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Meeting of the General Assembly 19 February 2014 Daggett Lounge, Thorne Hall I. II. III. IV. V. VI.

Call to Order:20:31 Roll Call: Varnell, Caplan,White, Swords, Vasquez, Fischer are absent. Approval of Minutes: No objections Public Comment Time: NIL Introduction of Guests: NIL Old Business

1. Proposal to Vote: Reform to the SOOC Rules and Regulations (131408)Daniel Mejia-Cruz16 1. SOC reform, 2. More effective to remove leaders who do not want to be come leaders. 3. Do not have to go through a rechartering process. 4. Massa: Proposes ammendent to have recharter forms submitted by 1st of April. 5. Operating budget SCFAC have more steady thing, e board, operating budget. 6. New leadership and old leadership leaving. 7. We need to have reforms. 8. April 1st of that day. 9. Groups must submit operating budget by first April.

10. Non-operating budget groups. 11. Levine: If they submit their charter late, will they be on probation or have it suspended. Yes: All No: NIL 2. Proposal to Vote: Airport Shuttles David Levine 16 Yes: All No: NIL


Reports of Committees 1. Student Affairs Roberto Tavel 16 1. 2. 3. Online sign in Health Center transition. Nelson: Do people understand what is going on with the changes at the health center? 4. Interesting and poses questions.


Academic AffairsJordanGoldberg14 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Life raft of 8 Scott Mckickern Rise of Civilizations. Only 1/5 of emails responded to. Emma Patterson talks about aphrodisiacs CBB cat. CEP committee Amend transfer credit for online courses.


In favor or against.


Student Organizations Oversight Committee Daniel Mejia-Cruz 16 1. Posed problem last year, working correctly entire organization will fall. 2. 3. 4. 5. Davis: Why does the entire umbrella have to suffer? Green Bowdoin is different Colbert: Different missions, and many different publications. Green groups climax is political and Bowdoin student behavior notice. 6. 7. 8. 9. No need to lump them all together. Millar Duan: Difference in groups needed for different funding. Massa: Very true SCAFC has to deem funding. Clubs have set guidelines, and now have to figure out what is going on. 10. 11. 12. 13. Having the umbrella group remains to be seen Lima: More options. Makes it really hard to do that. And do this. Duan: Middle ground, but have umbrella clubs, and have clubs with distinct mission statements. 14. Levine: Takes away some of the freedom of the group, Green Bowdoin is more educative. However, students

should take it upon themselves to inform on these specific areas. 15. Nelson: All pros and cons, and this will have umbrella organization and they have a lot of resources. 16. 17. 18. Groups are submitting student life group. A really creative solution. Quantify that. If one group decides to break off I would encourage you to reach out 19. 2. And be part of larger organizations.

Student Activities Funding Committee Megan Massa 14 I. Will be generating a single operating budget.


Facilities & Sustainability David Levine 16 I. Ken Cordone spoken to at Moulton breakfast. Hot food will be left out longer. II. III. IV. Keep hot breakfast out longer. Polar Flix Rate change: charge for people that make their own energy, . V. One of Massas workers is going to make a template.


Executive Committee Sarah K. Nelson 14 / Allen Wong Yu 14 I. New changes to bi-laws and constitutions and check duties and responsibilities tomorrow.


Go ahead working on final wordings 2/3 majority laws vote.


Report of Members 1. Class Councils

2014 Event Thursday before break. 2015 Cohen: all of the Thursday night pub nights are booked up. Levine: Meeting is in Lancaster lounge. 2016 See where students walk and build now on this area. 2017

1. Sold a lot of roses for valentines day. 2. Did not work out how we intended to.


Inter-House Council Housing applications


Entertainment Board NIL


Athletic Council NIL


The McKeen Center NIL

6. 7. X. XI.

Director of Programming At-Large

Announcements Adjournment: 21:42

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