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How to Write Undergraduate Essays

2nd Edition 1
By Undisclosed Industries

About Me
Hey. I am a student from New Zealand in the process of finishing up my undergraduate work. I have studied politics, law, security studies, English, Speech and Drama, and history. ost of the time !i.e., when I wasn"t la#y$ I got % to %& grades. I didn"t really think a'out why until recently. (hen I did, I thought it might 'e useful to chronicle my musings for the 'enefit of humanity.

Essay Writing Point 1: Basics

)he 'asic structure of the essay should suggest itself from the *uestion. (riting drafts+ normally a waste of day, they"re not marked under normal circumstances. )he e-ception is for e-ceedingly complicated and.or e-ceedingly long assignments. Essays test what you know !facts$ and then, in most cases, arguments !which includes the merits and criticisms of the arguments$ Deal with facts first, then argue. Structure for persuasive essay+ /)hese are the issues, these are the approaches, and, if you are going to do something, this is the 'est approach and this is why it is the 'est approach." o ust prove o 0e sympathetic, then critici#e. 1ay close attention to your lecturer"s directions, 'ut more than this, try and pick up the style of essays he likes to read. (hat are his pet like and dislikes2 Is he a 'leeding heart or an iron eagle2 (hat sort of words does he use2 Is he all a'out the facts and main arguments of the topic area with no strings attached, or does he like to see student"s musings on a topic2 3ou get the idea.

Point 2: The Infor ation Highway

)o maintain a logical flow of content while minimi#ing research.reading time, think in terms of the information highway. ore organic, more dynamic, the information highway introduces procedural fle-i'ility without compromising the assignment"s structural integrity. (hen you read relevant information that is coverage. 4overage comprises breadth and length. Imagine a timeline. )hat"s the length. (riting factoids in at the various dates would 'e the 'readth. Length of Coverage: 5ength of 4overage is the %IN 16IN)S !arguments and facts$ you need to make. (e could call these general sectors or 'ases of analysis.

I had to write a 8 Edition 'ecause the first one was so 'ad.



(hen you read a variety of sources, the main points will suggest themselves via repetition. )hink generally, not specifically. Divide your main points into your count, either 'y weight or 'y integer.

Breadth of Coverage: 0readth of coverage is e-panding the main points with as much relevant information as can 'e concisely included within the determined word limit for each point. )hink of this as filling in the 'lanks. In other words, start writing some info ne-t to your /timeline" 9 you are /colouring in" a particular main point or sector of analysis. )hink specifically, not generally. 3ou do not have to decide the specific content of the 'readth of coverage for each main point until you come to write it 4ontent include e-amples, case studies, 'ullcrap, *uotes, comparisons and contrasts, and.or detailed analysis to demonstrate or prove your point.

Reflexive Incrementalism ( this is a very erudite term. How do we know? Say it out loud. Notice how pretentious
and overplayed it sounds)

This is the vital bit. It in orms both breadth and len!th o covera!e. "hat you do is read whatever on the topic# and rationali$e it into coherency as you write your essay (i.e.# incrementally). How? %ind a lo!ical place to start and write a para!raph. The# you take into account what you have already written# and use that as a ilter or &paradi!m' to process how the new information will progress your essay. This new in ormation is incorporated into your essay so far (usually# but not necessarily# at the point where you are up to), and you revise as necessary (includin! the number o words you've used). The result, in turn# is used to assess the ne(t batch o incomin! in ormation. "henever you run out o stu to write# you round up some resh in o. Thus your essay's ar!ument will develop additively or IN)*+,+NT-../ durin! its writin!. -nother way o puttin! this concept is that or the tenure o writin!# you will have a dynamically evolvin! (thin!s inevita'ly evolve dynamically) thesis statement. So you will always be headin! in a direction because o your dynamic thesis statement, and that !/a"$ direction will invaria'ly 'e right 'ecause it will 'e constantly 'eing recali'rated 'y the rationali#ation of new information (super0) Note1 The concept o len!th and breadth o in ormation is the structural side o the revision when you actor in new in ormation. "hat you are essentially doin! is bashin! unknown in ormation on the head with known in ormation. /ou will ind# as your essay pro!resses# the known in ormation will accumulate to a critical level. /ou know you have reached critical in o level when the known in ormation turns unknown unknown in ormation 2in ormation you 4 don't know you don't know3 into known unknown in ormation 2in ormation you know you don't know3 . /ou will then be able to predict (know) the main points or sectors o the remainder o your essay (remember or!et about the speci ics or breadth until you come to write it 5 these are or will become known unknowns). 3ou may ask:how do we know we have turned all unknown uknowns into known unknowns. 5eave that *uestion for the 1hilosophy Department !they need such material to ;ustify their e-istence$. 3ou will know intuitively, and that will 'e sufficient.


*eachin! critical in o level means you will be able to !o back to watchin! 6esperate Students Housewives in the near uture. This saves yips o time and stress. /ou don't have to ind in ormation to &prove' your preconceived point anymore. /ou can start writin! your essay without havin! to know the e(act pro!ression o the damn thin!. In the best murder7mystery tradition# you won't know how it ends till you've written it. /our covera!e and use o sources will automatically be !reat. /ou will revise as you !o. /our essay will appear &balanced' and &reasoned' re!ardless o the horse's assery the sources contained. Nor will you be 48#888 .ea!ues over the "ord .imit anymore. %un act1 6id you know# I did not know how this ar!ument o mine would pan out until I wrote the entire thin!?

Point !: "efau#t $tructure

<oogle the instructive terms in essays *uestions !descri'e, analyse, etc$ and follow them e-actly. )he type of term should inform the nature of your refle-ive incrementalism If a topic is 'road, *ualify it through e-amining only a part of it as an e-ample, or 'reak it down into sectors of analysis

The Introduction
)he very first sentence says something se-y yet non=contentious, commanding attention without provoking ire. )he second and sometimes third sentences link the first sentence with the thesis sentence!s$. Ne-t comes the thesis statement o )he thesis states 'riefly on what point the essay will inform and.or persuade the reader. It is the proposition to 'e proved or e-panded upon. o 3ou %5(%3S write your thesis after you have written your 'ody. 0ecause you have used the Information Highway paradigm you will have a logical, structured, 'ody. %t the end, if you summari#e its main argument in a sentence !or two$, you will have a thesis. )he introduction !if necessary$ is ended 'y an overview of the arguments and information to 'e covered.

Things %nown as Paragra&hs

Don"t 'e afraid to write mini introductions for su'sections of the essay, 'ut keep /em tight. )he para introduction represents the one and only point of that para, likewise for the main intro in terms of the entire essay. Don"t forget linking sentences 'etween paras if necessary. point to point. ake sure your essay flows logically from

Either a+ o Summary = in which case you restate your essay"s main points and.or summari#e how you proved your thesis, or an o Aspect Conclusion 9 in which you show your reader how the issue discussed is 'athed in a new light. )his can 'e very general. akes for a *uick conclusion.



)he first definition that came up when I googled this word was /penetrating, clear, and sharp, as in operation or e-pression." Incisiveness is )HE fundamental trait of %& essays. Incisiveness is a'out getting to the core of the issue, like getting a 'all out from the middle of a scrum. Incisiveness implies using, analysing, and constructing concepts. uch of academia is conceptual. (hat is a concept2 % concept is the a'stract, somewhat vague functional essence 'ehind concrete things. It is a general idea derived or inferred from specific instances or occurrences. >or e-ample: 3ou always eat food. 0ut do you ever actually eat food as such2 3ou do not. 3ou eat chicken, steak, potatoes, carrots, etc. 3ou always eat some specific type of food, and not food in general. >ood is a concept. % specific food is the practical idea derived from the concept. Science concepts are easy to identify. (hat"s the concept here2 !a$ the 'all 'ounces when I throw it !'$ Every action has an e*ual and opposite reaction. 3ou must get to the heart of a su';ect, and find the core idea !the concept$. >ind out how this idea functions. )hat ? understanding. % good way of deepening your conceptual capacity is learn a'stract words !any words not related to the five senses$+ 6cclude, concatenate, referent, muta'le, dis;unction, ageis, etc. (ittgenstein+ /)he limits of my language mean the limits of my world". -n e(ample rom one o my own essays1 9Importantly# a system e:uals &units ; interaction ; structure'. 2<asic concept3 Since states are the units comprisin! the international system= states and the international system are a mutualism# di erent e(pressions and elements o the international system ine(tricably bound to!ether. 2This demonstrates understandin! o the unction o the concept3 The contemporary international system has accorded hi!h priority to the problems ori!inatin! rom weak states because o the close links between weak states and the international system to which all states are attached and constitute. "eak states pollute the interactions o the world security system. In such a comple( system# corruption o the &blood stream' o interactions means the entire system and its state units are e(posed in various de!rees to the problems o weak> ailed states. 2This e(plains how the concept works in reality and a ects it3? Note1 some o this I pla!iari$ed rom somethin! someone else wrote whom I or!et# so there you have it.

)here are different types of sentences. @se them. o Simple !/)he cat sat on the mat"$ o 4ompound !/)he cat sat on the mat, 'ut the dog sat on the chair"$ o 4omple- !/(hile the dog sat on the chair, the cat sat on the mat"$ o Short sentences. !/)he cat sat"$. Style variants o )he dash 9 it"s very cool. o Start with a (ho, (hat, (here, (hy, (hat start. /(hen Napoleon invaded Aussia..." o %dver's, ver'als, and prepositions. o )he semicolon , )his cuts down use of /and".


o o o o o o o

%lliteration and assonance. @se sparingly. /Some solutions were not so easily solicited ..." 4olons. <ood for the following+ lists, and e-pounding on the final word in detail 'efore the colon. @se commas and semi colons to convey similar units of information. 6nly use 'ig words where they convey the sense more precisely. (rite in the active ver' form. Have something to say and say it as clearly as possible !hat is the only secret of style (riting a little 'it every day is more effective than writing your essay in one hit.

@se a 'road 'ase. 6';ectivity ? many sources. <o for shorter academic works like articles and periodicals. )hese take less time to read than 'ooks. Buotes+ you must show the relationship of the *uote with the essay. <oogle 'ooks and ama#on 'ooks previews are your friends. So are these pirate we'sites+ o o' o http+..e' o o http+..' o' o'


)he si-ty second plan o (rite down memory cues !single words$ that you remem'er from your study. o )hen prioriti#e them. )he most important point directly follows the introduction. )he introduction is prefera'ly only a thesis statement. It is not how much you write, 'ut what you write that counts. >our %H pages per hour is fine. 0e specific as possi'le. @se su'headings and paragraphs. 1lan your time. Don"t read, study. Studying is reading something 8GG times over. So, you need to study only AE5EI%N) information. Someone else came up with this too.

We##* there you ha(e it+

:8GGG words of pure gold. Not *uite. %'out H to JGG are ;ust placeholders and not strictly relevant or instructive, 0@), I distri'uted them evenly throughout to mitigate their impact. Should you wish to contact me and complain a'out how my approach earned you a D=, you can email me at <o forth and write.


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