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A Conversation Talking Paper On The Topic of When The Rapture Happens by: Mick Rynning February 20, 2014

Blessings of love and truth to you, but I ill not argue nor debate! rather, it"s #y $ob to #erely %roclai# &od"s %lainly ritten truth and leave the revealing of that truth to 'is 'oly (%irit) (o, %lease read the %lain ritten *ord of &od belo and argue ith hat &od has said, i)e), your argu#ent is ith &od, not #e) &od the 'oly (%irit ill reveal truth to all for those ho truly love 'is truth and not $ust hat they"ve been taught or ant to believe) In fact, for those ho do not love 'is truth, he %ronounces a curse++it,s interesting that this curse of delusion is actually in regard to the end+ti#es2.h 2:/ 0et no one deceive you in any ay) For that day ill not co#e, unless the rebellion co#es first, and the #an of la lessness is revealed, the son of destruction, 2.h 2:1 .he co#ing of the la less one is by the activity of (atan ith all %o er and false signs and onders, 2.h 2:10 and ith all icked dece%tion for those ho are %erishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved) 2.h 2:11 .herefore &od sends the# a strong delusion, so that they #ay believe hat is false, 2.h 2:12 in order that all #ay be conde#ned ho did not believe the truth ) ) )2 .he ra%ture is not before the .ribulation, nor after++the ra%ture is after &od,s rath is %oured out) *e are told in Rev 14:14+13 that the Ra%ture takes %lace after Mystery, Babylon is fallen 4Rev 14:56! and in Rev 13:17 that it,s after the 3th bo l of &od"s rath is %oured out! and again in Rev 20:7 8.he First Resurrection8 referring back to 20:4 here e saints already sitting on thrones, ith s%ecial #ention of #artyrs and lastly in 9an 12:12 here those ho survive until the 1//7th day are the ones ho are blessed 4after the 1,210 days of antichrist"s %ersecution 49an 12:116) :%h 4:/0 ;nd do not grieve the 'oly (%irit of &od, by ho# you ere sealed for the day of rede#%tion) Because e are sealed, like <oah as sealed in the ;rk++&od did not take hi# out of the orld during 'is rath! rather, he sealed hi# in the ;rk, hich is a ty%e 4sy#bol6 that re%resents =esus >hrist) ?es, 8as it as in the day,s of <oah,8 e are sealed in >hrist and &od,s rath ill not fall on us and, $ust like 'e left <oah in the orld during 'is rath, it ill be the sa#e for us, 8as in the days of <oah:8 ;nd if, %er chance, the book of Revelation itself is so#eho not clear to us, let us harken back to the red+lettered ords of the 0ord on the sa#e #atter:

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Mat 24:/0 THEN ill a%%ear in heaven the sign of the (on of Man, and then all the tribes of the earth ill #ourn, and they ill see the (on of Man co#ing on the clouds of heaven ith %o er and great glory) Mar 1/:23 AN THEN they ill see the (on of Man co#ing in clouds ith great %o er and glory) 0uk 21:2@ AN THEN they ill see the (on of Man co#ing in a cloud ith %o er and great glory) I strongly reco##end all of us be a are of all those things >hrist told us ould ha%%en B:FAR: .':<, i)e), read all the verses before Mat 24:/0, Mar 1/:23, and 0uke 21:/@ to see hat ha%%ens before B.':<)2 Af course, reading the rest of those cha%ters, also) I believe Revelation is clear enough on hen the Ra%ture ha%%ens, after the *rath of &od is %oured out) ;nd so#e, citing 1 .hes 7:1, ill say, 8 e,re not a%%ointed to rath,8 and they,re right, but that #eans e"re not a%%ointed for &od,s rath to fall on us, and that e ill be %rotected through it) Re#e#ber, &od did not take <oah out of the stor#! rather, 'e (:;0:9 hi# in the ;rk 4a sy#bol of =esus6, left <oah in the orld hile 'e %oured out 'is rath, $ust like 'e sealed the Israelites in :gy%t hen &od %oured out 'is rath on :gy%t) Is this $ust #y o%inionC <o, &od told us about this clearly in Rev 2 D /: ;nd ho ill &od %rotect hile 'e %ours out 'is rath, $ust anyone ho clai#s to be a >hristianC An the contrary, here too, 'e tells us early in Revelation that 'e ill %rotect us fro# 'is rath: Rev /:10 Because thou hast ke%t the ord of #y %atience, I also ill kee% thee fro# the hour of te#%tation, hich shall co#e u%on all the orld, to try the# that d ell u%on the earth) .he 8kee% thee fro# the hour of te#%tation8 in Rev /:10 is the &reek, .ereo :k, hich #eans to kee% 4or deliver6 fro# ithin, or 8out of it) Eee% does not #ean kee% us a ay fro# 'is rath++'e kee%s us as e co#e out of 'is great rath) But, is this #erely so#e %lay on &reek ords, or does the Bible give us another eFa#%le, i)e), (cri%ture %roving (cri%tureC Af course: *hile =esus as %raying in the &arden of &ethse#ane, this is the onl! other place in the "i#le that $e fin% &keep& 'Tereo() an% *esus sa!s: =oh 1@:3 B ) ) ) and they have ke%t thy ord) ) ) )2 an% =oh 1@:17 I %ray not that thou shouldest take the# out of the orld, but that thou shouldest kee% the# fro# the evil) 2 of 4 Pages

(o, e have t o eFa#%les of =esus ords, one his %ro#ise to us in Rev /:10, and the other a %rayer to the Father in =ohn 1@, both involving Bkee%ing:2 Graying to the Father to Bkee%2 'is 9isci%les, =esus says Bthey have ke%t .hy ord,2 and not take the# out of the evil orld, but Bkee%2 4delivery the# fro# ith6 it, hich 'e again echoes those ords as a %ro#ise to us in Rev /:10, Bas you have Bke%t2 #y ord, I ill Bkee%2 4deliver fro# ithin6 you fro# ) ) ) 'o ever, e are not %rotected fro# the rath of both (atan and #an++this is here e bear itness to >hrist in %ersecution, suffering and death: Rev 2:1 I kno thy orks, and tribulation, and %overty, 4but thou art rich6 and I kno the blas%he#y of the# hich say they are =e s, and are not, but are the synagogue of (atan) Rev 2:10 Fear none of those things hich thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast so#e of you into %rison, that ye #ay be tried! and ye shall have tribulation ten days: #e thou faithful unto %eath) an% + $ill give thee a cro$n of life, *e can %lay ga#es ith the *ord of &od to su%%ort the 8doctrines of #en and de#ons2 by t isting hat &od %lainly states in 'is 'oly *ord! but let us e careful Brothers and (isters++this is no light #atter: Rev 22:11 and if anyone takes a ay fro# the ords of the book of this %ro%hecy, &od ill take a ay his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, hich are described in this book) %)s) ;nd for those ho ill re%ly ith, 8?a, but the Bible says at the 3th (eal ) ) )8 .his is a co##on #istake that #any %eo%le, even self+%roclai#ed Bible teachers #ake++the seals are $ust that++they do t o things++the hold the (croll and it,s contents together inside, and they give us a %revie of hat,s actually inside- .he ra%ture and all the other details on the events of the 8end+ ti#es8 are s%elled out clearly for us I<(I9: .': (>RA00) It should also be re#e#bered that Revelation is not strictly chronological! that is to say so#e cha%ters are inserted 4 hat Bible scholars call 8%arenthetical86 to give us additional details about hat e $ust read or are about to read in the very neFt cha%ters! and there are several 8%arenthetical8 cha%ters that do $ust this) .his is hy so #any %eo%le get confused hen reading Revelation++they try to read all the cha%ters, including the inserted %arentheticals, as if they,re in so#e strict chronological order, hen they, not) But don,t take #y ord for any of this! rather, %ray, read, study, and re%eat that cycle for the rest of your life and &od, follo ing 'is order of things in teaching, ill reveal hat 'e ants you to kno , over ti#e, i)e), 8%rece%t u%on %rece%t, %rece%t u%on %rece%t,8 ith each %rece%t laying a foundation u%on the one laid

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before it) Blessings of &od to all ho seek 'i#, through 'is (on, =esus >hrist, for 'is glory and our good) In 'is love and truth, Mick

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