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Greetings! We are Marketing students from the University of the Phili ines !isayas "ondu"ting a survey on "onsumers# a$areness% er"e tion% key drivers and tou"h oints $ith regard to net$ork roviders& 'here are no right or $rong ans$ers& (our honest and "andid res onses $ill greatly )enefit our study& *est assured that your ans$ers and ersonal information $ill )e treated $ith utmost "onfidentiality& 'his $ill only take +, minutes of your time% )ased on the re-test of this .uestionnaire& 'hank you very mu"h! /in"erely% 0l ha Cino Estos 2"id 3ernande1 Chelse Genovesa 4oefren Panaguiton 'eresa Pur1uelo M" 2ouie 'amesis

RESPONDENT INFO 5ame: ____ __________________________________________________ 0ge: ___66___ Mo)ile Phone: _________________________ 0ddress: _________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ A. AWARENESS +& 0re you a$are of /un Cellular#s ost aid lans7 (es 8 5o 9f no% lease ro"eed to .uestion no& : 6& What do you kno$ a)out /un sim-only lan offers7 (Check all that applies) 'here is no free devi"e 'here is "onsuma)le load 'here is a monthly servi"e fee 'here is a daily sun-to-sun "all allo$an"e 'here is unlimited sun-to-sun te8t Others% lease s e"ify ____________________ :& Please rate your level of a$areness $ith regard to the follo$ing net$orks# offerings% ri"es% romotions<& Network Provider Level of Knowledge Glo)e Poor + 6 : = /mart Poor + 6 : = 'alk ?n 'e8t Poor + 6 : = 'ou"h Mo)ile Poor + 6 : = ost aid lans ;their > > > > E8"ellent E8"ellent E8"ellent E8"ellent

=& Where do you get your information on 'ele"ommuni"ation "om anies? romos and offerings7 (Check all that applies) 8 'elevision 3riends 8 /o"ial Media ;3a"e)ook% '$itter% et"< Colleagues and "o$orkers 8 Posters Others% lease s e"ify __________________ B. USA E >& @o$ many te8t messages do you send everyday7 (Check only one) 8 +-+> =A-A, +A-:, more than A, :+-=>

A& @o$ mu"h time ;in minutes< do you s end making "alls everyday7 (Check only one)

none +-+, 8 ++-6,

6+-:, more than :,

B& Do you avail of E-loading servi"es7 (es 8 5o 9f no% lease ro"eed to .uestion num)er C& 9f !e"% B&+ @o$ often do you ur"hase load7 (Check only one) Everyday Every Month Every $eek Every time 9 run out of load B&6 @o$ mu"h load do you usually )uy er transa"tion7 (Check only one) Ph +,-6, Ph +>,-6>, Ph 6>->, Ph :,, or more Ph >>-+,, Why7 ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ C& Do you use your mo)ile hone to surf the internet7 8 (es 5o 9f no% lease ro"eed to .uestion num)er D& 9f !e"% C&+ @o$ mu"h time do you s end surfing the internet using your mo)ile hone everyday7 +-+> mins + to 6 hours 8 +A-:, mins more than 6 hours :+ mins to + hour C&6 Please list the to : $e)sites you visit most fre.uently $hen using your mo)ile hone& +&fa"e)ook 6& gmail :& t$itter D& Do you su)s"ri)e to Unlimited te8t romos7 (es 8 5o 9f no# lease ro"eed to .uestion num)er +,& 9f !e"% D&+ 3or ho$ long do you usually su)s"ri)e to unlimited romos7 (Check only one) One dayE 6= hours + month '$o daysE=C hours Others% lease s e"ify ______________________ B days D&6 @o$ often do you su)s"ri)e to unlimited romos7 (Check only one) Everyday Only on s e"ial o""asions Every other day Others% lease s e"ify ______________________

+,& 9ndi"ate ho$ often you avail of the follo$ing romos )y en"ir"ling a num)er on the s"ale& Unlimited te8t to same net$ork 5ever + 6 : = > 0l$ays Unlimited "alls to same net$ork 5ever + 6 : = > 0l$ays

Unlimited te8t and "alls Unlimited te8t to all net$orks Unlimited internet surfing

5ever 5ever 5ever

+ + +

6 6 6

: : :

= = =

> > >

0l$ays 0l$ays 0l$ays

$. PER$EPTION AND KE% DRI&ERS ++& Do you have a ost aid lan su)s"ri tion7 8 (es 5o 9f !e"% ++&+ What are the reasons $hy you "hose to have a ost aid lan7 (Check all that applies) net$ork 8 'o have unlimited te8t to same 'o have "onsuma)le mo)ile internet net$ork 'o have unlimited te8ts to other 'o have free "all and te8t to other net$orks net$orks 8 'o get a ne$ hone for free 'o have unlimited mo)ile internet Others% lease s e"ify 8 'o have unlimited "all to same ____________________ 9f no% ++&6 What are the reasons $hy you "hose not to avail of a ost aid lan7 (Check all that applies)

9t is e8 ensive 9t re.uires roof of in"ome 9 already have a hone of my o$n Others% lease s e"ify ____________________ 9 am "ontented $ith my re aid sim
+6& Please rank from +-> ;+ as highest< ho$ im ortant these attri)utes of a ost aid lan are to you& __6_ 3ree devi"e _>__ 3ree mo)ile _+__ Unlimited "alls F _:__ Consuma)le load internet te8ts __=_ 3ree "alls and te8ts to other net$orks +:& Please assess the follo$ing net$ork roviders )ased on the attri)utes given& SUN $ELLULAR 0fforda)le + 6 : = > E8 ensive 9nnovative + 6 : = > 'raditional 3un + 6 : = > Goring /u""essful + 6 : = > 3ailure Pra"ti"al + 6 : = > 9m ra"ti"al 0""essi)le + 6 : = > 9na""essi)le LOBE S(ART 0fforda)le + 6 : = > E8 ensive 0fforda)le + 6 : = > E8 ensive 9nnovative + 6 : = > 'raditional 9nnovative + 6 : = > 'raditional 3un + 6 : = > Goring 3un + 6 : = > Goring /u""essful + 6 : = > 3ailure /u""essful + 6 : = > 3ailure Pra"ti"al + 6 : = > 9m ra"ti"al Pra"ti"al + 6 : = > 9m ra"ti"al 0""essi)le + 6 : = > 0""essi)le + 6 : = > 9na""essi)le 9na""essi)le TOU$' (OBILE TALK )N TE*T 0fforda)le + 6 : = > E8 ensive 0fforda)le + 6 : = > E8 ensive 9nnovative + 6 : = > 'raditional 9nnovative + 6 : = > 'raditional 3un + 6 : = > Goring 3un + 6 : = > Goring /u""essful + 6 : = > 3ailure /u""essful + 6 : = > 3ailure Pra"ti"al + 6 : = > 9m ra"ti"al Pra"ti"al + 6 : = > 9m ra"ti"al 0""essi)le + 6 : = > 0""essi)le + 6 : = > 9na""essi)le 9na""essi)le

+=& 3irst% "he"k the )o8 )efore the statement if you think it is a "onse.uen"e of availing a ost aid lan& 9f it is% rate its im ortan"e to you as you make your de"ision& (Encircle a number on the scale) F+n,tion-l $on"e.+en,e" Degree of I/0ort-n,e Having a postpaid plan: 8 Provides me $ith longer surfing hours 5ot im ortant + 6 : = > !ery im ortant 8 Gives me a free devi"eEs ;e&g& hone% ta)< 5ot im ortant + 6 : = > !ery im ortant 8 Gives me a "hoi"e among hone models 5ot im ortant + 6 : = > !ery im ortant 8 Provides me unlimited te8ts to all net$orks 5ot im ortant + 6 : = > !ery im ortant 8 Provides me unlimited "alls to the same net$ork 5ot im ortant + 6 : = > !ery
im ortant

im ortant

Provides me limited "alls to other net$orks 5ot im ortant + *e.uires a lot of re.uirements 5ot im ortant + 8 'akes a$ay the hassle of regular loading 5ot im ortant + Hee s me u dated $ith so"ial media trends 5ot im ortant + *e.uires a shorter holding eriod 5ot im ortant + 8 *e$ards me a free gadget for on-time ayment 5ot im ortant

6 6 6 6 6 +

: : : : : 6

= = = = = :

> > > > > =

!ery im ortant !ery im ortant !ery im ortant !ery im ortant !ery im ortant > !ery

@el s me save money 5ot im ortant + 6 : = > !ery im ortant E/otion-l $on"e.+en,e" Likeli1ood t1-t t1e feeling will o,,+r Having a postpaid plan: 8 Makes me feel good% su""essful and rogressive 5ot im ortant + 6 : = > !ery
im ortant im ortant

8 Makes me feel

ra"ti"al thus s ending my money 5ot im ortant



$isely 8 0llo$s me to )ond more $ith my family% friends

im ortant

5ot im ortant



and "olleagues Makes me feel "onfident 8 *elieves stresses in life Makes me feel s e"ial 8 Makes me feel se"ured

5ot im ortant 5ot im ortant 5ot im ortant 5ot im ortant

+ + + +

6 6 6 6

: : : :

= = = =

> > > >

!ery im ortant !ery im ortant !ery im ortant !ery im ortant

D. INFLUEN$ERS +>& When you "hoose your net$ork rovider% indi"ate to $hat degree you are influen"ed )y the for"es listed in the ta)le. 3amily 5ever + 6 : = > 0l$ays 3riends 5ever + 6 : = > 0l$ays Colleagues 5ever + 6 : = > 0l$ays Personal referen"e 5ever + 6 : = > 0l$ays Media 5ever + 6 : = > 0l$ays +A& *ank from +-C ;+ )eing the highest< ho$ these media influen"e you to ur"hase a rodu"t or avail of a servi"e& (Write your answers on the space provided) _6_ '! _C_ 5e$s a ers _=_ 3lyers _:_ Posters

_A_ *adio

_B_ Maga1ines

_>_ Gill)oards

_+_ 9nternet

+B& 2isted )elo$ are various as e"ts of the rodu"tE)rand that might influen"e your de"ision to "hoose a net$ork rovider& Gased on your o$n ur"hase e8 erien"e% indi"ate their degree of influen"e& PRODU$T *ea"h of /ignal 5ot im ortant + 6 : = > !ery im ortant Pri"e of "all F te8t romos 5ot im ortant + 6 : = > !ery im ortant Wide variety of "all F te8t romos 5ot im ortant + 6 : = > !ery im ortant P'%SI$AL STORE 0m)ian"e 5ot im ortant + 6 : = > !ery im ortant Color 5ot im ortant + 6 : = > !ery im ortant 2ighting 5ot im ortant + 6 : = > !ery im ortant /tore 2ayout 5ot im ortant + 6 : = > !ery im ortant Iueuing /ystem 5ot im ortant + 6 : = > !ery im ortant 0""essi)ility from your @omeEOffi"e 5ot im ortant + 6 : = > !ery im ortant PRO(OTIONS Dominant "olor 5ot im ortant + 6 : = > !ery im ortant Message of 0ds 5ot im ortant + 6 : = > !ery im ortant Medium used ;e&g& '!% /o"ial Media< 5ot im ortant + 6 : = > !ery im ortant Endorser 5ot im ortant + 6 : = > !ery im ortant +C& @o$ likely are you to avail of a ost aid lan in the future7 (Encircle your choice) 5ot likely + 6 : = > E8tremely likely Why7 )e"ause 9 already have a lan +D& 9ndi"ate the degree of influen"e of these fa"tors in your de"ision to su)s"ri)e to a ost aid lan& Pri"e 5ot im ortant + 6 : = > !ery im ortant 3ree devi"e 5ot im ortant + 6 : = > !ery im ortant 'e8t romos to same net$ork 5ot im ortant + 6 : = > !ery im ortant Call romos to same net$ork 5ot im ortant + 6 : = > !ery im ortant 'e8t romos to other net$orks 5ot im ortant + 6 : = > !ery im ortant Call romos to other net$orks 5ot im ortant + 6 : = > !ery im ortant Consuma)le load 5ot im ortant + 6 : = > !ery im ortant

Mo)ile internet Convenien"e of /ervi"e Centers Customer /ervi"e

5ot im ortant im ortant 5ot im ortant im ortant 5ot im ortant im ortant

+ + +

6 6 6

: : :

= = =

> > >

!ery !ery !ery

6,& @o$ likely are you to avail of a sim-only ;no a""om anying free gadget< ost aid lan in the future7 5ot likely + 6 : = > E8tremely likely Why7 Ge"ause a free gadget is an in"entive& 6+& @o$ likely are you to su)s"ri)e to the /un /im-only Plan7 5ot likely + 6 : = > E8tremely likely Why7 9#m a loyal glo)e user& hehehe 'hank you!

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