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Second Grade Orientation

Mrs. Miller Classroom 6


I. Welcome and Introduction

II. Daily Classroom Routine
III. Behavior Management
IV. Homework Procedures
V. Modifications and Enrichment
VI. This and That

Behavior Management

In order to create a positive sense of community in our classroom, I have

implemented a four-card system. The students have a monthly “Behavior Calendar”
in their take-home folders. At the end of each school day, the students color the
calendar square to reflect the color of their behavior card. Once a card is switched
during the day, it cannot go back to the original color card. The following is a list of
the color cards and their meanings:

Purple: Good behavior

Yellow: Warning
Orange: Take a break
Red: “Think sheet” and a call home

I will contact you if there is an issue that needs your attention. I keep track of
the cards that have been changed. Please feel free to contact me if you have any
concerns with your child’s behavior pattern. Remember to sign your child’s behavior
calendar at the end of the month so they can receive their sticker chart. Students
who have purple cards all month will get to pick out a special school supply.

Homework Procedures

In an attempt to organize assignments, your child will have a different

homework folder for each school day. Monday’s folder is orange. Tuesday’s folder is
green. Wednesday’s folder is yellow. Thursday’s folder is red. There is not a
homework folder for Friday. The students will use these folders for the entire school
year. They should not be drawing or placing stickers on their homework folders.
The students will be given a weekly homework assignment sheet on Monday.
This will include the spelling list and the assignments for each day of the week. The
students are also required to read for at least 15 minutes, at home, each day. The
student’s reading log must be filled out and signed each night. It should be returned
to school on Monday. Addition and subtraction facts to 20 should also be reviewed
for approximately 5 minutes each day.


Modifications and Enrichment

During the first weeks of school, the second grade teachers assess the
students in the areas of math, reading, writing, and spelling. These initial
assessments provide us with important information about your child. During daily
class instruction, students are assessed informally as they complete assignments,
interact with their peers, and take part in the daily classroom activities. Through my
observations, I will put forth every effort to make modifications for your child to be
successful in the classroom. Students learn in different ways. I recognize that class
work and homework may need to be modified in order to meet your child’s
individual needs.
At the same time, I realize that some students need to be challenged. The
students are pre-assessed in the area of spelling. Students who receive a score of
13/15 or higher on the spelling pre-test will have a challenge spelling list for the
week. Their spelling words will be reflected in their homework assignments, as well
as class work.
There will also be a pre-assessment given at the beginning of each math
chapter. This allows me to see which students have previous mastery of the
material, areas that need to be practiced, and concepts that are new to students
this year. Please take some time to look over the math pre-assessment with your
child. Work with your child to make the pre-assessment a teaching tool in your
Throughout the school year, students’ needs will be met through whole group,
small group, and individualized instruction. The students will have many hands-on
learning experiences to increase their understanding of second grade concepts.
The second grade teachers have developed take-home projects that will be
done by the entire grade level. These projects encourage parent-child interaction
and directly relate to topics that are being discussed in class. You will be provided
with specific directions for each of these take-home projects. We feel that this is a
wonderful way for our students to work cooperatively with their parents on a school-
related activity.

This and That

** We are a peanut- free classroom!

Birthdays: Feel free to bring in a special treat to celebrate your child’s birthday.
Currently, we have 19 students in our class. In order to create a positive birthday
celebration, please make sure that the treats look the same for each student. Also,
most of the students look forward bringing a treat to their former teachers and the
principal. You may send in a few extra treats for your child to share. Please make
sure that you label any containers that are sent to school. I want to make sure that
your items are returned promptly.

Sharing: There will be several times during the year that we will have a theme-
based sharing. I like to incorporate curriculum topics into our classroom share time.
The students will be relating items and/or personal experiences to what is being
studied in class. We do not have a daily share time in our classroom. Please have
your child keep his/her toys and electronic games at home.

Snack: I strongly recommend sending your child to school with a quick, healthy
snack each day. Second graders do not eat lunch until 12:30 and they need energy
to remain focused in the classroom. Please contact me if you are unable to provide
a daily snack for your child.

Lunch Money: Parents and guardians have the option of pre-paying for lunches.
School lunches cost $2.25 this year. You can send in a check on Mondays to pre-pay
for lunches. This way, your child does not have to worry about losing his/her lunch
money. If you choose not to pre-pay for lunches, please send your child’s lunch
money in a clearly labeled bag or envelope. Indicate that your child is in classroom

I thank you in advance for having an active role in your child’s education at
Valley View. I believe that there is an important connection between home and
school. Please contact me whenever you have questions, comments, or concerns.
My classroom door is always open. I look forward to spending this school year with
your children. We are already building a caring classroom community! 

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