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Republic of the Philippines SUPREME COURT Manila FIRST DIVISION G.R. No. !

"## $u%ust &' "(()

ENGR. *$+$NI M$GD$+$O' petitione,' -s. PEOP.E OF T/E P/I.IPPINES' ,espon0ent.


C$..E1O' SR.' 1.2 *efo,e us is a petition fo, ,e-ie3 on ce,tio,a,i file0 b4 petitione, En%,. *a4ani Ma%0a4ao of the Decision of the Cou,t of $ppeals in C$5G.R. CR No. "(!)6 affi,7in% the Decision" of the Re%ional T,ial Cou,t' Dipolo% Cit4' *,anch #' con-ictin% the petitione, of -iolation of *atas Pa7bansa 8*.P.9 *l%. "". The $ntece0ents $n Info,7ation 3as file0 cha,%in% petitione, 3ith -iolation of *.P. *l%. "" on Septe7be, :' 66;' the accusato,4 po,tion of 3hich ,ea0s2 On o, about Septe7be, ;(' 66 ' at Dipolo% Cit4' Philippines' an0 3ithin the <u,is0iction of this /ono,able Cou,t' the abo-e5na7e0 accuse0' =no3in% full4 3ell that he 0i0 not ha-e sufficient fun0s in o, c,e0it 3ith the 0,a3ee ban=' Philippine National *an=' Dipolo% *,anch' 0i0 then an0 the,e 3illfull4' unla3full4 an0 feloniousl4 7a=e' 0,a3' issue an0 0eli-e, to one RIC>+ O.VIS' in pa47ent of his obli%ation to the latte,' PN* Chec= No. ;666:& 0ate0 Septe7be, ;(' 66 in the a7ount of SI? /UNDRED T/OUS$ND PESOS 8P:(('(((.((9' Philippine Cu,,enc4' 3hich chec=' ho3e-e,' 3hen p,esente0 fo, pa47ent 3ith PN*5Dipolo% *,anch' 3as 0ishono,e0 an0 ,efuse0 pa47ent fo, the ,eason that it 3as 0,a3n a%ainst insufficient fun0s' an0 0espite ,epeate0 0e7an0s 7a0e b4 the p,i-ate co7plainant on the accuse0' the latte,' faile0 to 7a=e %oo0 the chec=@s -alue' to the 0a7a%e an0 p,e<u0ice of RIC>+ O.VIS in the afo,estate0 a7ount. CONTR$R+ TO .$A.; Ahen a,,ai%ne0' the petitione,' assiste0 b4 counsel' ente,e0 a plea of not %uilt4. Ahen the case fo, t,ial 3as calle0 on 1une &' 66! fo, the p,osecution to a00uce its e-i0ence' the petitione, an0 his counsel 3e,e absent. On 7otion of the p,osecution' the cou,t allo3e0 it to a00uce e-i0ence. The p,osecution p,esente0 the p,i-ate co7plainant' Ric=4 Ol-is' 3ho testifie0 on 0i,ect eBa7ination that on Septe7be, ;(' 66 ' the petitione, 0,e3 an0 issue0 to hi7 Philippine National *an= 8PN*9 Chec= No. ;666:& 0ate0 Septe7be, ;(' 66 in the a7ount of P:(('(((.((. The sai0 chec= 3as 0,a3n a%ainst the latte,@s account 3ith the PN*' Dipolo% Cit4 *,anch' an0 issue0 in pa47ent of the petitione,@s obli%ation 3ith Ol-is. The latte, 0eposite0 the chec= on Octobe, ' 66 in his account 3ith the *PI5Fa7il4 *an=' Dipolo% Cit4 *,anch' but the 0,a3ee ban= 0ishono,e0 the chec= fo, the ,eason CD,a3n $%ainst Insufficient Fun0sC sta7pe0 on the 0o,sal po,tion of the chec=. Ol-is testifie0 that 3hen info,7e0 that his chec= 3as 0ishono,e0' the petitione, plea0e0 fo, ti7e to pa4 the a7ount the,eof' but ,ene%e0 on his p,o7ise. Ol-is then file0 a c,i7inal co7plaint a%ainst the petitione, fo, -iolation of *.P. *l%. "" on Septe7be, )' 66"' 0oc=ete0 as I.S. No. 6"5;:#. The petitione, a%ain offe,e0 to ,epa4 Ol-is the a7ount of the obli%ation b4 ,et,ie-in% the 0ishono,e0 chec= an0 ,eplacin% the sa7e 3ith t3o othe, chec=s2 one fo, P)(('(((.(( an0 anothe, fo, P"(('(((.(( pa4able to Ol-is. Ta=in% pit4 on the petitione,' he a%,ee0. /e then ,etu,ne0 the o,i%inal cop4 of the chec= to the petitione,' but the latte, a%ain faile0 to 7a=e %oo0 on his p,o7ise an0 faile0 to pa4 the P:(('(((.((. The p,osecution 3ante0 Ol-is to i0entif4 the petitione, as the 0,a3e, of the chec=' but because of the latte,@s absence an0 that of his counsel' the 0i,ect eBa7ination on the 3itness coul0 not be te,7inate0. The p,osecution 7o-e0 that such 0i,ect eBa7ination of Ol-is be continue0 on anothe, 0ate' an0 that the petitione, be o,0e,e0 to appea, befo,e the cou,t so that he coul0 be i0entifie0 as the 0,a3e, of the sub<ect chec=. The t,ial cou,t %,ante0 the 7otion an0 set the continuation of the t,ial on 1une ;' 66&. In the 7eanti7e' the p,osecution 7a,=e0 a photocop4 of PN* Chec= No. ;666:& as EBhibit C$'C an0 the 0o,sal po,tion the,eof as EBhibit C$5 .C

$fte, se-e,al postpone7ents at the instance of the petitione,' he an0 his counsel faile0 to appea, befo,e the cou,t fo, continuation of t,ial. The4 a%ain faile0 to appea, 3hen the case 3as calle0 fo, continuation of t,ial on No-e7be, " ' 66!. The p,osecution offe,e0 in e-i0ence the photocop4 of PN* Chec= No. ;666:&' 3hich the cou,t a07itte0. The t,ial cou,t' the,eafte,' issue0 an O,0e, 0ecla,in% the case sub7itte0 fo, 0ecision.) The petitione, file0 a 7otion fo, a ,econsi0e,ation of the O,0e,' 3hich the t,ial cou,t 0enie0 on 1anua,4 ":' 66:. The petitione, then file0 an O7nibus Supple7ental Motion an0 to $llo3 /i7 to $00uce E-i0ence alle%in%' inte, alia' that2 h9 Despite the absence of the o,i%inal' 3ith onl4 a Be,oB cop4 of the PN* Chec= 3o,th P:(('(((.((' an0 fu,the, st,essin% that the sa7e 3as pai0' the p,osecuto, insiste0' a%ainst the -i%o,ous ob<ection of accuse0' in filin% the case in Cou,t. Plent4 of 3ate, passe0 un0e, the b,i0%e since thenD! In its Opposition to the sai0 7otion' the p,osecution a-e,,e0 that it 0ispense0 3ith the p,esentation of the o,i%inal of the 0ishono,e0 chec= because the sa7e ha0 been ,etu,ne0 to the petitione,. It also pointe0 out that the petitione, faile0 to ob<ect to the p,esentation of the photocop4 of the 0ishono,e0 chec=. In a Special Manifestation' the petitione, insiste0 that the photocop4 of the sub<ect chec= 3as ina07issible in e-i0ence because of the p,osecution@s failu,e to p,o0uce the o,i%inal the,eof. On 1ul4 #' 66:' the t,ial cou,t issue0 an O,0e, 0en4in% the petitione,@s 7otion. The petitione,@s 7otion fo, ,econsi0e,ation the,eon 3as' li=e3ise' 0enie0 b4 the t,ial cou,t. On 1anua,4 "6' 66:' the t,ial cou,t ,en0e,e0 <u0%7ent con-ictin% the petitione, of the c,i7e cha,%e0. The fallo of the 0ecision ,ea0s2 A/EREFORE' fin0in% the %uilt of the accuse0 establishe0 be4on0 ,easonable 0oubt' the he,ein accuse0' En%,. *a4ani Ma%0a4ao is con-icte0 of the c,i7e cha,%e0 a%ainst hi7 fo, Violation of *atas Pa7bansa *ilan% ""' as p,incipal b4 0i,ect pa,ticipation' an0 pu,suant to Section the,eof sentence0 to suffe, the penalt4 of i7p,ison7ent fo, a pe,io0 of siB 8:9 7onths of a,,esto 7a4o, an0 to pa4 the costs. The accuse0 is fu,the, o,0e,e0 to pa4 the p,i-ate co7plainant the su7 of P:(('(((.(( co,,espon0in% to his obli%ation 0ue to the p,i-ate offen0e0 pa,t4. SO ORDERED.: On appeal to the Cou,t of $ppeals' the petitione, assi%ne0 the follo3in% e,,o,s2 I T/E .OAER COURT ERRED IN CONVICTING T/E $CCUSED OF T/E CRIME C/$RGED SO.E.+ ON T/E *$SIS OF T/E FO..OAING EVIDENCE2 $. M$C/INE OR P/OTOST$TIC COP+ OF PN* C/EC> NO. ;666:& D$TED SEPTEM*ER ;(' 66 D *. AORD CD$IFC $T T/E *$C> OF T/E P/OTOST$TIC COP+ OF S$ID C/EC>D C. UNCORRO*OR$TED OR$. TESTIMON+ OF PRIV$TE COMP.$IN$NT. II T/E .OAER COURT ERRED IN CONVICTING T/E $CCUSED AIT/OUT /IM *EING POSITIVE.+ IDENTIFIED *+ T/E COMP.$IN$NT OR OT/ER AITNESS. III T/E .OAER COURT ERRED A/EN IT RENDERED T/E DECISION AIT/ $..EGED FINDINGS OF F$CTS NOT SUFFICIENT.+ SUPPORTED *+ EVIDENCE. IV T/E .OAER COURT ERRED IN $A$RDING CIVI. INDEMNIT+ TO PRIV$TE COMP.$IN$NT IN T/E $MOUNT OF SI? /UNDRED T/OUS$ND PESOS.& On Dece7be, " ' "(( ' the C$ ,en0e,e0 <u0%7ent affi,7in% the 0ecision of the t,ial cou,t. The appellate cou,t also 0enie0 the petitione,@s 7otion fo, ,econsi0e,ation. In his petition at ba,' the petitione, 7e,el4 ,eite,ates the e,,o,s he asc,ibe0 to the RTC in his appeal befo,e the C$' an0 p,a4s that the 0ecisions of the t,ial an0 appellate cou,ts be set asi0e.

The Rulin% of the Cou,t The petition has no 7e,it. On the fi,st th,ee assi%n7ents of e,,o,' the petitione, a-e,s that the p,osecution faile0 to p,o-e his %uilt be4on0 ,easonable 0oubt of the c,i7e cha,%e0 because of the follo3in%2 8a9 the photocop4 of PN* Chec= No. ;666:&' a00uce0 in e-i0ence b4 the p,osecution' is ina07issible in e-i0ence un0e, Rule "6' Section of the Re-ise0 Rules of E-i0enceD hence' has no p,obati-e 3ei%htD b9 the p,osecution faile0 to p,esent the *PI5Fa7il4 *an= telle, to testif4 on the p,esent7ent of PN* Chec= No. ;666:& an0 the 0ishono, the,eofD an0 8c9 the p,osecution faile0 to p,o-e that it 3as he 3ho 0,e3 an0 0eli-e,e0 the 0ishono,e0 chec= to the p,i-ate co7plainant' an0 that he 3as p,ope,l4 notifie0 of the 0ishono, of the sai0 chec=. The petitione, also asse,ts that the,e 3as no le%al basis fo, the a3a,0 of the a7ount of P:'(((.(( as ci-il in0e7nit4. Ae ,ule a%ainst the petitione,. Section of *.P. *l%. "" fo, 3hich the petitione, 3as cha,%e0' ,ea0s2

Section . Chec=s 3ithout sufficient fun0s.E $n4 pe,son 3ho 7a=es o, 0,a3s an0 issues an4 chec= to appl4 on account o, fo, -alue' =no3in% at the ti7e of issue that he 0oes not ha-e sufficient fun0s in o, c,e0it 3ith the 0,a3ee ban= fo, the pa47ent of such in full upon p,esent7ent' 3hich chec= is subseFuentl4 0ishono,e0 b4 the 0,a3ee ban= fo, insufficienc4 of fun0s o, c,e0it o, 3oul0 ha-e been 0ishono,e0 fo, the sa7e ,eason ha0 not the 0,a3e, 3ithout an4 -ali0 ,eason' o,0e,e0 the ban= to stop pa47ent' shall be punishe0 b4 i7p,ison7ent of not less than thi,t4 8;(9 0a4s but not 7o,e than one 8 9 4ea, o, b4 a fine of not less than but not 7o,e than 0ouble the a7ount of the chec= 3hich fine shall in no case eBcee0 T3o /un0,e0 Thousan0 Pesos' o, both such fine an0 i7p,ison7ent at the 0isc,etion of the cou,t. To 3a,,ant the petitione,@s con-iction of the c,i7e cha,%e0' the p,osecution 3as bu,0ene0 to p,o-e the follo3in% essential ele7ents the,eof2 8 9 The 7a=in%' 0,a3in% an0 issuance of an4 chec= to appl4 fo, account o, fo, -alueD 8"9 The =no3le0%e of the 7a=e,' 0,a3e,' o, issue, that at the ti7e of issue he 0oes not ha-e sufficient fun0s in o, c,e0it 3ith the 0,a3ee ban= fo, the pa47ent of such chec= in full upon its p,esent7entD an0 8;9 The subseFuent 0ishono, of the chec= b4 the 0,a3ee ban= fo, insufficienc4 of fun0s o, c,e0it o, 0ishono, fo, the sa7e ,eason ha0 not the 0,a3e,' 3ithout an4 -ali0 cause' o,0e,e0 the ban= to stop pa47ent.# The %,a-a7en of the offense is the act of 7a=in% o, issuin% a 3o,thless chec= o, a chec= that is 0ishono,e0 upon p,esent7ent fo, pa47ent.6 $s to the secon0 ele7ent' =no3le0%e on the pa,t of the 7a=e, o, 0,a3e, of the chec= of the insufficienc4 of the fun0s in o, c,e0it 3ith the ban= to co-e, the chec= upon its p,esent7ent ,efe,s to the state of 7in0 of the 0,a3e,D hence' it is 0ifficult fo, the p,osecution to p,o-e. The la3 c,eates a p,i7a facie =no3le0%e on the insufficienc4 of fun0s o, c,e0it' coinci0ental 3ith the atten0ance of the t3o othe, ele7ents. $s such' Section " p,o-i0es2 SEC. ". E-i0ence of =no3le0%e of insufficient fun0s.E The 7a=in%' 0,a3in% an0 issuance of a chec= pa47ent of 3hich is ,efuse0 b4 the 0,a3ee because of insufficient fun0s in o, c,e0it 3ith such ban=' 3hen p,esente0 3ithin ninet4 86(9 0a4s f,o7 the 0ate of the chec=' shall be p,i7a facie e-i0ence of =no3le0%e of such insufficienc4 of fun0s o, c,e0it unless such 7a=e, o, 0,a3e, pa4s the hol0e, the,eof the a7ount 0ue the,eon' o, 7a=es a,,an%e7ents fo, pa47ent in full b4 the 0,a3ee of such chec= 3ithin fi-e 8!9 ban=in% 0a4s afte, ,ecei-in% notice that such chec= has not been pai0 b4 the 0,a3ee. Ae a%,ee 3ith the petitione, that it 3as incu7bent upon the p,osecution to a00uce in e-i0ence the o,i%inal cop4 of PN* Chec= No. ;666:& to p,o-e the contents the,eof' 7o,e specificall4 the na7es of the 0,a3e, an0 en0o,see' the 0ate an0 a7ount an0 the 0ishono, the,eof' as 3ell as the ,eason fo, such 0ishono,. Section ;' Rule "6 of the Re-ise0 Rules on E-i0ence specificall4 p,o-i0es that 3hen the sub<ect of inFui,4 is the contents of the 0ocu7ent' no e-i0ence shall be a07issible othe, than the o,i%inal the,eof. The pu,pose of the ,ule ,eFui,in% the p,o0uction b4 the offe,o, of the best e-i0ence is the p,e-ention of f,au0' because if a pa,t4 is in possession of such e-i0ence an0 3ithhol0s it an0 p,esents infe,io, o, secon0a,4 e-i0ence in its place' the p,esu7ption is that the latte, e-i0ence is 3ithhel0 f,o7 the cou,t an0 the a0-e,se pa,t4 fo, a f,au0ulent o, 0e-ious pu,pose 3hich its p,o0uction 3oul0 eBpose an0 0efeat. ( $s lon% as the o,i%inal e-i0ence can be ha0' the cou,t shoul0 not ,ecei-e in e-i0ence that 3hich is substitutiona,4 in natu,e' such as photocopies' in the absence of an4 clea, sho3in% that the o,i%inal 3,itin% has been lost o, 0est,o4e0 o, cannot be p,o0uce0 in cou,t. Such photocopies 7ust be 0is,e%a,0e0' bein% ina07issible e-i0ence an0 ba,,en of p,obati-e 3ei%ht.

Fu,the,7o,e' un0e, Section ;8b9' Rule ;( of the sai0 Rules' secon0a,4 e-i0ence of a 3,itin% 7a4 be a07itte0 3hen the o,i%inal is in the custo04 o, un0e, the cont,ol of the pa,t4 a%ainst 3ho7 the e-i0ence is offe,e0' an0 the latte, fails to p,o0uce it afte, ,easonable notice. To 3a,,ant the a07issibilit4 of secon0a,4 e-i0ence 3hen the o,i%inal of a 3,itin% is in the custo04 o, cont,ol of the a0-e,se pa,t4' Section : of Rule ;( p,o-i0es that the a0-e,se pa,t4 7ust be %i-en ,easonable notice' that he fails o, ,efuses to p,o0uce the sa7e in cou,t an0 that the offe,o, offe,s satisfacto,4 p,oof of its eBistence2 Ahen o,i%inal 0ocu7ent is in a0-e,se pa,t4@s custo04 o, cont,ol.E If the 0ocu7ent is in the custo04 o, un0e, the cont,ol of the a0-e,se pa,t4' he 7ust ha-e ,easonable notice to p,o0uce it. If afte, such notice an0 afte, satisfacto,4 p,oof of its eBistence' he fails to p,o0uce the 0ocu7ent' secon0a,4 e-i0ence 7a4 be p,esente0 as in the case of its loss. The 7e,e fact that the o,i%inal of the 3,itin% is in the custo04 o, cont,ol of the pa,t4 a%ainst 3ho7 it is offe,e0 0oes not 3a,,ant the a07ission of secon0a,4 e-i0ence. The offe,o, 7ust p,o-e that he has 0one all in his po3e, to secu,e the best e-i0ence b4 %i-in% notice to the sai0 pa,t4 to p,o0uce the 0ocu7ent. " The notice 7a4 be in the fo,7 of a 7otion fo, the p,o0uction of the o,i%inal o, 7a0e in open cou,t in the p,esence of the a0-e,se pa,t4 o, -ia a subpoena 0uces tecu7' p,o-i0e0 that the pa,t4 in custo04 of the o,i%inal has sufficient ti7e to p,o0uce the sa7e. Ahen such pa,t4 has the o,i%inal of the 3,itin% an0 0oes not -olunta,il4 offe, to p,o0uce it o, ,efuses to p,o0uce it' secon0a,4 e-i0ence 7a4 be a07itte0. ; In this case' Ol-is' the p,i-ate co7plainant' testifie0 that afte, the chec= 3as 0ishono,e0 b4 the 0,a3ee ban= fo, insufficienc4 of fun0s' he ,etu,ne0 it to the petitione, upon the latte,@s offe, to pa4 the a7ount of the chec= b4 0,a3in% an0 issuin% t3o chec=s' one fo, P)(('(((.(( an0 the othe, fo, P"(('(((.((. /o3e-e,' the petitione, still faile0 to satisf4 his obli%ation to Ol-is2 G $ G $ G $ G $ So7eti7e in the 7onth of Ma4 66 ' 0o 4ou ,e7e7be, that 8sic9 4ou ha-e an4 t,ansaction 3ith the accuse0H +es' Si,. Ahat 3as the t,ansaction aboutH It 3as about ou, <oint -entu,e in Ipil. Ahat 0i0 the accuse0 in this case issue to 4ouH /e issue0 7e a chec= 3o,th siB hun0,e0 thousan0 pesos 8P:(('(((.((9. If the photostatic cop4 of the chec= I3oul0J be p,esente0 to 4ou' 3oul0 4ou be able to i0entif4 itH +es' Si,.

G I a7 sho3in% to 4ou a photostatic cop4 of PN* Dipolo% *,anch Chec= K ;666:& 3ith a 7atu,it4 0ate on Septe7be, ;(' 66 in the a7ount of siB hun0,e0 thousan0 pesos 8P:(('(((.((9' is this the chec= issue0 to 4ouH $ G $ G IpilH $ G $ G $ G $ +es' Si,. /e,e is a si%natu,e at the botto7 co,ne, of this chec=' 3hose si%natu,e is thisH *a4ani Ma%0a4aoILsJ. In othe, 3o,0s' this chec= 3as issue0 fo, a -aluable consi0e,ation in connection 3ith the p,o<ect 4ou ha-e in +es' Si,. Ahat 0i0 4ou 0o 3ith the chec=H I 0eposite0 this in *PI5Fa7il4 *an=' but it 3as 0,a3n a%ainst insufficient fun0. Ahen 0i0 4ou 0eposit the chec=H So7eti7e in Octobe,. Octobe,' 3hat 4ea,H In 66 ' Si,.

G $

Aithin a ,easonable pe,io0 f,o7 the 7atu,it4 0ate of the chec=' 4ou cause0 it to be 0eposite0H +es' Si,.

G $n0 this chec= 3as 0ishono,e0 b4 the 0eposito,4 ban=' that the account to 3hich it 3as 0,a3n 0oes not ha-e sufficient fun0' is that in0icate0 in this chec=H $ G $ +es' Si,. Ahe,e is that in0ication of 0ishono, fo, lac= of sufficient fun0H /e,e' Si,.

INTERPRETER2 Aitness pointin% to the chec=. $TT+. CO2 Ae p,a4' +ou, /ono,' that the photostatic cop4 of the chec= be 7a,=e0 as EBhibit C$.C The ,eason 3h4 it 3as 0ishono,e0' foun0 at the bac= of this chec=' in0icate0 as CD$IFC 7eanin% to sa42 CD,a3n $%ainst Insufficient Fun0C be 7a,=e0 as EBhibit C$5 .C M G $ G $ G $fte, bein% info,7e0 that the chec= 3as 0ishono,e0 b4 the 0,a3ee ban=' 3hat 0i0 4ou 0oH I 3ent to Ma%0a4ao@s house an0 as=e0 fo, pa47ent but he ,efuse0 to pa4. Ahen 4ou sa4 Ma%0a4ao' a,e 4ou ,efe,,in% to the accuse0 in this case' *a4ani Ma%0a4aoH +es' Si,. It appea,s that this is 7e,el4 a photostatic cop4 of the chec=' 3he,e is the o,i%inal of the chec=H

$ Ma%0a4ao ,eplace0 the o,i%inal chec= 3o,th siB hun0,e0 thousan0 pesos 8P:(('(((.((9' an0 he %a-e 7e anothe, chec= 3o,th fou, hun0,e0 thousan0 pesos 8P)(('(((.((9 an0 t3o hun0,e0 thousan0 pesos 8P"(('(((.((9. G $t the ti7e the accuse0 in this case ,eplace0 this chec= 3o,th siB hun0,e0 thousan0 8P:(('(((.((9' 3as the case al,ea04 pen0in% befo,e the Cit4 Fiscal@s Office o, befo,e this /ono,able Cou,tH $ G $ +es' Si,' it is pen0in%. Until no3 the a7ount of siB hun0,e0 thousan0 pesos 8P:(('(((.((9 has not been pai0 to 4ouH +es' Si,. )

In his CMotion to Suspen0 P,ocee0in%sC in the t,ial cou,t' the petitione, a07itte0 that he ,ecei-e0 the o,i%inal cop4 of the 0ishono,e0 chec= f,o7 the p,i-ate co7plainant ! an0 that he cause0 the non5pa47ent of the 0ishono,e0 chec=. : The petitione, cannot fei%n i%no,ance of the nee0 fo, the p,o0uction of the o,i%inal cop4 of PN* Chec= No. ;666:&' an0 the fact that the p,osecution 3as able to p,esent in e-i0ence onl4 a photocop4 the,eof because the o,i%inal 3as in his possession. In fact' in the O7nibus Supple7ental Motion 0ate0 Feb,ua,4 #' 66:' an0 in his Special Manifestation file0 on Ma4 "#' 66:' the petitione, co7plaine0 of the p,osecution@s -iolation of the best e-i0ence ,ule. The petitione,' ho3e-e,' ne-e, p,o0uce0 the o,i%inal of the chec=' 7uch less offe,e0 to p,o0uce the sa7e. The petitione, 0elibe,atel4 3ithhel0 the o,i%inal of the chec= as a ba,%ainin% chip fo, the cou,t to %,ant hi7 an oppo,tunit4 to a00uce e-i0ence in his 0efense' 3hich he faile0 to 0o follo3in% his nu7e,ous un<ustifie0 postpone7ents as sho3n b4 the ,eco,0s. The,e 3as no lon%e, a nee0 fo, the p,osecution to p,esent as 3itness the e7plo4ee of the 0,a3ee ban= 3ho 7a0e the notation at the 0o,sal po,tion of the 0ishono,e0 chec= & to testif4 that the sa7e 3as 0ishono,e0 fo, ha-in% been 0,a3n a%ainst insufficient fun0s. The petitione, ha0 al,ea04 been info,7e0 of such fact of 0ishono, an0 the ,eason the,efo, 3hen Ol-is ,etu,ne0 the o,i%inal of the chec= to hi7. In fact' as sho3n b4 the testi7on4 of Ol-is' the petitione, 0,e3 an0 issue0 t3o othe, sepa,ate chec=s' one fo, P)(('(((.(( an0 the othe, fo, P"(('(((.((' to ,eplace the 0ishono,e0 chec=. *ecause of his 0ilato,4 tactics' the petitione, faile0 to a00uce e-i0ence to o-e,co7e that of the p,osecution@s.

The petitione,@s contention that Ol-is faile0 to i0entif4 hi7 as the 0,a3e, of the sub<ect chec= is nettleso7e. It bea,s st,essin% that Ol-is 3as ,ea04 to i0entif4 the petitione, afte, his 0i,ect eBa7ination' but the latte, an0 his counsel ineBplicabl4 faile0 to appea,. The 0i,ect eBa7ination of Ol-is ha0 to be continue0 to enable hi7 to point to an0 i0entif4 the petitione, as the 0,a3e, of the chec=. This is sho3n b4 the t,ansc,ipt of the steno%,aphic notes ta=en 0u,in% the t,ial' -iN2 $TT+. CO2 Consi0e,in% that the accuse0 is not p,esent' +ou, /ono,' I 3oul0 li=e to 7anifest that the p,i-ate offen0e0 pa,t4 be %i-en the oppo,tunit4 to i0entif4 the accuse0 fo, pu,poses of this case. # The t,ial cou,t issue0 an O,0e, on 1une &' 66!' 0i,ectin% the petitione,' un0e, pain of conte7pt' to appea, befo,e it to enable Ol-is to i0entif4 hi72 $fte, the 0ecla,ation of the fi,st an0 onl4 3itness fo, the p,osecution' the p,i-ate p,osecuto, p,a4e0 to set the case fo, continuation of the t,ial' an0 o,0e,in% the 0efen0ant to appea, to allo3 the p,osecution to establish his i0entit4. Set the case fo, continuation of the t,ial on 1une ;' 66!' o,0e,in% the accuse0 to appea, pe,sonall4 fo, pu,poses of his i0entification in cou,t un0e, pain of conte7pt if he fails to co7pl4 un<ustifiabl4 3ith this o,0e,. The 0efense shall be allo3e0 to c,oss eBa7ine the 3itness fo, the p,osecution if 0esi,e0' othe,3ise' his ,i%ht of c,oss5eBa7ination shall be consi0e,e0 3ai-e0 co7pletel4. SO ORDERED. 6 The petitione, 0efie0 the O,0e, of the cou,t an0 faile0 to appea, as 0i,ecte0' an0 as %leane0 f,o7 the ,eco,0s O 8 )9 1une &' 66! O The accuse0 an0 counsel 0i0 not appea,D hence' the p,osecution 3as allo3e0 to p,esent its e-i0ence eB5pa,te. The p,i-ate co7plainant 3as p,esente0 to testif4 in the 0i,ect5eBa7ination' ,ese,-in% the ,i%ht of c,oss5eBa7ination on the pa,t of the accuse0' an0 settin% the case fo, the pu,pose on 1une ;' 66!. 8 !9 1une ;' 66! O The accuse0 0i0 not appea,' but the 0efense counsel ,eFueste0 fo, a ,esettin% of the c,oss5 eBa7ination to be con0ucte0. The ,eFuest 3as %,ante0 o-e, the ob<ection of the p,osecution' an0 set the continuation of the t,ial to $u%ust ; ' 66!. 8 :9 $u%ust ; ' 66! O $s in p,e-ious occasions' the accuse0 0i0 not appea, an0 0efense counsel ,eFueste0 fo, anothe, ,esettin%' an0 0espite the -i%o,ous opposition b4 the p,osecution' the t,ial 3as postpone0 to Octobe, ;' 66!' 3ith the un0e,stan0in% that if the accuse0 3ill not appea,' it 3oul0 be ta=en to 7ean that he 3ai-e0 his ,i%ht to c,oss5 eBa7ination an0 to p,esent e-i0ence in his 0efense. 8 &9 Octobe, ;' 66! O $tt4. Na,ciso *a,baso appea,e0 as a ne3 counsel fo, the accuse0 but ,eFueste0 that he be allo3e0 to ,ea0 fi,st the t,ansc,ipt of the 0i,ect testi7on4 of the plaintiff@s 3itness to be c,oss5eBa7ine0. The ,eFuest 3as %,ante0' an0 the t,ial 3as ,eset to No-e7be, " ' 66!. 8 #9 No-e7be, " ' 66! O The accuse0 an0 his counsel both 0i0 not appea,. The p,osecution fo,7all4 offe,e0 EBh. C$C in e-i0ence' an0 upon its a07ission' the p,osecution ,este0 its case' an0 p,a4e0 that as state0 in the p,e-ious o,0e, of the cou,t 0ate0 $u%ust ; ' 66!' the case shall be consi0e,e0 sub7itte0 fo, <u0%7ent' 3hich ,eFuest 3as %,ante0. 8 69 Dece7be, &' 66! O The 0efense file0 a 7otion fo, ,econsi0e,ation of the o,0e, 0ate0 No-e7be, " ' 66!. The cou,t ,eFui,e0 the 0efense to file a supple7ental 7otion statin% the natu,e of its e-i0ence to be p,esente0 if allo3e0 to enable the cou,t to 0ete,7ine the 7e,it of the 7otion fo, ,econsi0e,ation' but 0espite the lapse0 8sic9 of the pe,io0 set b4 the cou,t' the accuse0 0i0 not co7pl4D hence' the 0enial of the 7otion fo, ,econsi0e,ation' an0 set the case fo, p,o7ul%ation of the <u0%7ent on Feb,ua,4 6' 66:. 8"(9 Then ca7e the O7nibus Supple7ental Motion' etc.' b4 the accuse0 0ate0 Feb,ua,4 #' 66:' an0 b4 ,eason the,eof' the p,o7ul%ation of the <u0%7ent set on Feb,ua,4 6' 66:' 3as hel0 in abe4ance. 8" 9 The 0efense counsel file0 a 7otion to 3ith0,a3 as counsel fo, the accuse0 0ate0 Feb,ua,4 "&' 66:' an0 3hich 3as %,ante0 b4 the o,0e, of the cou,t 0ate0 Ma,ch ' 66:. I8""9J Ma4 "#' 66: O $ Special Manifestation 0ate0 Ma4 " ' 66: in suppo,t of the O7nibus Supple7ental Motion file0 th,u anothe, la34e, appea,in% as a ne3 counsel fo, the accuse0' no3 un0e, consi0e,ation."( Cont,a,4 to the petitione,@s clai7' the t,ial cou,t 0i0 not a3a,0 P:'(((.(( as ci-il in0e7nit4 in fa-o, of Ol-isD it o,0e,e0 the petitione, to pa4 hi7 P:(('(((.((' the a7ount of the sub<ect chec=. /a-in% faile0 to pa4 the a7ount of the chec=' the petitione, is liable the,efo, an0 shoul0 be o,0e,e0 to pa4 the sa7e to the p,i-ate co7plainant in this case."

On the secon0 assi%ne0 e,,o,' the petitione, faulte0 the t,ial cou,t fo, i7posin% a penalt4 of i7p,ison7ent instea0 of a penalt4 of fine' an0 cites SC Ci,cula, No. "5"((( to bolste, his contention. /e su%%ests that since he is 7e,el4 a fi,st offen0e,' he shoul0 be sentence0 to pa4 a fine 0ouble the a7ount of the chec=. The Office of the Solicito, Gene,al' on the othe, han0' ob<ects to the petitione,@s plea on the %,oun0 that 3hen the latte, 0,e3 an0 issue0 the 0ishono,e0 chec= to the p,i-ate co7plainant' he =ne3 that the ,esi0ue of his fun0s in the 0,a3ee ban= 3as insufficient to pa4 the a7ount the,eof. Consi0e,in% the facts an0 ci,cu7stances atten0ant in this case' 3e fin0 the petitione,@s plea to be ba,,en of 7e,it. $07inist,ati-e Ci,cula, No. ;5"(( p,o-i0es2 It is' the,efo,e' un0e,stoo0 that2 . $07inist,ati-e Ci,cula, "5"((( 0oes not ,e7o-e i7p,ison7ent as an alte,nati-e penalt4 fo, -iolations of *P ""D ". The 1u0%es conce,ne0 7a4' in the eBe,cise of soun0 0isc,etion' an0 ta=in% into consi0e,ation the peculia, ci,cu7stances of each case' 0ete,7ine 3hethe, the i7position of a fine alone 3oul0 best se,-e the inte,est of <ustice' o, 3hethe, fo,bea,in% to i7pose i7p,ison7ent 3oul0 0ep,eciate the se,iousness of the offense' 3o,= -iolence on the social o,0e,' o, othe,3ise be cont,a,4 to the i7pe,ati-es of <usticeD ;. Shoul0 onl4 a fine be i7pose0 an0 the accuse0 be unable to pa4 the fine' the,e is no le%al obstacle to the application of the Re-ise0 Penal Co0e on subsi0ia,4 i7p,ison7ent."" The ,eco,0s sho3 that 0espite the nu7e,ous oppo,tunities %i-en to hi7 b4 the t,ial cou,t' the petitione, ,efuse0 to a00uce an4 e-i0ence in his behalf. Mo,eo-e,' the Cou,t of $ppeals foun0 the petitione,@s appeal to be 0e-oi0 of 7e,it. Consi0e,in% the factual 7ilieu in this case' the,e is e-e,4 ,eason fo, the Cou,t to ,e<ect the plea fo, a penalt4 of fine an0 7aintain the penalt4 of i7p,ison7ent the t,ial cou,t i7pose0 on the petitione,. IN .IG/T OF $.. T/E FOREGOING' the petition is DENIED DUE COURSE. The assaile0 0ecision of the Cou,t of $ppeals is $FFIRMED. Costs a%ainst the petitione,. SO ORDERED.

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