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The Academy for Technology & the Classics

Lesson Plan Template

Instructors name: Kathy Rappaport Week of: Feb 3-7 Course/Grade: ELD2 Unit Name: Strategies for Reading Literature and Informational Texts

Common Core/ NM Content Standards: Craft and Structure Literacy.RL8.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases in a text Key Ideas and Details Literacy. RL.8.1 Analyze what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drown from the text Writing Standard Literacy .W.8.1b Support claims with relevant evidence. Demonstrate an understanding of the topic or text. Literacy.W.8.3 Write narratives of imagined experiences Literacy Revising and Editing and Rewriting Language Goals Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening Think/Pair/Share Discussions Read Alouds Writing down ideas

Essential Question(s): How do I support claims by using relevant evidence from the text?

Other considerations (modifications, accommodations, acceleration, etc.): Accommodations: Three students will be reading Winn-Dixie and doing similar assignments.

Connections (prior learning/prior knowledge): Continuation of strategies used in the prior week such as pre-reading strategies: defining tier 2 vocab words before reading the text, predicting main ideas; reading strategies: asking questions as you read, rereading for comprehension, looking for main ideas and supporting ideas; post reading strategies: answering questions that ask students to recall explicit ideas, infer implicit ideas and summarize. Also students have been taught to use details/examples/quotes to support ideas and develop summaries. Resources/Materials When My Name Was Keoko by Linda Sue Park Because of Winn Dixie by Kate DiCamillo Time for Kids

Assessment (How will you monitor progress and know students have successfully met outcomes?)

Daily: Do Now checks for understanding of the previous days lesson. Written assignments and quizzes check for understanding of daily lessons. This Week: Students will fill out reading packet that focuses on vocabulary, comprehension, inferring information, identifying and summarizing main ideas and supporting details. Students will support ideas with logical reasoning and relevant evidence as they write an essay comparing and contrasting two main characters (the two narrators of Keoko).

Time allotted MONDAY Learning TargetKeoko: Students will edit and revise grammar and punctuation as needed by filling out correction worksheets.

Lesson activities for instructor and students Assignment(s) Due-

Students will fill out correction worksheets.

After reading chapter 4&5, students will identify literary devices (figurative language, foreshadowing and flashback), analyze complex characters, identify main ideas and cite evidence for claims. They will demonstrate these skills through class discussion and by writing answers to questions and supporting answers with examples from the story.

Students will work on worksheets for chapters 4 & 5 as a group.

TUESDAY Learning TargetStudents analyze main ideas and complex characters as they read chapters Six and Seven and demonstrate their skills through discussions and by answering questions supporting answers with examples from the story.

Assignment(s) Due-

Worksheets for Chapter Six and Seven

WEDNESDAY Learning TargetStudents will demonstrate command of formal English by taking a quiz that requires them to identify and fix run on sentences.

Assignment(s) Due-

Review examples of run on sentences and correct them. Qiz on run on sentences

Students will cite evidence (examples from the story) to support a claim as they write a paragraph showing examples of cultural norms in Korea during the time period of this story.

Using a graphic organizer, students will write a paragraph about how Korean culture has different expectations for boys and girls during the time period of this story.

THURSDAY Learning TargetContinuation from Tues.

Assignment(s) Due-

Continue working on paragraph.

Students will edit and revise their paragraphs using Finish paragraph and writing worksheet. a writing rubric to guide them. They will show their revisions on a corrections worksheet.

FRIDAY Learning Target-

Assignment(s) Due-

Quiz Students will demonstrate their ability to identify literary devices, analyze complex characters, and Worksheet for chapter 8 identify themes by taking a multiple-choice quiz about Keoko, and by answering questions after they read chapter Eight.

Post-Teaching Reflections on Lesson

What went well?

What needs to be improved? Why?

Strategies to consider for improving lesson:

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