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Report Habsburg Spain under Charles V Charles V was the son of Juana ( also called as Joanna la Loca) and

Philip the Fair a !oung "an and son of #"peror $a%i"ilian & of HR# fro" the House of Habsburg' He was also the grandson of the Catholic "onarchs Ferdinand of (ragon and &sabella of Castile' (fter the death of Ferdinand he succeeded as the )ing of (ragon and Castile thus uniting the" into one as the )ing of Spain (united in na"e but not in ad"inistrati*e one) He was also elected as Hol! Ro"an #"peror in +,+- after the death of his paternal grandpa' (t that ti"e he was the "ost powerful "an in #urope ruling the real"s of the Hol! Ro"an #"pire in #astern and Central part of #urope the half of &talian peninsula and the Spanish do"inions including the ("ericas' He personall! "anage his real" though so"eti"es he rel! on his secretaries which originated fro" the lower nobilit! and "iddle class' Religion also beca"e his central focus on ad"inistering his e"pire he "aintained Catholicis" as the sole religion persecuted Protestants heretics and ene"! of the church b! instituting the &n.uisition' He usuall! "et the se*eral cortes in Spain the #states /eneral in 0etherlands and the nobilities in his e"pire onl! for financial cause and *ote for ta%ation' &n order to "ade the "e"ber of the cortes and the nobilit! lo!al to hi" he ga*e the" incenti*es e*en bestowing nobilit! to the non-noble "e"bers of the cortes' He usuall! tra*el around his territories a tradition he follow since the Catholic "onarchs he was in Spain for +1 ti"es +2 ti"es in 0etherlands 3 ti"es in /er"an! and ha*e sailed in $editerranean and tra*eled in 0orth (frica' He use the wealth onl! for o $aintaining the e"peror4s households o For his wars against the 5tto"an 6ur7s the French and the Protestants which is so"eti"es not i"portant and less benefit (with the e%ception of &tal! which is econo"icall! strategic that ti"e) o Pa!ing for "ercenaries battling in his wars bearing his na"e' o For his tra*els around his e"pire' o 5ther purposes for "aintaining and "anaging his e"pire "ainl! for ad"inistrati*e one (salaries of the ser*ants etc') #*en though he has ad*isers he had the "ost of the decisions which "ade hi" stress in ro!al and political affairs' He e*en appointed se*eral of his relati*es in ad"inistering his real"s li7e $argaret his aunt appointed as go*ernor of 0etherlands his son Philip of (sturias was *irtuall! the crown regent for hi" in Spain while Ferdinand his brother was the ad"inistrator of his Hol! Ro"an #"pire'

He also used inter-"arriages to influence the non-Habsburg real"s li7e the "arriage of Philip and $ar!' &n +,,3 he abdicated to the throne as the #"peror in fa*or of his brother Ferdinand who secured his election and also as the )ing of Spain 0aples Sicil! 0etherlands and 0ew 8orld for his son who was crowned as Philip &&' He retired in a "onaster! where he was said ill because of his gout' He died there in +,,9'

Spain in the (ge of Philip && Philip && (+,21-+,-9) was the son of Charles V and &sabel of Portugal' He was called : 6he Prudent )ing; and :Paper )ing; <nli7e his father he did not prefer tra*el which is for hi" a waste of ti"e and non sense' <nder his reign he ad"inister the Spanish 7ingdo" in a bureaucratic wa! centrali=ing the go*ern"ent but respected the fiscal autono"! of each regions in his 7ingdo" especiall! the independent Cortes of Castile (ragon and ad*isor! councils' #%ercising his capabilit! to rule thus he said that :a He rel! to his ad*isers for internal and diplo"atic affairs but he will re>ect it in the end and instead he follow his own decision' He continued persecution of the non-Catholics including the heretics inside his real"' Sa"e as his father he also persuade the cortes for financial purposes to be used for waging war against heres! the 5tto"an tur7s and the Protestants and for "aintaining the households and the whole Spanish real"'

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