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Why th|s approach makes the most sense for Ired (C||ent)

1he exploraLory and uncerLaln naLure of lred's producL requlres an approach

dlfferenL Lo Lhe one LhaL LradlLlonal or rlgorous meLhodologles suggesL. 1radlLlonal
meLhodologles base Lhelr plans on anLlclpaLlon, Lhey alm Lo anLlclpaLe as much as
Lhey can aL Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe pro[ecL, whlch ls noL enLlrely wrong, buL Lhey usually
lgnore Lhe dynamlcs and Lurbulence LhaL Lhe buslness envlronmenL suffers
nowadays. 1radlLlonal approaches place Loo much emphasls on Lhe plan and
documenLaLlon raLher Lhan plannlng and undersLandlng. 1hey Lend Lo plan breaklng
Lhe producL down Lo Lhe level of Lasks, Lhls horlzonLal sllclng has a negaLlve lmpacL ln
Lhe overall vlslon of Lhe producL. 1eam members geL Lrapped by lmplemenLlng Lasks
lacklng focus and purpose, cllenLs do noL geL value unLll laLe dellverles and are
always unsure of Lhe real progress of Lhe producL as Lhey are usually found Lracklng
meanlngless Lasks llke creaLlng Lables, mapplng classes, creaLlng buslness layer and
Lechy sLuff LhaL does noL produce any value for Lhe flnal user or lmproves Lhe
undersLandlng of whaL Lhe progress ls.
1radlLlonal plannlng ls commlLmenL orlenLed and encourages conformance Lo a plan.
lans become predlcLlons Lo be meL prescrlpLlvely, whlch of course goes agalnsL
uncerLalnLy and Lhe process of adapLlng as we learn or uncover mlsassumpLlons we
had when we creaLed Lhe plan.

LxploraLory pro[ecLs, ln Lhls LurbulenL world, have Lo be planned dlfferenLly. 1he plan
and Lhe documenL produced afLer plannlng are noL as lmporLanL as Lhe acLlon of
plannlng. Aglle plannlng and esLlmaLlon makes mosL sense for lred because lL ls
focussed on dellverlng value Lo Lhe users, lL ls a user cenLred approach. 8y naLure,
aglle developmenL aLLempLs Lo dellver Lhe mosL valuable feaLure Lo Lhe users early,
frequenLly, conLlnuously and ln shorL lLeraLlons.
We sllced Lhe user sLorles verLlcally, LhaL means LhaL afLer a user sLory ls
lmplemenLed lL dellvers value for lLs lnLended users. Lach lLeraLlon has a goal LhaL ls
pursued by a seL of sLorles conLalned wlLhln Lhe lLeraLlon, a goal helps us sLay
focused on Lhe blg plcLure when worklng aL Lhe Lask level and conLrlbuLes dlrecLly Lo
Lhe overall goal of Lhe appllcaLlon. AfLer an lLeraLlon ls flnlshed, we should have a
shlppable producL so we should be ready Lo learn from real users uslng our
appllcaLlons and LesL our assumpLlons. lL ls beLLer and cheaper Lo fall fasL.

Aglle plannlng and esLlmaLlon ls abouL creaLlng a plan LhaL ls sufflclenLly accuraLe Lo
be rellably used when maklng declslons by uslng an amounL of Llme and efforL LhaL ls
reasonable and havlng ln mlnd Lhe many unknowns LhaL exlsL where we sLarL a
pro[ecL. We almed Lo amuse lred's poLenLlal users by plannlng Lo glve Lhem noL
whaL Lhey wanL buL raLher whaL Lhey need.

What I |earned

1hls experlence showed me LhaL my esLlmaLlng and plannlng had been
fundamenLally wrong. l wlsh l had known Lhls before, lL would have saved me from
many frusLraLlons and laLe nlghLs aL work. An lnfamous 20 hour work day made me
quesLlon whaL l was LaughL ln my flrsL degree and whaL l had been applylng ln my
pro[ecLs. lL made me Lhlnk LhaL Lhere should be a beLLer way. l found LhaL ln order Lo
learn Lhls new and more sulLable approach for Lhe demands we now face, l should
sLarL by unlearnlng, l should reprogram myself and leave behlnd Lhe days of sLale
hablLs, process-cenLred, formal and bureaucraLlc meLhodologlsLs.

l used Lo Lhlnk LhaL sofLware success was measured by dellverlng a varleLy of Lasks
llsLed on a plan, on Llme and wlLhln Lhe budgeL. l do noL wonder now why our
cusLomers were LhaL dlssaLlsfled when we dellvered whaL we LhoughL Lhey wanLed
lnsLead of whaL Lhey needed. Some rlghLfully deflne quallLy as Lhe value dellvered Lo
some person. uslng personas ls a very useful model Lo leL us Lhlnk abouL our users
and how Lo please Lhem wlLhouL our own LasLes and lnLeresLs lnLerferlng.

1hls exerclse showed me yeL agaln Lhe power of slmpllclLy. SofLware developmenL ls
a relaLlvely new dlsclpllne and as such, ls [usL emerglng Lo Lhe oLher slde of dense
complexlLy Lo meeL masLery, slmpllclLy. 1hls ls Lhe mosL effecLlve, fun approach and
common sense orlenLed. lLs lLeraLlve naLure and lLs flxed shorL Llme boxes lnvlLe
acLlon, encourage purpose orlenLed and useful dlscusslon wlLhln Lhe Leam members.

1hls approach ls abouL geLLlng Lhe people and Leams back Lo Lhe equaLlon long
forgoLLen by Lhe process-cenLred meLhodologlsL. lL places Lhe people aL Lhe cenLre,
users and Leam members. users by dellverlng some real value and poslLlve lmpacLs
LhaL help Lhem accompllshed Lhelr goals easlly and Leam members because lL
focuses on Lhe conversaLlons and undersLandlng LhaL Lhose conversaLlons generaLe.

l have sLared counLless number of Llmes aL my lapLop's screen walLlng for
lnsplraLlon, paralyzed by Lhe mere LhoughL of Lhe complexlLy LhaL a sysLem may
have, compleLely bogged down. Searchlng, someLlmes hoplng, for more lnformaLlon
so l could make Lhe mosL educaLed declslon. l have been hung up on argumenLs LhaL
goL me nowhere and dug my Leam and myself deeply ln Lhe mlsL of creepy scope.
1hls approach ls [usL Lhe opposlLe. lL lnvlLes acLlon, conversaLlons, collaboraLlons and
LhaL ls preclsely whaL drlves lnnovaLlon.

l flnally undersLood whaL aglle plannlng and esLlmaLlon ls all abouL. l saw Lhe whole
plcLure, l experlmenLed and pracLlced Lhe whole process and l now know where all
Lhe llLLle pleces flL, slmple rules LhaL comblned all LogeLher generaLe complex resulLs.

My Leam ls mulLldlsclpllnary, mlxed wlLh greaL LalenLed and passlonaLe lndlvlduals.
We value Lhe Lechnlcal excellence as much as we value dellverlng value Lo our users.
We use some x pracLlces such as 1uu, A1uu, conLlnuous lnLegraLlon, slmple deslgn,
lncremenLal deslgn and so forLh, however we have been falllng Lo dellver whaL we
commlL Lo. Cur problem ls LhaL we sLlll esLlmaLe and plan ln Lhe LradlLlonal way, we
sLlll sllce horlzonLally, we are sLlll clumsy and Lhe world around us ls movlng aL a
fasLer pace Lhan us.

Slnce l came back from Lhe course Lo my offlce, l have been spreadlng Lhe word. l
Lake every opporLunlLy Lo sLarL a conversaLlon around Lhe Loplc and l have been
engaged ln very lnLeresLlng conversaLlons. Many people were as fasclnaLed as me,
Lhey wanLed Lo know more, we are a dlglLal lnnovaLlon agency, adapLablllLy,
creaLlvlLy and aglllLy are parL of our essence. We dld a couple of workshops, as lL ls
Lhe mosL effecLlve way of showlng Lhe beneflLs of Lhls approach Lo Lhe Leam
members and Lhey sald LhaL Lhls exerclse was [usL whaL we needed Lo make Lhe
[ump from dolng aglle Lo belng aglle.


As Leam we agreed LhaL Lhe mosL useful appllcaLlon Lo help Lhe homeless was
lnformaLlon sysLem for charlLy houses.
Informat|on System for Char|ty nouses

1he lnformaLlon sysLem for CharlLy Pouses ls a sysLem LhaL llnks communlLles and
Lhe people wlLhln Lhose communlLles. 1he ldea ls Lo brlng Lhe communlLy splrlL lnLo
Lhe age of Lechnology.

ShelLers for Lhe homeless wlll be able Lo reglsLer Lhelr hosLel and share Lhelr
lnformaLlon wlLh oLhers. ShelLers wlll be able Lo share lnformaLlon as Lo how many
beds Lhey have avallable each nlghL, wlLh avallablllLy golng down as a person comes
Lo sLay Lhe nlghL. ln case Lhere are noL beds avallable, shelLers wlll be able Lo check
Lhe avallablllLy of Lhose nearby and send a bed requesL". Cnce Lhe bes requesL has
been accepLed, Lhe homeless person can go Lo Lhe avallable shelLer. A maxlmum
Llme frame of arrlval would be enforced from when Lhe bed was accepLed Lo avold
no shows and anoLher person havlng Lo sleep rough when a bed ls ln facL avallable.
ShelLers wlll also be able Lo send requesLs for beds lf Lhey are full, and Lhus wlll
hopefully be able Lo provlde alLernaLlve accommodaLlon raLher Lhan slmply Lurn
people away. 8ed avallablllLy wlll be shared beLween hosLels so LhaL Lhey can
qulckly see who has avallablllLy.

ln order Lo have a dlrecL reach, Lhe lnformaLlon SysLem ls connecLed Lo screens ln
Lhe local area, for example aL bus sLops and Lraln sLaLlons. 8ed lnformaLlon ls
updaLed llve so LhaL homeless people have qulck access Lo a bed near Lhem.

ShelLers wlll be able Lo record Lhe daLa of Lhe people LhaL sLay ln Lhem. ShelLers wlll
keep a record of who sLays and when, allowlng Lhem Lo Lrack sLays and people. 1hls
wlll work hand ln hand wlLh securlLy and wlll help Lo care for a homeless person, as
Lhe relaLlve auLhorlLles can be lnformed lf Lhe person ln quesLlon has noL been seen
for an exLended perlod of Llme. Slmllarly, people wlll Lhen be able Lo be reglsLered
for bed alerLs lf Lhey have a moblle phone.

ln Lhe splrlL of communlLy and brlnglng people LogeLher Lo help oLhers, local
buslness and prlvaLe households wlll be able Lo use Lhe sysLem. lood donaLlons can
be made ln Lhe form of an alerL. A shelLer plcks up Lhe alerL and accepLs lL. Cnce
accepLed, Lhe donaLlon ls Laken off Lhe sysLem. A volunLeer ls senL ouL Lo collecL Lhe
donaLlon. 1hls wlll be sorLed lnLo perlshable and long-lasLlng. erlshable food wlll
be glven Lo sLreeL donaLlons where Lhe volunLeers glve food away on Lhe sLreeL and
long-lasLlng food wlll be kepL aL Lhe hosLel Lo feed lLs LenanLs. lood donaLlons and
usage wlll be logged Lo avold any wasLe and Lo ensure LhaL Lhere ls no mlsuse. All
food LhaL ls logged can be shared wlLh oLher shelLers. lf a shelLer ls runnlng low on
food, lL can check Lhe provlslons of a nearby hosLel and requesL help wlLh provlslons.
A volunLeer wlll be arranged Lo plck up Lhe food.

uonors wlll be reglsLered on Lhe sysLem Lo Lrack ald and glve recognlLlon. Slmllarly,
requesLs can be made Lo donors for food.

Any lnapproprlaLe behavlour wlll be logged and shared beLween hosLels as a maLLer
of securlLy, relaLlve auLhorlLles wlll be called where necessary.

1he sysLem can pull reporLs on donors, shelLers and people. 8eporLs wlll be shared
wlLh Lhe local governmenL Lo promoLe help for Lhe homeless on a more long Lerm
basls. 8eporLs can be used Lo assess faclllLles and servlces and Lo make
lmprovemenLs where necessary.


Why Steven was se|ected as our ma|n persona for th|s re|ease

SLeven was selecLed as Lhe maln persona for Lhls release as a funcLlonal appllcaLlon
was Lo be developed. Pe ls Lhe person who would glve Lhe mosL value Lo Lhe
appllcaLlon and from whom we could learn Lhe mosL. Pe besL serves Lhe maln
purpose of Lhe appllcaLlon whlch ls Lo provlde food and beds Lo Lhe homeless.

Name: SLeven Smlley

Iob 1|t|e: Pomeless PosLel Manager

uotes: 1he communlLy should unlLe Lo do
everyLhlng posslble Lo help Lhe less

ke|evant demograph|cs: SLeven ls a 48 year old homeless shelLer manager ln
London. Pe grew up ln Lhe caplLal ln a worklng class famlly and has experlenced
dlfflculL Llmes flrsL hand. Pavlng worked Lhrough hls hardshlps, SLeven wanLs Lo help
oLhers do Lhe same. SLeven flnds lL sad when hls hosLel have Lo Lurn people away
due Lo lack of space and he feels lmpoLenL when he cannoL offer an alLernaLlve.
SLeven ls appalled by Lhe large amounLs of food LhaL ls wasLed by supermarkeLs,
cafes and resLauranLs, parLlcularly as he knows of many mouLhs LhaL need Lo be fed.
Pe has heard of people who mlsuse Lhe sysLem and of food donaLlons dlsappearlng
whlch saddens hlm deeply.

Descr|pt|on of goa|s, mot|vat|ons, pa|n po|nts: SLeven belleves LhaL LogeLher, every
member of Lhe communlLy can do Lhelr blL Lo help Lhe homeless. Pe geLs greaL
saLlsfacLlon from seelng Lhe communlLy come LogeLher and supporL each oLher.
SLeven wanLs Lo expand Lhe ldea of help wlLhln Lhe communlLy Lo help beLween
communlLles. neverLheless, SLeven worrles LhaL people only help lf someLhlng ls
glven ln reLurn, or lf Lhe process ls as slmple and lnvolves as llLLle work as posslble on
Lhelr behalf. Pe also worrles abouL mlsuse of donaLlons.

Descr|pt|on of pr|mary act|v|t|es th|s user type w||| engage |t: SLeven llkes Lhe ldea
of havlng an accounLable sysLem LhaL can Lrack donaLlons. Slmllarly, a sysLem LhaL
llnks hosLels ln dlfferenL nelghbourhoods appeals Lo hls eLhos of Lhe exLended
communlLy and wlll allow hlm Lo provlde Lhe homeless wlLh alLernaLlves raLher Lhan
slmply sendlng Lhem away. Pavlng a food plck-up servlce appears loglcal Lo hlm as
he feels LhaL Lhe llmlLed amounL of work on behalf of Lhe donors wlll encourage
more local people and buslnesses Lo be lnvolved.

lcLure courLesy of: hLLp://
User stor|es for Steven

lrom smalllsh Lo sllghLly larger
User Stor|es: Acceptance Cr|ter|a

keg|ster Char|ty nouse:

As bed and food coordlnaLor
l wanL Lo reglsLer my hosLel
So LhaL l can connecL wlLh oLher bed and food provlders.

verlfy LhaL Lhe bed capaclLy ls correcL.
verlfy LhaL beds can be blocked on Lhe sysLem when belng used.
verlfy LhaL oLher hosLels' bed capaclLy ls vlslble and LhaL bed requesLs can be senL
and recelved.
verlfy LhaL food provlslons can be logged and food can be requesLed from donors.
verlfy LhaL alerLs as Lo bed avallablllLy can be made Lo boLh lndlvlduals and clLy

romote bed ava||ab|||ty:

As bed and food coordlnaLor
l wanL Lo make bed avallablllLy publlc on screens
So LhaL homeless people know lf we have space.

verlfy LhaL bed avallablllLy can be updaLed llve.
verlfy LhaL avallablllLy changes when a bed requesL has been accepLed.

Check bed ava||ab|||ty:

As bed and food coordlnaLor
l wanL Lo check our bed avallablllLy
So LhaL l can offer or refer a homeless person.

verlfy LhaL Lhere are beds.
verlfy LhaL a bed ls blocked when a new person ls reglsLered for Lhe nlghL.
verlfy LhaL lf Lhere are no beds avallable, a bed requesL ls senL.

Change bed ava||ab|||ty:

As bed and food coordlnaLor
l wanL Lo change bed avallablllLy
So LhaL oLhers and l can see how many free beds we have.

verlfy LhaL beds are blocked when occupled.
verlfy LhaL oLhers can vlew how many free beds we have.
verlfy LhaL beds are blocked wlLh new reglsLraLlons.

Send bed ava||ab|||ty:

As bed and food coordlnaLor
l wanL Lo share bed avallablllLy wlLh oLher hosLels
So LhaL Lhey know lf we have avallablllLy.

verlfy LhaL alerLs can be senL wlLh bed avallablllLy.
verlfy LhaL alerLs wlLh oLher hosLels' avallablllLy can be recelved.
verlfy LhaL Lhls lnformaLlon ls updaLed llve.

Check near bed ava||ab|||ty:

As bed and food coordlnaLor
l wanL Lo check bed avallablllLy nearby
So LhaL l can refer somebody l do noL have space for.

verlfy LhaL oLher hosLels' lnformaLlon ls up Lo daLe.
verlfy LhaL anoLher hosLel nearby has free beds.

Send request for a bed:

As bed and food coordlnaLor
l wanL Lo send a bed requesL Lo anoLher hosLel
So LhaL l can send somebody for whom we have no space.

verlfy LhaL Lhe oLher hosLel has a free bed.
verlfy LhaL a requesL ls senL.
verlfy LhaL Lhe requesL ls accepLed.
verlfy LhaL Lhe recelvlng hosLel's bed avallablllLy ls changed.
verlfy LhaL Lhe requesL ls logged.
verlfy LhaL Lhe orlglnal hosLel ls alerLed when Lhe person arrlves aL Lhe new hosLel.
verlfy LhaL Lhe person ls reglsLered ln Lhe sysLem.
verlfy LhaL Lhe bed ls made avallable agaln lf Lhe person does noL arrlve wlLhln a
glven Llme frame.
verlfy LhaL Lhe orlglnal hosLel ls alerLed lf Lhere ls a no show.
verlfy LhaL Lhe no show ls logged.

Accept a bed request:

As bed and food coordlnaLor
l wanL Lo accepL a bed requesL
So LhaL we can offer a spare bed Lo someone who needs lL.

verlfy LhaL Lhe requesL ls accepLed.
verlfy LhaL bed avallablllLy ls changed.
verlfy LhaL Lhe new person ls reglsLered.
verlfy LhaL an alerL has been senL Lo Lhe orlglnal hosLel once Lhe person has arrlved
or lf Lhe person does noL arrlve.

keg|ster a donor:

As bed and food coordlnaLor
l wanL Lo reglsLer a donor
So LhaL l can Lrack donors and send requesLs.

verlfy LhaL a donors deLalls are logged.
verlfy LhaL each donaLlon ls reglsLered under Lhe donors name.
verlfy LhaL l can see a llsL of acLlve donors.
verlfy LhaL l can pull reporLs on donors such as prlvaLe or commerclal, frequency of
donaLlons, accepLance of requesLs.

kece|ve donat|on:

As bed and food coordlnaLor
l wanL Lo recelve a donaLlon
So LhaL l can arrange a plck-up and dlsLrlbuLlon.

verlfy LhaL Lhe donaLlon requesL ls recelved.
verlfy LhaL Lhe donaLlon ls no longer llve.
Log accordlngly.

Arrange a food p|ck-up:

As bed and food coordlnaLor
l wanL Lo arrange a food plck-up
So LhaL food ls noL wasLed and ouL shelLer has food Lo glve.

verlfy LhaL volunLeers are alerLed.
verlfy LhaL a volunLeer accepLs Lhe alerL.
verlfy LhaL Lhe donor alerLs Lhe hosLel LhaL Lhe donaLlon has been collecLed.
verlfy LhaL Lhe donaLlon ls marked recelved.
verlfy lf Lhe hosLel needs Lhe donaLlon or lf lL can be used as sLreeL dlsLrlbuLlon.

Log food donat|on:

As bed and food coordlnaLor
l wanL Lo log a food donaLlon
So LhaL l can see how much food we have and lf we need more.

verlfy LhaL food ls logged accordlngly, for example: perlshable, long-lasLlng eLc.
verlfy LhaL Lhe donaLlon ls marked as hosLel or sLreeL dlsLrlbuLlon.

Log food used:

As bed and food coordlnaLor
l wanL Lo log all food used
So LhaL all food ls accounLed for and we can Lrack usage.

verlfy LhaL all food used ls marked as used.
verlfy LhaL food sLock ls updaLed wlLh usage.
verlfy LhaL reporLs can be pulled as Lo food usage.

Check own food stock:

As bed and food coordlnaLor
l wanL Lo check our food sLock
So LhaL l can see lf we have enough food or need more.

verlfy LhaL food sLock ls updaLed wlLh usage.
verlfy LhaL food ls sLlll wlLhln usage Llme.
verlfy LhaL perlshable food ls glven as sLreeL donaLlons.
verlfy LhaL we have enough food or lf we need more.

Check |oca| food stock:

As bed and food coordlnaLor
l wanL Lo check local hosLels' food sLock
So LhaL l can donaLe or requesL food.

verlfy LhaL oLher hosLels have enough food.
verlfy LhaL we can send food offers lf oLher hosLels need food and we have food Lo
verlfy LhaL l can see all hosLels ln need of food so LhaL l can send donaLlons lf we
have Loo much food.
verlfy LhaL l can see all hosLels wlLh food Lo spare so l can send food requesLs lf we
need more.

kequest he|p for prov|s|ons:

As bed and food coordlnaLor
l wanL Lo requesL provlslons
So LhaL we have enough food.

verlfy LhaL l can send a message Lo all hosLels wlLh food Lo spare.
verlfy LhaL an accepLance ls logged.
verlfy LhaL food ls recelved and logged.
verlfy LhaL local food sLock ls updaLed.

keg|ster a home|ess person for a|erts:

As bed and food coordlnaLor
l wanL Lo reglsLer a homeless person
So LhaL Lhey recelve alerLs abouL beds and food.
verlfy LhaL lf a homeless person has a Lelephone alerLs are recelved when bed
avallablllLy changes.
verlfy LhaL alerLs are recelved when food ls belng dlsLrlbuLed.

Manage home|ess peop|e's |nformat|on:

As bed and food coordlnaLor
l wanL Lo manage homeless people's lnformaLlon
So LhaL l can see who comes Lo Lhe hosLel.

verlfy LhaL we have access Lo Lhe lnformaLlon of people LhaL have reglsLered.
verlfy LhaL we can pull monLhly reporLs.
verlfy LhaL we can order by name, number of vlslLs, number of referrals, lncldenLs

keport behav|our:

As bed and food coordlnaLor
l wanL Lo reporL lnapproprlaLe behavlour
So LhaL oLher hosLels are aware and for our fuLure reference.

verlfy LhaL behavlour can be caLegorlsed as per level of serlousness.
verlfy LhaL any consequenL acLlons are logged.
verlfy LhaL all hosLels have access Lo Lhls lnformaLlon.
verlfy LhaL an alerL appears wlLh lncldenL deLalls when Lhe person reglsLers for Lhe

roduct and ke|ease |an

1eam's capaclLy: 27

1eam's capac|ty

We are a falrly new Leam LhaL lacks hlsLorlcal daLa Lo lnfer our veloclLy so we cannoL
use Lhe yesLerday's weaLher Lechnlque Lo flnd ouL whaL our capaclLy ls mosL llkely Lo
be. We need Lo flnd anoLher approach, whlch glves us enough accuracy wlLhln a
reasonable amounL of Llme and efforL. We are preLLy aware LhaL aglle esLlmaLlon
and plannlng are one of Lhe plllars of a successful aglle pro[ecL, we know LhaL aL Lhls
polnL Lhere are many unknowns, many assumpLlons and Lhe only cerLaln Lhlng ls Lhe
uncerLalnLy LhaL covers Lhls pro[ecL.
Cur lack of hlsLorlcal daLa dld noL sLop us from esLlmaLlng whaL we Lhlnk ls a falrly
accuraLe plan based on a forecasLed capaclLy. Pere ls Lhe raLlonale we used Lo reach
Lhe capaclLy.

llrsL we generaLed a seL of user sLorles we LhoughL would mosL beneflL SLeven.
1hese sLorles were esLlmaLed ln relaLlve slze Lo each oLher uslng sLory polnLs by
uslng plannlng poker. AL Lhls polnL we had a varleLy of user sLorles LhaL could beneflL
SLeven, we also had a flxed Llme box, a flxed lLeraLlon and a flxed Leam booked Lo
work on Lhls pro[ecL. 1he only unknown parameLer aL Lhls sLage was Lhe scope. We
almed Lo cuL down Lhe feedback loops by dellverlng value early, frequenLly,
conLlnuously and ln shorL lLeraLlons. Pence our release plan was planned as follows:
a monLh producL developmenL pro[ecL wlLh 4-week lLeraLlons. Cur meLhod for
forecasLlng our capaclLy ls slmple yeL powerful, accuraLe and fun: rlme your guLs,
play 1eLrls and flnally do a sanlLy check.

rlme you guL: we Look a user sLory LhaL we LhoughL requlred an evenly balanced seL
of skllls (daLabase, codlng, auLomaLed LesLlng, deslgn, hLml) for lLs compleLlon. We
broke Lhe sLory down lnLo Lasks and esLlmaLed Lhem based on our experlence of Lhe
Llme requlred Lo flnlsh Lhe Lask. 1hls exerclse gave us enough undersLandlng abouL
Lhe Llme requlred Lo flnlsh a user sLory wlLh a glven esLlmaLed slze (sLory polnLs).

lay 1eLrls, we plcked some user sLorles randomly and asked ourselves, are we
prepared Lo commlL Lo Lhese sLorles? 1hree answers can come up from LhaL
quesLlon. llrsLly, no Lhere seem Lo be more Lhan we are capable of flnlshlng, ln Lhls
case we could [usL drop one and ask agaln. Secondly, no Lhere seems Lo be less Lhan
we are capable of accompllshlng and ln LhaL case we would add anoLher one and ask
agaln. 1hlrdly, yes lL seems llke a senslble ldea, we are very confldenL we can dellver
Lhose user sLorles wlLh Lechnlcal excellence and Lop quallLy levels LhaL generaLe Lhe
maxlmum amounL of value Lo SLeve.

lay 1eLrls ls probably Lhe mosL fun and powerful approach l know. lLs slmpllclLy and
playfulness may delude lLs power, buL l found lLs resulLs Lo be falrly accuraLe. lL
demands Lhe use of common sense from Lhe Leam members, obvlous and
mandaLory quallLy buL long forgoLLen. We played 1eLrls and afLer falllng Lo come Lo
an agreemenL for a couple of rounds we came up wlLh 3 user sLorles LhaL gave us
confldence LhaL we could deflnlLely flnlsh. lL was a good balance ln Lhe sense LhaL
Laklng ouL Lhe smallesL user sLory would make us feel as Lhough we were
underachlevlng. 1haL ls noL accepLable on a Leam full of hlgh achlevers, and addlng
anoLher sLory, even Lhe smallesL of ones, would make Lhe commlLmenL look
ouLlandlsh. We plcked 3 sLorles LhaL we agreed we could commlL Lo, Lhelr sLory
polnLs summed up 27 polnLs and LhaL ls our maglc number, unLll proven oLherwlse
when we acLually lmplemenL Lhe sLorles.

WlLh a forecasLed capaclLy for Lhls producL, we could keep playlng 1eLrls a blL
furLher, only Lhls Llme we were selecLlng Lhe user sLorles LhaL besL conLrlbuLed Lo
meeLlng our planned goals per lLeraLlon. We had pleasanL and helpful conversaLlons
whlle organlzlng and debaLlng whlch sLorles Lo lnclude helplng us meeL our goal and
be [usL enough Lo be wlLhln our 27 polnLs capaclLy.
1he lasL sLep of Lhe approach was a plan/sanlLy check. AfLer havlng a full release
vlslon of Lhe producL we zoomed ouL a blL, we saw Lhe blg plcLure and oddly enough
we loved lL and more lmporLanLly reached an agreemenL qulckly and palnlessly
wlLhln a group of oplnlonaLed lndlvlduals. Pad l known Lhls approach years ago l
would be less grumpy and would have falled less.
lred ls safe wlLh us, he ls unsure abouL Lhe naLure of Lhe appllcaLlon he needs, who
ls noL, we do noL fear uncerLalnLy. We embrace uncerLalnLy and welcome Lhe
changes LhaL new learnlng brlngs, we hope Lo gaLher new knowledge ln Lhe process
and adapL accordanLly Lo amuse Lhe SLevens ouL Lhere and hence make lred very

ke|ease |an

1he sysLem ls deflned lnLo four lLeraLlons lasLlng one week each. 1he flrsL publlc
release wlll be reallsed afLer Lwo weeks, Lhls wlll mark Lhe launch of Lhe appllcaLlon.

1he flrsL lLeraLlon wlll focus on provldlng own beds. 1he ldea behlnd Lhe flrsL
lLeraLlon ls for Lhe sysLem Lo recognlse Lhe number of beds a shelLer has and Lo be
able Lo vlew avallablllLy. ShelLers wlll be reglsLered so as Lo lncorporaLe an
lnformaLlon sharlng plaLform aL a laLer daLe. PosLels wlll be able Lo share Lhelr
avallablllLy wlLh Lhe publlc Lhrough publlc screens around Lhe clLy. PosLels wlll be
able Lo accepL or re[ecL bed requesLs.

1he second lLeraLlon wlll develop Lhe ldeas of Lhe flrsL. ShelLers wlll be able Lo
reglsLer Lhe people LhaL sLay wlLh Lhem and keep a log of Lhelr lnformaLlon. 1he
splrlL of exLended communlLy wlll be puL lnLo place Lhrough lnformaLlon sharlng as
shelLers wlll be able Lo send Lhelr avallablllLy Lo oLher hosLels, acLlvely check Lhe
avallablllLy of oLher hosLels and send bed requesLs. AL Lhe end of Lhls week, Lhe
appllcaLlon wlll be publlcly released.

lollowlng Lhe flrsL release, Lhe Lhlrd lLeraLlon wlll focus on food provlslons. A sLock
Lake of all food ln Lhe shelLer wlll be logged and usage wlll be monlLored. lL wlll be
posslble for food donaLlons Lo be reglsLered so as Lo Lrack how much food ls comlng
lnLo Lhe hosLel and from where. 1o malnLaln Lhe splrlL of exLended communlLy,
shelLers can check each oLhers' food sLocks and make requesLs for provlslons Lo
cenLres wlLh a hlgher amounL of food. lL wlll be posslble Lo use Lhe sysLem Lo
arrange a volunLeer for plck ups.

1he flnal lLeraLlon wlll develop Lhe area of food provlslons and donors. uonors wlll
be able Lo reglsLer donaLlons whlch wlll be vlslble Lo cenLres ln Lhe local area.
CenLres wlll accepL accordlng Lo Lhelr food sLock and plck up arranged. Cnce a
donaLlon has been accepLed Lhe donaLlon wlll be removed from Lhe offers and
reglsLered ln Lhe cenLre log. ShelLers wlll be able Lo reglsLer donors and Lrack
acLlvlLy. ShelLers wlll also be able Lo reglsLer Lhe people LhaL sLay wlLh Lhem for
moblle alerLs whlch lnform bed avallablllLy ln Lhe local area. lncldenL reporLs wlll be
added aL Lhls Llme for securlLy reasons. CenLres wlll be able Lo share lncldenL reporLs
whlch wlll appear as an alerL lf Lhe person reLurns Lo or vlslLs anoLher cenLre. 1he
end of Lhe fourLh week wlll mark Lhe flnal release.

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