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%6!)+78 96'6 # 7+!,

Section /.2 PROCEDURES GENERIC )rocedure %ode: ',7-/.3.3-221 Subsection: /.3.3 ESTABLIS"ING EN#IRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAMS

Page: /.3.3-1:1; Effectivit Date! Sept. 21, (22; Revi$i%& N%. 2


DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 13. Signs the following for and on behalf of the company: - appointment papers - check vouchers - checks - petty cash vouchers - salary loans - SSS, H !" # other government documents - employee$s clearance form - Health %are forms - reimbursements - purchase re&uisitions - cash advances - leave forms - overtime forms - contracts or leases


QUALIFICATIONS 1. (. (. 3. /. 5. 'raduate of any business related course. )referably holding a !aster egree in *usiness +dministration ,-cellent communication skills and can represent the company to a wide range of business, social and other functions. .nowledgeable in the aviation industry. 0en 1123 years e-perience holding an e-ecutive position in a medium-si4ed company. %omputer literate



,nvironmental +spects and >mpact


,nvironmental )olicy

/.1.1 /.1.3

>mplementation of ,nvironmental ,nvironmental !eeting 1 !anagement )rograms ,nvironmental /.1 !anagement + ( 3 ,!S %ommittee )rogram /.(.? /.( /.3 1,!)3


%oncerned personnel


%6!)+78 96'6 # 7+!,
Section /.2 PROCEDURES GENERIC )rocedure %ode: ',7-/.3.3-221 Subsection: /.3.3 ESTABLIS"ING EN#IRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAMS

Page: /.3.3-(:1; Effectivit Date! Sept. 21, (22; Revi$i%& N%. 2


DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 13. Signs the following for and on behalf of the company: - appointment papers - check vouchers - checks - petty cash vouchers - salary loans - SSS, H !" # other government documents - employee$s clearance form - Health %are forms - reimbursements - purchase re&uisitions - cash advances - leave forms - overtime forms - contracts or leases


QUALIFICATIONS 1. (. (. 3. /. 5. 'raduate of any business related course. )referably holding a !aster egree in *usiness +dministration ,-cellent communication skills and can represent the company to a wide range of business, social and other functions. .nowledgeable in the aviation industry. 0en 1123 years e-perience holding an e-ecutive position in a medium-si4ed company. %omputer literate

,stablishment and !aintenance of ,nvironmental 6bAectives and 0argets

,nvironmental %ommunication

,stablishment and !aintenance of ,nvironmental !anagement )rograms


%6!)+78 96'6 # 7+!,
Section /.2 PROCEDURES GENERIC )rocedure %ode: ',7-/.3.3-221 Subsection: /.3.3 ESTABLIS"ING EN#IRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAMS

Page: /.3.3-3:1; Effectivit Date! Sept. 21, (22; Revi$i%& N%. 2


DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 13. Signs the following for and on behalf of the company: - appointment papers - check vouchers - checks - petty cash vouchers - salary loans - SSS, H !" # other government documents - employee$s clearance form - Health %are forms - reimbursements - purchase re&uisitions - cash advances - leave forms - overtime forms - contracts or leases


QUALIFICATIONS 1. (. (. 3. /. 5. 'raduate of any business related course. )referably holding a !aster egree in *usiness +dministration ,-cellent communication skills and can represent the company to a wide range of business, social and other functions. .nowledgeable in the aviation industry. 0en 1123 years e-perience holding an e-ecutive position in a medium-si4ed company. %omputer literate


%6!)+78 96'6 # 7+!,
Section /.2 PROCEDURES GENERIC )rocedure %ode: ',7-/.3.3-221 Subsection: /.3.3 ESTABLIS"ING EN#IRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAMS

Page: /.3.3-/:1; Effectivit Date! Sept. 21, (22; Revi$i%& N%. 2


DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 13. Signs the following for and on behalf of the company: - appointment papers - check vouchers - checks - petty cash vouchers - salary loans - SSS, H !" # other government documents - employee$s clearance form - Health %are forms - reimbursements - purchase re&uisitions - cash advances - leave forms - overtime forms - contracts or leases


QUALIFICATIONS 1. (. (. 3. /. 5. 'raduate of any business related course. )referably holding a !aster egree in *usiness +dministration ,-cellent communication skills and can represent the company to a wide range of business, social and other functions. .nowledgeable in the aviation industry. 0en 1123 years e-perience holding an e-ecutive position in a medium-si4ed company. %omputer literate




%6!)+78 96'6 # 7+!,
Section /.2 PROCEDURES GENERIC )rocedure %ode: ',7-/.3.3-221 Subsection: /.3.3 ESTABLIS"ING EN#IRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAMS

Page: /.3.3-5:1; Effectivit Date! Sept. 21, (22; Revi$i%& N%. 2


DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 13. Signs the following for and on behalf of the company: - appointment papers - check vouchers - checks - petty cash vouchers - salary loans - SSS, H !" # other government documents - employee$s clearance form - Health %are forms - reimbursements - purchase re&uisitions - cash advances - leave forms - overtime forms - contracts or leases


QUALIFICATIONS 1. (. (. 3. /. 5. 'raduate of any business related course. )referably holding a !aster egree in *usiness +dministration ,-cellent communication skills and can represent the company to a wide range of business, social and other functions. .nowledgeable in the aviation industry. 0en 1123 years e-perience holding an e-ecutive position in a medium-si4ed company. %omputer literate

0he purpose of this procedure is to provide a uniform and consistent system for the establishment, documentation, maintenance, review, monitoring and measurement of the environmental obAectives and targets and environmental management programs. (.2 S%6),: 0his procedure applies to all employees, products, activities, processes and services that are covered by the environmental obAectives and targets and management programs. 3.2 =,",=,7%,S:


%6!)+78 96'6 # 7+!,
Section /.2 PROCEDURES GENERIC )rocedure %ode: ',7-/.3.3-221 Subsection: /.3.3 ESTABLIS"ING EN#IRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAMS

Page: /.3.3-?:1; Effectivit Date! Sept. 21, (22; Revi$i%& N%. 2


DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 13. Signs the following for and on behalf of the company: - appointment papers - check vouchers - checks - petty cash vouchers - salary loans - SSS, H !" # other government documents - employee$s clearance form - Health %are forms - reimbursements - purchase re&uisitions - cash advances - leave forms - overtime forms - contracts or leases


QUALIFICATIONS 1. (. (. 3. /. 5. 'raduate of any business related course. )referably holding a !aster egree in *usiness +dministration ,-cellent communication skills and can represent the company to a wide range of business, social and other functions. .nowledgeable in the aviation industry. 0en 1123 years e-perience holding an e-ecutive position in a medium-si4ed company. %omputer literate

>S6 1/221:(22/

,nvironmental !anagement Systems C Specification with guidance for use. >S6 1/22/:(22/ C ,nvironmental !anagement Systems C 'eneral guidance on principles, systems and support techni&ues. ,! !anual C ,nvironmental !anual Duality )rocedures as >ndicated 6ther ,nvironmental )rocedures as identified in the flowchart /.2 )=6%, B=,


%6!)+78 96'6 # 7+!,
Section /.2 PROCEDURES GENERIC )rocedure %ode: ',7-/.3.3-221 Subsection: /.3.3 ESTABLIS"ING EN#IRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAMS

Page: /.3.3-;:1; Effectivit Date! Sept. 21, (22; Revi$i%& N%. 2


DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 13. Signs the following for and on behalf of the company: - appointment papers - check vouchers - checks - petty cash vouchers - salary loans - SSS, H !" # other government documents - employee$s clearance form - Health %are forms - reimbursements - purchase re&uisitions - cash advances - leave forms - overtime forms - contracts or leases


QUALIFICATIONS 1. (. (. 3. /. 5. 'raduate of any business related course. )referably holding a !aster egree in *usiness +dministration ,-cellent communication skills and can represent the company to a wide range of business, social and other functions. .nowledgeable in the aviation industry. 0en 1123 years e-perience holding an e-ecutive position in a medium-si4ed company. %omputer literate

/.1 /.1.1

,stablishment and !aintenance of ,nvironmental 6bAectives and 0argets 0he ,!S %ommittee, in coordination with the department heads, shall establish and maintain obAectives and targets for all identified significant environmental aspects of the organi4ation. 0he obAectives and targets shall be formulated to support the achievement of the environmental policy. <hen establishing and reviewing obAectives and targets, the following shall be considered: Significant environmental aspects ,nvironmental legal and other re&uirements



%6!)+78 96'6 # 7+!,
Section /.2 PROCEDURES GENERIC )rocedure %ode: ',7-/.3.3-221 Subsection: /.3.3 ESTABLIS"ING EN#IRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAMS

Page: /.3.3-E:1; Effectivit Date! Sept. 21, (22; Revi$i%& N%. 2


DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 13. Signs the following for and on behalf of the company: - appointment papers - check vouchers - checks - petty cash vouchers - salary loans - SSS, H !" # other government documents - employee$s clearance form - Health %are forms - reimbursements - purchase re&uisitions - cash advances - leave forms - overtime forms - contracts or leases


QUALIFICATIONS 1. (. (. 3. /. 5. 'raduate of any business related course. )referably holding a !aster egree in *usiness +dministration ,-cellent communication skills and can represent the company to a wide range of business, social and other functions. .nowledgeable in the aviation industry. 0en 1123 years e-perience holding an e-ecutive position in a medium-si4ed company. %omputer literate


0echnological options "inancial, operational and business re&uirements Fiews of interested parties

6ther aspects that are not significant may be included or used as basis in the formulation of obAectives and targets for the following reasons: +s support to the environmental policy$s commitment to continual improvement by setting obAectives and targets to further improve the ,!S.


%6!)+78 96'6 # 7+!,
Section /.2 PROCEDURES GENERIC )rocedure %ode: ',7-/.3.3-221 Subsection: /.3.3 ESTABLIS"ING EN#IRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAMS

Page: /.3.3-G:1; Effectivit Date! Sept. 21, (22; Revi$i%& N%. 2


DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 13. Signs the following for and on behalf of the company: - appointment papers - check vouchers - checks - petty cash vouchers - salary loans - SSS, H !" # other government documents - employee$s clearance form - Health %are forms - reimbursements - purchase re&uisitions - cash advances - leave forms - overtime forms - contracts or leases


QUALIFICATIONS 1. (. (. 3. /. 5. 'raduate of any business related course. )referably holding a !aster egree in *usiness +dministration ,-cellent communication skills and can represent the company to a wide range of business, social and other functions. .nowledgeable in the aviation industry. 0en 1123 years e-perience holding an e-ecutive position in a medium-si4ed company. %omputer literate

impacts. /.1./

+s preventive action to avert the occurrence of potential environmental 0o simplify and generali4e the system where an activity or process involves both significant and not significant aspects.

,nvironmental 6bAectives and 0argets shall be formulated by the ,!S %ommittee in cases where new significant aspects and impacts are identified based from the ,nvironmental +spect->mpact +ssessment that is not yet addressed by previous obAectives and targets. !onitoring and !easurement of products, activities, processes and services that relate to the achievement of environmental obAectives and targets shall be done and facilitated by the responsible person as indicated in the ,nvironmental !anagement )rogram.



%6!)+78 96'6 # 7+!,
Section /.2 PROCEDURES GENERIC )rocedure %ode: ',7-/.3.3-221 Subsection: /.3.3 ESTABLIS"ING EN#IRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAMS

Page: /.3.3-12:1; Effectivit Date! Sept. 21, (22; Revi$i%& N%. 2


DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 13. Signs the following for and on behalf of the company: - appointment papers - check vouchers - checks - petty cash vouchers - salary loans - SSS, H !" # other government documents - employee$s clearance form - Health %are forms - reimbursements - purchase re&uisitions - cash advances - leave forms - overtime forms - contracts or leases


QUALIFICATIONS 1. (. (. 3. /. 5. 'raduate of any business related course. )referably holding a !aster egree in *usiness +dministration ,-cellent communication skills and can represent the company to a wide range of business, social and other functions. .nowledgeable in the aviation industry. 0en 1123 years e-perience holding an e-ecutive position in a medium-si4ed company. %omputer literate

/.1.? /.1.;

0he action items needed to achieve new obAectives and targets shall be specified : added in the ,nvironmental !anagement )rogram. 0he ,nvironmental 6bAectives and 0argets shall be specified in the ,nvironmental !anagement )rogram and shall be communicated to concerned personnel. 0he list of ,nvironmental 6bAectives and 0argets covering all departments and sections shall be posted in areas around the company premises to serve as a guide and reminder to company personnel, visitors and guests. ,stablishment and !aintenance of ,nvironmental !anagement )rograms



%6!)+78 96'6 # 7+!,
Section /.2 PROCEDURES GENERIC )rocedure %ode: ',7-/.3.3-221 Subsection: /.3.3 ESTABLIS"ING EN#IRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAMS

Page: /.3.3-11:1; Effectivit Date! Sept. 21, (22; Revi$i%& N%. 2


DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 13. Signs the following for and on behalf of the company: - appointment papers - check vouchers - checks - petty cash vouchers - salary loans - SSS, H !" # other government documents - employee$s clearance form - Health %are forms - reimbursements - purchase re&uisitions - cash advances - leave forms - overtime forms - contracts or leases


QUALIFICATIONS 1. (. (. 3. /. 5. 'raduate of any business related course. )referably holding a !aster egree in *usiness +dministration ,-cellent communication skills and can represent the company to a wide range of business, social and other functions. .nowledgeable in the aviation industry. 0en 1123 years e-perience holding an e-ecutive position in a medium-si4ed company. %omputer literate


0he ,!S %ommittee, in coordination with the different department heads, shall establishH implementH and maintain environmental management programs to achieve the obAectives and targets developed for the identified significant environmental aspects. 0he program champion shall have the responsibility to oversee the program and ensure that: 7eeded personnel and materials are ac&uired or readily available )rogram activities are implemented, maintained and its status updated )erformance of program obAectives and targets are monitored )rograms are continually improved



%6!)+78 96'6 # 7+!,
Section /.2 PROCEDURES GENERIC )rocedure %ode: ',7-/.3.3-221 Subsection: /.3.3 ESTABLIS"ING EN#IRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAMS

Page: /.3.3-1(:1; Effectivit Date! Sept. 21, (22; Revi$i%& N%. 2


DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 13. Signs the following for and on behalf of the company: - appointment papers - check vouchers - checks - petty cash vouchers - salary loans - SSS, H !" # other government documents - employee$s clearance form - Health %are forms - reimbursements - purchase re&uisitions - cash advances - leave forms - overtime forms - contracts or leases


QUALIFICATIONS 1. (. (. 3. /. 5. 'raduate of any business related course. )referably holding a !aster egree in *usiness +dministration ,-cellent communication skills and can represent the company to a wide range of business, social and other functions. .nowledgeable in the aviation industry. 0en 1123 years e-perience holding an e-ecutive position in a medium-si4ed company. %omputer literate


0he program champion has the authority to use necessary personnel, e&uipment or materials, internal or e-ternal to the company, needed to reali4e the obAectives of the program and to control or stop activities in the company that affect or contradict the environmental programs. ,nvironmental management programs shall identify the means, time-frame, and those responsible for achieving set obAectives and targets. =esponsibility shall be identified at each relevant function and level of the organi4ation. >n accomplishing the environmental management program, the following shall be used as reference on how the environmental management program form is to be accomplished:




%6!)+78 96'6 # 7+!,
Section /.2 PROCEDURES GENERIC )rocedure %ode: ',7-/.3.3-221 Subsection: /.3.3 ESTABLIS"ING EN#IRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAMS

Page: /.3.3-13:1; Effectivit Date! Sept. 21, (22; Revi$i%& N%. 2


DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 13. Signs the following for and on behalf of the company: - appointment papers - check vouchers - checks - petty cash vouchers - salary loans - SSS, H !" # other government documents - employee$s clearance form - Health %are forms - reimbursements - purchase re&uisitions - cash advances - leave forms - overtime forms - contracts or leases


QUALIFICATIONS 1. (. (. 3. /. 5. 'raduate of any business related course. )referably holding a !aster egree in *usiness +dministration ,-cellent communication skills and can represent the company to a wide range of business, social and other functions. .nowledgeable in the aviation industry. 0en 1123 years e-perience holding an e-ecutive position in a medium-si4ed company. %omputer literate

+ctivity C 0he proAected minor and maAor activities needed to plan and implement the program. )rogram )erformance !onitoring C 0he tangible items that show proof that certain activity was actually carried out. Status C Shows the current state of the program as per latest revision : update. +ction >tems : =emarks C 0he actions needed to be carried out in order to implement or reali4e the activity. /.(.? ,ach ,nvironmental !anagement )rogram shall be implemented based on its identified activities and their concerned procedures and guidelines where applicable.


%6!)+78 96'6 # 7+!,
Section /.2 PROCEDURES GENERIC )rocedure %ode: ',7-/.3.3-221 Subsection: /.3.3 ESTABLIS"ING EN#IRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAMS

Page: /.3.3-1/:1; Effectivit Date! Sept. 21, (22; Revi$i%& N%. 2


DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 13. Signs the following for and on behalf of the company: - appointment papers - check vouchers - checks - petty cash vouchers - salary loans - SSS, H !" # other government documents - employee$s clearance form - Health %are forms - reimbursements - purchase re&uisitions - cash advances - leave forms - overtime forms - contracts or leases


QUALIFICATIONS 1. (. (. 3. /. 5. 'raduate of any business related course. )referably holding a !aster egree in *usiness +dministration ,-cellent communication skills and can represent the company to a wide range of business, social and other functions. .nowledgeable in the aviation industry. 0en 1123 years e-perience holding an e-ecutive position in a medium-si4ed company. %omputer literate


0he monitoring and measurement of the key characteristics and environmental performance associated with significant aspects shall be specified in the ,nvironmental !anagement )rograms. ,nvironmental !eeting 1,nvironmental !anagement )rogram =eview3 0he ,nvironmental !anagement )rogram, obAectives and targets shall be reviewed &uarterly by the ,!S %ommittee through ,nvironmental !eeting.

/.3 /.3.1


%6!)+78 96'6 # 7+!,
Section /.2 PROCEDURES GENERIC )rocedure %ode: ',7-/.3.3-221 Subsection: /.3.3 ESTABLIS"ING EN#IRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAMS

Page: /.3.3-15:1; Effectivit Date! Sept. 21, (22; Revi$i%& N%. 2


DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 13. Signs the following for and on behalf of the company: - appointment papers - check vouchers - checks - petty cash vouchers - salary loans - SSS, H !" # other government documents - employee$s clearance form - Health %are forms - reimbursements - purchase re&uisitions - cash advances - leave forms - overtime forms - contracts or leases


QUALIFICATIONS 1. (. (. 3. /. 5. 'raduate of any business related course. )referably holding a !aster egree in *usiness +dministration ,-cellent communication skills and can represent the company to a wide range of business, social and other functions. .nowledgeable in the aviation industry. 0en 1123 years e-perience holding an e-ecutive position in a medium-si4ed company. %omputer literate


0he ,!= shall report the outcome of such review at the management review meeting. >f new obAectives and targets are derived and approved during the management review, the ,!S %ommittee shall update the obAectives and targets list found in the concerned ,nvironmental !anagement )rogram. 0he ,!S %ommittee shall update the ,nvironmental !anagement )rogram and set new obAectives and targets, as necessary, based on the &uarterly ,nvironmental !eeting and !anagement =eview.



%6!)+78 96'6 # 7+!,
Section /.2 PROCEDURES GENERIC )rocedure %ode: ',7-/.3.3-221 Subsection: /.3.3 ESTABLIS"ING EN#IRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAMS

Page: /.3.3-1?:1; Effectivit Date! Sept. 21, (22; Revi$i%& N%. 2


DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 13. Signs the following for and on behalf of the company: - appointment papers - check vouchers - checks - petty cash vouchers - salary loans - SSS, H !" # other government documents - employee$s clearance form - Health %are forms - reimbursements - purchase re&uisitions - cash advances - leave forms - overtime forms - contracts or leases


QUALIFICATIONS 1. (. (. 3. /. 5. 'raduate of any business related course. )referably holding a !aster egree in *usiness +dministration ,-cellent communication skills and can represent the company to a wide range of business, social and other functions. .nowledgeable in the aviation industry. 0en 1123 years e-perience holding an e-ecutive position in a medium-si4ed company. %omputer literate


=,%6= S 0he ,!= shall be responsible in filing and maintenance of the ,nvironmental !anagement )rogram records.


+)),7 >I: /.3.3-"1 C ,nvironmental !anagement )rogram


%6!)+78 96'6 # 7+!,
Section /.2 PROCEDURES GENERIC )rocedure %ode: ',7-/.3.3-221 Subsection: /.3.3 ESTABLIS"ING EN#IRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAMS

Page: /.3.3-1;:1; Effectivit Date! Sept. 21, (22; Revi$i%& N%. 2


DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 13. Signs the following for and on behalf of the company: - appointment papers - check vouchers - checks - petty cash vouchers - salary loans - SSS, H !" # other government documents - employee$s clearance form - Health %are forms - reimbursements - purchase re&uisitions - cash advances - leave forms - overtime forms - contracts or leases


QUALIFICATIONS 1. (. (. 3. /. 5. 'raduate of any business related course. )referably holding a !aster egree in *usiness +dministration ,-cellent communication skills and can represent the company to a wide range of business, social and other functions. .nowledgeable in the aviation industry. 0en 1123 years e-perience holding an e-ecutive position in a medium-si4ed company. %omputer literate

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