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162540 July 13, 2009

GEMMA T. JACINTO, Petitioner, vs. PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, Respondent. DECISION PERALTA, J.: Before us is a petition for review on certiorari filed ! petitioner "e##a T. $a%into see&in' t(e reversal of t(e De%ision ) of t(e Court of *ppeals +C*, in C*-".R. CR No. ./01) dated De%e# er )1, .22/, affir#in' petitioner3s %onvi%tion of t(e %ri#e of 4ualified T(eft, and its Resolution . dated 5ar%( 6, .227 den!in' petitioner3s #otion for re%onsideration. Petitioner, alon' wit( two ot(er wo#en, na#el!, *nita Buso' de Valen%ia ! Rivera and $a%8ueline Capitle, was %(ar'ed efore t(e Re'ional Trial Court +RTC, of Caloo%an Cit!, Bran%( )/), wit( t(e %ri#e of 4ualified T(eft, alle'edl! %o##itted as follows9 T(at on or a out and so#eti#e in t(e #ont( of $ul! )::0, in ;aloo&an Cit!, 5etro 5anila, and wit(in t(e <urisdi%tion of t(is Honora le Court, t(e a ove-na#ed a%%used, %onspirin' to'et(er and #utuall! (elpin' one anot(er, ein' t(en all e#plo!ees of 5E"* =O*5 INTERN*TION*> INC., (erein represented ! $OSEPH D?HEN"CO ? CO, and as su%( (ad free a%%ess inside t(e aforesaid esta lis(#ent, wit( 'rave a use of trust and %onfiden%e reposed upon t(e# wit( intent to 'ain and wit(out t(e &nowled'e and %onsent of t(e owner t(ereof, did t(en and t(ere willfull!, unlawfull! and feloniousl! ta&e, steal and deposited in t(eir own a%%ount, Ban%o De Oro C(e%& No. 2)/.17: dated $ul! )7, )::0 in t(e su# of P)2,222.22, representin' pa!#ent #ade ! %usto#er Ba ! *8uino to t(e 5e'a =oa# Int3l. In%. to t(e da#a'e and pre<udi%e of t(e latter in t(e aforesaid stated a#ount of P)2,222.22. CONTR*R? TO >*@./ T(e prose%ution3s eviden%e, w(i%( ot( t(e RTC and t(e C* found to e #ore %redi le, reveals t(e events t(at transpired to e as follows. In t(e #ont( of $une )::0, Isa elita *8uino 5ila o, also &nown as Ba ! *8uino, (anded petitioner Ban%o De Oro +BDO, C(e%& Nu# er 2)/.17: postdated $ul! )7, )::0 in t(e a#ount of P)2,222.22. T(e %(e%& was pa!#ent for Ba ! *8uino3s pur%(ases fro# 5e'a =oa# Int3l., In%., and petitioner was t(en t(e %olle%tor of 5e'a =oa#. So#e(ow, t(e %(e%& was deposited in t(e >and Ban& a%%ount of "eneroso Capitle, t(e (us and of $a%8ueline CapitleA t(e latter is t(e sister of petitioner and t(e for#er pri%in', #er%(andisin' and inventor! %ler& of 5e'a =oa#.

5eanw(ile, Rowena Ri%a lan%a, anot(er e#plo!ee of 5e'a =oa#, re%eived a p(one %all so#eti#e in t(e #iddle of $ul! fro# one of t(eir %usto#ers, $ennifer Sanalila. T(e %usto#er wanted to &now if s(e %ould issue %(e%&s pa!a le to t(e a%%ount of 5e'a =oa#, instead of issuin' t(e %(e%&s pa!a le to CASH. Said %usto#er (ad apparentl! een instru%ted ! $a%8ueline Capitle to #a&e %(e%& pa!#ents to 5e'a =oa# pa!a le to CASH. *round t(at ti#e, Ri%a lan%a also re%eived a p(one %all fro# an e#plo!ee of >and Ban&, ValenBuela Bran%(, w(o was loo&in' for "eneroso Capitle. T(e reason for t(e %all was to infor# Capitle t(at t(e su <e%t BDO %(e%& deposited in (is a%%ount (ad een dis(onored. Ri%a lan%a t(en p(oned a%%used *nita Valen%ia, a for#er e#plo!eeC%olle%tor of 5e'a =oa#, as&in' t(e latter to infor# $a%8ueline Capitle a out t(e p(one %all fro# >and Ban& re'ardin' t(e oun%ed %(e%&. Ri%a lan%a eDplained t(at s(e (ad to %all and rela! t(e #essa'e t(rou'( Valen%ia, e%ause t(e Capitles did not (ave a p(oneA ut t(e! %ould e rea%(ed t(rou'( Valen%ia, a nei'( or and for#er %o-e#plo!ee of $a%8ueline Capitle at 5e'a =oa#. Valen%ia t(en told Ri%a lan%a t(at t(e %(e%& %a#e fro# Ba ! *8uino, and instru%ted Ri%a lan%a to as& Ba ! *8uino to repla%e t(e %(e%& wit( %as(. Valen%ia also told Ri%a lan%a of a plan to ta&e t(e %as( and divide it e8uall! into four9 for (erself, Ri%a lan%a, petitioner $a%into and $a%8ueline Capitle. Ri%a lan%a, upon t(e advise of 5e'a =oa#3s a%%ountant, reported t(e #atter to t(e owner of 5e'a =oa#, $osep( D!(en'%o. T(ereafter, $osep( D!(en'%o tal&ed to Ba ! *8uino and was a le to %onfir# t(at t(e latter indeed (anded petitioner a BDO %(e%& for P)2,222.22 so#eti#e in $une )::0 as pa!#ent for (er pur%(ases fro# 5e'a =oa#. 7 Ba ! *8uino furt(er testified t(at, so#eti#e in $ul! )::0, petitioner also %alled (er on t(e p(one to tell (er t(at t(e BDO %(e%& oun%ed.6 Verifi%ation fro# %o#pan! re%ords s(owed t(at petitioner never re#itted t(e su <e%t %(e%& to 5e'a =oa#. However, Ba ! *8uino said t(at s(e (ad alread! paid 5e'a =oa# P)2,222.22 %as( in *u'ust )::0 as repla%e#ent for t(e dis(onored %(e%&.1 "eneroso Capitle, presented as a (ostile witness, ad#itted depositin' t(e su <e%t BDO %(e%& in (is an& a%%ount, ut eDplained t(at t(e %(e%& %a#e into (is possession w(en so#e un&nown wo#an arrived at (is (ouse around t(e first wee& of $ul! )::0 to (ave t(e %(e%& redis%ounted. He parted wit( (is %as( in eD%(an'e for t(e %(e%& wit(out even ot(erin' to in8uire into t(e identit! of t(e wo#an or (er address. @(en (e was infor#ed ! t(e an& t(at t(e %(e%& oun%ed, (e #erel! disre'arded it as (e didnEt &now w(ere to find t(e wo#an w(o redis%ounted t(e %(e%&. 5eanw(ile, D!(en'%o filed a Co#plaint wit( t(e National Bureau of Investi'ation +NBI, and wor&ed out an entrap#ent operation wit( its a'ents. Ten pie%es of P),222.22 ills provided ! D!(en'%o were #ar&ed and dusted wit( fluores%ent powder ! t(e NBI. T(ereafter, t(e ills were 'iven to Ri%a lan%a, w(o was tas&ed to pretend t(at s(e was 'oin' alon' wit( Valen%ia3s plan.

On *u'ust )6, .220, Ri%a lan%a and petitioner #et at t(e latter3s (ouse. Petitioner, w(o was t(en (oldin' t(e oun%ed BDO %(e%&, (anded over said %(e%& to Ri%a lan%a. T(e! ori'inall! intended to pro%eed to Ba ! *8uino3s pla%e to (ave t(e %(e%& repla%ed wit( %as(, ut t(e plan did not pus( t(rou'(. However, t(e! a'reed to #eet a'ain on *u'ust .), .220. On t(e a'reed date, Ri%a lan%a a'ain went to petitionerEs (ouse, w(ere s(e #et petitioner and $a%8ueline Capitle. Petitioner, (er (us and, and Ri%a lan%a went to t(e (ouse of *nita Valen%iaA $a%8ueline Capitle de%ided not to 'o wit( t(e 'roup e%ause s(e de%ided to 'o s(oppin'. It was onl! petitioner, (er (us and, Ri%a lan%a and Valen%ia w(o t(en oarded petitioner3s <eep and went on to Ba ! *8uino3s fa%tor!. Onl! Ri%a lan%a ali'(ted fro# t(e <eep and entered t(e pre#ises of Ba ! *8uino, pretendin' t(at s(e was 'ettin' %as( fro# Ba ! *8uino. However, t(e %as( s(e a%tuall! rou'(t out fro# t(e pre#ises was t(e P)2,222.22 #ar&ed #one! previousl! 'iven to (er ! D!(en'%o. Ri%a lan%a divided t(e #one! and upon returnin' to t(e <eep, 'ave P6,222.22 ea%( to Valen%ia and petitioner. T(ereafter, petitioner and Valen%ia were arrested ! NBI a'ents, w(o (ad een wat%(in' t(e w(ole ti#e. Petitioner and Valen%ia were rou'(t to t(e NBI offi%e w(ere t(e =orensi% C(e#ist found fluores%ent powder on t(e pal#ar and dorsal aspe%ts of ot( of t(eir (ands. T(is s(owed t(at petitioner and Valen%ia (andled t(e #ar&ed #one!. T(e NBI filed a %ri#inal %ase for 8ualified t(eft a'ainst t(e two and one $ane Doe w(o was later identified as $a%8ueline Capitle, t(e wife of "eneroso Capitle. T(e defense, on t(e ot(er (and, denied (avin' ta&en t(e su <e%t %(e%& and presented t(e followin' s%enario. Petitioner ad#itted t(at s(e was a %olle%tor for 5e'a =oa# until s(e resi'ned on $une /2, )::0, ut %lai#ed t(at s(e (ad stopped %olle%tin' pa!#ents fro# Ba ! *8uino for 8uite so#e ti#e efore (er resi'nation fro# t(e %o#pan!. S(e furt(er testified t(at, on t(e da! of t(e arrest, Ri%a lan%a %a#e to (er #ot(erEs (ouse, w(ere s(e was sta!in' at t(at ti#e, and as&ed t(at s(e a%%o#pan! (er +Ri%a lan%a, to Ba ! *8uino3s (ouse. Sin%e petitioner was 'oin' for a pre-natal %(e%&-up at t(e C(inese "eneral Hospital, Ri%a lan%a de%ided to (it%( a ride wit( t(e for#er and (er (us and in t(eir <eep 'oin' to Ba ! *8uino3s pla%e in Caloo%an Cit!. S(e alle'edl! (ad no idea w(! Ri%a lan%a as&ed t(e# to wait in t(eir <eep, w(i%( t(e! par&ed outside t(e (ouse of Ba ! *8uino, and was ver! surprised w(en Ri%a lan%a pla%ed t(e #one! on (er lap and t(e NBI a'ents arrested t(e#. *nita Valen%ia also ad#itted t(at s(e was t(e %as(ier of 5e'a =oa# until s(e resi'ned on $une /2, )::0. It was never part of (er <o to %olle%t pa!#ents fro# %usto#ers. *%%ordin' to (er, on t(e #ornin' of *u'ust .), )::0, Ri%a lan%a %alled (er up on t(e p(one, as&in' if s(e +Valen%ia, %ould a%%o#pan! (er +Ri%a lan%a, to t(e (ouse of Ba ! *8uino. Valen%ia %lai#s t(at s(e a'reed to do so, despite (er ad#ission durin' %rosseDa#ination t(at s(e did not &now w(ere Ba ! *8uino resided, as s(e (ad never een to said (ouse. T(e! t(en #et at t(e (ouse of petitioner3s #ot(er, rode t(e <eep of

petitioner and (er (us and, and pro%eeded to Ba ! *8uino3s pla%e. @(en t(e! arrived at said pla%e, Ri%a lan%a ali'(ted, ut re8uested t(e# to wait for (er in t(e <eep. *fter ten #inutes, Ri%a lan%a %a#e out and, to (er surprise, Ri%a lan%a 'ave (er #one! and so s(e even as&ed, F@(at is t(isGF T(en, t(e NBI a'ents arrested t(e#. T(e trial of t(e t(ree a%%used went its usual %ourse and, on O%to er 7, ):::, t(e RTC rendered its De%ision, t(e dispositive portion of w(i%( reads9 WHEREFORE, in view of t(e fore'oin', t(e Court finds a%%used Gemma Tubale De Jacinto y Latosa, Anita Busog De alencia y Ri!e"a an# Jac$ueline %a&itle G ILT! e!ond reasona le dou t of t(e %ri#e of '(AL)F)ED THEFT and ea%( of t(e# is (ere ! senten%ed to suffer i#prison#ent of FI"E #5$ !EARS, FI"E #5$ MONTHS AN% ELE"EN #11$ %A!S, as minimum, &o SI' #6$ !EARS, EIGHT #($ MONTHS AN% T)ENT! #20$ %A!S, as ma*imum. SO OR%ERE%.0 T(e t(ree appealed to t(e C* and, on De%e# er )1, .22/, a De%ision was pro#ul'ated, t(e dispositive portion of w(i%( reads, t(us9 IN "IE) OF THE FOREGOING, t(e de%ision of t(e trial %ourt is MO%IFIE%, in t(at9 +a, t(e senten%e a'ainst a%%used "e##a $a%into standsA + , t(e senten%e a'ainst a%%used *nita Valen%ia is redu%ed to 7 #ont(s arresto mayor #ediu#. +%, T(e a%%used $a%8ueline Capitle is a%8uitted. SO ORDERED. * Partial 5otion for Re%onsideration of t(e fore'oin' C* De%ision was filed onl! for petitioner "e##a Tu ale $a%into, ut t(e sa#e was denied per Resolution dated 5ar%( 6, .227. Hen%e, t(e present Petition for Review on Certiorari filed ! petitioner alone, assailin' t(e De%ision and Resolution of t(e C*. T(e issues raised in t(e petition are as follows9 ). @(et(er or not petitioner %an infor#ationA e %onvi%ted of a %ri#e not %(ar'ed in t(e

.. @(et(er or not a wort(less %(e%& %an e t(e o <e%t of t(eftA and /. @(et(er or not t(e prose%ution (as proved petitioner3s 'uilt reasona le dou t.H e!ond

T(e petition deserves %onsidera le t(ou'(t. T(e prose%ution tried to esta lis( t(e followin' pie%es of eviden%e to %onstitute t(e ele#ents of t(e %ri#e of 8ualified t(eft defined under *rti%le /2H, in relation to *rti%le /)2, ot( of t(e Revised Penal Code9 +), t(e ta&in' of personal propert! - as s(own ! t(e fa%t t(at petitioner, as %olle%tor for 5e'a =oa#, did not re#it t(e %usto#er3s %(e%& pa!#ent to (er e#plo!er and, instead, appropriated it for (erselfA +., said propert! elon'ed to anot(er I t(e %(e%& elon'ed to Ba ! *8uino, as it was (er pa!#ent for pur%(ases s(e #adeA +/, t(e ta&in' was done wit( intent to 'ain J t(is is presu#ed fro# t(e a%t of unlawful ta&in' and furt(er s(own ! t(e fa%t t(at t(e %(e%& was deposited to t(e an& a%%ount of petitioner3s rot(er-in-lawA +7, it was done wit(out t(e ownerEs %onsent J petitioner (id t(e fa%t t(at s(e (ad re%eived t(e %(e%& pa!#ent fro# (er e#plo!er3s %usto#er ! not re#ittin' t(e %(e%& to t(e %o#pan!A +6, it was a%%o#plis(ed wit(out t(e use of violen%e or inti#idation a'ainst persons, nor of for%e upon t(in's J t(e %(e%& was voluntaril! (anded to petitioner ! t(e %usto#er, as s(e was &nown to e a %olle%tor for t(e %o#pan!A and +1, it was done wit( 'rave a use of %onfiden%e J petitioner is ad#ittedl! entrusted wit( t(e %olle%tion of pa!#ents fro# %usto#ers. However, as #a! e 'leaned fro# t(e afore#entioned *rti%les of t(e Revised Penal Code, &*+ ,+-.o/0l ,-o,+-&y .u12+3& o4 &*+ &*+4& 5u.& *06+ .o5+ 60lu+, 0. &*+ 7/&+/&7o/ o4 &*+ 033u.+8 7. &o gain 4-o5 &*+ &*7/9 .&ol+/. T(is is furt(er olstered ! *rti%le /2:, w(ere t(e law provides t(at t(e penalt! to e i#posed on t(e a%%used is dependent on t(e value of t(e t(in' stolen. In t(is %ase, petitioner unlawfull! too& t(e postdated %(e%& elon'in' to 5e'a =oa#, ut t(e sa#e was apparentl! wit(out value, as it was su se8uentl! dis(onored. T(us, t(e 8uestion arises on w(et(er t(e %ri#e of 8ualified t(eft was a%tuall! produ%ed. T(e Court #ust resolve t(e issue in t(e ne'ative. Intod v. Court of Appeals: is (i'(l! instru%tive and appli%a le to t(e present %ase. In Intod, t(e a%%used, intendin' to &ill a person, peppered t(e latterEs edroo# wit( ullets, ut sin%e t(e intended vi%ti# was not (o#e at t(e ti#e, no (ar# %a#e to (i#. T(e trial %ourt and t(e C* (eld Intod 'uilt! of atte#pted #urder. But upon review ! t(is Court, (e was ad<ud'ed 'uilt! onl! of an 75,o..71l+ 3-75+ as defined and penaliBed in para'rap( ., *rti%le 7, in relation to *rti%le 6:, ot( of t(e Revised Penal Code, e%ause of t(e fa%tual i#possi ilit! of produ%in' t(e %ri#e. Pertinent portions of said provisions read as follows9 *rti%le 7+.,. Criminal Responsibility. - Cri#inal responsi ilit! s(all e in%urred9 DDDD .. B! an! person perfor#in' an a%t w(i%( would e an offense a'ainst persons or propert!, were it not for t(e 7/*+-+/& 75,o..717l7&y o4 7&. 033o5,l7.*5+/& or on a%%ount of t(e e#plo!#ent of inade8uate to ineffe%tual #eans. +e#p(asis supplied,

*rti%le 6:. Penalty to be imposed in case of failure to commit the crime because the means employed or the aims sought are impossible . - @(en t(e person intendin' to %o##it an offense (as alread! perfor#ed t(e a%ts for t(e eDe%ution of t(e sa#e ut nevert(eless t(e %ri#e was not produ%ed ! reason of t(e fa%t t(at t(e a%t intended was ! its nature one of i#possi le a%%o#plis(#ent or e%ause t(e #eans e#plo!ed ! su%( person are essentiall! inade8uate to produ%e t(e result desired ! (i#, t(e %ourt, (avin' in #ind t(e so%ial dan'er and t(e de'ree of %ri#inalit! s(own ! t(e offender, s(all i#pose upon (i# t(e penalt! of arresto mayor or a fine ran'in' fro# .22 to 622 pesos. T(us, t(e re8uisites of an i#possi le %ri#e are9 +), t(at t(e a%t perfor#ed would e an offense a'ainst persons or propert!A +., t(at t(e a%t was done wit( evil intentA and +/, t(at its a%%o#plis(#ent was in(erentl! i#possi le, or t(e #eans e#plo!ed was eit(er inade8uate or ineffe%tual. T(e aspe%t of t(e in(erent i#possi ilit! of a%%o#plis(in' t(e intended %ri#e under *rti%le 7+., of t(e Revised Penal Code was furt(er eDplained ! t(e Court in Intod)2 in t(is wise9 Knder t(is arti%le, t(e a%t perfor#ed ! t(e offender %annot produ%e an offense a'ainst persons or propert! e%ause9 +), t(e %o##ission of t(e offense is in(erentl! i#possi le of a%%o#plis(#entA or +., t(e #eans e#plo!ed is eit(er +a, inade8uate or + , ineffe%tual. T(at t(e offense %annot e produ%ed e%ause t(e %o##ission of t(e offense is in(erentl! i#possi le of a%%o#plis(#ent is t(e fo%us of t(is petition. To e i#possi le under t(is %lause, t(e a%t intended ! t(e offender #ust e ! its nature one i#possi le of a%%o#plis(#ent. T(ere #ust e eit(er +), le'al i#possi ilit!, or +., p(!si%al i#possi ilit! of a%%o#plis(in' t(e intended a%t in order to 8ualif! t(e a%t as an i#possi le %ri#e. >e'al i#possi ilit! o%%urs w(ere t(e intended a%ts, even if %o#pleted, would not a#ount to a %ri#e. DDDD T(e i#possi ilit! of &illin' a person alread! dead falls in t(is %ate'or!. On t(e ot(er (and, fa%tual i#possi ilit! o%%urs w(en eDtraneous %ir%u#stan%es un&nown to t(e a%tor or e!ond (is %ontrol prevent t(e %onsu##ation of t(e intended %ri#e. D D D )) In Intod, t(e Court went on to 'ive an eDa#ple of an offense t(at involved fa%tual i#possi ilit!, i.e., a #an puts (is (and in t(e %oat po%&et of anot(er wit( t(e intention to steal t(e latter3s wallet, ut 'ets not(in' sin%e t(e po%&et is e#pt!. Herein petitioner3s %ase is %losel! a&in to t(e a ove eDa#ple of fa%tual i#possi ilit! 'iven in Intod. In t(is %ase, petitioner perfor#ed all t(e a%ts to %onsu##ate t(e %ri#e of

8ualified t(eft, w(i%( is a %ri#e a'ainst propert!. Petitioner3s evil intent %annot e denied, as t(e #ere a%t of unlawfull! ta&in' t(e %(e%& #eant for 5e'a =oa# s(owed (er intent to 'ain or e un<ustl! enri%(ed. @ere it not for t(e fa%t t(at t(e %(e%& oun%ed, s(e would (ave re%eived t(e fa%e value t(ereof, w(i%( was not ri'(tfull! (ers. T(erefore, it was onl! due to t(e eDtraneous %ir%u#stan%e of t(e %(e%& ein' unfunded, a fa%t un&nown to petitioner at t(e ti#e, t(at prevented t(e %ri#e fro# ein' produ%ed. T(e t(in' unlawfull! ta&en ! petitioner turned out to e a solutel! wort(less, e%ause t(e %(e%& was eventuall! dis(onored, and 5e'a =oa# (ad re%eived t(e %as( to repla%e t(e value of said dis(onored %(e%&.1avvphi1 T(e fa%t t(at petitioner was later entrapped re%eivin' t(e P6,222.22 #ar&ed #one!, w(i%( s(e t(ou'(t was t(e %as( repla%e#ent for t(e dis(onored %(e%&, is of no #o#ent. T(e Court (eld in Valen uela v. People). t(at under t(e definition of t(eft in *rti%le /2H of t(e Revised Penal Code, Ft(ere is onl! one operative a%t of eDe%ution ! t(e a%tor involved in t(eft L t(e ta&in' of personal propert! of anot(er.F Elu%idatin' furt(er, t(e Court (eld, t(us9 D D D Parsin' t(rou'( t(e statutor! definition of t(eft under *rti%le /2H, t(ere is one apparent answer provided in t(e lan'ua'e of t(e law M t(at t(eft is alread! Fprodu%edF upon t(e Fta&Nin' ofO personal propert! of anot(er wit(out t(e latterEs %onsent.F DDDD D D D w(en is t(e %ri#e of t(eft produ%edG T(ere would e all ut %ertain unani#it! in t(e position t(at t(eft is produ%ed w(en t(ere is deprivation of personal propert! due to its ta&in' ! one wit( intent to 'ain. Viewed fro# t(at perspe%tive, it is i##aterial to t(e produ%t of t(e felon! t(at t(e offender, on%e (avin' %o##itted all t(e a%ts of eDe%ution for t(eft, is a le or una le to freel! dispose of t(e propert! stolen sin%e t(e deprivation fro# t(e owner alone (as alread! ensued fro# su%( a%ts of eDe%ution. D D D DDDD D D D we (ave, after all, (eld t(at unlawful ta&in', or apodera#iento, is dee#ed %o#plete fro# t(e #o#ent t(e offender 'ains possession of t(e t(in', even if (e (as no opportunit! to dispose of t(e sa#e. D D D D D D Knlawful ta&in', w(i%( is t(e deprivation of oneEs personal propert!, is t(e ele#ent w(i%( produ%es t(e felon! in its %onsu##ated sta'e. D D D )/ =ro# t(e a ove dis%ussion, t(ere %an e no 8uestion t(at 0. o4 &*+ &75+ &*0& ,+&7&7o/+- &oo: ,o..+..7o/ o4 &*+ 3*+3: 5+0/& 4o- M+90 Fo05, .*+ *08 ,+-4o-5+8 0ll &*+ 03&. &o 3o/.u550&+ &*+ 3-75+ o4 &*+4&, *08 7& /o& 1++/ 75,o..71l+ o4 033o5,l7.*5+/& 7/ &*7. 30.+. T(e %ir%u#stan%e of petitioner re%eivin' t(e P6,222.22 %as( as supposed repla%e#ent for t(e dis(onored %(e%& was no lon'er ne%essar! for t(e %onsu##ation of t(e %ri#e of 8ualified t(eft. O viousl!, t(e plan to %onvin%e Ba ! *8uino to 'ive %as( as repla%e#ent for t(e %(e%& was (at%(ed onl! after

t(e %(e%& (ad een dis(onored ! t(e drawee an&. Sin%e t(e %ri#e of t(eft is not a %ontinuin' offense, petitioner3s a%t of re%eivin' t(e %as( repla%e#ent s(ould not e %onsidered as a %ontinuation of t(e t(eft. *t #ost, t(e fa%t t(at petitioner was %au'(t re%eivin' t(e #ar&ed #one! was #erel! %orro oratin' eviden%e to stren't(en proof of (er intent to 'ain. 5oreover, t(e fa%t t(at petitioner furt(er planned to (ave t(e dis(onored %(e%& repla%ed wit( %as( ! its issuer is a different and separate fraudulent s%(e#e. Knfortunatel!, sin%e said s%(e#e was not in%luded or %overed ! t(e alle'ations in t(e Infor#ation, t(e Court %annot pronoun%e <ud'#ent on t(e a%%usedA ot(erwise, it would violate t(e due pro%ess %lause of t(e Constitution. If at all, t(at fraudulent s%(e#e %ould (ave een anot(er possi le sour%e of %ri#inal lia ilit!. IN VIE@ O= THE =ORE"OIN", t(e petition is GRANTE%. T(e De%ision of t(e Court of *ppeals, dated De%e# er )1, .22/, and its Resolution dated 5ar%( 6, .227, are MO%IFIE%. Petitioner "e##a T. $a%into is found G ILT! of an IMPOSSI;LE CRIME as defined and penaliBed in *rti%les 7, para'rap( ., and 6: of t(e Revised Penal Code, respe%tivel!. Petitioner is senten%ed to suffer t(e penalt! of siD +1, #ont(s of arrresto mayor, and to pa! t(e %osts. SO ORDERED.

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