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IAS Interview 2011-2012 (Interview Transcript): 19th March to 27 Apri 2012 Interview : Some Students of Vision IAS

!andidate : Aravind Menon "oard #ate : Smt Alka Sirohi : 1$th Apri % 2012

My interview was on 16th in the afternoon session. There were only 6 boards for our session , so each board had to interview 7 candidates each. As a result , each interview lasted for 20-25 inutes. My interview was no different. ! was the third "erson to be interviewed by the board chaired by # t Al$a #irohi %&M' . (hen ! was as$ed by the attender to enter the roo , ! as$ed "er ission to do so fro the board . ! was )ranted that and ! went in. All the * e bers %M1,M2,M+ , M*' other than the chair an were ale e bers. #o didnt had any confusion re)ardin) how to wish. -ut even before ! could wish the , &M as$ed e to be seated . Anyway , ! wished the and too$ y seat. .veryone was busy doin) so ethin) and was not )ivin) uch attention to e. That infor al nature eased y tension .

CM started the proceedin&s '( as)in& me to ist o*t 2-+ thin&s that occ*rred in the past decade which s*ited the description ,M*ch ado a'o*t nothin&- . M( mind went ' an) and even a.ter she e/p ained the 0*estion% I was not a' e to reco ect an( s*ch events. 1ater she to d me that what she intended was 223 and 4M#.

M1 as)ed me a'o*t !hinma(ananda Swami o. !hinma(a Mission and his contri'*tions to the societ((I had m( schoo in& in a !hinma(a 5id(a a(a). I mentioned a'o*t his 6nana 2a7nas- spirit*a )now ed&e to common man% openin& o. schoo s% socia activities o. its vo *nteers etc. then he as)ed a'o*t the essence o. 8ita. Me: man sho* d do his d*ties (3arma) witho*t the e/pectation o. an( res* t as it wi disappointment.

ead to

9e was e/pectin& Aham "rahmasmi and it was his ne/t :n. Me: ;ach so* is part o. the *niversa so* . 9e was not comp ete ( satis.ied. :: "ertrand <*sse =s statement that a h*man 'ein&s are rationa '*t he is (et to .ind s*ch a person. Me: most o. the peop e I met were rationa . :: then wh( wor d is i)e this Me: a minorit( o. peop e ma( 'e irrationa ca*sin& hardships% '*t since ma7orit( are rationa wor d is sti e/istin&

M2 : : Is there an( con. ict o. interest '>n India and china in Indian ocean as 'oth are ener&( h*n&r( nations. I didn?t *nderstand it comp ete (. 4hen he e/p ained it % I tho*&ht it was re&ardin& strin& o. pear s and rep ied accordin& (. I to d a'o*t protectin& o*r economic @ sec*rit( interests whi e maintainin& a &ood re ation with them. 9e )ept on repeatin& the same :n and !M intervened and as)ed M+ to start.

M3 :: !*rrent stat*s o. the =treas*re= in Sree Aadmana'haswam( temp e and how to *se it ( I am .rom )era a) A: need to *se modern techni0*es to open the va* t " w>o destro(in& an(thin& e se. It cannot 'e *sed .or deve opmenta p*rposes as it is part o. o*r c* t*re and histor(. :: in case o. 'op crisisB Me: in that case it can 'e *sed .or p ed&in& '*t has to recovered when sit*ation improves. :: wi a 1991 t(pe crisis rec*r in India Me: Co. diversit( o. trade% +00'nD .ore/ etc

M4 As)ed some innoc*o*s 0n which I dont remem'er.

CM :: sate ites in India and their *ses. Me: didn?t remem'er m*ch . To d a't insat% metsat% risat. :: remote sensin& and its *ses. Me: rep ied '*t not satis.actori (. :: roc)et a*nchin& centreB Me: srihari))ota :: wh(B Me: earth=s rotation aids the a*nch when it is a*nched in the easter ( direction :: An( sec*rit( aspectsB Me: in case o. .ai *re it wi .a in ocean.

#he s iled and said than$ you. ! too$ a few seconds to understand that interview was over. Then ! than$ed everybody and )ot out. Thou)h so e e bers were not satisfied, ! a ha""y that too uch technical /ns were not as$ed.

Than)s% Aravind Menon

IAS Interview 2011-2012 (Interview Transcript): 19th March to 27 Apri 2012 Interview : Some Students of Vision IAS

!andidate : Gitanjali Brandon "oard : Mrs. Rajni Razdan

Date: 9th April. Time: #orenoon Session (9 AM). "rie$ %ac&'ro(nd: I am a aw)er %) trainin'. I 'rad(ated $rom the *ationa +aw Schoo o$ India ,niversit) (*+S)- "an'a ore. I s(%se.(ent ) wor&ed as a corporate aw)er (capita mar&ets aw)er) $or 2 )ears with one o$ India/s premier aw $irms %e$ore decidin' to write the ,0S! !ivi Services 12am. M) 3ptiona s are +aw and Socio o'). M) $irst service pre$erence is the Indian #orei'n Service (I#S). I was the $irst candidate to 'o in on 9th Apri . I was (shered in %) a sta$$ mem%er o$ the ,0S! once the "oard ran' the %e $rom inside. I entered and wished 4ood Mornin' to ever)one. The !hairperson (Mrs. 5a6dan- hereina$ter re$erred to as 7558) as&ed me to ta&e a seat. I than&ed her and did so. IN !RVI!" RR: Showed me m) passport photo and as&ed me to con$irm i$ that was me. She as&ed me to state m) name and 93". She a so as&ed me m) ho%%ies- whi e ' ancin' thro('h m) S(mmar) Sheet. Me: M) ho%%ies are- 5eadin' ($iction and non-$iction- emer'in' trends in internationa a$$airs- 'ender iss(es and pop( ar c( t(re)- de%atin'- trave in' and meetin' and interactin' with peop e. RR: So man). These are perhaps interests- what are )o(r ho%%ies: Me: ;e - Ma/am- I wo( d sa) that primari ) m) ho%%ies are readin' and de%atin'. RR: ;hat &ind o$ %oo&s do )o( i&e to read in $iction: Me: I read wide )- %(t m) $avo(rite 'enre is h(man interest stories- which show the tri(mph o$ the h(man spirit a'ainst a odds. Some o$ m) $avo(rite %oo&s are- To <i a Moc&in'%ird (=arper +ee)- 9iar) o$ a >o(n' 4ir %) Anne #ran& (a memoir) and !atcher in the 5)e %) ? 9 Sa in'er. RR: >o( come $rom a water-de$icient state i&e 5a@asthan. !an )o( te (s some wa)s in which water can %e conserved:

Me: I as&ed the !hairperson i$ I co( d ta&e a $ew seconds to co ect m) tho('hts on the matter. RR: >es- p ease ta&e )o(r time. (I pa(sed $or a%o(t 1A seconds) Me: I wo( d i&e to ist the $o owin' wa)s in which water can %e conserved: 0romotin' the e$$icient (se o$ water %) havin' a mechanism $or char'in' peop e $or the pro$ i'ate and care ess (se o$ water- especia ) in case o$ over-e2p oitation o$ 'ro(nd water in water-de$icient areas and wasta'e o$ water in irri'ation. 5ain water harvestin'- %) %(i din' s(ch str(ct(res on $ie ds and $arms as we as ho(ses. 1specia ) $or a state i&e 5a@ where rain is erratic and minima . Inte'rated watershed deve opment 9rip irri'ation !omm(nit)-%ased water mana'ement.

RR: 3&. =ave )o( ever heard o$ e(thanasia: Me: >es Ma/am. It re$ers to merc) &i in'- a process where%) a person who is termina ) i can as& to %e p( ed o$$ i$e s(pport or %e administered a etha in@ection to %e p(t o(t o$ hisBher ph)sica s($$erin'. I added that e(thanasia is not a owed in India. (The Chairperson raised an eyebrow at this point and I hastened to add). Ma/am- the S(preme !o(rt in the recent Ar(na Sha(n%a(' @(d'ement has 'iven a ver) restricted interpretation to 1(thanasia and a owed it in on ) ver) imited cases- to prevent it/s mis(se. RR: As&ed the ne2t 0ane Mem%er (hereina$ter- 7M18) to ta&e over. M#: >o( mentioned 5(n-3$$ previo(s ). ;hat e2act ) is r(n-o$$: Me: 5(n 3$$ re$ers to the movement o$ water down the nat(ra s ope or 'radient o$ the and. This watera$ter rains- carries awa) the top-soi with it- min' es with dirt) drain water or 'oes a the wa) to the sea in a coasta area. ;ater is th(s wasted and not avai a% e $or immediate da)-to-da) (se. To prevent this watershed deve opment is adopted- thro('h %(i din' %(nds and anic(ts to store the r(n o$$. M#: 3&. Te (s what is meant %) in$rastr(ct(re: Me: Sir- in$rastr(ct(re is essentia ) o$ two t)pes. 0h)sica in$rastr(ct(re s(ch as- roads- hi'hwa)s- power pro@ects- ports- dams etc and Socia in$rastr(ct(re- which inc (des hea th and ed(cation $ramewor&s. M#: In ever)thin' that )o( have mentioned- what are the commona ities- the %asic points re'ardin' in$rastr(ct(re: Me: In$rastr(ct(re $orms the %asic (nder )in' str(ct(re or $ramewor& that is necessar) $or the e$$icient $(nctionin' o$ societ). The commona it) %etween the ph)sica and socia in$rastr(ct(re is that %oth invo ve

si'ni$icant e2pendit(re $or deve opment- are %i' in sca e- provide emp o)ment to vario(s peop e. The 'ovt o$ten spea&s a%o(t wa)s and meas(res to overcome the in$rastr(ct(re-de$icit $or socio-economic deve opment. M#: =ave )o( heard o$ the 4ini !oe$$icient: ;hat is it: Me: >es Sir. The 4ini coe$$icient is an economic too (sed to meas(re the eve o$ e.(a it) in a societ). The ,*90 (ses this in its ann(a =(man 9eve opment 5eports. It/s meas(red on a sca e o$ 0 to 1D where 0 means per$ect ine.(a it) and 1 means per$ect e.(a it). India is somewhere in the midd e. RR: As&ed M2 to ta&e over. M$: >o( are a st(dent o$ Socio o'): =ave )o( read MacIver and 0ai'e: Me: Sir I haven/t read it a tho('h I &now o$ this %oo&. I re$erred to Anthon) 4iddens and =ara am%os and =o %orn primari ). M$: MacIver and 0ai'e is a c assic o$ Socio o'). Me: I nod respect$( ). M$: >o( isted some strate'ies $or water conservation. 9o )o( thin& p antin' more trees can a so %e a part o$ it: Me: >es Sir- (ndo(%ted ). A$$orestation eads to 'reater precipitation and a so he ps in preventin' r(n o$$ o$ the soi - eadin' to 'ro(nd water rechar'e. Inte'rated water preservation techni.(es which inc (de a$$orestation are ver) important. M$: >o( mentioned that de%atin' is one o$ )o(r ho%%ies: =ave )o( ever won an) pri6es $or it: Me: >es Sir- I have won severa pri6es in de%atin'- thro('h schoo and co e'e. I a so represented m) ,niversit)- *+S- "an'a ore at internationa de%atin' championships i&e the ;or ds ,niversit) 9e%atin' !hampionship and A Asians Inter Earsit) !hampionship. M$: ;hat was the topic d(rin' these de%ates: Me: These competitions $o owed the 0ar iamentar) st) e o$ de%atin'. The topic was 'iven 1A min(tes %e$ore the act(a de%ates. There were severa ro(nds in each o$ these competitions- some o$ the topics were- inte i'ent desi'n v 9arwinismD and another was FThis =o(se ;i *ot ;ear 5ed/. M$: 3&. >o( a so said that )o( are interested in 'ender iss(es. I wo( d i&e to as& )o( two .(estions in this re'ard- what do )o( thin& o$ reservation $or women in 0ar iament: And a so don/t )o( thin& that wor&in' women end (p ne' ectin' the $ami ) and their chi dren: Sho( d women not $oc(s more on domestic iss(es: Me: Ma) I respond to )o(r second .(estion $irst:

M$: 4o ahead. Me: Sir- I don/t thin& that a wor&in' woman ne' ects her $ami ) or chi dren. I have seen severa e2amp es o$ wor&in' women who mana'e to maintain a 'ood wor&- i$e %a ance. ;omen are 'enera ) 'ood at m( titas&in'- and most women can easi ) %a ance the two i$ the) prioriti6e and mana'e their time correct ). Movin' on to )o(r second .(estion on reservation $or women in 0ar iament- I %e ieve that 'iven that women ma&e (p ha $ the pop( ation their representation in 0ar iament is (ndo(%ted ) mar'ina . And towards that end reservation wi he p. And women representatives wo( d hope$( ) tr) and mainstream 'ender iss(es in the p(% ic disco(rse. =owever- I wo( d i&e to add two caveats to this point- 1) The o$ten raised ar'(ment that reservation in par iament ma) serve to entrench women $rom po itica $ami ies and privi e'ed %ac&'ro(nds to 'arner more seats in par iament witho(t si'ni$icant ) impactin' 'ender concerns. 2) !o(ntries i&e 5wanda and 0a&istan that have reservation $or women in their +e'is at(res do not do we on 'ender indices. =ence- reservation in the e'is at(res can/t %e seen as a stand-a one meas(re. It has to %e s(pp emented %) vario(s other schemes and pro'rammes to empower women at the 'rassroots. M$: *odded and as&ed the ne2t pane mem%er to ta&e over. M%: 5a@asthan is a semi-arid state. ;hat are the other semi-arid re'ions in India: Me: Sir- 5a@asthan- The *orth-;estern part o$ 4(@arat (aro(nd the 5ann o$ <achch) and parts o$ the 9eccan 0 atea(. M%: ;e - I come $rom Anantp(r in Andhra and that is a semi-arid re'ion. ;hat do )o( thin& we can do to improve the (ti i6ation o$ these areas: Me: I mentioned the $o owin': A$$orestation and water conservation to redress water scarcit) "rin'in' water $rom a near%) so(rce- thro('h a cana or river- in&in' pro@ect (a$ter d(e environmenta impact assessment). I 'ave the e' o$ Indira 4andhi cana in 5a@asthan and how that has rea ) chan'es the econom) and a'ric( t(re in the districts thro('h which it r(ns. ,sin' $a ow waste- and $or c( tivation o$ %io-$(e s i&e ?atropha ,se o$ dro('ht-resistant seeds.

M%: 9o these dro('ht-resistant seeds wor& at a : Me: I can cite the instance o$ 5a@asthan where the state 'ovt has co a%orated with the 4ovt o$ Israe (a semi-arid co(ntr)) to share %est-practices in dro('ht-resistant and dr) and $armin'. And in 5a@asthan the) are act(a ) 'rowin' 3 ives and Straw%erries these da)s. M%: =e oo&ed s(rprised. 5ea ):

Me: >es Sir- I remem%er readin' the !M a so spea&in' a%o(t this a $ew months a'o. M%: "(t are these seeds rea ) e$$ective: (=e oo&ed sceptica ) Me: ("ein' a aw)er and havin' no intricate &now ed'e a%o(t s(ch a'ric( t(ra detai s- I decided to 'ive a po itica ) correct )et optimistic answer) Sir I s(ppose that it is a wor& in pro'ress and I!A5 and o(r a'ric( t(ra scientists are attemptin' to deve op %etter seeds. M%: =mm. >o( went to the %est aw co e'e in the co(ntr). ;hat is )o(r view on the e'a sit(ation these da)s: Me: Sir- the e'a sit(ation re'ardin' a partic( ar case or 'enera ) re'ardin' the 5( e o$ +aw: M%: The 5( e o$ +aw Me: Sir- on paper we have ver) 'ood e'is ationsD it is the imp ementation that eaves m(ch to %e desired. I spo&e o$ the massive @(dicia arrears- protracted e'is ation and de a)s that ead to a denia o$ @(stice. I mentioned the 4ovt has a(nched a $ew schemes and po icies to tac& e @(dicia %ac& o' and ma&e @(stice more accessi% e and speed). I mentioned the *ationa Mission on +e'a 5e$orms and Access to ?(stice*ationa +iti'ation 0o ic)- A ternate 9isp(te 5eso (tion (A95) mechanisms to ta&e o$$ some o$ the %(rden o$ the @(diciar)- ar%itration - mediation- +o& Ada ats- 4ram *)a)a a)as- improvin' the in$rastr(ct(re o$ s(%ordinate co(rts- nationa arrears 'rid etc. M%: (=e was the most p easant mem%er in the "oard- constant ) noddin' and smi in'). ;hat do )o( thin& is the one ma@or pro% em with the imp ementation o$ !o(rt orders in o(r co(ntr): Me: !o (sion %etween the s(%ordinate $(nctionaries and the e2ec(tive machiner) in-char'e o$ imp ementation o$ co(rt orders and power$( o%%ies. I thin& what we rea ) re.(ire is administrative wi to %e a% e to imp ement the aw o$ the and and e2ec(te co(rt orders in an e$$ective and time-%o(nd manner. M4 asked mostly factual questions. I answered all but two regarding date when Islam came to India and some important e ent in !"th Century India M&: ;hat are )o(r so(rces $or sta)in' in to(ch with important events: 9on/t )o( thin& 1n' ish news-papers are more oriented towards (r%an news: ;here do )o( 'et r(ra news $rom: A $amo(s di'nitar) visited a p ace in )o(r state recent )- which p ace and who was the di'nitar): (This was with re$erence to Hardari/s visit to 9ar'ah Shari$ in A@mer). ;ho was the saint whose 9ar'ah it is: (<hwa@a Mo(in(ddin !histhi) ;as he $rom India ori'ina ): (*o- he came $rom Iran and sett ed in India to preach S($ism)

;hich cent(r) did he come in: (12th cent(r)) +(c&i ) I &new a o$ the a%ove %eca(se I/ve visited 9ar'ah Shari$ %(t he as&ed me 2 more .(estions on =istor) which I did not &now. M&: ;hat other important event happened in 12th !ent(r): Me: I mentioned one %(t t(rns o(t that it happened in 1Gth cent(r) (## pointed that out) M&: ;hich )ear did Is am come to India and how: Me: Sir- I wo( d not i&e to ha6ard a '(ess with respect to that. M&: Isn/t =istor) )o(r s(%@ect: Me: *o Sir- +aw and Socio o') (this is after I had e$plicitly stated in the beginning of the inter iew that my %ptionals are &aw and 'ocio and all other members had asked me a few questions pertaining to those. It had also clearly come up that I am a law graduate from (&') *angalore...but for some reason M4 was under the impression that +istory is my sub,ect--- ) RR: Is am came to India in 7JI A9. Mohd. Kasim was responsi% e $or the introd(ction o$ Is am to India. Than& )o( and 'ood (c&. Me: Than& )o( Ma/am.

* Note: I was disappointed that they did not ask me anything regarding I.' or foreign affairs because I was ery well/prepared on that front and since not many people opt for I.' as their first choice I thought questions on that area would be a gi en. I suppose since I was the first candidate that morning the panel did not ha e the opportunity to go through my form properly and perhaps it did not register that my first preference is I.'. 0lso) because of the nature of their questions I did not get an opportunity to bring this up myself. 0lso) there were no questions on why I quit my lucrati e corporate law firm ,ob or any questions on corporate1 capital markets law or e en regarding why I want to ,oin the ci il ser ices (I had e$pected questions along these lines because pre iously some of my seniors with similar profiles had been qui22ed on these aspects). +a ing said that) I think that I answered all questions put to me reasonably well and I was articulate and poised. 'o) although I did not know two factual history/based questions in the end and did not get asked any questions regarding the I.' or capital markets (which are my strongest areas) I think my inter iew went well. .ingers crossed now.

IAS Interview 2011-2012 (Interview Transcript): 19th March to 27 Apri 2012 Interview : Some Students of Vision IAS

!andidate : Sachin Rana "oard : Vijay Singh # $ mem%ers (inc &din' one ad( mem%er)

I was the )irst one to enter in the room on the )ine co d %ree*( mornin' o) 21-0+-2012. So...Adrena in was r&nnin' hi'h in spite o) )acin' the %oard ast (ear as we . ,eon too- me to the room.and made me sit %e)ore the room.I had to wait )or more than 10 min&tes %e)ore the %e ran' )or me.Act&a time can/t %e monitored as watch and pen were not a owed )or sec&rit( reasons... I entered the room post see-in' permission and then wished the %oard !hairman warm ( and then to a other mem%ers s ow ( inc &din' the 0ad( Mem%er.. The( a made me sit..I sat e1pressin' than-s.. I was )ee in' com)orta% e and ca m..I thin- so..and here it is .

!hairman: 2hat are (o&r choices )or services3 Me: IAS4 I,S4 I5S and then I6S... !hairman: 2h( (o& have 'iven I,S s&ch hi'h priorit(3 Me: Tho&'ht )or a whi e is I hearin' correct..Then I spo-e.Sir4 m( )ather serves in 7e hi ,o ice4 so I have inc ination )or the same. !hairman: So (o& &nderstand what it ta-es to %e a po ice man3 Me: 8es Sir4 I do. !hairman: 2hat is the most important 9&a it( & thin- a po ice man m&st have3 Me: Sir4 I thin- 7iscip most desired. !hairman: :1p ain. Me: Sir discip ine can %e seen in vario&s )acets o) i)e..0i-e in TIM: MA;A<:M:;T.the p&nct&a it( need to %e there in his i)e..A so in 'enera da( to i)e it can %e seen.8o& need to arran'e thin's in order ( )ashion.=ne m&st have idea a%o&t what c othin' he wi %e wearin' ne1t da(.where are his shoes.soc-s.At this !hairman smi ed. !hairman: 8o& thin- -eepin' shoes and soc-s is discip ined.with smi e.. M:: 8es Sir4 with smi e and a then en>o(ed a a&'h..!hairman ater added he did not ever thin- that as a discip ine %&t now he thin-s so.. I nodded with smi e..and added it is simi ar to =?M4 sir.

!hairman: It seems (o& had wor-ed )or a whi e. Me: 8es Sir4 I am wor-in' present ( a so.I am wor-in' with Saipem India ,ro>ects. !hairman: 2hat is the pro)i e3 Me: Sir4 I am a process en'ineer. !hairman: 2hat do (o& do3 Me: Sir I desi'n 6e)ineries and ,etrochemica , ants.I desi'n pipe4 vesse s4 ,&mps4 @eat e1chan'ers and 7isti ation !o &mn. !hairman: :1tends me to )irst mem%er.. Mem%er 1: what are the component )rom disti ation co &mn3 Me: Sir )orm top we 'et 5&e <as which is &sed in the re)iner( ..Then we have 0,<.. 0i9&i)ied ,etro e&m <as.and then..he interr&pted.. Mem%er 1: 2hat are the component o) 0,<. Me: Sir4 !+ and !$ ie ,ropane and "&tane .( I )&m% ed &p here with !+ as "&tane..%&t ater corrected m(se ) and e1tended m( apo o'ies) Mem%er 1: 2hat is !;<4 then3 Me: Sir4 !;<.. compressed ;at&ra <as. It is %asica ( 90A Methane and rest !2 :thane.. Mem%er 1: So & were representative at IIT. 8o& -now how (o& ca c& ate the Mess "i 3 Me: Sir4 to %e e1act these activities are o&t o) m( p&rview and careta-er o) the @oste &sed to see a this. Mem%er 1: !areta-er or S&pervisor. Me: A the )o&r (ears the s&pervisor post was on ( careta-er was there.. Mem%er 1: what was the name o) him3 Me: Mr Siroha. Mem%er 1: Siroha or Saroha. Me: Sir4 Mr. Saroha..sorr( I )&m% ed &p.. @ere chairman was oo-in' at me with innocent emotion which I thin- were he p)& )or me to re'ain m( con)idence.. Mem%er 1: then e1tended me to Mem%er 2 Mem%er 2: 7on/t (o& thin- se ) conscience is %est po icin'3 ( In the mean whi e ast mem%er who was ate came in and created dist&r%ance in the room) Me: I co& d not &nderstand. So as-ed him to e a%orate. Mem%er 2: 6epeated the 9&estion Me: 8es Sir4 I conscience is %est po icin' techni9&e.%&t sti some peop e 'et on the wron' path.So I %e ieve i) one va &es his se ) conscience then he %etter contro s the %ehavior. I a so thin- se ) contro is the %est thin'.

Mem%er 2: 2hat are the 9&a ities (o&r )ather as a po ice man 'ives (o&3 Me: Sir4 discip ine4 p&nct&a it( ..he interr&pted in %etween...and e1tended me to ad( mem%er + with smi in' note.. Mem%er +: Its reported that in ast 19th 20th cent&rie man has made n&mero&s discoveries.what are (o&r views on this.. Me: Thin- )or a whi e.Madam I thin- this o%servation is on ( perceived one..Man-ind has made innovation )rom the var( %e'innin'.we invented )ire4 whee and then iron..%ron*e.etc.%&t it is on ( in 19th and 20th cent&ries that wehave doc&mented man( o) the innovations s&ch as car4 p ane4 ship and mo%i e phone etc.At this I was oo-in' at !hairman and he was noddin' in conc&rrence. Mem%er +: 2hat wo& d (o& innovate toda( and now i) 'iven the opport&nit(3 Me: Thin- )or a whi e.Madam I wo& d %e wi in' to %&i d somethin' that co& d meas&re the stress eve o) a the aspirants sittin' o&t side... The( a are in %ad shape.Somethin' that co& d meas&re their press&re eve .!hairman Interr&pted in hi'h tone.2h( the( are in %ad shape3 Me: Sir4 the press&re to per) %e is the reason. Mem%er +: So & want to ca c& ate and meas&re the press&re eve o) mind. Me: 2ith smi e4 8es Madam4 Act&a ( %( that we can 'ive co&nse in' to those who r not a% e to mana'e their stress eve . their co ea'&es and )riends in 'ro&p can do that.. Mem%er +: 2i Mediation wi he p3 Me: Thin- )or a whi e.(es madam it wi he p de)inite (.. Mem%er +: Then she e1tended me to Mem%er $ the ate comer and most irritatin' o) a . Mem%er $: 8o& were ta -in' a%o&t innovation.. M:: 8es Sir Mem%er $: 2hat is the di))erence %etween Innovation and 7iscover(3 Me: A)ter reco ectin' )or a whi e..Sir innovation is )rom the 'rass root4 )rom *ero eve and scratch..whereas 7iscover( is a%o&t 'ettin' -now what is a read( in e1istence. Mem%er $: So )ire was discovered or innovated... Me: Thin- )or a whi e.sir4 discovered.and e1tended m( apo o'ies )or in correct &sa'es ear ier. Mem%er $: 2hat are the pro% ems present ( )aced %( the India as a nation.. Me: Sir4 there are man( pro% ems in India.. Mem%er $:@e interr&pted and as-ed me .o-a( te me Socia pro% em Me: Sir4 I %e ieve ac- o) :d&cation is a pro% em that need to %e addressed. I e1p ained. Sir4 there is di))erence %etween 0iterca( and :d&cation..:d&cation 'ives the -now ed'e a%o&t (o&r ri'hts..(o&r d&ties..Sir4 I am ta -in' a%o&t 9&a it( o) ed&cation.. Mem%er $: then what is the so &tion3 Me: Sir I thin- Teacher St&dent 6atio sho& d %e corrected..It is 1:$2 in 7e hi..

Mem%er $: I am not as-in' a%o&t 7e hi.India we are disc&ssin'. Me: 6i'ht Sir4 %&t what I meant to sa( was that I) the 6atio is so m&ch ess in !apita o) the co&ntr( then we can thin- o) other areas. Mem%er $: 2hat is ratio (o& recommend.3 Me: 1:+0 is %ein' recommended.. Mem%er $: At a 0eve s.. Me: ;o Sir4 on ( at Schoo 0eve .5or Technica :d&cation it is 1:1B. Mem%er $: Then :conomic ,ro% em3 Me: Sir I thin- 5isca !onso idation is the iss&e. Mem%er $: 2hat 3 Me: :1p ained and added the present "&d'et is on the same ines Sir4 where e1pendit&re has %een c&rtai ed and reven&e has %een the tar'ets o) 56"MA can %e met.At this !hairman nodded in a))irmation as we . Mem%er $: And then ,o itica pro% em. Me: The present !oa ition phase o) the 'overnment is the po itica pro% em4 Sir. Mem%er $: !oa ition has %een in India since 19B0/ how can it %e a pro% em.. Me: Sir4 ,rime Minister has himse ) said...that d&e to coa ition decision ma-in' is 'ettin' di))ic& t."&t I thin- we are in a transition phase and a on' with !ivi Societ( ,articipation.. 2e wi %e overcomin' a the h&rd es... Mem%er $: !ivi Societ(.. ;ame a civi societ( which have chan'ed the po ic( ma-in'. Me: 6ecent (4 Anna Team has modi)ied the po ic( ma-in'.. Mem%er $: 0o-pa and 0o-a(&-ta has %een there since 19C0s ..what chan'e the( have %ro&'ht..3 Me: 6i'ht Sir4 "&t the s&''estion 'iven %( them are d(namic. i-e ,o ice ,ower4 S&o Moto power and i)e imprisonment to corr&pt o))icia s..these are never thin- o).. !haiman interr&pted and to d a%o&t the Diran "edi/s ) i'ht/s )are iss&e.a smi ed. MeE 7e)inite ( Sir4 !ivi Societies wi ma-e o&r democrac( inc &sive and deve oped co&ntries had provided &s the e1amp es... !hairman Starts a'ain... !hairman: 2hat are (o& views on e1tra >&dicia -i in's..3 Me: Sir4 on h&manitarian 'ro&nds these sho& d not %e a owed. !hairman: So (o& want to prosec&te ,o ice o))icia s who commit enco&nters3 Me: Sir4 i) s&ch incidence has %een made in se ) de)ense then not4 %&t otherwise. ... Then sho& d %e prosec&ted..

!hairman: 2hat do (o& thin- ,o ice sho& d have h&manit( or not3 Me: 8es Sir4 7e)inite ( ,o ice is a part o) the societ(.and i) a common man hoes to the po ice and )inds him h&m% e and he p)& ..he thin-s po iceman is a 'ood man. !hairman: So a the third de'rees sho& d not %e &sed3 Me: ;o sir4 rather other departments sho& d %e )ostered s&ch as 5orensics. !hairman: So (o& don/t want to %eat the peop e %&t want to &se techno o'(. Me: 8es Sir.. !hairman: So there sho& d not %e Fpitaai -a darG in peop e. Me: Sir I thin- there sho& d %e 5ear o) 0aw..not 5ear o) ,itaa(i.. !hairman: =-a(..)ear o) po iceman that he can %eat me %&t he wi not %eat.. 8es: 8es Sir.. !hairman: Than-s Sachin...8o&rs Interview is over... Me: Than- (o& Sir.. I nodded to a o) them and 'ot o&t s ow (..

I think I was lucky enough to get in this board. In totality Board was humble and kind.except one member.They shared few lights moments with me.My fingers are crossed now for the positive result to come.. Sachin ana

IAS Interview 2011-2012 (Interview Transcript): 19th March to 27 Apri 2012 Interview : Some Students of Vision IAS

!andidate : Pawan Yadav Interview "oard- K.K. Paul #ate : 27 March $ 2012 #%ration o& Interview : 2' min%tes

Chairman (hat)s *o%r name+ (hat)s *o%r do"+ (hat)s *o%r ro n%m"er+ So *o% are a mechanica en,ineer$ te me how a diese ocomotive wor-s+ what is !./+0ow does it wor-s+ #oes the amp a"ove *o% has merc%r* vapo%rs+ (h* !./ does not have an* cho-e+ (hich is more e&&icient !./ or t%"e i,ht+ what is /i-ert)s s*stem-1+ (hat are i-ert)s other 2 s*stems+ what is we"er)s s*stem+ sho% d there "e we"er)s s*stem or i-ert)s s*stem 1+ have *o% read constit%tion+ what is 3o a-nath)s case+ what is Mane-a ,andhi)s case+ (hat is the di&&erence "etween d%e process o& aw and proced%re esta" ished "* aw+

Member 1 (hat is !S4+ what is 563! doin, in this re,ard+ 0ow is 5n3! imp ementin, it+ #o *o% thin- !S4 sho% d "e mandator* + Member 2 0ow m%ch time *o% spend in An- eshwar+ what is there in An- eshwar + (hat are the pro" ems o& An- eshwar+ In past there has "een a chemica disaster. (hat is its name+ what c%d have "een done to stop that disaster+

(hat is vi"rant 3%7arat+ what is the di&&erence "etween economic conditions o& 3%7arat and 8ttar 9radesh +

Member 3 #oes 563! ta-e an* persona it* deve opment c ass+ (hat depth *o% dri ed + i& *o% dri a ho e in the earth thro%,ho%t $what are the a*ers *o% wi pass thro%,h: (hat are the minera s *o% wi ,et+ Is it possi" e to dri a ho e thro%,ho%t+ Member (hat is 563! )s s%"sidiar*+ (h* we cannot prod%ce oi re;%ired "* o%r co%ntr*+ (hich co%ntries are havin, ma7or reserves o& oi and ,ases+ (hich companies are competin, 5</+ what are the pro" ems o& 8ttar 9radesh + (hat sho% d "e done to so ve them+

Than-s Pawan Yadav

IAS Interview 2011-2012 (Interview Transcript): 19th March to 27 Apri 2012 Interview : Some Students of Vision IAS

!andidate : Pritam Shekade "oard : #$r$shottam A%rawa &$ration: 20-2' min$tes ((((((((((((((((((((((((((( I was the second mem)er to )e interviewed. I was sittin% o$tside the interview room waitin% *or m+ t$rn. ,hen the )e ran%- the attendant escorted me to the )oard room. Me: Ma+ I come in Sir !hairman: # ease come in Me: .ood Mornin% Mam ( oo/in% at the ad+ in the )oard) - .ood Mornin% Sirs ( %ivin% a 0$ic/ % ance towards the !hairman and the other mem)ers) !hairman: # ease ta/e +o$r seat Me: Than/ +o$ Sir. (The chairman strai%ht awa+ as/ed the 1st mem)er to as/ 0$estions)

M1:!an +o$ te $s how has the i*e)$o+ )ro$%ht trans*ormation in r$ra India especia + women1 M1:Te me somethin% a)o$t 2-cho$pa . M1: 3ow has it res$ ted in r$ra trans*ormation1 M1: which po itician *rom 4at$r is in news at nationa eve 1 M1: ,hat is his port*o io1

M2: 3ow does +o$r M"A he p +o$ in civi services1 M2: ,hat do +o$ mean )+ peop e s/i s1

M2: ,hat motivates peop e1 M2: &o +o$ a%ree that po iticians have e5ce ent peop e s/i s1 M2: Then wh+ don6t +o$ 7oin po itics instead o* civi services1 M2: .iven the *act that- we are %rowin% 0$ite decent +- what do +o$ thin/ a)o$t o$r econom+ 1 M2: ,hat do +o$ thin/ is essentia so that we can s$stain the eve o* %rowth in services1 M2: 8ow +o$ ta /ed a)o$t a%ric$ t$ra %rowth- how can we %o a)o$t it1 ,e re0$ire 1200 itres o* water *or prod$cin% 1 /% o* rice ( I was noddin% receptive + whi e he was as/in%)

M9: 2ar ier .$7arat had a *isca de*icit o* more than 7000 crore- now the+ are havin% a s$rp $s )$d%et. !an +o$ te what has happened there1 M9:8ow the+ have done %reat deve opment in A%ric$ t$re. ,hat is the thin% that has ed .$7arat ma/e s$ch a %reat deve opment in a%ric$ t$re whereas rest o* India co$ d not achieve the same1 M9: !an it )e rep icated in other states as we 1 M9: 3ow did the+ separate the power in sin% e and three phases1

M:: !an +o$ te me wh+ is 4at$r /nown *or1 M:: So can +o$ te $s a)o$t the earth 0$a/e there1 &o +o$ remem)er it1 M:: !an +o$ te $s what are the meas$res ta/en $p there1 M:: 3as the reha)i itation comp ete1 M:: ,hat are specia constr$ction re ated meas$res ta/en $p1 M:: Maharashtra was /nown *or its e**icient administration. "$t now- there are vario$s pro) ems that have crept $p i/e *armers s$icide- na5a ism. &o +o$ thin/ administration has deteriorated1 M:: Are po iticians in Maharashtra responsi) e *or the sit$ation1 ;o$ see- Maharashtra is havin% s$ch a hi%h %rowth. M:: ;o$ seem to have a teachin% e5perience. !an +o$ te $s what chan%es have ta/en p ace in ed$cation1

Experiences: 1. 8o 0$estions as/ed )+ chairman 2. 8o 0$estions on ho))ies 9. " $**in% receives adverse reaction

Suggestions: 1. <eep +o$r coo when some thin%s %o wron% in the interview 2. In case the mem)ers show ) an/ *ace- don6t worr+- and don6t et +o$r )o%%ed down. 9. Avoid ) $**in% to the e5tent possi) e.

Than/s #ritam


IAS Interview 2011-2012 (Interview Transcript): 19th March to 27 Apri 2012 Interview : Some Students of Vision IAS

!andidate : "a#eshwari $asavara#appa $oard %ate : Dr. Venkatarami Reddy : 2&th Apri ' 2012

!(: See a)ter the interview *o+ wi ,o to Shim a )or trainin,' there *o+ see peop e interactin, each other and then )ind s+ita- e and marr* -+t a)ter some *ears the* divorce' what is *o+r in)erence' wh* do the* do i.e this/ me: There can -e n n+m-er o) reasons i.e as -oth are civi servants ma* -e -eca+se o) ac. o) time the* don0t have time to ta.e care each-other -eca+se o) which comm+nication ,ap -etween the two as the* are posted in di))erent p aces1states' or ma* -e d+e to 234 c ash' ma* -e the competition amon, each other in the career'..(so !( smi ed and oo.ed to M1) M1: 5o+ have done $sc((!M)' then #oined $an.', in -an. did Msc(Maths)' and now *o+ have too. (s*cho o,* and 6annada 7iterat+re as *o+r option' 8h* 6annada/ %o *o+ i.e it/ (the* were ,oin, thro+,h m* -iodata in detai ) me: 5es I i.e 6annada ver* m+ch as it is m* mother ton,+e. (M1 smi es and said Than. 34% *o+ didn0t se ect (a i an,+a,e as *o+r option) M1 !an *o+ trace the histor* o) 6annada 7an,+a,e/ me: 5es sir' started protratin, 6annada iterat+re histor* startin, )rom .avira#a mar,a to the modern iterat+re M2: !an *o+ name 6annada poets and whom do *o+ i.e most/ me: 5es sir' I have read the -oo.s o) 69:2M(9' (oorna!handra Te#aswi' %:3' 3irish 6arnad' e;p ained some o) the wor.s o) each poet. M2: %o *o+ i.e 3irish 6arnad0s wor./ wh*/

me: 5es' )or e;amp e in <=a,amanda a< he has e;p ained the characters so nice * and can -e +nderstood easi *. M>: !an *o+ te +s a-o+t 6arnata.a minin, iss+e/ 8hat is i e,a minin,/ me: Minin, sho+ d -e done accordin, to the r+ es and re,+ ations' e;p ained in detai and i) it is done -*passin, those r+ es then it is i e,a minin,' then interr+ptin, m* answer (M>: 8hom to -e - amed )or this/ ) so answered i.e ever*one is invo ved here startin, )rom "even+e 4))icer' ?orest 4))icer and a-ove a the (o itician have a hi,her hand. M&: %o *o+ .now which minin, compan* in 6arnata.a is doin, e,a minin, and which is not per)ormin, we and a most c osed now/ me: didn0t .now the answer )or this (i was,' so he to d the answer as it is the 6+dhrem+.h minin, compan*) M@: %o *o+ thin. )ra,mentin, Te e,ana )rom Andhra wi he p in improvin, the thin,s/ me: =o sir' even witho+t )ra,mentin, te ,ana the iss+es can -e reso ved and improve socioeconomic aspects' immediate * M@ stoped and said how come *o+ sa* that we have seen the )ra,mented states are doin, ver* we . MA: 8hat a-o+t $i imp ementation/ what do *o+ thin./ me: $i can -e imp emented -+t it is a most near to dictatorship - i.e can remove (M on its own decision accordin, to the commitee )or his mista.e' the committee can ta.e an* decision o) its own. MA: As a ps*cho o,ist' how do *o+ do ne,otiations on this -i / me: I answered -+t it was not convenicin, to them... Finally Chairperson said enough, enough and concluded my interview. (in this wa* it ended m* interview)' I )ee i co+ d have done m+ch -etter. Than.s' "a#eshwari

IAS Interview 2011-2012 (Interview Transcript): 19th March to 27 Apri 2012 Interview : Some Students of Vision IAS

!andidate : Santanu Chakraborty "oard #ate : P. K. Mishra : 2$ Apri % 2012

Chairman: 1. &ho is 'a'a (a) * ((erp e+ed ,or - seconds..then rea i.ed it is a /)estion ,rom m0 ho''0 (ro1ress o, Indian 2oot'a (Soccer) and it was the octop)s who )sed to predict &! res) ts).. 2. Te me in ,ew points wh0 Indian ,oot'a is 1oin1 down* 3. Is the stamina and str)ct)re o, ph0si/ not a ,actor in India4s case* $. Te me who to d 5,ort)ne ies at the 'ottom o, the p0ramid5* 1ive e+amp es (M"A 'ac61ro)nd: Mar6etin1 and 2inance) 1st Member: 1. Te me where wi 0o) serve i, 0o) 1et the service* wi 0o) serve in 78 re1ion (This /)estion as6ed as I mentioned 78 d)rin1 ,oot'a re ated /)estions) 2. (ro' ems in 78 re1ion 3. I, s)ppose% ins)r1ents come to 0o) and as6 ,or a c)t mone0 ,or the deve opment pro1ramme 1oin1 on in 78 re1ion% wi 0o) o' i1e to that* I, no then wh0* 9ow wi 0o) hand e the sit)ation $. &h0 0o) want to come to civi service ,rom private sector* -. &h0 did not 0o) tr0 ear ier a,ter ".8.* ( As i have tota : 0rs wor6 e+perience and I have done m0 ".8 as we as M"A in Mar6etin1 and 2inance)

2nd Member: 1. Te me how to tac6 e ins)r1enc0 pro' em (Maoists and 78 re1ion)..9ow sho) d 1ovt respond in recent a'd)ction cases* 2. There are ot o, hi1h pro,i e prisoners who 1et ;I( treatment in the prison. 9ow 0o) wi ens)re as a <ai in char1e that ever0'od0 1ets the same treatment * 3rd Member: 1. Te me Mas ow 9iearch0 2. Te me a'o)t =ot ar $(s..and a so te other (s tht hve 'een added 3. Te me some important ,inancia ratios $. &hat is the position o, 0o)r present compan0 in terms o, 1rowth potentia ..what are the comanies that are 1rowin1 ver0 ,ast* -. &hat is the ,)t)re o, Indian IT ind)str0* 4th Member: Te me how wi 0o) pop) arise> do mar6etin1 to in,orm vi a1ers a'o)t the centra 1ovt schemes* 8ver0 person has a motive to do an0 wor6 he>she does. 7ow te me what was the motive o, Mahatma ?andhi ,or his service to the nation* P.K.Mishra: &ho was Santan)* what was his ro e in Maha'harata* 8nd o, the Interview. No questions asked from Pub Ad or Anthropology which are my optionals. Thanks & my best wishes to all.. Regards, antanu.

IAS Interview 2011-2012 (Interview Transcript): 19th March to 27 Apri 2012 Interview : Some Students of Vision IAS

!andidate : Vivek Patil Interview pane - Mr. Vijay Singh "ate : 24th march 20 2

!uestions related to my "ork e#$erience %micro&credit de$t.' (A)A*+, -

1. #o$ are wor%in& in which department in 'A(A)" * 2. +ow do ,o$ re ease the &rants to the vario$s a&encies* -. .hat is the stat$s o/ micro-/inance movement in north- India* 0. .h, it has not pic%ed $p in the northern states as so$thern states* 1. .ho started micro-/inance movement in (an& adesh* 2. .hat is the di//erence 3etween (an& adesh mode and 'A(A)" mode o/ micro-/inance * 7. +as the micro-/inance movement rea , he ped the peop e*

!uestions on my state.region %Auranga/ad'Maharashtra,&

1. .hen was state o/ Maharashtra /ormed* 2. .hat was its ear ier name* -. A$ran&a3ad was $nder which r$ e in 1907* 0. .ho ed Marathwada i3eration movement (a&ainst 'i4am)* 1. .hat is the date o/ the i3eration * 2. .hat wi 3e ,o$r priorities i/ ,o$ 3ecome co ector o/ A$ran&a3ad* 7. +ow ,o$ wi improve irri&ation* 5. .hat is the importance o/ river 6odavari* 9. .hat is the stat$s o/ Maharashtra- A7 disp$te on 6odavari river* 10. Ti a% &ave which new concept to Indian /reedom str$&& e*

!uestions on my college %MI0 ' Pune,&

1. .hen was ,o$r co e&e esta3 ished* 2. .hat is $ni8$eness o/ ,o$r co e&e* -. .hat is the )9(9!9' event or&ani4ed in ,o$r co e&e *

!uestion on o$tional %Pol.Sci,&

1. 'ame the - most si&ni/icant Internationa events o/ 2011*

0echnical 1uestions%2ngineering,&

1. .hat is wor% and tor8$e* 2. .hat are their dimensions and what is the di//erence 3etween them * -. .hat is :eroth aw; 1st aw o/ thermod,namics and 2nd aw o/ thermod,namics * 0. .hat is the /$nction o/ Sha/t; 6ear and 3earin& in mechanica en&ineerin&*

(ote-'o 8$estions were as%ed /rom m, ho33, or /rom m, other optiona (6eo&raph,)

Than%s <ive%

Interview collection 2011 by fake Arifrizwi

04 May 2012 08:12 PM

Compilation of interviews posted in both Indian Officer and Orkut( not complete). Source pasted at the end of each interview. Many have names of candidate missing. If anyone knows the name and status of the candidate( i.e. if he has been selected and marks in interview), please update in the orkut thread.

Interviews Page 1

Interview 1
22 March 2012 09:06 PM

My IAS interview as it happened on 22th march 2012

March 22, 2012 by Chakresh Mishra | 52 Comments

Today I appeared for second UPSC interview of my life. Last year was an averageperformance for me, hence a scope for improvement was there. I was the first person to be called by P K Mishra board. I sat outside the interview room for almost 10 minutes, drank a glass of water. With heart pumping like anything I decided to think about Sachin Tendulkars century, just like harry potter used to do when he faced dementors, happy memories, you know. Finally the bell rang and below is what conspired in next 35 minutes. (cp: chair-person, m1, m2, m3, m4: members of board) me: May I come in, sir. cp: Yes, please come in. me: Good morning maam, good morning sirs. all: Good morning. cp: Please take a seat. me: Thank you sir (adjusted the chair a bit) cp: Please make sure you are comfortable. me: Thank you sir, I am comfortable. (smile) cp: So, you are from Aligarh. me: No sir, I am from Mathura, Aligarh was my birth place. cp: Oh, alright. (pause for few seconds) (with big smile) Tell us something about what is Norways egg on delhis face story (everybody else laughs) me: Sir, this was a headline in todays newspaper. Story is related to custody of two children in Norway. The parents, who are Indian, requested Indian government to intervene in the issue as they argued that it is an issue of culture insensitivity. Govt of India registered the protest, even sent an special envoy to Norway to resolve the issue and bring the kids back to India. But now the news report is that the issue was related to domestic problem of the couple. So, govt has to retract its intervention. That is why such a headline. cp: Do you think govt was wrong to intervene? me: Sir, I think it is proper for govt to intervene for interest of Indians abroad, but govt should have investigated a bit before getting involved in the issue. cp: What was the role of media in this case? Do you think that affects the decision of govt? me: Sir, media in general tend to put emphasis on the emotional content of issue without thinking about rational dimension. I think sir, govt should be careful and should consider the interest of our foreign policy. Otherwise such small issue can give rise to bigger diplomatic crisis, which is not very good for our position in the world. cp: Okay, what is this red-cross competition that you won in your school time? What was involved in that? me: Sir, it was a state level competition among various schools. I was part of the team of my school. Competition involved some practical tests based on the knowledge of primary basic treatment given to wounded person, tying the knots, preparing stretcher etc. cp: Who was the founder of red-cross movement? me: Sir, Henry Dunont from switzerland. cp: Okay, do you know what is the structure of red-cross at district level? me: Sir, i know that there is a committee at state level. But I am not aware of exact situation at district level. Sir, collector is in-charge of such operation. cp: (laugh) Yeah, collector is in-charge of everything, safe bet, isnt it so? me: (smile) Yes sir. He is the co-ordinator of everything cp: So, What are the major works undertaken by red-cross? me: Sir, in India or in general? cp: Tell us first in general then in India. me: Sir, in general red-cross is UN authorized body to take care of wounded soldiers in battlefield. It works as a neutral body (interrupts)
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It works as a neutral body (interrupts) cp: okay, okay, in India now. me: Sir, in India, red-cross has worked at the time of various wars like kargil war. It is also active in maoist affected areas. cp: You are missing a major work done by red-cross. me: (a bit thinking) Sir, they organize blood donation camps. cp: Thats alright, but I was pointing towards AIDS camps. They have done good work in that area. me: Yes sir, thank you sir. cp: So, you have written debating as hobby. Do you start to debate wherever you go? Would you start a debate right here if I provoke you. (big smile) me: (smile) No sir, I was part of debating team in my college time. cp: Did you win any competition? me: Yes sir, I won prizes in IIT Kanpur and IIT Delhi in inter-college cultural festivals. cp: What kind of topics were there when you won those debates? me: Sir, there used to be many rounds in debate competitions. As I recall when I was in IITK, there was a topic on the emerging patterns in electoral politics of UP. This was right after 2007 election in UP. cp: Can you tell us few trends emerging in recent election without naming any party or person? me: Sir, first I would tell about +ve then -ve trends. cp: Yeah, go ahead. me: Sir, positive trends are, number one, election are violence free, they have higher voter turnout. Then sir, people are giving clear mandate. So the hung assemblies are becoming a thing of past. Then sir, most important trend is that shift is taking place towards developmental politics (interrupts) cp: So you mean issue like bijli, sadak, paani are main issues now. me: Yes sir, however the traditional caste politics is still there but emphasis is shifting. Then sir, negative trends that I could think of, is related to communalizing the election un-necessarily. There was also a tendency to confront EC on various issues. cp: You are from UP, you must know what is social engineering? me: Sir, social engineering is a political concept where political parties try to form a coalition of social groups based on caste or religion and then use that as a vote bank. cp: Alright (points to next lady member) m1: Tell me name of any musician from south India? me: A R Rehmaan, maam m1: Right. Anyone older? me: M S Subbalaxmi, but she is more famous as singer. m1: Chakresh, why is kannauj famous in modern time? me: Maam, Kannuaj is famous for ittra industry. m1: Tell me the detail of this industry? Is it being exported? me: Maam ittra is made in kannauj from the locally produced rose, chameli and other such flowers. Factories for this are located in every street of kannauj. Then the products are exported, mostly to middle east and south-east asian countries. The local consumption is very small, if I recall it correctly. m1: What are the main problems of this industry these days? me: Maam, most important problem is related to the marketing and competition from products of other countries. In todays globalized world this industry is not able to compete properly. In Kannuaj, the technology used is still very old and there is no organized efforts to increase the sell of ittra. m1: Can govt do something to face this situation? me: Maam, govt can provide basic infrastructure and can take care of supply chain. It can provide training for latest technology. Other than that, in todays competition based economy, survival in dependent on market mechanisms only. m1: Do you know anything about co-operative moment in India? Tell us whether it is successful or a failure? me: Maam, this movement started at the time of national struggle for freedom. Co-operatives are formed by forming a group of small scale producers, farmers etc. They were very much popular in 70s and 80s, but now the influence of these co-operatives is reducing. One famous example of coInterviews Page 3

70s and 80s, but now the influence of these co-operatives is reducing. One famous example of cooperative is Amul. m1: So, what is the main difference in a company and co-operative? me: Maam co-operative is formed by a community and profit is shared among members. While company is profit oriented organization. Co-operatives are mostly in rural areas, while companies are urban centered (interrupts) m1: co-operatives are in cities also. me: Yes maam, but mostly in rural areas. m1: Okay, How do they work? me: Maam companies have a board of directors and CEO as its head. Co-operative are a mutual election based organization. I do not know much details about this maam. m1: Okay, how are they formed? me: Sorry maam, I do not understand the question. m1: I mean, under which act? me: Companies are formed under company act and co-operative under co-operative act (smile) m1: Good guess, was it a guess? (smile) me: No maam (smile) m2: Which country in Africa is famous for its co-operative movement? me: Sorry sir, I dont know, but I can take a guess. m2: Yeah yeah go ahead. me: I recall faintly, It is Kenya. m2: (laughs loudly) nahi, galat zabab, it is Tanzania. me: Thank you sir (smile) m2: What is the full form of NHRC? me: sir, National Human rights Commission. m2: Okay chakresh, you must have read about nuclear disaster in japan. So do you know any nuclear summit taking place on this issue? me: sir, I know there is a international meeting, but i dont remember the details of this meeting. m2: Actually it is taking place in this month itself and our PM is also going there. What in your opinion would be the most burning topic in this meeting in context of japan incident? me: Sir, right now major issue is the security of nuclear reactors from the natural disasters and terrorist activities. There is a growing fear in public worldwide about the security. I think, the strategy to face this challenge would be the major issue in any such meeting. m2: Go on. How to remove these fears from mind of people? me: Sir, in my opinion, people must be made aware of the technical details of such reactors. New cutting edge technologies should be imported in developing country like India so that our reactors can be made with best security features in the world. Then the publicizing these security measures can remove fear from peoples mind. m2: Good, have you heard about 2G scam? me: Yes sir, It was a scam (interrupts) m2: Wait wait, have you read anything similar in todays newspaper? me: Yes sir, there is a news report about allocation of coal fields to private and public companies without following the proper procedure. CAG has estimated a loss of more than 10 lac crores. But I think sir, it would be pre-mature to comment on this issue without reading further about the issue. m2: Thats alright. m3: You have mentioned that you worked for tsunami relief fund in your college days. me: Yes maam. m3: What could be done in the field of disaster management in our country? me: Maam, disaster management involves four steps, mitigation, preparedness, response and rehabilitation. The most loss of life occurs due to lack of pre-warning system and the diseases in aftermath of disaster(interrupts) m3: Okay, lets go one by one. What should be done for preparedness? me: Maam we can face such disasters better if we follow certain steps such as installing prewarning systems in case of tsunami, earthquake, floods. General public can be trained for such disasters by mock drills similar to one in delhi few weeks back. Then a important point is to establish the alternate, more secure mode of communication from districts to central national
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establish the alternate, more secure mode of communication from districts to central national disaster management authority. Training special task force to face such disaster is also a good step. m3: Okay, what is mitigation? me: Maam mitigation is process by which we try to avert a natural disaster even before it takes place. Like banking of rivers, coastal area management to avert the effect of tsunami. m3: Okay, so what is the difference in leadership at the time of disaster and normal time? me: As in public administration theories maam, at the time of disaster leadership should be centralized and top-down, while in normal times it should be participative and bottom-up. m3: Why centralized? me: Maam at the time of crisis, time is most important factor and there is a need of quick decision making. This can be done in centralized leadership only. m3: Hmmm, okay tell me what is difference between aptitude and attitude? me: May I think a bit maam. m3: Yeah sure sure. me: (5-10 sec pause) maam aptitude is the technical and educational suitability of a person for a job and attitude is the trait of personality, which we showcase towards others in any normal condition. I am not sure maam how this definition match to the psychological definition (smile) m3: (smile) no no, its quite close. Attitude is this only, but definition of aptitude is wrong. me: May I try again maam? m3: No, its alright (points to m4) m4: What is CNG? me: Sir, CNG is compressed natural gas, it is used as fuel in vehicles. m4: Is it better than others? me: Sir, it is better in terms of pollution but it can be used for short distance only. So it is good for metropolitan cities as Delhi because distances are small here, but not so good for longer travel. m4: What are the other fuels used in transportation. me: Sir, other than CNG, petrol, diesel, coal, organic fuels are used. Now a days new technologies are coming with use of hydrogen and electricity also. Some vehicles use LPG cylinders also. m4: What is the main gases in pollution? me: Sir, pollution is caused by oxides of nitrogen, sulfur, carbon particles, ozone m4: Ozone! me: Sir, there is nascent oxygen present in pollutants which forms ozone. m4: So, do you think Delhi is very polluted? me: Sir, Delhi has high level of pollution compare to other cities in world. But level of pollution has come down after metro and use of CNG. m4: How many percentages of pollution is caused by transportation sector? me: Sir, I dont know the exact figure, but I read an estimate in newspaper that it should be around 15%. m4: Hmmm, may be in rural areas, but in cities it is around 25%. me: Thank you sir. m4: So, tell me few factors that cause air pollution and few for water pollution? me: Sir, air pollution is caused by traffic, industrial units, rice cultivation. Water pollution is caused by industrial waste, dead bodies in rivers, fertilizers etc. m4: Okay, what is water harvesting? me: Sir, rain water harvesting? m4: Yes yes, the same. me: Rain water harvesting is a method of collecting water locally for use in irrigation and drinking etc. m4: (smile) what you mean by locally? me: Sir, rain water is collected in reservoirs or tanks locally before it can go to the river. Then it is used locally m4: Okay, water level is going down in whole of our country, do you agree? me: Yes sir. m4: Why? me: Sir, main reason is the excessive use or wastage of water in daily activities. Then there is lack of proper management of rain water (interrupts)
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of proper management of rain water (interrupts) m4: Alright, good good, you are from UP? me: Yes sir. m4: okay, have a nice day. Thats it from my side. me: Thank you sir, nice day. cp: (with a cunning smile) Okay chakresh, answer my last question then you can go. Who was the most famous king of Kannauj? me: (smile) Sir, king Harsha Vardhan cp: (smile) Okay, interview is over, you may leave now. me: Thank you sirs, Thank you maam. Interview board was very cordial. Everybody was smiling the whole time. So, Harry potter came out of azkaban waving his wand happily. Now the wait for marks and result begin. I hope the smile is still there after the result
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Interview 2
22 March 2012 09:13 PM

Here's mine - What is your name? You are from Delhi? What is Bernoulli's Theorem? What is "new" in new and renewable energy? What are the different parliamentary committees? What are the different ways in which parliament can hold the executive responsible? What is "cut motion"? What is traditional medicine and what policy steps do you envisage so as to promote and strenghten this sector? How can traditional medicine be of economic importance? IP related issues with traditional medicine? What do you propose? Why has solar energy not picked up in India and Africa in all these years? What is the money required for setting up solar plants? What is the area requirement for setting up solar plants? what do you know about BRICS ? When and where is the BRICS summit scheduled to be held? What interdependence do you see in the process of automobile and textile industry? What do you understand by culture? what is wider culture? What do you know about M.N. Srinivas? What do you understand by westernization and sanskritization? Which states have a high wind power potential? What are the problems faced while connecting wind power to grid? Why are solar pumps not being used for pumping underground water in rural areas? What is fuel cell technology? What are the by products? What are the efficiencies of solar plants and how do you envisage the future scenario to be? Situational question - there is a sincere and erudite CEO who is very hard working but is unable to avoid the failure of the company. There is a cunning CEO who is corrupt and practical and brings success for the company and himself. The first is fired and second is rewarded - Do you agree with the management's decision? What would you do?

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Interview 3
22 March 2012 09:53 PM

Vijay Singh Board: 19th march , first person in afternoon session. 1. M1-You like watching television, what you watch on tv?2. M1-What is your current source of information, if you dont watch TV?3. M1What sites you browse on internet?4. M1- who you will rate as the number 1 civil engineer? 5. M2how will your knowledge of civil engineering will help you as an administrator? 6. M2-what is your opinion on interlinking of river project?7. M2-We can protect environment if we guide it along the road? 8. M2- Who is the professor at IIT Delhi who teaches meditation?9. M2- What is the difference between the type of yoga taught by patanjali and those taught by ramdev & ravishankar?10. M3-what type of education system should we have in India? 11. M3- do you like reading books?12. M3-which one was the last book you read . 13. M3-what is the name of the main protagonist?14. M3-what you learn from his character?15. M4-tell about any one good project you did as an NSS Secretary?16. M4- was there no map of campus from before? 17. M4-what is spic macay? 18. M4-what is the name of IIT delhi prof who heads it?19. M5- what is there in the budget this time? 20. M5- Is service going to affect poor, how?21. M4-what qualities of Visvesvaraya should an administrator have?22. M1- have you been to Bihar recently?23. M1- what change you see in Bihar?24. M1-what about roads?25. M1- do you believe that if political will is there transformation can be brought about in a very short span of time? 26. M1- what lesson does it have for the people?
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Interview 4
23 March 2012 06:37 PM

My Interview - 23.03.2012
K.K. Paul Board (2nd to go in) The Board was very cordial, and contrary to what I have read or heard about KK Paul, I found him to be a nice guy. No grilling, but yes, no smiling either :). As you would see below, I found that quite a lot of it, stemmed from my bio-data and very few were absolutely un-related to me personally in some way. My Background Electrical Engineer (2008) Hobbies: Watching movies (fiction), Reading books (fiction) Extra-Curricular: Chief Coordinator of the Literary Society.. K.K. Paul 1. You are an electrical engineer. What is Plant Load Factor and what is efficiency of a power plant. 2. If efficiency is ultimately the only thing that matters, what is the use of Plant Load Factor. 3. You are from Our Lady of Fatima Secondary School, what is this Our lady of Fatima... 4. You have the hobby of watching movies, fiction? What is this fiction. Aren't all movies fiction. 5. What kinds of books do you read. (Science fiction). 6. Favorite author. 7. There was a movie in 1966-67, a very famous one, a book had also been written on it. What was it? (2001: A Space Odyssey - though I didnt know it and Paul Sir told the name). 8. Who was the author of the book. (After I said that yes, I know about the book and the movie and that infact, the book had been written after the movie). 9. Where did the author live. (Since, despite being an British, he lived in Sri Lanka). 10. You graduated in 2008, are you working somewhere. (Since working as Income Tax Inspector) M1 1. Why is your tie red? 2. No no, I mean, why is it looking red? (Since, I had misunderstood and said that I felt it would suit my shirt). 3. Why do we use red color as a warning sign? 4. What do you think is the difference between Indians in India and Indians in America. 5. What is the difference between Red Indians and Indians. 6. Who settled America. (which people that is)... M2 1. What is free press. 2. In light of the clarification in the papers today regarding CAG and the coalfields issue, how do you see the freedom of press. 3. Shouldn't we do something about the sensationalising of news... 4. But the Press Council isn't doing anything. (Since I had mentioned it). 5. Give me an example of his activism (Since I had talked about the acitivism of Markandey Katju). 6. We find that kids in smaller classes, have these events like story telling, drawing etc etc. Does it serve any purpose. 7. What did you do as the CC of your literary society. M3 1. We have so much atmospheric pollution nowadays from thermal power plants, what are we doing to curb it. 2. Where is this Coal Gassification being done. (Since I had mentioned the technology) 3. Are we doing anything on the Waste treatment front. 4. What about Solar. (Since I mentioned Renewable but didnt expand). M4 1. You mentioned solar energy. What mission do we have for it. 2. What incentives is the govt. giving for them. 3. Do you know about Renewable Energy Certificates (Since I had said that I am unable to recall the specific provisions). 4. It is said, " The Sun is still clouded when it comes to the solar industry" - What does this mean. 5. You said, you like Sci-fi books. Name some indian authors on Sci-fi.

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5. You said, you like Sci-fi books. Name some indian authors on Sci-fi. 6. I am not talking about movies. (Since I had mentioned Satyajit Ray. Thank God, M2 said that he did write sci-fi books as well, or M4 might not have believed me :P) KK Paul 1. Ok, one last question. Who was the director of 2001: A Space Odyssey. 2. Any other film he made (after I named the director) 3. What happened to that movie (A Clocwork Orange) Thank You :) Pasted from < &nid=>

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Interview 5
25 March 2012 07:30 PM

My board wasof purshottam aggarwal.there were 5 members including a lady who made it clear to me right from the beginnoing that she personally doesnt approve of doctor appearing for civils(i am mbbs),and she will bear with it just because upsc allows it...anyhow..these are the questions
1why opting for civil services? 2.questions regarding my service preference 3.why doctors not willing to work in rural areas? what are vector borne diseases? 5.H1N1.why was it in news recently? 6.kakory train robbery?difference in perception among indians and british raj regarding robbery? 7.NSDC.skill development?why do we need it?who are the stakeholders we should consult when policymaking? affecting govt policymaking?difference between media activism and overreach? 9.difference between AIS and CENTRAL services?what is the need of AIS when we have state services? 10.diffrnce between high commissioner amd ambassador?why is HC called so? Pasted from <>

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Interview 6
25 March 2012 07:30 PM

Chairman-Why do u want to leave NTPC?Mejob nature monotonous,I want to pay back to society what I owe to it.Ch-U can do it while being in NTPC?Me-definitely sir, I am contributing but Its in in direct way.Even I am supporting some of my juniors financially.Then chairman himself explained the importance of NTPC?M1-so you teach small children?What do u learn from them and how it helps u?Me-I got energized when I came back from my office stressed..and I learn patience from them.M1-what are the rights of children?Right to development.right to .M1-is there any right of education? Me-yes sir,RTE.M1-what is it?Me-It gives fundamental right to children b/w 6-14 to get education.What are other provisions of te?I explained articke 21 a and 51a.M1-name leaders who loved children?Me-nehruji M1-any one from present times?I could not recall Kalam jiMe-M1-what do u think that it sud only b restricted to 14 yrs.?Me-sir,in my opinion there sud b no restriction on providing education but post class 8 there sud b provision of vocational education.M1-do u think why theer is voting rights after 18 years?Me-Sir,its because an individual aquires maturity.M2-ok what is ca[acity of NTPC?ME-36000mwM2-what is country s capacity /Me-around 1.2 lakhs mw.M2-ntpc is generating 36 thousand then whois fulfilling this gap?Me-sir its state utilities and private sectr.He again asked me the same qsn I replied the same answer.then he asked me what are other sources then thermal?Me-I replied hydro,nuclear and solar.M2-whether we sud go for nuclear?Me-we sud ALSO go for nuclear.M2-name nuclear project location?Me-kudankulam,jaitapur and some site in andhara Pradesh.Chairman-neeraj I think that kudankulam is being installed.Me-yes sirM2-what is % of nuclear?Me-around 3%.M2-which country has highest nuclear power?Me-sir I am not sure but I think % wise its franceChairman said neeraj u are right its france.M2-u have studied at hathras?what is its new name?Me-mahamayanagar.M2-who was mahamaya?Me-mother of gautam budha.M2-name other districts carved out?Me-kasganj.M2-what about hapur?Me-sorry sir I am not sure.M2-dont u have track of this.oh u r in himachal since 7 years.
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M3-recently ur area was in news ?Me-it was land acquisition.M3-what was reasons?Me-I explained that it was because of less compensation,use of land change was done from industrial to residential,area was of multi crop.M3-u r in hp since 7 yrs?wht difference u observed in hp and up? Me-I repliedAbout hp-1. Women are educated and are a part of economic cycle.2.people are conscious about there duties.3.they are conscious about there nation,have civic sense4.political stability.5.irrespective of party in power politics is developmental casteism and communalism.About up1.literacy among women is low.they are for the sake of only to me make them literate .no participation of women in economic cycle.2. unstability in politics and politics to an extent basd on caste.Chairman smiled at the point my saying that in up women is literate for formality.M4-he start something with issue of literacy but I could not understand.then he said yhat what do u want to say by means of for the sake of formality.then I replied that sir women in up are make literate for the purpose of good marriagethen I gave him some examples of my region.i said that sir in my village only 2 or 3 girls from well off families were allowed to go for higher studies to Aligarh which is 30-35 kms from my village.Chairman interrupted smiled and said yes thats the point .M4-what will be your priorities after becoming DM?Me-first of all I will find out core competencies of my region.M4-oh neeraj pls dont use this corporate word.ok lets consider u have to develop ur district hen wht will b ur priorities?Me-sir my first priority will be to implement existing government policies in a an efficient way.Me-sir Aligarh has good fertile land.i will focus on the increasing of productivity.I have good number of skilled youth which can be used in a productive wayIn my region mos of the businesses like milk productin and meat processing is in unorganized
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wayIn my region mos of the businesses like milk productin and meat processing is in unorganized sector.i will bring them into orgnised sector.In my area most of the small scale industries are closed after recession.i will revive them.In my region,there is verygood connectivity,I will utilize this ,after coming of freight corridors in the region it will promote my marketing.M4-interrupted ,ok what about education?Me-I will work on education at 3 levels-primary ,secondary and higher education.First of all,at Aligarh level, iwill invite all laumni of Aligarh .i will arrange some sort of samman samaroh to invite all dignitaries of the district.I will ask them to adopt the schools in their village area.M4-what will u do for drop students?Me-I will find out the root cause of this.M4-what? Me-I will strengthen employment generation progammes because parents dont allow there children bs of economic reasons like mnrega.For secondary level,I will first provide for there capability test, there further studies will b based on their capabilities .on that basis I will provide them vocational education or 10th 12th level studies.For better guidance, I will try that I can attatch students with these recognized people in the region so that they can be better guided and mentored.For higher studies ,I will associate students with these alumni for guidance. And sir,most importantly I would like to implement on more thing.i will ensure that in primary schools,people of that area should admit there children in these schools it will facilitate better monitoring of the schools.Chairman interrupted smiled and said ok neeraj ur interview is over.
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Interview 7
27 March 2012 11:18 PM
NAME: Abhinav Dudi Hometown: Jodhpur, Rajasthan Graduation: B.Tech, IIT Bombay Hobbies: Reading, Blogging, Cricket Schooling: KOREA distt, Chattisgarh, Optionals: Pub Ad, Physics Board: Rajni Razdan (27th March, 2012). 5th One to in
RR: RR: RR: RR: RR: RR: RR: Name, Roll no., Date of Birth Name some of the vegetable that grows below the soil Name some of the herbs that are grown in kitchen garden ? Name some of the commodities transported by railways What is Repo rate and reverse repo rate What is inflation, deflation and staglation Do you think India is going through Stagflation

M1: What is Jodhpur famous for? M1: What is the name of the Palace in Jodhpur? M1: Does the royal family still live there? M1: Why it is called chittar palace? M1: Have you seen the fort in Jodhpur? M1: Why there are canons on the Fort? M1: Why IAS? M1: There is so much pressure on the cities and so much pollution. How do you this problem should be addressed?

M2: M2: M2: M2: M2: M2:

Why do you want to become a babu after doing Aerospace Engineering? You do blogging. Hmm what do u blog about? What is the name of your blog? Who reads your blog. Do they comment? Do you use twitter. What is the no. of characters allowed in that? What are your service preferences. Why not IFS?

M3: FDI in retail. Your views on that

M4: Why IAS after IIT? M4: Why did you work for IT company after passing out from IIT? M4: Were you after money? The kind of salary you were drawing you wont be able to draw in civil services, still you want to join? Are you after Power and Prestige? M4: What is your ambition in life? M4: There are lots of pulls and pressures in this job. Will you be able to face them? M4: Your hobby is reading. What do you generally read? M4: What is the latest book you have read? M4: Do you agree with the author on that (the book was The Age of Kali by William Dalrymple)

Key Points: * It lasted for around 30 minutes * Rajni Razdan mam left her seat for 2 minutes to do some work while one of the member was asking Q * She was asking these Kitchen Garden Questions from everyone in our interview group * I dont know why the third member only asked 1 question * It was very cordial except the last member kept harping on the point that IAS is a very tough job and there are various kinds of challenges and asked me at least 3-4 times and if I would be able to stand all that pressure.

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Interview 8
30 March 2012 02:51 PM

It was the PK Mishra Board. My background - B.Tech, Mechanical Engineering, M.Tech - Thermal Energy and Environmental Engineering Currently working as a Scientist in Ministry of New and Renewable Energy. PKM - What is your name? Sir, my name is Kshitij Tyagi PKM - You are from Delhi? Yes Sir (PKM - sifting through the pages of my summary sheet, talking to himselfDelhi..IIT.Kharagpur..stops at my job description) Oh you are a scientist? Yes Sir (smile) PKM - Ok tell me, What is Bernoulli's Theorem? I fumbled a bit but in the end the words started coming out smoothly Sir, Bernoullis theorem uses conservation of kinetic, potential and pressure heads of energy across an airfoil/object placed in a fluid flow. Using this equation we can calculate the lift and drag experienced by the airfoil. This is one of the applications of BT. PKM - Ok, so you mean it has to do with conservation of energy (duh!) Yes Sir PKM - Hmm, where are you currently working? Sir, I am working in the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (board members looked surprised at the fact that an entire Ministry by that name existed :D) PKM - Ok Kshitij, so what is "new" in new and renewable energy (smiles)? (smile back) Sir, the word new is used to differentiate it from traditional renewable energy which also has hydropower plants above 25 MW in its ambit. We on the other hand deal with hydropower projects below 25 MW and other sources of renewable energy such as solar, wind, etc. (PKM repeats what I said..thoughtfully.while his gaze is transfixed at me.) PKM - What are the different parliamentary committees? A minute of extempore there are so many of themnamed some standing committees..named a few and PKM himself pitched in with a few before I could finish PKM - What are the different ways in which parliament can hold the executive responsible? I talked about starred and unstarred questions, responsibility of the heat of the moment, I couldnt recall other methods and said so to the Chair. He said there are other methods as well like adjournment motion .etc. etcI thanked him. PKM - What is "cut motion"? I talked about the three types of cut motions. They however were convinced that there are only two kinds of cut motions. PKM confirmed it with M1 and she nodded. I thanked them for correcting me (though I knew I was right) M1 (who had an accent of a Londoner, with the proverbial tight upper lip of the british)- What is traditional medicine and what policy steps do you envisage so as to promote and strengthen this sector? 2 minutes of extempore talked about AYUSH, TKDL, IPR related issues, accessibility, etc. M1 - How can traditional medicine be of economic importance? Talked some gibberish about medical tourism and exports. M1 looked satisfied though. M1 - IP related issues with traditional medicine? What do you propose? Talked about recent moves by India to preempt moves by foreign entities to get patents on certain traditional cures gave example of the attempt by a company to patent the use of turmeric in curing vitiligo which weve known through ayurveda for ages. I concluded by saying that a policy architecture to enable such protection should be established. M2 - Why has solar energy not picked up in India and Africa in all these years? This was my territory Gave ample gyaan about the challenges we faced before National solar mission was initiated and how these challenges are universal when it comes to solar power (PKM nodded and repeated what I was saying), and how were now progressing exceedingly well after having overcome them. I concluded by saying that the future for solar is very bright (M2 smiled, Interviews Page 15

having overcome them. I concluded by saying that the future for solar is very bright (M2 smiled, though Im not quite sure if he got the pun ) M2 - What is the money required for setting up solar plants? Answered M2 - What is the area requirement for setting up solar plants? Answered M2 What do you know about airline cess of EU? Answered M2 - what do you know about BRICS ? This was easy. I even told him were the acronym originated at which he looked impressed and glanced at the chairman. M2 - When and where is the BRICS summit scheduled to be held? Answered. At this juncture, PKM asked M3 to begin. M3 - What interdependence do you see in the process of automobile and textile industry? The question wasnt framed properly and hence my answer wasnt in line with what she wanted. PKM elaborated it but what they were looking for was sequential and parallel interdependence. I wasnt able to crack this one since I am not very familiar with the working of textile industry. I thanked M3 for this information, after she described both the terms. M3 - What do you understand by culture? Answered (sociology qn.) M3 - what is wider culture? Sorry maam I do not know the answer. She explained it to me and I thanked her. (At this juncture I was a bit tense since I hadnt answered two of her questions, and though I had been smiling all along, she looked like she meant business ) M3 - What do you know about M.N. Srinivas? Answered M3 - What do you understand by westernization and sanskritization? Answered M4 - Which states have a high wind power potential? My territory again M4 - What are the problems faced while connecting wind power to grid? Answered M4 - Why are solar pumps not being used for pumping underground water in rural areas? I had quite a discussion with him on this. He wanted to prove a point about solar pumps having not made sufficient inroads in rural areas. I sensed this and yielded, more so because I wasnt too sure. Both of us smiled. M4 - What is fuel cell technology? What are the by products? Answered M4 - What are the efficiencies of solar plants and how do you envisage the future scenario to be? My territory again PKM Ok Kshitij, Ill ask you one last question. It is a situational question - there is a sincere and erudite CEO who is very hard working but is unable to avoid the failure of the company. There is a cunning CEO who is corrupt and practical and brings success for the company and himself. The first is fired and second is rewarded - Do you agree with the management's decision? What would you do? Sir, I am of the opinion that the management made a very shortsighteda very myopic move by firing the first CEO. A business based on strong foundations is resilient and successful in the long term. I gave the example of Steve Jobs getting fired from Apple, going on to PIXAR and then coming back to Apple to take it to the zenith (PKM gave the best nod and smile of the interview at this juncture). I continued a business based on skewed foundations never lasts. PKM (interrupting me) so what would you do with the second CEO? Sir, I would constitute and inquiry and if he is found guilty, Id fire him. PKM (smiles) - Thank you Kshitij, your interview is over. Thank you Sir.
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Interview 9
30 March 2012 05:54 PM

my interview ques.. 1. what is recent coal scam about? 2. how coal mines are allocated to different entities 3. how coal mines are allocated to coal India ltd. in particular. 4. is auctioning the always best method to allocate resources. 5. "music has the charm to soothe the savage of the beast" interpret 6. what is white revolution, father of white revo. , why it was success, from where did it start. 7. what is g-20, when it was formed, purpose of it. 8. BRICS 9. out come of nuclear summit 10. railway budget, is roll back justified, what is cross subsidy 11. what is your relation with kalpana chawla, in which spacecraft was she travelling, which US president when came to India praised her. 12. why diesel cars are cheap, is it justified 13. name the classical singer who has entered into Bollywood and he had a consort in new Delhi recently. 14. which is the cheapest and Eco-friendly mode of transportation which we are not using much and why?

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Interview 10
31 March 2012 01:43 PM

(Afternoon Session, 3rd to be called in)Chairman (Dr. K.K. Paul). 2 male and 2 female members)Buzzer; the Orderly opens the door for me. I ask May I come in Sir. Somebody said come in.During entering I saw that the Chairman is going through my summery sheet. I enter; went near my chair and wished the board; the members were not interested in wishes. Asked to sit down by Chairman. CM: What is your Name?CM: And Date of BirthCM: And Roll numberCM: So you are from Law; tell me the difference between Due Process of Law and Procedure established by Law.CM: When this Due Process did enter our constitution.CM: Tell me what happened in the Menka Gandhi case.CM: In How many ways the constitution of India can be amended.CM: What was held in Golaknath case.CM: That is fine but something more was there.CM: What was the ratio of Judges of Golaknath case.CM: What happened after Golaknath.CM: And Minerva Mills case.CM: You have a hobby Calendar reform, What is it?CM: How do we correct Gregorian Calender?CM: Indian Calendar also has; one extra month.CM: What have you done for this hobby of yours?CM: There is election of President. How is President elected.CM: No, no. We have our Presidential elections in June or July.CM: What is the formula for counting electoral votes.CM: There was an election where the second and third priority votes were actually counted. Do you know that.CM: No Subba Rao lost outrightly to Dr. Zakir Hussain.CM: You have been associated with a business firm. What is it.CM: After doing business for so many years; why do you want to come for civil services? M2. (Female member with extremely charming personality) M2: What is Street Food (my hobby)?M2: How can this hobby help you in Service?M2: You can also organize street food fairs and handle Tourism sector.M2: You have been in Business for so many years. How will your Business experience help you in service?M2: Your experience of Management will also help.M2: Do you like Gol-Gappa? M3. Male Member. (A bit strict, decided to be hard as the lady earlier was soft).M3: You have international relations as one of your subjects. There is dispute between Turkey and Greece. Can you tell. M3: Dont you think Hygine issues involved with street food?M3: Then why do you take street food.M3: You take street food anywhere or you have some choices?M3: How do make the choice?M3: You have Dispute Resolution as your hobby. What kind of disputes you resolve.M3: Have you ever been in external disputes, outside your circle of influence.M3: Your extracurricular activities are Artificial Limbs, Blood Donation camps etc. How do you do them.M3: Have you ever donated blood your-self? M4. (Female Member. A bit serious.)M4: What is Jaipur Foot?M4: Explain the technology of Jaipur Foot?M4: What is special in this technology?M4: How they tie the limbs?M4: Heard about Kalam?M4: What were his achievements?M4:Why was he popular?M4: He has written somebooks?M4: Have you read them?M4: There has been a new-book by Dr, Kalam? Are you aware?M4: What is the difference between invention and innovation?M4: What innovations have you done in your industry?M4: What have you done for Quality Control and betterment? Chairman. Back to Mighty Paul sir.CM: In Bihar/Jharkhand there is a disease called Kala-Azar? (Home State- Jharkhand)CM: Tell in details about the disease? CM: Difference between Epidemic and Pandemic?CM: There is problem of flood in Bihar. Why?CM: What is the solution?CM: You talked of Nepal; Why we have difficulty dealing with them?CM: What is the problem there?CM: What is the Solution?CM: Thank you.
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(The Chairman was staring; throughout my way to the exit).Paul sir is extremely smart and good-looking person. He is pakka police wala. He can dig everything out of you. Yet he was cordial and smiling too. Though his smiles were few and not very large. In short he is extremely smart person. Very dangerous. You cant bluff him and get away.I tried to be cool, calm and humble which I was able to.It was 20-25 minutes interview. I was third to be interviewed and out by 3.35 PM.
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Interview 11
31 March 2012 08:24 PM

Chairman Dr. K.K. Paul, 2 male and 2 female members. (Afternoon Session, 3rd to be called in) Buzzer; the Orderly opens the door for me. I ask May I come in Sir. Somebody said come in. During entering I saw that the Chairman is going through my summery sheet. I enter; went near my chair and wished the board; the members were not interested in wishes. Asked to sit down by Chairman. Chairman: Dr. K.K. Paul. A very smart and goodlooking gentleman.

CM: What is your Name?

Me: Sir.....Name CM: And Date of Birth Me: Sir.....DOB CM: And Roll number Me: Sir.....Roll no. CM: So you are from Law; tell me the difference between Due Process of Law and Procedure established by Law? Me: Sir, Procedure Established by Law is any procedure which may be established by a duly enacted legislation or made by the administration while Due process of Law involves the principles of natural justice. Here the Law itself have to be just and can be questioned in the Courts. CM: When this Due Process did enter our constitution? Me: Sir, In Menaka Gandhi's case in 1978. CM: Tell me what happened in the Menka Gandhi case? Me: Sir, the passport of Menaka Gandhi was impounded by the airport authorities and proper hearing was not given to her. The Supreme Court held that the principles of natural jutice have not been followed and struck down the decision of the authorities.

CM: In How many ways the constitution of India can be amended? Me: In 3 ways sir; First is by simple majority in the Parliament whereby boundries of States can be changed under Article 3,4 and few other provisions too; the second is by a special majority of two third of members voting along with an absolute majority of the total number of members and third is by special majority plus absolute majority plus ratification by half of the States. CM: What was held in Golaknath case? Me: It was held that Fundamental Rights comprising Chapter-3 of the Constitution
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Me: It was held that Fundamental Rights comprising Chapter-3 of the Constitution are transcendental and cannot be amended futher a new doctrine of prospective overruling was laid down. CM: That is fine but something more was there? Me: Sir, it was held that Article 368 only prescribes the Procedure to amend the Constitution and not the powers. CM: Yes this was the most important thing. Ok, What was the ratio of Judges of Golaknath case? Me: Sir, 6:5 judges. (Chairman tried to recall) CM: What happened after Golaknath? Me: Sir, the Parliament brought the 24th and 25th amendment. The 24th amendment inserted that Art. 368 includes the power to amend the constitution and a clause was also added which I do not exactly remember. CM: Then what happened? Me: These amendments were challenged in the Keshwanand Bharti case where it was held that the Parliament can amend the constitution but it cannot alter the basic structure of the constitution. CM: And Minerva Mills case? Me: In this case the basic structure doctrine was confirmed sir. CM: Tell me what was the matter? Me: Sir, the 42nd amendment gave primacy to all Directive principles that is Chapter-4 over Chapter-3 that is Fundamental Rights. This was held to be violative of basic structure of the constitution. CM: You have a hobby Calendar reform, What is it? Me: Sir, actually we use 2 calendars; the first is the Gregorian Calendar which starts from 1st January and the second is our religious calendar. Our religious Calendar is faulty sir; the Calender reform committee presided by Dr. Meghnada Saha in 1955 suggested reforms which have not been carried out till date and the result is that.(Chairman interrupted) CM: How do we correct Gregorian Calendar? There is leap year also? Me: Yes sir; every 4th year is a leap year but every 100th year is not but every 1000th year is again a leap year..(again interrupted) CM: Indian Calendar also has; one extra month. That corrects the Calendar? Me: Yes sir intercalary month is there. (Decided to leave the matter here and not to be argumentative) CM: What have you done for this hobby of yours? Me: Sir I am a member of a Calendar Reform Committee with like-minded people and I have also made representations to various Government departments.

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CM: There is election of President. How is President elected? Me: (Mistook it to be US presidential elections). Sir I dont know the exact procedure sir; but primarily elections are there on State to State basis and the candidate win states and get votes of all delegates from(Interrupted) CM: No, no. We have our Presidential elections in June or July? Me: I am sorry for my mistake, sir. In our Presidential elections a collegium of all MPs of both houses amd all MLAs of State Assembly is formed. The total number of votes of an MLA is calculated by a formula. CM: What is the formula for counting electoral votes? Me: Sorry sir, I dont remember the formula, exactly. CM: Then? Me: Sir equal number of votes are given to MPs. Then final election is carried out by Proportional Voting system by a system of single transferable(interrupted) CM: What is this Proportional Voting system? Me: Sir, here the candidates can give vote in priority. Firstly the first priority votes are counted and if a candidate dosent gets 51%..sir, more than 50% then second and then third priority votes are counted. CM: There was an election where the second and third priority votes were actually counted. Do you know that? Me: Sir, I think it was the election in which Chief Justice Subba Rao participated. CM: No Subba Rao lost out rightly to Dr. Zakir Hussain? Me: Sorry sir; I am not sure then. CM: You have been associated with a business firm. What is it? Me: Sir its a food processing unit engaged in Pulse Milling and producing Soya Nuggets. CM: After doing business for so many years; why do you want to come for civil services? Me: Sir I had Civil Services in mind from my school time sir; but due to illness of my father who has a stroke and after that vascular dementia, epilepsy etc. I had to join business in 12th standard sir; I even had to leave studies at that time sir; but now sir when my younger brother is incharge of business and I dont have family responsibilities and I have come here sir. Transferred to M1 (Male Member). M1: What is domain name? Me: Sir its a name given to a website sir for identification. We surf a website by its name which is the domain name itself. M1: Why do lawyers wear Black Coat? Me: Sir its a British tradition sir. I dont know more than that.
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Me: Sir its a British tradition sir. I dont know more than that. M1: It is said that Lawyers must wear white coat. Why it is said so and do you agree? Me: I dont have any idea in this regard sir. M1: What is the difference between Rule of Law and Rule by Law? Me: Sir rule by law is a situation were we try to govern as per the rule laid down by the legislature or administration but rule of law is a British Dicean concept which implies equality before law and equal access to law. The difference is like procedure established by Law and due process of law only. M1: Have you heard about Justice Krishna Iyer? Me: Yes sir, he was a great Judge and people friendly too sir. M1: In which Court he was there? Me: Sir, Supreme Court and earlier Kerela High Court. M1: What are the methods of dispute resolution (Again my Hobby)? Me: Sir there is formal adjudication and alternate dispute resolution system which comprises Arbitration, Conciliation, Mediation..(interrupted) M1: Explain the difference between Arbitration and Adjudication? Me: Sir Arbitration is done under the Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996; its an informal process sir where the parties themselves can decide on arbitrators, procedure etc. while formal adjudication is done by the formal courts using Civil and Criminal procedural laws. M1: In Arbitration can you wear white coat? Me: Sure sir, and I will say coats of all colour for the purpose sir. (Smile) M1: (Smile) Do you know IP? Me: Sir it stand for Intellectual Property. M1: What are different types of Intellectual Property? Me: Sir we have Patents, Copyright, Trademark, Geographical Indicator and one for Integrated chips too sir, which I dont remember. M1: Pick up the Pencil. (Probably to have a view of rings I was wearing). Me: Picked. M1: Tell me the number of IP associated with the Pencil? Me: Sir Trademark is surely there; and if the pencil is manufactured by a special process than patent may also be there. M1: I am having a Pen. Tell me the number of IP associated with this Pen? (It was uniball pen) Me: Sir the same two sir; Trademark and Patent.
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M1: See this tip of the pen is patented. CM: Process Patent and Product Patent. Me: Yes sir. Transferred to M2. (Female member with extremely charming personality) M2: What is Street Food (my hobby)? Me: Mam, its food sold by street vendors and small restaurants. M2: How can this hobby help you in Service? Me: Mam, in recent times we are seeing processed food as vital for food security of the people; in my home state Jharkhand we have a Mukhyamantri Kanya Daan Yojana which I will be able to implement with this hobby, mam. Further maam the knowledge of food-processing will be helpful to me at various stages and schemes. M2: You can also organize street food fairs and handle Tourism sector enterprises. Me: Yes. That will help surely mam. M2: You have been in Business for so many years. How will your Business experience help you in service? Me: Mam I have completed projects on time and that I can do in future also for the Government, infact we completed our Cold storage in 7-8 months (I had been a director in Cold Storage a Pvt. Ltd. Company). M2: That is very good; delayed projects are the biggest problem Me: (cont)further mam I have knowledge of food processing sector which is vital for the country; I also have interest in food technology mam which will be helpful(was running out of words here because Mam was too motherly) M2: Your experience of Management will also help. You have spent so many years in management. Me: (Relieved) Surely mam. M2: Do you like Gol-Gappa? Me: Yes Mam. Transferred to M3. Male Member. (A bit strict, decided to be hard as the lady earlier was soft). M3: You have international relations as one of your subjects. There is dispute between Turkey and Greece? Me: (In between) Yes sir, Cyprus. M3: Yes Cyprus is there and many more; and the dispute is one reason that Turkey is not being admitted to EU? Can you tell? Me: Sir I am aware that Cyprus is a dispute; I also know that Turkey has problems with EU entry but sir I am not aware about the history and details of dispute between Turkey and Greece.
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between Turkey and Greece. M3: Dont you think Hygine issues involved with street food? Me: Sir there are hygiene issues involved with street food but sir the food is cooked in oil sir; above 100 degrees so there is very less chance of bacteria being present further they mostly prepare fresh food everyday while in restraints(interrupted) M3: Then why do you take street food Me: Sir, the body allows and I enjoy sir. Thats the reason sir. M3: You take street food anywhere or you have some choices? Me: Sir I make choices. M3: How do make the choice? Me: Sir, whenever I go somewhere I enquire about that place that where I will get best street food. When I first came to Delhi I enquired and was told about Chandani Chowk(was not allowed to complete) M3: You have Dispute Resolution as your hobby. What kind of disputes you resolve? (M2, lady from behind; It is a very good hobby; it will help you as a DM; a DM has to resolve various disputes) Me: Sir I have a realization that most of the people we dislike or have dispute with are infact our closest people sir. If we make a list of people we hate or dislike we will find that most of the people in the list will be our close people. This realization helps in dispute resolution sir. M3: Have you ever been in external disputes, outside your circle of influence? Me: Yes sir, in 3-4 disputes I have helped exploited people to have access to justice. M3: Your extracurricular activities are Artificial Limbs, Blood Donation camps etc. How do you do them? Me: Sir I am a member in few organizations sir; and we collectively undertake these activities. M3: Have you ever donated blood your-self? Me: No, sir. We organize blood donation camps sir but I personally havent donated blood. (Dont know whether this answer was right; few friends suggested that I must have said a lie that is Yes). Transferred to M4. (Female Member. A bit serious.) M4: What is Jaipur Foot? Me: Mam its an organization based in Jaipur which is known for its work in the field of artificial limbs. M4: Explain the technology of Artificial Limbs?

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Me: Mam, we use HDPE pipes as the body of the leg; Plaster of Paris foot is prepared and fitted in the pipe mam and the base which we use that is the toe part is the Jaipur Foot itself. M4: What is special in Jaipur Foot technology? Me: Mam its cheap. An artificial limb costs only 1000-1500 rupees. M4: There is something special with Jaipur Foot? Me: (A bit nervous realizing that Mam is trying to grill me). Sorry Mam we use Jaipur Foot base but I am not aware mam. M4: How they tie the limbs? Me: Mam leather or polyutherene belts are used but I am not very sure of the exact technology mam. (Mam wanted to know about sockets and joints which I did not know). M4: Heard about Kalam? Me: Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam mam..(to confirm).. Yes. M4: What were his achievements? Me: He was President of India mam. He is known as the missile man, M4: What special did he do? Me: Mam he was the head of the Integrated Missile Guided Program and for his scientific achievements he was awarded Bharat Ratna in 1997. M4: Why was he popular? Me: Mam he was fond of Children and a very simple person famous for these things. M4: He has written some books? Me: Yes mam, Wings of Fire and Vision 2020. M4: Have you read them? Me: No mam, I purchased Vision 2020 but I have not read it mam. M4: There has been a new-book by Dr, Kalam? Are you aware? Me: No Mam. M4: Its 3 Billion Me: Thank you mam. M4: What is the difference between invention and innovation? Me: Mam, Invention is making something completely new, out-of-box idea mam but innovation is improving upon an existing thing mam; modifying it. M4: What innovations have you done in your industry? Me: In our Pulse Milling industry there is need to sprinkle oil on whole Pulses and keep it in Tank for 48 hours so that the husk loosens. We are using a technology
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keep it in Tank for 48 hours so that the husk loosens. We are using a technology where we dont mix oil mam and do without it. Then How many hours you keep pulses in tank? Me: mam, we process pulses directly; we give only 6-8 hours as time is required to cool; the pulses go through an emery roll mam and are heated up..(interrupted), (I also fumbled a bit in this answer) M4: What have you done for Quality Control and betterment? Me: Mam, after the Mains exam I have installed a Colour Sortex Machine. Colour Sortex is a revolution in grain milling which separates grains as per colour. We should have a Government program for its promotion mam. Finally transferred back to the Chairman. The Mighty Paul sir. CM: In Bihar/Jharkhand there is a disease called Kala-Azar? (Home StateJharkhand) Me: Yes sir, Kala-Azar CM: Tell in details about the disease? Me: Sir its a disease in rural area sir, but I dont know the details about it sir. CM: Difference between Epidemic and Pandemic? Me: (Thinking for 3-4 seconds) Sorry sir, I am not sure. CM: There is problem of flood in Bihar. Even without rain there will be flood. (Sarcastically). What is the reason? Me: Sir we had the problem of flood in Bengal and Jharkhand too(interrupted) CM: In Jharkhand I am not sure but in Bengal Surely. Me:..yes sir, we have controlled the flood there with multi-purpose projects and specially DVC sir. In the case of Bihar there is uncontrolled water coming from Nepal sir and we have not been able to build projects in Nepal. We have a Kosi project sir but work is moving very slowly on that sir. CM: What is the solution? Me: Sir we have to take Nepal in confidence and sir only after that..(Interrupted) CM: You talked of Nepal; Why we have difficulty dealing with them? Me: Sir there is trust deficit in Nepal sir; between the parties themselves and between India and few parties of Nepal; sir, with Sri Lanka and Maldives we have the privilege of having good relations with all parties but we dont have the same privilege in Nepal and Bangladesh sir; so if we move with some parties immediately there will be anti-India rhetoric by some others; but the present PM, Baburam Bhattrai seems to be India friendly sir. CM: What is the problem there? Me: Sir in 2005 all the parties united against the King sir but they have not been able to agree after that. There are deep divisions in Nepal and they have not been able to
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to agree after that. There are deep divisions in Nepal and they have not been able to complete the constitution sir. CM: What is the biggest dispute? Me: Sir its about induction of Maoist cadres in the Nepalese Army sir. CM: What should we do with Nepal? Me: Sir we should try to open with all parties and seek a reconciliation to complete the Constitution. Then we should facilitate the transition of Nepal to a functioning democracy. Once Nepal becomes a functioning democracy; it will help sir. CM: OK. Thank you. I get up. Wish Thank You to you all. The Board is again not interested in wishes. I exit. (The Chairman was staring; throughout my way to the exit). I came out; the candidate next to me was sitting outside and gave me a Thumbs Up. I also returned and went to the Central Hall to collect the belongings and then came out. It was 20-25 minutes interview. I was third to be interviewed and out by 3.35 PM. MY EXPERIENCE About the mighty Paul sir: Paul sir is extremely smart and good-looking person. He is pakka police wala. He can dig everything out of you. In short he is extremely smart person. Very dangerous. You cant bluff him and get away. Yet he was cordial and smiling too. Though his smiles were few and not very large. He asks questions one by one and will try to confuse you. He will ask in small steps and will askthen.then. My advice to others: dont say a lie before him. He will catch in no time. Answer only when you are confident; dont beat around the bush. Paul is will show very few emotions and will not smile. But that is good too in a manner that you will be careful. About M1: He was probably a generalist; probably an ex-bureaucrat. He asked general questions from all of us as transpired from talks the next day during medical. About M2: She was probably a professor in literature as we came to know later. She was extremely helpful and did also tried to answer M3 on my behalf in 2-3 questions which I didnt pay much attention to. About M3: He was probably another ex-bureaucrat. No special analysis for him. About M4: She was probably a professor from engineering background as she asked technical questions from all of us. Myself: I tried to be cool, calm and humble which I was able to. The interview went in a consistent pace and there were no ups and downs. Very few cross-questions were there but supplementary questions were asked many times. As it transpired there were lit of mind-games being played and the board tried to balance each other and used all techniques. I answered slowly and took few pauses of 1-2 seconds in between. Overall I think it was a good interview but as it was Paul Sir I dont expect the marks to be too high.
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the marks to be too high. THANKS for Bearing. Please do comment. Thank You!
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Interview 12
03 April 2012 07:40 PM

Previous interviews 2009 sashi uban tripathi 176 she reviewed dr sahib show some confidence cse 5312010 img khan, 167 he reviewed on my face brutally honest, but rudeWas third attempt and got 193,50 in zoology and missed cutoff by 4 marks 2011, 19 march pk mishra this time i tried to be a soft and simple person which is very hard but here it goes,

me: May I come in, sir. cp: Yes, please come in. me: Good afternoon maam, good morning sirs. all: Good afternoon cp: dr jindal Please take a seat. me: Thank you sir (adjusted the chair a bit)
cp: So, you are from ip and tafsme- yes sir got selected in 2009cp-tell me about your training and where are you postedme-I explainedCp- started with a complicated q about financial mattersMe- I replied I took 4 month leave so went only for departmental training but no finances and accounts yetCp-pslv vs gslvMe-I explained basic diff Cp-what is geostationaryMe -explainedCp- functional differencesMe-I explained gslv for communication and pslv for remote sensingCp whyMe- I dont knowCp- how many gslv and pslv orbits are thereMeNo answerCp- how many satellites are required in gslv at one timeMe- I dont know but explained 33 for gps and 7 for india specific gpsCp- difference bw food safety and food securityMe- after initial trouble explained the definitionCp- any bill related to food safetyMe- 2008 food safety billCp- historicalMe-1956 food adulteration billCp- if I will be pm what will I do for food security universal or targetedMe- universal as target will cause exclusionCp where will I get moneyMe- explained difference will be 70000-50000 crore and we can raise it easily. Told them we just lost 11000 in hutch case could have avoided thatCpwhat is surety that direct cash transfer money will be used for food by common manMe- sir that is not our motive we must just proved the helping hand M1-what is corporate social responsibility with two exampleMe- explained definition, example of tata financing education health to everest climb of married womenExample two of universal service obligation fund of telecom companies( was trying to direct my interview)M1- what is uso, ant uso towers I visitedMe- explained and told I have manyM1- uso schemesMe- explained sanchar shakti launched in 2010 for women empowerment with detailsM1- its effectMe- no studies yetM1- any otherMe- I am planning a pilot scheme myself where phones and sms will be used to tackle family planning, sex ratio, immunization and imr,mmr via a chain of sms from districh hq-doctor-asha-people and reverse orderM1- sex raio in Haryana, why low and what is present statusMe- under 6 and above 6, improving now,M1- how do you perceive change at grass root levelMe- data, awareness, now its not that ramapant, u cant get a sex determination test done so easily M2- recently finance mini talked in budget about a case what was itMe- about hutch Vodafone case, he said he would have done better with those 11000 crore rupees, was talking abt retrospective legislationM2- is it feasibleMe- yes sir in financial mattersM2- explain other mattersMe- article 20 doesnt allow in criminal cases, there was confusion about article no 20 or 22, even he wasnt sureM2impeachment of judgeMe- explained, there was a confusion about inquiry committee stage but everyone laughedM2-fav area in foreign affairsMe- middle eastM2- arab union resolution on SyriaMe- I dont

recall sir
M3- there was a drill on disaster management in delhi recently all over local news what was itMe- I just came to delhi last night from my postingM3- stillMe- I dont knowM3- earthquake, whats delhi zoneMeafter lots of guess wrongM3- what is retrofittingMe- mam can I make a guessM3- yesMe- I was right its treating already made buildings for earthquake resistanceM3- internet sufing hobby seeing it first time M3- dr jindal why should we select youMe- mam first I have worked quite hard in past four years and I think I am a deserving candidate And I am here so I fulfill the basic knowledge criterion, apart from that I am a compassionate human being, as a doctor I have handeled people in their fragile situations and dealth with their grievances. I am a hard working professional and I have worked 72 hrs continuously in hospital. I have some dreams about my utility for this nation and I am progressing towards tyhem when I was a doctor, now when I am a telecom officer and in future when I will be something else. I can also gurantee you that I am a honest person M3- how can you treat patients without being emotionalMe- attachment gives only pain, compassion is neededM3-but you said you were emotionalMe- mam I said I am compassionate M4- diff bw passion and compassionMe- explainedM4- am I creative passionate personMe certainly

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M4- diff bw passion and compassionMe- explainedM4- am I creative passionate personMe certainly passionate but creative side yet to exploreM4- Archimedes principleMe- explained well Cp- moto of iasMe- is there oneCp- yesMe- I dont know sirCp- explained itMe- thanks sir May be few more question which I cant recal

ok interview year confused 2010 sachi uban, 2011 img khan and now 2012 pkm
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Interview 13
03 April 2012 07:43 PM

mine was on 24th march board was of Vijay singh sirit goes like this Chairman-Why do u want to leave NTPC?Me,I want to pay back to society what I owe to it.Ch-U can do it while being in NTPC?Medefinitely sir, I am contributing but Its in in direct way.Even I am supporting some of my juniors financially. job nature monotonous while ias is having verstality and diversity.even I can contribute to society directly.Then chairman himself explained the importance of NTPC?M1-u have participated in debate?what is difference b/w debate and elocution?Me-in debate u have to speak pro and cons of a

given topic while elocution is a type of anchoring

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neeraj sharma - 5:25 PM

M1-so you teach small children? What do u learn from them and how it helps u?Me-I got energized when I came back from my office stressed..and I learn patience from them.M1-what are the rights of children?Right to development.right to live.M1-is there any right of education?Me-yes sir,RTE.M1what is it?Me-It gives fundamental right to children b/w 6-14 to get education.What are other provisions of rte?I explained article 21 a and 51a.M1-name leaders who loved children?Me-nehruji M1-any one from present times?I could not recall Kalam ji
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neeraj sharma - 5:25 PM

M1-what do u think that it sud only b restricted to 14 yrs.?Me-sir,in my opinion there sud b no restriction on providing education because of age but post class 8 there sud b provision of vocational education.M1-do u think why theer is voting rights after 18 years?Me-Sir,its because an individual aquires maturity.
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neeraj sharma - 5:26 PM

M2-ok what is ca[acity of NTPC?ME-36000mwM2-what is country s capacity /Me-around 1.2 lakhs mw.M2-ntpc is generating 36 thousand then whois fulfilling this gap?Me-sir its state utilities ,joint venture and private sectr.He again asked me the same qsn I replied the same answer.then he asked me what are other sources then thermal?Me-I replied hydro,nuclear and solar.M2-whether we sud go for nuclear? Me-we sud ALSO go for nuclear.M2-name nuclear project location?Me-kudankulam,jaitapur and some site in andhara Pradesh.Chairman-neeraj I think that kudankulam is being installed.Me-yes sir.M2-do u think that these sites are sufficient?Me-sir I think at least we have start and every start is a good step.Me-yes sirM2-what is % of nuclear?Me-around 3%.M2-which country has highest nuclear power? Me-sir I am not sure but I think % wise its franceChairman said neeraj u are right its france.
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neeraj sharma - 5:26 PM

M2-u come from chandaus,is it chandausi?Me-no sir,chandaus is a village in aligarh district while

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M2-u come from chandaus,is it chandausi?Me-no sir,chandaus is a village in aligarh district while chandausi is different.M2-u have studied at hathras?what is its new name?Me-mahamayanagar.M2who was mahamaya?Me-mother of gautam budha.M2-name other districts carved out?Me-kasganj.M2what about hapur?Me-sorry sir I am not sure.M2-dont u have track of this.oh u r in himachal since 7 years.M3-recently ur area was in news ?Me-it was land acquisition.M3-what was reasons?Me-I explained that it was because of less compensation,use of land change was done from industrial to residential,area was of multi crop.
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neeraj sharma - 5:27 PM

M3-u r in hp since 7 yrs?wht difference u observed in hp and up?Me-I repliedAbout hp-1. Women are educated and are a part of economic cycle.2.people are conscious about there duties.3.they are conscious about there nation,have civic sense4.political stability.5.irrespective of party in power politics is developmental casteism and communalism.About up1.literacy among women is low.they are for the sake of only to me make them literate .no participation of women in economic cycle.2. unstability in politics and politics to an extent basd on caste.Chairman smiled at the point my saying that in up women is literate for formality.
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neeraj sharma - 5:27 PM

M4-he start something with issue of literacy but I could not understand.then he said yhat what do u want to say by means of for the sake of formality.then I replied that sir women in up are make literate for the purpose of good marriagethen I gave him some examples of my region.i said that sir in my village only 2 or 3 girls from well off families were allowed to go for higher studies to Aligarh which is 30-35 kms from my village.Chairman interrupted smiled and said yes thats the point .M4-what will be your priorities after becoming DM?Me-first of all I will find out core competencies of my region.M4-oh neeraj pls dont use this corporate word.ok lets consider u have to develop ur district hen wht will b ur priorities?Me-sir my first priority will be to implement existing government policies in a an efficient way.Me-sir Aligarh has good fertile land.i will focus on the increasing of productivity.I have good number of skilled youth which can be used in a productive wayIn my region mos of the businesses like milk productin and meat processing is in unorganized sector.i will bring them into orgnised sector.In my area most of the small scale industries are closed after recession.i will revive them.In my region,there is verygood connectivity,I will utilize this ,after coming of freight corridors in the region it will promote my marketing.I also talked of reviving khadi,handlooms so as to bring women into economic cycle.
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neeraj sharma - 5:27 PM

M4-interrupted ,ok what about education?Me-I will work on education at 3 levels-primary ,secondary and higher education.First of all,at Aligarh level, I will invite all laumni of Aligarh .i will arrange some sort of samman samaroh to invite all dignitaries of the district.I will ask them to adopt the schools in their village area.M4-what will u do for drop students?Me-I will find out the root cause of this.M4-what?Me-I will strengthen employment generation progammes because parents dont allow there children bs of economic reasons like mnrega.For secondary level,I will first provide for there capability test, there further studies will b based on their capabilities .on that basis I will provide them vocational education or 10th 12th level studies.For better guidance, I will try that I can attatch students with these recognized people in the region so that they can be better guided and mentored.For higher studies ,I will associate students with these alumni for guidance. And sir,most importantly I would like to implement one more thing.i will ensure that in primary schools,people of that area should admit there children in these schools it will facilitate better monitoring of the schools.Chairman interrupted smiled and said ok neeraj ur interview is over.
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Interview 14
06 April 2012 08:25 PM

Name Kanishk Sharma Optionals Economics and Public Administration Date 22/3/12 Attempt 1st Board- Rajni Razdan *C stands for Chairman C Your namedobshowed me my pic and I said yes mam. So u know about Kanishka? Me- yes mam..its the name of an emperor from the 2nd century AD..his empire stretched from what we today call Tajikistan in the north, to Mathura in the south. C what was his religion? Me- he was Buddhist mam. C- Y was he Buddhist? Me- mam I am not sure whether he was Buddhist by ancestory or by conversionbut I know that he is famous for convening the 4th Buddhist council in Kashmir. C have you heard of the city of _ (I don remember what she asked) Me- no mam im not aware of it. C - we are in an economic downturn, but car sales are still going upwhy is that? Me- (after a brief pause)mam cars are only bought by a very small section of our population, and also our GDP growth still remains 1 of the fastest in the world C- thats ok..but u have cars available from 1lakh all the way higher, so its not restricted to a particular income class Me mam acc to arjun sengupta committee about 77% Indians live below 20rs a day C all that is fine..but still, give some reason Me mam im not being able to pin-point a particular reason for this C okyou have to go to a lonely island, and you can carry only 1 grain along to eatwhich one would you take Me (after a brief pause)Ill carry rice as it can be boiled and eaten whereas grains like wheat need to be converted to flour C but can u survive with just rice? Best u can do is a pulao (everyone laughed) Me (with a smile) mam in such a situation I cant aspire for much variety but rice will ensure I survive C - would you reduce air pollution? Me Mam I would ensure the norms with regard to vehicular pollution are followed. New forms of fuel such as solar battery run cars as well as fuels which give water as exhaust must be introduced. I then explained the emission-quota trading system introduced in Gujarat and Tamil Nadu. C- what about car pollution in particular? Me I once again talked about new fuels and CNG etc C (interrupting me) wont you focus on public transport? Me Yes mam I was talking of a 2-pronged strategy. On the 1 hand, we need to reduce the pollution of cars which are already on the roads, wherein the fuels and emission norms I was talking about would come into play. On the other hand, we need to ensure that the actual NUMBER of cars on the roads goes down. The role of public transport is very important in this regard. A lot of people dont take public transport because of inconvenience so we must ensure there is public transport that caters to different classes for eg air conditioned buses. We also need to increase public awareness about this Chairman pointed to a member to ask questions M1 Since, uve worked in the banking industry, how would you increase credit to farmers? Me- Sir I think in order to increase credit we must at the same time focus on crop insurance.This is because a lot of farmers are risk averse and dependent on monsoon and are not willing to invest and take risk. Also, we must re-capitalise our RRBs and cooperative societies like this years budget has done. These institutions have also suffered from poor management over the years. M1 But we put so much money into Air India and we are petty when it comes to farm
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M1 But we put so much money into Air India and we are petty when it comes to farm credit Me Sir farm credit allocation has actually increased by 1 lakh crores in the budget this year. M1 But sectors like construction also keep getting so much money pumped into them. U think it is right? Me Sir sectors related to infrastructure have long gestation periods but are very important for the economy. This is why a lot of funds are channeled to these sectors. M1 Dont you think it is petty that a lot is made out the loan waiver for farmers while so much many is pumped into Air India? Isnt it petty? Me Sir, the point that is put forward as criticism for loan waiver is what is called moralhazard in economics. When a loan is waived off, then the incentive to repay is lowered even the next time. M1 (interrupting) but why should air Indias loans be waived off Me Sir I dont think air India should get any loan waivers, the management should be accountable for its performance. M1 If you were to tell the 1 biggest challenge that the country faces today, where we should focus, what would it be? Me It would be the development of our human resource. Both, in terms of its health as well as education. We need to do that in order to reap what we call the demographic dividend. If we are not able to do that our human resource would turn into a liability instead of an asset. M1 What needs to be done for education? We have so many world-class institutions Me Sir, the problem I think lies with primary education. Although our enrollment rates are near universal now, but the quality of education is poor. M2 Do you think there is any use of educating everyone in society? Me Sir I think every individual in society should have the choice to be educated. In our country, extreme poverty doesnt allow many people to have the choice of being educated. He repeated the question in diff words and I gave the same answer Passes on to next member M2 So you r are a student of economics, and that too the Delhi school of economics Me Yes Sir. M2 And youve gone for a survey of the NREGA. He probably asked the full form of nrega and where Id gone for the survey (Dungarpur). M2 What is Dungarpur famous for? Me - Sir I do not know. M2 What were the findings of your survey? Me Sir on the whole the implementation was good, much better than the rest of the districts that were surveyed. M2 (interrupting)- but there were problems Me yes sir some problems were there M2 (interrupting) so it was a failure Me no sir I wouldnt call it a failure. Infact Mr Jean Dreze, the economist, who was in charge of the survey told me once that if u want to see the proper implementation of NREGA in India, Dungarpur is the place you should go to. M2 (interrupting) What were the problems? Me The biggest problem was the collective measurement of works. Work was assigned to groups of workers and they were paid on the basis of the work done by the whole group. So individual workers had no incentive to work hard. Everyone shirked and no work was done. Even the measurement itself was not proper. M2 so what should be done? Me Sir the quality of supervision must improve. The engineers should be trained properly, and work must be measured on an individual basis. M2 who is responsible for the implementation on NREGA at the local level? Is it the collector, or sarpanch, or who? Me Sir the Panchayti Raj Institutions are the implementing agencies for the act M2 but who is the PERSON responsible? Me Sir I do not know that. M2 So was the act a success in Dungarpur? Me to a significant degree sir M2 (INTERRUPTING) give me a yes or no. Me No sir.
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Me No sir. M2 So it was a startling disappointment Me No sir it was not because the implementation was very good on a relative level as compared to other districts in the country. M2 what do you think is happening globally, is capitalism communism crumbling? Me Sir some problems have cropped up in the capitalist system recently M2 (interrupting) who is responsible? Me Sir the major issue has been lapses in regulatory oversight M2 Ah! Againdont you think it is a matter of ethics? Me Sir in a capitalist system, the primary drive is profitethics are important but at the same time we cant expect everyone to be honest. It is the job of the regulator to ensure that vested interests do not grow in the system M2 (interrupting) but what is the responsibility of the companies u know about the Satyam case? Me Yes sir in that case the balance sheets were fudged in order to increase the share price M2 Is it similar to what happened in the US? Me There is a minor similarity sir M2 (interrupting) Is it only minor? Me Sir Im only aware of a minor similarity M2 Dont u think the auditors and the companies are responsible? (hardly audible at this point) Me Sir could you repeat the question M2 - Dont u think the auditors, rating agencies and the companies are responsible? Do you know why the crisis happened in the US? Me Yes sir I know M2 (interrupting) Said something I dont rememberalso repeated the question of whether I know how the crisis happened Me (I think with a smile) Sir I do know why it happenedit was the outcome of the coming together of lenders and sub-prime borrowers through intermediaries whch developed a vested interest in the process M2 (interrupting) u know apart from satyam we have the case of kingfisher . u think governance and ethics have played a role? Me sir in the case of kingfisher I dont think it is a matter of ethics. A lot of factors have come into play..for example I think their business model is flawed M2 (interrupting) why do u think so Me sir they only catered to the upper classes.. M2 (interrupting) that is not true Me Sir for other classes they had a different airline called kingfisher red.. M2 (interrupting) said something I dont remember Me Sir exogenous factors like very high taxes on aviation turbine fuel and M2 again interrupted and said something I dont remember Passes to next member M3 Have you heard of Nandigram? Me Yes sir. It is where the Tata Nano plant was to be setup. (Pause for 1-2 sec) Sir actually I am not sure whether it was Nandigram or Singur M3 Ratan Tata recently made a statement that nano is a lost opportunity (I dont remember the exact words of this qtn) Me I did not come across this statement sir. M3 Ok. Tell me what is happening to the gap between the haves and the have-nots of the world, and in the developing world. What or who is responsible? Me Sir in the case of India.. M3 (Interrupting) Lets say the developing world, infact lets start with India. What is happening to inequality and why? Me Sir in India, although we undertook economic reforms in the last 2 decades, they have not been accompanied by the requisite governance reforms. The 73rd and 74th constitutional amendments were passed in order to bring governance closer to the people at the grass-roots, but it has not been implemented. The funds, functions and functionaries have not been passed on to local governments and there is over-centralisation. Although schemes have been formed with the right intentions, they have not been in-tune with local aspirations. Further, the implementers at local level are government employees who get
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aspirations. Further, the implementers at local level are government employees who get their salaries regardless of what the scheme achieves. There is no incentive structure for them. There should be a system of rewards and penalties. Thirdly, our growth has been services led and has not created enough jobs as services are less employment elastic than manufacturing. M1 (Interrupting) Is that the case? Me Yes sir. M1 ok Me Sir growth of labour intensive manufacturing exports, like China, has not taken place in India because our infrastructure has been inadequate. This has rendered manufactured products un-competitive at home and abroad. M3 Since youve talked about governance reforms, tell us some physical and administrative reforms which must be carried out in brief. Me Sir the local self governments should be empowered by devolution as envisaged in the 73rd and 74th amendments. So decentralisation is 1. The implementing agencies for schemes should be given auntonomy as well as made accountable through a system of incentives. There could be a contract system for local implementers. This would be the second. Also, the incentive structure for senior civil servants should be overhauled. They should be judged on objective criteria arrived at by consultations with stakeholders. For example, if it is the Rural Development Ministry, the criteria should be arrived at after discussions with the local people in the villages. This would be the third. M3 interrupts and passes on to M4 M4 You know a lot of states provide subsidies to companies to attract investment; do you think it is right to do so? Me Sir I think it is a legitimate tool for attracting investment but there should be clear guidelines and framework.. M4 (Interrupting) Yes that is true, transparency must be there, but apart from that, you know these companies avail of the subsidies and then just shift to another state at times Me Sir the companies would only stay in a state if there are some conditions met, the states can not solely rely on subsidies. First, there should be demand for the products in the area, so the state has to focus on increasing per capita incomes and purchasing powers with the aid of rural development. Secondly, the infrastructure in the state must be promoted so that supply costs are lowered. So it has to be a broad strategy and industries would then thrive in the area. Then he gave me an example of T-series which changed its ownership structure to continue availing subsidies. Soon as I started commenting on it he said he dint mean the particular case only. This was weird. He then suddenly changed the topic. M4 Do you know about Gandhian economics? Me Yes sir. Gandhian economics envisages villages as self-sufficient republics where all the basic needs of the people are met indigenously. M4 What is the relevance of the charkha, is it a tool or a symbolwhat is it? Me Sir the charkha is a tool as well as a symbol. It was the symbol of the swadeshi movement when foreign goods were boycotted. It is also meant to be a tool for selfsufficiency as cloth can be weaved locally. M4 Do you think Gandhian economics is relevant today? Me Sir in todays globalizing world, we have to move beyond it. Although Gandhian economics is still relevant because even today the basic needs of the people are not met in our country and there are problems like malnutrition in our villages. In that regard Gandhian economics is relevant as we need to move towards a situation where the villages are self-sufficient with regard to the basic needs. However, we need to move beyond it in terms of development. M4 looks like hell say something but the Chairman suddenly says Thank You.

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Interview 15
08 April 2012 06:36 PM

My interview was on 27th Mar in Purushottam Agarwal's Board. I didn't have a good feeling after the interview was over and so was not very keen on sharing my experience. But time nahi pass ho raha hai results tak (ajeeb ajeeb sapne aa rahe hain jinme mujhe 100 se 200 marks tak milte hain) toh shayad share karke kuch accha lage (Bad) jokes apart, I hope that my experience is of some use to other candidates. Here's what I remember of the interview: Chairman: Latest movie you have watched? (had mentioned movies in my hobbies) I said Pan Singh Tomar. Other questions revolved around it (from other members too) such as: What is the movie about? Is it only about athletes? Do we ignore our athletes? I gave some standard answers which, probably, nobody was interested in hearing. Chairman: Scenes with subtle references to cultural reasons for Pan Singh Tomar becoming a Dacoit. I started screwing up from here and couldn't properly answer it. Was also kind of admonished (or perhaps advised but in a stern tone) by Chairman for not thinking before answering. Finally this conservation ended with him asking me the meaning of the word Baagi where again I screwed up. I just got stuck on 'traitor' which I knew wasn't right. Since I had taken some time for thinking about the meaning and had also watched the movie, I thought it wouldn't sound nice to say "I don't know, sir". So I went ahead, opened my mouth and became the most disappointing thing the Chairman would have seen that day. Chairman (showing his disappointment with a jerk of his head ) told me that the correct word was rebel. Chairman said something like 'our interview has gone down the wrong way etc.' I think this took around 6-7 minutes. M1: Why civil service? Gave a decent answer (which I didn't link with social service etc.) and I remember receiving the approval of one-two members. I also linked it to my work-ex and mentioned a government project where I had worked. Then some follow-up questions related to my answer and my previous employer (he basically tried to convince me that what my previous employer did was also good and an IAS officer does nothing but coordination at which I said that coordination = project management and that it was very important.) M1: What sector would you want to work in if you become a civil servant? I thought for some time and said health. CM asked me why health and I told him about the poor indicators of health. M1: Schemes in the health sector I talked about ICDS, NRHM in detail and also about the proposed NUHM. M1: Is NRHM doing good? I told him about the positive impact NRHM has made and then talked about the problems that its implementation faces (quoting a recent Health Ministry report). This was a well prepared answer and the part where I mentioned the shortcomings was very well received. M1 then reminded me about the NRHM in UP. I said there were allegations of financial irregularities. M1: See, this will always happen. In remote places, someone will say that the building has been
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M1: See, this will always happen. In remote places, someone will say that the building has been made but it won't be there. There will always be irregularities (I don't remember the exact questions but this is the crux of what he asked) I just gave a one liner like if administration is good everything will be good (lame, isn't it? ; but somehow it seemed to have gone okay - at least I'd like to think so ) M1: What would you do to improve the implementation of the scheme? I gave some general answer. He reminded of using technology and also asked if we could build a system to track the implementation. Again I gave a general answer. M2: Asked me something about education. He spoke for around 3 minutes explaining his question and CM also tried to give me the gist of what he wanted to ask. As I understood it, his question had two parts: (i) is education useful for poverty alleviation and (ii) does our education system restrict the progress of people. I didn't do well here. Gave a very general answer while I could have used specific examples and the worst thing with this was that I ended my answer abruptly. CM waited for 10-30 seconds and then pointed to the next member to ask his questions. M3: Wasn't happy with me leaving chemical engineering. My response to this can be basically reduced to: sir chemical engineering toh maine campus se nikalte hi choddh di thi Actually I said that choosing chemical engineering wasn't an informed choice. I got a rank and accordingly took what I was told was best for my rank. M3: What other options did you have? I said Comp Sci/Elec etc. in Roorkee. M3: (Kind of sad) Was civil not available? When I said it was he was like 'I don't know why you didn't take civil' This was not exactly a question. He was speaking generally and perhaps just thinking aloud. I didn't say anything in response. M3: Again generally speaking he said would chemical engineering be of any use in civil service and other similar questions. I said that my previous employer had hired me for certain skills and these would be useful in civil service as well. Chairman probably gave his approval (could as well be that he was bored with my answer because I am sure he had a very low opinion of me ) because I heard a sound from him. M3: Gave me a situation: choose between honest-but-doesn't-work employee and dishonest-butgets-the-work-done employee. I went with the honest one. Said honest would at least not harm the organization while dishonest will get work done but what would I do if at the end of the year I discovered a scam in my organization. Some people have given me better answers to this situation (and I also think I could have explained my choice in a better way) but this is all I could think there. Chairman said that M4 had given you tricky question at which I again repeated my answer. CM then said "yes you also have a point" (in jest or in approval, I can't say ) M4 (lady member, nicest and kindest of all, had been supportive all along): Has Uttarakhand (my home state) benefited from the statehood? IMO, I gave a good answer with facts and compared the economic situation of UP and Uttarakhand for periods before and after the bifurcation of UP. Also made a point that before getting statehood Uttarakhand was the most backward part of the UP which seemed to please the Chairman. Then some general conversation followed about the industrial development (where, what kind etc.) and also about the administration in Uttarakhand. I told her that the smaller state had brought admin closer to people and now policies are relevant to local issues and made by a local entity instead of a distant, centralized one which might not take into account local factors, priorities etc. This also went well with the Chairman. M4 (lady member): Has the migration stopped from the hills? Answered that it hadn't stopped and said that this has been an area of underachievement for the
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Answered that it hadn't stopped and said that this has been an area of underachievement for the state. Told her that industrial development was confined to three plain districts. M4 (lady member): What about the sex ratio? Told her that sex ratio is better than the national average but child sex ratio is lower and has also seen a decline of 20 points in the last 10 years. She seemed to have some confusion with the term 'child sex ratio' and asked me what it meant (I am not sure why). I started explaining it and another member pitched in and also explained it to her. I guess, I said something wrong there, otherwise she wouldn't have had this confusion. M4 (lady member): So do you also face the problem of shortage of brides like in other states? Told her that no such problem at present but this low child sex ratio will have this effect in future. (At this point I had the urge to tell her that I personally haven't faced any shortage (of brides) and nor do I expect in future, seriously! .) Then came some general questions about football which I answered decently. M4 asked me to tell about my experience in the sport. M1 asked me about Indian football and I said it had stagnated. At this everyone laughed. I explained my answer a little. M4 asked me that as an administrator what would I do for football. M2 said that I must be watching a lot of EPL. And this is where my interview ended. Another screw-up here. Didn't thank everyone individually just said Thank You to the Chairman and left the room. Quite a few of my answers, especially the ones to CM and M2 were not as crisp and fluent and as I would have wanted them to be. These are the few things I learned from the experience: 1)Working on your profile helps. 2)Discussions with friends/fellow aspirants are way better than mocks - if you generally do not converse in English (and it is your medium of interview) then this is a must for you. Also helps in shaping your views. 3)Whatever happens in your interview, never forget the basic things such as greeting the members when you enter and exit the room. It may have very little impact on your marks but it is better to be on the safer side. 4) Think before you speak. Members are always patient (at least they were in my board) and it doesn't matter if you speak slowly or with pauses. What matters is the relevance and structure of your answer.

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Interview 16
08 April 2012 06:43 PM

My Background: I am from Ahmedabad, Gujarat. I did my BE (Electronics & Communication Engg) and PG from IRMA. I worked for more than 3 years with Amul. Date: 30th March, 2012 I was scheduled for interview on 30th March morning session and reached UPSC office at around 8:45 AM. We were taken inside the building and given table number based on our allotted panels. I was allotted to the panel of UPSC member Mr. I M G Khan and was 6th in the sequence to appear for the interview. My turn came at around 12:45 PM. Panel had 3 male members and 1 lady member apart from Chairman of the board. Question I was asked are as follows: Technical Q1: What is cloud computing? How does it work? Q2: Who owns the information in cloud computing? Q3: What about copy right of authors and publishers when books are published on internet? Q4: What is biometric identification? How does it work? Q5: If some genuine person is struck in biometrics. He has lost his fingers, his eyes are also turned sour then what should be done? Should he be allowed? Q6: Which program of Government of India uses biometrics widely? Q7: How UID can be used for poverty alleviation programs? Q8: What is a stock exchange? How does it work? Q9: There is some changes suggested by SEBI recently for stock exchanges. Do you know? Q10: Stock brokers have been protesting on some issue recently. Do you know? Q11: How does Security Transaction Tax work? Is it required? Why? Q12: What are implications of employment generation programs of the government? Q13: What is the principle behind working of microwave oven? Q14: Which are four important intervention of NDDB in animal health sector? Q15: What is the difference between pasteurized milk and grocery milk? Q16: Which are the four important pillar of Amul model? Q17: How do you maintain quality of Amul product at delivery point? Q18: What is Amuls policy regarding unsold products? Q19: Amul Butter girl has been a big brand. How was it created? Q20: Our present police force have been unsuccessful during some public order problems like rioting etc. Political class have misused them. What should be done to reform this police force?
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Interview 17
09 April 2012 07:14 PM

Age 25 Optionals- Public Administration and Sociology B.A.(Public Administration and Sociology) M.A. (Public Administration) both from IGNOU. I joined Department of Post at the age of 18. Presently, I am working in the North-East in field of rural development. Board Shri Purushottam Agarwal Afternoon Session I was the second last to go in. Ch. Since when you have been working in North-East. Answered. Ch. What do you think about the Manipur blockade. Answered. Ch. How do you think should the government have handled the issue. Answered. Ch. What do you think about the sense of alienation among the people of North-East. Answered it on the basis of my experience and people I have come across while traveling in Assam, Meghalya, Mizoram and Nagaland. Ch. How does the media cover the issues of North-East. Answered. Ch. Why the mainstream media ignore the issues of North-East. Talked about the psychological distance between the mainland and the North-East. Historical reasons etc. Chairman was participating in the manner of a conversation. M1. What is the difference between upper Assam and Lower Assam. Answered. M1. What is Kaziranga famous for. Answered. M1. What is your organization doing for development of tea sector in Assam. Answered. M1.What is Tea Wages Act. And the small tea growers. Answered. M1.What is minimum wage for tea labour. Answered. M1.Why do the labour unions and management agree for such a low minimum wage viz. Rs.76.20 (Revised Rs.96). The tea plantations provide ration, schooling, residence and medical facilities.

M1. I was going through this (pointing towards summary sheet or whatever) you have had such a checkered career. You started in post office and today you are working in ---- and now you are sitting in interview for the IAS. I wish to congratulate you for this. Thank you, Sir. M2. What is the difference between plan allocations to North-East and Mainland India. Answered.
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Answered. M2. What is Tea Board. Answered. M2. There is Tea Board, Coffee Board, Rubber Board. Being at the helm of affairs, if the projects come to you from these boards. How would you prioritize the allocation to these boards. Talked about economic and financial viability and sustainability of the project. M3.(lady) you got this award from The Indian Express. Why did you get this? Answered. M3 a few more questions on my writing for newspapers. M3- Rate of growth in Manufacturing sector has come down, why and what can be done? Answered. M3- What will be impact of Pakistan granting MFN status to India, on Punjab. ( I am from Punjab). Answered. M3- Your first preference must be IAS. Yes, Maam. M3- Where would you like to work? Answered. Talked about high preference for Nagaland, Manipur etc. M3- working and living among the people leads to a sense of empathy for the people and the land. Yes, Maam. M4- you have traveled widely in North-East, so you have traveled across the length and breadth of Brahmaputra in a way. In a way, Sir. M4- Majuli was to be accorded UNESCO heritage site status. Tell me about Majuli. Answered. Told about the cultural heritage of Meising, the majority tribe of Majuli. M4- What about the sense of alienation. Answered in one line. Sense of alienation among the people of North-East is Politically Manufactured. M4- Tell me about someone who writes letter to editors prominently. Mr. S.K. Agarwal. M4 nodded with a smile to Chairman.

The Chairman said thank you and my interview was over. I thanked the board and came out a happy person. Board was extremely cordial. It was an experience to be interviewed by the board. Looking back, none of my answers seem perfect to me. But I believe, there can never be anything like perfect in an interview, because I dont possess the perfect personality. I have included the one-line answers above, because I can remember those in exact manner. I have not written my answers in detail because, we have the tendency to fine-tune the answers. The answers in front of interview board are crude and not well polished. So I leave it to the board to assess my answers. My first attempt at the exam and my first interview. The UPSC exam has been fun, while preparing for this exam, I have learnt so much about myself and our wonderful country. I am an outsider to the whole UPSC power centers in Delhi viz. coachings, notes and mock interviews etc. Online blogs and reading the interview experiences of other candidates has been of immense help to me. Thank you so much, all of you.
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Interview 18
11 April 2012 05:10 PM

My interview was on 27th Mar in Purushottam Agarwal's Board. I didn't have a good feeling after the interview was over and so was not very keen on sharing my experience. But time nahi pass ho raha hai results tak (ajeeb ajeeb sapne aa rahe hain jinme mujhe 100 se 200 marks tak milte hain) toh shayad share karke kuch accha lage (Bad) jokes apart, I hope that my experience is of some use to other candidates. Here's what I remember of the interview:
Chairman: Latest movie you have watched? (had mentioned movies in my hobbies)

I said Pan Singh Tomar. Other questions revolved around it (from other members too) such as: What is the movie about? Is it only about athletes? Do we ignore our athletes? I gave some standard answers which, probably, nobody was interested in hearing.
Chairman: Scenes with subtle references to cultural reasons for Pan Singh Tomar becoming a

Dacoit. I started screwing up from here and couldn't properly answer it. Was also kind of admonished (or perhaps advised but in a stern tone) by Chairman for not thinking before answering. Finally this conservation ended with him asking me the meaning of the word Baagi where again I screwed up. I just got stuck on 'traitor' which I knew wasn't right. Since I had taken some time for thinking about the meaning and had also watched the movie, I thought it wouldn't sound nice to say "I don't know, sir". So I went ahead, opened my mouth and became the most disappointing thing the Chairman would have seen that day.
Chairman (showing his disappointment with a jerk of his head

) told me that the correct word was rebel. Chairman said something like 'our interview has gone down the wrong way etc.' I think this took around 6-7 minutes.
M1: Why civil service?

Gave a decent answer (which I didn't link with social service etc.) and I remember receiving the approval of one-two members. I also linked it to my work-ex and mentioned a government project where I had worked. Then some follow-up questions related to my answer and my previous employer (he basically tried to convince me that what my previous employer did was also good and an IAS officer does nothing but coordination at which I said that coordination = project management and that it was very important.)
M1: What sector would you want to work in if you become a civil servant?

I thought for some time and said health. CM asked me why health and I told him about the poor indicators of health.
M1: Schemes in the health sector

I talked about ICDS, NRHM in detail and also about the proposed NUHM.
M1: Is NRHM doing good?

I told him about the positive impact NRHM has made and then talked about the problems that its implementation faces (quoting a recent Health Ministry report). This was a well prepared answer and the part where I mentioned the shortcomings was very well received.
M1 then reminded me about the NRHM in UP.

I said there were allegations of financial irregularities.

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I said there were allegations of financial irregularities.

M1: See, this will always happen. In remote places, someone will say that the building has been

made but it won't be there. There will always be irregularities (I don't remember the exact questions but this is the crux of what he asked) I just gave a one liner like if administration is good everything will be good (lame, isn't it? ; but somehow it seemed to have gone okay - at least I'd like to think so )
M1: What would you do to improve the implementation of the scheme?

I gave some general answer. He reminded of using technology and also asked if we could build a system to track the implementation. Again I gave a general answer.
M2: Asked me something about education. He spoke for around 3 minutes explaining his question

and CM also tried to give me the gist of what he wanted to ask. As I understood it, his question had two parts: (i) is education useful for poverty alleviation and (ii) does our education system restrict the progress of people. I didn't do well here. Gave a very general answer while I could have used specific examples and the worst thing with this was that I ended my answer abruptly. CM waited for 10-30 seconds and then pointed to the next member to ask his questions.
M3: Wasn't happy with me leaving chemical engineering.

My response to this can be basically reduced to: sir chemical engineering toh maine campus se nikalte hi choddh di thi Actually I said that choosing chemical engineering wasn't an informed choice. I got a rank and accordingly took what I was told was best for my rank. M3: What other options did you have? I said Comp Sci/Elec etc. in Roorkee. M3: (Kind of sad) Was civil not available? When I said it was he was like 'I don't know why you didn't take civil' This was not exactly a question. He was speaking generally and perhaps just thinking aloud. I didn't say anything in response.
M3: Again generally speaking he said would chemical engineering be of any use in civil service and

other similar questions. I said that my previous employer had hired me for certain skills and these would be useful in civil service as well. Chairman probably gave his approval (could as well be that he was bored with my answer because I am sure he had a very low opinion of me ) because I heard a sound from him.
M3: Gave me a situation: choose between honest-but-doesn't-work employee and dishonest-but-

gets-the-work-done employee. I went with the honest one. Said honest would at least not harm the organization while dishonest will get work done but what would I do if at the end of the year I discovered a scam in my organization. Some people have given me better answers to this situation (and I also think I could have explained my choice in a better way) but this is all I could think there. Chairman said that M4 had given you tricky question at which I again repeated my answer. CM then said "yes you also have a point" (in jest or in approval, I can't say )
M4 (lady member, nicest and kindest of all, had been supportive all along): Has

Uttarakhand (my home state) benefited from the statehood? IMO, I gave a good answer with facts and compared the economic situation of UP and Uttarakhand
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IMO, I gave a good answer with facts and compared the economic situation of UP and Uttarakhand for periods before and after the bifurcation of UP. Also made a point that before getting statehood Uttarakhand was the most backward part of the UP which seemed to please the Chairman. Then some general conversation followed about the industrial development (where, what kind etc.) and also about the administration in Uttarakhand. I told her that the smaller state had brought admin closer to people and now policies are relevant to local issues and made by a local entity instead of a distant, centralized one which might not take into account local factors, priorities etc. This also went well with the Chairman.
M4 (lady member): Has the migration stopped from the hills?

Answered that it hadn't stopped and said that this has been an area of underachievement for the state. Told her that industrial development was confined to three plain districts.
M4 (lady member): What about the sex ratio?

Told her that sex ratio is better than the national average but child sex ratio is lower and has also seen a decline of 20 points in the last 10 years. She seemed to have some confusion with the term 'child sex ratio' and asked me what it meant (I am not sure why). I started explaining it and another member pitched in and also explained it to her. I guess, I said something wrong there, otherwise she wouldn't have had this confusion.
M4 (lady member): So do you also face the problem of shortage of brides like in other states?

Told her that no such problem at present but this low child sex ratio will have this effect in future. (At this point I had the urge to tell her that I personally haven't faced any shortage (of brides) and nor do I expect in future, seriously! .) Then came some general questions about football which I answered decently. M4 asked me to tell about my experience in the sport. M1 asked me about Indian football and I said it had stagnated. At this everyone laughed. I explained my answer a little. M4 asked me that as an administrator what would I do for football. M2 said that I must be watching a lot of EPL. And this is where my interview ended. Another screw-up here. Didn't thank everyone individually just said Thank You to the Chairman and left the room. Quite a few of my answers, especially the ones to CM and M2 were not as crisp and fluent and as I would have wanted them to be. These are the few things I learned from the experience: 1)Working on your profile helps. 2)Discussions with friends/fellow aspirants are way better than mocks - if you generally do not converse in English (and it is your medium of interview) then this is a must for you. Also helps in shaping your views. 3)Whatever happens in your interview, never forget the basic things such as greeting the members when you enter and exit the room. It may have very little impact on your marks but it is better to be on the safer side. 4) Think before you speak. Members are always patient (at least they were in my board) and it doesn't matter if you speak slowly or with pauses. What matters is the relevance and structure of your answer.
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Interview 19
11 April 2012 09:19 PM

My Interview with Rajni Rajdan Board

Date: 11th April 2012,Afternoon Board: Rani Razdan Optional: Hindi, Philosophy Medium: Hindi Education: BTech Aerospace Engg IIT Kharagpur, MBA IIM Bangalore Job: Running my own startup in Solar I was 5th to get interviewed. Rajni Razdan: C; Members: m1., m2, m3, m4; One translator C: This is an old photo, this will not work Me: Mam this is just 3 days old. C: Still you should have clicked it with specs; your admission will remain provisional until you submit new photo. Me: Mam Ill submit is after the interview C: OK tell me about the distillates of petroleum Me: Diesel, Petrol, ATF, Kerosene, Koltar, jelly, also used in perfumes, deos etc. C: Also, Ethane, Propane, Butane Me: Yes mam these gases also C: No they are not gases (Hmmmmm...what in mind) C: What are the non metallic minerals of India Me: Answered few, madam listed more (Not a gud answer) M1: 1) What you studied in Aerospace 2) Diff between boeing and airbus technologically. Which one is better? 3) Do you think Airbus A380 is bigger than 347. 4) Some research for the reduction of sound in aircraft. (I was answering in Hindi, but all members said that this is the disrespect of your institute, so answer in english otherwise you may loose some marks, I said OK) 2-3 more questions on aerospace..i am not able to remember After that my whole interview was in Enlgish M2: 1) Road at which UPSC is situated? 2) Tell me some other roads nearby? 3) Name of the building of UPSC? 4) Why it is called Dholpur House? Why Dholpur is famous? (Was not able to answer....he answered) 5) Why this place is called new delhi...even though it has many old buildings like qutubminar? 6) Why Mumbai was not made capital in 1911?
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6) Why Mumbai was not made capital in 1911? (Answered....but he was not satisfied...) M3: 1) IIT, den IIM....why dont you join pvt company? 2) 3-4 min long question..relating to my hobbies...question was not framed properly 3) Why IAS?...for prestige...or for social service (I answered both)
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M4: 1) Difference between administrator and manager? 2) What is the weber's theory of Bureaucracy (Dont Know) 3) DM is more a administrator or Manager? 4) What was Indias industrial policy when Tata stated their business? (Dont Know) Few more questions.... I am not able to remember!!! 25-30 minutes interview!!!Not able to answer couple of questions.....!!!!M1andM2 grilled.....
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Interview 20
12 April 2012 08:57 PM

C: older name of patna. why called patna C: which biryani is famous in india. C: why food is not cooked properly at heights. C:What do you understand from stories of vikram-betaal. M1: PDS system and its problems M1: which nobel laureate from india has worked in field of poverty. M1:any report about his work. M2: tell about mallaca strait. M2: Oil is the next greece .comment. M2: tropical and temperate cylones? M2: eye of a tropical cylone. M3: tell about henry fayol M3: small is beautiful. comment M3: what is scalar process. M3: why IAS? M4: what is algorithm. M4:what is GIS. M4: how gis can be used in urban n rural areas. M4: when abdul kalam says "ignite your minds".. what do u understand. C: thankyou... u can go
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Interview 21
13 April 2012 12:17 AM
I had my civil service interview on 28th march forenoon session. I got up 6 in the morning, dressed myself neatly in white shirt, dark blue trousers and blue tie. I arrived at upsc at 8 am. Then we were escorted inside the premises, where we had our paper formalities. Finally i came across my fellow competitors. Unfortunately all of them were highly qualified. Out of six , 3 were iitians, 1 was from AIIMS, one was a lawyer and one was an IPS officer. Finally at 11 am our first candidate went. We came to know that we would be interviewed by shashi tripathi's board. I was both happy and sad to hear this. Happy coz shes cordial and sad bcoz she being an ifs would definitely grill me in foreign relations which is my weak link.So we started revising our international relations. I was the fourth to be interviewed. I was very nervous before interview and went to toilet about 6-7 times in half an hour. Finally when i was called in i went inside and wished everyone. Shashi mam was very cordial with a smiling face. She made me sit down comfortably. Shashi mam: So u r nakul agrawal me (with a smiling face)-yes mam mam: and you did your Mtech in 2009. me: yes mam, infact it was a dual degree course with both btech and mtech in 2009 she smiled. I smiled back mam: So whre did you work I explained about my organization. She pointed to other member M1- So nakul u wrote that u led a marathon event. Which all countries are leading in marathon? Now frankly i did study my mains form but i never anticipated that question would go that way. me: sorry sir, i have no idea. he smiled M1: so u wrote cricket. u play or watch cricket me: i do both M1: you play more or watch more me: earlier it was more play but now i watch more M1: so acc to you after so many match fixing scandals what is the reason for sudden turnaround of pakistan team in this world cup? me:( i was completely taken aback)- Sir, its more bcoz of leadership The captain afridi is currently leading from the front, with spectaclular performance. This has lifted morale of team and motivated them. more coaching and presence of umar gul has also lifted the spirits of the team. M1: people say in india cricket has completely overshadowed other games? wats your view? me: Sir to an extent i agree with your point but thats not completely true. Other games are also having prominance. For example vishwanathan anand is currently indias number one chess player. Saina nehwal recently won singapore open.So other games are also growing in india M1: why you think china has witnessed spectacular turnaround in sports? me: sir, recently china has seen a very high reduction in drug abuse cases, than india. M1: but why so much turnround as compared to india? me: Sir in india we are lacking infrastructure of sports at school and college level.China has better sports infrastructure than india. M1 didnt seem satisfied

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M1 didnt seem satisfied M1: India is known as country of diseases? whats your view? me: Sir india ranks second in HIV. We have high frequency of tuberculosis and polio. M1: Do you know which country tops in diabetes? me: Sir i am not sure but most probably its India. M1: Its China. Me: sorry sir, i wasnt sure. Although i still couldnt accept tht india is not number 1 but still i preferred not to argue. the baton shifted to member 2 M2:So u work in NCB. Do you know national buildings code? me: No sir but i know that this code is mandatory to be followed while constructing buildings.But i dont know specific provisions. M2: Do you have any idea about cartelization of cement? Me; Yes sir M2: whats uur opinion me: Sir i personally belive that although cartelization is there yet its more of a demand and supply. For example a 50kg bag costing 220 rs is being sold at 180 during recession despite cartelization M1: is cartelization an offence under law? if so which act? me: yes sir it is offence under law but i dont know which act he said competition act. M2: if you become administrator,, what would you do? me: I will introduce more players to bring more competition. CCI has been established to ensure that no cartelization takes place and it should ensure that fair competition is induced M2 smiled at my answer. He said that with coming up of foreign company lafarge, cartelization has reduced. I nodded and smiled back M2- tell me about india's nuclear programme?? Me- India believes in credible minimam deterrance and unilateral moratorium on profileration.We follow principles of no first use policy and non use against non weapon states. M2-So what acc to you was the turning point in india's nuclear policy? me-1974 coz after this we were denied nuclear commerce M2-what changes it brought? me- It changed our nuclear policy to a 3 stage process where in first stage u use natural uranium, second stage is of FBR and in third stage utilize our thorium reserves Then he went deeper into the policy M2- lets start with beginning.What was india's earlier plicy? me-disarmament sir M2- Then why did we change ? me- m not sure but most possible reason could be war with china nad pak in 1962 and 1965 M2- So 1974 was the major turnaround? me-yes sir after this event we were isolated from nuclear commerce.Earlier france was helping india in nuclear energy but after 1974 it refused to cooperate M2- was it only big event? Here i realised tht m missing something which he is hinting me- Sir one more major event was NPT. NPT had 1 jan 1967 as cut off date and didnt allow its signatories to test nuclear bomb

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to test nuclear bomb M2- So u support indias nuclear policy? me-yes sir i do believe in unilateral moratorium. Inf act india recently presented a global roadmap in UN where it asked nations to follow no first use, non use against non weapon states and ultimately final destruction of weapons. I think its a right step in right direction M2 seemed satisfied. Shashi maam was smiling as usual. Then he suddenly asked out of a bloom. M2:Which is your fav hindi poet or writer? Now i was completely taken aback coz it was nowhere related to my biodata or mains form and it had come out of nowhere.I knew i would be grilled deeper so became really confused whose name to say. Many hindi nonsense names came to my mind but i still kept on thinking to find an easy one.Finally i spoke me: Sir munshi premchand M2: which book u like most me: Sir, nirmala M2: what did you read in this book me:This book depicts story of prejudices against women .It talks about story of women who had to marry an old man just bcoz she couldnt afford dowry.Then i further illustrated the problems tht she had to suffer. M2: So u must have heard about dowry code? which provision talks about it ? me: Sir, i dont specifically know about the provisions but dowry act states that within 7 years of marriage dowry complaint is a criminal offence which is non bailable.Further here accused is considered guilty until proved otherwise thus violating the cardinal principle M2: So premchand is the best writer of hindi I smiled and nodded Baton shifted to M3 M3: Mr nakul how would you define BPL? me: Sir acc to contitution...... he interupted "coonstitution" me: sorry sir acc to planning commision , BPL is defined as affordability to buy 2400 cal for rrural areas and 2100 for urban M3: but these are vague.How would you actually measure BPL? Now here i started feeling trapped and uncomfortable. I couldnt think of anything. So i said " i will use tendulkar committees report: Now he caught me deeper. M3: ohk to what criteria does his report uses? me: Sir it measures on basis of expenditure on essential items. M3 interrupting: essential items is a vague term. In delhi car is an essential item .So how actually would you measure this , if you become DM? Now frankly i was gone completely blank.I found myself trapped and couldnt find any reply. I said i will measure his affordability to buy 2400............. he interrupted " if you dont know i will ask something else" Me feeling dejected - Sorry sir i dont know how do they measure but if i am administrator i will try to measure their affordability of basic goods. He felt little disheartened with my answer. A smooth interview suddenly went bizarre. Oh why couldnt i think of WB estimates, income criteria, ADB criteria. Why under pressure you forget such simple things.

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think of WB estimates, income criteria, ADB criteria. Why under pressure you forget such simple things. Neways i again started getting nervous M3: So you know about security bill.what is it? now i was still carrying the hangover of last grilling. But i was relieved that topic changed. So i regain myself. All my hand movts were gone and i was cracking in my voice. me: Sir it provides 35 kg of rice and wheat at 3rs and 2 rs respectivelty M3: what r its implementation issues? me: Sir it would increase further burden on govt ranging about 60000 crores ruppees.Secondly the issue is identification of beneficiaries.There is different figures of planning commision and state. while planning comission states BPL at 28 %, the absolute BPL card are 60 million........errrrrrrrrrr.............sorry sir i am not sure of figure but almost double the planning commisions estimate M3: So how would you identify? me: sir UID is a good measure. By UID its easier to identify the beneficiaries.Furthermore govt has launched land modernization programme which will further help in identification M3: land records r there with govt.This prog only systematizes it me- with a smile-ok sir I was in no mood to argue. That guy had really placed me in stress and i didnt want to argue and suddenly let everythng turn against me.SO i smiled dumbly and preffered keeping quiet. M3: why schemes are failing at grassroot level? Now this was a welcome lollypop after so many bouncers. My confidence regained and i pounced back into the interview me: Sir there r 2 main reasons.First is lack of grievance redressal mechanism for the people. In this regard RTI has emerged as a powerful grievance redressal tool and this has led to reduction in corruption and many frauds coming to limelight. Second is the social audit mechanism , which is a powerful tool has still not been implemented in most of the states. M3:So which are the probable reasons for inefficiency, a) govt not sincere b) govt not having enough money c) some blah blah d) corruption and lack of implementation of schemes this ques was very long and he tool abt 30 secs to answer it.Personally speaking i felt very bored in listening the ques and had a gr8 urge in interrupting and bursting my gud ideas. But i realised the trap and kept on listening. Maybe hes testing my patience. So after he finished his ques i spoke after ages me- Sir as per my opinion the option d appears to be the most plausible reason. He seemed completely satisfied and me too Now the focus shifted to chairman who was smiling all along And then came the bouncer of the century maam: So nakul u talked about dowry. Its a popular phrase that 'charity begins at home' would you apply this phrase in women's emancipation? Now I was completely taken aback. I turned pale.Nothing struck my mind.What nonsense ques was that yaar. All i could say was me( with a dumb face)-pardon maam

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I thought she will clarify more but unfortunately she was smart enough she just repeated her ques without clarifying anything. me ( again dumb struck)- by emancipation you mean enpowernment? this was to show that i wasant dumb and actually couldnt understand the english word. I had understood but i needed time as i was not able to think of anything. She nodded and said yes and then i started farting- Maam charity begins at home ............errrrrrrrrr....... talks about predujices faced by girls and discrimination of girls at homes. Moreover many times they are not sent to schools.So parents should send their girls to school so that they can have meaningful skill devt which will provide them good job and ultimately enpowernment.. It will also aware them about their rights and laws and prevent crimes against them. I again went blank.I realised i was farting so suddenly stopped and started thinking of other points. Maam smiled, probably she could read my dumb face. and then i farted again. me- SHG'S also She smiled and said 'SHG's' I smiled coz i realised it was stupid point. I said me-maam education is one of gud charities.Women would come to know about various laws like domestic violence, dowry codes etc. Chairman was smiling all way.I guess she caught my dumbness. Finally she said " ya and many families give less food to their girl child, so they should feed their girl child" I smiled but at heart i was abusing myself.What dumbo i am.How could i say SHG....and that chairman.............. she said you can go I wished all of them and made my way out. My first impressionis that my interview is average with messing up of BPL concept, sports and finally chairmans question also. I was angry with myself.HOpefully i get good marks.

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Interview 22
14 April 2012 12:53 AM

Board: KK paul time: 4.25 to 5pm last candidate KK Paul sir 1.Your name? 2.Your number? 3.Roll no.? 4.So, where are you from? 5.What is the etymology of your place.? 6.Is it right to name the place after mythologic figures? 7.What is the meaning of name of your college? 8.What do think about Allahabad court verdict recently on press? 9.Was Mr Katju right to oppose it? 10. Do you know Taliban. What is the meaning of its name.Who started it? 11. How did it come to power? 12.Who were the warlords of Afghanistan? Member 1: 1. RTE and recent SC judgement? 2. Do you support judicial activism.? 3. I am asking your opinion. Stick to it. 4. So only social interventions.? Member 2: 1. Who are Jarawas.? 2. How are tribes different from us genetically? 3. and culturally.? 4. and socially? 5. KK paul sir, intervenes Do you know Sentinelese? 6. Should we integrate them.? 7.What will u do>? 8.So you are from Karnataka. Have you heard of Udupi? 9. What is it famous for.? 10. Thats all right. but what abt philosophy? 11.right, who gave dvaita philosophy?

member 3: 1.Do you know any Jesuit missionary who worked for Tribals.? 2.Can you name another one.? 3.and? 4.and? 5.But i have someone else in mind. Ok, what is sustainable development? 6.Are tiger census accurate>? 7.Is radiocollaring of tigers used any where.? 8. Can u use your electronics background in conservation of Tigers.? 9.Is tiger conservation really important. So many ppl are dying of hunger.Money can be diverted to hunger schemes.? member 4: 1.I have heard Bangalore is very expensive.? 2. So is it only because of IT?
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2. So is it only because of IT? 3. Are you saying IT is bad for bangalore? who are being affected? 4.What will u do to ease it? 5. You are a bangalore corporator. and i am an IPL organiser. i want u to convince me to give you atleast 500 free tickets for a match. 6. Are you comfortable with elctronics and communication questions/ 7.ok why is VHF used in communication? 8.Is HF better than VHF? 9.Are you sure>? ok thank u..

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Interview 23
14 April 2012 04:05 PM

My Interview with UPSC

My interview is with K K Paul. Im second to interviewed in morning session. 1st gal came out within 10 min. My Interview went for 35 min. S-Me. C-Chairman. M-Member.

S : May I come in sir. C : Come in and Sit down S : Good morning madam and gud morning sirs C : Yes gud morning sit down S : Thank you sir. C : (On seeing DAF) After civil Engg you are preparing. Have you worked somewhere? S : No sir. Ive not worked anywhere. But Im involved in agriculture with my family when Im free. C : You said Agriculture right?? S : Yes sir agriculture. C : (On seeing resume reading my hobbies louder karate and Hollywood movies) you watch Hollywood movies? What type of movies u watch? S : War movies sir. C : Which is you fav war movie? S : Schindlers List sir. C : What you like in this movie? S : The character Oskar schindler. C : This is not a war movie! There is no war shown in this movie. S : War is the reason for this movies story so we can consider it as a war movie sir. C : Tell me about character of oskar schindler. S : He is a corrupt business man sir. (C Interrupting) C : Oh you like a corrupt man?? S : No sir I dont like corruption. But his concern for people and his urge to save as many lives as possible is a part that I like most sir. C : How many Oscars this movie got? Which year released? S : Answered right. C : Can you relate this movie to the present day world. S : (Thinking for a while) No sir. C : You are a civil engineer. Im giving you a clue. S : (Still I cant find) Sorry sir I dont know sir. C : The lifts used in present day buildings are manufactured in scindlers company. S : Im not aware of that sir. Thank you for this information sir. C : As a civil engineer what u think about ILR project. Is it viable? S : Explained about environmental impacts, co-ordination difficulty among states and neighboring countries, suggested DPR should be done and proper cost benefit analysis should be done. C : Give your opinion possible are not? S : On seeing both cost and benefits it is not possible for entire project but some links can be made. C : On what basis SC can give directives to govt like this. S : Water can be considered as a basic amenity for life. So to protect FR SC can give directive. C : Is there any law for that? S : Sorry sir I dont know that sir.

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S : Sorry sir I dont know that sir. C : You told u r involved in Agriculture. There has been a continuous increase in food grain production in past 3-4 years. What is the reason? S : Good rainfall. Govt increasing MSP every year encouraging farmers. Infrastructural inputs have reached to the grassroots. C : What is the problem due to over irrigation? S : Salinity in soil sir. C : We are using potable water for irrigation from where does the salt comes? S : Salt present in the soil itself gets accumulated in the surface sir. C : How salt accumulates? C : Through capillarity action (Stopped and signaled for M1) M1 : You have studied Engg. We are producing lot of engineers every year. But Corporate complaining about engineers are not upto mark. What do you think is the reason? S : In our higher education system there is more focus on theoretical knowledge and less focus on practical and application oriented education. That is the major reason for skill deficit sir. M1 : How to overcome this? S : Skill training more practical oriented education system should be framed. M2 : You are from Tamil nadu. Previously there was a demand for dravidistan demand but now not there. Why? S : The Dravidian movement was a social reformation movement in TN. There was a full fledged support in initial years among people but it gets diluted due to politicization. People took good features of movement and neglected anti nationalist features. M2 : (Not satisfied with my answer) What made young people like you not to demand for separate TN? S : There was anti hindi movement in TN. People developed hatred towards hindi as it is made compulsory. That lead to separate nation demand. But now young people are going out and working throughout the country. There is no hatred feeling for any language. Everybody is learning all languages. So there is no separatist movement now. M2 : Initially there was great leaders like Rajagopalachari from TN who played a great role in national politics. But now there is no leaders like that. Why? S : There were great leaders after him also like Kamaraj. But due to the Dravidian movement charismatic leaders emerged but they confined to state only. Not able to play a greater role in national politics. M2 : You told food production is increasing every year. But there is very high food inflation prevalent throughout the country why? S : It is due to excess supply of money in the society. Govt is injecting a lot of money into the society through welfare programs that is used for basic consumption leading to inflation. M2 : You are right. Then are u suggesting welfare programs like NREGS to be scrapped to bring down inflation? S : No sir. This program is very good and it earns livelihood for many people. There should be proper fiscal and monetary policy to contain inflation. M2 : You watch Hollywood movies. Why not tamil movies? S : Sir I do watch tamil movies also. M3 : He asked me about my project which I published in international journal. S : I explained but he is not satisfied as it is very technical. M3 : What is sustainable technology? S : Gave definition. M3 : As a civil engineer how can u protect the environment? S : Explained about green building concept. M3 : there is one organization known as PPSC in TN do you know what it is? S : Sorry sir I dont know sir M4 : (Lady Member) your optional pub add. Which is the administrative reform you want to implement throughout the country?

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implement throughout the country? S : Morality of the bureaucracy should be increased. Bureaucracy should be made sensitive to the needs of the people. Grievance redressal mechanism should be strengthened. M4 : What do you know about ARC? Do they talk about this. S : there were 2 ARC. Second ARC talk about ethics in governance. M4 : In which report and what are the details. S : Sorry Mam I dont know the details. ( I was addressing her as MAM but it is considered to be informal L) C : You are a civil engineer. How the life of a gravity dam is reduced due to silting? S : Due to what sir I cant hear properly. C : Silting. Ok there is a paper and pencil in front of you take it and draw a gravity dam. S : ( I was trying) C : Give me that paper. (He got it from me and drawn it showing silting water and structure) Now explain me why this structure will fail. S : I explained but initially he is not satisfied but later I got into the answer which he expected. He helped me sometimes. 5 min on this. C : You studied polity. Tell me what is parliament. S : President, Lok sabha and rajya sabha. C : When is president election due? S : 2014 sir (Thinking parliament election) C : No its in 2012. S : Sorry sir I made a mistake it is in 2012. C : How president is elected? S : Through electoral college and told who all constitute tat. C : Tell me the formula for calculating the vote. S : Told tat also. C : You missed something. Is this election direct? S : No sir this is indirect election through a single transferable vote. S : While Im explaining that and coming close to finishing C stopped. C : Ok Thank you. Your Interview is over. You can go. S : Thank you sirs. Thank you madam. (and I left)
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Interview 24
15 April 2012 02:27 PM

My Interview - 23.03.2012
K.K. Paul Board (2nd to go in) The Board was very cordial, and contrary to what I have read or heard about KK Paul, I found him to be a nice guy. No grilling, but yes, no smiling either :). As you would see below, I found that quite a lot of it, stemmed from my bio-data and very few were absolutely un-related to me personally in some way. My Background Electrical Engineer (2008) Hobbies: Watching movies (fiction), Reading books (fiction) Extra-Curricular: Chief Coordinator of the Literary Society.. K.K. Paul 1. You are an electrical engineer. What is Plant Load Factor and what is efficiency of a power plant. 2. If efficiency is ultimately the only thing that matters, what is the use of Plant Load Factor. 3. You are from Our Lady of Fatima Secondary School, what is this Our lady of Fatima... 4. You have the hobby of watching movies, fiction? What is this fiction. Aren't all movies fiction. 5. What kinds of books do you read. (Science fiction). 6. Favorite author. 7. There was a movie in 1966-67, a very famous one, a book had also been written on it. What was it? (2001: A Space Odyssey - though I didnt know it and Paul Sir told the name). 8. Who was the author of the book. (After I said that yes, I know about the book and the movie and that infact, the book had been written after the movie). 9. Where did the author live. (Since, despite being an British, he lived in Sri Lanka). 10. You graduated in 2008, are you working somewhere. (Since working as Income Tax Inspector) M1 1. Why is your tie red? 2. No no, I mean, why is it looking red? (Since, I had misunderstood and said that I felt it would suit my shirt). 3. Why do we use red color as a warning sign? 4. What do you think is the difference between Indians in India and Indians in America. 5. What is the difference between Red Indians and Indians. 6. Who settled America. (which people that is)... M2 1. What is free press. 2. In light of the clarification in the papers today regarding CAG and the coalfields issue, how do you see the freedom of press. 3. Shouldn't we do something about the sensationalising of news... 4. But the Press Council isn't doing anything. (Since I had mentioned it). 5. Give me an example of his activism (Since I had talked about the acitivism of Markandey Katju). 6. We find that kids in smaller classes, have these events like story telling, drawing etc etc. Does it serve any purpose. 7. What did you do as the CC of your literary society. M3 1. We have so much atmospheric pollution nowadays from thermal power plants, what are we doing to curb it. 2. Where is this Coal Gassification being done. (Since I had mentioned the technology) 3. Are we doing anything on the Waste treatment front. 4. What about Solar. (Since I mentioned Renewable but didnt expand). M4 1. You mentioned solar energy. What mission do we have for it. 2. What incentives is the govt. giving for them. 3. Do you know about Renewable Energy Certificates (Since I had said that I am unable to recall the specific provisions). 4. It is said, " The Sun is still clouded when it comes to the solar industry" - What does this mean. 5. You said, you like Sci-fi books. Name some indian authors on Sci-fi.

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5. You said, you like Sci-fi books. Name some indian authors on Sci-fi. 6. I am not talking about movies. (Since I had mentioned Satyajit Ray. Thank God, M2 said that he did write sci-fi books as well, or M4 might not have believed me :P) KK Paul 1. Ok, one last question. Who was the director of 2001: A Space Odyssey. 2. Any other film he made (after I named the director) 3. What happened to that movie (A Clocwork Orange) Thank You :) Pasted from < &nid=23492063-5721730259011184315-5722551388014256684>

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Interview 25
15 April 2012 02:28 PM

Previous interviews 2009 sashi uban tripathi 176 she reviewed dr sahib show some confidence cse 5312010 img khan, 167 he reviewed on my face brutally honest, but rudeWas third attempt and got 193,50 in zoology and missed cutoff by 4 marks 2011, 19 march pk mishra this time i tried to be a soft and simple person which is very hard but here it goes,
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me: May I come in, sir. cp: Yes, please come in. me: Good afternoon maam, good morning sirs. all: Good afternoon cp: dr jindal Please take a seat. me: Thank you sir (adjusted the chair a bit)
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cp: So, you are from ip and tafsme- yes sir got selected in 2009cp-tell me about your training and where are you postedme-I explainedCp- started with a complicated q about financial mattersMe- I replied I took 4 month leave so went only for departmental training but no finances and accounts yetCp-pslv vs gslvMe-I explained basic diff
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Cp-what is geostationaryMe -explainedCp- functional differencesMe-I explained gslv for communication and pslv for remote sensingCp whyMe- I dont knowCp- how many gslv and pslv orbits are thereMeNo answerCp- how many satellites are required in gslv at one timeMe- I dont know but explained 33 for gps and 7 for india specific gpsCp- difference bw food safety and food securityMe- after initial trouble explained the definitionCp- any bill related to food safetyMe- 2008 food safety billCp- historicalMe-1956 food adulteration billCp- if I will be pm what will I do for food security universal or targetedMe- universal as target will cause exclusionCp where will I get moneyMe- explained difference will be 70000-50000 crore and we can raise it easily. Told them we just lost 11000 in hutch case could have avoided thatCpwhat is surety that direct cash transfer money will be used for food by common manMe- sir that is not our motive we must just proved the helping hand
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M1-what is corporate social responsibility with two exampleMe- explained definition, example of tata financing education health to everest climb of married womenExample two of universal service obligation fund of telecom companies( was trying to direct my interview)M1- what is uso, ant uso towers I visitedMe- explained and told I have manyM1- uso schemesMe- explained sanchar shakti launched in

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visitedMe- explained and told I have manyM1- uso schemesMe- explained sanchar shakti launched in 2010 for women empowerment with detailsM1- its effectMe- no studies yetM1- any otherMe- I am planning a pilot scheme myself where phones and sms will be used to tackle family planning, sex ratio, immunization and imr,mmr via a chain of sms from districh hq-doctor-asha-people and reverse orderM1- sex raio in Haryana, why low and what is present statusMe- under 6 and above 6, improving now,M1- how do you perceive change at grass root levelMe- data, awareness, now its not that ramapant, u cant get a sex determination test done so easily
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M2- recently finance mini talked in budget about a case what was itMe- about hutch Vodafone case, he said he would have done better with those 11000 crore rupees, was talking abt retrospective legislationM2- is it feasibleMe- yes sir in financial mattersM2- explain other mattersMe- article 20 doesnt allow in criminal cases, there was confusion about article no 20 or 22, even he wasnt sureM2impeachment of judgeMe- explained, there was a confusion about inquiry committee stage but everyone laughedM2-fav area in foreign affairsMe- middle eastM2- arab union resolution on SyriaMe- I dont

recall sir
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M3- there was a drill on disaster management in delhi recently all over local news what was itMe- I just came to delhi last night from my postingM3- stillMe- I dont knowM3- earthquake, whats delhi zoneMeafter lots of guess wrongM3- what is retrofittingMe- mam can I make a guessM3- yesMe- I was right its treating already made buildings for earthquake resistanceM3- internet sufing hobby seeing it first time
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M3- dr jindal why should we select youMe- mam first I have worked quite hard in past four years and I think I am a deserving candidate And I am here so I fulfill the basic knowledge criterion, apart from that I am a compassionate human being, as a doctor I have handeled people in their fragile situations and dealth with their grievances. I am a hard working professional and I have worked 72 hrs continuously in hospital. I have some dreams about my utility for this nation and I am progressing towards tyhem when I was a doctor, now when I am a telecom officer and in future when I will be something else. I can also gurantee you that I am a honest person M3- how can you treat patients without being emotionalMe- attachment gives only pain, compassion is neededM3-but you said you were emotionalMe- mam I said I am compassionate
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M4- diff bw passion and compassionMe- explainedM4- am I creative passionate personMe certainly passionate but creative side yet to exploreM4- Archimedes principleMe- explained well
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Cp- moto of iasMe- is there oneCp- yesMe- I dont know sirCp- explained itMe- thanks sir May be few more question which I cant recal
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ok interview year confused 2010 sachi uban, 2011 img khan and now 2012 pkm
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Interview 26
17 April 2012 07:30 PM

Tushar Ghorpade. Education:BHMS(HOMOEOPATHY) from Pune, Parents:Farmers , RTI & Consumers protection campaigning, Member of admissions committee in college,Worked in a project on child malnutrition under ICDS, Event Organistion. Hobby:Singing & listening to film music, Optionals: Zoology & Litt. Of Marathi Language, Medium of Interview:MARATHI(But interview went on in English.) Date-16th april Morning session. 3rd to be interviewed. BOARD: Alka Sirohi (it was 11.45 am. I wished all.Board was expressionless throughout the interview.) Ch: u hav done consumers protection campaigning. Its a great thing. So tell me what is special jurisdiction of consumer forums? Me: Madam pardon. Ch: what is special jurisdiction of consumer forums? Me: I am sorry madam, but I m not aware of it. Ch: What is the consumer grievance redressal structure? Me: I explained three tier structure. Ch: what kind of cases they hear? Me: Madam, for district forum the cases involving goods & services worth upto 20 lacs or compensation claimed upto 20lacs, for state commission betn 20 lacs to 1 crore & for national commission above 1 crore rupees. Ch: what about appellate jurisdiction? Me: madam, it lies with state & national commission. Ch: when u will go to consumer forum? Me: Madam, Whenever there will be violation of any of my six consumer rights. Ch: what are these six consumer rights? Me: Madam, right to be assured of variety & competitiveness in the market, right to safety, right to be informed, right to be heard, right to grievance redressal, right to consumer education. Ch: suppose u visit some restaurant & no one attends u. Is there violation of your consumer right. (This question was actually a trap.I answered after thinking for few seconds.) Me: Yes madam.There is violation of my consumer right. Because it amounts to deficiency in service & I should complain about it to the restaurant owner. ( she passed questions to M1.) M1: Recently there were passenger fare hikes of railways. Is it justified? (I could not hear the question clearly.) Me:Sir, do u mean to say railways? M1: yes,railways. Me: Sir, from last about 10 years there were no passenger fare hikes. In fact, railway makes losses in passenger business which is compensated by fright business. Fare hike will increase revenues for railways which can be used for infrastructure development & upgradation, Railway safety etc. M1: So, is it justified? Me: Yes sir, it is justified. M1: Then why it was rolled back? Me: Sir, it was because of some compulsions of coalition politics. There was much pressure on govt. by honourable chief minister of w.bengal. M1:Who is the founder of Homoeopathy? Me: Sir,Dr.Hahnemann. M1:What is his contribution? Me: I explained his contribution to homoeopathy. M1:What r the reasons for Homoeopathy not being very popular & people not accepting it? Me: I m sorry sir, but I beg to differ. Hom. Is spreading very rapidly in india. but it has not spread to desired levels because of various things like misconceptions about the pathy in common people. Hom. is very effective in acute diseases also. But peoples think that it is useful only in chronic & terminal diseases. Secondly, there is inadequate state patronage for the pathy.
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for the pathy. M1:Does homoeopathy allow surgeries? Me: Sir, hom. does not recommend surgeries. It considers the surgical conditions as mere end result & manifestation of the disease. But we hav been taught Surgery subject during our graduation so that if any surgical case like head injury comes to us, we should be able to refer the case to surgeon. M1:Have u opted Zoology for civil services? (I again could not hear clearly .I looked at chairperson & started answer.) Me:Sir, I hav not studied zoo during my graduation. Ch: No no, he is asking whether u hav opted Zoology for civil services? Me: Yes sir. Ch: Zoology is a very rare subject. Then why u have opted it? Me: Sir, out of interest & I think I hav good aptitude for scientific subjects. I hav already studied much of zoo syllabus like genetics, biochem etc. during my graduation. M2: tell me one great Marathi poet or writer who according to u has greatly contributed to literature. Me: Sir, Vinda Karandikar. M2: What is special about his contribution? Me: Sir, he was communist & socialist by ideology. He was the 1st poet who worshipped the machines, welcomed the machines. He said, machines saves human efforts & human energy. This saved energy can be used constructively for establishing new fair social order, for enriching culture & litterature. His social poems has the legacy of Kavi Keshavsut. M2: But, machines creates unemployment. So how u will tackle this problem. Me: Sir, machines gives rise to idustrialisation & economic growth. So, people initially losing jobs, will again get the jobs. M3: Have u heard about dolly. Me: Yes sir, it was clone. M3:What is clone? Me: Sir, it is exact replica. The genetic constitution of clones is same. M1: Are identical twins clones? Me: (I was confused.)Sir, there r two types of twins. Some are genetically similar to each other. Others are genetically dissimilar. M1: Are identical twins clones? Me: Yes sir. They are clones. (The question of cloning remained unclarified.) M3: Tell me few zoonotic diseases. Me: (Got Confused). Sir , in humans? Ch: Yes. Dont u know zoonotic disease. Me: Yes madam. those spresding from animals to humans. Madam, ANTHRAX, Bird Flu. M3:Is river linking project feasible? Me: Sir,theorotically it seems a very good idea,but practically it is not because of various problems. First is funds. Ch: Suppose there are adequate funds. Me: Yes madam. The proposed canals will lead to fragmentation of habitats & threaten the wildlife. One such canal is proposed in present plan through buxa tiger reserve. Ch: But we can relocate such canals at some other place. Me: Yes madam. But I m just telling one of the implications. Environmental implications are just one of the problems. There will be also problems related to land acquisition, displacement,resettlement,rehabitation. M4: Comment on judicial Review & problems arising out of that. Me: Sir, judicial review is the basic feature of constitution as per the interpretation by supreme court of India. But this basic structure doctrine of SC has led to conflict betn judiciary & executive which is termed as judicial activism. Explained few examples. M4: Then what is the solution? Me: Sir, there is some vaccum in the executive. So that judiciary is getting the chance to interfere. I think executive should do its job well. M4: Implications of coalition politics & rise of regional parties. Me: Sir,there certain positives & negatives of coalition politics. In positives, the regional
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Me: Sir,there certain positives & negatives of coalition politics. In positives, the regional aspirations are well addressed,regional problems are well addressed. The parliament & govt. becomes more representative. In negatives, it slows down decision making in the govt. as it is happening today. E.g. decision of railway fare hike issue. M4: Maharashtra is a developed state. Still there is problem of naxalism. Where is this problem? Me: Sir, the problem is mainly in the Vidharbha region which is border area, remote, mainly tribal & forested area. M4:Why is the problem? Me:Sir,though maharashtra is a developed & industrialised state, vidarbha region is not developed region. It remains backward. There are large scale inequalities & undedevelopement. I think maoists are taking advantage of these conditions. M4:Suppose u r collector in Maharashtra. There r incidents of attacks on north Indians. How will u handle the situation? Me: Sir, I will strictly enforce law & order in my district. I will strictly follow constitution which guarantees right to freedom of movement throughout the country. M4:It is theoretical. But wiil you be able to do that practically. Me:Yes Sir, I will be able to do that. M5: Our constitution is a 60 yrs old document.(Started telling many problems of country.) Should we review this document? Me: Sir, our constitution is based on very noble ideas & principles which were in the minds of our founding fathers. Our constitution is not rigid. It is flexible. We can have changes in it through amendments. So I dont think,there is any need to review the document. M5:We hav amended it several times. Still there are problems like centre-state relations, problems relted to federal structure etc. Dont u think it is time to change the document. Me:Sir,I dont think there is any need to review or change the document. We can change it within the given framework of constitution itself. Even if we go for any such achange in the document, it will be struck down by supreme court of india as violation of basic structure of constitution. Ch: u said clone is exact replica.(She now wanted clarity on the subject.) Me: Sorry madam.Not exact replica, but genetic replica. The genetic makeup,genetic constitution of the clone is same as that of parent. Ch: It requires single or both parents? Me: Madam, Single parent. Ch: What is the difference between cloning & tissue culture? Me:(I was not knowing too much abt cloning.So I took safe path.)I m sorry madam. I dont know the exact difference. But may try? Ch: Yes,go on. Me: Madam, tissue culture is growing of tissues artificially under laboratory conditions. Cloning is(I was not remembering it. Became nervous. Mam noticed it.) Ch: Dont become nervous.tell me. Me: Madam, may I hav some water. Ch:Yes. (While drinking water I remeberd the process of cloning. Got relaxed.) Me: Madam, should I explain the process. Ch:yes,go on. Me: I explained the process of somtic cloning. Ch: No, the fertilized ovum is used in the process.(Looked at other member. He also supported her. But both of them were wrong) Me: I m sorry madam.(though I was right.) Ch: Its all right. Tell me which three things are important for any successful event. Me: madam, Planning, Co-ordination among various stakeholders.. Ch:No no. These r inputs. Me:( I again started with planning.) Ch: I give u a hint. Quality. Me: Satisfaction of spectators. Ch: It will come under quality. ( I started thinking.) Ch: Timely organization & within given budget. Me:Yes,Madam. Ch:Thank u tushar. Me:Thank u madam. Thank u sirs. Hav a good day madam.
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Me:Thank u madam. Thank u sirs. Hav a good day madam.

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Interview 27
24 April 2012 07:43 PM

Interview with Rajni Razdan board. 23.04.12 CH: name, DOB, Roll NO CH: name the Indian soils Me: started with red soil, black soil, peat soil, desert soil etc CH: is this is scientific way of telling describing soil? Me: no mam, (with smile) but I am unable to recall the names Ch: ok, tell the vegetation in india Me: again I started with montane, deciduous, evergreen forest Ch: can we say it tropical mansoon vegetation, tropical deciduous forest, tropical desert etc Me: yes mam, this is true. Ch: where india liesin tropics? Me: yes mam (smiling) Ch: how you find out bpl? Me: mam, we have consumption measurement for person that in rural area if he consumes 2400 cal Ch: but can you say how much calorie he has taken Me: no mam Ch: thenhow will you say whether one person is BPL? Me: I could not say that planning commission has given monitory based data of BPL and said I dont know how it is actually calculated. Ch: but you should know Me: with little smile, yes mam Ch: which is the neighbor having largest border with india? Me: Bangladesh Ch: what is the length? Me: mam, approx 4200 km Ch: okay, which is shortest? Me: after thinking for 4-5 secs mam Bhutan. Ch: wrong answerSlightly loudly Passed on to the M1 M1: okay, u r mech engg, can u tell me what is space elevator? Me: after thinking a bit . I said sir, I dont know (I had read it for the mains but could not recall is properly) He felt if he has asked wrong question from me M1: you are from IITM, there was a recent debate that girls should not come out of hostel after 11 pm and even if they come they should have an escort, do you have idea about it.? Me: sir, I dont know about it but in my view freedom of girls should not be curtailed in way and they should be treated equal to the boys. If they are creating nuisance or obscenity then there is needed some restriction other they have equal rights. I never knew this issue, but issue is actually security as per the administration but people in campus say that because of gals and boys roaming in the night time they want to keep the girls in the hostel. (this is as per the hindu report on april 15th). they term it ridiculous, sexist and discriminatory. Here I dont know whether I should have touched upon this question, I did not knew full picture. But he did not ask further question on this. M1: if I tell you that there is honest but inefficient officer and dishonest and very efficient subordinate below you, whom would you choose? Me: sir, I will choose the honest but inefficient person, because I can trust on him. And sir, an activity
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Me: sir, I will choose the honest but inefficient person, because I can trust on him. And sir, an activity is a cooperative group effort. I will try to motivate him and help him and ask him to improve his work. so that his performance will improve and I will work with honest person. M1: suppose you are a DC in rural area and there are many deptt where woud you like to work first. Such as civil supplies, etc(gave name of 3-4 deptt). Me: Sir(with energy), I would like to work in the supplies deptt because food is the basic requirement of the people and until this basic requirement is meet which cannot move further. Then I will move upon the implementation of the various development schemes. M1: okay, but what about the healt and the education deptt Me: yes sir, these are also very important I would work upon these two also. He passed on to other member M2 M2 was a god send person for me. He asked very easy question from and I feel very much thankful to him, whatever be the final result. M2: you know ragging? Suppose you are DC then how will you check this? Me: I thought for 5-6 seconds looking slightly downward at the table sir, first things we have penalize the perpetuators of this and give them exemplary punishment. Then at the time of the start of the session we have to create awareness among the senior students to stop it. Then also to the junior so that they dont simply bear it and they should report the matter immediately to the concerned authority. Ragging cannot be finished in a day or two but with these provision we can reduce it over a time of 1-2 sessions. M2: recently there was tsunami warning in the Indian ocean what would have you done as DC? M1: after thinking 3-4 sec Sir, first thing I will do to spread the information via local TV, radio etc. then providing info to the industries, RWA and the fisherman association. So that they will come out of the sea. And sir even if eventually is there, damage will be less and this will be learning for the future response. M2: do you about the recent SC judicial pronouncement about the RTE? M1: again thinking for 3-4 sec sir, under this judgment 25% reservation has been provided to the underprivileged children of the society in the private unaided non minority institutions. But sir, we have thought about the balance 75% children who will not get quality. Sir, education is the best investment a country can make for its progress and so should try to provide quality education the 100% children so that will not have need for such acts and judgments. M2: recently we are seeing that quality has been decreasing in the private institution, what we should do? Me: sir, we need a regulator to maintain the quality in the education inst. Regulator will help maintaining in correct teacher student ration, lab and research facility etc. (I said some more but unable to recall now) M2: if you r made a DC of vizag wthat would be your priorities? Me: .. sir, my first priority would be improvement in the infrastructure. Sir, vizag is called city of destiny and large number of people come to vizag for jobs. There has been started some new infra projects has not been completed so I first look into this. Then are large numbers of housing requirement and small colonies are setting up, I will work upon the issue of housing. And sir, vizag is getting polluted because of large number of industries there. I will try to check the pollution to keep the vizag a sustainable city. Passed on to the M3 M3: tell me about your work profile, working in refinery. Me: told with vigor and told the projects I handled. I told him that I worked on clean fule projects. M3: what is clean fuel project Me: told that due to direction of goi, OMCs are producing bharat stage IV fuels so that they will have lesser emissions. M3: what is CDM? Me: I tried to recall it but I was confused and said that I am unable to recall it. Then he asked me this question in other way, Then I told him that we take up green tech project and reduce the GHG emissions and we can sell them to the develop world.
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reduce the GHG emissions and we can sell them to the develop world. M3: what is Kyoto protocol? Me: explained correctly with all the details. M3: here he asked me some ambiguous question. He said that we have large dependence of the fossil fuel, how to reduce the dependence? Give me some practical answer. Me: I thought for 5-6s seconds and said sir we have to reduce our energy consumption and sir we are doing research in electric vehicle, hydrogen and fuel cell etc M3: but we have larger energy demand in the future then how can we reduce consumptiongave some data about the energy demand in the last and this FYP. Me: sir, then we have to move towards renewable energies such as solar energy, wind energy and nuclear energy also M3: but then nuclear energy has its own problem, solar also Me: yes sir yes sirnodded in full agreement and said with the smile. I dont kow which direction he was asking me to go. I could not think anything else M3: u know about hafiz sayyeed? Me: yes sir, he is LeT terrorist and recently US has placed a bounty on his head. M3: what is his importance to india? Me: sir, he has been engaged in spreading terror and responsible for the recent terror attacks in india. He is criminal for india. M3: criminals like dawood and sayeed can ever be brought to india? Me: though for a whileyes sir but both countries should cooperate with each other M3: do you see any possibility in the future seeing the present developments. Me: said with smileyes sir it is possible in the future. Passed on to the M4 M4: what is refining known technically? Me: I did not know it but I said after bit of pause Sir, it is crude distillation and crude get separated into various components such as petrol, diesel etc depending on their boiling points. M4: still I think he did not get the right term and again I repeated same answer it briefly. M4: can we produce more of diesel than petrol? Me: yes sir, but it depends on the type of crude we have, every crude give some fixed percentage of distillates in standard distillation process. M4: okay, suppose there is large requirement of diesel so can we do it? Me: I thought for a moment and said, sir I dont know exactly what they do but it is possible. M4: do you know about the procurement prices govt fixes for the various crops? Also said something more related to itunable to recall now. Me: though for a while and asked himsir r u talking about the MSP? Then other member said yes, the same. Me: sir this is the price fixed by the govt for the crops such as wheat etc. to protect farmers from the market forces. In this case farmers would the profit on his investment. I said 2 more lines Suddenly I heard the Thank you. I turned toward MADAM and said thank you with smile and said thank to all the members. I was expecting more questions. But had to vacate the seat I my opinion I faltered badly in the BPL question. I should have done better. I prepared it but was not very clear in the issue and hence lost a good chance to impress the Chair. Over all I gave all the answers taking 3-4 sec time all with pleasant mood without any sign of nervousness or lack of confidence. nothing related to hobbies, home state etc... now everything is in the god's hand.
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Interview 28
25 April 2012 03:28 PM

My interview There were only 6 boards for our session , so each board had to interview 7 candidates each. As a result , each interview lasted for 20-25 minutes. My interview was no different. I was the third person to be interviewed by the board chaired by Smt Alka Sirohi (CM) . When I was asked by the attender to enter the room, I asked permission to do so from the board . I was granted that and I went in. All the 4 members (M1,M2,M3 & M4) other than the chairman were male members. So didnt had any confusion regarding how to wish. But even before I could wish them , CM asked me to be seated . Anyway , I wished them and took my seat. Everyone was busy doing something and was not giving much attention to me. That informal nature eased my tension . CM started the proceedings by asking me to list out 2-3 things that occurred in the past decade which suited the description Much ado about nothing . My mind went blank and even after she explained the question, I was not able to recollect any such events. Later she told me that what she intended was Y2K and WMD. M1 asked me about Chinmayananda Swami of Chinmaya Mission and his contributions to the society(I had my schooling in a Chinmaya Vidyalaya). I mentioned about his Jnana yajnas- spiritual knowledge to common man, opening of schools, social activities of its volunteers etc. then he asked about the essence of gita. Me: man should do his duties(karma) without the expectation of any result as it will lead to disappointment. He was expecting Aham brahmasmi and it was his next Qn. Me: Each soul is part of the universal soul. He was not completely satisfied. Q: Bertrand Russel's statement that all human beings are rational but he is yet to find such a person. Me: most of the people I met were rational. Q: then why world is like this Me: a minority of people may be irrational causing hardships , but since majority are rational world is still existing Q: Current political situation in Arab Spring countries Me: Answered M2 Q : Is there any conflict of interest b/n india and china in indian ocean as both are energy hungry nations. I didnt understand it completely. When he explained it , I thought it was regarding string of pearls and replied accordingly. I told about protecting our economic & security interests while maintaining a good relation with them. He kept on repeating the same Qn and CM intervened and asked M3 to start. M3 Q: Current status of the 'treasure' in SreePadmanabhaswamy temple and how to use it ( I am from kerala) A: need to use modern techniques to open the vault B w/o destroying anything else . It cannot be used for developmental purposes as it is part of our culture and history. Q: in case of bop crisis? Me: in that case it can be used for pledging but has to recovered when situation improves. Q: will a 1991 type crisis recur in india Me: No. diversity of trade, 300bn$ forex etc M4 Asked about the details of the recent SC judgement on RTE which I answered.

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CM Q: satellites in india and their uses. Me: didnt remember much . Told abt insat, metsat, risat. Q: remote sensing and its uses. Me: replied but not satisfactorily. Q: rocket launching centre? Me: sriharikkota Q: why? Me: earth's rotation aids the launch when it is launched in the easterly direction Q: Any security aspects? Me: in case of failure it will fall in ocean. She smiled and said thank you. I took a few seconds to understand that interview was over. Then I thanked everybody and got out. Though some members were not satisfied , I am happy that too much technical qns were not asked.
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Interview 29
02 May 2012 01:05 PM

My first experience Mains results were out. I cleared it and was happy that I got an interview call much on expected lines. My interview was dated on 18 April in afternoon session. With clean shaved face and all the cosmetics light blue color shirt and purple pant I was ready to face it , an opportunity I was awaiting for 2 years. Standing outside dholpur house was an experience in itself. All type of known human emotions - fear, anxiety , confidence, relaxation, joy , tension ran high in my brains. One last time I wished all my friends and family who came with me and entered the arena. We were made to sit like all the candidates in the groups. The building was beautiful and green. Ample of noticable things like name of the plants, quotes from great thinkers and lots of paintings and hadicraft work was noticable there. Our documents were checked. My group had 6 members. One was from IRS (C&E) , the other from BITS , one from Kerala and rest 3 of us from maharashtra. All 6 of us were Engineers. We started discussing and enquiring each other , to ease off tension but at the back mind it was still there. I was to be interviewed 5th in the sequence. We came to know that its razni razdan board. I had heard that she was erratic and it is make or break board. Although there was nothing that could have been changed so I calmed myself and decided to make good with whatever I had. A peon came and told me that my turn has arrived. He directed me towards the hall of Razni mam. I was made to sit outside in chair. The duration was 5 mins but it felt like 5 dayz. Each second so slow just like Einstein said in his relativity theory :-) . Explosions erupting in my stomach as to what will happen. Bell rang and I got up and it begin......... I enterd the hall. The was a round table and razni mam with 4 other board members. All were male. I wished them all and took my seat. Mam looked at me and smiled warmly glancing over my summary sheet. Like all other she asked me my roll no, Date of birth and showed me my photo to confirm. Here is what happened in next twenty minutes. R: Harshal, What does your name mean ? Me: Mam harshal is the sanskrit name where harsh means happiness and harshal is the one who gives happiness. R: (smiling broadly) Oh ! so are you giving happiness to poeple around you ? Me: So far (with smile) R: (Smiling broadly and satisfied) So far so good. After this moment she cooperated throughout the interview. She dint slept as happened with others. Supported me when with other members and also participated in discussions. R: you have geography as an optional. Can you tell me about Bermuda traingle ? Me: Mam it is area off the east coast of USA. Its known for ships and aircrafts being diasppeared mythically. We are now doing scientific investigation. R: Good can you tell me the countries ? Me: Sorry mam I do not know. R: You can take a moment. Me: Sorry mam I am unable to recall. R: Ok and she directed to Member1. M1: what is contour? Me: Sir line joining the places of equal height. M1: Are they circular or elliptical?
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M1: Are they circular or elliptical? Me: Sir they can be both. M1: Have you seen LEGENDS in the map. beyond that scale is written what is that? Me: (Slightly confused) Sir it signifies ratio. Like one unit or cm on map would mean M1: Do the units always remain like that ? Me: Sir I am unable to think more presently. M1: No please take your time. Tell me what would scale 1:x signify ? Me: Sir we have to represent large land area with small size paper. So we scale it accordingly. Scale indicates multiplier. He looked a bit satisfied. He changed the question. M1: What is flood plain zone ? He was neither audible nor understandable with accent. Mam understood my difficulty and she repeated his question. Me: Sir maximum inundation level till which a river water might reach. M1: Are you sure ? Me: Yes sir I read it in geography. It is used in disaster management. ( Although I dint recall it clearly). This was the only member where I jittered. Rest interview was smooth as silk. M2: Tell me any good innovation which you have come across in agriculture or irrigation or drinking water in rural areas. Me: Sir since I am an IT Engineer I liked the innovation of e-choupal. It helps farmers to know exact prices of products and prevents the middle man chain. Its implemented by ICT. Now government is building Village knowledge centers on the same. M2: OK there is some report ( I do not recall what he was asking ) regarding university panel. Are you aware of it. Me: Sorry Sir I am not aware of this. M2: Anyways there its proposed that we can promote students from 8 to 10th directly. What do you think of the idea ? Me: Sir this has been there in western countries. But they have strong parameters to measure the child's aptitude. Its not the case in India. So we need to evolve such then we can go for it. R: Harshal there will be more failures in each increasing class and thus it cannot be sustained. Me: Yes mam. I smiled and nodded. ( She immediately indicated member 3 to ask) M3 was notorious. All the previous mates had come out and told that he bothers a lot. He did not accept the opinion of many. I think he was closely associated with Maharashtra as all the questions were bombarded. M3: Who were the peshwas? Me: Sir they were ministers in Maratha court who subsequently acquired power. M3: How could they do this ? Me: Sir it happened due to breaking of Maratha confederacy. M3: Why shivaji was called Mountain rat ? Me: Sir shivaji maharaj used the strategy of hit and run. They used gureilla warfare technique as they could not match the fire and artillery of Mughal forces. M3: Why 18th century is called the age of Marathas.Me: ( Confused I think he misquoted the question because its 17th century as in 18th the power was declining). Sorry sir I do not know. M3: Name some poet of that time ? Me: Sorry sir I do not know. M3: Do you know Bhusan ? Me: Yes sir I know kavi bhushan. M3: Recite some lines of him on shivaji. ( Now it was really frustrating as they are considered difficult ) Me: Sorry sir I have not read about him. M3: He recited the lines very loud. Me: Yes sir those are the lines.
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Me: Yes sir those are the lines. M3: This is called as Oestempuus( some term he used i cant recall). Do you know what it is ? Me: Sir kavi bhushan always made the poem in rhymes of two lines but I am not sure if this is it. Passed on to next member. Finally releif. Next was the best part of my interview. M4: Do you know about Myanmar. Me: Yes sir. M4: What are the political developments there ? Me: Sir recently elections were conducted and Ms. Suu ki won by great majority. She leads democratic movement and has NLD party. But majority remains with army. M4: Whats NLD? Me: Sir National league for democracy. M4: Do you think it will happen ? Me: Sir its first genuine step towards democracy. In coming times if more reforms come we might see a huge change. Also there is a need for external assistance. M4: What will be the time required ? Me: Sir in my opinion roughly a decade or so considering the time. M4: Is it because of internal or external pressure ? Me: Sir partly both ways. There is internal movement and external sanctions by western power led by US. M4: Yes and there is ethnic strife also. Me: Yes sir this is also a cause. M4: Do we need external pressure ? Me: Sir democracy cannot be sustained by pressure. There is a need to build consensus among the members. Also the army will need to come out and take greater confidence building measures. Suddenly and unexpected came the call from Razni mam. R: Thank you. ( Again she was smiling and nodded warmly). Got up and wished all of them. Now I head towards the door. There was written PUSH where as I was pulling. Totally in pressure I was unable to see it. It took some 3 secs more and I made a bit sound as Oh! ( It was very subtle. I do not know whether board heard it. ) And finally I came out. My head swinging with thoughts like anything. I walked like lost in my own world. Was it this ? Was it this small time I waited for ? Am I good bad ruined ? Will I have to give exam again ? Thoughts running off like anything. Never would I forget Razni mam. Conclusion:This board is considered to be most erratic and hostile. Of all the 6 people no one lasted more than 20 mins. The questions were very factual. All 6 of us were either disappointed or partly satisfied. But upon more interacting with seniors and those in service I cam to know that this is usaul with this board. It make or break board as popularly said. Even if you can keep her from falling and sleeping on desk its a great achievement. NO LIILY DARLING QUESTIONS ARE THERE IN THIS BORAD. YOU MISS MANY IN LINE INTERVIEW IS OVER LIKE RAPID FIRE AND YOU LAND IN TWO DIGIT NUMBER. I am not expecting much. I hope to see something around 160's.
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Interview 30
02 May 2012 10:01 PM

The Interview
For the uninitiated The Civil Services Examination is a year long process and is divided into three stage comprising of a preliminay examination consisting of objective type questions, generally held in May, comprising of two papers testing knowledge of general studies and aptitude, including mental ability, comprehension skills and decision making ability in real life like situations. Around 10-12,000 students get through this round. (this number varies depending on the availability of seats) a mains examination consisting of subjective type questions, generally held in Oct - Nov. It consists of 9 papers including 2 compulsory language papers (English and mother tongue) whose score is not added in the final tally but are held to check a basic minimum level of language proficiency expected to be present in a civil servant, a compulsory essay paper worth 200 marks, two compulsory general studies' papers worth 300 marks each and two papers each of two subjects (which can be chosen from a total of about 46 options available), again worth 200 marks each. Overall, this stage of examination carries the weight of 2000 marks. This year, 2418 students got through this round. a personality test consisting of a 20-30 minute interview conducted by a panel of 5 members, the chairman of each panel being a member of the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC). This round carries 300 mark. The final list of selected candidates is prepared on the basis of the sum of their scores in the 2nd and 3rd stage. The nitty - gritties When i had first come to know about this pattern as a child (yes, i have known all this since i was a kid), i used to think that the interview is a farce since its worth just a teeny weeny 300 (since it doesn't have a Leonidas in it) in front of the mighty, mountain like, TWO THOUSAND mains' marks. I am sure that a lot of 'the uninitiated' must be thinking on similar lines as well. To be honest, the child - me and the uninitiated - you are both right and wrong. I would like to use last year's scores as examples to justify my point of view here. The cut - off last year for getting an interview call was around 45% (900/2000). The last candidate to be eventually get through (gen category) had around 1130 marks. To get into one of the coveted three services ie IAS, IFS or IPS, one neeeded a minimum of about 1090 marks. Most of the students who clear mains generally lie in the badwidth of 900-1000 marks (although a few, very few though, are able to cross 1100 even). Now in the interview, the highest that marks that i have heard someone achieving is 240, though till date i have about only one student securing the same. On a good day, a very good candidate can cross the 200 barrier and reach 210-215. So if one does some mathematics here, one would realize that yes, the 300 marks do remain teeny weeny for a candidate who has entered the third round having had just about managed to clear the cut-off (900), for then, he would have to perform exceedingly well in the interviews to stand a chance of hoping to see his name in the final merit list, let alone getting into the three coveted services. But, these marks assume importance for these are the 300 marks which decide who gets which service. One might have scored 1000 or even 1050 marks in the mains, but a poor final performance will definitely throw back his rank by a few hundreds at least, whereas a candidate who has scored only about lets say 970 marks, can break into the coveted services riding on the basis of a stupendous final performance. The Preparation The mains' result was declared on 1st March, 2012. Interviews started being conducted 19th March onward and mine was scheduled to be held on the 27th day of the month. I got myself enrolled in a couple of institutes for 'mock interviews', though when i look back now, i believe joining them was a wastage of both time and resources. A lot went through my mind on what needs to be prepared and what i needn't waste my time on. Though to be honest, a greater part of my time was dedicated to this meaningless deliberation. In effect, what I was able to prepare well was my biodata (i think i went a bit too far in my attempt to leave no stone unturned here by even finding facts such as my roll number is the pin code of which place in India et al :D ) and my home state. I wasn't able to prepare the major issues as well as i would have liked to, and this gave me nightmares which had, in my head, turned the room in which i was to be interviewed into a cage and the panel members into a pack of wolves waiting there to tear me apart as soon as i entered the chamber. Needless to say, i was one of the most nervous of candidates on the day of my interview. The Wait : Part I My interview was scheduled in the afternoon slot and i was the last of the 6 candidates to be interviewed by my panel on that day. I got up at 8, unusually early by my standards, but perhaps it was the

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by my panel on that day. I got up at 8, unusually early by my standards, but perhaps it was the nervousness which had got the better of my sleep. I had decided to read the day's newspaper and went through the headlines and the major issues of the day. But i was hardly able to concentrate on what was written inside the columns. the clock seemed to be ticking a tad too slowly. I watched bits and pieces of the best comedy series ever, Seinfeld (yes, the best is Seinfeld and not Firends :P ) to relax. I went to meet my parents thereafter. I had taken care of my appearance to try and look my best in those circumstances (and though i couldn't have moulded my Amjad Khan looks overnight into Hrithik Roshan physique overnight, i tried what ever i could to make myself presentable in the best possible way). Now i have this belief that the day i shave my beard, i develop a sudden gay-ish appearance (though i don't have anything against the community) and to counter the same, i had taken care to shave a couple of days back so that a subtle stubble would have placed itself perfectly on me by the time my interview would bagin. (Yes, i agree with you, i was fretting way too much over the details, but i couldn't help it, more than a year's hard work was at skate here). But alas, i hadn't foreseen the future events. While having lunch and mindlessly watching some instalment of bal Hanuman, or was it bal Ganesh (?), i was talking with my father. Bored as he was with the ongoing cartoon on the idiot box, he turned to me and reacted out of the blue as if he had seen a Cobra pr a python in the room and said "ye kya hai". yes. He was talking about my stubble. A debate ensued on whether or not to keep it in which majority prevailed (such are the travails of democracy) and i was forced to shave. :( Anyway, i said my prayers to all possible names of all Gods who cam to my mind hoping that at least one of them might decide to help shift the scales in my favour. After that followed the ritual cum exercise, the blessing seeking one. My girth makes it one hell of an exercise for me. Enough said. I reached the venue, Dholpur House, my Kurukshetra, the place which i hoped will not become my Waterloo, at 1 PM The Wait : Part II I entered the UPSC building, underwent the necessary security checks and was allotted table 13 (ominous sign, or was it?) to sit on and wait. There were 5 other people sitting with me. All of us were to be interviewed by the same panel. Till now, I had that nervousness in me, but i must say, the people sitting with me, though themselves nervous in their own right, had been able to reflect elegant calmness though their faces. So chilled out were they that after spending ten minutes with them, i had completely forgotten where i was and i was feeling as if i was sitting in a cafe with some long lost friends. All of us were from engineering background. And since i was the last one, thoughts of the board members getting frustrated by seeing engineering background students only (for it is rumoured that some board members do -not take kindly to students from this background believing that these students can better serve the nation in the capacity of a technocrat) started creeping in me. Also, I had secretly hoped that i be the only one of the 6 from IIT for then, a discussion on the choice of this career path after graduating from IIT was sure to ensue, for which i was very well prepared. But this wasn't to be for the 5th one in line turned out to be from IIT Bombay (not Mumbai but Bombay) and yes, he was asked questions along the aforementioned lines (another ominous sign?). Each table is attended to by a clerk who takes care of all the documentation formalities. And this takes some time. An hour went by like the blink of an eye. And then came the announcement of the start of our interviews. Ours was the first table to get started with. Perhaps the board was in a rush. We were informed that the chairman of our board is Ms. Rajni Razdan, a retired IAS. All of us had been praying that a certain 'supposed to be tough' board does not go on to be the one that we have to face, and not hearing its name brought big smiles on our faces. The 1st candidate left the table to face his demons. He was the only one amongst the 6 of us who had had a previous experience of this grind. He had faced Ms. Shashi Uban Tripathi's board last time around and had ended up with a paltry 135 marks, which, according to him, were much more than what he had hoped to get (100). Anyway, he had left that baggage behind, was looking relatively relaxed (exp in relation to me). And so, we hoped that he would be able to kickstart the proceedings in a nice manner, make the board happy with his performance so that they aren't in a foul mood when we follow him later. A minute later, i had one of my many urges that day. Yes, the unmistakable urge to pee under pressure. The toilet was at the end of a long corridor. That corridor was lined with doors to hell (or so i thought). The room of each UPSC member was present along the corridor. I got a glimpse of my battlefield while passing through. The door was ajar and inside i could see the wolves. But what caught my attnetion was the way they were positioned. The room was big. And yet, they were seated so closely as if they were in a huddle, planning perhaps on how to shock and awe their preys. We waited. After about 25 minutes, he came back. On being asked, he said that the interview went fine. All that was asked was biodata based. No issues. Nothing from the subjects. And these words of his were no less than pure bliss for us all. We became extremely relaxed now, each one hoping that his interview too goes along similar lines. And suddenly, breaking this pleasant chain of thoughts came in the 2nd candidate, looking dejected, devastated and frustrated to say the least. "Her first question to me was 'name 5 trees' and when i included mango in tree, she asked me not to include the fruit-trees. I could name only 4. After that she asked me to name 5 winter flowers. All i could guess was rose. Nothing else. i lost it from there. I screwed it up. Completely". This was it. The demons were back. We started discussing all sorts of possible questions, but most of us were terrible in this department. We hardly knew the name of any plant around us in our vases. This was when my bouts of coughing started, which again happens with me under pressure. I told them, 'its the tie, i hate wearing it, its killing me' but inwardly i knew, it was the pressure.

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pressure. I told them, 'its the tie, i hate wearing it, its killing me' but inwardly i knew, it was the pressure. And then came the 3rd candidate. He had been asked to name 5 shurbs which grow in a kitchen garden. All my nervousness had come to the fore. There wasn't a moment when i was able to control my coughing and in between came my 2nd trip to the loo. Each second of wait seemed to me like another hour gone by. I had the passing thought that this was a better way of explaining relativity than the way Einstein himself had done it by saying "put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. That's relativity." Or going by the great man's dictum and mixing it with my predicament, i felt as if i was sitting on a stove, strapped to it with my arse on fire. A few moments later, i was left alone. The 5th candidate had been called and i was waiting for my turn. It came. A few moments later. I was asked not carry along a pen or a watch. Another security check followed. After which i was asked to wait outside the room while the th interview was in progress. Since i had ten minutes to wait at least, i decided to make a 3rd trip to my penthouse. I came back and started waiting. I was asked to sit in a chair in which i was just able to fit in. I thought, what if i am unable to fit in the chair inside. Will i be allowed to give the interview standing of will i be offered a sofa? I stood up. I walked. I sat down. I got up. I walked. I sat down on a bench. I got up. Moved near a fan. Got up. Went near the little garden. Thought of smelling the flowers there but decided otherwise. And suddenly a bell rang. It was like a school bell. The 5th candidate had come out and believing it as a call for me to come in, i moved towards the door but then something struck me. I looked around for the attendant. he wasn't there. I found him in a nearby room and asked him if the bell means i need to go in. He said, "arre aaraam kariye sir... aapko hum bhej denge jab aapka number aaega... abhi nahi aaya hai". I thanked my luck and my better sense for barging in uncalled for would have been the worst possible start. I started my walking and sitting down routine again. And suddenly, another bell rang. It had a melodious tune. I was asked by the attendent to go in. My turn had come. I adjusted the knot of my tie. ('how much will i get... will it be 30% or 40%... i will definitely screw it up...') While adjusting, a hundred images and a thousand thoughts crossed my mind. All the loved ones. Parents. Brother. Friends. All their expectations. All their wishes were heard by me in that moment. I saw every person's face who had genuinely wished me luck. I saw the expectation on those faces. Who believed in me and thought i would do well. And then i knocked on the door and opened it. It was 4:25 PM. The Interview "May i come in". "Yes, please come in" "Good afternoon ma'am. Good afternoon sir" i said, looking at all the board members. I will never forget that moment, whatever the score i get in my interview. Each of their faces were so calm, so serene. I completely forgot everything that i had been thinking for since the past 20 days. My mind went blank. Not numb. But blank. A clean slate. All i could see at that moment was 5 elderly people sitting there. With a nice smile perched atop their faces. I felt like a child who is absolutely carefree in front of his grandparents. Never for the next 25 minutes did the thought of me being in UPSC interview cross my mind. Not even once. { my background, for those who don't know me, to identify better with the interview: Graduation : Dual Degree Programme, IIT Delhi, with B.Tech. in chemical engineering and M.Tech in Process Engineering and Design Home State : Bihar Optionals : Public Administration and Literature of Maithili Language } [ Ch = Chairman (Ms Rajni Razdan), the other 4 members = M1, M2, M3, M4] Ch: Please have a seat Me: Thank you ma'am Ch: Name... Roll Number... DoB... (replied) Ch: Name some religions of the world. Me: Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, Sikhism Ch: Aur bolo Me: Zoroastrianism Ch: Aur bolo Me: The religion which the jews follow, am unable to recall its name though Ch: Aur bolo Me: Sorry maa'm, no other name comes to my mind as of now Ch: U could have said Jainism Me: Did i miss that ma'am? (though i thought i had said them) Ch: Yes... Buddhism Me: Sorry for interrupting you ma'am but i believe i said Buddhism M3: Yes, he did say Budhism... (Ch was satisfied on hearing this from him) (i believe this was done by her to startle me and check how i react, something she did again as well) Ch: Name some languages of the world Me: The maximum number of people on earth speak Mandarin Chinese Ch: (interrupting) I didn't ask you to enumerate them in any particular order... But maximum number of people on earth speak English, not Mandarin Chinese...

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people on earth speak English, not Mandarin Chinese... Me: Am sorry ma'am... but as far as my knowledege goes maximum number of people speak Mandarin Chinese, not English Ch: Ok, go ahead Me: There are 22 languages enlisted in the Indian Constitution... Shall in enumerate them? Ch: No... M2: (interrupting) Name some languages from outside India Me: Ok sir... And then i started naming ine language after another... I recalled the map of europe and named about 5-6 languages of the countries therein... Ch: (interrupting) Russian... Arabic... Me: yes ma'am... Persian... Ch: ok.. (now is to follow the lowest point of my interview)... Name 5 private banks in India... Me: (i was blank... completely... the names which were coming to my mind, i wasnt sure whether they are private or not... i decided to play safe there....) Am soory ma'am... but i won't be able to answer the question... (at this point, all the members came closer to me... full of surprise...) Ch + M1 + M2: What... you don't know this... really... how come? Me: My mind has gone blank ma'am... the names that are coming to my mind as of now, i am not 100% sure whether they are private or not... therefore i thought i should let go of this question ma'am (all members and chairman acquired a sudden sympathetic tone and everyone started naming private banks...) Me: (in between the comotion...) Hdfc... Canera... Ch: Arre... Its not a private bank... Me: Sorry ma'am, but as i told you, i am not sure... i was precisely for this reason that i was refraining from guessing... Ch: How come you don't know this... Don't you watch TV? Me: Noma'am Ch: Why? Me: The place where i stay right know during the course of my preparation, i don't have a TV there... Ch: But you were in a hostel before... Me: Yes ma'am.. Ch: (interrupting) Come on now, don't pull a fast one on me... i too have stayed in a hostel... in between u get a chance to go home... u surely must be watching TV there... Me: Am sorry of my reply gave such an impression ma'am but i assure you that such wasn't my intention at all... yes, i do go home... but these trips of mine to home are few and far between... (she seemed to have calmed down now).. M2: (interrupting) Don't the students watch news on TV in hostels Me: No Sir... All that they watch are live matches... (he gave a sad expression, thinking probably about how disinterested the student community was in day to day happenings... and i reciprocated his expressions on my face as well) Ch: Ok... Tell me... when was the rupee symbol launched... Me: (confused between 2011/2010) I dont remember exactly ma'am, but perhaps it was some time in early 2011 Ch: No, it was in July 2010 Me: Sorry ma'am, i didn't remember the same.. i was confused in 2010 and 2011... Ch: In fact, it was made by a person from your institute Me: yes ma'am... it was designed by D Uday Kumar from IIT Bombay Ch: No, he was from your institute, IIT Delhi Me: Again, sorry ma'am, but as far i know, he wasn't from IIT D M3: He is right... he wasnt from D... was from B Me: Thank you sir Ch: (she talked about the countries which have a currency symbol and then started enumerating the nations or group of nations which have a symbol for their currency... i too spoke their names alongside her...) Ch: One final question... Which is the only currency whose symbol is represented in its currency note? Me: i am not sure ma'am... perhaps it way be dollar, but i don't know for sure... Ch: its pund sterling... it has that (started drawing the symbol in air) kind of symbol Me: yes ma'am, the L kind of a symbol Ch: Yes... Ok... Now tell me... Last question this one is... Which places on earth are not represented in UN... (her words were slightly different and confusing) (i was flummoxed by the usage of the term places... and i later realzed that she had meant countries) Me: Palestine ma'am, it has been recently trying to acquire membership Ch: Good... aur bolo... Me: though i don't know for sure ma'am, but i don't think Vatican City would be represented therein... Ch: Yes.. you are very right... its not represented there... aur bolo... Me: I am unable to understand as to what all this question entails... should the list also include places like Tibet which arent autonomous at present, but are trying to gain autonomy and once successful, they will get representation in the UN Ch: I am not asking about Tibet... Me: Sorry ma'am...

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Me: Sorry ma'am... Ch: named a few more places... Me: Thank you ma'am.. i didn't know that... (She indicated M1 to start now) ________________________________ M1: You have won the World Environment Day Debate Competition Me: Yes sir, it was held in the Indian Institute of Petroluem, Dehradun in 2009 M1: (he a very long question which included many sub parts about pollution, causes etc... the last and the most important part was...) what is the major issue with environment? Me: Sir the major issue is the environment versus development debate... (and then i went on and on for at least a couple of mins if not more about the problem of pollution) M1: So what should we choose, environment or development? Me: Definitely environment sir... (and then i went on for a min on the topic of sustainable development et al) M1: So how should we strike this balance between environment and development? Me: i was having a discussion on similar lines with he friend of mine who works in a refinery just a couple of days back ... he told me about the concept of green refining... (expained what it was and then corelated it to what the answer he was looking for...) (i spoke at length about planting trees, protecting environment etc) M1: Ok (he looked very satisfied with the response and passed on the baton to the next member) Me: (just at that moment, i added, on my own prerogative)... but this achievement of balance is easier said than done sir... M1: Yes, very right.. Good... ________________________________ M2: So Abhinav, what is your mother tongue, Bhojpuri or Maithili? Me: Its neither sir, its Hindi actually M2: (with an expression of surprise) bu then why did you opt literature of Maithili language as your subject? Me: Sir, there are three reasons behind the same. First of all, i am interested in reading literature and at the beginning of my preparation, i was sure that i would be opting for a literature optional. Secondly , I have grown up in Bihar, hearing Maithili language. Opting for this subject gave me a chance to study the literature of a language to which i was culturally close to. And to be honest sir, there is a great paucity of time in the preparation of civil services. The syllabus of Maithili literature is more managable in comparison to the rest of the options, and therefore it was a pragmatic choice as well. (at this moment i saw Ch giving an expression which said that yes, students opt for it because of the third reason most of all... and at that time i thanked my stars for having been truthful for she for sure would have interrupted had i given the third reason a miss) M2: So Maithili is a very sweet language, right? Me: Yes sir, very M2: and Bhojpuri too... Me: No sir, Bhojpuri aint... it has a harsher tone... M2: in comparison or in general... Me: in comparison...definitely sir... and even otherwise in general sir... M2: so what are you doing at this moment... you working somewhere.... Me: No sir, the only work i am engaged in at this moment is preparation for civil services M2: So what kind of quizzing have you done... (my hobby) Me: (i went on and on in this question... i described the quizzing in school as dry quizzing... then plus two mein quizzing... then college... inter hostel activities... than i talked about how activities like dumb charades, pictionary etc etc have become a part of quizzing making it much more fun now... i also talked about questions being asked to connect things, pics etc... so even when one doesnt know the answer to a ques, one can work on clues in a team to get to the answer...) M2: You take part in a lot of outdoor activities... Me: As it must be very well evident, hardly so sir... M2: (he, along with a few other members started laughing on hearing this, and my response was meant to cause laughter... i got a gr8 feeling at that time...) So you think outdoor activities are useless? Me: Definitely not sir... They are of great importance and play a great role in developing the character and personality of a person... It has been a lacunae on my part not to have taken part in them... M2: But its never late, right... Me: Yes sir, i have been trying to, and am sure i will be able to bring about this much needed change in me... ____________________________ M3: (he had been my saviour all along... twice had he defended me from the Chairman...) I will ask you only one question... Me: OK Sir M3: There has been acute labour shortage of late... what is the mains reason behind it? Me: Sir, there was a newspaper report published recently which talked about the shrotage of agricultural labour in Haryana due to dip in migration of people from Bihar on account of them getting jobs in their home state due to the launch of MGNREGA... so the launch of MGNREGA is the immediate reason behind the same... M3: Only migration of Bihari labourers...

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M3: Only migration of Bihari labourers... Me: Not only sir... but labourers from Bihar used to migrate there in large numbers... M3: Ok Me: (added on my own prerogative to better explain) Not only in Haryana or other states sir, even in Bihar, farmers have reported the shortage of agricultural labourers esp in the season at that time of the year when the crops are to be cut... so this problem is affecting every place, not only a state in particular... Me: ok (he looked satisfied) ______________________________ M4: (he praised my academic career and performance and then asked...) so what is this process engineering.. is it different from chemical engineering? Me: (i again gave a very long answer to this.. i told him about JEE... getting into the Dual Degree program... both the degrees are therefore not separate entities bu in effect, one follows form the other...) Process Engg and Design is more like an applicative aspect of Chemical engg... for example, if your have two mix two chemicals in a lab, you can very easily stir and mix them.... however, if the same is to be done on an industrial scale, a huge stirred would need to designed since the quantity of chemicals that need that are to be mixed now is huge... a lot of considerations would need to factored in... a lot of design work would become involved herein... so, in effect, what i want to say is that process engg and design can be understood, at a basic level, to be the applicative aspect of chemical engineering while working on an industrial scale... M4: (looked satisfied) i will quiz with you now... Me: Ok sir M4: Which city was established in India by Britishers around 350 years back? Me: (I wanted to say either Madras or Calcutta eve though i had no idea about the answer... but, i refrained from guessing) I don't know sir M4: Its Madras Me: (hearing this, i silently cursed myself for not having said the name of the two cities aloud earlier...) M4: Ok, tell me, how many languages can one find on the currency note of India? Me: (it had been asked in KBC once... i remembered that... but didn't remember the answer... cursed myself again... and i also wondered why this board was so obsessed with currency notes) I dont know sir... M4: Why, havent you seen a rupee note.. Me: I have seen it sir, but not so minutely.... M4: But still, tell me, how many do you think should be there? Me: Going by this diktat Sir, Indian constitution enlists 22 languages and all of them should find a representation therein... But i am not sure whether this is the answer... M4: Anyway... tell me... Britishers helped established 3 colleges in India... which were they? Me: I am not sure about the answer sir... M4: Still.. (he was trying to put pressure on me here...) Me: Though i am not sure, i feel one of them must be Presidency College, Calcutta M4: Yes, you are correct... which were the other two... where were they established? Me: Again sir, i dont know their names... but... if i were to guess the places where they established the other two colleges, i would guess Madras and Bombay Sir... CH: Yes, you are very right... in fact they did establish them in Madras and Bombay... Me: Thank You ma'am M4: Ok... One final question... What sort of cultural activities have you taken part in... Me: (i again spoke at length about the various clubs in which i had been active in my college... English Debating and Literary Club... Hindi Samiti... Quizzing Club... etc etc... and i also added...) Since my first year in college, it had been my dream to take part in a play... but, i was never able to get a chance to do so since am a terrible actor... (at this point, M3 suddenly turned towards me and started looking into my eyes... his sudden movement made me stop for a split second... i turned towards and said) yes sir, such was the case... (and then turing back to M4) but when i was in my final year, i had a story idea which i discussed with the students in my hostel who used to act in plays... they quite liked it and asked me to convert it into a script... i wrote the script and the play was staged in the inter hostel competition... M4: (interrupting) you are a good scriptwriter... you can go to Bombay then... get a job there... Me: I dont know how good a scriptwriter i am sir but at this moment of time, i want to become a civil servant more than anything else... (hearing this, all the 5 members started laughing...) CH: (trying to control her laughter) that will be all... you may go now... Me: Thank you ma'am... Thank you sir... (i looked towards all of them once and left the room) ________________________________ And thus ended perhaps the most important 25 minutes of my life... I had gone in expecting a terrible performance... And the first feeling that I had after coming out was that it wasn't as bad as i had expected it will be... And this was a hugely relieving feeling... I collected my bag and strolled out of the campus...
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Interviews Page 84

Name Kanishk Sharma Optionals Economics and Public Administration Date 22/3/12 Attempt 1st Board- Rajni Razdan *C stands for Chairman C Your namedobshowed me my pic and I said yes mam. So u know about Kanishka? Me- yes mam..its the name of an emperor from the 2nd century AD..his empire stretched from what we today call Tajikistan in the north, to Mathura in the south. C what was his religion? Me- he was Buddhist mam. C- Y was he Buddhist? Me- mam I am not sure whether he was Buddhist by ancestory or by conversionbut I know that he is famous for convening the 4th Buddhist council in Kashmir. C have you heard of the city of _ (I don remember what she asked) Me- no mam im not aware of it. C - we are in an economic downturn, but car sales are still going upwhy is that? Me- (after a brief pause)mam cars are only bought by a very small section of our population, and also our GDP growth still remains 1 of the fastest in the world C- thats ok..but u have cars available from 1lakh all the way higher, so its not restricted to a particular income class Me mam acc to arjun sengupta committee about 77% Indians live below 20rs a day C all that is fine..but still, give some reason Me mam im not being able to pin-point a particular reason for this C okyou have to go to a lonely island, and you can carry only 1 grain along to eatwhich one would you take Me (after a brief pause)Ill carry rice as it can be boiled and eaten whereas grains like wheat need to be converted to flour C but can u survive with just rice? Best u can do is a pulao (everyone laughed) Me (with a smile) mam in such a situation I cant aspire for much variety but rice will ensure I survive C - would you reduce air pollution? Me Mam I would ensure the norms with regard to vehicular pollution are followed. New forms of fuel such as solar battery run cars as well as fuels which give water as exhaust must be introduced. I then explained the emission-quota trading system introduced in Gujarat and Tamil Nadu. C- what about car pollution in particular? Me I once again talked about new fuels and CNG etc C (interrupting me) wont you focus on public transport? Me Yes mam I was talking of a 2-pronged strategy. On the 1 hand, we need to reduce the pollution of cars which are already on the roads, wherein the fuels and emission norms I was talking about would come into play. On the other hand, we need to ensure that the actual NUMBER of cars on the roads goes down. The role of public transport is very important in this regard. A lot of people dont take public transport because of inconvenience so we must ensure there is public transport that caters to different classes for eg air conditioned buses. We also need to increase public awareness about this Chairman pointed to a member to ask questions M1 Since, uve worked in the banking industry, how would you increase credit to farmers? Me- Sir I think in order to increase credit we must at the same time focus on crop insurance.This is because a lot of farmers are risk averse and dependent on monsoon and are not willing to

invest and take risk. Also, we must re-capitalise our RRBs and co-operative societies like this years budget has done. These institutions have also suffered from poor management over the years. M1 But we put so much money into Air India and we are petty when it comes to farm credit Me Sir farm credit allocation has actually increased by 1 lakh crores in the budget this year. M1 But sectors like construction also keep getting so much money pumped into them. U think it is right? Me Sir sectors related to infrastructure have long gestation periods but are very important for the economy. This is why a lot of funds are channeled to these sectors. M1 Dont you think it is petty that a lot is made out the loan waiver for farmers while so much many is pumped into Air India? Isnt it petty? Me Sir, the point that is put forward as criticism for loan waiver is what is called moral-hazard in economics. When a loan is waived off, then the incentive to repay is lowered even the next time. M1 (interrupting) but why should air Indias loans be waived off Me Sir I dont think air India should get any loan waivers, the management should be accountable for its performance. M1 If you were to tell the 1 biggest challenge that the country faces today, where we should focus, what would it be? Me It would be the development of our human resource. Both, in terms of its health as well as education. We need to do that in order to reap what we call the demographic dividend. If we are not able to do that our human resource would turn into a liability instead of an asset. M1 What needs to be done for education? We have so many world-class institutions Me Sir, the problem I think lies with primary education. Although our enrollment rates are near universal now, but the quality of education is poor. M2 Do you think there is any use of educating everyone in society? Me Sir I think every individual in society should have the choice to be educated. In our country, extreme poverty doesnt allow many people to have the choice of being educated. He repeated the question in diff words and I gave the same answer Passes on to next member M2 So you r are a student of economics, and that too the Delhi school of economics Me Yes Sir. M2 And youve gone for a survey of the NREGA. He probably asked the full form of nrega and where Id gone for the survey (Dungarpur). M2 What is Dungarpur famous for? Me - Sir I do not know. M2 What were the findings of your survey? Me Sir on the whole the implementation was good, much better than the rest of the districts that were surveyed. M2 (interrupting)- but there were problems Me yes sir some problems were there M2 (interrupting) so it was a failure Me no sir I wouldnt call it a failure. Infact Mr Jean Dreze, the economist, who was in charge of the survey told me once that if u want to see the proper implementation of NREGA in India, Dungarpur is the place you should go to. M2 (interrupting) What were the problems? Me The biggest problem was the collective measurement of works. Work was assigned to groups of workers and they were paid on the basis of the work done by the whole group. So individual workers had no incentive to work hard. Everyone shirked and no work was done. Even the measurement itself was not proper. M2 so what should be done?

Me Sir the quality of supervision must improve. The engineers should be trained properly, and work must be measured on an individual basis. M2 who is responsible for the implementation on NREGA at the local level? Is it the collector, or sarpanch, or who? Me Sir the Panchayti Raj Institutions are the implementing agencies for the act M2 but who is the PERSON responsible? Me Sir I do not know that. M2 So was the act a success in Dungarpur? Me to a significant degree sir M2 (INTERRUPTING) give me a yes or no. Me No sir. M2 So it was a startling disappointment Me No sir it was not because the implementation was very good on a relative level as compared to other districts in the country. M2 what do you think is happening globally, is capitalism communism crumbling? Me Sir some problems have cropped up in the capitalist system recently M2 (interrupting) who is responsible? Me Sir the major issue has been lapses in regulatory oversight M2 Ah! Againdont you think it is a matter of ethics? Me Sir in a capitalist system, the primary drive is profitethics are important but at the same time we cant expect everyone to be honest. It is the job of the regulator to ensure that vested interests do not grow in the system M2 (interrupting) but what is the responsibility of the companies u know about the Satyam case? Me Yes sir in that case the balance sheets were fudged in order to increase the share price M2 Is it similar to what happened in the US? Me There is a minor similarity sir M2 (interrupting) Is it only minor? Me Sir Im only aware of a minor similarity M2 Dont u think the auditors and the companies are responsible? (hardly audible at this point) Me Sir could you repeat the question M2 - Dont u think the auditors, rating agencies and the companies are responsible? Do you know why the crisis happened in the US? Me Yes sir I know M2 (interrupting) Said something I dont rememberalso repeated the question of whether I know how the crisis happened Me (I think with a smile) Sir I do know why it happenedit was the outcome of the coming together of lenders and sub-prime borrowers through intermediaries whch developed a vested interest in the process M2 (interrupting) u know apart from satyam we have the case of kingfisher . u think governance and ethics have played a role? Me sir in the case of kingfisher I dont think it is a matter of ethics. A lot of factors have come into play..for example I think their business model is flawed M2 (interrupting) why do u think so Me sir they only catered to the upper classes.. M2 (interrupting) that is not true Me Sir for other classes they had a different airline called kingfisher red.. M2 (interrupting) said something I dont remember Me Sir exogenous factors like very high taxes on aviation turbine fuel and M2 again interrupted and said something I dont remember

Passes to next member M3 Have you heard of Nandigram? Me Yes sir. It is where the Tata Nano plant was to be setup. (Pause for 1-2 sec) Sir actually I am not sure whether it was Nandigram or Singur M3 Ratan Tata recently made a statement that nano is a lost opportunity (I dont remember the exact words of this qtn) Me I did not come across this statement sir. M3 Ok. Tell me what is happening to the gap between the haves and the have-nots of the world, and in the developing world. What or who is responsible? Me Sir in the case of India.. M3 (Interrupting) Lets say the developing world, infact lets start with India. What is happening to inequality and why? Me Sir in India, although we undertook economic reforms in the last 2 decades, they have not been accompanied by the requisite governance reforms. The 73rd and 74th constitutional amendments were passed in order to bring governance closer to the people at the grassroots, but it has not been implemented. The funds, functions and functionaries have not been passed on to local governments and there is over-centralisation. Although schemes have been formed with the right intentions, they have not been in-tune with local aspirations. Further, the implementers at local level are government employees who get their salaries regardless of what the scheme achieves. There is no incentive structure for them. There should be a system of rewards and penalties. Thirdly, our growth has been services led and has not created enough jobs as services are less employment elastic than manufacturing. M1 (Interrupting) Is that the case? Me Yes sir. M1 ok Me Sir growth of labour intensive manufacturing exports, like China, has not taken place in India because our infrastructure has been inadequate. This has rendered manufactured products un-competitive at home and abroad. M3 Since youve talked about governance reforms, tell us some physical and administrative reforms which must be carried out in brief. Me Sir the local self governments should be empowered by devolution as envisaged in the 73rd and 74th amendments. So decentralisation is 1. The implementing agencies for schemes should be given auntonomy as well as made accountable through a system of incentives. There could be a contract system for local implementers. This would be the second. Also, the incentive structure for senior civil servants should be overhauled. They should be judged on objective criteria arrived at by consultations with stakeholders. For example, if it is the Rural Development Ministry, the criteria should be arrived at after discussions with the local people in the villages. This would be the third. M3 interrupts and passes on to M4 M4 You know a lot of states provide subsidies to companies to attract investment; do you think it is right to do so? Me Sir I think it is a legitimate tool for attracting investment but there should be clear guidelines and framework.. M4 (Interrupting) Yes that is true, transparency must be there, but apart from that, you know these companies avail of the subsidies and then just shift to another state at times Me Sir the companies would only stay in a state if there are some conditions met, the states can not solely rely on subsidies. First, there should be demand for the products in the area, so the state has to focus on increasing per capita incomes and purchasing powers with the aid of rural development. Secondly, the infrastructure in the state must be promoted so that supply costs are lowered. So it has to be a broad strategy and industries would then thrive in the area. Then he gave me an example of T-series which changed its ownership structure to continue

availing subsidies. Soon as I started commenting on it he said he dint mean the particular case only. This was weird. He then suddenly changed the topic. M4 Do you know about Gandhian economics? Me Yes sir. Gandhian economics envisages villages as self-sufficient republics where all the basic needs of the people are met indigenously. M4 What is the relevance of the charkha, is it a tool or a symbolwhat is it? Me Sir the charkha is a tool as well as a symbol. It was the symbol of the swadeshi movement when foreign goods were boycotted. It is also meant to be a tool for self-sufficiency as cloth can be weaved locally. M4 Do you think Gandhian economics is relevant today? Me Sir in todays globalizing world, we have to move beyond it. Although Gandhian economics is still relevant because even today the basic needs of the people are not met in our country and there are problems like malnutrition in our villages. In that regard Gandhian economics is relevant as we need to move towards a situation where the villages are self-sufficient with regard to the basic needs. However, we need to move beyond it in terms of development. M4 looks like hell say something but the Chairman suddenly says Thank You.

NAME: Abhinav Dudi Hometown: Jodhpur, Rajasthan Graduation: B.Tech, IIT Bombay Hobbies: Reading, Blogging, Cricket Schooling: KOREA distt, Chattisgarh, Optionals: Pub Ad, Physics Board: Rajni Razdan (27th March, 2012). 5th One to in RR: RR: RR: RR: RR: RR: RR: Name, Roll no., Date of Birth Name some of the vegetable that grows below the soil Name some of the herbs that are grown in kitchen garden ? Name some of the commodities transported by railways What is Repo rate and reverse repo rate What is inflation, deflation and staglation Do you think India is going through Stagflation

M1: What is Jodhpur famous for? M1: What is the name of the Palace in Jodhpur? M1: Does the royal family still live there? M1: Why it is called chittar palace? M1: Have you seen the fort in Jodhpur? M1: Why there are canons on the Fort? M1: Why IAS? M1: There is so much pressure on the cities and so much pollution. How do you this problem should be addressed?

M2: M2: M2: M2: M2: M2:

Why do you want to become a babu after doing Aerospace Engineering? You do blogging. Hmm what do u blog about? What is the name of your blog? Who reads your blog. Do they comment? Do you use twitter. What is the no. of characters allowed in that? What are your service preferences. Why not IFS?

M3: FDI in retail. Your views on that

M4: Why IAS after IIT? M4: Why did you work for IT company after passing out from IIT? M4: Were you after money? The kind of salary you were drawing you wont be able to draw in civil services, still you want to join? Are you after Power and Prestige? M4: What is your ambition in life? M4: There are lots of pulls and pressures in this job. Will you be able to face them? M4: Your hobby is reading. What do you generally read? M4: What is the latest book you have read? M4: Do you agree with the author on that (the book was The Age of Kali by William Dalrymple) Key Points: * It lasted for around 30 minutes * Rajni Razdan mam left her seat for 2 minutes to do some work while one of the member

was asking Q * She was asking these Kitchen Garden Questions from everyone in our interview group * I dont know why the third member only asked 1 question * It was very cordial except the last member kept harping on the point that IAS is a very tough job and there are various kinds of challenges and asked me at least 3-4 times and if I would be able to stand all that pressure.

Tushar Ghorpade. Education:BHMS(HOMOEOPATHY) from Pune, Parents:Farmers , RTI & Consumers protection campaigning, Member of admissions committee in college,Worked in a project on child malnutrition under ICDS, Event Organistion. Hobby:Singing & listening to film music, Optionals: Zoology & Litt. Of Marathi Language, Medium of Interview:MARATHI(But interview went on in English.) Date-16th april Morning session. 3rd to be interviewed. BOARD: Alka Sirohi (it was 11.45 am. I wished all.Board was expressionless throughout the interview.) Ch: u hav done consumers protection campaigning. Its a great thing. So tell me what is special jurisdiction of consumer forums? Me: Madam pardon. Ch: what is special jurisdiction of consumer forums? Me: I am sorry madam, but I m not aware of it. Ch: What is the consumer grievance redressal structure? Me: I explained three tier structure. Ch: what kind of cases they hear? Me: Madam, for district forum the cases involving goods & services worth upto 20 lacs or compensation claimed upto 20lacs, for state commission betn 20 lacs to 1 crore & for national commission above 1 crore rupees. Ch: what about appellate jurisdiction? Me: madam, it lies with state & national commission. Ch: when u will go to consumer forum? Me: Madam, Whenever there will be violation of any of my six consumer rights. Ch: what are these six consumer rights? Me: Madam, right to be assured of variety & competitiveness in the market, right to safety, right to be informed, right to be heard, right to grievance redressal, right to consumer education. Ch: suppose u visit some restaurant & no one attends u. Is there violation of your consumer right. (This question was actually a trap.I answered after thinking for few seconds.) Me: Yes madam.There is violation of my consumer right. Because it amounts to deficiency in service & I should complain about it to the restaurant owner. ( she passed questions to M1.) M1: Recently there were passenger fare hikes of railways. Is it justified? (I could not hear the question clearly.) Me:Sir, do u mean to say railways? M1: yes,railways. Me: Sir, from last about 10 years there were no passenger fare hikes. In fact, railway makes losses in passenger business which is compensated by fright business. Fare hike will increase revenues for railways which can be used for infrastructure development & upgradation, Railway safety etc. M1: So, is it justified? Me: Yes sir, it is justified. M1: Then why it was rolled back? Me: Sir, it was because of some compulsions of coalition politics. There was much pressure on govt. by honourable chief minister of w.bengal. M1:Who is the founder of Homoeopathy? Me: Sir,Dr.Hahnemann. M1:What is his contribution? Me: I explained his contribution to homoeopathy. M1:What r the reasons for Homoeopathy not being very popular & people not accepting it? Me: I m sorry sir, but I beg to differ. Hom. Is spreading very rapidly in india. but it has not spread

to desired levels because of various things like misconceptions about the pathy in common people. Hom. is very effective in acute diseases also. But peoples think that it is useful only in chronic & terminal diseases. Secondly, there is inadequate state patronage for the pathy. M1:Does homoeopathy allow surgeries? Me: Sir, hom. does not recommend surgeries. It considers the surgical conditions as mere end result & manifestation of the disease. But we hav been taught Surgery subject during our graduation so that if any surgical case like head injury comes to us, we should be able to refer the case to surgeon. M1:Have u opted Zoology for civil services? (I again could not hear clearly .I looked at chairperson & started answer.) Me:Sir, I hav not studied zoo during my graduation. Ch: No no, he is asking whether u hav opted Zoology for civil services? Me: Yes sir. Ch: Zoology is a very rare subject. Then why u have opted it? Me: Sir, out of interest & I think I hav good aptitude for scientific subjects. I hav already studied much of zoo syllabus like genetics, biochem etc. during my graduation. M2: tell me one great Marathi poet or writer who according to u has greatly contributed to literature. Me: Sir, Vinda Karandikar. M2: What is special about his contribution? Me: Sir, he was communist & socialist by ideology. He was the 1st poet who worshipped the machines, welcomed the machines. He said, machines saves human efforts & human energy. This saved energy can be used constructively for establishing new fair social order, for enriching culture & litterature. His social poems has the legacy of Kavi Keshavsut. M2: But, machines creates unemployment. So how u will tackle this problem. Me: Sir, machines gives rise to idustrialisation & economic growth. So, people initially losing jobs, will again get the jobs. M3: Have u heard about dolly. Me: Yes sir, it was clone. M3:What is clone? Me: Sir, it is exact replica. The genetic constitution of clones is same. M1: Are identical twins clones? Me: (I was confused.)Sir, there r two types of twins. Some are genetically similar to each other. Others are genetically dissimilar. M1: Are identical twins clones? Me: Yes sir. They are clones. (The question of cloning remained unclarified.) M3: Tell me few zoonotic diseases. Me: (Got Confused). Sir , in humans? Ch: Yes. Dont u know zoonotic disease. Me: Yes madam. those spresding from animals to humans. Madam, ANTHRAX, Bird Flu. M3:Is river linking project feasible? Me: Sir,theorotically it seems a very good idea,but practically it is not because of various problems. First is funds. Ch: Suppose there are adequate funds. Me: Yes madam. The proposed canals will lead to fragmentation of habitats & threaten the wildlife. One such canal is proposed in present plan through buxa tiger reserve. Ch: But we can relocate such canals at some other place. Me: Yes madam. But I m just telling one of the implications. Environmental implications are just

one of the problems. There will be also problems related to land acquisition, displacement,resettlement,rehabitation. M4: Comment on judicial Review & problems arising out of that. Me: Sir, judicial review is the basic feature of constitution as per the interpretation by supreme court of India. But this basic structure doctrine of SC has led to conflict betn judiciary & executive which is termed as judicial activism. Explained few examples. M4: Then what is the solution? Me: Sir, there is some vaccum in the executive. So that judiciary is getting the chance to interfere. I think executive should do its job well. M4: Implications of coalition politics & rise of regional parties. Me: Sir,there certain positives & negatives of coalition politics. In positives, the regional aspirations are well addressed,regional problems are well addressed. The parliament & govt. becomes more representative. In negatives, it slows down decision making in the govt. as it is happening today. E.g. decision of railway fare hike issue. M4: Maharashtra is a developed state. Still there is problem of naxalism. Where is this problem? Me: Sir, the problem is mainly in the Vidharbha region which is border area, remote, mainly tribal & forested area. M4:Why is the problem? Me:Sir,though maharashtra is a developed & industrialised state, vidarbha region is not developed region. It remains backward. There are large scale inequalities & undedevelopement. I think maoists are taking advantage of these conditions. M4:Suppose u r collector in Maharashtra. There r incidents of attacks on north Indians. How will u handle the situation? Me: Sir, I will strictly enforce law & order in my district. I will strictly follow constitution which guarantees right to freedom of movement throughout the country. M4:It is theoretical. But wiil you be able to do that practically. Me:Yes Sir, I will be able to do that. M5: Our constitution is a 60 yrs old document.(Started telling many problems of country.) Should we review this document? Me: Sir, our constitution is based on very noble ideas & principles which were in the minds of our founding fathers. Our constitution is not rigid. It is flexible. We can have changes in it through amendments. So I dont think,there is any need to review the document. M5:We hav amended it several times. Still there are problems like centre-state relations, problems relted to federal structure etc. Dont u think it is time to change the document. Me:Sir,I dont think there is any need to review or change the document. We can change it within the given framework of constitution itself. Even if we go for any such achange in the document, it will be struck down by supreme court of india as violation of basic structure of constitution. Ch: u said clone is exact replica.(She now wanted clarity on the subject.) Me: Sorry madam.Not exact replica, but genetic replica. The genetic makeup,genetic constitution of the clone is same as that of parent. Ch: It requires single or both parents? Me: Madam, Single parent. Ch: What is the difference between cloning & tissue culture? Me:(I was not knowing too much abt cloning.So I took safe path.)I m sorry madam. I dont know the exact difference. But may try? Ch: Yes,go on. Me: Madam, tissue culture is growing of tissues artificially under laboratory conditions. Cloning is(I was not remembering it. Became nervous. Mam noticed it.) Ch: Dont become nervous.tell me. Me: Madam, may I hav some water.

Ch:Yes. (While drinking water I remeberd the process of cloning. Got relaxed.) Me: Madam, should I explain the process. Ch:yes,go on. Me: I explained the process of somtic cloning. Ch: No, the fertilized ovum is used in the process.(Looked at other member. He also supported her. But both of them were wrong) Me: I m sorry madam.(though I was right.) Ch: Its all right. Tell me which three things are important for any successful event. Me: madam, Planning, Co-ordination among various stakeholders.. Ch:No no. These r inputs. Me:( I again started with planning.) Ch: I give u a hint. Quality. Me: Satisfaction of spectators. Ch: It will come under quality. ( I started thinking.) Ch: Timely organization & within given budget. Me:Yes,Madam. Ch:Thank u tushar. Me:Thank u madam. Thank u sirs. Hav a good day madam.

Razni Razdan Borad, 23.04.12 optionals: public ad and Geo, work in one of PSU OMC, CH: name, DOB, Roll NO CH: name the Indian soils Me: started with red soil, black soil, peat soil, desert soil etc CH: is this is scientific way of telling describing soil? Me: no mam, (with smile) but I am unable to recall the scintific names Ch: ok, tell the vegetation in india Me: again I started with montane, deciduous, evergreen forest Ch: can we say it tropical mansoon vegetation, tropical deciduous forest, tropical desert etc Me: yes mam, yes mam...this is true. Ch: where india liesin tropics? Me: yes mam (smiling) Ch: how you find out bpl? Me: mam, we have consumption measurement for person that in rural area if he consumes 2400 cal Ch: but can you say how much calorie he has taken, can you tell me about you how much u have takne... she looked upset on my answer...bad start anyway... Me: no mam Ch: thenhow will you say whether one person is BPL? Me: I could not say that planning commission has given monitory based data of BPL and said I dont know how it is actually calculated. Ch: but you should know Me: with little smile, yes mam Ch: which is the neighbor having largest border with india? Me: Bangladesh Ch: what is the length? Me: mam, approx 4200 km Ch: okay, which is shortest? Me: after thinking for 4-5 secs mam Bhutan. Ch: wrong answerSlightly loudly Passed on to the M1 M1: okya, u r mech engg, can u tell me what is space elevator? Me: after thinking a bit . I said sir, I dont know (I had read it for the mains but could not recall is properly) He felt if he has asked wrong question from me M1: you are from IITM, there was a debate that girls should not come out of hostel after 11 pm and even if they come they should have an escort, do you have idea about it.? Me: sir, I dont know about it but in my view freedom of girls should not be curtailed in way and they should be treated equal to the boys. If they are creating nuisance or obscenity then there is needed some restriction other they have equal rights. I never knew this issue, but issue is actually security as per the administration but people say that because of gals and boys roaming in the night time they want to keep the girls in the hostel. (this is as per the hindu report on april 15th) Here I dont know whether I should have touched upon this question, I did not knew full picture. But he did not ask further question on this. M1: if I tell you that there is honest but inefficient officer and dishonest and very efficient subordinate below you, whom would you choose?

Me: sir, I will choose the honest but inefficient person, because I can trust on him. And sir, an activity is a cooperative group effort. I will try to motivate him and help him and ask him to improve his work. so that his performance will improve and I will work with him. M1: suppose you are a DC in rural area and there are many deptt where woud you like to work first. Such as civil supplies, etc(gave name of 3-4 deptt). Me: Sir(with energy), I would like to work in the supplies deptt because food is the basic requirement of the people and until this basic requirement is meet which cannot move further. Then I will move upon the implementation of the various development schemes. M1: okay, but what about the healt and the education deptt Me: yes sir, these are also very important I would work upon these two also. He passed on to other member M2 M2 was a god send person for me. He asked very easy question from and I feel very much thankful to him, whatever be the final result. M2: you know ragging? Suppose you are DC then how will you check this? Me: I thought for 5-6 seconds looking slightly downward at the table sir, first things we have penalize the perpetuators of this and give them exemplary punishment. Then at the time of the start of the session we have to create awareness among the senior students to stop it. Then also to the junior so that they dont simply bear it and they should report the matter immediately to the concerned authority. Ragging cannot be finished in a day or two but with these provision we can reduce it over a time of 1-2 sessions. M2: recently there was tsunami warning in the Indian ocean what would have you done as DC? M1: after thinking 3-4 sec Sir, first thing I will do to spread the information via local TV, radio etc. then providing info to the industries, RWA and the fisherman association. So that they will come out of the sea. And sir even if eventually is there, damage will be less and this will be learning for the future response. M2: do you about the recent SC judicial pronouncement about the RTE? M1: again thinking for 3-4 sec sir, under this judgment 25% reservation has been provided to the underprivileged children of the society in the private unaided non minority institutions. But sir, we have thought about the balance 75% children who will not get quality. Sir, education is the best investment a country can make for its progress and so should try to provide quality education the 100% children so that will not have need for such acts and judgments. M2: recently we are seeing that quality has been decreasing in the private institution, what we should do? Me: sir, we need a regulator to maintain the quality in the education inst. Regulator will help maintaining in correct teacher student ration, lab and research facility etc. (I said some more but unable to recall now) M2: if you r made a DC of vizag wthat would be your priorities? Me: .. sir, my first priority would be improvement in the infrastructure. Sir, vizag is called city of destiny and large number of people come to vizag for jobs. There has been started some new infra projects has not been completed so I first look into this. Then are large numbers of housing requirement and small colonies are setting up, I will work upon the issue of housing. And sir, vizag is getting polluted because of large number of industries there. I will try to check the pollution to keep the vizag a sustainable city.

Passed on to the M3 M3: tell me about your work profile, working in refinery. Me: told with vigor and told the projects I handled. I told him that I worked on clean fule projects. M3: what is clean fuel project Me: told that due to direction of goi, OMCs are producing bharat stage IV fuels so that they will have lesser emissions. M3: what is CDM? Me: I tried to recall it but I was confused and said that I am unable to recall it. Then he asked me this question in other way, now I forgot know what he asked actually. Thet I told him that we take up green tech project and reduce the GHG emissions and we can sell them to the develop world. M3: what is Kyoto protocol? Me: explained correctly with all the details. M3: here he asked me some ambiguous question. He said that we have large dependence of the fossil fuel, how to reduce the dependence? Give me some practical answer. Me: I thought for 5-6s seconds and said sir we have to reduce our energy consumption and sir we are doing research in electric vehicle, hydrogen and fuel cell etc M3: but we have larger energy demand in the future then how can we reduce consumptiongave some data about the energy demand in the last and this FYP. Me: sir, then we have to move towards renewable energies such as solar energy, wind energy and nuclear energy also M3: but then nuclear energy has its own problem, solar also Me: yes sir yes sirnodded in full agreement and said with the smile. I dont kow which direction he was asking me to go. I could not think anything else M3: u know about hafiz sayyeed? Me: yes sir, he is LeT terrorist and recently US has placed a bounty on his head. M3: what is his importance to india? Me: sir, he has been engaged in spreading terror and responsible for the recent terror attacks in india. He is criminal for india. M3: criminals like dawood and sayeed can ever be brought to india? Me: though for a whileyes sir but both countries should cooperate with each other M3: do you see any possibility in the future seeing the present developments. Me: said with smileyes sir it is possible in the future. Passed on to the M4 M4: what is refining known technically? Me: I did not know it but I said after bit of pause Sir, it is crude distillation and crude get separated into various components such as petrol, diesel etc depending on their boiling points. M4: still I think he did not get the right term and again repeated it briefly. M4: can we produce or of diesel than petrol? Me: yes sir, but it depends on the type of crude we have, every crude give some fixed percentage of distillates in standard distillation process. M4: okay, suppose there is large requirement of diesel so can we do it? Me: I thought for a moment and said, sir I dont know exactly what they do but it is possible. M4: do you know about the procurement prices govt fixes for the various crops? Also said something more related to itunable to recall now. Me: though for a while and asked himsir r u talking about the MSP? Then other member said yes, the same. Me: Sir, this is the price fixed by the govt for the crops such as wheat etc. to protect farmers from the

market forces. In this case farmer would get the profit on his investment. I said 2 more lines Suddenly I heard the Thank you. I turned toward MADAM and said thank you with smile and said thank to all the members. I was expecting more questions. But had to vacate the seat I my opinion I faltered badly in the BPL question. I should have done better. I prepared it but was not very clear in the issue and hence lost a good chance to impress the Chair. Over all I gave all the answers taking 3-4 sec time all with pleasant mood without any sign of nervousness or lack of confidence. no questions on the hobbies etc.

Interview: CSE Date: 14th march 2013 Time: 3.30 to 4.00pm Board: Dr. Y. V. Reddy Name of candidate: Tripti Bhatt

Prologue: It was a pleasant march day. My interview was scheduled in the second half. We reached the premises well before time but only the aspirants were allowed to enter at about 1pm with guardians outside. I was cool calm and cheerful. I peeped at sheet with the gatekeeper and calculated that my turn would be somewhere third or fourth. We reached reception and submitted mobile phones. We were also given codes and people with same codes had to sit on the same round table in a large hall. Inside the hall people were seated, having water/coffee, reading mags/newspaper, chatting... everyone appeared confused or studious or relaxed or all of the above. Soon our documents were verified by upsc staff. By now we knew our turn but not the board. It was about to be 2pm when someone came to our table and informed the first candidate that it was to begin soon and the board is of Dr. Reddy. Rest of us were chatting, discussing how they dont even allow wristwatches inside, how is the board, each others b/g homestate, sequence of interview etc. My fellow aspirant started reading notes and another picked up newspaper so out of competition i too took my notes to revise ;) but soon lost interest and put it back. Time was flying... people who came back appeared happy and gave good feedback. Soon it was my turn. I was escorted from the hall and seated outside the interview room before the bell rang and i was told by staff to go inside. I wrote this transcript two-three days after interview so its almost identical to actual events and words. Lapses/voids wherever applicable have been duly mentioned.

I: May i come in sir? Voice: Yes CM:Take a seat I: thank you sir. Gud afternoon sir. CM: so..tripti bhatt. Yes sir you are 24 years old (i was like ummmm 23 years nd three odd months but then i realised he is THE chairman and its his first utterance so i replied smiling) yes sir you are a design engineer sir in the mean time i have become an assistant manager. (he carefully nodded) so u have a degree in mechanical engineering. You must be well versed in your engineering fundamentals then. (To this i replied some namby pamby stuff..i did not want to go to mechanical since i had not revised anything other than power plant cycles)

So you want to say that you have forgotten your engg fundamentals? No sir. An engineer can never forget his fundamentals (this i said in a tone almost like a soldier ready for battlefield :P) but its just that i am not very sure whether your questions will resonate with my knowledge base or not ( loose translation: i know i am good enough at engineering but i dont know what fundamentals are you going to ask and i dont want to screw up my interview in the very beginning.. I just used better words) okk (he passes on to next person. Nothing else asked by him.) Next member: Hmm you say that you met President Dr. Kalam. Is it a position of authority or leadership? (he was reading my daf under that coloumn) (with a smile) sir i met him as school headgirl (i completed the sentence he had truncated daf said met president Dr. Kalam as school headgirl) (he started reading my daf quickly in partially audible manner. At every pause i felt geared up for a question since my daf was loaded with many triggers but he kept reading.) you have so many hobbies (i had mentioned composing poems, photography, swimming and singing) how do you find time for so many of them? Sir poems i am writing since childhood... (before i could venture to others he interrupted me) so do you consider yourself a poet? Yes sir have you published any of your works? No sir, i havent yet but i would like them to be published someday. Its said that poetry has degraded in present times.what are your views on contemporary poets and their works (I could not rememebr anyone except kumar vishwas. And he is no lofty figure in poetry at all. I remembered him then arvind kejriwal, india gate, anna hazare, tv coverages then suddenly came back.) sir poetry has seen a shift in modernism and post modernism era and it is a distinct shift from the earlier works and styles but we cannot exactly term it to be a degradation (i made it on the spot. I was lucky he didnt grill me) but isnt poetry loosing its popularity? Sir i have personally observed that people do have a taste in poetry and the youth also enjoys gud poems but there is not enough promotion especially since childhood one should have an exposure... if we talk about this generation then we have an example of kumar vishwas who is now politically mobilizing people on the basis of the popularity base he attained solely due to his poetry. (i used what i knew :P ) what are your views on female poets? Dont you think that there is a gender bias in literary world? Sir women are under represented in this domain and there have been allegations time to time that there are gender biasnesses..differential ceilings for women but this is equally true for other professions as well. Women are under represented in research, in engineering and many other areas (by all this i wanted to pull them out from female poets. That too contemporary. I knew not even one of them. I was giving triggers for him to go into areas where i knew at least few names. There were no visible sign of my ignorance though. i was fluently and confidently elaborating) and in poetry i think at the end of the day its the poem that one relishes rather than the name or gender of the composer. No no. I meant that they dont get that treatment as the male poets and ................. (something more he uttered but i was lost midway. i was looking him speak as if the tv is on mute. i was just nodding. I gave some vague reply which i dont exactly remember. Probably he realised i am not interested in doing research on poetry but composing ;) ) so you are from uttarakhand. Women have traditionally enjoyed a good social status in uttarakhand. I smiled and nodded.

What do you think have been the changes in the recent past in condition of women in uttarakahnd. Sir there have been some visible improvements. Specifically for uttarakhand migration from rural to urban areas was earlier confined to menfolk but now women are increasingly stepping out and moving to urban areas for better education and employment. There is increasing vocational education among females. do you think that women empowerment has taken place in india? (this was one of the best answers i gave. At the end of my answer he was visibly impressed :) though i dont verbatimally remember how did i actually start answering it..writing the broad outlines that i remember right now though the actual answer was more elaborate) sir women empowerment cannot be seen in isolation with the women we are talking of. Is it an urban educated upper class woman or a tribal uneducated or rural poor woman. I have personally seen when i was at rihand that there is a visible divide between the rich and poor, urban and rural women, tribal and non tribal and so on.. and it reflects in the different opportunities and challenges that one faces. The policy frameworks that we have are able to cater to a specific section of women and the benifits dont reach to the entire group as whole. So you want to say that there cannot be a common conclusion for all women. Very good. So what are your views on women reservation bill? Its not passed yet. Dont you think they should also come to parliament and beat up the other members? (the member was cheerful and cordial) (i was like yes! Yes! When he uttered women reservation since i had prepared it thoroughly opinion wise as well as factually but i contained my happiness. However out of happiness i did not directly answer what he asked but started with flaunting what I knew. This could have been avoided.) sir there are contrasting views whther reservation should be passed as a bill or there can be amendments to the representation of people act itself so that parties reserve one third of their tickets for women to contest... another member intervened: yes that is what they are saying i replied politely looking at him : no sir, amendment of representation of people act would mean one third tickets are given but it would not ensure that it actually translates into one third seats in parliament. They.... ( i was saying they may be used as dummy candidates to contest in strongholds of rival parties but in the meantime i was intervened by the member who had originally posed the question) i am talking of one third reservation in parliament....the bill has passed in rajya sabha but not in loksabha. Sir there have been commendable measures for involvement of women in political arena and reservation in PRIs is a welcome step. I think this bill will also be passed sooner or later... But it is not being passed (he intervenes me midway) sir there are interests of people[at stake] who are supposed to pass the bill and i think thats the reason. you talked about PRIs, women have not been able to fare that well in the PRIs inspite of reservation. There is even a term.....(i said yes sir dummy puppet candidate as he continued speaking with or without listening to what i said. It was a different term as i came to know in his words) they call them sarpanchpati (everyone started laughing) sarpanch is a female but the work is handled by the husband to wo sarpanchpati ho gaya. What do you say? Yes sir i agree to this situation that puppet candidates are contesting especially from seats that are traditional strongholds of certain families or dominant castes in a village that have been exercising those roles in the past. But it has led to a higher community involvement of women and this has led to benifits in other areas as well for example women self help groups, in indira awas yojna home is named after women of the family and now they are getting aware of such rights. (sociology came handy for this answer)

Next member you have mentioned swimming as your hobby. what is your highest speed of crossing the pool? (i felt he will now go to olympic times or pool length etc. which i didnt knw so i tried getting out of this probable mess) Sir i do recreational swimming. I am not very fast. (he asked some more factual questions on swimming,types of strokes and a couple of other one liner answer typ stuff which i comfortably answered)

Your first priority is IAS. Why does everybody want to go into IAS? You are already in a good job. You will not get that level of job satisfaction in IAS. Anyways its my personal opinion. (this statement was not exactly in tone of question so i kept quiet, though i could have replied/added my views if i wanted to)

So how do you think can we ensure women empowerment? Sir, i think for women empowerment we need voice. Voice? Yes sir. Women constitute 50% of population but they are not still seen as a vote bank and the crude reality is that in the era of appeasement politics, policy frameworks are made with a view to garner votes and women have been unable to assert themselves as a politically important entity. If they have voice, they can influence policy decisions impacting their lives. They must have voice for a dialogue in development process. The solutions must come from the people themselves. They are the best provider of solutions.. all we need to do is to tailor fit it to our policy framework, Legal framework and financial constraints. Ok i will ask on corruption. Tell me two things. First what is your stand on jan lok pal issue.which version of lokpal bill do you stand with? And second, dont you think CAG is breaching his boundaries? (both of these questions,and even the word corruption, are good enough for at least a 3000word essay. I had 10 tonnes of material in my head but i did nt know where to start with, what to speak and what not. I decided not to talk on corruption at all and hit straight and short to the two topics.) sir with all due respect to civil society, i would say that i agree with the criticisms of the model that they have proposed. Lokpal is not a panacea for all ills. Its a towering structure they have proposed which might crumble under its own weight. Its not in consonance with our constitutional philosophy and ultimately we might end up being disappointed with something which we thought would be removing our disappointments. ( i think it was very general answer i gave. I could have used this question for very crisp and heavily loaded one but i could not) but the version that government is proposing is lame and blind. There is no investigative agency, so less powers.and the main problem is that both sides are adamant for their version. I think a middle ground has to be arrived at. An overtowering lokpal is not desirable just as a lame and blind one is not. Solution lies somewhere in between.... Okk on this we can talk whole day.. tell me about CAG On CAG question, I would say that CAG is not just a post mortem agency but it creates a financial accountability. Even Mr. B.R. Ambedkar called him to be the most important constitutional functionary. He is the watchdog so that .... (probably i was sounding bookish. He intervened.) no i am talking of his influencing policy decisions. Like the 2G auction, it had to be done again and it could not be successful Sir be it auctioning or first come first serve, both models have their own pros and cons.... yes but CAG cannot be telling the government which policy to follow... (i dont remember the exact answer, but i did mention that CAG can suggest prudence in policy matters. Talked on that line) so you are saying that both of them should make the policies? no sir, policy making is the prerogative of the government and CAG has to exercise financial accountability but there are certain grey areas and CAG can always suggest which policy would be more efficient... (something similar, i dont remember) okk leave it on this we can go on.. ( probably i was giving too long answers.. earlier also he said similar thing) Hmm.. Let me ask you on foreign policy. Who do you think is a more trustworthy partner of India...US or Russia? (i suddenly remembered a quote by henry kissinger on why international diplomacy should not have any place for trust) sir i would like to quote henry kissinger..

He intervened. No no. I dont want to listen henry kissinger. Tell me as a citizen of india. Whom would you trust? Sir as a citizen of india i would trust Russia but as a diplomat i would not trust either of them. i will go ahead where my national interest lies. (i answered this very assertively :) ) Suppose you are home secretary of uttarakhand, what will you do for the police reforms. (this question created a black out in my mind. I remembered how my friend had suggested to read police reforms which i did not. And i realised i am pub ad student its a blasphemy if my grid fails at this question. I started buying time) sir uttarakhand? (saying all this i was trying to think what the hell was in police reforms i was just completely blank i dont know why) Yes since police is a state subject so lets suppose uttarakhand. ( inside my head i was like come on stupid how can you be blank at THIS. And outwardly i replied as james bond ;) ) Okkk sir..then you have asked a very easy question...since uttarakhand doesnt have naxalite problem :) So far. (he said in a tone of wisdom) so far so good. (i too replied in tone of wisdom :P) (i replied just spontaneously and the board burst into laughter. I was eased. Unable to recall anything concrete I started with talking whatever vague things came to my mind) sir i will start with betterment of policing in border areas since a lot of smuggling of forest produce takes place and inter state crimes occur with tendencies of blame gaming and even firs are not registered. Then sensitization of police is essential with better training. Some heinous crimes and sexual assault cases are not properly handled by police. Community policing needs also needs a focus. We have tendencies of top down approach (suddenly mid way all police reforms flashed in my mind..i cud now sprinkle some good words) so we can talk of national security commision, of state security commission, we can talk of less political interferences in postings and transfers but ultimately it has to be a bottom up approach. We must understand that its not a police force but police service. Next member: So you are from pantnagar university. What has your university done for the agriculture in uttarakhand? Sir our university has done for agriculture of entire nation. It was the harbinger of green revolution. No no. I mean the agricultural output of hilly areas is very low. What has your university done for it Yes sir. The geographical terrain of hills is not very conducive for high agricultural outputs. (he intervenes) what hilly area? Do you know about himachal? (i did not but i could guess by his reaction :P ) Yes sir himachal has a very impressive agricultural output as compared to uttarakhand. Yes. It has a very high performance and it has the same geography same terrain. Pantnagar has done nothing for hills. (he appeared annoyed) No sir its not so. We are working on new varities of seeds, post harvest processing, organic farming... he was again apparantly annoyed but it is for everyone. What is there for the hills? Sir organic farming... (i was diffused by this time, replied organic farming in low volume. He was stuck at hills and pantnagar university and i had nothing to impress him. Thankfully he intervened again and asked another question) ok leave it. If you are IAS in uttarakhand cadre, what will you do for better utilisation of natural resources? Sir i will go for a better implementation of the forest rights of scheduled tribes and other traditional forest dwellers so that forests are better utilised and we can check the smuggling of timber by community involvement... (he did not listen to my full sentence and intervened so i mumbled the last part which probably wasnt audible)

No no tell me how will you generate revenue. (now i was in combat mode. I was not doing well at all with this member so i had to do something really good) sir, the hydroelectric power potential of uttarakhand is 22000MW but so far we have been able to tap a mere 3100MW. My first focus would be on power generation and trade. (this data was on my tips) Ok. Second sir revenue can be genrated by utlising the mineral resources of uttarakahnd but it is a doubtful proposition since it would harm the ecology. What minerals? What minerals do you have there? Sir almora has rich reserves of magnesite and in various parts of uttarakahand we find limestone, copper, tungsten apart from magnesite. Though it has high environmental cost. (almora is my hometown so i knew that fr sure) Hmm. There is no industrial development in uttarakhand. No sir, it is not so. There are two special economic zones and state industrial development corporation is doing commendable job... he itervened but it is only state level no sir many good companies are coming to uttrakahnd what companies do you have there? Sir in automobile sector we have companies like tata, maruti,ashok leyland.... (he again intervened i could not give a good answer to something i knew really well and with good factual backing. ) what is the status of tea plantation in uttarakhand? Sir there are tea estates in kausani near almora and.... (He intervened again. In retrospect i was impressed with the knowledge of the board. They were asking all minute and relevant questions..not many people are aware of tea plantations of uttarkhand..) what tea do they produce there? They are running into losses. They dont want to grow tea government is not allowing them to switch. They want to build resorts and hotels. No sir,the quality of the tea is very good but there is not enough marketing.... (he intervenes as usual... i was barely able to complete any sentence with this member but wasnt nervous) is it good like darjiling tea? I dont think so... north east and uttarakahnd lie at same lattitude but look at darjiling tea and look at kausani. Sir tea cultivation is very sensitive to weather fluctuations, soil quality and farm inputs. Even the flavour changes with soils. We have limited resources and poor marketing facilities.... he intervenes again it is no comaprison to darjiling tea sir darjiling has a geographical indicator, it has resources and revenues to invest in again..... (he again intervenes and my last few words are again lost after gegraphical indicator.) but uttarakhand is lagging behind, its very behind than where it should have been (at this point probably other members had a pity on me :P I was being intervened/opposed in every answer. Sarpanchapati wale sir tried to mellow down this member....sir it is a young state.. it will catch up)

Next Member: tell me about jawaharlal nehru urban renewal mission (i could remember only those low floor red green buses with jnnurm and little else about the mission itself but i didnt say sorry :P ) sir i am not very sure about the exact details but broadly it deals with transport, slums, migration, better urban infrastructure etc.

so you are from NTPC. You must have heard about the project at lahori nagpala. (it was a hydro project near uttarkashi which had to be scraped off. I was relaxed and releived as he asked question on my comfortable and strong territory) why did you abandon the project? It is not a good thing to do. Ntpc should not have abandoned it. What do you think? Sir NTPC never wanted to scrape off the project in fact we had a loss of 400 crore rupees in that venture but there were objections from environmental activists. All infrastructural projects, especially hydro power, have long gestation periods and if there are delays it increases the project cost exponentially. We have to face various delays due to clearances then protests and political pressures came into play so it would not have been economically viable in the long run. But why do you need to go to hydro? Along with NTPC there are projects of NHPC and THDC already going on in uttarakhand. They are dedicatedly in hydro. Whats the need of NTPC then? Sir its not a one time measure but a business philosophy. We are undergoing diversification not only to hydro but to wind, to solar, to geothermal, there is recently a site identified in jharkhand for that. As an integrated power major we are going into power trading as well. We are taking technological enhancements, like supercritical technology, to reduce greenhouse gases and our carbon footprint. There are stricter norms now,carbon credit and all.. so we are expanding to renewables. And our coal reserves are limited so one cannot remain in perpetual existence with a limited resource as the backbone. How do you ensure that coal theft doesnt occur on way sir we have MGR trains that transport coal.. so an engineer is seated at the front coach and one engineer at the end. (at this they started smiling/laughing. I could not understand why. I continued speaking) and they are accompanied by CISF people also. ( later i realised probably they were smiling coz my answer sounded as if engineers are the protector and cisf formality ;) ) Another member intervenes do you import coal? Yes sir but its only for blending purpose since indian coal is.... Blending is ok. From where do you import? Sir we import from indonesia and australia. Our annual requirement is of 160 million metric tonne coal out of which we import about 16-17 mmt which roughly translates into 10% of our requirement. (answering this question i was just looking at the member who asked it and probably it appeared that i can talk for another one hour on coal import. He gave me a hint to look at the member whos turn it was :P i sensed it, stopped the answer and started looking at the person who was asking originally) we have very limited reserves of coal. so what is the situation of your coal stocks? Sir i will give you a very practical example. We have a plant at dadri. There are supposed to be eight trains of coal everyday and if two of them are reduced our plant plf drops. GM starts running here and there. (yes i said exactly this.. after displaying good choice of words throughout the interview this was the phrase i used for our gm :P ) This is the scene at NCR plant. Earlier we used to have stockpiles of 20 to 25 days in huge stackyards but now there are lot of supply constraints. Chairman: okk you may go. (I was expecting few more questions on NTPC but it ended suddenly. I said thank you. While going back members smiled. One of them said good. I smiled and went)

SWOT Analysis Strength Weakness First Attempt, Working Professional, Good communication skills Little/no revision of grad subject and optionals, talking too much i.e. long replies where short would do Strong territory of analytical questions, social issues , power sector etc. If board would dig too deep on DAF related qsns since it was heavily loaded with keywords and I was short on preparation time

Opportunity Threat

Final Marks Obtained: 221 out of 300 Rank: 165 Remarks for future aspirants: Interview process was very coordial and more of a discussion with intellectual audience rather than a question answer session. One should be calm confident and try to answer relevantly without trying to bluff the board or appearing too polished and ready with crammed answers. Be honest, be yourself and dont give too cliched answers. More than the knowledge they are jusdging your mental traits, way of analysis and how do you come across as a prospective administrative officer. Dont be too aggressive nor appear spineless. Take positions in questions where do you think its essential and can be justified but more or less a balanced approach should be followed. Be cheerful and confident, have faith in yourself and on almighty. All will go well. Do not get bogged down by negative remarks during mock interviews as real siutuation would be much different than ANY of the mocks you are appearing for. Take the remarks in positive light and work on them. Also dont be too swayed away by good performances at mock. Its just for exploring your weak areas and should not be taken too close to heart. Your marks would depend on those fateful thirty minutes at upsc :) Best of luck.

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