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Swine Flu Mass Vaccination Programs - 2009/2010

In the case of the 1976 swine flu pandemic, a government-directed mass

vaccination program, several dozen vaccine recipients died and hundreds were
injured. Those families who were able to sue and won were awarded millions of
dollars for the injuries caused by the untested vaccine formulations.

Three years ago legislators passed The Biodefense and Pandemic Vaccine
and Drug Development Act of 2006/ This law strips Americans of the right to a
jury trial if harmed by an experimental drug or vaccine during a declared
pandemic. Keep in mind there is no guaranteed compensation program for those
who may be injured or for families whose loved ones die from being vaccinated
or treated.

University of Iowa (lead scientist Dr. Patricial Winokur) has been chosen to do
the pitifully “token” clinical trials. You see, during a “declared pandemic”, real or
not, FDA long-term safety studies fly out the window.

As with the critical absence of long-range studies for genetically engineered

crops and cloned livestock, we, the general population, along with our military
servicemen and women are the bio-weaponry guinea pigs; the lab rats, the study
group, as it were, for the Dept. of Defense and big pharma. And if we won’t go
willingly we may be forced…perhaps not allowed in school or certain work places
unless we get vaccinated. Will our “vaccine exemptions” be valid during a
“declared pandemic”? Can we decline vaccination and treatment, self shield and
self quarantine? These are questions to ask your State representative.

Getting back to science… Dr. Winokur’s trials, of a mere 450 people, will
determine the safety of this experimental flu vaccine. This is the “science” that
will determine un-sue-able safety for the entire multiple million population.

What are the criteria in the U of I trials that will determine the safety of these
vaccines for all of us? You must be over 18 and in nearly perfect health. Now
there is an odd population sample group! There are 20 “exclusion criteria” which,
funnily enough, fundamentally omits most of the current population who will
unfortunately be media-hyped and seduced into taking the experimental vaccine.
The un-science is highlighted in this the last “exclusion criteria” taken from the
National Institute of Health (U of I) site: “Have any condition that the investigator
believes may interfere with successful completion of the study”…like illness,
chemotherapy, on any psychiatric drugs: have an acute or chronic medical
condition including but not limited to, known cardiac disease, chronic liver
disease, significant renal disease, unstable or progressive neurological disorders,
diabetes mellitus, autoimmune disorders and transplant recipients; have a known
active human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis B, or hepatitis C infection;
have a history of alcohol or drug abuse in the last 5 years; have a history of
Guillain-Barré Syndrome.

When push comes to shoving in the needle, will the medical community provide
you with an authentic “informed consent” advising you not to take the vaccine if
you have these aforementioned conditions? Not on your life!

Take pregnant women for example: The Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
Vaccine Information statement (VIS) that is given to you by your vaccine provider
recommends that all pregnant women receive an annual flu shot. This
recommendation contradicts both the FDA indications and the manufacturer’s
package insert. ““These are [CDC/ACIP] recommendations and are NOT FDA-
approved indications for use of vaccines during pregnancy”, David Horowitz,
Esq.,Assistant Commissioner for Policy FDA/HHS. Excerpt from package insert:
“…vaccine has not been evaluated for carcinogenic or mutagenic potential, or for
impairment of fertility. It is also not known whether …vaccine can cause fetal
harm when administered to a pregnant woman or can affect reproduction
capacity.” Let’s not even talk about the thimerosal (mercury) and squalene
content found in the multidose vials of flu vaccine, unknown to you. Buyer
beware in the game of medical real estate!

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