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Chapter 19 Scavenger Hunt

Chapter 19, Section 1

1. Who made improvements on the steam engine that allowed it to be applied to machinery?

2. Precise popula,on _______________________ for the 1700s are rare, but some do exist.
3. In 1712, the steam engine was invented by___________________________
4. With the beginning of the Industrial Revolu,on, the ____________________ way of life began to disappear.
5. How did the seed drill revolu,onize farming?
6. Between 1830 and 1855, an American den,st used the rst ______________________.

7. What was the most important source of power for the early Industrial Revolu,on?

8. One technological improvement at the beginning of the Industrial Revolu,on was the

use of charcoal to___________ iron.

9. Taking over and consolida,ng land formerly shared by peasant farmers is known as______________________
10. Greater food produc,on triggered a __________________________ explosion.
Sec$on 1 Short Answer:
How did the enclosure movement aect farmers?

Chapter 19, Section 2

11. Why was Britain the rst na,on to industrialize?

12. A person who takes on the nancial risks of star,ng new businesses is called an__________________

13. _______________________ were private roads built by entrepreneurs who charged travelers a toll. They
were built in order to provide faster and cheaper methods of moving goods from place to place.


14. Bri,sh merchants developed the _____________ _______ ________________ in which raw coUon was
distributed to peasant families who spun it into thread and then wove the thread into cloth in their own

15. Before the steam locomo,ve, what method was used oVen to transport goods eciently and cheaply?
16. Money used to invest in new business ventures is called______________________.

17. In the ___________________ following the opening of the world's rst major rail line, railroad travel became
faster and railroad building boomed.


18. The inven,on of the steam locomo,ve revolu,onized ________________________ and made possible the
growth of railroads?

19. The ying shuUle, the spinning jenny, and the waterframe were all inven,ons that were used to?

20. Eli Whitney invented a machine called the ________________ _____________ that increased the speed with
which Southern laborers could clean raw coUon.

Sec$on 2 Short Answer:

Describe 4 factors that helped bring about the industrial revolu,on in England.

Chapter 19, Section 3

21. _______________________________ were illegal at the start of the Industrial Revolu,on, but workers s,ll
tried to ini,ate reforms.

22. Workers oVen packed into ,ny ___________________________ as they struggled to survive in the slums.
23. How did the lives of middle class women dier from their wealthy and working class counterparts?

24. Families needed the addi,onal income to make ends meet which meant even the ________________ had to
work in the factories.

25. One problem for the industrial working class poor was ____________________________ drinking water.

26. Which group of people helped channel workers' anger away from revolu,on and toward social reform?
27. The ______________ __________________ beneted the most from the Industrial Revolu,on?

28. The Industrial Revolu,on led to rapid ________________________ as the demand for workers increased in
the Ci,es.

29. Factory workers faced a rigid work schedule oVen working 12-_______ hours a day.

30. Explosions and ooding in mines, coal dust harming your lungs & working in darkness are all experiences one
might nd when working where?

Sec$on 3 Short Answer:

How did the industrial revolu,on aect popula,on distribu,on and the growth of ci,es?

Chapter 19, Section 4
31. This person concluded that poverty was unavoidable because the popula,on was increasing faster than the
food supply.

32. The idea that the goal of society should be "the greatest happiness for the greatest number" of its ci,zens is
held true in what type of economic system?


33. Thomas Malthus and David Ricardo believed the poor could improve their lives by having fewer

34. What did supporters of free-enterprise capitalism call their approach to economics? (Hands o)
35. Who put forth the theory of "scien,c socialism"?
36. According to Marx, the "have-nots" in society are the ___________________________, or working class.

37. According to Bri,sh philosopher and economist _______________ __________________, all laws or ac,ons
should be judged by their "u,lity."


38. Which group would be most likely to encourage poor workers to rebel against factory owners? (Circle one)


39. Why? (refer to 38)

40. _____________ ______________ was wrong because in the end, people felt stronger ,es to their countries
than to the interna,onal communist movement. (Na,onalism was on the rise)

41. A form of socialism in which an inevitable struggle between social classes would lead to a classless society is
known as ________________________.

42. Name AND describe the early socialist set up a utopian community in New Lanark Scotland?

Sec$on 4 Short Answer:

Contrast the u,litarian and socialist approaches to solving economic problems.


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