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MARKETING ASPECT Product Bite Delites provides freshly prepared bakery a d pastry prod!"ts at all ti#es d!ri $ b!

si ess operatio s% &o!r bat"hes of bakery a d pastry prod!"ts are prepared d!ri $ the day to ass!re fresh baked $oods are al'ays available% These deli"io!s bread i "l!des( Mai Prod!"t Pan de Sal defi itely the Ki $ of all breads 'he it "o#es to the &ilipi o "!isi e% Altho!$h Spa ish i a#e) *Pa de Sal literally tra slates to +Salt Bread+, it defi itely "o -!ers the bread s"e e i the Philippi es% Pa de Sal is si#ple s#all ro! d bread #ade fro# basi" yeast.raised do!$h "hara"teri/ed by the bread"r!#bs toppi $ it% Assorted S#all Bread Pan de Leche Pa de 0e"he literally #ea s 1Milk Bread2% As 'ith the Pa de Sal) the a#e is a little #isleadi $% Pa de 0e"he a"t!ally tastes a bit s'eet) ot #ilky% It3s "o##o ly sold as s#all bread b! s) b!t there are also bi$$er b! s) 'hi"h are sold pre.sli"ed) like the "lassi" A#eri"a P!ll#a Bread% Mongo Bread 4 Mo $o *M! $ bea s, Bread is the &ilipi os varia t of the A#eri"a 0oaf% Cooked #! $ bea paste is added to the do!$h prior to baki $% Buko Pie the provi "e of 0a$! a3s pride) B!ko Pie "o tai s a filli $ #ade o!t of #ilk) s!$ar) a d shredded yo! $ "o"o !t #eat% So#e forei$ ers thi k that si "e +B!ko+ is the Ta$alo$ 'ord for Co"o !t) they #istake ly thi k that B!ko Pie is si#ilar to Co"o !t Crea# Pie% Empanada E#pa ada is a li$ht pastry filled 'ith vario!s ki ds of savory #eat filli $s% It is ofte deep fried or baked% The deep fried varia t is #ore a bit "r!sty 'hile the baked varia t is disti $!ished by its flaky pastry% Pineapple Pie a pie 'ith a s'eet a d ta $y pi eapple p!ddi $ filli $% Spanish Bread 4 a short roll of bread) 'hi"h is filled 'ith #ar$ari e. based filli $% The do!$h is "overed i bread "r!st prior to baki $) si#ilar to the 'ay Pa de Sal is #ade% Pan de Coco 4 soft ro! d bread roll 'ith a s'eet "o"o !t filli $% So#e versio s look like di er rolls 'ith shi y bro' tops 'hile others are pale all over%

Chocolate Crinkles are soft a d f!d$y "ho"olate "ookies e "losed i "o fe"tio ers or po'dered s!$ar% A perfe"t holiday treat( these deli$htf!l "ookies *baked 'ith lots of love, are $ood Christ#as prese ts for frie ds or eve a l!s"io!s Christ#as dessert to share 'ith the e tire fa#ily% Crea# Bread Banana bread is a type of bread that !ses yello' ba a as as the #ai I $redie t% 5 like traditio al breads) this s'eet bread that is so#eti#es referred to as ba a a "ake *altho!$h this is a differe t thi $ 'hi"h 'e 'ill feat!re soo , !ses baki $ soda as leave i $ a$e t i stead of yeast% The re"ipe that 'e have here 'ill e able yo! to #ake a loaf of #oist ba a a bread% Aside fro# the $ood taste) this re"ipe also "osts lo'% This "a be a pote tial i "o#e so!r"e for o!r b!si ess.#i ded kababaya s% Banana bread is a type of bread that !ses yello' ba a as as the #ai i $redie t% 5 like traditio al breads) this s'eet bread 6 that is so#eti#es referred to as ba a a "ake .. !ses baki $ soda as leave i $ a$e t) i stead of yeast% Sliced bread is a loaf of bread 'hi"h has bee pre.sli"ed a d pa"ka$ed for "o ve ie "e% It 'as first sold i 789:) advertised as +the $reatest for'ard step i the baki $ i d!stry si "e bread 'as 'rapped%+ This led to the pop!lar phrase) +the $reatest thi $ si "e sli"ed bread+% Raisin bread . bread "o tai i $ raisi s% Price Pri"e is the val!e that 'ill p!r"hase a defi ite -!a tity) 'ei$ht) or other #eas!re of a $ood or servi"e% Bite Delites be "h#arks the pri"es of their prod!"ts 'ith the $ive #arket pri"e% These are( Mai prod!"t( Pa de Sal 4 P ;%< =ther prod!"t( Assorted s#all bread 4 P ;%>> Crea# bread 4 P ?%;; Place Pla"e refers to a y 'ay that the "!sto#er "a obtai a prod!"t or re"eive a servi"e% Provisio of a prod!"t or servi"e "a o""!r via a y !#ber of distrib!tio "ha els% It has bee fo! d o!t i the st!dy that A ibo $) Ta"loba is the best pla"e to p!t !p the bakery be"a!se its pop!latio is 8;@ e"o o#i"ally 'ell off a d there is o ly 7 "o#petitor%

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Promotions Pro#otio is "o "er ed 'ith a y vehi"le the "o#pa y e#ploys for $etti $ people to k o' #ore abo!t the prod!"ts% The "o#pa y !ses the traditio al 'ays for pro#oti $ the prod!"ts like( Ne'spaper advertisi $ thro!$h the s!pplier3s spo sorship Bord.of.#o!th Gift "o!po 'ill be $ive to ra do# "!sto#ers% These "o!po s state that by the eCt visit of the "!sto#er) heDshe "a e Eoy > differe t bread of hisDher "hoi"e% A arra $e#e ts 'ill be #ade to visit a hi$h s"hool) "olle$e "a#p!s) or a "orporate "a#p!s o "e or t'i"e a #o th *Eve visit these fa"ilities for spe"ial $a#es) to!r a#e ts) re"r!iti $ eve ts) or "orporate ope ho!ses, to pe etrate the #arket% Thro!$h this) it "a be see as a 'ay of "losi $ the i for#atio $ap bet'ee 'o! sellers a d 'o! b!yer%

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