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Issue 1 February 14

Inside Topics on..

Positive attitude Positive Thoughts Positive Health Positive YOU.

For Private Circulation only

A positive attitude Change your life

Dear Friends, I feel immense pleasure to share my feelings and experience of my life. I have struggled a lot in life . Have crossed may barriers in life. Lot of sweet and sour experience of my life has made me a strong person to work under any condition, stress and pressure. In every problem I learnt a lesson. Believe me the problem which I solved once , never appears as a problem. It become an opportunity for me, when I face it again. Therefore in life never run away from the problems, because they are opportunities which will open many doors for you. We will publish One edition every month containing articles related to all the health aspects, parenting, body language, life liabilities, SWOT analysis,, Time Management, review of books and many more topics to prepare you to face problems of life and succeed in life. All editions will be free of cost. It will sent on request emails. I am thankful to my family and friends for the motivation for initiating this social cause. With Best Wishes..


February 14


The day we born, we start learning. When infant we learn to suck milk, eat food, learn to crawl, learn to stand and learn to Walk. We start observing the surrounding and started educating ourselves without even get noticed. This is how we grow. Have you ever realized, when we were not even knowing the language of the people around us, how we learnt all that we know today and how we trust some one and how we reject some other? If you want to know about a person, you have to come closure to him, read his nature, understand his surroundings. When we want to learn Mathematics, we started with learning numbers, tables, arithmetic and so on. If you want to learn about some place, whether you go to that place or read literature about it or talk to a person who has visited to the place. Without this do you think you can know or learn about that place. No, not at all.

So, to know about any thing or anyone, we need to focus on that, understand its physical appearances, its surrounding, its effects and reactions. Do you know about your self? Many times, while conducting interview, I asked the candidate to tell some thing about him a person. 99% of the candidate starts telling about their parents, upbringing, schooling, college education, family back ground, companies with whom he/she worked, etc.,. This is really astonishing that even after repeated briefing to tell about him/her as a person, no candidate is able to talk about him more that 15 to 30 seconds. I will not be surprised to know that many of you who are reading this article would also not be able to talk at least 5 minute on your self, as a person. We talk whole day about others, knowing others. I ask you, honestly tell how much time do you think about only yourself, only yourself, your habits, your capabilities, your skills, your strengths, your weaknesses, your areas of concerned, how you effect other in your daily life, how you help others, how happy you are, etc. I am sure very less of you will be affirmative. If you are, then you are a fit and healthy person and I am confident you are successful as a father or mother, husband or wife, employee and person.

After knowing yourself only you will be able to enjoy the life, would be able to perform better at studies, would buildup healthy relations at home, office and society. But how to understand yourself. Questions will start raising in your mind, who am I?, Why I am here? What is the purpose of my Life? What is my lifes goal today , tomorrow and so on. Just go to your childhood and try to understand, what was the power, which motivated you to suck the milk, what was the power which compel you to crawl, what was the power which force you to walk and then learn and so on There is a distinct and unique inner self, which is the root of all what is happening in our daily life. Every persons inner self is different. No two persons can have the same. Each inner self has its own inbuilt character, values, traits, learning pattern, understanding and behavior, which is inborn. That is why some children learn very fast, some are mediocre, some are slow. Every inner self is attracted by like inner self. These inborn qualities get us attracted to the like ones.

All your inner self qualities initiates as soon as a baby is born. It doesnt require anyones help to do activities. It is proved that we have inborn qualities. As we grow and come into contact of others, we starts to learn many things and add-on into our sub-conscious. In this process of learning we start forgetting our innate values, skill and capabilities. In this issue I just want to share with you that you have very good and dynamic qualities, which can change your life. Please sit everyday in isolation for 10 minutes only and start recollecting your innate values and capabilities. Believe me YOU ARE POWER HOUSE.. In Next Issue we will discuss with you from where these values came and how to use these in your day today life. Till then, please take a piece of paper and write down your Skills, innate values and capabilities..

You can share your feeling with us via email.

Many times in our day to day schedule we get shocks and jerks by our Boss, Colleagues, family and society. These Shocks and speed breakers slow down or even stop our speed and we are surrounded by negative thoughts. Every hope is vanished. We start cursing all those concerned. No positivity. All Over only darkness and negative clouds. But is it first time we face that kind of problem. Dont we have already tackled this kind or similar problem in life? Dont we have come out of this kind of situation earlier also. Remember the time, when you were not able to solve a mathematics question and how you solved it. Remember how you learnt cycling first time, despite of many falls. Remember the time of your first board examination (10th) and how exclaimed you were, when you passed with flying colors. Remember your first job interview and your success in it. Remember your first love and how you propose your love and feel the success you got. Remember the time when you got married and your feeling. Remember your first project in your job. Remember your day when you got your first salary and your dreams. Remember the day when your baby got borne and the feeling of love. There are many cases in your life where you have faced these kind of problems.


After all you have faced all these problems and you have over come them by your self. No one came to your help to solve the question, learning cycling, writing your exams, succeeding in your first interview, proposing your first love, etc., Remember the hard work and your personal efforts you did to get success over all these. You will find YOU ARE POWER HOUSE. You have the power inside. You have the Capability to face and over come all the problems in life.


Why not now? Calm down yourself. Zero down all the thoughts. Remember the biggest problem you faced in your life. Feel the power you had that time. Ignite that power again in you now also. Focus on the Goal. Concentrate, make strategy. Write on the paper. Hit the target. You have hit the target. You are again a successful person Always be in High esteem and Enthusiasm, believe me YOU ARE SUCESSFUL ALWAYS



Every day many times all of us lose our temper and infected by the Anger. Every day we read new papers road rages, injuring and killing each other on petty issues. There is no value of human being. I have read last week in a newspaper that a tea stall owner killed a person because he was unable to pay Rs. 15/-. Now the tea owner is in jail. His family consist of parents, wife and five children. Whereas the victim has family of wife and two children. Both the family are now on road and in a miserable condition. Both have lost their bread earner. Has the anger given any thing to both the families? Anger doesnt give any thing to anyone. It only loss your temper, drift you in despair and agony, shoot your BP and make you heart and Diabetic patient. Why we all love anger and dont want to leave this enemy? If we prefix D in front of anger, it become Danger. No one is prone to Anger from birth. It is gained by us as we grow and come in touch with the environment.


Like attract like. If we are in anger we will attract anger. If we love others , others will also love us. We will discuss in next issue, Why we do Anger? It is very interesting and mind blowing topic. How to Cope up with the Anger? 1. What is really behind your Anger? ` - Anger is often a cover-up for other feelings - You have a hard time compromising. - You have trouble expressing emotions other than anger. - You view different opinions and viewpoints as a personal challenge to you. 2. What are the anger warning signs and triggers warning signs and Triggers? - Pay attention to the way anger feels in your body - Overgeneralizing - Blaming - Collecting straws - Mind reading and jumping to conclusions - Obsessing on shoulds and musts. - Avoid people, places, and situations that bring out your worst


3. Learn to Cool Down Once you know how to recognize the warning signs that your temper is rising and anticipate your triggers, you can act quickly to deal with your anger before it spins out of control. There are many techniques that can help you cool down and keep your anger in check. Focus on the physical sensations of anger. Take some deep breaths. Use your senses.. Stretch or massage areas of tension. Slowly count to ten. Exercise

Deep Breath

Drink Water Massage



4. Find healthier ways to express your anger If youve decided that the situation is worth getting angry about and theres something you can do to make it better, the key is to express your feelings in a healthy way. When communicated respectfully and channeled effectively, anger can be a tremendous source of energy and inspiration for change. - Pinpoint what youre really angry about - Take five minutes walk/silence/cool, if things get too heated - Always fight fair - Make the relationship your priority - Focus on the present. - Be willing to forgive - Know when to let something go. We will discuss more on Anger management in Next editions. Live your life with LOVE, PEACE, SMILE, HAPPINESS, because YOU deserve all these and NOT ANGER.

Beat the Anger with ..



The same body, the seemingly same exercises, yet the differences between the two systems of exercises are noticeable and profound. Both of these strengthen the body. But there is a basic difference in both of these. Yoga asans harmonize the astral and physical bodies and establish the perfect balance. Regular Exercises : By doing exercise, we strengthen, give shape to the muscles and beautify it. Unnatural pressure is exerted on different parts of the body. After Exercise one get exhausted and tired. Exercise makes breathing fast and erratic. Exercises are recommended for ill and old persons. For doing exercises one need to join gymnasium and training institutes and pay fees. During travel one can't follow the exercise schedule. Yoga Asans Yogaasanas attack lots of importance to the Co-coordinating process and sublimation of the human personality to realise the inner-consciousness. Practicing yoga is the perfect remedy to apply the healing balm to the tension-ridden, fast life of humankind struggling to achieve peace of mind in this modern materialistic world.

Yoga make the body supple and elastic. It reduces and removes stiffness in the muscles. At the end of the session, one feels rejuvenated and is charged with spiritual energy. Yogasans contribute to even breathing. Controlled inhalation contributes to removal of stress and tension. Lungs are charges with energy and become strong. The regular practice of yogasans is a strong deterrent to diseases. The resistance power in the cells stands augmented. The main contribution of the yogasans is at the mind level and beyond. Faculties of discrimination are polished and positive qualities of tolerance, moral, courage and self-confidence are increased. After completion of yoga session, one become charged, more enthusiastic and find joy and charms in the discharge of the day to day activities. Every agegroup can do yogas. No special investment is required for doing yogas. Only one matt is required for doing yogasans. The Ultimate objective of the yogasans is the union of the body of the mind. One of best yogasan, which rejenuate all the part of the body, soul and mind. If it is done once in a day, you dont need to do any other exercise or yoga.


Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutations limbers up the whole body in preparation for the asanas. It is a graceful sequence of twelve positions performed as one continuous exercise. Each position counteracts the one before, stretching the body in a different way and alternately expanding and contracting the chest to regulate the breathing. Practiced daily it will give great flexibility to your spine and joints and trims your waist.
One round of Sun Salutation consists of two sequences, the first leading with the right foot in positions 4 and 9 (as illustrated with images below), the second leading with the left. Keep your hands in one place from positions 3 to 10 and try to coordinate your movements with your breathing. Start by practicing four rounds and gradually build up to twelve rounds.

1. Stand erect with feet together and palms in the prayer position in front of your chest. Make sure your weight is evenly distributed. Exhale.


2. Inhaling, stretch your arms up and arch back from the waist, pushing the hips out, legs straight. Relax your neck.

3. Exhaling, fold forward, and press your palms down, fingertips in line with toes bend your knees if necessary.

4. Inhaling, bring the right (or left) leg back and place the knee on the floor. Arch back and look up, lifting your chin.

5. Retaining the breath, bring the other leg back and support your weight on hands and toes. Keep your head and body in line and look at the floor between your hands.


6. Exhaling, lower your knees, then your chest and then your forehead, keeping your hips up and toes curled under. 7. Inhaling, lower your hips, point your toes and bend back. Keep legs together and shoulders down. Look up and back. 8. Exhaling, curl your toes under, raise your hips and pivot into an inverted V shape. Try to push your heels and head down keep your shoulders back.

9. Inhaling, step forward and place the right (or left) foot between your hands. Rest the other knee on the floor and look up, as in position 4.

10. Exhaling, bring the other leg forward and bend down from the waist keeping your palms as in position 3.

11. Inhaling, stretch your arms forward, then up and back over your head and bend back slowly from the waist, as in position 2.

12. Exhaling, gently come back to an upright position and bring your arms down by your side.


Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words. Keep your words positive because your words become your behavior. Keep your behavior positive because your behavior becomes your habits. Keep your habits positive because your habits become your values. Keep your values positive because your values become your destiny. Mahatma Gandhi What is an attitude? Allport (1935) defined an attitude as a mental or neutral state of readiness, organized through experience, exerting a directive or dynamic influence on the individuals response to all objects and situations to which it is related. A simpler definition of attitude is a mind-set or a tendency to act in a particular way due to both an individuals experience and temperament. Typically, when we refer to a persons attitudes, we are trying to ex-plain his or her behavior. Attitudes are a complex combination of things we tend to call personality, beliefs, values, behaviors, and motivations. As an example, we understand when someone says, She has a positive attitude toward work versus She has a poor work attitude. When we speak of someones attitude, we are referring to the persons emotions and behaviors.

Some of the Positive and Negative attitudes are mentioned as under -


Your thoughts make your ATTITUDE

If you think you are beaten, you are; If you think you dare not, you don't. If you'd like to win, but think you can't It's almost a cinch you won't. If you think you'll lose, you've lost, For out in the world we find Success being with a fellow's will; It's all in the state of mind. If you think you're outclassed, you are: You've got to think high to rise. You've got to be sure of yourself before You can ever win a prize. Life's battles don't always go To the stronger or faster man, But soon or late the man who wins Is the one who thinks he can. Walter D. Wintle



Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin and an antioxidant. In addition to being an excellent immune system booster, it is essential for healthy bones, skin and teeth, as well as the production of collagen. It is also needed for proper wound healing and for regulating blood cholesterol. Vitamin C is one of the safest and most effective nutrients, experts say. It may not be the cure for the common cold (though it's thought to help prevent more serious complications). But the benefits of vitamin C may include protection against immune system deficiencies, cardiovascular disease, prenatal health problems, eye disease, and even skin wrinkling. The amount of vitamin C you need each day depends on your age. Average daily recommended amounts for different ages are listed below in milligrams (mg).

Life Stage
Birth to 6 months Infants 712 months Children 13 years Children 48 years

Recommended Amount
40 mg 50 mg 15 mg 25 mg


Children 913 years Teens 1418 years (boys) Teens 1418 years (girls) Adults (men) Adults (women)

45 mg 75 mg 65 mg 90 mg 75 mg

Pregnant teens
Pregnant women Breastfeeding teens Breastfeeding women

80 mg
85 mg 115 mg 120 mg

* Take Vitamin C Supplements after consultation with your Doctor.


Dont Stop, Keep going


This is one of best motivation song from Movie Imtehan Please down load and enjoy.
- Ruk Jaana Nahin (Kishore Kumar) Movie/Album: (1974) Lyrics By: Performed By: , , ... , ... , ...


**** For Private Circulation only


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