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5. More a result of mutual misunderstanding than of expansionist policies by either the USA or the USSR. Discuss this ie!

of the origins of the "old #ar in the period $%&5'$%&%. Subject: Origins of the Cold War Focus: Cold War more a result of mutual misunderstanding then of expansionist policies Timeframe: 194 !1949 Thesis: " agree #ith this statement to a great extent$ "ndeed% mutual misunderstanding #as far more crucial in starting the Cold War than expansionist policies b& either 'S( or 'SS)$ "n fact% this mutual misunderstanding #as an important reason that led to the implementation of expansionist policies b& both countries$ *oint 1: +efore the end of the Second World War in 194 % the t#o nations had alread& been mutuall& suspicious of each other$ (dding to the pre!#ar distrust that both nations had beforehand% the disagreements during the #ar b& both parties further intensified the misunderstanding and tension bet#een both nations$ One such instance #as the Second Front Contro,ers&% #hereb& 'SS) had #anted the allies to in,ade -urope through .ormand& in France% #hich 'S( and +ritain onl& did so late in the #ar in 1944% leading Stalin to belie,e that 'S( #anted 'SS) and /erman& to #ea0en each other before stepping in% #ithout considering that 'S( did not &et ha,e sufficient preparation to assuredl& open the Western Front &et% thus resulting in distrust on and misunderstanding on both side% and #as important in cementing the post!#ar distrust and misunderstanding bet#een both superpo#ers$ The #artime conferences too% pro,ed to be another platform for mutual misunderstanding to de,elop% as both countries disagreed on issues such as the issue on -astern -urope as #ell as the reparations and di,ision on /erman&% resulting in both countries being suspicious of each other1s moti,es after the #ar$ These circumstances resulted in the strong post!#ar misconstrued understanding of both superpo#ers after the #ar and contributed in causing the Cold War$ *oint 2: (fter the #ar% this misunderstanding and tension further intensified due to policies implemented b& both po#ers and the misconstrued ,ie#s each part& had on these policies% #hich further perpetuated their man& differences% especiall& in political% social and ideological aspects$ "n this aspect% the So,iets #ere of greater responsibilit& in contributing further to the mutual misunderstanding% as the&% immediatel& after the #ar% embar0ed on unilateral actions of sei3ing po#er in -astern -urope through 4salami5 tactics$ Furthermore% the 'SS) did not clarif& their boundaries of expansionism% and b& doing so% caused the 'S( to mista0enl& fear that 'SS) had a masterplan to spread communism #orld#ide% a misconstrued but justifiable apprehension$ This led to further misunderstanding as the 'S( undertoo0 actions to halt possible further 4so,ietisation5 b& implementing the Truman 6octrine and 7arshall *lan$ 7isunderstanding that as a direct threat b& 'S( to her% 'SS) embar0ed on a 4Tit!for!tat5 response% setting up the Cominform and CO7-CO.% policies that 'S( misunderstood as a challenge b& the 'SS)$ The differences% as obser,ed from their ,astl& differing ,ie#s in the 6eclaration on 8iberated -urope% pro,ed to be further grounds of disagreement and tension #hich%

#hen combined #ith the post!#ar distrust and misunderstanding% #as crucial in causing the outbrea0 of the Cold War$ *oint 9: :o#e,er% it can be argued that mutual misunderstanding itself #as insufficient to cause the Cold War$ The So,iets1 expansionist actions and research on the atomic bomb to ri,al 'S(% as #ell as (merica1s polic& of containment to#ards 'SS) can be seen as expansionist policies b& both superpo#ers$ "n fact% the expansionist policies adopted b& both countries #ere in fact% responses b& both nations as a result of mutual misunderstanding% as the& acted to pre!empt or retaliate against a mo,e the& ,ie#ed as expansionist b& the other$ For example% 'SS)1s bloc0ade of +erlin #as due to her misconstrued and exaggerated fear of 'S( #aging an economic #ar b& setting up Trizonia in the allied 3ones of /erman&$ Furthermore% that mo,e appeared to challenge the allies1 position in -urope% thus forcing the 'S( to respond #ith the +erlin (irlift% #hich #as the first actual clash bet#een the superpo#ers$ (s such% it can be inferred that the expansionist policies underta0en b& 'SS) and 'S( #ere due to their mutual misunderstanding and thus% mutual misunderstanding is indeed the root of the Cold War$ Conclusion: +& comparing the impact of mutual misunderstanding and distrust bet#een the superpo#ers against the impact caused b& the expansionist policies of either nations% ta0ing into account that these policies percei,ed to be expansionist could actuall& ta0e root from mutual misunderstanding bet#een both nations% it is obser,able that the former is clearl& more impactful in #orsening ties bet#een the t#o nations #hile the latter #as merel& a series of e,ents that intensified the air of tension and suspicion bet#een both nations ; alread& caused b& the mutual misunderstanding$ 'SS)1s earl& actions and her paranoia of 'S( too% resulted in the heightened tension and misunderstanding% #hich then led to strong distrust bet#een both nations$(s such% the Cold War #as clearl& a greater result of mutual misunderstanding as compared to that of expansionist policies practiced b& the 'S( and 'SS)% #ith the 'SS) being of greater responsibilit& due to her earl& actions% #hich could easil& be misread and #ere unclear% thus resulting in the 4tit!for!tat5 bet#een both superpo#ers% finall& causing the Cold War$

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