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Children learn best by observing the behavior of adults and copying it. Do you agree or disagree?

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. In the waking of the development of this society, children tend to learn everything fast. In each period of their lives, they learn in different ways. This essay will discuss whether children learn best by observing the behavior of adults and copying it. Children do learn best by observing behavior of adults for several reasons. First of all, children do not know the difference between what is right and wrong. Therefore, they are always going to try to copy the adults around them because in their minds the adults are the perfect stereotype of good citizenship. It is very important for adults to try to always behave in a proper way around children so they can absorb that good behavior. Second of all, children do always want to be like the adults around them when they grow up. In addition to that, they are always trying to learn from the adults, by observing their actions. For e ample, if an adult smokes in front of the children, the children it will most likely wanting to have a smoke. !ven though they might know that smoke is not good for their health, they want to do what adults do. "ccording to their line of thoughts we are supposed to always know what is right and good in life. It#s true that children learn best by observing the behavior of adults and copying it. First of all, children are from new born to $ years old have habit of aping the grown% ups. They talk in tongue and gesture like those they meet often. Secondly, they don#t know any languages from birth and after about & years copying and listening to other people they can talk and understand automatically. Their abilities of aping are very fast. 'esides, it#s hard for adults to lean languages because adults can#t learn by observing others and copying it. The third point is that children are not only learn languages fast but also aping the behavior of adults( they imitate what their parents do. For e ample, they#ll empty the rubbish to the right place if their parents have that habit. Some four to five children can be perfect dancers because of e cellent observing and copying from famous singers, dancer. They are e pecting to become professional. )owever, children don#t learn best by observing the behavior of adults and copying it when they are at the age of over ten. "s growing up, children also begin to

get ac*uainted with different environments. They will improve their thought themselves in educational environment. "nother point is that they will have friends, have chances to study with good methods and they communicate much more with their friends at school than with adults. That#s why this time they tend to learn and arrange the knowledge as logical as possible, observing and copying are also helpful and support them in this period. Furthermore, they know how to pick and choose what#s good and suitable for them. They will get and learn lessons from their friends, teachers and parents. In summary, I agree with the opinion that children learn best by observing the behavior of adults and copying it. I also believe that they would learn best by studying from their friends at school by selecting what comes to them. In conclusion to that, adults should always be concerned with their actions around children because we play a very important role in their lives. They are our hope for a better future.

Technology is making communication easier in today's world but at the expense of personal contact as many people choose to work at home in front of a computer screen. hat dangers are there for a society which depends on computer games rather than face!to!face contact for its main means of communication? Technology is making communication easier in today#s world, but at the e pense of personal contact as many people choose to work at home in front of a computer screen. +hat dangers are there for a society which depends on computer screens rather than face%to%face contact for its main means of communication, +ith today-s communication technologies people around the world are connected through their computer. It is very easy and simple as well to communicate with someone sitting on the other side of the globe. The possibility to be available twenty%four hours a day through a web interface can be rather dangerous as well. .ne of the biggest dangers is that people start to live a life without any social contacts. !veryone starts to live in his own world, a world dominated purely by their computer screen messages. /iving an illusion that millions of friends are out there 0ust waiting for you. Friends that will support you on a bad day or will cheer you up if you won-t feel well. This artificial bubble starts to burst as soon as people get into real world problems, like losing their 0ob. "nother danger from relying purely on communication technologies through the internet occurs when it comes to dead lining colleagues, clients as well as costumers. 1othing is easier than sending an email to someone and telling him or her that he or she misunderstood something and it needs to be redone. This form of one way communication will lead sooner or later to inefficiency. +ould it have been discussed face%to%face and show some e amples on how to do it not only a lot of time but also a lot of frustration could have been avoided. 2elying on communication entirely through the computer screen not only can cause economic problems but also social problems. !ven though we are in the twenty%

first century is it still very efficient and form a social point of view highly recommended to choose face%to%face communication over the latest web interface. Technology and working in front of a computer is an incredible inspiration. Technology is determined to make our lives easier. This is an amazing revolution in human-s way of communicating. "t the present time, communication has become less complicated because of technological enlargement. !specially the personal interaction is influenced because many internet subscribers wish to stay at home and use their computers as a way to communicate. +e sometimes feel like throwing our computers out the window or going on vacation. 3ltimately technology gives us a wealth of opportunities to have more comfortable. 'ut there are also effects about this like compromise in human#s health and less attachment with other human beings. Some contemporary technologies that make life easier are household appliances such as washing machine, dishwasher etc. These make household tasks less inconvenient. Computers and mobile phones make communication between distance areas very easily reachable. 1ow we have urban transportation which makes traveling faster and easier with less traffic. 4eople who are facing computers at work in home have risks in their health by being not moving from there. These people sit most of the time while they are working. They no longer have to move around like to walk, talk, dress%up and go up%and down the stairs or do other things physically. "s a result this might cause them to be overweight, fat and other illnesses might activate. /ack of e ercise can cause heart disease and staying long in front of the computer can cause eye damage. Furthermore people who spend time with technology can drop personal attachments with other people like their family, relations and friends. 'ecause they use computers as a tool for communication via instant messaging services like Skype and !mail services. They do not have liked to personally interact with other human beings

and their bonding with others may depreciate. +orking in front of a computer is although a fantastic idea on the opposing side internet users must be aware of dangerous conse*uences and that could affect their health and attachment with other humans.

"n your life experience# what is the best advice you have received? The best advice I have received was the advice from my mom who said 5everything thing happens for good5. 6y mother#s advice was so true and applicable. It gave me hope that when bad things happened to me or things don-t turn out the way I want them because of my mom-s advice I understood it was is for a reason. I followed it also because throughout my life it was easy to find situations where I could get upset. Since I was a little girl I heard my mom say 5everything happens for 7ood5 I heard her say it both for the good and the bad things that happened. )earing her telling me this when she saw me upset made me put it in my mind and apply it in my everyday life. Finding myself in small situations being mad like missing the bus to get to school or being re0ected by a friend, I remember always getting mad at myself, people or even 7od. The time I applied for a 0ob and after waiting two weeks for interview I was mad because I didn-t the new 0ob. This days thanks to 7od I have been changed because my mom- advice was so true and applicable. 1ow rather than 0ust worrying myself why things always don-t work out as I e pected I learned not to give in or give up easily in every situations I found myself in but always I try to see beyond what is in front of me or try to focus on the positive sides of situations as they saying goes 5 you can either think the cup is half full or half empty5. The best counsel that I got from my mother when I connected it with what I read on the 8uran where it says 57ive thanks in all circumstances9. I really believed that all things happens for a reason and that gave me hope. I was 0ust wondering, pondering and thinking all the good and bad things that happened in my life. !ven more I was 0ust thinking about the good and bad things that happen in people lives and how even though at times it is very difficult to be thankful for the bad things that happen in my life but 0ust remembering it in difficult situation helps me to calm down. I found it to be a good reminder to 0ust keep on being optimistic. The more I lived life there were more situations coming my way that I got me upset easily. To mention a few friends made me upset when they stopped calling me. Strangers made me upset because they cut line in front of me at a grocery store. The

cat makes me mad because it pees on the sofa. The microwave made me mad because it stopped working. Sometimes it was easy for me 0ust to get upset rather that to be happy and being thankful for the lots of things I possess. 'ut now since two or three years ago my mom-s advice really sync in and I got to apply it and at times it was difficult to believe everything was happening for a reason as the saying goes 5 !verything happens for a reason and a reason5 but 0ust not getting upset because I missed the bus to go to school or that I broke up with my boyfriend really felt good. It made me feel that I was doing the right thing. That I was living my life to the fullest which when I look back at my life I was sure not to find any regrets. !very now and then as I go through this life this two advices pop in my mind and remind me how my mom#s advice 5everything is for good5 is such an outstanding advice it gives me happiness a sense of meaning that things are not 0ust happening but for a reason.

Tourism is becoming increasingly important as a source of revenue to many countries# but its disadvantages should not be overlooked. disadvantages of tourism? These days, plenty of nations have been introducing tourism and earning a huge amount of money as a result. )owever, it is believed that the outcomes of commercialized tourism may cause other serious issues in the area. I fiercely agree this statement and feel that the shortcoming of tourism industry should not be ignored. First of all, industrialized tourism may not be sustainable for the local area-s economy. It is often said that due to tourism the natural environment in countries has been destroyed. The companies- priority is usually how much they can earn from tourism, so they e ploit the unspoiled nature and build new facilities. These careless movements lead the endemic plants and animals to being under threat. In addition to that, indigenous cultures are also threatened by tourism industries. 1ative cultures and customs are used as products to get tourists- attention in sightseeing spots. 'ecause of this, indigenous people are likely to neglect the historical values of their culture. It results in the native people losing their valuable traditions. +hile tourism industry often criti*ued from the point of view of waiving the uni*ueness out, the incomes from tourism can help preserve local cultures and nature. Some scientists point out that we can use the revenue to pass the priceless culture and environment on to the ne t generation. In the present scenario, many countries are considered famous for its tourism. Their ma0or source of income seems to be significantly by tourism. It does has pros and cons which has to be analyzed. Countries profit by attracting people worldwide with their interesting historic monuments, man%made wonders and nature beauty. The economy of the country increases by means of transportation tariffs, cost of accommodation and food etc. for the visitors. The fame and preciousness of the places are spread worldwide attracting many more tourists. It does give employment opportunities for the localities. To site an e ample, :ubai is one of the popular tourist sites of the world. It was considered as 0ust a desert, but it earns more with its attractions like 'ur0 :ubai, a man%made tallest hat are some of the

building turned the world-s attention. It does have ancient historic museums, malls, ; star hotels too. )owever, there are disadvantages caused by the tourists. .ne of the most important problems will be the damage caused to the tourist spots like ancient signatures by the visitors. Secondly, they spoil the culture of the local society. "dditionally overcrowding does prevail due to more number of foreigners. 6oreover, the tourist spot becomes the point of attack for the terrorists and cause disaster to the country. Though there are problems encountering with the tourism, still countries welcome the visitors to improve their financial status. So it is the duty of the local government to promote policies and restrictions on tourism to provide safety for its people. In conclusion, the tourism as an industry has many potential harms and most of them should not be underestimated. )owever, there are some positive effects to local people. The most important this is that we have to analyze it properly and make the best balance between both advantages and disadvantages.

hat do schools need to do to prepare students for the $% st Century? Discuss your opinions. <im Collins in his book, 7ood to 7reat, says that =good is the enemy of great9 and that most often organizations fail to reach great because of their overwhelming satisfaction with good. +hile there is much to =high five9 and ="tta%boy9 about, I also know that if I asked any teacher in our system, they could also tell me what our challenges are and how we could improve as a system. I love that we have been very successful in so many ways, but I do not want to get caught in that =good to great9 trap of being satisfied with our current level of success. I absolutely believe we have the talent, the dedication, the vision and tools to go from good to great. +e can increase our graduation rate and lessen the achievement gap. +e can make sure more students are reaching proficiency in third grade, we can ensure all students are being challenged with *uality instructional practices, and we can ensure our students are prepared for the >?st century, whether they go on to the work force or post%secondary education. +e are either already working toward these goals or are beginning work that will lead us to our ultimate goal of greatness as a system. 7iven that there are many =moving parts9 in our system, I really wanted to take the time to point out how all these parts are working together, as a system toward this goal. First, we recognize that our vision has to be about preparing our students to be successful beyond their @%?> e perience in the >?st Century. "s we e amine how fast things change in this information age, we have to recognize that the work force and higher education is likely to be very different for our students than it was even five years ago. If you consider our kindergarten students who will graduate in >A>$, it is hard to imagine what their college e perience will be like. There are e periences and skills that our students need in order to prepare them for the world they will work and thrive in. They will have to be strong communicators, innovators, and thinkers. They will have to manage information in a very different way than their parents and they have more ownership today over a great deal of their learning. "s I go out into our schools, I see teachers working hard to engage students in instruction that is interesting and relevant to their world. I see teachers being innovative with technology and giving kids authentic

learning e periences. +e are teaching students to be good citizens in their community as well as in the digital environments of their everyday world. +e have to be purposeful in helping them recognize how their learning relates to their future. The work we are doing as a district with our Teaching and /earning Council around effective instruction and best practices will be of great support to our 4/Cs out in our schools. I will look to this group to provide leadership and support to others in their schools as well as throughout our system around effective instruction and effective use of 4/Cs. "s we go out and ask for feedback, insight and perspectives on the core values of our staff, parents, students and community, we will also work to build vision around shared responsibility for helping all students be successful. !ducation is not the sole responsibility of educators, nor is it the sole responsibility of parents. +e simply must work together in order to ma imize students# potential for success. This begins with our listening tour which will help us to understand our stakeholders# perceptions and how the work we do together can support the success of all our students. I hope we plan to attend the listening session scheduled at our school. 4reparing students for the >?st Century is comple , challenging and ever changing but the potential is incredible and the work is dynamic. It is simply an e citing time to be an educator. I look forward to an incredible school year, full of many great moments as we strive toward that e cellence our students deserve.

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