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Clicker Questions: Chapter 7 What evidence is there for water on the Moon? A.

Maria contains small frozen ponds B. Geysers found in highland areas C. Water vapour in moons atmosphere D. ice in polars craters

Where might life best be found on Venus today? A. Among clouds in atmosphere B. In polar craters C. Around craters of volcanoes D. In water just under the surface E. In deep sea vents Which of the following offers the best chance for life to exist? A. Moon B. Jovian planets C. Mercury D. Minor planets E. Europa Note: Types of Spacecraft slide on chapter 7 Which type of mission was Apollo 11 NOT? A. Flyby B. Orbiter C. Lander D. Sample Return E. Manned Chapter 8 In which way is Mars most similar to Earth? A. Mass of planets B. Content of atmosphere C. Abundance of surface water D. Length of the day E. Length of the seasons Note: Mars is closer to the sun when the southern hemisphere has its summer season The southern hemisphere on mars experiences: A. Short, warm summers B. Short, cold winters C. Long warm summers D. About equal duration seasons

Sublimation refers to the: A. Turning of a liquid into a gas B. Turning of a solid into a gas C. Turning of a gas into a solid D. Turning of a gas into a liquid Chapter 9 Giant orbital mirrors aimed at Mars polar caps is associated with A. Providing heat energy for astronauts B. Sending signals to extraterrestrial C. Terraforming Mars D. Extending the length of Mars day Why is methanes discovery in Mars atmosphere so interesting? Methane.. A. May have biological origin B. Signals that terraforming has begun C. Indicates presence of radioactive elements D. Proves that subsurface water must exist Which of the following is NOT a major (large) Moon? A. Earths Moon B. Galilean Satellites C. Saturns Titan D. Neptunes Triton E. Mars Phobos Notes: Know the Galilean satellites to scale: lo has the highest density and Callisto the lowest. Tides are best described in NATS 1880 as a(n): A. Electromagnetic force B. Gravitayional force C. Differential gravitational force D. Mechanism to capture asteroid E. Laundry detergent The densest Galilean satellite is: A. Callisto B. Ganymede C. Europa D. Lo E. Titan Why does the Moon exert stronger tides on Earth than does the Sun? A. Tidal force does not depend on distance B. Tidal force depends on 1/distance C. Tidal force depends on 1/disntance ^2 D. Tidal force depends on 1/distance^3

Lo is in synchronous rotation with Jupiter. This means that A. Los orbital period equals Jupiter rotation period B. Lo keeps the same face towards Jupiter What is responsible for regulating Earths surface temperature? A. Carbon cycle B. Ozone layer C. Volcanic outgassing D. Earths rotation E. Internal radioactive heating Relative to the Sun, fainter stars have: A. Narrower HZs closer to star B. Wider HZs closer to star C. Narrower HZs further from star D. Wider HZs further from star Why is Plate Tectonics important for habitability? A. Regulates climate B. Keeps soil well mixed C. Keeps oceans well separated D. Constantly changes planets albedo The Zone that remains habitable from a stars formation is the: A. Constantly HZ B. Consistently HZ C. Perpetually HZ D. Continuously HZ E. Everlasting HZ Global temperatures have risen in the past century by: A. 0.6 B. 0.8 C. 1.0 D. 3-5 E. 10 What is historically well correlated with global temperature rises? A. Earth albedo B. Magnetic field strength C. CO2 concentration in atmosphere D. Depth of oceans E. Sunspot activity 1. Which is not a planet A. Neptune B. Mercury C. Venus D. Pluto E. Uranus

2)Which of the following elements come primarily from stars A. CHO B. CHN C. OHN D. C O N E. H He C How much Fainter is the sun on Jupiter than on Earth? A. 5 B. 10 C. 15 D. 20 E. 25 Which of the following is a liquid over the largest temp A. Ammonia B. Ethanol C. Water D. Methane E. Hydrogen Which property does water not have? None of the above The Moons Core and crust are not symmetric primarily because A. Suns gravity B. Earths gravity C. Moons rotation D. Jupiters Tidal force E. Thats just the way it is Finding ice in some lunar craters would allow A. Easier human colonization of the moon 1.Evaporation refers to the B. Liquid to gas C. Solid to gas D. Gas to solid E. Gas to Liquid 2. The Italian astronomer who first found canali on mars was A. L bacccherini B. D Scarlatti C. G Schiaparelli D. P Lowell E. D Wellers

The northern hemisphere on mars does not have A. Old ,rugged surface B. Polar cap C. Olympus Mons D. New, smooth surface E. Viking and phoenix landing sites Which does not provide evidence to water (Once on mars) A. 1.Ferrous swamps Which did not contributee to the loss of mars original atomosphere? B. Weak magnetic field C. No ozone layer D. Disance from sun E. Relaitvely weak gravity F. Chaniging tilt of rotation axis G. Volcanic activity Tides are best described in nats H. Electromagnetic force I. Gravitational force J. Differential gravitational force K. Mechais,, to capture asteroids The galian satellites are closest to furthest from Jupiter L. Lo, Castillo, Europa, Ganymede M. Europa, Lo, Ganymede, Callisto N. L, Europa,Gandalf,Callisto, O. Lo, Europa,Ganymede, Callisto A sub surface on Europa is possible because of heating from A. Sunlight B. High energy particles from Jupiter C. Jupiters tides D. Ganymedes and Calisto tides The largest subglacial lake in Antarctica A. Lake Voshod B. Lakes Hellas C. Lake Vostok D. Lake Vallhala E. Lake Ellsworth

Titans thick atmosphere is mostly A. Oxygen B. Hydrogen C. Helium D. Carbon E. Nitrogen Why do scientists think Enceladus may be habitable? A. It has an extensive atmoshphere B. It has evidence for recent lava flows C. It has evidence for water founatins D. It interacts strongly with Titan The only moon with substantial atmoshphere A. Titan B. Triton C. Lapetus D. Neptune E. Lo F. Europa The moon at which water jets have been detected A. Ganymede B. Europa C. Callisto D. Encelladus E. Titan Which is not true of Triton Was formed in orbit about Neptune The habitable zone is A. Earths biosphere B. Any planet orbiting a star C. Any plant on which liquid water could be present D. Any planet on which life has been detected The most important quantity that determines a planets temperature Distance from Sun Albedo of a surface refers to Proportion of light it reflects On Venus Carbon is mainly in The atmosphere

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