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the ultimate point the katie pavlich smack down of Melissa Harris-Perry illustra tes is that liberals' use

of the race card and bringing race into every issue wh ether it exists or not is that it's totally disengenuous. It's not to defend or empower black people, but to hurt the reputations of white people, specifically conservative white people. So it's mainly done for 2 reasons: 1)to make a car eer for themselves because they have no other experience and wisdom and 2)to try and smear and delegitimize conservatives and their beliefs whenever they can in order to influence the culture and maintain the status quo of big gov't liberal ism and an attitude of victimhood for blacks 3) avoiding the real issues the bla ck community in america faces by putting all the focus on how the gop isn't dive rse enough and spending all their time trying to analyze a conservative anytime they say anything that involves race, or doesn't but they inject race into those remarks and pretend it was racial. They have no answers as to how to really he lp black people and desperately wanna avoid talking about the real problems the black community faces, because the causes of those problems are antithetical to the core beliefs of liberalism. The culture of death, the rate of kids being bo rn out of wedlock and by single moms, the disproportionately higher rate of abor tion in the black community, the lack of education, the breakdown of the traditi onal family, and the disappearance of God and religion in america in general but especially in the inner cities and the black communities there- these are the main causes of the problems young black men and women face. Each one of these p roblems flies in the face of what liberals and feminists have been preaching to young men and women for decades, and they'll do anything they can to shift the b lame away from their ideology and policies and onto the gop, conservatives, and "white society" in general. The truth is racism is just a tool liberals use to bash conservatives with, just like the "war on women" was a tool. They could care less about blacks or women , if they did they would actually be involved in efforts to help these groups, a nd they aren't. Instead they promote things like abortion which has decimated t he black community and does more to hurt women psychologically, physically, and spiritually, than almost anything else. Who has tried to help black people and women? Maybe not the gop, but independen t conservatives have. We provide pregnancy counseling, support for getting adop tions, and other programs that truly support and care for the women who often ch oose abortion only because they have nowhere to turn and feel abandoned and alon e. It's conservatives who have started the movement to have school choice for t he poorest families around the country, but liberals have blocked it wherever it 's popped up because of their undying ideological support of unions, in this cas e teacher's unions. Thus they have denied poor black children the choice to go to a better, safer school and have the kind of influences that can change their life forever and provide the quality education that will literally change their brains and give them the tools they need to succeed. Liberals claim to be pro-c hoice, yet are anti-choice on every issue except abortion, which only proves tha t the "pro-choice" language has always been merely a semantic tool to portray ab ortion as a women's rights issue and about them having the "right" to choose, wh en in reality it was nothing more than feminists wanting to disguise the fact th at all they want is for women to have maximum convenience no matter who it hurts and to be able to do whatever they want without any judgement, even if it invol ves the gruesome act of murdering an innocent baby in the womb. What party has hurt black people? It's the liberal democrats, as shown by every major city that has a high poverty rate which also happens to have had democrat mayors for decades on end and liberal policies of high taxes, no economic growt h, and no improvement in living conditions. What this story regarding MHP and mocking Romney's grandson shows as clear as da y is that liberals only "care" about race and racism when it fits with their ide ological and cultural narrative, as in the case of romney's adopted grandson, si nce they could use the baby as a tool to mock romney, the gop, and their suppose

d lack of diversity. It also vividly illustrates the ends justify the means att itude of liberals. They've always had no boundaries when it comes to using peop le and issues as tools to further their agenda, it's just that only the most har dcore among them choose to be honest and do things like MHP did in public. But for some odd reason not one liberal I've ever heard on tv or online has said a s ingle word about the fact that planned parenthood and other abortion agencies se t up shop in poor black communities in the inner cities all around the country t o make maximum profits off of young, unwed, and pregnant black women who have th e highest rates of abortion. This is clearly taking advantage of black women bu t liberals will never talk about it, so the question is, why? Either they remai n ignorant of this issue because they never go outside their comfort zone and ta lk with people who disagree with them, or they simply refuse to acknowledge what they know to be the truth because it would force them to talk about the root ca uses of this problem eating away at the black community. They would have to tal k about why there are so many young black women who are having babies with men w ho never intend on marrying them or sticking around to be fathers. And they wou ld have to talk about how PP promotes abortion while never even mentions adoptio n, and completely hides the statistics and the truth about how horribly damaging abortion is to women of all races. It scars them for life, and if liberals car ed about women they would be honest about the effects abortion has on women bec ause there is tons of research to back it up, but never once have i heard them m ention it. Even if they are truly "pro-choice", if they cared about women they would be honest about the severe side effects of abortion because they are often long-term and demonstrably clear and have been hurting generations of women and their families for decades. True choice comes with knowledge, not ignorance, b ecause if you want a woman to be able to make the best choice you want her to ha ve the truth and to be armed with all the facts about the range of choices she h as available to her. This would require "pro-choice" liberals to discuss the ma ny dangers of abortion, including the many abortionists who have taken advantage of women, especially minority women. They've been caught abusing them, being n egligent to the point of causing them severe physical damage and even death, and killing babies after they were born, among other things. They would also talk a bout the benefits of adoption and the fact that it is a much safer and easier ch oice for women than abortion, and without all the horrible scars of abortion. B ut again, it's never mentioned by liberals, and they do nothing to help women wh o want to make that choice instead of the one they want women to make. It's not choice when you don't give women all the relevant information on the decision t hey're making, it's the propaganda of a failed ideology that has done more to ha rm black people and women than anything else in modern times. If the preying of PP on black women involved an issue that fit their narrative a nd didn't involve PP, but some other multi-billion dollar company, liberals woul d be on the case constantly, talking about how white administrators of "white co rporate america" are taking advantage of blacks and holding them down, and using them to pad their own profits. But because it's abortion and PP, you won't hea r a word. Dr. Gosnell, the monster who was recently caught abusing women and their babies , specifically targeted and experimented with young black women and had them use different rooms while treating them differently than white women. This is pure racism, but did liberals in the media cover it? No, and you can be sure they w ould've been "outraged" if it involved a white abortion doctor and an issue that they weren't on the wrong side of that fit their narrative. Maybe Gosnell, a b lack abortionist using and promoting abortion to take advantage of black women i n order to increase his profits and further his career hit way too close to home and reminded these liberal race baiters exactly who they are, when their ideolo gy and message of victimhood is taken to the extreme. It was like looking in a mirror for them, only when they looked in the mirror as the MSM covered the Gosn ell story, they saw the monster Gosnell's image rather than their own, and they couldn't bear to see this truth revealed, so they avoided it completely. This i s what the left does with any issue that doesn't fit their narrative. The fact that black babies are being killed at a much higher rate than white bab

ies is inconvenient for liberals like Marc Lamont Hill, so they ignore it, even though it involves race much more so than the romney's adopting a black baby, wh ich actually didn't involve race at all, they injected race into that. This pro ves beyond a doubt that liberals don't really care about racism or the plight of the blacks suffering in this country, they ony use the issue to lash out agains t people they don't agree with or hate. If it doesn't involve an issue that fit s their narrative or a person they strongly disagree with, the fate of blacks in this country is expendable because it doesn't further their careers and advance their progressive agenda. It's the same methodology democrats use to buy black votes. The left uses blacks as a tool to maintain their power and radically ch ange the country into the progressive, godless country they've always envisioned , and the sooner black people wake up and realize they're being used, the better off we'll all be because the democrats who have ruined our major cities and now our country won't be able to get re-elected without the huge percentage of blac k votes they once got. Liberalism really is a form of bullying. It's all about mocking and judging oth ers in order to hide one's own insecurities and lack of knowledge, which is the reason for all bullying. So when you see liberals getting together to make fun of an innocent black child, it's their way of making themselves feel good about their own faulty ideolody and reinforcing each other's beliefs to compensate for their own lack of cultural and philosophical diversity. They're all a bunch of rich east and west coast liberal elitists who have never adopted a baby talking about adoption, which they know nothing about. This is liberals' way of avoiding the tough issues because the more they avoid t hose, the less chance there is that they'll be forced to talk about the inconven ient and uncomfortable contraditions of liberalism that I described above. That would turn their world upside down, and because of their lack of introspection and only being in a liberal bubble for years, that's not something they're ready to deal with. Liberalism is their religion, it replaces God for them, therefor e if you question it, you offend them because they aren't rooted in anything rea l and lasting as people of faith are, and this makes them unstable, which explai ns why you see so many of them becoming unhinged and lashing out out of nowhere at a conservative or even fellow liberal who doesn't toe the ideological line. If you question a liberal idea or principle, you're questioning the core of thei r identity, which they've built up almost entirely around their ideology and pol itics, and that's a recipe for instability, hatred and intolerance. Why is it that the left is so intolerant, and that they're so obsessed with prea ching tolerance? It's because tolerance to a liberal means agreeing with them a nd silencing yourself if you don't. It's ideological conformity and the further ing of their agenda at the expense of any agenda they don't like. In other word s, it's their attempt to remake american culture into the image of their progres sive utopia to make up for its current state and the traditions that made it wha t it is, which they view as unfair, unequal, and insensitive. They're so intole rant because when your religion is one that states that you're 100% right and an y ideology or belief system that differs from yours is wrong, by definition you have to fight against anyone who holds that different point of view. The main w ays they do this is by mocking us and therefore attempting to ruin our reputatio n and delegitimize us in the court of public opinion, and by attempting to silen ce us by using the rules of the pc police, which is by making a huge fuss anytim e someone says something they deem to be not politically correct, which of cours e means anything that doesn't fit their narrative. When you turn an ideology into a religion, that's when you create a foundation f or intolerance. True religion can only exist when there's a Being it's centered around worshipping. The beliefs and principles the followers of that religion have spring out of their love and faith in that Being, not out of faulty logic a nd random utopian ideas, which is where liberalism comes from. So when you have an ideology that's turned into a form of religion, it creates i

nstability in the mind of the "believer" without them even knowing it because th ey're worshipping a set of ideas instead of a being. Therefore when any one of those ideas is attacked or shown to be not based in reality, it's offensive to t hem because it's analagous to how any devout Christian feels when Jesus is mocke d, attacked, or degraded by an atheist. Christians react this way out of love f or the Being they worship, but liberals do so because they've replaced that Bein g with a set of illogical utopian principles and ideas that have no basis in rea lity and therefore have no foundation. When this is pointed out to them, they c an't handle it because it would be analagous to an atheist telling a muslim thei r religion is filled with bad things, as the Quran has many passages that encour age violence, even though the muslim has always practiced their religion peacefu lly. They probably won't have an answer to that question because they haven't b een honest with themselves and questioned their own beliefs, and therefore have set themselves up for a rude awakening to reality that will no doubt cause them to be confused and sad, and for liberals this manifests itself in anger towards external things to take the pressure of this lifelong contradiction and lack of clarity off of themselves. The other reason for this instability is Christianity, for example, is a set of beliefs and practices designed to help us form the strongest possible relationsh ip with God and reach Heaven one day. It's meant to help us change our lifestyl e into one that brings us peace, happiness, and holiness. It's not about tellin g others what to do or imposing a set of policies or beliefs on a country. At i t's core it's centered on the relationship between one person and his or her cre ator, and gives them the guidance and strength they need to do God's will for th em and help everyone who becomes a part of their life. Liberalism is the opposi te of this. It's centered on reshaping society, not on improving yourself and f inding peace and self-knowledge. That's why you see so many liberals become tot al hypocrites: Al Gore putting tons of CO2 into the air, "feminists" not being able to answer the question of if they'd be ok with their mom having the choice for abortion if it meant she ended up choosing abortion for them, etc etc. So w hen such a false religion is practiced by a group of people (liberals), it will automatically created conflict and polarization across the country because it's all about activism and creating policies that will undo the traditional, faith-b ased values and institutions this country was founded on that made it great and what it is. This is also why you see so many liberal activists who get in your face and demand that you do something for their cause, whether it's environmenta lism, occupy wall street, the anti-war groups (who shockingly became silent when Obama continued the policies of the Bush administration), minimum wage laws, or any other liberal cause. They really believe that there is an injustice taking place and if you don't agree about it you're either totally ignorant or evil. When was the last time you saw a conservative activist on the street preaching t o you about something? Now I'm not saying all activism is bad, in fact it's ess ential for democracy because it can raise awareness of important issues that are n't well-known or being kept secret by corrupt politicians and the liberal media . But it has to have its time and place and be respectful and peaceful. This i s also why all the terrorists in this country have been liberals, as Ann Coulter has written about, whether it's the weather underground and bill ayers, or the unibomber, or the eco-terrorists that have carried about bombings in the name of environmentalism. They believe the ends justify the means because their "relig ion" calls them to jihad, just a different kind of jihad, one that wages war on anyone who doesn't believe in their set of principles, beliefs, and policies. T hey're just taking liberalism to its logical but extreme end, which most liberal s don't have the guts to do. Conservatives care deeply about the issues that are important to us, but our political ideology isn't our religion, we separate the two, and therefore we don't have the psychosis of the left that forces us to th ink it's necessary to impose our thinking and ideology on the rest of the popula tion. Finally, because the religion of liberalism isn't based on God, but on a faulty and emotion-based ideology, it inherently lacks respect for the dignity of sanct ity of human life. It therefore doesn't see people as individuals capable and d

eserving of having the freedom to make their own decisions, so a group of elites must "collectively" force them to adopt the actions that they believe is best f or them and for society as a whole. This is because Christianity is rooted in a God who became man and who created humans in His image and likeness, which mean s we have inherent dignity and goodness. Obviously that can be taken away by th e decisions we make and the company we keep, but even then it never disappears c ompletely. Liberalism lacks this belief in a God who became one of us, and ther efore has no basis or reason to see people as individuals that should be free to make their own decisions without being forced to do things a certain way by the gov't. In the religion of liberalism, God is the set of beliefs and policies t hey hold to be true, the president is their pope, democrats in congress are thei r bishops, and liberal advocates and activists in media are their priests who ar e devoted to the cause and do everything in their power to win more people over to their side while fighting against "evil", which in their minds is conservativ e traditions and principles. That would make conservative pundits and politicia ns demons in their eyes since they spread the evil of conservatism, which could potentially cause some of their faithful followers to fall into darkness and nev er come back. It's really the same as the islamic extremists around the world who force all no n-muslims in their countries to practice sharia law or be killed or imprisoned. Just as these muslims interpret the Quran's passages literally which tells them to kill or subjugate all non-muslims who refuse to change their culture and lif estyle to comform with sharia law, liberals see the words and writings of the mo dern day feminists and liberal politicians as their "holy book" and interpret th em to mean that anyone who doesn't comform to the policies and lifestyle changes they call for must be mocked or silenced until everyone believes the way they d o. Now we've come full circle and we can see why when liberals get together you nev er see honesty and respect for anyone who doesn't agree with them, but instead w e see meanness, rudeness, anger, and denial of obvious truths. They simply can' t tolerate any non-liberals, it's against their religion, the same way islamic j ihadists can't tolerate non-muslims existing, it's simply against their interpre tation of their religion.

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