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Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate

Information Technology Syllabus

Effective for Examinations from May/June 2010
Correspondence related to the syllabus should be addressed to: The Pro-Registrar Caribbean Examinations Council Caenwood Centre 37 Arnold Road !ingston " #amaica $%&% Telephone 'umber: ()7*+ ,-.-*7/0 1acsimile 'umber: ()7*+ ,*7-0,7E-mail address: cxcw2o3cxc%org $ebsite: www%cxc%org Copyright 4 -..) by Caribbean Examinations Council The 5arrison 6t% 7ichael 88 ///") 8arbados

CXC 30/G/SYLL 08

This document CXC 30/G/S !! 0" re#$aces CXC 30/G% T/S !! 00& issued in 2000'

(evised 2000) 200" *$ease chec+ the ,e-site) ,,,'cxc'or. for u#dates on CXC/s sy$$a-uses'

CXC 30/G/SYLL 08

RAT&9'A:E%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% A&76 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% / 3 0 " " 7 7 ) /. /9R5A'&;AT&9' 91 T<E 6=::A8>6%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 6>55E6TE? T&7E-TA8:E A::9CAT&9'%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 19R7AT 91 T<E E@A7&'AT&9'6%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% CERT&1&CAT&9' A'? ?E1&'&T&9' 91 PR91&:E ?&7E'6&9'6%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% <AR?$ARE A'? 691T$ARE REA>&RE7E'T6%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% '9TE6 T9 TEAC<ER6%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% RE5>:AT&9'6 19R RE6&T CA'?&?ATE6%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% RE5>:AT&9'6 19R 6T>?E'T6 1R97 PR&BATE &'6T&T>T&9'6%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 6ECT&9' / C 1>'?A7E'TA:6 91 <AR?$ARE A'? 691T$ARE%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 6ECT&9' - C PR98:E7-69:B&'5 A'? PR95RA7 ?E6&5'%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 6ECT&9' 3 C PR95RA7 &7P:E7E'TAT&9'%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 6ECT&9' 0 C APP:&CAT&9'6 A'? &7P:&CAT&9'6 OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 6ECT&9' " C &'19R7AT&9' PR9CE66&'5%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 6ECT&9' * C $9R?PR9CE66&'5 PRE6E'TAT&9' A'? $E8 PA5E ?E6&5' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 6ECT&9' 7 C 6PREA?6<EET6%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 6ECT&9' ) C ?ATA8A6E 7A'A5E7E'T%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 5>&?E:&'E6 19R T<E C9'?>CT 91 T<E 6C<99: 8A6E? A66E667E'T%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% REC977E'?E? TE@T6%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 5:966AR=%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

/3 /" /* /, -/ -3 0* 07

CXC 30/G/SYLL 08

Information Technology Syllabus

&nDormation Technology has eEolEed oEer the past DiEe decades in response to the need Dor more eDDicient techniFues to manage the signiDicantly increased Eolume and sophistication oD the Gnowledge reserEoir oD manGind% &t merges the study oD Computer 6cience Telecommunications and 9DDice AutomationH inEolEes the collection storage accessing processing and dissemination oD inDormation and impacts on both worG and leisure actiEities% &n a world characterised by technological innoEation and computeri2ed responses to situations in the worG place and in the wider society all citi2ens will need to haEe practical exposure to the techniFues oD &nDormation Technology in order to bridge the widening gap between Caribbean nations and the deEeloped countries and proEide our citi2ens with the best chances Dor surEiEal and growth in this new age% A structured programme in &nDormation Technology deEelops computer-related sGills and encourages the deEelopment oD analytical and design sGills which are applicable in all areas oD the curriculum% This uniFue Deature warrants the inclusion oD &nDormation Technology in the secondary school curriculum% This syllabus is designed to proEide a coherent Eiew oD the signiDicance oD inDormation in a socioeconomic context% Emphasis is placed on application oD Gnowledge and the use oD the computer% This approach has been adopted in recognition oD the impact that changes in the aEailability oD inDormation can haEe on the educational process% The Docus is on getting students to deEelop sGills Dor liDe in an increasingly technological world rather than on students absorbing a myriad oD seemingly unrelated Dacts which may haEe only short term releEance% The syllabus aims to proEide the Gind oD practical experience which includes an element oD discoEery and Dosters selD-conDidence together with the practical sGills that will prepare students to meet the regionIs need Dor greatly increased productiEity and cost eDDectiEe procedures%

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The syllabus aims to: /% -% prepare students to function effecti e!" in a d"na#ic tec$no!o%ica! era& pro#ote the deEelopment oD computer-related sGills Dor immediate application to other curricular areasH pro ide a foundation for post'secondar" education& faci!itate t$e de e!op#ent and app!ication of pro(!e#'so! in% s)i!!s in students*

3% 0%

/% -% 3% 0% "% *%


The syllabus is organised under eight main sections% 1undamentals oD <ardware and 6oDtware +ro(!e#'So! in% and +ro%ra# Desi%n Program I#p!e#entation App!ications and I#p!ications of Infor#ation and Co##unications Tec$no!o%" &nDormation Processing $ordprocessing +resentation and ,e( +a%e Desi%n

7% 6preadsheets )% ?atabase 7anagement

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&t is estimated that the syllabus can be coEered in approximately /*. hours or 0 periods per weeG during the Dourth and DiDth years in the secondary school% A suggested time allocation (in hours+ is shown below Dor each section% The laboratory hours indicated are calculated on a per student basis% Section /% 1undamentals oD <ardware and 6oDtware -% +ro(!e#'So! in% and +ro%ra# Desi%n 00 3% +ro%ra# I#p!e#entation /* App!ications and I#p!ications -1 of Infor#ation and Co##unications Tec$no!o%" "% &nDormation Processing *% ,ordprocessin%5 +resentation 04 and ,e( +a%e Desi%n 7% 6preadsheets )% ?atabase 7anagement 3 3 -0 3 -3 -Class -. Lab / Field 0 Total 01



04 '

' 0


' -3

' '


-4 -1

' '

-3 -.

Allied Subjects Although no subJects are being speciDied as either prereFuisites or co-reFuisites to &nDormation Technology it is expected that students would haEe pursued a course in 7athematics up to 5rade , (1orm 3+%

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Paper 01 Si6t" #u!tip!e c$oice ite#s dra7n fro# a!! areas of t$e s"!!a(us* 8- $our 14 #inutes9

T7e! e co#pu!sor" structured :uestions dra7n fro# a!! areas of t$e s"!!a(us5 di ided 80 $ours -3 #inutes9 into t$ree sections* Section - is 7ort$ ;4 #ar)s and consists of si6 s$ort ans7er :uestions* Section 0 is 7ort$ -3 #ar)s and consists of t7o structured :uestions* Section 1 is 7ort$ /3 #ar)s and consists of four structured :uestions* Paper 02 School Based Assessment +aper 41 T$e S<A co#ponent 7i!! co#prise a practica! pro=ect testin%> Section 05 +ro(!e#'So! in% and +ro%ra# Desi%n& Section 15 +ro%ra# I#p!e#entation& Section ;5 ,ordprocessin%& Section 25 Spreads$eets and Section .5 Data(ase Mana%e#ent* T$e +ro=ect 7i!! carr" ?4 #ar)s 7$ic$ 7i!! account for 14@ of t$e fina! %rade* T$is ?4 #ar)s 7i!! (e distri(uted as fo!!o7s> 04 for ,ordprocessin%& 04 for Spreads$eets& 04 for Data(ase Mana%e#ent and 14 +ro(!e#'So! in% and +ro%ra##in%* T$e pro=ect 7i!! (e #ar)ed (" t$e teac$er in accordance 7it$ CAC %uide!ines and t$e #ar)s s$ou!d (e su(#itted to CAC* T$e assi%n#ent s$ou!d (e ad#inistered as specified in t$e instructions contained in t$e Guide!ines to t$e Conduct of t$e S<A5 on pa%es 01 B /3*


T$e su(=ect 7i!! (e e6a#ined for certification at t$e Genera! +roficienc"* In addition to an o era!! %rade5 t$ere 7i!! (e a profi!e report t$at ref!ects t$e perfor#ance of eac$ candidate under t$e fo!!o7in% $eadin%s* ProDile ?imensions Theory The ability to apply Dundamental concepts and sGills to &nDormation Technology%

CXC 30/G/S !! 0"

+roducti it" Too!s

T$e a(i!it" to app!" standard features in t$e fo!!o7in% areas> (i+ 7ord processor in t$e preparation of docu#ents5 as 7e!! as t$e candidateCs a(i!it" to use presentation and 7e( pa%e desi%n app!ications& spreads$eet pro%ra##e presentin% data& and data(ase #ana%e#ent retrie in% data* in so! in% pro(!e#s and







+ro(!e#'So! in% and +ro%ra##in%

T$e a(i!it" to use ana!"tica! s)i!!s in t$e de e!op#ent of a!%orit$#s5 e6pressed as f!o7c$arts or pseudocode5 t$at can t$en (e i#p!e#ented as co#puter pro%ra#s*

MAR A!" #$%G&' ALL(CA'%(! )(R PR()%L$ "%M$!S%(!S Paper/Pro*+les +aper 4+aper 40 +aper 41 +rofi!e Tota!s @ ,ei%$tin% +rofi!es 'heor, 14 ;4 ' ?4 11*11 Prod-ct+.+t, 'ools -3 -3 ;4 ?4 11*11 Pro/lem0Sol.+n1 and Pro1ramm+n1 -3 /3 14 ?4 11*11 Paper 'otal ;4 -04 ?4 024 -44 2 #e+1ht+n1 o* Papers 04 34 14

CXC 30/G/S !! 0"


1or 6chools: /% &t is the responsibility oD schools presenting candidates Dor the examinations to ensure that the reFuired hardware and soDtware are in place to achieEe the syllabus obJectiEes% +ASCAL is reco##ended for t$e pro%ra##in% units* 6tudents should haEe access to a +ASCAL co#pi!er and productiEity soDtware oDDering the adEanced Deatures reFuired by the syllabus% 1rom the list proEided below teachers may select appropriate soDtware Dor the $ordprocessing 6preadsheets 5 ?atabase 7anagement +resentation and ,e( +a%e Desi%n components oD the syllabus% Spreadsheets /% :otus /---3 Recommended 6oDtware Database Management /% 7icrosoDt Access Presentat+on -* +o7er+oi nt 0* Free!ance #e/ Pa1e "es+1n -* Frontpa %e 0* MS ,ord

0* 3%

Wordprocessin g /% 7icrosoDt $ord -% $ordPerDect 3% 7icrosoDt $orGs 0% Claris $orGs "% 7icrosoDt PowerPoint

-% 7icrosoDt Excel 3% 7icrosoDt $orGs 0% Claris $orGs "% Auattro Pro

-% 1ilemaGerK1ilemaGer Pro 3% Paradox

/% 6tudents should be aware oD the inputKprocessKstorageKoutput cycle as it pertains to hardware and soDtware components in 6ection /% Section 0 s$ou!d (e tau%$t (efore Section 1* Students s$ou!d !earn $o7 to 7rite a!%orit$#s5 /e*ore t$e" are introduced to codin% in a pro%ra##in% !an%ua%e* &n 6ection - the Docus should be on the deEelopment oD problem solutions in the Dorm oD algorithms written in pseudocodeKDlowchart% The problem-solEing sGills acFuired in this section serEes as a Doundation Dor programming in 6ection 3%



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In Section 15 students are re:uired to trans!ate t$e a!%orit$#s de e!oped in Section 0 into co#puter pro%ra#s5 usin% t$e reco##ended pro%ra##in% !an%ua%e 8+ASCAL9* Use si#p!e pro(!e#s5 for e6a#p!e5 findin% t$e a era%e of a set of inte%ers5 or ca!cu!atin% ta6 pa"a(!e5 to i!!ustrate $o7 to de e!op si#p!e pro%ra#s* In Section 15 !a(orator" sessions s$ou!d (e used to> a* (* c* d* e* fa#i!iariDe t$e student 7it$ t$e features of t$e reco##ended co#pi!er& identif" and correct s"nta6 errors& identif" and correct !o%ic errors& e6ecute pro%ra# and disp!a" resu!ts& and introduce students to and encoura%e t$e# to use t$e de(u%%in% too!*


It is reco##ended t$at t$e students (e re:uired to 7rite t$e pro%ra#s on paper5 (efore t$e" %et on t$e co#puter* T$at is5 t$e act of pro%ra# codin% s$ou!d ta)e p!ace (efore t$e" actua!!" %et on t$e co#puter* T$is a!!o7s for #ore efficient uti!iDation of co#puter ti#e* ;* In Section /5 t$e ai# is to fa#i!iariDe t$e students 7it$ (asic ter#s and concepts associated 7it$ co#puter net7or)s and t$e Internet* A detai!ed treat#ent of t$e concepts is NOT re:uired* ,$ere possi(!e5 it 7ou!d (e $e!pfu! if teac$ers in ite so#eone 7it$ e6pertise in Internet Tec$no!o%" to address t$e c!ass and e6p!ain so#e of t$e concepts* ,$i!e it is expected that students would gain sGills in the use oD productiEity tools through practice on speciDic pacGages teachers should ensure that students haEe an appreciation oD the generic operations oD each oD the productiEity tools so that sGills are transDerable to other pacGages% Teachers should organi2e Dield trips to allow students to see a Eariety oD hardware used in diEerse application areas%
Although not a reFuirement oD the course it may be useDul to apprise students oD the history oD





Teachers should encourage students to read computer maga2ines and iD possible the school should

subscribe to seEeral oD these% //% A glossary has been proEided to Dacilitate a uniDorm interpretation oD the terminology used in the syllabus% Teachers are adEised to maGe use oD this glossary and also the list oD recommended texts% <oweEer the reading list proEided is not exhaustiEe and additional reDerences should be consulted%

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/% Resit candidates must complete all the components oD the examination based on the proDiciency Dor which they register% Candidates who earned at !east ". percent oD the 79?ERATE? scores Dor the 68A component at t$e pre ious sittin% #a" e!ect not to repeat t$is co#ponent pro ided t$e" re7rite t$e e6a#ination in t$e su(se:uent "ear* 68A scores can be transDerred once only that is to the examination immediately Dollowing that Dor which the 68A scores were obtained% Resit candidates may be entered through the :ocal Registrar and should on registration indicate that they are resit candidates and giEe their registration number Drom the perEious year% Candidates who obtained less than ".L oD the 7oderated marGs Dor the 68A component must repeat the component at any subseFuent year and must DulDil the reFuirements Dor that year% Candidates may choose to do a new proJect or improEe on the proJect done in the preEious year% Candidates repeating the 68A component must be entered through a school or other approEed educational institution%


3% 0% "%



/% Candidates entered for t$e e6a#ination t$rou%$ pri ate institutions reco%niDed (" t$e Counci! 7i!! (e re:uired to co#p!ete a!! t$e re:uire#ents of t$e s"!!a(us* A!t$ou%$ t$e pro=ect is assessed in co#ponents in c!ass5 candidates are to (e %i en t$e entire pro=ect* As candidates 7or) on indi idua! co#ponents in c!ass t$e" #ust (e #onitored (" tutors in t$e institution and %i en feed(ac) (efore t$e fina! assess#ent of t$at co#ponent* Tutors #ust a!so #onitor candidatesC pro=ect to deter#ine t$e eracit" of 7or) su(#itted* Tutors s$ou!d not accept pro=ects 7$ic$ 7ere not #onitored durin% de e!op#ent* T$e #ar)s recorded in t$e four co#ponents 7i!! (e co!!ated to for# t$e fina! S<A #ar) for su(#ission (" Apri! 145 in t$e "ear of t$e e6a#ination* Candidates as 7e!! as tutors #ust retain a cop" of t$e co#p!eted co#ponent as part of t$eir portfo!io*



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9n completion oD this 6ection students should: /% -% appreciate the Dundamental hardware and soDtware terminologies and conceptsH de e!op expertise in the operation and use oD microcomputer-based systems%

6tudents should be able to: /% -%


describe a %enera!'purpose computer 7aJor Dunctions oD systems: input processing output storage% systemH e6p!ain the Dunctions oD the maJor hardware components oD a computer systemH out!ine the Dunctions and uses oD primary storage deEicesH #anipu!ate units of stora%e& Central Processing >nit (CP>+: control unit and A:>H main memoryKimmediate access storage secondary storage inputKoutput deEices% 8istable deEices PR97 EPR97 RA7 R97%



<it5 ("te5 )i!o("te5 #e%a("te5 tera("te5 7ord5 7ord siDe*



co#pare t$e t"pes of secondar" stora%e #edia 7it$ respect to porta(i!it"5 speed and capacit"&

Ma%netic tape5 f!opp" dis)5 $ard dis) 8fi6ed $ead5 #o in% $ead5 e6terna!95 optica! dis)s 8CD5 DED95 f!as$ dri e5 f!as$ #e#or" cards* ReadKwrite head sectors tracGs buDDers cylinders access time seFuential access direct accessH de ice interfaces suc$ as> SCSI5 IDE5 SATA* 9ptical marG reader (97R+ character readers (9CR 7&CR+ mouse JoysticG (ar code reader5 docu#ent scanner light-pen touch terminals Eoice response unit pads and tablets point oD sale (P96+ Geyboard di%ita! ca#era5 (io#etric s"ste#s5 sensors5 re#ote contro!5 sound capture5 pointin% de ices5 7e(ca#* //


use terms associated with storage deEicesH


e6p!ain t$e uses of de ices and #edia&

arious input

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6tudents should be able to: .* state t$e t"pes and functions of output de ices& Eisua! disp!a" unit> reso!ution5 t"pes5 siDes* +rinters> i#pact and non'i#pact5 t"pes> 8c$aracter5 !ine5 pa%e5 !aser5 in)=et5 dot #atri69* C$aracteristics> 8speed5 :ua!it"5 stora%e capacit"9& p!otters& audio output de ices 8for e6a#p!e5 spea)ers5 $ead' p$ones5 earp$ones9& #icrofi!#* A!so ter#s suc$ as $ard cop"5 soft cop"5 $u#an reada(!e and #ac$ineBreada(!e* 8inary octal and hexadecimal number systemsH binary addition and su(traction* &ntegers (positiEe and negatiEe+: sign and magnitude 8C? twoIs complementH representation oD characters ASCII* C+U t"pe and speed& #e#or"> capacit"5 t"pe5 7ord siDe5 speed* Hard dri e> capacit"5 speed& fire 7ire5 e6pansion s!ots5 ports* S"ste#s soft7are> operatin% s"ste#s5 trans!ators5 uti!ities> App!ication soft7are> %enera! purpose5 specia! purpose5 custo# 7ritten* Custo#iDation5 inte%rated soft7are* Fi!e #ana%e#ent5 #e#or" #ana%e#ent5 securit"5 de ice #ana%e#ent5 inputFoutput #ana%e#ent5 user interface5 process #ana%e#ent* <asic treat#ent %!ossar"9* of t$ese ter#s* 8See



describe how data are stored manipulated within the computerH



interpret t$e $ard7are specifications of a co#puter s"ste#&


distinguish between systems programs and application programsH


e6p!ain t$e functions operatin% s"ste#&




distin%uis$ a#on% #u!titas)in%5 #u!tiprocessin% and #u!tipro%ra##in%&

CXC 30/G/S !! 0"



e6p!ain t$e different processin% #odes&



<atc$ processin%5 rea!'ti#e5 on'!ine5 ti#e' s$arin%* Soft7are interface> Co##and dri en5 %rap$ica! user interface 8GUI9 8#enu dri en5 pu!!'do7n and pop'up #enus5 icons9* Hard7are interface> touc$ screens5 non' isua! interface5 sensors5 and <rai!!e )e"(oards*


distinguish between types oD user interDace%

CXC 30/G/S !! 0"



9n completion oD this 6ection students should haEe an understanding oD the Dundamental principles and practices oD pro(!e#'so! in% on t$e co#puter%

6tudents should be able to: -* out!ine t$e steps in pro(!e#' so! in%&



deco#pose a simple problem into its si%nificant partsH distin%uis$ (et7een and constants& aria(!es

Definition of t$e pro(!e#& propose and e a!uate so!utions& deter#ination of t$e #ost efficient so!ution& de e!op and represent a!%orit$#& test and a!idate t$e so!ution* The components are: inputH processH storageH output%


Earia(!es as an area of stora%e 7$ose a!ue can c$an%e durin% processin%& t$e a!ue of a constant ne er c$an%es* Inte%ers5 !itera!s* f!oatin% point 8rea!95 c$aracters5


use appropriate data t"pes&


e6p!ain t$e a!%orit$#s&



Definition of a!%orit$#s& C$aracteristics> finite nu#(er of steps5 precise5 una#(i%uous5 f!o7 of contro! fro# one process to anot$er5 ter#inate* Representation of a!%orit$#s as +seudocode or F!o7c$arts& Use of f!o7c$art s"#(o!s> inputFoutput5 process5 decision5 directiona! arro7s* Pseudocode - >se oD: Read &nput 6tore $rite 9utput ?isplay &D-thenH &D-then-elseH 1or loopH while loopH (:uestions 7$ic$ re:uire nested conditiona!s or nested !oops 7i!! not (e as)ed+% Truth Tables >se oD relational operators: M N O MO N O M N% :ogical operators: A'? 9R '9T% Arithmetic operators: GH BH I5 F%


identif" 7a"s of representin% a!%orit$#s&

CXC 30/G/S !! 0"


Si#p!e pro(!e#s inc!udin%& a era%e5 #a6i#u#*


deEelop algorithms to solEe problems&


Use of pro(!e#'so! in% tec$ni:ues out!ined in Specific O(=ecti e - to t$e so!ution of si#p!e pro(!e#s*

CXC 30/G/S !! 0"



Students s$ou!d (e a(!e to> )% test algorithms Dor correctnessH Construction and use of trace ta(!es to deter#ine resu!t* Trace ta(!e consists of aria(!e na#es 8identifiers9 as co!u#n $eadin%s and a!ues in t$e ce!!s5 one ro7 for eac$ pass* App!ication of step7ise refine#ent to pro(!e#s 7it$ t7o or #ore tas)s*



use t$e top'do7n desi%n approac$ to pro(!e# so! in%*

CXC 30/G/S !! 0"



9n completion oD this 6ection students s$ou!d $a e an understandin% of $o7 to con ert a!%orit$#s to pro%ra#s usin% structured pro%ra##in% tec$ni:ues*

6tudents should be able to: /% distin%uis$ (et7een !o7'!e e! and $i%$'!e e! pro%ra##in% !an%ua%esH distin%uis$ a#on% different %enerations pro%ra##in% !an%ua%es& t$e of


Lo7'!e e! !an%ua%e 8Mac$ine or Asse#(!" Lan%ua%e9& Hi%$' !e e! !an%ua%e 8+asca!5 C9*


C$aracteriDation of first %eneration !an%ua%es*





!ist t$e se:uence of steps associated 7it$ i#p!e#entin% a pro%ra#& e6p!ain co##on!" used ter#s and concepts in pro%ra##in%& dec!are elementary data typesH dec!are constants& aria(!es and

Create source code compile !in)in%5 e6ecutin%5 #aintain pro%ra#*


Testin%5 de(u%%in%5 s"nta6 errors5 !o%ic errors5 run'ti#e errors5 dr" run5 test data*

"% ;*

Inte%ers5 rea! nu#(ers5 c$aracters* Use of #eanin%fu! aria(!e constants& assi%n initia! a!ues* na#es and

2* )%

#anipu!ate data& use contro! structuresH

Readin% fro# and 7ritin% to aria(!es5 arit$#etic operations* Conditiona! (ranc$in%> if't$en5 if't$en'e!se5 Loops> 7$i!e5 repeat5 for* Dec!are -'di#ensiona! arra"s& readin% fro# and 7ritin% to arra"s& tra ersin% arra"s& !inear searc$*


#anipu!ate data in a !ist&

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/.% //%

perDorm checGs and tests on programs to EeriDy correctnessH write documented programs%

Testing and debugging techniFues%

&mportance oD documentationH features of internal documentation (use oD mnemonic names use oD comments indentation eDDectiEe use oD white spaces+H external documentation (user manuals+%


9n completion oD this 6ection students should de e!op an a7areness of: -* 0* 1* t$e use of t$e co#puter and t$e i#p!ications of t$at use& trends in Internet and Co##unications Tec$no!o%"& careers in t$e fie!d of Infor#ation Tec$no!o%"*


6tudents should be able to: -* use ter#s associated 7it$ data co##unications and net7or)s& Definitions of data co##unication and net7or)& t"pes of net7or)s> 8!oca! area net7or)5 7ide area net7or)5 #etropo!itan area net7or)95 t"pes of trans#ission #edia> ca(!eF7ired #edia 8coa6ia!5 fi(re'optic5 t7isted pair95 7ire!ess #edia 8sate!!ite5 #icro7a e5 infra'red95 7ire!ess net7or) tec$no!o%"> 8<!uetoot$5 ,i'Fi95 $otspot5 #ode#5 (and7idt$ 8(road(and5 narro7(and5 oice(and95 co##unication #odes> 8si#p!e65 dup!e65 $a!f dup!e695 point'to'point5 and (roadcast* Refer to %!ossar"*


distin%uis$ a#on% intranet and e6tranetH


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e6p!ain concepts associated 7it$ t$e Internet&

Inc!udin% E!ectronic #ai! 8e'#ai!95 ne7s%roups5 Internet Re!a" C$at 8IRC95 Te!net5 Fi!e Transfer +rotoco! 8FT+95 up!oad5 do7n!oad5 ,or!d ,ide ,e( 8,,,95 7e( (ro7ser5 HTT+5 H"perte6t Mar)up Lan%ua%e 8HTMLFAHTML95 7e( pa%e5 7e(site5 (!o%%in%5 7e(ser er5 URL5 e' co##erce5 e'!earnin%5 HTT+5 pod'castin%5 (u!!etin (oard5 EoI+* Soft7are Restrictions> pass7ords5 encr"ption5 irus protection5 fire7a!!& p$"sica! access restrictions> (io#etric s"ste#s5 %uards5 !oc)s& fireF7ater proof ca(inets& arc$i in%& (ac)up and reco er" procedures& propriet" data and soft7are*


describe measures to secure data and maintain data integrityH

CXC 30/G/S !! 0"


6tudents should be able to: "% out!ine 7a"s (" 7$ic$ inDormation Eio!ation of pri ac"5 propa%anda5 soft7are can be misusedH pirac"5 co#puter fraud5 e!ectronic ea esdroppin%5 industria! espiona%e5 sur ei!!ance5 stora%e of inaccurate infor#ation5 identit" t$eft5 credit card fraud* describe appropriate hardware and soDtware to meet the particular needs oD a giEen applicationH +ro=ects to deter#ine t$e re!e ant $ard7are and soft7are 8open source s* proprietar"9 used in areas inc!udin% (usiness5 industr"5 science and tec$no!o%"5 education5 !a7 enforce#ent5 recreation5 #usic5 %a#in%*




descri(e current and e#er%in% E6pert s"ste#s5 ro(ots5 CADD5 CAE5 CAM5 technological trendsH te!e#ar)etin%5 te!econferencin%* assess the impact oD &nDormation Technology on Job sGills and careersH Computer sGills used by oDDice employees teachers engineers medical personnel musicians mass media personnel law enDorcement personnel moEie industryH loss oD JobsH retrainingH telecommuting% T$e functions of indi idua!s in co#puter' re!ated fie!ds> pro%ra##ers5 s"ste#s ana!"sts and desi%ners5 IT #ana%ers5 s"ste#s pro%ra##ers5 data(ase ad#inistrators5 net7or) ad#inistrators5 IT #ana%ers5 fi!e !i(rarians5 co#puter tec$nicians5 co#puter en%ineers5 soft7are en%ineers5 soft7are testers5 7e(#aster5 7e('de e!oper5 soft7are trainer5 #u!ti'#edia artists*



descri(e the roles oD Earious personnel in computer-related proDessions%

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9n completion oD this 6ection students should deEelop an understanding oD the principles organi2ation and operation oD &nDormation Processing 6ystems%

6tudents should be able to: -* distin%uis$ (et7een data and infor#ation& explain the characteristics and Dunctions oD &nDormation ProcessingH


?ata as raw unprocessed DactsH inDormation as processed data% For#s oD &nDormation Processing: automation process control commercial industrial and scientiDic data processingH inDormation retrieEal and management% 6ource document turnaround document machine and human readable document% ?iDDerence between Ealidation and EeriDication% 7ethods: range checG reasonableness checGs data type checGs inconsistency checGs* Suc$ as double entry to identiDy and correct typographicalKtransposition errors% 6eFuential Dield orderingH random direct'access5 se:uentia!'access* index-seFuentialH


3% 0%

identiDy the sources oD data in speciDied application areasH describe methods oD Ealidation and EeriDication oD dataH


identiDy appropriate EeriDication and Ealidation checGs giEen a particular scenarioH describe Earious methods oD Dile organi2ation and accessH select appropriate Dile organi2ation Dor particular application%



Associate an appropriate fi!e structure and access #et$od to a specific app!ication* For e6a#p!e5 a pa"ro!! fi!e 7ou!d (e or%aniDed se:uentia!!" 7it$ se:uentia! access*

CXC 30/G/S !! 0"




9n completion oD this 6ection students should haEe hands-on experience in the use oD $ordprocessing +resentation and ,e( +a%e Desi%n pacGages in the deEelopment oD co#puter'%enerated docu#ents and be able to express their aptitude and creatiEity in design%


6tudents should be able to: -* se!ect appropriate editin% features in t$e preparation of a docu#ent& De!etin% and insertin% c$aracters5 7ords5 !ines5 sentences5 para%rap$s* T"pe'o er #ode* Se!ectin% (!oc)s of te6t* Cop"in% and #o in% sections of te6t*


descri(e DeaturesH


aEailable +a%e nu#(ers5 pa%e (rea)s5 te6t a!i%n#ent5 7ord7rap5 #ar%ins5 ta(s5 pa%e !en%t$5 defau!t settin%s5 font siDe* 7argins tab stops line spacing page breaGs page numbers leDt and right JustiDication centre line under!ine5 $i%$!i%$t5 uppercase5 (o!d5 and ita!ic*


se!ect appropriate for#attin% features for t$e preparation of a docu#ent&


use headers Dooters Dootnotes and endnotes appropriate!"& co#(ine docu#ents& perfor# (!oc) operations& use columns appropriate!"H app!" appropriate for#attin% features& and tables

3* ;* 7%



>nderline bold italics superscript and subscript%






use searc$ and rep!ace functions

CXC 30/G/S !! 0"


appropriate!"& -4* use #ai!'#er%e faci!ities& Creation of pri#ar" docu#ents and data fi!es in #ai! #er%e app!ication& Fie!d na#es*

--* -0*

use spe!!'c$ec)& i#port docu#ents& Te6t fi!es5 %rap$ics5 ta(!es inc!udin% options suc$ as auto#atic sa e and (ac)up cop"5 pass7ord protection5 trac) c$an%es*

CXC 30/G/S !! 0"


6tudents should be able to: -1* e6p!ain t$e uses of presentation soft7are& For e6a#p!e5 to en$ance pu(!ic spea)in%& to de!i er !ectures& to present pro=ect reports& to effecti e!" present sa!es or #ar)etin% ideas*



e6p!ain t$e concepts of 7iDards5 te#p!ates and s!ides& c$oose appropriate s!ide !a"out& S!ide !a"out #ust re!ate to t$e t"pe of infor#ation (ein% presented* C$oosin% fro# a !ist of presentation desi%ns* C$an%in% (ac)%round co!our5 font siDe and ot$er attri(utes5 suc$ as font co!our and (u!!ets* Use of t$e s!ide #aster to persona!iDe t$e s!ides*


-;* -2*

app!" desi%n te#p!ates to s!ides& use for#attin% effecti e!" to presentation& features en$ance

-.* -?* 04*

create s!ide $eaders and footers& create and use spea)er notes& app!" arious t"pes of ani#ation effects to s!ides&

F!"in%5 dri e'in5 ca#era effects& f!as$'once5 t"pe7riter& !aser5 re erse'te6ts5 drop'in effects* Custo# ani#ation& ti#in% and sound effects*


insert %rap$ics and pictures into a s!ide&

#o in%


#anipu!ate #u!tip!e s!ides&

Insertion and de!etion of s!ides& use of t$e s!ide sorter* Use of s!ide s$o7 too!s suc$ as s!ide na i%ator5 pointer options5 screen attri(utes*


present a s!ide s$o7*

CXC 30/G/S !! 0"


T$is section pro ides students 7it$ $ands'on e6perience in t$e use of 7e( desi%n soft7are to create and #aintain si#p!e 7e(sites*

6tudents should be able to: 0/* p!an t$e 7e(site&


Reasons for t$e 7e(site& t$e intended audience& nu#(er of 7e( pa%es desired& content of eac$ pa%e& !a"out of t$e 7e( pa%es* C$oosin% an appropriate desi%n for a pa%e& insertin% and de!etin% te6t and %rap$ics& 7rap te6t 7it$ i#a%e& create t$u#(nai! i#a%e5 inde6 pa%e5 $o#e pa%e5 $"per!in)* Lin)in% to anot$er 7e( pa%e& !in) to a !ocation 7it$in t$e 7e( pa%e& !in) to an e#ai! address& !in) to user'created fi!es* Use of a 7e( (ro7ser& erif" t$at a!! t$e $"per!in)s 7or) correct!"& use a test audience* Re%isterin% do#ain na#es& !ocate $ostin% co#pan"& t$e use of t$e fi!e transfer protoco! 8FT+9 for up!oadin% fi!es*


create a si#p!e 7e( pa%e&


create $"per!in)s&


test t$e 7e(site&


pu(!is$ and #aintain a 7e(site*

CXC 30/G/S !! 0"


9n completion oD this 6ection students should deEelop expertise in the use oD a spreadsheet pacGage in the deEelopment oD computer applications%

6tudents should be able to: -* e6p!ain t$e spreads$eet& purpose of a


Definition of spreads$eet> a spreads$eet is a ta(!e consistin% of ce!!s 8ro7s5 co!u#n !ocations9 t$at $o!d accountin% or financia! data and si#u!ates t$e traditiona! p$"sica! spreads$eet& it captures disp!a"s and #anipu!ates data* Ro75 co!u#n5 ce!!5 ce!! address5 !a(e!5 a!ue5 for#u!a5 function5 7or)s$eet5 te#p!ate5 ran%e5 tit!e5 7indo75 record* Inc!udin% su#5 a era%e5 date5 #a6i#u#5 #ini#u#5 count5 if5 !oo)up5 ran)* For#u!ae in o! in% addition5 su(traction& #u!tip!ication& di ision& po7ers& s:uare roots5 t$e use of (rac)ets* Ro7Fco!u#n tit!e !oc)in%5 re!ati e addressin%5 a(so!ute addressin%*



use appropriate ter#ino!o%" and notions co##on!" associated 7it$ spreads$eets& se!ect (asic pre'defined s"ste#s functions& create ad anced for#u!ae& arit$#etic



e6p!ain t$e use features of soft7are&

of co##on spreads$eet

;* 2*

in o)e ro7 and co!u#n tit!e !oc)in%& rep!icate 8cop"9 for#u!ae into ot$er ce!!s& #anipu!ate data on a spreads$eet& #anipu!ate co!u#ns and ro7s&

<ori2ontal Eertical both% RelatiEe Eersus absolute addressing%

.* ?*

EDDects oD moEe copy delete operations on Dormulae% &nsert and delete columns and rows%

CXC 30/G/S !! 0"


-4* --*

for#at a spreads$eet& sort a spreads$eet&

'umeric data Dormatting text Dormatting alignment borders% Primary Dield secondary Dield ascending Es% descending order%

CXC 30/G/S !! 0"



6tudents should be able: -0* find a record #atc$in% a %i en criterion& perfor# c$artin% operations& 6imple criterion complex criterion record - Dind command% 8ar charts line graphs pie charts graph titles labels on axes%




se!ect appropriate %rap$ica! representation of data& #anipu!ate #u!tip!e 7or)s$eets& Use of t7o or #ore 7or)s$eets to so! e pro(!e#s in o! in% so#e or a!! of t$e functions and operations !isted a(o e* Grap$ics5 ta(!es*



i#port fi!es*

CXC 30/G/S !! 0"



9n completion oD this 6ection students should deEelop expertise in the design oD a database management system in the deEelopment oD computer applications%

6tudents should be able to: -* data(ase& e6p!ain t$e concept of a


Definition of data(ase> repositor" of infor#ation& co!!ection of ta(!es t$at are re!ated to eac$ ot$er* Data(ase ter#ino!o%"> ta(!e 8re!ation95 entit"5 tup!e5 attri(ute5 pri#ar" )e"5 secondar" )e"5 co#posite )e"5 candidate )e"5 a!ternate )e"5 forei%n )e"* Ro7 8tup!e5 record95 co!u#n 8attri(ute5 fie!d95 )e"* Data t"pes> a!p$anu#eric& nu#eric& data& !o%ica!* Co#parison 7it$ fi!es 7it$ re%ards to> Speed& Ad $oc :ueries& standardiDation& present #u!tip!e ie7s of t$e sa#e data* Table structure with at least three data types and populate with at least twenty-DiEe records% Use of wi ard is prohibited% Addin% ne7 fie!ds5 de!etin% fie!ds5 c$an%in% fie!d definitions* Arranging data in numeric alphabeticH or alphanumeric Dormat% Report generating Dacilities oD the database pacGage including use oD sorting grouping statistical and summary Deatures Dor example count sum and aEerage% Use of =oins5 #er%e ta(!esFfi!es* 3.


use ter#ino!o%" co##on!" associated 7it$ a data(ase&


distin%uis$ a#on% ter#ino!o%" associated 7it$ fi!es and data(ases& out!ine t$e ad anta%es !i#itations of data(ases& and



create a databaseH


modiDy a table structureH


sort a databaseH


establish relationshipsH
CXC 30/G/S !! 0"


Fuery a database using multiple search conditionsH

Usin% #ore t$an one criterion& use of se!ect5 ca!cu!ated fie!ds*

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6tudents should be able to: /.% determine the results oD a search on a database giEen multiple conditionsH %enerate reports to t$e screen5 printer and fi!es* T7o or #ore Dields inEolEing the use oD relational and logical operators% Report %eneratin% faci!ities of t$e data(ase pac)a%e5 inc!udin% use of sortin%5 %roupin%5 statistica! and su##ar" features5 for e6a#p!e5 count5 su# and a era%e*



CXC 30/G/S !! 0"



The guidelines Dor conducting the 68A which consists oD a practical proJect set by t$e teac$er are s$o7n (e!o7* !" A#M To proEide students with the opportunity to demonstrate their problem solEing and programming sGills as well as their ability to use productiEity tools eDDectiEely in: (i+ entering manipulating and presenting text dataH

(ii+ simulating a worGsheetH (iii+ entering data perDorming simple analysis on data and presenting data using a database management tool% $" ASS#%&M'&T The 6chool 8ased Assessment consists oD one practical proJect consisting oD Dour related components prepared and marGed by the teacher in accordance 7it$ CAC %uide!ines* The components will test Problem 6olEing and Programming as well as the application oD processes inEolEed in the use oD ?atabase 7anagement 6preadsheets and $ordprocessing% The Dour components will thereDore coEer the 6peciDic 9bJectiEes in 6ections - 3 * 7 and )% (" )*L' *F T+' T'AC+') The role oD teacher is to: (i+ assi%n the proJect Dor the 6chool 8ased Assessment%

(ii+ proEide guidance throughout the liDe oD the proJects% T$e teac$er s$ou!d 7or) with candidates to deEelop a proJect management chart 7it$ definite ti#e !ines for ac$ie in% c!ear!" identified o(=ecti es5 fro# pro=ect inception to pro=ect co#p!etion% (iii+ guide the candidate through the 68A by helping to clariDy the problem or by discussing possible approac$es to so! in% t$e pro(!e# % Teachers 7$i!e %i in% %uidance should guard against pro idin% a co#p!ete so!ution to t$e pro(!e# for t$e candidate or prescribing a speciDic Dormat t$at should be Dollowed%

CXC 30/G/S !! 0"


(iE+ assess each studentIs sGills in problem solEing and algorithm deEelopment using Dlowcharts or pseudocode coding an algorithm in Pascal and the eDDectiEe use oD productiEity tools to perDorm prescribed actiEities% The deEelopment oD the proJect is a continuous exercise that occurs during scheduled class hours as well as outside class times% At a time to be determined by the teacher the releEant component will be assessed and the marGs recorded% Hardcopies of t$e co#p!eted docu#ents s$ou!d (e )ept (" (ot$ t$e teac$er and student* The teacher should use the marG scheme proEided by C@C and include any comments pertinent to the conduct oD the assessment% (E+ guide the candidate through the 68A by helping to clariDy the problem or by discussing possible Dormats% (Ei+ ensure that students are allowed suDDicient access to eFuipment to allow successDul completion oD their proJects% ," ASS'SSM'&T C)#T')#A

The Dollowing is the marG scheme Dor assessing 68A assignments% Teachers must clearly indicate the breaGdown oD the marGs allocated Dor each Fuestion on the candidatesI 68A paper% -i. Wordprocessing / $0 mar1s Mar1 Allocation $

2rocesses The eDDectiEeness with which the student uses Dormatting Dacilities to create and enhance the document%

3e4 S1ills 1ormatting Dor presentation - JustiDication - single and double line spacing - paragraph styling (indent hanging blocG+ 1ormatting Dor emphasis - bold - italics - borders and shading to highlight and giEe emphasis - Dont and point si2e 9ther Deatures - use oD spell checGerKsearch and replaceKgrammar checG - search and replace Page :ayout - set margins - change page orientations - change paper si2e - text orientation <eadersKDootersKendnotes Tables

The eDDectiEeness with which students use Dormatting Dacilities to present inDormation%

-5. $

! $ -5.

CXC 30/G/S !! 0"


2rocesses The eDDectiEeness with which students use Dacilities to create Dlyers or brochures%

3e4 S1ills 7ultiple pageKbooG DoldKcolumns >se oD graphics Clarity oD itemi2ation - insertKdelete (word sentence paragraph document+ - blocG operations - moEeKcopyKcut and paste ?eDining appropriate Dields in the document Creating primary document Creating secondary document appropriately PerDorming the mail merge

Mar1 Allocation $ ! ! ! -5. ! ! ! $ -5.

The eDDectiEeness with which students use Dacilities to perDorm mail merge%


Spreadsheets 6 $0 mar1s 2rocesses The eDDectiEeness with which students use pre-deDined systems Dunctions to Dorm arithmetic logical and relation expressions%

3e4 S1ills ?emonstrating awareness oD the existence oD appropriate Dormulae >se oD appropriate Dormulae to solEe numeric problems Replicating Dormulae >se oD range names relatiEe and absolute addressing Dormats Copying data 7oEing data >se oD Dormatting Deatures to allow clarity oD display &nserting page breaGs appropriately ?eleting and inserting rows such that Dormulae remain unaDDected

Mar1 Allocation ! $ ! $ -7.

The eDDectiEeness with which students manipulate the spreadsheet%

-$. ! -!. ( ! ! -5.

The eDDectiEeness with which students use the search and sorting Dacilities% The eDDectiEeness with which students perDorm graphic operations to present inDormation%

6etting up primary and secondary Gey Dields

Creating appropriate charts to represent data - bar pie line Drom spreadsheet data :abelling charts appropriately Comparing diDDerent series oD data on a single bar chart or line graph

CXC 30/G/S !! 0"


2rocesses The eDDectiEeness with which students use spreadsheets to solEe speciDic problems%

3e4 S1ills Conceptuali2ing a solution using the spreadsheet - select appropriate column and row labels - layout spreadsheet to permit easy additions and deletions - use constants in cells instead oD placing Ealues directly in Dormula 9rgani2ing spreadsheet so that data can easily be interpreted Extracting data to allow summary inDormation

Mar1 Allocation ! ! ! ! $ -7.


Database Management 6 $0 mar1s 2rocesses The eDDectiEeness with which students use Dacilities in creating and modiDying database%

3e4 S1ills ?eDining Dields and selecting appropriate data types to create tables &dentiDying appropriate primary Geys AddingKdeletingKsortingK modiDying records or tuples ?eleting Dields and changing Dield deDinitions 6earching database - use three tables two tables one table in Fueries to generate new tables - use multiple conditions Producing calculated Dields 5enerating report on speciDied Dields 5rouping on Dields 6orting on Dields >sing summary Deatures Dor example count and sum

Mar1 Allocation 3 / / -8. 3 -8. / / -7.

The eDDectiEeness with which students use the Fuery Dacility%

The eDDectiEeness with which student use report generating Dacilities%


2roblem Sol9ing and 2rogramming 6 (0 mar1s Algorithm ?eEelopment C /. marGs

CXC 30/G/S !! 0"


2rocesses Problem statement problem% that deDines the

3e4 S1ills Problem is clearly deDined 6tart oD solution ?eDinition oD Eariables - identiDy Eariables - initiali2e Eariables Processing - reFuest Dor data - storing data - appropriate and logical use oD control structures: selection statementsH looping constructs - output results End oD solution

Mar1 Allocation / -!. / / / / -

Representing the solution in Dlowchart or pseudocode%

/ -:.

CXC 30/G/S !! 0"


Trace Table ?eEelopment C " marGs 2rocesses Constructing the trace table%

3e4 S1ills A:: Eariables correctly identiDied and used Appropriate test data ?ata set complete - data set test A:: areas Dor robustness - Pdata set test 697E areasQ Change in Ealues correctly demonstrated

Mar1 Allocation / / P/Q / -5.

Programme $orGing to 6peciDication C /" marGs 2rocesses The eDDectiEeness with which the program achieEed the obJectiEe%

3e4 S1ills Program compiled (/+ 9utput (-+ - output is correct Dor A:: Ealues in teacherIs data set P9utput is correct Dor 697E Ealues in the teacherIs data setQ

Mar1 Allocation / P/Q -(.

The eDDectiEeness with which the language Deatures are used to achieEe a worGing solution%

Appropriate use oD Deatures oD the language (-+ - appropriate choice oD data types Dor A:: Eariables Pappropriate choice oD data types Dor 697E EariablesQ Appropriate use oD control structures (7+ - appropriate initiali2ation oD Eariables - appropriate use oD seFuence - appropriate use oD iD then else construct PineDDicient use oD iD then constructQ


/ / P/Q

CXC 30/G/S !! 0"


2rocesses The eDDectiEeness with which the language Deatures are used to achieEe a worGing solution% (contId+ -

3e4 S1ills appropriate use oD looping construct to manipulate arrays and perDorm other tasGs PineDDicient or inappropriate use oD loop constructQ Clarity oD program (3+ - program documentation through Eariable namesH author oD programH date createdH simple statement oD tasG program solEes - readability (correctly indentedH logical Dlow oD controlH easy to DollowH+ - user-Driendly%

Mar1 Allocation 3

P/Q -:.

The eDDectiEeness with which the language Deatures are used to achieEe clarity%

/ / -(.


)';U#)'M'&TS *F S<A 2)*='CT D*CUM'&TAT#*& 2roblem/sol9ing and 2rogram #mplementation Component )e>uirements CoEer sheet Table oD contents Problem deDinition Program listing and output %uidelines The inDormation supplied here is essential since it is used to associate the submission with a particular candidate% ProEides easy reDerence when eEaluating the proJect% This section proEides a clear statement oD the problem% 6tudents are also expected to draw Dlowcharts% This section is essential Dor assessing whether the component submitted is correct and complete% &n addition this section is used to eEaluate the internal documentation% Candidates must demonstrate that they can select the appropriate Deatures oD the language to obtain the solution to the problem% &n situations where output is releEant candidates are reFuired to supply the test data that produced the output% This inDormation would be necessary to determine whether the tasGs haEe been perDormed correctly%

Test data (iD applicable+

CXC 30/G/S !! 0"



2)*C'DU)'S ASS'SSM'&T (i+







Teachers are reFuired to record the marG awarded to each candidate under the appropriate proDile dimension on the marG sheet proEided by C@C% The completed marG sheets should be submitted to C@C no later than April 3. oD the year oD the examination% &ote? The school is ad9ised to 1eep a cop4 of the project for each candidate as well as copies of the mar1 sheets"


Teachers will be reFuired to submit to C@C copies oD the proJects oD a sample oD candidates as indicated by C@C% This sample will be re-marGed by C@C Dor moderation purposes%


M*D')AT#*& *F SC+**L <AS'D ASS'SSM'&T The candidateIs perDormance on the proJect will be moderated% The standard and range oD marGs awarded by the teacher will be adJusted where appropriate% <oweEer the ranG order assigned by the teacher will be adJusted only in special circumstances and then only aDter consideration oD the data proEided by the sample oD marGed proJects submitted by the teacher and re-marGed by C@C% TA2'S *F 2)*='CTS Teac$ers s$ou!d de e!op assi%n#ents t$at e6pose t$e candidates to rea!istic app!ications 7$ic$ in o! e5 (ut are not !i#ited to t$e fo!!o7in% areas> (i+ (ii+ (iii+ (iE+ (E+ business (Dor example storing and managing employee customer and sales records marGeting+H banGing (Dor example creation oD diDDerent types oD accounts loans interest payments on loans Dixed deposits inEestments+H education (Dor example enrolment in schools academic record Geeping+H entertainment (Dor example analysis oD data on distribution and sales oD moEies music electronic games+H enEironment (Dor example records oD storms and hurricanes oEer speciDic periods and in named territories calculation oD cost oD damage to inDrastructure housing liEestocG Darms+H law enDorcement (collection and management oD crime statistics collection and analysis oD data on oDDenders cost oD maintaining prison populations+H medicine (Dor example managing patient records collection and analysis oD data on diseases oEer a period oD time and in Earious locations+H monitoring (Dor example analysis oD data on accidents at intersections counting and categori2ing Eisitor arriEals in Caribbean territories+H 0.


(Ei+ (Eii+ (Eiii+

CXC 30/G/S !! 0"


sports (Dor example collection and processing oD data on athletes sport meetings+%

Wordprocessing This assignment should consist oD the Dormatting importing andKor documentation oD results to be included in no more than two word processed documents% 9ne document must be a letter Dor mass mailing% The other may be chosen Drom but not limited to reports Daxes simple brochures Dlyers and newspaper articles% 'ote that Presentation and $eb Page ?esign should not be included in the 68A proJect% CandidatesI proDiciency in these topics would be assessed in Paper ./ and Paper .-% Spreadsheet This assignment should be limited to: (i+ (ii+ a maximum oD T<REE maJor tasGs consisting oD no more than T<REE reFuirementsH the creation oD no more than T$9 charts%

Database Management The tasGs in this assignment should be limited to no more than: (i+ (ii+ (iii+ (iE+ :" T<REE tables or DilesH 19>R FueriesH T$9 calculations within FueriesH 9'E report with grouping and sorting inEolEing T$9 or T<REE tables%

SC*2' A&D S#B' The proJect should be the si2e and complexity Dor a candidate to satisDactorily complete during the second year oD the two-year course% The $P 66 and ?8 sections oD the proJect should each haEe approximately the same number oD tasGs and degree oD complexity such that each proJect reFuires the same amount oD preparation% The proJect should encompass some adEanced processes in 6ections * 7 and )% Problem-solEing and Program &mplementation should be based on the proJect and not attempted in isolation% &t must thereDore be an actual implementation oD some aspect oD the proJect% Teachers are encouraged to design their 6chool 8ased Assessment at the commencement oD the academic year% This would allow Dor the completion oD sections oD the proJect as topics are addressed% &t is suggested that the Problem-6olEing component be attempted when the teacher has completed 6ection - oD the syllabus and the Program &mplementation component at the completion oD 6ection 3%

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';U#2M'&T The eFuipment should include an &87-compatible computer with soDtware that is capable oD integration among $ordprocessing spreadsheet and database management applications% 6oDtware must also include a Pascal compiler% C@C stipulates the use oD the programming language Pascal Dor program implementation% C@C will not be responsible Dor partial assignments submitted due to soDtware compatibility andKor integration problems%


2)*C'DU)'S ASS'SSM'&T (i+







Teachers are reFuired to record the marG awarded to each candidate under the appropriate proDile dimension on the marG sheet proEided by C@C% The completed marG sheets should be submitted to the C@C no later than April 3. oD the year oD the examination% &ote? The school is ad9ised to 1eep a cop4 of the assignment for each candidate as well as copies of the mar1 sheets%


Teachers will be reFuired to submit to C@C a copy oD the assignmentKproJect set by the teacher as well as copies oD the assignments oD a sample oD candidates as indicated by C@C% This sample will be re-marGed by C@C Dor moderation purposes%


SAM2L' S<A ! CarniEal has long been a traditional cultural DestiEal in seEeral Caribbean territories% EEery year thousands oD costumed masFueraders parade through the streets dancing to the pulsating sounds oD steelband calypso and soca% 7ost oD these reEelers register to participate in the band oD their choice months beDore the DestiEities begin% 9rgani2ers oD these bands must utili2e management and organi2ational sGills in order to stage a successDul eEent% As a bandleader oD one these carniEal bands you are reFuired to utili2e suitable $ordprocessing spreadsheet database management as well as a programming application to design and implement computer-based solutions to the tasGs inEolEed in the management oD your carniEal band% Spreadsheet The Dinancial records oD the band are maintained using a spreadsheet application% The names oD masFueraders are listed by section% 8oth men as well as women may register to play in each section% There are DiEe sections in the band% The cost oD costumes is Fuoted in >6 dollars% The cost by section is R/*. R--. R-). R3". and R0-" respectiEely% 7asFueraders are giEen the option oD paying Dor the costume in three installments or paying the Dull cost in one payment% 7any people utili2e the installment option% 6ingle Dull payment attracts a discount oD /.L while payment by installments attracts an interest oD /"L% &nstallments should be spread oEer three eFual payments% Each masFuerader pays an S&nclusiEeI Dee% A R/". &nclusiEe Dee entitles the masFuerader to Dood drinGs access to portable bathroom Dacilities and bottled water during the carniEal parade through the streets% <oweEer a payment oD R".%.. entitles the masFuerader to portable bathroom Dacilities and bottled water only%
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Expenditure is incurred in the proEision oD seEeral amenities Dor masFueraders during the carniEal% The bandleader must supply Dood drinGs portable bathroom Dacilities transportation music security personnel and artiste Dees% &n addition the costs oD material Dor the manuDacture oD costumes as well as labour costs are incurred% 8ecause oD the anticipated large number oD masFueraders the bandleader has decided to manage the income and expenditure oD each section separately% =ou are reFuired to: /% ?esign a worGsheet(s+ which accepts income and expenditure costs Dor each section% =our worGsheet must record all payments made by masFueraders (a Dew persons haEe only made one or two oD the reFuired three installment payments on costumes+ the total amount paid by each person as well as the grand total collected must be calculated% Costume payments must be made in >6 dollars% The total payments made by each person howeEer must be conEerted to the eFuiEalent amount in local currency% &n an appropriate row count the number oD masFueraders in the sectionH calculate the total payment on costume &nclusiEe Dees and the total oEerall payment% The expenditure incurred Dor each section must also be calculated% 1ood is R*.%.. per personH drinG is R0.%.. per personH material is R/".%.. and labour is R7"%..% 9ther serEices are proEided at a Dlat rate Dor the entire band% These are as Dollows: bathroom- R3...%..H transport R-"..%..H music - R0...%..H security - R/)..%..H artiste - R"...%..% The cost oD each Dlat rate serEices Dor each section O Rate K'o% oD 6ections% 1ood and drinGs are increased by /"L oD the starting per person cost Dor each successiEe section material is increased by /-L oD the starting cost Dor each successiEe section while labour is increased by )L oD the starting cost Dor each successiEe section% The total cost oD each serEice Dor each section O Cost oD serEice @ the number oD masFueraders in the section% 6aEe your spreadsheet as Mas>ueraders!"

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7odiDy your spreadsheet to eDDect the Dollowing changes: (a+ (b+ (c+ &nsert a masFuerader beDore the last person in each oD the Dirst three sections% ?elete the third masFuerader Drom each oD the last two sections% Create a table that shows the total income and total expenditure by sections%

6aEe your spreadsheet as Mas>ueraders$% 3% PerDorm the Dollowing modiDications to your worGsheet% (a+ (b+ (c+ (d+ (e+ (D+ (g+ The cost oD raw materials has decreased% R/".%.. to /3"%..% Change the initial cost oD materials Drom

:abour costs howeEer haEe increased% The starting cost oD sewing costumes Dor the Dirst section is now R,"%..% ?ue to inDlation it has become necessary to increase the cost oD Dood and drinG Drom /"L to -.L% <oweEer the Dirst section has been spared this price hiGe% 6ort the Dirst two sections in descending order by Total Payment% 6ort the third and Dourth sections in ascending order by 'ame then by cost% Create an appropriate chart which compares the income and expenditure oD each section% 5iEe this chart a suitable name% Create an appropriate chart with appropriate data labels which shows the distribution oD expenditure Dor any one named section%

6aEe your spreadsheet as Mas>ueraders(% Database Management =ou should use a suitable application to manage data on persons who haEe registered to play in your band% Personal data on each applicant such as name sex address age si2e and telephone contact% must be stored% 7asFueradersI payment data must also be stored% The cost oD costumes Earies by section% Costume prices range Drom >6R/*. to >6R0-"% &n addition the section oD the band in which they choose to play must be recorded% The band has DiEe named sections% Each section has a speciDic Dourdigit section code% =our database should contain three tables% >sing data Drom your spreadsheet populate your database with data on at least twelEe but not more than DiDteen persons in each section% =ou should test your database by perDorming Fueries to show: /% -% The name age si2e and address oD all persons registered to play in a named section 'ame this Fuery Section% The &? 'umber name sex and age oD all Demale masFueraders between twenty and thirty years old% 'ame this Fuery TwentiesLadies%

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The &? 'umber :ast'ame section and total payment oD all persons who haEe paid in Dull Dor their costume in a giEen section% The data supplied should be sorted by :ast name% 'ame this Fuery 2aidup% The bandleader has experienced diDDiculty in securing the adEertised material Dor the costumes in the third section% <e has thereDore decided to giEe a /"L rebate on the total payment made to all persons in this section% Calculate this rebate and show it along with the name address and total payment oD all persons in one named section% 'ame this Fuery )ebate% As an incentiEe to attract more Demale masFueraders to his band the bandleader has decided to giEe a giDt Eoucher to the Ealue oD /-L oD the total payment to all Demales registered in the band% 6how the name sex total payment and Eoucher Ealue Dor all Demale reEelers% 'ame this Fuery 5iDtBoucher% Two reEelers haEe asGed to be reDunded their payments as they were Dorced to traEel prior to the date oD the carniEal% ?elete all records that pertain to these two named persons% 5enerate a report that shows the names &? 'umber section age and total payments Dor all reEelers who haEe paid in Dull Dor their costumes% The report should be grouped by section and sorted in descending order by :ast'ame then by 1irst'ame% The report should calculate and show the total amount oD Dunds paid by the reEelers oD each section% The aEerage payment oD each section should also be generated as well as the grand total oD payments made% This report should be giEen a suitable title utili2ing two lines%



*% 7%

Wordprocessing /% -% Create a Dull page adEertisement Dor a local newspaper that inDorms the public about your carniEal band% This must be designed on letter si2e paper% >sing a suitable Deature oD your wordprocessing application create a document which should be mailed to persons who haEe paid Dull Dor their costumes% The document should inDorm masFueraders oD the parade route the time oD assembly and departure oD the band onto the parade% The report Drom the database section should be inserted into your document% The Dinal paragraph should express the bandleaderIs gratitude to masFueraders Dor choosing to Join his band Dor the carniEal celebrations% -(a+ ?esign a suitable letterhead Dor your document which should be placed in the header% A suitable Dooter must be inserted with the words center aligned% -(b+ The document should be JustiDied% The leDt margin must be /%"T%

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2roblem/Sol9ing /% ?eEelop an algorithm or write pseudocode that accepts as input the names oD an unspeciDied number oD masFueraders who each haEe paid the Dull cost oD their costume and the amount each has paid% A masFuerader may haEe paid Dor a costume in any oD the DiEe sections in the band% The algorithm should determine the section in which a masFuerader plays based on the amount heKshe has paid Dor the costume% The algorithm should also determine the number oD masFueraders who haEe paid Dor costumes in each section% The names oD persons and the section Dor which they haEe paid should be printed% A listing oD section and the total number oD persons registered to play in each section should also be printed along with the total amount oD money paid in each section% >sing data Drom your database maGe a random listing oD persons who haEe paid in Dull Dor their costumes% The listing should contain the &?'umber and Dull amount paid by each masFuerader Dor hisKher costume and should be chosen randomly Drom each oD the DiEe sections% 'o more than twelEe persons should be selected% >sing this listing design a trace table that traces the number oD masFueraders in each section the amount paid and traces the total amount collected in each section%


2rogram #mplementation 3% >sing the programming language Pascal write program code to implement the algorithm in (/+%

SAM2L' S<A $ Description of the 2roject 'ational general elections haEe been a recurring Deature among the democratic territories oD the Caribbean% EEery year in one territory or another citi2ens exercise their right to elect a goEernment oD their choice% <oweEer the exercise is not without its attendant challenges oD data management% Thousands oD Eotes are cast on the day oD the elections and an anxious waiting public demands speed eDDiciency and accuracy in the determination oD results% &n preparation Dor the actual exercise the TrinbarJam Elections Commission has hired you to simulate the elections exercise as a test run prior to the actual elections which are to taGe place shortly in your country% =ou are reFuired to utili2e suitable wordprocessing spreadsheet database management as well as a programming application to design and implement computer-based solutions to the tasGs inEolEed in the simulation oD the election process% Spreadsheet The Elections Commission has mandated that you design a spreadsheet that will accept pertinent data on constituencies and candidatesI Eotes and generate inDormation that would enable the outcome oD the elections to be diEulged to the population in the shortest possible time% 1our parties contest the elections: the ?emocratic Action Party (?AP+ the $orGers 'ational Alliance ($'A+ the >nited ProgressiEe 7oEement (>P7+ and the Peoples ?emocratic ReEolution (P?R+% Elections are contested to determine representatiEes in eleEen constituencies% The representatiEe being the candidate who gets the most Eotes

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in hisKher constituency% The parties Dield candidates in eEery constituency except Dor the P?R which Dields candidates in Just six oD the eight constituencies% 1or each constituency you are reFuired to: /% Create a table in your spreadsheet that records the number oD Electors Percentage Eoter turnout 'umber oD Eotes cast the percentage oD 6poilt ballots and the number oD 5eneral Eotes% The number oD electors registered in each constituency ranges Drom * -". to /. 7,"% The percentage Eoter turnout in each constituency is proJected to be Drom a low oD 0"L to a high oD )-L% 'umber oD Eotes cast is determined by the 'umber oD Electors U L Boter Turnout% The percentage oD spoilt ballots Earies Drom one constituency to another but neEer exceeds -%"L in any constituency% 5eneral Eotes are calculated as the Eotes cast C spoilt Eotes% 1or each constituency design a spreadsheet that accepts the candidateIs name party acronym rating L oD Eotes and number oD Eotes receiEed% The rating is a Ealue Drom / to 0 and is determined by the results oD a recent poll conducted in each constituency by a noted pollster% Apart Drom the candidateIs rating the pollster also supplies the L oD Eotes each candidate is liGely to receiEe based on the popularity rating% The actual number oD Eotes receiEed is that percentage oD the 5eneral Eotes% =ou must enter data Dor each candidate in each oD the eight constituencies% 6aEe your spreadsheet as 'lections 0!% -% 7odiDy your spreadsheet to reDlect the Dollowing% (i+ Botes cast by 6pecial Eoters must be considered and counted% &nsert a row in an appropriate part oD your spreadsheet table to record the number oD special Eotes cast in each constituency% &nsert a column in an appropriate part oD your spreadsheet to record the number oD special Eotes receiEed by each candidate% The special Eotes Dor each constituency are diEided eFually among the candidates in that constituency% &nsert another column which records the total Eotes receiEed by each candidate in each constituency% Total Eotes receiEed are calculated as 5eneral Eotes V 6pecial Eotes% &nsert rows in appropriate part oD your spreadsheet that calculate Dor each constituency the total number oD special Eotes and the total number oD Eotes receiEed by candidates% &nsert a column that indicates whether a reDund is due to a candidate% This column should state WReDund ?ueT or W'o ReDundT% A reDund is due iD the candidateIs total Eotes receiEed eFuals or exceeds -.L oD Botes Cast in the constituency%


(iii+ (iE+

6aEe your spreadsheet as 'lections 0$%

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PerDorm Durther modiDications to your spreadsheet to reDlect the Dollowing% (i+ (ii+ (iii+ (iE+ &n an appropriate part oD your spreadsheet create a table that lists the constituencies and the total number oD Eotes receiEed by each party in each constituency% 6ort the candidatesI data Dor each constituency% This should be sorted in descending order on total Eotes receiEed% 5enerate a column graph that compares the Eotes receiEed by each party by constituency% 'ame this graph SCotes b4 Constituenc4I% 5enerate a graph that compares the parties by name (acronym+ and the total number oD Eotes each receiEed in the election% Each slice oD the chart must be labeled to show the number oD Eotes receiEed and the L oD Eotes receiEed oEerall% 'ame this chart S Cote Distribution b4 2art4I%

Sa9e 4our spreadsheet as 'lections 0(% Database Management =ou are asGed to use a suitable application to manage data on candidates nominated to contest seats in the general elections% Three tablesKDiles must be used to store the data% ReleEant personal data on each candidate should be stored including name address date oD birth sex proDession constituency party acronym and total Eotes receiEed% Each candidate pays a deposit oD R"...% (This deposit is reDunded should the candidate garner -.L or more oD the Eotes cast in his constituency+% Constituency data must also be maintained including the constituency name number oD electors number oD Eotes cast and number oD special Eotes% The name and acronym oD each party must also be stored% ?ata must be sourced Drom the spreadsheet section oD your proJect% =ou should test your database by generating Fueries to Dind the Dollowing% /% -% The candidate &? name sex age and proDession oD all candidates Drom the Peoples ?emocratic ReEolution (P?R+% The candidate name party acronym number oD electors and number oD Eotes receiEed Dor candidates in constituencies with more than *".. Eoters and where the candidates receiEed less than ".. oD the Eotes cast% 6pecial Eotes expressed as a percentage oD the oEerall number oD Eoters in each constituency% =our Fuery should also show the constituency name Dield% The percentage should be expressed to two places oD decimal% The candidates who receiEed less than -.L oD Eotes in their constituencies% =our Fuery should show the candidate(s+ name party acronym constituency number oD Eoters and Eotes receiEed% All male candidates who are less than or eFual to 0. years old and who receiEed more than 0.L oD the Eotes cast in their respectiEe constituencies% =ou must also show the dates oD birth name number oD Eotes receiEed as well as the number oD Eoters%


0% "%

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Calculate the sum oD the deposits to be reDunded to each party (only candidates who receiEed -. percent or more oD Eotes are eligible Dor reDund+% 6how the party name acronym and sum reDunded to each party%

5enerate a report which lists the Dinal results oD the election% The report should list the constituency party acronym number oD Eotes receiEed sex and name oD candidates% The report should be sorted by constituency% $ithin each constituency the report should be sorted by number oD Eotes receiEed% &t should also giEe the total and aEerage number oD Eotes cast in each constituency% The report should haEe a two-line title as Dollows: W9DDicial Results TrinbarJam 'ational ElectionsT Wordprocessing /% Each candidate must complete and submit a nomination Dorm to the TrinbarJam Elections Commission% =ou are reFuired to design the nomination Dorm% &t must allow Dor the entry oD releEant data on the candidate including the constituency which he intends to contest% The Dorm must be designed on letter si2ed paper and must haEe a .%7T margin on the leDt and right sides% The letterhead oD the TrinbarJam Elections Commission must be placed at the top% -% The results oD the national elections must be deliEered to eEery candidate% >sing a suitable Deature oD your $ordprocessing application and data Drom the database section oD your proJect create a document which should be mailed to candidates% The letter should come Drom the Chairman oD the TrinbarJam Elections Commission% The Dirst paragraph should congratulate and thanG the candidate (insert candidateIs name in the letter+ Dor the manner in which heKshe conducted hisKher campaign and inEite himKher to Eiew the complete listing oD results% &nsert the report W9DDicial Elections ResultsT Drom your database into the document at this point% The Dinal paragraph should congratulate the winners and the winning party% The chairman should then inEite who are FualiDy Dor a reDund to Eisit the head oDDice oD the Commission to collect their deposit payment% =ou are reFuired to print letters addressed to the Dirst three and last candidate only Drom your database listing% The commissionIs letterhead should be placed at the head oD your document and an appropriate Dooter inserted% The text in the Dooter must be center aligned%

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2roblem/Sol9ing /% ?eEelop an algorithm or write pseudocode to determine the winning candidate Dor a constituency in the national elections% The algorithm must accept as input the names oD the Dour candidates and the number oD Eotes each candidate receiEes% The successDul candidate is the one who receiEed the most Eotes% Print the name oD the winner and the number oD Eotes heKshe receiEed% -% ?esign and execute a trace table that accepts Eote data at a polling station in a constituency% ?ata should include special Eotes general (Ealid+ Eotes and spoilt Eotes% Botes should be cast Dor any one oD Dour parties ?AP $'A >P7 or P?R% The table should trace the increment oD each Eote category and determine which party secured the maJority oD Eotes% The table should haEe at least ten iterations and should end when a speciDic Ealue is entered%

2rogram #mplementation 3% >sing the programming language Pascal write program code to implement the algorithm in (/+ aboEe%

SAM2L' S<A ( Description of the 2roject The citi2ens oD TrinbarJam a country in the English-speaGing Caribbean are unable to purchase housing Dor their Damilies mainly due to the extremely high cost oD real estate and building materials% 7iddle and low income earners are seEerely aDDected% The goEernment through its agency the <ousing Construction Corporation has interEened howeEer and has embarGed on an extensiEe house building exercise in three selected parts oD the country% Citi2ens were inEited to apply Dor the chance to own one oD these homes% =ou are asGed to use wordprocessing spreadsheet and database management applications to design and implement computer-based solutions to ensure that the public is well inDormed oD the goEernmentIs new housing initiatiEeH that an eDDicient record oD applicantsI inDormation is maintainedH applicantsI Dinancial income and expense commitments are accurately calculated and assessed and that suitably FualiDied and approEed applicants are duly inDormed% Spreadsheet <ousing Construction Corporation is a state agency mandated to proEide aDDordable housing Dor middle and low income earners% The <ousing Construction Corporation inEites applications Drom nationals who are employed and who can demonstrate that they would be able to meet their mortgage payments each month% Each application must be supported by documents giEing details oD the applicantIs Dinancial status% These include the applicantIs salary and monthly salary deductions% The amount owed to banGs and other Dinancial institutions must also be disclosed with supporting EeriDying documents% &n addition details oD applicantsI monthly expenses on groceries utilities transportation etc% must be submitted% <omes are being built to accommodate approEed applicants in three communities: Clarendon Court 6angre 5rande Billas and ProEidence 5ardens% Applicants who are middle and low income earners must meet a net monthly income in order to FualiDy Dor consideration in each oD these communities:
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R/- ".. R, ".. and R7 ".. respectiEely% This net income may be met by the applicant himselDKherselD or in conJunction with hisKher spouse% =ou are reFuired to: /% ?esign a spreadsheet that accepts income data Drom applicants Dor each housing community% =ou may accept at least ten but no more than DiDteen applications Dor each community:
#ncome Applicant 7ichael #ames Applicant Salar4 ) "*.%.. Salar4 Deductions - -,"%.. Spouse Salar4 * 0,.%.. Salar4 Deductions / 777%". %ross #ncome /" .".%.. &et #ncome /. ,77%" . Status AualiDie d

7onthly deductions Drom salary include PA=E tax health surcharge union dues and payments to pension plan% 'o tax is deducted should the applicantIs salary be R" ... or less% A Dlat rate oD )L is deducted on the amount in excess oD " ...% <ealth surcharge is Dixed at R/""%.. per month while >nion dues are -L oD salary% Pension deduction is /"L oD salary% &n a small number oD instances applicantsI spouses are unemployed% &D the net income meets the FualiDying income Dor the housing community applied Dor as speciDied by the <ousing Construction Corporation the applicantIs status would be WAualiDiedT else W'ot FualiDiedT should be recorded% All deduction rates are subJect to change% (a+ =ou must enter income data and use appropriate Dormulae to calculate deductions gross income and net income and determine whether the application FualiDies Dor consideration%

&n another section oD your spreadsheet inDormation on applicantsI loan indebtedness should be recorded and calculated% Total amounts owed with respect to banG loans credit card loans and credit union loans must be reEealed%
Loans Total Loan Amounts Applicant 7ichael #ames <an1 R/" 7).%. . Credit Card R/ /..%.. Credit Union R/0 ),.%.. <an1 2a4ment R 03,%*" Monthl4 2a4ments Credit Card 2a4ment R/."%0Credit Union 2a4ment R 0/0%// Total Loan 2a4ments R ,",%/7


Repayment on banG loans is calculated as eFual monthly payments oEer three years at a simple interest oD )L oD the starting loan amount%

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(ii+ (iii+

Repayment on credit card loans is calculated as eFual monthly payments oEer /) months at a simple interest oD /.L oD the starting loan amount% Repayment on Credit union loans is calculated as eFual monthly payments oEer three years at a simple interest oD "L% An additional R3..%.. is added to the loan repayment amount each month Dor the purchase oD shares in the credit union%

6ome applicants do not haEe credit cards and Just a Dew do not haEe loans with the credit union% All interest rates are subject to change" (b+ =ou must enter loan inDormation Dor each applicant and use appropriate Dormulae to calculate monthly repayments% &nsert a column to calculate each applicantIs total monthly payments on loans% &n an appropriate section oD your spreadsheet inDormation on each applicantIs monthly expenses must be calculated% Each applicant must proEide realistic estimates oD monthly expenses on groceries utilities (water telephone and electricity+ transportation and miscellaneous expenses% A column stating the applicantIs number oD dependants must be included% 7iscellaneous expense is calculated as number oD dependants x R7"%.. (c+ =ou must enter expense inDormation Dor each applicant% &nsert a column to calculate each applicantIs total monthly expenses%

1or each housing community insert at table which lists each applicantIs 'et &ncome Total 7onthly :oan Repayments and Total 7onthly Expenses and 8alance% 8alance is calculated as 'et &ncome C sum oD Repayments and Expenses% Add a column that states whether the applicant has been approEed or not approEed Dor housing allocation% An application is approEed iD the 8alance is eFual to or exceeds one halD oD 'et &ncome% Create a suitable chart that compares each applicantIs net income total loan payment and total monthly expenses (Drom the named housing community+% 5iEe an appropriate name to this chart% Print this chart% 6aEe your spreadsheet as LoanApplication 0!% Print this spreadsheet% -% The economy has been Durther seEerely aDDected by international Discal initiatiEes% To adJust to these realities and to oDDset any losses banGs haEe increased their interest on loans to /.L and credit cards companies now apply an interest oD /"L% The FualiDying income on homes howeEer has been reduced to R/. ... R7 ".. and R" ".. respectiEely% 7aGe the necessary changes such that your spreadsheetIs Ealues adJust to these changes% 6aEe this spreadsheet as LoanApplication 0$% Print the spreadsheet with adJusted inDormation on applicants Dor an, (!$ ho-s+n1 comm-n+t,%

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1or each housing community sort the applicantsI &ncome inDormation in descending order on net incomeH :oans inDormation in descending order on total loan payments and Expenses Dirst in descending order by total expenses then by number oD dependants% &n an appropriate part oD your spreadsheet create a table that lists the 'et &ncome Total 7onthly :oan Payments and Total 7onthly Expenses Dor appro9ed applicants Drom ALL three housing communities% Create a suitable chart that compares the Dinancial records oD these approEed applicants% 'ame this chart Appro9ed Applicants%



6aEe your spreadsheet as LoanApplication 0(% Print the spreadsheet with data Drom any *&' housing community% Database Management /% &nDormation must be maintained on all applicants Dor housing units% >sing inDormation Drom your spreadsheet you are reFuired to design and populate a database with applicant data% =ou may accept at least thirty but no more than Dorty DiEe applicants% ReFuired personal inDormation on applicants should include Applicant &? title name sex address date oD birth marital status number oD dependants and telephone number and housing community% Applicant &? is a DiEe digit number in the Dormat @@@.7 where @@@ is any number between /.. and ,,,% Applicants must be at least twenty years old but not older than Dorty-DiEe% 1inancial data on each applicant is also reFuired% These include net income total monthly expenses total monthly repayment and whether application is approEed or not% ?ependant data is a third area oD inDormation reFuired in respect oD each applicant% The name oD each applicantIs dependant(s+ must be submitted% Aou are re>uired to: (i+ (ii+ (iii+ ?esign and create database tables (Diles+ to meet the reFuired criteria% Appropriate data types KDield widths are to be used when designing the structure oD each table% Print all tables (Diles+ populated with appropriate records%


3% 0% "%

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Aour database should respond to the following >ueries" (a+ :ist the last name address (street and town+ phone number net income and number oD dependants oD all applicants who listed Clarendon Court as their choice Dor housing allocation% 'ame this Fuery Clarendon Applicants" :ist the name applicant? and total monthly expenses oD all applicants whose total monthly loan repayment exceed one thousand DiEe hundred dollars% 'ame this Fuery Loan2a4ment% Count the number oD persons who applied Dor homes in 6angre 5rande Billas% 'ame this Fuery Sangre%randeCount% The age oD the applicant may be a Dactor in determining housing allocation priority% :ist the name and date oD birth oD all applicants who are between the ages oD twenty and thirty inclusiEe% 'ame this Fuery Twent4toThirt4" PerDorm a Fuery to add a Durther ten percent to the salary oD ProEidence 5ardensI applicants% 'ame this Fuery 2ro9idence%race% Print the table showing ProEidence 5ardens applicantIs updated net income% The <CC wants to Gnow the disposable income oD Clarendon CourtIs applicants% PerDorm a Fuery which subtracts the sum oD their total loan payments and total expenses Drom their net income% Print the names loan payment expenses and disposable income oD each Clarendon Court applicant% 'ame this Fuery <alance" Prepare a report which lists the names oD all applicants whose application haEe been approEed Dor housing unit allocation% The report must show each applicantIs title name applicant&? address and housing community% The report should be sorted by community then by last name% 1or each grouping leEel the report must indicate the applicantsI aEerage net income% A grand total oD income and load payments and expenses should be indicated at the end oD the report% The Dirst line oD the report title should be Appro9ed Applicants%


(c+ (d+




Wordprocessing /% =ou are to design an application Dorm on which nationals may apply to the <ousing Construction Corporation Dor housing allocation% The application Dorm must be designed on letter si2e paper () XT x //T+ using suitable Deatures oD a $ordprocessing application% ReleEant personal inDormation as well as the applicantIs Dinancial inDormation must be solicited% There should be a space Dor the applicantIs signature% The leDt and right margins oD the Dorm must be .%)T The top and bottom margins must be set to /%.T 9n the reEerse side oD the application Dorm you are to design a Dlyer intended to inDorm the public about the homes being constructed and the FualiDying reFuirements Dor each housing community%

CXC 30/G/S !! 0"



&ndiEiduals whose applications haEe been approEed must be duly inDormed by the <ousing Construction Corporation% $rite a letter which congratulates successDul applicants and inDorms that their applications haEe been approEed% The paragraph should contain the statement WPlease Dind a listing oD all applicants whose applications haEe been approEed% Please checG to ensure that your name is listed:T &nsert the report named SAppro9ed ApplicantsI Drom the database% A Dinal paragraph should giEe inDormation about the proposed dates Dor the Dormal opening oD the housing communities% >sing the mail merge Deature oD your $ordprocessing program and data Drom your database this letter must be sent Drom the oDDice oD the ChieD ExecutiEe 9DDicer oD the <CC and addressed to the Dirst Dour and to the last mentioned approEed applicant%

2roblem/Sol9ing /% ?eEelop an algorithm or write pseudocode to determine whether an applicant is approEed Dor allocation oD a home in a named housing community% The algorithmK pseudocode should accept the name oD the applicant and hisKher gross salary as well as salary deductions% The net salary should be calculated% An applicant FualiDies iD the net salary is aboEe the FualiDying salary Dor that housing community% The algorithm should then determine whether the applicant is approEed% ApproEal is granted should the sum oD applicantIs expenses and repayments not exceed halD oD the balance% ?esign and execute a trace table that accepts data Dor applicants oD one housing community% The table should accept the net salary total expense and total repayment amount Dor each applicant% The balance should be determined% The approEal status should be determined (applicant is approEed iD balance NO one halD oD net income+% The number oD applicants as well as the number oD approEed applicants should be counted% &n addition the aEerage net income and aEerage balance oD approEed applicants should be determined%


2rogram #mplementation 3% >sing the programming language Pascal write program code to implement the algorithm in (/+ aboEe%

CXC 30/G/S !! 0"


8irbal R% and Taylor 7% Lo% On to IT for CSEC Essex: PearsonK:ongman -.."% Me%a("te5 9xDord: >niEersity Press -..-% Infor#ation Tec$no!o%" for CAC CSEC5 9xDord: >niEersity Press -.."% IT FOR CSEC Cheltenham: 'elson Thornes -..*% Ne7 +erspecti es on Co#puter Concepts5 -4t$ edition Course Technology $ashington ?%C%: Thomson Publishing -..7% Funda#enta!s of +asca!> Understandin% +ro%ra##in% and +ro(!e# So! in%5 1rd Edition5 $ashington ?%C%: 6outh C$estern Educational Publishing April /,,7% Si#p!e +ro%ra# Desi%n B A Step (" Step Approac$5 Course Technology $ashington ?%C% -..*% CAC Infor#ation >niEersity Press -..0% Tec$no!o%"5 Cambridge:

Cotton 6% Teager 5% and Austin R% 5ay 5% and 8lades R%

<olligan #% and ?oyle 6% #amrich P% and 9Ja ?%

'ance ?%

Robertson :%

6Geete !%

Website http:KKwww%learn-programming%2a%netKlearnYpascalYprogramming%html

CXC 30/G/S !! 0"


W*)D Address Algorithm Antiglare screen Assembler Automation 8acGing storage D'F#&#T#*& The identiDication oD a particular location in memory where a data item or instruction is stored% A seFuence oD instructions which rigorously deDines a solution to a problem% A polari2ed screen attached to the Dront oD the monitor which reduces eye strain% A program which conEerts A66E78:= 7AC<&'E C9?E to be used by a computer% Computer control oD machines and processes% 7emory external to the computer used Dor storage oD large Fuantities oD data or large programs% 8acGing store is also Gnown as secondary store auxiliary store or external store% A characteristic oD a communication channel that determines the speed at which data can be transmitted oEer the channel% A series oD thicG and thin blacG bars separated by spaces oD Earying widths representing data% A unit oD speed in data transmission system which now represents one data signal per second% 8C? is an abbreEiation Dor 8inary-Coded-?ecimal% &n this number system each digit oD a number is written as a 8&'AR= number rather than conEerting the whole number% 1or example 07 would be coded as ./.../// the binary codes Dor 0 and 7% Contrast this with /.//// which is the true binary code oD 07% A deEice which can exist in two discrete stable states% An acronym Dor binary digit% &t can haEe a Ealue oD / or .% S$ort for J,e( !o%J* A (!o% is an on!ine =ourna! or diar" of an indi idua!Cs opinions and !atest ne7s* It is updated re%u!ar!"5 in c$rono!o%ica! order* Man" (!o%s a!!o7 isitors to #a)e co##ents5 or Kpostin%sL in response to t$e (!o%%er5 or to as) :uestions* :A'5>A5E into

8andwidth 8ar code 8aud 8C?

8istable deEice 8it 8log

CXC 30/G/S !! 0"


W*)D <road(and

D'F#&#T#*& A ter# used to descri(e a tec$no!o%" t$at pro ides (and7idt$ t$at is %reater t$an t$at pro ided (" ordinar" te!ep$one !ines5 t$at is5 %reater t$an ;/ )i!o(its per second* T$e %reater t$e (and7idt$5 t$e %reater t$e data'carr"in% capacit"* T$e trans#ission si#u!taneous!"* of data to a!! connected stations


8ulletin board

An electronic eFuiEalent oD a conEentional bulletin board% &t is used as part oD a communication networG where users can post messages read messages posted by other users communicate with the system operator and upload or download programs% A group oD eight bits usually representing a single character% Acronym Dor computer-aided design and draDting% computers and graphics in design and draDting process% The use oD

8yte CA?? CA7 Character Character codes Compiler

Acronym Dor computer-aided manuDacturing% The use oD computers to control machines in the manuDacturing process% 9ne oD the set oD symbols that may be represented in a computer% Characters may be letters digits symbols% 8inary patters used to represent characters in a computer system% A program that translates the source program into executable machine code and saEes the code to a Dile (the obJect program+ Dor later execution% Centra! +rocessin% Unit The introduction oD errors into data stored in a computer system% A collection oD data Diles that may be used by a number oD applications with storage and access to the data controlled by a set oD programs Gnown as ?atabase 7anagement 6ystem% (?876+ Programs and database Diles that allow timely and easy controlled access to data by a number oD users% A pictorial representation oD a networG oD processes linGed by arro7s illustrating the Dlow oD data to and Drom processes in a system% A pictorial representation oD program logic illustrating in the Dorm oD a ")

C+U ?ata corruption ?atabase

?atabase management system ?ata Dlow diagram ?ecision table

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D'F#&#T#*& table the appropriate actions to be taGen Dor each combination oD conditions% The passing oD C977A'?6 to the 9PERAT&'5 6=6TE7 without the use oD a program% Certain commands such a R>' 6ABE and :9A? are nearly always used in direct mode by typing the command words on the Geyboard then pressing the return Gey% &nterpreted language liGe 8A6&C permit a much wider range oD direct mode commands% Process whereby programs or data are transDerred Eia communications channels Drom a computer and stored on media located at the userIs computer% A manual traEersal oD the logic oD a program% A transmission system that allows data to be transmitted in both directions at the same time% This system is sometimes called 1ull ?uplex% Di%ita! Eideo Dis) or Di%ita! Eersati!e Dis)* A $i%$' densit" co#pact dis) for storin% !ar%e a#ounts of data5 especia!!" $i%$'reso!ution audio' isua! #ateria!* An acronym Dor Extended 8inary Coded ?ecimal &nterchange Code% The code uses eight binary positions Dor each character thus allowing a character set oD -"* characters% 7ail or messages transmitted electronically by computers Eia communication channels% &t is usual Dor such messages to be held in a central store Dor retrieEal at the userIs conEenience% Erasable programmable read-only memory% A type oD memory chip that can be erased by remoEing it Drom the circuit and exposing it to ultraEiolet light% The chip can then be reprogrammed% A soDtware pacGage that acts as a consultant or expert to the user% &t is WexpertI in a speciali2ed application or area and proEides assistance to the user in solEing problems in that area% &n-depth study oD an application area Dor the purpose oD establishing whether automation would be cost eDDectiEe% &n general the expected beneDits should exceed the combined cost oD installing the computer and deEeloping the system% (/+ (-+
CXC 30/G/S !! 0"

?irect mode


?ry-run ?uplex



Electronic mail


Expert system

1easibility study


A section oD a record containing data relating to one attribute oD an entity% Part oD a machine instruction containing an operation or address% ",

W*)D 1loppy disG

D'F#&#T#*& A Dlexible magnetic coated disG commonly used with microcomputers on which data can be stored magnetically%

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1ont 1ourth generation language (05:+ 5igabyte <alD duplex

A Damily or collection oD characters (letters punctuation marGs numbers and special characters+ oD a particular si2e and style% A computer programming language which allows the program to speciDy WwhatT is to be achieEed rather than WhowT it is to be achieEed% 1or example database languages% The eFuiEalent oD approximately one billion bytes% A transmission system that allows data to be transmitted in one direction at a time% That is the system can transmit and receiEe data but not at the same time% A rigid disG used Dor storing data magnetically% &ts rigid construction allows Dor higher storage densities% Access times Dor a hard disG are much Daster than Dor Dloppy disGs% The physical components oD a computer system such as the Central Processing >nit (CP>+ memory input output and storage deEices% T$e fi!e a ai!a(!e for access at a 7e( site intended c$ief!" to %reet isitors5 pro ide infor#ation a(out t$e site5 and direct t$e# to ot$er sites 7it$ re!ated infor#ation* H"per Te6t Mar)up Lan%ua%e* A #ar)up !an%ua%e used to structure te6t and #u!ti#edia docu#ents used e6tensi e!" on t$e ,or!d ,ide ,e(* H"per Te6t Transfer +rotoco!* A protoco! used to re:uest and trans#it fi!es5 especia!!" ,e( pa%es and ,e( pa%e co#ponents5 o er t$e Internet or ot$er co#puter net7or)% Acron"# for %nte!!i%ent "ri e $!ectronics or %nte%rated "ri e $!ectronics* An IDE interface is an interface for #ass stora%e de ices5 in 7$ic$ t$e contro!!er is inte%rated into t$e dis) or CD'ROM dri e* The memory within the central processor% Also reDerred to as internal use or main store% Creating a secondary Dile which contains pointers to items in an associated database Dile and allows rapid location oD records in the Dile% 7eaningDul Gnowledge produced Drom raw data Diles%

<ard disG


Ho#e pa%e




&mmediate access storage &ndexing &nDormation

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&nDormation retrieEal &ntegrated pacGage

The process oD retrieEing speciDic inDormation Drom data Diles% This pacGage combines seEeral applications in a suite oD programs% 7ost oD these pacGages combine a word processorH spreadsheet and database program% ?ata are shared easily between these integrated programs% The &nternet is the largest computer networG system in the world% &t consists oD many smaller net7or)s connected together (" a %!o(a! pu(!ic net7or)% The &nternet is oDten called the inDormation superhighway or cyberspace% An intranet is a pri ate net7or) t$at (e!on%s to an or%aniDation5 and is desi%ned to (e accessi(!e on!" (" t$e or%aniDationMs #e#(ers5 e#p!o"ees5 or ot$ers 7it$ aut$oriDation ,$en part of an intranet is #ade accessi(!e to custo#ers5 partners5 supp!iers5 or ot$ers outside t$e co#pan"5 t$at part is ca!!ed an e3tranet* A computer program which interactiEely translates and executes a source program without permanently storing any executable code% Process oD starting up a program by using its name (or selecting its icon+% An input deEice that uses a leEer to control moEement oD the cursor or graphic images% This is the adJustment oD alignment oD one or more lines oD text with a particular margin Dor example alignment with the leDt margin the right margin or both% The term JustiDication oDten is used to reDer to Dull JustiDication oD the alignment oD text along both margins% The process oD rapidly and accurately entering data into a computer Eia the Geyboard as an input deEice% !eyboard entry oD data directly to magnetic disG without preEious preparation on another medium% 9ne thousand and Twenty-Dour bytes% Acronym Dor :ocal Area 'etworG% A type oD computer networG where two or more computers are directly linGed within a small area such as a room or building site% A common characteristic oD this system is that computers are linGed by direct cables rather than by telecommunication lines%



&nterpreter &nEoGe #oysticG #ustiDication

!eyboarding !ey-to-disG !ilobyte :A'

CXC 30/G/S !! 0"


:ight pen

A light-sensitiEe input deEice which when it touches the screen detects the presence or absence oD light% &t is used to select an entry or indicate a position% A mylar (Dloppy disG+ or metallic (hard disG+ circular plate on which electronic data can be stored magnetically% 6uitable Dor direct or random access data storage and retrieEal% A Dacility Dound in Dull Dledged $ordprocessing programs that draws inDormation Drom a database usually a mailing list to print multiple copies oD a document% Each copy contains some common text but each bearing diDDerent addresses% 6ee immediate access storage% A large-scale computer with a Eariety oD peripheral deEices a large amount oD bacGing store and a Dast CP>% The term is oDten used in comparison with a smaller or subordinate computer% &t should be noted that there is no clear diEiding line between mainDrames and minicomputers% Space pro ided to t$e !eft5 ri%$t5 top andFor (otto# of a pa%e of te6t or data% A screen listing commands oD action or alternatiEes to lead the user through an interactiEe program% A +ro%ra# interface 7$ere t$e user is pro ided 7it$ a !ist of operations* The combination oD two or more Diles on the basis oD common Dield (Gey Dield+% 7agnetic &nG Character Recognition% 7usical &nstrument ?igital &nterDace% musical inDormation in a digital Dormat% A standard Dor representing

7agnetic disG


7ain-memory 7ainDrame


7enu 7enu-driEen &nterDace

7erge 7&CR 7&?& 7icrocomputer

A computer based on a microprocessor% See definition of #icroprocessor (e!o7* An output medium consisting oD microDilm sheets% Bery high density storage can be attained using this method oD storage% ReDers to 1*3 inch Dloppy Dloppy disGs% They are housed in rigid plastic casting haEing a sliding shutter which automatically closes when the disG is remoEed Drom the disG driEe%

7icroDiche 7icroDloppy disG

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7icroprocessor 7inicomputer 7odem

A single chip which contains the arithmeticKlogic unit (A:>+ and the control unit (C>+% A computer whose si2e speed and capabilities lie between those oD a mainDrame and a microcomputer% Acronym Dor modulator-demodulator% A deEice that conEerts signals Drom analogue to digital and Eice Eersa% A #ode# a!!o7s co#puters to e6c$an%e infor#ation t$rou%$ te!ep$ones !ines* A teleEision-liGe deEice used to display data% An input deEice that controls the moEement oD the cursor% The cursor moEes in response to the moEement oD the mouse on a Dlat surDace% T$e a(i!it" of a co#puter to e6ecute t7o or #ore pro%ra#s at t$e sa#e ti#e5 usin% one C+U 8or processor9* T$e a(i!it" of a co#puter to e6ecute pro%ra#s on t7o #ore processors si#u!taneous!"* T$e pro%ra# is distri(uted o er se era! processors* T$e concurrent e6ecution 8at t$e sa#e ti#e9 of t7o or #ore related tas)s* A %roup of cooperatin% tas)s is e6ecuted si#u!taneous!" to ac$ie e a co##on %oa!* A ter# used to descri(e a tec$no!o%" t$at pro ides (and7idt$ t$at is !ess t$an or e:ua! to t$at pro ided (" ordinar" te!ep$one !ines* T$at is5 ;/ )i!o(its per second or !ess* The use oD the computer to understand and translate a natural language liGe English into commands to perDorm a giEen operation% A net7or) is a %roup of connected co#puters t$at e6c$an%e infor#ation and s$are e:uip#ent* ?ata comprising digits on which mathematical operations can be perDormed by a computer system% 7achine language program produced by a compiler% T$e ter# is used to descri(e perip$era! de ices under t$e contro! of t$e processor*

7onitor 7ouse





'atural language processing Net7or)

'umeric 9bJect code 9n-line

CXC 30/G/S !! 0"



Descri(es perip$era! de ices t$at operate independent!" and are not under t$e contro! of t$e processor* A set oD programs that control and superEise the resources oD a computer system% &t also acts as an interDace between the user and the computer% Any hardware deEice connected to and controlled by the central processing unit% An output deEice specially designed to produce a hard copy oD graphical data% A deEice that reads data at the source oD a transaction (Dor example% a supermarGet checGout+ and stores it Dor subseFuent transmission directly to the computer system Dor processing% A for# of audio (roadcastin% usin% t$e Internet& podcastin% ta)es its na#e fro# a co#(ination of Ki+odL and (roadcastin%* It is a #et$od of re!easin% fi!es to t$e Internet5 a!!o7in% users to su(scri(e and recei e ne7 fi!es auto#atica!!"* A de ice specia!!" desi%ned to produce a $ard cop" of co#puter output* A set oD rules and procedures controlling the transmitting and receiEing oD data so that diDDerent deEices can communicate with each other% A language consisting oD English-liGe statements used to deDine algorithm% A processing mode in which the passage oD real-time is critical to the application% A permanent location in the internal memory oD a processor used Dor the temporary storage oD data during processing operations% A collection oD Dields on data related to one entity% A characteristic oD a monitorIs screen determined by the number oD pixels that can be displayed by it% Acronym Dor Serial Ad9anced Technolog4 Attachment" &t is a computer bus primarily designed Dor transDer oD data between a computer and mass storage deEices such as hard disG driEes and optical

9perating system

Peripheral Plotter Point oD sale terminal



Protocol Pseudocode Real-time Register Record Resolution


CXC 30/G/S !! 0"


driEes% 6C6& Acronym Dor Small Computer S4stem #nterface" &t is a set oD standards Dor physically connecting and transDerring data between computers and peripheral deEices% 6C6& is most commonly used Dor hard disGs and tape driEes but it can connect a wide range oD other deEices including scanners and C? driEes% A pie-shaped diEision oD each disG tracG% A transmission system that allows data transDer in one direction only% A collection oD programs procedures and routines which direct the operations oD a computer% A Dully documented program or set oD programs generalised and designed to be used with little or no modiDication% Redistribution oD data into an order on the basis oD the contents oD a Gey item (sort-Gey+% Program written in high leEel language or assembly leEel language% A document used Dor the initial recording oD data relating to business transactions% Bery oDten source data needs to be conEerted into machine-readable Dorm Dor example punched cards or paper tape beDore it can be processed by a computer% A dictionary Deature associated with a word processor which allows the user to easily detect and correct errors in spelling% 9ne can add new words to the dictionary so that the latter may grow with usage e%g% in $ordPerDect $ord6tar and 7icrosoDt $ord% A set oD rules deDining the structure oD statements in a programming language% The process oD transmitting data between deEices using transmission Dacilities such as telephone lines or microwaEe linGs% TC+FI+ stands for Trans#ission Contro! +rotoco!FInternet +rotoco!* T$ese are a set of ru!es and re%u!ations fo!!o7ed (" co#puters on t$e Internet to co##unicate* A method oD worGing where an oDD-site employee uses computer and a communication channel to communicate with the oDDice computer% The employment oD telephone lines and computers to marGet products and manage accounts% The combination oD a monitor and Geyboard to input and checG data and to Eiew output% A terminal does not necessarily include a **

6ector 6implex 6oDtware 6oDtware pacGage 6ort 6ource code 6ource document


6yntax Telecommunication TC+FI+

Telecommuting TelemarGeting Terminal

CXC 30/G/S !! 0"

processor% Template Touch terminal A speciDication oD the number oD Dields and the Ginds oD data which Dields in a database record are allowed to hold% Also called a touch screen% A deEice that allows data to be input by touching a screen with the Dinger or other obJect% The surDace oD the screen consists oD a number oD programmed touch points each oD which may trigger a diDDerent action when selected by the user% The path on a tape disG or drum on which data are stored% 9n a disG these paths are concentric circlesH on a tape there are seEeral tracGs parallel to the edge oD the tapeH on a drum there are bands oD eFual si2e along the circumDerence oD the drum% A document which aDter being output by the computer can be used to record data% A method oD representing numbers in which the computer does not perDorm subtraction in the normal way but inEerts digits to be subtracted and adds to them% Process oD reading data Drom a userIs computer storage and sending it to another computer Eia communication channels% Eac$ pa%e on t$e ,or!d ,ide ,e( $as a uni:ue address ca!!ed t$e Unifor# Resource Locator 8URL9* S$ort for Users Net7or) is t$e !ar%est discussion foru# in t$e 7or!d* Usenet a!!o7s peop!e 7it$ co##on interest to co##unicate 7it$ one anot$er* Acron"# for 4o+ce %nternet Protocol* It is a protoco! 7$ic$ %o erns t$e trans#ission of oice o er t$e Internet* EoI+ is often used a(stract!" to refer to t$e actua! trans#ission of oice 8rat$er t$an t$e protoco! i#p!e#entin% it9* EoI+ is a!so )no7n as %P 'elephon,% A checGing process in a program which is aimed at Dinding out iD data is genuine% Balidation should be carried out on any data that is entered Drom the Geyboard eEen when this is simply a = or ' response% T$e ,or!d ,ide ,e( co##on!" referred to as t$e N,e(C5 is a %rap$ica! eas"'to'use s"ste# of inter'!in)ed fi!es on t$e Internet* East a#ounts of infor#ation can (e o(tained t$rou%$ t$e use of t$e ,,,*


Turnaround document TwoIs complement document >p-load





,or!d ,ide ,e( 8,,,9

CXC 30/G/S !! 0"


,e( pa%e

A docu#ent on t$e ,or!d ,ide ,e(5 consistin% of an HTML fi!e and an" re!ated fi!es for scripts and %rap$ics and often $"per!in)ed to ot$er ,e( pa%es* Set of interconnected ,e( pa%es5 usua!!" inc!udin% a $o#e pa%e5 %enera!!" !ocated on t$e sa#e ser er5 and prepared and #aintained as a co!!ection of infor#ation (" a person5 %roup5 or or%aniDation* A 7e( (ro7ser is a pro%ra##e t$at a!!o7s users to ie7 and e6p!ore infor#ation on t$e ,or!d ,ide ,e(* E6a#p!es of popu!ar (ro7sers are> Microsoft Internet E6p!orer and MoDi!!a Firefo6* A co#puter t$at de!i ers 8ser es up9 ,e( pa%es* ,$en a re:uest is #ade to access a 7e( site5 t$e re:uest is sent to t$e 7e( ser er* T$e ser er t$en fetc$es t$e pa%e and sends it to "our (ro7ser*

,e( site

,e( (ro7ser

$eb 6erEer

#estern 5one (**+ce 06/07/2008

CXC 30/G/S !! 0"


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