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I like living in

The United States

By Stanley Green

I like living in the United States

I like living in the United States of America is a public opinion poll I am conducting through social media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google). American citizens may vote either like or dislike. My idea is to collect a substantial amount of votes to send a message to Washington DC. My topic centers on subliminal persecution of name calling. I need to know how many American citizens of different nationalities or religious faiths feel they are being persecuted against ethnic or gender discrimination by public officials and/or government workers.

Equal Protection
Scientific evidence has shown that name calling is a subliminal persecution used by government to conceal ethnic or gender discrimination which is a violation of our Fourteenth Amendment equal protection. Each government personnel whether elected, appointed or hired has been restricted from branding any private citizen with a pejorative title. The idea behind equal protection is to allow each citizen enjoy his or her life in the United States without fear of being persecuted by government personnel who may be concealing personal prejudice against minority classifications. Name calling sends a subliminal message that persons or groups that have been branded with offensive titles by public officials and/or government workers arent entitled equal protection or equal rights same as other citizens.

Melting Pot
United States American Citizenship is a melting pot of heterogeneous populations. We comprise nationalities and religious faiths from across the globe. As a result, we have a multi-cultural diverse society. Fourteenth Amendment is a Federal warranty to guarantee each nationality or religious faith equal protection and/or equal rights regardless of personal profile or minority classification. Name calling threatens our national security. It serves as subliminal persecution done below the level of conscious awareness to carry out ethnic or gender discrimination.

Life Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness

Declaration of Independence has proclaimed life liberty and pursuit of happiness are inalienable rights. United States has a population of homeless American citizens and/or veterans, who are victims of subliminal persecution by state lawmakers and/or government workers unlawfully branding him or her with pejorative labels (convicted felon, criminal etc.). Personnel managers have discriminated against hiring him or her even after he or she has disposed of his or her conviction. This isnt good for American society, because persons unable to work are more likely to commit crimes as means of survival. The Federal government must intervene to halt the subliminal persecution.

What the F Did You Call Me?!

What the F did you call me?! My name is Mr. Pot your duly elected public official. I have chosen to call you criminal as your legal title. Maybe you havent been duly informed, but as a government worker you have to address me by my surname or preferred legal titles that arent offensive to me. Where did you get that junk? That junk you refer to is my 14th Amendment constitutional right to equal protection. Name calling is subliminal persecution to conceal ethnic or gender discrimination. I apologize Mr. Kettle. It was crooked of me to call you a criminal. Please forgive me! Thank you Mr. Pot.

Put a smile on my face

It would put a smile on my face if Washington DC were to recognize that our Fourteenth Amendment has placed Federal legal restriction upon elected public officials and/or government workers resorting to subliminal persecution. Government workers must by law ask me by what title do I wish to be addressed. If he or she dubs me with a title that I find offensive, then I have the legal right to proclaim subliminal persecution of ethnic or gender discrimination.

Dont Like
Click dont like if you are dissatisfied with how our public officials or government workers have discriminated against you through subliminal persecution. Maybe if I acquire enough clicks Washington DC may take notice and intervene to halt name calling as a subliminal persecution of ethnic or gender discrimination. In other words, this is unequal treatment done below the level of conscious awareness. Public officials or government workers have called you a dirty name and you werent aware its against the law.

Frown on my face
Today I wear a frown on my face, because I am not happy with public officials branding me an ugly title to black ball me. Branding me an ugly title is plain wrong! It has killed my American spirit. I dont enjoy my life. Dont get me wrong. I like living in the United States. I just dont take kindly to public officials crossing over the line to persecute my citizenship. Believe it or not but name calling is the worst form of subliminal persecution to conceal ethnic or gender discrimination. I dont like being unhappy. Will you please click my like or dislike buttons?

Power in our hand?

Do you realize how much power is in your hands? Politicians spend millions and billions of dollars just to gain the power to win his or her election. We could stop elected public officials and government workers from subliminal persecution through name calling. Public officials and/or government workers must ask our permission how we prefer to be addressed. They cant assume nor dub us with an offensive title. The fact of the matter is government workers are on our payroll. We pay their salaries. The least they can do is duly address us by our preferred respectable titles. My surname title is Mr. Green. I am a US African American citizen and veteran soldier. Thats how I prefer being addressed. I resent any form of name calling on me!

May I receive your voting power?

May I receive your voting power by clicking my buttons like or dislike? The more votes I receive will empower me with enough hands to stop name calling in government. Otherwise public officials and/or government workers will continue to violate our Fourteenth Amendment Right to equal protection. This subliminal persecution of ethnic or gender discrimination is bad for American society. Each American citizen is entitled his or her equal protection and/or equal rights under the law.

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