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Are the representations of Britain given by Cameron and Grant recognisably true and for what audience are

they intended? In addition, do you think Cameron was aware of the similarity if his speech to the one in Love Actually and if so, what purpose did he have in copying or reference the 2003 film? The magnitude of the Island that is Great Britain is known for its values; despite them coming off across as positive or negative. Individuals see Great Britain for what they believe is important and for what is true about the country. Those living in Great Britain are seen to be patriotic; however the Government including the Prime Minister is usually seen as being boastful about the country they run. The speech made by current Prime Minister, David Cameron at the G-20 summit in Russia can be said to have been influenced by Hugh Grants character played as the Prime Minister, in Working Titles 2003 Rom Com, Love Actually. These speeches compose the British values, which is presented through the media. Both Grant and Cameron project their voices on what they believe the world identifies the values of Britain as. Grants statement that despite Great Britain being a small country compared to USA it is still a great one; this because of what it is connected by and the closeness the country has. Similarly, in the G-20 summit, Cameron defends the small island he is in charge of but still challenges anyone to run one with a prouder history ad bigger heart. The Russian Prime Minister who claimed that Great Britain is an insignificant country held this summit in St Petersburg. The size of Great Britain sees the result in the representations of the country, the 2 prime ministers talk positively about. Due to the countrys size, it could be said that it is easy to pick on as some would say, and believe that it wont be able to stand up for itself. These traits usually seen by a bully, which in both cases can be true due to Russia and Americas history. In the more recent speech, Cameron talks more about the history of Great Britain which is seen to make it so great. It is known for abolishing slavery and the Industrial Revolution whereas Grant talks more about icons such as Shakespeare and Sean Connery. By talking about historical moments, which occurred in Great Britain, it conveys to the audience that they are both very patriotic and believe in their Island. History is seen in the making every day, which could be another aspect why both speeches are heavily based on. Both Grant and Camerons references to ideas such as David Beckham; the Beatles and One Direction exemplify how they are trying to relate something so political to a more contemporary audience. This done through the use of language and humour, as Grant mentions how he is grateful for David Beckhams right foot David Beckhams left foot whereas Cameron talks about how One Direction have dominated the world whether we like it or not they are loved for their British charm. This allows the audience to understand how both Cameron and Grant use a mixture of events to present Britains positive representations. One the first view of both these speeches, it is clear that the representations made of Britain are true. However, once looking into the audience and context of these speeches, it can be said that one is seen as biased, whereas the other is seen as using the usual historical moments to present Britain as a great country. As Love Actually is produced through a British production company, Working Title, it can be said that it is biased towards what Grant claims the country to be. The statement he claims that, I will be prepared to be much stronger conveys how despite America being a bigger county with a better economy, man-made patriotic representations such as literature and bullys only respond to strength exemplifies that this film production makes the country it is based in to be the one which comes out on top. The audience of this film, being mostly British, romcom lovers and the press (due to its political view) shows how the representations Hugh Grant is making while portraying the Prime Minister are relatively true, and are intended towards the audience. This because its use of comedic language, compared to the audience of Camerons speech, which would have heavily been politicians and Prime Ministers of other countries.

The similarity of Camerons speech in papers was written as being echoed by the one in Love Actually. Some would say the resemblance is astonishing because of the situation the two were in (both defending their country) therefore patriotic language, and immense historic moments would be used. However some may disagree with what Cameron and Grant say that Great Britain is, they may believe it is more than Shakespeare and The Beatles, which individuals should realise without being impacted with what the media has to say about it.

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