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MOBILE-O9726971117 & 9228221760 9,Mohan Pa ! A""a #$%n#,2n& '(oo )a*&+,hna*a -1,P(o# No-1--16,L...Roa&,
/ 0 R A T-19-006

MOBILE NO 29726971117

In diverse industries. Presently working as / .Mana*% ' & A & Co,#+n* with 0n+$a ! R%$%&+%, L#&.4 o$ No5%-2008 a# Va"+.678a a# a Raw and Fg. Mfg, fecilities at Vapi Gujarat, and efore this good industrial e!perience in various "anufacturing co"pany in the field of as detail following# CORE COMPETENCIE/ '+nan9% & A99o7n#, $o % #han 1- :%a , E;"% +%n9% +n M4*.Co$"an: P(an# (%5%( $ontrolling of all %ctivities of General Finance & %ccounts up to Finali'ations. $ash flow Funding Manage"ent MI( Preparations. )ank *ransactions. +,$ -pening procedures, Foreign Re"ittances, Internal $ontrols, (ales ta!, V%* Matters, Projects %ccounting $osting.F)* *a! $alculations. +iaison with Govt.%uthorities regarding *a! & .!cise Matters. Fi! %ssets, depreciation working, Mo", Pa" preparations. /irect & Indirect *a! $ontrolling on 0ages (alaries preparations./evlop"ents & i"ple"entation of %ccounts policies and procedures. G.%.%.P.& I.F.R.( (tandard %ccountings. co1ordination with the respective /epart"ent 2eads 2andling salary negotiations and co"pensation ad"inistration. FI$- $o"para le .RP environ"ent, 0orking capital $alculation Co,#+n* 2 $osting of Raw1Materials, Finish Products, )udget $ontrolling. Reports, analysis, Inventory $ontrolling, (tores & .!cises Matters. $ost Reducing area to suggestion relating Mfg. & (ervice /epart"ents.

Looking Planning for Production and Break-even. Variance %nalysis Report

Preparation of "onthly MI( reports with various stages and analysis. +ooking cost sheets. %nalysis of daily production reports and "onthly review. Preparation of cost center wise allocations. +ooking on "onthly planning. 3RV Valuation of stage wise 0IP valuation.$M% data preparations Projects %ccounting $osting, Margin on Materials, Plant profita ility

+ooking at $ost cutting. $ontrolling areas and analysis. forecast process of orders Fi! %ssets, depreciation working, Mo", Pa" preparations. $ontrolling on 0ages (alaries preparations. /evelop"ents & i"ple"entation of Material 0%(*%G. analysis, $ost %4/I*, $o"p %sst. in ti"e1capacity utili'ations. I"ple"enting new "anage"ent syste" like .RP. Fore! transactions.

Analysis of key financials on a monthly basis. Establish a cost center wise/ profit center wise reporting structure !olling Plan co-op with e"-auditors.
Fi! cost against "arginal costing, $apital )udgeting, M12151$losing activities Product $osting atch wise lot wise.

Planning as Production admin cost saving etc.

OR6ANI<ATIONAL E=PERIENCE 4 o$ )7(:-1989 #o )7n%-1990 with 6a &%n /+(! M+((, L#&. /aha a 6a#% /0RAT as a O44+9% ' & A, %nnual *urnover around R(.677 $R-R., +eading "anufacturers of *e!tiles & 5arns. their product .!ported in 4nited (tates, .urope, $hina & etc. 4 o$ )7(:-1991 #o D%9-199- with E>a9 A((o:, L#&.?A L&T 6 o7",@6.I.D.C.An!(%,h>a .a, a O44+9% '+nan9% & A99o7n#,. %nnual *urnover around R(.897 $R-R., +eading "anufacturers of *ools )its & 0elding .lectrodes, $old 0elding. 4 o$ )an-1996 #o '%A- 2000 with E,,a /#%%( L#&. .aB+ a /0RAT.678a a#. a, a D:.Mana*% '+nan9% & A99o7n#,. %nnual *urnover around R(.977 $R-R., +eading "anufacturers of 2R$ $oils & (heets.2)I )iscuits I"porting. 4 o$ 'aA-2000 #o O9#-2008 with )a:,:n#h D:%,#744 ?I@ L#&.6.I.D.C.VAPI.678a a#. a, a Mana*% '+nan9% & A99o7n#,. %nnual *urnover around R(.:97 $R-R., +eading "anufacturers & .!porter of /yes & Inter"ediates.

The position reports to Executive Director Finance-Accounts

'o #h% $o,# "a # o4 $: 9a %% , I ha5% >o !%& +n&%"%n&%n#(: a# #h% "(an#

(%5%( +n '+nan9% & A99o7n#, & Co,#+n* D%"a #$%n#. Th+, ha, h%("%& $% #o >o ! >+#h #h% 9on4+&%n9%, a(,o " o5+&% $% an aA+(+#: #o >o ! a, a h%a& o4 #h% '&A&Co,#+n* &%"a #$%n# +n #h% o *an+Ba#+on.

ED0CATION DI6REE COLLA6EC0NIVER/IT3 3EAR DMARK/ ).$-M )havnager 4niversity1Gujarat 8;<= =9 I$0% Institute of $ost & 0o.%ccts $alcutta 8;;7 I(* $-MP4*.R %ptech )haruch, Gujarat 8;;9 I(* PA//PORT NO G =;;<;86 I((4. /*.:>,;,:77? :77? $-MP4*.R +I*.R%$5 #Finance %ccounting Package .RP1(%P1R16,0orking @nowledge of M.(.-FFI$. & 0I3/-0(.etc PER/ONAL DETAIL/ /ate of )irth Marital (tatus FatherAs 3a"e +anguages @nown 3ative Place Per"anent %ddress # # # # # # 76,87,8;>6 Married 3atvarlal .nglish, 2indi, Gujarati M%3/0% Gujarat ;,Mohan Park %ppart"ent,:nd Floor, Bagdishnagar18,Plot18918>,+ 2 Road, ( 4 R % *16;977> G4B%R%* $ontact 3o# ."ail I/ # # 092282-21760 & 0997809E61/..P%@C/3*D5%2--.$-M /ALAR3 DETAIL/

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8.10FLa!hC%nnu" E -ther )enefits. 3.G-*I%)+..



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