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Linear Programming WS 3 Name __________________________

Date ______________Period________

Solve: (Remember to show ALL work!!!)

1. Bonham Garden Fertilizers produce Regular and Super-Gro formulations. There are 10 employees,
or 400 worker-hours of production time each week. It takes hour to produce and package
Regular and hour to produce Super-Gro. Bonham has $7000 to spend on the raw materials
necessary to produce the fertilizers. Raw materials for Regular cost them $2 per package, and
materials for Super-Gro cost $5 per package. Bonham makes a profit of $1 on each Regular and
$2 on each Super-Gro. How many packages of each should Bonham produce to maximize their

2. Bill and Judy are shopping for their family and want to know how much hamburger and how many
potatoes to buy. From a food-value table they find that one ounce of hamburger has 1 mg of iron,
10 units of vitamin A, and 7 grams of protein. One medium potato has 2 mg of iron, 0 units of
vitamin A, and 4 grams of protein. For this meal they want to serve at least 7.5 mg of iron, 30
units of vitamin A, and 35 grams of protein. One potato costs $0.05 and 1 ounce of hamburger
costs $0.11. What quantity of each food should Bill and Judy buy in order to minimize their

3. Major Motors must produce at least 5000 luxury cars and 12,000 mid-sized cars each year; also,
they can produce at most 30,000 compact cars. The company owns two factories, one in Albany
and one in Boise. The Albany factory produces 20 luxury, 40 mid-size, and 60 compact cars each
day. The Boise factory produces 10 luxury, 30 mid-size, and 50 compact cars each day. The cost
to run the Albany factory for a day is $960,000, while the cost to run the Boise factory for a
day is $750,000. What number of days should each factory be operated in order to meet the car
production requirements, yet do so at a minimum cost?

4. Marco is planning a snack of graham crackers and blueberry yogurt to provide at his high schools
track practice. Because he is concerned about health and nutrition, he wants to make sure that
the snack contains no more than 700 calories and no more than 20 g of fat. He also wants at
least 17 g of protein and at least 30% of the daily recommended value of iron. The nutritional
content of each food is listed in the table below. Each serving of yogurt costs $0.30 and each
graham cracker costs $0.06. What combination of graham crackers and blueberry yogurt should
Marco provide to minimize cost?

5. During nesting season, two different bird species inhabit a region with area 180,000 m
. Dr. Chan
estimates that this ecological region can provide 72,000 kg of food during the season. Each
nesting pair of species X needs 39.6 kg of food during a specified time period and 120 m
of land.
Each nesting pair of species Y needs 69.6 kg of food and 90 m
of land. Let x represent the
number of pairs of species X and let y represent the number of pairs of species Y.
a. Describe the meaning of the constraints x > 0 and y > 0.
b. Describe the meaning of the constraint 120x + 90y s 180000
c. Describe the meaning of the constraint 39.6x + 69.6y s 72000
d. Graph the system of inequalities, and identify the vertex of the feasible region.
e. Maximize the total number of nesting pairs, N, by considering the function
N = x + y.

6. Whatnot Manufacturing makes widgets and gizmos. Each widget takes 6 minutes to cut out and 9
minutes to wire. Each gizmo takes 5 minutes to cut out and 15 minutes to wire. The cutout
machine can only be used 7 hours a day, and the two people who do the wiring can only work a
combine total of 13 hours a day. At least 3 widgets must be produced for every 7 gizmos
produced. The company makes a daily profit of $3.50 for each widget it produces and a profit of
$6.50 for each gizmo it produces. How many widgets and gizmos should be made to yield the
maximum daily profit? What is the maximum daily profit?




Iron (% of
1 cracker 60 2 g 2 g 6 %
4.5 oz 130 2 g 5 g 1%
Linear Programming WS 3 Answers

1. x - # of regular Objective Function: P = x + 2y Vertices: (1600,0)
y - # of Super-Gro Constraints: 0 > x (0,0)
0 > y (0,1400)
2x + 5y 7000 s |

1266 ,
x +
y 400 s

The maximum profit of $2866 occurs when 334 Regular and 1266 Super-Gro packages are sold.

2. x - # oz of hamburger Objective Function: P = 0.11x + 0.05y
y - # of potatoes Constraints: 0 > y
0 > x
Vertices: (7.5,0) 5 . 7 2 > + y x
(3,3.5) 30 10 > x
(4, 1.75) 7x + 4y 35 >

The minimum cost of $.53 occurs at 3 oz. Hamburger and 4 potatoes.

3. x - # of days Albany operates Objective Function: 96,000x + 750,000y
y - # of days Boise operates Constraints: 0 > x
0 > y
Vertices: (500, 0) 20x + 10y 000 , 5 >
(300, 0) 40x + 30y 000 , 12 >
(0, 500) 60x + 50y 000 , 30 s
(0, 600)
(150, 200)

The minimum cost occurs when Factory A operates 300 days at and Factory B operates 0 days.

4. x - # of servings of yogurt Objective Function: P = 0.30x + 0.06y
y - # of servings of graham crackers Constraints: 0 > x
0 > y
Vertices: (0, 8.5) 2x + 2y 20 s
(1.5, 4.75) 130x + 60y 700 s
(0, 10) 5x + 2y 17 >




The minimum cost of $.51 occurs when Marco has 8.5 servings of graham crackers
and 0 servings of yogurt.
5. a. There are zero or more pairs of each species in the region.
b. The area required by species X plus the area required by species Y is no more than
180,000 m
c. The total food requirement of species X plus the total food requirement of species Y is no
more than 72,000 kg.
d. Graph with corners at (0, 0), (0, 1034.5), (1263.2, 315.8), (1500, 0) shaded below both
e. The maximum number of nesting pairs is $1578.

6. x - # of widgets Objective Function: P = 3.5x + 6.5y
y - # of gizmos Constraints: 0 > x
0 > y
Vertices: (70, 0) 6x + 5y 420 s
(0, 0) 9x + 15y 780 s

20 ,
53 y x

41 ,

The maximum daily profit of $329.50 occurs when 18 widgets and 41 gizmos are made.

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