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March 2, 2014

Issue 09

In This Issue
Pastors Corner/Statistics 2 Remember in Prayer 3 Spiritual Disciplines Wk 3 Prayer Requests, Feb .23 3 Serving in the Military 3 Change of Address 3 Condolences 3 March Birthdays 4 Mary Circle/HMM 4 Week of Compassion 4 Adult Classes 4 Pastoral Partners 4 Daylight Savings Time 4 Mexico Build/Mission Trips 5 Summer Camp 5 Food Loving Guys 6 Get on the Bus 6 Jeffrey Mensendiek 6 Outreach Report 7 Founders Day 8 Lent & Easter 8 March Calendar 9 Serving Sunday 10

Events March 2 March 9, 2014

is published weekly (Deadline Wednesday at Noon) by First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) 109 E. Wilshire Ave. Fullerton, CA 92832 714.525.5525

The Caller

Senior Pastor: Rev. Darrell McGowan Associate Pastor: Rev. Debra Todd Editor: Donna Woodbridge

March 2: Transfiguration Sunday 8:00 A.M. - REAWAKEN, Early Worship Service 9:00 A.M. - Church History Study, Chapman Lounge 10:15 A.M. - REMEMBER, Traditional Service 5:00 P.M. - 8:30 P.M. Casa de Oracin Service, Sanctuary & FH March 3: 7:00 P.M. - Alzheimers Support Group, Chapman Lounge March 4: 10:00 A.M. - Mary Circle, Sean Lawrence, Giving Children Hope, Speaker, Chapman Lounge 11:30 A.M. - PSWR Golf Committee Meeting, Chapman Lounge 7:00 P.M. - Casa use Sanctuary and Chapman Lounge March 5: 5:00 P.M. - Hot Meal Ministry, Team A 7:00 P.M. Ash Wednesday Service, Sanctuary March 6: 5:00 A.M. - 6:00 A.M. Casa use Chapman Lounge for Prayer Time 3:30 P.M. - Bible Study, Chapman Lounge 6:30 P.M. - Bell Choir; 7:30 P.M. Choir Rehearsal March 7: 10:00 A.M. - Speakers League, Room 107 March 8: Turn your clocks ahead one hour before retiring or you will be late for church 8:30 A.M. - Greek Class at Woodbridges 9:00 A.M. - 3:00 P.M. Al-Anon Use Fellowship Hall March 9: First Sunday in Lent Daylight Savings time begins 8:00 A.M. - REAWAKEN, Early Worship Service 9:00 A.M. - Church History Study, Chapman Lounge 10:15 A.M. - REMEMBER, Traditional Service 1:00 - 4:00 P.M. Al-Anon use Room 107 5:00 P.M. - 8:30 P.M. Casa de Oracin Service, Sanctuary & FH March 10: 7:00 A.M 9:30 P.M Chapel on Wheels Fundraiser @ Pollys 6:30 P.M. - OT Bible Study @ Donnas March 11: 9:00 A.M. Pathways Executive Board, Chapman Lounge 6:30 P.M. Bible Study @ Barrys 7:00 P.M. - Casa use Sanctuary and Chapman Lounge March 12: 10:30 A.M. Alzheimers Service, Sanctuary & Chapman Lounge 1

Here are a couple meditations I wrote a while back and recently revised. They were helpful to me during my times of prayer over the past week, and I hope they are helpful to you as well. You are beloved children of God, and you have everything you need to fulfill God's purpose for your life. Thank you for all the times you have reflected God's love to me and have shared your gifts with me. I CAME INTO THIS WORLD WITH A "FULL BASKET" If we can imagine our lives as a basket which, when full, will provide us with the peace and serenity we seek, it is essential to our wholeness and happiness that we recognize that our basket was already full when we entered this world. Life does not consist of endless efforts to discover what is missing, find those components, and gather them into our empty basket. We came to this mistaken conclusion when we experienced need or deprivation. If we did not have food, clothing, or shelter, we became focused on getting these needs met. As those needs were fulfilled, we moved on to the next hierarchical level of unfulfilled need. We soon came to believe that life consisted of seeking fulfillment for unmet needs by collecting the objects of fulfillment. In truth, life is a process of discovery and disbursement, not one of cataloguing and collecting. If we recognized and honored our unity with God and each other, we would live in a world where no real need went unmet. Each of us would participate in the healing of our world in the unique way for which our gifts are suited, and in the process, we would come to know the happiness which eludes us. I had everything I needed for my wholeness and happiness when I came into this world, and I entered this world with the purpose of discovering and disbursing those gifts. As I fulfill this purpose, I will find the peace and serenity I seek. I CAN HELP OTHERS FIND THEIR PURPOSE We so easily forget that we have come into this world filled to the brim with gifts to offer in service to others. Many of us have been laboring to meet our needs for so long, we have come to believe that we have no significant gifts to share with others. We need only spend time with someone more limited, whether by age, health, or aptitude, to recognize that every person has a gift to offer. Some of the greatest gifts people ever receive come from someone lying on his or her death bed. We can always share our presence, our experience, strength, and hope. One of the greatest gifts we offer is affirmation. We affirm others' value and worth every time we acknowledge a kindness shown, a competency demonstrated, or a job well done. Whatever means we choose, by recognizing another person's gifts, we help him or her to rediscover a sense of purpose. In the end, we are all here for the same purpose: to love one another. Each of us participates in this shared purpose through the unique means given us by our Creator. We need each other in order to remember why we are here. I share with others a purpose for which humanity is uniquely suited. We are the ideal tool in God's hands to bring healing and wholeness by loving one another. Today I will help others remember their purpose as I recognize and affirm their gifts. Peace,

Sunday Statistics
Feb. 23, 2014 121 (Remember Service) 8 (Reawaken Service) 89 (Casa 5 P.M. service) Weekly Giving: $3,361.50 Missions: $373.50 Budget Goal: $3,881 Week of Compassion: $607.46 Global Missions (adopt-a-child) $50 2

Remember in Prayer
Continue to pray for: Sue Bacon, Dottie Bense, Harold Brickens, Sandra Brown, Linda Christman, Chris Collett, the family of Matt Davis, Lorna & Skip Farnum, Harold Horn, Anna Lou Horspool, Kevin Johnen, Carolyn Kenrick, Flora Miller, Sue Miller, Jim Piper, Norma Rill, Julie Stuart, Claudia Tammen, George & Dorothy Tanner, Connie Townsend and family, Anna Van Diest and Bob & Donna Vannoy. Please pray for the following PSWR Church: First Christian Church 1025 California St. Santa Monica, CA 90403

Prayer Requests: February 23, 2014

Robidoux family

Dylan Herrera Alice & Craig Annie Frater Renee

Pauls mother, Terry, as she nears the end of her earthly life. Prayers for my grandpa who had heart surgery. Matt Davis and his family during this time of hospice. Susie Wright on the passing of her brother. Anna Van Diest continued healing from surgery.

Serving in the Military:

Adam Hawley, Deb Taylors nephew, is now home from Afghanistan and back at Ft. Bliss with his family. Lt. Cmdr. Patrick OConner, Betty Rollos grandson-in-law, serving in Guam. Lt. Patrick Rollo, Betty Rollos grandson. He is training on a submarine in the Pacific. PFC Brandon Vannoy, grandson of Bob & Donna Vannoy, is now stationed at Fort Campbell, Kentucky. Petty Officer Michael J. Borden, Nancy Geigers grandson, who is stationed in Guam for the next year.

Readings and Prayer Concerns for Week of March 3 March 9, 2014

Monday, March 3: Reading: Genesis 2:15-17; pray for Barbara Fenters and April Johnen as they lead the Alzheimers Support Group tonight. Tuesday, March 4: Reading: Genesis 3: 1-7; pray for the Mary Circle meeting this morning. Congregational Prayer Day, March 5: Reading: Matthew 6: 1-6, 16-21; pray for our congregation as we begin the season of Lent with the Ash Wednesday service tonight in the Sanctuary. Thursday, March 6: Reading: Psalm 32; pray for the Bible Study meeting today in Chapman Lounge. Friday, March 7: Reading: Romans 5: 12-19; pray for Global Ministries Missionary, Magyolene Rodriguez in Nicaragua Saturday, March 8: Reading: Matthew 4:1-11; pray for the Al-Anon group meeting in Fellowship Hall today. Sunday, March 9: Reading: Matthew 4:10-11; First Sunday in Lent - a time when Christians reflect on their mortality and sin and the creative and re-creative power of God. May this season of Lent open our eyes to the loving presence of our Lord.

Change of Address and correction:

Bob and Carol Wyatt have moved out of their motorhome and into a house. Their new address is: 1561 Teakwood Pl, Hemet, CA 92543 Connie Townsends address was listed incorrectly in the Caller a week ago. It is: 220 W. Valencia Mesa (not E.), # 2, Fullerton, 92835.

Our Hearts go out to. . .

Robert Widmer and Matt Davis family on the passing of Matt Thursday, Feb. 27, at 2 A.M. Services are tentatively set for Saturday, March 15, time TBD. If you would like to send a card or a note of your favorite memory of Matt, you may send it to Robert at 1419 Revere Avenue, Fullerton, CA 92832 or Matts sister, Christie at

March Birthdays
Dave Miller(1); Judi Smedley (6); Kelly Acquistapace (7) John Cairns, Janet Parker, (8); Amber Angulo (11); Kevin Johnen (13); Paul Robidoux, (14); Mary Parker Love, Jeanne Tarbell,(15); Ben Darracq, David Ruby (18); Jeff Beard (19); Brian Beard, Alice Wallace (20); Christian Kim (21); Melody Martinez, Cathy Wolkenhauer , Henry Rodriquez(22); Jackie Brown, Noah Van Diest (23); Mike Wilson (24); Jason Fee, Jeanni Oakden, (25); April Johnen, Cameron Malotte, Linda Rosa, Debra Taylor (27); Christian Booher (28); Bob Wyatt (29)


Jodie and I, on behalf of Pastoral Partners, would like to welcome you to a spring luncheon in Chapman Lounge following the 10:15 worship service. By you, it means exactly that. We welcome all pastoral partners, past, and present, and offer an exciting ministry for anybody interested in this program. We truly do take the church out of the building by calling on our fellow members who are not able to make it to church regularly so we take the church to them. Following the luncheon, Darrell has agreed to show us how to implement this program, but to have a rewarding experience by doing so. I would ask all of you to stay for this because we welcome any feedback or suggestions you might have to enhance this wonderful ministry. Bill Martin

Mary Circle
Mary Circle will meet one half hour earlier on Tuesday, March 4 at 10 a.m. Sean Lawrence, Director of Giving Children Hope will be our speaker and share how we can help with this program. Beverly Reinke is hostess and Ada Rodman has devotions. Any woman of the church who can attend a day time meeting is invited to attend.

The Red Tent

The class that was to start today at 8:45 discussing The Red Tent has been cancelled due to lack of interest. If the time was stopping you and you would like to be a part of this discussion, please let Pam FindleyFlor or Minde Findley know what would be a good time. They would love to facilitate this class if a better time can be found.

Hot Meal Ministry

Team A will be on tap to help out with our Hot Meals Ministry this Wednesday, March 5 at 5:30 P.M. Please find a substitute if you are unable to make it. Team A is comprised of: Luanne Bailey, Diane Daugherty, Duane & Phyllis Elliott, Mitch Hanlon, Sue Harless, Carol Henke, Phil Forbes, Paul Robidoux and Ben Stuart Alternates include Rod Farley, Annie Frater, Judi Smedley, Craig Wallace

Lenten Bible Study

We surpassed the 2014 Week of Compassion's goal of $1,500. Our total to date is $1,604.49. If you didn't get a chance to give a gift this past Sunday or if you are among our children, and you forgot to bring back your coin box with the funds you collected during Feb., please bring it this Sunday and place it on the communion table at the end of the Children's Moments. With gratitude for your great support of the 2014 Week of Compassion offering, we say a hearty "THANK YOU" to all of you.

The Thursday afternoon Bible Study led by Chris Fee will be using a study written by our General Minister, Sharon Watkins husband, Rev. Dr. Rick Lowery, and is based on the Easter Offering. A sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board if you would like to join us.

Daylight Savings Time Begins Next Sunday

Turn your clocks ahead one hour before retiring next Saturday, March 8, so you will not be late for church on Sunday.

Mexico Build, March 22

FCCF and Sunrise Community Church, Anaheim, have teamed up to go to Mexico and build a house for Juana Adira (32) a single mother with two children, Jessica (14) and Luis (15) who works in a factory and earns $75 a week. Mike Silva invites anyone who would like to help to be at Sunrise Community Church, 701 S. Sunkist St, Anaheim, on the corner of South and Sunkist at 4:00 A.M. They usually return about 5 P.M. Phil Forbes and Tim Acquistapace are signed up so far. Please call Mike at 714-612-5064 if you are interested

Mission Trip Updates

The Outreach Ministry allocated in excess of $1,000 to support the four members of our congregation who are going to Joplin in two weeks, March 16-22. These funds were taken from the Disciples' Volunteering/Mission Trip account that is not part of the regular budget. Funds in this account have come from gifts given at the Alternative Gift Faire, both last year and in prior years, as well as a $1,000 contribution from the Tri-Tip/Bratwurst Project at the Farmer's Market. Our Mission Trip volunteers will be using these funds to defray the cost of airfare and food to go to Joplin. We have just received notice that Week of Compassion has given us a $250 grant for our mission trip fund. We now have 5 persons who've indicated their desire to be part of the Mission Trip to Moore, Oklahoma, September 28 through October 4. Those five are Randy Langston, Ed Linberg, Ben Stuart, Craig Wallace and Barry Woodbridge. The registration fee for this trip is $100. Airfare, at this time, is estimated to be about $350 since we can go directly to Oklahoma City from LAX. Each person will need to think of contributing $25 to $40 for the cost of food for the week, plus sharing in the cost of renting a car. The total cost to be part of this trip will likely not exceed $600 a person. We will be staying at the First Christian Church, Moore, Oklahoma and will be working under leadership provided by Church of the Harvest an Oklahoma City based congregation. We'll share more details, as we know them If you'd like to be part of the trip to Moore early in the fall, speak to Ed Linberg. We'll be asking for the registration fee by June 1, if not sooner, when we hear more from Pam Small, Coordinator for this joint DOC and UCC venture.

Summer Camp is Coming!

Two new camps have been added to the regular camp schedule. They are: Special Needs camp for campers with developmental disabilities and will run simultaneously with Mini Camp, and Wee Camp for children ages 3 - 6 to experience camp for the first time with a parent, guardian, or grandparent. With the renovation of Campbell Lodge and the addition of new trails and outdoor meeting areas, Loch Leven is looking better than ever! Theme for camps this year is Come to the Table of Love. PSWR Scholarship applications are due on or before April 30. FCCF will pay ! of early bird registration. For forms and more information, see Debra Todd or check with Donna in the office. Here is the schedule: Wee Camp (adult/child) July 10 - 12; early bird registration deadline 6/2 - $200/pair Mini & Special Needs July 6 9; early bird registration deadline 6/2 - $260 Junior June 29 July 5; early bird registration deadline 5/26- $355 Chi Rho July 13 - 19; early bird registration deadline 6/9 - $355 CYF I July 20 - 26; early bird registration deadline 6/16 - $355 CYF II July 27 August 2 early bird registration deadline 6/23 - $355

Jeffrey Mensendiek Returns to Japan On March 3rd

We've received a letter from Jeffrey Mensendiek, our missionary partner in Japan. He leaves for Japan on Monday, March 3 to begin a new 4-year term at Kwansei Gakuin in Kobe. A portion of the letter received from Jeffrey on February 21 is reproduced in the space below. It has been a year and five months since my family and I settled in Lancaster, PA on our extended home assignment. During this time I have been in Southern California and Nevada a couple of times sharing the story of how God is working through our partners to bring love and healing in the name of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ in Northern Japan. . I want to thank you for joining in the common global witness of the church through the UCC offerings of One Great Hour of Sharing and OCWM and the DOC through Week of Compassion and Disciples Mission Fund. The full letter from Jeffrey is posted on the bulletin board for all to read. We invite all of you to pray for Jeffrey as he travels to Japan and as he takes up his new responsibilities, especially on his travel day-March 3.

Get On The Bus!

Get On The Bus brings children and their guardian/caregivers from throughout the state of California to visit their mothers and fathers in prison on Mothers Day and Fathers Day. This annual event, Get on the Bus, offers free transportation for the children and their caregivers to the prison, provides travel bags for the children, comfort care bags for the caregivers, a photo of each child with his or her parent, and meals for the day all at no cost to the childrens family. On the bus trip home, each child receives a teddy bear with a letter from their parent and post-event counseling. The Congregational Church & St. Juliana Catholic Community are sponsoring a fundraiser event on March 29, 5;00 P.M. at St. Julianas to help raise money for event. Tickets are $40 per person which features a buffet dinner and the culinary talent of Chef Jon Sanders , a concert by renowned jazz pianist, Ron Kobayashi and friend, and silent auction. RSVP by March 15 to the St Juliana Parish Office. Attn: Barbara Dietterle, 1316 N. Acacia Avenue, Fullerton, 92831. For more info see the brochure and invitation on the bulletin board by the water fountain.

Food Loving Guys and Gals

Mark your calendar for Pathways of Hope Annual Fundraiser, March 16, at the Fullerton Community Center from 5:30 P.M. 8:30 P.M. Ticket cost is $50 per person ($60 at the door.) They are looking for chefs or wanna be chefs to fix their favorite recipe and serve tasty bites to the 200 guests who will be in attendance. For more information on how to participate, contact Alycia, 714-680-3691 ext. 202 or email her at:

Refocus on Lent
Give up complaining focus on gratitude. Give up harsh judgments think kind thoughts. Give up worry trust God to provide. Give up discouragement be full of hope. Give up bitterness turn to forgiveness. Give up hatred return good for evil. Give up anger be more patient. Give up pettiness become mature. Give up jealousy pray for trust. Give up gossiping control your tongue. Give up sin turn to virtue. Give up giving up persevere.

Summary Of Outreach Ministry Team Meeting

The Outreach Ministry met on Wednesday, February 19. What follows is a summary of the reports received and the actions taken during this meeting. 1. Information about the promotion of the Week of Compassion Offering during February and that we had already received a little less than $1,000 through 2/16 was shared. 2. It was reported that $195 in cash and 80+ cans of food were donated to Pathways of Hope through the Souper Bowl of Caring on 2/2. 3. The new Global Ministries Task Force met in partnership with representatives of Casa de Oracin on 2/5. Patty Segura will chair this Task Force. Donna Woodbridge is the Recorder. They will meet again on March 19 prior to the regular meeting of the Outreach Ministry that same evening. 4. The visits of Jeffrey Mensendiek on Jan. 29 and Brandon Gilvin on Feb. 9 were evaluated. We felt that both men made stimulating and beneficial visits to our church. 5. An amount, not to exceed $1,300, was designated to support the four persons from our congregation going to Joplin on a mission trip March 16-22. 6. Contacts have been made with three Disciples congregations, one each in Kansas, Indiana and North Carolina, about joining us for the fall mission trip to Moore, Oklahoma. So far we have no volunteers from other congregations to join us in Moore. 7. The response to an email about volunteering for the 2014 Tri-Tip/Bratwurst sales as part of the Fullerton Farmer's Market, beginning Thursday, April 3, has been good. We have enough volunteers to run this program again in 2014. An informational meeting for this activity was set for Sunday, February 23rd. If you would like to join us this year, please talk to Tom Beck. 8. We learned that there will be a Mexico Mission Build trip in which our members may participate. It will take place on Saturday, March 22. Phil Forbes and Tim Acquistapace have signed up to be part of this activity. 9. We will be launching an Equal Exchange Project sometime in March through which we will be selling cocoa and chocolate. Christina Martinez and Mary Ann Richmond will be coordinating this project. 10. We discussed doing a project for Church World Service this year. The options are a repeat of the Emergency Clean Up Buckets, which we did last year, or putting together School Kits or Health Kits. Each of these projects will be researched with a follow-up discussion about them to be part of the March 19 meeting. 11. We set a goal of $1,500 for the 2014 Easter Offering to be received on April 13 and 20. 12. We will be doing a "Soles for Souls" project in March with Craig Wallace serving as the Coordinator. 13. Each member took home a packet of materials about the Week of Compassion provided for us by Brandon Gilvin when he visited on 2/9. Each member is to read the material and be prepared to discuss the information within it on 3/19. 14. We were pleased to welcome two new members of the Outreach Ministry who joined us for the first time on 2/19. They are Christina Martinez and Mary Ann Richmond. Ed Linberg, Chair, Outreach Ministry

Lent & Easter Activities:

March 2: Pick up Lenten Devotional Booklet March 5: Ash Wednesday service, 7 p.m. in Sanctuary March 9: First Sunday in Lent March 13: 3:30 P.M. Lenten Bible Study begins March 16: Second Sunday in Lent March 20: 3:30 P.M. Lenten Bible Study March 23: Third Sunday in Lent March 27: 3:30 P.M. Lenten Bible Study March 30: Fourth Sunday in Lent April 3: 3:30 P.M. Lenten Bible Study April 6: Fifth Sunday in Lent April 10: 3:30 P.M. Lenten Bible Study April 13: Palm Sunday, Choir Cantata, Easter Week of Prayer begins Easter Offering April 17: Maundy Thursday - Watch Caller for more details. April 18: Good Friday April 19: Easter Week of Prayer ends April 20: Easter Sunday - Easter Offering

Lenten Devotional
The Worship Ministry Team will be handing out the 2014 Lenten Devotional booklet this Sunday as it begins with Ash Wednesday, which is Wed. March 5. This years Lenten Devotional booklet is written by Julie Richardson Brown, an advancement associate on the development team of Lexington Theological Seminary. In the pages of this booklet, she strives to make connections between the everyday ordinary things of our lives and the extraordinary moments of grace, when we are reminded that we do not live this life in a vacuum, but as part of a story so much bigger than us.

2014 FOUNDERS DAY AT CHAPMAN - March 13-15

Chapman University in Orange is holding its 31st annual Founders Day. ** John Dominic Crossan, prolific and provocative biblical scholar, who writes extensively on Jesus, Paul and the first century Christian community, will be delivering 5 lectures over the 3 days. The schedule lists times and topics. For more info, visit, You are also welcome to invite friends from other churches to come learn with you! ** Worship on Saturday morning in the Wallace All Faiths Chapel. Our preacher was featured at our Orlando General Assembly, Julian DeShazier of University Christian Church in Chicago. We will honor Wilfredo and Lillian Del Pilar as Disciples Church Leaders of the Year and Paul Kittlaus and Janet Vandevender as the United Church of Christ Church Leaders of the year. ** An hour concert by Chapman Universitys Concert Choir on Saturday afternoon after Crossans final lecture. **Workshops on Saturday morning for prospective students and their parents. ** Two reunion events on Friday evening for all alumni, Disciples on Campus parents and prospective parents and donors to Disciples on Campus scholarships and on Saturday evening for all Disciples on Campus alumni and families (graduates from 1987 to the present.) Chapmans Founders Day is a great way to see the exciting campus for the first time or to reconnect with alumni and friends from other churches. We hope that Founders Day will strengthen your congregations knowledge of scripture and your sense of connection to Chapman University and YOUR amazing students here. Costs: 3/13 Thursdays Lecture Free 3/14 Education Day (lunch included) $60 regular registration, $15 new church Pastors, $15 Seminary Student, $15 Young Chapman Alumni (2003 or later) 3/15 - Founders Day (lunch included) $35 regular registration, $20 young alumni (2003 or later) $15 High School Youth. Registration closes on March 13. Nancy Malotte has detailed information, as well as registration forms and will be in the Narthex after church on Sundays.

First Christian Church 109 E. Wilshire Avenue Fullerton, CA 92832 Reawaken (Early Worship Service) Sunday, 8:00 A.M. Church School for all ages: Sunday, 9:00 A.M. Remember (Traditional Worship Service) Sunday, 10:15 A.M. Youth Groups: Sunday, 1:00 P.M. & Wednesday, 3:30 5:15 P.M.

Serving March 2, 2014

Greeter: Duane & Phyllis Elliott Guest Book: Phil Forbes Coffee Host: Hospitality Ministry Acolyte Parent: Henke Sound: Video: Clare Keech Lay Leader: Craig Wallace Childrens Moment: Alice Wallace Elders: Kathy Robidoux, Dwain Van Diest, Penny Founches Diaconate: McCuens Team Prepare: Dirk McCuen, Beverly Reinke Ushers: Dirk & Jan McCuen Serve: Luanne Bailey, Dirk & Jan McCuen, Kelly & Shawn McCuen, Paul Robidoux Clean Up: Kelly & Shawn McCuen, Paul Robidoux

Serving March 9, 2014

Greeter: Mariette Linberg Guest Book: Mary Brill Coffee Host: Hospitality Ministry Acolyte Parent: Acquistapace Sound: Clare Keech Video: PJ Vannoy Lay Leader: Childrens Moment: Elders: PJ Vannoy, Craig Wallace, Deb Taylor (HC) HC Elders: Penny Fonches, Randy Langston, PJ Vannoy Diaconate: McCuens Team Prepare: Beverly Reinke, Paul Robidoux Ushers: Kelly & Shawn McCuen Serve: Cam & Nancy Malotte, Dirk, Kelly & Shawn McCuen, Paul Robidoux Clean Up: Cam & Nancy Malotte, Beverly Reinke Alternate: 9

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