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!P8 4 March 2014
Sunnyslde ark PoLel, arkLown, !hb

* Cl updaLe and prlorlLles
* Covernance and prlvacy codes
* SLrucLurlng for prlvacy lmplemenLaLlon
* AppolnLlng a rlvacy Cfflcer
* 8lg daLa proLecLlon

uepuLy MlnlsLer !ohn !effery, !usLlce and ConsLlLuLlonal uevelopmenL wlll dellver Lhe keynoLe and brlef you
abouL Lhe pollcy prlorlLles of CovernmenL relaLlng Lo Cl and respond Lo pollcy quesLlons.
1he conference focus ls abouL proven !*-5?@A -BCD+B+/0?0-4/ ,0*?0+1-+, ln Lhe conLexL of Cl, maLerlally
enhanclng segmenLaLlon markeLlng. ?ou have Lo be very aware of uSA and Lu legal requlremenLs and Lhe
lmpacL upon secondary and Lhlrd parLy buslness relaLlonshlps. A rlvacy Cfflcer has Lo be appolnLed and you
wlll recelve experL advlce abouL hls [ob descrlpLlon.
1he challenge belng Lo malnLaln an accepLable balance beLween legal requlremenLs, pro-acLlve markeLlng and
Lhe key ob[ecLlve of malnLalnlng company 8epuLaLlon ln an ever more demandlng soclal medla world.
l wlsh Lo pay LrlbuLe Lo Lhe ulrecL MarkeLlng AssoclaLlon who have been a pro-acLlve and key lnfluencer
LhroughouL Lhe Cl process.

08h13 - 08h43
!"!# C4D-@A C*-4*-0-+, E4* 145+*/B+/0
uepuLy MlnlsLer !ohn !effery, !usLlce and ConsLlLuLlonal uevelopmenL

08h30 - 09h30
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1he sLraLeglc prlorlLles and near Lerm crlLlcal lssues for prlvaLe secLor corporaLe managemenL
8egulaLory SLrucLure and Lhe proposed lmplemenLaLlon Llmellne
A Llmellne when regulaLlons wlll apply and penalLles
lnformaLlon on Lhe mandaLory appolnLmenL of rlvacy Cfflcers
lmpacL of Lhe roLecLlon of SLaLe lnformaLlon 8lll upon prlvacy proLecLlon rlghLs
1ypes of dlglLal markeLlng generaLlng mosL complalnLs
AlasLalr 1empesL CCC, ulrecL MarkeLlng AssoclaLlon of SouLh Afrlca

09h33 - 10h13
!*-5?@A @4BCD-?/@+ CD?//-/1
reparlng organlsaLlons for Lhe proposed regulaLlons and hlghllghLlng Lhe near Lerm
crlLlcal lssues
lnLernal rlsk mlLlgaLlon measures
Lmployee and agenL codes of conducL
WhaL sLrucLures can help prove Lo regulaLors LhaL Lhe company ls serlous abouL prlvacy compllance
1he crlLlcal componenLs of a prlvacy governance code whlch wlll help your company move up Lhe prlvacy
maLurlLy scale and meeL wlLh consumer advocaLe expecLaLlons
Chlef prlvacy offlcer recommended [ob descrlpLlon and supporLlng sLrucLure
rlvacy audlL programs
CollecLlng chlldren's daLa and parenLal consenL
8ussell nel, lndependenL rlvacy ConsulLanL

10h13 - 10h43 CCllLL & nL1WC8klnC

10h43 - 11h23
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Cvervlew: Lhe crlLlcal requlremenLs and relaLed references ln Lhe Cl leglslaLlon
Pow Lo converL exlsLlng records Lo Cl compllance
Advlslng exlsLlng daLabase members of Lhelr rlghLs, lnformaLlon held and rlghL of access
Pow Lo ensure LhaL fuLure daLabase updaLes comply wlLh Cl
Pow Lo ensure LhaL new daLabases or new proflles capLured comply wlLh Cl
Pow Lo adapL communlcaLlons, compeLlLlons and referrals
ConsLralnLs ln Lerms of proflllng and uLlllslng lnformaLlon for oLher purposes
Sam 8eckbesslnger, Pead of SLraLegy, Culrk

11h30 - 12h10
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WhaL daLa governance ls and why lL ls crlLlcal
1he foundaLlon LeneLs of daLa governance and how Lhey apply Lo your organlsaLlon
1ools for developlng a cross-funcLlonal daLa governance game plan
uaLa flow mapplng, alLernaLlve models for provldlng prlvacy and daLa flow
roLecLlng senslLlve daLa
Speaker belng conflrmed

12h10 - 13h10 Lunch & neLworklng

13h10 - 13h30
!*+5+/0-4/ -, K+00+*M +,C+@-?DDA GI+/ 0I+*+ -, /4 @H*+
8esponslble daLa proLecLlon pracLlces can glve you a compeLlLlve advanLage
oor daLa proLecLlon pracLlces can have dlsasLrous repuLaLlonal consequences
lf you do have Lo flghL, avold courL lf you can
aul !acobson, ulrecLor, Web-1ech-Law (Ly) LLd

13h33 - 14h33
;D4K?D 8D4H. 84/0*?@0, ?/. <> ?/. >% *+NH-*+B+/0,
undersLand prlvacy, securlLy and legal lssues assoclaLed wlLh uslng cloud servlces
A framework for creaLlng a rlsk analysls regardlng cloud compuLlng
8lndlng corporaLe rules for lnLernaLlonal companles (8C8's)
racLlcal soluLlons for addresslng Lu and uS requlremenLs
ur Adele da velga, Senlor Manager, wC

14h33 - 14h43 SLreLch 8reak

14h43 - 13h30
1he consequences of geLLlng Cl wrong
Legal consequences of breachlng Cl
o SLrlcL llablllLy clvll clalms
o Crlmlnal sancLlon
o AdmlnlsLraLlve penalLles - lncludlng uk case sLudles

8epuLaLlonal consequences of breachlng Cl
o SA and overseas case sLudles
o ueveloplng a crlsls managemenL plan for Cl breaches
uarlo Mllo, arLner, Webber WenLzel


9*:1%2%,-; Wendy Pobbs 021 790 8147

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