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CHOCOLATE The food of Gods 30% men and 38% women prefer chocolate to sex 74% !e"ecers want chocolate# 80% $o%ascot&ans want sex conta&ns '00 chem&cals o cocoa fat ()&%es n&ce text!re melts at 3*C +melt &n ,o!r mo!th Theo"roma Cacao &s the cocoa tree .ocoatl means "&tter ( nat!ral chocolate &s "&tter CHOCOLATE /0 1/20TL3 A 4E5E2AGE Canad&ans 60l"s7,ear 8 0w&ss 99 l"s7,ear Creolo chocolate &s the "est How &s chocolate prod!ced: Cocoa flower lasts onl, a few ho!rs &s poll&nated ; forms a pod <e%er,where= >ods open# "eans ferment <s!)ar alcohol acet&c ac&d esters= 4eans dr, and roasted <promotes ?a&lard 2eact&on= shelled <n&"s= $&"s are !sed to ma@e chocolate l&A!or cooled "a@&n) chocolate Conrad 5an Ho!ten separated the cocoa "!tter <fat= from the cocoa Chocolate &s '0% fat Cocoa ca@es are what &s left after "!tter &s remo%ed <all fla%o!r= o B!tch process ( ca@es are treated w&th a "ase# remo%&n) ac&d&t, <less "&tter= Cocoa "!tter &s !sed &n prod!cts <ex l&pst&c@ and s!ppos&tor&es= CD0D 1r, <68'0= ( recom"&ned t&e coca ca@es and "!tter &n controlled cond&t&ons <text!re= En)landEs f&rst ed&"le chocolate Henr& $estle <6880= ( 0w&ss chocolate Added condensed m&l@ <s!)ar= to remo%e more "&tterness Fh&te chocolate &s all fat# no chocolate 2!dolph L&ndt ( conch&n) ?&xed the chocolate ma@e &t smoother Theodore To"ler <6G60= ( added no!)at 0haped after the ?attherhorn mo!nta&n ?&lton Hershe, ( chocolate for e%er,one 3' m&ll&on @&sses 7da, FF// chocolate was part of the rat&ons ( trop&cal chocolate <tastes "ad= BrD Alfred 0tern ( ?;?s chocolate &n hard cand&es that wo!ldnEt crac@# "eat a&r &nD 66 ,ears no red ones "c 2ed H9 scareI Chocolate and Health $o assoc&at&on w&th acne# m&)ra&nes are A!est&ona"le

Heart"!rn ( chem&cals wea@en the %al%e Tooth deca, ( s!)ar and sD m!tans lact&c ac&d Co!)h s!ppressant ( theo"rom&ne affects ner%o!s s,stem s!ppress&n) <do)s cant "rea@ th&s down= H&)h &n fat ( "ad for heart ( stear&c ac&d no effect on cholesterol 2&ch &n ant&ox&dants /ncrease $O wh&ch lowers 4>

Fh, do we cra%e chocolate: 0!)arJ prec!rsor to seroton&n and tr,ptophan Anandam&de ( same receptors as weed >hen,leth,lam&ne <>EA= ( &ncreased when ,o!r &n lo%e <same shape as speed=

COOK/$G 4read Lnlea%ened "read &s !sed &n >asso%er CO9 from ,east ma@es "read r&se Le Cre!set ( "a@&n) pot C*H69O* (,east CO9 H90 4a@&n) soda ( $aHCO3 reacts w&th ac&d to ma@e CO9 4a@&n) powder ( sod&!m "&car"onate <soda= >LL0 monocalc&!m phosphate <ac&d= o /nstant react&on# <self r&s&n) flo!r=

5e)eta"les Canned peas are "rown "eca!se ac&d &n the canDD add "a@&n) soda to @eep )reen peas )reen when coo@&n) >orph,r&n r&n) str!ct!re ?) &n m&ddle# ac&d replaces th&s w&th 9H Chloroph,ll ( )reen# anthoc,an&ns ( red >otatoes ( 9008 ,ear of potatoes <36'm&ll&on tons &n 630 co!ntr&es= o Ch&na prod!ces most# 5a!xhall Al"erta &s >otato Cap&tal of the Fest o $o fat# no cholesterol# has f&"re# 3) prote&n# M 2BA of %&tam&n CIne at@&ns pas On&ons72ed Ca""a)e ( c!t !nderwater# Lacramere chem&cal ca!ses tear&n) Garl&c ( or)an&c s!lf!r E))sJ ,ol@ '0% water# 36% fat N coo@s at 76C Fh&te 88% water# 0% fat N coo@s at *3% Green colo!r ( 1e OH90 1e0 "o&led too lon) Lech&th&n ( nat!ral em!ls&f&er ( cha&ns attach to o&l <fat= polar part w&th water ?eat >rote&n# fat# and water H&)h m!scle meat sho!ld not "e coo@ed for a lon) t&me /ncrease temperat!re ( f&"er )ets dense# colo!r "rown# colla)en d&ssol%es <soften&n)= >apa&n N meat tender&Per <"rea@s down prote&n cha&ns=

?ore fat less prote&n NN >or@# "eef# f&sh# ch&c@en ( more prote&n less fat

Ltens&ls Lnreact&%e# cond!cts heat e%enl, 0o!rcesJ On 1ood and Coo@&n) ; The C!r&o!s Coo@ ", Harold ?cGee

Fhe, ( l&A!&d 8 C!rdN sol&d <mostl, fat= G000 4C ( pot cheese# the c!rd separated from the whe, 9300 4C ( someone transport&n) m&l@ &n a calfEs stomach# and &t hardened <pro%olone= ?&l@ "rea@down <and therefore cheese tho!)h less water= 87% water '% lactose 3D'% fat 3D'% prote&n <s!spended &n m&celles ( alpha# "eta# @appa case&n<wh&ch s!rro!nds the alpha and "etaI &n cheese the ac&d "rea@s th&s= 6% m&neral How to ma@e cheese m&l@ p!t starter c!lt!re <or ac&d= heated# starts to c!rd <loo@s l&@e moon= po!red thro!)h cheese cloth# whe, sA!eePed o!t# and %o&la s&mplest cheese < close to cotta)e cheese= more complex ( !ses ch,mos&n <rennet= d&dnEt ha%e eno!)h# &nserted )ene &nto ,east cellsN 6GG0 f&rst prod!ct of G? foods add m&cro"es wh&ch w&ll act on fats# prote&ns# and lactose 1rench ha%e 3*' d&fferent t,pes of cheese <t!roph&le Q cheese lo%er= 1resh cheese ( <cotta)e cheese# moPParellaN stretch ; "!ffalo m&l@= 0oftN r&pened ( add m&croor)an&sms to s!rface <camem"ert# "r&e= 4l!eNcheese ( &nRect m&croor)an&sms8 smell, pen&c&ll&n mold <2oA!efort= 0em& soft ( press o!t more of the whe, <O@a= Hard cheese ( more more whe, o!t <0w&ss cheese ( from sw&ss cows8 pressed and sealed w&th wax# then &nRected w&th prop&on&"acter shermann&& propono&c ac&d CO9 "!""les# ma@es the holesI Cheddar $at!rall, )re, wh&te &n En)land ect Canad&an cheddar &s ,ellow# we can eas&l, see we are onl, sell&n) o!rs 0ho!ld not "e !sed &f on monoam&ne ox&dase &nh&"&tors# "c cheddar has t,ram&ne <&ncreases 4>= Colo!red w&th "etacarot&ne <nat!ral=

6G6* >rocessed Cheese ( sod&!m monoh,dro)en phosphate <em!ls&f,er= &s added# and &t &s meltedD 1at that &s present &n cheese &s sat!rated La %ache A!& r&t <cheese wh&P= ( has conR!)ated l&noel&c ac&dI 4acter&a con%ertI 1ats fatt, ac&ds >rot&ens am&no ac&ds Lactose lact&c ac&d# acet&c ac&d# prop&on&c ac&d# CO9

Cons!mpt&on )o&n) down &n 1rance <dr&n@ less# "!t dr&n@ "etter= 5at&can <*9L7,ear= Canada <63= E),pt <0D0'= A )lass of w&ne 600 cal pantothen&c ac&d p,r&dox&ne The 1rench >aradox 0mo@e# "!tter# cheese <sat!rated fat=# h&)h cholesterolI LOFE0T /$C/BE$CE O1 HEA2T B/0EA0E Eat fr!&ts and %e))&es Eat slower Ban&sh 0t!d, ( 63000 people <mortal&t, st!d,= F&ne fa&red the "est# non dr&n@ers the worst 2es%eatrol <ant&ox&dant N "enPene=J HBL# LBL# Ox&d&Ped LBL<pre%ents the last from happen&n)= 0&c&l&an w&ne# and so!thwest of 1rance ha%e more of th&s 2es%eratrol &mpro%es health and s!r%&%al of m&ce on h&)hNcal d&etD <tho!)h on a h!man scale ,o! need a LOT= Han)o%erJ ethanol acetaldehyde acet&c ac&d Con)enersN the more colo!red the "e%era)e# and older Q worse han)o%er 5od@a# )&n 6D0 wh&te 4D0 red GD0 wh&s@e, 4D' <L0# /reland= wh&s@, 60D0 <Canada# 0cotland= F&ne on AlPhe&merEs 3N4 )lasses per da, Q 7'% lowered r&s@ La ?edec&ne par le %&n

Cote de 4ordea!x ( fl! Champa)ne ( h,pertens&on 0,l%ander ( o"es&t, $oah ( f&rst th&n) plants a %&ne,ard# second )et dr!n@# th&rd l&%e for 300 ,ears 2ets&na ( from Greece8 seal the w&ne w&th res&nD +"ad h!mor %s )ood h!morN "ad w&ne 5appa <dero)ator, a)a&nst /tal&ans= A)&n) w&ne 4arrels of w&ne called Tonnes <sh&ps "ased on how man, "arrelsDD= 67th cent!r, N Cor@ d&sco%ered <cor@ oa@ tree= o 9#4#* tr&chloroan&sole ( "ad w&ne 6708 ( st!"", <s&t on ta"le= # 67G3 ( elon)ated <@eep most top= >h,lloxera ( 1rench %&nes )ot BO?/$ATEB# the roots eat&n)I Amer&can %&nes res&sted &t# so the, )raphed amer&can roots on 1rench %&nes <A G!sta%e 1oex= ?a@&n) w&neJ cr!sh the )rapes <s!)ar (,east CO9 O ethanol= ferments for a wee@# and cannot "e more than 64%# "c ,east d&es= a)ed &n steel "arrels 6N4 ,ears a)ed for '0 ,ears &n "ottles what &s prod!cedJ phen,leth,l acetate ( same chem&cals as roses 1rench w&nes 4ordea!x <1enster "orn &n 4er)erac= o 0a!ternes ( lets the )rapes rot on the %&ne# deh,drates# h&)h &n s!)ar# therefore % sweetI eaten w&th fo& )ras o ?edoc ; ha!tNmedoc N )ood red# ha!t &s "etter# mar)a!x 4E0T Champa)ne ( northern most# "lended w&ne <red )rapes= +epl!cha)e- sA!eePed caref!ll, <"lanc de "lanc ( wh&te )rapes= o En)land l&@es champa)ne f&rst "c &t popped o After fermentat&on# add s!)ar and ,eastDD so starts another fermentat&on 9N8 ,ears# ,east sed&ment <3N' wee@s "ottles !ps&dedownDDrotated +rem!a)e-= +de)or)ementN froPen then sed&ment remo%ed- add s!)ar +"r!t )ood# sec "ado 0treams of f&ne "!""les from the "ottom o 0a"rer le champa)ne 4ea!Rola&s $o!%ea! <3rd Th!rsda, &n $o%em"er= no a)e Laf&te ( 673GJ S9'0 000 6896J S36 000 +?&s en "o!te&lle dans nos ca%es- ( "lended w&ne from all o%er# "ad w&ne 5&n de >a,s ( reall, reall, )ood ta"le w&ne +?&s en "o!te&lle a! chatea!- ( )rown# prod!ced# and "ottled &n that re)&on +La 2o"e- 84 d&fferent colo!rs +Les Cam"es- le)s of the w&ne I assoc&ated w&th a)&n) +Arome- ( %ar&et, of )rape +4o!A!et- ( a)&n) process <639 terms= Chew the w&ne ( ne%er sa, &ts +)ood- ele)ant# d!m"# complex

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