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Appendix PK Earthworks Construction

General 1 Clearing and Grubbing Limits for clearing and grubbing Protection of significant trees or nominated features Depth of grubbing and removal of debris Method of debris disposal

Clearing and grubbing 1. clear or grub only those areas required for the construction of the permanent wor s or necessary temporary wor s! including wor camps! borrowpits! access roads etc.! "ee #ppendi$ % & Clearing and Grubbing! '. all materials obtained by site clearance! shrub and tree felling and grubbing including roots etc.! shall remain the property of the (mployer! ). outside of the national par s * forest reserves spoil materials shall either be trimmed or stac ed at selected locations as instructed by the (ngineer! +. ad,acent to or within the boundaries of the national par s * forest reserves such materials shall be trimmed and stac ed in piles not e$ceeding -.. mm high ad,acent to the point from which they have been removed but at least '. m away from the road centre line! -. no organic materials to be removed from within the confines of the national par s * forest reserves! /. all cavities left by clearing operations shall be cleared! trimmed and bac filled with selected material and compacted! 0. no trees with a girth greater than ).. mm shall be cut down! uprooted or otherwise damaged without the e$press written instruction of the (ngineer! 1. no tree or shrub of any si2e which is situated at a distance greater that - m from the new road centre line shall be cut down! uprooted or otherwise damaged without the e$press written instruction of the (ngineer!Contractor to ma e good all damage resulting from his operations which are in contravention of the Contract documents at his own cost. 3. reparations to be made in accordance with the provisions of the "pecification! 1.. Contractor shall employ methods of wor ing to minimise dust! gaseous or other air4born emissions and to minimi2e adverse impacts on air quality. 11. water sprays to dampen stored materials during dry and windy weather! e$cept where this is contrary to the "pecification. 1'. cover stoc piles of friable materials with clean tarpaulins! during dry and windy weather 1). vehicles with an open load4carrying area used for transporting potentially dust producing material shall have properly fitting side and tail boards. 1+. dusty materials shall not be loaded to a level higher than the side and tail boards! and shall be covered with a clean tarpaulin in good condition. 5he tarpaulin shall be properly secured and e$tend at least ).. mm over the edges of the side and tail boards. 1-. before commencing wor on any section of the road! the Contractor shall have adequate instructions concerning the use of e$cavated material. 1/. disused borrow pits and wor ed out portions of operational borrow pits shall be used for the disposal of surplus suitable material and all unsuitable material. 10. where e$cavation reveals a combination of suitable and unsuitable materials the Contractor shall carry out the e$cavation in such a manner that the suitable materials are e$cavated separately for use in the 6or s without contamination by the unsuitable materials! 11. the Contractor shall ma e his own arrangements for the stoc piling of material! and for the provision of sites for this purpose! all to the approval of the (ngineer! 13. materials available on the "ite shall be used solely for the e$ecution of 6or s. '.. ($cavation and filling

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7emoval of 5opsoil Depth for removal! give directions to ad,ust if topsoil depth varies 5rimming and shaping of stripped surface Location of stoc piles "haping and finish of stoc piles Measurement of quantities

($cavation and filling verify m Material types for emban ment construction and if required! material for other uses!. 8requency of 5esting! Dverification of depth of loose fill layers in emban ment! mi$ing! control of moisture and! compaction and other testing results of compaction routine!. #adequacy of construction temporary drainage! and shape of catch drains and table drains. cCompliance with statutory and specified requirements and "pecification for with regard to any blasting operations!. "stability of cuttings! r7emoval and of treatment of unsuitable materials or soft spots! 9benching provisions in of deep cuts! and for e$tensions t to fill 2ones! Ddrainage provisions and compaction technique ad,acent to structures! 8requency of 5esting Chec finished wor s a#gainst "pecification and Drawings for:for final 4 formation and pavement layers width and alignment 4 subgrade width and alignment 4 formation level and shape 4 subgrade level and shape 4 batter slopes and shape 4 batter lines "ubgrade for stability by proof rolling Protection of compacted layers before covering

1-.+ 7eplacement of 5opsoil"lope stabilisation and erosion control Ddepth of spread for topsoiling 7removal of oversi2ed material and other debris! compaction and shaping of batters! and topsoil grass and vegetation planting techniques

debris,and rutting on batter.

9orrow pits wor ing * reinstatement quarries or borrow pits shall not be opened within the boundaries of national par s * forest reserves! borrow pits or quarries shall not be located closer than '.. metres distant from rivers! streams! swamps or other water bodies! siting of borrow pits and quarries will be sub,ect to the (ngineer;s approval! wor in borrow pits or quarries shall be organised to ensure the minimum wastage of this valuable resource! overburden shall only be removed from those areas necessary for the provision of material for use in the wor s! only e$cavate and stoc pile sufficient quantities of borrow material necessary for the 6or s!

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borrow areas shall be used as areas of deposition for spoil material in order to fill the void left by the e$traction of the original material! all borrow pits and quarries shall be reinstated! borrow pits shall not be left unreinstated e$cept on the e$press written permission of the (ngineer. areas which are not re4covered by overburden or other material capable of supporting vegetation shall be ripped along the contours and the particles shall be bro en down to a ma$imum si2e of 1.. mm! to prevent erosion and to allow the re4establishment of vegetation! borrow pits shall be seeded * planted with napier grass! include reinstatement of e$isting borrow areas which are within 1.. m of the road! which have been wor ed by others! in the Contract. <9orrow areas which have been wor ed by others shall be deemed to have been wor ed by the Contractor=. 7einstatement all areas shall be fully reinstated to at least their condition prior to commencement of the wor s! all areas shall be reinstated such that they neither collect water! nor suffer from nor cause erosion. erosion gulleys and rutting shall be repaired! spreading of topsoil! landscaping and drainage of such areas and any other places ad,acent to the 6or s interfered with by the Contractor;s plant during the Construction or the Defects Liability period. Air Quality methods of wor ing to minimise dust! gaseous or other air4born emissions and to minimi2e adverse impacts on air quality. water sprays during delivery and handling of materials when dust is li ely to be created! water sprays to dampen stored materials during dry and windy weather! e$cept where this is contrary to the "pecification. cover stoc piles of friable materials with clean tarpaulins! during dry and windy weather vehicles with an open load4carrying area used for transporting potentially dust producing material shall have properly fitting side and tail boards. dusty materials shall not be loaded to a level higher than the side and tail boards! and shall be covered with a clean tarpaulin in good condition. 5he tarpaulin shall be properly secured and e$tend at least ).. mm over the edges of the side and tail boards. levels of dust shall be controlled in borrow pits and*or quarries. Materials before commencing wor on any section of the road! the Contractor shall have adequate instructions concerning the use of e$cavated material. disused borrow pits and wor ed out portions of operational borrow pits shall be used for the disposal of surplus suitable material and all unsuitable material. under no circumstances shall material <with the sole e$ception of organic material= be run to spoil within the confines of national par s * forest reserves. organic material shall not be removed from national par s * forest reserves but shall be stac ed in small isolated piles not more than ..- m above e$isting ground level. spoil tips shall be shaped! sufficiently compacted to prevent erosion and drained to prevent water ponding. where e$cavation reveals a combination of suitable and unsuitable materials the Contractor shall carry out the e$cavation in such a manner that the suitable materials are e$cavated separately for use in the 6or s without contamination by the unsuitable materials! the Contractor shall ma e his own arrangements for the stoc piling of material! and for the provision for sites for this purpose! preferably within the road reserve. all areas used for stoc piling materials! spoil tips or borrow pits shall be sub,ect to the approval of the (ngineer! materials available on the "ite shall be used solely for the e$ecution of 6or s.

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trees and other vegetation shall not be removed e$cept as necessary for the completion of the 6or s.. 5opsoil topsoil shall not be removed from any area unless the (ngineer so instructs and then not until construction wor s are about to commence in that section. topsoil will be required for re4use on side slopes and the reinstatement of borrow pits! wor camps and haul * access roads. surplus e$cavated topsoil shall be transported to borrow pits where it shall be used for reinstatement! e$cess topsoil shall be placed in a stoc pile! not greater than 1 m high! ad,acent to the borrow pit for future use! topsoil stoc piles shall not be compacted but shall be shaped to shed water. under no circumstances shall topsoil be buried nor run to spoil.

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