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ies perdouro

Ra do Instituto s/n -BURELA (LUGO) - Telfono 982 ! "98 # $a% 982 ! "9! &tt'(//)))*edu*%unta*es/+ent,os/ies'e,dou,o ies*'e,dou,o-edu*%unta*es


1.- International strategy IES Perdouro is a public Centre that depends on the Ministry of education of Galicia and offers vocational upper degrees LOE in two areas: d!inistration and !anage!ent "CS #G$% & finance and d!inistration' and Electronics "CSELE$( & !aintenance of electronic e)uip!ent'* organi+ed in ,$$$ hours* of which -.$ represent the period of training/ Our strategy is to be present on the international !ar0et to provide our students with a period of training in a European country in collaboration with other schools and thus pro!ote and provide a broader view of their foreign languages co!petences and their professional s0ills/ 1ea!wor0 between the director* the deputy director and the professional depart!ents is essential to coordinate our pro2ect* which 2oins other European progra!!es or courses that we !ean to carry out with other European countries/ 3nder the fra!ewor0 of LLP progra!!es* we are e4perienced at bilateral Co!enius ",$%$&,$%, and ,$%,&,$%(' with a 5igh School in 6rance/ 3nder the call of transnational e4changes in Europe* it7s three years since we started to collaborate in a European progra! of integration for e4change and !obility whose ai! is to increase the opportunities of youth e!ploy!ent with the Ger!an institution 889 "I Pro2ect Going E4plorer: ,$%$&,$%-'/ It involves hosting Ger!an young students who are at a disadvantage in the labour !ar0et or in society and teach the! in local wor0ing centres during a ( wee0s7 training period/ Our per!anent contacts with institutions both in 6rance and of Ger!any and with European and autono!ous Institutions of Education guarantee we shall find the accurate European hosting institutions to develop pro2ects under the ;Eras!us<=s initiative/ 8esides* an increasing percentage of our students in the high vocational cycles co!e fro! different countries/ >e ought to give the! the opportunity to do their professional training period in a different E3 country and to get their European S0ills Passport or the Europass Mobility docu!ent filled in applying non&discri!ination criteria/ 3nder all the actions supported within the Eras!us Progra!!e* we urgently need to apply for the individual learning !obility within the E3 countries which would fund higher education students7 !obility at upper&level vocational training cycles during their traineeship/1he !ain ob2ectives to pro!ote Lifelong learning and the linguistic co!petence in foreign languages a!ong our students are: %? to give the students the chance to strengthen their 0nowledge in the wor0ing environ!ent in a different European country and to i!prove their proficiency in the vehicular language/ ,? >or0ing as a tea! in 3pper& level vocational cycles* creating a tea! responsible for international pro2ects !anage!ent and shall reach transnational cooperation agree!ents with other institutions in the 3/E pro2ects and shall share their co!!it!ent/ -? @aising awareness of our involve!ent through the school website to infor! and encourage students and !otivate teachers to participate in transnational cooperation pro2ects/ 1han0s to the school website* social !edia and press releases/the diffusion of the pro2ects will spread out the educational co!!unity* the ConsellerAa de EducaciBn* the 6C1 collaborating enterprises and the local representatives of the City Council/ 2.- Strategies for t e !anage!ent an" organisation# In ter!s of !anage!ent and organisation* our international cooperation pro2ects will be ruled by a coordinator and a tea! for!ed by the deputy director* the councellor* language teachers and advanced vocational cycles teachers/ 1he tas0s of each tea! !e!ber will be clearly assigned/ 1heir !issions shall be : % & Searching partners a!ong teaching institutions with a si!ilar course catalogue pro!ote the students7 !obility/ , & Infor!ing students of advanced vocational training about the selection process and conditions for the traineeship in Europe / - & dvising and assisting the pupils fro! the partner institution with their integration and achieve!ents/ ( & Coordinating !onitoring processes* activities and visits/ C & >riting individualised plans and agree!ents with co!panies for each participant and translate the! into language of the host/ D & @egularly updating all the infor!ation in the high school website and reporting it to the candidates/ E& Preparing the guide for welco!ing students and write a guide of guidelines to ta0e part in Eras!us pro2ects / 1o help the students with the languages needed for their !obility* language depart!ents will operate a virtual classroo! resource in English* 6rench* Ger!an and Portuguese in order to ensure proper integration/ In addition the candidates will attend a two !onths7 intensive language course " -$h ' of the language of the destination country or in English/ >e will start a Fban0 of ti!eF in which students with a high proficiency level in the class will teach others "Italian* Ger!an'/ 1rans!itting the criteria we shall apply through the process of selecting the candidates for an Eras!us grant is i!portant to guarantee no candidate should feel discri!inated/ 1here will be a process of selection whose criteria will be published in the webpage of IES Perdouro/ 1he student7s degree of !aturity and sense of responsibility will be evaluated besides hisGher the acade!ic results and hisGher foreign language/ $.- Poli%y o&'e%ti(es of t e !o"ernisation agen"a# %? Increasing the nu!ber of )ualified technicians in vocational cycles to contribute to the E3 needs: 1oday* any educational institution is sensitive to the process of !oderni+ation and internationalisation of Spain and !ust help prepare citi+ens for Europe or a world without borders/ Our !odernisation agenda should contribute to higher s0ills or )ualifications which should respond to the needs and 2ob profiles of the E3/ >e are co!!itted to act as partners to host students fro! other E3 countries through the provision of the networ0 of co!panies and institutions of production and service sectors collaborating in our region as well as to send our students to hosting institutions with a si!ilar course catalogue during their traineeship and i!prove the

ies perdouro

Ra do Instituto s/n -BURELA (LUGO) - Telfono 982 ! "98 # $a% 982 ! "9! &tt'(//)))*edu*%unta*es/+ent,os/ies'e,dou,o ies*'e,dou,o-edu*%unta*es

!anage!ent and finance of the pro2ects/ ,H I!proving )uality and the i!portance of 5igher Education standards: On the other hand* it is essential to set certain )ualification para!etres at European level for 5igher Education in a co!!on fra!ewor0/ Iocational short cycles are still undervalued in Spain and there7s a need to !oderni+e their teaching approach re& directing education and training within the wor0 guidelines of the LLP/ Setting up institutional agree!ents and developing a declaration of principles will i!ply deep changes in the candidates* such as i!proving their technical* personal and linguistic s0illsJ this will enable the! to deal with un0nown situations in the wor0ing environ!ent/ It shall also encourage collaboration between schools and current partners and increase the a!ount of students and staff who want to study and wor0 in a European fra!ewor0/ -? Pro!oting a )uality control syste! through the !obilility and cooperation between European countries: Cooperation and !obility between international teaching institutions are the only guarantee that Kuality Standards are being applied accurately and that the students get a diplo!a which is valid within the European 6ra!ewor0/ Issuing docu!ents such as the European Language Passport* the curriculu! vitae* the letter of !obility or the European S0ills Passport helps to clarify the confir!ation of European )ualifications fra!ewor0 through Europass/ (H Connecting 5igher Education together with I1 and the wor0ing centres/ 5igher education !ust !ove closer to the world of the 2ob !ar0et and respond to the needs of an increasing co!petitiveness/ Our students are taught new professional co!petencies: how to engage in co!pany depart!ents such as IL# or entrepeneurship/// 1o e4tend the catalogue of co!panies involved in training the students to transnational organis!s "organisations' enhances the connection between investigation and teaching and the internationali+ation process/

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