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There Is a New
IN THEMessage
WORLD from God

in the World

Resisting the Intervention


Marshall Vian Summers As revealed to

Marshall Vian Summers
on September 10, 2008
in Boulder, Colorado

At this critical time in human history, when humanity is facing the

Great Waves of change—environmental degradation, violent weather, the de-
pletion of your essential resources, the loss of food production, growing eco-
nomic and political instability and the threat of war—there is a foreign pres-
ence in the world. It has been here for some time. It is a presence from be-
yond the world, a presence that is here to take advantage of a weak and di-
vided humanity.

To those people who become aware of it, and to those people whom it
will capture for its own purposes, it will present itself as a benign and spiri-
tual force. But in truth it represents an exploitive and dangerous presence.

These are physical beings from your local Universe. They are resource
explorers and economic collectives. They do not have military strength. Their
power resides with their ability to influence the thinking of those whom they
wish to persuade and to influence. In this, their presence, though small, has
proven to be quite powerful and quite effective.

The presence of this Intervention represents competition from beyond

the world—competition for who will guide and influence humanity, and

© 2008 The Society for The Greater Community Way of Knowledge
eventually who will rule humanity and who will humanity follow in the fu-

While people are preoccupied with their daily lives and while nations
are preoccupied with their economic difficulties and their contentions and
agreements with one another, the Intervention has been growing in the
world. Though it represents a small force, it is having a growing influence.

This is the power of persuasion that is used immensely and to great ef-
fect within the Universe around you, within a Greater Community of intelli-
gent life, of which humanity is but a very small part.

Your notions of life in the Universe, which have largely been shaped by
your films and your media and your imagination, do not really account for
how things work beyond the borders of your world and beyond the bounda-
ries of this Solar System.

You live in a highly populated region of space where war and conflict
have been suppressed, but where nations exert tremendous influence over
each other, primarily through dependence upon trade.

You are emerging into a very complicated, but very mature set of cir-
cumstances, and your world is immensely rich and valuable—rich in biologi-
cal resources, rich in its biological diversity. You are living on a planet of
immense value to others, and you are ruining it, abusing it, mismanaging it.
And of course this has brought the attention of others.

Even more than the development of dangerous nuclear weapons, the

degradation of the world’s environment by the human family is what has
really called the Intervention here.

This Intervention represents the most dangerous challenge to human-

ity’s freedom and self-determination that you have ever faced. While there
has been visitation to your world throughout history, there has never been an
intervention such as this. And the forces who are here today do not represent
those who visited your world in the distant past or in antiquity.

Humanity is ignorant of life in the Universe. You have not adapted to

living within this Greater Community of life. You are unprepared for those
who have already prepared for you. They have long studied your physiology,
© 2008 The Society for The Greater Community Way of Knowledge
your psychology and your social behavior. They have prepared for you, but
you are not prepared for them.

Because there is no one on the Earth who could have a real knowledge
and understanding of the complexities and the interactions of intelligent life
in the Universe, the preparation for this Greater Community must come from
God. It must come from the Creator of all life. And it has come through the
Angelic Presence that watches over this world. It is a preparation unlike any-
thing that has been given to humanity before, for you have never faced an In-
tervention such as you are facing now.

Your stories, your films and your fantasies about life in the Universe
have not prepared you for the reality of emerging into such a great competi-
tive environment. People still think that life in the Universe is brutish, that
nations in the Universe are blowing each other up, or that there is one empire
that rules everyone, but this is not the case at all.

Indeed, humanity now needs to prepare for its future in the Greater
Community of life. It needs to end its ceaseless conflicts, which only weaken
you and divide you in the face of competition from beyond the world.

Humanity is facing its greatest threat and its greatest challenge, but it is
also facing its greatest opportunity to forge human unity and cooperation for
the preservation of the world. You will need this unity and cooperation to
face and to survive the Great Waves of change that are coming, which are
largely the result of humanity’s overuse and misuse of the world.

And you will need this unity and cooperation to face the reality of life
in the Universe and the reality that humanity is now facing an Intervention in
the world that is extremely dangerous. This is not a visitation. It is an inter-
vention whose purpose is to gain control of the world and the world’s peo-

These forces cannot live within your world. They cannot breathe your
atmosphere, and so they need human labor and human cooperation to serve
their purposes here, to mine the world for its biological resources and to use
the world for its strategic importance.

You may perhaps wonder what has been flying in your skies for the
last many decades, and if you are aware of it at all, you may wonder why
© 2008 The Society for The Greater Community Way of Knowledge
there have been sightings all over your world for many decades. And if you
have taken the time to look into this carefully and objectively, you must
come to the conclusion that a visitation is underway, and that it is secret in
nature. It is being carried out surreptitiously, its intentions and activities hid-
den from public awareness. And even governments hide from their popula-
tions what little they know about the foreign presence, the extraterrestrial
presence that is in the world today.

There is no one in the world who can prepare you for the realities of
life in the Universe, and that is why there is a New Message from God in the
world. Its purpose is to prepare humanity for the Great Waves of change that
are coming and to prepare humanity for its encounter with life in the Uni-
verse and to prepare humanity to recognize its greater spiritual power that
has the strength to unite humanity and to provide humanity a greater future,
a future that will be unlike the past.

But to see the blessing here, you must recognize the need. To see the
importance of this preparation, you must recognize the great need for it. This
is not merely an issue for governments. It is really a primary issue for each
citizen of the world, for the Intervention is here to cast persuasion over the
world, to gain control of the minds and hearts of people. It is doing this by
offering people incredible promises of salvation and free energy, promising
humanity peace and equanimity, offering advanced technology in order for
humanity to become dependent on these foreign powers. And like the foolish
natives of so many tribes before, humanity is acquiescing to these promises.
Having lost faith in human leadership and human institutions, many people
are now turning to the Intervention for guidance, believing its promises of
peace and technology.

As a result, today in the world the Intervention, amongst the very few
people who are even aware of it, has many representatives and few critics. It
is because the Intervention has studied human psychology and physiology
and has devised a very potent form of persuasion. It has taken many people
against their will and subjected them to cruel experiments and powerful
forms of mind control. Many of these people now cannot think for them-
selves. Their minds have been overtaken. Their freedom has been taken from
them. They are now like laboratory animals for the Intervention, used for re-
productive purposes so the Intervention can create hybrid individuals to be in
positions of power and influence in government, commerce and religion.

© 2008 The Society for The Greater Community Way of Knowledge
Though this Intervention represents a small force and still has had lim-
ited impact in the world, its impact is growing. As humanity faces greater
and greater instability and faces the temptation of conflict and war, this In-
tervention will gain in strength. Its promises of peace and power will become
ever more seductive. It will take many more people against their will, turning
them against the human family, turning them against the Knowledge that
God has placed within them, turning them against themselves. While human-
ity is fighting and struggling down here on Earth, other forces are here to
take advantage of its predicaments, its ignorance and its superstitions.

There are many people, even very educated people, who think that any
visitation to the world would be peaceful and that those who are visiting
would offer humanity wisdom and scientific knowledge. The naiveté of this
approach is clearly obvious, but the tragedy is that this is the attitude of
many people. Your scientific community thinks that foreign powers will
come to share their scientific knowledge. The expectation is that the visita-
tion will bear gifts, needed gifts, and of course these expectations are now
being taken advantage of.

As resources decline within this world, and as economic and political

instability increases, the offerings of the Intervention will become ever more
persuasive, yet what it is offering is your own demise—the loss of human
freedom, your dependence upon foreign technology and foreign power. This
is how races such as yours, who are unprepared for life in the Universe, can
fall under foreign persuasion and foreign dominance. This is how a world
such as this could be overtaken without any use of force.

If you think of your recent history, how great nations and empires were
overtaken by small exploratory forces, how the Aztecs and the Incas were
conquered by small expeditionary forces who exploited their weakness and
their ignorance and their superstitions. This is how a small but clever force
can gain advantage against a much greater opponent.

Humanity is foolish. It is not prepared. It does not recognize its vulner-

ability. As the human family is now squandering its natural inheritance, it is
also depriving its future citizens and generations of self-sufficiency. Without
self-sufficiency, you would not be able to deny the offerings of the Interven-
tion, or any future intervention that may take place here.

© 2008 The Society for The Greater Community Way of Knowledge
People naturally ask, “Well, how can this be resisted? Do we have any
hope against such a presence and a power?” The answer is yes, of course you
do. Humanity has a great advantage, for outright invasion is not allowed in
this region of space because it is a very civilized part of the Universe. Races
cannot come and take another world by force. It is not allowed because it
represents danger and instability in this part of space. If races want to gain
influence in another world, it must appear that their presence is accepted and
welcomed. They must attempt to gain control by other means.

Of course, there is no way humanity could ever understand this on its

own, having no awareness of the rules of engagement that exist in this region
of space. Your lack of education here is putting you at a great disadvantage
and making you extremely vulnerable to the kinds of persuasion that are be-
ing cast upon the human family at this time.

Humanity has a great advantage. If it refuses the offerings and the per-
suasions of the Intervention, the Intervention must withdraw. If the presence
of the Intervention becomes known to enough people, it can no longer func-
tion in secrecy and must withdraw. If your mind and heart cannot be turned
through persuasion and seduction or intimidation, then the Intervention has
no power over you.

What is necessary for you to understand here is that God has placed a
deeper intelligence within you, an intelligence that is very unlike your intel-
lect. It is powerful. It is strong. It cannot be corrupted. It cannot be per-
suaded. It cannot be overtaken by any power, whether it be human or extra-
terrestrial. It represents the core of your strength, the essence of your integ-
rity and the source of your wisdom. God has given each person Knowledge
to guide them, to protect them and to lead them to a greater life in the world.
But there are very few people in the world today who are aware of the power
and the presence of Knowledge.

In the Universe, the power and the presence of Knowledge is the great-
est power there is—greater than technology, greater than ideology, greater
than persuasion. The Intervention is not using this Knowledge and is not
aware of it, or it would not be intervening in the world, for Knowledge rep-
resents a fundamental ethical foundation. You cannot attack or exploit an-
other, guided by Knowledge. And those who are guided by Knowledge can-
not be exploited, cannot be fooled, cannot be seduced.

© 2008 The Society for The Greater Community Way of Knowledge
Humanity has kept alive its spiritual traditions. You do not realize how
valuable this is, for in your neighborhood of space, there are large techno-
logical societies that are entirely secular in nature. Spiritual enlightenment is
extremely rare in the Universe, as it is in your world. Freedom is rare in the
Universe, as it is in your world. Free races remain hidden and do not become
involved in vast networks of trade and the controlling forces that govern

There is so much for you to learn about life in the Universe, and your
education is only now beginning. This education is vitally necessary, for your
isolation in space is over. From this point forward, there will be constant at-
tempts to persuade humanity, constant interventions. That is why the human
family must establish its own rules of engagement and assert its will and de-
termination to be a free people in the Universe.

At present, you are transmitting all of your foolishness into space, all
of your secrets into space, for the discreet observer to watch. You are telling
the Universe about your strengths and even more importantly about your
weaknesses. You are inviting intervention through your reckless use of the
world and your endless conflicts and issues between nations and peoples.
The Intervention has only to wait while humanity weakens itself through
competition and conflict. You are doing the work of the Intervention in this

There is a growing hopelessness in the world. People are losing faith, if

they ever even had faith in themselves and one another. It is within this envi-
ronment of difficulty and hopelessness that foreign powers can gain their
great advantage here. And never think that foreign governance of this world
would be desirable in any way, for you have no idea of the cruelty and the
harshness that such governance would bring to the human family.

The value of humanity’s divinity, its accomplishments, are of no impor-

tance to the Intervention. You are merely a resource to them. They view you
the way you view your domesticated animals. They think you are brutish and
violent and chaotic. They have no awareness of your spiritual nature. Nor do
they value your great traditions. Being without Knowledge themselves, they
do not see it in you.

They represent the reality of so many races in the Universe who are
ruthlessly engaged in the acquisition of resources. Having stripped their own
© 2008 The Society for The Greater Community Way of Knowledge
home worlds of their natural wealth, they must now travel and become in-
volved in complex arrangements of trade to gain what they need.

Humanity is following the path that many nations have always follow-
ed—depleting their home worlds and then becoming prone to seduction by
forces in the Greater Community. For once you enter these great networks of
trade, your destiny will be determined by others. You will have to meet
whatever terms and conditions are required for you to receive what you
need—whether it be food and medicine or advanced technology. You will
have very little freedom and self-determination under these circumstances,
and this has been the fate of so many races.

Now you are vulnerable. Like the adolescent child in the big city, you
are entering a larger arena of life—unprepared, without wisdom and dis-
cernment regarding all the forces that could take advantage of you in your
innocence and your ignorance.

Here humanity must grow up and become mature. Here war and con-
flict must be set aside, for you cannot afford them now. Human unity is es-
sential if humanity is to remain free in the Universe. Human unity is essential
if humanity is to overcome the Great Waves of change and to create a greater
security and stability in the world.

You now face competition from beyond the world. It is without mili-
tary force, but its powers of persuasion are powerful and effective. But the
stronger you are with Knowledge, the more you will be free from this per-
suasion, and the more you will be able to see through the deception to rec-
ognize the real nature and intent of this presence in the world.

The New Message from God calls this presence the Great Darkness.
Those who are intervening in your world are not demons or devils, but their
intention here is very dangerous for humanity, and that is why their presence
here is called the Great Darkness.

It is time for humanity to end its ceaseless conflicts and to prepare for
its future and destiny within a Greater Community of intelligent life in the
Universe. God has sent a New Message into the world to warn humanity, to
strengthen humanity and to prepare humanity for this great encounter with
life—an encounter that will determine the fate and the destiny of humanity.

© 2008 The Society for The Greater Community Way of Knowledge
There is no other problem or challenge that is greater than this. For
what could you accomplish or achieve or preserve in the world if the world
fell under foreign domination? What advantage could you create for yourself
or what national objective could you strive for if the world fell under foreign
domination? And never think that such domination cannot occur. You do not
realize the power of persuasion in the mental environment.

The Intervention can control the minds and hearts of people, but it
cannot have any influence over those who are strong with Knowledge. And
for any individuals who have been captured or taken against their will by the
Intervention, they can reclaim their strength and their self-determination by
gaining access to Knowledge and taking the steps to Knowledge. And as they
become stronger with Knowledge, they will cease to be compliant subjects
for the Intervention to use. They will become a hazard to the Intervention
and will be avoided by it.

You may feel helpless. You may think that a foreign power with for-
eign technology would have a strength that would be insurmountable, but
you are dealing with a small group of resource explorers who are posing as
great technological powers.

Humanity has the great advantage. If humanity becomes wise and

alerted to the presence of the Intervention, it cannot be turned. It will resist
the Intervention. You will recognize the danger and you will respond appro-
priately. You will not be fooled by promises of wealth, power or spiritual ful-
fillment. Your native awareness and skills of discernment will tell you that
this is nothing but an intervention.

And you will learn the lessons from history, the lessons of interven-
tion—that those who are intervening are always here for self-interest and
that the native peoples, should they fall under foreign persuasion, will suffer
greatly, and their world and civilization will fall under foreign domination.
This is what history and nature have taught you regarding competition and

You are the native peoples of the world facing intervention. How will
you respond? Will you ignore it or deny it? Will you see it according to your
wishes and your preferences or according to your religious understanding,
thinking that humanity is the center of the Universe and that everyone and

© 2008 The Society for The Greater Community Way of Knowledge
everything revolves around you? This is the attitude and assumption of so
many people. But you can see its foolishness.

If you are to maintain your stewardship of this world, you must pro-
tect it against foreign intervention, and you must preserve and husband its
valuable resources. And you must unite and end your ceaseless conflicts.

A weak and divided humanity will have no power in the Universe and
will be subject to endless intervention and manipulation. This is a truth that
your nations and your peoples must come to see. And it is part of the warn-
ing in the message of God’s New Revelation, a revelation that is here not to
compete with humanity’s religious traditions but to enlighten them, to ex-
pand them, and to educate them, to give them a greater future as humanity
faces the reality and the difficulty of encountering life in the Universe.

You must resist the Intervention. You must recognize it is nothing more
than competition from beyond the world. You must not be fooled by its
promises of wealth and power and freedom. You must not become dejected
or resign yourself, thinking that you have no power in this matter, for hu-
manity has the great advantage.

Exert your will that you will not be dominated or persuaded, and the
Intervention has no power here. It must withdraw and seek to gain advan-
tage here through other means.

Do not accept foreign technology, for it is only here to addict you and
to persuade you and to make you dependent. It is a seduction, and nothing
more. It is like giving drugs to a native tribe in the jungle, who then become
addicted and enslaved to whoever provides these things.

Your love of technology places you in a position of vulnerability, vul-

nerability to those who are more technologically advanced than you. They
will bring you trinkets from space, and you will think it is marvelous, and
you will want it for yourself. This is how the native peoples are seduced and
persuaded. They are intimidated. They are dazzled by technology. Their con-
flicts are taken advantage of. Their leadership is undermined. This is how an
intervention gains strength amongst the native peoples. This has happened
throughout human history. And this happens throughout the Greater Com-
munity as well.

© 2008 The Society for The Greater Community Way of Knowledge
No one is going to come and destroy the world or eradicate life be-
cause life is the value here. It is the resources of life. Humanity is extremely
valuable to the Intervention, as a workforce. It will corral you and subjugate
you if it can gain that much control here, but it does rely upon you.

You may feel you are predominant and pre-eminent within this world,
but in the Greater Community, you are like an adolescent. You are without
skill, without wisdom and without preparation. It is gaining this wisdom,
wisdom from the Greater Community, it is gaining skill in the mental envi-
ronment, and it is developing a foundation of Knowledge within yourself as
an individual that will prepare you more than anything else for the reality
and the challenge of the Greater Community.

Humanity has never had such a challenge. It has never faced competi-
tion from beyond the world. This competition is occurring now because hu-
manity has created an infrastructure that other races can use—worldwide
commerce and communication. Humanity is also developing dangerous
powers. Should it become more powerful militarily, then intervention here
would become more difficult in the future. And if humanity should really be-
come educated about the realities and challenges of life in the Universe, then
intervention such as occurring today would not be possible. You would be
too aware and too strong for such an intervention to be successful here.

There are many people in the world today who have a natural connec-
tion to life in the Universe. They have come into this world at this time be-
cause humanity is facing its early Contact with the Greater Community.

It is no accident you are here at this time. God has sent you into the
world at this time to help prepare humanity for its emergence into a Greater
Community of intelligent life. But this emergence must be carried out with
wisdom and discernment, strength and determination. This is no casual mat-
ter. It is the greatest threshold that humanity will ever face. And you will ei-
ther gain strength and unity or lose your freedom in such an emergence.

Be careful here not to think that there are powerful and positive for-
eign races in the world today. Many people make this mistake because they
still want to be saved or rescued. They want Contact. But they do not realize
that humanity’s real allies are not present in the world. They are not here in-
fluencing humanity, controlling and manipulating human perception, human
emotion and human allegiance.
© 2008 The Society for The Greater Community Way of Knowledge
Your allies would not intervene in the world in such a manner, for this
would require them to take control of the world, which they will not do.
And this would undermine humanity’s potential to become a free and self-
determined race in the Universe.

Your real allies have sent a set of Briefings into the world to help pre-
pare humanity for the realities of life in the Universe and to warn humanity
against the Intervention that is occurring in the world today. That is their gift
to humanity.

Do not think that another race will come and rescue you. Do not think
of yourself as being so weak and powerless that you would need such a res-
cue. For any race that would promise this would really be here to take ad-
vantage of your weakness and your vulnerability.

This is the wisdom and clarity you must bring to this situation. It is not
about love or fear. It is about clarity, certainty and responsibility. Love or
fear is what people project because they are too weak to become directly en-
gaged. It is a fool’s discernment.

You must bring strength and clarity here. You must become prepared
for the Greater Community. And you must resist the Intervention.

Speak out against it. Receive the gift of wisdom from your true allies,
who do not seek domination here, who are not intervening in the world for
their own purposes. They have given humanity the gift of wisdom, which is
the greatest gift that any foreign race can give to a struggling humanity.

Intervention leads to subjugation. What is occurring in the world today

is teaching you this. When a larger power intervenes in another nation, it has
to control that nation, and it ends up harming that nation, even if its motives
seem noble and valuable.

Intervention is always carried out for self -interest. History has taught
you this. Nature teaches you this. Life teaches you this.

You resist the Intervention because you become strong with Knowl-

© 2008 The Society for The Greater Community Way of Knowledge
You resist the Intervention when you become educated about the reali-
ties of life in the Universe.

You resist the Intervention when you remember that you cannot and
should not accept gifts from strangers who will not reveal their real purpose
to you. As you would not allow strangers to enter your home, you should
not allow strangers to enter your world.

If you were really well versed in the realities of life in the Universe, you
would resist intervention with all of your might! And intervention would be
driven off, its veil of secrecy removed, its real intentions exposed. Unable to
turn and to seduce an aware humanity, it would have to retreat.

It is this awareness and this education and this inner certainty that you
as an individual must bring to this situation. Do not think that you are pow-
erless in the face of the Intervention, for that represents the Intervention’s
persuasion and exploitation of your lack of self-confidence.

Do not think the Intervention is going to save humanity, for then you
are falling under the seduction of the Intervention—a seduction that will rob
you of everything that is valuable in your life.

God has sent a New Message into the world to warn humanity and to
prepare humanity. It is this preparation that is essential. It will restore to you
the power and the presence of Knowledge. It will educate you about the re-
alities of life in the Universe. And it will help prepare the human family to
fulfill its destiny of becoming a free race in the Universe.

All of God’s Messages that have been sent into the world over time
have been to strengthen humanity and to foster freedom, to build human
civilization. Though every religion has been started by God, they have all
been changed by people, even to the point that their initial intent has been
lost. But in essence, God has initiated all the world’s religions to enable hu-
man civilization to grow and become stronger. Ultimately, this is in prepara-
tion for the Greater Community, where freedom is rare and where freedom
must be guarded with great vigilance. This is a reality of life. Deny this and
you deny life. You deny the lessons of life and the wisdom of life.

It is time for humanity to become strong, to become self-determined, to

become responsible and accountable, to end its ceaseless conflicts, to pre-
© 2008 The Society for The Greater Community Way of Knowledge
serve and husband its valuable natural resources, to stabilize its population
and to resist any intervention into the world by any force, regardless of their
promises or their admonitions.

This is your responsibility now. Human sovereignty must be preserved

in this world. And this sovereignty will come under increasing threat and
challenge, both by the difficulties you face here in the world and by competi-
tion and intervention from beyond.

Intervention will exploit human weakness, but you must build human
strength and self-confidence. This begins with the individual. It is not simply
a mandate by government or a philosophy. If humanity does not preserve its
freedom, it will be lost. If you cannot recognize you are facing competition
from beyond the world, this presence and this power will gain ever-greater
strength and persuasion here.

This is where the strength of your moral character, the strength of your
religions, the strength and the value of humanity’s creativity and divine na-
ture become essential to emphasize.

You have your backs to the Universe. You must turn and face the
Greater Community. You must watch your skies. And you must check the
power, the presence and the activities of the Intervention. It is operating now
with very little human awareness and very little human discernment.

Remove its veil of secrecy, and it is exposed. Its weakness is exposed.

Its deception is exposed. Its false promises are exposed. This is what is neces-
sary now.

Humanity has the power of Knowledge. The awareness of Knowledge

has not been lost within the world. And that is what makes you valuable to
other free races in the Universe and worthy of their support. It is the power
of Knowledge and human determination and human cooperation that will
give you strength and will enable you to establish yourself as a free and pow-
erful race in the Universe.

This is your challenge. Humanity has a great advantage here. And it

must use this advantage with all of its might and determination.

© 2008 The Society for The Greater Community Way of Knowledge
This is a message of love from God. It is a message of confidence and
encouragement. It brings with it a warning, but it also brings with it an as-
surance. All that God has invested in humanity and the development of hu-
man civilization means that God values the human life and human family
and does not want to see you fall under subjugation of foreign control.

For the power of freedom and the power of God are the same. Here
and everywhere in the Universe. And here and everywhere in the Universe,
freedom must be protected and nurtured and supported. For everywhere in
life, it is challenged. It is a gift. And it is a gift that you as an individual and
you as a member of a Spiritual Family must advocate for, preserve and pro-

Learn more about the

New Message from God at

The Fate of Nations and Peoples

The The Blessing New
Message Preparing for the Great Waves of Change from
God is The Great Love here to
pro- claim
the What Will End War unity
and im- portance
of all Explore the Special Teachings of relig-
ions, the New Message from God and to
make it very
clear that any


P.O. Box 1724 Boulder, CO 80304 • 303-938-8401 • • •

© 2008 The Society for The Greater Community Way of Knowledge

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