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5S compliance manual

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The 5S Compliance Manual of the xyz company

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5S compliance manual

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Table of contents

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5S compliance manual

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Our policy
In an effort to establish a pleasant an harmonious place in !hich to !or"# !e at have all agree to follo! the principles of 5S management systems$ %e believe that if !e share the responsibility of caring for our !or" environment# an &ointly maintain our imme iate !or" area clean an ti y# !e shall contribute to our o!n !ell being# an that of our company$
Signed.Chief executi e Date..

Management representative
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5S compliance manual

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'mployee commitment
(eneral "ach emplo#ee has made a commitment to the p$og$amme of 5S management s#stems% &# $eading% unde$standing and ag$eeing to the follo'ing statement% 'hich is displa#ed at the 'o$(space of the pe$son signing: ) &elie e that &# maintaining m# pe$sonal 'o$(space to the le els expected &# the 5S s#stem% m# 'o$( 'ill &e mo$e en*o#a&le and ) shall &e a&le to 'o$( in a mo$e o$ganised and efficient manne$. ) also &elie e that if ) cont$i&ute to the gene$al maintenance of the 5S s#stem th$oughout the compan#+s p$emises% then 'e shall all &enefit f$om inc$eased happiness at 'o$(% and g$eate$ efficienc# fo$ the compan#. Signed
(responsible for this workspace)


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5S compliance manual

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Chief executive)s activities

(eneral ,he chief executi e has a pe$sonal commitment to the 5S p$og$amme% and pa$ticipates in a$ious acti ities designed to p$omote its adoption and maintenance. Proce ure 1. ,he chief executi e has $ead and cont$i&uted to this manual. 2. ,he chief executi e+s office is (ept acco$ding to the $e-ui$ements of 5S% and is su&*ect to pe$iodic audits. 3. ,he status of the 5S p$og$amme is included in the agenda of the monthl# -ualit# $e ie' meetings. !. ,he chai$man conducts% 'ith his manage$s% a monthl# 5S audit% $eco$ds of 'hich a$e maintained &# the management $ep$esentati e. 5. .aintenance to 5S standa$ds of the ent$ance lo&&# to the offices and the office of the chief executi e+s sec$eta$# a$e the $esponsi&ilit# of the chief executi e.

Management representative
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(eneral /e see( to eliminate all unneeded items f$om ou$ 'o$(place. Common a$eas a$e p$o ided 'he$e e-uipment that is inf$e-uentl# needed is sto$ed and is a aila&le to all. 0nl# items that a$e needed immediatel# a$e (ept at a pe$son+s 'o$(place. Private areas "ach emplo#ee is allocated a p$i ate a$ea% 'he$e he1she ma# sto$e his1he$ p$i ate possessions% needed f$om time to time at the 'o$(place. )f the 'o$( a$ea is a des(% the p$i ate a$ea might &e one of the d$a'e$s% la&elled 2p$i ate3. Common areas ,hese a$e a$eas that a$e used to sto$e items that a$e conside$ed to &e common p$ope$t#% used &# each emplo#ee on an inf$e-uent &asis. %or" area ,his is the a$ea 'he$e the emplo#ee pe$fo$ms his duties.
Management representative
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*esponsibility 5ll Proce ure for practice of Seiri 1. 6eeded items a$e sepa$ated f$om unneeded items. 2. )tems that a$e inf$e-uentl# needed a$e placed in the common sto$age a$ea% and the management $ep$esentati e is notified. .anagement $ep$esentati e $eco$ds addition of item to common a$ea. 3. )tems that a$e not needed in futu$e a$e handed to the management $ep$esentati e fo$ app$op$iate disposal. !. )tems that a$e in constant use a$e placed in the 'o$( a$ea% 'he$e the# do not clutte$ the 'o$( place &ut a$e a aila&le fo$ use. 5. 5ll d$a'e$s of emplo#ees+ des(s a$e tid#% and contain onl# those items as indicated in the la&el on the d$a'e$. 6. "ach emplo#ee is allo'ed one p$i ate d$a'e$ o$ ca&inet a$ea 'he$e he1she ma# sto$e pe$sonal items. 4. 5ll non7pe$sonal d$a'e$s a$e conside$ed compan# p$ope$t#% and a$e a aila&le fo$ audit. +re,uency of practice of Seiri 5t all times.

(eneral 5ll items a$e (ept in a designated place% la&elled such that the$e is eas# access% and e e$#one (no's 'he$e pa$ticula$ pieces of e-uipment a$e. Specific a$eas a$e indicated &# la&els o$ signs. *esponsible 5ll .anagement $ep$esentati e Proce ure 1. "ach pe$son allocates a home fo$ his tools o$ e-uipment. )n the case of e-uipment used &# 85 depa$tment% a pa$ticula$ a$ea is allocated fo$ the tools used the$e. 2. 9ight s'itches a$e identified% ai$ conditioning cont$ols a$e identified% and all othe$ s'itches and cont$ols a$e simila$l# identified. 3. Contents of ca&inets a$e listed.
Management representative
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5S compliance manual

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(eneral Cleanliness is maintained in all a$eas of the compan#% it is the $esult of dail# acti it#. *esponsibility 5ll Cleane$ Proce ure 1. /hene e$ litte$ is noticed% it is $emo ed &# the pe$son 'ho found it. 2. 5 cleaning schedule and p$ocedu$e is follo'ed. 3. /aste &ins a$e a aila&le at all 'o$(places. !. ,he toilet is cleaned e e$# da#. 5. 5ll tools and e-uipment needed fo$ cleaning a$e p$o ided and maintained. 6. 5ll tools and e-uipment used fo$ cleaning a$e sto$ed 'hen not in use% in an allotted place.
Management representative
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5S compliance manual

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4. Dail# cleaning of one+s o'n 'o$(place is pe$fo$med fo$ 5 minutes p$io$ to depa$tu$e fo$ home% at the end of 'o$(. :. P$ocedu$es a$e '$itten fo$ $egula$ cleaning. SeeDaily Cleaning Proce ure

(eneral 5ll p$ocedu$es that ha e &een desc$i&ed in this manual a$e eithe$ '$itten as pa$t of this manual% o$ a$e posted at the point at 'hich the dut# is pe$fo$med. Chec(lists a$e used du$ing audits% in o$de$ to ensu$e comp$ehensi e examination of the compliance to 5S p$inciples. Safet# e-uipment and exits a$e clea$l# ma$(ed. *esponsible .anagement $ep$esentati e Proce ure 1. /$itten p$ocedu$es fo$ acti ities not desc$i&ed full# in this manual a$e p$epa$ed% cont$olled and dist$i&uted app$op$iatel#.
Management representative
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2. Chec(lists a$e p$epa$ed &# the management $ep$esentati e and used du$ing audits. 5 cop# of the chec(list used is included 'ith the .u it *ecor . See.u it recor Chec"list

(eneral 5ll p$ocedu$es $efe$$ed to in this manual a$e follo'ed on a $egula$ and f$e-uent &asis% so that at all times the p$inciples of 5S management s#stems a$e $espected. *esponsible .anagement $ep$esentati e Proce ure 1. ,$aining in the p$inciples of 5S is conducted fo$ all ne' $ec$uits to the compan#. 2. ,he 5S audit team audits all p$ocedu$es in this manual% at all 'o$(places% such that all emplo#ees a$e audited fo$ compliance each -ua$te$.
Management representative
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3. Suggestions fo$ imp$o ement ode$ $ectification of an existing p$o&lem a$e made th$ough the Corrective o$ Preventive .ction Proce ure. SeeTraining Proce ure .u it Proce ure Corrective .ction Proce ure Preventive .ction proce ure

(eneral /e see 5S management s#stems as the means to imp$o e ou$ compan#+s pe$fo$mance. 5ll suggestions fo$ $emo ing a p$o&lem o$ imp$o ing pe$fo$mance a$e ta(en se$iousl#% and acted upon. *esponsible 5ll .anagement $ep$esentati e

Management representative
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Proce ure ,he Corrective o$ the Preventive .ction Proce ure is follo'ed% as desc$i&ed in the 0uality Manual. See0uality Manual# page.

(eneral ,he p$inciples of 5S a$e taught to all emplo#ees as pa$t of the t$aining p$ocedu$e of the compan#% $eco$ds a$e maintained of the t$aining.

Management representative
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Proce ure 1. <pon $ec$uitment% a ne' emplo#ee is inst$ucted in the p$inciples of 5S. 5 $eco$d is made of this t$aining% as pe$ the $e-ui$ement desc$i&ed in the 8ualit# manual. 2. 5S audito$s a$e t$ained to use the chec(list% and accompan# an audit team as a t$ainee until the management $ep$esentati e decides the emplo#ee is $ead# to pe$fo$m audits. See0uality Manual# page..

.u its

Management representative
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(eneral ,he enti$e compan# is audited fo$ compliance to 5S management p$inciples and adhe$ence to the p$ocedu$es desc$i&ed in this manual% such that the complete s#stem is audited e e$# 3 months. +re,uency ,he enti$e compan# is audited not less than e e$# 3 months. Some a$eas a$e audited mo$e f$e-uentl#% at the disc$etion of the management $ep$esentati e. *esponsible .anagement $ep$esentati e Proce ure 1. ,he &asis of the audit is the p$ocedu$es $efe$$ed to in this manual. 2. 5 25S Chec"list3 is used fo$ the test of compliance. 3. ,he p$ocedu$e desc$i&ed in the 0uality Manual is used fo$ $epo$ting and acting on nonconfo$mities. See0uality Manual# page 5S Chec"list

Management representative
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(eneral ,he status of the 5S management s#stem is $e ie'ed at the same time as the 8ualit# .anagement S#stem =8.S>. 5ll techni-ues emplo#ed fo$ $e ie'ing the 8.S a$e also used to $e ie' the 5S s#stem. ?epo$ting is as pe$ 8.S. *esponsible ,he chai$man. +re,uency 5s pe$ 8.S Proce ure 1. ,he agenda contains the items that $efe$ to the 5S s#stem. 2. Discussion and minutes follo' the same fo$mat as pe$ 8.S p$ocedu$e. See0uality Manual# page..

Management representative
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Document an Data control

(eneral ,he documents that a$e used in the 5S management s#stem a$e cont$olled as fo$ the 8.S. *esponsible ,he management $ep$esentati e Proce ure 5s pe$ 8.S p$ocedu$e. See0uality Manual% page.

Management representative
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