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through Bertha Dudde 6938

Dont let the sacrifice on the cross be in vain ....

! suffering and d!ing on the cross can also have been unsuccessful for !ou hu"ans# the sacrifice on the cross can have been in vain for you $ho do not allo$ !ourselves to be i"%ressed b! it# $ho do not ac&no$ledge the divine Redee"er 'esus (hrist# $ho "erel! ta&e notice of the )hu"an being 'esus but do not ac&no$ledge *is divinel! s%iritual "ission# and hence !ou e+clude !ourselves fro" those for $ho" the act of ,alvation has been acco"%lished. -ou consciously have to turn to *i" if !ou $ant to %artici%ate in the blessings of the act of ,alvation. .he )salvation de%ends on !ou# even though / died for all %eo%le on the cross. But !ou hu"ans do not &no$ that !ou are constrained# that !ou can never en0o! freedo" in light and strength $ithout deliverance through 'esus (hrist but re"ain in ca%tivit! even if an infinitel! long ti"e $ill %ass b! .... -ou do not &no$ that the state of bondage# the lac& of strength and light# can never be changed other than b! $a! of the (alvar! cross .... 1nd even if !ou re0ect the divine ,aviour 'esus (hrist# even if !ou ignore *is acco"%lish"ent# it de%ends entirel! on *i" ho$ long !ou $ill be in an unha%%! state .... -ou do not regard !our hu"an e+istence as ver! unha%%! and therefore do not loo& for the One# Who can %rovide !ou $ith a blissful fate. But !our earthl! e+istence as a hu"an being does not last long# and onl! then $ill !ou beco"e a$are of the tor"ents of !our inhibited state# then the energ! of life# $hich $as !ours as a hu"an being# is ta&en fro" !ou .... %roviding !ou

are not bound in hard "atter and have to e+%erience the agonies of confine"ent therein. *o$ever# as long as !ou &ee% !our self2a$areness !ou still have the o%%ortunit! to call u%on 'esus (hrist# !our ,aviour .... be it on this earth or even in the &ingdo" of the be!ond# if !ou are not absorbed b! utter dar&ness. 1nd for this reason ! love constantl! endeavours to direct !our thoughts to *i"# in Who" / e"bodied !self in order to redee" !ou. .i"e and again / $ill tr! to bring 'esus achieve"ent ho"e to !ou. .i"e and again / $ill ta&e care that *is act of ,alvation $ill be "entioned and that !ou# $ho are still co"%letel! distant fro" the cross# $ho attach little or no significance to an!thing in relation to 'esus (hrist# $ill be given the infor"ation. 3ver! one of !ou $ill be a%%roached and referred to *i" sooner or later# ever! one of !ou can deliberate on the infor"ation about 'esus (hrist and *is act of ,alvation# and ever!one can no$ res%ond to *i" in accordance $ith his $ill. But his attitude is decisive for an endlessl! long ti"e or even for eternit! .... Because he "a! indeed have to sta! in tor"ent and constraint for an infinitel! long ti"e# but he can also be eternall! free# and in light# strength and blissfulness than& his divine ,aviour for the act of "erciful love $hich had bought hi" his freedo" and resulted in his blissful %revious state again. 4o hu"an being is e+e"%t fro" this decision# and ever! hu"an being %re%ares his o$n future fate .... but ! love constantl! hel%s hi" to "a&e the right choice# ! love constantl! advises hi"# so that no hu"an being $ill be able to sa! that he $as left uninfor"ed of the "eans for his rede"%tion. But even ! love does not determine !our $ill .... For !ou have chosen this $retched state of !our o$n free $ill# and of !our o$n free $ill !ou shall also "a&e an effort to be saved fro" it again.

1nd for this reason the salvation through 'esus (hrist re5uires !our free will# other$ise the $hole $orld $ould have been redee"ed alread!# other$ise no2one $ould be in bondage and $ea&ness an! longer# because the act of ,alvation has been acco"%lished for all hu"an&ind. But onl! !our $ill utili6es the blessings of the act of ,alvation# $hen !ou freel! %rofess !our faith in *i"# Who died on !our behalf on the cross .... $hen !ou ac&no$ledge e !self in 'esus (hrist and thus $ant that / $ould have died for !ou. .hen !ou $ill be trul! liberated fro" the state of constraint# !ou $ill %ass fro" this earth redee"ed and enter the &ingdo" $here !ou can be infinitel! active and ha%%! in light and strength ....


7ublished b! friends of ne$ revelations of God 8 /nfor"ation# do$nload of all translated revelations# the"e2boo&lets at9 htt%9::$$$"l ;

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