ies D At this all the bo5s lau#hed D You see" to =now 5our result alread5 Do 5ou F D D ! do Otherwise do 5ou thin= ! would be 9elebratin# it with a pi9ture F D D .hat is 5our nu"ber F D D Se$en Ei#ht 'i$e2D he said2 #i$in# the first set of nu"bers that 9a"e to his head The #roup passed on Co=in# A D .e =now 5ou are #oin# to #et a first;9lass this ti"e D He sat in a far;off 9orner in the four;anna 9lass He loo=ed about A not a sin#le student in the whole theatre All the students of the town were near the Senate House2 waitin# for their results !swaran felt $er5 unhapp5 to be the onl5 student in the whole theatre So"ehow fate see"ed to ha$e isolated hi"

!S.ARAN 71 fro" his fellow;bein#s in e$er5 respe9t He felt $er5 depressed and unhapp5 He felt an utter distaste for hi"self Soon the li#hts went out and the show started a Ta"il fil" with all the =nown #ods in it He soon lost hi"self in the politi9s and stru##les of #ods and #oddesses E he sat rapt in the $ision of a hea$enl5 world whi9h so"e fil" dire9tor had 9hosen to present This feli9it5 of for#etfulness lasted but half an hour Soon the heroine of the stor5 sat on a low bran9h of a tree in paradise and wouldn't "o$e out of the pla9e She sat there sin#in# a son# for o$er half an hour This portion tired !swaran2 and now there returned all the old pains and #loo" D Oh2 lad52D !swaran appealed D Don't add to "5 troubles2 please "o$e on D As if she heard this appeal the lad5 "o$ed off2 and bri#hter thin#s followed A battle2 a delu#e2 so"ebod5 droppin# headlon# fro" 9loudland2 and so"ebod5 9o"in# up fro" the bed of an o9ean2 a rain of fire2 a rain of flowers2 people d5in#2 people risin# fro" #ra$es2 and so on All =inds of thrills o99urred on that white s9reen be5ond the pall of toba99o s"o=e The 9ontinuous babble on and off the s9reen2 "usi9 and shoutin#2 the 9r5 of pedlars sellin# soda2 the unrestrained 9o""ents of the spe9tators all this din and 9o""otion helped !swaran to for#et the senate house and student life for a few hours The show ended at ten o'9lo9= in the ni#ht A

9rowd was waitin# at the #ate for the ni#ht show !swaran wal=ed a9ross to DAnanda %ha$anD a restaurant opposite to the (ala9e Tal=ies The proprietor2 a #enial %o"ba5 "an2 was a friend of his and 9ried A D !shwar Sab2 the results were announ9ed toda5 .hat about 5ours F D

7: !S.ARAN D ! did not write an5 e>a"ination this 5ear2D !swaran said D .h52 wh52 ! thou#ht 5ou did pa5 5our e>a"ination fees H D !swaran lau#hed D You are ri#ht ! ha$e passed "5 !nter"ediate Cust this e$enin# D D Ah2 how $er5 #ood How 9le$er 5ou "ust be H !f 5ou pra5 to Hanu"an he will alwa5s brin# 5ou su99ess .hat are 5ou #oin# to do ne>t F D D ! will #o to a hi#her 9lass2 that is all2D !swaran said He ordered a few titbits and 9offee and rose to #o As he paid his bill and wal=ed out2 the hotel proprietor said2 D Don't lea$e "e out when 5ou are #i$in# a dinner to 9elebrate 5our su99ess D !swaran a#ain pur9hased a ti9=et and went ba9= to the pi9ture On9e "ore all the strifes and stru##les and intri#ues of #ods were repeated before hi" He was on9e a#ain lost in it .hen he saw on the s9reen so"e 5oun# "en of his a#e sin#in# as the5 sported in the waters of so"e distant hea$en2 he said D .ell "i#ht 5ou do it2 bo5s ! suppose2 5ou ha$e no e>a"; ination where 5ou are D And he was sei@ed with a lon#in# to belon# to that world Now the leadin# lad5 sat on the low bran9h of a tree and started sin#in# and !swaran lost interest in the pi9ture He loo=ed about for the first ti"e He noti9ed2 in the se"i;dar=ness2 se$eral #roups of bo5s in the hall happ5 #roups He =new that the5 "ust all ha$e seen their results2 and 9o"e now to 9elebrate their su99ess There were at least fift5 He =new that the5 "ust be a happ5 and #a5 lot2 with their lips red with 9hewin# betel lea$es He =new that all of the" would fo9us their attention on hi" the "o"ent li#hts went up The5 would all ra# hi" about his

!S.ARAN 7results all the old tedious Co=in# o$er a#ain2 and all

the tireso"e pose of a desperado He felt thorou#hl5 si9= of the whole business He would not stand an5 "ore of it the "irthful fa9es of these "en of su99ess and their leer He was 9ertain the5 would all loo= on hi" with the feelin# that he had no business to see= the pleasure of a pi9ture on that da5 He "o$ed on to a "ore obs9ure 9orner of the hall He loo=ed at the s9reen2 nothin# there to 9heer hi" A the leadin# lad5 was still there2 and he =new she would 9ertainl5 sta5 there for the ne>t twent5 "inutes sin#in# her "asterpie9e He was o$er9o"e with deCe9tion He rose2 silentl5 ed#ed towards the e>it2 and was out of the theatre in a "o"ent He felt a loathin# for hi"self after seein# those su99essful bo5s D ! a" not fit to li$e A fellow who 9annot pass an e>a"ination D This idea de$eloped in his "ind a #lorious solution to all diffi9ulties Die and #o to a world where there were 5oun# "en free fro" e>a"ination who sported in lotus pools in paradise No bothers2 no dis#ustin# Senate House wall to #a@e on hopelessl52 5ear after 5ear This solution suddenl5 brou#ht hi" a feelin# of relief He felt li#hter He wal=ed a9ross to the hotel The hotel "an was about to rise and #o to bed D SaitCi2D !swaran said D (lease for#i$e "5 troublin# 5ou now Gi$e "e a pie9e of paper and pen9il ! ha$e to note down so"ethin# ur#entl5 D D So late as this2D said the hotel "an and #a$e hi" a slip of paper and a pen9il stub !swaran wrote down a "essa#e for his father2 folded the slip2 and pla9ed it 9arefull5 in the inner po9=et of his 9oat He returned the pen9il and stepped out of the hotel He had onl5 the stret9h of the Ra9e 3ourse Road2

77 !S.ARAN and turnin# to his ri#ht2 half the Mar=et Road to tra$erse2 and then Ella"an Street2 and then Sara5u !ts dar= swirlin# waters would 9lose on hi" and end all his "iseries D ! "ust lea$e this letter in "5 9oat po9=et and re"e"ber to lea$e "5 9oat on the ri$er step2D he told hi"self He was soon out of Ella"an Street His feet plou#hed throu#h the sands of the ri$er ban= He 9a"e to the ri$er steps2 re"o$ed his 9oat bris=l52 and went down the steps D Oh2 God2D he "uttered with folded hands2 loo=in# up at his stars D !f ! 9an't pass an e>a"ination e$en with a tenth atte"pt2 what is the use of "5 li$in# and dis#ra9in# the world F D His feet were in water He loo=ed o$er his shoulder at the 9luster of uni$ersit5 buildin#s There was a li#ht burnin# in the por9h of the Senate House !t was

nearin# "idni#ht !t was a ?uarter of an hour's wal= .h5 not wal= a9ross and ta=e a last Loo= at the results board F !n an5 9ase he was #oin# to die2 and wh5 should he shir= and tre"ble before the board He 9a"e out of the water and went up the steps2 lea$in# his 9oat behind2 and he wal=ed a9ross the sand So"ewhere a ti"e #on# stru9= twel$e2 stars spar=led o$erhead2 the ri$er flowed on with a "ur"ur E and "is9ellaneous ni#ht sounds e"anated fro" the bushes on the ban= A 9old wind blew on his wet2 sand;9o$ered feet He entered the Senate por9h with a defiant heart D ! a" in no fear of an5thin# here2D he "uttered The Senate House was deserted2 not a sound an5where The whole buildin# was in dar=ness2 e>9ept the stair9ase landin# where a lar#e bulb was burnin# And noti9e;boards hun# on the wall His heart palpitated as he stood tiptoe to s9an the results %5 the li#ht of the bulb he s9rutini@ed the

!S.ARAN 7+ nu"bers His throat went dr5 He loo=ed throu#h the nu"bers of people who had passed in Third; Glass His own nu"ber was 1<* The su99essful nu"ber before hi" was ,+72 and after that -<8 DSo ! ha$e a few friends on either side2D he said with a for9ed "irth He had a wild hope as he approa9hed the senate hall that so"ehow his nu"ber would ha$e found a pla9e in the list of su99essful 9andidates He had spe9ulated how he should feel after that He would rush ho"e2 and de"and that the5 ta=e ba9= all their 9o""ents with apolo#ies %ut now after #a@in# at the noti9e;board for ?uite a while the #ri" realit5 of his failure dawned on hi"2 his nu"ber was nowhere D The ri$er D he said He felt desolate li=e a 9onde"ned "an who had a sudden but false pro"ise of reprie$e D The ri$er2D !swaran "uttered D ! a" #oin#2D he told the noti9e; board2 and "o$ed a few steps D ! ha$en't seen how "an5 ha$e obtained honours D He loo=ed at the noti9e;board on9e a#ain He #a@ed at the top 9olu"ns of the results 'irst 9lasses 9uriousl5 enou#h a fellow with nu"ber one se9ured a first;9lass2 and si> others D Good fellows2 wonder how the5 "ana#e it H D he said with ad"iration His e5es tra$elled down to se9ond 9lasses it was in two lines startin# with +7 There were about fifteen He loo=ed fi>edl5 at ea9h nu"ber before #oin# on to the ne>t He 9a"e to 81<2 after that ,<<2 and after that 1<* and then :<< D 'i$e Nou#ht One in Se9ond;Glass H 3an it be true F D he shrie=ed He loo=ed at the nu"ber a#ain and a#ain Yes2 there it was He had obtained a se9ond;9lass D !f this is true ! shall sit in the % A

9lass ne>t "onth2D he shouted His $oi9e ran# throu#h the silent buildin# D ! will fla5 ali$e an5one who

+< !S.ARAN 9alls "e a fool hereafter D he pro9lai"ed He felt sli#htl5 #idd5 He leant a#ainst the wall Years of strain and suspense were suddenl5 rela>ed E and he 9ould hardl5 bear the for9e of this release %lood ra9ed alon# his $eins and hea$ed and =no9=ed under his s=ull He steadied hi"self with an effort He softl5 hu""ed a tune to hi"self He felt he was the sole o99upant of the world and its o$erlord He thu"ped his 9hest and addressed the noti9e;board A D &now who ! a" F D He stro=ed an i"a#inar5 "ousta9he arro#antl52 lau#hed to hi"self2 and as=ed2 D !s the horse read52 #roo" F D He threw a super9ilious side #lan9e at the noti9e;board and strutted out li=e a =in# He stood on the last step of the por9h and loo=ed for his steed He waited for a "inute and 9o""anded2 D 'ool2 brin# the horse nearer Do 5ou hear F D The horse was brou#ht nearer He "ade a "o$e"ent as if "ountin# and whipped his horse into a fur5 His $oi9e ran# throu#h the dar= ri$er side2 ur#in# the horse on He swun# his ar"s and ran alon# the sands He shouted at the top of his $oi9e E D &eep off E the =in# is 9o"in# E whoe$er 9o"es his wa5 will be tra"pled D D ! ha$e fi$e hundred and one horses2D he spo=e to the ni#ht The nu"ber stu9= in his "ind and =ept 9o"in# up a#ain and a#ain He ran the whole len#th of the ri$er ban= up and down So"ehow this did not satisf5 hi" D (ri"e Minister2D he said D This horse is no #ood %rin# "e the other fi$e hundred and one horses2 the5 are all in se9ond;9lasses D He #a$e a =i9= to the horsft whi9h he and dro$e it off 4er5 soon the (ri"e brou#ht hi" another horse He "ounted di#nit52 and said2 D This is better D had been ridin# Minister it with Now he #alloped

!S.ARAN +* about on his horse !t was a stran#e si#ht !n the di" star li#ht2 alone at that hour2 "a=in# a tap;tap with his ton#ue to i"itate #allopin# hoofs .ith one hand swin#in# and tu##in# the reins2 and with the other stro=in# his "ousta9he defiantl5 he ur#ed the horse on and on until it attained the speed of a stor" He felt li=e a 9on?ueror as the air rushed about hi" Soon he 9rossed the whole stret9h of sand He 9a"e

to the water's ed#e2 hesitated for a "o"ent and whispered to his horse A D Are 5ou afraid of water F You "ust swi" a9ross2 otherwise ! will ne$er pa5 fi$e nou#ht one rupees for 5ou D He felt the horse "a=e a leap Ne>t afternoon his bod5 9a"e up at a spot about a ?uarter of a "ile down the 9ourse of the ri$er Mean; while so"e persons had alread5 pi9=ed up the 9oat left on the step2 and dis9o$ered in the inner po9=et the slip of paper with the ins9ription A D M5 dear father A %5 the ti"e 5ou see this letter ! shall be at the botto" of Sara5u ! don't want to li$e Don't worr5 about "e You ha$e other sons who are not su9h dun9es as ! a" D

*6 THE E4EN!NG G!'T HE had a "ost 9urious o99upation in life Ha$in# failed in e$er5 effort he had to a99ept it with #ratitude and enthusias" E he re9ei$ed thirt5 rupees a "onth for it He li$ed on fifteen rupees in a 9heap hotel2 where he was #i$en a sort of bun= on the loft2 with rafters tou9hin# his head He sa$ed fifteen rupees for pa5in# off the fa"il5 loan in the $illa#e in9urred o$er his sister's "arria#e He added a rupee or two to his in9o"e b5 fillin# "one5 order for"s and post;9ards for unlettered $illa#ers2 who" he "et on the post offi9e $eranda %ut his "ain wor= was $er5 odd His business 9onsisted in =eepin# a wealth5 drun=ard 9o"pan5 This wealth5 "an wanted so"e one to 9he9= his drin= after nine in the e$enin#2 and ta=e hi" ho"e San=ar's ph5si?ue ?ualified hi" for this tas= D Don't hesitate to use for9e on "e if ne9essar52D his e"plo5er had told hi" %ut it was ne$er done San=ar did all that he 9ould b5 persuasion and it was a ?uite fa"iliar si#ht at the Oriental 3afe %ar the wran#lin# #oin# on between the e"plo5er and his ser$ant %ut San=ar with a "ar#in of fi$e "inutes alwa5s su99eeded in wrestin# the #entle"an fro" his 9ups and pushin# hi" into his 9ar On the followin# "ornin# he was as=ed A D .hat ti"e did we rea9h ho"e last ni#ht F D D Nine fifteen2 sir D D Did 5ou ha$e "u9h trouble F D +B


DNo2 D Nine fifteen H $er5 #ood2 $er5 #ood !'" #lad On no a99ount should 5ou let "e sta5 on be5ond nine2 e$en if ! a" in 9o"pan5 D D Yes2 sir D D You "a5 #o now2 and be sure to be ba9= in the e$enin# in ti"e D That finished his "ornin# dut5 He went ba9= to his #arret2 slept part of the da52 loitered about post offi9es2 9ourts2 et9 2 and returned to wor= at si> o'9lo9= D 3o"e on2D said his e"plo5er who waited for hi" on the $eranda2 and San=ar #ot into the front seat of the 9ar and the5 dro$e off to the Oriental 3afe Toda5 he was in a depressed state2 he felt si9= of his profession2 the perpetual 9aColin# and bull5in#2 the 9o"pan5 of a drun=ard He nearl5 "ade up his "ind to throw up this wor= and #o ba9= to the $illa#e A nostal#ia for his ho"e and people sei@ed hi" D ! don't 9are what happens2 ! will #et ba9= ho"e and do so"ethin# else to earn this "one5 D On top of this "ood a letter fro" ho"e A D Send a hundred rupees i""ediatel5 Last date for "ort#a#e instal; "ent Otherwise we shall lose our house D He was appalled H .here 9ould he find the "one5 F .hat was the wa5 out F He 9ursed his lot "ore than e$er He sat for a lon# ti"e thin=in# of a wa5 out D Our #ood old ho"e H Let it #o if it is to #o D !t was their last possession in this world !f it went2 his "other2 brothers2 and his little sister would ha$e to wander about without a roof o$er their heads %ut 9ould he find a hundred rupees F .hat did the5 "ean b5 puttin# it off till the last "o"entF He 9ursed his lot for bein# the eldest son of a troubled fa"il5

+, THE E4EN!NG G!'T He swun# into dut5 as usual He held the 9urtain apart for his "aster as he entered the 9ubi9le He pressed a bell He "i#ht be a "a9hine2 doin# this thin# for thirt5 da5s in the "onth for nearl5 twel$e "onths now The waiter appeared No tal= was ne9essar5 San=ar nodded The waiter went awa5

and returned a few "inutes later with an unopened flat bottle2 a soda2 and a #lass tu"bler E pla9ed these on the table and withdrew D %rin# this "aster a le"on s?uash2D the #entle"an said D No2 sir D San=ar would repl5 E this ritual was repeated e$er5 da5 Now San=ar's business would be to pour out a "easure of drin= into the tu"bler2 push it up2 and pla9e the soda near at hand2 #o out on to the $eranda2 and read a newspaper there /with the flat bottle in his po9=et02 and sta5 there till he was 9alled in a#ain to fill the #lass %5 about ten to nine the last oun9e of drin= would be poured out2 and San=ar would sit down opposite to his "aster instead of #oin# out to the $eranda This was a sort of warnin# bell D .h5 do 5ou sit here F Go to the $eranda D D ! li=e this pla9e2 sir2 and ! will sit here D D !t is not ti"e for 5ou to 9o"e in 5et D DLust ten "inutes "ore2 sir D D Nonsense !t is Cust se$en o'9lo9= D

D About two hours a#o D D You people see" to turn up the 9lo9= Cust as 5ou li=e let "e see how "u9h is left in the bottle D DNothin#2D San=ar said2 holdin# up the bottle D The last drop was poured out D He held up the bottle and the other be9a"e furious at the si#ht of it D ! thin=2D he said with deep suspi9ion2 D there is

THE E4EN!NG G!'T +1 so"e underhand transa9tion #oin# on ! don't =now what 5ou ha$e been doin# in the $eranda with the bottle D San=ar learnt not to answer these 9har#es As the 9lo9= stru9= nine2 he tapped the other's shoulder and said2 D (lease finish 5our drin= and #et up2 sir D D.hat do 5ou "ean b5 it F !'" not #ettin# up .ho are 5ou to order "e F D

San=ar had to be fir"

D Loo= here2 don't 5ou be a fool and i"a#ine ! a" tal=in# in drin= ! a" dead sober lea$e "e alone D San=ar persisted D ! dis"iss 5ou toda52 5ou are no lon#er in "5 ser$i9e ! don't want a disobedient fool for a 9o"; panion2 #et out D )suall5 San=ar sat throu#h it without repl5in#2 and when the drin= was finished he #entl5 pulled the other up and led the wa5 to the 9ar2 and the other followed2 s9owlin# at hi" with red e5es and abusin# hi" wildl5 Toda5 when his e"plo5er said2 D ! dis"iss 5ou2 #et out this "inute D San=ar replied2 D How 9an 5ou dis"iss "e all of a sudden H Must ! star$e F D D No ! will #i$e 5ou four "onths' salar5 if 5ou #et out this "o"ent D San=ar thou#ht o$er it D Don't sit there Ma=e up 5our "ind ?ui9=l5 D

said his "aster One hundred and twent5 rupees H twent5 rupees "ore than the debt He 9ould lea$e for his $illa#e and #i$e the 9ash personall5 to his "other2 and lea$e his future to God He brushed aside this $ision2 shoo= his head and said A D No2 sir You ha$e #ot to #et up now2 sir D D Get out of "5 ser$i9e D shouted his "aster He ran# the be)

and shouted for the waiter2 D Get "e another D San=ar protested to the waiter 9ried his "aster D Get out of here D

D You thin= !'" spea=in# in drin=

+: THE E4EN!NG G!'T ! don't want 5ou ! 9an loo= after "5self !f 5ou don't lea$e "e2 ! will tell the waiter to ne9= 5ou out D San=ar stood baffled D Now2 5oun# "an

D He too= out his wallet A D .hat is 5our salar5 F D D Thirt5 rupees2 sir D D Here's 5our four;"onths' Ta=e it and be off ! ha$e so"e business "eetin# here2 and ! will #o ho"e

Cust when ! li=e2 there is the 9ar D He held out a hundred;rupee note and two tens Mort#a#e instal; "ent How 9an ! ta=e itF A 9onfli9t ra#ed in San=ar's "ind2 and he finall5 too= the "one5 and said A D Than= 5ou $er5 "u9h2 sir D D Don't "ention it D D You are $er5 =ind D DLust ordinar5 dut52 that is all M5 prin9iple is B Do unto others as 5ou would be done b5 others ' is "5 prin9iple is do You need not 9o"e in the "ornin# !'$e no need for 5ou ! had 5ou onl5 as a te"porar5 arran#e"ent !'ll put in a word for 5ou if an5 friend wants a 9ler= or so"ethin# of the sort D D Good;b5e2 sir D D Good;b5e D He was #one The #entle"an loo=ed after hi" with satisfa9tion2 "utterin# A D M5 prin9iple is unto other D Ne>t "ornin# San=ar went out shoppin#2 pur9hased bits of sil= for his 5oun#er sister2 a pair of spe9ta9les for his "other and a few painted tin to5s for the 9hild at ho"e He went to the hotel2 loo=ed into the a99ounts2 and settled his "onth's bill D!'" lea$in# toda52D he said D ! a" returnin# to "5 $illa#e D His heart was all afla"e with Co5 He paid a rupee to the ser$ant as tip He pa9=ed up his

THE E4EN!NG G!'T +trun= and bed2 too= a last loo= round his #arret E had an una99ountable feelin# of sadness at lea$in# the fa"iliar s"o=e;stained 9ell He was at the bus stand at about ele$en in the da5 The bus was read5 to start He too= his seat He would be at ho"e at si> in the e$enin# .hat a surprise for his "other H He would 9hat all ni#ht and tell the" about the drun=ard He was sha=en out of this re$erie A poli9e inspe9tor standin# at the foot;board of the bus tou9hed his shoulder and as=ed A D Are 5ou San=ar F D D Yes D D Get down and follow "e D D ! a" #oin# to "5 $illa#e D

D You 9an't #o now D The inspe9tor pla9ed the trun= and bed on a 9oolie's head and the5 "ar9hed to the poli9e station There San=ar was subCe9ted to "u9h ?uestionin#2 and his po9=ets were sear9hed and all his "one5 was ta=en awa5 b5 the inspe9tor The inspe9tor s9rutini@ed the hundred;rupee note and re"ar=ed A D Sa"e nu"ber How did 5ou #et this F %e truthful D (resentl5 the inspe9tor #ot up and said A D 'ollow "e to the #entle"an's house D San=ar found his e"plo5er sittin# in a 9hair in the $eranda2 with a $er5 tired loo= on his fa9e He "otioned the inspe9tor to a 9hair and addressed San=ar in a $oi9e full of sorrow D ! ne$er =new 5ou were this sort2 San=ar You robbed "e when ! was not aware of it !f 5ou'd as=ed "e !'d ha$e #i$en 5ou an5 a"ount 5ou wanted Did 5ou ha$e to tie "e up and throw "e down F D he showed the bruises on his ar" D !n addition to robbin# F D San=ar stood a#hast He 9ould hardl5

*8 A SNA&E !N THE GRASS ON a sunn5 afternoon2 when the in"ates of the bun#alow were at their siesta a 959list ran# his bell at the #ate franti9all5 and announ9ed A DA bi# 9obra has #ot into 5our 9o"pound !t 9rossed "5 wheel D He pointed to its tra9= under the #ate2 and resu"ed his Courne5 The fa"il5 9onsistin# of the "other and her four sons asse"bled at the #ate in #reat a#itation The old ser$ant Dasa was sleepin# in the shed The5 shoo= hi" out of his sleep and announ9ed to hi" the arri$al of the 9obra D There is no 9obra2D he replied and tried to dis"iss the "atter The5 swore at hi" and for9ed hi" to ta=e an interest in the 9obra D The thin# is so"ewhere here !f it is not found before the e$enin#2 we will dis"iss 5ou Your ne#le9t of the #arden and the lawns is responsible for all these dreadful thin#s 9o"in# in D So"e nei#hbours dropped in The5 loo=ed a99usin#l5 at Dasa A D You ha$e the la@iest ser$ant on earth2D the5 said D He ou#ht to =eep the surroundin#s tid5 D D ! ha$e been as=in# for a #rass;9utter for "onths2D Dasa said !n one $oi9e the5 ordered hi" to "ana#e with the a$ailable thin#s and learn not to "a=e de"ands He persisted The5 be#an to spe9ulate how "u9h it would 9ost to bu5 a #rass;9utter A nei#hbour de9lared that 5ou 9ould not thin= of bu5in# an5 arti9le "ade of iron *<<

A SNA&E !N THE GRASS *<* till after the war He 9hanted banalities of warti"e pri9es The se9ond son of the house asserted that he 9ould #et an5thin# he wanted at 9ontrolled pri9es The nei#hbour be9a"e elo?uent on bla9=;"ar=et A heated debate followed The rest wat9hed in apath5 At this point the 9olle#e;bo5 of the house butted in with A D ! read in an A"eri9an paper that 8<2<<< people die of sna=e;bite e$er5 5ear D Mother threw up her ar"s in horror and arrai#ned Dasa The bo5 elaborated the statisti9s D ! ha$e wor=ed it out2 78 a da5 That "eans e$er5 twent5 "inutes so"eone is d5in# of 9obra;bite As we ha$e been tal=in# here2 one person has lost his life so"ewhere D Mother nearl5 s9rea"ed on hearin# it The 9o"pound loo=ed sinister The bo5s brou#ht in ba"boo;sti9=s and pressed one into the hands of the ser$ant also He =ept desultoril5 po=in# it into the folia#e with a 95ni9al air D The fellow is beatin# about the bush2D so"eone 9ried aptl5 The5 tu9=ed up their dhoties2 sei@ed e$er5 a$ailable =nife and 9row;bar and be#an to ha9= the #arden 3reepers2 bushes2 and lawns2 were laid low .hat 9ould not be tri""ed was 9ut to the root The inner walls of the house bri#htened with the un; obstru9ted #lare strea"in# in .hen there was nothin# "ore to be done Dasa as=ed triu"phantl52 D .here is the sna=e F D An old be##ar 9ried for al"s at the #ate The5 told her not to pester when the5 were en#a#ed in a sna=e;hunt On hearin# it the old wo"an be9a"e happ5 D You are fortunate !t is God Subra"an5a who has 9o"e to $isit 5ou Don't =ill the sna=eI' Mother was in heart5 a#ree"ent A D You are ri#ht ! for#ot all about the pro"ised Abhish9=a" This is a re"inder D She #a$e a 9oin to the be##ar2 who

*<6 A SNA&E !N THE GRASS pro"ised to send down a sna=e;9har"er as she went (resentl5 an old "an appeared at the #ate and announ9ed hi"self as a sna=e;9har"er The5 #athered around hi" He spo=e to the" of his life and a9ti$ities and his power o$er sna=es The5 as=ed ad"irin#l5 A D How do 5ou 9at9h the"FD DThus2D he said2 poun9in# upon a h5potheti9al sna=e on the #round The5 pointed the dire9tion in whi9h the 9obra had #one and as=ed hi" to #o ahead He loo=ed helplessl5 about and said A D !f 5ou show "e the sna=e2 !'ll at on9e 9at9h it Otherwise what 9an ! do F The "o"ent 5ou see it a#ain2 send for "e ! li$e nearb5 D He #a$e his na"e and address and departed

At fi$e in the e$enin#2 the5 threw awa5 their sti9=s and i"ple"ents and repaired to the $eranda to rest The5 had turned up e$er5 stone in the #arden and 9ut down e$er5 #rass;blade and shrub2 so that the tiniest inse9t 9o"in# into the #arden should ha$e no 9o$er The5 were loudl5 dis9ussin# the $arious "easures the5 would ta=e to prote9t the"sel$es a#ainst reptiles in the future2 when Dasa appeared before the" 9arr5in# a water;pot whose "outh was sealed with a slab of stone He put the pot down and said A D ! ha$e 9au#ht hi" in this ! saw hi" peepin# out of it ! saw hi" before he 9ould see "e D He e>plained at len#th the strate#5 he had e"plo5ed to 9at9h and seal up the sna=e in the pot The5 stood at a safe distan9e and #a@ed on the pot Dasa had the #low of a 9ha"pion on his fa9e D Don't 9all "e an idler hereafter2D he said Mother 9o"pli"ented hi" on his sharpness and wished she had pla9ed so"e "il= in the pot as a sort of reli#ious dut5 Dasa pi9=ed up the pot 9autiousl5 and wal=ed off sa5in# that he would lea$e the pot with its 9ontents with the sna=e;9har"er

A SNA&E !N THE GRASS *<8 li$in# nearb5 He be9a"e the hero of the da5 The5 wat9hed hi" in #reat ad"iration and de9ided to reward hi" ade?uatel5 !t was fi$e "inutes sin9e Dasa was #one when the 5oun#est son 9ried A D See there H D Out of a hole in the 9o"pound wall a 9obra e"er#ed !t #lided alon# towards the #ate2 paused for a "o"ent to loo= at the #atherin# in the $eranda with its hood half; open !t 9rawled under the #ate and disappeared alon# a drain .hen the5 re9o$ered fro" the sho9= the5 as=ed2 D Does it "ean that there are two sna=es here F D The 9olle#e;bo5 "ur"ured A D ! wish ! had ta=en the ris= and =no9=ed the water;pot fro" Dasa's hand E we "i#ht ha$e =nown what it 9on; tained D

*, AN A33!DENT ! .AS returnin# fro" the hill te"ple where ! had been held up till nearl5 nine o'9lo9= ! had dri$en the 9ar down the hill2 turned to "5 left2 and #one a few 5ards further s=irtin# the base of the hill when the en#ine si#hed and spluttered2 the whole 9ar Cer=ed and ro9=ed and then 9a"e to a dead stop The hill loo"ed o$er "e2 Ca9=als wailed in the dar= ! faithfull5 #ot down2 went round the 9ar2 opened the bonnet2 and #a@ed in .hat was

the use F ! =new nothin# about a 9ar's inside M5 9ar was usuall5 well;beha$ed E and o99asionall5 when it had so"e trouble ! had it pushed to the nearest wor=shop Now ! went round and round2 opened and 9losed the bonnet2 and "ade futile efforts to start the 9ar ! soon reali@ed that ! should be a fool to be #oin# round2 proddin# here and there2 hopin# that it 9ould be started so"ehow ! sat down on the runnin# board2 blin=in#2 and hopin# that so"e "otorist would 9o"e alon# and help "e The ti"e passed2 and not a si#n of a hu"an bein# The wind rattled the side s9reen2 and unseen inse9ts hu""ed and whirred about ! had a feelin# that ! was on so"e stran#e planet with "5self as the onl5 hu"an bein# on it (resentl5 ! said to "5self2 D ! will 9ount ten and if *<,

AN A33!DENT *<1 the 9ar does not start b5 then ! will abandon her and wal= ho"e D ! loo=ed at the #round and 9ounted2 D One2 two2 three D ! belie$e after ! rea9hed ei#ht or nine ! went ba9= to one and 9ounted up E ba9= and forth untirin#l5 li=e an au9tioneer After 9ountin# half a do@en ti"es thus ! turned and saw a shadow5 fi#ure at "5 side ! was startled D .hen did 5ou 9o"e here F .ho are 5ou F D D ! 9a"e here a "o"ent a#o2 sir D D ! didn't hear 5ou 9o"in# .ho are 5ou F D

D M5 na"e is Anil Doss2 and ! a" a dri$er2 sir D D Motor dri$er F D D Yes D !t see"ed in9redible that the Gods should ha$e ta=en so seriousl5 "5 threat to abandon the 9ar2 and sent a "e9hani9 alon# D .here are 5ou 9o"in# fro" F D D ! a" usuall5 here2 sir D D You said 5ou were a dri$er D D The 9ar was s"ashed and ! ha$e been without a

9ar sin9e D D %ut what do 5ou do for a li$in# F D D Oh H There is no diffi9ult5 about that D ! thou#ht he was "ad or sli#htl5 drun=2 and did not seriousl5 bother to 9ross;e>a"ine hi" D Loo= here2 A"i Doss2 "5 9ar has suddenl5 bro=en down ! don't =now what is wron# 3an 5ou help "e start itFD He opened the bonnet and e>a"ined the en#ine He put his head into the 9ar and uns9rewed the swit9hboard D Ar9 5ou able to see an5thin# F D ! as=ed D Oh2 ?uite well2D he said

io: AN A33!DENT D !t is so dar= H D ! said2 the onl5 li#ht we had bein# the #lare of 9loud ed#es 9at9hin# the 9it5 li#hts He 9a"e out and de9lared his dia#nosis A D Loose 9onta9t2 Cet trouble D D ! had it o$erhauled onl5 a few "onths a#o !t 9an't be The 9ar 9a"e down so far all ri#ht E all this 9an't ha$e happened Cust on this spot F D D Oh2 5es .orse thin#s ha$e happened here is a bad pla9e2 sir D D .hat do 5ou "ean b5 bad F D D .ell2 thin#s happen here to a 9ar whi9h we 9an't understand !t is a bad pla9e2 sir D D Do 5ou tell "e that as soon as a 9ar passes this spot its wires snap2 its Cet is 9ho=ed2 and the batter5 is run down F D D Yes2 sir D D !t is a"a@in# H D ! said D !t is terrible2 sir 'or instan9e2 at this $er5 spot "5 9ar was s"ashed2 an Austin sedan2 hardl5 a "onth old D ! re"e"bered the a99ident A few "onths a#o an Austin 9o"in# down the hill after ni#htfall dashed a#ainst a boulder and was s"ashed to bits !t

D .ere 5ou the dri$er of the 9ar F D ! as=ed D Yes2 sir D D %ut wasn't he =illed in the a99ident F D D No2D he said !t see"ed to "e another instan9e of the drun=en 9ondition of this "an He see"ed to be posin# for so"eone else D .ill 5ou "a=e "5 9ar "o$e on the road a#ain F D D Yes2 sir ! will do "5 best D

D ! will #i$e 5ou two rupees for the ser$i9e D He lifted the front seat2 pi9=ed up the tools2 and #ot under the 9ar for a "o"ent E 9a"e out and

AN A33!DENT *<buried his head into the bonnet The onl5 noise for a while was the noise he "ade with the tools2 and his hea$5 breathin# E and of 9ourse the wind rattled the side s9reen A ?uarter of an hour later he started the en#ine2 dro$e the 9ar a few 5ards forward2 and re$ersed D You will ha$e no "ore trouble2 sir Onl52 as soon as possible2 please 9han#e the piston rin#s2D he said He opened the door and 9a"e out of the 9ar "utterin# D ! ha$e been a dri$er for twent5;fi$e 5ears2 and it pains "e when ! see a 9ar suffer 'or all the twent5;fi$e 5ears ! ha$e ser$ed onl5 two "asters .ith the first ! sta5ed for onl5 four 5ears2 and with the other for o$er twent5 5ears The Austin was the fourth 9ar that "5 "aster bou#ht in the twent5 5ears ! was with hi" sin9e the da5 he 9han#ed fro" a horse 9arria#e to an O$erland of those da5s ! ha$e lo$ed "otor;9ars2 whate$er the "a=e2 as no one else 9an e$er lo$e the" !f ! saw an5one "a=e the sli#htest s9rat9h on a "ud#uard ! slapped his 9hee= thou#h he "i#ht be an e"peror's son And do 5ou thin= ! would ha$e wilfull5 dashed and s"ashed an Austin2 whi9h was onl5 a "onth old F The5 sa5 ! was drun= ! swear ! was not ! ha$e o99asionall5 ta=en a drin=2 but ! swear ! was not drun= that da5 .ill 5ou =indl5 #o to "5 "aster D he #a$e "e an address D and tell hi" that ! wasn't drun= and that the a99ident happened be9ause of the e$il nature of the pla9e D D Su9h a bad a99ident F D ! as=ed D You =now what this spot 9an do2 but 5our lu9= was better than that of the Austin D

! held up two rupees to hi" He refused the "one5 D !t is no use to "e2 sir2D he said D ! ha$e #reater use for 5our #ood;will !f 5ou will ha$e the

io7 AN A33!DENT =indness to see "5 "aster and tell hi" that ! wasn't drun=2 ! shall be $er5 #rateful to 5ou2 sir D ! offered hi" a lift He de9lined it ! pressed the self;starter The en#ine hu""ed ! swit9hed on the li#hts The 9ar beha$ed so well that ! was filled with #reat ad"iration for the "e9hani92 and ! de9ided to see his so;9alled "aster ne>t da5 ! tra9ed the owner of the wre9=ed Austin 9on$e5ed to hi" the dri$er's "essa#e D Are 5ou sure it was he F D he as=ed D ! don't =now He see"ed to be sli#htl5 drun= and "i#ht be an i"postor %ut after all2 it "i#ht be the sa"e fellow He #a$e "e 5our address2 and it see"s he had been with 5ou for twent5 5ears and that 5ou had an O$erland on9e D D All that is true2 no doubt2 but ! a" pu@@led Anil's s=ull was Ca""ed when we pi9=ed hi" up2 and we 9arried his re"ains in a bas=et and buried hi" /.hat re"ained of the 9ar 9ould also ha$e been put in a bas=et 0 Don't 9ontradi9t "e E the fellow was drun= ! had 9au#ht hi" se$eral ti"es and warned hi" ! =new all alon# that he would 9o"e to a bad end D !

*1 S)3H (ER'E3T!ON A SENSE of #reat relief filled So"a as he reali@ed that his fi$e 5ears of labour were 9o"in# to an end He had turned out s9ores of i"a#es in his life; ti"e2 but he had ne$er done an5 wor= to e?ual this He often said to hi"self that lon# after the Delu#e had swept the earth this NataraCa would still be standin# on His pedestal No other hu"an bein# had seen the i"a#e 5et So"a shut hi"self in and bolted all the doors and windows and plied his 9hisel b5 the still fla"e of a "ud la"p2 e$en when there was a bri#ht sun outside

!t "ade hi" perspire unbearabl52 but he did not "ind it so lon# as it helped hi" to =eep out pr5in# e5es He wor=ed with a fier9e 9on9entration and ne$er en9oura#ed an5one to tal= about it After all2 his labours had 9o"e to an end He sat ba9=2 wiped the perspiration off his fa9e2 and sur$e5ed his handiwor= with #reat satisfa9tion As he loo=ed on he was o$erwhel"ed b5 the "aCest5 of this i"a#e He fell prostrate before it2 pra5in#2 D ! ha$e ta=en fi$e 5ears to "a=e 5ou Ma5 5ou reside in our te"ple and bless all hu"an bein#s H D The di" "ud fla"e 9ast subtle shadows on the i"a#e2 and #a$e it an undertone of ripplin# life The s9ulptor stood lost in this $ision A $oi9e said2 D M5 friend2 ne$er ta=e this i"a#e out of this roo" !t is too perfe9t D *<+

no S)3H (ER'E3T!ON So"a tre"bled with fear He loo=ed round He saw a fi#ure 9rou9hin# in a dar= 9orner of the roo" it was a "an So"a dashed forward and 9lut9hed hi" b5 the throat A D .h5 did 5ou 9o"e here F D The other writhed under the #rip and replied A D Out of ad"iration for 5ou ! ha$e alwa5s lo$ed 5our wor= ! ha$e waited for fi$e 5ears D D How did 5ou 9o"e in F D D .ith another =e5 while 5ou were eatin# inside D So"a #nashed his teeth D Shall ! stran#le 5ou before this God and offer 5ou as sa9rifi9e F D D %5 all "eansI 1 replied the other2 D if it will help 5ou in an5 wa5 but ! doubt it E$en with a sa9rifi9e 5ou 9annot ta=e it out !t is too perfe9t Su9h perfe9tion is not for "ortals D The s9ulptor wept A D Oh2 do not sa5 that ! wor=ed in se9re95 onl5 for this perfe9tion !t is for our people !t is a God 9o"in# into their "idst Don't den5 the" that D The other prostrated before the i"a#e and pra5ed aloud2 D God #i$e us the stren#th to bear 5our presen9e D This "an spo=e to people and the #reat se9ret was out A =ind of dread sei@ed the people of the $illa#e On an auspi9ious da52 So"a went to the te"ple priest and as=ed2 D At the 9o"in# 'ull Moon "5 NataraCa "ust be 9onse9rated Ha$e 5ou "ade a pla9e for hi" in the te"ple F D The priest answered2 D Let "e see the i"a#e first He went o$er to the s9ulptor's house2 #a@ed on the

i"a#e2 and said2 D This perfe9tion2 this God2 is not for "ortal e5es He will blind us At the first 9hant of pra5er before hi"2 he will dan9e and we shall be wiped out D The s9ulptor loo=ed so

S)3H (ER'E3T!ON in unhapp5 that the priest added2 DTa=e 5our 9hisel and brea= a little toe or so"e other part of the i"a#e2 and it will be safe D The s9ulptor replied that he would sooner 9ra9= the s=ull of his $isitor The leadin# 9iti@ens of the $illa#e 9a"e o$er and said2 D Don't "ista=e us .e 9annot #i$e 5our i"a#e a pla9e in our te"ple Don't be an#r5 with us .e ha$e to thin= of the safet5 of all the people in the $illa#e E$en now if 5ou are prepared to brea= a s"all fin#er D D Get out2 all of 5ou2D So"a shouted D ! don't 9are to brin# this NataraCa to 5our te"ple ! will "a=e a te"ple for hi" where he is You will see that it be9o"es the #reatest te"ple on earth D Ne>t da5 he pulled down a portion of the wall of the roo" and 9onstru9ted a lar#e doorwa5 openin# on the street He 9alled Ra"a2 the to";to" beater2 and said2 D ! will #i$e 5ou a sil$er 9oin for 5our trouble Go and pro9lai" in all nearb5 $illa#es that this NataraCa will be 9onse9rated at the 'ull Moon !f a lar#e 9rowd turns up2 ! will present 5ou with a la9e shawl D At the 'ull Moon2 "en2 wo"en and 9hildren poured in fro" the surroundin# $illa#es There was hardl5 an in9h of spa9e $a9ant an5where The streets were 9ra""ed with people 4endors of sweets and to5s and flowers shouted their wares2 "o$in# about in the 9rowd (ipers and dru""ers2 #roups of persons 9hantin# h5"ns2 9hildren shoutin# in Co52 "en #reetin# ea9h other all this 9reated a "i#ht5 din 'ra#ran9e of flowers and in9ense hun# o$er the pla9e (residin# o$er all this there was the bri#htest "oon that e$er shone on earth The s9reen whi9h had 9o$ered the i"a#e parted

S)3H (ER'E3T!ON A #reat fla"e of 9a"phor was wa$ed in front of the i"a#e2 and bron@e bells ran# A silen9e fell upon the 9rowd E$er5 e5e was fi>ed upon the i"a#e !n the fla"e of the 9ir9lin# 9a"phor NataraCa's e5es lit up His li"bs "o$ed2 his an=lets Cin#led The 9rowd was awe;stri9=en The God pressed one foot

on Earth and raised the other in dan9e He destro5ed the )ni$erse under his heel2 and s"eared the ashes o$er his bod52 and the sa"e God rattled the dru" in his hand and b5 its rh5th" set life in "otion a#ain 3reation2 Dissolution2 and God2 attained a "eanin# now E this i"a#e brou#ht it out the bells ran# louder e$er5 se9ond The 9rowd stood stunned b5 this $ision $ou9hsafed to the" At this "o"ent a wind blew fro" the east The Moon's dis9 #raduall5 di""ed The wind #athered for9e2 9louds blotted out the "oon E people loo=ed up and saw onl5 pit9h;li=e dar=ness abo$e Li#htnin# flashed2 thunder roared2 and fire poured down fro" the s=5 !t was a thunderbolt stri=in# a ha5sta9= and settin# it abla@e !ts #lare illu"inated the whole $illa#e (eople ran about in pani92 sear9hin# for shelter The population of ten $illa#es 9ra""ed in that $illa#e Another thunderbolt hit a house .o"en and 9hildren shrie=ed and wailed The fires des9ended with a tre"endous hiss as a "i#ht5 rain 9a"e down !t rained as it had ne$er rained before The two la=es2 o$er whi9h the $illa#e road ran2 filled2 swelled2 and Coined o$er the road .ater flowed alon# the streets The wind s9rea"ed and shoo= the trees and the ho"es D This is the end of the world H D wailed the people throu#h the stor" The whole of the ne>t da5 it was still dri@@lin# So>na sat before the i"a#e2 with his head bowed in

S)3H (ER'E3T!ON **8 thou#ht Tra5s and flowers and offerin#s la5 s9attered under the i"a#e2 da"ped b5 rain So"e of his friends 9a"e wadin# in water2 stood before hi"2 and as=ed2 D Are 5ou satisfied F D The5 stood o$er hi" li=e e>e9utioners and repeated the ?uestion and added2 D Do 5ou want to =now how "an5 li$es ha$e been lost2 how "an5 ho"es washed out2 and how "an5 were 9rushed b5 stor" F D D No2 no2 ! don't want to =now an5thin#2D So"a replied D Go awa5 Don't stand here and tal= D D God has shown us onl5 a sli#ht si#n of his power Don't te"pt Hi" a#ain Do so"ethin# Our li$es are in 5our hands Sa$e us2 the i"a#e is too perfe9t D After the5 were #one he sat for hours in the sa"e position2 ru"inatin# Their words still troubled hi" D Our li$es are in 5our hands D He =new what the5 "eant Tears #athered in his e5es D How 9an ! "utilate this i"a#eF Let the whole world burn2 ! don't 9are ! 9an't tou9h this i"a#e D He lit a

la"p before the God and sat wat9hin# 'ar off the s=5 ru"bled D !t is startin# a#ain (oor hu"an bein#s2 the5 will all perish this ti"e D He loo=ed at the toe of the i"a#e DLust one neat stro=e with the 9hisel2 and all troubles will end D He wat9hed the toe2 his hands tre"bled D How 9an ! F D Outside the wind be#an to howl (eople were #atherin# in front of his house and were appealin# to hi" for help So"a prostrated before the God and went out He stood loo=in# at the road o$er whi9h the two la=es had Coined O$er the eastern hori@on a dar= "ass of 9loud was rollin# up D .hen that 9loud 9o"es o$er2 it will wash out the world NataraCa H ! 9annot "utilate 5our fi#ure2 but ! 9an offer "5self as a sa9rifi9e if it will be an5 use D He shut

ii, S)3H (ER'E3T!ON his e5es and de9ided to Cu"p into the la=e He 9he9=ed hi"self D ! "ust ta=e a last loo= at the God before ! die D He battled his wa5 throu#h the on9o"in# stor" The wind shrie=ed Trees shoo= and tre"bled Men and 9attle ran about in pani9 He was ba9= Cust in ti"e to see a tree 9rash on the roof of his house D M5 ho"e2D he 9ried2 and ran in He pi9=ed up his NataraCa fro" a"idst splintered tiles and rafters The i"a#e was unhurt e>9ept for a little toe whi9h was found a 9ouple of 5ards off2 se$ered b5 a fallin# splinter D God hi"self has done this to sa$e us H D people 9ried The i"a#e was installed with due 9ere"onies at the te"ple on the ne>t 'ull Moon .ealth and honours were showered on So"a He li$ed to be ninet5;fi$e2 but he ne$er tou9hed his "allet and 9hisel a#ain

*: A 3AREER THE Tal=ati$e Man said A Years and 5ears a#o ! had a shop !t was in those da5s when Lawle5 E>tension was not what it is now !t 9onsisted of less than a hundred houses Mar=et Road bein# at least a "ile off2 the people li$in# in the E>tension loo=ed on "e as a sa$iour when ! too= up a little buildin#2 and on an auspi9ious da5 hun# up a lar#e board with the ins9ription A The National (ro$ision Stores ! went fro" house to

house and se9ured orders ! literall5 e>a"ined e$er5 pantr5 in the E>tension and filled up the #aps .hen the bell ran# for the "idda5 inter$al at the E>tension Ele"entar5 S9hool2 9hildren swar"ed into "5 shop and 9arried off whate$er sweets2 ribbons and fan95 stationer5 ! happened to =eep ! did about twent5; fi$e rupees 9redit and ten rupees 9ash sales e$er5 da5 This #a$e us at least fift5 rupees a "onth to li$e on .e paid a rent of fi$e rupees and too= a s"all house in &abir Street2 whi9h was o$er a "ile fro" "5 shop ! left at se$en in the "ornin# and returned ho"e onl5 at nine in the e$enin#2 after 9learin# the dail5 a99ounts A 5ear and a half passed thus One da5 a 5oun# fellow presented hi"self at "5 shop He loo=ed about twent52 $er5 fair and bri#ht He wore a spotless dhoti and shirt D1

ii: A 3AREER D .hat 9an ! do for 5ou F D ! as=ed2 ta=in# hi" to be a 5oun# 9usto"er !n answer he brou#ht his pal"s to#ether in salute and said2 D ! need 5our help2 sir ! will do whate$er wor= 5ou "a5 #i$e "e in return for a little food and shelter and =indness D There was so"ethin# in the 5oun# fellow's personalit5 whi9h appealed to "e Moreo$er2 he had on his forehead three;fin#er width of sa9red ash and a dot of $er"ilion between his e5ebrows He loo=ed as if he had Cust 9o"e fro" a te"ple D ! a" $er5 God;fearin#2 sir2 and sus9eptible to reli#ious influen9es D ! spo=e to hi" for about an hour He said he belon#ed to a fa"il5 of wealth5 land; holders in a $illa#e near Tri9hinopol5 His "other died so"e 5ears before His father too= a "istress who ill;treated the bo5 and 9onse?uentl5 he ran awa5 fro" ho"e A tou9hin# stor5 ! felt ! dire9ted hi" to "5 house .hen ! went ho"e in the e$enin# ! found that he had alread5 "ade hi"self a #reat fa$ourite there His life stor5 had deepl5 "o$ed "5 wife D So 5oun# H D she whispered to "e2 D and to thin= that he should be left at this a#e without a father or

a "other H D she si#hed He had "ade hi"self lo$able in a do@en wa5s alread5 He had ta=en "5 little son out for a wal= The 5oun#ster 9ried as aoon as he 9a"e ho"e2 D Let Ra"u sta5 in our house He is #reat He =nows "a#i9 and 9an ta"e ti#ers and elephants D Ra"u wal=ed into the =it9hen and offered assistan9e At first "5 wife protested2 D .h5 won't 5ou allow "e to #o near the o$en2

A 3AREER **Mother F D he as=ed D !s it be9ause 5ou thin= ! 9an't 9oo= F Gi$e "e a 9han9e and see D He "ade a dash for the bathroo"2 turned the tap on hi"self2 and 9a"e out drippin# He too= a handful of sa9red ash and s"eared it on his forehead M5 wife was tre"endousl5 i"pressed She let hi" do the 9oo=in# He prepared deli9ious food for us .e were all $er5 pleased After that he helped "5 wife with all the 9leanin# and s9rubbin# He slept at ni#ht on the bare floor2 refusin# the "at and the pillow we offered He was the first to be up ne>t "ornin# He lit the sto$e and wo=e up "5 wife At "idda5 he brou#ht "e "5 food .hile ! ate he attended to the s9hool 9hildren2 who 9a"e into the shop He handed the" their =ni9=;=na9=s with an e>pert hand He 9har"ed and a"used the" He "ade the" lau#h He be#uiled the" with an alternati$e when he had not on hand what the5 wanted !t was ine$itable that in a "onth he should be sharin# with "e the shop wor= He had attra9ti$e wa5s about hi" 3usto"ers li=ed to tal= to hi" .ithin a short ti"e there was not a sin#le ho"e in the E>tension where he was not treated as a "e"ber of the fa"il5 He =new the inside stor5 of e$er5 fa"il5 He ser$ed e$er5 one to the best of his 9apa9it5 Here he helped a "an with his #arden2 and there he pleaded with a house;buildin# 9ontra9tor and had an esti"ate re$ised He pat9hed up ?uarrels He ta"ed truants and sent the" to s9hool He too= part in all the e>tra;9urri9ular a9ti$ities of the E>tension Ele"entar5 S9hool He too= an interest in the 3lub Mo$e"ent He dressed hi"self up for the o99asion when the inspe9tor $isited the s9hool2 and arran#ed


for the suppl5 of #arlands and flowers And all this in addition to assistin# "e in the shop He went e$er5 da5 to the "ar=et and pur9hased pro$isions fro" the wholesale "er9hants2 sat down for hours on end in the shop and handed out thin#s to 9usto"ers2 pored o$er the a99ounts till late at ni#ht2 and 9olle9ted all the bills As a result of Ra"u's presen9e "5 business in9reased nearl5 tenfold ! had abundant rest now2 ! left the shop entirel5 in his hands ! went ho"e for food at "idda5 After that ! slept till three in the afternoon And then ! went to the shop2 but sta5ed there onl5 till fi$e o'9lo9=2 when ! went to an open spa9e near b5 and pla5ed bad"inton with so"e friends ! 9a"e to the shop a#ain onl5 at se$en in the e$enin# On9e or twi9e ! and "5 wife tal=ed o$er the "atter and tried to fi> up a "onthl5 pa5 for Ra"u .e felt we ou#ht not to be e>ploitin# Ra"u's friendliness %ut when the subCe9t was "entioned Ra"u #rew red in the fa9e and said2 D !f 5ou don't want "e to sta5 with 5ou an5 "ore2 5ou "a5 tal= of salar5 a#ain D 'i$e 5ears passed thus He a#ed with us He li$ed with us throu#h all our Co5s and sorrows ! had four 9hildren now M5 business had prospered enor"ousl5 .e were now li$in# in a bi##er house in the sa"e street ! too= the shop buildin# on a lon# lease ! had an i""ense sto9= of all =inds of pro$isions and #oods ! e>tended "5 business ! pur9hased lar#e ?uan; tities of butter in all the nearb5 $illa#es and sold the" to butter and #hee "er9hants in Madras This business #a$e "e lar#e profits !t =ept "e runnin# between the $illa#es and Madras The shop was entirel5 in Ra"u's hands

A 3AREER **+ At Madras ! used to stop with a "er9hant in Geor#e Town On9e wor= =ept "e on there a little lon#er than ! had anti9ipated One e$enin# Cust as ! was startin# out to post a letter for Ra"u2 a tele#raph "essen#er stepped off his 959le and #a$e "e an en$elope ! tore open the 9o$er and read A D 'ather d5in# of 9holera Must #o at on9e Return i"; "ediatel5 Ra"u D The ne>t "ornin# at fi$e o'9lo9= ! #ot down at Mal#udi Ra"u was at the station He was #oin# to Tri9hinopol5 b5 the sa"e train The train halted onl5 for a few "inutes Red;e5ed and sobbin# Ra"u said2 D M5 father2 father2 9holera Ne$er thou#ht he

would #et it D ! 9onsoled hi" ! had ne$er seen hi" so bro=en ! said feebl52 D He will be all ri#ht2 don't worr5 D ! had hardl5 the heart to as= hi" about the shop He hi"self said2 D ! ha$e handed the =e5s to "other2 and all the a99ounts and 9ash also D D All ri#ht2 all ri#ht2 ! will loo= to all that worr52D ! said Don't

The #uard blew his whistle Ra"u Cu"ped into a third 9lass 9o"part"ent The train Cer=ed forward He put his head out of the window and said2 D ! will be ba9= to"orrow b5 the ni#ht train2 if "5 father #ets better .hate$er happens2 ! won't be awa5 for "ore than fifteen da5s &ittu has as=ed "e to brin# hi" D his $oi9e and fa9e re9eded D a wooden elephant on wheels (lease tell hi" that ! will surel5 brin# it M5 na"as=ara"s to "other D Tears rolled down his 9hee=s E$en lon# after the train had left the platfor" he was still loo=in# out of the window and #esti9ulatin# to indi9ate D ! will surel5 be ba9= soon D

*6< A 3AREER Ha$in# so"e unfinished Madras business on hand2 ! 9ould hardl5 #o near the shop for a wee= .hen ! reopened2 the first thin# that ! noti9ed was that the shop was e"pt5 E>9ept for a ba# of 9oarse ri9e and a few bars of 9heap soap2 all the ra9=s and 9ontainers were e"pt5 ! pi9=ed up the boo=s and e>a"ined the" The entries were all in a "ess ! put the" awa5 Replenishin# the sto9= was "ore ur#ent ! "ade out a list and went to the "ar=et Sadi= Sait2 "5 wholesale supplier2 s?uatted a"idst his 9ushions and wel9o"ed "e war"l5 ! owed "5 start in life to the unli"ited 9redit he allowed "e After so"e preli"inar52 in9onse?uential tal=2 ! put before hi" the list He s9rutini@ed it #loo"il5 and shoo= his head He said2 D You want #oods for about three hundred rupees ! wouldn't ad$ise 5ou to put up 5our dues .h5 don't 5ou ta=e fift5;rupees worth nowF ! a" su##estin# this onl5 for 5our own 9on$enien9e D This was the first ti"e in "5 life that he had spo=en to "e in this "anner And he e>plained2 D Don't "ista=e "e2 friend You are a business "an2 so a" ! No use tal=in# indire9tl5 and $a#uel5 ! will tell 5ou what the "atter is Your a99ount with us stands at Rs 821<< and if 5ou had paid at least a sin#le instal"ent for these three "onths2 we should ha$e felt happier D D%ut2 Sait2 last "onth ! sent four;hundred to be

#i$en to 5ou2 and the "onth before three;hundred and fift52 and the "onth before There "ust be onl5 a balan9e of D He too= out his led#er There was onl5 one pa5"ent "ade for four "onths when the bill stood at about a thousand After that there had been pur9hases al"ost e$er5 da5 for about fort5 rupees

A 3AREER *6* D The 5oun# fellow said that business was $er5 bris= and that 5ou would 9lear the a99ounts when 5ou returned fro" Madras D M5 head swa" D ! will see 5ou a#ain2 81 ! said2 and went ba9= to the shop ! on9e a#ain e>a"ined the boo=s The pa#es showed a lot of arrears to be 9olle9ted Ne>t da5 ! went round to 9olle9t all "5 bills (eople loo=ed surprised2 D There "ust be so"e "ista=e .e paid our bills 9o"pletel5 a fortni#ht a#o Otherwise Ra"u wouldn't lea$e us in pea9e D M5 wife said2 D !n 5our absen9e he was 9o"in# ho"e nearl5 at twel$e e$er5 ni#ht He used to tell "e that the a99ounts =ept hi" late ' How was business toda5 F ' ! unfailin#l5 as=ed e$er5 da5 He replied2 : %usiness is #ood2 bad2 #ood and bad Don't worr5 Lea$e it all to "e ! will "ana#e ' D An old "an of Lawle5 E>tension as=ed "e2 D .here is that bo5 5ou had F D ! told hi" D Loo= here2D the old "an said D &eep this to 5ourself You re"e"ber there li$ed ne>t door to us those people fro" H5derabad F D D Yes2 5es D

D Your bo5 was #addin# about with the" a little too "u9h You =now there was a tall2 prett5 #irl with the" Your fellow was ta=in# her out e$er5 e$enin# in a ta>i He 9losed the shop pro"ptl5 at si> in the e$enin# Those people went ba9= to H5derabad a few da5s a#o D Later on ! "ade en?uiries in Mar=et Road and learnt that Ra"u had had stit9hed four tweed suits2 ei#hteen sil= shirts and other 9lothes worth about a hundred rupees2 pur9hased leather suit9ases2 four pairs

*66 A 3AREER of pu"p shoes2 two pairs of $el$et slippers2 a wrist wat9h2 two rin#s2 a broo9h2 sil= sarees2 blouse pie9es2 and so on ! #ot in tou9h with a near relati$e of Ra"u's e"plo5ed in a ban= in Madras ! learnt that his old father was hale and heart52 and there was no "ention of 9holera Abo$e all2 Ra"u was ne$er =nown to ha$e $isited Tri9hinopol5 His whereabouts were un=nown The letter 9on9luded A D So"eone re9entl5 returned fro" a tour "entioned that he thou#ht he 9au#ht a #li"pse of Ra"u in a lar#e #atherin# durin# so"e "usi9 festi$al in H5dera; bad He was2 howe$er2 not $er5 9ertain about it D ! sold "5 shop and e$er5thin#2 paid off "5 9reditors2 and left Mal#udi ! was a ban=rupt2 with a wife and four 9hildren to support .e "o$ed fro" pla9eB to pla9e2 li$in# on the 9harit5 of friends2 relati$es2 and un=nown people So"eti"es nobod5 would feed us and we threw oursel$es down in a dar= 9orner of so"e rest;house2 and "5 ra##ed 9hildren 9ried till sleep o$er9a"e the" ! needn't wear5 5ou with an a99ount of "5 stru##les !t is another stor5 ! "ust tell 5ou about Ra"u ! ha$e to add onl5 this about "5 own 9areer 'our 5ears later ! 9a"e a9ross a 9offee;estate owner in Me"pi Hills2 and he #a$e "e a fresh start E and ! "ust sa52 than=s to hi"2 ! ha$e done $er5 well indeed in the 9offee trade Now about Ra"u A 5ear a#o ! was pantin# up the steps of Thirupathi Hills ! had a $ow to fulfil at the te"ple ! had passed two thousand steps when a fa"iliar $oi9e assailed "5 ears fro" a"on# the #roup of "endi9ants linin# the steps ! stopped and turned And there he was2 ! 9ould hardl5 re9o#ni@e hi" now ! had seen hi" off at Mal#udi station ten 5ears before His fa9e was now dar=2 s9arred and

A 3AREER *88 pitted His e5es were fi>ed in a #a@e ! should ha$e passed hi" without noti9in# if he hadn't 9alled out for al"s His $oi9e was still un9han#ed ! stopped and said2 D Loo= here D D ! 9an't see2 ! a" blind D D .ho are 5ou F .here do 5ou 9o"e fro" F D ! as=ed in a $oi9e whi9h ! tried to dis#uise with a little #ruffness D Go2 #o 5our wa5 that F D he said .h5 do 5ou want to =now all

! had often boasted that if ! "et hi" ! would brea= his bones first E but this was not at all how ! had hoped to see hi" a#ain ! felt $er5 9onfused and unhapp5 ! dropped a 9oin on his upraised pal" and passed on %ut after "o$in# up a few steps ! stopped and be9=oned to another be##ar sittin# b5 his side He 9a"e up ! held up an anna 9oin before hi" and said2 D You "a5 ha$e this if 5ou will tell "e so"ethin# about that blind "an D D ! =now hi"2D said this be##ar2 who had no ar"s D .e =eep to#ether He has ar"s2 but no e5es E ! ha$e e5es2 but no ar"s2 and so we find ea9h other helpful .e "o$e about to#ether He is not a be##ar li=e "e2 but a san5asi He 9a"e here two 5ears a#o He had on9e "u9h "one5 in H5derabad2 Delhi2 %enares or so"ewhere S"allpo> too= awa5 his si#ht His wife2 a bad sort2 deserted hi" He is $e>ed with the world So"e pil#ri"s 9o"in# fro" the North brou#ht hi" here %ut2 surel5 5ou won't tell hi" ! ha$e spo=en all this F He be9o"es wild if those da5s are "entioned D ! went ba9= to Ra"u2 stood before hi" and wat9hed hi" for a "o"ent ! felt li=e shoutin# D Ra"u2 God has punished 5ou enou#h Now 9o"e with "e i

*6, A 3AREER .here is 5our sweetheartF .here is "5 "one5F .hat de$il sei@ed 5ou F D %ut ! 9he9=ed "5self ! felt that the #reatest =indness ! 9ould do hi" was to lea$e hi" alone ! silentl5 pla9ed a rupee on his outstret9hed pal"2 and ra9ed up the steps At the bend ! turned "5 head and had another loo= at hi" And that was the last ! saw of hi" 'or when ! returned that wa5 four da5s later2 he was not to be seen (erhaps he had "o$ed on to another pla9e with his ar"less 9o"panion

*'ATHER'S HEL( LY!NG in bed2 Swa"i reali@ed with a shudder that it was Monda5 "ornin# !t loo=ed as thou#h onl5 a "o"ent a#o it had been the last period on 'rida5 E alread5 Monda5 was there He hoped that an earth?ua=e would redu9e the s9hool buildin# to dust2 but that #ood buildin# Albert Mission S9hool had withstood si"ilar pra5ers for o$er a hundred 5ears now At nine o'9lo9= Swa"inathan wailed A

D ! ha$e a heada9he D His "other said A D .h5 don't 5ou #o to s9hool in aCut=a F D D So that ! "a5 be 9o"pletel5 dead at the other end F Ha$e 5ou an5 idea what it "eans to be Colted in siCut=a F D D Ha$e 5ou "an5 i"portant lessons toda5 F D D !"portant H %ah H That #eo#raph5 tea9her has been tea9hin# the sa"e lesson for o$er a 5ear now And we ha$e arith"eti92 whi9h "eans for a whole period we are #oin# to be beaten b5 the tea9her !"portant lesson H D And "other #enerousl5 su##ested that Swa"i "i#ht sta5 at ho"e At nine;thirt52 when he ou#ht to ha$e been shoutin# in the s9hool pra5er hall2 Swa"i was l5in# on the ben9h in "other's roo" 'ather as=ed hi" A D Ha$e 5ou no s9hool toda5 F D D Heada9he2D Swa"i replied D Nonsense H Dress up and #o D

*6: 'ATHER'S HEL( D Heada9he D D Loaf about less on Sunda5s and 5ou will be without a heada9he on Monda5 D Swa"i =new how stubborn his father 9ould be2 and 9han#ed his ta9ti9s D ! 9an't #o so late to the 9lass D D ! a#ree2 but 5ou'll ha$e to E it is 5our own fault You should ha$e as=ed "e before de9idin# to sta5 awa5 D D .hat will the tea9her thin= if ! #o so late F D D Tell hi" 5ou had a heada9he and so are late D D He will beat "e if ! sa5 so D D .ill he F Let us see D Sa"uel D D Does he beat the bo5s F D D He is $er5 $iolent2 espe9iall5 with bo5s who #o late So"e da5s a#o a bo5 was "ade to sta5 on his .hat is his na"e F D

=nees for a whole period in a 9orner of the 9lass be9ause he 9a"e late2 and that after #ettin# si> 9uts fro" the 9ane and ha$in# his ears twisted ! wouldn't li=e to #o late to Sa"uel's 9lass D D !f he is so $iolent2 wh5 not tell 5our head"aster about itFD D The5 sa5 that e$en the head"aster is afraid of hi" He is su9h a $iolent "an D And then Swa"i #a$e a lurid a99ount of Sa"uel's '$iolen9e E how when he started 9anin# he would not stop till he saw blood on the bo5's hand2 whi9h he "ade the bo5 press to his forehead li=e a $er"ilion "ar=in# Swa"i hoped that with this his father would be "ade to see that he 9ouldn't #o to his 9lass late %ut father's beha$iour too= an une>pe9ted turn He be9a"e e>9ited D .hat do these swine "ean b5 beatin# our 9hildren F The5 "ust be dri$en out of ser$i9e ! will see D

'ATHER'S HEL( *6The result was he proposed to send Swa"i late to his 9lass as a =ind of 9hallen#e He was also #oin# to send a letter with Swa"i to the head"aster No a"ount of protest fro" Swa"i was of an5 a$ail A Swa"i had to #o to s9hool %5 the ti"e he was read5 father had 9o"posed a lon# letter to the head"aster2 put it in an en$elope2 and sealed it D .hat ha$e 5ou written2 father F D Swa"inathan as=ed apprehensi$el5 D Nothin# for 5ou Gi$e it to 5our head"aster and #o to 5our 9lass D D Ha$e 5ou written an5thin# about our tea9her Sa"uelFE' D (lent5 of thin#s about hi" .hen 5our head; "aster reads it he will probabl5 dis"iss Sa"uel fro" the s9hool and hand hi" o$er to the poli9e D D .hat has he done2 father F D D .ell2 there is a full a99ount of e$er5thin# he has done in the letter Gi$e it to 5our head"aster and #o to 5our 9lass You "ust brin# an a9=nowled#"ent fro" hi" in the e$enin# D Swa"i went to s9hool2 feelin# that he was the worst

perCurer on earth His 9ons9ien9e bothered hi" A he wasn't at all sure if he had been a99urate in his des9ription of Sa"uel He 9ould not de9ide how "u9h of what he had said was i"a#ined and how "u9h of it real He stopped for a "o"ent on the roadside to "a=e up his "ind about Sa"uel A he was not su9h a bad "an after all (ersonall5 he was "u9h "ore #enial than the rest E often he 9ra9=ed a Co=e or two 9entrin# around Swa"i's ina9tions2 and Swa"i too= it as a "ar= of Sa"uel's personal re#ard for hi" %ut there was no doubt that he treated people badl5

*67 'ATHER'S HEL( His 9ane s=inned people's hands Swa"i 9ast his "ind about for an instan9e of this There was none within his =nowled#e Years and 5ears a#o he was reputed to ha$e s=inned the =nu9=les of a bo5 in 'irst Standard and "ade hi" s"ear the blood on his fa9e No one had seen it a9tuall5 %ut 5ear after 5ear the stor5 persisted a"on# the bo5s Swa"i's head was di@@5 with 9onfusion in re#ard to Sa"uel's 9hara9ter whether he was #ood or bad2 whether he deser$ed the alle#ations in the letter or not Swa"i felt an i"pulse to run ho"e and be# his father to ta=e ba9= the letter %ut father was an obstinate "an As he approa9hed the 5ellow buildin# he reali@ed that he was perCurin# hi"self and was ruinin# his tea9her (robabl5 the head"aster would dis"iss Sa"uel and then the poli9e would 9hain hi" and put hi" in Cail 'or all this dis#ra9e2 hu"iliation2 and sufferin# who would be responsibleF Swa"i shuddered The "ore he thou#ht of Sa"uel2 the "ore he #rie$ed for hi" the dar= fa9e2 his s"all red;strea=ed e5es2 his thin line of "ousta9he2 his unsha$en 9hee= and 9hin2 his 5ellow 9oat E e$er5thin# filled Swa"i with sorrow As he felt the bul#e of the letter in his po9=et2 he felt li=e an e>e9utioner 'or a "o"ent he was an#r5 with his father2 and wondered wh5 he should not flin# into the #utter the letter of a "an so unreasonable and stubborn As he entered the s9hool #ate an idea o99urred to hi"2 a sort of solution He wouldn't deli$er the letter to the head"aster i""ediatel52 but at the end of the da5 to that e>tent he would disobe5 his father and e>er9ise his independen9e There was nothin# wron# in it2 and father would not =now it an5wa5


!f the letter were #i$en at the end of the da5 there was a 9han9e that Sa"uel "i#ht do so"ethin# to Custif5 the letter Swa"i stood at the entran9e to his 9lass Sa"uel was tea9hin# arith"eti9 He loo=ed at Swa"i for a "o"ent Swa"i stood hopin# that Sa"uel would fall on hi" and tear his s=in off %ut Sa"uel "erel5 as=ed A D Are 5ou Cust 9o"in# to the 9lass F D D Yes2 sir D D You are half an hour late D D ! =now it D Swa"i hoped that he would be atta9=ed now He al"ost pra5ed A D God of Thirupathi2 please "a=e Sa"uel beat "e D D.h5 are 5ou lateFD Swa"i wanted to repl5 A D Lust to see what 5ou 9an do D %ut he "erel5 said A D ! ha$e a heada9he2

sir D

D Then wh5 did 5ou 9o"e to the s9hool at all F D A "ost une>pe9ted ?uestion fro" Sa"uel D M5 father said that ! shouldn't "iss the 9lass2 sir2D said Swa"i This see"ed to i"press Sa"uel D Your father is ?uite ri#ht E a $er5 sensible "an .e want "ore parents li=e hi" D D Oh2 5ou poor wor" H D Swa"i thou#ht D You don't =now what "5 father has done for 5ou D He was "ore pu@@led than e$er about Sa"uel's 9hara9ter DAll ri#ht2 #o to 5our seat heada9he F D ** Sli#htl52 sir D Swa"i went to his seat with a bleedin# heart He had ne$er "et a "an so #ood as Sa"uel The tea9her was inspe9tin# the ho"e lessons2 whi9h usuall5 produ9ed /at least2 a99ordin# to Swa"i's i"pression0 Ha$e 5ou still a


s9enes of #reat $iolen9e Noteboo=s would be flun# at fa9es2 bo5s would be abused2 9aned2 and "ade to stand up on ben9hes %ut toda5 Sa"uel appeared to ha$e de$eloped "ore toleran9e and #entleness He pushed awa5 the bad boo=s2 Cust tou9hed people with the 9ane2 ne$er "ade an5one stand up for "ore than a few "inutes Swa"i's turn 9a"e He al"ost than=ed God for the 9han9e D Swa"inathan2 where is 5our ho"ewor= F D D ! ha$e not done an5 ho"ewor=2 sir2D he said blandl5 There was a pause .h5 heada9he F D as=ed Sa"uel D Yes2 sir D D All ri#ht2 sit down D Swa"i sat down2 wonderin# what had 9o"e o$er Sa"uel The period 9a"e to an end2 and Swa"i felt desolate The last period for the da5 was a#ain ta=en b5 Sa"uel He 9a"e this ti"e to tea9h the" !ndian histor5 The period be#an at 8 ,1 and ended at , 8< Swa"inathan had sat throu#h the pre$ious periods thin=in# a9utel5 He 9ould not de$ise an5 "eans of pro$o=in# Sa"uel .hen the 9lo9= stru9= four Swa"i felt desperate Half an hour "ore Sa"uel was readin# the red te>t2 the portion des9ribin# 4as9o da Ga"a's arri$al in !ndia The bo5s listened in half lan#uor Swa"i suddenl5 as=ed at the top of his $oi9e A D .h5 did not 3olu"bus 9o"e to !ndia2 sir F D D He lost his wa5 D D ! 9an't belie$e it E it is unbelie$able2 sir D D.h5FD D Su9h a #reat '"an the wa5 F D D Don't shout .ould he ha$e not =nown

! 9an hear 5ou ?uite well D

'ATHER'S HEL( *8* D ! a" not shoutin#2 sir E this is "5 ordinar5 $oi9e2 whi9h God has #i$en "e How 9an ! help it F D D Shut up and sit down D Swa"inathan sat down2 feelin# sli#htl5 happ5 at his su99ess The tea9her threw a pu@@led2 suspi9ious

#lan9e at hi" and resu"ed his lessons His ne>t 9han9e o99urred when San=ar of the first ben9h #ot up and as=ed A D Sir2 was 4as9o da Ga"a the $er5 first person to 9o"e to !ndia F D %efore the tea9her 9ould answer2 Swa"i shouted fro" the ba9= ben9h A D That's what the5 sa5 D The tea9her and all the bo5s loo=ed at Swa"i The tea9her was pu@@led b5 Swa"i's obtrusi$e beha$iour toda5 D Swa"inathan2 5ou are shoutin# a#ain D D ! a" not shoutin#2 sir How 9an ! help "5 $oi9e2 #i$en b5 God F D The s9hool 9lo9= stru9= a ?uarter;hour A ?uarter "ore Swa"i felt he "ust do so"ethin# drasti9 in fifteen "inutes Sa"uel had no doubt s9owled at hi" and snubbed hi"2 but it was hardl5 ade?uate Swa"i felt that with a little "ore effort Sa"uel 9ould be "ade to deser$e dis"issal and i"prison"ent The tea9her 9a"e to the end of a se9tion in the te>tboo= and stopped He proposed to spend the re"ainin# few "inutes puttin# ?uestions to the bo5s He ordered the whole 9lass to put awa5 boo=s2 and as=ed so"eone in the se9ond row A D .hat is the date of 4as9o da Ga"a's arri$al in !ndia F D Swa"inathan shot up and s9ree9hed A D Si>t9en; fort5;ei#ht2 De9e"ber twentieth D D You needn't shout2D said the tea9her D Has 5our heada9he "ade 5ou "ad F D He as=ed A

D ! ha$e no heada9he now2 sir2D replied the thunderer

i8 'ATHER'S HEL( bri#htl5 D Sit down2 5ou idiot D Swa"i thrilled at bein# 9alled an idiot D !f 5ou #et up a#ain ! will 9ane 5ouI' said the tea9her Swa"i sat down2 feelin# happ5 at the pro"ise The tea9her then as=ed A D ! a" #oin# to put a few ?uestions on the Mu#hal period A"on# the Mu#hal e"perors2 who" would 5ou 9all the #reatest2 who" the stron#est2 and who" the "ost reli#ious e"peror F D Swa"i #ot up As soon as he was seen2 the tea9her said e"phati9all5 A D Sit down D D ! want to answer2 sir D D Sit down D

D No2 sir E ! want to answer D D .hat did ! sa5 !'d do if 5ou #ot up a#ain F D D You said 5ou would 9ane "e and peel the s=in off "5 =nu9=les and "a=e "e press it on "5 forehead D D All ri#ht E 9o"e here D Swa"inathan left his seat Co5full5 and hopped on the platfor" The tea9her too= out his 9ane fro" the drawer and shouted an#ril5 A D Open 5our hand2 5ou little de$il D He wha9=ed three wholeso"e 9uts on ea9h pal" Swa"i re9ei$ed the" without blen9hin# After half a do@en the tea9her as=ed A D .ill these do2 or do 5ou want so"e "ore F D Swa"i "erel5 held out his hand a#ain2 and re9ei$ed two "ore E and the bell ran# Swa"i Cu"ped down fro" the platfor" with a li#ht heart2 thou#h his hands were s"artin# He pi9=ed up his boo=s2 too= out the letter l5in# in his po9=et2 and ran to the head; "aster's roo" He found the roo" lo9=ed He as=ed the peon A D .here is the head"aster F D D .h5 do 5ou want hi" F D D M5 father has sent a letter for hi" D

'ATHER'S HEL( *88 D He has ta=en the afternoon off2 and won't 9o"e for a wee= You 9an #i$e the letter to the assistant head"aster He will be here now D D .ho is he F D D Your tea9her2 Sa"uel se9ond D He will be here in a

Swa"inathan fled fro" the pla9e As soon as Swa"i went ho"e with the letter2 father re"ar=ed A D ! =new 5ou wouldn't deli$er it2 5ou 9oward D D ! swear our head"aster is on lea$e2D Swa"inathan be#an 'ather replied A D Don't lie in addition to bein# a 9oward D Swa"i held up the en$elope and said A D ! will #i$e this to the head"aster as soon as he is ba9= D

'ather snat9hed it fro" his hand2 tore it up2 and thrust it into the wastepaper bas=et under his table He "uttered A D Don't 9o"e to "e for help e$en if Sa"uel throttles 5ou You deser$e 5our Sa"uel D

*7 THE SNA&ENSONG .E were 9o"in# out of the "usi9 hall ?uite pleased with the 9on9ert .e thou#ht it a $er5 fine perfor"an9e .e thou#ht so till we noti9ed the Tal=ati$e Man in our "idst He loo=ed as thou#h he had been in a torture 9ha"ber .e loo=ed at hi" sourl5 and re"ar=ed A D .e suppose 5ou are one of those #reat "en who belie$e that South !ndian "usi9 died one hundred 5ears a#o Or were 5ou at an5 ti"e hobnobbin# with all our an9ient "usi9ians and 9o"posers2 the onl5 reason "an5 persons li=e 5ou ha$e for thin=in# that all "odern sin#in# is 9hildish and inane F Or are 5ou one of those restless theorists who 9an ne$er hear a son# without splittin# it into ato"s F D D None of these2D answered the Tal=ati$e Man D ! a" Cust a si"ple 9reature who =nows what he is tal=in# about ! =now so"ethin# of "usi92 perhaps Cust a little "ore than an5one else here2 and that is wh5 ! a" horrified to see the le$el to whi9h taste has sun= D .e tried to snub hi" b5 re9ei$in# his re"ar=s in 9old silen9e and tal=in# a"on# oursel$es %ut he followed us all the wa5 9hattin#2 and we had to listen to hi" Seein# "e now /said the Tal=ati$e Man0 perhaps 5ou thin= ! a" 9apable of doin# nothin# "ore artisti9 than sellin# 9he"i9al fertili@ers to peasants %ut !

THE SNA&E SONG *81 tell 5ou ! was at one ti"e a"bitious of be9o"in# a "usi9ian ! 9a"e near bein# one !t was 5ears and 5ears a#o ! was li$in# at the ti"e in &u"bu"2 a s"all $illa#e ei#ht5 "iles fro" Mal#udi A "aster "usi9ian li$ed there .hen he pla5ed on the flute2 it was said2 the 9attle of the $illa#e followed hi" about He was perhaps the #reatest artist of the 9entur52 but ?uite 9ontent to li$e in obs9urit52 hardl5 =nown to an5one outside the $illa#e2 #i$in# 9on9erts onl5 in the $illa#e te"ple2 and absolutel5 satisfied with the s"all in9o"e he deri$ed fro" his an9estral lands ! washed his 9lothes2 swept his house2 ran

errands for hi"2 wrote his a99ounts2 and when he felt li=e it he tau#ht "e "usi9 His personalit5 and presen9e had a $alue all their own2 so that e$en if he tau#ht onl5 for an hour it was worth a 5ear's tuition under an5one else The $er5 at"osphere around hi" edu9ated one After three 5ears of 9hippin# and planin# "5 "aster felt that "5 "usi9 was after all ta=in# so"e shape He said2 D !n another 5ear2 perhaps2 5ou "a5 #o to the town and pla5 before a publi92 that is2 if 5ou 9are for su9h thin#s D You "a5 be sure ! 9ared Not for "e the #reatness of obs9urit5 ! wanted wealth and renown ! drea"t of #oin# to Madras and attendin# the "usi9 festi$al ne>t 5ear2 and then all the distri9ts would rin# with "5 na"e ! loo=ed on "5 ba"boo flute as a sort of "a#i9 wand whi9h was #oin# to open out a new world to "e ! li$ed in a s"all 9otta#e at the end of the street2 !t was "5 habit to sit up and pra9tise far into the ni#ht One ni#ht as ! Bwas Cust losin# "5self in bhaira$i ra#a2 there 9a"e a =no9= on the door ! felt irritated at the interruptionB

*8: THE SNA&E SONG D .ho is there F D ! as=ed D A sadhu E he wants a "outhful of food D D At this hour H Go2 #o people at all hours D Don't 9o"e and pester

D %ut hun#er =nows no ti"e D D Go awa5 ! ha$e nothin# here "5 "aster's 9harit5 D ! "5self li$e on

D %ut 9an't 5ou #i$e a s"all 9oin or at least a =ind word to a sadhu F He has seen &asi2 Ra"eswara" D D Shut up2D ! 9ried2 #lared at the door2 and resu"ed "5 bhaira$i 'ifteen "inutes later the =no9=s were repeated ! lost "5 te"per D Ha$e 5ou no sense F .h5 do 5ou disturb "e F D D You pla5 di$inel5 .on't 5ou let "e in F You "a5 not #i$e "e food for "5 sto"a9h but don't den5 "e 5our "usi9 D ! didn't li=e an5one to be present when ! pra9tised2 and this 9onstant interruption was e>asperatin#

D Don't stand there and ar#ue !f 5ou don't #o at on9e2 ! will open the door and push 5ou out D D Ah2 bad words You needn't push "e out ! a" #oin# %ut re"e"ber2 this is 5our last da5 of "usi9 To"orrow 5ou "a5 e>9han#e 5our flute for a handful of dried dates D ! heard his wooden 9lo#s #oin# down the house stepsB ! felt relie$ed and pla5ed for about ten "inutes %ut "5 "ind was troubled His partin# words what did he "ean b5 the"F ! #ot up2 too= the lantern fro" its nail on the wall2 and went out ! stood on the last step of "5 9otta#e and loo=ed up and down the dar= street2 holdin# up the lantern ! turned in 4a#uel5 hopin# that he "i#ht 9all a#ain2 ! left the door half open ! hun# up the lantern and sat down

THE SNA&E SONG *8! loo=ed at the pi9tures of #ods on the wall and pra5ed to be prote9ted fro" the threat of the unseen "en; di9ant And then ! was lost in "usi9 on9e a#ain Son# after son# flowed fro" that tin5 ba"boo and transfor"ed "5 lonel5 9otta#e ! was no lon#er a pett5 "ortal blowin# throu#h a pie9e of ba"boo ! was a"on# the #ods The lantern on the wall be9a"e a brilliant star illu"inatin# a 9elestian hall And ! 9a"e to the sna=e;son# in punna#a $arali ! saw the serpent in all its "aCest5 A the $er5 $eno" in its pou9h had a tou9h of #lor5 A now ! saw its di$init5 as it 9rowned Shi$a's head A (ar$athi wore it as a wristlet A Subra"an5a pla5ed with it A and it was 4ishnu's 9ou9h The whole 9o"position i"; parted to the serpent a ?ualit5 whi9h inspired awe and re$eren9e And now what should ! see between the door and "e but a bla9= 9obra H !t had opened its i""ense hood and was swa5in# e9stati9all5 ! stopped "5 son# and rubbed "5 e5es to see if ! was full5 awa=e %ut the "o"ent the son# 9eased2 the 9obra turned and threw a #lan9e at "e2 and "o$ed forward ! ha$e ne$er seen su9h a bla9= 9obra and su9h a lon# one in "5 life So"e sa$in# instin9t told "e A D (la5 on H (la5 on H Don't stop D ! hurriedl5 too= the flute to "5 lips and 9ontinued the son# The sna=e2 whi9h was now less than three 5ards fro" "e2 lifted a ?uarter of its bod52 with a #entle flourish reared its head2 fi>ed its round e5es on "e2 and listened to the "usi9 without "a=in# the sli#htest "o$e"ent !t "i#ht ha$e been a 9ar$en sna=e in bla9= stone2 so still it was

And as ! pla5ed with "5 e5es fi>ed on the sna=e ! was so "u9h i"pressed with its di#nit5 and authorit5

*87 THE SNA&E SONG that ! said to "5self2 D .hi9h God would fore#o the pri$ile#e of wearin# this in His hair F D After pla5in# the son# thri9e o$er2 ! 9o""en9ed a new son# The 9obra sharpl5 turned its head and loo=ed at "e as if to sa52 D Now what is all this F D and let out a terrible hiss2 and "ade a sli#ht "o$e"ent ! ?ui9=l5 resu"ed the sna=e;son#2 and it assu"ed on9e a#ain its 9ar$en posture So ! pla5ed the son# a#ain and a#ain And howe$er #reat a 9o"position "i#ht be2 a do@en repetitions of it was bound to pro$e tireso"e ! atte"pted to 9han#e the son# on9e or twi9e2 but ! saw the sna=e stir "ena9in#l5 ! $ainl5 tried to #et up and dash out2 but the sna=e nearl5 stood up on its tail and pro"ised to finish "e And so ! pla5ed the sa"e son# all ni#ht M5 distin#uished audien9e showed no si#n of lea$in# %5 and b5 ! felt e>hausted M5 head swa"2 "5 9hee=s a9hed throu#h 9ontinuous blowin#2 and "5 9hest see"ed to be e"ptied of the last wisp of breath ! =new ! was #oin# to drop dead in a few se9onds !t didn't see" to "atter $er5 "u9h if the sna=e was #oin# to 9rush "e in its 9oils and fill "e with all the $eno" in its sa9 ! flun# down the flute2 #ot up2 and prostrated before it 9r5in#2 D Oh2 Na#a RaCa2 5ou are a #od E 5ou 9an =ill "e if 5ou li=e2 but ! 9an pla5 no "ore D .hen ! opened "5 e5es a#ain the sna=e was #one The lantern on the wall had turned pale in the "ornin# li#ht M5 flute la5 near the doorwa5 + Ne>t da5 ! narrated "5 e>perien9es to "5 "aster He said2 D Don't 5ou =now 5ou ou#ht not to pla5 punna#a $arali at ni#htF That apart2 now 5ou 9an ne$er be sure 5ou will not #et the sna=e in a#ain if 5ou pla5 And when he 9o"es he won't spare 5ou unless

THE SNA&E SONG *8+ 5ou sin# his son# o$er a#ain do it F D Are 5ou prepared to

D No2 no2 a thousand ti"es no2D ! 9ried The "e"or5 of that son# was #allin# ! had repeated it enou#h to last "e a lifeti"e D !f it is so2 throw awa5 5our flute and for#et 5our

"usi9 You 9an't pla5 with a serpent !t is a pla5; thin# of Gods Throw awa5 5our ba"boo !t is of no use to 5ou an5 "ore D ! wept at the thou#ht of this renun9iation M5 "aster pitied "e and said2 D (erhaps all will be well a#ain if 5ou see= 5our $isitor of that ni#ht and be# his for#i$eness 3an 5ou find hi" F D ! put awa5 "5 flute ! ha$e e$er sin9e been sear9hin# for an un=nown2 unseen "endi9ant2 in this world E$en toda5 if2 b5 God's #ra9e2 ! "eet hi"2 ! will fall at his feet2 be# his for#i$eness2 and ta=e up "5 flute a#ain

*+ 'ORTY;'!4E A MONTH O HANTA 9ould not sta5 in her 9lass an5 lon#er BN She had done 9la5;"odellin#2 "usi92 drill2 a bit of alphabets and nu"bers2 and was now 9uttin# 9oloured paper She would ha$e to 9ut till the bell ran# and the tea9her said2 D Now2 5ou "a5 all #o ho"e2D or D (ut awa5 the s9issors and ta=e up 5our alpha; bets D Shanta was i"patient to =now the ti"e She as=ed her friend sittin# ne>t2 D !s it fi$e now F D D Ma5be2D she replied D Or is it si> F D D ! don't thin= so2D her friend replied2 D be9ause ni#ht 9o"es at si> D D Do 5ou thin= it is fi$e F D D Yes D D Oh2 ! "ust #o M5 father will be ba9= at ho"e now He has as=ed "e to be read5 at fi$e He is ta=in# "e to the 9ine"a this e$enin# ! "ust #o ho"e D She threw down her s9issors and ran up to the tea9her D Mada"2 ! "ust #o ho"e D D .h52 Shanta %ai F D D %e9ause it is fi$e o'9lo9= now D D .ho told 5ou it was fi$e F D D &a"ala D D !t is not fi$e now !t is do 5ou see the 9lo9= thereF Tell "e what the ti"e is ! tau#ht 5ou to read the 9lo9= the other da5 D Shanta stood #a@in#


'ORTY;'!4E A MONTH *,* at the 9lo9= in the hall2 9ounted the fi#ures laboriousl5 and de9lared2 D !t is nine o'9lo9= D The tea9her 9alled the other #irls and said2 D .ho will tell "e the ti"e fro" that 9lo9= F D Se$eral of the" 9on9urred with Shanta and said it was nine o'9lo9=2 till the tea9her said2 D You are onl5 seein# the lon# hand See the short one2 where is it F D D Two and a half D D So what is the ti"e F D D Two and a half D D !t is two fort5;fi$e2 understand F Now 5ou "a5 all #o to 5our seats D Shanta returned to the tea9her in about ten "inutes and as=ed2 D !s it fi$e2 Mada"2 be9ause ! ha$e to be read5 at fi$e F Other; wise "5 father will be $er5 an#r5 with "e He as=ed "e to return ho"e earl5 D D At what ti"e F D D Now D The tea9her #a$e her per"ission to lea$e2 and Shanta pi9=ed up her boo=s and dashed out of the 9lass with a 9r5 of Co5 She ran ho"e2 threw her boo=s on the floor2 and shouted2 D Mother2 Mother2D and Mother 9a"e runnin# fro" the ne>t house where she had #one to 9hat with her friends Mother as=ed2 D .h5 are 5ou ba9= so earl5 F D D Has father 9o"e ho"e F D Shanta as=ed She would not ta=e her 9offee or tiffin2 but insisted on bein# dressed first She opened the trun= and insisted on wearin# the thinnest fro9= and =ni9=ers2 while her "other wanted to dress her in a lon# s=irt and thi9= 9oat for the e$enin# Shanta pi9=ed out a #or#eous ribbon fro" a 9ardboard soap bo> in whi9h she =ept pen9ils2 ribbons and 9hal= bits There was a heated ar#u"ent between "other and dau#hter o$er the dress2 and finall5 "other had to #i$e in Shanta

*,6 'ORTY;'!4E A MONTH put on her fa$ourite pin= fro9=2 braided her hair2

and flaunted a #reen ribbon on her pi#tail She powdered her fa9e and pressed a $er"ilion "ar= on her forehead She said2 D Now father will sa5 what a ni9e #irl ! a" be9ause !'" read5 Aren't 5ou also 9o"in#2 "other F D D Not toda5 D Shanta stood at the little #ate loo=in# down the street Mother said A D 'ather will 9o"e onl5 after fi$e E don't stand in the sun !t is onl5 four o'9lo9= D The sun was disappearin# behind the house on the opposite row2 and Shanta =new that presentl5 it would be dar= She ran in to her "other and as=ed2 D .h5 hasn't father 9o"e ho"e 5et2 "other F D D How 9an ! =now F He is perhaps held up in the offi9e D Shanta "ade a wr5 fa9e A D ! don't li=e these people in the offi9e The5 are bad people D She went ba9= to the #ate and stood loo=in# out Her "other shouted fro" inside A D Go"e in2 Shanta !t is #ettin# dar=2 don't stand there D %ut Shanta would not #o in She stood at the #ate and a wild idea 9a"e to her head .h5 should she not #o to the offi9e and 9all out father and then #o to the 9ine"aF She wondered where his offi9e "i#ht be She had no notion She had seen her father ta=e the turn at the end of the street e$er5 da5 !f one went there2 one perhaps went auto"ati9all5 to father's offi9e She threw a #lan9e about to see if "other was an5where and "o$ed down the street !t was twili#ht E$er5one #oin# about loo=ed #i#anti92 walls of houses appeared $er5 hi#h2 and 959les and 9arria#es loo=ed as thou#h the5 would bear

'ORTY;'!4E A MONTH *,8 down on her She wal=ed on the $er5 ed#e of the road Soon the la"ps were twin=lin# A and the passers;b5 loo=ed li=e shadows She had ta=en two turns and did not =now where she was She sat down on the ed#e of the road bitin# her nails She wondered how she was to rea9h ho"e A ser$ant e"plo5ed in the ne>t house was passin# alon#2 and she pi9=ed herself up and stood before hi" D Oh2 what are 5ou doin# here all alone F D he as=ed She replied2 D ! don't =now ! 9a"e here

.ill 5ou ta=e "e to our house F D She followed hi" and was soon ba9= in her house

4en=at Rao2 Shanta's father2 was about to start for his offi9e that "ornin# when a Cut=a passed alon# the street distributin# 9ine"a handbills Shanta dashed to the street and pi9=ed up a handbill She held it up and as=ed A D 'ather2 will 5:u ta=e "e to the 9ine"a toda5 F D He felt unhapp5 at the ?uestion Here was the 9hild #rowin# up without ha$in# an5 of the a"enities and the si"ple pleasures of life He had hardl5 ta=en her twi9e to the 9ine"a He had no ti"e for the 9hild .hile 9hildren of her a#e in other houses had all the dolls2 dresses2 and outin#s that the5 wanted2 this 9hild was #rowin# up all alone and li=e a barbarian "ore or less He felt furious with his offi9e 'or fort5 rupees a "onth the5 see"ed to ha$e pur9hased hi" outri#ht He reproa9hed hi"self for ne#le9tin# his wife and 9hild e$en the wife 9ould ha$e her own 9ir9le of friends and so on A she was after all a #rown;up2 but what about the 9hild F .hat a drab2 9olourless e>isten9e was hers H E$er5 da5 the5 =ept hi" at the

*,, 'ORTY;'!4E A MONTH offi9e till se$en or ei#ht in the e$enin# and when he 9a"e ho"e the 9hild was asleep E$en on Sunda5s the5 wanted hi" at the offi9e .h5 did the5 thin= he had no personal life2 a life of his own F The5 #a$e hi" hardl5 an5 ti"e to ta=e the 9hild to the par= or the pi9tures He was #oin# to show the" that the5 weren't to to5 with hi" Yes2 he was prepared e$en to ?uarrel with his "ana#er if ne9essar5 He said with resol$e A D ! will ta=e 5ou to the 9ine"a this e$enin# %e read5 at fi$e D D Reall5 H Mother H D Shanta shouted 9a"e out of the =it9hen Mother

D 'ather is ta=in# "e to a 9ine"a in the e$enin# D Shanta's "other s"iled 95ni9all5 D Don't "a=e

false pro"ises to the 9hild D 4en=at Rao #lared at her D Don't tal= nonsense You thin= 5ou are the onl5 person who =eeps pro"ises D He told Shanta A D %e read5 at fi$e2 and ! will 9o"e and ta=e 5ou positi$el5 !f 5ou are not read52

! will be $er5 an#r5 with 5ou D He wal=ed to his offi9e full of resol$e He would do his nor"al wor= and #et out at fi$e !f the5 started an5 old tri9=s of theirs2 he was #oin# to te) the boss A D Here is "5 resi#nation M5 9hild's happiness is "ore i"portant to "e than these horrible papers of 5ours D All da5 the usual strea" of papers flowed on to his table and out of it He s9rutini@ed2 si#ned2 and drafted He was 9orre9ted2 ad"onished2 and insulted He had a brea= of onl5 fi$e "inutes in the afternoon for his 9offee .hen the offi9e 9lo9= stru9= fi$e and the other 9ler=s were lea$in#2 he went up to the "ana#er and said A D Ma5 ! #o2 sir F D The "ana#er loo=ed up

'ORTY;'!4E A MONTH *,1 fro" his paper A D You H D !t was unthin=able that the 9ash and a99ount se9tion should be 9losin# at fi$e D How 9an 5ou #o F D D ! ha$e so"e ur#ent2 pri$ate business2 sir2D he said2 s"otherin# the lines he had been rehearsin# sin9e the "ornin# A D Herewith "5 resi#nation D He $isuali@ed Shanta standin# at the door2 dressed2 and palpitatin# with ea#erness D There shouldn't be an5thin# "ore ur#ent than the offi9e wor= E #o ba9= to 5our seat You =now how "an5 hours ! wor= F D as=ed the "ana#er The "ana#er 9a"e to the offi9e three hours before the openin# ti"e and sta5ed nearl5 three hours after 9losin#2 e$en on Sunda5s The 9ler=s 9o""ented a"on# the"sel$es A D His wife "ust be whippin# hi" whene$er he is seen at ho"e E that is wh5 the old owl see"s so fond of his offi9e D D Did 5ou tra9e the sour9e of that Ten;Ei#ht differen9e F D as=ed the "ana#er D ! shall ha$e to e>a"ine two hundred $ou9hers ! thou#ht we "i#ht do it to"orrow D D No2 no2 this won't do You "ust re9tif5 it i""ediatel5 D 4en=at Rao "u"bled2 D Yes2 sir2D and slun= ba9= to his seat The 9lo9= showed fi$e;thirt5 Now it "eant two hours of e>9ru9iatin# sear9h a"on# $ou9hers All the rest of the offi9e had #one Onl5 he and another 9ler= in his se9tion were wor=in#2 and2 of 9ourse2 the

"ana#er was there 4en=at Rao was furious His "ind was "ade up He wasn't a sla$e who had sold hi"self for fort5 rupees outri#ht He 9ould "a=e that "one5 easil5 E and if he 9ouldn't it would be "ore honourable to die of star$ation He too= a sheet of paper and wrote A D Herewith

*,: 'ORTY;'!4E A MONTH "5 resi#nation !f 5ou people thin= 5ou ha$e bou#ht "e bod5 and soul for fort5 rupees2 5ou ar9 "ista=en ! thin= it would be far better for "e and "5 fa"il5 to die of star$ation than sla$e for this pett5 fort5 rupees on whi9h 5ou ha$e =ept "e for 5ears and 5ears ! suppose 5ou ha$e not the sli#htest notion of #i$in# "e an in9re"ent You #i$e 5oursel$es hea$5 sli9es fre?uentl52 and ! don't see wh5 5ou shouldn't thin= of us o99asionall5 !n an5 9ase it doesn't interest "e now2 sin9e this is "5 resi#nation !f ! and "5 fa"il5 perish of star$ation2 "a5 our #hosts 9o"e and haunt 5ou all 5our life D He folded the letter2 put it in an en$elope2 sealed the flap and addressed it to the "ana#er He left his seat and stood before the "ana#er The "ana#er "e9hani9all5 re9ei$ed the letter and put it on his pad D 4en=at Rao2D said the "ana#er D !'" sure 5ou will be #lad to hear this news Our offi9er dis9ussed the ?uestion of in9re"ents toda52 and !'$e re9o""ended 5ou for an in9re"ent of fi$e rupees Orders are not 5et passed and so =eep this to 5ourself for the present D 4en=at Rao put out his hand2 snat9hed the en$elope fro" the pad and hastil5 slipped it in his po9=et D.hat is that letterFD D ! ha$e applied for a little 9asual lea$e2 sir2 bu ! thin= D D You 9an't #et an5 lea$e at least for a fortni#ht to 9o"e D D Yes2 sir ! reali@e that That is wh5 ! a" withdrawin# "5 appli9ation2 sir D D 4er5 well Ha$e 5ou tra9ed that "ista=e F D ! will find it

D !'" s9rutini@in# the $ou9hers2 sir out within an hour D

'ORTY;'!4E A MONTH *,!t was nine o'9lo9= when he went ho"e Shanta had alread5 slept Her "other said2 D She wouldn't e$en 9han#e her fro9=2 thin=in# that an5 "o"ent 5ou "i#ht be 9o"in# and ta=in# her out She hardl5 ate an5 food E and wouldn't lie down for fear of 9ru"plin# her dress D 4en=at Rao's heart bled when he saw his 9hild sleepin# in her pin= fro9=2 hair 9o"bed2 and fa9e powdered2 dressed and read5 to be ta=en out D .h5 should ! not ta=e her to the ni#ht show F D He shoo= her #entl5 and 9alled2 D Shanta2 Shanta D Shanta =i9=ed her le#s and 9ried2 irritated at bein# disturbed Mother whispered2 D Don't wa=e her2D and patted her ba9= to sleep 4en=at Rao wat9hed the 9hild for a "o"ent D ! don't =now if it is #oin# to be possible for "e to ta=e her out at all 5ou see the5 are #i$in# "e an in; 9re"ent D he wailed

6< DAS! THE %R!DEGROOM H!S na"e was Dasi !n all the E>tension there was none li=e hi" an un9outh fellow with a narrow taperin# head2 bul#in# e5es2 and fat ne9= E below the ne9= he had an i""ense bod52 all "us9le God had not endowed hi" with $er5 fluent spee9h He #ur#led and lisped li=e an infant His a#e was a "5ster5 !t "i#ht be an5thin# between twent5 and fift5 He li$ed in a house in the last street !t was a "atter of perpetual spe9ulation how he was related to the "aster of the house So"e persons said he was a 5oun#er brother2 and so"e said he had been a foundlin# brou#ht up b5 the #entle"an .hate$er it was it was not a "atter whi9h 9ould be 9leared b5 (asi hi"self for2 as ! ha$e alread5 said2 he 9ould not e$en sa5 how old he was !f 5ou as=ed2 he said a hundred one da5 and fi$e on the ne>t !n return for the food and prote9tion he re9ei$ed2 he ser$ed the fa"il5 in his own wa5 E he drew water fro" the well fro" dawn till "idda52 9hopped wood2 and du# the #arden Dasi went out in the afternoon .hen he stepped out s9ores of 9hildren followed hi" about shoutin# and Ceerin# Haw=ers and passers;b5 stopped to 9ra9= a Co=e at his e>pense There was parti9ularl5 a #roup in a house ni9=na"ed Mantapa" !n the front por9h of the house were #athered all da5 a #ood


DAS! THE %R!DEGROOM *,+ 9o"pan5 of old "en E persons who had done useful wor= in their ti"e but who now found absolutel5 nothin# to do at an5 part of the da5 The5 were e$er on the loo= out for so"e e>9ite"ent or #ossip To the" Dasi was a sour9e of #reat Co5 The "o"ent Dasi was si#hted the5 would shout2 D He52 fellow2 ha$e 5ou fi>ed up a bride F D This ?uestion ne$er failed to draw Dasi in2 for he thou#ht $er5 deepl5 and earnestl5 of his "arria#e .hen he 9a"e and s?uatted in their "idst on the floor the5 would sa52 D The "arria#e season is 9losin#2 5ou "ust hurr5 up2 "5 dear fellow D D Yes2 5es2D Dasi would repl5 D ! a" #oin# to the priest He has pro"ised to settle it toda5 D D Toda5 F D D Yes2 toni#ht ! a" #oin# to be "arried said so D D .ho F D D M5 un9le D The5

D .ho is 5our un9le F D D M5 elder brother is "5 un9le ! a" in his house and draw water fro" his well See how "5 hand is all the s=in is #one D He would spread out his fin#ers and show his pal"s The5 would feel his pal"s and sa52 D Hardened li=e wood H (oor fellow H This won't do2 "5 dear fellow2 5ou "ust ?ui9=l5 "arr5 and put an end to all this D Dasi's e5es would bri#hten at this su##estion2 and his lips would part in a happ5 s"ile showin# an enor"ous front tooth E$er5one would lau#h at it2 and he2 too2 would swa5 and ro9= with lau#hter And then the ?uestion2 D .here is 5our bride F D D She is there in Madras in Madras D

D .hat is she li=e F D

i 1 o DAS! THE %R!DEGROOM D She has e5es li=e this2D said Dasi2 and drew a lar#e 9ir9le in the air with his fin#er

D .hat is the 9olour of her s=in F D D 4er52 $er5 white D D Has she lon# hair F D Dasi indi9ated an i""ense flow of tresses with his hand D !s she $er5 #ood loo=in# F D D She is 5es2 5es D

Dasi hid his fa9e in his hand2 loo=ed at the #roup throu#h a 9orner of his e5e and said sh5l52 D Yes2 5es2 ! also li=e her D D .here ha$e 5ou the "one5 to "arr5 F D D The5 ha$e to #i$e "e three thousand rupees2D replied Dasi D He "eans that his wa#es ha$e a99u"ulated2D so"e one e>plained obli#in#l5 .hen he went ho"e he was as=ed where he had been and he said2 D M5 "arria#e D And then he went and sat down in the shed on his "at2 his onl5 possession in the world He re"ained there broodin# o$er his "arria#e till he was 9alled in to dine2 late in the ni#ht He was the last to eat be9ause he 9onsu"ed an i""ense ?uantit5 of ri9e2 and the5 thou#ht it a ris= to 9all hi" in before the others had eaten After food he 9arried hu#e 9auldrons of water and washed the =it9hen and dinin#;hall floor And then he went to his "at and slept till dawn2 when he wo=e up and drew water fro" the well 'or 5ears out of 9ount this had been #oin# on E$en his life had a tone and rh5th" of its own He ne$er see"ed to lon# for an5thin# or interfere in an5bod5's business E ne$er spo=e to others e>9ept when spo=en to E ne$er so "u9h as thou#ht he was bein#

DAS! THE %R!DEGROOM *1* Co=ed at E he treated e$er5one seriousl5 E when the E>tension S9hool 9hildren ran behind hi" Ceerin# he ne$er e$en showed he was aware of their presen9e E he had no doubt the stren#th of an o>2 but he had also the forbearan9e of Mother Earth E nothin# e$er see"ed to irritate hi" The little 9otta#e in the third street whi9h had

re"ained $a9ant fro" ti"e i""e"orial suddenl5 shed its D To Let D noti9e Alon# with the newspaper and the letters2 the train one "ornin# brou#ht a fil" star fro" Madras2 9alled %a"ini %ai a 5oun# person all s"iles2 sil= and powder She too= up her abode in the little 9otta#e 4er5 soon the E>tension fol= =new all about her She was #oin# to sta5 in Mal#udi a 9onsiderable ti"e trainin# herself under a fa"ous "usi9ian of the town She had her old "other sta5in# with her The E>tension fol= had also a 9o"plete =nowled#e of her "o$e"ents She left ho"e earl5 in the "ornin#2 returned at "idda52 slept till three o'9lo9=2 went out on a wal= alon# the Trun= Road at fi$e o'9lo9=2 and so on At the Mantapa" the5 told Dasi one da52 D Dasi2 5our wife has arri$ed D D .here F D as=ed Dasi He be9a"e a#itated2 and swallowed and stru##led to e>press all the an>iet5 and happiness he felt The 9o"pan5 assu"ed a $er5 serious e>pression and said2 D Do 5ou =now the house in the ne>t street2 the little house F D D Yes2 5es D D She is there Ha$e 5ou not seen her F D

Dasi hid his fa9e in his hands and went awa5 He went to the ne>t street !t was about one o'9lo9= in the afternoon The fil" star was not to be seen

i 1 a DAS! THE %R!DEGROOM Dasi stood on the road loo=in# at the house for so"e ti"e He returned to the Mantapa" The5 #reeted hi" $o9iferousl5 D How do 5ou li=e her F D Dasi replied2 D M5 e5es did not see her2 the door would not open D D Tr5 to loo= in throu#h the window see her D You will

D ! will see throu#h the window2D said Dasi2 and started out a#ain D No2 no2 stop !t is no #ood .ill 5ou do as ! sa5 F D D Yes2 5es D D You see2 she #oes out e$er5 da5 at fi$e o'9lo9= You will see her if 5ou #o to Tri9h5 Road and Listen to "e

wait D Dasi's head was bowed in sh5ness The5 #oaded hi" on2 and he went alon# to the Trun= Road and waited He sat under a tree on the roadside !t was not e$en two o'9lo9=2 and he had to wait till nearl5 si> The sun beat down full5 on his fa9e He sat leanin# a#ainst a tree trun= and brooded A few 9ars passed raisin# dust2 bullo9= 9arts with Cin#lin# bells2 and $illa#ers were "o$in# about the hi#hwa5E but Dasi saw nothin# and noti9ed nothin# He sat loo=in# down the road And after all she 9a"e alon# Dasi's throat went dr5 at the si#ht of her His te"ples throbbed2 and sweat stood out on his brow He had ne$er seen an5thin# li=e her in all his life The $ision of beaut5 and 5outh da@@led hi" He was 9onfused and bewildered He spran# on to his feet and ran ho"e at full speed He la5 down on his "at in the shed He was so "u9h absorbed in his thou#hts that he wouldn't #et up when the5 9alled hi" in to dinner His "aster wal=ed to the shed

DAS! THE %R!DEGROOM *18 and shoo= hi" up he as=ed D M5 "arria#e ri#ht D D .hat is the "atter with 5ou F D She is there She is all

D .ell2 well Go and eat and do 5our wor=2 5ou fool2D said his "aster Ne>t afternoon Dasi was a#ain at the Trun= Road This be9a"e his dail5 habit E$er5 da5 his 9oura#e in9reased At last 9a"e a da5 when he 9ould stare at her His fa9e rela>ed and his lips parted in a s"ile when she passed hi"2 but that 5oun# lad5 had other thou#hts to o99up5 her "ind and did not noti9e hi" He waited till she returned that wa5 and tried to s"ile at her a#ain2 thou#h it was nearl5 dar= and she was loo=in# awa5 He followed her2 his fa9e lit up with Co5 She opened the #ate of her 9otta#e and wal=ed in He hesitated a "o"ent2 and followed her in He stood under the ele9tri9 la"p in the hall The "other 9a"e out of the =it9hen and as=ed Dasi2 D .ho are 5ou F D Dasi loo=ed at her and s"iled E at that the old lad5 was fri#htened She 9ried2 D %a"a2 who is this "an in the hall F D %a"ini %ai 9a"e out of her roo" D .ho are 5ou F D she as=ed Dasi "elted at the si#ht of her E$en the little e>pression he was 9apable of left hi" He blin=ed and #ulped and loo=ed suffo9ated His e5es bla@ed forth lo$e His lips

stru##led to s"ile .ith #reat diffi9ult5 he said2 D .ife wife2 5ou are the wife D D .hat are 5ou sa5in# F D D You are "5 wife2D he repeated2 and "o$ed nearer She re9oiled with horror2 and stru9= hi" in the fa9e And then she and her "other set up su9h a 9r5 that all the nei#hbours and passers;b5 rushed in So"ebod5

i 1 , DAS! THE %R!DEGROOM brou#ht in a poli9e Sub;!nspe9tor Dasi was "ar9hed off to the poli9e station The "e"bers of the Mantapa" used their influen9e and had hi" released late in the ni#ht He went ho"e and la5 on his "at His bod5 had re9ei$ed nu"erous blows fro" all sorts of people in the e$enin# E but he hardl5 felt or re"e"bered an5 of the" %ut his soul re$olted a#ainst the "e"or5 of the slap he had re9ei$ed in the fa9e .hen the5 9alled hi" in to eat2 he refused to #et up His "aster went to hi" and 9o""anded2 D Go and eat2 Dasi You are brin#in# "e dis#ra9e2 5ou fool Don't #o out of the house hereafter D Dasi refused to #et up He rolled hi"self in the "at and said2 D Go2 ! don't eat D He turned and fa9ed the wall On the followin# da5 Dasi had the "isfortune to step out of his house Cust when the 9hildren of the Ele"entar5 S9hool were strea"in# out at "idda5 inter$al The5 had heard all about the in9ident of the pre$ious e$enin# The5 now surrounded hi" and 9ried2 D He52 bride#roo" D He turned and loo=ed at the" E there were tears in his e5es He "ade a #esture of despair and appealed to the" A D Go2 #o2 don't trouble "e Go D D Oh2 the bride#roo" is still 9r5in# E his wife beat hi" 5esterda52D said a bo5 On hearin# this Dasi let out a roar2 lifted the bo5 b5 his 9ollar and hurled hi" into the 9rowd He swun# his ar"s about and =no9=ed down people who tried to #et near hi" He rushed into the s9hool and bro=e 9hairs and tables He =no9=ed down four tea9hers who tried to restrain hi" He rushed out of the s9hool and assaulted e$er5one he "et He 9rashed into the shops and threw thin#s about He leapt about li=e a panther

DAS! THE %R!DEGROOM *11 fro" pla9e to pla9e E he passed throu#h the streets of the E>tension li=e a tornado

Gates were hurriedl5 shut and bolted A #roup of persons tried to run behind Dasi2 while a "aCorit5 preferred to ta=e 9o$er Soon the poli9e were on the s9ene2 and Dasi was finall5 o$erpowered He was =ept that ni#ht in a poli9e lo9=;up2 and sent to the Mental Hospital ne>t da5 He was not $er5 eas5 to "ana#e at first He was =ept in a 9ell for so"e wee=s He be##ed the do9tor one da5 to allow hi" to stand at the "ain #ate and loo= down the road The do9tor pro"ised this as a reward for #ood beha$iour Dasi $alued the reward so "u9h that he did e$er5thin# e$er5one su##ested for a whole wee= He was then sent /with a warder0 to the "ain #ate where he stood for a whole hour loo=in# down the road for the 9o"in# of his bride

6* OLD MAN O' THE TEM(LE THE Tal=ati$e Man said A !t was so"e 5ears a#o that this happened ! don't =now if 5ou 9an "a=e an5thin# of it !f 5ou do2 ! shall be #lad to hear what 5ou ha$e to sa5 E but personall5 ! don't understand it at all !t has alwa5s "5stified "e (erhaps the dri$er was drun= E perhaps he wasn't ! had en#a#ed a ta>i for #oin# to &u"bu"2 whi9h as 5ou "a5 alread5 =now2 is fift5 "iles fro" Mal#udi ! went there one "ornin# and it was past nine in the e$enin# when ! finished "5 business and started ba9= for the town Doss2 the dri$er2 was a 5oun# fellow of about twent5;fi$e He had often brou#ht his 9ar for "e and ! li=ed hi" He was a well;beha$ed2 obedient fellow2 with a 9apa9it5 to sit down and wait at the wheel2 whi9h is reall5 a rare ?ualit5 in a ta>i dri$er He dro$e the 9ar s"oothl52 seldo" swore at passers;b52 and e>hibited perfe9t Cud#"ent2 #ood sense2 and sobriet5 E and so ! preferred hi" to an5 other dri$er whene$er ! had to #o out on business !t was about ele$en when we passed the $illa#e &oopal2 whi9h is on the wa5 down !t was the dar= half of the "onth and the surroundin# 9ountr5 was swallowed up in the ni#ht The $illa#e street was deserted E$er5one had #one to sleep E hardl5 an5 li#ht was to be seen The stars o$erhead spar=led

OLD MAN O' THE TEM(LE *1bri#htl5 Sittin# in the ba9= seat and listenin# to the

9ontinuous noise of the runnin# wheels2 ! was half lulled into a drowse All of a sudden Doss swer$ed the 9ar and shouted A D You old fool H Do 5ou want to =ill 5ourselfF D ! was sha=en out of "5 drowse and as=ed A D .hat is the "atter F D Doss stopped the 9ar and said2 DYou see that old fellow2 sir He is tr5in# to =ill hi"self ! 9an't understand what he is up to D ! loo=ed in the dire9tion he pointed and as=ed2 D .hi9h old "an F D D There2 there He is 9o"in# towards us a#ain As soon as ! saw hi" open that te"ple door and 9o"e out ! had a feelin#2 so"ehow2 that ! "ust =eep an e5e on hi" D ! too= out "5 tor9h2 #ot down2 and wal=ed about2 but 9ould see no one There was an old te"ple on the roadside E it was utterl5 in ruins E "ost portions of it were "ere "ounds of old bri9= E the walls were awr5 E and there was a "ain doorwa5 with doors shut2 and bra"bles and thi9=ets #rew o$er and 9o$ered the" !t was diffi9ult to #uess with the aid of the tor9h alone what te"ple it was and to what period it belon#ed D The doors are shut and sealed and don't loo= as if the5 had been opened for 9enturies now2D ! 9ried D No2 sir2D Doss said 9o"in# nearer D ! saw the old "an open the doors and 9o"e out He is standin# there E shall we as= hi" to open the" a#ain if 5ou want to #o in and see F D ! said to Doss2 D Let us be #oin# our ti"e here D .e are wastin#

.e went ba9= to the 9ar Doss sat in his seat2 pressed the self;starter2 and as=ed without turnin# his head2 D Are 5ou per"ittin# this fellow to 9o"e with

*17 OLD MAN O' THE TEM(LE us2 sirF He sa5s he will #et down at the ne>t "ilestone D D.hi9h fellowF D! as=ed Doss indi9ated the spa9e on his left D .hat is the "atter with 5ou2 Doss F Ha$e 5ou had a drop of drin= or so"ethin# F D D ! ha$e ne$er tasted an5 drin= in "5 life2 sir2D he

said2 and added2 D Get down2 old bo5 he 9an't ta=e 5ou D D Are 5ou tal=in# to 5ourselfF D

Master sa5s

D After all ! thin= we needn't 9are for these un=nown fellows on the road2D he said D Doss2D ! pleaded D Do 5ou feel 9onfident 5ou 9an dri$e F !f 5ou feel di@@5 don't $enture to start the 9ar D D Than= 5ou2 sir2D said Doss D ! would rather not start the 9ar now ! a" feelin# a little out of sorts D ! loo=ed at hi" an>iousl5 He 9losed his e5es2 his breathin# be9a"e hea$5 and nois52 and #raduall5 his head san= D Doss2 Doss2D ! 9ried desperatel5 ! #ot down2 wal=ed to the front seat2 opened the door2 and shoo= hi" $i#orousl5 He opened his e5es2 assu"ed a hun9hed;up position2 and rubbed his e5es with his hands2 whi9h tre"bled li=e an old "an's D Do 5ou feel better F D ! as=ed D %etter H %etter H Hi H Hi H D he said in a thin2 pipin# $oi9e D .hat has happened to 5our $oi9e F You sound li=e so"eone else2D ! said D Nothin# M5 $oi9e is as #ood as it was .hen a "an is ei#ht5 he is bound to feel a few 9han#es 9o"in# on D D You aren't ei#ht52 surel52D ! said

OLD MAN O' THE TEM(LE *1+ D Not a da5 less2D he said D !s nobod5 #oin# to "o$e this $ehi9le F !f not there is no sense in sittin# here all da5 ! will #et down and #o ba9= to "5 te"ple D D ! don't =now dri$in#2D ! said D And unless 5ou 9are to do it ! don't see how the $ehi9le 9an "o$e D D Me H D e>9lai"ed Doss D These new 9arria#es H God =nows what the5 are drawn b52 ! ne$er under; stand2 thou#h ! 9ould handle a pair of bullo9=s ?uite well in "5 ti"e Ma5 ! as= a ?uestion F D D Go on2D ! said

D .here is e$er5bod5 F D D .ho F D D Lots of people ! =new are not to be seen at all All sorts of new fellows e$er5where2 and nobod5 see"s to 9are Not a soul 9o"es near the te"ple All sorts of people #o about but not one who 9ares to stop and tal= to "e .h5 doesn't the =in# e$er 9o"e this wa5 F He used to #o this wa5 at least on9e a 5ear before D D .hi9h =in# F D ! as=ed D Let "e #o2 5ou idiot2D said Doss2 ed#in# towards the door on whi9h ! was leanin# D You don't see" to =now an5thin# D He pushed "e aside2 and #ot down fro" the 9ar He stopped as if he had a bi# hu"p on his ba9=2 and hobbled alon# towards the te"ple ! followed hi"2 hardl5 =nowin# what to do He turned and snarled at "e A D Go awa52 lea$e "e alone ! ha$e had enou#h of 5ou D D .hat has 9o"e o$er 5ou2 Doss F D ! as=ed D .ho is Doss2 an5wa5 F Doss2 Doss2 Doss .hat an absurd na"e H Gall "e b5 "5 na"e or lea$e "e alone Don't follow "e 9allin# B Doss2 Doss ' D D .hat is 5our na"e F D ! as=ed

*:< OLD MAN O' THE TEM(LE D &rishna %attar E and if 5ou #o and "ention "5 na"e people will =now who it is for a hundred "iles around ! built a te"ple where there was onl5 a 9a9tus field before ! du# the earth2 "ade e$er5 bri9= with "5 own hands and put the" one upon another2 all sin#le;handed And on the da5 the te"ple held up its tower o$er the surroundin# 9ountr52 what a 9rowd #athered H The =in# sent his 9hief "inister D .ho was the =in# F D D .here do 5ou 9o"e fro" F D he as=ed D ! belon# to these parts 9ertainl52 but as far as ! =now there has been onl5 a 3olle9tor at the head of the distri9t ! ha$e ne$er heard of an5 =in# D D Hi H Hi H Hi H D he 9a9=led2 and his $oi9e ran# throu#h the #loo"5 silent $illa#e D 'an95 ne$er =nowin# the =in# H He will behead 5ou if he hears it D D .hat is his na"e F D ! as=ed

This ti9=led hi" so "u9h that he sat down on the #round2 unable to stand /literall50 the Co=e an5 "ore He lau#hed and 9ou#hed un9ontrollabl5 D ! a" unhapp5 to ad"it2D ! said2 D that "5 parents ha$e brou#ht "e up in su9h utter i#noran9e of worldl5 affairs that ! don't =now e$en "5 =in# %ut won't 5ou enli#hten "e F .hat is his na"e F D D4ishnu 4ar"a2 the E"peror of e"perors D

! 9ast "5 "ind up and down the ran#e of "5 histori9al =nowled#e but there was no one of that na"e (erhaps a lo9al 9hief of pre;%ritish da5s2 ! thou#ht D .hat a =in# H He often $isited "5 te"ple or sent his "inister for the Annual 'esti$al of the te"ple %ut now nobod5 9ares D D (eople are be9o"in# less #odl5 nowada5s2D ! said There was silen9e for a "o"ent An idea o99urred

OLD MAN O' THE TEM(LE *:* to "e2 ! 9an't sa5 wh5 DListen to "e2D ! said D You ou#ht not to be here an5 "ore D D .hat do 5ou "ean F D he as=ed2 drawin# hi"self up proudl5 D Don't feel hurt E ! sa5 5ou shouldn't be here an5 "ore be9ause 5ou are dead D D Dead H Dead H D he said D Don't tal= nonsense How 9an ! be dead when 5ou see "e before 5ou now F !f ! a" dead how 9an ! be sa5in# this and that F D D ! don't =now all that2D ! said ! ar#ued and pointed out that a99ordin# to his own stor5 he was "ore than three hundred 5ears old2 and didn't he =now that "an's lon#e$it5 was onl5 a hundred F He 9onstantl5 interrupted "e2 but 9onsidered deepl5 what ! said He said A D !t is li=e this ! was 9o"in# throu#h the Cun#le one ni#ht after $isitin# "5 sister in the ne>t $illa#e ! had on "e so"e "one5 and #old orna"ents So"e robbers set upon "e ! #a$e the" as #ood a fi#ht as an5 "an 9ould2 but the5 were too "an5 for "e The5 beat "e down and =nifed "e E the5 too= awa5 all that ! had on "e and left thin=in# the5 had =illed "e %ut soon ! was up and tried to follow the" The5 were #one And !

returned to the te"ple and ha$e been here sin9e ! told hi"2 D &rishna %atta2 5ou are dead2 absolutel5 dead You "ust tr5 and #o awa5 fro" here D D .hat is to happen to the te"ple F D he as=ed D Others will loo= after it D D .here a" ! to #o F .here a" ! to #o F D D Ha$e 5ou no one who 9ares for 5ou F D ! as=ed D None e>9ept "5 wife D You 9an #o to her D D Oh2 no She died four 5ears a#o D ! lo$ed her $er5 "u9h D

*:6 OLD MAN O' THE TEM(LE 'our 5ears H !t was $er5 pu@@lin# D Do 5ou sa5 four 5ears ba9= fro" now F D ! as=ed D Yes2 four 5ears a#o fro" now ' 1 He was 9learl5 without an5 sense of ti"e So ! as=ed2 D .as she ali$e when 5ou were atta9=ed b5 thie$es F D D 3ertainl5 not !f she had been ali$e she would ne$er ha$e allowed "e to #o throu#h the Cun#le after ni#htfall She too= $er5 #ood 9are of "e D D See here2D ! said D !t is i"perati$e 5ou should #o awa5 fro" here !f she 9o"es and 9alls 5ou2 will 5ou #o F D D How 9an she when ! tell 5ou that she is dead F D ! thou#ht for a "o"ent (resentl5 ! found "5self sa5in#2 D Thin= of her2 and onl5 of her2 for a while and see what happens .hat was her na"e F D D Seetha2 a wonderful #irl D

D 3o"e on2 thin= of her D He re"ained in deep thou#ht for a while He suddenl5 s9rea"ed2 D Seetha is 9o"in# H A" ! drea"in# or what F ! will #o with her D He stood up2 $er5 ere9t E he appeared to ha$e lost all the hu"ps and twists he had on his bod5 He drew hi"self up2 "ade a dash forward2 and fell down in a heap Doss la5 on the rou#h #round The onl5 si#n of life in hi" was his faint breathin# ! shoo= hi" and 9alled hi" He would not open his e5es ! wal=ed

a9ross and =no9=ed on the door of the first 9otta#e ! ban#ed on the door $iolentl5 So"eone "oaned inside2 D Ah2 it is 9o"e H D So"eone else whispered2 D You Cust 9o$er 5our ears and sleep !t will =no9= for a while and #o awa5 D ! ban#ed on the door and shouted who ! was and where ! 9a"e fro" ! sounded the horn of the 9ar in the street The door was opened2 and a whole

OLD MAN O' THE TEM(LE *:8 fa"il5 9rowded out with la"ps D .e thou#ht it was the usual =no9=in# and we wouldn't ha$e opened if 5ou hadn't spo=en D D .hen was this =no9=in# first heard F D ! as=ed D .e 9an't sa52D an old "an replied D The first ti"e ! heard it was when "5 #randfather was li$in# E he used to sa5 he had e$en seen it on9e or twi9e !t doesn't har" an5one2 as far as ! =now The onl5 thin# it does is to bother the bullo9= 9arts passin# the te"ple and to =no9= on the doors at ni#ht D ! said as a $enture2 D !t is unli=el5 5ou will be troubled an5 "ore D !t pro$ed 9orre9t .hen ! passed that wa5 a#ain "onths later ! was told that the bullo9=s passin# the te"ple after dus= ne$er shied now and no =no9=in# on doors was heard at ni#hts So ! felt that the old fellow had reall5 #one awa5 with his #ood wife

66 O)T O' %)S!NESS L!TTLE o$er a 5ear a#o Ra"a Rao went out of wor= when a #ra"ophone 9o"pan52 of whi9h he was the Mal#udi a#ent2 went out of e>isten9e He had put into that a#en95 the little "one5 he had inherited2 as se9urit5 'or fi$e 5ears his business brou#ht hi" enou#h "one52 Cust enou#h2 to help hi" =eep his wife and 9hildren in #ood 9o"fort He built a s"all bun#alow in the E>tension and was thin=in# of bu5in# an old %ab5 9ar for his use And one da52 it was a bolt fro" the blue2 the 9rash 9a"e A series of 9ir9u"stan9es in the world of trade2 9o""er9e2 ban=in# and politi9s was responsible for it The #ra"ophone 9o"pan52 whi9h had its fa9tor5 so"ewhere in Northern !ndia2 auto"ati9all5

9ollapsed when a ban= in Lahore 9rashed2 whi9h was itself the result of a %o"ba5 finan9ier's death The finan9ier was dri$in# downhill when his 9ar flew off sidewa5s and 9a"e to rest three hundred feet below the road !t was thou#ht that he had 9o""itted sui9ide be9ause the pre$ious ni#ht his wife eloped with his 9ashier Ra"a Rao suddenl5 found hi"self in the streets At first he 9ould hardl5 understand the full si#nifi9an9e of this 9ollapse There was a little "one5 in the ban= and he had so"e sto9= on hand %ut the sto9= "o$ed out slowl5 E the pri9es were #oin# down2 and *:,

O)T O' %)S!NESS *:1 he 9ould hardl5 reali@e a few hundred rupees .hen he applied for the refund of his se9urit52 there was hardl5 an5one at the other end to re9ei$e his appli9ation The "one5 in the ban= was fast "eltin# Ra"a Rao's wife now tried so"e "easures of e9ono"5 She sent awa5 the 9oo= and the ser$ant E withdrew the 9hildren fro" a fashionable nurser5 s9hool and sent the" to a free pri"ar5 s9hool And then the5 let out their bun#alow and "o$ed to a $er5 s"all house behind the Mar=et Ra"a Rao sent out a do@en appli9ations a da52 and wore his feet out loo=in# for e"plo5"ent 'or a "an approa9hin# fort52 loo=in# for e"plo5"ent does not 9o"e $er5 easil52 espe9iall5 when he has Cust lost an independent2 lu9rati$e business Ra"a Rao was $er5 businessli=e in statin# his re?uest He sent his 9ard in and as=ed2 D ! wonder2 sir2 if 5ou 9ould do so"ethin# for "e M5 business is all #one throu#h no fault of "5 own ! shall be $er5 #rateful if 5ou 9an #i$e "e so"ethin# to do in 5our offi9e D .hat a pit52 Ra"a Rao H ! a" awfull5 sorr52 there is nothin# at present !f there is an opportunit5 ! will 9ertainl5 re"e"ber 5ou B' !t was the sa"e stor5 e$er5where He returned ho"e in the e$enin# E his heart san= as he turned into his street behind the Mar=et His wife would in; $ariabl5 be standin# at the door with the 9hildren behind her2 loo=in# down the street .hat an>ious2 ea#er fa9es the5 had H So "u9h of tre"blin#2 hesi; tatin# hope in their fa9es The5 see"ed alwa5s to hope that he would 9o"e ba9= ho"e with so"e "a#i9 fulfil"ent As he re"e"bered the futile wa5 in

whi9h he sear9hed for a Cob2 and the finalit5 with

*:: O)T O' %)S!NESS whi9h people dis"issed hi"2 he wished that his wife and 9hildren had less trust in hi" His wife loo=ed at his fa9e2 understood2 and turned in without utterin# a word E the 9hildren too= the 9ue and filed in silentl5 Ra"a Rao tried to i"pro$e "atters with a for9ed heartiness D .ell2 well How are we all toda5 F D To whi9h he re9ei$ed "u"blin#2 feeble responses fro" his wife and 9hildren !t rent his heart to see the" in this 9ondition There at the E>tension how this #irl would spar=le with flowers and a bri#ht dress E she had friendl5 nei#hbours2 a wo"en's 9lub2 and e$er5; thin# to =eep her happ5 there %ut now she hardl5 had the heart or the need to 9han#e in the e$enin#s2 for she spent all her ti"e 9ooped up in the =it9hen And then the 9hildren The house in the E>tension had a 9o"pound and the5 ro"ped about with a do@en other 9hildren A it was possible to ha$e nu"erous friends in the fashionable nurser5 s9hool %ut here the 9hildren had no friends2 and 9ould pla5 onl5 in the ba9=5ard of the house Their shirts were be#innin# to show tears and fra5s 'or"erl5 the5 were #i$en new 9lothes on9e in three "onths Ra"a Rao la5 in bed and spent sleepless ni#hts o$er it All the 9ash in hand was now #one Their onl5 sour9e of in9o"e was the s"all rent the5 were #ettin# for their house in the E>tension The5 shuddered to thin= what would happen to the" if their tenant should suddenl5 lea$e !t was in this 9ondition that Ra"a Rao 9a"e a9ross a Cournal in the Lubilee Readin# Roo" !t was 9alled The 3aptain !t 9onsisted of four pa#es and all of the" were de$oted to 9rossword pu@@les !t offered e$er5 wee= a first pri@e of four thousand rupeesB 'or the ne>t few da5s his head was free fro" fa"il5

O)T O' %)S!NESS *:9ares He was intensel5 thin=in# of his answers A whether it should be TALLO. or 'OLLO. .hether %AD or MAD or SAD would be "ost apt for a 9lue whi9h said D Men who are this had better be a$oided D He hardl5 stopped to loo= at his wife and 9hildren standin# in the doorwa52 when he returned ho"e in the e$enin#s .ee= after wee= he in$ested a little "one5 and sent down his solutions2 and e$er5 wee= he awaited the results with a palpitatin# heart On

the da5 a solution was due he hun# about the news; a#ent's shop2 wor"in# hi"self into his fa$our in order to ha$e a loo= into the latest issue of The 3aptain without pa5in# for it He was too i"patient to wait till the Cournal 9a"e on the table in the Lubilee Readin# Roo" So"eti"es the newsa#ent would #ru"ble2 and Ra"a Rao would pa9if5 hi" with an aw=ward2 affe9ted opti"is" D (lease wait .hen ! #et a pri@e ! will #i$e 5ou three 5ears' subs9ription in ad$an9e D His heart ?uailed as he opened the pa#e announ9in# the pri@e;winners So"eone in %alu9histan2 so"eone in Da99a2 and so"eone in 3e5lon had hit upon the ri#ht set of words E not Ra"a Rao !t too= three hours for Ra"a Rao to re9o$er fro" this sho9= The onl5 wa5 to e>ist see"ed to be to plun#e into the ne>t wee='s pu@@le E that would =eep hi" buo5ed up with hope for a few da5s "ore This $iolent alternatin# between hope and despair soon wre9=ed his ner$es and balan9e At ho"e he hardl5 spo=e to an5one His head was alwa5s bowed in thou#ht He ?uarrelled with his wife if she refused to #i$e hi" his rupee a wee= for the pu@@les She was of a "ild disposition and was in9apable of a sustained ?uarrel2 with the result that he alwa5s #ot

i:7 O)T O' %)S!NESS what he wanted2 thou#h it "eant a sli#ht sa9rifi9e in household e>penses One da5 the #ood Cournal announ9ed a spe9ial offer of ei#ht thousand rupees !t e>9ited Ra"a Rao's $ision of a future tenfold He studied the pu@@le There were onl5 four doubtful 9orners in it2 and he "i#ht ha$e to send in at least four entries A lar#er outla5 was indi9ated D You "ust #i$e "e fi$e rupees this ti"e2D he said to his wife2 at whi9h that #ood lad5 be9a"e spee9hless He had be9o"e rather insensiti$e to su9h thin#s these da5s2 but e$en he 9ould not help feelin# the atro9ious nature of his de"and 'i$e rupees were nearl5 a wee='s food for the fa"il5 He felt disturbed for a "o"ent E but he had onl5 to turn his attention to spe9ulate whether HO(E or DO(E or RO(E "ade "ost sense /for D So"e (eople (refer This to Despair D02 and his "ind was at on9e at rest After sendin# awa5 the solutions b5 re#istered post he built elaborate 9astles in the air E$en if it was onl5 a share he would #et a substantial a"ount of "one5 He would send awa5 his tenants2 ta=e his wife and 9hildren ba9= to the bun#alow in the E>; tension2 and lea$e all the "one5 in his wife's hands

for her to "ana#e for a 9ouple of 5ears or so E he hi"self would ta=e a hundred and #o awa5 to Madras and see= his fortune there %5 the ti"e the "one5 in his wife's hands was spent he would ha$e found so"e profitable wor= in Madras On the fateful da5 of results Ra"a Rao opened The 3aptain2 and the 9orre9t solution stared hi" in the fa9e His blunders were nu"erous There was no 9han9e of #ettin# ba9= e$en a few annas now He "oped about till the e$enin# The "ore he

O)T O' %)S!NESS *:+ brooded o$er this the "ore intolerable life see"ed All the losses2 disappoint"ents and frustrations of his life 9a"e down on hi" with renewed for9e !n the e$enin# instead of turnin# ho"eward he "o$ed alon# the Railwa5 Station Road He slipped in at the le$el 9rossin# and wal=ed down the line a 9ouple of "iles !t was dar= 'ar awa5 the li#hts of the town twin=led2 and the red and #reen li#ht of a si#nal post loo"ed o$er the surroundin#s a 9ouple of furlon#s behind hi" He had 9o"e to the 9on9lusion that life was not worth li$in# !f one had the "isfortune to be born in the world the best re"ed5 was to end "atters on a railwa5 line or with a rope /D Dope F HopeFD his "ind as=ed in$oluntaril50 He pulled it ba9= D None of that2D he said to it and set it ri#idl5 to 9onte"plate the business of d5in# .ife2 9hildren nothin# see"ed to "atter The onl5 i"portant thin# now was total e>tin9tion He la5 a9ross the lines The iron was still war" The da5 had been hot Ra"a Rao felt $er5 happ5 as he refle9ted that in less than ten "inutes the train fro" Tri9hinopol5 would be arri$in# He la5 there he did not =now how lon# He strained his ears to 9at9h the sound of the train2 but he heard nothin# "ore than a $a#ue rattlin# and bu@@in# far off (resentl5 he #rew tired of l5in# down there He rose and wal=ed ba9= to the station There was a #ood 9rowd on the platfor" He as=ed so"eone2 D .hat has happened to the train F D D A #oods train has derailed three stations off2 and the wa5 is blo9=ed The5 ha$e sent up a relief All the trains will be at least three hours late toda5 D God2 5ou ha$e shown "e "er95 H D Ra"a Rao 9ried and ran ho"e

* -< O)T O' %)S!NESS

His wife was waitin# at the door loo=in# down the street She bri#htened up and si#hed with relief on seein# Ra"a Rao She wel9o"ed hi" with a war"th he had ne$er =nown for o$er a 5ear now D Oh2 wh5 are 5ou so late toda5 F D she as=ed D ! was so"ehow feelin# $er5 restless the whole e$enin# E$en the 9hildren were worried (oor 9reatures H The5 ha$e Cust #one to sleep D .hen he sat down to eat she said2 D Our tenants in the E>tension bun#alow 9a"e in the e$enin# to as= if 5ou would sell the house The5 are read5 to offer #ood 9ash for it i""ediatel5 D She added ?uietl522 D ! thin= we "a5 sell the house D D E>9ellent idea2D Ra"a Rao replied Cubilantl5 D This "inute we 9an #et four and a half thousand for it Gi$e "e the half thousand and ! will #o awa5 to Madras and see if ! 9an do an5thin# useful there You =eep the balan9e with 5ou and run the house Let us first "o$e to a better lo9alit5 D D Are 5ou #oin# to e"plo5 5our fi$e hundred to #et "ore "one5 out of 9rossword pu@@les F D she as=ed ?uietl5 At this Ra"a Rao felt depressed for a "o"ent and then swore with #reat e"phasis2 D No2 no Ne$er a#ain D

68 OLD %ONES THE Tal=ati$e Man said A ! was 9an$assin# a#ent for a 9o"pan5 "anu; fa9turin# 9he"i9al fertili@ers2 and "5 wor= too= "e into the 9ountr5 for o$er twent5 da5s in the "onth One ni#ht ! was held up in a da= bun#alow2 a "ile outside the $illa#e Ta5ur !f e$er there was a deserted da= bun#alow it was this !t was o$er a hundred 5ears old2 built in the 9o"pan5 da5s2 a "assi$e rounded stru9ture2 with a fine 9ir9ular $eranda2 heft5 pillars2 and plaster standin# out in fla=es E the whole thin# was tu9=ed awa5 in a 9asuarina #ro$e ! had to spend a ni#ht in it2 and a little fellow2 a nephew of "ine2 happened to be with "e The 9areta=er2 a par9hed old "an2 who loo=ed li=e a lost soul2 opened the door for "e2 pla9ed a rust5 oil la"p on the table in the hall2 pushed up and down so"e hea$5 furniture2 ho$ered about till we had had our dinner2 and then said that he "ust #o awa5 for the ni#ht M5 nephew so"ehow see"ed to disli=e the idea A

D )n9le2 wh5 should he #o F D D (erhaps he has a ho"e in the $illa#e E whate$er it is2 wh5 do 5ou want hi" F D ! as=ed He 9ould not e>plain He "erel5 "u"bled2 D ! thou#ht it "i#ht be interestin# D D ! hope 5ou are not afraid D D No2 not at all2D said the bo5 L *-*

*-6 OLD %ONES %ut ! 9ould see that he was sli#htl5 ner$ous He was brou#ht up in Madras2 a99usto"ed to 9rowds and ele9tri9 li#hts E this loneliness in an an9ient bun#alow with a shadow;throwin# rust5 la"p #a$e hi" a feelin# of dis9o"fort So ! tried to persuade the old "an A D .h5 won't 5ou sleep here F D D No2 no2 ! 9an't2D whee@ed the old "an D ! ha$e been a 9areta=er for o$er fort5 5ears now2 and ! won't sleep here You "a5 write a 9o"plaint if 5ou li=e ! don't 9are if ! lose this Cob Su9h a riddan9e it will be for "e and the5 won't #et another e$en if the5 offer a thousand so$erei#ns D Lin#lin# his =e5 bun9h he hobbled awa5 ! "ade a bed for the bo52 drew it 9lose to "ine2 and as=ed hi" to lie down ! shut the front door2 opened a window or two2 sat down at the table2 and opened "5 portfolio ! had "5 Cournal to write and 9he9= a99ounts ! drew the la"p 9lose to "5 papers2 and was soon absorbed in wor= The bo5 snored Outside the 9asuarina "ur"ured 'or a while noises fro" the $illa#e bar=in# of do#s2 snat9hes of son#s and ar#u"ents 9a"e floatin# in the air2 and then the5 9eased E$en the bo5 9eased to snore !t was past ele$en when ! finished "5 wor= ! put awa5 "5 papers2 blew out the la"p2 and la5 down ! a" not a $er5 sound sleeper ! usuall5 lie blin=in# in the dar= for a lon# ti"e !t "ust ha$e been past "idni#ht ! was Cust fallin# asleep when ! heard the ban#in# of a window shutter ! #ot up2 turned up the sta5s of the shutter2 and returned to bed As ! was do@in# off it ban#ed a#ain D Da"n2D ! said There was not the sli#htest bree@e .h5 did these thin#s rattleF ! fu"bled about in the dar= and shut the windows ti#ht ! returned to bed and


la5 awa=e Shutters in another part of the buildin# ru"bled !t was irritatin# ! too= out "5 tor9h to see if the bo5 had been disturbed He was fast asleep ! went o$er to e$er5 9orner of the buildin# and hoo=ed up the shutters and doors .hen ! la5 down a#ain2 a new =ind of disturban9e be#an There was a noise as if the front door was bein# $iolentl5 =i9=ed and fisted ! started up D .ho is there F D ! bellowed The noise "o$ed awa52 and now another door was =i9=ed and fisted2 and then the 9losed windows This was a tra$ellin# pro9ess A so"eone see"ed to be fl5in# round2 batterin# all the doors and shutters The din was 9ontinuous D.ho is thereF .ho is thereFD ! 9ried2 al"ost runnin# round and round as the noise passed on fro" pla9e to pla9e ! #rew an>ious about the bo5 .hat a fri#ht he would #et if he wo=e up H ! pi9=ed up the bo> of "at9hes and stru9= a sti9= As ! too= it near the wi9= of the la"p2 it was blown off ! stru9= another with no better su99ess ! wasted half the bo> And then the #lass 9hi"ne5 flew off the table and splintered on the floor ! flashed the tor9hli#ht on the bo52 fer$entl5 hopin# that he still slept E but he was sittin# up in bed D RaCu2 lie down2 it is nothin#2D ! be#an D You lie down if 5ou li=e2D replied the bo5 His $oi9e was 9han#ed !t was #ruff li=e an adult's There was no ban#in# on the doors now2 and so ! said to hi" A D So"e loose shutters rattled2 so it has stopped now2 5ou see D D Shut up2 will 5ou F D he said in answer D You are a whole set of selfish brutes E won't trouble to =now what a "an wants D D .hat are 5ou sa5in# F D ! as=ed

*-, OLD %ONES D You =now where "5 bones are F D D )nder 5our s=in2 ! a" sure D D You will learn not to Co=e with "e2D said the #ruff $oi9e And then the bo5 left his bed2 too= "e b5 the ne9=2 and pushed "e out ! was nearl5 ten stone2 and that was a 5oun# fellow of twel$e How 9ould he handle "e in this "anner F ! felt indi#nant and tried to resist %ut it was no use He displa5ed

enor"ous stren#th He wheeled "e about2 al"ost tore open the front door2 and flun# "e out ! flew a9ross the $eranda and 9a"e down on the lawn2 bruised and sha=en The door shut behind "e ! sat there ! don't =now how lon#2 fri#htened out of "5 wits (resentl5 "5 sense of responsibilit5 returned How 9ould ! let that 5oun#ster shut hi"self in F !t was "5 dut5 to return hi" inta9t to his parents ! felt trul5 sorr5 for ha$in# brou#ht hi" down with "e ! #ot up with diffi9ult52 li"ped up the steps2 =no9=ed on the door D Go awa52D s9rea"ed the bo52 D or ! will rip 5ou up D D RaCu2 RaCu2D ! pleaded door for 5our2 un9le F D D .on't 5ou open the

D See here2 ! a" not RaCu So don't 9all "e RaCu hereafter2 do 5ou understand F D D .ho are 5ou F D D Do 5ou want to =now F D D 3ertainl5 D D Ah2 ! a" so happ5 5ou are prepared to hear about "e H %ut what is the use F You won't help

"e D

D Oh2 ! will do an5thin# for 5ou 5ou are D

%ut tell "e who

OLD %ONES *-1 ! a" Muru#esan; D Oh2 Muru#esan2 what are 5ou doin# here F D D Good "an2D said the bo5 happil52 #reatl5 pleased at bein# 9alled Muru#esan D .hat are 5ou doin# here F D ! persisted D .here 9an ! #o F These s9oundrels are defilin# "5 bones ! won't "o$e till that is stopped D

D Do 5ou want "e to do an5thin# F D ! as=ed2 "5 $oi9e tre"blin# in$oluntaril5 A the prospe9t of pi9=in# un=nown bones at "idni#ht shoo= "e D Yes2D said the bo5 D Go to the ba9=5ard and di# out the roots of the bi# ta"arind tree You will find "5 bones Ta=e the" and throw the" into the well2 and ! pro"ise ! will #o awa5 and ne$er 9o"e a#ain D D !f ! don't do it F D D ! will ne$er lea$e this pla9e2 nor open the door D D Muru#esan2D ! said a few "inutes later2 D won't 5ou tell "e so"ethin# about 5our #ood selfF D D ! sta5ed here for a ni#ht on "5 wa5 to Mal#udi That "an suffo9ated "e while ! slept and stole "5 purse He pressed a pillow on "5 fa9e and ! thin= he sat on it D D .ho did it F D D The old "an who has the =e5s of this bun#alow D D !sn't he too old to do su9h a thin# F D D Oh2 no He is $er5 deft with the pillow And then he buried "e under the ta"arind tree Now e$er5 pi# whi9h noses about for filth sta"ps o$er "5 head all da5 E and e$er5 don=e5 and e$er5 passer;b5 defiles "5 bones2 and the5 heap all =inds of rubbish there How 9an ! rest F D D !f ! throw the bones into the well2 will 5ou open the door and ?uit the buildin# for e$er F D

*-: OLD %ONES D ! pro"ise2D said the nephew ! went down2 9lut9hin# "5 tor9h2 and sear9hed for so"ethin# to di# with ! pulled out a 9ouple of ba"boo palin#s fro" a fen9e2 went to the ba9=5ard2 and set to wor= ! a" not a 9oward2 but the whole situation shoo= "5 ner$es The ba9=5ard was a "ost desolate pla9e2 an endless $ista of trees and shrubs and a ro9=5 hillo9= loo"in# o$er it all La9=als howled far off2 and ni#ht inse9ts whirred about and hu""ed And this stran#e tas= of di##in# up an un=nown #ra$e at ni#ht H ! pla9ed the lit tor9h on the #round and 9leared a

part of the rubbish du"ped under the tree After throwin# up earth for half an hour ! pi9=ed up a s=ull and a few le# bones ! felt si9= ! 9ould not find "ore than si> or se$en pie9es ! pi9=ed the" up A few 5ards off there was the well2 weed;9o$ered2 with all its "asonr5 9ru"blin# in ! flun# the bones into the well2 and as the5 splashed into the water ! heard the bo5 shout fro" within the house A D Man5 than=s Good;b5e D ! ran in The door was open2 and the bo5 la5 a9ross the threshold ! 9arried hi" to his bed Ne>t "ornin# ! as=ed hi"2 D Did 5ou sleep well F D D Yes %ut ! had all sorts of wild drea"s D His $oi9e was soft and bo5ish ! as=ed2 D 3an 5ou lift "e and throw "e out F D The bo5 lau#hed D .hat a ?uestion2 un9le H How 9an ! F D The old 9areta=er 9a"e up at about si> ! was read5 to start ! had to wal= a 9ouple of "iles to the 9ross;roads and 9at9h an earl5 bus for Mal#udi ! settled a99ounts with the old "an A the bro=en 9hi"ne5 had to be paid for2 and then the rent for the ni#ht

OLD %ONES *-As ! was about to lea$e ! 9ouldn't resist it ! 9alled the old "an aside and as=ed A D You =now of a person 9alled Muru#esan who spent a ni#ht in this bun#alow F D The old "an's fa9e turned pale He replied A D ! =now nothin# Go about 5our business D D M5 business will be to tell the poli9e what ! =now D D The poli9e H D He fell down at "5 feet and 9rin#ed A D ! =now nothin# (lease don't ruin an old "an D ! went awa5 and Coined "5 nephew He as=ed2 D .h5 did the old "an fall on the #round2 un9le F D D ! don't =now2D ! replied Till ! rea9hed the bus road ! debated within "5self whether to tell the poli9e2 but ulti"atel5 de9ided a#ainst it ! a" a bus5 "an2 and #ettin# "i>ed up in a poli9e 9ase is a whole;ti"e Cob So"e da5 when ! don't ha$e "u9h wor= ! will ta=e it up

6, ATT!LA !N a "ood .hat the5 ableness2 D S9our#e of opti"is" the5 na"ed hi" D Attila D wanted of a do# was stren#th2 for"id; and fi#ht2 and hen9e he was na"ed after the of Europe D

The pupp5 was onl5 a 9ouple of "onths old A he had s?uare Caws2 red e5es2 pu# nose and a "assi$e head2 and there was e$er5 reason to hope that he would do 9redit to his na"e The i""ediate reason for bu5in# hi" was a series of house;brea=in#s and thefts in the nei#hbourhood2 and our householders de9ided to put "ore trust in a do# than in the poli9e The5 sear9hed far and wide and "et a do# fan9ier He held up a "onth;old bla9=;and;white pupp5 and said2 D 3o"e and fet9h hi" a "onth hen9e !n si> "onths he will be so"ethin# to be feared and respe9ted D He spread out before the" a pedi#ree sheet whi9h was stunnin# The pupp5 had2 runnin# in his $eins2 the 9hoi9est and the "ost fero9ious blood The5 were satisfied2 paid an ad$an9e2 returned a "onth later2 paid down se$ent5;fi$e rupees2 and too= the pupp5 ho"e The pupp52 as ! ha$e alread5 indi9ated2 did not ha$e a $er5 prepossessin# appearan9e and was none too pla5ful2 but this did not pre$ent his owners fro" sittin# in a 9ir9le around hi" and ad"irin# hi" There was a prolon#ed debate as to what he should be na"ed The 5oun#est su##ested2 D .h5 not 9all hi" Ti#er F D *-7

ATT!LA *-+ D E$er5 other street;"on#rel is na"ed Ti#er2D 9a"e the repl5 D .h5 not 3aesar F D D 3aesar H !f a 9ensus were ta=en of do#s 5ou would find at least fifteen thousand 3aesars in South !ndia alone .h5 not 'ire F D D !t is fantasti9 D D.h5 not ThunderFD D !t is too ob$ious D D Grip F D D Still ob$ious2 and 9hildish D

There was a deadlo9= So"eone su##ested DAttila2D and a shout of Co5 went up to the s=ies No "ore satisf5in# na"e was thou#ht of for "an or ani"al %ut as ti"e passed our Attila e>hibited a lo$e of hu"anit5 whi9h was dis9on9ertin# so"eti"es The S9our#e of Europe 9ould he e$er ha$e been li=e this F The5 put it down to his a#e .hat 9hild 9ould help lo$in# all 9reatures F !n their @eal to establish this fa9t2 the5 went to the e>tent of del$in# into an9ient histor5 to find out what D The S9our#e of Europe D was li=e when he was a 9hild !t was ru"oured that as a 9hild he 9lun# to his friends and to his parents' friends so fast that often he had to be beaten and separated %ut when he was fourteen he showed the first si#n of his future A he =no9=ed down and plun#ed his =nife into a fellow who tried to tou9h his "arbles Ah2 this was en9oura#in# Let our do# rea9h the parallel of fourteen 5ears and people would #et to =now his real nature %ut this was a $ain pro"ise He stood up twent5 in9hes hi#h2 had a lar#e fra"e2 and a forbiddin# appearan9e on the whole but that was all A $ariet5 of people entered the #ates of the house e$er5 da5 A "endi9ants2 bill;9olle9tors2 post"en2 trades"en2 and

i7o ATT!LA fa"il5 friends All of the" were war"l5 re9ei$ed b5 Attila The "o"ent the #ate 9li9=ed he be9a"e alert and stood up loo=in# towards the #ate %5 the ti"e an5one entered the #ate Attila went blindl5 9har#in# forward %ut that was all The person had onl5 to stop and s"ile2 and Attila would "elt He would beha$e as if he apolo#i@ed for e$en #i$in# an i"pression of $iolen9e He would lower his head2 9ur$e his bod52 tu9= his tail between his le#s2 roll his e5es2 and "oan as if to sa5 A D How sad that 5ou should ha$e "ista=en "5 #esture H ! onl5 hurried down to #reet 5ou D Till he was patted on the head2 stro=ed2 and told that he was for#i$en2 he would be in e>tre"e "iser5 Graduall5 he reali@ed that his boun9in# ad$an9es 9aused "u9h unhapp5 "isunderstandin# And so when he heard the #ate 9li9= he hardl5 stirred He "erel5 loo=ed in that dire9tion and wa##ed his tail The people at ho"e did not $er5 "u9h li=e this attitude The5 thou#ht it rather a sha"e D .h5 not 9han#e his na"e to %lind .or" F D so"ebod5 as=ed D He eats li=e an elephant2D said the "other of the fa"il5 DYou 9an e"plo5 two wat9h"en for the

pri9e of the ri9e and "eat he 9onsu"es So"ebod5 9o"es e$er5 "ornin# and steals all the flowers in the #arden and Attila won't do an5thin# about it D D He has better business to do than 9at9h flower thie$es2D replied the 5oun#est2 alwa5s the defender of the do# D .hat is the better business F D D .ell2 if so"ebod5 9o"es in at dawn and ta=es awa5 the flowers do 5ou e>pe9t Attila to be loo=in# out for hi" e$en at that hour F D D .h5 not F !t's what a well;fed do# ou#ht to be

ATT!LA *7* doin# instead of sleepin# of 5our do# D You ou#ht to be asha"ed

D He does not sleep all ni#ht2 "other ! ha$e often seen hi" #oin# round the house and wat9hin# all ni#ht D D Reall5 H Does he prowl about all ni#ht F D D Of 9ourse he does2D said the defender D ! a" ?uite alar"ed to hear it2D said the "other D (lease lo9= hi" up in a roo" at ni#ht2 otherwise he "a5 9all in a bur#lar and show hi" round Left alone a bur#lar "i#ht after all be less su99essful !t wouldn't be so bad if he at least bar=ed He is the "ost noiseless do# ! ha$e e$er seen in "5 life D The 5oun# "an was e>tre"el5 irritated at this He 9onsidered it to be the "ost un9haritable 95ni9is"2 but the do# Custified it that $er5 ni#ht Ran#a li$ed in a hut three "iles fro" the town He was a D #an# 9ool5 D often e"plo5ed in road; "endin# O99asionall5 at ni#hts he enCo5ed the thrill and profit of brea=in# into houses At one o'9lo9= that ni#ht Ran#a re"o$ed the bars of a window on the eastern side of the house and slipped in He ed#ed alon# the wall2 sear9hed all the trun=s and al"irahs in the house2 and "ade a neat bundle of all the Ceweller5 and other $aluables he 9ould pi9= up He was Cust startin# to #o out He had Cust put one foot out of the #ap he had "ade in the window when he saw Attila standin# below2 loo=in# up e>pe9tantl5 Ran#a thou#ht his end had 9o"e He e>pe9ted the do# to bar= %ut not Attila He waited

for a "o"ent2 #rew tired of waitin#2 stood up and put his forepaws on the lap of the bur#lar He put ba9= his ears2 li9=ed Ran#a's hands2 and rolled his e5es Ran#a whispered2 D ! hope 5ou aren't #oin# to bar= D

i7B ATT!LA D Don't 5ou worr5 tried to sa5 ! a" not the sort2D the do#

DLust a "o"ent Let "e #et down fro" here2D said the bur#lar The do# obli#in#l5 too= awa5 his paws and lowered hi"self D See there2D said Ran#a pointin# to the ba9=5ard2 D there is a 9at D Attila put up his ears at the "ention of the 9at2 and dashed in the dire9tion indi9ated One "i#ht easil5 ha$e thou#ht he was #oin# to tear up a 9at2 but a9tuall5 he didn't want to "iss the pleasure of the 9o"pan5 of a 9at if there was one As soon as the do# left hi" Ran#a "ade a dash for the #ate Gi$en a se9ond "ore he would ha$e hopped o$er it %ut the do# turned and saw what was about to happen and in one sprin# was at the #ate He loo=ed hurt D !s this proper F D he see"ed to as= D Do 5ou want to sha=e "e offF D He hun# his hea$5 tail down so loosel5 and loo=ed so "iserable that the bur#lar stro=ed his head2 at whi9h he re$i$ed The bur#lar opened the #ate and went out2 and the do# followed hi" Attila's #reatest a"bition in life was to wander in the streets freel5 Now thin#s see"ed to be shapin# out ideall5 Attila li=ed his new friend so "u9h that he wouldn't lea$e hi" alone e$en for a "o"ent He sat before Ran#a when he sat down to eat2 sat on the ed#e of his "at when he slept in his hut2 waited patientl5 on the ed#e of the pond when Ran#a went there now and then for a wash2 slept on the roadside when Ran#a was at wor= This sort of 9o"panionship #ot on Ran#a's ner$es He i"plored2 DOh do# Lea$e "e alone for a

ATT!LA *78 "o"ent .on't 5ou F D )n"o$ed Attila sat before hi" with his e5es #lued on his friend

Attila's disappearan9e 9reated a sensation in the bun#alow D Didn't ! tell 5ou2D the "other said2 D to lo9= hi" up F Now so"e bur#lar has #one awa5 with hi" .hat a sha"e H .e 9an hardl5 "ention it to an5one D D You are "ista=en2D replied the defender D !t is Cust a 9oin9iden9e He "ust ha$e #one off on his own a99ount !f he had been here no thief would ha$e dared to 9o"e in D D .hate$er it is2 ! don't =now if we should after all than= the thief for ta=in# awa5 that do# He "a5 =eep the Cewels as a reward for ta=in# hi" awa5 Shall we withdraw the poli9e 9o"plaint F D This fa9etiousness 9eased a wee= later2 and Attila rose to the ran=s of a hero The eldest son of the house was #oin# towards the "ar=et one da5 He saw Attila trottin# behind so"eone on the road D He52D shouted the 5oun# "an E at whi9h Ran#a turned and bro=e into a run Attila2 who alwa5s suspe9ted that his new friend was waitin# for the sli#htest 9han9e to throw hi"2 #alloped behind Ran#a D He52 Attila H D shouted the 5oun# "an2 and he also started runnin# Attila wanted to answer the 9all after "a=in# sure of his friend E and so he turned his head for a se9ond and #alloped faster Ran#a desperatel5 doubled his pa9e Attila deter"ined to sti9= to hi" at an5 9ost As a result of it he ran so fast that he o$ertoo= Ran#a and 9lu"sil5 blo9=ed his wa52 and Ran#a stu"bled o$er hi" and fell As he rolled on the #round a pie9e of Ceweller5 /whi9h he was ta=in# to a re9ei$er of stolen propert50 flew fro" his hand The 5oun# "an re9o#ni@ed it as

*7, ATT!LA belon#in# to his sister2 and sat down on Ran#a A 9rowd 9olle9ted and the poli9e appeared on the s9ene Attila was the hero of the da5 E$en the lad5 of the house softened towards hi" She said2 D .hate$er one "i#ht sa5 of Attila2 one has to ad"it that he is a $er5 9unnin# dete9ti$e He is too deep for words D !t was as well that Attila had no powers of spee9h Otherwise he would ha$e burst into a la"entation whi9h would ha$e shattered the pedestal under his feet

61 THE AKE AN astrolo#er passin# throu#h the $illa#e foretold that 4elan would li$e in a three;storied house surrounded b5 "an5 a9res of #arden At this e$er5; bod5 #athered round 5oun# 4elan and "ade fun of hi" 'or &oopal did not ha$e a "ore ra##ed and God;forsa=en fa"il5 than 4elan's His father had "ort#a#ed e$er5 bit of propert5 he had2 and wor=ed2 with his whole fa"il52 on other people's lands in return for a few annas a wee= A three;storied house for 4elan indeed H %ut the s9offers would ha$e 9on#ratulated the astrolo#er if the5 had seen 4elan about thirt5 or fort5 5ears later He be9a"e the sole o99upant ofD &u"ar %au#h D that palatial house on the outs=irts of Mal#udi town .hen he was ei#hteen 4elan left ho"e His father slapped his fa9e one da5 for 9o"in# late with the "idda5 "eal2 and he did that in the presen9e of others in the field 4elan put down the bas=et2 #lared at his father2 and left the pla9e He Cust wal=ed out of the $illa#e and wal=ed on and on till he 9a"e to the town He star$ed for a 9ouple of da5s2 be##ed where$er he 9ould2 and arri$ed in Mal#udi2 where after "u9h =no9=in# about an old "an too= hi" on to assist hi" in la5in# out a #arden The #arden 5et e>isted onl5 in the "ind of the #ardener .hat the5 9ould see now was a9re upon a9re of

i7: THE AKE weed;9o$ered land 4elan's "ain business 9onsisted in destro5in# all the $e#etation he saw Da5 after da5 he sat in the sun and tore up b5 hand the unwanted plants And all the Cun#le #raduall5 disappeared and the land stood as bare as a football field Three sides of the land were "ar=ed off for an e>tensi$e #arden and on the rest was to be built a house %5 the ti"e the "an#oes had sprouted the5 were la5in# the foundation of the house About the ti"e the "ar#osa saplin# had shot up a 9ouple of 5ards the walls were also 9o"in# up The flowers hibis9us2 9hr5santhe"u"2 Cas"ine2 roses2 and 9annae in the front par= suddenl5 9reated a wonderland one earl5 su""er 4elan had to ra9e with the bri9=la5ers He was now the 9hief #ardener2 the old "an he had 9o"e to assist ha$in# suddenl5 fallen ill 4elan was proud of his position and responsibilit5 He =eenl5 wat9hed the pro#ress of the bri9=la5ers and whispered to the plants as he watered the"2 D Now loo= sharp2 5oun# fellows The buildin# is #oin# up and up e$er5 da5 !f it is read5 and we

aren't we shall be the lau#hin#;sto9= of the town D He heaped "anure2 aired the roots2 tri""ed the bran9hes2 and watered the plants twi9e a da52 and on the whole #a$e an i"pression of hustlin# Nature E and Nature see"ed to respond 'or he did present a #ood;si@ed #arden to his "aster and his fa"il5 when the5 9a"e to o99up5 the house The house proudl5 held up a do"e %al9onies with intri9atel5 9ar$ed wood;wor= hun# down fro" the sides of the house E s"ooth2 rounded pillars2 deep $erandas2 9he?uered "arble floors2 and spa9ious halls ran#ed one behind another2 #a$e the house su9h an i"posin# appearan9e that 4elan as=ed hi"self2 D 3an

THE AKE *7an5 "ortal li$e in thisF ! thou#ht su9h "ansions e>isted onl5 in Swar#a Lo=aD .hen he saw the =it9hen and the dinin# roo" he said2 D .h52 our whole $illa#e 9ould be a99o""odated in this eatin# pla9e alone H D The housebuilder's assistant told hi"2 D .e ha$e built bi##er houses2 thin#s 9ostin# nearl5 two la=hs .hat is this house F !t has hardl5 9ost 5our "aster a la=h of rupees !t is Cust a little "ore than an ordinar5 house2 that is all D After returnin# to his hut 4elan sat a lon# ti"e tr5in# to #rasp the $ision2 s9ope and 9al9ulations of the builders of the house2 but he felt di@@5 He went to the "ar#osa plant2 #ripped its ste" with his fin#ers and said2 D !s this all2 5ou s9ra##5 one F .hat if 5ou wa$e 5our head so hi#h abo$e "ine F ! 9an put "5 fin#ers around 5ou and sha=e 5ou up li=e this Grow up2 little one2 #row up Grow fat Ha$e a trun= whi9h two pairs of ar"s 9an't hu#2 and #o up and spread %e fit to stand beside this pala9e E otherwise ! will pull 5ou out D .hen the "ar#osa tree appro>i"atel5 9a"e up to this $ision the house had a9?uired a "ellowness in its appearan9e Su99essi$e su""ers and "onsoons had robbed the paint on the doors and windows and woodwor= of their bri#htness and the walls of their ori#inal 9olour2 and had put in their pla9e tints and shades of their own 9hoi9e And thou#h the house had lost its resplenden9e it had now a "ore hu"an loo= Hundreds of parrots and "5nas and unna"ed birds li$ed in the bran9hes of the "ar#osa2 and under its shade the "aster's #reat;#rand;9hildren and the /5oun#er0 #rand;9hildren pla5ed and ?uarrelled The "aster wal=ed about leanin# on a staff The lad5 of the house2 who had loo=ed su9h a bloo"in# 9reature

i77 THE AKE on the inau#uration da52 was shrun=en and #re5 and spent "ost her ti"e in an in$alid's 9hair in the $eranda2 #a@in# at the #arden with dull e5es 4elan hi"self was "u9h 9han#ed Now he had to depend "ore and "ore upon his assistants to =eep the #arden in shape He had lost his parents2 his wife2 and ei#ht 9hildren out of fourteen He had "ana#ed to re9lai" his an9estral propert5 whi9h was now bein# loo=ed after b5 his sons;in;law and sons He went to the $illa#e for (on#ed2 New Year2 and De9pa$ali2 and brou#ht ba9= with hi" one or the other of his #rand; 9hildren of who" he was e>tre"el5 fond 4elan was perfe9tl5 9ontented and happ5 He de"anded nothin# "ore of life As far as he 9ould see2 the people in the bi# house too see"ed to be e?uall5 at pea9e with life One saw no reason wh5 these #oods thin#s should not #o on and on for e$er %ut Death peeped around the 9orner 'ro" the ser$ant's ?uarters whispers rea9hed the #ardener in his hut that the "aster was $er5 ill and la5 in his roo" downstairs /the bedroo" upstairs so laboriousl5 planned had to be abandoned with ad$an9in# a#e0 Do9tors and $isitors were 9onstantl5 9o"in# and #oin#2 and 4elan had to be "ore than e$er on #uard a#ainst D flower;plu9=ers D One "idni#ht he was awa=ened and told that the "aster was dead D .hat is to happen to the #arden and to "e F The sons are no #ood2D he thou#ht at on9e And his fears pro$ed to be not entirel5 #roundless The sons were no #ood2 reall5 The5 sta5ed for a 5ear "ore2 ?uarrelled a"on# the"sel$es2 and went awa5 to li$e in another house A 5ear later so"e other fa"il5 9a"e in as tenants The "o"ent the5 saw 4dan the5 said2 D Old #ardener F Don't be up to

THE AKE *7+ an5 tri9=s .e =now the sort 5ou are .e will sa9= 5ou if 5ou don't beha$e 5ourself D 4elan found life intolerable These people had no re#ard for a #arden The5 wal=ed on flower beds2 9hildren 9li"bed the fruit trees and plu9=ed unripe fruits2 and the5 du# pits on the #arden paths 4elan had no 9oura#e to protest The5 ordered hi" about2 sent hi" on errands2 "ade hi" wash the 9ow2 and le9tured to hi" on how to #row a #arden He detested the whole business and often thou#ht of throwin# up his wor= and returnin# to his $illa#e %ut the idea was unbearable A he 9ouldn't li$e awa5 fro" his plants 'ortune howe$er2 soon fa$oured hi" The tenants left The house was lo9=ed up for a few 5ears O99asionall5

one of the sons of the late owner 9a"e round and inspe9ted the #arden Graduall5 e$en this 9eased The5 left Dthe =e5s of the house with 4elan O99asionall5 a prospe9ti$e tenant 9a"e down2 had the house opened2 and went awa5 after re"ar=in# that it was in ruins plaster was fallin# off in fla=es2 paint on doors and windows re"ained onl5 in a few s"all pat9hes2 and white ants were eatin# awa5 all the 9upboards and shel$es A 5ear later another tenant 9a"e2 and then another2 and then a third No one re"ained for "ore than a few "onths And then the house a9?uired the reputation of bein# haunted E$en the owners dropped the pra9ti9e of 9o"in# and seein# the house 4elan was $er5 nearl5 the "aster of the house now The =e5s were with hi" He was also #rowin# old .ith the best he 9ould do2 #rass #rew on the paths2 weeds and 9reepers stran#led the flowerin# plants in the front #arden The fruit trees 5ielded their load pun9tuall5 The owners leased out the whole of the fruit #arden for three 5ears

i#o THE AKE 4elan was too old His hut was lea=5 and he had no ener#5 to put up new that9h So he shifted his residen9e to the front $eranda of the house !t was a deep $eranda runnin# on three sides2 pa$ed with 9he?uered "arble The old "an saw no reason wh5 he should not li$e there He had as #ood a ri#ht as the bats and the rats .hen the "ood sei@ed hi" /about on9e a 5ear0 he opened the house and had the floor swept and s9rubbed %ut #raduall5 he #a$e up this pra9ti9e He was too old to bother about these thin#s Years and 5ears passed without an5 9han#e !t 9a"e to be =nown as the D Ghost House2D and people a$oided it 4elan found nothin# to #ru"ble in this state of affairs !t suited hi" e>9ellentl5 On9e a ?uarter he sent his son to the old fa"il5 in the town to fet9h his wa#es There was no reason wh5 this should not ha$e #one on indefinitel5 %ut one da5 a 9ar sounded its horn an#ril5 at the #ate 4elan hobbled up with the =e5s D Ha$e 5ou the =e5s F Open the #ate2D 9o""anded so"eone in the 9ar D There is a s"all side;#ate2D said 4elan "ee=l5 D Open the bi# #ate for the 9ar H D 4elan had to fet9h a spade and 9lear the $e#etation

whi9h had blo9=ed the entran9e The #ates opened on rust5 hin#es2 9rea=in# and #roanin# The5 threw open all the doors and windows2 went throu#h the house =eenl5 e>a"inin# e$er5 portion2 and re"ar=ed A D Did 5ou noti9e the 9ra9= on the do"e F The walls too are 9ra9=ed There is no other wa5 !f we pull down the old ra"sha9=le 9arefull5 we "a5 still be able to use so"e of the "aterials2 thou#h ! a" not at all 9ertain that the

THE AKE *+* wooden portions are not hollow inside Hea$en alone =nows what "adness is responsible for people buildin# houses li=e this D The5 went round the #arden and said2 D .e ha$e to 9lear e$er5 bit of this Cun#le All this will ha$e to #o D So"e "i#ht5 person loo=ed 4elan up and down and said2 D You are the #ardener ! suppose F .e ha$e not "u9h use for a #arden now All the trees2 e>9ept half a do@en on the $er5 boundar5 of the propert52 will ha$e to #o .e 9an't afford to waste spa9e This flower #arden H'" it is old fashioned and 9rude2 and apart fro" it the front portion of the site is too $aluable to be wasted A wee= later one of the sons of his old "aster 9a"e and told 4elan2 D You will ha$e to #o ba9= to 5our $illa#e2 old fellow The house is sold to a 9o"pan5 The5 are not #oin# to ha$e a #arden The5 are 9uttin# down e$en the fruit trees A the5 are offerin# 9o"pensation to the leaseholder E the5 are wipin# out the #arden2 and pullin# down e$en the buildin# The5 are #oin# to build s"all houses b5 the s9ore without lea$in# spa9e e$en for a blade of #rass D There was "u9h bustle and a9ti$it52 "u9h 9o"in# and #oin#2 and 4elan retired to his old hut .hen he felt tired he la5 down and slept E at other ti"es he went round the #arden and stood #a@in# at his plants He was #i$en a fortni#ht's noti9e E$er5 "o"ent of it see"ed to hi" pre9ious and he would ha$e sta5ed till the last se9ond with his plants but for the sound of an a>e whi9h stirred hi" out of his afternoon nap two da5s after he was #i$en noti9e The dull noise of a blade "eetin# a tou#h surfa9e rea9hed his ears He #ot up and rushed out He saw four "en ha9=in# the "assi$e trun= of the old


"ar#osa tree He let out a s9rea" A D Stop that H D He too= his staff and rushed at those who were ha9=in# The5 easil5 a$oided the blow he ai"ed D .hat is the "atter F D the5 as=ed 4elan wept A D This is "5 9hild ! planted it ! saw it #row ! lo$ed it Don't 9ut it down D %ut it is the 9o"pan5's orders .hat 9an we do F .e shall be dis"issed if we don't obe52 and so"eone else will do it D 4elan stood thin=in# for a while and said2 D .ill 5ou at least do "e this #ood turn F Gi$e "e a little ti"e ! will bundle up "5 9lothes and #o awa5 After ! a" #one do what 5ou li=e D The5 laid down their a>es and waited (resentl5 4elan 9a"e out of his hut with a bundle on his head He loo=ed at the tree;9utters and said2 D You are $er5 =ind to an old "an You are $er5 =ind to wait D He loo=ed at the "ar#osa and wiped his e5es2 D %rother2 don't start 9uttin# till ! a" reall5 #one far2 far awa5 D The tree;9utters s?uatted on the #round and wat9hed the old "an #o Nearl5 half an hour later his $oi9e 9a"e fro" a distan9e2 half indistin9tl52 D Don't 9ut 5et ! a" still within hearin# (lease wait till ! a" #one farther2D D

6: ENG!NE TRO)%LE THERE 9a"e down to our town so"e 5ears a#o /said the Tal=ati$e Man0 a show"an ownin# an institution 9alled the Gaiet5 Land O$erni#ht our G5"=hana Grounds be9a"e resplendent with banners and strea"ers and 9oloured la"ps 'ro" all o$er the distri9t 9rowds poured into the show .ithin a wee= of openin#2 in #ate "one5 alone the5 9olle9ted nearl5 fi$e hundred rupees a da5 Gaiet5 Land pro$ided us with all sorts of fun and #a"blin# and side;shows 'or a 9ouple of annas in ea9h booth we 9ould wat9h an5thin# fro" perfor"in# parrots to 9ra9= "otor 959lists loopin# the loop in the Do"e of Death !n addition to this there were lotteries and shootin# #alleries where for an anna 5ou alwa5s stood a 9han9e of winnin# a hundred rupees There was a parti9ular 9orner of the show whi9h was in #reat fa$our Here for a ti9=et 9ostin# ei#ht annas 5ou stood a 9han9e of a9?uirin# a $ariet5 of arti9les pin9ushions2 sewin# "a9hines2 9a"eras or e$en a road en#ine On one e$enin# the5 drew a

ti9=et nu"ber *<<12 and ! happened to own the other half of the ti9=et Glan9in# down the list of arti9les the5 de9lared that ! be9a"e the owner of the road en#ine H Don't as= "e how a road en#ine 9a"e to be in9luded a"on# the pri@es !t is "ore than ! 9an tell 5ou *+8

*+, ENG!NE TRO)%LE ! loo=ed stunned (eople #athered around and #a@ed at "e as if ! were so"e 9urious ani"al D 'an95 an5one be9o"in# the owner of a road en#ine H D so"e persons "uttered and #i##led !t was not the sort of pri@e one 9ould 9arr5 ho"e at short noti9e ! as=ed the show"an if he would help "e to transport it He "erel5 pointed at a noti9e whi9h de9reed that all winners should re"o$e the pri@es i""ediatel5 on drawin# and b5 their own effort Howe$er the5 had to "a=e an e>9eption in "5 9ase The5 a#reed to =eep the en#ine on the G5"=hana Grounds till the end of their season and then ! would ha$e to "a=e "5 own arran#e"ents to ta=e it out .hen ! as=ed the show"an if he 9ould find "e a dri$er he Cust s"iled A D The fellow who brou#ht it here had to be paid a hundred rupees for the Cob and fi$e rupees a da5 ! sent hi" awa5 and "ade up "5 "ind that if no one was #oin# to draw it2 ! would Cust lea$e it to its fate ! #ot it down Cust as a no$elt5 for the show God H .hat a bother it has pro$ed H D D 3an't ! sell it to so"e "uni9ipalit5 F D ! as=ed inno9entl5 He burst into a lau#h D As a show"an ! ha$e enou#h troubles with "uni9ipal people ! would rather =eep out of their wa5 D M5 friends and well;wishers poured in to 9on; #ratulate "e on "5 latest a9?uisition No one =new pre9isel5 how "u9h a road en#ine would fet9hE all the sa"e the5 felt that there was a lot of "one5 in it D E$en if 5ou sell it as s9rap iron 5ou 9an "a=e a few thousands2D so"e of "5 friends de9lared E$er5 da5 ! "ade a trip to the G5"=hana Grounds to ha$e a loo= at "5 en#ine ! #rew $er5 fond of it ! lo$ed its shinin# brass parts ! stood near it and patted it

ENG!NE TRO)%LE *+1 affe9tionatel52 ho$ered about it2 and returned ho"e e$er5 da5 onl5 at the 9lose of the show ! was a poor

"an ! thou#ht that after all "5 troubles were 9o"in# to an end How i#norant we are H How little did ! #uess that "5 troubles had Cust be#un .hen the show"an too= down his booths and pa9=ed up2 ! re9ei$ed a noti9e fro" the "uni9ipalit5 to attend to "5 road en#ine .hen ! went there ne>t da5 it loo=ed forlorn with no one about The #round was littered with torn strea"ers and paper de9orations The show"an had "o$ed on2 lea$in# the en#ine where it stood !t was perfe9tl5 safe an5where H ! left it alone for a few da5s2 not =nowin# what to do with it ! re9ei$ed a noti9e fro" the "uni9ipalit5 orderin# that the en#ine should at on9e be re"o$ed fro" the #round as otherwise the5 would 9har#e rent for the o99upation of the G5"=hana Grounds After deep thou#ht ! 9onsented to pa5 the rent2 and ! paid ten rupees a "onth for the ne>t three "onths Dear sirs2 ! was a poor "an E$en the house whi9h ! and "5 wife o99upied 9ost "e onl5 four rupees a "onth And fan95 "5 pa5in# ten rupees a "onth for the road en#ine !t 9ut into "5 slender bud#et2 and ! had to pled#e a Cewel or two belon#in# to "5 wife H And e$er5 da5 "5 wife was as=in# "e what ! proposed to do with this terrible propert5 of "ine and ! had no answer to #i$e her ! went up and down the town offerin# it for sale to all and sundr5 So"eone su##ested that the Se9retar5 of the lo9al 3os"opolitan 3lub "i#ht be interested in it .hen ! approa9hed hi" he lau#hed and as=ed what he should do with a road en#ine D !'ll dispose of it at a 9on9ession for 5ou You ha$e a tennis 9ourt to be rolled e$er5 "ornin#I' ! be#an2 and e$en before ! saw hi" s"ile

*+: ENG!NE TRO)%LE ! =new it was a stupid thin# to sa5 Ne>t so"eone su##ested2 D See the Muni9ipal 3hair"an He "a5 bu5 it for the "uni9ipalit5 D .ith #reat trepidation ! went to the "uni9ipal offi9e one da5 ! buttoned up "5 9oat as ! entered the 3hair"an's roo" and "entioned "5 business ! was prepared to #i$e awa5 the en#ine at a #reat 9on9ession ! started a #reat haran#ue on "uni9ipal duties2 the re#i"e of this 9hair"an2 and the i"portan9e of ownin# a road roller but before ! was done with hi" ! =new there was #reater 9han9e of "5 sellin# it to so"e 9hild on the roadside for pla5in# with ! was "a=in# "5self a ban=rupt "aintainin# this en#ine in the G5"=hana Grounds ! reall5 hoped so"e da5 there would 9o"e "5 wa5 a lu"p su" and "a=e a"ends for all this defi9it and sufferin# 'resh 9o"pli9ations arose when a 9attle show 9a"e in the

offin# !t was to be held on the #rounds ! was #i$en twent5;four hours for #ettin# the thin# out of the #round The show was openin# in a wee= and the ad$an9e part5 was arri$in# and insisted upon ha$in# the en#ine out of the wa5 ! be9a"e desperate E there was not a sin#le person for fift5 "iles around who =new an5thin# about a road en#ine ! be##ed and 9rin#ed e$er5 passin# bus dri$er to help "e E but without use ! e$en approa9hed the station "aster to put in a word with the "ail en#ine dri$er %ut the en#ine dri$er pointed out that he had his own lo9o"oti$e to "ind and 9ouldn't thin= of Cu"pin# off at a wa5side station for an5bod5's sa=e Meanwhile the "uni9ipalit5 was pressin# "e to 9lear out ! thou#ht it o$er ! saw the priest of the lo9al te"ple and "ana#ed to #ain his s5"path5 He offered "e the ser$i9es of his te"ple elephant ! also en#a#ed

ENG!NE TRO)%LE *+fift5 9oolies to push the en#ine fro" behind You "a5 be sure this drained all "5 resour9es The 9oolies wanted ei#ht annas per head and the te"ple elephant 9ost "e se$en rupees a da5 and ! had to #i$e it one feed M5 plan was to ta=e the en#ine out of the #5"=hana and then down the road to a field half a furlon# off The field was owned b5 a friend He would not "ind if ! =ept the en#ine there for a 9ouple of "onths2 when ! 9ould #o to Madras and find a 9usto"er for it ! also too= into ser$i9e one Loseph2 a dis"issed bus;dri$er who said that althou#h he =new nothin# of road rollers he 9ould ne$ertheless steer one if it was so"ehow =ept in "otion !t was a fine si#ht A the te"ple elephant 5o=ed to the en#ine b5 "eans of stout ropes2 with fift5 deter"ined "en pushin# it fro" behind2 and "5 friend Loseph sittin# in the dri$in# seat A hu#e 9rowd stood around and wa2t9hed in #reat #lee The en#ine be#an to "o$e !t see"ed to "e the #reatest "o"ent in "5 life .hen it 9a"e out of the #5"; =hana and rea9hed the road it be#an to beha$e in a stran#e "anner !nstead of #oin# strai#ht down the road it showed a tenden95 to wobble and "o$e @i#;@a# The elephant dra##ed it one Dwa52 Loseph turned the wheel for all he was worth without an5 idea of where he was #oin#2 and fift5 "en behind it 9lun# to it in e$er5 possible "anner and pushed it Cust where the5 li=ed As a result of all this 9onfused dra##in# the en#ine ran strai#ht into the opposite 9o"pound wall and redu9ed a #ood len#th of it to powder At this the 9rowd let out a Co5ous 5ell The elephant2 disli=in# the beha$iour of the

9rowd2 tru"peted loudl52 strained and snapped its

i#7 ENG!NE TRO)%LE ropes and =i9=ed down a further len#th of the wall The fift5 "en fled in pani92 the 9rowd 9reated a pande"oniu" So"eone slapped "e in the fa9e it was the owner of the 9o"pound wall The poli9e 9a"e on the s9ene and "ar9hed "e off .hen ! was released fro" the lo9=;up ! found the followin# 9onse?uen9es awaitin# "e A /i0 Se$eral 5ards of 9o"pound wall to be built b5 "e /60 .a#es of fift5 "en who ran awa5 The5 would not e>plain how the5 were entitled to the wa#es when the5 had not done their Cob /80 Loseph's fee for steerin# the en#ine o$er the wall /,0 3ost of "edi9ine for treatin# the =nee of the te"ple elephant whi9h had re9ei$ed so"e inCuries while =i9=in# down the wall Here a#ain the te"ple authorities would not listen when ! pointed out that ! didn't en#a#e an elephant to brea= a wall /10 Last2 but not the least2 the de"and to "o$e the en#ine out of its present station Sirs2 ! was a poor "an ! reall5 9ould not find an5 "eans of pa5in# these bills .hen ! went ho"e "5 wife as=ed A D .hat is this ! hear about 5ou e$er5where F D ! too= the opportunit5 to e>plain "5 diffi9ulties She too= it as a hint that ! was a#ain as=in# for her Cewels2 and she lost her te"per and 9ried that she would write to her father to 9o"e and ta=e her awa5 ! was at "5 wit's end (eople s"iled at "e when the5 "et "e in the streets ! was seriousl5 wonderin# wh5 ! should not run awa5 to "5 $illa#e ! de9ided to en9oura#e "5 wife to write to her father and arran#e for her e>it Not a soul was #oin# to =now what "5 plans were ! was #oin# to put off "5 9reditors and disappear one fine ni#ht At this point 9a"e an une>pe9ted relief in the shape

ENG!NE TRO)%LE *++ of a Swa"iCi One fine e$enin# under the distin#uished patrona#e of our Muni9ipal 3hair"an a show was held in our s"all town hall !t was a free perfor"an9e and the hall was pa9=ed with people ! sat in the #aller5 Spellbound we witnessed the Swa"iCi's 5o#i9 feats He bit off #lass tu"blers and ate the" with 9ontent"ent E he la5 on spi=e boards E #ar#led and dran= all =inds of a9ids E li9=ed white;hot iron rods E

9hewed and swallowed sharp nails E stopped his heart;beat2 and buried hi"self under#round .e sat there and wat9hed hi" in stupefa9tion At the end of it all he #ot up and deli$ered a spee9h in whi9h he de9lared that he was 9arr5in# on his "aster's "essa#e to the people in this "anner His per; for"an9e was the "ore re"ar=able be9ause he had nothin# to #ain b5 all this e>traordinar5 "eal e>9ept the satisfa9tion of ser$in# hu"anit52 and now he said he was 9o"in# to the $er5 "asterpie9e and the last a9t He loo=ed at the Muni9ipal 3hair"an and as=ed A D Ha$e 5ou a road en#ine F ! would li=e to ha$e it dri$en o$er "5 9hest D The 9hair"an loo=ed abashed and felt asha"ed to a9=nowled#e that he had none The Swa"iCi insisted2 D ! "ust ha$e a road en#ine D The Muni9ipal 3hair"an tried to put hi" off b5 sa5in#2 D There is no dri$er D The Swa"iCi replied2 D Don't O$orr5 about it M5 assistant has been trained to handle an5 =ind of road en#ine D At this point ! stood up in the #aller5 and shouted2 D Don't as= hi" for an en#ine As= "e D !n a "o"ent ! .s on the sta#e and be9a"e as i"portant a person as the fire;eater hi"self ! was pleased with the re9o#nition ! now re9ei$ed fro" all ?uarters The Muni9ipal 3hair"an went into Cthe ba9=#round

6<< ENG!NE TRO)%LE !n return for lendin# hi" the en#ine he would dri$e it where ! wanted Thou#h ! felt in9lined to as= for a "one5 9ontribution ! =new it would be useless to e>pe9t it fro" one who was on a "issionar5 wor= Soon the whole #atherin# was at the 9o"pound wall opposite to the G5"=hana Swa"iCi's assistant was an e>pert in handlin# en#ines !n a short while "5 en#ine stood stea"in# up proudl5 !t was a #ratif5in# si#ht The Swa"iCi 9alled for two pillows2 pla9ed one near his head and the other at his feet He #a$e detailed instru9tions as to how the en#ine should be run o$er hi" He "ade a 9hal= "ar= on his 9hest and said2 D !t "ust #o e>a9tl5 on this E not an in9h this wa5 or that D The en#ine hissed and waited The 9rowd wat9hin# the show be9a"e suddenl5 unhapp5 and "orose This see"ed to be a terrible thin# to be doin# The Swa"i la5 down on the pillows and said2 D .hen ! sa5 O"2 dri$e it on D He 9losed his e5es The 9rowd wat9hed tensel5 ! loo=ed at the whole show in absolute rapture after all2 the road en#ine was #oin# to #et on the "o$e At this point a poli9e inspe9tor 9a"e into the 9rowd with a brown en$elope in his hand He held up his

hand2 be9=oned to the Swa"iCi's assistant2 and said A D ! a" sorr5 ! ha$e to tell 5ou that 5ou 9an't #o on with this The "a#istrate has issued an order pro; hibitin# the en#ine fro" runnin# o$er hi" D The Swa"iCi pi9=ed hi"self up There was a lot of 9o""otion The Swa"iCi be9a"e indi#nant D ! ha$e done it in hundreds of pla9es alread5 and nobod5 ?uestioned "e about it Nobod5 9an stop "e fro" doin# what ! li=e it's "5 "aster's order to de"on; strate the power of the Yo#a to the people of this 9ountr52 and who 9an ?uestion "e F D

ENG!NE TRO)%LE 6<* D A "a#istrate 9anIB said the poli9e inspe9tor2 and held up the order D .hat business is it of 5ours or his to interfere in this "anner F D D! don't =now all that E this is his order He per"its 5ou to do e$er5; thin# e>9ept swallow potassiu" 95anide and run this en#ine o$er 5our 9hest You are free to do whate$er 5ou li=e outside our Curisdi9tion D D ! a" lea$in# this 9ursed pla9e this $er5 "inuteI' the Swa"iCi said in #reat ra#e2 and started to #o2 followed b5 his assistant ! #ripped his assistant's ar" and said2 D You ha$e stea"ed it up .h5 not ta=e it o$er to that field and then #o D He #lared at "e2 shoo= off "5 hand and "uttered2 D .ith "5 Guru so unhapp52 how dare 5ou as= "e to dri$e F D He went awa5 ! "uttered2 D You 9an't dri$e it e>9ept o$er his 9hest2 ! suppose F D ! "ade preparations to lea$e the town in a 9ouple of da5s2 lea$in# the en#ine to its fate2 with all its 9o""it"ents Howe$er2 Nature 9a"e to "5 res9ue in an une>pe9ted "anner You "a5 ha$e heard of the earth?ua=e of that 5ear whi9h destro5ed whole towns in Northern !ndia There was a re$erberation of it in our town2 too .e were thrown out of our beds that ni#ht2 and doors and windows rattled Ne>t "ornin# ! went o$er to ta=e a last loo= at "5 en#ine before lea$in# the town ! 9ould hardl5 belie$e "5 e5es The en#ine was not there ! loo=ed about and raised a hue and 9r5 Sear9h parties went round And the en#ine was found in a disused well near b52 with its ba9= up ! pra5ed to hea$en to sa$e "e fro" fresh 9o"pli9ations %ut the owner of the house when he 9a"e round and saw what had happened2 lau#hed heartil5 and bea"ed at "e A D You ha$e done "e a ser$i9e !t was the


dirtiest water on earth in that well and the "uni9ipalit5 was sendin# noti9e to 9lose it2 wee= after wee= ! was dreadin# the 9ost of 9losin#2 but 5our en#ine fits it li=e a 9or= Lust lea$e it there D D %ut2 but D

D There are no buts ! will withdraw all 9o"plaints and 9har#es a#ainst 5ou2 and build that bro=en wall "5self2 but onl5 lea$e the thin# there D D That's hardl5 enou#h D ! "entioned a few other e>penses that this en#ine had brou#ht on "e He a#reed to pa5 for all that .hen ! a#ain passed that wa5 so"e "onths later ! peeped o$er the wall ! found the "outh of the well neatl5 9e"ented up ! hea$ed a si#h of #reat relief

6ALL A4O!DA%LE TAL& HE was told to a$oid all ?uarrels that da5 The stars were out to trouble hi"2 and e$en the "ildest of his re"ar=s li=el5 to offend and lead to a ?uarrel The planets were set a#ainst hi"2 and this terrified hi" be5ond des9ription Man5 thin#s that were prophesied for hi" latel5 were 9o"in# true He sat in a 9orner of a bi# Ceweller's shop and added up nu"bers all da5 He left it at the end of a da52 and on his wa5 ho"e2 dropped in for a "o"ent to e>9han#e tit;bits with a friend near his house2 who affe9ted #reat =nowled#e of the stars O99asionall5 the friend #a$e out free prophe9ies Man5 thin#s that he said 9a"e true D You will ha$e bother about "one5 "atters for a fortni#ht E$en 5our le#iti"ate dues will not rea9h 5our hand in ti"e Too true The usual rent he re9ei$ed fro" his $illa#e b5 "one5 order went all o$er !ndia before 9o"in# to hi" be9ause of a sli#ht error in the addressin# And then his friend told hi" A D Saturn will 9ause "inor anno5an9es in the shape of "inor ail"ents at ho"e D And the followin# wee= e$er5one2 fro" his old "other down to the four;"onth;old2 went down with 9old and fe$er He hi"self felt &=e ta=in# to bed2 but his Ceweller 9hief would not let hi" #o And now his friend had told hi" on the pte$iotiB e$enin#2 D Now2 ! see 5our worst period is +<8

6<, ALL A4O!DA%LE TAL& 9o"in# to an end2 but a$oid all a$oidable tal= to; "orrow the whole of Monda5 There is alwa5s the dan#er of 5our irritatin# others and findin# others irritatin# D The "o"ent he opened his e5es and la5 in bed2 he told hi"self A D Must not tal= to an5one toda5 who 9an see where a word will lead F D He pin9hed the 9hee= of the 5oun#est2 patted the ba9= of another2 found the bo5 of se$en unwillin# to start for s9hool A was about to shout at hi"2 but de9ided not to interfere2 a happ5 #odsend for the bo5 His wife appealed A D .h5 do 5ou allow hi" to ha$e his own wa5 F D He "erel5 shoo= his head and went off to the bathroo" His dau#hter had lo9=ed herself in that "eant she would not 9o"e out for an hour E she had on9e a#ain bro=en the spe9ifi9 order not to #o in to bathe at offi9e ti"e He tapped the door twi9e or thri9e2 #lared at it2 and went awa5 and put hi"self under the tap in the front #arden All throu#h his dinner he sat with bowed head2 "aintainin# a deter"ined silen9e2 answerin# his wife's ?uestions with a 9urt D Yes D or D NoIB .hile startin# for his offi9e it was his usual pra9ti9e to stand in the passa#e and as= for a little betel;nut and lea$es2 with a 95ni9al re"ar= that the5 "i#ht ha$e 9onsideration for a "an who had to 9at9h an earl5 tra" Toda5 he stood on the threshold waitin# to see if an5one would ser$e hi" and stepped out into the street2 with the refle9tion A D !f the5 ha$e not the sense to do a pie9e of re#ular dut5 without re"inder ! won't 9hew betel2 that is all D The tra" was 9rowded as usual So"ebod5 stood on his toe He bore it patientl5 The tra" 9ondu9tor pushed hi" aside and uttered rude re"ar=s for standin# in the wa5 He =ept ?uiet The inspe9tor who

ALL A4O!DA%LE TAL& 6<1 hopped into the tra" for 9he9=in# would not bud#e at the rCia#i9 word D (ass D but insisted on seein# it2 and fretted and swore while Sastri fu"bled with his buttons and inner po9=et Sastri ne$er uttered a word2 and bore it li=e a "art5r At the offi9e he was onl5 two "inutes late2 but his e"plo5er2 alread5 seated on his 9ushion2 #lared at hi" and beha$ed as if he had been two hours late Sastri stood before hi" du"b2 listenin# patientl5 to all the 9har#es D You stand there li=e a statue2 sa5in# nothin#2 it "ust be $er5 9on$enient2 ! suppose D said his e"plo5er2 loo=in# hi" up D .hat has 9o"e o$er 5ou F D nearl5 es9aped Sastri's

lips2 but he 9he9=ed hi"self as he 9a"e to D .hat has D D Eh F D de"anded his e"plo5er D .hat is as=ed .hat is the ti"e now2 sir F D he

D You as= "e the ti"e H Go2 #o to 5our seat2 Sastri2 before ! a" $er5 an#r5 with 5ou D Sastri slun= ba9= to his pla9e The routine of offi9e life started The attendant wiped and rearran#ed the show9ases A 9usto"ers started 9o"in# in to bu5 and sell #old trin=ets and Cewels2 the s"all fan whirred and #5rated2 waftin# 9ool air on his 9hiefs fa9e2 the other partner 9a"e in at about "idda5 and too= his seat The 5oun#er son of the "aster 9a"e in de"and; in# so"e 9ash for so"e e>tra$a#an9e2 and went awa52 and Sastri sat in his 9orner surrounded b5 hea$5 re#isters Loo=in# at the fi#ures in the pa#es2 he refle9ted2 D Nearl5 two o'9lo9= E another ei#ht hours of this pla9e2 and the da5 will be o$er D A 9usto"er stopped before hi"2 held up a trin=et and as=ed A D Loo= here2 9an this dia"ond be ta=en out and reset

ad: ALL A4O!DA%LE TALG in platinu"FD Sastri loo=ed dull5 at the trin=et and said A D You "ust as= o$er there D D !t's all ri#ht2 * =now that2D replied the 9usto"er hau#htil5 DAnswer "5 ?uestion first D Sastri shoo= his head D E$identl5 5ou =now nothin# about these "atters D D ! =now nothin#2D Sastri said D Then #et out of a shop li=e this2D answered the other2 and "o$ed on and sat before the proprietor The proprietor presentl5 9alled2 D Sastri2 9o"e here D D Yes2 sir2D Sastri said2 without liftin# up his head There were three "ore lines to be added to 9o"plete the pa#e !f he was interrupted2 he would ha$e to start fro" the top of the #i#anti9 folio all o$er a#ain So there was so"e dela5 before he 9ould respond to his "aster's 9all %efore that his "aster lost his te"per and shouted A D Drop the pen and 9o"e here when ! 9all2 will 5ou F D There was still one "ore line to #o in !f this lin= was "issed2 there was the #hastl5 prospe9t of ha$in# to spend the whole e$enin# in the 9o"pan5 of fi#ures The "aster's 9all be9a"e insistent Sastri loo=ed up for a "o"ent fro" his led#er E he 9au#ht a #li"pse of the other's fa9e a red pat9h2 flushed with an#er He 9o"pressed his Hps and resol$ed "ore than e$er not to rise without

9o"pletin# the totallin# He sat as if deaf2 9al"l5 #oin# throu#h the wor= %5 the ti"e he stood before his "aster2 the latter had #ripped in his hand a leaden paperwei#ht D (erhaps he wanted to flin# it at "e2D Sastri refle9ted2 and was o$erwhel"ed for a "o"ent Nrith resent"ent The troubleso"e 9usto"er sat there 9o"fortabl5 and wat9hed the s9ene with a self;satisfied #rin Loo=in# at hi" Sastri felt it was an added indi#nit5 D He pa5s "e fift5 rupees not for nothin# E

ALL A4O!DA%LE TAL& 6<! sla$e for hi" %ut what ri#ht has he to insult "e 2 F D He felt desperate His brow pu9=ered E he as=ed2 loo=in# at the paperwei#ht in his "aster's handA D .hat's that for FD 9M !diot H .hat has 9o"e o$er 5ou F Mind 5our own business2D said his boss D .h5 9an't 5ou 9o"e up when 5ou are 9alled F D Sastri had "eanti"e re9o$ered his te"per2 reali@in# how near an e>plosion he had been D ! was totallin# up2 sir2D he said2 dis9iplinin# hi"self resolutel5 D Learn to 9o"e up when 9alled .h5 were 5ou rude to this #entle"an F ' ' D ! wasn't2D replied Sastri briefl5 D Do 5ou thin= !'" l5in# F D shouted the 9usto"er2 and s9owled Sastri #ulped down his repl52 Cust re"e"berin# in ti"e the inCun9tion2 D A$oid all a$oidable tal=2D thou#h he felt li=e hittin# his ad$ersar5 now His boss loo=ed up at hi" and said A D Sastri2 ! "ust warn 5ou for the last ti"e You "ust be 9ourteous to all "5 9usto"ers A otherwise 5ou "a5 #et out of this shop D D ! "erel5 said ! didn't =now about platinu" D D ! don't want all that E$er5one in this shop "ust be able to answer about an5 depart"ent Other; wise ! don't want hi" in "5 ser$i9e Do 5ou under; stand F D Sastri turned ba9= to #o The 9usto"er added A D ! onl5 wanted to =now if this 9ould be set in platinu" 3an't he answer that si"ple ?uestion F D D Oh2 is that all H E$en a 9hild should be able to answer that2D e9hoed his "aster D Sastri2 9o"e here D Sastri a#ain stood before hi" A D .hat do 5ou =now of platinu" settin# F D D ! don't =now an5thin#2 sir D D You sf95 that to "e H All ri#ht2 #o ba9= to 5our seat ! wiJ deal with 5ou presentl5 Get out of "5

ao7 ALL A4O!DA%LE TAL& si#ht now D Sastri si#hed and turned ba9= .hile he was #oin# ba9= to his seat2 he o$erheard the 9usto"er sa5in# A D These fellows ha$e be9o"e $er5 arro#ant nowada5s D Sastri2 sittin# in his 9orner2 tried to drown his thou#hts in fi#ures He partl5 su99eeded2 one part of his "ind =ept s"artin# A D So"e fool 9o"es in2 and be9ause of hi"2 ! "ust stand e$er5 insult H !'$e ser$ed here for twent5 5ears D The 9usto"er had finished his wor= and was #oin# past hi"2 throwin# at hi" a triu"phant and 9onte"ptuous loo= Sastri ?ui9=l5 turned awa5 and #a@ed at the folio D !s this "an born to tor"ent "e F ! don't =now who he is H D A blue bea" of sunli#ht stra5ed in throu#h a 9oloured window pane and "o$ed up to the 9eilin# A that "eant it was nearin# dus= His boss #ot up and passed out A as the "otor;9ar started down below2 the others in the offi9e also rose to #o2 and filed past the door2 all but Sastri and the wat9h"an The inter; ruption fro" his boss had 9ut in so badl5 that nu"bers Cu"ped at ea9h other's throats2 and =notted the"sel$es into hopeless tan#les E whi9h "eant he would ha$e to #o o$er i""ense areas of the led#ers E he swit9hed on the li#ht and wor=ed till nine Stret9hin# his 9ra"ped fin#ers2 he des9ended the stair9ase and was on the road D ! ha$e been 9alled na"es ! ha$e been insulted b5 stran#ers and b5 "5 offi9er2 before e$er5one (latinu" H (latinu" H !'$e ser$ed for twent5 5ears for less than fift5 rupees a "onth D He wondered wh5 he had be9o"e so de#enerate as not to be able to earn this an5where else D Toni#ht ! will not dine without e>tra9tin# an apolo#5 fro" "5 boss Otherwise ! shall throw off this wor= ! don't 9are what happens D He had in a flash

ALL A4O!DA%LE TAL& 6<+ a $ision of his wife and 9hildren star$in# !t see"ed insi#nifi9ant to hi" now D ! will so"ehow "ana#e Open a s"all shop2 with a loan or so"ethin#2 and "ana#e so"ehow ! don't 9are D Nothin# see"ed to hi" i"portant now e>9ept redee"in# his di#nit5 as an ordinar5 hu"an bein# without an5 referen9e to his position as an a99ountant or the head of a fa"il5 He re"e"bered the lead paperwei#ht A that hurt his "ind "ore than an5thin# else He wal=ed down the tra"line2 sun= in thou#ht A tra" for Ro5apetta stopped near hi" He 9he9=ed his i"pulse to 9li"b into it and #o ho"e He let it #o He sou#ht out the bus for &ilpau= and #ot into it

!t was nearl5 ten when he rea9hed the #ates of his "aster's bun#alow D A"ber Gardens D The wat9h; "an said A D So late2 Sir H D D Yes2 !'$e to see the "aster2D he replied D !s he awa=e F D D Yes2 he has Cust had his dinner and is sittin# in the front roo" Half wa5 up2 Sastri felt uneas5 as he re9olle9ted the ad$i9e of his friend2 D A$oid all a$oidable tal= %ut he 9ould not turn ba9= now 'ate see"ed to be holdin# hi" b5 the s9ruff and propellin# hi" forward He stood in the hall His boss had spread hi"self on a sofa with a sheet of newspaper before hi" Sastri stood hesitatin# A D A$oid all a$oidable D his friend's words2 dru""in# the"sel$es throu#h his brain D Nothin# "ore a$oidable than this D he told hi"self He wished he 9ould turn ba9= and #o awa5 %etter to ta9=le hi" in the offi9e !t


is diffi9ult to tal= to a boss in his ho"e %efore he 9ould "a=e up his "ind about it2 his boss2 turnin# o$er a pa#e2 obser$ed hi" standin# "ee=l5 E he stared at hi" for a while and then said A D Sastri H H'" ! see now that 5ou ha$e enou#h sense to fed

6io ALL A4O!DA%LE TAL& sorr5 for 5our own 9ondu9t ! was thin=in# of 5ou !f ! find 5ou a#ain tal=in# ba9= to "e ! will dis"iss 5ou on the spot2 re"e"ber And a#ain2 ! find 5ou are rude to others too That "an 9o"es as=in# about platinu" settin# D D Yes2 sir2 platinu" settin#2D e9hoed Sastri D That was a "ad"an You saw "e with a paper; wei#ht in "5 hand2 while he sat before "e D Yes2 sir2 ! noti9ed it D D %ut it is none of 5our 9on9ern .hether "ad or sane2 whoe$er it "a5 be2 it is 5our business to answer politel5 whether it be about platinu"2 sil$er2 9la52 or ra# E$er5one in "5 offi9e should =now about e$er5 other depart"ent ! would ha$e dis"issed 5ou for 5our spee9h and 9ondu9t toda5 %ut 5ou ha$e sa$ed 5ourself now !t is "5 prin9iple to for#i$e a fellow who sin9erel5 repents !t is late You "a5 #o now D D ! a" $er5 #rateful to 5ou Good ni#ht2 sir2D Sastri said2 puttin# e>tre"e politeness in his tone .hile #oin# ho"e he did not feel the tediousness of the wa5 or the hour2 for he was ?uietl5 #loatin# o$er D

the fa9t that he had triu"phed o$er his stars that da5

67 'R)!T!ON AT 'ORTY RAMA Rao obtained his offi9er's per"ission to absent hi"self on the followin# da5 D Happ5 returns2D e>9lai"ed his offi9er D Honestl52 ! did not thin= 5ou were fort5 H D .al=in# down the road to the bus stand2 Ra"a Rao paused for a "inute to $iew hi"self in a lar#e "irror that blo9=ed the entran9e to a hair;9uttin# establish; "ent D ! don't loo= fort52D he told hi"self and passed on .hen he left ho"e he had not =nown that it was the e$e of his birthda5 !t was while draftin# an offi9e note that he reali@ed that the i,th of April was ahead As a rule the5 ne$er fussed o$er birthda5s at ho"e2 but this was a spe9ial e$ent A 9rossin# the fortieth "ilestone see"ed to be an e>tre"el5 si#nifi9ant affair2 whi9h deser$ed to be "ar=ed down with feastin# and holida5 At (arr5's 3orner he stru##led into a bus and hun# on to a strap D Good thin# we were "on=e5s on9e2D he refle9ted D Otherwise how 9ould we perfor" our din#in#2 and han#in# down E e>a9tl5 the operations of a "on=e52 the onl5 differen9e bein# that the5 #et on s"oothl5 in a herd while we D The 9ondu9tor had tried to push hi" out2 so"ebod5 s?uee@ed his sides and s9owled at hi"2 and so"eone was repeatedl5 tr5in# to stand on his toes2 and the dri$er was an

6*6 'R)!T!ON AT 'ORTY to rattle the passen#ers to their bones b5 stoppin# and startin# with fier9e Cer=s Ra"a Rao wri##led throu#h and fou#ht his wa5 out when the bus stopped at 3entral Station He wal=ed down to Moore Mar=et for a little shoppin# Nobod5 at ho"e =new of his birthda5 He would surprise the" with #ifts E printed sil= pie9es2 9oloured ribbons2 buildin# blo9=s2 and sweets !t would be su9h a no$elt52 #i$in# #ifts instead of re9ei$in# He "ust also bu5 $e#etables and pro$isions for a "odest feast !t was #oin# to be a ?uiet fa"il5 part5 and if the 9hildren were dis; in9lined to #o to s9hool he would not for9e the"

He went round the Moore Mar=et 9orridor2 for a preli"inar5 sur$e5 D Shall bu5 $e#etables last2D he told hi"self He went into a 9loth shop and de"anded to be shown printed sil= and sele9ted three or four bits The bill was "ade up As he s9rutini@ed the ite"s his hand went into his po9=et to brin# out the purse !t was not in its pla9e He returned the pa9=a#e He wal=ed out of Moore Mar=et2 ra"bled ai"lessl52 his "ind all in a boil He sou#ht a par= ben9h and sat down2 tr5in# to re9olle9t when he had last ta=en out his purse D Must ha$e brushed a#ainst a pi9=;po9=et in the bus2D he told hi"self He felt depressed He loo=ed about A a "endi9ant was sleepin# on another ben9h2 so"e 9hildren were #leefull5 destro5in# a flower bed D So"e pi9=;po9=et to depri$e "e of "5 fortieth birthda5 H D He felt an#r5 with the per$erse fates whi9h "essed up and destro5ed all one's plans (eople said fort5 was a "an's best a#e E$er5 one attained "aturit5 of "ind and bod5 A "an's habits were fi>ed2 his preCudi9es and fa$ours were solidified on9e for all A and his hu"an relationships were well

'R)!T!ON AT 'ORTY 6*8 defined and would be free fro" sho9=s and surprises Ra"a Rao dwelt on all these fruitions of fort5 and was filled with "is#i$in#s D .hat ha$e ! a9hie$ed at fort5 F ! ha$e li$ed si>teen 5ears be5ond the point "ar=ed b5 the statisti9ian as the e>pe9tation of life for an !ndian ! ha$e 9o"pleted three ?uarters of the lon#e$it5 of "5 elders .hat ha$e ! a9hie$ed F D He brooded o$er it and answered D ! ha$e four 9hildren2 the eldest reads in a 9olle#e The wife has all the Ceweller5 she had as=ed for ! ha$e risen to be the head of "5 se9tion in the offi9e 5et ! li$e onl5 in a rented house The "arria#e of "5 dau#hter and the 9areer of "5 son will ha$e to be ta9=led b5 "e within fi$e 5ears A" ! #ood for it F D He was filled with 9onsternation at bein# fort52 at the duties that were definitel5 e>pe9ted of hi" be9ause he was supposed to ha$e rea9hed "aturit5 He beat his brow at this thou#ht He wondered if he had reall5 9han#ed He 9ast his "ind ba9= The earliest birthda5 he 9ould re"e"ber was the one when his father had presented hi" with a #litterin# la9e 9ap E then there was his twentieth birthda5 soon after his % A 2 when he resol$ed he would not be this or that E it was a 9atalo#ue of D ! won't this or that D a"on# the" he 9ould onl5 re9olle9t that he had resol$ed ne$er to "arr5 and ne$er to ta=e up an5 e"plo5"ent unless the5 offered hi" three hundred rupees for a start2 so"e Cob whi9h would put hi" on a swi$el 9hair

behind a #lass door And then his thirtieth birthda5 when he was sei@ed with pani9 as he reali@ed that he was a father of three He then belie$ed that thin#s would so"ehow be 9lear;9ut and settled at fort5 And now here he was .hat was it #oin# to be li=e at fift5 or si>t5 F Thin#s would re"ain Cust the sa"e

7*, 'R)!T!ON AT 'ORTY !f one did not worr5 about oneself one started worr5in# o$er 9hildren and #rand;9hildren Thin#s did not 9han#e Ra"a Rao did not feel that the person who was pleased with the #ift of a la9e 9ap was in an5 wa5 different fro" the one who felt a thrill when the offi9e 9o""uni9ated an in9re"ent The bein# who felt the ho"e;tutor's "ali9ious #rip now felt the sa"e e"otion when the Offi9er 9alled hi" up in a bad te"per Deep within he felt the sa"e an>iet5 and ti"idit5 and he wondered how his wife and 9hildren 9ould e$er loo= up to hi" for support at all He suddenl5 felt that he had not been #rowin# and 9han#in# !t was an illusion of his appearan9e 9aused b5 a 9han#e of 9url5 hair into #re5 hair2 and b5 the wearin# of lon#er 9lothes This reali@ation brou#ht to his "ind a profound relief2 and destro5ed all notions of 5ears E at the "o"ent a birthda5 had no "ore si#nifi9an9e and fi>it5 than lines "ar=ed in the air with one's fin#ers He de9ided not to "ention to an5one at ho"e that it was his birthda5 As he wal=ed ba9= ho"e his "ind was still worried about the purse After all onl5 twent5 rupees and an old purse 9ontainin# re9eipts2 but his wife would positi$el5 #et distra9ted if she heard of the loss Last ti"e when he 9ould not a99ount for fi$e rupees after a shoppin# e>pedition she 9o"pletel5 bro=e down She "ust on no a99ount be told of the present loss He would =eep her "ind free and happ5 that would be the birthda5 #ift for her =eepin# awa5 fro" her the theft of the purse Cust as the purse itself was a #ift to an un=nown pi9=;po9=et He went ho"e late2 sin9e he had to wal= all the wa5 D Held up b5 une>pe9ted business on the wa52D he e>plained Ne>t "ornin# he went P+ bis pffi99 f#

'R)!T!ON AT 'ORTY 6*1 usual D Your birthda5 o$er F D as=ed his 9hief D Yes2 sir2 o$er earlier than ! e>pe9ted2D he e>plained D 4er5 #ood2D said his offi9er D ! was hopin# 5ou would turn up for at least half;a;da52 a lot of thin#s to do D D ! =new that2 sir2D Ra"a Rao said2 #oin#

to his des=

6+ 3R!ME AND ()N!SHMENT D T A THAT is si>teen and three "ultipliedF D%as=ed 5 4 the tea9her The bo5 blin=ed The tea9her persisted2 and the bo5 pro"ptl5 answered A D Twent5; four2D with2 as it see"ed to the tea9her2 a wi9=ed s"ile on his lips The bo5 e$identl5 was tr5in# to fool hi" and was #oin# 9ontrar5 on purpose He had 9orre9ted this error repeatedl52 and now the bo5 persisted in sa5in# D Twent5;four D How 9ould this fellow be "ade to obtain fift5 in the 9lass test and #o up b5 double;pro"otion to the first for"2 as his parents fondl5 hoped F At the "ention of D Twent5;four D the tea9her felt all his blood rushin# to his head He 9ontrolled hi"self2 and as=ed a#ain A D How "u9h F D as a last 9han9e .hen the bo5 said the sa"e thin# obstinatel52 he felt as if his fin#er was releasin# the tri##er A he rea9hed a9ross the table2 and deli$ered a wholeso"e slap on the 5oun#ster's 9hee= The bo5 #a@ed at hi" for a "o"ent and then burst into tears The tea9her now re#ained his nor"al $ision2 felt appalled b5 his own a9tion2 and be##ed franti9all5 A D Don't 9r52 little fellow2 5ou "ustn't D D ! will tell the"2D sobbed the bo5 D Oh2 no2 no2 no2D appealed the tea9her He loo=ed about 9autiousl5 'ortunatel5 this nurser5 was at a little distan9e fro" the "ain buildin# D !'ll tell "5 "other2D said the bo5 6*:

3R!ME AND ()N!SHMENT 6*A99ordin# to the parents2 the bo5 wasNa little an#el2 all di"ples2 s"iles2 and sweetness onl5 win#s la9=in# He was their onl5 9hild2 the5 had abundant affe9tion and a"ple "one5 The5 built up a nurser52 bou#ht hi" e>pensi$e to5s2 fitted up "iniature furniture sets2 #a$e hi" a s"all pedal "otor;9ar to #o about in all o$er the #arden The5 filled up his 9upboard with all =inds of sweets and bis9uits2 and left it to his #ood sense to de$our the" "oderatel5 The5 belie$ed a #reat deal in lea$in# thin#s that wa5 D You "ust ne$er set up an5 sort of 9ontrariness or repression in the 9hild's "ind2D de9lared the parents D You'll da"a#e hi" for life !t no doubt re?uires a

lot of dis9ipline on our part2 but it is worth it2D the5 de9lared pri"l5 D .e shall be brin#in# up a health5 9iti@en D D Yes2 5es2D the tea9her a#reed outwardl52 feelin# "ore and "ore 9on$in9ed e$er5 da5 that what the little fellow needed to "a=e hi" a nor"al 9iti@en was not 9aColin# but an anna worth of 9ane2 for whi9h he was prepared to ad$an9e the outla5 To the tea9her it was a life of utter tra$ail the onl5 relie$in# feature in the whole business was the thirt5 rupees the5 paid hi" on e$er5 first da5 !t too= hi" in all three hours e$er5 e$enin# of whi9h the first half an hour he had to listen to the 9hild;ps59holo#5 theories of the parents The father had written a thesis on infant; ps59holo#5 for his M A 2 and the lad5 had studied a #reat deal of it for her % A The5 le9tured to hi" e$er5 da5 on their theories2 and he #ot "ore and "ore the feelin# that the5 wanted hi" to deal with the bo5 as if he were "ade of thin #lass He had to pretend that he a#reed with the"2 while his own pri$ate $iew was that he was in 9har#e of a little #orilla

6i7 3R!ME AND ()N!SHMENT Now the tea9her did not =now how to ?uieten the bo52 who =ept sobbin# He felt desperate He told the 5oun#ster2 D You "ust not 9r5 for these triflin# "atters2 5ou "ust be li=e a soldier D D A soldier will shoot with a #un if he is hit2D said the bo5 in repl5 The tea9her treated it as a Co=e and lau#hed artifi9iall5 The bo5 9au#ht the infe9tion and lau#hed too This eased the situation so"ewhat D Go and wash 5our fa9e2D su##ested the tea9her a fine blue por9elain 9loset was atta9hed to the nurser5 The bo5 disobe5ed and 9o""anded A D 3lose the lessons toda5 D The tea9her was a#hast D No2 no2D he 9ried D Then2 ! will #o and tell "5 "other2D threatened the bo5 He pushed the 9hair ba9= and #ot up The tea9her rushed up to hi" and held hi" down D M5 dear fellow2 !'$e to be here for another hour D The bo5 said A DAll ri#ht2 wat9h "e put the en#ine on its rails D D !f 5our father 9o"es in2D said the tea9her D Tell hi" it is an en#ine lesson2D said the bo5 and s"iled "ali9iousl5 He went o$er to his 9upboard2 opened it2 and too= out his train set2 and started asse"blin# the tra9= He wound the en#ine and put it down2 and it went round and round D You are the Station Master2D pro9lai"ed the bo5 D No2 no2D

9ried the tea9her D You ha$e 5our tests the da5 after to"orrow D The bo5 "erel5 s"iled in a superior wa5 and repeated D .ill 5ou be a Station Master or not F D The tea9her was anno5ed D ! won't be a Station Master2D he said defiantl52 whereupon the 5oun# fellow said A D Oh2 oh2 is that what 5ou sa5 F D He #entl5 tou9hed his 9hee=2 and "ur"ured A D !t is painin# "e here awfull52 ! "ust see "5 "other D He

3R!ME AND ()N!SHMENT 6*+ "ade a "o$e"ent towards wat9hed hi" with a dull 9hee= was still red So want "e to be a Station ha$e to do F D the door The tea9her desperation The bo5's he said A D Don't bo5 You MasterF .hat shall !

The bo5 dire9ted2 D .hen the train 9o"es to 5our station2 5ou "ust blow the whistle and 9r5 9 En#ine Dri$er2 stop the train There are a lot of people toda5 who ha$e bou#ht ti9=ets ' D The tea9her hun9hed up in a 9orner and obe5ed He #rew tired of the position and the #a"e in thirt5 "inutes2 and #ot up2 "u9h to the displeasure of his pupil Lu9=il5 for hi" the en#ine also suddenl5 refused to "o$e The bo5 handed it to hi"2 as he went ba9= to his seat and said A D Repair it2 sir D He turned it about in his hand and said A D ! 9an't ! =now nothin# about it D D !t "ust #o2D said the bo5 fir"l5 The tea9her felt desperate He was absolutel5 non;"e9hani9al He 9ould not turn the si"plest s9rew if it was to sa$e his life The bo5 sta"ped his foot i"patientl5 and waited li=e a t5rant The tea9her put it awa5 definitel5 with A D ! 9an't and ! won't D The bo5 i""ediatel5 swit9hed on to another de"and D Tell "e a stor5 D D You ha$en't done a su" !t is 7 8< D

D ! don't 9are for su"s2D said the bo52 D Tell "e a stor5 D D No D

The bo5 9alled2 D Appa H Appa H D D .h5 are 5ou shoutin# li=e that for 5our father F D D ! ha$e so"ethin# to tell hi"2 so"ethin# i"; portant D The tea9her waa obli#ed to be#in the stor5 of a

66< 3R!ME AND ()N!SHMENT bison and a ti#er2 and then he passed on and the 'ort5 Thie$es2 and Aladin's La"p listened rapt2 and ordered A D ! want to stor5 of the bison a#ain !t is #ood tea9her was short of breath He had done the da5 si> hours of tea9hin# at s9hool !'$e lost all "5 breath D to All %aba The bo5 hear the D The durin# D To"orrow

D Oh H All ri#ht !'ll #o and tell D e>9lai"ed the bo5 E he #ot up and started runnin# all of a sudden towards the house2 and the tea9her started after hi" The bo5 was too fast for hi"2 wheeled about "adl52 and "ade the tea9her run round the #arden thri9e The tea9her loo=ed beaten The bo5 too= pit5 on hi" and stopped near the rose bush %ut the "o"ent he went up and tried to put his hand on hi"2 the bo5 darted throu#h and ran off !t was a hopeless pursuit E the bo5 enCo5ed it i""ensel52 lau#hin# fiendishl5 The tea9her's fa9e was flushed and he #asped un9o"fortabl5 He felt a dar=ness swellin# up around hi" He san= down on the porti9o step At this "o"ent father and "other e"er#ed fro" the house D .hat is the "atter F D The tea9her stru##led up to his feet aw=wardl5 He was still pantin# badl5 and 9ould not tal= He had alread5 "ade up his "ind that he would 9onfess and ta=e the 9onse?uen9e2 rather than stand the bla9="ail b5 this bo5 !t see"ed less forbiddin# to throw hi"self at the "er95 of the 9iders The5 loo=ed en?uirin#l5 at the bo5 and as=ed A D .h5 ha$e 5ou been runnin# in the #arden at this hour F D The bo5 loo=ed "is9hie$ousl5 at the tea9her The tea9her 9leared his throat and said A D ! will e>plain D He was tr5in# to find the words for his senten9e The father

3R!ME AND ()N!SHMENT 66* as=ed A D How's he preparin# for his test in arith"eti9 F D On hearin# the word D test D the bo5's fa9e fell E he unobtrusi$el5 slun= behind his parents and b5 loo= and #estures appealed to the tea9her not to betra5 hi" He loo=ed so patheti9 and desperate that the tea9her replied D Onl5 please let hi" "u# up the * :th table a little "ore He is all ri#ht He will pull throu#h D The bo5 loo=ed relie$ed The tea9her saw his #rateful fa9e2 felt 9onfident that the bo5 would not #i$e hi" up now2 and said A D Good;ni#ht2 sir E we finished our lessons earl52 and

! was Cust pla5in# about with the 9hild to =eep up his spirits 5ou =now D


8< )NDER THE %ANYAN TREE r Q TrfE $illa#e So"al2 nestlin# awa5 in the forest LL tra9ts of Me"pi2 had a population of less than three hundred !t was in e$er5 wa5 a $illa#e to "a=e the heart of a rural refor"er sin= !ts tan=2 a s"all e>panse of water2 ri#ht in the "iddle of the $illa#e2 ser$ed for drin=in#2 bathin#2 and washin# the 9attle2 and it bred "alaria2 t5phoid2 and hea$en =new what else The 9otta#es sprawled an5how and the lanes twisted and wri##led up and down and stran#led ea9h other The population used the hi#hwa5 as the refuse #round and in the ba9=5ard of e$er5 house drain water sta#nated in #reen puddles Su9h was the $illa#e !t is li=el5 that the people of the $illa#e were insensiti$e A but it is "ore than li=el5 that the5 ne$er noti9ed their surroundin#s be9ause the5 li$ed in a =ind of perpetual en9hant"ent The en9hanter was Na"bi2 the stor5;teller He was a "an of about si>t5 or se$ent5 Or was he ei#ht5 or one hundred and ei#ht5 F .ho 9ould sa5 F !n a pla9e so "u9h 9ut off as So"al /the nearest bus;stop was ten "iles awa50 re9=onin# 9ould hardl5 be in the fa"iliar "easures of ti"e !f an5one as=ed Na"bi what his a#e was he referred to an an9ient fa"ine or an in$asion or the buildin# of a brid#e and indi9ated how hi#h he haML stood fro" the #round at the ti"e 666

)NDER THE %ANYAN TREE 6B8 He was illiterate2 in the sense that the written word was a "5ster5 to hi" E but he 9ould "a=e up a stor52 in his head2 at the rate of one a "onth E ea9h stor5 too= nearl5 ten da5s to narrate His ho"e was die little te"ple whi9h was at the $er5 end of the $illa#e No one 9ould sa5 how he had 9o"e to re#ard hi"self as the owner of the te"ple The te"ple was a $er5 s"all stru9ture with red;striped walls2 with a stone i"a#e of the Goddess2 Sha=ti2 in the san9tu" The front portion of the te"ple was Na"bi's ho"e 'or au#ht it "attered an5 pla9e "i#ht be his ho"e E for he was without possessions All that he possessed was a broo" with whi9h he swept the te"ple E and he had also a 9ouple ofdhotits

and upper 9loth He spent "ost part of the da5 in the shade of the ban5an whi9h spread out its bran9hes in front of the te"ple .hen he felt hun#r5 he wal=ed into an5 house that 9au#ht his fan95 and Coined the fa"il5 at dinner .hen he needed new 9lothes the5 were brou#ht to hi" b5 the $illa#ers He hardl5 e$er had to #o out in sear9h of 9o"pan5E for the ban5an shade ser$ed as a 9lub house for the $illa#e fol= All throu#h the da5 people 9a"e see=in# Na"bi's 9o"pan5 and s?uatted under the tree !f he was in a "ood for it he listened to their tal= and entertained the" with his own obser$ations and ane9dotes .hen he was in no "ood he loo=ed at the $isitors sourl5 and as=ed2 D .hat do 5ou thin= ! a" F Don't bla"e "e if 5ou #et no stor5 at the ne>t "oon )nless ! "editate how 9an the Goddess #i$e "e a stor5F Do 5ou thin= stories float in the air F D E and "o$ed out to the ed#e of the forest and s?uatted there 9onte"platin# the trees Oa 'rida5 e$enin#s the $illa#e turned up at the

66, )NDER THE %ANYAN TREE te"ple for worship2 when Na"bi lit a s9ore of "ud la"ps and arran#ed the" around the threshold of the san9tuar5 He de9orated the i"a#e with flowers2 whi9h #rew wildl5 in the ba9=5ard of the te"ple He a9ted as the priest and offered to the Goddess fruits and flowers brou#ht in b5 the $illa#ers On the ni#hts he had a stor5 to tell he lit a s"all la"p and pla9ed it in a ni9he in the trun= of the ban5an tree 4illa#ers as the5 returned ho"e in the e$enin#s saw this2 went ho"e2 and said to their wi$es2 D Now2 now2 hurr5 up with the dinner2 the stor5;teller is 9allin# us D As the "oon 9rept up behind the hillo9=2 "en2 wo"en and 9hildren2 #athered under the ban5an tree The stor5;teller would not appear 5et He would be sittin# in the san9tu"2 before the Goddess2 with his e5es shut2 in deep "editation He sat thus as lon# as he li=ed and when he 9a"e out2 with his forehead abla@e with ash and $er"ilion2 he too= his seat on a stone platfor" in front of the te"ple He opened the stor5 with a ?uestion Ler=in# his fin#er towards a $a#ue2 far;awa5 destination2 he as=ed2 D A thousand 5ears a#o2 a stone's throw in that dire9tion2 what do 5ou thin= there was F !t was not the weed;9o$ered waste it is now2 R for don=e5s to roll in !t was not the ash;pit it is now !t was the 9apital of the =in# 2 D The =in# would be Dasaratha2 4i=ra"adit5a2 Aso=a2 or an5one that 9a"e into the old "an's head E the 9apital was 9alled &apila2 &ridapura2 or an5thin# Openin# thus the old "an went on without a pause for three hours

%5 then bri9= b5 bri9= the pala9e of the =in# was raised The old "an des9ribed the da@@lin# durbar hall where sat a hundred $assal =in#s2 "inisters2 and subCe9ts E in another part of the pala9e all the "usi9ians

)NDER THE %ANYAN TREE 661 in the world asse"bled and san# E and "ost of the son#s were sun# o$er a#ain b5 Na"bi to his audien9e E and he des9ribed in detail the pi9tures and trophies that hun# on the walls of the pala9e !t was stor5;buildin# on an epi9 s9ale The first da5 barel5 9on$e5ed the settin# of the tale2 and Na"bi's audien9e as 5et had no idea who were all 9o"in# into the stor5 As the "oon slipped behind the trees of Me"pi 'orest Na"bi said2 D Now friends2 Mother sa5s this will do for the da5 D He abruptl5 rose2 went in2 la5 down2 and fell asleep lon# before the babble of the 9rowd 9eased The li#ht in the ni9he would a#ain be seen two or three da5s later2 and a#ain and a#ain throu#hout the bri#ht half of the "onth &in#s and heroes2 $illains and fair5;li=e wo"en2 #ods in hu"an for"2 saints and assassins2 Costled ea9h other in that world whi9h was 9reated under the ban5an tree Na"bi's $oi9e rose and fell in an e>?uisite rh5th"2 and the "oonli#ht and the hour 9o"pleted the "a#i9 The $illa#ers lau#hed with Na"bi2 the5 wept with hi"2 the5 adored the heroes2 9ursed the $illains2 #roaned when the 9onspirator had his initial su99ess2 and the5 sent up to the #ods a heartfelt pra5er for a happ5 endin# On the last da5 when the stor5 ended2 the whole #atherin# went into the san9tu" and prostrated before the Goddess %5 the ti"e the ne>t "oon peeped o$er the hillo9= Na"bi was read5 with another stor5 He ne$er repeated the sa"e =ind of stor5 or brou#ht in the sa"e set of persons2 and the $illa#e fol= 9onsidered Na"bi a sort of "ira9le2 ?uoted his words of wisdo"2 and li$ed on the whole in an e>alted plane of their own2 thou#h their life in all other respe9ts was hard and drab

66: )NDER THE %ANYAN TREE And 5et it had #one on for 5ears and 5earsB And one "oon he lit the la"p in the tree The audien9e 9a"e The old "an too= his seat and be#an the stor5 D .hen &in# 4i=ra"adit5a li$ed2 his "inister was D He paused He 9ould not #et

be5ond it He "ade a fresh be#innin# D There was the =in# D he said2 repeated it2 and then his words trailed off into a $a#ue "u"blin# D .hat has 9o"e o$er "e F D he as=ed patheti9all5 D Oh2 Mother2 #reat Mother2 wh5 do ! stu"ble and falter F ! =now the stor5 ! had the whole of it a "o"ent a#o .hat was it about F ! 9an't understand what has happened F D He faltered and loo=ed so "iserable that his audien9e said2 D Ta=e 5our own ti"e You are perhaps tired D D Shut up H D he 9ried D A" ! tired F .ait a "o"ent E ! will tell 5ou the stor5 presentl5 D 'ollowin# this there was utter silen9e Ea#er fa9es loo=ed up at hi" D Don't loo= at "e H D he flared up So"ebod5 #a$e hi" a tu"bler of "il= The audien9e waited patientl5 This was a new e>perien9e So"e persons e>pressed their s5"path5 aloud So"e persons be#an to tal= a"on# the"sel$es Those who sat in the outer ed#e of the 9rowd silentl5 slipped awa5 Graduall52 as it neared "idni#ht2 others followed this e>a"ple Na"bi sat starin# at the #round2 his head bowed in thou#ht 'or the first ti"e he reali@ed that he was old He felt he would ne$er "ore be able to 9ontrol his thou#ht or e>press the" 9o#entl5 He loo=ed up E$er5one had #one e>9ept his friend Man the bla9=s"ith D Man2 wh5 aren't 5ou also #oneFD Mari apolo#i@ed for the rest A D The5 didn't want to tire 5ou E so the5 ha$e #one awa5 D

)NDER THE %ANYAN TREE P6Na"bi #ot up D You ar9 ri#ht To"orrow ! will "a=e it up A#e2 a#e .hat is "5 a#eF !t has 9o"e on suddenl5 D He pointed at his head and said2 D This sa5s ' Old fool2 don't thin= ! shall be 5our ser$ant an5 "ore You will be "5 ser$ant hereafter B !t is disobedient and trea9herous D He lit the la"p in the ni9he ne>t da5 The 9rowd asse"bled under the ban5an faithfull5 Na"bi had spent the whole da5 in "editation He had been fer$entl5 pra5in# to the Goddess not to desert hi" He be#an the stor5 He went on for an hour without a stop He felt #reatl5 relie$ed2 so "u9h so that he interrupted his narration to re"ar=2 D Oh2 friends The Mother is alwa5s =ind ! was sei@ed with a foolish fear D and 9ontinued the stor5 !n a few "inutes he felt dried up He stru##led hard A D And then and then what happened F D He sta""ered There followed a pause lastin# an hour The audien9e rose without a word and went ho"e The old "an sat on the stone broodin# till the 9o9=

9rew D ! 9an't bla"e the" for it2D he "uttered to hi"self D 3an the5 sit down here and "ope all ni#ht F D Two da5s later he #a$e another instal"ent of the stor52 and that2 too2 lasted onl5 a few "inutes The #atherin# dwindled 'ewer persons be#an to ta=e noti9e of the la"p in the ni9he E$en these 9a"e onl5 out of a sense of dut5 Na"bi reali@ed that there was no use in prolon#in# the stru##le He brou#ht the stor5 to a speed5 and pre"ature end He reali@ed what was happenin# He was harrowed b5 the thou#hts of his failure D ! should ha$e been happier if ! had dropped dead 5ears a#oI + he said to hi"self D Mother2 wh5 ha$e 5ou stru9= "e du"bA F D He shut hi"self up in the san9tu"2

)NDER THE %ANYAN TREE hardl5 ate an5 food2 and spent the #reater part of the da5 sittin# "otionless in "editation The ne>t "oon peeped o$er the hillo9=2 Na"bi lit the la"p in the ni9he The $illa#ers as the5 returned ho"e saw the la"p2 but onl5 a handful turned up at ni#ht D .here are the others F D the old "an as=ed D Let us wait D He waited The "oon 9a"e up His handful of audien9e waited patientl5 And then the old "an said2 D ! won't tell the stor5 toda52 nor to"orrow unless the whole $illa#e 9o"es here ! insist upon it !t is a "i#ht5 stor5 E$er5one "ust hear it D Ne>t da5 he went up and down the $illa#e street shoutin#2 D ! ha$e a "ost wonderful tale to tell toni#ht Go"e one and all E don't "iss it D This personal appeal had a #reat effe9t At ni#ht a lar#e 9rowd #athered under the ban5an The5 were happ5 that the stor5;teller had re#ained his powers Na"bi 9a"e out of the te"ple when e$er5one had settled and said A D !t is the Mother who #i$es the #ifts E and it is SheBwho ta=es awa5 the #ifts Na"bi is a dotard He spea=s when the Mother has an5thin# to sa5 He is stru9= du"b when She has nothin# to sa5 %ut what is the use of the Cas"ine when it has lost its s9ent F .hat is the la"p for when all the oil is #one F Goddess be than=ed These are "5 last words on this earth E and this is "5 #reatest stor5 D sHe rose and went into the san9tu" His audien9e , hardl5 understood what he "eant The5 sat there till the5 be9a"e wear5 And then so"e of the" #ot up and stepped into the san9tu" There the stor5;teller sat with his e5es shut D Aren't 5ou #oin# to tell us a stor5 F D the5 as=ed He opened his e5es2 loo=ed at the"2 and shoo= his head He indi9ated b5 #esture that he had spo=en his last words



.hen he felt hun#r5 he wal=ed into an5 9otta#e and silentl5 sat down for food2 and wal=ed awa5 the "o"ent he had eaten %e5ond this he had hardl5 an5thin# to de"and of his fellow;bein#s The rest of his life /he li$ed for a few "ore 5ears0 was one #reat 9onsu""ate silen9e

Read the passa#e and answer the followin# ?uestions e>9eed "ore than one line;

Answers "ust not

He had a wor=in# anal5sis of "an=ind's troubles A "arria#e2 "one52 and the tan#les of hu"an ties Lon# pra9ti9e had sharpened his per9eption .ithin fi$e "inutes he understood what was wron# He 9har#ed three pies per ?uestion2 ne$er opened his "outh till the other had spo=en for at least ten "inutes2 whi9h pro$ided hi" enou#h stuff for a do@en answers and ad$i9es .hen he told the person before hi"2 #a@in# at his pal"2 D !n "an5 wa5s 5ou are not #ettin# the fullest results for 5our efforts2D nine out of ten were disposed to a#ree with hi" Or he ?uestioned A D !s there an5 wo"an in 5our fa"il52 "a5be e$en a distant relati$e2 who is not well disposed towards 5ou F D Or he #a$e an anal5sis of 9hara9ter A D Most of 5our troubles are due to 5our nature How 9an 5ou be otherwise with Saturn where he is F You ha$e an i"petuous nature and a rou#h e>terior D This endeared hi" to their hearts i""ediatel52 forE e$en the "ildest of us lo$es to thin= that he has a forbiddin# e>terior a0 .hat was the re#ular s9hedule of the astrolo#erF b0 .hat for9es his 9lients to feel 'propheti9' in his appearan9eF 90 .hat was his su99essful 9olour se9he"eF d0 .hat was the parti9ular fa9ial 'settin#' that 9ould "a=e 'an5 half wit's e5es spar=le'F e0 Gi$e "eanin#s of the followin# words; resplendent2 flan=ed a0 re#ular "idda5 till late e$enin# b0 Resplendent forehead s"ir9hed with ash and $er"ilion and spar=lin# e5es 90 Glea"in# e5es and saffron 9oloured turban d0 The position of the e5es between painted forehead and strea"in# whis=ers

e0 Resplendent ; shinin#E flan=ed; ed#ed

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