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Taller de Reading En este taller el profesor participante adquirir conocimiento bsico sobre la enseanza de la lectura de la lengua inglesa, obtenido a travs de temas relacionados con la vida cotidiana dentro y fuera del mbito acadmico, as como sus experiencias personales para compartir opiniones e informacin productiva y significativa. Este taller se enfocar en el desarrollo de las destrezas y micro-destrezas de la lectura que le permitirn al participante internalizarlas y aplicarlas comunicativamente de manera verbal y escrita utilizando un vocabulario y un discurso verbal que refleje el domino de un nivel de principiante-avanzado de lengua inglesa. OBJETIVO GENERAL Adquirir conocimiento acerca de los diferentes mtodos, tcnicas y actividades para la enseanza de ingls como lengua extranjera a travs de la lectura y sus micro-destrezas o sub-destrezas.

OBJETIVOS ESPECFICOS 1. Familiarizarse con las macro-destrezas y sub-destrezas del proceso de la enseanza del ingls como lengua extranjera a travs de la lectura. 2. Conocer acerca de los diversos mtodos, tcnicas y actividades ms innovadores para la enseanza del ingls como lengua extranjera a travs de la lectura. 3. Comparar y contrastar diferentes experiencias de enseanza del ingls como lengua extranjera a travs de la lectura vividas por cada uno de los participantes en el mbito escolar (aulas de clase). RECURSOS DIDACTICOS How to teach English by Jeremy Harmer (Chapters 16 and 17) Active: Skills for Reading. Book 1 by Neil J. Anderson Elena Garca Snchez, Sagrario Salaberri, Javier Villoria, Chapter 6: Reading in Madrid D and McLaren (eds) TFL in Primary Education Univesidad de Granada 2005 Learning to teach English by Peter Watkins. Delta Publishing 2005

CONTENIDOS 1. Definicin de conceptos bsicos sobre la enseanza del ingls como lengua extranjera a travs de la lectura y sus sub-destrezas. (Receptive and productive skills, integrating skills,

intensive and extensive reading, skimming, scanning, predicting, inferring, interpreting, coherence, cohesion, discussion, similarities and differences, describing, guessing meaning from context, among others) 2. Metodologa utilizada para potenciar la enseanza del ingls como lengua extranjera a travs de la lectura y sus sub-destrezas. (Top-down approach, bottom-up approach and the interactive approach) 3. Integracin de las macro y micro-destrezas en la enseanza del ingls como lengua extranjera a travs de la lectura. METODOLOGA En este taller el facilitador expondr conceptos claves relacionados con el uso de diferentes mtodos, tcnicas y actividades para la enseanza del ingls como lengua extranjera a travs de la lectura y sus sub-destrezas. Se incentivar la intervencin de los/las participantes a travs del trabajo en parejas y en equipo. Se desarrollarn mini-prcticas en el aula donde los participantes harn uso de los mtodos, tcnicas y actividades diseadas para la enseanza del ingls como lengua extranjera a travs de la lectura. Se incluirn actividades prcticas que brindarn a los participantes mltiples oportunidades para adquirir las competencias especficas para la enseanza efectiva del ingls como lengua extranjera a travs de la lectura. Asimismo, debern realizarse actividades reflexivas que apunten hacia la mejora de la misma. (Ver actividades adjuntas) EVALUACION La evaluacin se llevar a cabo analizando el trabajo presentado por cada participante en el siguiente taller (follow up activities). Los participantes llevarn a cabo por escrito y entregarn al comenzar el siguiente taller la descripcin exhaustiva de dos actividades de comprensin lectora (basadas en dos textos escritos) realizadas en sus aulas de clase (objetivos, contenidos, secuencia detallada del desarrollo de cada una de las actividades pre-reading, while-reading, post-reading), sub-destrezas trabajadas, reaccin de los estudiantes e impresiones del docente). ada pas asignar una calificacin a sus participantes dependiendo de la escala que se utilice en el pas)

N 1

Theory /activities Discussion 1 Definition of Reading

1. 2. 3.

Procedure In groups participants try to answer the questions in discussion 1 (see file attached) Answers are discussed in class The tutor gives a formal definition of reading The teacher presents a slide with the reasons for reading and another one for text selection Then participants (in groups) engage in discussion 2 Participants share their answer with their colleagues The teacher describes the types of knowledge required to make sense of a text. In groups participants engage in discussion 3 Conclusions are share with the rest of the class

Time 10 min

Discussion 2 Reasons for reading and text selection

1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3.

10 min

Discussion 3 Types of knowledge required to make sense of the text

10 min

Discussion 4 Differences between spoken and written language



Participants are asked to reflect on discussion 5 (differences between spoken and written language). They work in groups to write a list Then, these differences are presented by the teacher. Both lists are compared and commented The teacher presents the theory using the slides provided

10 min

Reading stages Pre-reading stage While- reading stage Post-reading stage Pre-reading stage Pre-reading activity 1 y 2 (Getting Ready and Is it good for you?) .

10 min

1. Participants will carry out both activities individually. 2. Answers to activity 1 are quickly given. Answer to activity A will be given in the while-reading stage. 3. Then, the teacher will ask: What do you think is the main purpose of this stage? Some answer may be: Make use of the students' background knowledge about the topic. Elicit some predictions and anticipate the content of the reading passage. Create expectations about the text. Improve the students' interest in the topic and motivate them for reading. 1. 2. 3. Skimming and scanning definition Participants will do Task 1 in pairs. They will have to skim (quick reading) the text provided to give it a title. For activity A, participants will scan individually the article Food and facts (true or false)

15 min

While-Reading stage Skimming and scanning definition Task 1 (Give a heading) Activity A (food facts) Read the article Food Facts. Post reading stage Activities. 1. How much do you remember (Multiple choice) 2. Words in context (Fillin-the-blanks), 3. Vocabulary skill exercise (antonyms): activities A and B 4. Think about it Analysis of skills and subskills applied in the first unit

15 min

Participants will read the article paying attention to specific details (Scanning) 1. 2. 3. Participants will do these activities individually. Then, they will check the answers with their partners (in pairs) Finally the answers will be checked by the teacher and the whole class

5 min

15 min


The teacher, together with the participants will summarize skills and subskills applied when developing the first unit. The teacher will ask participants if they think these activities can be modified or adapted according to their students needs.

10 min



Intensive and extensive reading Intensive reading activity

1. 2.

The teacher defines intensive and extensive reading. He/she can use slides In pairs participants carry out Task 2

10 min



Unit 15 (non verbal communication) 1. Pre-reading activity 1 (Getting ready) 2. Pre-reading 2 (Express Yourself) First while-reading activity

1. For activity 1 and 2participants will work in pairs. 2. Then, answers are the given by students and checked by the teacher

10 min

1. 2.

Individually participants will do activity A (skimming for the main idea) Then the participants will give their answers.

3 min

14 15


Reading the article: Actions Speak Louder than Words. Post-reading activities 1. Reading Comprehension (Fillin-the-blanks), 2. Vocabulary comprehension: Odd Word Out (Exercises A and B). Post-reading activities (cont.) 1. Vocabulary skill exercise (Using adverbs-A, B and C) 2. Think about it

Students read the article carefully 1. 2. Participants do activities 1 and 2 in pairs Activities are then checked

5 min 10 min




4. 5. 17 Discussion 8 1. What are the main purposes of intensive reading? 2. What can students learn through intensive reading? 3. What are some bad habits intensive reading may encourage? Task 3 Fur alarm: An example Reading lesson Follow up work 1. 2. 3.

The teacher reminds the participants that many of the activities carried out in the post-listening stage are not related exactly to the reading text (they are intensive reading activities). Here a grammar rule is introduced: adverb formation. The teacher doesnt explain the rule. Participants look at the examples provided in the activity and then do activities B and C The teacher asks if participants have had any problem with the activities. Then the teachers asks for volunteers to check the activities Participants carry out the last activity (think about it) in pairs. Finally the teacher asks for volunteers to give their answers. Participants work in groups to answer the questions in discussion 8 Answers are discussed in grand group The teacher takes notes of their answer on the blackboard so that participants can copy the main ideas.

15 min

15 min

18 19


Workshop evaluation

Participants carry out Task 3 ( example of a reading lesson). Steps to follow are clearly indicated in the Task The teacher explain what the participants will do as follow up work and clarify any doubt participants may have Participants will be provided with a questionnaire through which they will evaluate the workshop contents and development

20 min 10 min

10 min

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