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Section 36.--HOUSE CLEARING 141. General.--Field craft doe not a!!l" to t#e o!en co$ntr" alone.

It %$ t al o &e $ ed in 'illa(e and to)n . *illa(e and to)n )ill %o t !ro&a&l" &e &"-!a ed &" t#e leadin( troo! and )ill later &e cleared &" troo! follo)in( $! &e#ind and !eciall" detailed for t#e !$r!o e. +#e clearance of &$ildin( %a" &e a co tl" $nderta,in( and it )ill end in di a ter $nle e'er" %an ,no) )#at #e i doin( and #o) to do it. A drill i t#erefore e ential. 14-. .ro&a&le ene%" defen i'e %ea $re All %ain treet )ill !ro&a&l" &e &arricaded or )ill #a'e road &loc, / &$t t#e &arricade or road &loc,/ once ca!t$red/ %a" !ro'ide co'er for t#e fire ection. It i !ro&a&le t#at t#e o$ter !eri%eter of t#e 'illa(e or !art of it )ill &e tron(l" #eld. It i t#e ta , of t#e co'erin( (ro$! referred to &elo) to re!l" in tantl" to an" fire t#at %a" co%e fro% #o$ e of t#i ,ind/ al o to )atc# t#e roof to! )#ic# are a fa'o$rite #idin( !lace for ene%" ni!er . It i a co%%on Ger%an !ractice to defend t#e (ro$nd floor of a #o$ e tron(l"/ retreatin( to t#e to! tor" once an entr" #a &een forced. A caref$l %et#od of a!!roac# to t#e (ro$nd floor i t#erefore e ential 0 ee drill &elo).1 2ire nettin( i often !$t o'er )indo) to deflect (renade . +#i #o$ld &e caref$ll" loo,ed for. 3oor )ill !ro&a&l" &e loc,ed or &arricaded. If o/ t#e door %$ t &e ,noc,ed do)n or &lo)n o!en4 ot#er)i e entr" %$ t &e %ade t#ro$(# a )indo)/ or &" &lo)in( a #ole in a )all. In a defended roo% t#e ene%" %a" erect a corner &arricade. +#i can &e ea il" &e i%!ro'i ed )it# f$rnit$re/ and it )ill &e (renade !roof. 3o not t#erefore 5$%! to t#e concl$ ion t#at &eca$ e "o$r (renade #a &$r t in a roo%/ all t#e ene%" in t#at roo% #a'e &een ,illed. Loo, o$t for t#e e &arricade and #a'e anot#er (renade read" to t#ro) &e#ind t#e%. +#e ene%" ite #i %ac#ine-($n and rifle )ell &ac, fro% )indo) or #ole in )all . +#erefore enter t#e roo% at to! !eed. In a defended 'illa(e onl" certain elected #o$ e )ill &e defended. +#e e )ill &e t#e one t#at occ$!" tactical !o ition 0e.(./ to co'er cro road 1. 6$t e'er" #o$ e on "o$r line of ad'ance %$ t &e earc#ed fro% attic to cellar a "o$ (o alon(/ for it i fatal to lea'e a #o$ e &e#ind "o$ occ$!ied &" t#e ene%". In cond$ctin( "o$r earc#/ )#en dealin( )it# terraced #o$ e loo, o$t for 7%o$ e#olin(/7 t#e " te% &" )#ic# t#e ene%" %a,e #ole in )all fro% #o$ e to #o$ e o t#at #e can %o'e do)n a terrace $n#indered. +#i %o$ e#olin( %a" &e in t#e cellar or concealed &e#ind c$!&oard . It i $nli,el" t#at "o$ )ill enco$nter &oo&" tra! in a defended 'illa(e. 8odern &oo&" tra! are o in(enio$ and can &e o cle'erl" concealed t#at t#e ene%" )o$ld find t#e% of (reat #indrance to #i o)n %en. 6oo&" tra! #o$ld &e loo,ed for in a 'illa(e )#ic# #a &een a&andoned &" t#e ene%". It i !o i&le/ #o)e'er/ t#at e'en in a defended 'illa(e/ #o$ e )#ic# are not t#e% el'e defended %a" #a'e &een &oo&" tra!!ed. 143. .rinci!le 6$ildin( )ill al)a" / if !o i&le/ &e cleared fro% t#e &ac, (arden and "ard / &eca$ e t#e e !ro'ide t#e &e t co'ered line of a!!roac#. An" ene%" dri'en t#ro$(# t#e #o$ e o$t into t#e %ain treet )ill t#$ &e ca$(#t &" t#e fire of t#e fire ection . 2#en a!!roac#in( t#e rear of &$ildin( clear all o$t&$ildin( / #ed / and co'er/ &efore "o$ (et to t#e %ain &$ildin( it elf. Ne'er lea'e an" $ncleared &$ildin( or o$t&$ildin( &e#ind "o$. 8a,e $re t#at "o$r rear i clear &efore "o$ %o'e on. On enterin( &$ildin( t#e ideal i to enter fro% t#e to! and )or, do)n)ard . If/ a (enerall" #a!!en / "o$ #a'e to enter fro% t#e (ro$nd floor/ all effort #o$ld &e %ade to (et to t#e to! floor at once and to clear t#e #o$ e fro% t#e attic do)n)ard . An ene%" dri'en $! #i(#er and #i(#er in a lar(e &$ildin( %a" &eco%e %ore offen i'e a #e i dri'en into a ti(#ter corner and to a &etter fire !o ition. An ene%" dri'en do)n)ard to)ard cellar i (ettin( contin$o$ l" into a )or e fire !o ition. It i ea ier to t#ro) a (renade do)n tair t#an to t#ro) $!)ard and it i 'er" li,el" t#at an ene%" dri'en do)n)ard )ill feel te%!ted to e ca!e into t#e %ain treet. In a #o$ e )#ic# i 'er" tron(l" defended it %a" not &e !o i&le to r$ # trai(#t to t#e attic/ t#o$(# it #o$ld &e atte%!ted. If t#e atte%!t fail / t#ere i no alternati'e &$t to )or, lo)l" $!)ard &" caref$l fire and %o'e%ent.

144. Section drill for clearin( a #o$ e Or(ani9ation Clearin( (ro$!:-Section co%%ander. 6o%&er. Fir t entr" %an. Second entr" %an. Loo,-o$t %an. If t#e #o$ e i lar(e/ t#e clearin( (ro$! %a"&e increa ed &" )it#dra)in( indi'id$al fro% t#e co'erin( (ro$!/ !latoon H.;./ or anot#er ection. Co'erin( (ro$!:-+#e 6ren (ro$! )it# t#e re%ainder of t#e rifle%en $nder t#e ection econd-in-co%%and. 3$tie of t#e co'erin( (ro$! +o co'er all !o i&le fire !o ition )#ic# co%%and t#e a!!roac# of t#e clearin( (ro$!. A far a !o i&le to co'er t#e flan, e<it / in order to !re'ent ene%" %o'e%ent to or fro% t#e #o$ e. +o !ro'ide %o,e and dece!tion a re=$ired. Action &" clearin( (ro$! +#e ection co%%ander and &o%&er ta,e $! inter%ediate !o ition fro% )#ic# to direct and co'er entr" %en to)ard t#e !oint of entr". Entr" %en a!!roac# t#e !oint of entr" at &e t !eed accordin( to co'er a'aila&le. +#eir %ean of entr" )ill de!end on t#e t"!e of defence / and %a" &e eit#er t#ro$(# a door or )indo)/ or ot#er a!ert$re/ or t#ro$(# a #ole %ade &" t#e $ e of $ita&le de%olition e=$i!%ent. At t#e %o%ent &efore enterin( a roo%/ it %a" &e ad'i a&le to earc# it &" fire 0%ac#ine car&ine / (renade/ etc.1 and follo) $! at to! !eed &efore an" in%ate #a'e #ad ti%e to reco'er. On (ainin( an entrance entr" %en (et =$ic,l" a)a" fro% t#e !oint of entr" and tand )it# t#eir &ac, to t#e )all co'erin( t#e re t of t#e roo% and an" door . Section co%%ander and &o%&er follo) $! entr" %en 0a a re $lt of o& er'ation or on i(nal fro% t#e latter1. All fo$r %o'e o$t of t#e roo% in t#e order: ection co%%ander/ &o%&er/ fir t entr" %an/ econd entr" %an. +#e loo,-o$t %an re%ain at t#e entr"/ )atc#e for i(nal / and act a liai on )it# t#e co'erin( (ro$! and )it# !latoon #ead=$arter . +#e re%ainder ai% at (ettin( to t#e to! of t#e #o$ e a =$ic,l" a !o i&le/ lea'in( t#e econd entr" %an near t#e entrance of t#e roo% to co'er an" tair and !a a(e . +#i i t#e ideal %et#od/ &$t it )ill not &e !o i&le if t#e tairca e i tron(l" defended or #ea'il" o& tr$cted. +#e co'erin( (ro$! follo) $! and if o ordered &" t#e ection co%%ander enter t#e #o$ e a oon a t#e entr" (ro$! #a'e co%!leted t#eir entr". +#e" )ill a i t t#e econd entr" %an in co'erin( !oint fro% )#ic# t#e ene%" %a" a!!roac# and/ $nder t#e ection econd-in-co%%and/ )ill &e !re!ared to #el! earc# t#e #o$ e or to !ro'ide fire o$t ide t#e #o$ e. +#e #o$ e i earc#ed do)n)ard fro% t#e to!/ t#e fir t entr" %an o!enin( t#e door of eac# roo% in t$rn/ and !ro'idin( !rotection a(ain t ene%" a!!roac# to t#e landin( or #ead of t#e tair . +#e ection co%%ander enter eac# roo% fir t at !eed and t$rn =$ic,l" )it# #i &ac, to t#e )all. +#e &o%&er t#ro) (renade a ordered &" t#e ection co%%ander/ and (enerall" act a t#e ection co%%ander> a i tant and e cort. If it i not !o i&le to earc# t#e #o$ e fro% t#e to! do)n)ard / t#e ection )ill ec$re t#e (ro$nd floor a a fir% &a e and )ill clear $!)ard floor &" floor/ $ in( fire and %o'e%ent. +#e ection co%%ander #o$t or i(nal t#at t#e #o$ e i clear.

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