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Broker/Banker Relationship/Wealth Manager Free

Independent Financial Planner FEES

Recommendatio n



Easily available thro gh !ele marketing" #riend" Relatives" $lassmate/$olleag e%s/&nc le etc'

(no) yo r all Banking transaction" *atabase and tele marketing+

!r e Financial Planner never contact People+ .o have to visit Financial Planner%s -##ice to gain kno)ledge+ Every year ed cate ne) things via kno)ledge session A3* *E*I$A!E* !- 4IFE!IME SER/I$E+ -nly Believes in 6 ality )ork beca se there are no hidden agenda+ ,o) to achieve Investor%s goals easily" )itho t any mediators+


At yo r convenient place like ,ome/-##ice+

At yo r convenient place like ,ome/-##ice+


Selling /ario s n)anted st ##0 plan 1 to generate ma2im m commission+

Selling m lti basket prod cts / B ying/selling tips to generate ma2im m brokerage and complete month )ise target+ Every year yo can #ind ne) RM / WM+

Believes In

5 antity )ork to sell ma2im m st ## and generate ma2im m commissions+

5 antity )ork to sell ma2im m st ## and promote his/her position #or senior post/ s)itch to some other Instit tion+


!o sell Min+ 78 policy per year+

First eligible #or minim m salary thro gh brokerage and there#ore'+


!o)ards Prod ct Representing a partic lar company+ 3ever i# yes then only its prod ct based+

!o)ards salary and !arget Represents a partic lar Bank/ Brokerage ho se+ 3ever i# yes then only its market based+

!o)ards only Investor+

Ed cation o# $lients+

Al)ays #irst )ith all types o# market+ And then proceeds+

S ggestion

I# 4I$ agent then selling vario s n)anted tradition plan thro gh ill stration o# 9: p+a+ non;g aranteed ret rn and 3et yield ret rn is 7+<: p+a+ to =+< : p+a+ a#ter 8> years as per )))+licindia+in I# some private player then selling n)anted lips plan thro gh ill stration o# 7>: non; g aranteed ret rn and real ret rn 0 net yield 1 is 9 : p+a+ to ? : p+a+ a#ter 8> years as per there )ebsite Ma2im m commission is a good policy al)ays+ B age a#ter <> and reali@e that all n)anted policy0 trial and error )ith my harden money 1 makes me a h ge loss+ -r In Recession / Cob loss / b siness loss+ -r When it act al needs till there all policy is in c pboard+

B ying /selling cont+ in E6 ity"commodity"#ore2"# t r es and options to generate ma2im m brokerage and complete his/her month%s target+ As !raders are al)ays lost the money in s ch spec lative markets+

3ever recommends any n)anted prod cts+ Separating #rom sales )ith @ero chargeable and non; mediators+

Ma2im m /ol me is good #or me+

When Investors A)ake A

At the time o# Recession -r markets acts e2actly opposite and chances to loose all yo r harden money+

!his kind o# sit ation never comes in any circ mstance s beca se pdate )ith a #inancial ed cation every year so later hal# is # ll o# rela2+

Bene#its to )hom

Al)ays an ndo bted to agents beca se o# #ree 0,idden chargeable1 advice+

Al)ays ndo bted to Broker/Banker beca se o# 0 Providing !IPS 1 #ree advice and b ying and selling the st ## cont+

Al)ays Investor beca se o# #es based advice )ith transparency +

In#lation eats yo r ,arden Money ,o) many




More than 88> ( Ins+ Agents ?= ( MF agents

!ho sands o# broker " s b broker and Relationship / )ealth Manger available in India+

Fe) , ndreds are available in India+

S rvive

*i##ic lt to s rvive long term i# Investor/people )ake p #rom all these things+

*i##ic lt to s rvive long term i# Investor/people )ake p #rom all these things+

!his sit ation never comes beca se o# li#e time commitment to)ards Investors and there is no hidden agenda+

Empty pockets teaches yo a million things in li#e b t" # ll pockets spoils yo in a million )ays+ )arren b ##ett

!he a thor is independent #inancial planner and he is not represent any third party organi@ation+

Regards (irang Dandhi Independent Financial Planner )))+#pindia+in M;E>8?7F87<<

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