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Definition of Occupational and En i!on"ental Healt# Nu!$in% Occupational and environmental health nursing is the specialty practice that provides for and delivers health and safety services to employees, employee populations, and community groups. The practice focuses on promotion and restoration of health, prevention of illness and injury, and protection from occupational and environmental hazards. Occupational and environmental health nurses make independent nursing judgements in providing health care services within this autonomous specialty. The foundation for occupational and environmental health nursing is research-based. Recognizing the legal conte t for occupational health and safety, this specialty practice derives its theoretical, conceptual, and factual framework from a multidisciplinary base including, but not limited to! nursing science" medical science" public health sciences such as epidemiology and environmental health" occupational health sciences such as to icology, safety, industrial hygiene, and ergonomics" social and behavioral sciences" and management and administration principles. #uided by an ethical framework made e plicit in the $$O%& 'ode of (thics, occupational and environmental health nurses encourage and enable individuals to make informed decisions about health care concerns. 'onfidentiality of health information is integral and central to the practice base. Occupational and environmental health nurses are advocates for employees and community groups, fostering e)uitable and )uality health care services and safe and healthy environments in which to work and live. Standa!d$ of Occupational and En i!on"ental Healt# Nu!$in% Standa!d I & A$$e$$"ent The occupational and environmental health nurse systematically assesses the health status of the individual client or population and the environment. Standa!d II & Dia%no$i$ The occupational and environmental health nurse analyzes assessment data to formulate diagnoses. Standa!d III & Outco"e Identification

The occupational and environmental health nurse identifies outcomes specific to the client. Standa!d IV & Plannin% The occupational and environmental health nurse develops a goal-directed plan that is comprehensive and formulates interventions to attain e pected outcomes. Standa!d V & I"ple"entation The occupational and environmental health nurse implements interventions to attain desired outcomes identified in the plan. Standa!d VI & E aluation The occupational and environmental health nurse systematically and continuously evaluates responses to interventions and progress toward the achievement of desired outcomes. Standa!d VII ' Re$ou!ce Mana%e"ent The occupational and environmental health nurse secures and manages the resources that support an occupational and environmental health and safety program. Standa!d VIII ' P!ofe$$ional De elop"ent The occupational and environmental health nurse assumes accountability for professional development to enhance professional growth and maintain competency. Standa!d I( ' Colla)o!ation The occupational and environmental health nurse collaborates with employees, management, other health care providers, professionals, and community representatives. Standa!d ( ' Re$ea!c# The occupational and environmental health nurse uses research findings in practice and contributes to the scientific base in occupational and environmental health nursing to improve practice and advance the profession. Standa!d (I ' Et#ic$

The occupational and environmental health nurse uses an ethical framework as a guide for decision-making in practice. The *tandards of +ractice are )uoted from! $$O%&, 'opyright, ,---. $tlanta, #$.

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