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Organisational Behaviour


2012/13 Masters Programmes

Download and read the case !"o# satis$action at Omega %echnical Services &td' #y D( )dam*Smith and &( &ittlewood( +n )dam*Smith, D( and Peacoc-, )( ./ds0 Cases in organisational behaviour .11( 121*1320( &ondon Pitman( Pre1are a re1ort .word limit 2,200 words0 that analyses the situation as de1icted in the case, and 1rovides an OB*#ased e41lanation $or the high .$or this ty1e o$ organi5ation0 a#senteeism and turnover rate among 1ro$essional sta$$ 6 that is why 1ro$essional sta$$ do not attend wor- as they should, and why are they leaving this com1any7 8our re1ort must also include recommendations $or the com1any .i(e( how to im1rove the current situation0, #ased on one or more OB theories encountered during the module( +t must also include, at the end o$ the re1ort, a short 1ersonal re$lection .u1 to 220 words9 no more than one 1age0 on your a11roach to the analysis and to the generation o$ 1ossi#le recommendations, in terms o$ your develo1ing management style( :or e4am1le, you could re$lect u1on the assum1tions you #ring to solving 1ro#lems and/or how 1eo1le and organisations should #est #e managed( )lternatively, you could set out your de$ault 1osition on why 1eo1le #ehave as they do at wor-, and whether this assignment has changed or con$irmed your #elie$s( .%his last re;uirement is to $ul$il the learning o#<ectives o$ the cancelled Management into Action core module(0 :urther advice on this element o$ the summative will #e 1rovided $ollowing the $ormative assignment in late =ovem#er( +t is very im1ortant to utili5e scienti$ic -nowledge and theoretical $ramewor-s to analy5e the case and <usti$y your arguments and recommendations( >owever, you must also -ee1 in mind that sound logic and $low in your argumentation is also critical( >ence, theoretical and other scienti$ic -nowledge must #e utili5ed along with a11ro1riate logical argumentation( Durham University Business School

Overall word limit, 2,500 words maximum.

%he word count should Include all the te4t, including title, 1re$ace, introduction, in*te4t citations, ;uotations, $ootnotes and any other item not s1eci$ically e4cluded #elow(

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Organisational BehaviourA

2012/13 Masters ProgrammesA

Exclude diagrams, ta#les .including ta#les/lists o$ contents and $igures0, e;uations, e4ecutive summary/a#stract, ac-nowledgements, declaration, #i#liogra1hy/list o$ re$erences and a11endices( >owever, it is not a11ro1riate to use diagrams or ta#les merely as a way o$ circumventing the word limit( +$ a student uses a ta#le or $igure as a means o$ 1resenting his/her own words, then this is included in the word count(

/4aminers will sto1 reading once the word limit has #een reached, and wor- #eyond this 1oint will not #e assessed( Bhec-s o$ word counts will #e carried out on su#mitted wor-, including any assignments or dissertations/#usiness 1ro<ects that a11ear to #e clearly over*length( Bhec-s may ta-e 1lace manually and/or with the aid o$ the word count 1rovided via an electronic su#mission( Chere a student has intentionally misre1resented their word count, the School may treat this as an o$$ence under Section +D o$ the Eeneral Fegulations o$ the University( /4treme cases may #e viewed as dishonest 1ractice under Section +D, 2 .a0 .40 o$ the Eeneral Fegulations( Dery occasionally it may #e a11ro1riate to 1resent, in an a11endi4, material which does not 1ro1erly #elong in the main #ody o$ the assessment #ut which some students wish to 1rovide $or the sa-e o$ com1leteness( )ny a11endices will not have a role in the assessment 6 e4aminers are under no o#ligation to read a11endices and they do not $orm 1art o$ the word count( Material that students wish to #e assessed should always #e included in the main #ody o$ the te4t(



Per$ormance in the summative assessment $or this module is <udged against the $ollowing criteria Felevance to ;uestion Organisation, structure and 1resentation De1th o$ understanding )nalysis and discussion Use o$ sources and re$erencing Overall conclusions

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Durham University Business School

Organisational BehaviourA

2012/13 Masters ProgrammesA

Students are strongly advised to use )rial $ont si5e 11 $or their assignments and to 1rint dou#le sided( )ssignments must #e ty1ed or word*1rocessed on )@ 1a1er using 1(2 or dou#le s1acing and with margins o$ 2*3 cm( Pages should #e num#ered and sta1led together in the to1 le$t hand corner( %he word count should include all the te4t .1lus endnotes and $ootnotes0, #ut e4clude diagrams, ta#les, #i#liogra1hy, re$erences and a11endices( Euidance on re$erencing can #e $ound in your year hand#oo-( 8ou are re;uired to su#mit an electronic co1y o$ your assignment on DUO which will #e 1ut through the 1lagiarism detection service( %he electronic version o$ the assignment which you su#mit on*line should EXCLUDE all a11endices and e4tracts $rom the com1aniesG $inancial statements(

#$AGIA!ISM a-d "O$$USION Students sus1ected o$ 1lagiarism, either o$ 1u#lished wor- or wor- $rom un1u#lished sources, including the wor- o$ other students, or o$ collusion will #e dealt with according to Business School and University guidelines( 8ou are re;uired to su#mit an electronic co1y o$ your assignment on DUO which will #e 1ut through the 1lagiarism detection service( %e1em2er 20+2. T.e deadli-e is ).00/m o- *ed-esda0 +2

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Durham University Business School

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