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Employee Welfare - What Is Employee Welfare Employee welfare is a term including various services, benefits and facilities offered

to employees by the employers. The welfare measures need not be monetary but in any kind/forms. This includes items such as allowances, housing, transportation, medical insurance and food. Employee welfare also includes monitoring of working conditions, creation of industrial harmony through infrastructure for health, industrial relations and insurance against disease, accident and unemployment for the workers and their families. Through such generous benefits the employer makes life worth living for employees. Importance of Employee Welfare s a business, you have to provide various benefits to ensure your employees! welfare. While this may increase your business e"pense and negatively affect your bottom line, looking after your employees will benefit you in other ways. #ompliance$ s an owner, you are re%uired by law to provide certain benefits for the welfare of your employees. &ou may have to match the 'ocial 'ecurity ta"es your employees pay and obtain a worker!s compensation insurance policy. If you terminate an employee, you may have to funds to e"tend his health insurance. (iring and )etention$ The benefits an employee receives from his employer for his welfare are often a significant reason why he decides to accept a *ob offer. s such, providing employee benefits allow you to compete with other businesses to recruit and retain %ualify employees. If other employers offer better benefits, good employees may choose to go there. Employees +otivation$ ,y providing a plan that!s good for employees! welfare, you show them that you value them. This can help make them feel welcome and happy in your company, motivating them to work harder. If your health plan has wellness coverage and preventative care, employees are more likely to stay healthy, cutting down on absenteeism and sick days. Employees! Well-,eing$ -or companies that have a large base of employees working under stressful conditions or living away from family, it is important to look at fostering personal happiness and professional growth. Investing in employees pays dividends in terms of higher productivity and greater loyalty #ompany Image$ .roviding a good employee welfare plan reflects well on your business, building a good

company image. It may even earn you some press coverage, giving you free publicity to improve awareness among potential customers. This may boost your sales and increase your profits. -eatures of Employee Welfare / Employee welfare is a comprehensive term including various services, facilities and amenities provided to employees for their betterment. / Welfare measures are in addition to regular wages and other economic benefits available to employees under legal provisions and collective bargaining. / The basic purpose of employee welfare is to improve the lot of the working class and thereby make a worker a good employee and a happy citi0en. / Employee welfare is an essential part of social welfare. It involves ad*ustment of an employee!s work life and family life to the community or social life. / Welfare measures may be both voluntary and statutory. (ow to 1evelop an Effective Employee Welfare .rogram / #onduct employee surveys to understand their needs and e"pectations / Indentify key areas of building skills and engagement and facilitating trainings for the same / .ropose solutions for personal upkeep, family uplifting and future security / #reate opportunities for greater synergies between the management and employees / #onduct impact assessments and feedback surveys

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