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Compare features in OBIEE 10g and 11g

Hi friends, Thanks for the support you provided for my Differences Between Oracle 10g and 11g and Differences between OBIEE 10g and 11g security models? post.Here am posting the difference in features availa!le in OB "" 10g and OB "" 11g.#hen we compare OB "" 10g and OB "" 11g, there is lot of enhancements in services provided !y OB "" 11g and some changes in terminology is also there in OB "" 11g. $ome important points%enhancements in OB "" 11g when compared to OB "" 10g are listed !elow 1. OB "" 11g uses #e!&ogic $erver as the application server as compared to Oracle '$ or O()* in OB "" 10g. +. The clustering process in much easier and automated in OB "" 11g. ,. #e can now model lookup ta!les in the repository. ). The new - called -nified .ramework now com!ines 'nswers, Dash!oards, and Delivers. /. ' new column called the hierarchical column in introduced. 0. B 1u!lishers is fully and seamlessly integrated with OB "" 11g. 2. 3ew time series functions 1"4 OD 4O&& 35 and '554"5'T" 'T are introduced. 6. n OB "" 11g we can create 71 s to represent !usiness metrics.

8. The aggregate persistence wi9ard creates inde:es automatically. 10. The session varia!les get initiali9ed when they are actually used in OB "" 11g unlike OB "" 10g where they were initiali9ed as soon as a user logs in. 11. OB "" 11g now supports 4agged ;-n!alanced< and $kipped Hierarchy. 1+. =ou can also define 1arent>(hild hierarchy in OB "" 11g as well. 1,. $"&"(T?1H=$ ('& command is supported in OB "" 11g. n OB "" 11g there are some changes in the terminology as well.

iBots are renamed as 'gents. 4e@uests are renamed as 'nalyses. (harts are renamed as 5raphs. 1resentation (olumns are renamed as 'ttri!ute (olumns.

Explain about the Types of Hierarchies in OBIEE with example

' hierarchy is a cascaded series of many>to>one relationships and consists of different levels. ":ample, a region hierarchy is defined with the levels 4egion, $tate, and (ity Types of Hierarchies 1. Balanced hierarchy +. -n!alanced hierarchy ,. 4agged hierarchy 1 Balanced hierarchy ' !alanced hierarchy is one in which all of the dimension !ranches have the same num!er of levels. n other words, the !ranches have a consistent depth. The logical parent of a level is directly a!ove it. ' !alanced hierarchy can represent a date where the meaning and depth of each level, such as =ear, Auarter, and Bonth, are consistent. ! "nbalanced hierarchy ' hierarchy is un!alanced if it has dimension !ranches containing varying num!ers of levels. 'n un!alanced hierarchy has levels that have a consistent parent>child relationship, !ut have a logically inconsistent level. The hierarchy !ranches also can have inconsistent depths. 'n un!alanced hierarchy can represent an organi9ation chart.

# $agged hierarchy ' ragged dimension contains at least one mem!er whose parent !elongs to a hierarchy that is more than one level a!ove the child. 4agged dimensions, therefore, contain !ranches with varying depths. ' ragged hierarchy is one in which each level has a consistent meaning, !ut the !ranches have inconsistent depths. ' ragged hierarchy can represent a geographic hierarchy in which the meaning of each level, such as city or country, is used consistently, !ut the depth of the hierarchy varies.

!imension Hierarchies in OBIEE"#e$el%Based Hierarchy and &arent%Child Hierarchy

' hierarchy is a cascaded series of many>to>one relationships and consists of different levels. ":ample, a region hierarchy is defined with the levels 4egion, $tate, and (ity. n the Business Bodel and Bapping layer, a dimension o!Cect represents a hierarchical organi9ation of logical columns ;attri!utes<. One or more logical dimension ta!les can !e associated with at most one dimension o!Cect. (ommon dimensions might !e time periods, products, markets, customers, suppliers, promotion conditions, raw materials, manufacturing plants, transportation methods, media types, and time of day. 3ote that dimensions e:ist in the Business Bodel and Bapping ;logical< layer and in the 1resentation layer. There are two types of logical dimensionsD

1. +.

Dimensions with level>!ased hierarchies ;structure hierarchies<. Dimensions with parent>child hierarchies ;value hierarchies<. Level-based hierarchies are those in which mem!ers are of several types, and mem!ers of the same type occur only at a single level.

n parent-child hierarchies, mem!ers all have the same type. Oracle Business ntelligence also supports a special type of level>!ased dimension, called a time dimension, that provides special
functionality for modeling time series data. %e&el'Based Hierarchies ' dimension contains two or more logical levels. .or e:ample, a Time hierarchy might have three levels for =ear, Auarter, and Bonth. &evel>!ased hierarchies can also contain parent>child relationships. The recommended se@uence for creating logical levels is to create a 5rand Total level and then create child levels, working down to the lowest level.

&evel>!ased Dimension hierarchy levels allowD

to perform aggregate navigation, to configure level>!ased measure calculations, users from Dash!oard and 'nswers to drill down from one parent to a child level.

The following are the parts of a dimensionD

(rand Total le&el D ' special level representing the grand total for a dimension. "ach dimension can have Cust one 5rand Total level. ' 5rand Total level does not contain dimensional attri!utes and does not have a level key. However, you can associate measures with a 5rand Total level. The aggregation level for those measures will always !e the grand total for the dimension. %e&el D 'll levels, e:cept the 5rand Total level, need to have at least one column. However, it is not necessary to e:plicitly associate all of the columns from a ta!le with logical levels. 'ny column that you do not associate with a logical level is automatically associated with the lowest level in the dimension that corresponds to that dimension ta!le. 'll logical columns in the same dimension ta!le have to !e associated with the same dimension. Hierarchy D "ach dimension contains one or more hierarchies. 'll hierarchies must have a common leaf level and a common root ;all< level. %e&el )eys D "ach logical level ;e:cept the topmost level defined as a 5rand Total level< must have one or more attri!utes that compose a level key. The level key defines the uni@ue elements in each logical level. The dimension ta!le logical key has to !e associated with the lowest level of a dimension and has to !e the level key for that level. Time dimensions and chronological )eys D =ou can identify a dimension as a time dimension. 't least one level of a time dimension must have a chronological key.

The following is a list of some guidelines you should use when setting up and using time dimensionsD

Unbalanced (or ragged) hierarchy D ' hierarchy in which all the lowest>level mem!ers do not have the same depth .or e:ample, a site can choose to have data for the current month at the day level, previous months data at the month level, and the previous / years data at the @uarter level. .or e:ample, a Time hierarchy might have data for the current month at the day level, the previous monthEs data at the month level, and the previous / yearsE data at the @uarter level. This type of hierarchy is also known as an un!alanced hierarchy.

3ote that un!alanced hierarchies are not necessarily the same as parent>child hierarchies. 1arent>child hierarchies are un!alanced !y nature, !ut level>!ased hierarchies can !e un!alanced also.

Skip-level hierarchy D ' skip>level hierarchy is a hierarchy where there are mem!ers that do not have a value for certain higher levels. . .or e:ample, in the -nited $tates, the city of #ashington in the District of (olum!ia does not !elong to a state. The e:pectation is that users can still navigate from the country level ;-nited $tates< to #ashington and !elow without the need for a state.
Hierarchy with -n!alanced and $kip>&evel (haracteristics

*arent'+hild Hierarchies ' parent>child hierarchy is a hierarchy of mem!ers that all have the same type. t is a value>!ased hierarchy F (onsists of values that define the hierarchy in a parent>child relationship and does not contain named levels. This contrasts with level>!ased hierarchies, where mem!ers of the same type occur only at a single level of the hierarchy. .or e:ample, an "mployee hierarchy might have no levels, !ut instead have names of employees who are managed !y other employees. "mployees can have titles, such as Gice 1resident. Gice 1residents might report to other Gice 1residents and different Gice 1residents can !e at different depths in the hierarchy.
The most common real>life occurrence of a parent>child hierarchy is an organi9ational reporting hierarchy chart, where the following all applyD

"ach individual in the organi9ation is an employee. "ach employee, apart from the top>level managers, reports to a single manager. The reporting hierarchy has many levels.

These conditions illustrate the !asic features that define a parent>child hierarchy, namelyD

' parent>child hierarchy is !ased on a single logical ta!le ;for eg, the H"mployeesH ta!le< "ach row in the ta!le contains two identifying keys, one to identify the mem!er itself, the other to identify the HparentH of the mem!er ;for e:ample, "mp? D and Bgr? D<

Bulti>&evel 1arent>(hild Hierarchy n level>!ased hierarchies, each level is named, and occupies a position in the hierarchy that corresponds to a real>word attri!ute or category that is deemed useful for analysis. -nlike level>!ased hierarchies,

where the num!er of levels is fi:ed at design time, there is no limit to the depth of a parent>child hierarchy, and the depth can change at run time due to new data.

Types of 'ecurity in OBIEE with example ,hy do we need security in OBIEE?

OB "" is a reporting tool wherein multiple users !elonging to multiple groups create multiple reports and dash!oards. 4eports created !y a particular group of users should !e visi!le to that particular group only or some specific data should !e visi!le to only a specific set of people. $o, to achieve this we need to have some sort of security there!y we can protect reports !elonging to a group of users from the users of other groups.

"sers and (roups in OBIEE

"nd users who make use of OB "" for reporting need to !e defined somewhere. These users can !e defined either in the OB "" 41D, ":ternal data!ase ta!les, &D'1 $ervers or in 'ctive directories with their respective passwords. The users !elonging to same !usiness unit can !e clu!!ed and 5roups can !e created for them. tIs not always necessary to create users in the 41D !ut its necessary to create the groups in the 41D. nfact, creating several users in the 41D can !e a cum!ersome Co! and it will also increase the si9e of the 41D, so, according to the !est practice create the users and groups on the DB;or add in 'D%&D'1< and associate them with the 41D groups !y creating groups of the same name on the 41D as in DB.

-uthentication . -uthori/ation
-uthentication means validating the user while logging in the OB "" application. #hen a user logs in the OB "" application a re@uest is sent to the B $erver asking that whether this user is a valid user or not. #hen B $erver validates the user,then only the user is a!le to login in the application. -uthori/ation means a user is authori9ed to view what all o!Cects. ":ample, -ser ' might !e authori9ed to view only particular set of reports and dash!oards !ased on the security applied. 3ow we can understand these terms in detail.

Types of 0ecurity in OBIEE

$ecurity in Oracle B can !e classified !roadly into the following three types. 1. Ob1ect %e&el security 2-uthori/ation3 Read More +. Data %e&el security 2-uthori/ation3 Read More ,. "ser %e&el 0ecurity 2-uthentication3 Read More

Ob(ect #e$el 'ecurity in OBIEE

's the name states, O!Cect &evel security refers to restricting access to OB "" o!Cects !etween different users and groups. The access to following o!Cects can !e restricted using o!Cect level

securityD 1resentation ta!les, 1resentation ta!le columns, $u!Cect 'reas, 4eports, Dash!oards, and 1roCect $pecific shared folders. O!Cect>level security controls the visi!ility to !usiness logical o!Cects !ased on a userEs role. =ou can set up Ob1ect'%e&el

0ecurity for D

$epository le&el4 n 1resentation layer of 'dministration Tool, we can set 4epository level security !y giving permission or deny permission to users%groups to see particular ta!le or column. ,eb le&el4 This provides security for o!Cects stored in the 1resentation (atalog, such as dash!oards, dash!oards pages, folder and reports. =ou can only view the o!Cects for which you are authori9ed. .or e:ample, a mid>level manager may not !e granted access to a dash!oard containing summary information for an entire department.

!ata #e$el 'ecurity in OBIEE

Data &evel $ecurity is !asically securing the data. -sers !elonging to particular group should see a certain set a data whereas users outside that groups shouldnIt see that data. ":ampleD -sers !elonging to 'sia group should see only the data for 'sia region whereas users !elonging to -$ region should see data for -$ region. Data>level security controls the visi!ility of data ;content rendered in su!Cect areas, dash!oards, Oracle B 'nswers, and so on< !ased on the userEs association to data in the transactional system. This controls the type and amount of data that you can see in a report. #hen multiple users run the same report, the results that are returned to each depend on their access rights and roles in the organi9ation. .or e:ample, a sales vice president sees results for all regions, while a sales representative for a particular region sees only data for that region. E5ample Here we will look at creating and using a session varia!le and how to implement row level security. This is mainly used to restrict data !ased on the user rights. The row level security will !e useful in situations likeD 1. 'llowing user to see data that she has access to. +. $howing data !ased on current date. ,. ' sales manager can !e shown data in his region only. ' ("O can !e shown data for all regions. n this post we look at showing units ordered in the current month. #e use a security filter to filter data for the current month. $tepsD 1. The first step is to create the session varia!le for the current month. To do so a. n the 'dministration window, click on 'ction > J 3ew >J $ession >J Garia!le.5ive (-44"3T?BO3TH as the name of the varia!le. (lick on E3ewE near the initiali9ation !lock.

!. 5ive (-44"3T?BO3TH? 3 T as the name of the initiali9ation !lock. (lick on "dit Data $ource. c. ' new window opens. $elect the connection pool !y using the !rowse !utton. d. -se data!ase as the data source type. e.Type in the following @ueryDH select month;curdate;<<K H in the default initiali9ation string. f. (lick Ok to close the dialog. g. n the $ession varia!le initiali9ation !lock, click on edit data target. h. select the (-44"3T?BO3TH varia!le. (lick on Ok. i. (lick on ok to create the session varia!le. !. The ne:t step is to use this session varia!le to filter the result for this month. a. n the 'dministration tool. click on Banage >J $ecurity. !.(reate a new -ser called Bonthly-ser. c. (reate a new group called Bonthly-ser5roup. 'ssign Bonthly-ser to this group. d.Open the Bonthly-ser5roup dialog and click on 1ermissions. e.(lick the ta! that says filters. (lick on E'ddE f. n the name of the filter select the name of the ta!le that you want to apply the filter on. g.(lick on the ellipsis in the !usiness model filter column.'pply the filter h. The group is now created. #. &ogin to B answers using the Bonthly-ser user. $elect the columns from the store data!ase. view results. =ou will notice that the results show data for the current month only. f you login !y a user from the administrators group, data for all months will !e visi!le.

)ser #e$el 'ecurity in OBIEE

"ser -uthentication in OBIEE

The goal of the authentication configuration is to get a confirmation of the identity of a user !ased on the credentials provided. n OB "", the credentials provided are hold in this two varia!lesD -$"4 1'$$#O4D The authentication process in OB "" is managed !y the B $erver. OB "" $upport four types of authentication 1. %D-* -uthentication D -sers are authenticated !ased on credentials stored in &D'1.This is the B"$T method to do authentication in OB "" and it supports companyIs $ingle $ign On ;$$O< philosophy as well. +. E5ternal Table -uthentication D you can maintain lists of users and their passwords in an e:ternal data!ase ta!le and use this ta!le for authentication purposes. ,. Database -uthentication D The Oracle B $erver can authenticates user !ased on data!ase logins. f a user has read permission on a specific data!ase. Oracle B 1resentation $ervices authenticates those users.

). Oracle BI 0er&er "ser -uthentication D =ou can maintain lists of users and their passwords in the Oracle B repository using the 'dministration Tool. The Oracle B $erver will attempt to authenticate users against this list when they log on.

Blin* Characters in OBIEE

#e can make the characters !link in OB "" 'nswers%Dash!oard !y making use of the specified ($$ style in the column properties ta!.The ($$ style that should !e used is 6textdecoration:blink;7

Blink Characters in OBIEE

How to Configure +rite Bac* in OBIEE ,eport.ollow the steps, screenshots and other referenced posts to configure write !ack in OB "" reports.

Table *roperties
.irst, you should choose a report in 'nswers to !e a!le to writing !ack to the data!ase.

1. 5o to the Ta!le (omponent +. (lick on the write !ack properties icon.4emark that each column have on this head a letter ( and a num!er ;":. c1, (+, L <

1. .ill the template name with for e:ampleDSetWriteBackValue. ;This name will indicate later the statement to update or insert in the data!ase<

+olumn *roperties
1. $et to Mwrite !ackN the value integration type of the column you want to !e a!le to update.

'etting or Creating an Implicit .act Column in OBIEE

To set an implicit fact column follow the steps and screenshot (reate a Dummy .act column in a 1hysical &ayer called mplicit .act (olumn and map that column to any num!er of your choice

(reating mplicit .act (olumn *oin all Dimensions to this .act column in BBB &ayer n presentation layer, dou!le click the presentation catalog% go to properties of presentation catalog. n the general ta!, find the mplicit .act (olumn section.

$electing mplicit .act (olumn from 1resentation (atalog (lick on $et !utton, this will open the !rowse window $elect a fact column from the fact ta!les availa!le in the presentation catalog. (lick O7. "nsure that the selected mplicit .act (olumn is displayed in the mplicit .act (olumn section in the general properties of 1resentation (atalog. (lick O7. $ave your changes in the repository.

!imension Hierarchies in OBIEE"#e$el%Based Hierarchy and &arent%Child Hierarchy

' hierarchy is a cascaded series of many>to>one relationships and consists of different levels. ":ample, a region hierarchy is defined with the levels 4egion, $tate, and (ity. n the Business Bodel and Bapping layer, a dimension o!Cect represents a hierarchical organi9ation of logical columns ;attri!utes<. One or more logical dimension ta!les can !e associated with at most one dimension o!Cect. (ommon dimensions might !e time periods, products, markets, customers, suppliers, promotion conditions, raw materials, manufacturing plants, transportation methods, media types, and time of day. 3ote that dimensions e:ist in the Business Bodel and Bapping ;logical< layer and in the 1resentation layer. There are two types of logical dimensionsD 1. Dimensions with level>!ased hierarchies ;structure hierarchies<. +. Dimensions with parent>child hierarchies ;value hierarchies<.

Level-based hierarchies are those in which mem!ers are of several types, and mem!ers of the same type occur only at a single level.

n parent-child hierarchies, mem!ers all have the same type. Oracle Business ntelligence also supports a special type of level>!ased dimension, called a time dimension, that provides special
functionality for modeling time series data. %e&el'Based Hierarchies ' dimension contains two or more logical levels. .or e:ample, a Time hierarchy might have three levels for =ear, Auarter, and Bonth. &evel>!ased hierarchies can also contain parent>child relationships. The recommended se@uence for creating logical levels is to create a 5rand Total level and then create child levels, working down to the lowest level.

&evel>!ased Dimension hierarchy levels allowD

to perform aggregate navigation, to configure level>!ased measure calculations, users from Dash!oard and 'nswers to drill down from one parent to a child level.

The following are the parts of a dimensionD

(rand Total le&el D ' special level representing the grand total for a dimension. "ach dimension can have Cust one 5rand Total level. ' 5rand Total level does not contain dimensional attri!utes and does not have a level key. However, you can associate measures with a 5rand Total level. The aggregation level for those measures will always !e the grand total for the dimension. %e&el D 'll levels, e:cept the 5rand Total level, need to have at least one column. However, it is not necessary to e:plicitly associate all of the columns from a ta!le with logical levels. 'ny column that you do not associate with a logical level is automatically associated with the lowest level in the dimension that corresponds to that dimension ta!le. 'll logical columns in the same dimension ta!le have to !e associated with the same dimension. Hierarchy D "ach dimension contains one or more hierarchies. 'll hierarchies must have a common leaf level and a common root ;all< level. %e&el )eys D "ach logical level ;e:cept the topmost level defined as a 5rand Total level< must have one or more attri!utes that compose a level key. The level key defines the uni@ue elements in each logical level. The dimension ta!le logical key has to !e associated with the lowest level of a dimension and has to !e the level key for that level. Time dimensions and chronological )eys D =ou can identify a dimension as a time dimension. 't least one level of a time dimension must have a chronological key.

The following is a list of some guidelines you should use when setting up and using time dimensionsD

Unbalanced (or ragged) hierarchy D ' hierarchy in which all the lowest>level mem!ers do not have the same depth .or e:ample, a site can choose to have data for the current

month at the day level, previous months data at the month level, and the previous / years data at the @uarter level. .or e:ample, a Time hierarchy might have data for the current month at the day level, the previous monthEs data at the month level, and the previous / yearsE data at the @uarter level. This type of hierarchy is also known as an un!alanced hierarchy.

3ote that un!alanced hierarchies are not necessarily the same as parent>child hierarchies. 1arent>child hierarchies are un!alanced !y nature, !ut level>!ased hierarchies can !e un!alanced also.

Skip-level hierarchy D ' skip>level hierarchy is a hierarchy where there are mem!ers that do not have a value for certain higher levels. . .or e:ample, in the -nited $tates, the city of #ashington in the District of (olum!ia does not !elong to a state. The e:pectation is that users can still navigate from the country level ;-nited $tates< to #ashington and !elow without the need for a state.
Hierarchy with -n!alanced and $kip>&evel (haracteristics

*arent'+hild Hierarchies ' parent>child hierarchy is a hierarchy of mem!ers that all have the same type. t is a value>!ased hierarchy F (onsists of values that define the hierarchy in a parent>child relationship and does not contain named levels. This contrasts with level>!ased hierarchies, where mem!ers of the same type occur only at a single level of the hierarchy. .or e:ample, an "mployee hierarchy might have no levels, !ut instead have names of employees who are managed !y other employees. "mployees can have titles, such as Gice 1resident. Gice 1residents might report to other Gice 1residents and different Gice 1residents can !e at different depths in the hierarchy.
The most common real>life occurrence of a parent>child hierarchy is an organi9ational reporting hierarchy chart, where the following all applyD

"ach individual in the organi9ation is an employee. "ach employee, apart from the top>level managers, reports to a single manager. The reporting hierarchy has many levels.

These conditions illustrate the !asic features that define a parent>child hierarchy, namelyD

' parent>child hierarchy is !ased on a single logical ta!le ;for eg, the H"mployeesH ta!le< "ach row in the ta!le contains two identifying keys, one to identify the mem!er itself, the other to identify the HparentH of the mem!er ;for e:ample, "mp? D and Bgr? D<

Bulti>&evel 1arent>(hild Hierarchy n level>!ased hierarchies, each level is named, and occupies a position in the hierarchy that corresponds to a real>word attri!ute or category that is deemed useful for analysis. -nlike level>!ased hierarchies, where the num!er of levels is fi:ed at design time, there is no limit to the depth of a parent>child hierarchy, and the depth can change at run time due to new data.

'/# .unctions" 0O1TH'2BET+EE1

MONTHS_BETWEEN Returns the number of months between two date values. The return value can be negat ve or !os t ve de!end ng on Select MONTHS_BETWEEN "end_date#start_date$ from em!%

'/# .unctions" #3'T2!34

&'ST_(')* Ta+es date as n!ut and returns the last da, of corres!ond ng to that date. Return t,!e s alwa,s ('TE. Select &'ST_(') "&'ST_'--ESS_('TE$ .ROM EM/% month

'/# .unctions" C3,!I13#IT4

-'R(0N'&0T)* Returns the number of elements N1&& f the table s em!t,. n a nested table column. Returns

Select em!# -'R(0N'&0T) "-O&$ .ROM em!% Th s w ll g ve the number of elements -O& n the nested table column

How to get '/# from OBIEE ,eportsThere are many ways to get the $A& from OB "" 4eports 1. Bodify the re@uest and click 'dvanced in that you get :ml code and also the actual $A&. +. n the catalog Banager click Tools OJ(reate 4eport . n the (reate 4eport #indow OJ (lick 4e@uest $A& and save the $A& to the physical path in your 1(. ,. "na!le &oglevel to + in the OB "" 'dmin Tool from Bange >J $ecurity and ena!le the log level to + !y clicking properties for the user, then go to the 3AAuery.log in B ?HOB"%OracleB %$erver%&ogs.=ou will find the $A& for that -ser. ). By clicking 'dministration >JBanage sessions >J Giew $A&

Execute !irect '/# 5!irect !atabase ,e6uest7 feature in OBIEE

The Direct Data!ase 4e@uest permits you to perform $A& statement directly to a data source. The Oracle B $erver sends unprocessed, user>entered, physical $A& directly to an underlying data!ase. The returned results set can !e rendered in Oracle B 1resentation $ervices, and then charted, rendered in a dash!oard and treated as an Oracle B re@uest.The ":ecute Direct $A& ;Direct Data!ase 4e@uest< feature is seen in 'nswers page.-nder the $u!Cect 'rea.

Direct Data!ase 4e@uest In Ans ers ith the help o! this !eat"re Administrator can deb"g some iss"es like#$ 1. (heck physical connectivity to the data!ase. +. (heck report or dash!oard performance ;1erformance Tuning< %ostly this !eat"re is not allo ed or not considered as a good practice to &rod"ction "sers$ 'he reasons are 1. -ser can !y>pass a data level security defined in the repository. +. They can overload production data!ase ,. -sers can delete some important data!ase o!Cect. ). They can see some other ta!les which they are not permitted to see.

(e can disable) *xec"te +irect S,L) by !ollo ing the path belo : -nswers 8 0ettings 8 -dministration 8 9anage *ri&ilege

How +rite Bac* +or*s in OBIEE

f a user has the #rite Back to Data!ase privilege, then the write>!ack fields in their analyses can display as edita!le fields if properly configured. f the user does not have this privilege, then the write>!ack fields display as normal fields. f the user types a value in an edita!le field and clicks the appropriate write>!ack !utton, then the application reads the write>!ack template to get the appropriate insert or update $A& command. t then issues the insert or update command. f the command succeeds, then it reads the record and updates the analysis. f there is an error in either reading the template or in e:ecuting the $A& command, then an error message is displayed. The insert command runs when a record does not yet e:ist and the user enters new data into the ta!le. n this case, a user has typed in a ta!le record whose value was originally null. The update command runs when a user modifies e:isting data. To display a record that does not yet e:ist in the physical ta!le to which a user is writing !ack, you can create another similar ta!le. -se this similar ta!le to display placeholder records that a user can modify in dash!oards.

+rite%Bac* Template Example in OBIEE

The write !ack template is an custom messages ;PB&>formatted< file that contains $A& commands needed to insert and update records in the write !ack ta!le and columns you have configured. t must !e store in the directory :OracleBI;web;msgdb;custom9essages:

The line <WebMessage name="SetQuotaUseID"> contain the value of the template name. This value must match with the value filled in the ta!le properties. The line <writeBack connectionPool="Su lier"> contain the value of the connection pool. =ou must have the same name in the repository. The line <u !ate>UPD"#$ regiont% e&uota S$# Dollars='(c)* W+$,$ -,='(c.* "/D Quarter='(c0* "/D ,egion=1'(c2*1 "/D Item#% e=1'(c3*1<4u !ate> contain the $A& statement to update the data!ase. Galues can !e referenced either !y position ;such as Q1, Q,< or !y column D ;QRc0S, QRc+S<. ' write>!ack template might resem!le the e:ample given !elow
234ml vers on567.86 encod ng56utf9:6 3; 2WebMessageTables 4mlns*sawm56com.s ebel.anal,t cs.web<message<v76; 2WebMessageTable lang56en9us6 s,stem56Wr teBac+6 table56Messages6; 2WebMessage name56Set=uota1se0(6; 2>M&; 2wr teBac+ connect on/ool56Su!!l er6; 2 nsert;0NSERT 0NTO reg ont,!e?uota @'&1ES"ABc8C#ABc7C#DABcECD#DABcFCD#ABcGC$2< nsert; 2u!date;1/('TE reg ont,!e?uota SET (ollars5ABcGC WHERE )R5ABc8C 'N( =uarter5ABc7C 'N( Reg on5DABcECD 'N( 0temT,!e5DABcFCD2<u!date; 2<wr teBac+; 2<>M&; 2<WebMessage; 2WebMessage name56Set=uota6; 2>M&; 2wr teBac+ connect on/ool56Su!!l er6; 2 nsert;0NSERT 0NTO reg ont,!e?uota @'&1ES"A7#AE#DAFD#DAGD#AH$2< nsert; 2u!date;1/('TE reg ont,!e?uota SET (ollars5AH WHERE )R5A7 'N( =uarter5AE 'N( Reg on5DAFD 'N( 0temT,!e5DAGD2<u!date; 2<wr teBac+; 2<>M&; 2<WebMessage; 2<WebMessageTable; 2<WebMessageTables;

+rite%Bac* #imitations in OBIEE

-sers can write !ack to any data source ;e:cept for an 'D. data source< that allows the e:ecution of $A& @ueries from the Oracle B $erver. 's you configure for write !ack, keep the following limitations in mindD

3umeric columns must contain num!ers only. They should not contain any data formatting characters such as dollar signs ;T<, pound signs or hash signs ;U<, percent signs ;V<, and so on. Te:t columns should contain string data only. =ou can use the template mechanism only with ta!le views and only for single>value data. The template mechanism is not supported for pivot ta!le views or any type of view or for multiple>value data. 'll values in write>!ack columns are edita!le. 'ny field in an analysis can !e flagged as a write>!ack field, even if it is not derived from the write>!ack ta!le that you created. ' template can contain $A& statements other than insert and update. The write>!ack function passes these statements to the data!ase. 1resentation $ervices performs only minimal validation of data input. f the field is numeric and the user enters te:t data, then 1resentation $ervices detects that and prevents the invalid data from going to the data!ase The template mechanism is not suita!le for entering ar!itrary new records. n other words, do not use it as a data input tool. #rite>!ack analyses do not support drill>down. Because drilling down modifies the ta!le structure, the write>!ack template does not work.

Execute !irect '/# 5!irect !atabase ,e6uest7 feature in OBIEE

The Direct Data!ase 4e@uest permits you to perform $A& statement directly to a data source. The Oracle B $erver sends unprocessed, user>entered, physical $A& directly to an underlying data!ase. The returned results set can !e rendered in Oracle B 1resentation $ervices, and then charted, rendered in a dash!oard and treated as an Oracle B re@uest.The ":ecute Direct $A& ;Direct Data!ase 4e@uest< feature is seen in 'nswers page.-nder the $u!Cect 'rea.

Direct Data!ase 4e@uest In Ans ers ith the help o! this !eat"re Administrator can deb"g some iss"es like#$ 1. (heck physical connectivity to the data!ase. +. (heck report or dash!oard performance ;1erformance Tuning< %ostly this !eat"re is not allo ed or not considered as a good practice to &rod"ction "sers$ 'he reasons are 1. -ser can !y>pass a data level security defined in the repository. +. They can overload production data!ase ,. -sers can delete some important data!ase o!Cect. ). They can see some other ta!les which they are not permitted to see.

(e can disable) *xec"te +irect S,L) by !ollo ing the path belo : -nswers 8 0ettings 8 -dministration 8 9anage *ri&ilege

Create OBIEE ,eport )sing Two 'ub(ect 3reas

.rom the (riteria 1ane of the 4eport (reated from .irst $u!Cect 'rea come to the !ottom of the page and click combine re<uest. But the options are limited for com!ining like union,minus etc.

&urging Options in OBIEE

In&o)ing ODB+ E5tension =unctions The following ODB( functions affect cache entries associated with the repository specified !y the ODB( connection. =ou can call these functions using the n@cmd.e:e command>line e:ecuta!le. The synta: of the call will !e as followsD n@cmd >d H'nalytics #e!H Ou administrator Op sadmin Os purge.t:t. #here purge.t:t contains the call ;for e:ample, call $'1urge'll(ache;<< The different 1urging options in OB "" areK 1. 0-*urge+acheBy>uery Read More 2. 0-*urge+acheByTable Read More 3. 0-*urge-ll+ache Read More 4. 0-*urge+acheByDatabase Read More

8 '3&urgeCacheBy/uery
0. 1urges a cache entry that e:actly matches a specified @uery.The following call programmatically purges the cache entry associated with this @ueryD (all $'1urge(acheByAuery;Wselect lastname, firstname from employee where salary J 100000I <K

2. 1urges all cache entries associated with a specified physical ta!le name ;fully @ualified< for the repository to which the client has connected. 8. This function takes up to four parameters representing the four components ;data!ase,

catalog,schema and ta!le name proper< of a fully @ualified physical ta!le name. .or e:ample, you might have a ta!le with the fully @ualified name of DB3ame.(at3ame.$ch3ame.Ta!3ame. To purge the cache entries associated with this ta!le in the physical layer of the $ie!el 'nalytics repository, e:ecute the following call in a scriptD 8. (all $'1urge(acheByTa!le;WDB3ameI, W(at3ameI, W$ch3ameI, WTa!3ameI<K 10. 11. #ild cards are not supported !y the $ie!el 'nalytics $erver for this function. 'dditionally,DB3ame and Ta!3ame cannot !e null. f either one is null, you will receive an error message.

1+. 1urges all cache entries. The following is an e:ample of this callD 1,. (all $'1urge'll(ache;<K

1urges all cache entries associated with a specific physical data!ase name.' record is returned as a result of calling any of the ODB( procedures to purge the cache. This function takes one parameter that represents the physical data!ase name and the parameter cannot !e null. The following is an e:ample of this callD (all $'1urge(acheByData!ase; WDB3ameI <K

How to 6uery a repository using /uery ,epository ToolBefore reading how to @uery a repository know a!out >uery $epository Tool and its use Read More 1. n the repository, right>click any o!Cect and choose Display 4elated J Xtype of object on which you want to searchY. +. n the Auery 4epository dialog !o:, the type of o!Cect is prefilled ,. n the Auery 4epository dialog !o:, complete the @uery information using >uery$epository =ields . Buttons Table as a guide. This ta!le contains a description of most fields and !uttons in the Auery 4epository dialog !o:.

). (lick Auery. /. To save a repository @uery to an e:ternal file, click $ave. 0. n the $ave 's dialog !o:, choose a type of file and an "ncoding value.

2. To add additional columns of information to the results, click 'dd (olumns.


n the $elect information to add to the report dialog !o:, select the columns you want from the list and click O7.

8. =ou can re>order the columns !y selecting a checked column and clicking -p or Down. 10. n the $ave as dialog !o:, type a file name and select a $ave as type. 11. (lick $ave.

Auery 4epository Tool

/uery ,epository Tool in OBIEE and its use with example

t is utility of $ei!el%OB "" 'dmin tool which allows you to e:amine the repository metadata tool.=ou can @uery for o!Cects in the repository using the Auery 4epository tool. =ou can @uery a repository for o!Cects in the repository !ased on name, type ;such as (atalog, (omple: *oin, 7ey, and &D'1 $erver<, or on a com!ination of name and type. =ou can then edit or delete o!Cects that appear in the 4esults list. =ou can also create new o!Cects, and view parent hierarchies.

Auery 4epository Tool

Types of Testing in OBIEE ,eport En$ironment

There are , types of testing in the OB "" application development.

"nit Testing4 The developer will test the own stuff. *eer'$e&iews4 Test the application within the organi9ation as the application developed. The application will !e reviewed !y your team mem!er ; third party developer < "-T2"ser -cceptance Test34This is a client test testing, the application will !e tested !y some other company. This test is carried out in the presence of client side technical users to verify the data migration from source to destination.

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