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Bill Hettler's Wellness Wheel

Rec Sports
Wellness Wheel

The wellness wheel model below has been used in Recreational Sports and Student Engagement and Success at TAMUCC in recent history. According to Dunn ( !" #$ wellness is %an integrated method o& &unctioning which is oriented toward ma'imi(ing the potential o& which the indi)idual is capable$ within the en)ironment where he is &unctioning .* +ellness is a li&elong ,ourney toward optimal health. -t is an ongoing process that in)ol)es personal time and commitment. Traditional wellness acti)ities &ocus on basic physical &itness and nutrition. A person is considered well i& they are &ree o& illness or disease. +hile physical wellness is important$ it is only one o& si' dimensions o& wellness. These si' dimensions. physical$ intellectual$ occupational$ emotional$ social and spiritual$ complement and interact with each other. +hen one dimension is strong$ it strengthens and positi)ely a&&ects the other dimensions. The origin o& the si' dimensional model o& wellness is credited to Dr. /ill 0ettler in !1" Se)eral wellness model images e'ist. This eight dimensional model was de)eloped by Uni)ersity 0ealth Ser)ice at Uni)ersity o& Michigan (Uni)ersity o& Michigan$ 23 2# (4ational +ellness -nstitute$ 23 2#. The wellness wheel shows how the dimensions wor5 together. 6i5e a bi5e wheel$ i& all o& the spo5es or dimensions are &unctioning at optimal le)els$ the wheel rolls along smoothly. -& howe)er$ one o& the spo5es or dimensions becomes wea5 or i& the tire loses air$ the wheel will run o&& course.


7hysical wellness encourages participation in regular physical acti)ities that impro)e cardio)ascular endurance$ &le'ibility and muscular strength. -t also in)ol)es engaging in healthy acti)ities that bene&it your body such as nutritious eating and e'ercise. 7hysical wellness means li)ing responsibly and ta5ing care o& your body. Intellectual -ntellectual wellness encourages continued learning$ problem sol)ing and creati)ity. This dimension in)ol)es impro)ing )erbal s5ills$ showing interest in scienti&ic disco)eries$ awareness o& social and political issues and reading boo5s$ maga(ines and newspapers. -t also in)ol)es engaging in creati)e and stimulating mental acti)ities. -ntellectual wellness is using the resources a)ailable to e'pand your 5nowledge$ impro)e your s5ills and increase your pote ntial. Occupational 8ccupational wellness is one9s attitude about wor5 and career. This dimension in)ol)es preparing &or and participating in wor5 that pro)ides personal satis&action and li&e enrichment$ and &eeling com&ortable and con&ident in the wor5place and managing stress. 8ccupational wellness is being in a wor5 en)ironment where you accommodate each other9s wea5ness and strengths as well as your own. Emotional Emotional wellness addresses awareness and acceptance o& our own &eelings and the &eelings o& others. This dimension in)ol)es &eeling positi)e and enthusiastic about li&e and oursel)es$ and being com&ortable with sel&: e'pression. Emotional wellness is paying attention to sel&:care$ rela'ation$ stress reduction$ and the de)elopment o& inner resources. Social Social wellness in)ol)es contributing to the human and physical en)ironment &or the betterment o& the community. This dimension encourages ta5ing an acti)e part in impro)ing the community in which we li)e and the world in general$ by supporting a healthy li)ing en)ironment and initiating better communication with others. Social wellness is de)eloping healthy relationships with those around you. Spiritual Spiritual wellness addresses )alues and ethics and the degree to which our actions are consistent with these )alues. This dimension in)ol)es see5ing meaning and purpose in human e'istence$ and being in:tune to your personal growth. Spiritual wellness enhances the connection between your mind and body. Financial Wellness is your relationship with money and s5ills in managing resources$ as well as your ability to ma5e good consumer choices and see5 out appropriate &inancial opportunities. Environmental Wellness En)ironmental wellness re&ers to one9s relationship to their surroundings that a&&ect humans9 wellness. -t re&ers to li)ing in harmony with earth by becoming aware o& one9s interactions with nature and en)ironment and the impact such interactions ha)e.


Dunn$ 0. ( !" #. 0igh:le)el wellness. Arlington$ ;A. R. +. /eatty.

4ational +ellness -nstitute (23 2#. Wellness wheel. Retrie)ed April 1$ 23 2$ &rom 4ational -nstitute o& +ellness +eb Site. http.<<<inde'.php=id>tier?2@id>c?2A

Uni)ersity o& Michigan (23 2#. The +ellness +heel. Retrie)ed April 1$ 23 2 &rom Uni)ersity o& Michigan Uni)ersity 0ealth Ser)ice +eb Site. http.<<<wellness

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