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3 Setting the Northern Colonies

The Protestant Reformation Produces Puritanism Calvinism became the base of Puritans Puritanism argues that those whom predestination had been marked for the infernal fires cannot save themselves by doing good works Puritanism argues that God is all-knowing and humans are weak and wicked separatist are a small group of the extreme Puritans King James I harassed some of the separatist out of his land The Pilgrims End their Pilgrimage at Plymouth 1608: the most famous congregation of separatists fled the royal wrath departing for Holland the group was separatist were not pleased with the conditions in Holland, they boarded the Mayflower and I arrived at the coast of new England 1620: the Mayflower arrived off the coast of New England, a total of 102 people the Pilgrims did not make their initial landing Plymouth Rock, it is after a number of preliminary surveys the area is not the domain of the Virginia Company therefore to have several problems: no legal rights to own land and no authority to establish a government before disembarking the Pilgrim leaders signed the Mayflower Compact, this compact is the beginning of democracy and self-government 1620 1621: after harsh winter only 44 out of the 102 survived the Mayflower sailed back to England but no separatist left the Pilgrims has very strong leaders one of the William Bradford 1691: the small colony, still charterless, merged with its giant neighbor Massachusetts The Bay Colony Bible Commonwealth the separatist word that extremist the purest of Puritans 1629: a group of non-separatist Puritans secured a Royal charter to form the Massachusetts Bay Company, Boston was soon become its hub 1630: the Massachusetts Bay enterprise launch an expedition with 11 vessels carrying nearly 1000 immigrants to populate Massachusetts John Winthrop became the colonys first governor Massachusetts benefited from a sheer sense of purpose among the most of the first settlers there in agreement to build a holy society that would be model for mankind Building the Bay Colony (Massachusetts) voting rights extended to all free men adult males who belongs the Puritan congregations, unchurched men remain voteless as did women the government although liberal by the standards of the time was not a democracy

Gov. Winthrop feared and distrusted the common people thought that democracy was a meanest and worst of all forms of government Freeman annually elect the governor and his assistants, as well as a representative assembly called the general court the whole purpose of a government was to enforce the gods laws everyone in the colony pay taxes for the government supported church religious leader wielded enormous influence in the colony of Massachusetts one notable example is John Cotton the colonist has endorsed the idea of the separation of church and state Massachusetts = Bible Commonwealth

Trouble in the Bible Commonwealth Quakers were persecuted with fines, flogging, and banishment Anne Hutchinson challenged the Puritan orthodoxy she challenged a Puritans doctrine of predestination. This is called antinomianism ( translated from Greek against the law) 1638: Hutchinson was brought to trial but she baffled her inquisitors. She was eventually banished Roger Williams in extreme separatist urging his fellow clergyman to make a clean break from the corrupt Church of England Roger Williams also challenged that the legality of the Bay colonys charter 1635: the Bay colony authorities found Williams guilty of disseminating new and dangerous opinions and order him banished The Rhode Island Sewer 1636: Roger Williams fled to Rhode Island with the help of friendly Indians he established complete freedom of religion, even for Jews and Catholics. He demanded no oath regarding religious beliefs, no requirement for attendance at worship, no taxes to support a state church, he even sheltered the abuse Quakers opposed to any special privileges Rhode Islanders managed to achieve remarkable freedom of opportunity Rhode Island consists of mostly exiles from the other colonies 1636: Rhode Island is founded 1644: established rights to soil when it secured a charter for the parliament New England Spreads Out 1635: Hartford was found the westward movement is about to begin Rev. Thomas Hooker led a group of Boston Puritans into the Hartford area 1639: settlers of the new Connecticut River colony drafted a trailblazing document called the fundamental orders. This is significant because in effect it is a modern constitution 1638: New Haven another flourishing Connecticut settlement sprung up

1641: New Hampshire is established as part of Massachusetts 1679: the King separated New Hampshire from Massachusetts making it a royal colony

Puritans versus Indians 1620: a contact with Pilgrims resulted in an epidemic that swept through the Indian tribes killing more than three quarters of the native people 1621: Wampanoag Indians signed a treaty with the settlers because they saw no point in resistance English settlers continuously pushed inland to the Connecticut River Valley 1637: Pequot Tribe vs English men Indians only hope of resisting English approach is in intertribal unity Seeds of Colonial Unity and Independence 1643: four colonies banded together to form the New England Confederation. Its primary purpose is to defend against bowls notably, the Indians, the French, and the Dutch. The Confederation also dealt with enter colonial problems, such as runaways servants and criminals. Each colony in the Confederation no matter the size wielded two votes. The Confederation was the first notable milestone on the long and rocky road was colonial unity the King of England has allowed the American colonies to become semi-autonomous commonwealth 1660: King Charles II was restored to the English throne. Charles II cause several problems for the colonials: Puritan hopes of pure find old English church withered and planned to take more direct control of the colony Colonies responded little to the kings demands 1662: a sea-to-sea charter was granted to Connecticut which legalize its squander settlements Rhode Island also received a new charter which gave the King sanction to the government 1684: the Bay colonys charter was revoked by London authorities Andros Promotes the First American Revolution 1686: the Dominion of New England was created. It contains the same idea as a new England Confederation, but it is directly controlled by London authorities the Dominion and sought to strengthen colonial defense in the event of war with Indians Most importantly Dominion was created to promote urgently needed efficiency in the administration of the English Navigation Law. The navigation log restricted trading with locations not ruled by England, the Americans did not like the confinement and therefore struggling became increasingly common and even honorable occupation. The head of the Dominion is Sir Edmund Andros

Andros was highly unpopular in new England. She ruthlessly curved cherished town meetings, lay heavy restrictions on courts, the press and schools, and revoke all land titles. Andros is from England, and he does not understand the self-government of the New World 1688 1689: the Glorious Revolution, Catholic James II was replaced with Protestant Williams III Dominion of New England collapsed Andros was caught and shipped back to England (he was trying to escape in ladys cloth but a vision ward neutralized his stealth) 1691: Massachusetts was arbitrarily made a royal colony, the loss of a permanent charter was a staggering blow to the proud Puritans the privilege of voting was once a monopoly of church members, was now being enjoyed by all qualified male property holders the new monarchs relaxed the Royal grip on colonial trade, and the navigation laws are weakly enforced more English officials judges, clerks, custom officials are employed in America. Many of these people are corrupt and does not care about American affairs. The Americans resented them.

Old Netherlanders at New Netherland Dutch East India Company was virtually a state within a state supporting an army of 10,000 men in a fleet of 190 ships the Dutch Republic is becoming a leading colonial power 1609: Henry Hudson sailed into Delaware Bay and New York Bay then ascended the Hudson River hoping to discover the shortcut through the continent 1623 1624: new Netherlands was established by the Dutch West India Company for a quick profit for trade the Dutch West India Company bought Manhattan Island from the Indians, which was one of the best moves ever made New Amsterdam later known as New York City was a company town New Amsterdam was run by the Dutch company in the interest of stockholders. The investors has no enthusiasm and religious toleration, free speech or Democratic practices the governors are appointed by the company for usually harsh and the spotted New Amsterdam attracted a cosmopolitan population Friction with English and Swedish Neighbors director generals were largely incompetent, company shareholders demanded their divided at the expense of the colonies welfare, Indians retaliate with horrible massacres as defense measure the settlers on Manhattan Island erected a wall from which Wall Street derives his name new England was very hostile to the growth of the Dutch neighbor, many colonies voted to wipe out new Netherlands with military force 1638 1655: Sweden planted a colony called new Sweden on Delaware River

1655: the Dutch dispassion small military expedition to wipe out new Sweden

Dutch Residues in New York English region guarded the Dutch as intruders 1664: almost of the new Netherlands 10,000 people are from England 1664: Charles II granted the area to his brother Duke of York New Amsterdam was forced to surrender without a fight. The city was later named New York in honor of Duke of York New York is a strategic harbor: located in the middle of mainland colonies and direct access the Hudson River Penns Holy Experiment in Pennsylvania Quakers are very offensive to authorities, both religious and civil. They refused to support the established Church of England with taxes, to build simple meeting houses, congregated without paid clergy, and spoke of themselves in meetings when moved. Although at times he seems stubborn and unreasonable, they were simple, the voters, Democratic people, contending in their own high-minded way for religious and civil freedom William Penn a wellborn and an athletic young Englishman was attracted to the Quaker faith in 1660 Penns Goals: establish in asylum for his people, experiment with liberal ideas and government, make a profit 1681: Pennsylvania was established Pennsylvania was by far the best advertised of all colonies Quaker Pennsylvania and Its Neighbors 1681: Pennsylvania officially became a colony Penn bought land from the Indians. In fact their relationship with Indians were so well that they often went into Indian territory unarmed and employed them as babysitters Penns new proprietary regime was unusually liberal and included a representative assembly elected by landowners no tax supported state churches or demand of allegiance, freedom of warship was granted to all residents the human Quakers developed a strong dislike for black slavery they attracted a rich mix of ethnic groups Philadelphia became the largest city in Pennsylvania William Penn was not so appreciated by his colonists 1664: New Jersey was established, small Quaker settlements flourished The Middle Way in the Middle Colonies Middle Colonies: New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Pennsylvania. Soil is fertile, expanse of land was broad

Rivers played a vital role: broad and languid, they provided a way to the backcountry, the first trade, and waterpower for manufacturing Industry is an indispensable part of the middle colonies: lumbering as shipbuilding growth of commerce and seaports: New York and Philadelphia population is more ethnically mixed

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