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by JOSEPH SPEICHER, 8.A., M.A., Ph.D. Consultanto Psychological Business Research




Ffl Hrs AprrruDE TEST, sent to you by the Nelson Doubleday I P".sorral Success Program, is designed to help you
understand more about your abilities, skills, and vocational

This test has actually been tested on a large group of people. No psychologist can decide what scores are average. Only by analyzing the scores of enough people can we say with certainty that the average person should be able to get
10, or 2O, or 30 right. You can rely on the "average" scores given in this test. They are the results of actual testing.

A test could not tell very much about people if most of them got all the questions right. For this reason, the questions in this test are fairly tough. Don't be discouraged by this. You can't tell anything about how well you have done until you check the scores in the back. Don't do this until after vou have taken all the tests, of course.
Psnsoxel- Success Pnocneu
copyRrcHT @ f958 By NELSoN DoUBLEDAY, rNc.




reasoning, and communication. These skills are included in the schedule of Progress Kits in the Personal Success Program. If you find that your present skill in one or more of these areas is average or below average, you obviously need to develop it. On the other hand, high scores in some areas will show you where a little more effort can make you really outstanding.

You will find six different tests in this booklet. Five of them test various skills - information, verbal, numerical, abstract

The sixth section is the vocational preference test. when you have finished and scored this part, you will find valuable insights into where your natural interests lie and the kinds of work in which you will be truly happiest' Remember that no test by itself can decide for you what you can and should do. But this Personal Success Program aptitude test can give you help and useful information in assessing your present place in the world and hinting the directions in which you can probably move most profitably' What you will need for taking the tests: Your test A sheet or two of scratch PaPer One or two pencils

Present Skills



Direcfions: For each question, select the best answer (A, B, C, D, or E) and write that letter in the space provided at the right. There is always one, and only one bes/ answer to each question. There is no time limit.
Example: The "Flying Tigers" are concerned chiefly



with (A) (C) aviation (D) ballet (E) Africa





There are, of course' some general rules which you must follow if your results are to have any meaning for you. Most of these rules are just common sense: I. Be completely tair in takinp /fte fes/s' Don't "look over" the tests before taking them, or peek at the scoring section. Don't discuss them with anyone before taking them' Don't talk to anyone or let anyone talk to you while you are actuallY taking a test. Choose a place where you won't be bothered and where you'll be comfortable. And, of course' don't make use of any help of any 'sort,

Which city is closest to the South Pole? (C) Sydney (D) Caracas (E) Delhi

(A) Cairo (B)



2, Accra is the capital of what nation in Africa that recently gained independence? (A) Nigeria (B) Ethiopia (C) Liberia (D) Kenya

(E) Ghana


3. Which one of these rivers flows in a generally northward direction?

(D) Volga (E) Yukon. . . ( 4. Von Braun is a name associated with (A) golf (B) color TV (C) swimming (D) missiles (E) chamber music. .... ... (

(B) Nile (C) Rio

5. The designer of the U. S, pavilion at the 1958 World's Fair in Brussels is: (A) DeBroglie (B) Wood (C) Stone (D) Wright

(E) Bauhaus....

6. The correct name of the island of Formosa is:

(C) Taiwan

..........( (A) Thailand (D) Guam (E) Okinawa . . ... . .. ( (D)

7. An American president who died in office was: (A) Taft (B) Winslow (C) Garfield (D) Franklin (E) Hamilton..... ..........(

including books. 2. Work efficiently in takinS /he /es/s. You do not need to take all the tests at one sitting, but do not stop in the middle of a test unless really
necessary. Mark your answers clearlY. Answer all the questions, even if you must guess for the more difftcult ones. You are not penalized for guessing'

8. Which travels fastest? (A) sound (B) wind (C) bullet

(E) jetairplane (B)



9. How do the sun and the moon compare in actual size? (A) both about

sunismuchlarger. ........( 10. What is the main cause of the oceans' tides? (A) the moon's pull (B) the earth's gravity (C) the sun's radiation (D) the earth's rotation (E) thewind. ......(
11. In what game are "pawns" used? (A) bridge (D) checkers (E) mah-jong.....

the same

moonismuchlarger (E)

moon is a little larger

(C) sun is a little larger (D)



(C) monopoly


12. Sinclair Lewis is the author of : (A) "The Magic Mountain".. (B),,So Big" (C) "An American Tragedy" (D) "Main Street" (E) "A Farewell to Arms" 13. Which is the largest in size?



(D) Battalion (E) ComPanY..

(A) Platoon (B) Squad (C) Regiment


14. which is a part of an automobile's electrical system?

(A) carburetor (B) differential (C) thermostat (D) radiator (E) regulator" ' " ' ( 15. From what part of an animal's body is tripe obtained? (A) shoulder (B) hoofs (C) stomach (D) glands (E) upper neck" " " " " "( 16. What is the boiling point of water, at sea level? (A) 389 F (B) .......... ( 212 F (C) 100 F (D) 98.6 F (E) 36 F.. 17. One advantage of the Diesel engine is that it usually requires no (A) fuel (Bj ignition system (C) lubrication (D) cooling system (E) movingparts. """""( (A) perjury 18. Lending money at an excessive interest rate is called: " " '( (B)ars6n (C) margin (D) usury (E) larceny'
(A) Hindu IB) Moslem (C) Christian (D) Shinto (E) Brahman" ( 20. Who composed the opera "Die Meistersinger"? (A) Mozart (B) " " '( Herbert (-C) Beethovln (D) Stravinsky (E) Wagner' 21. The science of genetics has to do with: (A) old age (B) child care (C) heredity (b; theology (E) hvdroponics" ' " " " " "( (C) a satellite (B) planet (A) a a star 22. Tine sun is classified as:
19. Of what religious faith are most of the inhabitants of Indonesia?

Select the one word (A, B, C, D, or E) which has most nearly the same meaning as the underlined word. The meaning may not be exactly the same, but there is one bes/ answer. Example: Fas/:

(A) time (B) slow (C) win (D) quick (E) high.


.( D

1. Perhaps.'




"""'\ (B) forecasting, weather (A) fishing 23. Harpoons are used principally in (C) music (D) skiing (E) chemistrv.'.. """"( (B) 4 (A) yrs' 2 24. United States Senators are elected for a term of: yrs. (C) 6 yrs. (D) 8 yrs. (E) "good behavior".... " '" " ( 25. Holstein is a type of: (A) cow (B) horse (C) sheep (D) hog ""'\ (E) squab 26. The chemical formula for water may be written as: (A) Wt' (B) HO:'] (C) W:.:O (D) HOH (E) WoH " " '( 27. A well known Russian newspaper is: (A) "The Marxist" (B) "Metro" """( (C)"Kulak" (D) "Pravda"-1b; "Donetz" ... (D) , (C) (B) weight (A) taste color have: should 28. Clean fresh air """""( odor (E) enzymes
29. What part of the blood is active in destroying invading bacteria? (e) redcells (B) plasma (C) whitecells (D) toxin (E) lymph" 30. The city of Mecca is in: (A) Egypt (B) Turkey (C) (D) Israel (E) Syria



Saudi Arabia


(E)shady .....( (A) excuse (B) preface (C) opposed (D) cause (E) protest ........( 7. Styptic: (A) concise (B) encyphered (C) astringent (D) holy (E) clean .....( 8. Truculent: (A) juicy (B) ductile (C) savage (D) relenting (E) deceitful .... ..........( 9. Random: (A) selected (B) haphazard (C) partial (D) methodical (E,) proportional . ..........( 7O. Forfeit: (A) giveup (B) reject (C) accept (D) seize (E) default..( 11. Transien/; (A) navigable (B) momentary (C) evil (D) above (E) motionless .. ..........( 12. Enervate; (A) vitalize (B) awake (C) irritate (D) weaken (E)stabilize .........( 13. Wan: (A) flushed (B) pate (C) distorted (D) smooth (E) sly.... ( L4. Tepid: (A) lukewarm (B) steaming (C) glazed (D) boiling (E)tasteless .........( 15. Tocsin.' (A) stocking (B) poison (C) cap (D) bell (E) biotic.... ( 16. Verbose: (A) fat (B) prohibited (C) wordy (D) learned (E) thick.( 17. Abate: (A) lessen (B) encourage (C) rub (D) tempt (E) thick...( 18. Raze.' (A) lift (B) sharpen (C) grow (D) demolish (E) tease..., ( L9. Goal: (A) aim (B) ghost (C) basket (D) rule (E) influence. . . . . . ( 2O. Chromosome.' (A) color unit (B) time piece (C) vaccine (D) part of bodycell(E)metalliccoating .......,..( 21. BolI: (A) insect (B) beverage (C) cotton pod (D) gangster girl (E) treetrunk. ......( 22. Fecund: (A) spoiled (B) lethargic (C) stylish (D) fruitful (E)sleeping .........( 23. Prodi(al; (A) genius (B) young (C) wasteful (D) musical (E) make-believe . ,........(
6. Prctext:

2. AnPer: (A) ire (B) sulk (C) strike (D) mood (E) spite. ........( ) 3. Bias.'(A) against (B) prejudice (C) unfair (D) bribe (E) opinion.( ) 4. Prohibit: (A) abstain (B) forbid (C) warn (D) sin (E) enforce...( ) 5. Scrupulous.' (A) diseased (B) miserly (C) filthy (D) careful
) ) )


(C) if (D) probably (E) maybe.


) )

) )

) ) ) ) )

) )
) )

24. Inebriate: (A) comedian (B) drunk (C) untouchable (D) newly-

11. ) 12.

wed(E)convert 25. Cursory: (A) profane (B) (E)advisory......

......( (

A salesman sold 12 automobiles, which was 607o quota. What was his quota?




vengeful (C) superficial




26. Satiate: (A) satisfy (B) soak (C) weaken (D) prolong (E) insist..


If one angle of a triangle is 80 degrees, and another is 45 degrees, how many degrees are there in the third angle?. . . . . . (-) Ilowmuchdoesitgainperday?..
of 169?..


Illicit: (A) dangerous (B) carnal (C) exempt (D) unlawful .'...( (E)sinful 28. Accede: (A) consent (B) withdraw (C) annex (D) break off .....( (E) speedup... 29. Agenda: (A) the end (B) ofEcials (C) business to be done (D) index ......'..( (E) explanation... 30. Acrid: (A) speedy (B) distinct (C) bitter (D) powdered ....-."'( (E) parched

13. A clock gains 2 minutes and 4 seconds in a period of 4 days.

) )

.....(-) (-) ..... (-) . . (-)


14. What is the average length of 5 rods measuring 10 ft., 6 ft., 4 ft., 6 ft., and 9 ft. long? 15. What is the square root 16. Divide 41.52 by 2.4. . .

mentodothesamejob? 18. Addthefollowing: 4yr.7 mo.

17. Six men can do a job in 8 hours. How long would

it take 4 ....:. .(-) .(-) 3 yr.6mo. 2mo...


Write the correct answer to each problem in the space provided at the right.

19. Jones'salary was $5000. IIe was given a lO/6 raise, and a year later another LO/s raise. What was his salary after the 2 raises?.


20. A man averaged 2l miles per gallon of gasoline on a trip of 504 miles. At 304 per gallon, how much did he spend for





21. Which number represents the largest amount? (B) .072 (C) .1s13 (D) .00e4 (E) .10ee



....(-) (--) (-)



22, A piece 2 inches square is cut out of a sheet of paper 5 inches square. What is the area of the remaining paper? 23. Twenty dollars is 4OVo of what

one minute? 2. Which one of the following is smallest?

1. A car travels 30 feet a second. llow many feet does

go in .1236

3. Subtract 2 feet and 6 inchesfrom 4 feet. .. " "(-=--) 4. Add Yq and /s and give the answer in percentage form.. . . . . . (=_--) 5. A man's monthly salary is $500.00. $70.00 is deducted for taxes and $12.50 is deducted for other prirposes. llow much has he left





(E) .07s

(A) .53 (B)

. . . (-)


24. In

a city there were 50,000 qualified voters. 60Vo of the qualified voters voted on election day. 2OVo of those who cast their ballots voted for Jones. How many votes did Jones get?.


25. A rectangular hole 6 ft. long and 3 ft. wide is to be dug to hold 90 cu. ft. of material. How deep must the hole be? 26. Add:6+ 102 +


oo Cr96 opgo. ooqoq


+ 17..
for $72,000 and sold five of them for

(-) ..(-)

27. Smith bought 6 houses

What percentage of the circles are marked by

/l . '.


$13,000, $11,000, $15,000, $12,000, and $20,000 each. For how much must he sell the sixth house in order to make a $15,000 profit (ignoring expenses)? . . .


7. Three men contributed $500 each, to buy an automobile together. The car was, however, bought for only $1320' How . (-) large a refund should each man get? . . (-) 8' subtract .oo3 from .04. . . . (-) in length?. . is inches whose side 4 is area of a square 9. What the 10. Thirty per cent of a group of 50 were men. llow many of the
group were

28. Assume that the U.

S. population is 160 million, and that the average family consists of 4 persons. How much per family would the cost of a 4 billion dollar defense program amount to? . (-)

29. Subtract 1/10 from 2/5. . .

... .. (-)



30. Two airplanes of equal speed start from the same place, going at right angles to each other. After they have flown 50 miles each, how far apart are the two planes?



fnsfrucfions: Study each series of numbers to discover the "system" in which they are arranged. Then fill in the missing number that will complete the series.


In each item below, notice that Figure X has been changed in some way to make Figure Y. Then look at Figure Z, and decide what it riyould look like if it were changed in the same way. Cboose your answer from Figures A, B,

Exomple;3 5 7

11 13


A.46 B. 23 c. 32

10 12 2r 19 t7 15 t7 L2 27 22 D. 89 79 70 62 55 E.r2 5 69 F.OL2 22 30 36 J 84 G.67 H. 16 124 2 I.%1 3 927 10 20 22 J.48 K. 13 13 2l 7 L. 225 169 L2L 81 M. 15 26 34 51 N.32 54 o. 15 14 30

16 11


C, and D. In the example, Figure X was turned upside down to make Figure Y. So, if you do the same thing to Figure Z, it will then look like Figure B. The letter "B" is therefore written in the answer space at the right.







3 8


vf7 .{



43 25 92

ffiil &

84 96 698

lno! io0o _ Inn i # | iU


ffi[ +,\





<:z i


l-----,.-J cl

lc ll


o ror: tr

v'i-i o OisiOln

1) V i\Zl

A rr

B n

v '\r

c n

D-f;;u" l=-----



Insfrucfions: Study each sentence carefully and decide if there is a grammatical error in it. If you find one or more errors in the sentence, draw a circle arotmd the word or words that must be changed. If the sentence has no grammatical

error, make no marks but go


9:}LEI! The doctor told us n.(dk!]-$:9hope for Suzy.



answered the call? 2. Hopkins could of won if he had waited. 1. Was

it her who

3. The day was cloudy and cold. 4. The officer told Tom and I to lie down. 5. "Whom is calling?" she asked' "It's f," replied John. 6. Bert could not believe what he had seen.

@zt /o
,/ a' \\o

|QJ I \l--li.-l--,,

irl /'I-\ r f\

ffi, ; g,



\, /) //a

-ir"'Elg \7 ll-ai



7. We sunk deeper in the mud with each attempt to get out. 8. I wouldn't trust a driver as careless as him' 9. He did good enough for his first try. 10. I am sorry you was kept waiting so long. 11, I don't like those kind of long carl there too hard to park' 12, Leave it go. It don't help none to complain.
13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.

i\o rp

tr tr EI

fril\i ',J I / \\ ,/"\ \ fH I i 6=:{I in----n | i rH-l ll



He wanted to go somewheres farther away. I decided it was her, because her walk sure looked familiar. Only one of the lectures were really entertaining. The score laid on the piano all day' We hadn't hardly gone a mile, when the car stopped. I felt very badly about it.

If I

were she,



llUull 0[[0



llelis,iutm ffiittttl=tlt ,*li

' .


20. My bicycle is different than yours. 21. John, Fred, and me all went to the movies' 22. I am now a American citizen' 23. We discovered that Murgatroyd had broke his leg' 24. IJelu-y is the strongest of the two, but Dick is the faster' 25. The bells rung all day but they weren't real loud. 26. I wish this thing hadn't come up between you and I. 27. Marching westward, the plane spotted the army. 28. Bills leaving upset me.




Your Vocational Interests

Check telephone numbers for errors Review books for a newspaper Address, stamp, and mail bills Re-decorate your living room Speak to raise money for a university Speak before art clubs about sculpture

This section is entirely different from the first section. Here you will uncover your natural vocational interests, instead of your
present skills. Do not do this section right away. You are probably a little tired from the first portion of the test. So wait until tomorrow, when you are fresh.

Find scholarships for worthy students

Work on nuclear power for airplanes Attend a course in typing Help relief families make out budgets Help students get part-time jobs Make new designs for plastic dinnerware
Record egg sales on a poultry farm Sell tractor attachments to farmers
Read an article on "Young Writers in Russia" Read a report on new occupations for cripples


will find a series of activities or opinions. These are arranged in pairs. Each pair is separated from the others by horizontal lines,
On the following pages you

like this:

Volunteer to teach people applying for citizenship

Take an evening course in effective speaking Proofread manuscript of a new book Trouble-shoot printing press breakdowns

Mix sodas in a drug store

Be a waiter in a restaurant

to choose one and only one of these activities. Note the two circles to the right. One is near the top line, one near the bottom. Check your preference by putting a check-mark (rz) in the top circle if you prefer the top activity, or in the bottom circle if you prefer the bottom activity. The activity you check does not have to be something you especially like doing, or something you do well, It should just sound like more fun than the In each
case, you are

Study means of eradicating mosquitoes Count traffic using a new bridge

Make sure that details are accurate Analyze events for their causes
Organize a research study on heart disease Design a medal to be awarded for heroism

other activity. If you really dislike both activities violently, then don't check either. Instead, put a cross (x) in the circle of the activity you disli/<e most. Either cfteck the circle for the activity you prefer, or put an x in the circle for the activity you dislike most, but don't do both. IJse x's only if you wouldn't dream of doing either activity even if you


Supervise electrical equipment in a TV studio Analyze audience reactions to TV programs

were starving to death. In most cases, try to check one even if it seems only bearable, tlse x's only for the really bitter choices. You will find that the circles appear in many different places to the right of the activities, but one is always on top and one is always on the bottom. Pay no attention to the way these circles range from side to side. This has nothing to do with the way you take the test. Complete directions for scoring this section will be found at the end.

Visit hospital patients who are lonely

Put advertising leaflets in parked autos Run a repair shop for farm equipment Plan the landscaping for a large estate Sell cosmetics house to house

Deliver Special Delivery Mail


Inspect elevators for safety

Organize adult education classes

Negotiate a labor contract Select the ten best novels of the year

Investigate the causes of traffic congestion Read a report on how turnpikes are built
Sketch scenes in the country Help a polio patient learn to use his hands again

Write TV commercials Design sets for TV plays Write dramatic skits for TV
Open and sort letters from

TV listeners

Operate a "Bookmobile" library Develop a stronger breed of cattle

Read about automation in Russian factories Read a self-help booklet on salesmanship

Design and decorate a night club Read short stories submitted for publication Collect clothing for victims of a fire Visit an auto dump to find useful parts
Read the book review section of a paper Read "Popular Mechanics" magazine

Advise couples on marriage problems

Operate a book store

Paint a portrait of a dear friend Sort mail in the post office Join a weekly book discussion club

Analyze consumer products Get people out to vote on election day

Visit an art gallery once a week

Take snapshots Read articles on the effect of X-Rays
Renew old worn-out typewriters Sell tickets at a bus terminal

Fix household equipment for neighbors Write words for songs Call on a sick friend on a holiday Answer letters and pay bills on a holiday
Take fingerprints of civil service applicants Act as advisor in a public library

Do research on the hazards of space travel Write an article on the local use of slang
Serve as judge in a local art exhibit Persuade merchants to support an art festival

Write about how beautiful a park is Write about how a park helps underprivileged children
Persuade the city to use your bridge design Design a bridge for possible use by the city Consider artists more important than scientists

Prepare an advertisement for a new book Raise funds to print books in Braille for the blind

Consider scientists more important than artists

Write a booklet on flower arrangement

Design a do-it-yourself

kit for building a doghouse

Visit a famous hydro-electric dam Visit a famous museum of medical progress

See a movie about cancer fesearch See a movie about slum clearance

Translate foreign poetry into English Write broadcasts for "The Voice of America" Develop better psychological tests Help young people select careers

Join a discussion about who should be elected President Join a discussion about a new ofEce manual
Read a news story about why a satellite failed to orbit Read a news story about a sale of an art collection


speeches for a political candidate Analyze plans for combating delinquency


Work to make expensive medical care available to all Work to discover the cure for cancer or heart disease
Renovate old autos for resale Operate a parking lot Read reviews of recent novels or plays Read weekly calendar of church activities

Work in the Public Relations department of a city Work in the Health and Welfare department of a city Read the lives of famous authors Read the lives of famous engineers
Convert your basement into a workshop Convert your basement into a library Win a prize as best scientist of the year Win a prize as best author of the vear Be a TV repairman Be a TV salesman
Be a room clerk in a large hotel Be a YMCA counselor Be moved by a fine picture of a sunset

Write poetry for your own amusement Solve chess problems in a magazine
Sort artificial pearls for size Bargain for more shelf space for your product Write a critical review of an art exhibit Catalog and arrange the paintings for an exhibit Study the genetic effect of H-Bomb fall_out Study the explosive power of an H-Bomb Develop plans to aid poor art students Judge an art contest among young people Order new books in a public librarv Make a physical inventory of books in a librarv
Read "Popular Mechanics" Read "Scientific American" Be a judge in a contest of young advertising copywriters Be a judge in a contest of young poets

Be moved by a fine description of a sunset Try to solve an unsolved crime Try to talk a policeman out of giving you a ticket Usually favor the underdoe Enjoy bluffing even when not necessarv Operate a machine that pastes labels on cans Redesign a product to make it more attractive Gather material for a historical novel Write a letter to the editor praising a candidate Operate an office switchboard Analyze how a large office can use an IBM machine Be known as a famous portrait painter Be known as a famous author of biographies

Be a cashier in a cafeteria Repair broken TV aerials

Make your own Christmas cards Give ingenious gadgets as presents Work out the programing for an IBM machine Put data on IBM cards with a key punch

Write promotional pamphlets for an art school Develop the courses to be given in an art school
Teach literature in a high school Teach art in a high school
Serve on the staff of a home for the aged Serve on the stafr of a public library

Lobby in Congress for funds for a research project Develop a research project for Congress'approval
Be a social worker or counselor Teach shop mechanics to adult classes Play with your son's Meccano set Play with your son's painting set





Special lnstructions

lor Certain Tests

Test 4: Abstract Reasoning. This test is divided into two sections, 4-A and

you have completed your tests, you can score them by carefully following these simple instructions. But first, here is some general information about

4-8. Your total score for Test 4 is the combined score for 4-A and 4-B' You will note that in section 4-A your answers are written in spaces near the middle of the page, rather than at the right-hand margin. Therefore, be especially careful in lining up the scoring key.
You will also note that in section 4-A the questions are lettered rather than numbered. This was done in order to avoid confusion with the content of the questions themselves-it has no other significance. ?es/ 5.' Communication Ski//. You will need to use your judgment somewhat in scoring this test. The scoring key indicates the part or parts of the sentence that need to be changed. But since there may be several ways in which an error may be changed, it is difficult to encircle the exact number of words that are wrong. But the key does identify the error. If your answer identifies the same error, count the answer as correct. If you circled any parts as wrong that should nof be circled, subtract one from your score for each wrong circling.

The "scoring key" is on pages 29-30. On it are the correct answers for all the tests in Part I (Present Skills). It can be detached so that the correct
answers can be placed beside your own answers for quick and accurate scoring.

Your score on a test is the number of correct answers you have. Answers
that are wrong or were omitted receive no score. There is only one besl answer for each question, so if you checked more than one answer to some question, they must be counted as wrong even if one of them was the correct answer. When you have counted up your score on each test, they should be transferred to the Test Profile on page 26. Only when your scores have become a part of the Test Profile will they have definite meaning for you. The scores themselves (without the profile) cannot be compared with each other because some tests are more difficult than others. The purpose of the Test Profile is to tell you just how good each of your scores is.

Hou to Transler Your Scores to the Test Profle (page 26)

Notice that in the Test Profile are five columns-one for each of the five tests in Part f, Present Skills. To the left you will find the scores. Mark the box at your score for each of the tests and fill in each column up to your mark. Note thai heavy lines show you the range of above average, average, and below
average scores for each test.

How to Use the Scoring Key

To score the tests in Part

(Present Skills), follow these rules:

Tear out the Key (pages 29-30). Fold back on each of the lines so you can line up the scoring key for each page with your answers. In other words, your answers and the correct answers on the scoring key should appear side by side.
Be very sure that the column gf answers you use on the scoring key is for the same test and page as the answers you are scoring in your booklet. Compare each of your answers with the answer given on the scoring key. If the two are the same, your answer is correct. It is a good idea to make a light pencil mark after each of your answers that is correct, to serve as a temporary record. Your score on each test is the total number of correct answers you received on the test. Since each test has 30 answers, the highest scof,e you can receive on any test is 30.


One advantage of measuring abilities by means of tests is that you can compare how well you have done with what other people have done-using exactly the same test questions and the same scoring standards. Therefore, we should make sure that we all mean the same thing by these "present skills." Here are brief descriptions of what is meant by "Verbal Skills," "Abstract Reasoning," etc.



Information (Measured by Test l). While a large fund of general information may not be vital to every job, it is important. If two candidates for a job are matched in all other ways, the one with superior knowledge of what has been and is going on in the world is certainly the better choice. A wealth of information-together with what that implies-is an

essential in the development and growth of the "technician" to higher managerial and professional levels. Knowledge of the world and its activities stands us in good stead in our social relationships with friends and fellow citizens. If your score on Test I is lower than you would like it to be, there are many ways for improving yourself in this area. And, of course, you can never be foo well-read.



If you have made a choice between the two activities or opinions in every pair on pages 17 through 21, you are ready to interpret your vocational interests.
This test has compared your natural preference for each of seven different basic vocational fields with the other six fields. Each field has been compared

ulary tests are most commonly used to measure it. words are the basic tools of any sort of management. Words are also perhaps of greater impor_ tance than we think in our everyday relationships. And in literature and the arts skilled usage and understanding of words is a primary factor. The person who can increase the range of his vocabulary is bettering himself in a variety of areas at the same time. Verbal ski[ can easily be itproved, and will be the subject of at least one progress Kit.
Numeilcal sftilt (Measured by Test 3). The use of numbers is a skill to the use of words in its importance to man's intelligence. Numerical skill is probably more important in your job than socially, yet many of us in our everyday living are handicapped because of our inability to use numbers well-a problem that can and should be remedied quite
second only easily.

verbal s/<i/l (Measured by Test 2). Verbal ability is generally considered the single skill most closely associated with "intelligence"-and vocab-

no less than 24 times, so minor variations are almost certain to have

cancelled out.


You add up your preferences very simply. The circles which you checked or crossed out, you recall, were scattered right and left as well as being the top or llottom circle for each pair. You will notice that the circles represents one vocational field.

fall into 7 columns. Each of these columns

The first step in scoring is to count the check-marks in the first column on every page. Place a piece of paper or a ruler over all the columns except the one which you are adding.
Now count the number of x's in the first column on every page, and subttact the x's from the total check-marks. This is your total for this vocational field. When you have this total, mark it in the first column of the graph on page 27. fill in the column up to this mark. Example: If your total for column one is 10, black in column one of the graph up to the 10 mark.

Abstract Reasonin6f (Measured by Test 4). This is a type of reasoning that does not involve the use of words. Although there are some elements of numerical ability and of "spatial perception" in sections 4-A and 4-B, the chief ability tested is reasoning. persons whose reading skill is not well developed, or who are not thoroughly at home in the English language, will find this test more fair than tests that require an understanding of


Do the same for the other columns.

At the foot of each column you sented by that column.

will find the vocational interest field




and others, But this skill is really important to all of us in anv sort of work. We may fail the firm we represent, or make a poor imprission on our own behalf, because of crudity and lack of clearness in what we are trying to write or say. rmproper use of language is not just an academic problem-it is a handicap with which thousands needlessly frustrate their best efforts. Effectiveness and prestige are both invoried, but many of us have become so accustomed to our dairy speech habits that we do not realize their great potential in our business and social contacts. Test 5 will give you an estimate of how poorly or how well you may be using this important "present skill.,'

cate one's ideas to others clearly and agreeably is of obvious importance to such persons as journalists, authors, lecturers, teachers, clergymen, lawyers,

(Measured by Test 5). The ability to communi-

is highest. No scoring standard can be set. Look at your highest scores and your lowest scores for the general direction of your preferences' You will be more likely to be happy in areas of your higher scores, and less happy in work involving use of interests in which you scored lowest, but this alone cannot dictate what you should do. And remember always that this portion of the test reveals the kinds of work in which your interests most probably lie, not
the kinds of work you necessarily do best.
Base any decisions you make not only on your general reaction to this test but also on your educafion, your experience, the opportunities now open to you, and most of all on what you know about yourself.

Obviously, you are naturally most interested in the fields in which your score

(continued on page 28)





Above Averoge (rop Zr of oll people lested scored in this oreo)

23 22




l9 l8

oll people

lesled scored in fhis oreo)





9 8

Below Averoge

(lowest /s of oll people tested scored in this oreo)

3 2

cotuMt{ |
Cleritol & Rouiine cotulvlN


cotuMN 4


cotuMN 6
neseorch &









Test I




Test 2

Test 3


Test 4-A


Test 5


Test 4-B



Mark your score for each test by putting an "x" in each column where your score lies' For a good visual picture of your present achievement in these
test to test.

skills' fill in the box of your score and alr the boxes berow itto make a bar graph. Note that the dividing line between averale and above averale varies from

Mark your score for each column-the number of check marks minus the number of x's for all five pages-and then fill in the column up to that point to make a bar graph. This will give you a visual picture of your interests. There are no "good" or "bad" scores. Sharp peaks and valleys, however, should give you a strong picture of activities you will be happiest and unhappiest in. Mitd peaks and valleys might indicate that you are interested in many things nnd can be happy in many kinds of work. (If any column has more x's than checks, simply store it as zero. You don't like that field at all!)

Tesr 2

Test 3


I{ere are the seven interests measured in the Interest Inventorv-and typical occupations associated with each:

Test I Poge 8



Poge | |

Factor A: cleilcal & Routine*means that you like repetitive work that does not require a great deal of reasoning or other mental effort, but may require you to keep working steadily and accurately. Addressing clerk; duplicating machine operator; file clerk; inventory clerk; key punch operator; mail carrier; proofreader; shipping clerk; telegram messenger; telephone operator; ticket agent; typist. Factot B: Literary-means that you enjoy reading or writing, either fiction or non-fiction, but generally material of high quality. Advertising writer; book review editor; dramatist; newspaper editor; English teacher; fiction writer; magazine writer; poet; radio or TV script writer; reporter; teacher of languages.
Factor C.' Persuasive-means that you enjoy dealing with people and trying to change or influence their ideas and opinions. Auto dealer; advertising manager; claim adjustor; buyer; diplomat; hotel manager; insurance agent; Iawyer; politician; public relations counsel; radio announcer; salesman.

rr.3 \J .S

tcs vE




Test 2

r2- 55
13- 3 1 sec.

zi A/o

Pcge 9




-E vtD



16B 17B

Trrf I
?oge 7

2A 4B


17-L2 hr. 18-8 yr.3 mos. 19-$6050

Tesl 4-A Poge 12

A14 B13

oo CE





& Enpineerin4f-means you like to work with machines and tools, to build and to repair things. Auto mechanic; carpenter, construction worker; electrician; lathe operator; locksmith; machinist; mason; motorman; plumber; radio and TV repairman; shoemaker; stagehand; toolmaker; upholsterer; welder.
Factor D: Mechanical
Factor.E: Arfrs/ic*means that you enjoy making pretty things with your hands, or appreciating pretty things through the eye. Artistic work is usualty creative, and may involve interest in form and texture of material. Advertising designer; architect; beautician; clothes designer; commercial artist; illustrator; interior decorator; poster artist; stage-set designer; taxidermist; window oresser. Factor F.' Research & scienfific-means that you like to study problems and work out solutions, to find the cause of things, to experiment and discover new facts or natural laws. Biologist; laboratory technician; chemist; criminologist; dietician; inventor; medical service worker; mineralogrst; oculist; pharmacist; physician; psy_ chologist; research assistant. Factor G: Humanitarian-means that you enjoy work that is done to help other people, rncluding many types of social service. Adult education director; camp counselor; case worker; college dean; farm advisorl governess; playground director; practical nurse; scout leader; settlement worker; teacher; travelers, aid workert vocational counselor. 28

;20E sA
EC o ct a !t oo BE



2r-.163 3 o
Test 3

.sE s
rF E


.tB 4D

9B l0A
1l B
t2 D l3 B

Poge lO
1- 1800

22'2L sq. irr.

23- $50




2-.078 3-1 ft.6 in.


24-6,000 25-5 ft.

Il24 I8r J44 K3l



26D 27D

l4 A 15 D




t7 A

8D 9E

l8 D

27-$ 16,000


20D 28C 29C 2LC

7- $60

28-$ 100


30-70 mi.


- 16 sq. in.

N7 o55





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