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Unit 2

Academic Physics Distance v. Time Graphs

v= Rise d d 2 d1 = = Run t t 2 t1


1. What is the velocity between 0.0 s and 2.0 s?

4.5 4 3.5 Distance (m) 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 2

Distance v. Tim e

2. What is the velocity between 2.0 s and 5.0 s?


Tim e (s)

3. What is the velocity between 6.0 s and 7.0 s?

Let us suppose that the graph above represents a trip ta en by a physics student in a wheel chair. !nswer the "uestions below using the graph above. #. $ow %ar away %ro& the starting point is the person a%ter 1.5 s? 5. $ow %ar away %ro& the starting point is the person a%ter 2.5 s? What about at 5.0 s? What is his speed at this ti&e? 6. $ow %ar away %ro& his starting point is he a%ter 7.0 s? 's he &oving towards or away %ro& his starting point? (usti%y your answer. 7. )ased on your answers to "uestions three and si*+ what can you tell &e about the relationship between a negative velocity and its directionality?

,'-!.,. / 200102001 -r. .hannon W. $el2er. !ll rights reserved.

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Distance v. Tim e 450 400 350 Distance (km)

.tewart little ventures out %ro& the sa%ety o% the Little residence and ta es a very long trip. $is trip is graphed in the graph to the right. !nswer the "uestions below based on the graph o% .tewart3s trip. 4. What is .tewart3s velocity between 5.0 hours and 1.0 hours?

300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 20 Time (hours) 40

1. $ow %ar away %ro& his starting point is he a%ter 15 hours?

10. What is .tewart doing between 20.0 and 25.0 hours into his trip? ,*plain your answer.

11. What is his velocity at 30.0 hours into his trip?

12. 's this a round trip bac to the Little3s house? Why or why not?

,'-!.,. / 200102001 -r. .hannon W. $el2er. !ll rights reserved.

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Velocity v. Time Graphs

a= Rise v v2 v1 = = Run t t 2 t1

13. What is the acceleration between 0.0 s and 2.0 s?

Velocity v. Time 5 Velocity (m/s)

1#. What is the acceleration between 2.0 s and 5.0 s?

4 3 2 1 0 0 4 Time (s) 8 12

15. What is the acceleration between 6.0 s and 7.0 s?

Let us suppose that the graph above represents a trip ta en by a physics student in a wheel chair. !nswer the "uestions below using the graph above. 16. $ow %ast is he going a%ter 1.5 s? 17. $ow %ast is he going a%ter 2.5 s? What about a%ter 5.0 s? What is his acceleration at this ti&e? 14. 5onsider his original starting position a%ter 7.0 s? 's he &oving towards or away %ro& his starting point? (usti%y your answer. 11. )ased on your answers to "uestions 15 and 14+ what can you tell &e about the relationship between a negative acceleration and its velocity?

,'-!.,. / 200102001 -r. .hannon W. $el2er. !ll rights reserved.

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Velocity v. Time 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 Time (hr) 3

.tewart little ventures out %ro& the sa%ety o% the Little residence and ta es a very long trip. $is trip is graphed in the graph to the right. !nswer the "uestions below based on the graph o% .tewart3s trip. 20. What is .tewart3s velocity 15 &in into his trip? What is his acceleration?

21. What is his speed at 1.5 hours into his trip?

22. 's .tewart speeding up or slowing down 1 hr and 31 &in into his trip? ,*plain your answer.

23. What is his velocity at 3.0 hours into his trip?

,'-!.,. / 200102001 -r. .hannon W. $el2er. !ll rights reserved.

Velocity (km/hr)

# o% 12

Distance v. Time & Acceleration v. Time Graphs !nswer the "uestions below based upon the 6isplace&ent v. 7i&e graph and the 8elocity v. 7i&e graph given below. 7hese graphs are co&pletely unrelated to each other. Displacement v. Time 2#. What was the average velocity %or the period between 10 and 15 &inutes o% the trip depicted by the 30 6isplace&ent v. 7i&e graph?
25 Displacement (km) 20 15 10 5 0
0 10 20 30 40

Distance v. Time

25. What is the velocity o% the car at 21 &inutes into the trip?

Time (min)

26. Where is the person at the end o% his9her trip relative to where he9she began?

Velocity v. Time 27. 'ndicate by circling whether the acceleration is a : 0+ a ; 0+ or a < 0 in the ti&e periods below. a. t : 0 to 2 seconds= b. t : 12 seconds= c. t : 15 seconds= d. t : 6 seconds= a:0 a<0 a;0
Velocity (m/s)

Velocity v. Time 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 0 -2 -3 Time (s) 5 10 15 20

a:0 a<0 a;0 a:0 a<0 a;0 a:0 a<0 a;0

24. What is the acceleration between 5 seconds and 7 seconds?

,'-!.,. / 200102001 -r. .hannon W. $el2er. !ll rights reserved.

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>erri and !shley start %ro& >erri3s house and go %or a little trip to run so&e errands. !%ter they are done with the errands+ they want to watch a &ovie at !shley3s house. 7heir distance %ro& >erri3s house %or this trip is plotted as a %unction o% ti&e below. ?se this 6istance v. 7i&e graph in order to answer the "uestions below.
Distance v. Tim e 5 4 3 Distance (km) 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 Tim e (hours) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

21. 'ndicate by circling whether the velocity is v : 0+ v ; 0+ or v < 0 in the ti&e periods below. a. t : 0 to 2 hours= b. t : 7 hours= c. t : 1 hours= d. t : 12 hours=

v:0 v<0 v;0 v:0 v<0 v;0 v:0 v<0 v;0 v:0 v<0 v;0

30. $ow %ar %ro& the >erri3s house are they a%ter #.0 hours?

31. $ow &any ti&es did they pass >erri3s house be%ore they ended their trip? ,*plain your answer and give the appro*i&ate ti&es when they passed the house.

32. !t 11 hours into their trip+ were they going towards or away %ro& >erri3s house? What about at 1# hours?

,'-!.,. / 200102001 -r. .hannon W. $el2er. !ll rights reserved.

6 o% 12

@osition vs. 7i&e Araphs Wor sheet B2a C'nstantaneous 8elocity and 7angentsD .lope o% 6 vs. t : v =
rise d d 2 d1 = = run t t 2 t1

Instructions !n E5 car accelerates across a straight trac . 'ts position starting point is plotted on the graph with respect to ti&e. ?se the in the table relating ti&e to the position o% the car. 7i&e CsD 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 #.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 @osition C&D
50 Position/Distance (m) 40 30 20 10 0 0 1 2 3 Time (s) 4 5 6 7

%ro& the graph to %ill

Position vs. Time

Instructions !nswer "uestions clearly. 5ircle answers to calculation "uestions. 33. What do you notice about the distance being covered as each second passes? FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF F 3#. $ow &ay your answer to "uestion B1 a%%ect your understanding o% what is happening to the velocity as each second passes? FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF F 35. What is the displace&ent o% the E5 car between 0.0 s and 2.0 s ?

36. What is the average velocity o% the car during the 0.0 s to 2.0 s ti&e interval?

37. What is the displace&ent o% the E5 car between 2.0 s and 5.0 s ?

34. What is the average velocity o% the car during the 2.0 s to 5.0 s ti&e interval? 31. $ow do your answers to "uestions 35 and 36 rein%orce your notions in "uestions 33 G 3#?

,'-!.,. / 200102001 -r. .hannon W. $el2er. !ll rights reserved.

7 o% 12


#1. $ow does your calculation in proble& #0 co&pare with your previous calculations o% velocity? FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF F Instructions !n identical Cbut largerD chart is shown below. @lot a tangent line at each o% the %ollowing points=
0.0 s
Position vs. Time
50 Position/Distance (m) 40 30 20 10 0 0 1 2 3 Time (s) 4 5 6 7

3.0 s
6.0 s

#2. What do you notice about the slopes o% each o% these tangents as ti&e is increased? FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF F 5alculate the instantaneous velocity %or each o% the selected points in proble&s B#30#5 using the tangents you Hust drew. #3. 'nstantaneous 8elocity at 0.0 s ##. 'nstantaneous 8elocity at 3.0 s #5. 'nstantaneous 8elocity at 6.0 s #6. $ow do the instantaneous velocities calculated co&pare with the slopes &entioned in proble& #2? FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF F ,'-!.,. / 200102001 -r. .hannon W. $el2er. !ll rights reserved. 4 o% 12


,'-!.,. / 200102001 -r. .hannon W. $el2er. !ll rights reserved.

1 o% 12

.lope o% 6 vs. t : v =

rise d d 2 d1 = = run t t 2 t1

313.6m high Instructions 7he E5 car %ro& a previous wor sheet is driven o%% o% a cli%% by an irresponsible E5 enthusiastI 7he position vs. ti&e graph o% the car plu&&eting to its doo& in 4.0s is shown below. !nswer the "uestions co&pletely and circle nu&bered answers. CJote= 7he graph relates vertical position to ti&eD

Position vs. Time

350 300 Position (m) 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 1 2 3 4 Time (s) 5 6 7 8

#7. Where has the re%erence point been placed in this situation? FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF #4. Why &ay it be a good idea to arrange it this way? FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF F #1. Kn the graph above+ plot tangent lines at 0.0 s + #.0 s + and 7.0 s 50. What is the average velocity o% the car throughout the %all C 0.0 s to 4.0 s D?

51. 'n what direction is the car &oving vertically? $ow do you now %ro& your calculations in proble& #1? FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF F

,'-!.,. / 200102001 -r. .hannon W. $el2er. !ll rights reserved.

10 o% 12

52. 5alculate the instantaneous velocities o% the car %or the ti&es &entioned in proble& #1. a. 0.0 s

b. #.0 s

c. 7.0 s


,'-!.,. / 200102001 -r. .hannon W. $el2er. !ll rights reserved.

11 o% 12

!!! Giancoli Physics "ome#or$ Assi%nment !!!

Eead 5hapter 2 .ections 10#+ and 4 !nswer 5onceptual Muestions C@age 34D 1+ 2+ 11 N 22. 6o @roble&s C@age 31D 1+ 6+ 16+ #1+ 51+ and 56 C-a e s etches o% your graphs in your co&position noteboo D 5hapter 8ocabulary 1. Mechanics N 2. &inematics N 3. Dynamics N #. Translational 'otion N 5. 's Displacement a Vector? Why or why not?

6. 's (peed a Vector? Why or why not?

7. 's Velocity a Vector? Why or why not?

4. (lope N

,'-!.,. / 200102001 -r. .hannon W. $el2er. !ll rights reserved.

12 o% 12

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