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t o" Co#u$%ia &'''(


Case No. 1:13 cr 00253

Tit#e &,, Cha-te ., Dist i!t Cou t, / ,, Dist i!t o" Co#u$%ia Constitutiona# A ti!#e III Cou t 1u)ge 2#a)3s 4ess#e

+ o-e t3 an) Wa ) o" the gove n$ent o)ne3*)a#e= !#ass + ivate Atto ne3 2ene a# 93& No th Lin!o#n St. :igh Shoa#s, No th Ca o#ina A$e i!an Nationa# Thi ) -a t3 o" inte est In>u e) -a t3, A "#esh an) %#oo) $an ?ith a sou#


UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 333 Constitution Ave N.W. Washington, Dist i!t o" Co#u$%ia &'''(


Case No. 1:13 cr 00253

Tit#e &,, Cha-te ., Dist i!t Cou t, / ,, Dist i!t o" Co#u$%ia Constitutiona# A ti!#e III Cou t O" Re!o ) 1u)ge 2#a)3s 4ess#e

+ o-e t3 an) Wa ) o" the 2ove n$ent o)ne3*)a#e= !#ass + ivate Atto ne3 2ene a# 93& No th Lin!o#n St. :igh Shoa#s, No th Ca o#ina A$e i!an Nationa# Thi ) -a t3 o" inte est In>u e) -a t3, A "#esh an) %#oo) $an ?ith a sou# Re"#$re%e&' (or )#*$c$a+ No'$ce: ,o'$o& a&* Re"#$re%e&' 'o -#as. !+a$&'$((/s La'es' Res0o&se a&* a Re"#$re%e&' 'o D$s%$ss A++ C.ar1es (or Lac2 o( D$rec' Re3#''a+ o( Co#r' Or*ere* S#34ec' ,a''er5 Lac2 o( S'a&*$&15 r$6o+o#s $+$&1s5 a&* a$+#re 'o !ro*#ce a Corpus Delicti

CASE LAW A++e& 6. Wr$1.' 7 89: U.S. ;3; <1=:8> A ti!#e III o" the Constitution !on"ines the "e)e a# !ou ts to a)>u)i!ating a!tua# @!ases@ an) @!ont ove sies.@ As the Cou t eA-#aine) in Valley Forge Christian College v. Americans United for Separation of Church and State, Inc., 9.9 U. S. 9B9, 9.9 U. S. 9<(*9<B 6(C,&7, the @!ase o !ont ove s3@ eDui e$ent )e"ines ?ith es-e!t to the 1u)i!ia# B an!h the i)ea o" se-a ation o" -o?e s on ?hi!h the Fe)e a# 2ove n$ent is "oun)e). The seve a# )o!t ines that have g o?n uto e#a%o ate that eDui e$ent a e @"oun)e) in !on!e n a%out the - o-e ** an) - o-e #3 #i$ite) ** o#e o" the !ou ts in a )e$o! ati! so!iet3.@ Warth v. Seldin, 9&& U. S. 9C', 6(C<.7. Warth v. Seldin, supra, a' 9&& U. S. 9C,. Stan)ing )o!t ine e$% a!es seve a# >u)i!ia##3 se#"*i$-ose) #i$its on the eAe !ise o" "e)e a# >u is)i!tion, su!h as the gene a# - ohi%ition on a #itigantEs aising anothe -e sonEs #ega# ights, the u#e %a ing a)>u)i!ation o" gene a#iFe) g ievan!es $o e a-- o- iate#3 a)) esse) in the e- esentative % an!hes, an) the eDui e$ent that a -#ainti""Es !o$-#aint "a## ?ithin the Fone o" inte ests - ote!te) %3 the #a? invoGe). See Valley Forge, supra, at 9.9 U. S. 9<9*9<.. The eDui e$ent o" stan)ing, ho?eve , has a !o e !o$-onent )e ive) )i e!t#3 " o$ the Constitution. A -#ainti"" $ust a##ege -e sona# in>u 3 "ai #3 t a!ea%#e to the )e"en)antEs a##ege)#3 un#a?"u# !on)u!t an) #iGe#3 to %e e) esse) %3 the eDueste) e#ie". 9.9 U.S. at 9.9 U. S. 9<&.

O!ENIN? STATE,ENT I, a $an na$e) o)ne3*)a#e= !#ass, as a thi ) -a t3 o" inte est in this !ou t o" e!o ), a ea# "#esh an) %#oo) $an 6a #iving %eing ?ith a sou#= he eina"te , the $eaning o" $an in this )o!u$ent7 o" the age o" $a>o it3, set "o th this Motion to %e ea), an) is ReDui e) to %e a!te) u-on %3 an hono a%#e, "#esh an) %#oo) $an to ans?e , an) a""o ) 62ove n$ent Registe e) T a)e Na$e7 RODNE5 DALE CLASS an) o)ne3*)a#e= !#ass, a "#esh an) %#oo) $an ReDui es Re$e)3H Con"o $it3 is Wishe), ReDui e) an) -u suant to gove n$ent e$-#o3eesE s?o n oaths to su--o t an) )e"en) an) to - ese ve - ote!te) ights given in ? iting %3 the Constitution o" the Unite) States in the Bi## o" Rights as the +eo-#e ?e e #e) to %e#ieve an) un)e stan)= Ente $3 A--ea an!e as it is $3 Wish "o H ReDui e$ent "o 1u)i!ia# Noti!eH Motion an) ReDui e$ent to Iuash +#ainti""Es Latest Res-onse an) a ReDui e$ent to Dis$iss A## Cha ges "o La!G o" Di e!t

Re%utta# o" Cou t O )e e) Su%>e!t Matte , "o La!G o" Stan)ing, "o F ivo#ous Fi#ings, an) "o Fai#u e to + o)u!e a Corpus Delicti. !OINTS O ORDER (. Whe eas, the !ou t ve i"ie) an) a)) esse) a## -a ti!i-ants as "#esh an) %#oo) an) a#ive an) not )e!ease) no ?e e the e )ea) -eo-#e in the !ou t oo$. &. Whe eas, the +u%#i! De"en)e Js o""i!e an) the + ose!uto Js o""i!e %oth ho#) #a? )eg ees an) a e un)e !ont a!t to e!eive !o$-ensation an) ?ages to ho#) su!h -u%#i! o""i!e an) a e eDui e) to s?ea an oath to the Constitution an) a e eDui e) to - ote!t the ights o" the a!!use) -a t3 !ha ge) in this instant $atte . 3. Whe eas, - ose!uto has a !o##ege )eg ee in #a? an) has a su-e io Gno?#e)ge o" !ase #a?, statuto 3 #a?, an) othe -u -o te) #a? as "oun) in the Unite) States !o)es, Su- e$e Cou t !ase #a? an) Gno?#e)ge o" the #ega# )e"initions as )e"ine) %3 #egis#ation as "oun) in the Unite) States !o)e. 9. Whe eas, the Cou t has a)$itte) that the Cou t is to o-e ate un)e %#in) >usti!e ?ith a set o" s!a#es to ?eigh the evi)en!e i$-a tia##3. .. Whe eas, the e is a !ha##enge to the )e"inition o" the ?o ) K+e sonL as )e"ine) in #egis#ative #anguage ? itten %3 Cong ess an) that the ?o ) K+e sonL is to %e !onst ue) to $ean= a t ust, an estate, >oint sto!G sha es, >oint sto!G !o$-anies, !o -o ations, "i $s, -a tne shi-, asso!iation, !o -o ate o""i!e s an) e$-#o3ees, )ist i!t gove n$ent, inst u$enta#ities an) agen!ies o" the )ist i!t gove n$ent, B. Whe eas, the "#esh an) %#oo) sou# o" o)ne3*)a#e= !#ass ?as eDui e) to un)e go a K-s3!ho#ogi!a# eva#uationL to see i" the "#esh an) %#oo) sou# o" o)ne3*)a#e= !#ass ?as

K!o$-etentL ?ith un)e stan)ing that ?as eDuiva#ent to that o" a #a?3e o atto ne3 ?ith a !o##ege )eg ee an) !o$-etent in #a?. ?ro#&*s (or D$s%$ssa+ $& -#as.$&1 '.e +a'es' !+a$&'$(( Res0o&se: a Re"#$re%e&' 'o D$s%$ss A++ C.ar1es (or Lac2 o( D$rec' Re3#''a+ o( Co#r' Or*ere* S#34ec' ,a''er a&* S'a&*$&15 or r$6o+o#s $+$&1s5 a&* or a$+#re 'o !ro*#ce a Corpus Delicti <. Whe eas, the !ou t o )e e) the + ose!uto to a)) ess the K"i#ings an) a##egationsL o" the "#esh an) %#oo) sou# o" o)ne3*)a#e= !#ass, in "ive )a3s on Fe% ua 3 3, &'(9. The + ose!ution has "ai#e) to a)) ess the issues )is!usse) in !ou t an) in $3 "i#ings as o )e e) %3 the Cou t. ,. Whe eas, a## the + ose!ution )i) ?as a !h ono#ogi!a# !o$$enta 3 o" a ti$e#ine o"" the )o!Get sheet to sen) into the Cou t as his e%utta# o" the "#esh an) %#oo) sou# o" o)ne3*)a#e= !#assE "i#ings an) to e$e)3 a #a!G o" a Corpus Delicti, an) the )e"inition o" the @or* A!erson.L C. Whe eas, the + ose!uto has a)$itte) in o-en Cou t that he #a!Gs the Gno?#e)ge o" #ega# )e"initions su!h as the ?o ) Corpus Delicti an) that he "ai#s to un)e stan) that in o )e to % ing a !#ai$ the e has to %e an in>u e) -a t3. KAs a gene a# - in!i-a#, stan)ing to invoGe the >u)i!ia# - o!ess eDui es an a!tua# >usti!ia%#e !ont ove s3 as to ?hi!h the !o$-#ainant has a ea# inte est in the u#ti$ate a)>u)i!ation %e!ause he o she has eithe su""e e) o is a%out to su""e an in>u 3.L KFo a ! i$e to eAist, the e $ust %e an in>u e) -a t3 6Co -us De#i!ti7. The e !an %e no san!tion o -ena#t3 i$-ose) on one %e!ause o" this Constitutiona# ight.L S.erer 6. C#++e& 9,( F. C9.

('. Whe eas, the + ose!uto #a!Gs the a%i#it3 an) the Gno?#e)ge o" #ega# )e"initions as )e"ine) %3 !ong essiona# #egis#ation. :e has no? - oven that he is in!o$-etent to "u#"i## his stan)ing as the Unite) States atto ne3.

((. Whe eas, the + ose!uto eithe Gno?ing#3, o %e!ause o" in!o$-eten!3, has "ai#e) to un)e stan) that a !h ono#ogi!a# !o$$enta 3 o" a ti$e#ine )oes not a)) ess the na$ing o" a Corpus Delicti, no )oes it a)) ess the !ong essiona# #egis#ative )e"initions o" ?o )s ?hi!h the "#esh an) %#oo) sou# o" o)ne3*)a#e= !#ass asGe) "o in an in camera hea ing.

LESH AND BLOOD SOUL VERSUS PRO SE STATUS (&. Whe eas, the + ose!uto having a #a? )eg ee is a?a e that the a## !a-ita# na$e %eing !ha ge) in a !ou t oo$ is egiste e) to one o" the .' KStatesL as a t ust, an estate, a >oint sto!G sha e !o$-an3 as a KWa )L to the State un)e "e)e a# g ants " o$ the "e)e a# gove n$ent. (3. Whe eas, the + ose!uto has a #a? )eg ee an) Gno?s that a "#esh an) %#oo) sou# !annot e- esent that egiste e) !a-ita# na$e ?hi!h %e#ongs to one o" the .' states in an3 !ou t oo$ as the State, o ?hoeve e- esents the State o gove n$ent ho#)s a -osition as a)$inist ato , t ustee, an)Mo %ene"i!ia 3 to that t ust, estate o >oint sto!G sha e !o$-an3. (9. An), that, the e"o e a "#esh an) %#oo) sou# !an on#3 e- esent the "#esh an) %#oo) sou# an) !annot e- esent the a## !a-ita# na$e as it is egiste e) to a State as a pro se !ounse#. (.. Whe eas, the State, %eing an in)is-ensa%#e -a t3 to the a## !a-ita# na$e, no? en!u$%e s the + ose!uto to ho#) a )ua# -osition as +#ainti"" AND De"en)ant in this a!tion. (B. Whe eas a "#esh an) %#oo) sou# is no? eDui e) to !o$e in as a thi )*-a t3 o" inte est an) as an in>u e) -a t3 %e!ause the - ose!uto !annot - o)u!e a Corpus Delicti un)e that a## !a-ita# na$e ?hi!h "o !es the "#esh an) %#oo) sou# to inte vene as an in>u e) -a t3.

,ALICIOUS !ROSECUTION The &n) A$en)$ent to ou Constitution states that the ight of the !eople to "eep and #ear Arms, shall not #e infringed.$ The Su- e$e Cou tJs Miranda v Arizona )e!ision

statesH %&here rights 'li#erty( secured #y the Constitution are involved, there can #e no legislation )hich )ould a#rogate 'a#olish( them.% KSin!e ou Constitution sa3s Kthe Right o" the +eo-#e...sha## not %e in" inge),L an) the Su- e$e Cou t sai) !#ea #3, -e taining to Constitutiona# Rights, Kthe e !an %e no #egis#ation ?hi!h ?ou#) a% ogate 6a%o#ish7 the$=L the Su- e$e Cou tJs )e!isionsM)ete $inations !annot %e a#te e) eA!e-t %3 K!onstitutiona# a$en)$ent o %3 a ne? u#ing o" the Cou t,L the states o" the Union, thei !o$$unities, !ities, to?ns, an) in "a!t ou Cong ess shou#) e" ain " o$ $aGing ne? #a?s, est i!tions o taAes on so$ething thatJs a !onstitutiona# ight. This shou#) %e si$-#e enough, even "o -o#iti!ians.L

(<. Whe eas, the - ose!uto , ho#)ing a #a? )eg ee, !annot -#a3 igno ant o in!o$-etent as a )e"ense ?hen it !o$es to -e -et ating $a#i!ious - ose!ution. (,. Whe eas, the - ose!uto , ho#)ing su!h a #a? )eg ee, !annot intentiona##3 vio#ate the K!#ean han)s )o!t ine,L K" uit o" the -oisonous t ee,L Mi an)a ?a nings an) sti## "ai# to - o)u!e a Corpus Delicti as to ?ho ?as in>u e) an) the eAtent o" that in>u 3. (C. Whe eas, the - ose!uto , a!ting as Unite) States atto ne3, is a?a e that a $e e vio#ation o" !it3 o )inan!es o "e)e a# statutes )oes not give the Cou t >u is)i!tion i" the3 !annot - o)u!e an in>u e) -a t3 as a esu#t o" su!h vio#ations. &'. Whe eas, the - ose!uto , ho#)ing su!h a #a? )eg ee, is a?a e that the Dist i!t o" Co#u$%ia is a !o -o ation %3 !ong essiona# #egis#ation %3 the A!t o" (,<(, an) the Unite) StatesMUnite) States o" A$e i!a is #iste) as a KCo -o ationL in De#a?a e %3 the Se! eta 3 o" State an) in Inte nationa# La? the Unite) StatesMUnite) States o" A$e i!a is e!ogniFe) as a Co -o ation.

&(. Whe eas, the Dist i!t o" Co#u$%ia is a !o -o ation %3 #egis#ative ena!t$ent an) its o )inan!e is nothing $o e than !ou t oo$ K-o#i!3L a--#3ing to those ?ho ?o G in the (' $i#e sDua e )ist i!t un)e Tit#e 9' Unite) States Co)e. &&. The + ose!uto Es ?i##"u# !#ai$ an) "eigning o" igno an!e an) in!o$-eten!3 )oes not eA!use hi$ un)e Se!. B3, C &) A$e i!an 1u is- u)en!e an) ?i## NOT a""o ) hi$ i$$unit3 ?hen he is Gno?ing#3 an) ?i##"u##3 vio#ating - ote!te) ights un)e the Constitution un)e a ti!#e I0, K"u## "aith an) ! e)it an) eDua# - ote!tion un)e the #a? " o$ state to state,L an) the 9th A$en)$ent ights o" the -eo-#e to %e se!u e in thei -e sons, houses, -a-e s an) e""e!ts, against un easona%#e sea !hes an) seiFu es, an) that these ights sha## not %e vio#ate). &3. The + ose!uto , %3 having a #a? )eg ee, Gno?s un)e the 9th A$en)$ent that an auto$o%i#e is #iste) in the sa$e $anne an) status as a $anEs house ?hen that $an is out t ave#ing. &9. The + ose!uto , %3 having a #a? )eg ee, Gno?s that un)e the .th A$en)$ent that ?ithout an in>u e) -a t3, Gno?s o" the !onseDuen!e o" NOT - o)u!ing a Corpus Delicti o ea)ing a Mi an)a ?a ning %e"o e #a? en"o !e$ent Duestions a "#esh an) %#oo) $an ?ith a sou# an) !o$$its a sea !h an) seiFu e a e Constitutiona# vio#ations o" - ote!te) ights un)e %oth the 9th an) .th A$en)$ents o" the Bi## o" Rights. CONCLUSION B3 the !ou t o )e ing a !o$-eten!3 test on the "#esh an) %#oo) $an ?ith a sou# to eva#uate his Gno?#e)ge in #a? to %e eDua# to those ?ho have a #a? )eg ee, su!h as that o" a +u%#i! De"en)e an) a Unite) States Atto ne3 is #u)i! ous ?hen those ?ho have a #a? )eg ee "ai# to a!t an) "ai# to un)e stan) #egis#ative )e"initions in the #a? the3 !#ai$ to ho#) a )eg ee in, then these ? ongs $ust %e ighte) N

I" the $e e a!t o" a !o)e vio#ation is a ! i$ina# "e#on3 %3 a "#esh an) %#oo) $an ?ith a sou# ?ho ho#)s no #a? )eg ee in #a?, then those ?ho ho#) su!h a #a? )eg ees !annot es!a-e >usti!e %3 the$se#ves a!ting in!o$-etent#3 in the !ou t oo$ an) "i#ing " ivo#ous, Kuninte##igi%#e,L an) Knonsensi!a#L -a-e ?o G. An), ?he eas those ?ho ho#) #a? )eg ees an) a e %oun) %3 an Oath un)e a !ont a!t an) a e e!eiving ?ages "o a >o% -e "o $an!e a e no? a!ting in vio#ation o" the #a?s o" !anon an) o" the Unite) States o" A$e i!a an) a!ting in %a) "aith as ?e## as !on)u!ting the$se#ves ?ith %a) $otives. T.ere(ore5 I, o)ne3*)a#eH !#ass, a $an o" "#esh an) %#oo) ?ith a sou#, ReDui e this Cou t to g ant $3 Motion an) ReDui e$ent to Iuash +#ainti""Es Latest Res-onse, an) a ReDui e$ent to Dis$iss A## Cha ges "o La!G o" Di e!t Re%utta# o" Cou t O )e e) Su%>e!t Matte , "o La!G o" Stan)ing, "o F ivo#ous Fi#ings, an) "o Fai#u e to + o)u!e a Corpus Delicti an) othe $entione) vio#ations. #r'.er%ore, I, o)ne3*)a#e= !#ass, ReDui e this Cou t to $aGe $e ?ho#e an) g ant !o$-ensation o" (.. $i##ion units in Fe)e a# Rese ve Notes "o $3 ti$e an) !o$-ensato 3 )a$ages, the 2+S $onito ing )evi!e e$ove) an) a De!#a ato 3 1u)g$ent O& T.e Recor* in "avo o" this "#esh an) %#oo) $an ?ith a sou#.

o)ne3*)a#e= !#ass + ivate Atto ne3 2ene a# 888 NAAAA LAAAAAA SAAAAA :igh Shoa#s, No th Ca o#ina Bount3 :unte Sea#

+ ivate Atto ne3 2ene a# Sea#

!ROO O SERVICE No? Co$es Ro)ne3ODa#e= C#ass, a ea# $an o" "#esh an) %#oo), %3 Cong essiona# Legis#ation un)e the Statutes at La ge an) %3 Unite) States Co)es ! eate) %3 the Unite) States Cong ess ?ithin the Dist i!t o" Co#u$%ia Te ito 3, in the -osition o" + ivate Atto ne3 2ene a# an) Bount3 :unte an) sets "o th this )o!u$ent to ho-e"u##3 %e ea) an) a!te) u-on %3 an hono a%#e, "#esh an) %#oo), $an o ?o$an to a""o ) the De!#a ant Re$e)3H a Motion an) ReDui e$ent to Iuash +#ainti""Es Latest Res-onse, an) a ReDui e$ent to Dis$iss A## Cha ges "o La!G o" Di e!t Re%utta# o" Cou t O )e e) Su%>e!t Matte , "o La!G o" Stan)ing, "o F ivo#ous Fi#ings, an) "o Fai#u e to + o)u!e a Corpus Delicti an) othe $entione) vio#ations. This )o!u$ent ?as sent to the UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT OF T:E DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA C#e G o" Cou ts on this PPPP)a3 o" Fe% ua 3 in the 3ea o" ou Lo ) &'(9 A.D. Ro)ne3ODa#e= C#ass, a#so )e#ive e) a !o-3 to the + ose!utionEs in%oA. Ro)ne3*Da#e= C#ass + ivate Atto ne3 2ene a# 888 NAAAA LAAAAAA SAAAAA :igh Shoa#s, No th Ca o#ina its!onstitutiona#Qg$ai#.!o$ Cc UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA UNITED STATES ATTORNE5 ANDEW DA0ID FIN4ELMAN UNITED STATES +ROSECUTORES OFFICE WAS:IN2TON, DC &'''( +ETER LALLAS 6O )esignee7 ASSISTANT UNITED STATES ATTORNE5 ... 9T: STREET, N.W., ROOM 9((' WAS:IN2TON, DC &'.3'

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