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: Contact address Old No. 27, New No.


2nd Floor, Tilak Street, T.Nagar Chennai 600 017 Ph: 0 2!3 1"" , 260"6 2 #$%ail: h&ete'hni'al(g%ail.'o%

17 th 2009



Sub: Proposal for Green Building Project Dear Sir, We introduce ourselves as one of the leading consultancies (Management / Environmental Health Services) in India. With the spectrum of professionals in the filed of ENERGY, ENVIR N!ENT"# $E"#T$ % S"&ETY e can cater to the enhancement of EHS performance of !our compan!. In the hour of "lo#al environmental issues and thirst for safet! e$cellence the EHS technical solutions is a read! path of progress to #e unveiled in ever! compan!. We have carried out various pro%ects in industrial sectors. We have some of the prestigious customers ho satisfied ith our or& and appreciated much ith performance certificates. We underta&e Design ' Suppl! of Se age (reatment plant in Industries ' Industrial Effluent )ec!cling *nits and also e are dealing ith )+ process Energ! ,uditing, "reen -uilding consultanc! ' .ro%ect Management, ater ' aste ater audit. With our past e$perience e assure to provide recommendations to ards conservation of resources in the compan! in compliance to legal ' other re/uirements applica#le to the compan!.

)egd: O**i'e: No. 36, +,ktha -,ilding, !th +ain, 1!th Cro&&, +alle&wara%, -angalore "60 0"" . 0!0 2311622

: Contact address Old No. 27, New No. 23


2nd Floor, Tilak Street, T.Nagar Chennai 600 017 Ph: 0 2!3 1"" , 260"6 2 #$%ail: h&ete'hni'al(g%ail.'o%

"lo#al a areness on the urgent need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and other environmental degradation due to e$ploitation of mother earth has gro n over the last decade. We
wish to give you a snap shot of Green Building concept and its globe wide adaptation and future of green Building in ndia! "he opportunities for green building and its benefits are briefed!

Introduction -uildings are a part of infrastructure hich also consists of industries, transportation, and telecommunications. It has #een identified as #eing responsi#le for a#out 01234 5 of energ! consumption, 64234 5 of material resource consumption, 64234 5 of aste production, and 64234 5 of the greenhouse gas released glo#all!. ,dditionall!, estimates reveal that a#out 64 percent of ne l! #uilt or renovated #uildings suffer from 7sic& #uilding s!ndrome8, e$posing occupants to unhealth! environmental conditions. (o reduce the glo#al impacts of #uildings, the Environmentall! Sustaina#le Economic "ro th ("reen "ro th) concept is #eing promoted as the foremost strateg! to ensure the sustaina#le infrastructural development of an! econom!. "lo#e ide the catch! a! out has #een through Eco2efficienc!. +ptimi9ed sustaina#le environmental gro th is #eing suggested as a concept for holesome economic prosperit!. Eco2 efficienc! means improving the efficienc! of the use of natural resources, hile minimi9ing the environmental impact of pollution.

)egd: O**i'e: No. 36, +,ktha -,ilding, !th +ain, 1!th Cro&&, +alle&wara%, -angalore "60 0"" . 0!0 2311622

: Contact address Old No. 27, New No. 23


2nd Floor, Tilak Street, T.Nagar Chennai 600 017 Ph: 0 2!3 1"" , 260"6 2 #$%ail: h&ete'hni'al(g%ail.'o%

)*at is sustainable infrastructure+ , common definition for sustaina#le infrastructure is: ;the design, construction, planning and maintenance of infrastructure that meets the needs of the present ithout compromising the a#ilit! of future generations to meet their o n needs.; Ensuring sustaina#ilit! re/uires addressing the environmental, economic and social dimensions of infrastructure in a holistic manner or ith a s!stems approach. -uildings are a &e! component of infrastructure and hen designed to #e sustaina#le (or green), have minimal environmental impacts. )*at are green buildings+ "reen #uildings are #uildings hich are designed so that the! are more efficient in the use of resources 2 energ!, ater, and materials 2 hile reducing #uilding impacts on human health and the environment, through #etter siting, design, construction, operation, maintenance, and removal 2 the complete #uilding life c!cle. )*ere are t*e opportunities for green buildings+ , m!riad of sustaina#le opportunities are availa#le for green #uildings including: Energ! efficienc! Water conservation Materials reuse and/or rec!cling Indoor environmental /ualit! Site location and ecolog! Waste minimi9ation (ransport
)egd: O**i'e: No. 36, +,ktha -,ilding, !th +ain, 1!th Cro&&, +alle&wara%, -angalore "60 0"" . 0!0 2311622

: Contact address Old No. 27, New No. 23


2nd Floor, Tilak Street, T.Nagar Chennai 600 017 Ph: 0 2!3 1"" , 260"6 2 #$%ail: h&ete'hni'al(g%ail.'o%

BENE&ITS & GREEN B'I#(INGS ,I- (esign strategies <limate sensitive design Energ!2efficient design Design #uildings to use rene a#le energ! +ptimi9e material use Design ater2efficient, lo 2maintenance landscaping Smaller is #etter: +ptimi9e use of interior space through careful design )ec!cle aste (solid, gre! ater, etc) Design for dura#ilit! Design for future reuse and adapta#ilit! ,void potential health ha9ards: radon, mold, pesticides ,II- Siting % land use )enovate older #uildings Encourage in2fill and mi$ed2use development Minimi9e automo#ile dependence =alue site resources >ocate #uildings to minimi9e environmental impact

)egd: O**i'e: No. 36, +,ktha -,ilding, !th +ain, 1!th Cro&&, +alle&wara%, -angalore "60 0"" . 0!0 2311622

: Contact address Old No. 27, New No. 23


2nd Floor, Tilak Street, T.Nagar Chennai 600 017 Ph: 0 2!3 1"" , 260"6 2 #$%ail: h&ete'hni'al(g%ail.'o%

.rovide responsi#le on2site ater management Situate #uildings to #enefit from e$isting vegetation (shading effect)

,III- !aterials <hoose #uilding materials ith lo em#odied energ! -u! locall! produced #uilding materials *se #uilding products made from rec!cled materials *se salvaged #uilding materials hen possi#le *se dura#le products and materials <hoose lo 2maintenance #uilding materials ,void materials that ill off gas pollutants Minimi9e pac&aging aste See& responsi#le ood supplies ,IV - E.uip/ent Install high2efficienc! heating and cooling e/uipment *se high2efficienc! lights and appliances Install ater2efficient e/uipment Install mechanical ventilation e/uipment ,V- Indoor en0iron/ental .ualit1 ,IE2)egd: O**i'e: No. 36, +,ktha -,ilding, !th +ain, 1!th Cro&&, +alle&wara%, -angalore "60 0"" . 0!0 2311622

: Contact address Old No. 27, New No. 23


2nd Floor, Tilak Street, T.Nagar Chennai 600 017 Ph: 0 2!3 1"" , 260"6 2 #$%ail: h&ete'hni'al(g%ail.'o%

, green #uilding can improve indoor environment /ualit! #!: Ma$imi9ing natural ventilation and da! lighting here possi#le ,voiding unnecessar! indoor pollution sources Ensuring the air is served cool and dr! to the occupants .roviding 7personali9ed air8? that is, a small amount of clean air should #e served gentl!, close to the #reathing 9one of each individual .roviding individual control of the thermal environment. Ideal humidit! levels are #et een 645 2@45 Specif!ing lo noise H=,< and other mechanical s!stems *sing plants, earth #an&s, and screens to #loc& e$ternal noise sources Designing la!outs ith sufficient /uiet rooms and meeting rooms so staff can have the opportunit! for uninterrupted phone conversations and meetings. ,VI- )aste /ini/i3ation )educe, reuse and rec!cle aste (from <onstruction, operation and demolition) of #uildings AA.

)egd: O**i'e: No. 36, +,ktha -,ilding, !th +ain, 1!th Cro&&, +alle&wara%, -angalore "60 0"" . 0!0 2311622

: Contact address Old No. 27, New No. 23


2nd Floor, Tilak Street, T.Nagar Chennai 600 017 Ph: 0 2!3 1"" , 260"6 2 #$%ail: h&ete'hni'al(g%ail.'o%

NN4TS &ee Structure for Green (esign 4onsultanc1 Ser0ices -elo is our fee structure for green design consultanc! services leading to >EEDB/"reen HomesB certification
Rating Level Project Stage Stage / Fea&i0ilit1 /nal1&i& Stage - 2etailed 'o&t$ 0ene*it anal1&i& Stage C 2o',%entation &,0%i&&ion to 34-C Stage 2 /&&i&tan'e d,ring 1! %onth 5o&t$5ro6e't e7al,ation Total

Basic )s. C4,444 )s. 0,44,444 )s. 0,44,444 )s. 14,444 )s. 1,D4,444

Silver )s. C4,444 )s. 6,44,444 )s. 0,14,444 )s. 14,444 )s C,C4,444

Gold )s. C4,444 )s. 6,14,444 )s. 0,@1,444 )s. 14,444 )s @,61,444

Platinum )s. C4,444 )s. 3,44,444 )s. 6,44,444 )s. 14,444 )s E,D4,444

)egd: O**i'e: No. 36, +,ktha -,ilding, !th +ain, 1!th Cro&&, +alle&wara%, -angalore "60 0"" . 0!0 2311622

: Contact address Old No. 27, New No. 23


2nd Floor, Tilak Street, T.Nagar Chennai 600 017 Ph: 0 2!3 1"" , 260"6 2 #$%ail: h&ete'hni'al(g%ail.'o%

Stage5": Initial revie

of pro%ectFs design leading to a report of the pro%ectFs current level of

compliance ith >EEDB/I"-< "reen HomesB specification #ased on availa#le information. (he follo ing information is provided: G Su//ar1 of current status Hum#er of >EEDI/"reen HomesI re/uirements that are currentl! satisfied #! the pro%ectFs design >EEDI/"reen HomesI rating that ould #e a arded as per current design 6 Gap anal1sis )eporting of mandator! re/uirements that are not met #! the current design (if an!) )eporting of re/uirements that ere close to #eing met #ut fail as per current design J including hich of these can #e incorporated ith minimal cost and effort Stage5B: Detailed revie of alternate and additional possi#ilities in consultation ith client, other consultants and I"-< resulting in a detailed report of recommendations to ards the desired >EEDB/"reen HomesB status. Includes cost2#enefit anal!sis of alternate options and materials along various parameters (cost, time, ease). HH<(S ill determine the cost of implementing each recommended green feature along ith the pa!#ac& period for each feature. Stage54: .reparation and su#mission of documentation to I"-<, coordination of the documentation revie process ith I"-< and preparation of all responses and clarifications to the I"-< documentation revie .
)egd: O**i'e: No. 36, +,ktha -,ilding, !th +ain, 1!th Cro&&, +alle&wara%, -angalore "60 0"" . 0!0 2311622

: Contact address Old No. 27, New No. 23


2nd Floor, Tilak Street, T.Nagar Chennai 600 017 Ph: 0 2!3 1"" , 260"6 2 #$%ail: h&ete'hni'al(g%ail.'o%

Stage5( (for >EEDI onl!): ,ssistance during and upon completion of the re/uired performance period of DE months after pro%ect implementation until the >EEDB certification has #een o#tained.

Notes and e7clusions: o .ricing e$cludes all related travel e$penses outside <hennai, India. o .ricing e$cludes all fees/charges applied #! I"-<. o .ricing assumes that the client ill provide input data to "reen Evolution to the re/uired level of detail in a format that is specified #! "reen Evolution. "reen Evolution ill charge reasona#le additional fees if e need to translate data into format re/uired for our anal!sis. t*er 4onsultanc1 Ser0ices: o If needed, e ill engage third part! consultants for energ! modeling and commissioning ith the clientFs approval. )e belie0e t*at t*is infor/ation *as been gi0ing 1ou inspiring ideas about Green Buildings, 8indl1 4all 9 !ail us to /eet 1our tea/ for a (iscussion 9 Presentation on t*is
8o,r& Sin'erel1, Keerthi Dsouza, Chie* #9e',ti7e, Nathan : Nathan Centre *or Te'hnolog1 Ser7i'e&,

)egd: O**i'e: No. 36, +,ktha -,ilding, !th +ain, 1!th Cro&&, +alle&wara%, -angalore "60 0"" . 0!0 2311622

: Contact address Old No. 27, New No. 23


2nd Floor, Tilak Street, T.Nagar Chennai 600 017 Ph: 0 2!3 1"" , 260"6 2 #$%ail: h&ete'hni'al(g%ail.'o%

)egd: O**i'e: No. 36, +,ktha -,ilding, !th +ain, 1!th Cro&&, +alle&wara%, -angalore "60 0"" . 0!0 2311622

: Contact address Old No. 27, New No. 23


2nd Floor, Tilak Street, T.Nagar Chennai 600 017 Ph: 0 2!3 1"" , 260"6 2 #$%ail: h&ete'hni'al(g%ail.'o%

Our special Client List for execution of Ener !" En#iron$ent an% safet! ser#ices are& Annual En#iron$ental au%it State$ent at follo'in locations for t(e !ear )* + ), - ),.)/ - )/.)0 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. !. %. (. /. 12. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 1!. 1%. 1(. 1/. 22. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 2!. 2%. 2(. 2/. Alstom, Chennai Automotive Axles Avesthagen Cooper Automotive Ltd. at Ford India Bell Cerami s Bangalore "ngelhard at #aramalai $agar, Chennai &a'riel India Ltd )anil Lear *+eat , Interior -lant. )CL -eripherals *0adapalani, Am'attur , -ond1 plants . )one1 3ell 4e hnologies at Bangalore )3ashin Automotive, Chennai India -istons Ltd *+em'iam , ## $agar , 5B6. I47 India Ltd., Il8in Automoties, Chennai 9B# +ung3oo, Chennai 9:# ;aerim Automotive Ltd. Lanson 4o1ota, Chennai #ando Bra<es, Chennai $u'iola Inorgani -igments -ara oat -rodu ts Ltd. -remier #ills Ltd 5angsons 5ane "ngine 0alves Ltd. 5ane #adras -ond1 +pi er India at )osur +impson +em'ium, Chennai +hinhan -lasto India Ltd + h3ing +tetter *I , II units. +BL India Ltd

)egd: O**i'e: No. 36, +,ktha -,ilding, !th +ain, 1!th Cro&&, +alle&wara%, -angalore "60 0"" . 0!0 2311622

: Contact address Old No. 27, New No. 23


2nd Floor, Tilak Street, T.Nagar Chennai 600 017 Ph: 0 2!3 1"" , 260"6 2 #$%ail: h&ete'hni'al(g%ail.'o%

En#iron$ental Au%its in#ol#in t(e site assess$ent '1r1t air" 'ater" lan% & noise 32. 31. "mpee 're3eries, Chennai Lanson ventures, Chennai

Safet! Au%its& 32. 33. 34. 35. 3!. 3%. 3(. 3/. 42. 41. 42. 43. 44. Bimetal Bearing, Coim'atore. ;1namati s 4e hnologies Limited. )+I Automotive Ltd. Irungatu<ottai, Chennai. IL9I$ Automotive Ltd. Irungatu<ottai, Chennai. 9:# ;aerim Automotive Ltd. -ol1 Flex, Chennai. Lanson 4o1ota, Chennai -ara oat -rodu ts Ltd., )osur +h3ing +tetter, Chennai +ona :o1o +teering +1stems. +uper Cra=t, :ohlapur 4hai $eel +ummit Ltd. 4riton 0alves Ltd. #1sore.

2ater Au%it& 45. :usalava International, 0i8a1a3ada. 4!. IL9I$ Automotive Ltd. Irungatu<ottai, Chennai. 4%. Lanson 4o1ota, 7ater Audit 4(. +impson Co. Ltd., Chennai 4/. #ando Bra<es, Chennai. 52. +undaram Cla1ton, -adi, Chennai Treat$ent 3lants& 51. Addison Co Ltd., Chennai, +e3age treatment plant, "==luent treatment plant, 6F 5> =or e==luent and drin<ing 3ater 5> s1stem. 52. Field 4o1ota ? Bhuvanesh3ar, =or "==luent treatment plant 53. IL9I$ Automotive Ltd. Irungatu<ottai, Chennai, @ +e3age , "==luent treatment plant 3ith AA;I-L 54. India -istons =or "==luent treatment through 6F 5> s1stem 55. :usalava International Ltd., 0i8a1a3ada @ e==luent , se3age treatment plant )egd: O**i'e: No. 36, +,ktha -,ilding, !th +ain, 1!th Cro&&, +alle&wara%, -angalore "60 0"" . 0!0 2311622

: Contact address Old No. 27, New No. 23


2nd Floor, Tilak Street, T.Nagar Chennai 600 017 Ph: 0 2!3 1"" , 260"6 2 #$%ail: h&ete'hni'al(g%ail.'o%

5!. 5%. 5(. 5/. !2.

Leela :rishna 4o1ota ? 0isha<apatinam =or "==luent 4reatment plant 5adha #adhav 4o1ota ? 0i8a1a3ada =or "==luent 4reatment plant 5ane madras #1sore ? =or "==luent treatment through 6F 5> s1stem +pi er India Ltd. )osur plant @ Coolant treatment plant 3ith A;I-L 7ason 4o1ota ? -une @ oil s<imming unit.

Rain 'ater Har#estin & !1. Festo Controls, 6nit I, 6nit II and residential 'uildings alled &old oin, Bangalore !2. IL9I$ Automotive Ltd. Irungatu<ottai, Chennai. !3. L# &lass, )os<ote, Bangalore Co$postin & !4. "ngelhard environmental +1stems, #aramalainagar, Chennai !5. +impson Co. Ltd., +em'ium, Chennai Ener ! au%it& !!. Bellar1 #il< ;air1, :aranat<a !%. Lanson 4o1ota, "nerg1 Audit =or onservation o= energ1 !(. $$C-L orporate and Bran h o==i es. Ot(er En#iron$ental or safet! relate% 3ro4ects& !/. ABB =or sa=et1 exe ution onsite at Chettinadu ement at Ari1allur and 6ltrate h ement at 4adapatri. %2. Alstom, Chennai, Noise 5appin %1. )e3lett -a <ard at Bangalore ? Impa t , 5is< assessment %2. India -iston, Chennai, Safet! Ris6 Assess$ent Stu%! %3. #ando Bra<es, Chennai, 2aste au%it %4. 5ane "ngine 0alves Ltd., -reparation o= Safet! 5anual %5. +aint &o'ain &lass India Ltd., +ri peram'udur, Chennai, =or 5etal reco#er! %!. +"A#@$ pro8e t initiated '1 &ovt. o= $epal 3ith International tie up =or Cleaner 3ro%uction1 %%. +impson Co. Ltd., Chennai =or Oil 5ana e$ent au%it %(. 4o1ota :irlos<ar Auto parts, Bangalore, Le al re7uire$ents Gap Anal!sis En#iron$ent & Safet! a'areness Trainin & %/. &" 4hermometri s, Bangalore on ISO 8*))8&9))* Internal Au%itors trainin (2. India -iston, Chennai (1. #ando Bra<es, Chennai, En#iron$ental A'areness trainin (2. #otherson Automotive 4e hnologies , "ngineering *4hree 'at hes. (3. &54 &rand da1s, Chennai on ISO 8*))8&9))* Internal Au%itors trainin )egd: O**i'e: No. 36, +,ktha -,ilding, !th +ain, 1!th Cro&&, +alle&wara%, -angalore "60 0"" . 0!0 2311622

: Contact address Old No. 27, New No. 23


2nd Floor, Tilak Street, T.Nagar Chennai 600 017 Ph: 0 2!3 1"" , 260"6 2 #$%ail: h&ete'hni'al(g%ail.'o%

(4. (5. (!. (%. ((.

+impson Co. Ltd. +em'iun , Annasalai on ISO 8*))8&9))* Internal Au%itors trainin +nam Allo1s, -ondi her1 =or Safet! a'areness trainin 4o1ota :irlos<ar #otor ;ealers meet at )u'li, En#iron$ental A'areness & ISO 8*))8& 9))* 4o1ota :irlos<ar Auto parts, Bangalore, En#iron$ental A'areness & ISO 8*))8& 9))* 6pper India Ltd.

Trainin on 2aste 5ana e$ent& (/. )1undai #otor India Ltd. /2. India -istons Limited +em'iam /1. :usalava International, 0i8a1a3ada. /2. #ando Bra<es, Chennai Trainin on E$er enc! prepare%ness & response /3. Alstom, Chennai. /4. Festo ontrols india -vt. Ltd /5. )anil lear +eat and interior -lants. /!. India -istons Limited #.# $agar /%. #ando Bra<es, Chennai. /(. $0) India -vt. Ltd. En#iron$ental & Safet! Le islation Trainin s& //. >pen )ouse at Chennai =or 32 parti ipants 122. >pen )ouse at #1sore =or 13 parti ipants 121. >pen )ouse at Coim'atore 12 parti ipants 122. >pen )ouse at &oa 33 parti ipants In (ouse Trainin s on In%ian En#iron$ental & safet! Le islation 123. Alstom, Chennai 124. Cooper Automotive Ltd. at Ford India 125. Fal on 41res, #1sore 12!. )1undai #otor India Ltd. 12%. )3ashin Automotive Ltd., Irrugattu<ottai, hennai 12(. 9B# +ung3oo Ltd, Irrugattu<ottai, hennai 12/. 9:# ;erim, Chennai 112. #ando Bra<es, Chennai 111. -)C #anu=a turing, Irrugattu<ottai, hennai

112. +aint &o'ain &lass India, +riperam'udur, hennai

)egd: O**i'e: No. 36, +,ktha -,ilding, !th +ain, 1!th Cro&&, +alle&wara%, -angalore "60 0"" . 0!0 2311622

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