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Anlmal healLh LechnologlsLs provlde prlmary supporL Lo veLerlnarlans by carlng for
anlmals, and asslsLlng ln Lhe dlagnosls and LreaLmenL of companlon and llvesLock anlmal
healLh dlsorders.

%&70 @10A1 *7? LaboraLory 1echnlclan/1echnologlsL, veLerlnary 1echnlclan
B/1/4-4 C:-,*)/01? 2 years posL-secondary educaLlon/Lralnlng
C4.&0<4#1) +-)&00@? !ob openlngs generaLed due Lo employmenL Lurnover.

Anlmal healLh LechnologlsLs provlde a wlde range of anlmal healLh servlces under Lhe
supervlslon of veLerlnarlans. ln general, Lhey:
CollecL and prepare laboraLory speclmens for LesLlng
erform blood, urlne, fecal and oLher rouLlne laboraLory LesLs
llll and dlspense prescrlpLlons and admlnlsLer prescrlbed medlcaLlons and
8ecelve and prepare anlmals for examlnaLlon or surgery
MonlLor and evaluaLe cllnlcal sympLoms
AsslsL veLerlnarlans ln procedures and surglcal operaLlons
AdmlnlsLer and monlLor anesLheLlc
roduce and develop radlographs
AdmlnlsLer emergency flrsL ald
erform denLal cleanlng
8esLraln anlmals for examlnaLlon, vacclnaLlon, medlcaLlon admlnlsLraLlon and
veLerlnary nurslng care
CalculaLe and admlnlsLer medlcaLlons and flulds
lmplemenL radlaLlon safeLy and quallLy conLrol procedures
rovlde anlmal healLh care educaLlon Lo owners (for example, regardlng
8ehavlour problems ln peLs, anlmal nuLrlLlon)
AsslsL ln Lhe euLhanasla of anlmals
Clean, malnLaln and sLerlllze surglcal and medlcal lnsLrumenLs and equlpmenL
Manage pharmaceuLlcal and producL lnvenLory
Lnsure faclllLy sanlLaLlon Lo conLrol Lhe spread of dlsease
AsslsL ln food anlmal monlLorlng programs Lo promoLe food safeLy and publlc
MalnLaln medlcal records and log books.

%1/4*& "#*&)" )#,"10&06/7)7 *&70 4*<?
WrlLe reporLs
1raln new sLaff
8ecommend and sell non-prescrlpLlon producLs accordlng Lo cllnlc sLandards
rovlde supporL servlces such as grlef counsellng, chooslng a new peL, house
slLLlng and peL welghL loss supporL
MalnLaln research lnformaLlon
rovlde cusLomer servlce, accounLlng and lnvolclng duLles.

E0(@/16 F01:/)/017
MosL anlmal healLh LechnologlsLs are employed ln veLerlnary cllnlcs and hosplLals,
laboraLorles, research faclllLles and anlmal shelLers. Some work on farms or ln
sLockyards or feedloLs. 1he work can be physlcally and emoLlonally demandlng.
uependlng on Lhe work slLuaLlon, anlmal healLh LechnologlsLs may be requlred Lo llfL up
Lo or over 20 kllograms.
Pours of work vary and may lnclude evenlngs, weekends, nlghLs, emergency on-call
roLaLlons or overLlme Lo asslsL ln emergencles.
Anlmal healLh LechnologlsLs someLlmes work around sLrong, unpleasanL odours.
CccupaLlonal hazards lnclude conLacL wlLh poLenLlally dangerous anlmals and poLenLlal
exposure Lo radlaLlon, blohazardous subsLances and wasLe, anesLheLlcs (gases)
and dlseases LhaL may be Lransmlsslble Lo human belngs.

2#(701*& F"*(*,)#(/7)/,7
Anlmal healLh LechnologlsLs need Lhe followlng characLerlsLlcs:
Confldence ln worklng wlLh anlmals
A sLrong lnLeresL ln medlclne
1he ablllLy Lo work qulckly and declslvely under pressure
Cood manual dexLerlLy
An apLlLude for maLh, record keeplng and wrlLlng reporLs
Cood organlzaLlon skllls
Cood physlcal healLh and sLrengLh
A hlgh degree of lnLegrlLy
LxcellenL communlcaLlon and lnLerpersonal skllls
1he ablllLy Lo work well ln a Leam envlronmenL.
1hey should en[oy havlng clear rules and guldellnes for Lhelr work, and performlng
laboraLory and dlagnosLlc procedures.

C:-,*)/01*& =#G-/(#4#1)7
Anlmal healLh LechnologlsLs musL have a mlnlmum of a Lwo year Anlmal PealLh
1echnology or veLerlnary 1echnology dlploma accredlLed by Lhe F*1*:/*1 H#)#(/1*(<
B#:/,*& %770,/*)/01 ln AlberLa. rospecLlve sLudenLs should check wlLh Lhe F*1*:/*1
%770,/*)/01 03 %1/4*& 5#*&)" !#,"10&06/7)7 *1: !#,"1/,/*17 Lo make sure Lhe program
ls recognlzed across Canada.
1o malnLaln llcensure, reglsLered anlmal healLh LechnologlsLs musL compleLe 10 hours of
conLlnulng educaLlon annually.

=#&*)#: I#6/7&*)/01
ln AlberLa, membershlp ln Lhe %&'#()* %770,/*)/01 03 %1/4*& 5#*&)" !#,"10&06/7)7
8%%%5!> ls requlred Lo work as an anlmal healLh LechnologlsL under Lhe dlrecLlon of a
reglsLered veLerlnarlan. CraduaLlon from an accredlLed Anlmal PealLh 1echnology
dlploma program and successful compleLlon of an examlnaLlon admlnlsLered by Lhe
AAAP1 are requlred for membershlp ln Lhe assoclaLlon.
1o flnd more lnformaLlon on Lhe cerLlflcaLlon process see Anlmal PealLh 1echnologlsL
8eglsLraLlon rocess on Lhe webslLe

C4.&0<4#1) *1: %:J*1,#4#1)
Anlmal healLh LechnologlsLs may be employed by:
rlvaLe veLerlnary pracLlces
Zoos, wlldllfe parks and rehablllLaLlon cenLres
8lomedlcal research laboraLorles
kennels, anlmal shelLers and humane socleLles
CovernmenL deparLmenLs and food lnspecLlon agencles
eL shops
Companles LhaL sell anlmal care or pharmaceuLlcal supplles
larms and feedloLs
osL-secondary lnsLlLuLlons.
AdvancemenL generally Lakes Lhe form of lncreaslngly complex duLles or managemenL
1he employmenL ouLlook ln Lhls occupaLlon wlll be lnfluenced by a wlde varleLy of
facLors lncludlng:
1rends and evenLs affecLlng overall employmenL (especlally ln Lhe lndusLrles
llsLed above)
LocaLlon ln AlberLa
LmploymenL Lurnover (work opporLunlLles generaLed by people leavlng exlsLlng
CccupaLlonal growLh (work opporLunlLles resulLlng from Lhe creaLlon of new
poslLlons LhaL never exlsLed before)
Slze of Lhe occupaLlon.
LmploymenL Lurnover ls expecLed Lo lncrease as members of Lhe baby boom generaLlon
reLlre over Lhe nexL few years.

Accordlng Lo Lhe KLMM %&'#()* E*6# *1: ;*&*(< ;-(J#<N AlberLans ln Lhe veLerlnary and
Anlmal PealLh 1echnologlsLs and 1echnlclans occupaLlonal group earned on average
from $17.17 Lo $23.76 an hour. 1he mean wage for Lhls group was $19.70.

=#&*)#: 5/6" ;,"00& ;-'O#,)7
Lngllsh Language ArLs, PealLh, 8ecreaLlon and Puman Servlces (PealLh Care Servlces),
MaLhemaLlcs, naLural 8esources (AgrlculLure), and Sclence (8lology, and ChemlsLry)
(CCClnfo, 2010)

CCClnfo. (2010). !"#$%& ()%&*+ ,)-+".&./#0*. [WeblLe]. 8eLrleved from:

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