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Battle Cards

"I am primarily interested in thinking processes; I am a __________ psychologist." a. cognitive b. learning c. perception d. personality

A psychologist using the method of naturalistic observation would a. carefully design controlled situations in which to observe behavior. b. rely on observations of subjects' responses to questionnaires. c. observe behavior as it happens outside the laboratory or clinic. d. make records of the behavior of clients treated in therapy.

Like Carl Rogers, I believe people choose to live more creative and meaningful lives. My name is a. Wertheimer.

b. Washburn. c. Skinner.

In a study of effects of alcohol on driving ability, the control group should be given a. a high dosage of alcohol.

d. Maslow.

b. one-half the dosage given the experimental group. c. a driving test before and after drinking alcohol.

Comparative psychologists are primarily interested in a. stimulus-response connections.

d. no alcohol at all.

b. animal behavior. c. the comparison of functional and behavioral psychology. A scientific explanation that remains tentative until it has been adequately tested is called a(n) a. theory. d. the comparison of different types of psychotherapy. b. law. c. hypothesis. Of the following, who is associated with the Gestalt school of psychology? a. Ivan Pavlov b. B. F. Skinner c. Max Wertheimer d. John Watson b. the correlational method. c. Of the following, who is a humanistic psychologist? a. Sigmund Freud a controlled experiment. A study to determine the degree of relationship between two events is called a. naturalistic observation. d. experiment.

d. the survey method.

b. Abraham Maslow c. B. F. Skinner

d. John Watson

__________ is an ability to evaluate, compare, analyze, critique, and synthesize information. a. Critical thinking

Which of the following is NOT a part of a neuron? a. Axon b. axon terminal

b. Transductive thinking c. Synapse c. Deductive thinking d. Soma d. Creative thinking

The main function of myelin is to a. form a protective coating over nerve axons. b. affect the speed of nerve impulses. c. block the reception of acetylcholine. d. aid a nerve's receptivity to neurotransmitters by increasing the number of receptor sites available.

The most obvious difference between the human brain and the brain of a carp would be in the a. hypothalamus.

b. thalamus. c. cerebellum.

d. cerebral cortex.

The part of the nerve cell specialized for conducting information is the a. axon.

The major link between the brain and the glandular system is the a. hypothalamus. b. pituitary.

b. cell body. c. CNS. c. soma. d. midbrain. d. neurilemma.

The cell body of a neuron is also called the a. dendrite.

__________ is closely related to grammar and pronunciation. a. Aphasia

b. axon. c. myelin.

b. Broca's area c. Wernicke's area

d. soma.

d. Agnosia

Neurons are made up of dendrites, a soma, and a. axons. b. axles. c. atoms. d. axes.

One of the main differences between the brains of people who score high on mental tests and those who score low indicate that higher scorers have a. higher levels of gray matter. b. lower levels of gray matter. c. lower PET scan recordings. d. higher PET scan recordings.

Damage to the cerebellum would most likely result in a. heart stoppage or respiratory failure. b. a loss of hearing ability.

Hearing aids are of no use to an individual with __________ deafness. a. ossicle

b. nerve c. a loss of muscular coordination. c. d. a reduction in emotional response. d. auditory conduction

In bright light, the iris __________ and the pupil __________ to control the amount of light entering the eye. a. expands; constricts b. constricts; expands c. focuses; constricts d. constricts; focuses

Experiments involving infants' perception of 3-D figures, when combined with visual cliff data, suggest that a. at least some level of depth perception is innate. b. depth perception is heavily dependent on skillful motor coordination. c. depth perception is almost entirely learned. d. neither innate mechanisms nor learning have much effect on depth perception.

The pain-killing effects of acupuncture may be related to a. sensory adaptation. When infants are placed in the middle of a visual cliff, they usually a. remain still.

b. stabilization of physiological nystagmus. c. the triggering of perceptual defense systems.

d. release of endorphins.

b. move to the shallow side of the apparatus. c. move to the deep side of the apparatus.

Information picked up by the body's receptor cells is termed a. Cognition

d. approach their mothers when called, whether that requires moving to the shallow or deep side.

b. perception. c. adaptation. If you stand in the middle of a cobblestone street, the street will look coarse near your feet and finer if you look into the distance. This is called a. texture gradient. The function of the lens is to a. locate an image. b. linear perspective. c. relative size. d. relative motion.

d. sensation.

b. focus an image on the retina. c. combine the location and projection on the blind spot.

d. project an image on the cornea.

When traveling in a car, near objects seem to move past you faster than distant objects. This is called a. aerial perspective.

Studies of the Head Start Program indicate that a. children improve their school performance and abilities. b. early childhood educational programs are a waste of the taxpayers' money. c. the gains are about the same as if the child was in a caring environment. d. children improve their performance while they are in the program but lose it in elementary school.

b. linear perspective. c. relative size.

d. relative motion.

Internal standards used to judge stimuli are referred to as a. adaptation level. When a gene is __________, the trait it controls will be present every time the gene is present. a. recessive

b. context. c. intuition.

d. frames of reference.

b. dominant c. Polygenic

d. sex-linked Fertilization of an ovum outside a woman's body is called a. artificial insemination. Which represents the correct order of Piaget's stages of intellectual development? a. sensorimotor, concrete operational, formal operational, postoperational b. preoperational, concrete operational, formal operational, sensorimotor c. sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, formal operational The first milk produced by a woman in the first few days after giving birth is called a. formula. b. enrichment. c. colostrum. d. amniocentesis. According to Erikson, a major conflict in the first year of life is that between a. trust versus mistrust. b. initiative versus guilt. c. autonomy versus shame and doubt. d. relatedness versus isolation. d. preoperational, informal operational, formal operational, postoperational

b. in vitro fertilization. c. eugenics.

d. genetic engineering.

ADHD in children is most often treated with the drug a. Haldol. b. Thorazine. c. Ritalin. d. Valium.

In differentiating between the terms sex and gender, a. sex refers to biological aspects of identity, and gender refers to psychological and social identity. b. gender refers to sociocultural identity, and sex refers to sociocultural identity. c. sex refers to sociocultural identity, and gender refers to biological identity. d. none of these represent the terms correctly.

For children with ADHD, the ability to learn is severely limited because they a. are mildly retarded. Primary sexual characteristics refer to a. all those physical structures and psychological traits influenced by the sex hormones. b. development of breasts and body shape in the female, and changes in hair development and voice in the male. c. the sexual and reproductive organs themselves. Lack of bowel control in children is known as a. enuresis. b. analism. Which of the following occurs first developmentally? c. encopresis. d. anorexia nervosa. a. gender identity b. secondary sexual characteristics c. primary sexual characteristics d. reproductive maturity In passive euthanasia a. a person's body is frozen upon death. Secondary sexual characteristics include c. body temperature is lowered to delay death. d. death is allowed but not caused. a. the development of breasts and body shape in the female and changes in hair development and voice in the male. b. the sexual and reproductive organs in males and females. c. the development of appropriate sex roles. d. menarche and menopause in women. d. estrogen in the female and testosterone in the male.

b. act on impulse and cannot concentrate. c. must take stimulants which shorten attention span.

d. are given sedatives which make them listless.

b. drugs are administered to hasten death.

Menarche is to menopause as a. onset is to cessation of menstruation. b. androgen is to estrogen hormones. c. testes are to ovaries. d. male is to female.

Which of the following best describes the stability of sleep cycles? a. They are innate so they cannot be modified.

b. They are innate but can be modified in times of emergency. c. They are entirely learned but are difficult to modify.

d. They are entirely learned and, thus, may be easily modified. The chief characteristic of hypnosis is a. heightened arousal. Id is to "Just do it" as superego is to a. "Wait till later." b. "Do your own thing." c. "Don't do it." d. "Oh, sit on it." The most frequently used psychoactive drug in the United States is a. marijuana. The unconscious contains a. material that can easily be brought to awareness. b. everything we are aware of at a given moment. c. repressed memories and emotions. d. thoughts, perceptions, and memories. Which of the following sleep phenomena could be detected without the aid of an EEG machine? a. Stage 2 sleep Behavioral theories of personality are often criticized for their a. inability to test or verify concepts.

b. increased suggestibility. c. enhanced creativity.

d. increased clairvoyance.

b. cocaine. c. alcohol.

d. caffeine.

b. REM sleep c. Stage 3 sleep

d. sleep spindles

b. limited recognition of temperament, emotion, and subjective factors. c. ability to explain behavior after the fact only.

d. emphasis on the conditions under which behaviors occur. Dissociation or a split in awareness is an experience commonly associated with a. hypnotic induction. b. amphetamine intoxication. c. withdrawal symptoms. d. relaxation training.

The concept of traits is used to account for personal characteristics that are a. biologically determined.

Memories outside of conscious awareness are called a. proactive memories.

b. relatively permanent and enduring. c. situation specific.

b. reactive memories. c. explicit memories.

d. shared by a group

d. implicit memories.

The five-factor model of personality includes a. social interactionism. b. neuroticism.

The image that persists for about one-half second after being seen is a(n) a. sensation. b. echo.

c. agreeableness. c. icon. d. sense of humor. d. illusion.

The tendency for prior learning to inhibit recall of later learning is called a. encoding failure. In __________ reinforcement, the reinforcer follows every correct response. a. Intermittent

b. repression. c. retroactive interference.

b. Partial c. Negative

d. proactive interference.

d. Continuous Things that are heard are held as a brief __________ in the sensory register. a. echo. b. icon. b. unconditioned stimulus. c. image. c. d. engram. d. unconditioned response. Twenty years after graduating, a subject is able to correctly identify photographs of students she attended high school with from a larger group of strangers. To do so she has used a. recall. conditioned stimulus. In Pavlov's experiments with dogs, salivation was the a. conditioned response.

The presentation of an aversive stimulus or the removal of a positive stimulus are both examples of a. negative reinforcement.

b. recognition. c. eidetic imagery.

b. punishment. c. positive reinforcement.

d. reminiscence.

d. secondary reinforcement.

__________ is the study of the meaning of words and language. In classical conditioning, learning is evident when a a. stimulus automatically produces a response without a prior history of experience. a. Linguistics b. Encoding c. Semantics d. Syntax

b. stimulus which did not initially produce a response now elicits that response. c. spontaneously emitted response increases in frequency as a result of its consequences.

d. subject repeats an action he or she has observed in another and is praised for it.

Representations used in thinking include a. mnemonic devices. b. kinesthesis.

In Thorndike's law of effect, events critical for conditioning a. occur after the response. b. occur before the response. c. occur simultaneously with the response. d. are unrelated to the response except during extinction.

c. concepts. d. primarily figments of the imagination.

Basic speech sounds are called a. morphemes. b. syllables. c. phonemes.

You are daydreaming in the middle of a lecture. Are you actually thinking? a. Yes.

d. syntax.

b. No. c. No, but daydreaming is an example of cognition.

If Jane's intelligence quotient is 100, we know that she has a a. perfect score on a set of age-related tests. b. test performance superior to 90% of other children the same age who took the test. c. mental age typical of children who have the same chronological age.

d. Yes, you are thinking and daydreaming is an example of cognition.

Computer programs capable of doing things that require intelligence when done by people are associated with a. artificial intelligence. b. proxemics. c. cerebronics. d. computerized creativity.

d. mental age below those of children with the same chronological age

__________ involve(s) an ability to manage your own thinking and problem solving. a. Metacognitive skills b. Experiential intelligence c. Speed of processing d. Frames of mind

The intelligence test scores of identical twins are a. lower when they are raised together than when they are raised apart.

Buford complains that he can play his tuba beautifully at home, but each time he tries to play at the local talent show he sounds like a bull elk in rutting season. His problem is explained by a. the Yerkes-Dodson Law. b. the effects of homeostasis.

b. greater than that for fraternal twins raised together. c. lower than that for any other blood relatives.

c. habituation. d. the same whether they are reared together or apart. d. biorhythms.

__________ intelligence tests assess a wide variety of mental abilities. a. IQ b. Special c. Multiple d. General

Which is a cause of anorexia? a. sibling rivalry

b. an overly realistic view of normal size c. food allergies

d. Perfectionism

Which is the most closely related to poverty? a. metabolic disorders

At the highest levels of arousal, a. the individual becomes emotional, frenzied, and disorganized. b. only biological needs can be met.

b. familial retardation c. birth injuries c. performance on the most complex tasks improves. d. fetal damage d. intellectual products exhibit great creativity.

Gorging on food and then vomiting or taking laxatives to avoid gaining weight is called a. behavioral dieting.

The chief distinguishing feature of psychotic disorders is a. confusion of fantasy and reality.

b. fad dieting. b. antisocial conduct. c. purging. c. overwhelming anxiety. d. bulimia nervosa. d. obsessive behavior.

You and a friend play three hours of racquetball. Afterwards, you are most likely to prefer a. plain water.

b. a slightly salty liquid. c. a beverage containing some alcohol.

d. milk.

A common form of mental disorder afflicting 10-20% of the population is a. schizophrenia. b. senile dementia. c. depression. d. delusional disorder. In an institution for delinquent adolescents, a behavioral system has been implemented in which the adolescents earn points for target behaviors like getting up on time, making beds, attending class, etc. They are allowed to exchange their earned points for privileges, activities, etc. This system is called __________ and is based on __________. a. systematic desensitization; gradual exposure. Bob has never met Madonna but he is convinced that she is deeply in love with him. Bob is suffering from a. grandiose delusions. b. jealous delusions. c. obsessive-compulsive disorder. d. erotomanic delusions. Freud considered the distinction between manifest content and latent content essential for a. If you met an individual who appeared to be very charming at first, but later you discovered that he or she manipulated people, caused others hurt without a second thought, and could not be depended upon, you might suspect him of being a. dependent. b. narcissistic. c. paranoid. d. antisocial. In psychoanalysis, patients avoid talking about certain subjects. This is called a. avoidance. free association. b. time out; extinction. c. a token economy; reinforcement. d. primary reinforcement; non-reward

b. dream analysis. c. resistance.

d. transference.

b. transference. A much-feared outcome of Alzheimer's disease is a. functional psychosis. c. analysis.

d. Resistance

b. paranoia. c. general paresis. In psychoanalysis, an emotional attachment to the therapist that symbolically represents other important relationships is called a. Freud's theory was based on the belief that neuroses were caused by a. repressed memories, motives, and conflicts. b. learned maladaptive behaviors. c. negative self-regard. d. destructive interpersonal relationships. resistance.

d. senile dementia.

b. transference. c. identification.

d. empathy.

Nell tastes her food, then salts it. You assume that the food needed salt, therefore, you attribute her actions to a(n) a. internal cause.

The study in which college students attached a bumper sticker for a militant black organization to their cars and then received frequent traffic citations demonstrates a. group prejudice.

b. external cause. c. setting.

b. scapegoating. c. personal prejudice.

d. situational demand.

d. discrimination.

There is a strong relationship between dating frequency and physical attractiveness a. for males.

b. for females. c. for both males and females.

d. beyond the initial stage of attraction.

__________ is best known for his research on conformity. a. Asch b. Rubin c. Schachter d. Zimbardo

Which is TRUE regarding choosing a mate? a. People who marry are highly similar in age, education, race, religion, and ethnic background. b. The highest correlation between people who marry involves their temperaments. c. In the United States kindness and understanding are ranked as being the least important qualities in a mate. d. Men rate physical attractiveness as a less important quality in a mate than women do.

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