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A cronal

, B asonat

, C hi massorb

, D arocur

, I rgacure

, Joncryl

L aroflex

, L aropal

, L aromer

, L i gnostab

, L uci ri n

, L uhydran

, L utonal

L uwi pal

, P lastopal

, S olvenon

, and T i nuvi n

are regi stered trademark s

of B A S F C orporati on.
S olvesso

i s a regi stered trademark of Exxon M obi le C orporati on.

2010 B A S F, Wyandotte, M I 48192. A ll ri ghts reserved.
C O S el G d v3. 0-03/ 29/ 10.
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At BASF, w e k n o w a n d u n d e r s t a n d t h e p e r f o r m a n c e
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Table of Contents
Waterborne Systems
Joncr yl

Acr yl i c Emul si ons page 4

Acr onal

, Joncr yl , and Luhydr an

Sel f - cr ossl i nki ng Acr yl i c Emul si ons page 6

Solventborne Systems
Acr onal Acr yl i c Resi ns page 8
Lut onal

Pol yvi nyl et her Resi ns page 8

Joncr yl Acr yl i c Pol yol s page 1 0
Joncr yl Rapi d Pr oper t y Pol yol s page 1 2
Joncr yl Fast - cur e Acr yl i c Pol yol s page 1 2
Lar of l ex

Vi nyl Chl or i de Bi nder s page 1 4

Specialty Resins
Lar opal

Al dehyde Resi ns f or Pi gment Di sper si ons page 1 4

Joncr yl Acr yl i c Resi ns f or Pi gment Di sper si ons page 1 6
Joncr yl Li qui d Acr yl i c Fl exi bl i zer s f or Sol vent bor ne Coat i ngs page 1 7
Joncr yl Addi t i ves f or Wat er bor ne Coat i ngs page 1 6
Chi massor b

, Li gnost ab

, Ti nuvi n

, and Xymar a
Car boPr ot ect
Li ght St abi l i zer s page 1 8
Luwi pal

and Pl ast opal

Ami no Resi ns page 2 0


Al i phat i c Pol yi socyanat es page 2 0

Energy Curable Systems
Lar omer

Ol i gomer s page 2 2
Lar omer React i ve Di l uent s page 2 4
Dar ocur

, Ir gacur e

, and Luci r i n

Phot oi ni t i at or s page 2 5
Acrylic Powder Coating Resins
Joncr yl Acr yl i c Powder Resi ns page 2 6
5 4
J oncryl

Acrylic Emulsions for

Waterborne Industrial Coatings
Pr oduct
(wt. %)
Temp. (Tg C)
Acid No.
(on solids)
Description and Applications
J oncryl 95 30 100 43 20 8.0 70 1.04 Yes No
Ultra-fine particle size, colloidal dispersion for wood penetration and in- can clarity. Demonstrates minimal
grain raising, excellent sandability, and sealing characteristics. For use in stains, sealers, and wood
preservatives. Features high Tg/low MFFT balance.
J oncryl 530 49 700 75 95 8.5 50 1.04 Yes Yes
A high Tg emulsion with good water, humidity, and household chemical resistance. Suggested for hardboard,
other wood coatings, and general metal finishes.
J oncryl 537 46 150 44 42 9.0 40 1.05 Yes Yes
A workhorse emulsion with excellent gloss, clarity, adhesion, and manufacturing ease. Suitable as a sole
vehicle or alkyd modifier for a variety of general metal, wood, and plastic finishes. Modifier for acrylic and
vinyl acrylic architectural paints.
J oncryl 538 45 200 64 65 9.3 53 1.07 Yes Yes
A multipurpose acrylic emulsion featuring acid, gasoline, and MEK resistance. Suggested for wood flat-stock
primers and topcoats and as a modifier to improve hardness and solvent resistance.
J oncryl 540 44 500 - <5 8.5
1.04 Yes Yes
A hydroxyl functional emulsion crosslinkable with melamines. High gloss potential with good hardness and resistance
properties. Suitable for thermoset, metal, hardboard, and coil coating applications.
J oncryl 1520 42 55 45 47 8.1 33 1.04 Yes No
High gloss, corrosion resistant emulsion. Good UV resistance. Designed for OEM industrial coatings for high
gloss general metal finishing.
J oncryl 1522 45 400 34 26 9.0 20 1.05 Yes No
An OEM direct- to- metal emulsion that has excellent corrosion resistant properties without the use of anti-
corrosive pigments, which offers exterior durabiltiy, is compatible with anti- corrosive pigments, and can be
formulated between 100 - 250 g/l VOC.
J oncryl 1532 51 400 12 14 8.0 26 1.03 Yes No
A versatile emulsion offering excellent adhesion to a wide variety of substrates including plastics,
galvanized steel, and previously painted or chalked surfaces. Can also be applied under a wide range of
temperature and humidity conditions. Low VOC capability.
J oncryl 1540 42.5 250 42 40 7.9 12.65 1.03 - -
A hydroxy functional acrylic emulsion for waterborne thermoset coatings that provides good flexibility and
chemical resistance and fast cure.
J oncryl 1907 46 500 21 20 8.3 55 1.04 Yes Yes
Film forming emulsion used as a blend vehicle to impart flexibility, adhesion, and reduced solvent demand.
Used for wood finishes and hardboard primers. Suitable for interior gloss brushing enamels and as a
modifier to improve chalk penetration.
J oncryl 1908 48 500 98 >70 8.3 55 1.04 Yes Yes
A very hard emulsion often used as a blend vehicle to impart hardness and block resistance. Suitable for
wood finishes and hardboard primers.
J oncryl 1915 44 800 43 <5 8.5 60 1.02 No Yes
A cost- effective emulsion that meets the tough property requirements of the hardboard primers market.
Offers excellent adhesion, early block resistance, and high binder efficiency. Can be formulated without
added solvents in many applications.
J oncryl 1916 46 1,900 17 <5 8.3 61 1.04 Yes Yes
A unique emulsion with excellent water resistance, outstanding early block resistance, and adhesion. Can be
formulated into lower VOC products in many applications.
J oncryl 1919 47 1,600 29 19 8.0 60 1.04 No Yes
A cost- effective emulsion that meets the property requirements of the hardboard primer and cement
fiberboard markets. Offers excellent water resistance, adhesion, and early block resistance. Can be
formulated without added solvents in many applications.
J oncryl 1925 49 700 75 >70 8.4 50 1.04 Yes Yes
A lower cost emulsion for general metal, hardboard, and other wood coating applications. Offers good water,
humidity, and household chemical resistance.
J oncryl 1954 47 500 38 27 8.5 54 1.04 Yes Yes
A unique emulsion providing a balance of low solvent demand with excellent hardness. Useful for wood
finishes, wood flat- stock primers, and topcoats. Good sanding properties for enamel undercoat and interior
wood coating applications.
J oncryl 1992 43 124 78 >60 8.5 17 1.03 No No
Emulsion for ambient or force- dry cure systems offering good chemical resistance. Ideal for wood, concrete,
and plastics applications.
J oncryl 1993 43 90 22 17 8.4 17 1.03 No No
Emul si on wi th good water resi stance and adhesi on for wood appl i cati ons. Lower VOC product
compared to J oncryl 1992 wi th the same appl i cati on and performance properti es.
J oncryl 2561 48 750 - 11 <5 8.0 50 1.05 Yes Yes
A versatile emulsion for use in low odor, low VOC gloss paints; or as a modifier vehicle to improve adhesion,
waterspot, and block resistant properties. Also used as a wood stain vehicle.
J oncryl 2570 48 500 - 18 <5 8.5 43 1.02 No Yes
Acrylic emulsion for cost- effective metal applications. Provides adhesion to multiple substrates with good
block resistance, fast dry, and low VOC.
7 6

, J oncryl

, and Luhydran

Acrylic Emulsions for Waterborne Coatings
Pr oduct
Type of
(wt. %)
Temp. (Tg C)
Acid No.
(on solids)
Description and Applications
Acronal PRO 761 Aqueous Acrylic/Styrene 50 1 100 - 550 - 22 8.5 - 10 - 1.04
Fl ash r ust r esi stant, APEO sur f actant- f r ee copol ymer. I deal f or thi cker f i l m,
anti - cor r osi on pr i mer s.
J oncryl 1972 - 40 110 78 50 8.5 27 1.03
One- pack, sel f - cr ossl i nki ng emul si on exhi bi ti ng excel l ent chemi cal r esi stance and
adhesi on to a var i ety of substr ates. Typi cal l y used f or wood and pl asti c appl i cati ons.
Fr eeze/ thaw stabl e.
J oncryl 1980 - 40 150 69 45 8.5 25 1.03
Sel f - cr ossl i nki ng acr yl i c emul si on wi th i mpr oved f or mul ati on stabi l i ty, of f er i ng l ow VOC
capabi l i ty, i mpr oved chemi cal r esi stance, and f l exi bi l i ty. I ntended f or concr ete and
speci al ty ar chi tectur al appl i cati ons.
J oncryl 1982 - 41 <250 78 >70 8.5 17 1.03
One- pack, sel f - cr ossl i nki ng emul si on wi th f or mul ati on stabi l i ty exhi bi ti ng excel l ent
chemi cal r esi stance and f i l m har dness wi th l ower yel l owi ng. I deal f or wood, concr ete,
and pl asti c appl i cati ons.
J oncryl 1984 - 41 <100 78 >70 8.4 17 1.03
Sel f - cr ossl i nki ng emul si on wi th f or mul ati on stabi l i ty, exhi bi ti ng UV r esi stance, and f i l m
har dness. Recommended f or concr ete and wood appl i cati ons.
J oncryl 1987 - 42 200 14 12 8.5 16 1.03
One- pack, s el f - cr os s l i nki ng emul s i on wi t h good chemi cal r es i s t ance, excel l ent
adhes i on, and wat er r es i s t ance. L ower VOC r equi r ement s t o meet r egul at i ons whi l e
mai nt ai ni ng enhanced per f or mance.
J oncryl 8383 - 40 95 14 16 8.2 23 1.05
Sof t, sel f - cr ossl i nki ng emul si on of f er i ng good cl ar i ty and " war mth of wood" ; good
chemi cal and bl ock r esi stance wi th excel l ent water r esi stance and wet adhesi on.
Recommended f or concr ete and wood appl i cati ons.
Luhydran A 848 S Butyl Methacrylate 44.5 1 150 - 250 - 39 6.5 - 7.5 - 1.05
Hi gh standar d di sper si on f or j oi ner y, i ndustr i al wood, and concr ete appl i cati ons. Good
chemi cal and mechani cal r esi stance.
Luhydran N 850 S
n- Butyl Acrylate/
40 - 42 10 - 50 - 25 7 - 8 - 1.03
Sel f - cr ossl i nki ng emul si on wi th good chemi cal and mechani cal r esi stant pr oper ti es.
Sui tabl e f or par quet f l oor i ng.
Luhydran A 875 S Methacrylic 43 - 46 20 - 100 - 60 6.5 - 7.5 - 1.04 Fl exi bl e ver si on of Luhydr an N 850 S.
Luhydran S 938 T
Hydroxylic Acrylic/
45 25 - 60 2 - 1.06
APEO- f r ee cr os s l i nkabl e emul s i on f or f ur ni t ur e oi l s or heat - cur e coat i ngs and t wo-
component pol yur et hane i nt er i or appl i cat i ons . Hydr oxyl val ue of 100.

Acrylic Resins for

Solventborne Industrial Coatings
Type of
(wt. %)
Acid Value
(mg KOH/g)
(mNm- 1)
(Tg C)
Solubility Compatibility Description and Applications
Acronal 4 F
Poly n- Butyl
Liquid > 98.5
600,000 -
- 1.05 0 - 1 150 - - 40
Glycol Ethers,
Aromatic and
Mineral Spirits
Cellulose Nitrate,
Vinyl Chloride
Natural Resins,
Acronal acrylic resins are used, particularly in
combination with cellulose nitrate, for formulating
paper and film coatings, sealing wax, coatings
for light metals and plastics, and cellulose
lacquers. Combined with chlorinated binders
such as Laroflex

MP grades, they yield coatings

that are very resistant to hydrolysis for various
substrates such as metals, concrete, or fiber
cement. When combined with suitable filmforming
agents, they improve the adhesion of primers.
Acronal 4 L
Solution in
Ethyl Acetate
49.0 - 51.0 1,600 - 2,600 - 0.97 0 - 1 150 - - 40
Acronal 700 L
of n- Butyl
and Vinyl
Isobutyl Ether
50 1 500 - 800 1 0.96 0 - 1 - 4 - -
Acronal LR 8820
Poly n- Butyl
Clear Liquid
>98.5 20,000 - 50,000 <1 1.04 - 109 28 0.4 - 45

Polyvinylether Resins
Type of
(wt. %)
Acid Value
(mg KOH/g)
K Value
(Tg C)
Solubility Compatibility Description and Applications
Lutonal A 25
Liquid > 90 2,500 - 6,000 - 0.96 15 63 10 - 17 - 43
Alcohols, Esters,
Ketones; Aliphatic,
Aromatic and
Cellulose Nitrate,
Natural Resins
Largely a saponification- resistant soft resin
for increasing the adhesion and flexibility of
coatings and printing inks. Excellent
cobinder in anti- fouling paints.
Lutonal A 50
Solution in
50 2 5,000 - 20,000 - 0.87 4 9 55 - 65 - 30
Lutonal M 40
50% H
Solution in
50 2
25,000 -
1 1.03 15 - 45 - 55 - 49
Water, Alcohols,
Glycols, Esters, Water
Miscible Solvents
Excellent for plasticizing and improving the
adhesion of cellulose nitrate coatings.
Lutonal M 40
70% Ethanol
Solution in
70 2
50,000 -
<1 0.96 15 11 45 - 55 - 49
Alcohols, Esters;
Aromatic and
Cellulose Nitrate,
Natural Resins
Largely a saponification- resistant soft resin
for increasing the adhesion and flexibility of
coatings and printing inks. Ideal cobinder in
anti- fouling paints and heat sensitive blends
with polymer dispersions.
10 11
J oncryl

Acrylic Polyols for

Solventborne High Solids Coatings
Pr oduct
VOC Range
(wt. %)
Temp. (TgC)
(- OH, on solids)
(on solids)
for Baking
Description and Applications
J oncryl 500 2.3 - 3.8 80 MAK - 7 400 140 3,900 1.03 Yes
Acrylic polyol with good hardness, stain resistance, and pigment dispersibility. Broad resin compatibility and
useful as a low VOC modifier for appliance, office furniture, and general metal coatings. Recommended for
high- build maintenance finishes and other polyurethane coatings.
J oncryl 504 2.3 - 3.8 80 Xylene - 7 400 140 7,400 1.04 Yes
Xylene version of J oncryl 500 offering electrostatic application ability. Recommended for high solids
melamine baking systems and urethane coating systems.
J oncryl 507 2.8 - 3.8 80 n-Butyl Acetate - 7 400 140 3,800 1.04 Yes Alternate solvent version of J oncryl 500 for low odor, non- HAPs applications.
J oncryl 508 Exempt* 75 t-Butyl Acetate - 7 400 140 4,000 1.03 No Alternate solvent version of J oncryl 500 for applications using exempt* solvents.
J oncryl 510 2.8 80 Xylene - 4 400 140 7,600 1.10 Yes
Compatible with a variety of acrylic, alkyd, and polyester resins. Offers reduction of several application
defects and can improve hardness, chemical and stain resistance, and durability when used to modify low
molecular weight polyesters and alkyds.
J oncryl 550 4.0 + 62
Toluene (65/35)
49 620 90 6,500 1.05 Yes Conventional solids polyol. Fast dry with long pot life and good exterior durability.
J oncryl 551 4.0 + 60 Xylene 49 620 90 6,000 1.02 Yes J oncryl 550 resin in an alternative, economical solvent.
J oncryl 552 4.0 + 62 n-Butyl Acetate 49 620 90 5,500 1.04 Yes J oncryl 550 resin in an alternative, non- HAPs solvent.
J oncryl 556 Exempt* 50 PCBTF 49 620 90 6,000 1.23 No J oncryl 550 resin in an alternative, exempt* solvent.
J oncryl 558 Exempt* 60 t-Butyl Acetate 49 620 90 7,500 1.02 No J oncryl 550 resin in an alternative, exempt* solvent.
J oncryl 580 4.0 + 100 - 53 350 160 Solid 1.16 Yes
100% solids polyol used in both two- component urethane and acid- cure coatings offering good chemical
resistance and hardness. Ideal for wood and metal applications.
J oncryl 581 4.0 + 100 - 62 360 155 Solid 1.16 Yes
100% solids polyol used in both two- component urethane and acid- cure coatings offering good chemical
resistance and hardness. Ideal for wood and metal applications.
J oncryl 587 4.0 + 100 - 57 610 92 Solid 1.16 Yes
Conventional solids, workhorse polyol. Very fast dry with long pot life and excellent UV and chemical
resistance. Solid form provides cost benefit and formulator versatility.
J oncryl 587- AC Exempt* 50 Acetone 57 610 92 200 0.95 No 50% solids cut of J oncryl 587 in acetone for applications using exempt* solvents.
J oncryl 588 3.4 - 4.5 68
n- Butyl
22 470 120 7,000 1.05 Yes
Good skydrol resistance, gloss retention, and performance properties. Ideal for higher solids polyurethane
coatings for maintenance and rail applications.
J oncryl 804 4.0 + 100 - 70 1,250 45 Solid 1.15 Yes
High equivalent weight for low NCO demand. Can be used to formulate low cost, two- component urethane
J oncryl 901 3.2 - 4.4 77 MAK 20 500 112 17,500 1.07 Yes
Excellent exterior durability with good chemical and solvent resistance. Ideal for high performance, lower
VOC maintenance, and rail and transportation topcoats.
J oncryl 902 3.2 - 4.4 75
n- Butyl
20 500 112 9,000 1.09 Yes
J oncryl 901 resin in an alternate solvent. Recommended for high performance maintenance and transportation
J oncryl 903 Exempt* 60 PCBTF 20 500 112 6,070 1.22 - Acrylic polyol for high solids polyurethane coatings with VOC exempt* solvent, fast dry time, and excellent gloss retention.
J oncryl 906 3.4 - 4.6 72 MAK 16 600 93 14,000 1.04 Yes
Outstanding gloss retention, dry time/pot life balance, and chemical resistance. High equivalent weight for low
NCO demand. Ideal for high performance maintenance and transportation finishes.
J oncryl 906- AC Exempt* 75 Acetone 16 600 93 6,500 1.07 No Alternate solvent version of J oncryl 906 for applications using exempt* solvents.
J oncryl 935 3.2 - 4.4 70 MAK 17 375 150 8,500 1.03 No
High performance polyol for polyurethane coatings. Offers good chemical resistance with excellent exterior
durability. Suitable for automotive refinish and industrial applications.
J oncryl 939 Exempt* 50 PCBTF 17 375 150 5,700 1.15 No J oncryl 935 resin in an alternative, exempt* solvent.
J oncryl 948 3.0 - 4.4 78 n-Butyl Acetate 9 800 70 11,400 1.04 Yes Recommended for polyurethane coatings in industrial maintenance applications.
* Consul t Feder al EPA, st at e, and l ocal ar ea r egul at i ons r egar di ng st at us of VOC r egul at i ons and exempt sol vent l i st i ngs. Ai r qual i t y r egul at i ons ar e
not consi st ent t hr oughout t he Uni t ed St at es. Consul t pr oper r egul at or y ent i t i es i f oper at i ng i n Canada or Mexi co r egar di ng any r egul at i ons.
13 12
Indi cat es sol i ds t est i ng 1 hour at 1 1 0 C, al l ot her s r un 1 hour at 1 5 0 C.
* Consul t Feder al EPA, st at e, and l ocal ar ea r egul at i ons r egar di ng st at us of VOC r egul at i ons and exempt sol vent l i st i ngs. Ai r qual i t y r egul at i ons ar e
not consi st ent t hr oughout t he Uni t ed St at es. Consul t pr oper r egul at or y ent i t i es i f oper at i ng i n Canada or Mexi co r egar di ng any r egul at i ons.
J oncryl

Rapid Property Polyols

for High Solids Coatings
J oncryl Fast-cure Acrylic Polyols for High Solids Coatings
Pr oduct
VOC Range
(wt. %)
Temp. (TgC)
(-OH, on solids)
(on solids)
Description and Applications
J oncryl 909 3.3 - 4.5 68
n- Butyl
25 480 117 6,500 1.03
Offers early hardness development and through- cure with balanced pot life. Good gloss retention, durability, and chemical
resistance makes it suitable for automotive and industrial applications.
J oncryl 910 3.4 - 4.7 71 MAK 9 600 94 7,000 1.04
Highest performance, high solids polyol for polyurethane coatings. Offers unusually good pot life, skydrol resistance, and
dry time characteristics with outstanding QUV gloss retention.
J oncryl 911 3.0 - 4.2 77
n- Butyl
7 800 70 7,000 1.05
Lower VOC, high equivalent weight acrylic polyol for industrial two- component polyurethane applications. Good hardness
development and durability. Recommended for high- build maintenance finishes and other polyurethane coatings.
J oncryl 914 Exempt* 55 PCBTF 9 600 94 9,500 1.25 J oncryl 910 resin in an alternative, exempt* solvent.
J oncryl 915 3.2 - 4.4 77
n- Butyl
13 590 95 7,500 1.04
Lower VOC polyol offering fast dry characteristics combined with a high equivalent weight for lower isocyanate demand.
Supplied in a low odor solvent.
J oncryl 918 Exempt* 64
t- Butyl
9 600 94 5,500 1.05 Alternate solvent version of J oncryl 910 for applications using exempt* solvents.
J oncryl 920 2.3 - 3.8 80 MAK - 7 400 140 6,000 1.03
A low VOC polyol offering good dry time and pot life characteristics. Useful as a sole resin or a modifier for other polyols
such as J oncryl 910.
J oncryl 922 2.3 - 3.8 80
n- Butyl
- 7 400 140 5,500 1.05 Alternate solvent version of J oncryl 920 for high performance, low odor applications.
J oncryl 924 - 70 PCBTF - 7 400 140 6,000 1.16 Alternate solvent version of J oncryl 920 for applications using exempt* solvents.
J oncryl 934 2.9 - 4.0 77
n- Butyl
7 800 70 5,000 1.04
Lower VOC, high equivalent weight acrylic polyol for industrial two- component polyurethane applications. Recommended for
industrial maintenance finishes.
J oncryl 942 3.0 - 4.2 74
n- Butyl
26 400 140 7,500 1.05
High solids acrylic polyol with exceptionally fast, early, and final hardness development. Suitable for automotive and
industrial applications.
J oncryl 945 2.5 - 4.0 76
n- Butyl
17 310 180 4,500 1.07
High solids acrylic polyol with exceptionally fast, early, and final hardness development and lower VOC. Useful as a sole resin
or a modifier. Recommended for industrial maintenance finishes.
Pr oduct
VOC Range
(wt. %)
Temp. (Tg C)
(-OH, on solids)
(on solids)
Description and Applications
J oncryl RPD 970 3.2 - 4.4 60 MAK 5 560 100 2,000 0.98
Rapid property, hydroxyl functional acrylic polyol that provides fast cure, early buffability, and superior clarity for automotive
refinish applications.
J oncryl RPD 971 Exempt* 50 PCBTF 5 560 100 13,000 1.16 J oncryl RPD 970 in an alternative, exempt* solvent.

Aldehyde Resins
for Pigment Dispersions
14 15
Type of
(wt. %)
OH Value
(mg KOH/g)
(mg KOH/g)
(Tg C)
Solubility Compatibility Description and Applications
Laropal A 81
98 + 80 - 95 1.11 3 40 54 57
Rubber, VC
Light stable, low viscosity, and very compatible aldehyde resins with excellent pigment
wetting. Ideal for solventborne pigments and pigment pastes; can be used as cobinders
for improving solids content.
Laropal A 101
98 + 95 - 110 1.11 5 35 62 73
Laropal LR 9008 Emul si on 34 - 36 - 1.03 - - NA - NA NA
Modified aldehyde aqueous resin solution with outstanding wetting properties for
inorganic and organic pigments. Pigment pastes are compatible with practically all
water- reducible film forming coatings raw materials.

Vinyl Chloride Binders for

Solventborne Industrial Coatings
Type of
K Value Solubility Compatibility Description and Applications
Laroflex MP 15
Copolymer of
Vinyl Chloride
and Vinyl
Isobutyl Ether
46 - 48 1.25 40 30
Glycol Ethers,
Alkyd- acrylic
Low viscosity, nonhydrolyzable, chlorinated
binders for physically drying paints. Ideal for
anti- corrosion paints, road marking paints, and
printing inks.
Laroflex MP 25 50 - 52 1.24 44 35
Laroflex MP 35 53 - 55 1.24 44 35
Laroflex MP 45 55 - 57 1.24 44 35
17 16
J oncryl

Acrylic Resins for

Pigment Dispersions
J oncryl

Liquid Acrylic Flexibilizers

for Solventborne Coatings
Pr oduct
Acid No.
(on solids)
(Tg C)
Description and Applications
J oncryl 67 213 1.1 143 73
Alkali- soluble, high molecular weight resin. Good
for pigment chipping and presscake dispersion.
J oncryl 586 108 1.1 115 60
Alkali- soluble, lower acid resin. Recommended
as a dispersant in waterborne coatings.
J oncryl 611 53 1.1 112 50
Solvent- soluble, compatible with most resins
for fast dry, high gloss, and high solids at low
J oncryl HPD 671 214 1.1 173 128
Useful for dispersion of organic pigments and
carbon black with good stability.
J oncryl 678 215 1.1 165 85
Alkali- soluble, mid- range molecular weight
resin. Recommended as a pigment dispersant
in waterborne coatings.
J oncryl 690 240 1.1 155 102
Alkali- soluble, high molecular weight acrylic
resin. Excellent efficiency for chip quality
aqueous dispersions.
(wt. %)
(on solids)
Description and Applications
J oncryl 960 98 + 675 14,500
A pourable liquid, reactive acrylic alternative to
polycaprolactone resin for use in high solids
systems for VOC reduction. Provides increased
flexibility, while maintaining chemical resistance
and improving acid- etch resistance.
J oncryl 963 98 + 432 5,000
A reactive diluent or flexibilizing modifier resin for
high performance automotive and industrial
applications. Offers VOC reduction with improved
weatherability without sacrificing hardness.
J oncryl Additives for
Waterborne Coatings
Pr oduct Physical Form
Wax Particle
(wt. %)
pH Density
Description and Applications
J oncryl Wax 4 Opaque Emulsion 4,000 40 1,000 9.0 0.92 No
Polyethylene wax emulsion imparting excellent mar, scuff, and rub
resistance at lower use levels than typical wax emulsions.
J oncryl Wax 26 Translucent Emulsion 53 26 10 9.8 0.98 No
Fine particle size wax; improves mar, early block, and water resistance.
Normal levels will not affect gloss, clarity, or appearance of coating.
J oncryl Wax 120 Hazy Emulsion 93 34 400 9.0 0.97 No
Improves mar and scuff resistance. High levels will impart water beading
and reduce gloss.
Zinc Oxide #1
Aqueous Ammonia
Solution of Zinc Ions
- 15 5 11.4 1.21 Yes
Crosslinking agent reacts with free acid groups of polymer. Modification
improves early water, salt spray, and block resistance of the coating.

, Lignostab

, Tinuvin

, and
Light Stabilizers
Transportation Wood Powder Industrial Description and Applications
Chimassorb 81 solid 326.4 - 1.16 UV absorber that improves the resistance of clear coatings to sunlight exposure such as discoloration, cracking, and loss of gloss and adhesion.
Lignostab 1198 solid - - 1.03 Wood photostabilizing additive of natural and tinted or stained wood.
Tinuvin 99 liquid 451.6 - 1.07 UVabsorber for very high thermal stability and environmental permanence for industrial coatings exposed to high bake cycles and/or extreme environmental conditions.
Tinuvin 99- 2 liquid 451.6 2,000 1.07 Same benzotriazole as Tinuvin 99 with 5% solvent added to improve viscosity.
Tinuvin 99- DW liquid 451.0 ~ 30 ~ 1.07 UV absorber dispersion for waterborne coatings that is suited for high performance industrial and decorative coating applications.
Tinuvin 111 FDL solid - - - Specially blended light stabilizer for powder and industrial coatings applications.
Tinuvin 123 liquid 737.0 ~ 3,000 0.97 HALSthat provides significant improvement incoatings performancebyminimizingpaint defects suchas crackingandgloss reductionfor clear coats as well as chalkingfor pigmentedpaints.
Tinuvin 123-DW liquid - ~ 225 ~ 1.04 Solvent- free HALS dispersion for waterborne coatings that increases coating resistance to gloss loss, chalking, cracking, delamination, and color change.
Tinuvin 144 solid 685.0 - - HALS that significantly extends the lifetime to automotive, coil, and powder coating applications by minimizing paint defects such as cracking and gloss loss.
Tinuvin 152 solid 757.0 - 1.08 A high performance HALS that minimizes paint degredation.
Tinuvin 292 liquid 509.0 400 0.99 HALS that provides significantly extended lifetime to coatings by minimizing paint defects such as cracking and gloss loss.
Tinuvin 328 solid 351.5 - 1.17 UV absorber suitable for automotive and general industrial coatings, wood stains, and do- it- yourself paints.
Tinuvin 384- 2 liquid 451.6 3,200 1.07 UVabsorber with a high thermal stability and environmental permanence makes it suitable for coatings exposed to high bake cycles and/or extreme environmental conditions.
Tinuvin 400 liquid 647.0 - 1.07 UV absorber for high performance and durability needs of waterborne, solventborne, and 100% solids automotive and industrial finishes.
Tinuvin 400-DW liquid - ~ 30 1.02 UV absorber for waterborne coatings that is suitable for automotive, industrial, and decorative coatings.
Tinuvin 405 solid 584.0 - 1.18 UVabsorber for high performance coatings that provides superior protection to coatings and light sensitive substances that are subject to extreme processing conditions and light exposure.
Tinuvin 460 solid - - - UV absorber that provides outstanding protection to coatings and light sensitive substrates and materials.
Tinuvin 477 liquid - 2,100 1.08 UV absorber for solventborne and liquid UV curable coatings.
Tinuvin 477-DW liquid 510.0 ~ 30 1.05 UVabsorber dispersion for waterborne coatings and provides superior UVstabilization and fulfills the requirements of high performance industrial, decorative, and wood coatings.
Tinuvin 479 solid - - - UV absorber that provides excellent performance in thin film applications and automotive and industrial finishes.
Tinuvin 900 solid 448.0 - 1.22 UV absorber specifically for automotive, coil, and powder coatings that are exposed to high temperatures and/or extreme environmental stresses.
Tinuvin 928 solid 441.6 - 1.14 UV absorber that provides efficient protection to high performance coating applications and light sensitive substrates.
Tinuvin 1130 liquid - 7,400 1.17 UV absorber that is especially suitable for industrial and automotive coatings and efficient protection to light sensitive substrates.
Tinuvin 5050 liquid - 10,000 0.98 A blend of UV absorber and basic HALS that is suitable for a wide range of wood, plastic, and metal coatings.
Tinuvin 5060 liquid - 10,000 0.98 A blend of UV absorber and non- basic HALS that is suitable for a wide range of wood, plastic, and metal coatings.
Tinuvin 5100 liquid 737.0 ~ 4,450 0.97 HALS developed especially to give high durability to exterior industrial and decorative coatings.
Tinuvin 5151 liquid - 7,000 1.10 Universal UV absorber and HALS blend that can be used in a variety of solventborne and waterborne industrial and decorative coating systems.
Xymara CarboProtect solid > 500 - 1.17 A very light weight, high tensile strength, light stabilizer specially developed to protect carbon fiber reinforced materials. Suitable for high-end transportation coatings.
Product Solids(wt. %) Solvent NCO(%) Equivalent Weight Viscosity(cps) Density(g/cm
) Description and Applications
HDI Biuret
Basonat HB 100 100 - 22 - 23 187 2,500 - 4,500 1.12
Offers superior weather and chemical resistance with excellent gloss retention and light stability. Compatible with
a wide range of resins. Recommended for wood, furniture, plastic, and industrial finishes.
Basonat HB 175 MP/X 75
16 - 17 255 130 - 300 1.07
Basonat HB 275 B 75
n- Butyl
16 - 17 255 130 - 300 1.06
Basonat HB 475 B/X 75
n- Butyl Acetate/
16 - 17 255 100 - 250 1.06
Basonat HI 100 100 - 21.5 - 22.5 191 2,500 - 4,000 1.17
Excel l ent gl oss retenti on and l i ght stabi l i ty wi th outstandi ng weather, chemi cal , and abrasi on resi stance.
Recommended f or automoti ve, pl asti c, and i ndustri al appl i cati ons. LR 9046 i s a l ow vi scosi ty versi on of
Basonat HI 100.
Basonat LR 9046 100 - 22.5 - 23.5 183 900 - 1,500 1.17
Basonat HI 190 B/S 90
n- Butyl Acetate/

100 1:1
19.3 - 20.3 212 450 - 650 1.13
Basonat HI 290 B 90
n- Butyl
19.3 - 20.3 212 400 - 600 1.13
Basonat HW 100 100 - 16.5 - 17.5 247 2,000 - 6,000 1.17 Excel l ent gl oss retenti on and l i ght stabi l i ty wi th outstandi ng weather and chemi cal resi stance. Emul si fi abl e
i n water wi th good stabi l i ty, l ong pot l i fe, and broad formul ati on l ati tude. Sui tabl e for automoti ve, pl asti c,
and i ndustri al appl i cati ons. Basonat HW 180 PC 80
Propylene Carbonate

13 - 14 312 450 - 850 1.18

Aliphatic Polyisocyanate Crosslinkers


and Plastopal

Amino Resins
(wt. %)
- 1
Acid Value
(mg KOH/g)
Description and Applications
Amino Resins
Luwipal 018
n- Butanol
n- Butanol 71 - 75 0.6 4,000 - 7,000 20.6 <1 1.0 < 50 Medium Low
Melamine formaldehyde amino resin suitable for
coatings with solvents. Ideal for automotive and
industrial applications.
Luwipal 044
94 - 97 0.1 2,000 - 5,000 41.4 <1 1.0 <50 High High
Melamine formaldehyde amino resin suitable for
coatings with solvents. Excellent for can/coil and
wood applications.
Luwipal 066 LF
93 - 96 0.3 2,000 - 6,000 41.3 <1 1.2 <50 High High
Melamine formaldehyde amino resin suitable for
coatings with solvents and/or water. Used in
automotive, industrial, and can/coil applications.
Luwipal 072 Isobutanol 73 - 77 1. 0 4,000 - 7,000 20.6 <1 1.2 <50 High Low
Melamine formaldehyde amino resin suitable for
coatings with solvents and/or water. Used in
automotive and industrial applications.
Urea Formaldehyde
Amino Resins
Plastopal H 85 EB n- Butanol
n- Butanol 2:1
85 - 90 0.3 3,000 - 6,000 20.6 <1 1.0 <100 Low Medium Urea formaldehyde amino resins suitable for
solvent- based coatings. Excellent for wood
applications. Plastopal H 73 IB Isobutanol Isobutanol 59 - 62 0.4 4,000 - 7,000 20.6 <3 1.0 <100 High High

for Energy Curing
22 23
Product Type of Resin
Calculated Relative
Molar Mass
Hydroxyl Value
mg KOH/g)
Hardness Elasticity Reactivity
Epoxy Acrylates
Laromer LR 8765 aliphatic epoxy acrylate
2.0 330 600 - 1,200 330 Partially water- soluble, flexible, and highly reactive.
Laromer LR 8986
aromatic modified
epoxy acrylate
2.4 510 3,000 - 6,000 170 Low viscosity, free of diluents, and resistant to chemicals.
Laromer LR 9019 2.4 580 15,000 - 25,000 175 Very highly reactive and resistant to chemicals.
Laromer LR 9023 DPGDA (15%) 2.4 480 2,000 - 5,000 150 Diluted version of Laromer LR 9019.
Laromer PE 55 F
- -
3.1 750 25,000 - 45,000 70 Well balanced properties, leads to a tough film.
Laromer PE 56 F 3.1 750 20,000 - 40,000 70 Better compatibility with reactive diluents compared to PE 55 F.
Laromer LR 9004 2.6 1,100 20,000 - 50,000 60 Tough with good adhesion.
Laromer PE 9024 2.6 1,100 10,000 - 30,000 70 Compatible with cellulose nitrate.
Laromer PE 44 F 3.0 940 2,000 - 5,000 80 Free of diluents, low viscosity, low odor, and flexible.
Laromer LR 8800 3.0 900 4,000 - 8,000 80 Hard, resistant to chemicals, and low odor.
Laromer LR 8981 3.0 1,300 4,000 - 14,000 80 Very highly reactive, flexible, with good sanding properties.
Laromer UA 19 T
TPGDA (35%) 2.0 950 16,000 - 30,000 10 Low yellowing and flexible at temperatures below 0C.
Laromer UA 9028 Butyl Acetate(30%) 2.0 1,300 800 - 1,600 15 Highly flexible, low yellowing, low viscosity, and monomer free.
Laromer UA 9030 LR 8887 (30%) 1.7 970 80,000 - 150,000 12 Highly flexible, low yellowing, and good adhesion.
Laromer LR 8987 HDDA (30%) 2.3 580 2,000 - 6,000 11 Mar and weather resistant. Use for outdoor applications.
Laromer UA 9029 Butyl Acetate(30%) 2.4 730 500 - 1,200 5 Monomer free version of Laromer LR 8987.
Laromer UA 9033 LR 8887 (30%) 1.7 1,230 15,000 - 25,000 6 Highly flexible, highly reactive, and good adhesion.
Laromer LR 8863 ethoxylated TMP- triacrylate
3.0 450 70 - 110 10 Low viscosity, low yellowing, and low odor diluent.
Laromer PO 43 F
2.4 430 200 - 400 100 All- purpose resin, resistant to chemicals.
Laromer LR 8967 2.6 380 120 - 190 50 Low viscosity version of Laromer PO 43 F, good surface cure.
Laromer LR 8982 2.7 600 220 - 300 70 Partially water- soluble, spray viscosity adjustable.
Laromer LR 9007 4.0 650 800 - 1,500 130 Lowest extractables with good chemical and scratch resistance.
Amine- modified
Laromer PO 77 F modified polyether acrylate
2.9 690 1,000 - 3,000 120 Very highly reactive, versatile resin, good sanding properties.
Laromer PO 94 F
3.5 750 300 - 600 55 Very high reactivity and good pigment wetting.
Laromer LR 8996 2.9 480 50 - 90 30 High reactivity, very low in color and viscosity.
Water- based
Laromer PE 55 WN
polyester acrylate water (50%)
2.2 700 250 - 650
Flexible, easy to matte, well balanced properties.
Laromer PE 22 WN 2.2 700 150 - 500 Hard, resistant to chemicals, and good sanding properties.
Laromer LR 8949 aliphatic urethaneacrylatedispersion
water (60%)
1.7 2,500 40 - 100 Good grain enhancement with chemical and weather resistance.
Laromer LR 8983
aromatic urethaneacrylatedispersion
0.7 10,000 50 - 300 Excellent physical drying properties, easy to formulate.
Laromer LR 9005 2.0 5,000 20 - 250 Excellent hardness and resistance to chemicals.
Laromer WA 9057 acr yl i c UV crossl i nkabl e emul si on water (64%) - - - - Go o d c h e m i c a l a n d s c r a t c h r e s i s t a n c e w i t h e x c e l l e n t b l o c k r e s i s t a n c e .
Laromer UA 9059 a l i p h a t i c u r e t h a n e a c r y l a t e water (30%) 1 . 8 - - - Ex c e l l e n t a d h e s i o n o n w o o d , v e r y f l e x i b l e w i t h e x c e l l e n t " c o i n - t e s t " r e s u l t s .
Laromer UA 9060 aromatic urethane acrylate dispersion water (60%) 2 . 0 - - - Ver y g ood c h emi c al an d sc r at c h r esi st an c e wi t h h i g h h ar d n ess an d f ast d r yi n g .
Laromer UP 35 D unsaturated polyester DPGDA (45%) 3.5 950 300 - 600 - Low yellowing, good chemical resistance and sanding properties.
Laromer LR 9013 modified polyether acrylate
1.5 1,700 45,000 - 70,000 25 Excellent pigment wetting properties, low in shrinkage.
Laromer PO 9026 nano-modified polyether acrylate 1.5 450 600 - 1,500
Contains 50% non- crystalline nano- silica, very scratch resistant.
Laromer PA 9039 adhesion promoter 1.5 350 300 - 600 Leads to good adhesion on different substrates.
Laromer PR 9052 polyester resin TMPTA (60%) 3.7 800 4,000 - 9,000 Best abrasion resistance in combination with aluminum oxide.
Dual-cureProducts Laromer LR 9000 isocyanato acrylate - 2 + 2 NCO - 1,000 - 1,400 - Contains NCO- and UV- reactive groups within one molecule.
veryhigh high medium low

Reactive Diluents
for Energy Curing
Product Structure
Molar Mass
Level of
Laromer TMPTA
Trimethylolpropane Triacrylate
15625-89-5 300 1.10 200 50 150 130
Laromer BDDA
Butanediol Diacrylate
1070-70-8 200 1.05 200 50 150 5
Laromer HDDA
Hexanediol Diacrylate
13048-33-4 230 1.02 200 50 150 6
Laromer TPGDA
42978-66-5 300 1.04 350 50 150 11
Laromer DPGDA
Dipropyleneglycol Diacrylate
57472-68-1 240 1.05 350 50 150 8
Laromer POEA
Phenoxyethyl Acrylate
48145-04-6 190 1.10 200 50 250 8
Laromer LR 8887
66492-51-1 200 1.09 1,000 100 500 40
Laromer TBCH
4- t- Butylcyclohexyl Acrylate
84100-23-2 210 0.94 200 50 100 9

, Irgacure

, and Lucirin

Photoinitiators for Energy Curing

n- Butyl
Darocur BP solid BP 98.5 > 50 40 37
Darocur 1173 liquid AHK 98 > 50 > 50 > 50
Darocur 4265 liquid APO NA > 50 > 50 > 50
Irgacure 184 solid AHK 99 > 50 > 50 43
Irgacure 250 liquid PLC 73- 77 - - -
Irgacure 369 solid AAK 98.5 11 5 6
Irgacure 379 solid AAK 96 NA 30 24
Irgacure 500 liquid AHK 98 > 50 > 50 > 50
Irgacure 651 solid BDK 99.5 > 50 30 32
Irgacure 754 liquid BDK 95 > 50 > 50 > 50
Irgacure 784 solid Metallocene 97 10 10 5
Irgacure 819 solid APO 98 6 9 5
Irgacure 819- DW liquid APO NA NA NA NA
Irgacure 907 solid AAK 98 35 25 22
Irgacure 1700 liquid APO NA > 50 > 50 > 50
Irgacure 1800 solid APO 98 27 20 NA
Irgacure 2022 liquid APO NA > 50 > 50 > 50
Irgacure 2100 liquid APO NA > 50 > 50 > 50
Irgacure 2959 solid AHK 97 3 <1 5
Lucirin TPO solid APO 97 25 20 15
Lucirin TPO- L liquid APO 95 > 50 > 50 > 50
* AAK: Alpha- Amino- Ketones, AHK: Alpha- Hydroxy- Ketones,
APO: Acyl- Phosphine- Oxides, BDK: Benzyldimethyl- Ketals,
BP: Benzophenone, PLC: Photolatent Catalyst
27 26
J oncryl

Powder Resins
Physical Properties Key Benefits
Description and Applications
Temp. (Tg C)
Chemistry Appearance
Flexibility Flow Hardness
Hydroxyl Acrylics
J oncryl 587 Hydroxyl 92 610 18,000 110 60 Urethane
Acrylic polyol designed for UV resistant
powder coatings.
J oncryl 804
15/45 1,300 12,500 105 60 Urethane
Acrylic polyol designed for UV resistant
powder coatings.
Carboxyl Acryl i cs
J oncryl 682 Carboxyl 238 236 1,700 105 56 Hybrid
Acrylic resin for semi- gloss acrylic hybrid
powder coatings.
J oncryl 815 Carboxyl 38 1,476 10,000 105 55 Hybrid
Acrylic resin for 70/30 acrylic hybrid powder
coatings; excellent compatibilizer.
J oncryl 817 Carboxyl 55 1,020 14,000 120 68 Hybrid
Acrylic resin for 60/40 acrylic hybrid
powder coatings.
J oncryl 819/820 Carboxyl 75 748 15,000 115 57 Hybrid
Acrylic resin for 50/50 acrylic hybrid
powder coatings.
J oncryl 821/822 Carboxyl 70 800 10,500 112 62 Hybrid
Acrylic resin for 50/50 acrylic hybrid
powder coatings.
J oncryl 843 Carboxyl 204 275 6,100 140 86 Hybrid
Acrylic resin for ultra low gloss acrylic
hybrid powder coatings.
J oncryl 845 Carboxyl 240 233 2,400 - 78 Hybrid
Acrylic resin for gloss control in acrylic hybrid
powder coatings; excellent pigment dispersion;
suitable for low temperature cure (140C).
J oncryl 848 Carboxyl 215 261 4,500 127 67 Hybrid
Acrylic resin for gloss control in acrylic
hybrid powder coatings; also used as a sole
acrylic for ultra low gloss.
GMA Acryl i cs J oncryl 1850 Glycidyl - 550 21,000 - 55 -
Acrylic resin for exterior durable low gloss
powder coatings. Excellent durability.
U.S. and Canada
BASF Corporation
1609 Biddle Avenue
Wyandotte, MI 48192
Phone: + 800- 231- 7868
Fax: + 800- 392- 7429
e- mail:
internet: naftaresins
BASF Mexicana, S.A. de C.V.
Av. Insurgentes Sur 975
Col. Ciudad de los Deportes
03710 Mexico, D.F.
Phone: + 52- 55- 5325- 2787
+ 52- 55- 5325- 2687
Fax: + 52- 55- 5611- 4897
T he statements i n the product li terature and label are gui deli nes only.
U sers should test thi s product i n advance to veri fy sui tabi li ty for
parti cular uses. B A S F C orporati on nei ther mak es nor authori zes to be
made any express or i mpli ed representati on or warranty wi th regard to
thi s product concerni ng the performance, use, fi tness for parti cular
purpose, sui tabi li ty for use on any surface or merchantabi li ty of thi s
product, whether used alone or i n combi nati on wi th other products.
T he furni shi ng by us of i nformati on and products ei ther as experi mental
samples or by sales, contai ns no recommendati ons respecti ng the use
of these products or the lack of i nfri ngement of any patent nor does i t
grant a li cense under any patent owned by our company. B A S F
assumes no li abi li ty for any damage of any k i nd regardless of cause,
i ncludi ng negli gence.
A cronal

, B asonat

, C hi massorb

, D arocur

, I rgacure

, Joncryl

L aroflex

, L aropal

, L aromer

, L i gnostab

, L uci ri n

, L uhydran

, L utonal

L uwi pal

, P lastopal

, S olvenon

, and T i nuvi n

are regi stered trademark s

of B A S F C orporati on.
S olvesso

i s a regi stered trademark of Exxon M obi le C orporati on.

2010 B A S F, Wyandotte, M I 48192. A ll ri ghts reserved.
C O S el G d v3. 0-03/ 29/ 10.

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